#okay ill go now!! bye and good night!!!
cortinate · 2 years
me when i have symptoms of bipolar disorder after being diagnosed bipolar: huh wonder what all that was about
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chiscaralight · 20 days
okay so boom big daddy alpha is back AGAIN. so like :33 it’s scara x clueless/innocent!reader..!! the reader is all like “oh mah gah i feel weird sigma scara” and he’s all like “whatchu mean gang?” then they’re like again “oh idk blah blah blah” then proceeds to list ALL the feelings that relate to being horny and he’s just trying not to laugh before he’s like “lemme take care of you” and shit
bye my fantasies are so weird
i love this concept! nothing crazy, just regular nsfw tags lol hope u like😼
imagine if it’s fatui scara! who keeps you around as a verbal punching bag. maybe he enjoys your presence, but with the way he’s always finding something to berate you about, you'd still doubt it if an archon descended from the heavens and told you themself.
and even if he makes sure you're always well fed, body tightly wrapped and tucked under his thick duvet on the colder nights, and how he inspects the injuries you come back with when your careless self wanders off without anyone to watch you, you still wouldn't believe it.
or maybe you're lying to yourself, because why are you going to him about this weird feeling when there are so many doctors and healers you can seek out instead? is it because you're actually starting to believe he cares, or because you subconsciously know he's the one who can fix your "illness"?
you don't bother to knock. even if you did, he'd still find something to complain about that you did. surprisingly, you're met with silence. his eyes are trained on you as you approach his desk.
"what's wrong with you?"
observant as always. you tell him you're sick, and his hand is already reaching out to feel your temperature, but the way his knuckles press against your skin amplifies that feeling by a thousand.
scaramouche is confused though. your temperature seems normal, you're not sweating in the usual cold of his office and your face is its usual color, save for the red that's hazing over your cheeks now.
so you tell him everything. from the heat you're only feeling in certain places, to the way you're involuntarily pressing your thighs together. even the way your underwear has been getting soaked these past few days! it's not normal, and you definitely need to get checked out.
not a lot makes him laugh, but he's trying his hardest not to double over. it's not just the fact that he immediately knew what you were trying to say, it's because you're so convinced something is wrong with you! so he tells you he knows exactly what's wrong, and exactly how to fix it. you sigh in relief. it was a good idea to come to him. he always knows what to do in situations like this.
scratch that, it wasn't just a good idea. it was an amazing one! you would have given yourself a strong pat on the back in any other situation, but with the way scaramouche's tongue was absolutely violating your cunt, you could barely remember your little ailment.
you're trying to squirm out of his firm grip, but he's keeping you held down so easily. the feeling is obviously unusual to you, so he'll save you the trouble of actually having to tie you down this time. he's sliding a single finger into the warmth of your slit and your back is almost flying off his bed, fingers tangling in his hair as he adds another.
it's so confusing, was treatment supposed to feel this good? you usually have to be forced to drink any medicine that's prescribed or begged to sit still so the doctor can put the needle through your vein. now though, you're the one begging him to put his fingers back in! he just presses a kiss to your pouting lips and tells you he has something that'll have you feeling much better in no time.
he sure as hell wasn't lying, because his cock dragging in and out of you at this delicious pace was a significant upgrade to his fingers. you're full of moans and cries he's hitting places you didn't even realize could be felt in you like this, and your eyes are rolling back at the sheer feeling of it all. and once his lips connect with your neck? it's all over for you now. you're squeezing his wrist as hard as you can as the waves of pleasure rolling over you almost have you wailing. you don't even know what you're saying anymore! incoherent babbles falling from your lips while he fucks his own orgasm into you with disoriented thrusts.
you're finally calming down, the dark spots in your vision lightening. scaramouche has other plans though, because he's turning you onto your stomach as his fingers graze down the dip in your back.
"gonna give you one more dose of this medicine yeah? just to make sure."
you have a feeling he might have to give you a few more after this. because if this is how you get treated, the sickness might just have to keep coming back.
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h3arts4harry · 2 months
- "what do you mean we?" -
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summary: y/n goes out for girls night and gets left to walk home, noticing someone following her she calls chris who comes with backup
warnings: fluff, alcohol, creepy dudes, throwing up, idrk
biker! chris sturniolo x y/n
y/n 21 chris 22 matt 22 nick 22 elianna (eli) 22 jemma (jem) 21
its 8pm and im getting ready to go out with eli and jemma. we've been planning girls night for around 2 months now and we all just got off of facetime finalizing our plan of what we're doing, agreeing to get to the club at around 9:30pm. i set down my phone on my desk and walk over to my closet swiftly pulling out my leopard print tube top and my short black shorts along with my studded belt, laying them out on my bed before undressing my comfy clothes and pulling on the outfit. as im looking over my outfit in the mirror, i hear a quiet buzz come from my desk, i turn around to -chris🧡- is calling i quickly pick up my phone answering it leaning it on a water bottle on my desk, pulling out my makeup from the drawer to my left side "heyy", "hey ma, what you doing?" he asks his phone against his monitor, hes leant forward his elbows on his knees, his eyes locked on your face. "im getting ready to go out with eli and jemma" i pause for a second to focus on getting the eyeliner even before speaking up again "u remember i said about it a couple days ago" i glance at his smiling face then back to the mirror, "oh yea, do you need me to drive you there?" "uh eli's picking us up in her uber, she was gonna drive then decided she wanted to drink earlier on the phone" "okay, where are you going?" "sound nightclub, its in las palmas ave" "oh nice, tara said that place is good" "omg we need to hangout with tara so bad, im gonna text her tmr" "sounds great" chris chuckles, i finish my makeup cleaning it up by wiping the smudged eyeliner, i pull my hair out of the messy bun i quickly pulled it into to get it out of my face, i split the hair in two bringing it over my shoulders, "you look beautiful ma" i look to my phone to a smirk on chris's face while he lays on his bed against his headboard. "thank you baby" i smile while combing through my hair.
im showing chris the entire outfit when i hear a car honking outside, "eli and the uber is here" i announce, "okay baby have fun and call me if you need anything yea?" "i will, thank you, i love you baby" "i love you too ma" and with that we hang up. i grab my bag and rush down and out my house, "bye mum ill be home late, dont wait up" "okay hunny be safe love you" she yells back from the kitchen "love you too" i shout as i close the door behind me. i run up to the uber, opening the back down sitting down, "elianna hiii" i reach forward hugging eli whos sat in the passengers seat "hey y/nn", "i think youre forgetting someone?" jemma says from beside me "i could never forget u jem" i giggle giving her a hug as well.
we pull up outside the club, eli pays the uber driver and we head into the loud building. we walk up to bar and order some shots. "to girls night!" we cheers and down the shot.
songs blast over the speakers as we all dance. i feel hands slide onto my waist "hey hottie" i immediately turn around stepping back bringing my hand up between us "hey, no, i have a boyfriend" he steps closer to me my hand now against his chest bringing his hands back onto me "i dont see him" he smirks "well if he sees you he'll beat your ass so i suggest you walk away lil boy" i push against his chest as i finish talking, his smirk disappears and he walks away. i continue dancing until the song finishes, another starting as i make my way over to the bar for another drink.
"heyy i think i wanna go home now" i drunkenly speak to my best friends, "girl cmonn we wanna stay" eli says back, a small 'yea' being heard from jem "okay" i look down at my shoes "imma walk home byee" i say quieter than i thought, i spin on my feet and walk through the crowd of people, eli and jem go back to dancing thinking im going to use the restroom.
i forgot the walk back home is 1-2 hours, and my feet are starting to hurt already. i look around the street to see if theres a bench to see a figure a little back behind me down the street. the person looks quite tall, but i cant make out who it is. i turn and carry walking, deciding to try ignore the pain in my feet not wanting to stop and them catch up.
after walking for another 10 minutes i can still feel the presence of someone behind me, but they feel closer than before. scared to turn back around, i pull out my phone and call chris:
"can u come get me i dont feel safe" i whisper adding, "i think someones following me" "are you drunk? where are u?" "i dont know urmmm" i squints my eyes while walking attempting to read the street sign "oh im on Melrose" "okay we're on our way" "thank you baby- wait what do you mean we?" "be there in 5 okay?" "okay baby i love you" "i love you too ma"
i continue walking still terrified to stop or look behind me. after what feels like hours walking (10 minutes), i hear revving in the distance to my right, i turn to see 3 black motorbikes speeding down the road. i stop with a small smile recognising chris's bike from a mile away. they pull up directly infront of me, chris pulls off his helmet "are you okay?" looking a little down the street to see a man stopped in his tracks staring at the group, hes closer than y/n thought. "yea, especially now your here" i put a hand on his cheek swiping my thumb over it, the small stubble against my hand will always be one of my favourite feelings. "is he following you?" he doesn't take his eyes away from the man, "im not sure, i didn't want to look or stop, i just called you" i lightly bite the side of my bottom lip, chris turns to his brothers tilting his head in the direction of the man, the boys nod back taking of towards him to which he turns back to you. "here" he passes you the helmet from his lap, "thank you" i mumble pulling the helmet over my head, chris takes off his protective jacket "chris you need this" i say as hes pulling it on me "you need it more than me" he zips it up "cmon jump on lets go home" i do as he says, lifting my leg over the bike wrapping my arms around his waist. as chris starts up the bike i look to my right to see 1 out of the 2 boys riding back towards us, i lean back to see nick stood over the man, one fist filled with the neck of his shirt, the other landing one last punch into the side of his face. dropping the man he stands up straight turning back to his bike pulling his helmet on, then getting onto his bike joining us waiting for him.
"are you okay y/n?" nick asks through the intercom, "yea im oka-" im cut off being sick in my mouth, forcing myself to swallow it down as i have my helmet on and i cant let it go, i feel chris try turn to me not being fully able to "ma?" i take in a deep breath "im fine, can we go home? im gonna be sick again" "of course baby" chris pulls out into the road, matt infront of us and nick behind. we're pulling onto the main road when matt breaks the silence "hold on y/n, what do you mean again?" "i uh threw up in my mouth but had to swallow it cause i had my helmet on" you can hear nick gag in the background.
we finally pull into our driveway. as soon as i feel the bike stop i jump off it, pulling my helmet off as i run through the garage door into chris and i's room, lightly throwing it onto chris bed as i barge into the bathroom falling to my knees infront of the toilet immediately throwing up what felt like my entire insides.
"y/n?" chris runs in behind me almost instantly, crouching down pulling my hair back "let it all out baby". i sit back onto the heels of my feet, leaning into chris's chest "remind me to never drink again" i groan to which he quietly chuckles "dont laugh at me" i sit up turning to face him "its not funny" he shakes his head still laughing, "chris-" "i know i know, its just you tell me to do remind you every single time" i stay silent looking at him furrowing my eyebrows with a small pout "cmon lets get you ready for bed" he stands up then puts his hand out for me pulling me up. "im gonna grab you some pjs, can you manage taking your dress off?" he asks with a small smile lingering on his face, i nod reaching down to the bottom of my dress lifting it over my head, then sitting on the toilet seat pulling off my shoes. he walks in with one of his shirts and a pair of my shorts, i reach to grab the clothes when he turns them away "let me help" "i can do it yano" "i know but i want to" he pulls the shirt over my head letting it drop before leaning over tapping my left leg, i lift it and he slips the shorts over, repeating the same with my right leg. he then stands up straight, grabbing my makeup wipes from the drawers, taking one out he places his spare hand on my jawline and begins wiping away the smudged makeup that remains on my face i look down to his wrist seeing a hair tie, i reach up pulling his hand off my face taking the band before placing his hand back on my face, putting up my hair in a low messy bun. "all clean" he says kissing the tip of my nose before lifting my up from the seat carrying me to our bed.
as soon as i feel the sheets cover me i feel how tired i actually am, just as i doze off i feel chris's arms wrap around me bringing my chest against his, kissing my forehead he mumbles "goodnight ma."
i wrote this over a course of 2 months for im sorry if its shit LMFAO
as always, honest feedback is appreciated <333
@m0r94n @chrisgetsmewetterxo @raysmayhem-72 @junnniiieee07 @sturnzsblog @sturniolo-slvt @mattspolitank
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inseperable-m. sturniolo
warnings: angst, fluff
i hate to beg but if you like the story please like🙏
it’s 9:30 am, and you just woke up. all you could hear was footsteps, nick’s probably, and the sound of your boyfriend snoring.
you had spent the night at the sturniolo’s house last night, and you had to leave for work.
you uncovered yourself, trying to get out of the bed carefully, not wanting to wait matt, who’s always grumpy in the morning.
you got out of bed, only to feel matt’s arm lazily touching you.
“good morning.” you say confused as to why matt’s touching you.
“stop moving the bed motherfucker.” he says, covering his face with a pillow.
“okay sorry.”
“just shut up and let me sleep.” matt says.
“don’t talk to me like that matt.”
“whatever.” matt says as he grabs his phone.
about 30 minutes goes by and you’re ready for work.
“bye, love you.” you say to matt, who’s still on his phone.
“yeah, whatever. right back at ya.” matt says, sounding like he couldn’t give 2 fucks in the world if you left or stayed.
“matt why are you acting weird?” you ask.
“i’m not.”
“yeah you are, but it’s fine. i need to go anyways.”
“why are you always such a bitch?” matt’s says, catching you off guard.
“excuse me?”
“you’re always trying to be in my business. and you always complain about how i act.”
“matt i don’t complain, i just care about how you feel. it’s how the dating thing works.” you say, trying to stay calm but you can feel your voice raising.
matt silently stares at you.
“so do you wanna meet up tonight or something? we could watch a movie or-“
“SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH Y/N! DAMN.” matt yells louder than you have ever heard him yell before.
“matt stop acting like an asshole. just because you’re always a dick in the mornings doesn’t mean you can take it out on me. before you dump anymore of your pissy attitude onto me, i’m going to leave before i’m late for work.”
matt blankly looks at you, and he genuinely looks like he has no words to say.
it’s 5:30 pm, and you’re driving home after what seemed like the longest day of work ever. nothing specifically bad happened, but the fight you had with matt that morning really ruined the day.
you’re listening to the radio when you get a call from nick.
you answer it.
“hello?” you say.
“hey, y/n.”
“hey nick.”
“so um, matt told me about this morning. and uh, i wanted to see if you’re okay.”
“i’m okay nick, i promise. thanks for caring though.”
“yeah no problem.”
“matt’s not okay.” nick says out of nowhere.
“oh.” is all you can manage to say.
“yeah, he’s been moping around all day talking about how shitty of a boyfriend he feels like.”
“hey nick, i’m pulling up to my house right now, can i call you back in a little bit?”
“sure! bye y/n.”
“bye.” you hang up as you walk into your house.
you would normally go to the triplets house at this time, or maybe facetime matt, but you can’t right now so you sit down and watch love island.
by the time you watch a few episodes, you realize how tired you are. you take a shower, do some skincare and go lay down.
you’re so tired, but you can’t sleep. you always sleep next to matt, or fall asleep on the phone with matt on the other end, but now you just feel empty.
an hour goes bye, and you’re still awake when you hear the front door to your house open.
you freeze in fear, unable to move, until you see matt open your bedroom door.
“hey, y/n.”
“hi.” you reply.
matt stands there in silence, then asking if he can sit in the corner of the bed.
“i’m sorry y/n.”
you just stare at him, unable to form words.
“i really am, i don’t know what i was thinking.” matt has tears running down his face as he sniffles.
“matt you were a complete douchebag.” you say, about to cry yourself.
“i know, i just was stressed about our new video and im tired. but i know there’s no excuses. ill leave if you want me to, i just wanted to say sorry.”
“you don’t have to leave matt. also, i’m sorry for calling you an asshole.” you say.
“well i was one.” matt says, wiping stray tears from his face.
“do you forgive me y/n?”
“yeah, just don’t do it again.”
you go into his arms as he holds you tightly, and you feel so much better.
“i love you y/n.”
“i love you too matt.”
matt gets in the bed beside you, wrapping his arms around you. now, you drift off to sleep like a newborn baby.
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turcott3 · 8 months
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trevor zegras and platonic jamie drysdale x fem! reader
warnings?: sad af tbh!, angst, cursing but ofc fluff
“what?” you spoke into the phone.
“he picked up the phone and they told him he was going to philly in the morning. no warning or anything. completely blindsided.” trevor explains to you.
“i cannot believe that, is he okay?” you ask.
“he’s shocked, we all are.”
“i bet. i’m so sorry trevor.” you say trying to comfort your boyfriend.
“it’s okay, i just wish it wasn’t so sudden.”
“well, tell jamie i wish him the best and that ill miss making breakfast with him every morning.”
“you can call him, that feels too personal don’t wanna invade.” he forces a laugh.
“okay ill call him tomorrow. get back to your friends babe, try to have a good night okay?”
“okay i will, love you y/n.”
