#okay now I'm really done for now adios bye bye
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okay I started reading Dungeon Meshi the other day only because I liked those character sheets. it's good and fun so far, I'm on chapter 37 and very invested. I thought it was gonna be just slice of life (because it was for like the first 20 chapters or so), but now there is a plot, and I like it both ways. it has kind of a slow start even for the slice of life stuff: not like it's bad, I was just unsure whether it was going to move past "enjoyable" for the first couple chapters. but then it went from enjoyable to deeply charming and now it's gone to exciting while still pretty darn charming. without knowing the author, I can confidently say she's a giant nerd. this is a work that would be impossible to create unless you were a person who is great at drawing with intense special interests in classic fantasy RPGs and biology/ecology. which sounds very specific but thank goodness because that's what makes it good. it feels like it comes from a place of love.
#pickle pontificates#dungeon meshi#ok enough for now. I'm trying to avoid spoilers#also. people love assigning autism to characters with varying levels of adherence to canon#which is fine and good and all#be free live your life etc.#but if laios (one of the mcs) isn't the most heavily autistic coded guy I've ever seen in fiction I'll eat my hat. i don't say this lightly#his sister probably too but there's less of her so far#and i feel so bad for chilchuck because the running gag is people treating him like a kid cause he's short#but he like. very clearly has the soul and mind of a cynical 29-year-old man. which is hilarious#okay now I'm really done for now adios bye bye
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I'm supposed to be your brother
summary: Wilbur gets mad at Tommy and somehow Phil's the one left to deal with the aftermath
a/n: this fic in no way represents the real people and is merely a work of fiction. If any CCs have a problem with it pls let me know. This is also part 1 of 3 parts. Anyways, happy reading!!
By the time Wilbur has finally finished his last meeting, it's already 8:00 pm and he's dead tired. His meetings had been absolute bullshit today, some stupid managerial shit he doesn’t feel like taking care of. He’d been planning to go straight home, drink some wine and then pass out before he remembers that he's promised to stream today.
He’s only about a couple of blocks away from his office when the first raindrops hit his face. Wilbur looks up. The sky is slowly darkening and the clouds are beginning to gather. He keeps his pace, hoping that it won’t get too bad until he’s reached his office but his luck doesn’t hold out. He’s only a block away from his house when it really starts pissing it down.
He starts to run and is just pushing the lobby door open when he hears the first clap of thunder. The noise shudders through his entire body, chilling his bones even further. He sighs before making his way to his office in the sea of white doors that surround him. Wilbur pauses before the door. He already knows what's going to greet him inside. Now Wilbur isn’t a neat freak or anything like that, he is a streamer after all but he does pride himself on a certain level of cleanliness.
He cracks open his office door. A giant mess greets him. Papers are lying everywhere, his Home Home poster is lying on the floor. There are old takeout containers next to his keyboard. Frankly, it's a disgusting mess. He’d been meaning to clean up but lately, he's been so busy and not in the greatest headspace and so it had slipped his mind.
Wilbur resolves to clean up the mess after his stream today. He’d been planning on a casual stream, one that didn’t involve a lot of energy or require him to be constantly active and engaged. Maybe a few rounds of GeoGuessr or chatting with Phil and then ending the stream a little early.
He sits down in his chair, sweeps away some of the food containers before hovering over the GoLive button. He hesitates for a couple seconds before clicking on it. His starting soon screen opens up and he watches the viewers start to trickle in. He gives it ten minutes before turning on his face cam and looking over at his chat. The messages are slowly scrolling through the screen.
Hi Wilbur!!
Are you okay? You look tired :(
He’s streaming!!!
He decides to ignore that last one before commencing his starting spiel.
“Hey, guys, how we all doing today? Doing good? Well I’ll tell you how I’m doing and that's shit, I’m doing absolute shit. It’s fucking thundering outside right now. Can you hear it chat? It's so goddamn loud.”
“Anyways chat, I was thinking we could play some GeoGuessr you know, just relax and chill out today.” His chat seems pretty okay with that. They’re used to watching Wil play GeoGuessr for hours on end.
He’s been playing for almost an hour now before he hears the discord sound that signifies that someone’s joined his VC.
“BIG MAN. EYYYY WILBUR!!!! How are you???” Wilbur winces as Tommy’s voice plays through his earbuds. It's obnoxiously loud today, even more so than usual, and it’s grating on his ears.
“Hello TommyInnit, how are you?”
“I’ve been doing good Wilbur. Played some Among Us with Tubbo and Schlatt and the rest of the gang. Other than that I’ve been doing my Big Man Activities. You know how it is Wil” Wilbur smiles at the familiar response.
“Ah, I see. How was your Among Us stream?”
“It was really really good. I got to play with Pokimane Wil. THE Pokimane,” Tommy shouts, apparently very excited about this occurrence. “Remember the time we both played with her? Oh god, that must have been so awkward for you Wil. Imagine if Nikki had been there, it would have been so so awkward.”
