#okay im gonna go back to washing my face and sleeping now
kurooandkenmasslut · 1 year
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Notes: s/n means 'sons name'
"Don't you dare move a muscle (name)!" Tengen, your husband called. He has been keeping his eyes on you for the past 8 months, especially since you were expecting in a few days. You didn't cook like you always did with hinatsuru, your co-wife, and cooking for others seemed like it was her and your kinda thing.
Hinatsuru told you to lay down and not to stand to hurt your 'poor legs.'
"Hina, what are you making for dinner? Im kinda cravin- argh-" "(name), are you okay?" "(NAME)!" your co-wife called you in alarm, suma, asking if you were okay, even though it was painfully obvious that you were indeed not okay since your hand was gripping on tightly onto the couch and sweat dripping down your temple.
"I'll call tengen! TENGEN!!!" suma screamed, but then got hit on the head by your co-wife, makio, and told her to stop yelling and to just go get him. Tengen, his presence known as the 'Sound Hashira/Pillar' had heard your grunt of pain from a mile away and has been running down the stairs quickly.
"U-uhm guys? I-I think.." you stammered. It was happening. You were gonna give birth to you, tengen and your wives baby. Tengen put his arms under your legs and his other arm on your back. "Girls, I have to take her to the butterfly estate, quickly." He said, his voice wavering in slight worry for what your about to go through. He sent his flashy, fast, and serious crow to the butterfly estate, notifying his presence. He was deadly fast, almost flying to the estate.
"Tengen!" You groaned. "Yes yes I know my dear, we're almost there, just a minute and then we'll be there!" He said, his legs moving faster than he's ever did before. He stayed true to his word because you two did arrive less then a minute later, the doors slammed open, shinobu's lavender eyes searching for something, and that something is you and tengen. As soon as she saw you, she called the other nurses working there and they rushed into the room they prepared for you. The pain was bad, you were groaning non stop, and tengen hated seeing you in pain. He'd do anything to spare you some pain.
He bit his lip nervously, they took you out of his arms and laid you down onto the bed. You clutched tengens hand tightly, slightly prepared for what's about to happen.
"Just a few more pushes (name)!" Shinobu said, it was so overwhelming for you. You yelled, screamed out in pain. "Push (name)! You can do it!" "You can do it honey! Just keep going!" All the yelling stopped and for a second, it was quiet. But the silence ended with a baby crying loudly. You groaned out in relief.
"It's a... boy!" Shinobu announced, everyone cheered in the room while you mentally cheered, too exhausted to even speak, nevermind a cheer. "I'll go wash him now and give you some time alone." She said, smiling eith her eyes closed. You two nodded before all the nurses left the room, one asking if you needed anything just to call.
You were exhausted, but you opened your eyes again and looked at tengen, his face showed love. His eyes glimmered with tears, his mouth pointing upwards showing his gorgeous white teeth. His thumb gliding over your knuckles softly. His fuchsia eyes looking- no, admiring your face. He took his other hand and wiped away your tears.
"You did amazing, my love." He mumbled, which made you have a silly smile on your face. Shinobu came back with your baby washed, him sleeping soundly. You softly gasped at the small baby, although you never seen him until now, you've always loved him. And your sure you and tengen and your co wives do too.
Talking about them, someone knocked on the door three heads popping out of the door once tengen said that they could come in.
"(Name)!!!!" Suma cried, your sure she cried more tears then you did. Makio slapped her arm and she yelped and ran to tengen. Hinatsuru calmly walked over to you and sat on the edge of the bed, her violet eyes filling with tears once she saw him. The sight of you in a hospital gown (don't ask me how you got in it) and the newborn in your arms just made her tear up. Suma and Makio walked over to you and also took in the sight. Suma tried to hold in her cries while makio teared up. Suma laid down next to you cuddling to your side.
"Tengen." "Yes my dear? Do you need anything?" Tengen got up, ready to go out and ask the nurse to whatever you wished.
"Do you wanna hold him first?" That question shocked him, it made his legs weak. He nodded firmly before taking his trembling legs and over to you where you were lying. Your wives had moved out of the way, watching the most important moment of their lives happening before them. Tengen reached his arms out, and you placed your son into his arms. He brought him over more closer to him.
"Hey little guy.." He cooed. "So this is the little troublemaker that has been making my wife distressed huh?" He scolded in a whisper way. He looked up at his wives, they already knowing what they mean. Hinatsuru was first, he placed him into her arms, and he started waking up.
"Hes got your eyes, tengen." Hinatsuru mumbled and Tengen grinned. "Well of course, he's my boy after all." he bragged and you laughed. Tengen looked over at you. Suma was next, and she cooed and cooed over him. "Awhhh!! Just look how big and adorable his eyes look! Kyaa!!" She squealed. And last but not least, was makio. He started playing with her fingers. Suma was beside her and looking closely at his face. Big mistake. He then poked her eye with his small finger, making suma recoil. "I like him!" Makio grinned, and suma sulked.
Then tengen looked over at you. "Dear, you should rest, your exhausted." He mumbled and kissed the side of your head. You nodded before drifting off into a deep slumber.
Your son, s/n, was 2 years old today, so you and your wives started decorating the house before tengen and your son came back. Hinatsuru was a few months pregnant, so she couldn't do much, but you and your wives were still very appreciative of her effort.
The plan was that tengen would take s/n out in the town and do some fun stuff with him for a few hours and then you and your co wives would decorate and make the cake.
"oi! Suma! Your doing that wrong dumby! You aren't supposed to put that in yet!" Makio scolded suma and hit her on the head, which made suma cry out in pain. "Ladies, please stop yelling, hina is sleeping." You said, you took the role of hinatsuru on trying to get them to stop messing.
Suma clutched onto your arm. "(Name) (name) (name)!!!! MAKIO'S BULLING ME!!" she squealed. You just patted her head and told them that the cake needed to be in the oven now. You and makio started decorating the cake while suma did some touches to the house decoration.
You heard some ringing, sort of like beads clashing together. But to your relief, it wasn't tengen, it was his crow. "Message from tengen uzui! Ahem.. I am on my way home with s/n! I know as soon as I enter our flashy home, it's gonna be even flashier! S/n is very excited!" The crow read aloud. As soon as you heard that he's coming home, your mind started a small panic and you rushed into making the writing for the cake.
The front door opened. And s/n looked about in darkness and hung onto tengens neck. Tengen entered the kitchen and turned on the lights, and him and s/n got a fright because you, suma, makio and hinatsuru were hiding behind the counter. Makio and you laughed at their reaction.
"Yayayayaya! This cake is delicious! I love cake, I love cake, I love cake.." suma sang and it seemed like s/n seemed to catch on because..
"Cake!" He squealed. Silence. You all stared at him in shock. "C..Cake?" You mumbled and teared up. You then rook s/n to your side and started smiling as teared rolled down goir cheeks. "He said his first word! He said it!" You weeped. You were happy but then a tad bit sad that he didn't say mama first.
S/n smiled and giggled. "Cake Cake cake cake cake!" He ranted and you all laughed. Tengen went close to your ear. "Wanna make another one?" He whispered silently and grinned, making you all red. "OI I HEARD THAT!" suma and makio screamed. "Hey hey hey! I was joking!" But was he really? He glanced over at you and winked, yep, he definitely was not joking.
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imwetforyourmom · 4 months
chris or matt fic where him and the reader had a good time last night and they wake up and like cuddle and just like super fluffy and she like makes breakfast for him idk it’s all over the place but you get it
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warnings: lovey dovey, suggestive, kissing, swearing, literally just fluff, poc!reader friendly
a/n: nah cause when I read the request I actually kicked my feet and said “aww that’s so cutee!!” SO FUCKING LOUD.
a/n 2: even tho anon and I did not talk at all while I was making this, I felt like me and the anon that requested this were like besties, idk
“you’re too sweet to me”
he slowly opened his eyes, before shutting them closed almost immediately with a grunt. he wrapped his arms around y/n and pulled her further into his embrace, his eyes still squeezed tightly shut due to the overbearing rays of sun in his room.
y/n moved her face away from his chest some, her eyes opening slowly to look at the boy above her.
“hi” she murmured, her voice slightly raspy with sleep.
chris kept one eye shut with a squint and his other eye opened to look at y/n, a small smile forming on his face.
“hi baby” he used his grip around her to push her face back into his chest, but closer to his neck.
breathing in, y/n wrapped her arms around chris’ bare torso and pulled one of her legs up to rest on his waist, bringing them closer.
“you were amazing last night” chris mumbled into her hair, his eyes closed now. he traced small shapes and patterns on y/ns back.
“thanks, you were okay too I guess.” y/n joked, chris scoffed in return, “well fine then, guess ill go fuck myself.”
y/n bursted into a fit of giggles, chris joining along with her.
“im joking!” she said, sighing as she stopped giggling, a contentness washed over her.
“you were amazing too” she kissed a small peck on his collarbone, before nuzzling her face further into his neck.
y/n could never ask for something as good as this, laying peacefully in her boyfriends arms while they cuddled after a long night. the warm rays of sun beaming in through the window only enchanting the moment, she wouldnt want anything any other way.
chris ran his hand through y/ns hair, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips, she was so perfect, in any and every way.
“you’re so perfect.” he praised, his voice quiet but still loud enough to be heard from y/n.
a small smile also tugged at her lips, “thanks chrissy.”
without warning, she flipped them over, straddling chris’ waist, thank god she was wearing panties or this morning would end in a totally different way.
chris slowly opened his eyes, a small sense of confusion on his face at her sudden actions. he held her hips gently, rubbing small circles on them comfortingly.
he looked into her eyes, a stupid grin on his face, causing y/n to have a stupid grin on her face aswell.
after a few moments of just staring at eachother, soaking in eachothers beauty, she leant down and pressed a quick peck to chris’ lips before pulling off him fully, jumping to the floor and grabbing his t-shirt from last night to slip it on.
“im gonna make breakfest, are you going to come up with me now or in a little bit?” she asked, walking over to his closet and grabbing a pair of her shorts to slip them on as well, theres no way she’d walk upstairs in an oversized shirt with only panties on underneath.
“ill come up in a sec.” he smiled at her, waving his hands off to shoo her off.
she nodded and left the room, closing the door behind herself—hiding a slight limp from him, only to not boost his ego.
y/n stood at the oven, humming a song to herself while shifting the pan over the burner every few seconds, content with life.
living with her boyfriend and his triplet brothers in a happy home, cooking them breakfest on a warm and bright morning.
she slightly swayed her hips, feeling the music she was humming, until a hand wrapping around her waist stopped her movements.
“hi pretty girl” chris said, his chin propped on the top of her head as he watched the egg cooking aswell.
“hi!” she replied, though her voice way more enthusastic than it was in bed.
“whats got you all happy?” chris asked, his fingertips very slightly making movements to tickle her sides.
“dunno, im just happy today.” she murmured, flipping the egg sunny-side up.
“am I not allowed to be happy living with my boyfriend in a content home?” she asked sarcastically, leaning her head back to look at chris.
“I was just asking, sheesh.” he chuckled, pressing a quick peck to her cheek bone before unraveling his arms from her waist, hearing loud footsteps, signaling nick was coming in the kitchen, knowing his hatred for ‘PDA’.
nick cleared his throat, ridding of any of his leftover sleepiness “what’re you doing, y/n?” nick asked, coming around the corner and leaning against the counter, his eyes flicking between chris and her, seeing that chris was also leaning against a counter.
“making breakfest.” she murmured, her focus now returning back to the pan.
“for whom?” nick asked eagerly, he was starving and was not gonna pass up her cooking.
y/n tilted her head towards nick, a sly grin on her face. “why? you hungry?”
“well yes, thats why I asked.” nick raised his eyebrows, looking at y/n with a ‘duh’ look on his face.
“ok well, im making it for all three of you—if matt gets up anytime soon.” she looked back at the pan, her eyes trailing around the egg, waiting for it to be able to flip.
“I dont think matts getting up anytime soon. its ten o clock.” nick chuckled, leaving the kitchen to walk to the couch, plopping down onto it and turning on spongebob.
“okayyy guys, breakfest is ready!!” y/n said, taking the pan off the oven and putting the cooked eggs and bacon on the paper plates, a grin on her face, looking down at her work.
“thanks y/n.” nick got up from the couch going to the kitchen and grabbing his plate, giving y/n a side hug before going back to his spot on the couch.
chris leaned off the counter, walking over to y/n, he turned her around and wrapped his arms around her torso, pressing his face into her hair, inhaling the fruity scent of her shampoo.
y/n returned the hug, before looking up at chris, a small grin on her face a light pink blush to her cheeks.
chris looked down at her, a small smile on his face, he pressed a small kiss to the tip of her nose, mumbling “you’re so sweet to me.”
1184 words
@luverboychris @chrissturniolosfavoritesexdoll @meg-sturniolo @junnniiieee07 @genshin-addict @mels22lunchbox @ssilentzom @haunted-headset @starsturni @b2cute @livvy4realll @graysturns @wh0resstuff @mattsmad @sturn-bugz @e1ias3 @sunsetsturniolos @strniolo @sturnssmuts @simply-a-simper @stunza
@maryx2xx @mattsmad @dollyspsychoxo @mels22lunchbox @riasturns @chrissturniolosworld @ariqolyx @dollyspsychoxo
@aliceloveschris @starsturni
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It’s Been a Long, Long Time ❥
Pairing: Pre!Outbreak Joel Miller x Fem!Reader 
Summary: You’re the school nurse at Sarah’s middle school and you’re volunteered to chaperone the school dance alongside her father, Joel Miller. After some other teachers upset you there, he makes a point of showing you how he feels while also teaching those assholes a lesson. 
A/N: okay so i know i just wrote one but you guys were so sweet in the notes :) *sobbing* and im obsessed with him so another Joel Miller fic for you, this one’s more fluffy tho here’s a sweet, smutty one, inspired by that one scene in “The Lost Husband” YALL KNOW WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT, enjoy and feedback as always is appreciated >~< i cant stop writing him PREPARED TO BE SICK O’ ME
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: SMUT 18+, fluff, cheesy, just absolute fuckin fluff, mentions of death, months pre-outbreak, language, reader is insulted, slight angst, mentions of alcohol, slight age gap, reader has panic attack, public making out, jealous!reader, Joel loves his pet names, he talks you through it, oral f! receiving, p in v, praise, unprotected sex, y’all it’s a lot 
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You sip on your mug full of sugary coffee and rub your temple, tired from a night of little sleep. That’s when Sarah Miller, your favorite student, patient, and professional instigator, strides through your office doors with a big smile on her face. 
You open up your snack drawer with an affectionate roll of your eyes, grab a pack of skittles, and throw it her way. 
She catches it mid-air and sits down on the bed by your door, kicking her feet while she pops only the red ones into her mouth. 
“You’re gonna get me in trouble one of these days, hun,” you breathe a laugh. 
“Don’t worry,” she sighs, still grinning. “I’m on my lunch break and I finished it fast so I could come see you.”
You smile softly behind the rim of your mug, “Well, I’m glad to see you. What is it that you’re smiling so much about?”
“Awe,” she points to your mug. “You’re using the mug I got you.”