“love you trev, bye.”
“bye.” he hangs up. you sat staring off into space. your mind spinning uncontrollably. they just shipped off your boyfriends best friend. scratch that, your best friend, besides trevor of course. you turn on the tv to whatever was on distracting yourself from the thoughts invading your mind, clouding the good day you had. finally, you allow yourself to cry, knowing your last goodbye to jamie was truly your last and that he wouldn’t be returning.
“what the fuck.” you say crying more, wishing someone was around you could talk to. you say for hours lost in your thoughts, watching tv without paying any attention. at this point it was late enough so you took yourself to bed, heart heavy at the thought of having to call jamie in the morning. though falling asleep was easy, waking up was the worst feeling in the world. you picked up your phone quickly, scrolling through your contacts to find jamie’s name, hitting call. the phone only rang twice before he picked up.
“hello?” he says, voice sounding weak.
“hey jimmy, how are you feeling?”
“i’m okay, i’m in philly now. i’m getting ready to head to the rink. i’m a little nervous but i talked to cam and he reassured me.”
“good i’m glad, im gonna miss you so much jamie.”
“i miss you too y/n, gonna miss our early morning breakfast making.” he laughs softly, a bittersweet smile spreading on my face.
“yeah, yeah ill really miss that too. singing ‘unwritten’ will never be the same without you.”
“damn you’re right, listening to that song will never hit like it did when we were making pancakes every morning.”
“i’m gonna miss that so much, well i don’t wanna keep you for too long. call me if you need anything okay? i know this is gonna be tough.”
“i will, thank you y/n.”
“of course, bye jamie.”
“bye.” he says before hanging up. your heart sank at his tone but could sense his hopefullness that they wouldn’t give up on him like anaheim had.
you say on the couch, watching trevor play with a heavy heart. you could practically smell it through the tv. you’d spoken to him briefly but he avoided the topic of jamie, it was still a touchy subject for him. next thing you know, trevor falls, hitting the boards awkwardly.
“fuck.” you say, watching him unable to get up without assistance, your heart breaking all over again. the trainer escorted him to the locker room, the pit in your stomach growing larger.
“please be okay, please be okay.” you say sighing.
“trevor zegras will not return to tonight’s game.” you hear the commentators say, you sigh shutting your eyes, waiting for the phone to ring and almost on queue it begins.
“trevor are you okay? what’s going on?”
“i don’t know i just fell and i did something and then i couldn’t skate off the ice and i-“
“trevor stop, slow down. take a breath honey. you’re gonna make yourself sick.” you say stopping him.
“i don’t know what to do y/n.”
“do you want me to come to nashville?”
“no no you don’t need to, i think i may just come back to anaheim if i can’t play next game.”
“call me as soon as you know.” you say biting your nails.
“i promise i will, ill call you once they evaluate me.”
“okay, love you trevor.”
“love you too, bye.” he says and you hang up, slamming your phone down on the couch tears instantly spilling from your eyes, your hands instantly covering your face.
“i can’t fucking do this.” you cry, trying to catch your breath as your phone begins to ring, jamie’s name coming into the screen.
“hello?” you say weakly.
“i saw what happened and i wanted to check up on you. how you holding up?”
“i’m a fucking mess jamie.” you say sobbing.
“oh y/n, i’m so sorry. i wish i could be there with you.” he says apologetically.
“it’s okay, everything’s gonna be okay.” you say out loud to yourself.
“do you have any updates?” he asks.
“no he said he would call me after he gets evaluated.” you say sniffling.
“okay, do you want me to stay on the phone until then? i can facetime you, that’s better than nothing.”
“yes, please do.” you say and he presses the facetime button, you picking up immediately.
“sorry i look awful right now,” you say wiping your nose.
“hey no, don’t worry. you’re going through a lot right now.”
you stayed on the phone with jamie for the next two hours, appreciating him spending time on the phone with you instead of getting to know his new city.
“jamie i gotta go. z is calling, i’ll text you with updates.”
“okay, goodnight y/n.”
“goodnight jamie.” you say hanging up and picking up trevor’s call.
“so?” you ask.
“can you pick me up from the airport in the morning?” he asks, your heart sinking into your stomach.
“yes i can.”
“thank you baby, i’m so sorry about all of this.”
“it’s okay. are you okay?”
“i’m not playing, won’t know what’s wrong until i come home and go see team doc.”
“okay okay, what time?” you ask.
“7 am, cali time.”
“jesus thats in,” you look at the time, “11 hours.”
“i’m sorry for the short notice, i didn’t think this would happen.”
“it’s okay no worries at all okay? i’ll see you tomorrow morning.”
“okay, i love you.” he says
“i love you too, bye trevor.” you say hanging up. texting jamie about picking him up in the morning. with the early wake up time, you take yourself to bed and crash instantly. the sadness had exhausted you. it seems like just as you went to sleep your alarm was already going off. you groaned at the sound, sliding your shoes on and heading out the door without caring for your appearance. feeling selfish for being this down when it’s not even happening to you. your drive to the airport was smooth, trevor texting you that he’d landed a few minutes ago as you pull into the airport arrival lane, him waiting patiently with his foot in a boot. you stop and get out of the car to hug him, crying instantly.
“hey hey i’m here now, let’s go home okay?” he says holding you tightly. you put his things in the car and drive off, back to your apartment. the car ride was completely silent as you gathered your composure. once you arrive you help him bring his stuff in and help him into bed.
“did you sleep?” you ask laying down next to him.
“no.” he says looking over at you, looking beat down.
“get some sleep baby.” you say pulling yourself to his side, combing your fingers through his hair.
“i can’t sleep y/n,” he said, his voice breaking, “god damnit.” he says breaking down in tears, your hands catching his face as he looked down.
“talk to me trevor, get it out.”
“well for starters, it was my 200th game and i didn’t even make it through the first period and my best friend got traded across the country all within 24 hours. life couldn’t possibly get any worse. this is the lowest i have ever felt.” he explained, getting everything off his chest.
“i know it’s hard honey, i’ve cried about 50 times in the last 24 hours. my heart is broken for you. all i can do is be here for you and listen and i feel like that’s still not even enough.”
“it is enough, it’s just a tough time right now. for both of us it seems.” he giggles, placing a hand around my waist.
“well i love you, i’m here for you baby. don’t hold back anything you’re feeling, not until you’re better. it sucks that jamie is gone but we still have each other! i know that’s not like the greatest but it’s something.”
“you know, you are the best girlfriend ever.” he smiles weakly, pulling you onto his lap and wiping the few tears that left your eyes.
“i just feel terrible about all of this.” you say to him.
“there’s nothing you could’ve done, it’s okay.” he says hugging you to his chest.
“this was not on my 2024 bingo card.” you sniffled, laughing lightly.
“it wasn’t on mine either but here we are.” he says hugging onto me tightly. you stayed on his chest until you felt yourself grow tired, eyes getting heavier by the second. not a word was said as you drifted off to sleep. trevor stayed awake, holding onto you as it was the only thing keeping him from falling apart.
“i love you more than you’ll ever know.” he whispers into your hair, kissing your head sweetly as his hands rubbed your back gently.
when you woke up and rolled off of the boy who was fast asleep, trying not to wake him up. you grabbed your phone off the charger and walked into the kitchen, opening your phone to a missed call from jamie about 20 minutes ago. you click on the notification to call him back and he picks up instantly.
“hello?” he says.
“yes jamie hi, what’s up?”
“do you have a minute?”
“yeah i just got up, are you okay?”
“yeah i think it’s all starting to process now and i’m so emotional. like i just up and left my home with my two best friends. how can i just live like this so suddenly? i made breakfast and it wasn’t even good.” he explains, his voice wavering.
“oh jamie,” you say, “it’s gonna be okay. i promise it will be. they love you.”
“i’m sure ill get used to it soon it’s just such an unexpected change, i don’t know what i’m doing.” he says sending you through all of your emotions at once.
“i understand, even though we aren’t physically there we are always here for you jam. we love you so so much.”
“i love you guys too.”
“i’m also about to make breakfast for the first time without you, i don’t really know how to feel.” you laugh realizing what you had walked into the kitchen to do.
“well i’ll let you go so you can perfect your pancakes as always. bye y/n.”
“bye jam.” you say hanging up the phone and bringing out all the ingredients. you do your typical routine, humming ‘unwritten’, your favorite song. suddenly a wall of emotions hit you and tears begin to fall without warning.
“our breakfast song.” you say to yourself, recalling that you and jamie had sang this together every morning.
“smells good.” trevor says walking out of the room, your back fortunately facing away from him.
“thank you.” you force out, sounding mostly normal.
“pancakes?” he asks.
“yep.” you reply flipping the last one. you plate it and turn around, revealing your red and puffy face to your boyfriend.
“woah,” he says getting up off the bar stool and rounding the counter, “what’s going on?”
“trevor im so tired.” you cry and he wraps you in his arms.
“i know i know.” he says holding you tightly.
“i feel so empty, ive been here for you, for jamie, for everyone and no one has sat and listened to me. im so tired.” you cry even more into his chest.
“i didn’t know you felt that way, im so sorry if you felt like you couldn’t talk to me baby.”
“it’s okay, it’s a rough time for you i didn’t wanna push too hard but i can’t say i wasn’t upset.”
“don’t dismiss your own feelings just because i’m going through something. we’re in this together.” he says pulling away slightly, brushing strands of hair from your face.
“okay.” you say, your sobs finally subsiding.
“i love you.” he says kissing your gently on the forehead.
“i love you too trev.” you say smiling at the gesture, wrapping yourself back in his embrace.
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lilacgaby · 18 days
day six
chapter select!
[a/n: i was a bit sad that this ends next chapter soo i uploaded the start of my other bkg series early... serenity out noww :>]
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she woke up to that familiar smell of caramel.
she looked, and there he was, katsuki bakugo in all his sleeping glory, with his arms wrapped around her.
she took the chance to take a quick picture of him, her phone thankfully not too far away, laying on the desk next to some manga that she was planning on taking to her room.
she snickered a bit to herself, before unwrapping his arms from around her, and effectively escaping his room.
he'd be pissed if he woke her up so early, so she quietly grabbed the nana issue she fell asleep reading, and snuck out his room.
the sun wasn't out yet, so it had to be extremely early morning.
she saw that the coast was clear as she slowly crept through the hallways back to her room. all she needed was to get to the elevator--
damn it.
she turned to see todoroki, who seemed to just have returned after a mission. he was still dressed in his hero outfit, eyeing her suspiciously.
"what are you doing here?"
"i slept in bakugo's room last night, i was trying to get back to my dorm secretly."
she slapped her forehead as she let it slip.
"okay, listen, i was hit by a truth quirk and today is my last full day. don't bring this up and ill give you some cold soba or something."
"i wouldn't have said anything anyways, but thanks for the soba." he shrugged, walking on to his room.
"yeah, bye todoroki."
she called the elevator, put in her floor, and waited silently for the door to open.
as soon as it did, she crept right to her room, and crashed right back into bed.
today was the last full day with the quirk, and it'd be fully gone by noon tomorrow.
she sighed in relief and threw herself under the covers once more. she winced as she accident laid on the side of her wound, she'd still need to go find recovery girl today and ask for a kiss.
she eyed the stupid chalkboard that was still in her room, the operation only standing to remind her of her accidental confession. but as she laid, pondering over her interactions with bakugo over the the past week, she thought that maybe her feelings weren't as unrequited as she once thought.
she stared up at the roof of her bedroom, the slightly faded neon green glow-in-the-dark stars staring back at her.
the sun started to peak out through her balcony window, the tiny bit of energy it provided to her helping calm the storm of thoughts she was facing in her mind.
she decided to start her day early, hoping preoccupying herself would make her feel better.
after fully getting ready for the day: showering, cleaning her room, brushing her teeth, and doing her routine, the clock read at eight o'clock.
recovery girl should be in her office by now.
she walked out the dorms, her purse the only belonging she brought, as she traveled to the main building.
after a short walk, she reached the medical wing of U-A.
recovery girl questioned her harshly about the injury, badgering her to stay more safe in battle, and to not be so reckless.
"these types of injuries can leave you disabled or seriously hurt! be more careful young lady!"
"yes ma'am."
and with a small kiss on the head from the small, yet fierce recovery girl, she was back on her way.
as she strolled through the halls of U-A, she thought idly about what she wanted to do for the day.
she really didn't have anything planned for the day, so she decided just to relax in her dorm for the day, since she couldn't remember the last time she did so.
she took the time to actually thoroughly clean her room this time, hoping it'd fix her mental state like it always seemed to do.
her arm already felt good as new, but she was still careful for it, because of the nurse's words that had actually scared her.
the wound would heal, but it'd still leave the scar, the remnant of that battle.
but no matter what she'd try to distract herself with, even the nature of her scar wasn't enough to keep her thoughts from always coming back to him.
she now knew that her feelings were somewhat mutual, but she still couldn't help but feel worried about how things would turn out. they'd held hands, they'd slept together, and they'd went through a somewhat scary situation together.
what more did a good couple need?
after she fixed up her room, she surprisingly did feel better, but not by much.
she called mina into her room and ranted about what had happened to her over the past week, while mina relayed some stuff that had gone public.
apparently a news channel had reported on the fight between her and those villains, and had caught the end, where she won, on camera.
it had also caught the moments between her and bakugo on camera, which is why majority of the things she wanted to let mina know was already out in the open.
[name] still ranted on about what had transpired on the train ride, in the hospital, and in his dorm.
it felt good just to tell someone, to speak the truth without being forced to.
but after she grew bored of her rant, she sent mina off with the inconvenient ass chalkboard.
since it was saturday, everyone else also had the idea to just relax from their missions from the past few days. [name] finished up the volume of nana, and decided to go get some more from katsuki's dorm.
she walked in.. he was still sleeping? it was like two in the afternoon at this point.
still, she didn't want to deal with being the one to wake him up, so she grabbed another issue of nana and walked right out.
not before looking back and noticing his suddenly off posture.
she shrugged and headed back to her room.
the day passed on boringly,
her days since today were all so action packed or at least had something going on, so sitting around and doing nothing felt so foreign. so,
she sat in the common rooms, playing some weird racing game with denki and kirishima.
she lost, making them comfort her jokingly.
"it's okay [name], you're not good at everything and that's fine!"
"shut up!"
"yeah, you may have lost this but you're gonna win in life tomo--." denki joked, before sero flung a piece of tape on his mouth.
"dude shut up!"
[name] stared at them, so confused they could've swore a question mark popped up beside her head.
"what do you mean ' win in life'?"
"it's nothing, he's just being stupid again. must've overused his quirk or something." kirishima said, trying to save the secret.
"...but he didn't even use his quirk?"
"he meant that uh.. you win in life all the time because your so strong?" sero tried to reason.
"but why would that just be for tomorrow--"
"hey let's just play again okay? winner gets four-hundred yen."
she got the sense that they really wanted her to drop it. must be some weird guy stuff, she reasoned.
"you guys are being weird as hell and i know something is up.
but, okay. i want a head start since you're being so secretive though."
the guys all let out sighs of relief. "you got it!"
as she won because of her unfair advantage, over and over again, she wondered if tomorrow had something to do with bakugo.
oh well. that's tomorrows problem.
bakugo had been out since noon, he woke up at eleven, and left pillows shaped as his body in his wake because he knew [name] would go back in his room.
he was storming through the mall, looking for the perfect gifts for [name].
he was the best, destined to top in every single category.
and that included in confessing.
he had already stopped by a corner shop and picked out small things she'd enjoy, snacks, candy, and a small beaded bracelet with a yellow flower on it.
mina had texted him some new specific snacks that she liked, so he had to admit being in that dumb operation group chat actually helped.
just a bit though.
but it still just wasn't enough in his head.
he needed something so beautiful, so that [name] would feel as though she'd never get such a great gift ever again.
as he walked through the shops, glaring at the windows as he tried to spot something fit for her, he thought back to what he thought would look nice on her.
he decided to get her some jewelry, fancy shit too, so it wouldn't get damaged or turn green.
he walked into a shop, gorgeous jewels shining brightly as he walked in.
as he walked in, he noticed that the sparkly weird guy was there.
"ah, bakugo! what are you doing here today?" the guy said, sending sparkles in bakugo's direction.
bakugo shook it off him as he answered.
"i'm looking for a nice necklace."
"for you? wow! i'm you'll look gorgeous with this twinkle--"
"no dumbass, i meant for [name]."
"oh, for [name]! well this will surely leave her a star!"
aoyama ducked off and ran behind, searching through the shelves as he suddenly pulled out a cute, dainty necklace with a detailed tulip on it.
"what do you think? twinkles right?"
"yeah, it does." bakugo scoffed, it was actually a good choice.
"how much?"
aoyama dramatically took on a thinking pose, pointing his finger directly as bakugo, as more of that sparkley stuff flew around him.