Wilbur lets out a sigh, he’s really not in the mood to deal with this bit. He’d only planned to stream some GeoGuessr not talk to Tommy about Pokimane and Nikki.
If Wilbur had been blessed with the ability to see the future, he would have known that this moment was where it all started going downhill. Unfortunately for Wil, he wasn’t prophetic so he kept streaming.
Tommy and Wilbur ended up switching to Minecraft and it doesn’t take long until Tommy’s coming up with some sort of bit involving drugs and an attempt to scam the players on the server. Normally, Wilbur would have loved to play along, leaning into the big brother and young brother dynamics but today it just feels wrong. Maybe it's the cold that has seeped into his bones or maybe it's the clutter surrounding his desk or maybe it's Tommy’s voice grating in his ears.
Tommy’s been talking about how he’s going to need some name tags so his plan works and Wilbur keeps trying to interrupt him and telling him that he’s not in the mood for this bit but it's to no avail.
“Wilbur, Wilbur, what do you think of my plan? I think it’s really good but I need some name tags, oh- I also need some diamonds.” he keeps going and going and is somehow unable to tell that Wilbur is teetering over the edge.
“Tommy, tomm-”
“Oh, they’re some diamonds back in Pogtopia. Oh man, this is such a good plan Wil. No ones going to see it coming,”
“I don’t thin-”
“There’s a fucking reason people call me the biggest man on this SMP. Right Wilbur, right?”
And that's when Wilbur falls over the edge he’s been so delicately balancing on for the better part of two hours. He mutes Tommy over discord before closing Minecraft, filling his stream with only his face cam.
“Alright guys, I think that's where we’re going to be ending today. Hope you guys enjoyed the stream and I am going to be sending you off to Philza. Make sure you guys are nice in his chat and don’t spam him. Okay? Bye chat,” Right before he ends his stream for good he spares one glance at his chat.
bye Wilbur!
adios chat :)
did wilbur seem mad at tommy?
Wilbur felt really off today. Hope he feels better soon.
they really are like brothers
tommy was being a little shit today
Somehow Wilbur manages to ignore all of the texts commenting on how much they loved his stream and how much they enjoyed the Wilbur and Tommy interactions and instead all he focuses on is the last message he managed to read before the stream ended.
tommy was being a little shit today
“Hey Wil, that was a great stream today, I had a lot of fun”
When the silence becomes too loud and Wilbur still hasn’t answered Tommy began talking all at once again.
“Wil you okay? You seemed kind of off this stream,” This time it was the cold that had seeped into his bones, it was the clutter surrounding his desk, and most of all it was Tommy’s voice. As loud as ever, abrasive and unceasing in his ears.
“TOMMY. Do you ever stop talking? God, it’s so fucking annoying. You need to learn when to shut up,” Wilbur’s panting like he’s just run a marathon instead of playing Minecraft for the past hour.
The silence begins to ring, neither of them saying a word in hopes the other will have the right words to make it okay again. Instead, there's a small pained sound from Tommy’s end and then “I’m sorry Wil, I’m really sorry. I just wanted to- nevermind. I’m just sorry, really sorry,”
There’s a small click that signifies that Tommy’s left the call and then it’s just Wil, stewing in the storm he’s just created.
Oh God, what has he done? He- he just told Tommy to shut up. He had just verified every single fear in Tommy’s head. He was supposed to be the one that was there for Tommy, not the one hurting him. How many times had Tommy come to him, crippled with self-doubt and and how many times had Wilbur dispelled his fears with promises that Tommy was enough. He was supposed to be his big brother.
#tommy and wilbur#tommyinnit#wilbursoot#tubbo#mcyt#mcyt fanfic#found family#fanfic#sbi#sbi found family#philza#minecraft
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A picture perfect family || Z.H.
Warnings: maybe some cursing?
Summary: inspired by the trust fund baby music video
You were walking trough the hallway in school with your books in your hands and your camera in your backpack. Out of nowhere a sudden weight pushed you to the ground.
Your books and backpack fall around you. "No, No, no, No, no!" You sigh. You get up to your knees and open your backpack quickly. You release a sigh of relief when you see that your camera is stil intact.
"Oh my God, i'm so sorry!" A sudden voice exclaims. You look up to meet a pair of brown eyes. The eyes turn out to belong to a cute boy.
You just look at each other for a brief second before he gets pulled away by one of his friends. He the turns his head and looks at you. You smile at him and he returns it with a cute smile himself.
That was Zach Herron. You know him. You know every one. It's not like youpopular, not at all actually. You're the most important photographer for the yearbook. You are, in fact, the only photographer.
But you don't mind.
You still need to do some editing so youdecided to go the bleachers of the baseball field in my free period. You look at the field and see Jonah Marais training with Arya. You recognize him. He's the one who pulled Zach away from you this morning.
You edited the whole day and even skipped classes without even knowing it. You decided to go to the skate park with your friends. It's something you do a lot. You took the bus and met up with your friend Jamie.
