#okay im really bad with side profiles
solplease · 2 months
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meet my oc rowan :]
close ups and more about him under the cut!
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(had trouble with the cropping oopsies)
rowan doesn't have a specific age but he is an adult
self proclaimed chill guy (he's not chill at all)
clingy and whiny
he overthinks a looooot
believes you'll fall in love with him and live happily ever after
he's kind of pathetic
huge loser
is terrified of you abandoning him
will probably kidnap you if he deems necessary? (whatever that means)
he likes flowers :] (he's got a book on the language of flowers and thinks he's cool bc of it)
he was named after a plant (wow!)
he wears heart earrings and has a second pair to match with you
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femsolid · 2 months
There's a huge misogynist where I work. Always condescending, never takes responsibility for his mistakes, vulgar, belittling and making crude remarks about women's appearance. I seem to be the only one who doesn't take it. So naturally we had some tense exchanges, through wich I remained professional and he didn't. I reported it to my manager and I was told "that's just how he is, he's kidding" no he's not, I said, he's being cruel and sexist. Then I tell HR during a meeting about harassment, they write what I say and read it back to me, like we do at the police station, and one of them reads : "he makes sarcastic comments" and I'm like "what? I never said "sarcastic"? I said he makes humiliating and cruel remarks, infantalizing and belittling my work" "I think you said sarcastic" "No I said SEXIST, that's the S word I used." Then I talked about it to a close collegue and friend of mine and she responded with "im not taking sides as I've had no issue with him, you both need to work on your relationship or it's gonna end badly for you both". Us both? Then two other female colleagues, one of which presents herself as the great defender against harassment at work, a headstrong woman supposedly.
- oh he's not bad, not really, that's just how he is, he's joking
- no he's not, he's obnoxious and sexist
- there's much worse people here you should be weary of, he's not bad
- so because he's not the worst I'm supposed to let it fly? He is bad. He said women your age were past the expiration date btw. That's okay with you?
- Really? No that's wrong
- He made Mary cry by commenting on her appearance
- Well, you know, Mary, she's not exemplary either, she has...
- Irrelevant! I don't care what Mary has done, that doesn't make his behaviour okay. Emeline from IT made a post on Teams to help us solve a technical issue. He caught her at lunch and said in front of everyone she was playing the beauty queen with her profile picture on Teams and that she only made the post to get men's attention. That's fine with you?
- No but...
Then a coach went to talk to him and came back with "he's not bad, he said you two were fine now" "we're not fine, just because I stay professional doesn't mean we're fine" "you both need to work on your-" "what do I have to change exactly? I've stayed the same. He's vile. You don't have to agree with me. I'm not gonna change my opinion." And I turned back towards my computer.
The same company that forces us to take an E-learning class about harassment and sexism at work. Give me a break. I expect men to defend their class but this doormat mentality in women is awful.
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reidmania · 1 month
you're my best friend | spencer reid
summary; you tell spencer he is your best friend to you its a indication of more to him its rejection.
warnings; best friends to lovers expect they dont make it to lovers whoops, angst whoops again, i think all lovers should be best friends, (un) requited feelings (ur both idiots) its short and honestly i dont remember writing this, mentions of dating other people but like whatever
an; yk that line in ‘you are in love’ by taylor swift thats like pauses, then say, you’re my best friend, and you knew what it was, he is in love? thats what gave me this idea im also just really fucking sad tonight and i miss my ex idk im also trynna be aesthetic am i aesthetic
any other night you wouldn't of cared to notice the way the streetlights blarred through the raindrops on the window or how the dark clouds lined the sky covering every showing star in their path. you wouldn't have noticed any of that if you weren't so focused on beiing focused on anything else.
anything other than spencer reid who was sitting beside you, driving you home. the case you had just got back from was long and angonizing. it was a complete pain to get through and it wasn't a secret that the entirety of the team were all ready to get home to their families and their own beds.
so, you weren't exactly estatic when remembering you hadn't driven to the office a week ago after being called in for the case, you were instead dropped off by your friend after the two of you needed to talk.
so you were car-less, and tired.
spencer reid, your best friend and possibly the nicest person on earth offered to drive you home without a second thought. even though he was equally as tired and ready to curl up into his own bed, he said he would drive you home and then refused to listen to any argument about it.
"are you okay" your head snapped towards the sound of his voice, his eyes glancing between you and the road, obviously noticing the rather disorientated look covering your features as you stared out the windshield.
you nodded, eyebrows furrowing. "yeah- yeah im just tired" it wasn't a lie, you were tired. you were also insanely confused about the feelings weighing on your chest everytime your eyes lingered on his for a moment too long.
he hummed, eyes returning to the road. you took that as your chance to look back at his face, bad idea.
your eyes danced over the curve of his nose and the line of his jawline and then the softness of his eyes, the flutter of his eyelashes every time he blinked or squinted at the bright lights of the road. you studied every indent over the soft skin of his cheeks and cheekbones that you could see from his side profile and your stomach warmed.
you turned your head away when that feeling returned, the one you were hyperaware of. it made your stomach feel as if it was burning a hole in itself, your heart ache and flutter at once and your head spin with the fact that it was wrong. so wrong.
“how’s ethan” he asked, his eyes remaining set on the road as he voice remained soft and quiet, like it seemed to always be when he spoke to you.
your eyes widened for a brief moment of the guy you had been, half kind of dating — if you could even call it that. you had been on a few dates. ethan worked at the coffee shop not to far from the bullpen, and asked you out two weeks ago. being surrounded by derek, emily and spencer didn’t exactly help the overwhelming expectation that fell on your shoulders in that moment.
derek answered for you, actually, in that moment. he had said you’d love to, and then teased you the entire way back to the bullpen after getting your coffee and you didn’t have the heart to pull out of the date, it wasn’t actually that bad — there was just something not right.
the more you hung out with ethan the more you realised there wasn’t actually anything wrong with him, he was nice, respectful, he made you laugh and you could talk easily. he was nothing short of a gentleman.
it was just, every-time the two of you had a conversation you waited for a absentmindedly long ramble about something random or a correction on one of something you pointed , and it never came. you waited for doctor who to be brought up and it never was. the movies you watched with ethan were rom coms and chick flics, or comedy’s rather than documentaries, or science films, or films in other languages that you had to rely on subtitles for.
he wasn’t spencer.
that was the only issue, and that why you had broken off with him before you went on this case, actually you had just finished breaking it off with him when you got the call which was why you were car-less since he had dropped you off.
you couldn’t in good conscience keep hanging around ethan after realising you had feelings for your best friend. you told him the truth and how understanding and respectful he was about it only made the guilt build deeper in your ribcage.
“i broke it off” you told spencer honestly. you wouldn’t lie or play it off there was no point in that. spencer would find out eventually you just wished that being honest didn’t mean it would come with questions.
his eyebrows furrowed for a moment, as his eyes flickered between the road and your face for a moment, you kept your gaze to the ground of the car, focusing on the carpeted floor rather than the feelings that swarmed in your chest that you honestly wished would just swallow you whole and get you as far away from actually feeling them.
“why? did he do something?” it was curious and gentle, like he was genuinely worried that this guy had done something that had hurt you — and it made your chest ache painfully, you genuinely felt physical chest pain at the sound of his words as they processed through your mind.
you shook your head quickly anyways, “no, he was.. good, great.. i just— didn’t feel it, y’know?” you huffed out, eyes still refusing to meet his. you were scared if you did that the confession would come blabbering pass your lips without a second thought because you were so use to telling him everything.
he let out a sigh of relief, glad that you weren’t upset or that this guy hadn’t done anything to hurt you. “i get it” he replied, his voice was gentle and careful. you wondered if he genuinely did — he always seemed to have a power of just reading your mind yet this time you were almost sure that wouldn’t be the case.
the car was pulling into park out side the front of your house moments later, and you felt a sort of sick feeling in your stomach. one that was indescribable to a t. the sort of feeling that left a bad taste in the back of your throat and made your stomach twist, the sort that left goosebumps trailing down your arms and the hairs stand on the back of your neck.
he said your name so quietly as if he had something important he needed to say. for the first time that car ride, since you had left the bau you met his eyes and every emotion you had pushed down into the darkest part of yourself bubbled all up to the surface again.
his eyebrows were furrowed as if he was trying to debate something, lips parted then closed in indecision, before he let out a half shaky breath, his eyes studying your features like yours to his. you felt your stomach twist.
“i need to tell you-“
you cut him off and you didn’t even mean to, “you’re my best friend, spencer.” that was all you said.
and honestly it held so much weight to you it almost felt like a confession in itself, he was your best friend, he was your person. he knew you better then you knew yourself, he knew you better than anyone ever would, he memories every scar on your skin, every little thing that effected you in a way that differed from others, spencer knew you, you loved him and he was your best friend
he was your best friend in a, i want you in my life forever kind of way. i want you by my side no matter what life throws at us, i want to know that no matter what happens you remain a constant.
you needed him to remain constant.
his lips closed at your words, eyebrows furrowing a little deeper to the point the skin between the crinkled slightly. there was a flicker of something in his eyes that you would’ve noticed if he hadn’t pushed it away before you could.
“you’re my best friend too.” he breathed out.
to spencer, you were the sun. everything obits you and your existence, he would give anything to be a planet that was blessed enough to be in your orbit. if he got a glimpse of you throughout the day his heart would remain beating properly in his chest and his feelings would remain a little lighter on his mind, you were calming, you were his safe place. you were his favourite part of everyday.
you were the one thing that kept him from falling apart half the time. you were his best friend and he was in love with you, so in love with you that he shut his mouth every time you went on a date with a different guy, because if you were happy and he got to keep you as a part of his life he wouldn’t beg for different.
you were his best friend and so he pretended like his heart didn’t hurt so impossibly much when you came to him when those said dates didn’t work out or ended badly and you rambled about how you thought there was something wrong with you, because how could you think that when to him the entire solar system fought to be in your orbit?
if you hadn’t cut him off he would’ve told you all of that.
instead he watched you wave him goodbye as you walked back into your house, a weight on his chest, at the words left unsaid that danced on his tongue behind his closed lips. ‘you’re my best friend’
his mind replayed the words with the reminder that that was all he would be to you, that was all he could be and he wanted to fight it and pull back and tell you exactly how he felt and the deepness his feelings fell to,
but then again at least this way he meant something to you.