"this is twenty-one thousand yen! but with my friends discount...
it'll be seven-thousand! what do you say bakugo?" aoyama decreed, while pointing his fist towards bakugo, acting as a mic.
"i'll take it."
aoyama smiled brightly, and handed him a velvet covered box with the necklace inside.
bakugo nodded and walked out, now satisfied with his gifts.
now he just had to think about the perfect spot.
‎°❀⋆ .ೃ࿔*:・ 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔
[name] had gotten bored of winning a while ago, and she had forgotten get enough time in the sun to fully eat so now she was upset, frustrated, and hungry.
her only possible salvation was drinking plant growth tea, which tasted gross but was the only thing she could eat to get full temporarily, besides the sun of course.
as she sucked it up and chugged the drink down in one go, she eyed bakugo who walked in with a huge bag of stuff.
hey, i never saw him leave, weirdd. [name] thought.
after resisting the urge to gag at the taste in her mouth, the hunger disapates and leaves her satisfied.
she lurked around, noting that everyone had gone to bed early except for tokoymai. she got bored and went back to her dorm,
the quirk would finally dissipate and all would be good in the world again.
she jumped onto her bed, ignoring the loud creaking sound that she heard from the force she exterted onto it.
she slumped over and even though she didn't want to...
doom scrolled through her socials.
mina wasn't lying, the news had covered both her and bakugo's victory the other day.
she felt herself flush at the sight of bakugo gently picking her up and walking her to the medics.
people in the comments were commenting on how cute the two rookie heroes looked together, and how they had never seen dynamite with a face like that.
they complimented her drive, and the fact that the two were so strong yet both still in school.
she promptly turned her phone off and held it to her chest..
tomorrow she'd talk it out with him.
or at least she'd try.
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taglist (comment to be added!): @cc1306 @reads-stuff-quietly @dazqa @teenagetrash00 @jennapancake @sakurarr1122
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dirtybitfic · 8 months
Concert love
Chris and matt sturniolo x y/n fan-fiction
(contains- flirting in front of a whole crowd, concert, drinking, dirty talk, smutt, threesome, slapping, chocking, use of the names- ma, slut,whore,daddy and I think that's it)
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y/n pov-
me and my best friend ybf/n decided to get tickets for the lil skies concert a while ago since the tickets were surprisingly cheap and we've both liked his music since we were in high school
me and ybf/n were getting ready playing music through my speaker and talking and laughing.
we both finished doing our makeup
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(your look)
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(ybf/n look)
damn y/n your makeup looks so good
thanks you too bitch damn
okay lets get dressed and then ill order the uber
We both go to your separate rooms in the apartment to change. Neither of us know what the other one picked for their outfit but I know hers is gonna be so good and im very confident about my choice.
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(your outfits but instead 0f heels your wearing orange nike dunks)
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(your best friends outfit)
I walked out of my room guessing she's already in the living room by the way she was yelling
we both laugh as we sit and wait for our uber to get closer before we make our way to the lobby.
we were both looking through our fyp page as I realized it had been a good minute since we ordered the uber
hey is the uber close
oh shit yeah two minutes away
fuck okay lets head down
we grab our phones and keys and head to the elevator and take it down to the lobby.
we walked out of the door looking for a black Honda
is that it over there I said pointing to a black Honda a little further down the street
uuuh yeah I think so she says starting to walk over to it as I follow behind her
as we approach the driver rolls the window down
hey is this the uber for ybf/n
hey yes hop on in
we get in the back as we start heading to the venue it was about a 15 minute drive we decided to go pretty early so we could be closer to the front
so you girls going to the skies concert tonight
yep were so excited
damn I really wanted to go but by the time me and my friends went to get tickets they were sold out
yeah tickets were cheap so they went pretty fast and the venue is smaller so you know
yeah makes sense . I know this might be weird but can I give you my phone number and maybe you can send me some videos of the concert
oh my god of course id be more than happy to do that
thank you so much he says as he gives me his phone number and I save it for later and send him a quick text so he has it and knows im the girl from the uber for the skies concert
alright well im gonna drop you here have fun tonight guys
thank you so much for driving us and ill make sure to remember to send you videos
thank you bye
bye have a good night I shut the door as we walked to the entrance door
there were only a couple people already here waiting so we stood behind them and waited for about 40 minutes until more people showed up and doors started to open .
we got in around 7:45 and got close as fuck to the front we were a row behind the barricade . The show is supposed to start at 8:30 So we have a while to wait . I decided to go to the bar to grab a drink so ybf/n stayed back to keep our spot.
I got up to the bar and ordered two vodka watermelon red bulls and payed as she handed them to me and I went back to ybf/n. It was hard to get back through the crowd without spilling them but somehow I did.
hey here you go
thanks ill pay you back later
oh no your good my treat I say smiling at her
okay but next ones are on me
works for me
soon the opening dj comes out and starts playing some good as songs
As hot in here was playing me and ybf/n were dancing with each other as the dj started yelling out
I look up at him making eye contact with a confused smile pointing to me kinda shocked
YES YOU GIRL he says laughing a little I smile and look up at the balcony scanning it for this so called admirer when I meet eyes with a guy.
he smirks at me and waves
I smile and wave back and hold eye contact as I see him raise something to his mouth and speak into it
I look at him confused for a second before the dj speaks again
I look at him smiling then bring out my phone to type it onto snap and blow it up so he could read it
I hold it up smiling as he reads it then brings his phone out to type something
he holds it out for me to read
" such a pretty name for such a pretty girl it reads'
I smile widely at him before typing "thank you" and hold it up for him to read
he reads it smiling the typing something else
" no problem gorgeous " it reads I laugh a little and smile at him as we hold eye contact
he look back to his phone typing something else
" stay after ill tell them I asked you too"
I got nervous but still smiled as we kept eye contact I was trying so hard to not flip my shit at this point .
I give him a thumbs up smiling and he winks at me then looks back at the stage as a new song starts playing
I love this song so I start rapping along as I look back up at him to see him already looking at me as he rapping along to the song to he starts moving his hands and rapping more to the song as we keep eyes contact then stops and points at me so I took it as a sign to rap the next part and I do as he bops his head smiling at me in awe that I know the song by heart .
he types something on his phone
"you like nardo wick"
I shake my head and type out
he smiles and types again
" I like you even more now"
I smile and laugh
" im glad' I type and show him
he just smirks at me and god his smirk has me dying he's so beautiful its actually scary to be honest.
we break eye contact as the song ends and the dj announces skies is coming on in a minute.
I look back up at him admiring his perfect side profile as I smile and look back at the stage as rage starts playing.
skies just finished his last song
thank you guys so much for coming I love you all so much and y/n wherever you are cant wait to meet you after the show he waves and runs off the stage
everyone starts leaving but I stay back
ybf/n gave me a hug and told me to update her later
she slaps my ass you got this bitch don't be nervous
I know ill try not to I love you see you at home
love you too she says as she walks away to the door
as the last people are filtering out I decided to look at my phone to try and calm my nerves. And sent all the videos I got to the Uber driver from earlier.
I get taped on the shoulder I jump from the sudden contact and turn around with my hand on my heart
im so sorry I didn't mean to scare you I was just coming to get you Chris sent me matt says
oh no your good just caught me off guard
follow me were gonna chill in the green room for a bit as they take all the stuff down and pack up
alright lead the way I say kinda nervous and I guess he can tell.
hey no need to be nervous were all chill I promise
thank you matt that actually calmed me down a bit
wait you know my name
oh yeah ive seen couple videos of you guys and a shit tone of edits on my fyp
damn well I hope you liked our videos
oh yeah they were great you guys are very funny
thanks he says as he looks down at me with a sweet smile
no problem I say smiling back
alright were just through this door
fuck fuck fuck oh god is all I can think as he opens the door and walks in as I hesitantly follow behind him
HEYYY Y/N HOW ARE YOU Chris yells coming up to hug me
im a bit caught of guard but hug him back as he rocks me side to side a little causing me to laugh
im g-good Chris how are you I say he's squeezing me a bit tight causing my airflow to sputter.
im good! im glad you stayed after gorgeous
m-me too but y-your squeezing the life out of me I say sounding out of breathe and squeaky
oh shit im sorry he says laughing as he lets go
I take a deep much needed breath as I smile up at him
so uhh why'd you ask me to stay back I say nicely but sounding a bit confused
oh well we thought you were really beautiful to be honest and we wanted to get the chance to talk to you maybe even hang out for the night he says with a smile but sounding a bit nervous
oh well id love that
really ?
yeah of course I say smiling giggling a little bit
heyyy Chris matt you guys in the green room? I hear skies say
yep were in here matt answers
he walks in smiling at matt dapping him up
then walking over to Chris beside me dapping him up then looking at me smiling
you must be y/n its so nice to meet you he says bringing me in for a nice warm hug
its so nice to meet you too ! I loved your show you have great stage presence
thank you I appreciate it ! he says letting go and smiling at me.
I can see why Chris noticed you in the crowd you are beautiful
aww thank you so much I say as my face heats up from the compliment
alright guys I think were gonna hit the road we got another show to get too tomorrow but thank you for coming and supporting me and hit me up later chris
yeah of course man the show was great ill text you later this week when we get back to la Chris says dapping skies up one last time before he says bye to matt.
alright well we should call an uber and head out of here matt says
hey y/n know any fun places we could go to Chris says looking down at me
well I mean it is like 12am so most of the only fun places to go that are open are clubs but I know y'all don't drink right
nope we don't
well we could always go back to my apartment and grab my car and get some food and then go back to my place and watch a movie unless y'all aren't comfortable with that I completely understand
no y/n we trust you you ive got nothing but good vibes from you also what's your address for the uber
oh thank you that’s really sweet I say as I give him my address
of course also the uber is a couple minute away so we should probably head out
alright lets go Chris says as he wraps an arm around my shoulder guiding me to walk with him I smile up at him and he looks at me giving me a warm smile.
we walk out the back door and see what im guessing is an uber black parked at the back .
hey are you lane
yep über for matt?
yep that's me matt says as he opens the door to the back and hops
Chris guides me to the door Do you mind being in the middle your the smallest
I laugh no not at all
okay then lady first he says gesturing his hand for me to hop in and I do as I scoot to the middle and he hops in behind me shutting the door.
so y/n have you lived here you whole life
oh yeah pretty much I mean I moved here from Chicago when I was 4 but I don't really remember life back in there so ive only really ever known life as growing up here
oh nice its a great city I like it here
yeah its pretty cool here
oh yeah I mean its okay ive lived here all my life so it tends to get boring you know what I mean
yeah I get that that's one reason we love living in la now gives us a new place to grow in but don't get me wrong I love Boston with my whole heart and going back to visit our family is great but its nice to be somewhere new for a change
I completely get that . My parents actually moved to San Francisco a couple years after I moved out they love it there and I love getting to visit them its one of my favorite cities
oh yeah I love san Francisco its a beautiful city
right I love it there im just sad I don't get to go visit my parents often
oh why don't you visit them much
well for one my job is very busy and air fair is not cheap so sadly I have to save up for each trip months in advance
oh yeah real airfare is so expensive its kinda crazy
yeah well your lucky with the job you guys have
yeah we are pretty blessed to have a good income coming in but we still like to be wise with our spending
that's good though most people our age would be buying whatever they wanted if they had you guys income
very true but our parents taught us how to spend our money wisely from a young age so thank god for them or wed be half way broke by now
yeah I relate to that my dad was always very good with money growing up even though we have a lot of money he only spends it on things that are worth it instead of waisting money on random shit that well Never use
he sounds like a smart man
yeah he's great I love my dad ive always been a daddy girl
Chris’s eyes slightly darken and he shifts around after hearing me say daddy I didn’t know why but I just looked down at his big hands that were resting on his lap god what I wouldn’t do to have those wrapped around my-
My thought is cut off by the Uber driver announcing we are at our destination
We get out and thank her then head to my car .
Chris gets into the front as Matt gets into the back and I start up my car.
Okay so the only things open right now are like fast food and this one pizza place so what sounds good to you guys.
Honestly I could fuck with pizza rn
Same pizza sounds good as fuck
I completely agree i start backing out and head to the pizza place .
Here’s my phone you guys can queue up whatever you want
They queued up a couple good songs that I knew as we sat in silence giving out to the music until we got to the pizza place.
I parked and turned off the car as we all got out and headed into the place.
Wow it’s really cool in here
I know right this is my favorite place to go after a night out
I can see why it’s so dark but cool with all the colored lights they have
Yeah they turn on their led bulbs when it gets dark it’s such a vibe
Hey how are you guys is it just the three of you the hostes says
Yep just the three of us
Cool follow me she says as she grabs the menus and leads us to a booth
Matt and Chris sit opposite of me as we start looking at the menus
Hey I’m Jake I’ll be your server today what can I get you guys to drink
Um I’ll get a Pepsi please
Cool and for you
Can I get a root beer
Yep sure thing and for you y/n
I’ll get a dr.pepper thanks Jake
Of course I’ll be right back with those
Thank you I say as he walks away
You know him Chris asks
Oh yeah he’s one of my best friend boyfriends
Oh cool
Yeah I say smiling at him
So uhh I gotta warn you their pizzas are big so we could probably all just share a large if that sounds good with you guys
Yeah that’s fine do you like pepperoni
Yeah love it
Cool you good with that Chris
Yeah sounds good to me
Here you guys go Jake says as he sets each of our drinks down then takes our order
As we were talking about random shit I got a phone call
I looked to see it was ybf/n
Hey guys sorry do you mind if I answer this it’s my roommate the one who was with me at the concert
No not at all go ahead
I answer the call
Hey what’s up
Hey I’m just letting you know I’m staying the night at Blake’s house so I won’t be home tonight
Oh alright we’ll I guess see you sometime tomorrow then
Yeah also I can’t wait to hear all the juicy details about you hanging out with your celeb cruuuuwh
Okayyyyy shut the fuck uuuuup I can’t feel my face getting hot from the blush creeping onto then
Okay bye I love you
Love you to and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do
Cool so that means I can do whatever cause your a slut
I am not a slut shut up good fucking night
Good niiiight
I hung up as I looked up at Matt and Chris just looking at me I got nervous
W-what I say laughing awkwardly
Nothing you guys seem really close
Oh yeah no we are! been best friends since 2nd grade that’s just how we talk to each other
Oh no we get but uhhh why did she call you a slut
Oh uh haha well I said don’t do anything I wouldn’t do and she said so that means I can do whatever cause your a slut
Oh damn what a sweet thing for her to say
I know right she’s so nice to me I say jokingly
So I’m guessing she not at home
Nope she’s spending the night at a guys house I also fucking despise the guy but you know that’s just me
Why do you not like him
He’s a dick and he treats girls like shit he also tried to roofie me at the club once but I didn’t tell her so she doesn’t know that but . I get cut off by Chris
But nothing y/n that’s not okay she shouldn’t be with a guy who did that to her best-friend
I- yeah I know I just don’t like conflict I didn’t wanna make it a big deal I say feeling like a kid being scolded by her dad
I’m sorry for raising my voice but that just makes me angry
I’m sorry I shouldn’t have brought it up I say feeling anxious now by the way him and Matt are looking at me
No it’s okay we get it it’s just you know something you might think about telling her you know if he’s ever around you again what else would he try you know what I’m saying
Y-yeah your right I’ll tell her tomorrow
Good girl Chris says making my face turn red as fuck and I look down trying to hide it but he notices
Here’s you guys pizza hope you enjoy
Thank you Jake
No problem
We each grab a couple slices and eat in silence I can feel slight tension in the air but I try to ignore it and just eat my pizza.
Do you guys like horror, movies?
Uhm not my favorite but I guess they’re okay
Yeah I mean they aren’t my first pick but I’ll watch em
Okay cool I’m kinda of in a horror movie mood tonight
Sounds good to me
Yeah me too
Hey you guys ready for the check
Yeah I think so
Okay cool together or separate
Together . I got cut off by Matt
Okay cool I’ll be back in a second with that
What- Matt you guy don’t have to pay for me
No no it’s our treat
I mean you are driving us around and letting us come back to your apartment so it’s the least we could do
Well thank you really that’s very nice of you guys
No problem
I smile at both of them as Jake comes back with the check and Chris pays then we head back out to the car.
Do you guys mind if I play some softer music on the way home I have astigmatism so driving at night with loud music makes me really anxious
No absolutely we don’t mind at all I completely understand that. I get driving anxiety too so I get the struggle
I smile at him as we get into the car and I queue up some songs before we pull out and head to my apartment.