She hasn't noriced you yet so you just sit on one of the ramps and take some pictures. Jamie was talking to a guy but now he left so she comes over to you.
"Sooo...who's the cute guy?" You smirk while wiggling my eyebrows. She rolls her eyes and laughs "So, his name is Jack"
"Jack Avery?" You ask her. Like you said. You know every one. "I don't know, girl, I just met him!" She laughs.
You see your friend Rose walking over to you. She climbs up the ramp and sit next to you "Hey, (y/n), how did you get here so fast, school ended like 20 minutes ago and I walked?" "The bus?" "Wait really, I tought he didn't drive today?" "He did"
"Sooo," Jamie says,"tell us about the cute guy" she blushes and says "well, I was waiting for you, but you didn't come and his car had a flat tire, and I helped him and his friend to replace the tire"
"oehh, what did he look like" you ask "Well, he was cute, he had brown hair, and gorgeous blue eyes, and, he's sitting right there?" She says, but it sounds more like a question.
"WHERE?" You and Jamie yell in unison.
"There" she whispers and subtly points to a group of boys "He really is cute" Jamie says surprised "why so surprised?" She asks "Rose, sweetie, no offence, but your taste sucks"
"Obvioisly," she laughs, "because you're, looking at the wrong guy" "then who are you talking about?" Jamie asks while laughing "I'm talking about the guy with the hamburger" "ow, then I'm also looking at the wrong guy" you laugh.
Just then you realise that Zach is part of the group of guys. He sees you looking at him and smiles so you smile back.
"Adios muchachos" Jamie laughs as she takes her skateboard and starts doing some tricks.
"What's up with her?" Rose asks "I've never seen her skate so good" "there's a cute guy she wants to impress" you smirks
"Ahh" she smirks as well
After half an hour of talking to rose about useless stuf you decide to leave so you can develop some of my pictures. You wave goodbye to Jamie and jump of the ramp.
Your house isn't that far so you just start walking. "HEY!" hear someone yell behind you. You turn around and almost bump into someone. It's Zach again.
"Oh, i'm sorry!" You both laugh. "It's just, I wanted to apologise again for this morning." "It's okay, really" you smile. "Good...I'm Zach" he smiles. I know. "(Y/n)"
We both just awkwardly stand there for a moment. "Where are you going?" He asks touching the back of his neck.
"I, uhh, i want to develope some pictures at home" "great, can i come?" "Uhh, yeah, sure"
After a short walk we arive at your house. You open the door with my spare key. You take Zach's hand and quickley pull him upstears. Halfway the stairs you hear your mom yell. "[Yn]!! Come here and help your sister with her homework!"
"I can't help Aubrey mom," i sigh in defeat, "i have a guest
"Really? Come here and introduce her then!" Your mom says exited. "It's a him" you sigh. You shuffle down the stairs and enter the kitchen still holding Zach's hand.
"Hi! I'm Emily and that's Aubrey, it's so nice to meet you!" Your mom says. Zach lets go of my hand and shakes my mothers hand. "It's really nice to meet you too, i'm Zach"
"Zaaaachhh?" Your 7 year old sister says in a cute toddler tone. "Yesss" Zach answers in the same cute tone. "Are you my sisters boyfriieeend?" "Nooo" he says blushing.
"We should go, the pictures won't develop themselves." You nervously chuckle. You pull Zach upstairs and close the door to your room.
"I'm so sorry about my family, i-" "it's okay," Zach smiles,"they seem nice"
Just now Zach looks around in your bedroom, it's small, like, really small. Your bed is set against the right wall. In the middle of your room there is a table where i usually develop your pictures. The room is always dark. You've came to the realisation that it's easier if you just leave it dark in stead of always cleaning your stuff up.
"Okay, so, first we need to mix the chemicals" you give Zach the measurements so he can do it.
While Zach is doing that, you make sure that the enlarger's ready. Zach is done with the chemicals and he stands next to you.
Zach touches the enlarger in all possible places trying to figureout what button does what. You lay your hand on zach's and twist the button he's touching.
You take out the paper from the enlarger and put it in the developer. "Now we have to wait a minute then take out the paper with this giant tweezers thingie and put it in the next tray" you say as you hand Zach the tweezers.
"Soo, um, are you- are you going to prom?" Zach asks. While putting the paper in the next tray "Yeah, but i don't have a date. I mean, i need to take the prom pictures and stuff so i don't really have time to dance and that wouldn't be fun for whoever would be my date" you say to answer his question, "but are you planing on asking someone?"
You could kinda hear the dissapointment in his voice when he says: "Nahh, here isn't really anyone i would want to go with sooo" he puts the paper in the last tray.
"[YN]!!!! Could you maybe help me for a second ?" You hear your mom yell from downstairs. "Okay!" You yell back.