You look at the front of the mug, the words, “World’s Greatest Grandma”, on the front of if it with the word Grandma scratched out with a wash-proof marker and replaced with “Nurse”. She claimed she couldn’t find one that said what she wanted so she had to get creative. It makes you laugh every time you pick it up. 
“It’s my most prized possession,” you nod, matching her expression. “Now answer my question.”
She leans forward, having finished off all the red skittles, and hands it back to you so you can eat the rest. 
She says it in one, hyperactive breath, “I got my dad to volunteer at the school dance!”
You choke a bit on your coffee.
Setting down the bag of skittles and your mug, you look up at her and chuckling, “Why would you want to do that? Don’t most kids want their parents far away from their homecoming?”
She shakes her head like you’re not getting what she’s saying, exasperated, “I invited him for you, Nurse y/n.”
“I- Why would you-” you let out a nervous laugh before pulling yourself together. “Sarah. Why would you invite him for me, sweetheart?”
“Because you like him,” she props her head up against the wall behind her, a sly little smirk on her lips. She crosses her legs. “Obviously.”
You sip your coffee, a small scoff leaving you, “I don’t have a crush on your father, Ms. Miller. Since when do you play matchmaker, huh?”
“Since he asks about you like all the time,” she groans. “I told him that you’re coming and he basically dropped everything to come.”
Heat blooms in your face but you clear your throat and feign nonchalance despite it. It would be incredibly unprofessional for you to have a juvenile, little crush on a student’s father. Even if he is incredibly handsome, sweet, charming, funny, and a wonderful, single father to his little girl who you also have a soft spot for. 
But you do and you’re convinced it’s a bit bigger than a little one. You don’t act on it though because you’ve kidded yourself into thinking it would go away, wither from neglect like a dying plant with no sun. However, that hasn’t worked out very well so far. 
Sarah doesn’t miss the flush in cheeks and the small smile you dawn before maintaining your composure once again. She decides to hold onto this information instead of call you out because she’s nothing if not devious. She’s very observant for a 14 year old, you’re sure she gets it from her sharp father. 
He doesn’t let anything get past him, like hair in your face that he pushes away for you, a fallen eyelash on your cheek, your shoelace undone, your ponytail getting loose and about to fall out, and whatever else. It’s been almost an entire school year of this, going on field trips, meetings, him picking Sarah up from school when she’s sick (whether she fakes it or not), and around your shared neighborhood because even if it was big in Austin, Texas, he made it feel so damn small. 
And now Sarah says this and you can’t contain your excitement. But also your nerves were shot, you haven’t felt this way about someone in a long time. It scares the hell out of you.
“I’m not volunteering,” you laugh. “Why’d you lie to him?”
“Because I’m going to convince you to come,” she raises her eyebrows. “Please, please, please, please!” she clasps her hands together. “I’ll buy you all the skittles you want, I’ll take the red ones out of all of them for you, too!”
“What if I’m busy?”
“I know you’re not.”
You gasp, “Rude, Sarah! I should write you up for that,” you tease. 
She smiles, “Come on, you can come and wear a pretty dress, drink punch, and eat free food. What’s not to like?”
“The bitchy moms and other teachers, for one thing-” you put a hand over your mouth. “I’m so sorry, Sarah. I shouldn’t have said that,” you chuckle, embarrassed, with your face in your hands.
She waves you off, “My father cusses like a sailor and I won’t tell. I don’t like anyone that works here besides you, anyway.”
“Well, now I feel like I have to,” you relent with a sigh, mulling it over. She was right in that you didn’t have anything to do, so what was the risk here?  
She looks at you expectantly, mustering up puppy dog eyes to persuade you. 
“If I go... no teasing me and your dad. He and I are just good friends,” you say, which is at least half true. “We enjoy each other’s company, nothing more.”
“Uh-huh,” she says in a sing-song, knowing voice, fingers crossed behind her back. “Sure, Nurse y/n. I promise.”
“I’m serious,” you point at her, taking the last sip of your coffee just as the class bell rings. “Now get out of here and go to math.”
She groans in protest but hops down from the table anyway and fakes being dizzy, “What if I have a fever?” She coughs. 
“Then walk it off,” you chuckle, knowing she’s lying. “See you tonight, Sarah.”
She grins widely, waving, running out, “Bye! Dad and Nurse Y/n sitting in a tree-”
Walking into the schools’ gymnasium, you’re almost shaking with nerves when you walk in. You feel like a teenager again, anxious and waiting for someone to ask you to dance. 
You slipped on a black slip dress with white trim at the ends and the sweetheart neckline, it hugs your body nicely and accentuates curves, dips, and makes your skin glow with a red sweater that hits at your waist and matches your red, strappy heels. Your hair is pulled back with barrettes to show off your makeup and fresh curls. 
The dance has already started thirty minutes ago, so everyone’s already dancing and having fun to the child-friendly music that the DJ spins for the room. You pick up a red solo cup filled with crappy fruit punch and spot Sarah in the crowd with a few of her friends. 
She waves enthusiastically in your direction before running over to you and hugging your side. “You look so pretty, Nurse Y/n!”
“Thank you, sweetheart. So do you!” you hug her back, trying the punch and wincing at the off-taste. “Tonight, you can just call me Y/n, if you want.”
She smiles, glowing at your arrival, “My dad’s over there talking to another parent. I’ll go tell him you’re here.”
You look up when she says this and meet his eyes from across the room, which means he was already looking. Joel Miller cracks a lopsided smile at you, excuses himself from his conversation with a pestering mom, and crosses the room to the two of you. 
He’s wearing a red flannel shirt, rolled up on his burly forearms, tucked into a pair of dark jeans with a black belt holding the pants up. His hair is slightly wet from a shower, you presume, and he smells of aftershave and smoke and cedar wood. He looks so good, standing in front of you with those all-encompassing brown eyes, you think you might cry. 
Those said eyes fall over you, and admire your dress, your hair, your everything. He looks down at his daughter, watching you both with avid attention. 
“Don’t you have friends to get back to, chick?” he cocks an eyebrow down at his scheming daughter. 
She rolls her eyes, smoothing out her blue dress. Her hair is braided into a bun at the back of her head, matching teal flowers pinned in her curls. “Okay, dad. Have fun!”
She races back to her group of friends and leaves you and Joel alone, two awkward adults who feel like kids again.
“You did her hair tonight?” you smile softly, gushing a bit now. “It looks so nice.”
He flushes and scratches the back of his neck, “Thank you. I tried my best, she did most of it. I just wanted tonight to be perfect for her. She forced me to come, though.”
“She got me, too,” you tilt your head, biting back a grin. “She should be a lawyer when she grows up, this kid.”
He looks out at her dancing with her friends and smiles fondly, “She would be great.” His eyes fall back down to you, “You look beautiful... by the way.”
You beam, “Thank you. You clean up pretty well yourself, too, Joel.”
A blush spreads across his nose and cheeks, “Thanks. I was worried it was too simple and that I should have worn a suit... I didn’t know if it was nice enough to-”
You place your hand on his arm to stop his rambling, “You look great. Seriously. Don’t worry, all the moms and teachers will still drool over you.”
He pinches his brow when he stares down at you. You get the sudden urge to smooth out the small wrinkle between his eyebrows, ease his tensions. 
“Really?” he pins you down with his stare, but his dark eyes are glittering with amusement. “You’re way off base, sweetheart, I promise you. None of them think of me like that.”
You ignore the heat blooming in your chest at the nickname, he used it often but it never failed to make your brain short-circuit, “They all talk about you.”
He raises his eyebrows, “You’re joking.”
Jealousy swirls in your belly at the thought of these women and the things you’ve heard around school, but you pull it together with a quick tilt of your head, “I’m not laughing, am I?”
He notices your jaw clench a bit and how you gulped before speaking, logging the observations for later, “How do you notice?”
“How do you not!” you say, moving to his side and unintentionally brushing your arm against his. He shivers. “It’s obvious. It’s hard not to.”
His eyes linger on your lips before glancing back up your eyes, “Maybe I’ve been distracted.”
You grow flustered under his gaze and look ahead, stammering, “Yeah... maybe. And well... Sarah tells me that they ask her about your life in the pickup line after school. So it’s proving to be borderline obsession,” you laugh.
He smiles softly, seeing past your nerves, “Poor Sarah. She must love that,” he says dryly. 
“Sarah might say some choice words about them,” you shrug your shoulders. “She’s fine, though. I probably shouldn’t have told you, we tend to share secrets,” you look at him, filled with care for his daughter, for him.
“She adores you,” he says sincerely and you can tell by the warmth in his tone that he means it and appreciates it. “You’ve quickly become one of her favorite people within a little over half a school year. Tommy thinks you’re great too, from the few interactions you’ve had when he picks her up sometimes.”
You grin and his chest seizes at the light that exudes from your sweet expression, “Tommy’s a wonderful uncle. Good brother too. He talks about you often.”
“Oh yeah?” he looks at you, his voice sends shivers straight through you. “And what does he say?”
“Can’t betray a friend’s trust,” you shake your head, teasing. 
He discreetly shows you his flask of whiskey, “Not even if I let you drink from my emergency flask?”
“Maybe I’ll tell you one thing,” you hold up a finger and he slips you the flask, cracking a dazzling smile, while you turn around and take a long sip. The DJ transitions the E.D.M to a slow song, something sweet and best to sway to. 
He takes a long sip himself and tucks it away in his pocket again, holding out his hand to you, “Do you want to tell me while we dance, darlin?”
You look around the room, your boss nowhere in sight. There was technically no rule against dating a student’s parent, but you didn’t want the judgement. You knew the people around here talked and there would be rumors, shaming. But he’s looking at you like you’re the only person in the room, putting himself out on a limb just to ask you to dance.
It didn’t have to mean anything anyway, it could just be two friends sharing a dance. You’ve danced with friends. It’s the same thing. Your internal monologue was racing a mile a minute. 
“Are we allowed to? I mean, as chaperones.”
“We’re watching the students more closely.” 
“Yeah, I just...” you pause, pinching your brow.
His face falls slightly. “If you don’t want to, we don’t have to,” he starts to pull his hand away. “It’s really no-”
You put your hand in his, “I’d love to dance with you, Joel.”
Warmth blooms in his handsome face and he pulls you into the crowd of dancing people. Joel pulls you gently towards him, placing his hands on your waist as you wrap your arms up and around his neck. You both try to keep your distance, make a good example for the kids, but it’s growing increasingly harder for him not to hold you close and kiss you right here in front of all these people. 
You catch Sarah giggling excitedly at you both dancing, whispering with her friends. You roll your eyes with a small smile. 
You look up at Joel, resisting the urge to lay your head against his chest, “You still want to know something Tommy said?”
“Desperately,” he laughs. 
“He told me you said I’m pretty.”
Rosy color spreads across his nose, but his eyes are darkened, his lips part slightly, “I should’ve known he’d tell you.”
“So he’s telling the truth?”
His eyes soften, “Of course he is.”
“Well... thank you,” you flush, blood rushing to your face, making Joel smile. You feel like a schoolgirl again. 
He chuckles, eyes searching your face, “You’re welcome.”
You tilt your head, “You’re pretty, too, Joel.”
He spins you as the song picks up a bit and pulls you back to him, your dress spinning as you do. He pulls you back against his chest, hands in against shirt and his around your waist. Warmth radiates from his broad chest, his hands are calloused even through the fabric of your slip dress, and your breath catches in your throat.
He doesn’t pay any mind to the stares he gets for doing it, but he lets his head drop to your shoulder, writing love letters in your skin when he lets out a breath. He says nothing about the compliment but he’s holding you closer, and that’s all he needs to do. A quiet understanding washes over the two of you in that moment. 
Joel’s always been the strong and silent type, but the longer the two of you have known one another, the closer you get, he’s begun to let more things slip. He begins to ramble, his nerves making an appearance when he’s near you, a teenager again. Then there are times like now when his actions do all the talking for him and neither of you need to comment on it. 
Then there are others when he won’t shut the fuck up. 
“People are looking,” you whisper. 
“Do you want me to stop?”
“Then why do you care what they think?”
There’s a beat of silence before you sigh out the three words, “I don’t know.”
“We’re not Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey over here, the kids will be fine,” he teases. Then he lifts his head to bring your joined hands up to his side, moving you to the changed song with the more upbeat tempo. 
You snort, “Wouldn’t that be something.”
“If we were somewhere else...” he muses, looking at you to gauge your reaction.
You meet his eyes, your own crinkling with amusement, “You’d do the lift?”
He throws his head back with a thunderous laugh, “I’d try for you.”
“Think I’m too heavy?”
“God, no,” he spins the two of you, dodging a pair of kids dancing. “I’m just old.”
“You’re like 35, Joel.”
“You’re only 27, you don’t get it yet,” he whispers into the side of your hair and you laugh, not even bothering to glance in the direction of the judgmental moms and teachers. 
Joel Miller had a talent of making you feel like the only person in the room. 
The song ends and you feel out of breath just from being this close to him. You step away from him and smile softly, “I gotta run to the restroom. I’ll be back.”
His eyes sweep over you, then he nods, “Okay.”
“What?” you grin. “No dad joke about not falling in?”
“I’m classy Joel tonight,” he chuckles. “No bathroom jokes.”
You shake your head with a laugh as you walk back towards the restrooms. Stepping inside, you move to stand in front of the mirror and grab your lipstick from your bag, fixing up your makeup. You try to calm your nerves, hands shaking when you bring the golden tube to your lips. 
After taking a deep breath, your mind begins to wander about how his hands felt on your skin and how he thinks you’re pretty. The thoughts fill your head and litter your skin with goosebumps. 
You don’t usually like being the center of attention, but with Joel around you, it was hard not to be. And you couldn’t say you minded it. 
A few other women walk through the door and you recognize them to be Bethany, Sarah’s rude math teacher, Cara, a mom who gives you trouble constantly, and Kristina, another mom who thinks Joel is hot and constantly asks Sarah questions about him. 
“Hey, y/n!” Bethany draws out in a sing-song, forced way that sends a chill through your body. “Saw you out dancing with Mr. Miller. Ain’t y’all cute?”
You look at her blankly in your reflection and she clears her throat. 
“Adorable,” Cara’s shark eyes roam you over in the mirror, making you feel small as you fix your foundation. You don’t let it show though, you weren’t going to give them the satisfaction.
“Such a shame about Joel’s wife,” Kristina hums, putting on her own bright pink lipstick. “Wonder if he’s still looking for a stepmom for sweet little Sarah.” 
The three of them laugh together and you feel your blood pressure quickly rise. Three wild vultures circling a carcass, kicking it while it’s down. 
“Can we not tonight, ladies?” you turn around to look at them. “Let’s just forget this and have fun.”
“What do you mean, dear? This is fun,” Bethany blinks her stark, blue eyes, red lips curling. “This must be a lot for her though, girls. She’s probably having a rough time considering what happened to her.”
You freeze.
“Oh yeah...” Cara finishes her makeup and frowns at you. “I remember hearing your fiancee passed away before you came here, how sad.”
Your blood runs cold, sirens going off in your head, and a pounding begins in your skull. No one’s brought up Rick since you’ve gotten here, you’ve dodged the questions from the nosy parents, the gossiping neighbors, and the rude coworkers. You don’t know how they figured it out, and now you feel it, being back in the car with Rick the night that it happened. 