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bahrtofane · 8 months
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in which jude is your best friend, or well, was. hes much more now
word count - 1.3K
watch it - arguments, yelling. happy ending tho hehe
“Can you grab my purse? I left it in the back seat." 
Jude looks up from his phone at the doorway and gives you a nod, “Yeah gimme a sec, i got it.”
You send him a smile and thanks before taking your shoes off and relaxing on his couch. Today was an impromptu hang out, practice ended early and the personal trainer was out, so this was one of the few days Jude had to relax.
He still wanted to spend it with you, even after you told him he should use the opportunity to nap or just relax in his room. 
'What's the point if I can't bother you at the same time ?' was all he said. 
so you caved and got ready for him to pick you up, soon to raid his fridge or find another movie to watch. (which you always end up talking over but that's okay. It's the thought that counts. you even have your own Netflix profile on his tv !)
Your phone goes off and you're pleasantly surprised to find it's the man you met a few days ago. You caught his eye and he politely approached you while you were on a little coffee run. a treat after a bad few days. 
You smile when you text your date back confirmation. Dinner date this Saturday how exciting !
Jude comes back with your purse in hand, sliding it on the table your way before crashing into your side. 
"Jesus Jude- my god- you're too big to be doing that. you're gonna kill me someday." you sputter.
"no, it's good to keep you on your toes." he giggles while smothering himself into your side
you groan trying to get him off before resorting to kicking him off with your legs. 
he yells before hitting the ground, "Im worth too much for you to be throwing me around what the hell."
"you started it! you're so annoying, oh my god."
he narrows his eyes before getting up and sitting a far distance away from you, for safety. 
he puts on a movie and continues to sulk while you roll your eyes. 
‘Oh by the way I'm gonna have to cancel saturday. “ 
“What, why ? What happened?“ 
“I have a dinner date that day ! isn't that exciting.’
Jude only scowls at you, unimpressed. “You're canceling, over a man. First of all, why is this the first time I'm hearing about this guy. And why didn't you tell him you were busy and just pick a different day.”
“Saturday is his only day off. I don't know why you're so mad.” You frown. 
“Saturday afternoon is my only afternoon off.”
“Jude. Why are you being so childish?”
“I don't know because you're putting some guy you just met before me, your best friend.”
“He's not just some guy I think we could really be something. Why do you have to be so protective of me? I'm not 5 oh my god.”
“It's not just that it's that you're canceling our hangout for him.”
“We always hang out-”
“Exactly so I don't know why you're jumping so quickly to change it over some dick.”
“Im not like that and you fucking know it. You of all people should know that this is a chance I don't want to miss out on just because we order food and stare at a tv for hours on saturdays.”
“Oh so that's all it is to you. Staring at a tv.’ Jude rolls his eyes.
“It's not like that, I love hanging out with you. "
" I just don't understand why you're suddenly so eager to see anyone right now . I can't make any plans with anyone without you storming down here and telling me it's a waste of time. " He sighs 
You stare at him in disbelief. “Because you have a career ?? i don't give two shits who you talk to, but I can't let you make dumb decisions. I will always be your best friend, that's my job and nothing more."
"That's why this is so frustrating,” He waves his hands in the air aimlessly, “Do you even know what you're saying to me?"
"You're not making sense." You shake your head. 
 “I don't want to fight with you, I just don't understand why you're acting so selfish.”
“That's your problem, you act like I'm doing something wrong instead of being happy for me."
“You dont fucking get it do you oh my god I dont know how to be any more clear with you so you can get It.”
You don't say anything, choosing not to read any deeper into his words and instead watch the rest of the movie in silence. You don't have it in you to argue with him anymore. You care for him, truly. He's your best friend and you couldn't be happier or more proud to be able to have him by your side. 
But there's always that prickle of feeling that lays within you. A prickle of yearning, a wanting for more. You're not blind by any means, Jude is a handsome man and he's grown into his features better than you expected. 
You don't know if it's just delusion, but there's always a base layer of tension between you too. Always a second away from something going too far and it leading where it probably shouldn't. 
But you know it's deeper than a what if for you. You've found a good friend in him and somewhere along the way you've drifted to less than only platonic feelings. But you also know the way Jude is, the way he acts and talks is just that. Not meant to be read deeper and you dont let anything get your hopes up anymore. 
It's the reason why you said yes to that guy in the first place, so you can hopefully stop crushing on your best friend and move on.
Your over-thinking soon passes the time and you find yourself in an awkward quiet that neither of you want to break in fear of more arguing. But Jude takes the risk.
"I'm sorry," he mumbles.
"For what Jude? "
"For how I acted, and what I said. It was an asshole move to assume you're only gonna meet him for dick when I know you aren't like that. And for acting like you can only hang out with me. I'm sorry.”
You sit there silently, not saying a word. 
He turns to face you almost desperately, “You're my best friend you really are. I care about you, more than anyone else. And i just- fuck it. You’ve given me some of the most precious moments of my life, but I think I’d be a better boyfriend if you’d let me, friends just doesn’t do justice to what I feel for you anymore.”
You stand up and walk over to him, standing between his legs and placing his hands in yours, gently smiling.
“Please say something.” He whispers. 
“I can't think of anything I want more than for you to be mine Jude.”
He jumps at that, bringing you flush to his chest, “What about the guy on saturday?’ “I'm obviously going to cancel and tell him I'm no longer available.”
“Good.” He smiles. There is a moment where his gaze focuses on your lips and you can feel your face blush at the newfound attention.
“Can I, kiss you ?” He breathes
You give a nod, and no sooner do his hands gently cup your face, his lips meeting yours.
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rcsewcrld · 1 month
Hi Rose! I’ve just found your profile and saw you’re accepting requests so here you go:
Poly!wolfstar or poly!marauders where reader is completely in love with them but thinks they don’t like her back. When they confess their love for her she doesn’t believe because she thinks that what they have is already perfect and she doesn’t have a place in it. It takes them a lot of effort to make her believe it. Lots of angst with happy ending
really? || poly!wolfstar x fem!reader | 1.5k words
a/n: hi so this is very cliche and possibly very bad bc i’m very out of practice so i hope you appreciate that and i hope that this is what you wanted. i promise my writing will get better once i get back into the swing of things! also, thank you very much for requesting and i’m so sorry i took so long, something came up but that’s slowing down now so i’m back to it! also i’m really sorry it’s not very angsty but i just wasn’t in that frame of mind i’m so so so so sorry :(
content: as gn as possible but some fem hints in there sorry (im just too used to it :((), minimal use of y/n and pronouns, also bridgerton reference guys😭
“S’wrong, darling?” James queried at your spaced out expression during breakfast in the Great Hall. 
You shrug, “Dunno, James.” The bespectacled boy furrowed his brows but was soon distracted by something Peter was showing him on his other side. You did, in fact, know what was wrong. The two boys sitting opposite you were the bane of your existence this morning. They were also the object of your desires.
Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. Best friends of 6, coming up to 7 years and boyfriends of 3 months. The most painful, yearning, pining 3 months of your life. The relationship between you, Sirius and Remus had always been ambiguous between the lines of platonic and romantic, but one fateful morning Sirius and Remus walked towards you in the corridor, holding hands and exuding a sickeningly sweet air of love.
“Earth to Y/n/n… you okay, sweetness?” Dark grey eyes locked with yours, pairing with the saccharine nickname you couldn’t help but smile dreamily at him. 
“Mhm,” you mumbled, “M’fine, Siri.”
“Good. Couldn’t have you spaced out like this all day,” he furrowed his dark eyebrows, “would never get through Potions if I didn’t have my lovely partner to talk to.” He finished with a wink that almost had you melting into a puddle on the stone floor. Peter and James shared a look at your, somewhat pathetic, lovesickness. 
“Ready to go then? Lessons start in 5 minutes.” Remus interrupted the charged gazing between you and Sirius.
“Of course you’d be the one to make us prudishly early, Moons.” Sirius stood up alongside Remus, clapping him on the back harshly as they started to walk off, followed closely by you, James and Peter.
“5 minutes is not prudishly early, Pads…”
“Ms Y/L/N, daydreaming again?” Slughorn’s voice broke you out of your stare. Your task today was to brew a successful amortentia potion. Sirius, eager as ever to discover the smell of what he loves, bounded up to the storage cupboard to collect all your ingredients. Also, something about ‘What kind of gentleman would I be if I let a lady lift a finger under my watch?’
“Sorry, professor. Sirius is getting all the equipment so I just zoned out for a moment. Won’t happen again.” You visibly straightened up and put on your best apologetic voice, because you really weren’t sorry at all. You had been ogling Sirius. His shirt riding up to reveal a sliver of smooth, pale skin, his shirt tightening slightly at his arms where his lean muscles were bulging slightly with the strain of stretching. He was visibly far less built-up than someone such as James who was nothing short of stocky, but being a beater still took lots of arm power.
As Professor Slughorn migrated back to his desk, Sirius came back over to your workbench, albeit, more carefully than he left it, as he was now carrying an abundance of supplies ready to begin brewing.
“Siri, y’know I could’ve helped you?” 
“Don’t sweat it, love.” He brushed it off.  
You began brewing the potion and it was going smoothly. (As much as Sirius tried his hardest to be a nuisance in class, he’d never purposefully sabotage you)
A pop from across the classroom made you a jump a little and averted your’s and Sirius’ attentions to James and Remus on the other side of the room. Remus was scoffing and rolling his eyes as James’ face was covered in soot, hair standing up on end. 