You have really good music taste y/n
Thank you I’m a big music lover so my music range is weird as Fuck
What do you mean
If I put my liked playlist of shuffle I can go from rap to classical to edm then to rock all in the span of 10 minutes
Ah so you listen to a lot of genera’s
Yeah I say smiling at Chris
So what’s your favorite genera as of right now
Honestly I think alternative rock
Oh cool we don’t listen to rock much but it’s cool
Yeah deaftones is my favorite band as of right now I would play a song from them but you know
To loud
Okay one for us when we get back to your place
Okay I will
After about 5 more minutes we parked outside of my building and i but in my favorite deaftones song for them
Oh wow this is actually pretty good
Yeah so far I like it
We sit as they keep listening I watch for their honest reactions seeing if they are just being nice
I can tell Matt likes it for sure but Chris not as much
Damn the lyrics are kinda
dirty yeah
Yeah but I like it
Well I’m glad
Yeah no this shit is good I need to start listening to them
I’ll share my playlist of my favorite songs from them to you
Cool that would be great thank you
Yeah no problem
The song ends and we get out of the car and head into the building and take the elevator up to my floor
I open the door of my apartment for them and let them go in and I shut and lock the door
Woah your apartment is so cool
Oh thank you
Did you set it all up
Yeah I designed all of it but my roommates room
That’s so cool your good at designing
Oh thank you I took some classes in high-school for it so that helped me out a bit
Oh that’s so cool
Yeah it was pretty fun
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I love the art wall
Oh thanks yeah that’s one of my favorite parts
It adds a very homey vibe
That’s exactly what I was going for
Well you nailed it
Thanks I said smiling up at him
Okay I’m gonna pop some popcorn but do you guys wanna watch the movie in here or my room it’s up to you
Honestly room sounds more cozy
Yeah I agree
Okay well if you wanna head to my room it’s the second door on the right
Cool they both say as they head to my room
I finished popping the popcorn and putting it in the bowl then grabbed three cherry Pepsis from the fridge and made my way to my room
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Your bedroom is so cozy Chris says as I enter with the drinks and snacks
Oh yeah I love it in here
I like how dark it is
Me too I was kinda shocked how big it was when we moved in though
Yeah for an apartment this is huge
Yeah but I’m not complaining
I handed them their drinks and the popcorn and I set my drink on the bedside table
I’m gonna change into something more comfy real quick then we can pic a movie
Sounds good
I went to my closet and picked out one of my least revealing pj sets and changed then went to the bathroom to take my makeup off
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Then went back in and shimmied my way in between the two since they were taking up each side of the bed
Wow you look gorgeous without makeup
Yeah you have really cute freckles
O-oh thank you guys I say feeling a little flustered from their compliments
As I scrolled through for a while we settled on watching insidious since I said it was one of the least scary movies I’ve watched
As we were watching a jump scare popped up and Matt jumps launching popcorn all over the bed making me burst out laughing and Chris joined me
Shit sorry that got me good
You don’t say I say as I pull popcorn out of my hair
I started to get a little cold so I got under the covers .
Chris joined me as our legs slightly touched making my breathe hitch
We continued watching as I felt a hand on my thigh and I felt another come behind my head
Chris’s was on my thigh and Matt’s was the one behind my head
I got a little nervous but tried my best not to show it. Chris started to rub small circles with his thumb making me sigh out in both calmness but also a little bit of horny mixed in.
Matt’s hand started slowly caressing my head and playing with my hair.
I started to become relaxed since playing with my hair always sends me to sleep .
My head starts to fall back into Matt’s hand as he rubs my head i let out a soft moan on accident .
Sorry that just feels so good I say looking over at Matt with hooded eyes who’s still rubbing my head softly
Oh I can stop if it’s making you tired
No no please keep going please
Alright he keeps playing with my hair
Chris hand starts to squeeze my inner thigh causing a pool of wetness to form in between my legs
Mmm I softly moan both of them being so sweet making me feel calm yet so fucking horny . Having both of their hands on me is sending me into such dirty thoughts
Making you feel good huh Chris says softly
Mhm feels so calming
Feeling anything else other than calm
W-what do you mean
Is calm all your feeling right now or is their another feeling creeping in
N-no just calm
You sure about that cause … he moves his hand closer to my pussy . I’m pretty sure I can feel a little heartbeat down here
Mmm I moan as he grazes his hand over my clothed pussy
Aww are we making you horny princess
Matt whispers in my ear before tugging a little on my hair angling my head so I look him in the eyes
N-no I… he yanks harder on my hair
We don’t like liars y/n
Chris’s fingers slide under my shorts now rubbing slow circles on my clit through my underwear
Mmm fuck
You wanna try and answer that again . This time truthfully
O-okay yes your m-making me horny okay
Good girl see that wasn’t so hard to admit was it
God your so wet already
Mmm I moan out as I his fingers now move under my underwear to rub my bare pussy
He starts rubbing my clit eliciting moans to slip past my lips
Matt’s other hand moves under my top to grope my bare tits
O-oh f-Fuck
Yeah you like having both of us touching you
Such a little slut for us aren’t you
Chris slides two fingers into me
Mmm Fuck c-Chris
Answer my question he says deeply causing me to look at him as my brows furrow In pleasure
Fuck y-yes I’m a slut for you
Atta girl he says before pulling my top up and sucking on my nipple
Fuck oh god I moan out as he sucks hickeys all over my tits and Chris fingers speed up .
Can I take these off ma he asked pulling on my shorts and underwear
Mhm I moan shaking my head yes at him
He yanks them off causing me to gasp
As he gets them all the way off he starts kissing up my thigh as Matt moves to start sucking all over my neck .
Chris starts biting and sucking hickeys on my inner thighs as his fingers keep a steady pace pumping into my pussy .
F-Fuck oh my-god
Are we making you feel good
Yes Fuck yes I moan out
All the sudden Chris’s mouth contexts to my clit sucking and licking .
Matt’s hand comes around my neck slightly choking me as he comes down to connect our lips
It’s a hungry wet kiss that makes me even wetter .
God I’ve always dreamed of a threesome but this is better than I could have ever imagined
I start feeling my orgasm building . I moan and whimper into the kiss .
I pull away from the kiss and I’m panting and pulling at Chris hair as he sucks harder on my clit and his fingers move even faster as he feels me clench around them.
he detached his mouth from my clit
Beg for it tell daddy how much you want it
Yeah you can come be a good girl and cum all over my face and fingers
Matt grips my throat as he makes me look at him
Look at me when you cum I wanna watch you fall apart in our hands
OH MY F-Fuck I’m c-cumming
That’s a good girl cumming for daddy
Jesus CHRIST I moan out as I slowly come down from my high
Did so good for us ma
Chris pulls out his fingers and puts them In his mouth sucking my juices off I watch in aww .
On all 4s now he says deeply. I do as I’m told once I’m in the position Matt pulls my top off so now I’m fully naked .
They both take of their shirts and throw them somewhere in the room .
I hear Chris take of his belt and drop his pants and boxers as he lines his dick to my entrance .
I whine wanting to feel him already.
I’m not giving it to you until you wrap that pretty little mouth around matt
I move as fast as possible unbuckling Matt’s belt and taking his jeans and boxers down so his dick pops out .
So eager aren’t you
Mhm I say looking up at matt smiling then looking down at his dick and JESUS CHRIST HES HUGE.
I take him in my hand he’s so thick my hand won’t even wrap around it fully .
I pump a couple times before taking his tip into my mouth . I start sucking as my hand moves around what isn’t in my mouth.
Chris slams into me causing me to scream around Matt . CHRIS IS HUGE TOO.
I can feel him stretching me out so much as he slams into me .
matt garbs a fist full of my hair and start thrusting onto my mouth .
fuck such a good girl taking us so well
I cant help but moan around him and pulse on Chris from his praise
I start gagging from how deep he is in my throat as spit drips down my chin onto the bed below
fuck your so fucking wet
I moan around matt and he thrusts harder into my throat definitely bruising it but I don't care I feel so good right now.
chris is hitting my gspot repeatedly causing me to shake and scream around matts dick .
fuck keep fucking gagging and struggling
I feel tears start to stream down my face from the pleasure
I start to feel my orgasm building as I moan around matt as he abuses my throat.
you gonna cum on my dick like a good little slut
I shake my ahead yes the best I can
matt pulls my head to look up at him as he abuses my throat harder causing me to cry harder
such a mess for us aren't you ? such a good little whore
my brows furrow as my orgasm rolls through me as I shake around Chris as I cum.
fuckkk so good cumming for me
he fucks me through my orgasm and keeps pounding into me as I come down from my high as my legs start shaking .
he pushes on my back making me arch further giving him a new angle that sends me into oblivion.
I scream around matt and he fucks my throat roughly
I start to feel pressure build in my stomach again making my legs shake and more tears to fall down my face .
all the sudden it snaps and I scream around matt as I feel my thighs get soaked.
god so fucking hot squirting all over me like the slut you are
fuck ive never squirted so much in my life .
he continues fucking into me harshly becoming more sloppy
fuck im gonna cum and your gonna fucking swallow all of it
I hate swallowing it tastes like shit and the texture makes me wanna throw up.
he thrusts a couple times before filling my mouth with his cum.
he pulls out them puts a hand over my mouth
swallow it slut
I shake my head no
he slaps me hard across the face causing me to swallow from the impact .
should have just listened instead of acting like a brat
I whined feeling my face sting
Chris pushes my back down further so im fully arching for him and hold my head up by my hair as matt wraps his hand around my throat.
mmm fuck YOUR SO DEEP
Yeah fuck im gonna cum you gonna let me fill you up
y-yes fuck please cum in me
such a good little cum slut he says before cumming deep inside me
mmm fuck I moan as I look up at matt as he smirks down at me .
Chris pulls out as I flop to down onto my stomach as my legs continue to shake.
oh we aren't done with you yet . flip over on your back for me matt says as he and Chris switch spots .
I watch as matt settles in-between my thighs and lines his tip to my entrance
spread your legs wider for me ma
I do as he says giving him more access as he starts sliding into me slowly.
I whine from how much more he's stretching me out he's even thicker than Chris and the fact my pussy is already sore and sensitive from Chris pounding me isn't helping the pain at all
oh my fuck your so big
yeah you feel how deep I am he says placing his hand on my lower stomach and pressing to feel himself inside me
mmhm fuck I moan out as he starts thrusting into me slow but rough
my head falls back as pleasure start to build inside me
I look up at Chris who's smirking down at me
god you make the prettiest faces
mmm fuck faster matt i moan out as I look back into Chris’s eyes
I didn't hear a please
p-please go faster please I sound so pathetic begging but I don't care
god you sound so pretty when you beg he says before pounding into me
OH MY G-GOD I scream as he is hitting my g spot at the perfect angle
I look up at Chris as he taps his tip on my lips
I do as im told and he slides into my mouth before holding my jaw with both hands and starts face fucking me .
the angle my head is hanging off the bed making it easy for him to slide into my throat causing me to gag around his as tears fall from my eyes.
sound so pretty gagging around my dick he says before he slides one hand down to my nipples pinching and pulling at them causing me to moan around him over and over.
he starts thrusting harder abusing my throat as he slaps my tit making me moan loudly around him.
he gets deeper in my throat causing me to gag and cough around him as spit drip out of the sides of my mouth onto my face and the rest of his dick that isn't in my mouth.
keep struggling slut you look so hot when you squirm
I moan around him as I start to feel pressure building in my stomach again
I grab onto matts back as i scratch deeply into it causing him to groan
fuckkk keep doing that I love that shit he says as he fucks into me harder causing me to scream and gag around Chris .
the tension snaps as I squirt all over him and the sheets
fuck your so fucking hot squirting all over me
he continues fucking into me causing me to squirm the overstimulation beginning to be too much .
I claw his back more harshly causing him to groan
god damn fells so fucking good when you claw my back like the little slut you are
im beginning to sob around Chris . im so overstimulated I can barely take it.
I remove my hand from matts back as I try and push on Chriss thighs so he would pull out so I could voice that im overstimulated
he slaps my tit hard as he pushes even deeper into my throat .
nah fucking take it like a good girl
he growls at me as I smack his thigh as my I continue crying .
I cant take it anymore its too much .
I move my hands to matts sides trying to push him out of me . he grabs my arms harshly slamming them down on the bed on each side of my head holding me down.
what's the matter slut? you overstimulated huh? he says in a tone that makes me want to slap him across the face .
I shake my head yes and try to cry out a mhm as Chris still abuses my throat .
well that's to fucking bad . I don't care how much you cum and squirm against me . you aren't done until I fill you up .
I scream around Chris as I feel myself squirt all over matt again causing my hips to lift up off the bed and my legs to shake even more and my thighs tighten around his torso .
he holds onto my hips as he continues pounding into me . now that my hands are free again I move them to his shoulders again trying to push him off of me . I literally can not take it anymore.
Chris pulls out of my mouth im confused as to why until he comes back over me with his belt .
w-what are you doing with that I moan out as matt still pounds deep into me.
since you want to act like a brat and try and push us away . he says as he grabs my arms harshly as he holds them to my chest and slides the belt under my back and secure my arms tightly to my chest.
now you cant use your arms at all
I groan in annoyance as I try and get my arms out but its no use.
fuck you I spit out at him
he slaps me across the face
I cry out from the sting
acting like a bratty bitch isn't gonna get you anywhere he says dominantly at me before grabbing me by the throat roughly.
now open that bratty mouth for me
I groan and shake my head no
n-no I c-cant its to much I cant take it anymore please
matt slaps my thigh so hard I scream
open your fucking mouth or I swear to god
I open my mouth as I roll my eyes
Chris slaps my face again
roll your fucking eyes at me again and you'll regret it
o-okay okay im s-sorry I sob out as I feel the pressure building in my stomach again causing me to moan as Chris slides back down my throat.
I scream around Chris as my orgasm rips through me ad I buck up into matt
fuck such a good girl cumming again for me god your squeezing me so tight
I sob around Chris feeling like I could pass out from how hard I just came
god so fucking tight and wet around me matt grabs my shaking legs hoisting them onto his shoulders getting an even deeper angle.
this causes me to scream around Chris again and again causing him to moan .
fuck im gonna cum . and your gonna be a good girl and swallow all of it
he thrusts a couple more time before his cum is down my throat and I swallow around him causing him to groan
fuuuck such-a good girl he groans then pulls out of my mouth . I cough as I try to catch my breathe.
I get cut off by matt slapping my across the face
your gonna fucking take it
mmmm fuck FUCK YOU I scream out as
he slaps me harder then grips my throat roughly
act like a brat you'll be treated as one
mmm fuck its to much I cant
mmmm I cry and shake under him as I try and wiggle out of his grip
mm mm where you going he says as he grips my throat and thigh tightly causing me to gasp for air through his tight grip
I feel pressure building quickly in my stomach . before I can even speak im cumming again all over him as my eye roll back and I lift off the bed as my hands fist as I shake uncontrollably under him.
aww look at you cumming again such a little whore
Oh sweetheart im not even close to finishing he says smirking sadistically down at me
mmmmm I growl in pain and pleasure
he brings both hands to my legs pushing them down to my chest as he thrusts even deeper in me.
JESUS C-CHRIST YOUR TO DEEP FUCK PLEASE I C-CANT chris kneels down so his mouth is right at my ear
matt is groaning as he feels my pussy pulse around him
don't act like you're not loving every minute of this . you love being our little slut he whispers husky in my ear causing me to shudder
you love the way we use you like our own personal fuck doll dont you
I whine unable to get words out as matt is pounding into me so hard I feel him in my stomach
I asked you a fucking question y/n now answer it
that's what I thought he says as he kisses my neck causing me to moan even louder from all the pleasure im feeling .
I feel pressure building in my stomach yet again.
you think you deserve it
beg for it then tell daddy how much you want it
yes you can cum . give it to me cover my cock
as soon as he gives me permission I squirt all over him so hard I stop breathing for a second.
JESUS CHRIST I scream as I finally start breathing again
Such a good girl your doing so good for me
Matt starts to slow his pace and he drops my legs pushes them out and apart.
Do you have any toys ma
Y-yes but why
Cause I wanna use one on you that’s why
O-okay I just don’t know if I can handle that right n-now
We know you can ma you wanna be good for us don’t you
Then where are they
In my b-bedside table drawer
Chris stands up now in his boxer as he goes into my bedside table grabbing my wand and handing it to Matt
If we let your arms free do you think you can be good or are you gonna push me away again
I -I’ll be good I promise
Okay but if you act up again we will put the belt back on
O okay I promise I’m won’t mmm Fuck I won’t act up again I moan out as Matt is thrusting into me at a sickly sweet slow pace
Chris just smiled down at me as he strokes my check with his hand then undoes the belt
I groan as I stretch my arms out since they are slightly numb from the position they were stuck in for so long.
Matt turns on the vibrator as Chris walks over and sits by my side as Matt hands it him
He starts thrusting into me harder causing my legs to shake harder .Chris puts the vibrator right on my clit causing me to scream out
Yeah that feel good ma
You think you can handle it if I turn it up
I think you can ma he says turning it up
Yeah cum for us ma be a good girl
OH GOD MMMM I moan as I jerk around under Matt whose still pounding into me and Chris keeps the vibrator on my clit sending my body into overdrive as I cum all over Matt’s dick.