"Could you, maybe, hang these pictures on the rope while I'm gone please?" You ask zach. "Yeah, sure, no problem!" He answers while he's already hanging up a picture. "Thanks Zach" you say and give him a kiss on his cheek.
You walk away quickly, maybe because you're scared of his reaction. But zach just stands there and blushes even harder then he usually does.
You run down the stairs and jump of the last step. "What did you need my help with mom?" You ask when you walk into the kitchen. You stand next to her and smell the delicious food she's making.
"Oh, could you help Aubrey with her hair please, you know i'm not good at that stuff and she has ballet practice in an hour and-"
"It's okay mom, i will do it, by the way, the food smells amazing!" I assure her.
"[YN]?" You hear Zach say. You turn around to see him come around the wall. "Hey, i'm done with the pictures..." his voice trails off near the end of the sentence.
"Oh, hy zach! Do you wanna help me colour my drawing?" Aubrey asks whilst i'm combing her hair.
He looks at you with a surprised look on his face. You smile at him when he says:" Um, yeah, sure" he pulls out a seat next to Aubrey. "You can colour the princess' dress if you want"
While you make a bun in Aubrey's hair you watch her and Zach goof around. It makes you smile just to see how much they like each other.
And every once in a while zach steals a glance at you just to find you smiling at him.
"Zach, honey, why don't you stay for dinner?" My mom asks him. "If you don't mind?" Zach asks both you and your mom. "Of course not!"
¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤
"Thank you zach" i say while i jump of the ramp me and zach were sitting on. After you all ate dinner you and Zach offered to bring Aubrey to her ballet practice. It had become dark by now and you two were just talking about stuff.
"It was nothing" Zach brushed it off. "No, really Zach, you probably noticed that life is hard in ou house. My mom, being a single mom, depends on me a lot to help Aubrey and her. You made her evening a little bit easier by playing with Aubrey. 'Cause belief me, Aubrey can be be very annoying"
"Hey, i had fun too, and i would loveto help more often if it makes it easier for you ans your mom," Zach says while jumping off the ramp as well.
"Well, i should probably go now, I need to pick up Aubrey from practice as well" i say.
"Hey, um, [YN], can i maybe get your number?" He asks while looking at the ground. "Uh, yeah, sure" you answer.
You swap numbers and take pics to set with the contact names.
You both stand in front of each other. The passing of cars is the only thing you can here in the awkward silence. Neither of you want to go but you both know you should.


"I guess i should..."
"Yeah, i should too..."
"Bye Zach..."
"Bye [YN]
#zach herron x reader#zach herron imagine#zach herron#zach herron oneshot#zach herron au#zach herron fanfic#zach herron fanfiction#why don't we imagine#why dont we corbyn#why don't we imagines#why don't we#corbyn besson x reader#corbyn besson imagine#corbyn besson#jonah marais x reader#jonah marais#jonah marais fanfic#jonah marais imagine#jack avery#jack avery x reader#jack avery imagine#zak and brodie l#daniel seavey fanfic#daniel seavey x reader#daniel seavey imagine#daniel seavey
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🎸 Saved By The Siren 🎸
~ A Nero X Reader set in an Alternate Universe.
~ This is dedicated to one of my friends, @shadowrosess , who loves Nero, and to you, Nero fans! I hope you like this.
~ Enjoy!
"I QUIT!" The band's lead vocalist raged as she slammed the door closed on the way out, startling the other contestants.
"YEAH! FUCK YOU!" The band's lead guitar screamed back, making the other people shook their heads.
But, who could really blame him? Nero and Lady just couldn't get along well from the start.
"YA MESSED UP BIG TIME, PSYCHO!" Nico, the band's bassist shrieked hysterically at him as she pointed her cigar stick at him.
"Guys, we really need a vocalist now,or we're gonna get disqualified." Lucia, the timid drummer nervously spoke from the corner of the room, not wanting to be shout at by the ever grumpy Nero.
"The man who never alters his opinion is like standing water,... and breeds reptiles of the mind." V, the ever calm keyboardist, quoted, not once taking his eyes off his William Blake illustrated collection.
Nero face palmed.
Ever since that incident involving Lady erupted, of her planning to leave the band for a much more popular one to become famous, Nero has been on a rampage, picking unnecessary fights with her and, therefore, almost ruining the band.
And who could just put them together but him? Not Nico, who just messes around ( one time, she almost set the old and smelly studio they were practicing in on fire with the cigar butt she carelessly threw away ), not Lucia, who was just too timid and shy to ever lead any kind of group ( she almost depleted the band's funds by having no guts to refuse the cute little scouts that always come knocking in to sell them all sorts and flavors of cookies ), and definitely not V, who was either busy reading, or busy being a regular member of the National Orchestra as a Concertmaster ( who was so talented as heck, he rejected the last twenty or so who auditioned as vocalist, only accepting Lady because he wasn't there to see or hear her sing due to one of his asthma attacks ).
So, simply put, they're all doomed.
More like fucked up.