“Poor Moony.” You tutted, focusing back on your own potion. Originally, Remus had been partners with Lily, no complaints, perfect work, until Slughorn decided that James and Peter being a pairing was far too chaotic and forced Remus and Lily to re-partner, to quell the chaos caused by James and Peter’s pairing.
“He’ll be alright.” Sirius chuckled as you sprinkled the final ingredient into the brew.
You watched as the potion turned a pinkish colour and turned to Sirius with a pleased smile, “It worked!” He held his hand up for a high five that you quickly returned. 
“Ready to take a whiff, Black? Y/L/N?” Slughorn said as he approached your workbench. You both nodded and Sirius pushed you forward. The entire class had gone quiet, attention on your bench. You took a deep breath in over the cauldron.
First, cigarettes, and a deep, musky aftershave that was awfully familiar.
After a few moments it morphed into the scent of a crackling fireplace, new books and… chocolate.
“So? What do you smell?” Slughorn queried.
You broke out of your trance, glancing around the classroom at all of the pairs of eyes staring at you, awaiting an answer, specifically Sirius and Remus. The two people you had definitely just smelled, “Uh, um- I smelled,” You didn’t know whether to lie or not, “um, flowers?”
James snorted a laugh from across the room, quickly shutting up after a harsh elbow to the ribs from Remus.
“Care to elaborate?” Slughorn raised a questioning eyebrow. You shook your head vehemently and stepped back towards Sirius’ chest, who hurriedly took your place, eager to smell the potion.
“Books… chocolate,” Sirius paused to wink at Remus who glared at him, embarrassed, “…and, vanilla?”
Your eyes widened at that and you sucked in a very audible sharp breath, reminded of the vanilla perfume that you apply rather generously every morning. Sirius locked eyes with Remus across the room, sharing a look that meant We’ll talk later.
Slughorn clapped his hands to diffuse the awkward tension and called on Barty Crouch Jr’s workbench.
“Marls, I can’t just tell them I like them. I don’t wanna impose on what they already have together…” You huffed, pulling your knees up to your chest. Marlene wandered over from her bed and sat down next to you.
“Babe, I love you, but you are so oblivious.” She lamented.
You furrowed your eyebrows.
“She really has no idea does she…?” Lily sighed from her bed.
“Those two boys are hopelessly in love with you, Y/N. And if you can’t see that then you are oblivious. Sirius’ amortentia smelled like you and Remus. The boy he’s already in a relationship with.”
“That could’ve been anyone’s vanilla perfume.” You shrugged, certain that the boys couldn’t want you in any way.
Lily rolled her eyes, “Tell them, Y/N.”
You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth anxiously but nodded in agreement, “Wish me luck, girls.”
You trudged down the stairs to the common room, head low and anxiety swarming your brain.
“What’re you doing down here so late, darling?” 
You jumped at the voice, not expecting anyone to be occupying the common room at such a late hour. You looked up to find just the two boys you were looking for… Sirius splayed dramatically (somehow) in an armchair and Remus curled up into the corner of a couch.
“Oh, hi guys…”
“Don’t sound so disappointed, dovey!” Remus feigned offence and caused you to roll your eyes. You don’t know why you were so nervous. These guys were your best friends. Even if they rejected you they’d never stop wanting to be friends with you. Remus patted the space on the sofa next to him, indicating you to sit there and you obliged.
“Actually, I’ll have you know I was looking for you two.” 
“Oh, really?” Sirius raised an eyebrow.
Here goes nothing.
“I like you guys. Like in the not friendly way. And I totally get if you don’t feel the same way and don’t want me to join you guys, ‘cause I don’t even know if you’re into that, but I just wanted to tell you because it’s been eating me up inside-“
“Shut up.”
“Sirius!” Remus scolded, smacking his boyfriend on the arm with the book he was holding. You remained silent, eyebrows furrowed in an attempt to mask your sadness with confusion. Slowly, you began to stand up, ready to make a run for it.
Abruptly, Sirius exclaimed, “Where are you going?
“You told me to shut up.”
“Oh yeah, that…”
“Dovey, he’s just shocked, that’s all. We feel the same way, see?” Remus comforted
“I can’t believe you didn’t bloody know we fancied you!” Sirius sat up straighter and pulled you from Remus’ side to sit on his lap, causing you to flush.
“Wait, you really like me?”
“Both of you?”
“Like, actually?”
“And this isn’t a prank?”
“So James and Peter aren’t hiding around a corner ready to throw treacle and feathers on me right now?”
“And you really, actually, truly like me?”
“Bloody hell, woman!” Sirius smashed his lips onto yours, leaving you breathless as you relax into his embrace, threading your hands through his hair before you pull apart.
“Is that enough evidence for you, sweetheart?” Remus grins as you nod, albeit hesitantly.
“Look at me. Sirius Black. Not only is he dating the fittest boy in Hogwarts, bar himself, of course, but he’s now dating the fittest girl!”
Remus rolled his eyes at Sirius’ antics.
“Wait, so we’re dating now?”
“Yes! Christ almighty…”
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tteokdoroki · 1 year
Isagi is golden retriever behavior. Tell him to bakr he will do it. Tell him to kneel he will. He will protect you with his whole being even if he seems to be nice guy. He isn’t afraid to throw hand s
*ੈ🌩️‧₊˚— as close as strangers + yoichi isagi.
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૮˶ᵕ ༝ᵕ˶ა synopsis — while at a bar with your sister, a stranger comes to your rescue and he’s not afraid to come to your defence.
⭑ warnings — please read + mdni ! characters aged up to 20s, fluff, strangers to lovers, meet cute, reader has a younger sister, weird men at bars (harassment kinda? but it’s minor), pro player!isagi, fem!reader - not beta read !
⭑ words — 1.4K.
⭑ notes — thank you nonnie for sending this in!! I got a little itty bit carried away but i hope you like it !! - m.list ✩
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unironically, a bar can be one of the most dangerous places on earth. with its overpriced and watered down drinks, loud and disruptive patrons, and not to mention the countless number of men that can’t seem to take a hint. you find the sticky table tops gross and the peanut shells on the floor uncouth but you’re here for your little sister — who wanted no more than drinks and to catch up, filling you in on the details of her latest fling (who she’s sure is the one, despite it being the fifth time) since you returned to Japan.
you work a lot, you travelled abroad for college too so it’s been ages since you’ve last breathed the same air and walked underneath the same sky. you’d feel bad for missing this opportunity to meet someone important in her life while you still had it.
and you love your sister, so while she powders her nose in the bathroom as you both wait for her boy toy, you’ll put up with the stench of beer and the sleazy stranger arms length away from you who just can’t seem to get it through his head that you’re not interested.
“c’mon sweetheart, just one drink. lemme buy you a beer.” the stranger slurs over the top of his own beverage that threatens to spill into you as he encroaches on your personal space. 
shaking your head politely, you lean away. “no thank you. i’m not to keen on beer.” 
“then whas’ your drink of choice, cutie. let me know what i can get’cha.” 
nothing. you refrain from rolling your eyes. nothing that he could afford. grabbing a handful of peanuts to distract yourself, you de-shell them with ease and chew on them to avoid speaking any further. 
“no thank you.” you say plainly, reiterating yourself. 
he still doesn’t seem to understand, cosying up to your side — his alcohol tainted breath cascading over the shell of your ear. “then let’s get out of here, i’ll get you somethin’ you can really enjoy.” 
“i’m waiting on someone.” 
“who? a boyfriend?” 
“yes,” you lie as easy as breathing — you’re almost certain he wouldn’t leave you alone if he found out you were with your sister. “he’ll be here any minute.” 
the stranger lets out a chuff, “i don’t see him, gorgeous girl—“
he reaches for your hand and it causes a wave of uncomfortable goosebumps to rise along your skin. you shudder, hold back a gag, and if only the bartender was closer you could signal for some form of help but you can’t bring yourself to move.
that is until a warm arm slips around your shoulders— and instead of being slimy and unsettling, the presence of this stranger behind you is comforting and safe. “there you are precious,  sorry for being so late, i got caught up with work.” this man’s is smoothe like molten chocolate or rather honey running through your ears, and you find yourself enticed — leaning into him as if he’s a safety net. 
you turn, only just, catching a glimpse of the stranger’s handsome side profile — his skin is golden, glowing as if it had been blessed by the god’s of the son. his eyes are a blue im a shade that you cannot match, it’s almost unreal to you. his hair his soft, his face calm and again, he feels so safe. 
“i missed you,” you breathe the words into existence as if they’re natural, allowing a smile to overtake your features. “it’s okay.” 
the dark haired man gives you a firm nod before looking over your head at the drunkard who had been bothering you. he offers a hand to him. “hi isagi… the boyfriend. do we have a problem, here?” 
you recognise the name from somewhere but say nothing, letting isagi handle the situation from here. 
“n-no sir! i-i’m so sorry i didn’t realise that—“ 
“good,” isagi’s voice lowers an octave, far less welcoming and kind than when he had initially addressed you as your fake boyfriend. “then next time you’ll take a hint and learn to leave women alone when they tell you no the first time. fucking creep.” he spits, squeezing you into his side protectively. 
the stranger’s eyes blow wide and he lowers his head apologetically but you’re too focused on how flustered isagi’s whole act is making you feel. “a-again! i’m really sorry! i’m a huge fan i would never—“ 
“are you just that dense or do i have to repeat myself? scram.” isagi growls once more and does so until the man that had been bothering you flees the scene. within an instant, the tall dark and handsome man jumps away from you with an apologetic smile — and you embarrassingly admit to yourself how much you miss his embrace. “i am so sorry for touching you without asking. i-it’s just that i could see he was making you uncomfortable and no one else was jumping in so i just—“ 
turning around to face isagi fully, you shake your head and offer him your brightest grin. “it’s okay, if it hadn’t been for you i don’t know what would have happened. thank you…”
you pause to give him time and isagi trips over his words to give you his full name. “yoichi. yoichi isagi!” 
you respond with your own name, trying not to dwell on the familiarity of his. 
the pair of you spend the next few minutes chatting about everything and anything. you find out that yoichi likes soccer and has since he was a child. that he was an only child as well, travels a lot and has seen the whole world, though he thinks it gets a little lonely. you shyly admit that you feel the same — especially when work drags you across the globe and away from your family here in Japan.
the flow of your conversation is only interrupted by your little sister emerging from the bathroom excitedly, her nose effectively powdered as she waves an arm at you. “i see you’ve met isagi already!” she beams, sliding into the bar stool on your left while isagi takes your right.