Joel and Sarah didn’t even know, you had pushed it to the back of your mind so you would never find it again. Now it’s coming back like a wave, full force, and pulling you under the current until you’re drowning. 
“Then you moved here to Austin in July,” Kristina slits her eyes at you and cocks her head to the side. “Now you’re trying to get back out there with Joel, huh? Like you’d really have a chance with him.” 
She looks in your direction and it’s as if she sees right through you, past your carefully created facade and into your core, that sad, broken girl with no family left and nowhere to go. 
Your eyes fill with hot tears, you want to run away, but you can’t move. You’re frozen, feet glued to the linoleum tile. 
“I knew Rick... your fiancee,” Bethany says. “He was so sweet. We went to college together.”
“So sweet,” Cara looks at you and flashes another sickly sweet smile.
You inhale sharply, tears falling down your face. You hastily wipe it away, “I... I gotta go.”
You grab your purse off the counter and rush out of the door, slamming into a hard chest and a pair of hands that fly to catch you by the waist. 
Joel stares down at you, grounding you, and your eyes begin to brim with tears, “What’s wrong, sugar? What happened?”
The words tumble out of you, wiping away the tears that slip out while you ramble on, “Nothing, I just... the women in there, they’re horrible, they hate me, and they make me feel like shit. They brought up Rick and they think you’re hot and they think we’re dating and I just wanna go. I’m just gonna go home-”
He looks over your head at three women leaving the bathroom, waving in his direction. 
Joel looks back down at you before tucking his fingers into the straps of your dress and pulling you into a searing kiss. Your inhale sharply when his soft lips meet yours, and your hands grip onto his flannel shirt, sighing into his mouth. He slips his hands up to the back of your neck, tilting your face up to kiss you more completely, unraveling you in his capable hands. 
Bethany stares at you wide eyed, getting the other girls attention, all jaws dropped in utter shock at the image before them. 
His tongue dances with yours as he moves his lips expertly, his thumb gently rubbing against your cheekbone as he coaxes your lips open. He hums small praises while tracing shapes into your skin. You let a small noise slip past you, unable to contain how good he’s making you feel, swallowing your sadness and helping you breathe again. 
He groans as he forces himself to pull away from you, struggling not to kiss you again. Forgetting you’re not alone. 
Joel’s hands slip down to rest on your shoulders, lips flushed and swollen from the kiss, voice gravelly, “I hate terrible people.”
You look at him, mouth parted, lipstick probably smudged. He licks his lips before glaring at back at the women before they scoff and walk away, muttering under their breath. 
Neither of you get the time to speak of it before Sarah is running down the hallway, after hearing the commotion. You and Joel split apart when she comes up, and she’s smiling widely. 
“Kelsey asked if I could sleepover, can I go get my stuff at the house and go to her place? Pretty please,” she begs her dad, clasping her hands together. 
He tears his eyes away from you and nods, smiling, “Yeah, that’s fine. We’ll head home and I’ll walk you there.”
Sarah grins happily before looking up at you. “Everything okay, y/n?”
You force a smile and fix a flower falling out of her hair, “Yeah, I’m good. And I think I’m ready to go, too.”
“Do you need a ride?” Joel asks. “I know you walked here cause we all live so close, but I don’t want you walkin’ home in the dark. Also Sarah’s got control of the radio on the way back,” he offers you a grin. “She’s got good taste.”
“We’re listening to 80′s hits,” Sarah nods, taking her job very seriously. 
You nod, feeling better just by being near the two of them. “Yeah, I’d like that.”
“Head Over Heels” by Tears For Fears is blaring through Joel’s truck and you’re humming under your breath while Sarah is screaming it in the backseat. Joel laughs at his daughter in the rearview mirror. 
Grieving your boyfriend’s death has been something you’ve pushed aside for a long time. You knew these women could be catty, but you never thought they’d be downright cruel to you, bringing up Rick the way they did. Looking out the window, you think back to the moment you felt frozen in that bathroom, unable to speak or move. You feel embarrassed for not standing up for yourself, blaming yourself instead of them and their hateful words. 
Joel notices your faraway expression and rests his hand on your thigh in a way so Sarah can’t see. He rubs his thumb over your bare skin and it both calms and excites you, heat rushing to the apex of your legs. 
You let out a small sigh and lean back into the chair, resting your hand on top of his. He has to rip his eyes off of you, willing himself to ignore your pleased exhales if he was going to drive properly. 
He pulls the car into the driveway one-handed and comes to a stop, turning around to talk to Sarah, “Go grab your stuff, chick, and we’ll go to Kelsey’s.”
She nods and hops out, running towards the house.
Joel turns to you, hand still on your leg, clearly nervous, “Do you want... do you want to come inside? I have wine and some clothes you can put on, if you want something more comfortable.”
You search his set features for confirmation, “You sure? I can just walk next door to my house, I don’t wanna put you out-”
“Y/n...” he stops you. “You should know by now that if I say something I mean it, I promise you.”
You didn’t know if it was a good idea being with him alone like this, but you honestly didn’t want to be by yourself right now. 
You relent with a nod, “Alright. You had your chance to change your mind,” you flash a sneaky smile. 
The two of you step out of the car and head into his house. Sarah’s already tumbling down the stairs, changed into pajamas with a packed bag slung over her shoulder, “Ready to go when you are.”
“Damn, you got ready fast, kid,” he laughs despite himself. “Let’s go.”
Sarah runs up and hugs your side, “Bye, y/n!”
“Have fun with Kelsey, be safe, okay?” you squeeze her shoulder. 
Joel whispers to you as they walk to the door, “There’s shirts upstairs and some shorts you can borrow. Make yourself at home, okay?”
“Okay,” you smile softly. 
They head out and leave you alone in the dimly lit house. You exhale slowly and head up the stairs to go to his room. You look around at the messy bedroom, one king size bed with blue covers, and minimal decorations. It felt like him, smelled like him, cedar and oak and smoke. You open one of his drawers to grab one of his big tee shirts from work, and a pair of baggy gym shorts. 
You slip out of your dress, let down your hair, and set your red shawl down on top of it. You tug on the big tee shirt and pull on the gym shorts. As much as you had liked that dress, you feel like you can finally breathe now, much more comfortable in your sleepwear now. The clothes smelled of him, too, and it filled your chest with heat, a red glow pouring out of you. 
You’re in Joel Millers room... wearing his clothes. 
You can’t help but look around at the photos of Sarah and him in framed photos, some hung on the wall and others propped up on his drawers. There’s one photo that catches your eye in particular, though, the side of it folded in and tucked into the frame. It’s Joel smiling down at Sarah, just a baby in his arms, and there’s a part of the photograph hidden. But you spot a glimpse of a yellow dress in the corner, the rest of it hidden away. 
You wonder if it’s Sarah’s mom. You don’t know much about her, just that Sarah says she never got to know her, and hardly remembers anything about her. It broke your heart hearing that, wishing she could have, but also selfishly wanting to be that person for her.
“Found what you needed?” 
You jump at Joel’s sudden presence in the room and turn around to him. “Sorry, I wasn’t trying to snoop, I-”
He smirks and it feels like a lit match to your insides, “I know, darlin. Nothing to be sorry about.”
His eyes trail over you in his clothes, your arms folded under your chest, “You look good in my clothes, sweetheart. Better than I do, that’s for sure.”
You smile, “Thank you. And thanks for letting me borrow them. I feel better.”
He pinches his brow together, “Do you want to talk to me more about what happened? We don’t have to, but just know I’m here.”
You take a step towards him,��“I know, I just haven’t talked about him in a long time.”
“Him?” his eyebrows raise.
You laugh at his shock, moving past him so he follows you downstairs, “Down, boy. I’m single, wouldn’t have let you kiss me if I wasn’t.”
He blushes. “Well, then, what about him?” he trails behind you to his kitchen. “If you don’t mind my asking.”
You love his Texan drawl and voice a bit too much, how deep and molasses like it was, how it coated you in sweetness and didn’t let up. Maybe it was because you weren’t from here and you weren’t used to it. But his was different and it affected you all the same. 
“I might tell you,” you hop up on the countertop. “Over a glass of wine.”
Joel cracks a smile, happily obliging your request with one of his wine bottles, “I can do that.”
He pours you a glass of red and hands it to you, “So... who’s Rick?” He sips his own.
“My um... my ex fiancee,” you say, taking a long sip of your wine. “It feels weird calling him that...” you let out a dark laugh. “-since the two of us never ended it ourselves, it sounds wrong. But he uh-” your voice gets thick. “He died the beginning of last year.”
His face falls, genuinely on your behalf, wanting to wrap you in his arms, but also wanting to let you continue, “I’m so sorry, y/n.”
You’ve heard that more times than you can count from friends, family, and strangers alike, but from him, it’s one of the most sincere you’ve ever heard. You actually believe he truly cares and you wonder why you didn’t tell him sooner, maybe worried you’d scare him off. You wanted a fresh start in a place where no one knew Rick, where no one knew what happened. 
“Thank you,” you sniff, mustering up a small, grateful smile before you continue. “It was New Year’s Eve. I didn’t know he had been drinking... he really seemed fine,” you recount like it was just yesterday that it happened. 
“He didn’t see the ice on the roads,” you take another long sip, hands shaking again. You clear your throat, “I tried to help him, I thought we would be fine. But there was a bridge... and we went off. He got me out,” you blink the tears away, breathing out the words as if expelling them from your person. Like you wouldn’t have to hold onto them anymore. “He didn’t.”
“I’m alive because of him,” you inhale sharply, finally looking at Joel. “And he’s dead because I didn’t notice...”
He frowns, “It is absolutely not your fault, y/n. It’s a horrible thing that happened and it is not because of you.”
You wipe your eyes with the back of your hand and it breaks Joel’s heart a bit more and more, “I haven’t thought about it in so long. And they brought him up in the bathroom. I don’t know how they found out, I haven’t told a soul here.”
Protectiveness slips into his deep tone of voice as he steps towards you, it sends a shock through you, “What did they say about him?”
You shake your head, letting out a laugh, “It’s not important.”
“It is absolutely fucking important,” his eyes darken when he speaks to you, you’d never seen him so worked up before. “I’ll go to the damn superintendent if I have to, they’re grown ass adults. They shouldn’t use the death of your fiancee against you.”
You can’t help but let a smile slip through, “It’s cute how mad you are about this.”
He scoffs, mirroring your amused expression, “Believe me, I’ve dealt with the wolves before. They ask you inappropriate questions and dig into your personal life, pushing your boundaries like it’s nothing. No one can have any secrets around here.”
“Yeah,” you sniff. “I noticed that.”
There’s a beat of silence before he sighs and says quietly between the two of you, “When they found out about Sarah’s mom leaving her when she was a baby, they brought it up to her at a school picnic. Made her feel small. She ran home, crying her eyes out. I’d never seen her so upset. I was scared what I would do. It broke me.”
You nod in understanding, “That’s awful, Joel. I’m sorry. For you and for Sarah.”
“The next time they brought it up, Sarah asked Bethany why she’d been divorced six times. You should have seen the look on her face,” he laughs and you join him, throwing your head back at the mental image of Bethany’s pinched, angry face. 
“Oh my god, I love Sarah so much,” you let your head fall into your hands, still laughing loudly in the otherwise silent kitchen. 
“I was very proud,” he grinned. 
“I’d hope so,” you tilt your head slightly. “She gets it from you. I wonder how she got that information about Bethany.”
“Beats me,” he smirks and you narrow your eyes affectionately in his direction. “Smart kid, that one.”
The two of you let the moment sink in for a bit in the silence. Joel’s standing between your legs now, hands on either side of your thigh, steadying himself. He searches your face like he did at the start of the evening, fingers itching to touch you again. 
“Should we...” you finally say, pulling you both back into reality. “Should we talk about the kiss back there?”
“What’s there to talk about about?”
You frown, filling with a sense of dread that you’ve misread this entire night, “What do you mean?”
He jumps to fix what he said, hands falling to splay out on your thighs, “No, baby, wait not like that-” he sighs. “Shit, I’m sorry, I’m out of practice with this, sweetheart-”
You press a kiss to his lips, causing him to abruptly cease his rambling. You tilt your head and pull away from hm after just a couple seconds. He leans against you even after you’re away from him, lips trying to follow you. 
“I just meant...” you whisper with a small smile, looking up at him through your lashes. “Like what does this mean? Because I haven’t done something like this since Rick and I’m trying not to feel guilty...”
“Guilty bout what?”
“For moving on.”
“You shouldn’t feel guilty for that,” he shakes his head, lowering his voice. “I understand if you’re not ready though. It took me awhile, to open again, I still haven’t completely... But I can’t imagine how difficult it must be for you. And I know I’ve never met Rick, but I believe he’d want you to be happy. With whoever, even if it’s not me.”
Your heart cracks open at the sweetness of his words, splitting you in two right in front of him. You know you shouldn’t feel bad, even if you’ve moved on from loving Rick, a part of you will always mourn and have a place in your heart for him. You needed to realize there was more than enough room to let other people in too. 
Your eyes soften, “You’re more out of practice than I thought if you think I’ve moved on with anyone else but you, Joel Miller.”
His eyes darken with something like raw desire and complete adoration, something like love that you haven’t seen in a long, long time. You don’t know if he’s been looking at you like this all along and if you’ve just now begun to notice. 
Joel leans down to whisper to you, hand on your neck, thumb tucked under chin and other fingers on the side of your throat, squeezing just so. You dreamed of this, thought if he would be rough or sweet, when he was really a stunning, swirling mix of both. 
“You were so jealous earlier,” his voice is wrecked in your ear, low and gravelly. “I thought I was just imagining it at first, but talking about those moms that think of me, you got so red. It was so sexy, sweetheart.”
You gasp a little, wanting to deny it, tease him. But who were you both kidding? You were jealous, and now there’s a warm satisfaction in the center of your chest at the fact they were wrong. Singing insults, saying he wouldn’t want you. Now you’re in his kitchen in the middle of the night wearing his shirt and he’s in between your legs, pressing against you. 
“They said I didn’t have a chance with you,” you tangle you hands in his shirt, tugging him closer. 
He shakes his head, eyes never leaving you, “I’m only yours, baby. Always have been.”
You all but pounce on him in that moment, wrapping your arms around his neck and tugging him close. He laughs just before you softly press your lips against his, the rumbling, beautiful sound vibrating against you. You’re tugging at each other almost immediately, his hands pulling and sliding up and down your waist while your arms wrap around his head. You fingers slide through his brunette curls, pleasantly humming at the satisfaction of knowing his hair is just as soft as you imagined, how even his rough hands feel gentle, and how his lips move with yours, slowly, languidly, painfully. 
“You’re beautiful...” he kisses the words into your neck, repeating it over and over. “My beautiful, beautiful, girl.”
“Joel...” you sigh out and tilt your head back. 
“Puts your arms around my neck, baby,” he whispers, arms pulling your legs up so they wrap around his torso. “What I want to do to you won’t work exactly on my kitchen counter.”
You quickly oblige him and he carries you up his stairs, your hands and lips never leaving each others. He stumbles while holding you, making you giggle into his shoulder, shrieking when he almost drops you.