As I come down I start crying the vibrations are becoming to much to fast my hand flys down to grip Chris’s wrist to pull the vibrator off
He slaps me
Mmm mm you promised to be a good girl and keep your hands to yourself
Y-yes I’m sorry I’m sorry
Keep being a good girl for us your doing so good ma
Mmmm Fuck c-can you just turn it d-down a little please please
He turns it down one setting giving me a little time to breathe and calm down
C-can I at-least touch you
Yes ma you can touch us
I move one hand onto Matt’s chest running my hands down it scratching marks down it as my other hand locks in Chris hair not too tight but enough to make him groan
Fu-Fuck feels so good
Yeah are we making you feel good ma
S-so good so fucking good
Such a good girl being so good for us
Fuck Chris turn it back up I wanna feel her clenching around me again
I get cut off by the vibrator going to max volume causing my breathe to hitch and my entire body to shake .
Give me one more I’m getting close I promise ma
Mmmm Fuck okay okay
Chris starts sucking on my neck creating more hickeys in spots that didn’t have them from earlier
I pull on his hair tighter as he comes up and places his lips on mine bringing me into a messy hot make out
I moan into his mouth as I feel my hopefully final orgasm moving in slowly .
As I feel my breathing pick up I pull away and keep eyes contact as I whine and whimper as he watches me struggle with a smirk on his face
God you look so beautiful all fucked out and whiny
F-Fuck I’m so close oh my god
Go on give us one more ma I know you can do it
I close my eyes but they shoot open when Chris hand come around my throat .
Look at me while you cum . I wanna watch you fall apart
Mmmm Fuck I’m gonna cum oh my god I say as I maintain eye contact as my brows furrow and I bite my lip harshly trying so hard not to Throw my head back and close my eyes.
Come on cum around my cock give it to me slut
As soon as the words leave Matt’s mouth I cum all over him causing his to groan and his hips to sputter.
Chris watches my face contort and I moan as I start to come down from my high.
Matt thrusts as deep as he can as he fills me up with his cum .
Holy fuck he groan out as he fills me and fucks it into me .
Jesus Christ Chris turn it off please please I beg as I stare into his eyes with the most desperate look on my face as tears roll down my face.
He turns it of as he places small sweet kisses on my neck .
Your such a good girl you did so good . I’m so proud of you
I smile at him as I try to regulate my breathing.
Matt pulls out of me causing me to hiss.
My pussy is so sore and my legs are shaking non stop .
Matt flops down next to me trying to catch his breathe.
Chris lays down with his head resting on my stomach .
I play with his hair as Matt places a kiss on my cheek.
That was… fucking amazing
Yeah y/n your pussy is the best I’ve felt in my entire life
I’ve never cum so much in my life and might I just say y’all are huge like HUGE
They both chuckle as they both sit up .
I’m gonna go start a shower so we can all wash up .
Okay I say softly smiling at him
Come here Chris says standing up holding out his hand .
I take it as he pulls me to my feet . My legs immediately give out on me as I fall back but he catches me .
Okay Bambi come here he says hoisting me up holding under my thighs
I laugh at his joke put smack him lightly on the arm .
Don’t call me that and just so you know this is yours and his fault just remember that
Oh trust me I’ll remember this forever
Oh shut up
You wanna drop the attitude or keep it and have to crawl to the bathroom
I bring one hand to my mouth acting like I’m locking it and throwing away the key
He just smiles at me before walking us both to the bathroom
As we enter Matt is turned back facing us as he feels the water temperature making sure it’s hot enough.
I gasp as I look at his back.
W-what what’s wrong
N-nothing just your back I’m sorry I didn’t realize I was scratching that deep
No don’t apologize I loved every second of if
Okay whatever you say
Come on pretty girl let’s get into the shower Matt says walking over as Chris sets me down and Matt carries me into the shower as Chris steps out of his boxers following .
Matt hisses a bit as the water hits his back
See I told you they were deep
No I’m fine it just stings a bit
Chris holds me from behind at he pumps some shampoo in his hands and begins washing my hair causing me to sigh at how good it feels to have some one wash it for me .
Matt spins me into the water so I can rinse it out then spins me back so Chris can put the conditioner in as Matt lathers my body in body wash .
It’s feels nice to be pampered like this after what you guys just did to me
Oh yeah has no one ever taken care of you like this after
Nope usually then fuck me they cum then leave
Wtf typa Assholes have you been meeting around here
Ones who never heard from me again tbh y’all are the first people I’ve had sex with in a couple years
Wait really why
Well for one I got tired of feeling used and also tired of guys using me for their pleasure and me never getting anything out of it . All the guys I’ve met only care about them finishing but never me . I spent a lot of night alone crying feeling like shit about myself for even fucking with them at all
Im sorry y/n they were Assholes they didn’t deserve you at all he says pulling me into a hug
I smile into his chest
Thank you guys really I’ve never felt so taken care of by 1 guy let alone two
Of course we wouldn’t treat you any other way
I’m gonna be honest I did not think this is how it would go my first time meeting you guys
How did you think it would go
Well I thought I would possibly see you guys at the concert maybe see you walk by ask for a picture and that would be it
I mean understandable but come on your so beautiful we couldn’t have been able to resist you either way
I laugh a little bit as Matt turns me to rinse my body and the conditioner out of my hair.
I’m very glad you guys decided to come back here with me not just because you know you just fucked the shit out of me but because I like being around you guys your so… genuine and sweet to me
They both smiled at me
Of course gorgeous we like being around you too
I smile back as they wash them selves off making me laugh a little .
What’s so funny
Oh nothing your just gonna smell like a girl and that makes me laugh
Oh whatever it beats smelling sweaty and gross
Very true
Chris turns off the water as we all step out to dry off . My legs are still shaky and sore but I can slightly walk normal minus the fuck ass limp I got .
They both laugh at me as I walk to my closet
Stop laughing at me you assholes
Sorry your limp is just so bad
Yeah well I can thank the both of you for that
Oh yeah your very welcome
I flick them both of as I grab just a new pair of underwear and slip them on then limp back to get into bed.
They both lay in their boxers .
It’s kinda hot it the room givin we’re all snuggled up under the covers of my king size bed .
Hey can one of you get up and turn the fan on and shut the lights off I say as I yawn
Mhm I’ll do it Chris says making his way to the switches turning the lights off and turning the fan on .
Matt pulls me into him as he nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck .
What time is it he asks in deep sleepy voice
Uh I don’t know Chris what time is it
Umm 4:30
Jesus y/n you almost bursted my ear drum Matt says smacking me in the side lightly
Sorryyyy but 4:30 that’s means y’all fucked me for like 4 hours
Uhh yeah seems that way
Jesus y’all got some stamina
Mm meh I guess so
You guess bitch I’ve never had sex for longer than 30 minutes
Well I guess today was your lucky day
Yeah I’d say . No wonder I’m so fucking sore I just got railed for 4 hours
They both chuckle as we all lay dozing off and before I know it we all pass tf out until 5 pm the next day when I hear my bedroom door burst open.
I stare at her half asleep as the two boys on either side of me wake up looking at me then her
Well I um … sorry we’ll talk later she says with a smirk slowly walking out
Oh god that’s so embarrassing
What’s embarrassing
She just walked in on me pretty much naked in bed with two guys
Oh that’s not embarrassing
Yeah I guess not since it’s you guys
What’s that mean
Oh nothing I’m still tired can we go back to sleep
Yeah same let’s go back to sleep
Don’t gotta tell me twice
we all fall back asleep
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hhie · 1 month
I love you im sorry
9. am i dreaming rn (written: 2440)
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your only concern right now is leaving this place. never would you have thought that your friends would actually ask your ex/exbff to come pick you up last night. “shit i hope i didn’t do anything embarrassing”. You quickly take your bag and rush out of his room.
Just when you were about to reach for the door. The door opened and what stood In front of you was the boy that took care of you last night. He eyes at your messy state glancing at your bag. Taking it as a sign that you wanted to leave. However he didn’t let you through and before you could speak up he spoke up “ um i bought breakfast for us do you want to stay … i was thinking that we could have a talk too”
“ firstly, thank you for taking care of me last night i really appreciated it. Secondly i have nothing to say to you” you blurt out without thinking twice.
“i promise i wont waste your time and after this you won’t ever see me again” he pleaded, sounding so desperate that you could see him trying to push you back into the house. So you gave in “fine, you have 10mins and im not eating that” turning back, sitting on his couch with him tailing you. Sitting 3 arms length away from you.
“ im sorry i know i fucked up. I wasn’t a good friend or boyfriend. I disappeared from you and your life. I was REALLY going to tell you but the agency said no. This job was really my dream, you know how much i love to sing. I couldn’t reject it, but i know that i should not blame it on this excuse . I really love you, im sorry. Can we try again? ” he pants as he finished his speech saying all of that in one deep breath. Waiting for your response as he looks into your eyes. “ i really hated you, you made me doubt myself and for 8 months i wondered why you left me alone. If i was the problem..”
“ no you”
“stop let me finish, i will accept this apology but we cant be together, as of now we aren’t friends. And you were the best but you were the worst. I dont know anymore i still love you but i can’t..You are at the two ends of my spectrum and i am really confuse.”
“but i want you too, so just give me a chance”
silence spread across the room as he waits for you to answer “ i - ill give you a chance, a chance to be my friend again. A chance to prove to me that you really want me again. Because right now the thing im scared of is people leaving me.”
his eyes widen as he gain a slight excitement “ i will - i will prove it to you”
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taglistOPEN! @junviadinho @injunnie-lemon @sunghoonsgfreal @nessaassen02 @dudekiss3r @munstvrs @sthwaaberry @nmlee @chenlesfeetpic
#from인 had this ready in my drafts so double update today!!! tmr and sunday will have updates too 🥰 sorry for the wc i swear its worth it. okay bye love u guys!
65 notes · View notes
imsosillygoofylol · 6 months
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pairing: matt sturniolo x poc!reader
synopsis: y/n helps a murder suspect not knowing what she got herself into.
warnings: death, mental illness, smoking, tattoos, i THINK that’s it.
envy yaps: lol i wrote something like this before a WHILE back but this one will be better trust 😋 anyways let’s pray and hope i actually finish this 🙏🏾
“and we’re done!” you say finally excited to almost be leaving. you just finished working on my last customer of the night. “you can walk up to the mirror to see for yourself.” you mumble while cleaning up.
“ ‘s beautiful thank you so much!” she smiles eagerly as she examines her freshly done butterfly tattoo on her rib.
“yeah you’re welcome, you already know the tattoo after care i don’t have to go over it do i?” you asked already knowing her answer. layla was a regular you’ve done like 4 of her tats already.
“nah i know how to take care of my shit thank you very much.” she declared while carefully rolling down her shirt.
you giggle and give her a smile while you finish cleaning up. “here ma, thank you so much again you always get me right.” she passes you a couple bills with a big smile on plastered on her face. “ahh i love them i’ve been thinking about getting butterflies for a while now you ate down” she screamed while looking at herself in the mirror again.
you take the money and put it in your backpack as you let out another giggle. “you’re welcome”. you love your job, aside from the good pay you literally just get to draw cute things on people and they’re happy.
“alright my uber outside bye y/n thanks again” she leaves, the room now silent once again.
you finished cleaning up and you get up to lock the door as you’re now closed before you continue to prep things for tomorrow.
you finally had time to check your phone and you see the time.
11:56 PM
you see all the missed texts and calls from your mom. she always wants you to call her at the end of the day knowing there’s not much to talk about anyway. your days usually blend into each other, all you do is go to school and work. not that you don’t have a life aside from those two things, it just takes up most of your time.
you break away from your phone as you hear a knock on the door. you make my way to the front. “we’re closed” you mumble. startling the boy a little. you examine the boy he was wearing a plain black shirt, white shorts, and birkenstock’s. you knew who he was.
nick sturniolo
not that you knew each other, you knew of him. you’ve seen him around campus and his family’s like stupid rich. he’s a triplet however only two of them actually attend college. you don’t know anything about the other one, you have seen him at a party once though that’s about it.
his blonde hair layes just right above his eyes. he looks like he’d been crying all night. that or he’s just really high. he looks sickly though really pale but somehow he still looked really pretty.
“can i help you?” you finally spoke out as you unlock and open the door. this is weird why is he here so late at night you think to yourself.
“are you still open?” he asks his voice so soft yet deep.
what a stupid question to ask, the door was locked and the open sign was off. we’re visibly closed!
“sorry we’re closed. you can schedule an appointment for tomorrow though.” you say trying to sound as nice as possible.
“please i’ll pay twice as much, i really need this please.” he begs.
you start to feel bad, really wanting to go home but cant bring myself to say no. he looks like he’s about to break down into tears you can’t just leave him like this.
“uh okay come in.” you say moving out the way to let him in and lead him to the room. “um what would you like to get done?” you asked dryly.
“have you seen the movie edward scissorhands before?” he asked bringing his phone up to your face to show you what he wants.
“yeah a couple times, where do you want it?” you ask while unpacking the supplies needed.
“right here on my calf.” he points to the side of his calf. he had another tattoo closer to his ankle of two pokémon characters.
you slowly start tracing the design. what’s so important about this tattoo anyway that he had to come at 12 am. you’ve watched the movie a couple times, yeah it’s good but is it worth a tattoo or coming this late for one. you mentally curse myself for not being able to say no.
“you from here?” he asked looking down at you.
“nah im from new york city, i just go to school here.” you say keeping your focus on the tattoo.
“hm how long? i’ve never seen you around here.” he stated.
“about two years now, i don’t really go out much or talk to many people from here.” you continue working. the room was silent for the rest of the night, only thing audible was the faint music playing on the tv.
“k im done!” you smile down at your work. “is it okay if i take a couple pictures?”
“yeah it’s fine looks amazing by the way. thank you so much.” he examines the scissor hands tattoo as you take a couple pictures from different angles. “how much do i owe you?”
“one fifty.” you state turning around to clean up. he turns in your direction passing four one hundred bills to you. “oh no i can’t take this, it’s only one fifty.”
“no honestly take it, i came when you were closing please ill feel even worse if you don’t!” you nod your head and put the money in your backpack. “i really can’t thank you enough it looks amazing, do you have a business card? i’d love to come back sometime i love your work.” he starts to ramble and you let out a laugh.
“yeah they’re here in the front, you can take one as you walk out. you’re welcome it’s really no biggie.” it was though you have a morning class tomorrow and it’s nearly 3 am. you try to stay positive and not let your attitude slip out.
“hey i didn’t get your name.” he mentions
“oh it’s y/n.”
“oh i know trust me.” you think to yourself while you smile at him.
you explain the tattoo after care even though nobody ever listens. he finally leaves which means you can finally leave. you love your work and all but it’s so draining. you close up the shop and finally get in my car, the drive to your apartment isn’t far only 8 minutes but tonight it feels like an eternity.
you like driving though it calms you down, helps you think. you make it to your parking spot and really process what the fuck just happened. not that it’s outta this world cause growing up in new york you’ve seen and experienced some crazy shit but that was weird. you had so many questions but you didn’t want to make him uncomfortable so you decided it was best to mind your business.
you finally make it to your apartment, happy to shower and get in bed but even happier to see your cat luna after a long ass day. you unlock your door set your things down on your counter.
“luna mama where are you?” you call out waiting for her to pop out from somewhere. “luna baby where are you?” she comes from underneath the couch, you bend down to pick her up and smother her with kisses. saying i miss you and i love you. you feel bad she hasn’t been getting the attention she deserves lately, you barely see her due to school and work. all of a sudden everyone wants a tattoo.
you finally shower enjoying the hot water run down your body calming you. not a single negative thought in your mind. you start to think if should you smoke after or fall asleep.
you get out the shower and check the time.
3:48 am
“fuck i gotta be up at 9.” you sigh, you need to stop taking appointments past 10 pm and leave it to the other artist. you’re always the last one to leave the shop.
you groan hearing you alarm going off wising you could stay in bed forever. knowing it’s not possible and missing class is not an option especially not when your paper is due next week. you get up and get ready, putting water and food in lunas bowl before leaving and driving to campus.
you don’t live far from campus only a twelve minute drive. you hate being late though just the thought of everyone staring at you and observing your every move while trying to get situated makes you so uncomfortable. it feels like you’re interrupting an important conversation or meeting so you choose to be early or well on time.
you make it to class with five minutes to spare, sitting there just scrolling through your phone waiting for your professor to start the lesson. there was nothing special about todays lesson, taking notes and finishing up the paper.
ten minutes before class was over the professor started to talk about a situation that happened earlier this morning.