“wait, you two know each other?” you squeak — how mortifying would it be that your younger sibling’s new boyfriend is the man you’ve been crushing on for all of fifteen minutes. “is he…the one?” 
the duo share an amused look over the drinks that your new friend had ordered, your sister shaking you as if to snap you out of your trance of crazy. “god no! isagi is way too polite to be my type. my bachira is a little more adventurous!” she rambles, all love sick like. “no offence yoichi!”
“none taken,” he laughs before focusing all of his attention on you , making you squirm under the surface of his ocean blue eyes. “i’m just here for moral support. bachira was nervous about meeting you so i told him to take a lap around the parking lot to calm down before he came in.” 
“wait bachira— as in meguru bachira? that one player from the blue lock team? i just styled him for my magazine in the US last month? that’s who you’re dating?” you ramble, eyes wide — which only seems to amuse isagi even more.
“uhuh, and this,” your sister grabs you by the shoulders and rotates you to face isagi, who’s cheeks flush red with nervousness. or shyness. “is yoichi isagi. blue lock’s heart and soul and your date for this evening. you’re welcome!” she sings.
“oh my god! i thought i recognised you! s-she used to have posters of you in our room back when bluelock was streaming!” 
“you’re the one that used to kiss them!” 
“you’re the one that’s dating his best friend!” you counter her stubbornly, but her attention is quickly stolen away by the world famous dribbler that slips through the doors — bachira’s own face lighting up when he spots her from across the room. your sister melts, running over and jumping into his arms. you can’t help but swoon, realising that whatever she has going on with bachira is obviously more serious than whatever chance at love she’d had before.
they look happy. you’re happy for her. “they’re cute together, aren’t they?” isagi mumbles, elbowing you gently with the wisps of a smile on his lips. 
“oh yeah, big time.” you agree, taking a sip of your drink as you scoot closer to japan’s beloved striker. “you’re not mad that he swiped her from right beneath your feet?” 
“nah,” yoichi responds simply, scooting closer to you as well. you let your gaze drift over from the happy couple to meet isagi’s fond one, looking down at you as if you’re the most precious thing in the world. “i’d rather have that kind of happy with the girl who was making out with my merch.” 
you punch isagi in the shoulder out of embarrassment, and when his timbre laughter fills the room — you can’t help but think you’d want that happiness with him too.
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lonelychicago · 7 months
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tagged by the lovelies @daffi-990 @spotsandsocks @honestlydarkprincess @weewootruck @buddierights @loveyouanyway <33
here's a moodboard for lawyer buck!
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“But you're in luck.”
They're standing in the middle of a lobby and Eddie can see the people outside, hear the muffled noise of the busy street of L.A. But he stops and he turns to look at the guy, raising an eyebrow. “I am?”
“I just quit to open my own office. And I happen to love taking pro-bono cases.” The guy smiles, bright and still nervous and anxious but a little bigger now. “If you come by my new place this week and tell me more about what you need, I"m sure we could figure something out.”
“Your place?”
“My office! I, uh— I still don't have a business card but here.” The blond tries to balance the box with only one arm, pressing it against his side as he struggles to grab a pen from his pocket.
Eddie thinks about telling him he has a phone and that he could just spell out his number but the show is entertaining and amusing and Eddie’s had a bad day, okay? He deserves to have some fun, even if it's at the expense of this disaster, mess of a lawyer.
“I'm Buck, by the way.”
“Buck?” Eddie raises an eyebrow. What kind of wacky lawyer is this?
“Well, I'm Evan Buckley but everyone calls me Buck.” The man— Buck, flashes him a smile and then looks back down, scrabbling his number on a piece of paper and then ripping it out to hand it out to Eddie. “And you'd be my first client! Cool, huh?"
Eddie presses his lips into a firm line as he hesitantly takes the paper with the phone number on it, their fingers brushing for the briefest of moments.
“That doesn't sound too comforting.” Eddie mutters,
“And I'm Eddie, by the way. Eddie Diaz.”
“Oh, I meant my first client outside of the firm!” Buck gives him a bashful smile, his cheeks tinting a dark shade of pink. “I'm pretty good, I promise! You can look me up online, I've been on some high profile cases. You're in good hands, I promise.”
Eddie is skeptical but he guesses he might as well hear the guy out. He doesn't really have much of a choice, really.
“Thanks. So I'll call you?”
“Yeah! Can't wait!”
tagging @monsterrae1 @hoodie-buck @the-likesofus @devirnis @wildlife4life @evanbegins @exhuastedpigeon @eddiebabygirldiaz @sunshinediaz and anyone else who wants to! im lazy today and can't think of urls tbh
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vasito-de-leche · 6 months
A short (or not) ramble of scenarios and questions for reverse: 1999 self aware. (sorry if this bothers you, I just don’t have enough confidence to post it on my own blog (plus I love your content))
- Okay so first of all, in the main page of the game, when you click on the upper left corner with your level and username, you go to a screen with Vertin looking fly as ever along with some user information.
So if Vertin can see the game’s ui, then she can see the year in which the player has joined the game (2023-2024). I haven’t dived deep into Vertin’s character so I can’t portray her reaction to much, but I feel like she would tell this info to someone close like Sonetto.
Also our motto: I put “When in a rush, say ‘runs in high heels cutely.’”. I’d be so embarrassed if anyone (even fictional sentient characters) saw that. Like im dead.
On that topic, when you mentioned in your Sonetto self aware post that she can sometimes see us, and honestly, I’d be even more embarrassed. Cause like, if any of the characters from games I played, were sentient and could see me, id pray they didn’t see my bad angle. Like imagine looking up to the sky to see, just for a second, the chin of a head as the hands go to scratch their nose. Like the first impressions I would make.
- P2p players. Imagine the player spending money on the game (at the risk of Vertin possibly seeing their credit card number) to help level up or get costumes for their fave characters.
(Some misc. questions)
-what would happen if player didn’t log in the game for a while (a week to a month as best) cause I would ditch some games to spend more time on others
- What does Vertin think of the mail messages that the player gets? Like the latest mail I got was the discord event invitation. Upon closer inspection and critical thinking, it would hint that there would be more players other than us because it says the winners get 60 clear drops (oh and money too)
- If I remember correctly, I think you mentioned about Vertin hearing the player sometimes. So imagine her hearing us trash talk certain character *cough* Constantine *cough*.
(Anyways, I love your content ❤️ especially your fmn headcanons, can’t wait to see more posts!!)
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;R1999 - Self-Aware AU (2)
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Answering some questions and discussing the Self-Aware AU. A follow up of this post.
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not a bother at all, you bring up really good questions and details that are fun to explore! I'm glad you like my stuff, have a nice day o7!
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On the subject of Vertin seeing the player's profile.
With the way I intended to portray Vertin within the AU, I don't think she would be affected by the date on the Player's profile!
This is the date you came into contact with her from your perspective, whatever time and space that flows within your world, not hers─the world behind the fourth barrier that she cannot see nor hear nor even fathom, let alone try to make sense of. In a way, it's like expecting ants to care about concepts we made up, such as time. They understand night and day, they do not understand 3PM nor 8AM.
Is it truly proof that time can go beyond 1999, when this is something that only she can see? When it doesn't affect a single thing within her universe by being part of a game menu meant for your eyes only? There's also the fact that she finds out the proper time of the world in the 1.4 update, in Chapter 05.
Her dynamic with the Player is something I like to keep vague, so that everyone can fill in the blanks, but ultimately it is something so complex and private for Vertin─who sees it as a one-sided relationship, since she cannot hear nor see you, unlike other arcanists who may reach the 100% bond─that I don't think she would talk about it with anyone, not even Sonetto! The name on your profile and whatever message you've written there are secrets she will take to her grave. The idea of Vertin being the eyes and hands of the Player, but having no way to truly see or hear them makes for a really fun concept to explore!
And on the subject of messages, let's be honest, if you've written something funny or some modern shitpost, chances are she won't understand it LMFAO so it's okay! I literally just have my socials and "men enjoyer" listed there.
Oh! But since you brought it up, the message section could be a fun, little way to communicate with Vertin, since she can read what's on there!
As for P2P players, Vertin wouldn't see any information from the Player's credit card since that's something that happens outside the app lolol. Like, to me, it directly opens to google play transaction stuff.
On the subject of the player dropping the game for long periods of time.
Hmm, in the first post I said that there might be characters ouside Vertin and her suitcase who may be self-aware, with their own goals and such. But nothing truly "matters" unless the Player is there to witness it. So to keep including these possibilities and details, I feel like there's two options, pick whichever you like the most!
One, time continues as usual within the game─but once it reaches an important date where the plot is meant to kick in with some important event, it simply resets back to where you left it. This is a world that exists outside of your perception, but cannot continue without you.
Two, time freezes entirely within the game─but only for those who are not self-aware. Keep in mind we're talking about long periods of time, this wouldn't happen if you log in every day, or every few days. This is what happens when your phone picks up the fact that Reverse: 1999 is one of the unused apps taking up space in your phone. This is a world that stops existing once you stop looking at it.
In both options, the Wilderness would remain unaffected as it seems to be entirely disconnected from the flow of time and space outside of it.
On the subject of the game's mail.
Since the messages auto-delete and all, I can't check but I'm pretty sure Vertin receives mail too? There were a few ones from a few characters a while back like Druvis III or An-an Lee, and I think the implication is that they were vaguely addressing Vertin?