“Was this the kind of lifting you had in mind with me tonight?” you smile softly into his skin. 
He kicks open his bedroom door, “I’ve always had this in my mind, sweetheart.”
You both drop onto the bed, wanting to take this slow but also get to what you’ve both been wanting as soon as possible. He’s atop you, hands on either side of your head while you kiss like college students, handsy and messy and surprisingly amazing. How fast you two fit together, how good it feels. He grinds his lower half into yours. You moan into his mouth, earning one from him, both enjoying and exploring the other. 
“I wanna taste you, sugar,” he lifts your chin up with his fingers, kissing down your chin then your neck then your collarbone and chest. 
You wordlessly slip off your, his, shirt revealing that you have nothing on beneath it. He inhales sharply, taken aback by you. Your fingers scramble for the buttons of his flannel and you honestly think you break a few, moving so quickly. 
“Impatient, are we?”
You look up at him through your lashes, “Just know what I want.”
Joel shrugs off his shirt, undoes his belt, and pulls off his jeans. You barely have time to admire his toned body, broad shoulders before he descends. He tugs off your, his, shorts, tosses them, and kisses everywhere his fingers leave, wet, open mouthed whispers against hot skin that make moisture pool between your thighs. His lips trail from your belly to your inner thighs and back up again. 
“Nothing underneath?” he kisses the soft flesh, noting the slick at the apex of your legs. “This all for me, darlin?”
You nod when he licks a stripe up your cunt, “Only you, Joel.”
He buries his face in you, eating you out like a man starved, rutting against the bed like he’s enjoying it as much as you are. You all but scream at the way he’s unraveling you with his tongue, circling your clit, accompanying his skilled mouth with his equally capable fingers, bigger than yours
When you tug at the ends of his hair, he groans into you, the noises fueling the coil in your gut, begging it to splinter and snap. He sucks hard and you let out a loud moan at the feeling. He holds you down against the bed with a palm flat against your stomach as you begin to lift your pelvis. Joel’s tongue enters you while his fingers take over, stimulating you with gentle rubs and flicks. 
Your orgasm washes over you, the pressure relieving through every nerve and vessel, his name a prayer leaving you over and over. Wishing for him to come fix you again. 
You pull him up to you and bring him down to press your lips against his. He melts into you, arms wrapped around you while he holds you close, filling you out in all the right places while you taste yourself in his kiss. 
“Can I...?” you ask him, hands slipping down to palm him through his boxers. 
He groans, head falling into the crook that meets between your neck and shoulder, “As much as I would enjoy that, baby... we’re gonna need to do that later. Need to be inside you.”
You look at him for a moment, just breathing him in as cheesy as it sounds. It’s only hit you now how much you’ve been longing for this.
“You have all of me,” you tell him, moonlight sculpting his handsome features. 
“You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for you to say that, y/n...” your name is blanketed by his voice, delivered to you in the way Zeus gives the world lightning. Simple bursts of electricity that can tear the earth. 
You hold his stubbled jaw in your hands, rubbing his cheek with your thumbs. He doesn’t remember a time anyone has ever looked at him like you do, gently, adoringly, openly.
Joel puts his lips near your ear, kissing your temple, “Are you ready for me, sweetheart?” 
You nod as he pushes himself inside you and you bite back a moan into his shoulder. 
Your hair is in messy tendrils in every which way and you’ve never been more breathtaking to him. The color of your eyes brighter, skin flushed with warmth, and lips puffy. His eyes scan over your face, committing your soft and sharp features alike to memory. Lust blown and glowing with dewy sweat. 
“Eyes on me, beautiful,” he holds your jaw in his hand, kissing you again. 
He quickens his pace and you whine into his mouth, nails digging into his skin. You wrap your legs around his torso and he hits you so nicely. He rises and looks at you, lips swollen and red from kissing, eyes clear and pupils large, and face flushed with heat. 
“You’re doing so good for me,” he praises in your ear, littering kisses across your jaw. “Wanted you for so long...” he find your lips again with his own.
You mewl into his lips, licking his tongue as he pushes inside you again and again and again.
This past year of stolen glances and touches seem so pointless when it could have been this, this beautiful mess of limbs and lips and tongue. You never knew euphoria until this moment. 
Joel’s hips begin to stutter and you’re both already close to release. You lick up his throat and kiss a constellation across his jaw, feeling him gulp under your touch.
“Keep kissing me like that, sugar, and I’m done for.”
You can’t help yourself, overwhelmed with feeling as the two of you reach your climax together. Blissful and stupid. His lips wander down your neck and nipping that sweet spot, as you arch into him.
You whimper and his movements slow as do yours, walls tightening around him. He reaches down and rubs your clit with his expert fingers. 
You finish together, mouths open and hands all over each other’s bodies. It overcomes you in a tingling, perfect sensation, continuing on in euphoric waves, leaving you aching and wanting more. He kisses you through it and it aches, all of the love you have pouring into him and him into you.
As you both lay there, chests heaving slips parted, he smiles down at you.
“Will you go out… with me?” Joel says sweetly, kissing your temples. “That usually comes first but we- I…”
You interrupt his nervous ramblings with a soft kiss, “The answer is always yes.”
You interrupt his nervous ramblings with a press of your lips quietly, “Yes. The answer is always yes.”
Joel rubs his knuckles over your cheek, softly and adoringly he looks at you. You tuck yourself into his arms under the blankets. Your chests heaving, out of breath but happy. Everything you both have wanted for a long, long time, laying right in front of each other. 
“Can I...” he searches your face, face red and nervous you’ll say no even when you’re in his arms. “Can I take you out tomorrow? I usually do that before this, but we just... I-”
You interrupt with a kiss, his new favorite thing, whispering, “Yes, Joel. The answer is always yes.”
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luvyeni · 1 year
❛SEVEN DAYS A WEEK❜ ( z. chenle )
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p. zhong chenle x fem!reader w. 2.3k+
warnings? oral (m.), unprotected sex , public sex, shower sex, dry humping, dirty talk, squirting , nipple play , filth pure filth and little plot
— 𖦹 ( chenle challenges you to seven days of sex ) !
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"do you think we'd be able to fuck everyday for a week?" chenle suddenly walks into your room. "excuse me?" you laughed. "i could — i could fuck you every day , every week for months if you let me." he said. "but that's not the point , do you think you'd be able to have sex for a full week , every single day?"
"where'd you get this idea from?" you asked , he sat down on the bed. "jungkooks new song." he rubbed your calf. "i was listening to it , and i got the thought." you shook your head. "of course you did." you said. "so , can we try it?"
you thought about it , ultimately nodding. "sure , let's try it." you said. "great , let's start now." he pulled you by your leg , climbing on top of you. "no , let's start tomorrow." he rolled his eyes. "don't roll your eyes , you said for a week , the week starts tomorrow."
chenle woke up the next morning , ready to start the day and the new challenge. he decided to start easy , something simple — waking you up by giving ypu head. this was something he did almost every morning anyways so it wouldn't be a surprise to wake up , finding your boyfriend between your legs.
"ch-chenle?" your eyes slowly opened , you could see his head poking from under the blanket. you pulled at the blanket , removing it , his lustful eyes meeting your sleepy one as he licked your folds. "fu-fuck." you moaned.
his nose brushed against your clit , sending shivers up your spine , you grabbed his hair , bucking your hips up into his face. "oh shit , chenle im not gonna last long." you mewled , feeling yourself not about to last long. "fuck , im gonna cum."
he hummed against your cunt , giving you the okay — you wrapped your legs around his head , cumming. "fuck!" you cursed , he pulled away his face covered in your juices. "jesus , you were wetter than usual this morning." he smirked. "were you thinking about the challenge." you slapped his arm.
"shut up."
you had an early morning at work , you and chenle both work at sm , but you're working with their new boygroup , so you won't see him a lot today and you could tell he was extremely happy about this challenge , and you knew that after work you'd probably would be sleepy and not want to do it — so why not surprise him with morning sex.
you turned , facing your sleeping boyfriend , admiring his bareface , stubble growing from not shaving for a few days. your hand cressed his face , placing a kiss on his cheek , then on his neck — he sighed , eyes still closed. you smiled and kept going , your hand traveling down his stomach to the waistline of his pants.
"yah." his morning voice catching you off gaurd. "if you're trying to get me hard as a fucking rock , mission accomplished." his eyes opened , meeting yours. "you're supposed to be a sleep." you pouted. "i wanted to surprise you." you palmed him through his shorts. "fu-fuck , baby get on top." he groaned.
you took your shirt off , throwing it somewhere , your tits in his face as you climbed into his lap , your clothed heats pressed against each other. you pulled his cock from his pajamas , stroking his cock , hovering over his tip. "sit on it love." he grabbed your waist , sinking you down on his cock. "fu-fuck chenle."
you slowly rocked your hips back and forth , throwing your head back moaning. "fuck your pussy feels so good." he groaned , his hand coming up to squeeze your tits. "s-shit , move faster baby , we don't have a lot of time." his other hands came to your hips , moving you fast , bouncing you up and down on his cock. "fuuuck that's it , keep bouncing on my cock." he groaned. "shit m'not gonna last."
he rubbed your clit in harsh circles. "cum for princess." you kept moving , your orgasm washing over you , you hunched over , your face in his neck as he fucked up into you. "sh-shit gonna fill you up." he groaned. "ngh , fuck!" he held on to your waist as he came in your hole. "shit."
"chenle , you have to let me go , i have to get ready for work." you groaned as he held you. "no i won't see you at all today , i need to feel you somemore."
"chenle we live together."
"chenle im home." you yelled. "in the room." you heard his voice , making your way into the room. "how was your day with your mom?" you nodded. "it was nice , im just ready to shower and go to bed." you took your clothes off.
"can i join?" he asked , standing up. "you never want to shower with me." you eyed him. "you just want to fuck." he smiled sheepishly , you rolled your eyes. "fine let's go." he got undressed , following behind you.
"fu-fuck." chenle moaning as he held you up against the wall , stroking his cock "please put it in." you lined him up with your cunt , sinking down on him , he groaned as his cock filled you up. "fuck you feel so good."
your hands tangled up in his hair , tugging at it as he fucked up into you , water cascading down his back. his plump lips coming around your nipples sucking on them , you mewled. "fu-fuck chenle."
the angle of his cock , hitting your gspot over and over. "ch-chenle , im not gonna last." you moaned , you stomach tightening. "gonna cum princess." he grunted , hitting your spot , you yelped. "yes fuck!"
he sped up his movement , furthering his orgasm. "cum , cum for me." he moaned , your mouth dropping into a 'o' shape as you came. "ngh , fuck!" his head dropped into your neck nipping at it , his balls tightening as he came.
letting you down , helping you wash up. "you're so pretty." you smiled , shoving his shoulder. "you're not getting another round , im tired." you said. "yah , i said that because i love you." you kissed his lips. "im sorry , i love you too."
"i'm willing to get past you putting the water temperature on hell , that's how much i love you."
another day at work , another day of you working with sm new rookie group. chenle texting you all throughout the day , teasing you , telling you how horny he was , trying to throw you off your game. "(name)." you looked up from your make-up brushes. "it's time for your break , someone will cover your station." you nodded , sitting everything down , making your way out the room.
you were making your way to the cafeteria , when someone suddenly grabbed your arm , dragging you into a closet closing the door. "what fuck?" you finally saw the face. "chenle , what the hell , you scared me." you slapped his shoulder.
"why have you been ignoring my text?" he pushed you against the shelf. "i-im working." you whined as he left little kisses on your neck. "and all you're trying to do is rile me up." he undid his pants , letting them pool at his ankles , lifting you , wrapping your legs around his waist , his cock resting right under your ass.
"pl-please fuck me." you whimpered , he lined his cock up with your cunt , pushing himself inside. "must've worked princess." he smirked thrusting. "cause you're fucking dripping right now."
his thrust was quick and rushed , both of you not having enough time to waste. "fu-fuck , you're moaning so loud , they're gonna hear you being a little slut for me." he grunted , you clenched around you. "fuck , you're little pussy just clenched , you like the idea of people hearing me fuck you like a whore."
"oh my god -fuck- chenle im gonna cum." he knew how loud you'd get when you came , pressing his lips against yours as your eyes rolled to the back of your head , as you came , chenle following after.
he let you down , smirking when your legs wobbled. "i'm glad my pain is your happiness." he helped you clean up , kissing you once again.
"next time answer my text messages."
"meet me in the bathroom." you mouthed to your boyfriend , who was sitting across the room — getting up , making your way into the restaurants bathroom , keeping the door unlocked , he entered soon after , smirking. "i thought i was sex crazy , but you seem to be getting more out of this challenge than i am."
you rolled your eyes , he locked the door. "please , you're just as sex crazy than i am , if not more." he grabbed your waist , turning you over , bending you over the sink , flipping your skirt up. "no panties?" he slapped your ass. "fuck!" you yelped.
"you made such a mess of your pussy , i bet you were dripping all over the chair." he pulled his pants down. "our friends are right next to you and you're only thinking about getting your pussy stuffed." he didn't waste anytime , slamming his cock into you. "chenle fuck!"
he held your waist , fucking into you , your ass bouncing against him. "fuck such a little slut." he grunted. "letting me fuck you like this." he grabbed your hair , pulling you flush against him. "like a whore in public."
you were moaning so loud , you were certain people would be able to hear. "you're being so loud baby , you have no shame if people hear you moaned for me like this , if our friends hear you screaming my name like this." he growled. "you gonna cum?" you nodded , mewled. "y-yes."
"fucking cum for me." his cock kissed your cervix , you bit your lip hard as you came , legs shaking. "fuck , gonna cum inside you." his cock twitching inside you as he released himself inside you.
he pulled his softening cock out , tucking himself away. "do you think they heard us?" he chuckled.
"even they did , they're gonna find out soon because my cum is dripping down your leg."
both of you were lowkey tired , these past couple of days you both had been at it — and genuinely you were exhausted , but you still where horny , so you suggested clothed sex. "does dry humping still count as sex?" chenle climbed on top of you.
"do you want to cum tonight?" you said , he got the hint , slotting himself in between your legs , grinding against you , both of you moaning out. "fu-fuck this actually feels good." he sighed.
it wasn't the real thing , but it was just enough stimulations to give you pleasure , his hand coming under your tank top , toying with your nipple. "fu-fuck chenle."
he left little hickey's on your boobs , his hips faltering , the fabric from his sweats rubbing against his cock , giving him more friction , he knew he wasn't gonna last much longer. "fu-fuck im gonna cum." he grunted. "me too."
you both came , heavily breathing and sweaty. "i feel like a fucking teenager , cumming in my pants like this." he grimace. "you seemed to enjoy it a lot, the way you were moaning."
"i didn't say i hated it , i just don't necessarily like the feeling of being covered in cum."
it was the last day of the challenge and chenle had definitely gotten his energy back , it was both you guys day off , and decided to have a in day. you thought he was trying to be cute , watch movies and eating snacks — no , you were very wrong , he wanted to spend the day just fucking.
it first started waking you up with oral like how he normally did , making you cum on his tongue multiple times , before finally letting you up , wiping his mouth.
then when you were cooking breakfast , he came up behind you , bending you over , fucking you against the kitchen sink , cumming inside you just before the food was done.
you both had cum so many times , you didn't understand where your boyfriend got all this stamina from , by night fall , you were extremely tired , but that didn't stop your chenle from climbing on top of you. "ch-chenle , i can't take anymore." you mewled as kissed your neck.