“as some of you may know there was a tragic incident that happened at around four thirty am this morning.” he paused for a second trying to gather all his thoughts, trying to use the right words before continuing. “the sturniolo family was brutally murdered, some knew nicolas sturniolo. he was a great student and a great friend to all. may he rest in peace.”
as he finished your face dropped, there was many whispers heard through out the class. this is all too confusing, you had just seen him.
your thoughts were cut off by the professor speaking again. “please appreciate all the people around you while they’re here, you never know what can happen. his brother is suffering from a great loss please respect his privacy.”
his brother? which brother?
people continued to whisper “i heard his brother went crazy and murdered them all.” said a random girl. “i heard it was nicks stalker, he was infatuated with him and when nick rejected him he couldn’t stand it.” another said. this is all so stupid. why do people jump to conclusions and spread rumors without knowing what really happened.
you started to feel overwhelmed you had to go home. before you left through the door, the professor said one last thing. “also the police will come by tomorrow and question some of you, please be sure to be early tomorrow morning. thank you all and please be safe”
with that you went home, you can’t come back to your afternoon classes it was all too much. did he know something was gonna happen? is that why he looked sad? you assumed it might of been a boy or something. not something this big.
you arrive at your house, trying to gather all your thoughts. not that you’re sad, you didn’t even know the boy but you can’t help but feel sorry for him, his family.
you tried to sleep, sleeping was like your therapy. or well not therapy just a way of not dealing with your emotions for the time being. sleeping was hard though, every time you closed your eyes you would see him.
you decide the beach was a good option. sometimes when you felt lonely or depressed you would go to the beach, smoke, and draw. it was calming, made you feel like you were the only person left in the world. usually you enjoyed your own company, you found peace in being alone. one of your traits your mom despised. she wanted you to go out more, explore, experience, have fun. not be locked away in the house when you’re not in school or at work.
you lie and tell her you do other things but she doesn’t believe you. she says she knows you more than you know yourself but she doesn’t understand you.
hey mom i’m going to the beach i’ll call you when i get home.
sorry i haven’t called or texted much i’ve been super busy.
love you :)
you spent your afternoon at the beach, watching the sunset, hitting your blunt every now and then, sketching random flowers on your book. you could go on and on about flowers if you could, even nature.
you finally check the time when it’s fully dark deciding its a bit dangerous to be out so late considering what just happened around the area.
8:27 pm
you decide to pick up some pizza and call it a day. trying to mentally prepare yourself for tomorrow. you really want to call of work tomorrow feeling like there too much going on around you. it was overwhelming, you think you’re overreacting none of this really affects you in anyway so why do you have this suffocating feeling? you feel like you’re literally drowning.
“luna you have it so easy mama, i’d love to be a house cat not a single worry in the world.” you sigh while rubbing her tummy as she purs.
envy yaps: ermmm i can’t tell if this is good or not lol. guys trust the process frrr i swear it’ll get juicyyyy in the next part😈😈😋😋. anyways comment to be on taglist or wtv 😅😋😈😍🙏🏾
🏷️ ‘s
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80pairsofcrocs · 5 months
baby scarab || 67
A/N : its finally done- and its a small filler for whats about to come!!
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A/N : omg you guys have been so mf patient, but you are finally being fed!!! i enjoy writing again and im back in my moon knight summer so HERE YA GO!!!
please enjoy, and don't be shy if you want to be in the taglist, just ask <3, sorry for the long wait
pairings : steven grant x (platonic)reader, marc spector x (platonic) reader, khonshu x (platonic)reader, jake lockley x (platonic)reader, casper hart(OC) x reader
TW : medicine (pills), spidey stuff, mentions of violence, language, small smut scene minors dni, kiss and make up type shit idk, let me know if i missed anything
you were next to jake on the couch, frenchie on the other side of you as you sob your heart out into jakes chest.
you were just angry at the situation, and the more you thought about what casper said the more it affected you.
jake rubbed your back while glaring at his phone, debating on calling the poor kid and cussing him out.
frenchie was kind of out of place- he has kids, but none above the age of 10.
he just kind of sat on the other side of you offering silent support.
after you calmed yourself down, jake looked down at you and sighed. "i'm so sorry, mi vida"
"it's fine.. i know he didn't mean it" you sniff a few times before wiping your nose of your sleeve. "i just don't know what to do"
"i have an idea" frenchie speaks up, making both you and jake look at him. "..you can just talk to him you know? get to the bottom of why he acted out?" he offers and you nod slowly.
"i think that's my best option.. thank you frenchie" you say, and frenchie smiles.
jake nods at the man and looks back to you. "feeling a little better?" you nod at his question.
"yeah.. just.... really hungry all of a sudden"
"you should really get some fluids in you, you cried too much" steven pipes up and you sigh.
"can i have some pop tarts and juice?" you ask and jake nods, so you get up to move to the kitchen.
after you leave the room, jake grabs his phone and hits casper's contact, waiting for him to pick up.
frenchie gives him a disapproving look as casper answers.
"you better apologize to my daughter, i mean it. she came home crying because of you" jake says as calm as he can.
it's silent for a moment. "i- i know, sir i- i feel terrible. i'm bringing her flowers and more pop tarts tomorrow"
jake sighs. "good.. listen.. i...... i know you're a good kid. just let her- us help you okay?" casper nods even though jake can't see him.
"okay.. i'll explain everything to her i promise"
"good. she'll see you at school tomorrow then"
"thank you, sir"
"my name is jake and you know it"
"right- sorry"
jake lets out a singular laugh. "goodbye for now, hart"
"okay.. bye jake-"
jake hangs up before casper could get the rest of his words out, coincidentally as you walk back into the room with your snack and your juice.
you sit back down in between frenchie and your dad, opening your package of pop tarts.
"do i have to go to school tomorrow?" you ask and jake nods, making you groan.
"i don't want to though- i- ill clean the house just let me stay-"
you glare at jake and eat your pop tarts, taking sips of your juice every now and then.
it was an uneventful rest of the night. you were talking frenchies ear off, though he didn't mind.
you reminded him of his first daughter, unable to ever shut her mouth.
he means that in the nicest way possible.
the next morning was hell though.
you basically fought all your dads while trying to convince them that you're sick, or dying so that you could stay home.
you were sadly out the door on time.
you clenched your fists in your pockets as you walked on the sidewalk, until you heard rushed footsteps behind you.
you turn around to see casper, with a box of pop tarts and a bouquet of your favorite flowers.
you unclench your fists as he stops in front of you, just staring at you.
"i.. i'm so sorry y/n.." he starts and you rush forward to hug him.
"i know.. it's okay" you assure him.
"but it's not- i took my anger out on you and that wasn't fair.. i should've just told you what was going on-"
"hey.. it's okay. you are doing the right thing" you let go of him to look him in the eye.
"i never stopped loving you, not even for a second. i- i was just so- so mad" he says.
you nod and smile gently at him. "we can talk about that later okay..? at my place?"
"can we uh.. actually go to mine. i don't want to leave allison and mom alone for too long"
"of course. i just have to call my dads after school" you nod at him and he sighs.
"i got these for you.." he holds up the flowers and the pop tarts.
you smile and hug him again. "thank you. you didn't have to do that"
"i wanted to. it's only fair" he responds and you let go of him to take the flowers.
"they're beautiful" you smell the flowers, taking your free hand and holding his.
"not as beautiful as you-"
"okay, let's get going" you laugh, dragging him along towards the direction of your school.
"but i was just saying-"
you cut him off by laughing, which makes him glare at you before raising an eyebrow, deciding to leave it alone.
it was already after school, and you were waiting for casper right outside your school while dialing your dads number.
"what do you want?" marc asks as soon as he answers and you scoff.
"hello to you too, dad" you start. "i was wondering if i could-"
"yeah, go ahead just be home before 10"
"why are you encouraging it? what if i wanted to bone him, would you still be okay with it?"
marc sighs. "just be home before 10. i love you"
"i love you too" you laugh before hanging up.
you wait a couple more minutes and the last few people come out of the school, your brows furrowing when you don't see casper.
you do see your math teacher though, so you approach her.
"uh- mrs. harper?" you tap on her shoulder and she turns around.
her long blonde hair swings behind her as she turns around. "oh, y/n, shouldn't you be heading home?"
"yes, but casper- did you see him in there? i've been waiting for him out here and he's not usually this late" you explain and she frowns.
"no, i'm sorry y/n. i haven't seen him, i would check inside, he could be talking to another teacher" she offers and you nod.
"thank you" you say and you rush inside as the teacher smiles to herself, seeing that chivalry wasn't completely dead.
you rush through the hallways, checking all the open classrooms, but not finding him.
that's when you hear a 'thud' come from the nearby boys bathroom.
you walk over and press your ear to the door, hearing muffled voices. you crack the door open, but don't look inside.
"casper..? is that you?" you ask into the air and you hear another voice.
"say anything, and you're dead" you recognized that voice. it was that ferret boy, and there was no doubt he was giving casper a hard time.
you roll your eyes and enter the boys bathroom, seeing that casper was on the floor, leaning against the wall while holding his arm.
and the ferret boy, he was standing a few feet away from where casper was, both looking over at you in shock.
"come on, this is pathetic" you say. "why can't you just leave him alone- he didn't do anything to you" you move to help casper up when the blonde blocks your path.
"well, now that i have both you freaks here, i think it'll save me some time" he cracks his knuckles and you narrow your eyes at him.
before he could do anything, you trip him over and pin him to the ground, keeping a knee on his back to keep him down.
it all went by so fast, and the blonde lets out a shaky breath. "wh-what the fuck is wrong with you?!" he yells.
you roll your eyes again and get off of him, helping casper up and rolling his sleeve up to see a large bruise on his arm.
the blonde gets up and brushes himself off. "you'll pay for that.." he rushes over again, and you push casper out of the way so you could stop the blonde from hurting him.
you catch his fist in your hand and twist it, causing him to wince.
you let go and back up a step, as if challenging him to do it again.
he just pants and reaches his arms out, and without thinking, you shoot a web out to stick his arms to the wall.
everything goes silent.
"shit.." casper whispers, grabbing onto your sleeve.
"you- you're her! you're arachnid!-" the blonde yells and you shush him.
"oh my god- no- this can't be happening-" you put your hands on your knees, hyperventilating.
casper puts a hand on your back. "please- jones-"
"..how do you know my actual name? i know you call me 'ferret' behind my back" he argues.
you scoff. "we've been going to school together since middle school-"
"and then you disappeared and became weird" he interrupts.
casper steps in front of you, glaring at jones. "she's not weird, it's just a mental illness- and it's not even an illness-"
"casper it's fine- just- jones please- you can't tell anyone.." you plead, feeling ultimately stupid for letting yourself slip up like that.
jones just scoffs. "i've just discovered your deepest darkest secret. you think ill just keep it to myself?" he asks sarcastically, trying to get him arm feee from the wall behind him.
you stare at casper uncomfortably, unsure of what to do.
"dude, this could get her arrested!" casper tries and jones just rolls his eyes.
"so i wouldn't be able to help people anymore.. and my parents would be alone" you answer coldly.
"we have moon guy for that" jones replies and you shake your head.
"not to be self centered, but without me, 'moon guy' would go underground again" you respond and jones sighs.
"...i'll keep your secret. but it will cost you" he says and you roll your eyes.
"i get inside information on your little rendezvous', and i want to know the whole deal with your 'dads'" he says and you tilt your head.
he wants to know about you? strange. but it's negotiable.
"alright.. deal-"
"uh, no." casper interrupts. "you are not-"
you take casper's arm and lead him a bit away from where jones was still stuck to the wall.
"casper i'm in no position to not take that deal.. you understand i've- i've killed people, right?" you say in a hushed voice and he sighs.
"i just don't want him taking advantage of you.." he admits and you take his hands in yours, squeezing them reassuringly.
"i know, cas. listen, i love you, but i have it handled" you give him a nervous smile and he sighs again.
"if you're sure.. and i love you too" he smiles back and you nod before turning back to jones.
you take the webs off of jones arm. "we have to leave.. there's a back entrance right outside, we can't let a teacher see us.." you lead the way, sneaking out of the bathroom, the two boys following you.
once outside, jones speaks up. "so.. do the webs come out of anywhere else?"
casper chokes on air. "dude-!"
you sigh. "no. every single person that knows has asked me that, and the answer is always a hard no" you answer.
"did you grow extra limbs?" jones asks, a bit out of character.
"interesting question, but no" you look to him for a split second, then you turn to casper who was on the other side of you, looking all jealous that another man was talking to you.
boo hoo, ghost.
you just silently held his hand while the three of you walked up to this gorgeous mansion.
"this is my home- i'll see you guys tomorrow!" jones uncharacteristically smiles and rushes inside his house.
you blink a few times and turn to casper "that was so weird.."
"yeah" he responds shortly and the two of you begin your walk to his house in a sort of tense silence.
you arrive at casper's house, and once you both go in grace looks to the door, visibly relieved to not see her husband.
casper goes over to grace, hugging her before you approach the two of them.
"grace.. i know it's not my place but we can help you.." you start and she smiles gently at you.
"i think i'm ready, as well as my children.. we will accept anything from you and your family" she says and you nod, also relieved.
"whatever you need, we can give you" you say to her, and she tears up a bit.
she smiles and rushes over to hug you tightly. "god bless you, y/n.." she whispers as you hug her back.
"i uhm- im going to take allison to the park.. we- we'll be back in an hour" she suddenly pulls away, going to allison's room.
"allison has been stressed lately, the park calms her down" casper explains to you, grabbing your hand and squeezing it.
grace comes back out with allison and her eyes light up when she sees you, rushing over to hug your legs before waving quickly and running out the door, leaving grace to also wave and catch up to allison.
"well i hope they have fun.." you sigh, taking off your shoes as casper does the same
"so... what should we do now?" casper asks as the two of you stare at each other awkwardly.
"maybe start packing essentials..?" you offer and he nods, both of you going to his room.
"come on- just stick your hand back there it's fine!"
"no! i don't want my hand to be icky-"
"it's not that bad"
"then you do it-"
"but i can't reach"
you and casper had been arguing about who was going to reach behind his dresser to unplug his lamp, the dresser in which was bolted into the floor as it came with the house.
"...you're openly admitting your arms are shorter than mine?" you ask, smirking as you hold your arm out, and taking casper's to compare arm length.
he scoffs and yank his arm away, rolling his eyes.
"do you think i'll need to pack my pillows and stuff?" he asks and you hum.
"i've seen the place before, you'll be all set.. but i would still bring it. it'll be your new home after all" you tell him carefully, in a gentle tone.
he looks to you, taking your hands in his. "y/n.. i'm scared" he confesses, his voice shaking.
your brows furrow as you two step closer, so that you could cradle his face in your hands.
"i know.. but you're so strong, cas. i know this is the only home you've ever known but.. i really think you and your family will benefit. just think about your mother- your absolute gem of a mom- she will have the freedom she deserves- we already have job interviews set up for her.. does she like libraries? or uh- coffee shops because i-"
casper puts a finger to your lips to pause your speaking.
"y/n i love you. so so much- you don't have to do this for us-"
"i want to, casper.. we want to" you assure him, smiling gently.
he smiles as well, visibly relaxing.
"now quit moping around, i want to see what you have hidden in the back of your closet" you let go of him to stumble through piles of utter junk while he protests.
"y/n, baby, sweetheart, please don't-"
you pick up an old record player, sitting in the corner of a shelf. "what's this..? you have records?" you ask, genuinely curious.
"a few..." he scratches the back of his head, helping you out of the closet and putting the record player on his empty nightstand.
he opens his top dresser drawer and pulls out a frank sinatra record, the album being 'nice n easy'.
"awww cute" you hug casper from behind as he carefully puts the record onto the record player, adjusting the needle as music starts playing quietly.
you recognized it as 'fools rush in', and that's when you start swaying along with the music, still having your arms wrapped around casper.
he chuckles airily and turns around in your arms, grabbing your wrists gently and putting one over his shoulder and holding the other.
"you're so sappy, love" you rest your cheek on casper's chest as you both slowly dance around his almost empty room.
"you're the one who started this, dear" he responds, and you purposely and proudly step on his foot, making him pinch your side.
after the small interaction, you go through quite a few songs, just enjoying swaying along with the music and being in each others presence.
you bring your head up to rest your forehead against casper's, closing your eyes.
casper leans forward, capturing his lips with yours, slowing the dancing even further as he moves his hands to your waist, and you move yours thrown sloppily around his neck to keep him close.
you feel bold and slide your tongue against casper's bottom lip, making him open his mouth slightly for you to lick up into his mouth.
it gets steamy pretty quickly, and before you know it, your shirt is halfway across the room, and your straddling casper's lap on his still made bed kissing and sucking at his neck.
casper lets his eyes close as he breathes out slowly and shakily, running his hands up and down your sides, fingers nearing your bra clip.
you tug at his shirt as he unclips your bra, both of you sitting up to take said items off, casper's hands finding your breasts, kneading them as he pinches your nipples between his thumb and forefinger.
you let out a breathy moan as he does so, lightly tracing casper's bare chest with your fingers, circling around the scars on his abdomen.
he notices your stare at the healed wound, taking your hand in his and looking up at you.