If someone has screenshots and can confirm this, please let me know!
Either way, the easy answer is that yeah, she knows this is a game, so she could make the assumption that there's more players. She has access to your friend list, after all! And even if you don't have anyone added, the fact that it exists is enough for her to start connecting the dots.
I don't remember saying that Vertin can hear the Player, though! I think I was pretty consistent with her not being able to see nor hear you, to have the Player as some sort of eldritch, unknowable entity. But I also write so much stuff in this blog that it's hard to keep up sometimes lolol, if I've mentioned somewhere that Vertin can hear the player, it was a mistake!
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nathalielpzart · 3 months
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Whjejdjd, making one week post kinda failed because my energy to sketch something was a struggle.
Okay, I have ideas, but... It's the motivation to look up references that's really stopping me...hahahahhaha 🙃(*T^T).
IM SORRY!!! It's an everyday struggle now, but I'm trying my best ( >Д<;)!!
Anyways!! Another Zukaang sketch, at least, yay! \(^-^)/ But I'm so bad with side profile faces/poses...again (^_^;). Ugh, its really been a long time *internally screaming!!*
<*sighs*> I'll re-sketch this later or fix it another time. (^o^;)
This sketch came from one my favorite zukaang rewrite/homage fanfic: "Could We Have Been" by @stark-phd ( ☆∀☆)✨️!! It's obviously not done but I felt inspired in sketching the boys at least. Go check it out, it's so... GOOD! ✨️✨️ Hope you all like this sketch, at least, a little bit 🥺☺️.
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jaemified · 1 year
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through the window (21 days) - lee chan
“waiting 21 days isnt so bad if itll always end like this.”
pairing ; lee chan x fem!reader
genre ; fluff but pretty cheesy fluff, strangers to lovers, neighbors to lovers, not a smau but twt profiles are showed
warnings ; swearing, floods, isolation, separation, chans flirty (thats a warning in itself), reader has zero relationship experience
wordcount ; 2.7k
synopsis ; after a long series of floods, youre finally able to meet the boy across the street who had caught your eye throughout the long few weeks.
note - chan isnt an idol but minnie/soyeon are
note 2 - idk what chan is looking at in that pic
read below the cut !
DECEMBER 8, 2023
winter, also known as flood season.
the town where you lived in was already at a low altitude, so the bridge built to cross over the river to the other side of the street always had submerged during this time of year.
the thing that sucked the most about all this, was you were pretty much rained in for however long it takes for the water to drain with absolutely no way out.
so naturally, you all had came prepared.
your roommates minnie and soyeon never minded all the rain as they hated going in to work at the crack of dawn, yet you however, loved what you did. tutoring a kids after school program wasnt half as bad as the average person might think.
but, of course seeing as they were all a bunch of middle school kids, they could be a handful. you decided to listen to your friends and use these next few weeks to relax.
or, what you thought relaxing was.
“come on y/n! dont you wanna make strawberry shortcake with us?” minnie yelled at you over soyeons loud music while you studied over the next lesson plan for your kids.
“maybe later- i really wanna get a head start on these lessons.”
“seriously y/n?” soyeon murmured in slight disgust, “i seriously doubt the first thing those kids want to be thinking about is what they’re gonna do with their math tutor after a free half month.”
you shrugged and took a sip of your coffee before typing in the highlighted notes from the handbook into your computer.
“come on. youre not spending our one free break of the year like this again!” soyeon exclaimed as she snatched the book out of your hands, then closing your laptop before putting them both away in the cabinet under the tv.
“you know i can just get that myself right?”
“no, because i won’t let you.” she replied, locking the door and putting the key in her pocket.
“come on! im passionate about what i do, i dont mind it at all!”
“me and minnie are passionate about writing songs too, but even we know when its good enough to take a break.”
“okay i know i don’t work half as hard as idols do but i still have bills to come by! besides, corporate management demands i have the next lesson plan finalized before the end of the week!”
“corporates a bitch, they gotta be more mindful of how they treat their employees. like how do you be top tutoring company in the country and you still cant manage your employees the way they deserve?” minnie shouted in frustration.
“and dont worry about bills for now, we got it.” soyeon whispered to you.
“minnie- you realize cube is the same way to you guys right? and you work way harder then i do despite not getting the income you deserve.”
“yeah but we manage. we have a contract anyway. i know we’re passionate about what we do but we most certainly are not passionate about who we work for.” soyeon replied for minnie as she couldn’t hear over the sound of the blender (why was she using a blender again?)
you sigh soaking in how much pressure your friends are under at work, realizing you don’t even have it half as bad despite having a pretty shitty boss.
“how bout you find someone worth crossing an ocean for? itll be half as fun for us as itd be for you, since it’s in our contract we aren’t allowed to date.” minnie spoke after the whirring of the kitchen appliances died down.
“how.. we are entirely stranded until however long it takes for this stupid flood to drain.”
“do some stalking on insta. let’s find you like uh.. celebrity crush or ulzzang you can fan girl over or something.”
you scoffed in annoyance and slight disgust with your friends knowing you never really cared for any of that.
you decided to sit down at the bay window by the front door, scrolling through your phone before something outside caught your eye.
there you saw a guy across the way, sitting in his bay window just like you, he who seemingly just finished receiving a lecture from his friends.
you watched as he ran a hand through his fluffy dark brown hair, before he turned your way, your eyes locking.
immediately, it was part of your instinct to nervously turn away.
before slowly looking back, that is.
there you found the beautiful brown haired boy, still looking at you, with a golden smile.
your heart melted (but you thought you were having palpitations) when you saw him look at you so fondly.
what is this feeling?
you slowly raise a hand, and wave to him shyly.
he waved back, before forming a heart with his arms he held over his head.
you laughed quiet enough so your friends couldn’t hear you, but your facial expressions were bright enough so he could be aware he was able to make you laugh.
the boy laughed in response before he seemed to mouth something, but you weren’t the best at reading lips.
you tilted your head in confusion before he jokingly rolled his eyes, and saying it again, but slower.
“cu-tie.” you realized he said, or attempted to say.
“cu-tie?” you sounded out, making sure you understood right.
he nodded before pointing at you, his finger tapping against the glass, “cutie.”
he absolutely reveled in the way you smiled so brightly, the way your cheeks flushed pink and your eyes sparkled with excitement.
you didnt even realize how you were falling for his charms.
before you were even able to say anything back, his friend came up from behind him, attempting to drag him away, yet the guy was still persistent.
you watched how his friend started to get angry, so the guy rolled his eyes and stood up, walking away with his friend down the hall.
but not before waving back at you, blowing a kiss.
you got up from your seat before wrapping your arms around minnie, resting your head on her shoulder while you spared a small glance at whatever soyeon was watching in the living room.
“hmm? what do you need now my child?” she dramatically questioned, as she knew you only got clingy when you needed something.
“whos that guy that lives across the.. on the other side of the bridge? in that dark brown house with the black roof?”
“oh? house 133 right? thats seokmin, minghao, and.. what’s the other ones name? I always forget.. chan! yeah, chan.”
soyeon jumped up in surprise, pausing her show after hearing you pique your interest at a guy for the first time.
“why? you like one of them? which one? minghao? he was pretty well liked for a foreigner. he was in the same exchange program as minnie. ” she excitedly asked.
“w-what? no! i was just asking cause i saw one of them out there earlier.” you unconvincingly lied.
“oh she totally likes minghao.” “not even!”
“sweetheart, we aren’t as dumb as you think we are.” minnie pouted at you while she pulled away to put the cake in the oven.
you huffed in disbelief before going to take a bag of chips from the pantry, walking down to your room to finish the lesson plan. (on the laptop your boss lent you since soyeon took your personal one).
meanwhile, there you left chan, day dreaming about you all day long. he was so curious about you, yet he felt so stupid for crushing on some girl he’d never spoken to before.
not like he even could at this point, you were stuck in the middle of a flood, anyway.
“whats on your mind channie? you seem out of it.” seokmin asked while he blindly stirred the tteokbokki, turning to face the younger boy behind him, sitting at the kitchen island.
“its chan. whens he not out of it?” minghao chuckled, throwing a chip at his cheek, sliding to sit over at the stool next to him as he emerged from his bedroom.
“who lives in that white house on the other side of the bridge? isnt that where soyeon lives? we went to high school together.” chan half-mindedly queried, zoning out as he stared into the marble counters.
“yeah, why?” minghao responded.
“did she move out or something? there was another girl there and it wasnt soyeon or minnie.”
“oh, you mean y/n? she graduated a year before you or something, but at another school. we used to work at the same tea house before she left for that tutoring agency.”
“y/n? sounds vaguely familiar. i think i remember seungkwan mention her being in his class.”
“why are you mentioning her all of a sudden? you never cared for girls.” seokmin teased with a wide smile.
“oh come on. you know he’s quite the flirt.” minghao playfully cooed at chan, dramatically waving his hand back at seokmin.
“you two are insufferable.” he groaned, banging his head against the counter.
you found yourself up at night, scrolling through twitter before you decided to search for the guy you ‘met’ today. minghao, was it?
‘xu minghao’ was what you had entered into the search bar, clicking on the top result.
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‘huh.’ you thought to yourself. so it couldnt be him, but seokmin didnt seem to have an account as you searched for his name.
you looked up chans name next, thinking maybe,, that there could be a chance it’s him. his profile picture was technically him, but not, him. but in your defense, how could you tell who was who if chans profile picture was a baby picture?
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though you knew youd never hear the end of it from her, you decided to ask soyeon.
“do you have a picture of chan?”
“yeah hold on. its just an old screenshot from an old tweet though.” she mumbled before pulling up her phone to show you.
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‘wow.’ you thought to yourself, ‘so this really was the guy i met today.’
before soyeon could ask any questions, you quickly thanked her and ran back to your room before posting a small something in reference to what minnie had said to you earlier.