"one more round baby , i promise." he grinding against your heat. "you see how hard i am for you , please just one more time." you bit your lip , nodding your head. "thank you baby."
he pulled your panties to the side , pushing a finger inside. "you're so wet baby , and full of my cum." he pull his finger out , pressing it against your lips. "open." you open your mouth , his finger pushing inside your mouth. "good girl."
he freed his cock , pulling your panties to the side , slowly pushing his cock into your cunt , you hissed. "ch-chenle." he kissed your lips. "you got it baby , almost there." he groaned as he fully bottomed out. "good job." he praised.
he pulled out , thrusting back inside. "such a good girl , letting me fuck you all week." he grunted. "your poor pussy is all swollen , yet you're still taking me." he sped up his pace. "fu-fuck baby , im not gonna last long." he moaned into your ear.
you could feel your orgasm , your tightening around his cock. "ngh , fuck , fuck." he came inside you , pulling out , rubbing your abused clit. "go a head , cum for princess , make a mess." you were squirming around as he toyed with your clit. "oh , fuck , chenle im cumming!" you screamed , your juices spilling out of you. "fuck that's it , squirt for me." you legs shook as you came down from your orgasm. "jesus that was the hardest you've ever came princess."
he was so gentle afterwards , knowing how sore you were , washing your body and your hair — giving you some alone time , while he got dressed , changing the sheets , coming back to get you , wrapping you in a towel , dressing you in his shirt and some underwear , helping you back into the bed , climbing in next to you , cuddling you.
"so would you do this again." he asked , you looked up at him. "no , absolutely not , we're not having sex for an entire month." he pouted.
"i knew you'd say that."
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httpsdana · 26 days
im having my period right now ( fuckkkkk periodssss ) and i thought about a gavi one where the reader is sensitive during it emotionally and physically, but he doesn't know, after he asked his close friends and they gave him advice, he fixed it
it will be a fluff 😭😭
Period~Pablo Gavi
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*Pictures are from Pinterest*
I hope you enjoy this one. sorry if its late 😭
request from here
master list
players/drivers I write for
y/n had woken up in the middle of the night because of her cramps, realizing that she had gotten her period. She got up from her bed quickly, putting a fresh pad, before going back to bed.
Pablo was in deep sleep, not noticing her movements. She got back in bed, hugging herself when the cramps only got worse.
She felt the tears prickling in her eyes, as she felt the pain like knifes stabbing her.
Gavi woke up at the sound of her sniffling. He quickly turned her body to face him, holding her face in his hands with worry in his eyes
"amor? are you okay? why are you crying?" he said quickly, trying to see if there was anything hurting her
She hesitantly nodded her head, not wanting him to stay awake because of the training session her had in the morning.
"yes i just- I stumped my toe against the bed when I went to the bathroom" she lied, making him sigh in relief
"I was so worried. come on let's go back to sleep" he said, pulling her body closer to his.
She felt her cramps ease up when his warmth engulfed her. She breathed out in his chest, hugging him tighter to her body.
In the morning, y/n woke up a before Gavi when she noticed that she was to leaking on their bed. She quickly changed her pad and into new clothes, before walking to their kitchen
She made herself some coffee, her cramps intensifying. She quickly went to the living room, wrapping a blanket around her body as she got into her pain relieving postion.
She opened Instagram, watching some reels to take her mind of her pain
She came across a video, of a woman talking about the injured kitten she had find, and how she took care of it, only for it to die at the end.
By the end of the video, y/n was fully sobbing, her hormones all over the place.
In the same time, Pablo woke up and heard her cries from the living room. He went there immediately, seeing her crying on her phone
"baby? why are you crying?" he sat down next to her, brushing his fingers through her hair.
"Pablo this lady found a tiny injured kitten an-and she took care of it, and then he died!" she said, her tears still falling down like rivers
He chuckled at her, the worry washing away from him. He pressed a kiss on her forehead, telling her that he's gonna get ready for his practice.
When he got dressed and ready, he went to say goodbye to his girlfriend, only to find her sat with her arms around her body tightly, seeming in pain.
"princess are you in pain?" he asked, rushing to her side. She shook her head quickly, so she wouldn't worry him.
"I'm fine-just a little stomach ache" she said through pain, trying her best to give him a smile
"are you sure?" he asked
"totally! you should probably go now. don't want you to be late" she ushered him out.
He left to training, with y/n and her weird behavior on his mind.
After practice, he was on the dressing room with some of the other team players when he discussed his girlfriend's strange actions
"she was crying at night and she said she hit her toe. then in the morning she was crying about some cat video. and also before I left she was hugging herself and she looked in pain. I don't know what's wrong with her" he sighed, while his friends looked at him like he's stupid
"are you dumb or something?" Raphinha asked him, making him look at him surprised
"huh why?" he asked stupidly
"was it her stomach that was hurting her?" Ferran asked him, so he nodded in response
"you're such a child. she's obviously on her period" Raphinha laughed, making Pablo more confused
"on her period?" he asked, making the boys laugh more at him
"you do know what a period is right?" Pedri chuckles
"well yeah, but why didn't she tell me that?" he asked
"she must be embarrassed or something. just go take care of your girl. you stupid bastard" Raphinha slapped his shoulder playfully while laughing at him
On his way home, he passed by the pharmacy, buying her some painkillers and a heating pad, with some pads too. He didn't know which type of pads she used so he got a variety.
After that, he went to the supermarket and brought her some of her favorite snacks and drinks.
He arrived to his apartment, only to be met with silence. He walked quietly to the living room, to see his girlfriend still there with the blanket around her and a look of discomfort on her face.
He smiled softly at her sleeping figure, sitting down next to her. He brushed his fingers through her hair, scratching her scalp nicely. She hummed in her sleep, opening her eyes slowly. When she saw Gavi sat there, she smiled at him. She strached her arms above her head before sitting up
"hey baby. how long have you been here?" she asked, her voice still hoarse from her sleep.
"I just arrived. are you feeling better?" he asked, his hand still in her hair
She nodded, before noticing the bags next to him.
"what're those?" she asked him curiously
He smiled and gave her the bags before speaking
"i didn't know you're on your period, but when I told my mates about your actions they told me you're probably on your period. So I got you a heating pad and different types of pads. Then some snacks if you're craving anything" he said sweetly, only to hear sniffs in response.
He looked at her and saw the tears running down her cheeks
"you did all this for me?" she said, before sobbing into his chest
"yes baby. that's the least I could do for you" he chuckled, realizing that she's more sensitive than usual
"I love you so much. I don't know what I did to deserve you" she sniffed into his hoodie, making him pout at her crying face
"I love you more princess. now stop crying and enjoy the snacks" he smiled down at her
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amsznn · 6 months
FOOLISH - c. sturniolo
part 2 — part 1 here part 3 here
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warnings: slight cursing, toxic relationship
chris 🚫
your phone illuminated with a text sent by the one person part of you unfortunately still loved and part of you actually despised.
you didn’t bother to answer, even though you really wanted to. you couldn’t be pulled back into the same cycle once again. it’s happened one too many times so you knew his scheme all too well.
this was the thing with chris. you’d catch him cheating, you put on a strong act for a while, then he texts, and you get roped in once again. he knew you too well. he knew how to get you back. but maybe not this time.
you laid flat on your stomach, attempting to get some sleep, before you heard a knock on your door. you groaned while laying there for a moment, hoping whoever it was would go away.
the knocks only got louder and more obnoxious. you swung your legs off the side of your bed and made your way to the front door. you unlocked it to reveal your other best friend.
“what are you doing here?”
“well hello to you too.” nick said while making his way inside. you watched as he kicked his shoes off, then your eyes traveled to the huge duffel bag he was carrying. slightly amused you crossed your arms against your chest.
“nick what are you doing here?”
nick huffed before dropping his duffel bag on the floor. “my two brothers are being fucking idiots as always,” he started before making his way to the kitchen, you followed to hear the rest of his rant. “so me, being the smart person that i am, thought ‘why not just have a sleepover with my best friend?’”
he opened one of your cabinets and pulled out a bag of chips. “hence, why ive graced you with my presence.” you could only laugh at nick, knowing full and well his brothers had to be really pissing him off for him to uber all the way here.
“better for me, i couldn’t sleep anyways.” you said while making your way towards him, to also stuff your face with sole chips.
“great, ‘cus i wanna watch a dance moms marathon.”
you and nick spent the whole night watching shows, making tiktoks, and eating a lot of snacks. in the end you both ended up crashing on your bed, completely exhausted.
now the sun was shining through your curtains. causing you to awake from your slumber. nick on the other hand was still knocked out so you decided not to disturb him.
you were busy doing your skin care when you heard what sounded like nick waking up from his sleep.
“y/n, i think im gonna make matt pick me up,” nick paused for a moment before yelling again. “we have a video to film.”
“okay, ill be out in a sec!” you yelled back. quickly washing your cleanser off. you made your way out of your bathroom and went to the kitchen where you found nick.
“want me to make breakfast?” you asked while looking through your fridge, looking for something to make.
“sure, but im gonna go shower.” nick rose from his seat on the kitchen island then treaded towards the bathroom.
you decided on just making acai bowls for the both of you. while chopping up some bananas you heard a knock on the door, you figured it was matt so you wiped your hands and made your way to the entrance.
cracking the door open slightly you could see matt’s figure. “hey, matt.” you smiled upon seeing your other friend. “hey y/n, is nick ready?”
you shook your head as you could hear the shower still running. “nope, he’s still in the shower.” matt sighed while checking his phone for the time.
“why don’t you come in though , i could make you breakfast too.” matt smiled at your offer and walked inside.
suddenly your eyes landed on another figure you did not know was standing there the whole time.
‘you have got to be kidding me.’ you thought. there stood chris, hands fidgeting with his phone. he was the first to speak up.
“hey, what’s up?”
you scoffed, he always did this. pretending like nothing ever happened. “are you fucking kidding me, chris?” you whisper-shouted so matt wouldn’t hear your dispute. you weren’t sure if they knew what was going on, heck you didn’t know if chris even told them you used to date. probably not since chris wanted to keep your situation ‘private.’
chris sighed and ran his hand through his hair. “lets not do this here, y/n”
“do what here?” you and chris’s attention shifted to nick who was standing in front of you two, wondering what all the whispering was about.
“nothing, are you coming in?” you quickly shifted the topic and your attention back to chris, inviting him inside. chris nodded and stepped inside.
the three of you made your way to matt who seated at the kitchen island, eating one of the acai bowls you made. you didn’t mind though, since your appetite was basically gone.
you sat on the opposite end of nick, leaving chris to sit beside matt. you caught up with 2/3 of the boys. chris was in his own world, but his eyes lingered on you whenever you spoke, which made it somewhat difficult for you to remember your train of thought as your eyes met his.
once the boys were finished, nick grabbed his duffle bag and gave you a hug as goodbye. “i’ll see you this weekend?” he asked while making sure to thank you as well. you nodded and waved goodbye to both him and matt.
“i’ll be out in a sec.” chris called out to his brothers, to which they both nodded. this only made you roll your eyes in irritation, seeing as he wasnt letting up.
chris moved forward to where you were standing, wrapping his arms around your waist. you stood there frozen, knowing if you reciprocated his action, you’d be back to being wrapped around his finger.
chris frowned at this and moved back to meet his eyes with yours. “are you really gonna stay mad at me, baby?” his voice just above a whisper as his hand caressed your face.
“i saw you chris. i saw you with that girl, i saw everything.” you said trying to keep your tears at bay, not wanting to crumble in front of him.
chris gently wrapped one arm around you, while bringing one hand to softly push your head down on his shoulder. you couldn’t help it anymore, tears started streaming down your eyes in frustration with both him, and yourself. chris listened to your sniffles and occasionally hiccups as he swayed you side to side.
“m’ sorry, baby.”
“it was a mistake.”
he pressed a kiss on the top of your head, while resting his own there. “i’ll be better for you, okay?” he pushed you back and cupped both sides of your face with his hands.
“i promise.”
you knew this was all bullshit. you knew in a matter of time he would just be with another girl, in another bed. forgetting about you. if you knew all this, then why? why was it hard for you to push him away?
chris smiled as you nodded your head, accepting his apology. he closed the gap between you two, gently planting his lips onto yours, bringing you closer with each movement of his lips.
that was when you knew,
how foolish you were.
A/N: sorry guys, i thought i’d be done with this earlier today but i was super busy today. hope you enjoyed this part. part 3 soon, not a set date yet tho!
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Lips of An Angel- Drew Starkey x Fem!Reader
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summary: based on the song Lips Of An Angel by Hinder. (take a listen! i recommend it!!) Y/N drunkenly calls up her ex boyfriend drew, to confess her love she still has for him and all her regrets from their past relationship.
warnings: odessa…., alcohol consumption, emotional cheating (if you even call it that), angst, a tad of fluff if you squint, slight mentions of physical/mental/emotional abuse (not from drew), lmk if i forgot anything bc i’m sure i did lol.
a/n: for starters…. i’ve been waiting to write this one and i was gonna do it for rafe first but it just felt more right to do drew lol. also please don’t come at me for the way i put odessa in this. (personal opinion: i don’t think they’re really a thing irl but whatever). for the sake of this fic i had to put her in it to work as she’s the only prominent female in his life besides his sisters so bare with me please. (personally not a fan of her for my own reasons and things i’ve read) hope you all enjoy this one!
revised and edited by the one and only @slut4drudy ilyyyyy
as drew had just put the last of the champagne glasses into the sink from his and odessa’s small get together with friends, he could hear his phone ringing that all too familiar ringtone… the ringtone he had set for only her. he thought to himself… how strange it’d be for her to call him at such an absurd hour after not talking to one another in two years.
him and Y/N had began to date their senior year of college at western carolina university, and just like every college couple, they eventually broke it off a few years later. it had been a mutual agreement when he got cast on netflix’s show, outer banks, as she didn’t want to hold him back any longer from achieving all the goals she knew he would. the two however kept in contact regularly until none at all just two years ago when she’d started dating her now boyfriend maverick. and from what Y/N seen drew had also moved on… to his costar odessa.
“hey, uh drew your phone is ringing. do you want me to get it?” odessa asked drew as he finished washing the champagne flutes, drying his hands hurriedly with the towel next to the sink.
“uh, nah, um i’ll go answer it. it might be my mom. you know her and not being able to sleep and missing her kids. i’m just gonna go in the reading room and take the call. i’ll be back out in twenty. sound good?” he asked warily.
“yeah yeah take your time. tell her i said hi for me” she smiled as his towering figure walked past her frame and into the living room, picking his phone up. his large thumb moved nimbly against his phones screen to answer the call from Y/N as he entered the reading room, plopping on the couch.
“h-honey, why you callin me so late? it’s kinda hard to talk right now” he stuttered out her pet name he hadn’t called her in years. all he received in return were her soft sobs from the other line. those little soft sobs shattered his heart. the last time he’d heard them was because of him. because he had spoke the idea of maybe they should break up. because he didn’t know if he could do the long distance relationship, and Y/N had just agreed. no hesitation because she wanted whatever would make him happy. and if that meant breaking up with her and breaking her heart, then so be it. she wanted what was best for him because she loved him.