"hey.. we don't have to do this right now-" he starts but you cut him off by delivering a quick kiss to his lips.
"i want to- sorry i.. i got distracted for a second.." you apologize, cleaning your head. "i really, really want to do this-"
casper chuckles at your eagerness, flipping the two of you over so that your back is flat on the bed, casper already untying the band on his sweatpants.
you do the same with yours, and it leaves you both nearly bare to each other, only being covered by your lower undergarments.
casper takes the band on your panties gently with his fingers, slowly pulling them down along your legs.
you're both looking into each others eyes when me leans down to kiss you, instantly moaning and letting his tongue explore your mouth.
casper brings a hand down to your sex, circling your clit with his thumb while gently pushing his middle and forefinger through your wet folds, making you let out a shaky breath before moaning into casper's mouth.
you feel his hard on press into your thing, making you break the kiss. "wait- do you have a condom here?" you ask, and casper reaches into one of his packed bags right by the bed.
"of course i do, we're too broke to be teen parents"
you laugh before focusing more on the moment as casper rips the condoms package open before throwing it to the floor, sliding the condom onto his hardening cock.
unbeknownst to you, casper bit his tongue to prevent himself from finishing just by you touching him. 
you just blink down at him, smiling as he gently flips you both over, now having your back on the bed while casper hovers over you. he smiles back, positioning himself over you so that the tip of his cock was lined up with your entrance.
taking in a deep breath and holding it, casper cradles your face while starting to push into you. "breathe, y/n.." he reminds you.  
you feel your eyes roll back into your head as casper sinks fully into you, and you let out a lengthy moan while your arms wrap around his neck, nails digging into his shoulders. you both stay still while casper reminds you to breathe again, and you nod when you're ready for him to move.
casper slowly starts thrusting himself in and out of you, and if you were in a different headspace the noises of it would have bothered you. your nails dig almost impossibly deeper into caspers shoulders, and he leans down to start kissing your neck.
you lean your head further back, letting casper suck hickeys on every inch of you he could reach. your legs tighten around his waist as his thrusts get deeper and slower, hitting your sweet spot perfectly every time.
"cas- i.. i'm close-" you whine, leaning forward to hide your face in caspers neck, biting down on his shoulder as his breathe hits your ear.
casper lets out a lengthy moan into your ear, his thrusts becoming more erratic before he brings a hand down to start circling your clit again. you bite down harder on caspers shoulder as you moan, legs starting to shake violently before you feel yourself release.
your eyes close as you move your head away from caspers shoulder, laying it down on the pillow below you as you catch your breath.
casper finishes a few seconds after, almost collapsing on top of you while he softens inside of you. he brushes a few damp strands of hair from your face, planting a kiss on your cheek as he slowly moves off of you. a whine bubbles up from your throat at the feeling of him leaving you.
"come on, hon, let's get you cleaned up. i think there's still some towels in the bathroom" he tells you, lifting you to sit up and wrapping your shoulders in the blanket that was folded on his bed. he helps you stand and he wraps the blanket tighter around you as he leads you to the bathroom.
"thank you cas, i love you"
"i love you too, y/n/n"
you and casper had showered together, cleaning each other of any proof that you had done coitus. everything had been cleaned, and certain things had been thrown away as well.
you were now helping casper, grace, and allison unpack their things into their new house while jake and layla went to get the last of their belongings.
"how do you like your new room?" you ask allison, putting up the last poster for her. she smiles up at you before hugging your legs. you grin from ear to ear as you pat the top of her head. grace peaks into the room, eyes softening at the sight, her tense shoulders sinking into their more relaxed form.
"ms ha- grace- will you guys be alright here?" you ask and she instantly nods. "i've never felt safer.." she says with a smile.
you nod and allison lets go of you, letting you go to the front door ro get your shoes on. casper meets you there, handing you your jacket.
"i'll see you at school, cas" you say, putting your jacket on.
"of course, my love" he wraps his arms around your waist.
you snort and scrunch your nose a bit. "you're getting more corny by the second" you say out loud, wrapping your arms around his neck.
casper rests his forehead against yours. "anything for you, my darling honeybun-" 
"get off me"
"no- y/n- baby i'm sorry-"
"no, we are breaking up"
you press a small kiss to caspers cheek before opening their front door.
"i love you, see you tomorrow" you laugh, turning to leave.
casper laughs as well. "yeah, i love you too. dork" he mumbles to himself, knowing you could hear him.
you simply smile and begin your short journey home.
you unlock your door and go inside, expecting to see one of your dads and layla since they finishes helping with caspers family and their stuff a bit ago. yet, you didn't see or sense anyone.
and frenchie was gone as well..
that's when you felt it... the tingle, but it was sharper than usual.
and that's when khonshu and taweret appeared right in the middle of your living room.
A/N : cliffhanger. sorry not sorry. i truly love each and every one of you :)
~~~ taglist -
@alexloveskili @ihatemyselfmorethanmydepression @thebiggestsimpshrimp @guyinachair27 @astrobuzzsstuff @mooonlight-and-stars @moonlighting87 @mateihavenoidea @inactive-things @alondrashultz @femalemarvelself @queenthorin1 @haileymorelikestupid @jvdethirlwall @justtiredandvibing @winterfrostsarmy @themapoftinyperfectthings @littlebird101 @atzlena @httpslinow @arrowurboat @m-brekker @lifeandbandmembers-blog @adamcarlsenslvr @violet-19999 @seninjakitey @bestgirlpip @panic-in-the-multiverse @in-between-the-cafes @branolagar @bl6o6dy @annoyingmarvelreader @bee-a-cool-kid @buzzitsbeee @wintergirlsoilder2 @crow-carcass @you-bloody-shank @distinguishedmakerpandapatrol @valiantphantomangel @50shadesofcrocs @rayrlupin @kingshitonly @brekkers-desigirl @hutaos-gh0st @kayane28 @nevaeh-jasso @lizlil @scarabgrant @luvxxee @certainchildmentality @yikesitskennawrites @alexisabirdie @zlatolait-writes @thursdaywritings @izzzzy-the-amazing @angrykitsune01 @kult6 @deadthings-pdf @0scars1saac @jones89 @idontknowicomefromtwitter @yeetskeeter @romanoffsurvives52
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jqmalikhsgib · 20 days
spencer sighs happily as he lies the last box down in your room. you smile at him before squeezing his arm and sits down on your bed gently.
“thanks for helping me spence.”
spencer hums. “you know id do absolutely anything for you.”
you smiled happily. you had no idea where you’d be without spencer in your life. thankful for him then and thankful for him now. he deserves all the love in the world.
“so, how is aaron?”
“what do you mean?”
you throw a pillow at his head. “you know! what’s he like?”
“he’s—it depends on where you’re at.”
you furrow your brows.
“when he’s hotch he’s the boss. he’s a bit stoic and takes his job seriously. he can be a bit of an hard ass but it’s all to make sure that the job is done right. a mistake at our job could cause a massacre.”
“i bet! what about aaron? what’s he like?”
“aaron’s more a family man. he’s a dad first and foremost. he smiles more, he’s more relaxed, he’s happier.”
you hum. you assume you’ll see both sides considering he’s your boss. but you’ll also see him being a dad. it’s something you look forward to.
you’d like to get to know aaron since you’re living with him. you’ve met jack two weeks prior. aaron wanted to make sure jack liked you. that’s the most important thing. jack deserves to be comfortable with whoever will take care of him.
the meeting went well. jack adored you! when they got back home, jack immediately asked when he’ll be able to play with you again.
aaron was glad that he got along with you. he didn’t know what he’d do if he didn’t find a caregiver soon. jess was already overworked with his father-in-law. he knew she needed to focus on him.
“jack is the most adorable kid. i already love him so much.”
“he is a cute kid.”
you hear a knock before turning your head to see aaron. he smiles at both you and spencer.
“are you two alright?”
“we’re good. where’s jacksters?!”
“he’s with his grandfather and his aunt for the weekend. i told him you’ll be moving in today. he hesitated to leave. you two bonded quite well!”
you smiled happily at that. you’re glad that jack liked you. you knew it’ll just make your job easier.
“i can’t wait to see him.”
aaron nods his head. “if you need anything please let me know. ill be downstairs.”
you nod your head as aaron leaves you and spencer alone.
“i should get going. im found this really good novel last night and want to read it before bed.”
“you mean to tell me you haven’t read it yet?! that doesn’t sound like the spencer reid i know! who are you and what have you done to my best friend?”
spencer laughs as he shakes his head. he gets up as says bye to him. you walk him out and hug him before he gets in his car and drives away.
when you walk back in the house you see aaron in his office. the door was cracked. he was frowning a bit. you walk over and knock on the door.
aaron looks up and gives you a small smile. “everything okay?”
“i was just about to ask you that. looks like whatever you read just now made you a bit frustrated.”
aaron shakes his head. “just work. paper work isn’t the best day of my job.”
you pointed to the seat across from him. he nods his head before you sit down.
“im sure it can’t be that bad. with your line of work im sure that paper work can be a breath of fresh air.”
aaron chuckles. “it can be. being the boss i have a lot more paper work than most.”
“oh, yeah! do you ever stop and take a break?”
aaron simply looks at you. you knew that meant no. you assumed when jack was here he did take a break.
you can tell that jack is his number one priority. from what you’ve seen when you met jack, he worshipped the ground that he walked on. aaron loves his son more than anyone and anything.
he’d stop the world for jack.
“im use to focusing on work whenever jacks not around.”
“well, in a way im here to take care of both you and jack! and i say you have every right to take time off of psycho killers for awhile. how bout i make us some dinner and after im done you can come join me at the table! and that wasn’t a suggestion. it was an order. respectfully of course.”
aaron smiles. he gives you a small nod. you got up and walked to the kitchen. you found a box of noodles, some pasta sauce, and garlic bread. you decided on making him some pasta.
when you finished you called aaron. he walked over and smiled. you served him and then yourself before sitting down across from your boss.
“besides kicking ass in the field, tell me exactly what you do? outside of work.”
“it’s not much to tell. im a dad! i don’t get out much.”
you shake your head. “i don’t believe that! you look like you’d be fun to hang out with outside of work.”
aaron laughs.
“im a homebody. always have been. i use to be a bit of a geek in middle school and all throughout high school.”
you definitely didn’t believe that. with how handsome aaron is, you knew girls were probably falling on their knees for his attention.
“no way!”
aaron nods. “yeah! my very first girlfriend was the woman i married. i had to audition from some play she was in just to get her attention. i didn’t even get an important part.”
you’ve heard a little about jacks mom. you didn’t ask him anything about her. spencer told you she was a bit of a sensitive topic. all you knew was she was killed by some sadistic serial killer they were hunting. your heart broke for aaron and jack.
“come on! you had to have more women trying to get their claws on you.”
“no, seriously! haley and i dated my junior and senior year. we split in college. id have a few girls i dated here and there but nothing serious. haley was the woman i knew id love forever.”
your heart warmed at that fact. you wished you had someone like that. someone who’d love you forever like aaron clearly loved his late ex-wife.
“wow! that’s sweet. have you um—have you dated after haley?”
aaron hums. “tried to. she and i didn’t work out. she moved for work. enough about me. what about you? what’s your story? reid only tells us so much.”
you laughs. “yeah, well! im kinda the same as you. im a homebody. don’t like going out much. mostly stay at home, paint, cook, have my own dance parties, alone!”
“now who’s the one lying?!”
“you’re young! you mean to tell me you don’t go out? party? be reckless? drink your ass off until you know your head will pound the next morning?”
“god no! im a little shy. i don’t like being around too many people. my sister calls me an old soul. im not a serial dater or a partier. i just like to be home and paint.”
aaron likes that. means you’re responsible than others. another reason as to why you’re a perfect person to take care of his son.
aaron grabs his glass of wine and swirls his cup. he takes a sip before setting it back down.
the two continue to talk. you both got to know one another a little bit more. you didn’t even realize you’d been talking all night until aaron looks at his watch.
aaron offers to clean up while you get ready for bed. you took his offer before heading upstairs to your bedroom. when you finish showering you finally rest your head on your pillow.
you felt at ease here. aaron was gonna be an amazing boss. you definitely felt safe here.
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ordinaryschmuck · 1 month
Full Family AU Part Six
Manny buckled Luz up in the car, with Luz not making it easy by kicking her feet playfully as she's unable to hold in her unlimited energy.
"Ready for a new fun day at school, Mija?" Manny asked.
"Every day is a fun day!" Luz cheered.
"That's right it is." Manny closed the passenger door and looked to Camila, who stood patiently at the front door.
"I know it's my turn to take her," she said, "but I want to spend as much of the day that I can researching...her."
Camila turned her head to Vee, who hid behind a corner like a scared animal unsure of its environment.
"You sure you'll be fine being alone with her?" Manny asked.
"I...will be," Camila said, a little unsure herself. "I have to be. If she's going to be staying here for...who knows how long."
"Well, remember, she's more scared of you than you are of her."
"Trust me, I can see that now." Camila looked back at Vee, and the little creature just fully fled behind the corner once making eye-contact.
"Best of luck then," Manny said as opened the driver's seat door. "Have a good day."
"Thanks. And you have a good day at work!"
"I'll try. First time in three weeks I'll be back there. I'm either going to be congratulated for surviving or not acknowledged at all."
"You beat cancer, that's not an easy feat. Of course they'd congratulate you."
"Just as long as it's nothing flashy. Not exactly a fan of surprises."
"Tia Gabbi said I was a surprise," Luz spoke up, "and you always love me!"
"That...is different. Anyways, time to go."
"Okay! Bye, Mami! I love you!"
"I love you too, Bebé! Have a great day at school!" Camila said with a wave while Manny got in the car, slammed the door shut, and pulled out of the driveway. Camila then went back inside and began a search for Vee.
A search that didn't last long because she saw the little one's tail shaking as the rest of Vee hid behind the couch.
Camila took a slow, deep breath, and carefully made her way over. "Hey..."
Vee squeaked, her tail zipping behind the rest of the coach to hide herself better.
"Hey, hey," Camila said in a hushed tone. "I'm not going to hurt you. And...I'm sorry if I've been a little...hesitant. It's just..."
Camila looked over to the mantle, her eyes gleaming at the photo of herself, Luz, and Manny, all together.
"The last few years have been stressful," she explained. "I thought I was going to lose my family forever. But then...I didn't. We stayed together, all in one piece and got to be...what we are now forever. Family movie nights, Manny making Luz the happiest girl in the world, me sleeping in his arms every night. I was sure we were going to live our happily ever after..."
Vee poked her head out, taking note in the sadness in Camila's eyes.
"So when I saw some...creature I've never seen before, who can talk and do all these...these crazy things, it made me worried. What if my family is threatened again? What if something bad happens that I can't save us from? I couldn't know what will happen and it...scared me."
Vee looked down, her lip quivering.
"But you're not a threat..."
Vee looked up again and jumped back a bit at Camila suddenly being crouched down in front of her. "You're scared too," she said with a nurturing smile. "A scared little girl with nowhere to go. I'm so sorry I couldn't see that. Manny's always been better at reading people than me. But I promise that I will do better, starting right now. I don't know what you are, but I'll learn to...look past your features and make sure you feel safe..."
Camila held out her hand. Hesitantly, Vee leaned over and sniffed it a bit, gave Camila a look, and reached her tiny hands to hold hers.
"Bass...Ill...Isk..." Vee said.
"That's what they called me. A bass...ill...isk..."
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𝓜𝓸𝓿𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓞𝓷 8
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader
Summary: When the anniversary of Natasha’s passing comes around, Y/n feels another wave of grief coming to knock her down. But with the support of her friends, and a special visit to Natasha’s grave, she knows that she can keep going. And she knows that Nat would be happy for her.
Warnings (Entire Series): This series deals with mature topics, including, but not limited to: death, mental health issues, physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, grief, trauma, general unwellness, illness (both mental and physical), and a most likely inaccurate portrayal of group therapy (though it’s much better than whatever was going on in TFATWS.) Please mind the warnings below.
Warnings: cursing, dead romantic partners, death, wind symbolism, graves and cemeteries, way too many references, depression and depression themes, therapy, bad hygiene, and mental health issues. As always, let me know if more needs to be tagged.
🌻Series Masterlist 🌻
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𝐈 𝐂𝐚𝐧 𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐃𝐨𝐰𝐧
It had been a while since that...incident. The leaves had changed colors and fallen off the trees, which all turned dark. Snow had began to dust the ground, and the wind had begun to bring shivers to everyone outside.