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days, weeks, went by of you and chan interacting through the window despite never seeing each other up close, or ever hearing the others voice.
but despite being isolated from separately, you still had fallen for one another nonetheless.
you loved the way you would feel butterflies in your stomach whenever he made a heart with his hands for you, and he absolutely adored the way you in the end would just make a big sign telling him what you wanted to say when you gave up on trying to get him to read your lips.
of course the flood had its downside, i mean being stuck with the same 2 other people for almost a month definitely takes a toll on you, isolation definitely can get depressing with no way out.
but in the end, it had its upside as well. you were able to meet a great guy despite never technically talking face to face, having only lip reading to communicate (why didn’t you think of social media?). not to mention you were able to put more time into a forgotten passion after all of your energy being used up as a tutor.
marine animals.
you and chan had technically discussed the idea of possibly having a first date when you get out of here, yet you still hadn’t decided where you’d go or what you’d do seeing as you both were pretty passionate about different things.
chan had always loved the stars, you had always loved marine life. but, you decided you would finalize a date night once you both get to meet face to face.
after a long 21 days of disappointment, spending christmas without your family, 3 going on 4 weeks of crazed loneliness, you finally woke up one morning to find the overflowing river, drained, and to its regular level.
you were able to see the bridge once more and though the wood might be rotting, you just couldnt wait to cross it.
you immediately ran down the hall, dressing however best you could, fixing your hair to be as best as it would go, being sure to brush your teeth and pop in a mint before running straight out the door. (and ignoring all of soyeons questions as well as minnies protests)
as you stepped out the front door, you saw chan just leaving his house looking as beautiful as ever.
you ran straight for the bridge, chan catching you before you could slip on a puddle before he picked you up into a big hug.
“you’re just as gorgeous up close as you were through a window.” he whispered as he pulled you close, his hand cradling the back of your head, pulling it to rest against his chest.
“and you’re still just as much of a flirt arent you?” you chuckled before slightly cringing at your attempt to reciprocate the excitement.
you were excited, believe me, just couldn’t express it as well as he could.
“i cant believe it took 21 days to finally be with you.”
“it was worth the wait wasnt it?”
“you’ll always be worth the wait.” chan mumbled against your skin as he pressed a soft kiss into your cheek.
“cant believe you’re real..” you mumbled, leaning further into his touch.
“cant believe i got someone like you to fall for someone like me.”
“chan you’re so cheesy.”
“only for you.” he replied with that stupid grin you grew to love so much.
the two of you later took the time to talk more about life, each other, finally exchange numbers, then eventually decide what you’d do for your first date night.
“see you tomorrow at 12?”
“tomorrow at 12.”
you practically couldn’t sleep as you bubbled in excitement. you picked out a pretty black dress that went nicely with a random pair of white sneakers before heading out on your way while your roommates were out at work.
“lookin as pretty as always.” chan smiled while he opened his car door for you.
“still as handsome as ever arent you?” you jokingly rolled your eyes as he backed out the parking lot.
you two had many common interests, yet what you were most passionate about definitely was pretty parallel to one another.
chan loved the stars, you loved the sea. so, you decided to go to an aquarium (that also included solar system exhibits), grab some food from a cafe you found out you both loved, go for a late drive to the beach, watch the sunset, then stargaze.
call it cliche but it was perfect for you both.
chan wrapped an arm around you as you both stared into the night sky, all the stars displayed beautifully.
he would point at a random star and say it reminded him of you, because it stood out from the rest, distinct, but perfect in his eyes.
he was the sweetest guy ever, perfectly fitting the standard for what’s considered boyfriend material, almost unrealistic, even.
“youre a person worth crossing an ocean for.” you told him more then truthfully, bringing a hand up to softly stroke his cheek.
“out of all the stars in the sky, youre the only one id pick.” he cringed realizing how corny it was. “too cheesy?”
“just enough.” you reassured, before sealing both yours and his lips into a warm and comforting kiss. chan had never felt safer in another’s embrace.
“waiting 21 days isnt so bad if itll always end like this.”
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gutsyns · 2 months
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Summary: Just a drabble from my drafts. I’m convinced Dallas would probably wreck havoc in Johnnys relationships until he got to know the other person well enough or they showed enough steel to make him back off🤷🏼‍♀️ Characters are aged up a few years just bc.
The shop bell jingles softly, bringing your attention away from the magazine you had been idly staring at for the past twenty minutes. It was late, close to closing and the only people you were expecting to cross the doorway was either in the form of your father with late minute supplies, or trouble.
You glance down at the bat by your feet, weary, but feel yourself breath out a sigh of relief when you take in the familiar face staring back at you, sheepish, but with a small smile on his face.
Johnny puts both hands in the air, taking a small step through the threshold.
“Easy there. I come in peace.”
You’re about to laugh, greet him like you normally would, but you pause. It had been two weeks since you had seen him, practically radio silence on his end. You’d tried to call him at the Curtis’, but there always seemed to be some sort of excuse for why he couldn’t come to the phone. For awhile you had been worried. What if his folks had gotten him, hurt him real bad this time? What if he’d gotten jumped again?
Then you had seen him out with Pony and Dallas getting cokes about a week back and the message he hadn’t had the guts to tell you to your face began to come through a little bit clearer.
“Hey.” You say eventually. “I haven’t seen around you for awhile.”
“Yeah.” Johnny at least has the good grace to look chagrined as he slips behind the counter and sits down beside you, rubbing the back of his neck. “Dally said- well Dal had mentioned you’d been hanging around a lot is all, so.”
You stare at his side-profile, stunned. He won’t make eye contact, instead staring pointedly at the display of gum you had put out earlier in the day. His ears are turning a fantastic shade of red, something that, under normal circumstances was endearing, but right now was just infuriating.
“Dallas said what?”
There’s no mistaking the dumbfounded fury in your voice, but Johnny just shakes his head and, finally making eye contact, sends you a pleading stare.
“It really ain’t that big of a deal. Dal just has a hard time adjusting to new people s’all. Give ‘im some time, he’ll come around.”
You glance around the shop, waiting for someone to pop out from a corner and tell you this is all a big joke. When no such thing happens, you look back at Johnny and brace your hands against the counter, breathing heavy. You laugh softly, before scrubbing a hand across your eyes.
“I’m sorry. Are you meaning to tell me that you’ve been going out of you way to avoid me because Dallas Winston told you to?”
Johnny winces and hunches his shoulders, defensive against your anger. Normally that would be enough to make you take a deep breath and reign it in, unwilling to be anything close to a reminder of his nightmare childhood, but this is… this is just too much.
“I thought I’d done something to make you mad.” You say, voice shaking with unnamed emotion. “I thought I’d… hurt you in some way, and all this times it’s been because big bad Dal doesn’t want to share his best friend.”
You laugh again, though the situation is far from funny. Johnnys face goes blank, distant and he squares his shoulders. There’s something dangerous glinting in his dark eyes, a warning that is demanding to not be ignored, but you’re far beyond recognising red flags by this point.
“C’mon Johnny, you can’t tell me you don’t see how insane that is?”
“Now just wait a damn minute-“ Johnny starts, fire in his voice, but your father chooses that exact moment to walk through the door.
He pauses for a moment, observing the two of you. Eyes flickering back and fourth between Johnnys stiff figure and your infuriated expression. He’s weary, nodding to Johnny before seeking you out.
“Everything okay, baby?”
“Peachy.” You breath, but there’s tears pricking in your eyes.
Your fathers eyes narrow in on Johnny, clearly deciding that he’s now public enemy number one and you can see how skittish it makes the other boy. Despite your anger, it makes your heart ache a little to see the nervous energy enter him, the near inevitable way he seems to brace himself for a blow. It makes you want to flay his parents, leave their skin on the local trees as a warning to anyone that dare try to hurt him again.
But. But this time, he’s hurt you. He needs to know that.
“My father is not going to lay a hand on you.” You whisper, just low enough for the both of you to hear.
Johnnys eyes snap to yours, and there’s kinship there, right then. An understanding. His shoulders lose their tension, and you both breathe.
“Johnny was just leaving, dad.” You say, heart pounding. “He’s got a thing with his friend.”
Dark eyes snap to yours, beseeching. Desperate. He looks so sad and it makes you want to forget everything that has happened, but you can’t. You won’t be second best, won’t be reduced to a problem that Dallas Winston wants to get rid of, and one that can be dismissed so easily.
“Don’t do this.” Johnny says, low, urgent, but you dismiss him.
You turn, busing yourself with the normal routine of locking down the shop. Even so, you can’t ignore how your hands shake. How your heart is beating a mile a minute. How you can feel Johnny’s stare on your back, even as you try to block him out.
“We’re closing now, son. Think it’s time to go.”
Your fathers voice is gentle, even after the ire he’d given Johnny when he’d seen the two of you fighting. You think maybe your dad understands Johnny in a way- in a way that makes you want to switch off your brain and never think about your grandparents again.
“Don’t do this.” Johnny says again, loud enough that its audible to both you and your father. He sounds unhinged, and it’s enough to make you spin around and look at him.
“I didn’t do anything, Johnny. You did. You’re a grown man, eighteen damn years of age. You chose Dallas. That’s fine. I’m not the one that made it a choice to begin with. Just don’t come weepin’ to me about the consequences.”
You spin, incensed and tear-blind, into the backroom. There’s soft murmurs, then the soft tinkling of the bell at the door.
Your fathers hand clamps down on your shoulder a moment later.
“All okay, bug?”
You can’t answer straight away, trying to fight back the tears. Even though you’d told him to leave, wanted him to leave even, it was still disappointing that he did.
“I’m fine.” You whisper, voice breaking.
And when your father pulls you in for a hug, you feel so incredibly small and young. The tears spill over without permission and you bury your head in your fathers shoulder, desperately wishing you had never heard of that damned, stupid gang in the first place.