“honey, why are you crying? is everything okay?” drew whispered out through the phone to his broken ex in an uneasy tone, as his jaw clenched. he hated the idea of her being sad. he always had.
“w-why are you whispering?” she sighed as more tears streamed down her face.
drew bit his lip, exhaling a huff of hot air he hadn’t known he was holding before speaking, “i gotta whisper because i can’t be too loud.”
“why? i-im sorry. i shouldn’t have called. this was so fucking stupid” Y/N slurred out into her end of the phone, catching drew’s attention.
“oh, well, my girls in the next room” he spoke as he paused to let her speak.
“like i-i said… this was st-stupid of me” she slurred out again before continuing, “you’re moved on. i get it”
“honey, Y/N, it’s not like that. i swear. s-shes not even my girlfriend” he tried to elaborate before she cut him off.
“then why’d you call her your girl?”she challenged.
“baby, you’re drunk. i can tell by the way you’re slurring your words. what’s wrong? why’d you call?” drew tried to deflect the question and ask the more important questions; why she’d called and why she’d been crying.
“answer my questions first please” she hiccuped through her phone and into his ear.
“we haven’t put a label on it. in all seriousness i don’t even know what i want. i don’t even think she knows what she wants. it’s more of a friends with benefits kind of deal” he sighed out as his left index finger and thumb pinched the bridge of his nose as he sighed once more, contemplating to speak what he’d been thinking for awhile now. “but honey, if i’m being serious, sometimes i wish she was you”
“i wish i was her too” Y/N whimpered out as she took a gulp of the vodka from the bottle she’d been coddling in her arms, sitting on the bathroom floor, hiding from maverick.
“i guess we never really moved on… did we?” he chuckled out, causing Y/N to smile at the sweet sound of his chuckle. it was bliss to her ears. she’d missed that sound so much in the last two years.
“now answer my question honey, what’s wrong? why’re you calling so later? isn’t it like after 1am there back home in charlotte. right?” he asked Y/N in a concerned tone, face scrunching up in worry as well, though she couldn’t see it.
“u-um. drew it doesn’t matter. forget i called you. okay?” Y/N tried to deflect his concerning questions he’d been shooting her way since the call had started.
“Y/N, honey. i’m not hanging up until you tell me what’s got you so bent out of shape that you’re drunk off your ass, drunk calling me at 1 am your time all while sobbing. i just won’t” he huffed out, losing his patience in the girl on the other line.
“joseph” she began to slur, sternly, “i said it doesn’t matter. go back to your girl or whatever the fuck she is to you” she hiccuped yet again.
“fuck, i cant believe i’m about to say this right now, but it’s really good to hear your voice sayin’ my name. it sounds so sweet” drew smiled to himself as he softly giggled. maybe it was from the champagne he’d had earlier or maybe it was the blissfulness from just hearing Y/N oh so sweet voice saying his name again.
“i love you” Y/N slurred out once more as she started to cry again. “i’ve never stopped” she continued. “i thought i could and would move on but i cant and it hurts me that we aren’t a thing anymore” she continued to weep.
“honey don’t say that. please” he frowned as his heart cracked yet again over his ex girlfriend and her words. more like over her admittance of missing him so much still even after all these years.
“why not, drew? it’s the truth” she sniffled as she wiped her runny nose with the sleeve of his old college sweatshirt she’d still kept after all these year even after their breakup. she picked the bottle of vodka back up and took another swig of it.
“those words…. fuck. they’re coming from the lips of an angel baby. and hearing those words, it’s makes me so fucking weak. because as much as i want to be with you… i cant” he sighed as a single tear streamed down his stubbled cheek, not even bothering to wipe it away. he soon continued, “i never want to say goodbye, honey. and it’s so fucking hard to admit that. but, girl, you make it hard to be faithful with the lips of an angel” he dryly chuckled as the memories of their kisses ran through his brain. it still felt so real. the longing to be near her was still there. and the butterflies. and the desire to make her happy. and the want to make her feel safe and loved.
“drew, you’re the one who just said you guys aren’t even a thing so why would you even say that?” Y/N croaked out as she wiped more of her tears away.
“it’s complicated honey. i feel obligated to be faithful even if her and i aren’t really officially a thing. now please for the love of god, baby, why are you crying? what’s wrong? what happened?” drew exerted his concern as his eyebrows scrunched together in worry.
“i- uh, drew you cant do anything about it, so it doesn’t matter” she whimpered in a whisper, reaching for the bathroom door knob to make sure it was in fact locked. she squeezed her eyes shut as soon as she heard mavericks yells from their kitchen.
“you know, it’s funny that you called me tonight, Y/N/N, because we had some friends over and the whole time i was just thinking of you and how you’ve been. i haven’t heard from you in two years, hunny” drew whispered, his voice strained from the way his heart clenched in pain at the lack of communication between the two when they had both promised to keep in contact.
“maybe that’s why i dream of you. you know what they say, if you dream of someone that means they’re thinking of you. do you dream of me too?” she spoke shakily, as her jaw began to quiver, biting back yet another sob.
“what about maverick? and yes i’ve dreamt of you too, love. i do often” he confessed as he thought back to his dream he had of her from the other night. the two of them had gone on a picnic in the mountains back in their home state of north carolina, enjoying the scenery and all it had to offer, that was until he was awoken by odessa’s loud alarm blaring throughout his bedroom. drew’s lips parted once more as he spoke again, “and does he know you’re talking to me? will it start a fight?”
“th-that’s why i-i uh called. he… uh he got mad again and s-started to throw some things around the kitchen. h-he said some things which isn’t out of the ordinary with him” her frail voice cracked as she finally admitted to him why she had called him so late in the first place. tears once again started pouring out of her once bright eyes which have now been filled with void. “he drinks… a lot. and when he does… he gets kinda aggressive. he will do things to me and say horrible things as well. i-i called you tonight because i’m drunk and i miss you and i know you’d never do this shit to me and because you listen. so well. you always have” she began to cry again for what felt like the twelfth time that night.
“honey, what are you talking about? has he hit you? do you have a place to go?” drew shot up at the mention of mavericks behavior coming from Y/N. he was on high alert and wanted nothing more than to protect her at that instant.
“i shouldn’t have even called. does odessa even know you’re on the phone with me? i don’t want her to get mad at you. i shouldn’t have even called” Y/N stumbled over her words due to the excessive amounts of alcohol she’d been drinking and maybe even a mix of anxiety.
“no, i don’t think she has a clue. i told her it was probably my mom, but, i knew it was you. i still have your number saved to my phone… with your ringtone too. couldn’t get myself to delete it, even after all these years” he confessed as he ran a hand through his shaggy hair. he bit his lip in frustration before speaking sternly this time around, “Y/N, honey, tell me…. has he fucking hit you?”
“y-yes. but he didn’t mean to” she tried to excuse her boyfriends actions, though deep down she knew it was a lie. “and yeah if i have to i can go to my brothers but i don’t need anyone’s fucking help or pity” she blurted a little loud.
“fuck, Y/N” he sighed as fresh tears broke his waterline of his azul eyes, his jaw clenched tight.
“it’s okay, drew, i promise. i’m not your problem anymore. i haven’t been for four years now.” she expressed as she drank the last bit of the vodka that was left in the bottle.
“Y/N can you do one thing for m-“ drew was cut off by a soft knock on the reading rooms door, notifying him that someone ,odessa, was on the other side.
“hey, uh you almost done? it’s getting late and i wanna go to bed” she complained to drew as he’d pulled his phone away from his attentive ears.
“u-uh yeah. let me tell my mom goodnight real quick” he stuttered nervously, worried she’d been ease dropping on part of the private conversation he’d been having on the phone with Y/N. and with that odessa nodded her head as she left the room, shutting the door as she went.
“what is it that you want me to promise you?” Y/N sniffled.
“call me if it gets bad again. i’ll fly out there immediately”
“i promise.”
“i never wanna say goodbye” he admitted to her after her promise.
“i don’t either, but you have to” she spoke flatly as she’d just heard Odessa moments before. she opened her mouth, speaking one last line, “i love you drew”
“i-i love you too honey” drew spoke the words he’d been bottling up since the day the two broke up, as fresh tears streamed down his stubbled cheeks. during the moment he spoke those words all he could hear were mavericks yells and bangs onto the bathroom door through his phone, before the call ended all together.
taglist: @slut4drudy @runningfrom2am @maybankslover
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camslut7 · 8 months
Ain’t no way
Pov: Tenjiku’s top members go to the Haitani brothers’ house for a meeting, but they meet the third Haitani
Including: Izana, Kakucho, Ran, Rindou, Shion, Mochi, Hanma
Tw: curse words?, a little suggestive at one point
Reader is a female.
I got woken up by the slamming of the front door. Assuming it was my brothers coming home, I tried going back to sleep, but failed to do so because a couple minutes later i heard it again. And then again. I mean really, who the fuck was slamming the front door that many times.
I looked at the clock on the nightstand, it was 1:15am. Groaning i fell back on my pillow, trying to return to my sleep, but i heard talking.
Getting up from the bed, i looked in the mirror. I was only wearing a black crop top and my underwear, so i decided to put on some leopard print pyjama shorts (idc if y’all like leopard print it’s 2006 and I absolutely love it).
I went out of my room and to the bathroom to pee. I mean hey, i got woken up anyway so why not pee, go drink some water and scold my brothers for waking me up.
While i was doing my business in the bathroom, someone tried entering. And i mean full on pulling the door open with all their strength.
“Why the hell are you pulling on the door so hard? Can’t you see it’s locked?” I yelled at the door, mentally thanking myself for locking it.
I heard someone groaning in annoyance on the outside, walking angrily back downstairs. And then i heard multiple people talking. Like more than two.
What is going on? Have my brothers brought someone to our house without telling me before hand?
Already kinda mad at them, I quickly washed my hands, checked how I looked and went downstairs to see what the hell was going on.
Walking down the stairs I yelled “Ran, Rindou, did you seriously bring someone to our house without telling me?!”
And at that moment, I looked in the living room. There were 7 guys, including my brothers, sitting in the living room, now looking at me like I was some god sent creature. I was dead ass looking at them like 🤨.
I few seconds of silence passed “Okay, what the fuck is happening right now? Why are you random boys in my house?”
“Hey, who are you calling a boy? Can’t you see im older than you.”
I looked at the guy with piercings and big ass tattoo on the side of his head.
“So what? Can’t you see I don’t care?” I said back at him.
“Who do you think you’re talking to, little lady?” Said a very big guy with some funny eyebrows. Seriously, someone needs to fix them.
“And you are?”
“That’s enough.” I turned to the side to look at the tanned boy with platinum blonde hair. “Ran, Rindou, who is this?”
“That’s our little sister.” Answered Ran.
Sighing, Rindou asked “Y/n, what do you want? Why are you so angry?”
“Why am I angry? You’re the ones who woke me up in the middle of the night. I wanna know why there are people in the house, at 1am, making noise and waking me up.”
“Woah, calm down, baby. You don’t wanna mess with us.” Replied a very tall guy, with blond on the front of his hair… Damn was he fine, but damn was he tall af.
“Yeah, what are you gonna do? Yell at us for waking up your highness?” Said the guy with the tattoo on his head.
“Um, guys, I don’t-“ Rindou tried butting in, but i cut him off.
“Oh yeah? Wanna fight? You would win, right? Since you’re being so cocky. Although, I think you’re a pussy.”
“Okay, that’s it, little bitch” And at that moment, the guy with the tattoo tried swinging at me, but i quickly dodged it and sent a right hook to his jaw, knocking him out.
I cracked my knuckles, making eye contact with every single one of them, stopping by a boy with a scar on his face and mismatched eyes. Oh, he cute, I thought, and hot. Looking at him up and down, I noticed the boy blushing.
Smirking at him, I said “Okay, who’s next?”
They were all looking at me as if I just did a miracle. Except Ran and Rin, they’ve always known that I could do that.
“What? Scared?” I smiled, focusing on the tall guy with the blond strand on his hair.
He scoffed “As if.” “Well, it sure looks like it.”
“Okay, Y/n, that’s enough.” Ran said, standing up from his spot on the couch and coming towards me.
“You should go now. And put something with more…” he stopped, searching for the right words, looking me up and down “more coverage, you know.”
And as he said that, all the guys in the room looked me up and down, now noticing how short my shorts are.
I scoffed “Oh my god, as if I care. You’ve annoyed me all, I’m going to sleep.”
“Good night, sis” Called out Rindou.
“Nighty, Y/n” Said Ran.
“Sleep well, princess.” Said the tall guy. I should really learn his name.
I went up the stairs and into my room. Closing the door, I sighed. What the fuck was all that?? I layed in my bed, going back to sleep, hoping that they won’t be here in the morning.
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kleftiko · 1 year
hi i have a request! could you do hawks x reader after a fight? he may have left the apartment to cool off in the middle of the argument and thought that reader wouldn’t be there when he came back cause everyone eventually leaves him so he is surprised/confused when he comes back and the readers is still there
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cw: none, this is fluff with just a little bit of hurt
sorry this took so long, i just finished my last exam and now i’m realizing im graduating and becoming a valuable member of academic society with a degree… anyway here’s hawks !!
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he should have worn his headset. the night air was cold as is, but with the pace he was flying at the wind cut at his now red ears and turned them numb.
it’s not like this was a planned outing where he took his jacket and maybe a snack. he was in his pyjamas for pete’s sake. but he needed to cool off, he didn’t want to raise his voice at you—the image of his father in their old and worn down house immediately came to mind if he even thought about it. instead, he took off of the balcony with the intention of clearing his head.
you were in the middle of an argument, and it probably wasn’t that best idea to just leave, but it was what he did. and as the beating of his heart calmed down, and he could logically think again, he decided to go back.
the apartment would be empty, and maybe he could put away the glasses and dishes on the table to avoid the empty bed that would be there. he didn’t want to sleep alone—as soon as he experienced that first night by your side he decided he would never sleep alone again. but he knew what he was going home to, a locked door, your side of the closet opened and a bag missing along with a few pieces of clothing. he watched enough dramas to know what the scene would be, and he experienced loss enough to expect it now.
so when his cold feet touched down on the balcony, he didn’t bother being courteous as he passed into the living room barefoot. if he was gonna be alone he didn’t care about it being dirty.
“how stupid can you be!” his heart jumped out of his chest and he instinctively raised a few feathers in defence mode before he realized it was you who spoke.
you who was still here, who emerged from the kitchen as he realized you were washing the dishes.
the small bit of relief he felt at seeing you was stomped out when he figured you were going to yell at him again.
“it’s freezing outside! you’re gonna get sick!” his vision became obscured as you tossed the blanket that was previously on the couch overtop of his standing form. needless to say, he was bewildered as you blindly led him to sit down on the sofa. he didn’t speak as you freed his face from the fabric and smoothed over his hair.
your expression wasn’t one of anger, but worry, your eyebrows drawn in and eyes roaming over him to make sure everything was alright. you cupped his cheeks briefly before placing your warm, warm hands over his ears.