All of a sudden, Nero's phone vibrated. He took it out from his pocket and saw that his dad was calling him.
"Ugh, him again?" Nero muttered, not really wanting to answer the call.
"Answer that call, ya don't want him to come in here and drag ya away from him like a brat." Nico suggested calmly.
And so, with a deep sigh, he answered the call -
"What are you doing right now,... scum?"
"Fuck off, Vergil!"
"Don't you disrespect me in front of your so - called peers. If I hear that you get beaten by Dante's band once more, I will have no choice but to take away that wailing and foul - smelling instrument of yours, drag you out of there, myself, and send you to boarding school in Berlin."
"Don't you ever dare lose,... scum."
And with that last threat, Nero's father hung up. The place was almost filled with loud applause and cheers a few seconds later as the last band just finished performing. The door opened, and in came the dynamic guitar and singing duo of Dante and Trish.
The sight of Nero's ( and Vergil's ) rival Dante looking so proud and confident that he'll win this battle of the bands made his stomach churn. And before he could even turn away to not be noticed by the man, his father's younger brother saw him and immediately went towards him.
"Hey, nephew! How's it going?" Dante greeted as he put a heavy arm around Nero.
"Piss off, Dante!" Nero growled.
"Ooh! What's with the little puppy growl? Oh! Let me guess: Lady left you, didn't she?"
"FUCK. OFF!" Nero pushed Dante away in anger, his uncle's taunt proving that his statement was, indeed, real.
But, Dante just smiled and chuckled at him as he shook his head helplessly. "Oh, well, I wonder how Vergil would react to this news?!"
"Maybe he'll come down here and take away your second hand guitar! Or! Maybe," Dante taunted once more as he stalked closer to Nero like a predator. " ...he'll send you to that military boarding school in Berlin!"
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Nero finally exploded as he grabbed Dante's collar.
"No! You shut up, DEAD WEIGHT!"
"Okay, okay! Guys, stop!" Nico intervened, successfully drawing Nero out before he could make a nasty scene in front of the people.
"What do we have here?" One of the organizers who saw the argument came in and asked.
"Oh, nothin'! Nothin' to worry 'bout!" Nico lied as she laughed hysterically.
The organizer only shook his head and left. After that, the door opened and a head popped out from it.
"SWEET SURRENDER?!" The person called the name of their band.
"Yeah! We're here!" Nero answered unwillingly, flinching at his own words.
"Good luck, kid! Adios!" Dante mocked once more as he saluted on his way out.
"I'll send you my autograph." Trish said as she blew all of them a good bye kiss and gave V a very sultry look, to which the poet only ignored.
All of four of Sweet Surrender's members looked at each other.
"What do we do now?" Lucia, who was already in panic mode from the start, stuttered as she clutched her drum sticks.
"We perform as usual." Nero replied.
"What if we fail? Yer dad's gonna send ya to boardin' school fer real!" Nico added as she pushed the rim of her glasses up the bridge of her freckled nose.
"Stop saying that, will you? I will sing in place of that bitch."
"But, Nero! That song is meant to be sung as a duet! This will not work! This will be a disaster!"
"Whoa, Lucia! Calm down! Trust me. We'll get through this!"
After those words, Nero, Nico, and Lucia turned to V, expecting him to say some words of encouragement.
And to this, the poetic musician only answered, "A man can't soar too high,... when he flies with his own wings."
"Okay, V. You're an interesting guy but, you're right." Nero responded as all of them faced the door that led to the stage. "Let's get this show on the road!"
However, no matter how hard V tried to give them enough words of motivation, courtesy of William Blake, they just couldn't shake the foreboding feeling.
That something bad was going to happen.
Nico, Lucia, and V may have done their best to perform their parts, but Nero's song, which was supposedly a duet, just couldn't, would not, work out. It just felt wrong.
And not even a few minutes in and they were already being booed by their audience. This made Lucia even more nervous and stopped playing altogether. Nico tried to pitch in for her but failed miserably because she lacked proper practice. V, on the other hand, remained calm as he multi - tasked, playing both Lucia and Nico's part on his keyboard.
"LOSER!" A girl from the crowd shrieked as she threw her candy wrappers at Nero. Some people took this as an opportunity to throw things at them.
"Look at them! They look so pathetic!" Dante laughed from the back of the crowd, enjoying Sweet Surrender's downfall. "I guess it's boarding school for Nero now - "
"HEY, GUYS! So sorry I'm late!"
Everyone in the room went dead silent as one unknown girl wearing a floral dress came up the stage and joined Nero.
"I'm sorry. Who are you?" Nero questioned as he watched the girl take hold of one of the microphones.
The girl just winked at him and gave him a confident smile. "We're gonna do this, right?"
"ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR!" Lucia bravely screamed at the top of her lungs as she tapped her sticks together for their cue. And with the wailing of Nero's guitar, they played their song once more.
"Oh, oh! Oh, oh, oh! So jet lagged!" Nero started singing. "What time is it where you are?"