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
hey! :) im basically copy n pasting from my original request i hope that’s okay!!
could i request a smut of emily (cm) and a nonbinary (female body) reader who uses they/them pronouns? and it’s reader’s first time with someone sexually (bc they have body insecurities and never felt comfortable with anyone else - feel free to change that though!) and Emily just takes lead and spoils them! also reader has a mommy / praise kink n overstim ;)) dom Emily and sub reader if that wasn’t clear!
Princess Treatment 18+
*Authors note~ happy birthday to my darling girlfriend @just-your-casual-nerd !!!! I hope you're feeling 22 ;) a gift as simple as choosing your own Kinktober fic as we can celebrate in December.*
Authors note 2~ I kinda don’t like this and I’ve never wrote for gn r before so I’m sorry for my mistakes
Trigger warnings~ praise kink overstimulation kink dom Emily sub r gn (afab) r body confidence issues body worship oral sex sex toys
Prompt~ see ask^^^
Perfect is always such a strange concept for you. Really what is perfect? Just like the concept of normal. What would qualify? These questions were constantly swirling around your mind, but you were sure you didn't fit the answer for any of them. It's always so hard to see the models and celebrities, hell even the strangers on the street because to you, you didn't even come anywhere near close to them. And perhaps you never would. A fact you'd gotten use to, not really sure where you fit or in what box which had lead to deep rooted insecurities that would bubble away inside your heart and mind.
Emily, healed the pain in your heart. Especially on the bad days. She never pushed or got mad if you couldn't decide what felt you. Right even. Instead she'd sit with you and be your listening ear, guiding you through the waters of emotions that seemed to submerge you that day. Being Emily's partner was truly something you would've only thought could exist in dreams.
On the good and the bad days she was there, never asking for anything more than you were offering, and that helped for a while, but soon the fears of her getting bored by the lack of sex crept upon you. That's when you decided to work on feeling better, to be brave and attempt to make love to your girlfriend of almost a year. She was patient with you, only ever wanting your happiness even if that meant you never felt comfortable enough for her to touch you, it didn't matter, because she loves you for your heart and not just your body.
Today, Emily noted you were feeling a little more on the feminine sides of things, you would smile if she accidentally called you princess or her sweet girl, rather than recoil from those pet names and timidly inform her that today that just felt so wrong. And of course she respected your feelings and mostly stuck to gender neutral terms of endearments like "love, darling, sweetheart and baby." But today was the day, you wanted to finally let Emily have you, and for you to have her. To be finally one.
It all started with some drinks with the BAU to gain some courage before you started to get a little handy with the Agent. "My darling? Are you okay?" She whispered causing you to whimper and inform her you wished to hide in her neck. A small chuckle came from the woman as she resumed her conversation with Garcia and JJ. Soon enough you got bolder, simple kisses placed to her pulse point on her neck. The pure feeling and shock of the sensation had the dark haired woman choking on her drink. "My love" she murmured causing you to peak out from your hiding spot. "Mmm" you murmured, pupils dilating indicating to the profiler just what you wanted. "Are you alright?" Garcia was quick to ask you both. "We are okay arent we love? I just think they need to get some rest now, isn't that right baby?"
Following along with Emily's plan you bid your goodbyes, pleased at how everyone respected your pronouns of they/them, despite the slightly more feminine attire. "Emily" you whimpered on the drive back to your flat, you couldn't quite understand how you'd manage to survive so long without her touch. "Shush baby, almost back so you can change out of the clothes okay?" Change? No, she misread your signs, a slightly frustrated sigh left you. "I want to be yours properly not change" you whined quietly a beautiful blush covering your cheeks now.  Oh, the agent hadn't even considered that's what you were after, after all it wasn't uncommon for you to bestow kisses like you had in order to leave situations and keep up the pretence that you'd very much made love. "Okay my love, if your sure you want that. I want you to feel good sweetheart okay?"
That was how you found yourself, back up against the wall, as her lips roamed the smooth skin of your neck, biting sucking and kissing along their travels, Emily's hands trailing over your body as she murmured compliments for you. The woman had you feeling so good you couldn't wait for her to touch your bare skin. In fact you weren't below begging for it despite how much you didn't like your body, seeing Emily enjoying herself made you want, no need more. "Please Em, want you to feel good" you whimpered as she harshly sucked a nice sized hickey on your pulse point. "Oh darling, I feel fucking fantastic, let me please you? Please? I just wanna watch you so blissed out by my own hands. My perfect lover."
That was how you found yourself stripped bare on the bed, the self conscious feelings eating away at you now. But she chased them away. Hands and lips mapping your body as she spewed praise at every opportunity she could. "Please" you whined, now too far gone to care, just needing her. "Okay baby, just say the word purple and we stop okay?" She murmured and you nodded instantly. "I need words sweetheart" she chuckled still caressing your body. "Yes I will just for the love of god Em."
Emily's mouth was like no other, you weren't a virgin by any means, and you had your fair share of toys, after all you were human. But this with her was heavenly. Your own insecurities way to far gone to prevent you cumming on her tongue embarrassingly quick. "So good, you taste so good my pretty princess, so so sweet for me. My good baby" she praised licking her lips as you allowed your breathing to regulate, the brain function to be self conscious had been fucked away well and truly. "More?" You whimpered causing Emily's eyes to sparkle with delight. "Of course my lover. Anything for you my love, so Damn perfect; doing exactly as your told aren't you love?"
From here Emily introduced you to her toys, some were vibrators for your clit other dildos including a wireless controlled one, and did she enjoy telling you just how she planned to use it in you. Buy your favourite had to be her cum filled strap. Not something you were ready for, but the idea of soon was fuelling your intense arousal. Emily had you cum again for her by using her little clit vibrating toy, until you were screaming her name and your juices gushing from your core.
In the foggy haze you realised she hadn't cum, you hadn't touched her, yet she informed you that tonight's just for you. Her special love, and you can always touch her at a later date, right now she wants you to feel loved, wanted and so special. That's exactly how you felt falling asleep on her chest minutes after she finished cleaning you up and giving you some water. For once your insecurities were silent.
Word count~ 1314
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the-east-art · 3 months
:0 tears of the kingdom rant? I’m interested
Helllll yeah. Nothing that hasn't been said before but IM saying it this time.
The biggest thing for me I think it that I wanted the story to surprise me AT ALL. Zelda being the dragon was kinda surprising, but like, that's like one part. I keep thinking 'oh Ganon will be good' 'oh maybe Mineru will backstab her brother' 'oh what if by swallowing the secret stone to become immortal Zelda became evil?' (I initially thought the dragon part of immortal dragon was metaphorical). 'Oh the mask controlled Yunobo, maybe the Sage masks are bad too!' Literally for them to do anything surprising with the story. Instead it was all really straightforward.
Many people have mentioned, but the constantly repeated cutscenes are so boring, it makes each region and the characters in them feel so copy and pasted. A bunch of new side characters are revealed with their own character profiles, and so they are ALL underutilized. I talk a lot about the story specifically because that's what I care the most about. And totk was SO disappointing
(more elaboration under the cut)
I mean okay, skyward sword isn't perfect, but as it was the most recent zelda to botw it provides a lot of good stuff to contrast. Yes there are more characters technically in totk and botw, but the few side characters there are in ss mean that they ALL have such depth. No npcs in SS are without unique designs, personalities, and roles - whether that is wives to customers, part of the plot (kukiels dad) for a piece of it, save them briefly, engage in their night market, a bunch of options! The skipper, the two gorons, they all are memorable and do unique things. and Totk and botw just couldn't get there.
None of the dungeons feel even kind of tight - they all feel like you're just fucking around until you manage to get it to work. I never felt like I was finding the right answer - I always felt like I was bullshitting it. And that CAN be satisfying, but I definitely prefer the tighness of the older games.
I already talked a little bit about how the areas themselves are underutilized. EAsily the biggest issue with TOTK is the fact that the things you do, don't effect anything anywhere. When you learn where Zelda is it can't conflict with any of the other plots, so they just don't even try. Saving one region doesn't effect other regions. It's so disappointing.
AND THE SKY ISLANDS. God there should have been shit to do up there, or at least hints at like some of the other sky islands in previous games - whether the oocaa or skyward sword or the cloud people from minish cap. Like PLEASE. Put one giant pumpkin that's all it would have takennnnnn
Uhhh if you have any questions about how I feel about specific moments drop me an ask!
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yanderu-deredere · 1 year
Do any of your OCs have a Daddy kink? How would they react to either a softer shier darling or a bratty whiny darling accidentally calling them daddy?
a/n: i think some of them would react differently based on the darling's personality but i've listed it all down below the cut! have fun loool
also i think i included all my ocs that have a strong daddy kink but the ones with a more milder daddy kink have been excluded (just becos im lazy and dont want to write too much LMAO)
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warning: gender neutral reader, daddy kink, mentions of entrance and being inside but no mentions of gender
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gawain byrne ★ profile
absolutely melts when you call him daddy
when you call him daddy, you can do no wrong in his eyes. all your crimes? forgiven. all your punishments? forgotten. everything is right with the world LOL
i think it'd be the same with a bratty darling but like he'd be very aware that they're doing it to get away with being bratty and gawain can forgive it to a certain point
but sometimes it can't all be praise and pleasure. sometimes daddy needs to be strict too LOL
Your back arched as you felt Gawain fuck his plastic cock deeper and deeper inside of you, hitting places that made your head spin and your toes curl.
You couldn't help but clutch onto his forearms, nails probably digging into his skin, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as an orgasm ripped through you.
"D-Daddy--!" The word fell off your tongue mindlessly. You hadn't meant it and, in the heat of the moment, your desperate need got the better of you.
Once the orgasm did it's toll and you were left panting and twitching, your brain immediately caught up. Your face, which was already a little hot, seemed to turn searing as your eyes fluttered to Gawain, scared of his reaction.
You expected the rather dumbfounded slack-jawed expression and, obviously, you took it as a bad thing.