“keigo, you’re frozen.” you sigh. “i’m gonna run you a bath and then get you to bed, okay?”
but he grabbed your wrist when you tried to move. “why are you still here?”
“what do you mean? i live here.” you looked at him weirdly.
“but we fought.” he said.
“and we’re probably gonna fight again if you don’t get yourself warmed up.” you huffed and pulled him to stand. you kept mumbling as you pushed him to the bathroom. “you can’t just fly out like that, we gotta talk this thing out, y’know?”
he planted his feet to stop himself, and you almost bumped into his back. one of his hands came up to cup your jaw as he turned around, still wrapped in his blanket as he gazed at you softly.
“thank you.” he whispered.
you sighed and leaned into his cold palm.
“of course, keigo, now let’s get you in the bath.”
“join me?”
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prodbyton · 7 months
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into you (l.at) TEASER
lee anton x fem reader | fluff | angst | smut | college!au | fake dating | ex friends to lovers | slowburn | mutual pining | anton is kind of an idiot.
teaser wc: 1.8k | full fic wc: est. 15k
RELEASE DATE: friday, march 1st
read full fic here
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this is all too much. anton used to like you? how come he never said anything? you excused yourself from his parents, and made your way to the kitchen. 
“hey mom, i’m a little tired so im gonna head upstairs.” you walk in to her drying and putting away dishes, while anton washes them. he looks over you, noticing the tone in your voice along with the look on your face wasn’t because of fatigue, but that something was wrong. 
“okay baby, let me know if you need anything.” she walks to the end of the kitchen island where you were standing, giving you a hug goodnight. “anton, why don't you go with y/n upstairs? it's getting late, and I can finish up in the kitchen.” she turns from you to look at the boy scrubbing away at a pot, and he stops dead in his tracks at her words. 
“i was just going to head back with my parents once we finished,” he starts, looking at your mom and then at you, not wanting to intrude. he did want to talk to you, but he didn’t want to be in your space if you didn't want him there. 
“don't be silly, anton! you two are a couple and are old enough now, i don't have to separate you two” she laughs, and you and anton just stare at each other awkwardly. you were going to tell her to let it go, but because of the unique situation you two were in it was probably the best idea to follow your moms orders. you motion for him to follow you, you both saying goodnight to your mom and then to his parents. you’re walking towards the stairs to go to your room, when anton tells you that he’ll be back to get his bag out of his car.
while he grabs his things, you make your way up to your room. You leave the door open, just in case anton doesn't remember which room was yours. walking to your window, you open it and stick your head out so you can get some fresh air.
what a night, you’re thinking to yourself. you need to calm down. with what happened on monday and what antons parents were telling you earlier, you were just too in your head. too much was happening too fast. why was this affecting you so much? and with that you hear footsteps coming into your room and then a door closing.
“are you alright? you looked a little flushed downstairs” the soft voice calls to you, and you know that its anton. 
you take a deep breath before turning to face him. “i'm fine. i am now, at least. I just kind of felt bad for lying right in my mom and your parents' faces. I had to get away from them” your voice is low while you speak, looking to the floor once again to avoid his eyes. he takes note of your body language, seeing that you’re a bit tense and awkward now but he doesn’t want to pry. 
“If you want i can sleep on the floor,” he’s placing his bag on the chair by your desk, grabbing something to change into for bed. 
“no, that's too uncomfortable. You can sleep on the bed” you say it in a way where its clear there's no room for debate, and he nods. 
anton would never admit it to you, but he found you severely intimidating. even when you two were younger, he was always intimidated by you. you carried yourself well, you didn’t take bullshit from anyone, always got your way, and you were stubborn. he was surprised your personalities didn't clash, he felt like you wouldn't want to be friends with someone like him. but truthfully that's what brought you two together. it was like fire and ice, you were the fire and he was the ice to cool you down.
but with being the ice, he was too scared to touch you in fear that he would melt. 
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another week passes by, and you feel like you were going insane. You don't know what it is, but every time you see anton, your heart starts racing, your face heats up along with the rest of your body. 
when he holds your hand or rests his hand on your thigh when you two were out with friends, you had to keep your composure to the best of your ability. especially when he would subconsciously  graze his thumb across the back of your hand, the action small and going unnoticed to the naked eye, but feeling too intimate for you and you would pull your hand away. 
the days that he would come over to your apartment or you would go to his dorm to hang out after classes, you found yourself feeling nervous. especially when you two were at your place, seeing him in your room and in your bed had you feeling like jelly. sometimes he would fall asleep before you, and you wouldn’t wake him up. It would be late, and you would feel bad for waking him up and making him go back to his dorm. you were comfortable enough around him anyways to tell him to move, and he never slept too close to you throughout those nights. a deep part of you wished he did, though. but you don't want to think about crossing that path yet. 
a few more days passed, and on wednesday, you went with him to his swim practice so you two could go back to your apartment and order takeout once he was finished. you brought a book with you since you didn’t know much about swimming, and you wanted to keep yourself occupied while you waited. 
an hour of practice goes by and lets just say, not a single page of the book you brought with you was read. not like you would be able to focus on reading anyways, seeing how he swam in the water was a lot more entertaining than you thought. along with how he looked when he pushed himself out of the water, full body on display. His broad shoulders, his toned arms and stomach, the droplets of water dripping from his hair down his back, the way he throws his head back to move his hair out of his face-
wait a damn minute.
you needed to leave, feeling hot suddenly. were you really sitting here thirsting over anton? Of course, you always found him attractive. you would be silly if you didn't. But you never had any thoughts about him. and you don't want right now, in the campus pool, to be where you start. You walk down the bleachers, trying to think of an excuse of why you’re leaving the building.
“y/n? you leaving?” anton catches you before you could find him, you turn around to see him speed walking towards you and you almost let out a giggle seeing he hasn't taken his goggles off.
“It’s just kind of humid in here. i'm gonna sit outside until you finish, okay?” you clutch your bag a bit tighter, him standing wet and shirtless in front of you is making you nervous. He’s peering down at you, smiling lightly before he lets you know he’ll be out in around 30 minutes. 
you nearly trip on your way out, feeling refreshed once you finally escape the pool room air.
did you really want to date anton? you told yourself you didn't before, but now you weren't so sure. he was the full package, everything you could ask for in a guy. so there was really nothing stopping you. but you two were friends. 
he also used to like you back in grade school. key word: used to. What if he completely got over you and wouldn’t even think about dating you now? this was a tough situation, and you don't know how much longer you could keep this up with repressed feelings. 
after 10 more minutes of overthinking, you can feel a presence behind you so you quickly turn your body to see anton right behind you. 
“you ready?” he’s looking down at you again, hair slightly covering his eyes because of the beanie he wore. his body once again covered up by the baggy hoodie along with the black sweatpants he wore. You would never be able to guess how built he really was under the clothes he chose to wear.
you realize you might be staring a little too hard for a little too long so you give him a nod. “yeah, let's go” and he’s taking you by the hand while you follow him to his car.
 he drives you two to the nearest food place you guys could agree on. you two agree on getting wings for tonight, and then make your way to your apartment. once you enter, you see sky sitting in the living room. she gives you a look only you two would be able to understand, with anton right behind you.
sky greets you two, and anton greets her back while you take off your shoes and then make your way into the kitchen. you grab two sodas, and walk out to where anton was standing. he was usually a bit awkward around your apartment if you weren’t telling him where to go, too scared that he would touch something he shouldn’t. 
following you to your room with the food, anton shuts the door softly behind him. the boy was already in comfortable clothes, taking a shower before he left the locker rooms after practice and made sure that he brought something he wouldn't be uncomfortable in. You were still wearing a pair of jeans and a cute crop top under a zip up hoodie. 
“i'm gonna change in the bathroom, you can pull the food out and put something on the tv,” you tell the boy sitting on your bed, and he hums in response while you leave the room. walking over to the bathroom down the hall, you take this time to relax yourself. 
you quickly change into a pair of shorts and an old tshirt, and you walk further down the hall to the living room to quickly talk to sky. 
“are you fucking him tonight? let me know so i can put in my headpho- ow!” you pinched her arm before she could finish her sentence.  
“i am not fucking him! i just came out here to tell you that i'm gonna talk to him about it”
“okay, but if there's a change of plans let me know!”
truthfully you were going to tell him about your feelings, just not tonight. maybe friday, you got invited to a party that sohee was throwing at his frat and you know that anton will be there too.
you walk back into your room now, seeing the food laid out and a movie ready for you as you get situated next to anton on your bed. he put on some action movie, which was a genre you both equally enjoyed. being around anton was comfortable. you two were able to sit in silence, laugh, and talk without any judgments. 
This could either end really good or really, really bad.
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A/N: excited to post this one, its not finished yet but its almost there! i got the idea for this fic from the proposal, one of my favorite movies. lmk what you guys think and if you want to be apart of the taglist :p
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lethalchiralium · 1 year
please please please let missus’s home birth go well! ��� i need them to stay consistently happy with their kids
also simon would either deffo name his son after tommy or after one of his teammates
hi jellyfish anon!! i love this, i agree wholeheartedly
happiness au because i still haven’t decided the gender of the baby in real happiness yet 😭😭😭
warnings: mentions of home birth
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You didn’t expect to have your husband deliver your son - but by the time your midwife had been called, he was already in Simon’s arms. Your son whined, a little cry from his lips as Simon looked to you, settled in your porcelain bathtub halfway full of warm water.
Simon didn’t waste any time cleaning his son’s face with a small rag after he cut the umbilical cord, holding him to his bare chest as he gently wiped his little body.
“Is he okay?” You whispered, watching the little hands move as Simon finally finished washing him up for you.
“He’s perfect.” Your husband answered, then moved closer to you and laid your son on your bare chest. Your little one grumbled onto your chest, hands gently grabbing your sweaty skin and pressing his little cheek into your chest to hear your heartbeat.
You looked up to Simon, tears in your eyes as you watched the proud expression on his own face fill with tears too. Your gentle hands held your newborn, lingering pain from gripping the bathtub with as much force as you could muster only a few minutes prior. “You did it.”
Simon merely laughed. “No, sweetheart, you did it. I jus’ caught ‘im.”
You shook your head, smile tugging at your lips. “What are you naming him?”
Your husband groaned, playfully rolling his eyes as he kneeled beside the tub. “I thought we had agreed you would name him.”
“And you’re mistaken.” Your son sneezed quietly on your chest, you smiled and looked down at him. “Bless you.”
“Nathan John Riley.” Your husband said, bringing a small dry towel over his son, wanting to keep him warm. You two didn’t have much time to prep as your son wanted out as fast as possible - you wanted so much to happen before he was born, like choosing his name. But sometimes life throws you a curveball.
Your smile was bright as you looked up to Simon, tears rolling down your face. “How do you think Uncle Price and Uncle Soap are gonna take that?”
“Bawl their eyes out.”
“You’re evil.” You murmured before Simon leaned down, kissing you with so much love that it made you dizzy. “You’re too sweet to me, Simon.” You reached a hand up to brush against his clean shaven jaw. “Thank you for being mine.”
His jaw tightened, nose twitched and he took a breath in from his teeth.
“Now you’re gonna make me cry, you slag-“
You burst out laughing, pain shooting up your stomach before you winced, your smile still wide as you gently patted your now sleeping newborn. “Don’t make me laugh, it hurts-“
He kissed your head, hand holding onto the back of your head as his gaze met yours. “You are one of the best things to ever happen to me. I love you with everything I have, I’m so lucky to have you for the rest of my life.”
Crystal tears met between your faces as you kissed his lips, then placed your cheek against his.
“Thank you for being my heart, Simon.”
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please the happiness questions are so cute please give me more
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w2soneshots · 8 months
Swim -W2S
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words: 0.6k+
warnings: talk of drowning.
summary: you were ‘rescued’ by Harry and you realise how nice his eyes are.
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I've been friends with the Sidemen for years and last month they invited me to come to Spain with them. They were originally just going to film a video but decided to extend the trip to 10 days and invite Freezy, Talia, Freya, Faith and me since I'm such good friends with them.
It's currently the 3rd day of the trip. Today we're spending the day at the villa and have dinner booked for 7. The light shon in through the small gaps in the curtains, waking me up. I groaned and rolled over. I woke up almost an hour later and decided to get up. I slid out of the bed and walked into the bathroom. Rubbing my eyes I grabbed my toothbrush. I brushed my teeth and stripped my pjs off. Jumping in the shower I washed the remaining sand off of me from the day prior. I knew we were spending the day outside by the pool so didn't care that my hair was now soaking wet. I put on a little pink sparkly bikini, slipped on my black flip flops and grabbed my sunglasses and towel before leaving my room.
As I walked out of the villa and towards the pool located in the garden I heard a splash. I looked over to see Ethan in the pool, looking grumpy and Freezy hysterically laughing at him. "Morning!" Faith said to me as I sat down on a deck chair to tan. "how'd you sleep?" I asked her. "good, but Ethan was talking up the entire bed." she said. I laughed.
"Are you gonna get in y/n?!" JJ shouted from in the pool. I thought for a second. "my hair's already soaked, may as well." I said to Faith. I got up and did a cannonball into the pool. I pushed my hair back out of my face as my shoulders emerged from the water. We swam around for almost an hour until JJ said "Tobi get on my shoulders!" soon everyone was in the pool and all of the girls on their boyfriends shoulders. Freezy was still fast asleep inside so it's only me and Harry not on someone’s shoulders. I made eye contact with Harry and he began moving through the water towards me. He patted on his shoulder and I jumped on. "Now, fight!" JJ shouted. All of the girls and Tobi began pushing each other and the boys desperately tried to stay upright. Freya hit me with one all mighty kick and I went flying backwards. And since Harry had his arms around my thighs he came with me. I started to panic and flailed my arms trying to get to the surface of the water. When I felt two large arms grab my waist and pull me up out of the water and against his chest. I caught my breath for a second while I held onto his shoulders "are you okay?" Harry asked, sounding concerned. "yea Im fine... thanks." I said now looking into his eyes.
Our eye contact was broken by JJ cackling at Vik loosing. We quickly pulled away from each other and I got out of the pool. I grabbed my towel and dried myself off. "are you ok?" Talia asked as she'd seen the whole ordeal happen. "yea, I don't know what happened I just couldn't get to the surface, but Harry grabbed me so I'm fine." I said with a light smile. "ye I saw that, he looked really concerned." she said wiggling her eyebrows. I rolled my eyes and shook my head with a joking smile "shut it T."
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devine-star · 1 year
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Colby Brock x male reader!
Note: Im TERRIFIED of storms and storms have been happening a lot the past few days so enjoy some self indulgence!
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Sleeping peacefully in your bed was what you had planned for but LA weather has other plans.
You did your night time routine of washing your face, brushing your teeth, and showering before curling up into bed happily.
Sleep came quickly but didnt last as a LOUD crash startled you awake; your heart pounding in your chest.
Listening for a moment as you sit up in bed, you are confused. There were no rain sounds, no flashes of lighting, no signs of a storm.
Rushing to get out of bed to check in a car accident had happened on your street, you were stopped in your tracks as another loud crack happened once again.
It scared you so much you dropped to your knees and covered your ears.