"I miss you more than anything." The mysterious girl sang, her beautiful voice surprising Nero, and the rest of the band.
"And back at home you feel so far."
"Waitin' for the phone to ring."
"It's gettin' lonely livin' upside down. I don't even wanna be in this town. Tryin' to figure out the time zone's makin' me crazy!"
"You say good morning when it's midnight. Going out of my head, alone in this bed. I wake up to your sunset. And it's driving me mad, I miss you so bad. And my heart, heart, heart is so jet - lagged! Heart, heart, heart is so jet - lagged! Heart, heart, heart is so jet - lagged, is so jet - lagged!"
"Oh, oh!" Nico, Lucia, and V sang at the same time the people stopped booing them and started bobbing their heads along with the song, actually enjoying the performance. And by the time the unknown girl started singing, the crowd started to finally cheer for them.
"What time is it where you are?" She candidly sang as she winked once more at Nero, who really enjoying their performance.
"Five more days and I'll be home."
"I keep your picture in my car."
"I hate the thought of you alone."
The girl took the mic out from the stand and pointed at the crowd. "I've been keepin' busy all the time just to try to keep you off my mind. Tryin' to figure out the time zones makin' me crazy!"
She, then, went over to Nero's side and by the time they're singing on the same mic, the crowd just went wild cheers.
"You say good morning when it's midnight. Going out of my head, alone in this bed. I wake up to your sunset, And it's drivin' me mad, I miss you so bad. And my heart, heart, heart is so jet - lagged! Heart, heart, heart is so jet - lagged! Heart, heart, heart is so jet - lagged, is so jet lagged!"
"Oh, oh! Oh, oh, oh!"
"I miss you so bad."
"I miss you so bad."
"I miss you so bad."
"I miss you so bad."
"I wanna share your horizon."
"I miss you so bad."
"And see the same sun rising."
"I miss you so bad."
"And turn the hour hand back to when you were holding me."
"You say good morning, when it's midnight. Going out of my head, alone in this bed. I wake up to your sunset. And it's drivin' me mad, I miss when you say good morning, but it's midnight. Going out of my head. Alone in this bed. I wake up to your sunset. And it's drivin' me mad, I miss you so bad. And my heart, heart, heart is so jet - lagged! Heart, heart, heart is so jet - lagged! Heart, heart, heart is so jet-lagged, is so jet-lagged, is so jet - lagged!"
"Oh, oh!"
"So jet - lagged!"
Nero and his friends, so was Dante, who was still watching, couldn't believe the amount of love they received from the audience.
All thanks to this mysterious girl.
"That was crazy!" Nero told her the moment they went back to the room. "You're really awesome!"
"Thanks!" The girl answered with that charming smile of hers.
The smile that made Nero's heart skip a beat. She's just,... so beautiful, and charming, and,...
"What's your name?" Nero asked her.
"Oh, you can call me (Y/N)."
"Heya, (Y/N)! I'm Nico." Nico introduced herself even before Nero could shake her hand.
"Hello, Nico!"
"I'm Lucia, the,... drummer,... at the back. You know,..." Sweet Lucia shyly introduced herself.
"You were awesome back there, Lucia!"
"Really?!" The girl's face lit up in excitement.
"And I'm Nero. Nice to meet you." He said as he was finally able to touch her smooth hands.
"Same here, Nero." And she gave him that charming smile with that cherry colored lips again.
"Hey, where's V?" Nico asked, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"At the back, hiding from Trish." Lucia answered.
"Poor tattooed Shakespeare,..." Nico shook her head in disbelief.
"They're gonna announce the winner!" Lucia excitedly said as she pulled her friends back to the stage,...
... only for them to get disappointed when the host announced Dante and Trish's name.
(Y/N) noticed Nero's sadness and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulders. The boy smiled at him and shook his head.
"Thank you, (Y/N)."
"No, Nero. Thank YOU."
They were about to make way for Dante and Trish to perform their encore when the people started yelling their name!
"OH, MY GAWD! THEY WANT US BACK!" Nico shrieked as she happily jumped up and down.
"Then, we're gonna give 'em what they want. Isn't that right, Nero?!" (Y/N) confidently announced as she nudged the boy's arm, who still couldn't believe what just happened.
"Okay! We're gonna do this!" Nero took his guitar and positioned himself in front of the mic once more. "Where's V?!"
"Right here." The poet calmly said as he reappeared and faced his keyboard once more.
"ONE! TWO! THREE! FOUR!" Lucia gave the cue, finally confident for their sweet, sweet encore.
After that, it was safe to say that nobody's instrument, foul - odored, second - hand, or no, got taken away by an angry parent. There were no more old, combustible and smelly practice rooms because they were invited by a talent manager named Morrison to perform to much better and popular places. There were no more girl scouts selling one particularly shy drummer some cookies because they were now being offered M&Ms and more backstage and for free. One skinny poet has to run and hide more often from crazed fangirls because someone released his photos and videos on Instagram, which quickly became viral. And no one got sent to a boarding school in any part of Europe.