"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean--"
Gawain just pulled his cock out and tightened the straps on his harness, a sudden dark look overtaking his eyes "No, no, baby, it's okay. In fact, I really liked it."
His hand moved from your waist to fist the pillow beside your head, caging you under his body, his face getting so close that it left you a little flustered
"You want me to be your daddy, baby?" He muttered against your lips as he gave you a slight kiss, the head of his cock brushing against your still sopping entrance "Want me to take care of you and pamper you?"
You gave a small little nod, a little nervous and excited in the face of this new more aggressive side of your boyfriend.
Instead of the pleased expression you expected, Gawain cupped your chin and brushed his thumb against your lower lip "Use your words."
You felt especially shy but complied nonetheless, your voice soft and stuttering "P-Please make me c-cum again, Daddy."
A broad smirk spread across his face "Of course, anything for my baby."
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ryouta watanabe ★ profile
also the same as gawain but a bit more mildly
on the outside, it doesn't look like he's being affected at all but, on the inside, he's screaming and crying and banging on his table becos he's so horny and happy LOL
doesn't let a bratty darling get away with anything if they call him daddy tho but he'll be a bit softer and more lenient becos they're so cute
You had threaded your fingers through Ryouta’s soft locks, your thighs pressing against his cheeks and your toes curling as he pressed hickey after hickey against your skin, lips hovering near where you wanted but not really giving you anything.
You couldn’t help but let out a small frustrated noise at how he was teasing you. He did it often and, though you let him most of the time, for some reason, it was a bit more irritating than normal this time around.
Your fingers tightened around his hair, your leg desperately trying to pull him close. By now, you were all edged out and your mind felt as floaty as a cloud.
“Daddy!” The word slipped your lips out of desperation but, as soon as you’d said it, your hand slapped on top of your mouth, eyes wide as if aghast at what you’d just uttered.
Ryouta, of course, immediately stopped. Normally, you would’ve protested but, at the moment, your face felt searingly hot and embarrassment boiled in your chest.
“What did you say.” His words didn’t sound like a question and, from the way he was clutching tightly to your thighs, you figured the only option you had was answer honestly.
So, shily, softly, you’d muttered the word against your hand.
Like lightning, Ryouta let go of your thigh to grip your wrist and pull it away from your mouth. “Say it again, baby.”
The nickname sent a tingle up your spine. This time, with a little bit more confidence, you repeated the word “Daddy?”
A sinful groan left Ryouta’s lips. He pressed his forehead against yours, rock hard cock settling at the crook of thigh, head brushing against your stomach.
“Fuck, you’re going to be the death of me, baby.” He huffed out, hips jolting just a little bit.
You watched him for a second, watched the way he really seemed to almost come undone from you just saying one word.
So, hesitantly but with even more confidence, you shifted your hips, grinding up against his cock “D-Daddy, why’d you stop…”
Ryouta’s fists clenched a little and his dick twitched against you. Though, you definitely did have a point. Seems like he needed to reward his little baby…
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casimir fiala ★ profile
absolutely delighted to be called daddy but, unfortunately for bratty darling, calling him daddy only makes him want to punish you more LOL
casimir really do have a sadistic streak a mile long
especially during punishments? oh, it's like you're asking him to be worse
for shier sweeter darling, he becomes incredibly gentle and loving becos his heart just melts at the fact that they called him daddy
“If you stop one more time, I’ll kill you.” You muttered to Casimir through gritted teeth, the frustration boiling and turning heady in your chest.
It felt like it’s been hours and, still, every single time you came even close to cumming, every single time that coil inside you came so very close to snapping, Casimir would stop and just leave his cock unmoving inside of you.
He’d shower you in kisses, sure, but he’d just lay on top of you, doing nothing.
Of course, his inaction delayed your orgasm every single time. It ruined it for you to the point where all you could do was squirm and complain. Yet, no orgasm.
“Is that a promise?” Was all the infuriatingly handsome man replied with, that signature sadistic smirk still spread across his stupid gorgeous face.
Your back arched, not out of pleasure but out of frustration and a desire to get away from this clown.
Instead, Casimir kept his grip around both your waist and your wrist tight, his hips finally starting to thrust his thick cock in and out of you. Slowly, surely, you felt the pleasure building up again.
This time, Casimir didn’t even wait till you were close. Just as a soft adorable moan left your lips, he stopped and opted to just grind his hips against yours, cock certainly hitting something but definitely not hard enough to tip you over the edge.
Tears pooled in the corner of your eyes and you let out a frustrated sound “Daddy!”
That made you pause. Your free hand quickly covered your mouth and you looked up at Casimir. He mirrored your rather shocked expression with one of his own.
Eventually, though, that shock made way for his usual smugness. He smirked at you, hips sluggishly starting to move and cock slowly pistoning in and out of you.
“Daddy, hmm?” He used his other hand to grip your chin and force you to look at him “And what do you want Daddy to do?”
“I want Daddy to stop fucking around and make me cum.”
Well, he could certainly oblige.
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mel lowell ★ profile
like everyone else on this post, mel certainly does live for this shit lol like he eats that shit up
doesn't matter if darling is bratty or shy or sweet; he will turn savage for that word
absolutely tears shit up. like he loses his brain LOL can't do anything but fuck and fuck hard
so only save that word for when you really want mel to rearrange your guts LOL
You groaned, hands gripping the pillow under you tighter and tighter as you felt Mel continue to thrust behind you. One of his hands cupped the back of your neck, the other clutching at your waist, keeping you pressed against the mattress.
Fuck, did Mel’s cock fill you so perfectly. It never felt too big but just big enough to hit every single spot you wanted it to.
You half-buried your face into the pillow as your orgasm approached closer and closer. Your mind had practically checked-out at this point, leaving you both breathless and brainless.
Perhaps that was why you couldn’t help but mutter that damn word under your breath, your whimper almost silent.
Mel groaned and buried his entire cock into you in one stroke, his hand at the back of your neck moving to gently hold the front instead “What did you say?”
You felt embarrassed, of course, your face hot and flustered. Still, desperate for him to start moving again, you repeated the words “D-Daddy?”
Suddenly, Mel’s teeth latched onto the back of your neck. You let out a choked cry as he thrust into you almost brutally, teeth never once leaving your skin.
With every thrust, you couldn’t help but let out little punched out moans. Occasionally, you’d even slipped that word in and, every single time without fail, it made Mel treat you rougher and rougher, his hips practically shoving against yours at this point.
Then, finally, you felt his mouth leave your neck; you could feel every single tooth leave your flesh and you could feel the throb of the mark they left behind.
“Damn right, I’m your Daddy, baby.” He grunted out right into your ear, voice much deeper and gruffer than usual “And this Daddy’s cock is going to fucking fill you the hell up, yeah?”
All you could do was desperately nod.
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spaceumbredoggos · 2 months
Had a nap. Considering leaking a potential ending for Aces and Oh’s. It’s really sad and dark, and it contains main character as a ghost. I’m toying with this potential plot line that I came up with whilst napping. I read something on Pinterest about killing the main character right in the middle of the story. Kenz might not survive Aces and Oh’s.
Also, Aces and Oh’s will have POV switches from Kenz and their two triplet siblings like how the pov switches in Warrior cats. I might poll whether or not to kill Kenz right smack dab in the middle of the story. Might not and leave it up to the fic to decide. I like to leak things, but it might be a bad idea to leak the ending. Might leak some other things in Ace’s and Oh’s like journal excerpts—
Bill. Bill. Bill. Bill. Bill.
No. No no no no no. Bad Bill. (Sprays him with a squirt bottle.) You know better than to rush authors.
First off, no one would even fund a pandimensional portal. Secondly, I am an artist. I made that dedication to that side of me the moment I started burning out with math during the pandemic in ninth grade. And finally, we both know how much I love telling stories.
Okay. I get it. This time will be different. I will write with at least one ending in mind. Ending things is my weakness.
I gotta have Kenz win at something. Now stop leaking spoilers.
That’s unrelated. It was their choice whether or not to look at my profile. They chose not to speak with me as soon as I moved out only to meander onto my TikTok. It’s embarrassing enough that they found it.
I’m not gonna let you finish that.
Because you’re a petty bitch who can’t find someone else to build your stupid portal.
Shut up you insect.
Im gonna go play skylanders and cry every time one dies.
Tell me something my dad hasn’t told me.
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rosewoodconch · 21 days
RWCH Readathon 2024: Day 6
Undercover Princess - Chapter 16
I'm audiobooking the next ciuple because I'm genuinely so brain dead I can't read anymore. So if these next few are short I'm sorry
Lottie instantly headbutting Jamie is never not hilarious to me
The unbearable desire to look away and never stop looking
Shes so bisexual
I love her
Theyre so character
Oh god
Here it comes
I cant do this
"The maravish family arent forgiving"
"Why yes im the maravish princess, but you can call me Lottie"
Run lottie run 🏃‍♀️
The second hand embarrassment is horrific
Jesus christ lottie stop talking
Just this once dont be unstoppable. Please stop. Be stoppable
Im so tired
Yay ms kuma thank god
Jamies intro to the class is so funny. Hes so bored of having to do this
Ellie literally hiding from jamie is so funny
Ah yes. Jamie. The bad guy. Thats it.
I wonder if english actually was his best subject or if it was just part of his profile for rosewood
I miss ollie
Jamie not knowing the shortcuts but still getting there first is so so so good.
It really shows how dangerous he could be if he wasnt on their side
"Jamie was composed, serious and dry..." i think it was @eleanorwolfson that was mad that he sat on her bed while muddy! He wasn't! Its okay!
Shes so bad at... everything. Thank god he trains her
"I will call the police" with what fucking phone?
The pendant!
He was the boy in the photo!??!?!?! Oh my god
To be fair. This was a huge plot twist at 14
Oh lol nvm hes covered in mud again. Sorry i got hopeful 😭😭😭
The second hand embarrassment is unreal. Never do this to me again lottie i beg of you
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