That's when you heard the pitter patter of rain starting to come down from the angry dark sky.
The thunder didnt stop there sadly.
It came in waves.
The rain worsened to the point it caused a panic to take refuge in your chest.
Clambering back into bed, you acted like a child and pulled the covers over your head and cried.
A vibrating from your nightstand caught your attention for a split moment but another flash of lightning caused you to flinch and prepare yourself for another crack of thunder.
It never came so you reached over and saw the name on screen 'Colby ❤️'
Quickly answering his voice filled your ear "Babe, you okay?"
Remember that crack of thunder? Yeah? Well now it decided to strike. It was loud. REALLY loud! Shaking the house and making a car alarm go off in the distance.
"fuck! No!" You cried into the phone.
Colby also flinched at the sound of the thunder before replying "Just cover your ears until I get there!"
You had no time to argue about him going out in a storm like this before the line went dead.
Panic filled you more at the thought of your boyfriend driving in such a bad storm but you couldn't bring your shaking hand to redial his number.
It was a very long 20 minutes before you heard the front door swing open, thanking whatever gods there were that you had given him a spare key.
Rushed footsteps came up the stairs and a gentle knock sounded from your bedroom door before creaking open.
"Baby?" Colby called out softly into the dark room.
A flash of lightning illuminated your tear stained face before he slowly approached you.
He kissed your head softly telling you he'd change into dry clothes and be with you in bed in just a moment.
That one simple kiss, calmed down a part of your panic.
The part that was worried for the man that was now undressing in your room.
True to his word, Colby changed and climbed into bed with you holding you close to his chest as he rocked you both back and forth.
Colby knew of your severe fear of storms from your first date. Some would have taken it as a bad sign but on your first date it started raining, you were slightly panicked and he helped keep you calm.
"It's gonna be okay babe.." he repeated pressing kisses all over your face and head.
"Want a distraction or to sit through it?"
You swallowed thickly for a moment turning to him "distraction please"
Nodding Colby looked away towards the window as he thought. Wracking his mind to find something that would take long enough for this storm to pass.
A smile pulled across his face as he looked back down towards you "How about...some baking? I know it's a little late for sweets but.." he shrugged with a gentle smile.
Agreeing, you slowly climb out of bed and you both make your way down to the kitchen. Only then did you notice he was wearing your clothes and not spare he brought with him.
One of your oversized pink shirts and a pair of joggers. The outfit didn't match at all and it was obvious he pulled those clothes out in the dark.
Smiling as he reached into the cabinet to bring out the flour you finally said a full sentence "You're wearing my clothes"
He turned to look at you and his face flushed red, he was getting embarrassed. This was the first time he had worn your clothes since you two had only been dating for roughly 4 months.
"Uh..Yeeah" he chuckled "that okay?"
Nodding quickly, you pressed a kiss to his cheek "of course! You look so good!"
He relaxed and laughed a bit kissing your head back.
The baking took longer than intended, roughly 3 hours, as you both kept messing up the recipe Colby had pulled up on his phone.
The first batch of brownies came out hard and crispy, more like brownie bark. No clue how it happened!
But the second batch was almost perfect! Fluffy and chocolatey.
You felt so lucky to have Colby here in order to keep you calm and distract you during the storm.
He was so attentive and loving. Always doing checks on you if you flinched at some lightning or a small crack of thunder.
Eventually the storm ended but you hadn't noticed as you slowly fell back asleep with a few brownies in your stomach waiting for Colby to come to bed.
Half asleep you noticed Colby pull the sun blocking blinds over the windows so the rising sun doesn't wake you before he climbs into bed.
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cupoftaae · 1 year
8? With Jungkook?🤞🏻
"please dont go....I cant be alone right now" x Jungkook
thank you for the request! Hope you enjoy <3
warnings- jungkook has a bad day waaa, fluffy, minor angst, reader and him are cute
The thud of Jungkooks backpack at the front door could be heard throughout the house, making you jump.
"kook?" you called out, "you home?"
After no response, you left the office room and made your way to the kitchen, where you saw your boyfriend searching for something to eat.
"Hi baby, I made dinner" you come up behind him and rub his back
He flinches a bit, making you frown. "oh, hi baby, thanks" he turns to see you-your height in perfect lining for his lips to meet your forehead.
"how was work? you alright my love?" you asked quietly, hand gently rubbing the skin under his shirt.
Jungkook hummed, "it was ok I guess..."
"yeah?" you looked up at him lovingly
"I just missed you" he shrugged, mumbling a bit
"oh sweet boy I missed you too..." you kissed his cheek and hugged him closer.
He released a shaky sigh and hugged you back, the strength of his arms squeezing you tightly.
"are you sure youre okay?" you whispered "because...its ok if you arent" you pulled away from his chest to see his face, his eyes now watery as he tried to even his breathing, almost as if he spoke he knew he would end up sobbing.
"honey..." you pouted and brushed his bangs away, cupping his face, "whats going on? talk to me so I can help"
He shook his head, looking down as a stray tear fell, making his hastily wipe his face with the back of his hand. "its just" he began quietly, "work....everything. its stressful"
You nod, "I know sweetheart"
"I kept messing up the vocals today and everyone was getting mad with me, I just felt like....i dont even know, I felt like a burden to be in the studio" he wiped another tear, sighing and looking at the ceiling.
"Kookie you know that you arent a burden, right? the boys all love you so fucking much...they need you, and they were probably just tired and cranky because you all need sleep and wont rest despite me scolding them" you breathe out a laugh, making him half smile
"I promise, you are so loved and important, so many people admire you, especially me" you pointed at yourself, making him giggle. "its ok to have tough days, its what makes us stronger, its part of being a human, however its how you react to it- thats how you grow and learn and become a better person, right?"
"right" he nodded, looking at you and squeezing your hands.
You scanned over his face and smiled softly, "do you want to take a bath?"
"yeah" he smiled
You placed a few towels on the counter near the tub, where your boyfriend sat.
"the lavender is nice" he spoke, eyes closed as he rested his head against the railing of the tub. "I told you, bath bombs arent just for girls" you giggled
"well it had a unicorn on it for christ sake" he opened one eye to see you, smiling.
"hey unicorns are uni-sex, get it?" you poked
"you...are so fucking corny" he laughed
"but you found it funny!"
you smiled at him, watching his face and admiring his beauty for a moment while his eyes were shut, he was so amazing and loved by you, and he would only know half of it.
"well baby, im gonna go wrap up work in my office, call me if-"
"no, please dont go....I cant be alone right now" he frowned, eyes opening up to see you at the door.
You frowned before nodding, silently making your way to sit in front of the tub. You werent gonna push him to talk, you knew he was struggling today and thats all you needed to hear.
He just needed a little extra love and affection like we all do somedays, its human.
We need hugs, we need to be told we are loved, we deserve to be loved, and valued.
He always made you feel his appreciation for you in any way possible, so you of course wanted to pay it back.
You carefully washed his hair and mindlessly chatted about random things, he seemed to have calmed down a lot in the time being, which made you happy.
He had insisted you join him in the tub-so you did.
"its getting cold, the water..." you mumble, head against his chest.
"meh.....its like lukewarm" he looked down at you, giggling, "are you about to sleep right now?"
"probably" you whisper
"no baby, lets get into bed" he smiled, jokingly patting your butt to get you off.
You pulled away to look at him, smiling, "I love you, you know that?"
the slight pink tint on his cheeks didnt go unnoticed, "yeah...." he giggled, "I love you too...you know that?"
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strellzzz · 1 year
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(okay so i’m gonna do my first lil fanfic)
' 𝘍𝘪𝘳𝘴𝘵 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳. '
(miles morales)
- you and miles have been dating for almost 3 months now.
your in your room making tiktok’s when all of sudden a message notification pop up on your phone.
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- when you saw that text you was getting kind of worried cause you don’t know where this text message is gonna lead to.
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you started smiling at your phone cause you loved when he called you “mamas”. you went on your clock app and set your phone to wake you up at 12:30 am cause you knew damn well you don’t be getting up early.
you put your phone down on the night stand and went to sleep.
11 hrs later ...
your alarm went off wakin u up. your half asleep and half woke. you looked at your phone and pressed snooze.
5 mins later...
your alarm went off once again. you sighed while turning to your phone pressing stop. you started stretching while getting up from your bed. you looked at your phone and you saw it's 12:37 , you thought to yourself and thought why would you set the alarm so early. you laid back in your bed and started facetiming miles. it took atleast 3 rings for him to answer , when he answered it was nothing but a black screen.
"hello ..."
when he said this you can hear nothing but his deep soft sleepy voice.
"you still sleep?"
"well i was ... but you called me.."
"why are you still up..?"
"i set my alarm to 12:30 and now i can't go to sleep."
it was a lil pause. all of sudden you heard moving noises and then you saw his tired face.
"why would you..."
you cut him off before he even finished his sentence.
"don't even ask"
"well just get ready and call me when your done"
he hangs up and you put your phone back on the nightstand. you got up out of your bed and went to the bathroom. you took off your clothes and went inside the shower washing every body part making sure you smell good. you get out the shower grabbing your towel and wrapping it around your body. you looked in the mirror while grabbing your toothbrush and toothpaste brushing your teeth.
after doing your skin care routine and everything else you went to your room to try and find clothes to wear.
( just visualize what you want to wear )
you found the clothes you want to wear and you placed them on the bed. you took your towel off and started drying yourself with it. you started putting your bra and your underwear on. you eventually started putting on your clothes.
you took off your bonnet that you had on your head. eventually you started calling him.
he answered.
"im on my way"
"well damn."
"yeah. im just quick like that"
"you wanna see my outfit?"
"nah. surprise me."
you placed your phone down where he can only see your celling. you started putting on perfume and putting on your shoes.
all of sudden you started hearing a honk outside your house. you looked out your window. it's him
"im outside"
"okay give me a min."
you hung up and grabbed your purse while putting stuff in there like your lipgloss and wallet etc. you walked to your front door leaving your house.
you went up to his car. he got out the car and walked to you kissing you on your lips. he stopped and started looking at you.
"you look so good mama.. and smell real good."
"thank youu" you started smilin.
he opened the front door for you. you got inside the car , he made sure you was in there for he won't close the door on your foot or leg. he walked to his side of the car and got in.
he starts driving to his house. eventually you guys got there. you both got out the car and went inside the house.
as you and him were walking in he leads you to the living room. you see his mom and dad sitting on the couch together.
"mom. dad. this is y/n."
they both got up and walked towards you and him.
his mom: so this is the girl you always talk about!
she looks at you.
his mom: it's so nice to meet you! and you look so pretty!
"thank u!" you smiled.
his dad: better looking then that white girl he was talking too.
she turned around to jefferson and gave him that look.
his dad: WHAT ?? i'm just saying !! i didn't like her and you didn't either.
"dad..please " he started covering his face 🤦🏾‍♂️ .
his dad: my bad my bad.
his mom: anyways...
she looked back at you.
his mom: make yourself at home !
"okay thank you !"
miles grab your hand and took you to his room.
i know it's alotta details 😭😭😭 i hope y'all like it also should i do a part 2 ?
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noorionoodles · 3 months
Vash and Wolfwood with a Muslim!F!reader (PLATONIC)
tw/: none
(98 and tristamp coded)
def gonna create a 2nd part with more characters. i loved writing this
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𓆩𓆪Vash The Stampede
• Vash, in his many years of traversing the desert plains of Noman's land, has definitely seen a group of Muslims or, in a rare case, an entire Islamic colony.
• I can imagine that Islam as a religion is a minority here, most of them comprising of people from Earth settlements and building upon that. Either way, it's rare to see a muslim, much less a hijabi around these parts.
• He met you right alongside the insurance girls (or meryl and roberto in tristamp)
• I can imagine you two hitting it off really well.
• Since he's been to a Muslim community before, he's kinda familiar with the rules and customs you follow and thinks your religion is admirable.
• 98' Vash would lowkey forget that he shouldn't initiate physical contact with you, so you have to remind him a lot lol
• But give him a fistbump or a head pat, and he's got the goofiest smile on his face—
• Both 98' and tristamp Vash would relate to your feeling of isolation, even if in your case it's a bit murky.
• Imagine the gang finally stopping at a town for respite, and all of them rush to the local bar to crack open a cold one. BAM! Suddenly, you're reminded that you're different.
• He's a plant, and the hard truth is that it's inevitable he's gonna feel isolated from humans.
• But you don't have to go through that.
• Vash would notice you standing near the vehicle watching the sunset, alone, and he sets the drink he just paid for back down to join you instead.
• You'd insist that you're fine and that he should go relax with the others. But instead of complying, he'd offer the two of you to walk around town, maybe buy something to eat along the way.
• You are NOT safe from his trinket collection, and that includes the rare occasion he finds a merchant selling tasbeehs and other knick-knacks. They remind you of home, and your heart warms at the sweet gesture.
• Is really protective of you once you get closer.
• He can't help it. You just take up so little space in a world where the loud ones win. It's not like he doesn't believe you can't fight for yourself.
• You're just so...pure and good-hearted.
• You can't blame him for wanting to cherish that.
• If you wear a hijab, he saw you without one accidently THAT ONE TIME and lowkey felt really guilty even tho you said it was okay
• Some nights when he can't sleep and watches the golden embers of the campfire slowly die, he'd find solace in the soft murmurs of your prayers. The simple act of your devotion to God is a beautiful reminder as to how humans can survive in this desolate land.
• Maybe one day he'll get the courage to ask you about them. Would do him good.
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♱Nicholas D. Wolfwood
• I thought a lot for this one
• Both Wolfwoods would honestly treat you the same like they do with everyone
• You know: being a little sh—
• I think 98' Wolfwood would have some vague idea of what muslims are
• Tristamp Nico would have no freaking clue lmaoo like my man just got out of a torture chamber
• The first encounter would be like: "Name's Wolfwood." And he extends his hand to shake yours
• But you obv can't do that so now the two of you just stand there like:
• 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♀️
• Im sorry they're def the type to ask those questions like:
• "Don't you feel hot under all that?" "How do you wash your hair?"
• And my personal favourie:
• "Not even water??"
• The first time he asks is because he's genuinely curious. But as soon as he realizes just how pissed off you get when he asks them? God may be merciful, but this preist sure ain't—
• It was a challenge to get close to him
• I mean, both of you have completely different perspectives on religion, and you clash a lot on that.
• Can't blame him. Man grew up in a literal cult—
• But there'd be a point where you two set aside your differences and just...co-exist lol
• Is surprised when you laugh at his dark jokes
• You know he's officially taken you under his wing once he gives you a stupidly endearing nickname
• Would seize every opportunity to noogie your head
• Def big brother vibes. Would glare at the person judging you for wearing a scarf when you're just trying to buy supplies.
• If he ever takes you to his orphanage, seeing the children innocently ask questions and look at you with a curious gaze would def warm his heart.
• Not that he would ever admit it.
• Nights when the crew camps in the middle of nowhere and he can't sleep. He'd sit beside you against the trunk of the car in silence. The smoke from his cigarette dissolving in the air faster than he can wrap his mind around his frequent nightmares. There is vulnerability in his eyes, and you're one of the few to provide him his well-earned peace. Not advice, but just listening. For some reason, you're really good at that.
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