And (Y/N) and Nero?
Let's just say that their first duet was the start of a truly sweet and meaningful romance.
#devil may cry#nero sparda#saved by the siren#devil may oneshot#nero x reader#nero x you#musical#nico#lucia#v#dante#trish#vergil#morrison
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That girl who knows more about your car than you || D.S.
Warning: cursing
Summary: inspired by the trust fund baby music video
Daniel p.o.v
Without caring about my homework I grab my backpack from the kitchen table and run to my car, I am already late so I'd better rush. My alarm didn't go of so I overslept and I still have my toothbrush in my mouth. I have about 3 missed calls from Jonah who I needed to pick up on my way to school.
I quickly start my car and drive towards Jonah. While driving I brush my teeth and turn up the radio. After i'm done brushing my teeth I call Jonah "Daniel, bro, where are you, I've called you like 20 times?" He yells. "Chill, bro, I overslept, everything's fine I'm almost here!" Before he can yell anything I end the call.
I pull over to where Jonah is waiting for me and he throws his bag in the trunk. He quickly gives me a handshake and hops in the seat next to mine.
I drive to school, fast, but never tóó fast. When suddenly we drive over a bump. "Shit" I sigh. "What happend?" Jonah asks. "We have a puncture"
(Y/n) p.o.v
My sister Ally and I walk down the stairs of the little path wich ends in the nearest big road. We quickly hug and she walks away towards her friends car. "Stay safe" I yell after her. "Fuck you" she yells back as she salutes me with her middle finger.
I sit down on the steps of the stairs with my phone in my hand calling my friends who were going to pick me up 10 minutes ago.
"Ay, where are you?" I ask my friend Jamie "Oh, (y/n), we're skipping school today, I'm sorry, we forgot to tell you, you coming?" I sigh "sure, where you at?" "At the moment? The skatepark" "great, who else is there?"
I suddenly jump up because i nearly get hit by a car that slips of the road. "I gotta go, see you in 10" I yell to Jamie and I end the call.
Two guys get out of the car and one immediately runs over to me. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry, are you okay?" He practically yells. "Yes, I'm alive, thank you" I laugh "oh, okay" he smiles.
Damn, that smile, he's really cute.
"Yo, loverboy, come here and help me fix your piece of crap car" the other guy yells and I laugh.
He blushes and quickly runs back and helps his friend look at his car. The tire is definitely leak. I look at them trying to fix the car but they seem a little lost.
Fortunately for them my father has a garage and I know how to fix their tire.
I walk over to the boys and get on my knees next to the tire that had to be replaced.
"Do you have a spare tire?" "What" the cute boy asks "do you have a spare tire?" I ask again. "Oh", he says blushing,"yeah sure" he walks over to the trunk and starts looking for a tire.
The other guy comes over to me and gives me and he hands me the jack and I start raising it so it supports the car.
The boy looks at me like I'm ghost and asks:"Do you need help?" Unless you actually know what your doing, no" I laugh "oh, okay" he says and backs of a little
"Uhh, you, cute guy with the blue eyes" I ask hoping he will know i'm talking about him "me?" The guy asks while rolling the tire towards me
"Yes, what's your name?" I ask laughing "Daniel" he smirks "(y/n)" I answer, "do you have a wrench?" "Uh, I guess we do?"
"aren't they in the trunk with the tire usually?" The other guy asks "yes, it should be" i laugh looking at the guy
"I'm Jonah" he says as I smile "found it" we suddenly hear Daniel yell with his head still in the trunk.
He walks over to me and hands me the wrench. "Thaaank you" I say while I start removing the nuts (yes they're called nuts, I googled it)
I pull of the old tire and hand it to Jonah "it's not mine, it's yours, do whatever you want to do with it, just please don't randomly throw it somewhere" I say to get rid of the thing
"Daniel?" "Yes?" "Can you help to put on the new tire?" I ask him "Sure" he says as he sits next to me on the ground
We replace the old tire with a new one and start putting the nuts back on. "So you just put them in these thingys and then you twist them to the left, no, right, no just, your side" I try to explain but we both start laughing
"Jep, I'm done" Daniel says and he turns so he can look at me. I start twisting the last nut into his place
"Thank you, for helping us, I mean, we'd probably still sit here with that old tire if it wasn't for you" "oh, no problemo, i'm used to it, my father has a garage" I giggle "no, really, do you, maybe, need a ride somewhere, I mean, it's the least we can do?" He asks
"Well, yes, actually, my friends just bailed on me so could you drive me to school?"
