#okay maybe this turned into Anna reading Fushimi a bedtime story
ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
What about a scenario where fushimi reads anna a bedtime story :D
Aw, Fushimi being a good big brother. Maybe this is like during the Homra years and Fushimi ends up babysitting Anna for the evening somehow. Like there’s some big Homra mission happening where the whole clan is going to take down some giant gang and they’re expected to be out all evening, even Totsuka is coming (staying away from enemy lines as much as possible) to keep an eye on Mikoto. Anna’s remaining behind though and they need someone to watch her, Anna straightens up and says she can watch herself. Kusanagi agrees that she’s mature but he doesn’t feel right leaving her alone even from just a safety aspect, in case someone decided to try something while she’s alone at the bar. As it happens this is when Fushimi and Yata walk in, Yata fussing over Fushimi a bit because he has a low grade fever and refuses to lie down and rest. Kusanagi asks if Fushimi’s sick and Fushimi brushes it off as just a small cold, Yata’s worried though because Fushimi didn’t eat much this morning and what if he gets dizzy during a fight. Kusanagi gets this smile as he’s like I think I have a solution here.
So that’s how Fushimi gets stuck babysitting Anna for the evening (with Totsuka teasing him lightly about who’s babysitting who). Kusanagi tries to soften the blow telling Fushimi they’re trusting him with this and Fushimi shrugs all sure whatever, watching as Yata gushes over how Mikoto is totally going to show those guys who’s boss around here. Kusanagi puts a hand on his shoulder and tells him to just make sure Anna gets to bed all right and then he can rest in the bar until they get back. Fushimi nods, clicking his tongue, standing there with Anna as everyone else files out of the bar. Once it’s just the two of them Anna stares at him and Fushimi’s like “What?”, Anna just shakes her head and says she’s glad Saruhiko is staying with her. 
It’s already late so Anna goes to take a bath and get into her pajamas, Fushimi figures this shouldn’t be too bad since Anna can largely handle herself. He’s sitting at the bar playing on his PDA when Anna peeks over at him from the stairs. Fushimi asks what the problem is and Anna says that Izumo always reads her a bedtime story. Fushimi clicks his tongue and Anna keeps staring at him, of course Fushimi can’t stand in the face of that so he sighs and is like fine I’m coming. Anna hands him the book Kusanagi was reading, Fushimi doesn’t recognize it but maybe it’s like some common children’s book and Anna smiles a little as she says her parents used to read it to her. Fushimi’s like ‘parents, huh,’ with this little bitter smile because of course he has no idea about this whole ‘loving parents who read to their kids’ thing.
Fushimi starts reading the book and of course his voice is just total monotone, Anna has to stop him and tells him Kusanagi does the voices. Fushimi’s all ‘really.’, not entirely believing that but Anna is looking at him intently and he can’t argue. He sighs and tries again but Fushimi isn’t the best with voices and imagine he keeps adding little asides complaining about how stupid these characters are. Anna listens intently though and at some point Fushimi wonders if she’s patronizing him, Anna shakes her head and says Saruhiko is doing his best. The way she says it just makes Fushimi feel even more annoyed and Anna reaches over and offers to read part of it to him instead. Fushimi says he isn’t a kid and Anna smiles at him, starting to read the book. Fushimi keeps interjecting little annoyed remarks under his breath and Anna nods and responds even as she keeps reading. Several hours later Homra returns and Kusanagi’s concerned when he doesn’t see Fushimi waiting so he goes upstairs to check on Anna. Anna’s asleep with the book in her hands and Fushimi crouched by her bed still, fast asleep with his head on her blankets, and Kusanagi decides with a smile to leave them be for now (and then Totsuka leans over his shoulder and immediately hurries off to get the camera).
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