"Uh, yeah, sure"
Daniel p.o.v
"Jonah, you're gonna sit in the backseat of my car and you're not gonna say a word while we drive and you're gonna do that with much pleasure, because i somehow got this girl a ride to school" i whisper yell as I walk over to Jonah
"Oehh, Daniel, how did you fix a girl to get a ride with you?" Jonah laughs. I look at him with a face that's both mad and annoyed "ow, chill, bro, I'm just messing with you" he defends himself
"Daniel?" We hear (y/n) yell
"Go get it bro!" Jonah yells and I smirk as I walk of to (y/n).
(Y/n) p.o.v
I start lowering the car again as Daniel walks over to Jonah. I pull the jack from under the car and I stand up "Daniel?!" I yell and I see him walking towards me.
"Here's the jack" I say as I hand it over to him, "great, go get in he car" he smirks
I take my backpack wich I somehow dropped to the ground when we started removing the old tire and I go sit in the passenger seat.
Jonah was already sitting in the backseat when Daniel sat down and started the car.
We sit in the car in silence at first. I look outside the window and hum slightly to the music that's playing. I can hear Jonah singing to the song and Daniel just smiles whenever I look at him.
We quickly pull over when we're at the school and we get out of the car. "We can't thank you enough (y/n), but we need to go now" Jonah says while he takes his bag out of the trunk.
Daniel looks a bit disappointed but says "I guess i'll see you around then?" "Yeah" I say sadly "Jonah pushes Daniel's shoulder "common bro" Daniel looks around at me and then walks down the hall.
I look at him and Jonah for the last time and I then quickly run up the stairs.
The whole day went by slowly, i kept on unconsciously searching for Daniels face in the crowds. I've seen him walk around with Jonah and some other guys a couple of times.
I suddenly remember I didn't tell Jamie I did go to school today so I decided to call her.
"YO, (Y/N) , WHERE TO FUCK ARE YOU??" She yells "Chill, jamie, I'm in school"
"What, why" she asks "Some cute guy needed help with his car and he offered me a ride" I say really glad she can't see me blush.
"Wauw, way to go (y/n)" she smirks "anyway, I'll see you in 10" I tell her "see ya!"
I remeber that I don't have a car and I start walking, fortunately the skate park isn't that far.
After about a 10 minute walk I see Jamie and my other friend Allissa sitting on the edge of one of the ramps. Allissa is taking pictures of Jamie on her skateboard.
I climb up the ramp and sit next to Allissa "Hey, Allissa, how do you get here so fast, school ended like 20 minutes ago and I walked?" "The bus?" "Wait really, I tought he didn't drive today?" "He did" I sigh thinking I walked for nothing.
"Sooo," Jamie says,"tell us about the cute guy" I blush and say "well, I was waiting for you, but you didn't come and his car had a flat tire, and I helped him and his friend to replace the tire"
"oehh, what did he look like" Allissa asks "Well, he was cute, he had brown hair, and gorgeous blue eyes, and, he's sitting right there?" I say, but it sounds more like a question
"Where" they scream in unison so loud it makes Daniel look over to us. At first he didn't see me, but then he saw me and smiled. I smiled back and waited for him to stop looking.
"There" I whisper and I subtly point to him. "He really is cute" Jamie says surprised "why so surprised?" I ask "(y/n), sweetie, no offence, but your taste sucks"
"Obvioisly," I laugh, "because you're, looking at the wrong guy" "then who are you talking about?" She asks me while laughing "I'm talking about the guy with the hamburger" I'm still laughing "ow, then I'm also looking at the wrong guy" Allissa says.
At this point the tree of us have the giggles and turns out they were both looking at Jonah.
"Adios muchachos" Jamie laughs as she takes her skateboard and starts doing some tricks.
"What's up with her?" I ask "I've never seen her skate so good" "there's a cute guy she wants to impress" Allissa smirks
"Ahh" I smirk as well
After half an hour Allissa left to take care of her pictures and Jamie was talking to the skate guy with the curls so I just sat there looking at the people.
Suddenly I felt a body sitting next to me
"Hey" the person says. I look up to meet Daniel. "How, you were just there, and now your here?" I ask "magic" he smirks.
"My friends kinda pushed me to come here 'cause, I kinda wanted to ask your number but, we were already late and..."
"It's okay" I smile, "give me your phone" I pick out my own phone as well and type my number in his contacts. I putt name as "that kid who knows more about your car than you😘" and hand his phone back to him.
"Yo Dani, you coming bro?" I hear one of the guys yell. "Yeah, I'm coming!" Daniel yells back. "Just, text me when you get home" I smile
"Okay, bye (Y/N/N)" he smirks
"Bye Dani" I smirk back.
Part 2?
#why don't we smut#why dont we corbyn#why don't we imagine#why don't we#why don't we imagines#daniel seavey wdw#daniel seavey imagine#daniel seavey x reader#daniel seavey#daniel seavey fanfic#corbyn besson x reader#corbyn besson imagine#corbyn besson#wdw corbyn#jonah marais x reader#jonah marais imagine#jonah marais#zach herron x reader#zach herron imagine#zach herron#jack avery x reader#jack avery imagine#jack avery#wdw#wdw imagine
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