And with the cold weather came a dreaded anniversary. One you knew was coming, but that hadn’t made it better.
Everyone else could see it too. The way your mood seemed to dampen, the way your smiles began to not reach your eyes, the way you seemed more and more tired each time they saw you.
Snow was on the ground now, but some things stayed the same.
Group therapy was still going on, and it gave you a reason to get out of your house.
“Now, I’d like to talk about support, and why it’s so important to have a support system.” Coulson introduced the topic. “Does everybody know what a support system is?” As the group nodded along, he grinned.
“Great. Why don’t we go around in a circle and share one reason why having a support system is important?” He invited the conversation.
Every session had the same structure. You walk in, everyone shares how they’ve been that week and what they’ve done or whatever, then the topic is introduced and discussed, then you play some kind of game, and then everybody chats a little bit before leaving. You found comfort in the routine.
Clint went first. “It’s important because if you have one, you’ve got people to rely on and help you out with stuff.”
Tony nodded, before beginning to speak. “And people who can tell when you’re having a breakdown.”
Then it was your turn. “When..when you feel like nothing is getting better and nothing is going to get better, having..having people around to talk to, or to..relate with, even….it helps.” You murmured.
“Yeah. And when you’re spiraling, you’ve got friends and family who can pull you out of it.” Wanda nodded along. You gave her a small smile.
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“See ya, kid.” You waved to Peter on your way out. He waved back, beaming.
“Bye, Ms. Y/n!” It had taken so long to convince him to not call you Ms. L/n, so you accepted the name.
“Bye, Maria.” You shot a smile at the receptionist.
“Have a good day, Y/n.” She smiled warmly.
“You too!” You called as you walked out the door. You let out a breath as the cold wind picked up outside. You walked down the bumpy sidewalk towards your car.
“Y/n!” Wanda called for you, a smile on her face.
When you turned to look at her, her smile dropped.
“Oh, hey, Wands.” You used the nickname.
“Are you okay? You seemed more..down, than usual.” She noted.
“Yeah, just..tired. Didn’t get a lot of sleep last night.” You explained. It wasn’t exactly a lie. You truly hadn’t slept very well. Stupid nightmares.
“Oh. Okay. Uh..do you wanna FaceTime later or something?” She asked. It had become normal for the two of you to FaceTime every so often.
“Sure,” you answered, as you gave her a nod before you began to walk away.
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The worst part is when you start losing your sense of joy.
Your favorite meal, which you’d cooked for dinner the night after therapy, didn’t taste as good. And it wasn’t an error on your part—you’d cooked it perfectly, just like you normally would. But when you ate it, it…just didn’t hit.
It was hard to not think your brain was broken. Well, in a way, it kinda was now, but apparently that’s not a good word to use.
You began to fall back into old routines.
You get up. You get ready. You go to work. You drive home. You turn on the TV. And then, you just sit. 
Sometimes you call Wanda.
You turned down the group’s offer to go to lunch that week. And the week after that.
Normally, the group would go to lunch together once a week. You were all really becoming friends. Sometimes it would be right after therapy, other times it would just be a different day of the week.
You were interrupted in your moping by the sound of your phone buzzing. It was Wanda.
Hey! Made some tea and I have some extra water. Feel like stopping by? The text read.
Sorry, I’m busy today. Maybe some other time, though! You typed back.
No worries. I thought you stopped working weekends though?
“Shit.” You murmured as she caught you in your lie.
You sighed, before pressing the FaceTime button. “Hey.” You greeted.
“Hi.” She smiled, her mug of tea visible. You were propped up on something on her kitchen table, so you could see her from the chest up. Her hair was up in a bun.
“I..I’m not busy.” You confessed.
“Yeah, I know.” She admitted.
“It—I just—“ you sighed. “Today’s the uh, the anniversary, so..”
“Oh, Y/n, I’m sorry.” She frowned. “Her grave’s at Dreykov Cemetery, right?”
“Can you be there in two hours?”
“The hell—sure I guess?” You were really fucking confused. Was this a normal things for friends to do for each other?
Regardless, you got up off your ass and took a shower. You changed into some clean clothes and brushed your teeth, something you’d been neglecting as of late (much to your shame and embarrassment.)
You grabbed your keys and walked out of your apartment, down the stairs, and to your car. You drove out to Groot&Rocket, a local floristry business. You picked out a nice bouquet of flowers suited for winter, paid for it, and began to drive down to the cemetery.
You found the whole group waiting at the entrance. They all gave you warm smiles, with Wanda rushing up and giving you a tight hug. You wrapped your arms around her, making sure to not mess up the bouquet.
“Oh, I’m sorry Y/n.” She murmured in your ear.
You just rubbed her back in response. You both pulled away after a moment and walked towards the rest of the group.
“Hey, you guys.” You breathed as you stood before them.
“Hey.” Steve replied, a gentle smile on his face. Bucky gave you a tiny wave. Tony gave a nod in greeting, and Thor opened his arms for a big hug as he walked towards you. You passed the bouquet to Wanda, knowing that there was no escaping this.
He squeezed you tight in a massive bear hug, shaking you from side to side ever so slightly.
You laughed a little, and he grinned, knowing he’d done his job right.
“You guys really didn’t have to come out here, you know.” You said awkwardly.
“Relax,” Bucky hummed, clapping a hand on your shoulder, “you’d do it for us. You did it for me.”
Sam nodded in agreement. “It’s the least we could do.” You noticed they each had something in their hands. Flowers, small trinkets, normal stuff.
In Wanda’s were a small bouquet of flowers, not a sunflower in sight. She also had the yellow Care Bear in her left hand.
“Oh, uh, right this way.” You said, awkwardly leading the group through the graveyard.
Natasha was buried beneath a tall and beautiful tree. You looked up at it, its leaves still looking okay, even in the cold winter. You kneeled next to her grave, dusting away the snow gently. You adjusted some things already left at her grave, either from friends or family, before setting down the flowers. Then you stood up and took a few steps back.
Everyone took turns leaving stuff. First Bruce. Then Tony. Then Thor. Steve. Sam. Clint. Bucky. And then Wanda.
It’s gotta be wrong of me, your thoughts echoed around in your head. Bringing the girl I kind-of-maybe-sort-of have a crush on to the grave of my dead former girlfriend.
Just then the wind swirled through, and you watched as Wanda’s hair danced in the wind. She was beautiful.
It felt like Nat was telling you that you were being a stupid idiot. And that she was happy.
That it was okay. Okay to let her go.
No, a part of you wailed. Just like you had in her hospital room. Just like you had when you got home that night. Just like you had when Yelena showed back up.
It’s okay, the wind seemed to sing as it blew through again. Let me go.
And so you let her go.
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A/n: hi everybody!! I hope you all had the best and most wonderful holidays. I would love love love to talk about this series, so don’t be afraid to send in an ask!
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turcott3 · 7 months
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worst behavior
cole sillinger x fem! reader
warnings?: cursing, arguing, smut: oral fem receiving, unprotected sex, hair pulling, overstimulation, slightest tiniest bit of fluff
positions fics masterlist
~this ain’t no game, won’t play with you. this time i know ill stay with you~
your eyes fluttered open to a room filled with sunlight. you stretched out and rolled over, running into something. you finally process what’s going on and look around the room, not recognizing a single piece of it.
“where am i?” you whisper, looking at the body next to you. an ohio state hockey player who’s name you vaguely recalled, but that didn’t matter because someone definitely saw you leave with him.
“hmm.” you hear the boy groan next to you.
“good morning.” you say scooting away from him.
“morning beautiful.” he says opening his eyes and smiling at you, your heart almost fluttering at those words. cole never uttered them to you.
“sleep good?” you ask as he leans up on his elbow.
“i did, last night was incredible.” he says kissing you on the cheek. that’s when it all came flooding back. his gentlemanly gestures roped you in. he opened the car door for you, he was sweet, overall seemed like someone you’d actually want to be with. until you remembered that you had never betrayed your….. whatever it was, to cole.
“i’m gonna get a shower, you can stay here or raid the kitchen. my home is yours.” he says smiling at you.once the bathroom door shuts, you scramble to collect your clothes, putting them on, grabbing your phone, and sneaking out the door as quickly as possible. you had been fucking cole for a few months now and would never dare to betray your loyalty to him. he was like a drug to you, and you were addicted. not that he could say the same for you as much as you wished he would. you had no car and didn’t know where you were, but you couldn’t call cole, so you chose the next best option. adam.
“yes hey adam, so it’s a long story but can i send you my location? i don’t know where i am and i have no transportation.”
“yeah of course i can. are you okay?”
“yeah i just have a bad feeling that someone is gonna know about what happened and i really wanna just pretend it never happened. i’ll tell you in the car.”
“y/n it’s gonna be fine, don’t worry. send me your location and i’ll be there.”
“sent. thank you so much adam, seriously.”
“no problem, i don’t want you to get kidnapped or anything.” he laughs.
“thank you, bye adam.”
“bye.” he says and you hang up. what were you going to tell cole? you check and see only one missed call and two texts from him. everyday you hoped he would grow more desperate for your attention, but the day still never came. once adam arrived at your location, you get into his car and buckle without a word.
“so what happened?” he says putting the car back into drive and pulling off.
“i went to a party last night,”
“like the one some of the guys and i went to?”
“yes that one, and i guess i got drunk and came back with a fucking ohio state hockey player, but he was so sweet and nice and gentlemanly.”
“ohio state really?” adam asks.
“adam, that’s what you’re concerned about?” you say smacking him on the arm.
“hey that’s serious dude,”
“that is the least of my worries right now. what if cole finds out? someone had to have seen me leave with him.”
“has he called you?”
“like 2 hours ago.”
“he knows.” he simply states.
“i mean maybe he doesn’t.”
“check your voicemail.” he says going silent, you listened in and he didn’t go into specifics but he seemed angry.
“well shit, i’ll go see him tomorrow,” you say
“probably a good idea.” he replies, the rest of the drive was mostly silent. how were you supposed to make an excuse for this?
the next day came and you were terrified. once you arrive at his house, you step up to the door but before your knuckles could hit the wooden surface, it opens.
“look who finally decided to show up.” he says stepping out of the way so you could walk inside.
“look cole i-“
“i don’t wanna hear it.”
“what do you mean?”
“an excuse, so you’re gonna tell me what the fuck happened the other night.”
“well i-“
“spit it out.” he says stepping closer.
“why do you care so much?” you ask.
“just answer the fucking question.”
“fine. that night, i got drunk at the party, you would know bc you were there. you had girls surrounding you, this lovely guy came up to me. he was super sweet and respectful so i went home with him.”
“oh so you’re fucking him now too?”
“well i obviously haven’t gone back to him, nor do i have his number. is that what you want to hear?”
“take me on a date, just once, and i’ll forget i even looked in his direction.” you begged. you didn’t want your time with cole to end. you never wanted it to if you could help it.
“i want you forget he ever even fucking existed y/n.”
“just take me out one time cole.” you beg, and his stance doesn’t change.
“did he fuck you good?” he says smirking, changing the topic.
“well it was okay, he was very sweet though. i love that in a guy, just pure sweetness.”
“so he didn’t fuck you like i do?”
“maybe he did.” you shrug, knowing it was a flat out lie.
“oh really?” he scoffs, grazing his hands around your waist, facing inching closer to yours.
“he could never come close to what i give you.” he says lowly, connecting your lips. instantly, you cave at his touch. your arms wrapping around the back of his neck. he bites your lip as he pulls away looking into your eyes. he picks you up, wrapping your legs around his waist and carries you to his room, shutting the door and locking it behind him. he tosses you on the bed, immediately pulling your shirt off over your head and throwing it as he does the same.
“i just really like when a guy is sweet, you don’t understand that?” you say interrupting the tangible silence in the room.
“no i do.”
“sure doesn’t seem like it.”
“well maybe i can be sweet.” he retorts.
“ha sure you can.” you scoff as he walks over to the bad, towering over you.
“you just don’t get to find out right now.” he smirks, crawling onto the bed and attaching his lips to your neck, nipping and sucking at the skin. your hands find their way into his hair, tugging on hit lightly as you grew more and more anxious for him to get the ball rolling. he unclasped your bra with one hand and helps you out of it, tossing it across the room. he hooks his fingers under the bands of your underwear and he slides them down you legs quickly before removing his own underwear.
“you want me to fuck you baby?”
“yes, please cole.” you say practically in a whisper as he bends down, his tongue making contact with your dripping core. his tongue working in circles on your clit, his sheets now clenched in your fists. suddenly sliding two fingers into you, curling them causing your back to arch, a loud moan ripping from your throat, already edging a climax. out of nowhere, he pulls his fingers out backing away from you, sucking your juices off his fingers before crawling over you and kissing you sloppily.
“no please why’d you stop?” you whine.
“just had to get you ready.” he smirks pulling away, running his leaking tip through your soaked folds.
“you gonna be good for me pretty girl?” he asks.
“i am.” you say quietly.
“good.” he smirks before pushing into you without warning, a galaxy forming behind your eyelids, your legs hooking around his hip.
“fuck.” you say gripping onto his arms. his thrusts were deep and hard.
“so good just for me.” he grunts out in broken up speech. you open your eyes and lock contact with his, moaning uncontrollably as he hit the sensitive spongey spot deep inside you with each thrust.
“fuck cole oh my god.” you say, the only words you could possibly muster up. you were overstimulated in the best way, sex with cole was always amazing but he was really outdoing himself this time. he leans down, attaching your lips to his to silence your moans as your climax creeped closer and closer.
“god you’re so fucking hot.” he says locking eyes with you again, before you roll your eyes into the back of your head trying to hold off the orgasm that threatened to rip through your body.
“cole i-“
“do it. come for me.” he says and on queue you see stars, your body relaxing all the tightness it previously felt. he fucked you all the way through your high, thinking that was the end.
“you think we’re done here? i’m not done with you.” he says slowing down and pulling out of you, picking you up and tossing you onto your stomach. you raise yourself up in your hands and knees weakly, knowing exactly what he wanted. he places his calloused hand on your ass, using the other to help push himself into you swollen core.
“fuck.” you scream as his hips slam into you quickly.
“yeah you like that?”
“fuck yes i do.” you say, kicking back into high gear, his hips slamming into your ass, his thick cock somehow hitting deeper than before, stretching you out with each thrust. your arms give out and your chest hits the bed, arching your back to keep your position for him.
“god damn look at you.” he says, the smirk lining his voice. his hand reaches into your hair, gathering it around his hand as he pulls you back up, you arms barely holding your weight as he pulls your back closer to his chest until you’re flush against his front side, his other hand holding you up while his fingers found their way to your clit. you couldn’t conjure any words, your hand found the back of his neck as he grunts sweet nothings into your ear, feeling your orgasm approach once again.
“fuck cole i’m gonna come.” you force out. he lets go of your hair and you fall back onto your arms, your walls clenching around him.
“come for me, come baby.” he says and you do as you’re told once again, your arms shaking as he spills his seed deep into your cervix.
“oh my god.” you say as he pulls out of your overly stimulated core rolling you over, your legs shaking frantically. you’d never been fucked that good a day in your life and you were wishing you could feel it again already.
“so, does he fuck you like i can?” he asks again breathlessly and you shake your head quickly, not being able to speak up.
“use your words baby.” he smirks, climbing over you, his face a mere 4 inches from yours, his hair grazing your forehead lightly.
“he could never.” you say pulling his chain bringing him in for another kiss.
“let’s get you cleaned up.” he says smiling as you pull apart. typically, he says this and wipes you clean with a rag, sending you on your way so you didn’t expect much. he puts his boxers on and walks into the bathroom, soaking a rag with warm water before returning, wiping you clean gently. he tosses the rag into his hamper and hands you your lace thing off the floor and a blue jackets tshirt.
“cole wha-“
“no no, take it seriously.” he says and you take it from him hesitantly, pulling it over your head. careful, he removes your hair from the neck, and brushes it behind your shoulders.
“what’s all this?” you say, shocked that you were even still at his house.
“showing you that i can be sweet.” he smirks, pulling you by the shirt into a sweet kiss.
“i’m usually gone by now.”
“well maybe this time you should stay.”
“are you sure?”
“yeah why not.” he says leaning back on his head board, opening his arms for you to join him. you lay your head on his chest as your arm drapes over his body, his hand gently rubbing up and down your back.
“why have you never let me stay before?” you say looking up at him, breaking the silence.
“i didn’t know what you wanted from me, until today.”
“what do you mean?”
“i thought you just wanted to be around me for sex.” he shrugs, looking down at you.
“well maybe at first but it grew to much more than that. i don’t think i’ve ever regretted anything more than fucking that dude the other night but i mean to be fair i thought all you wanted from me was sex too.”
“it was for a while but feelings change you know.” he laughs slightly.
“so what?” he asks obliviously.
“are you gonna take me out?” you say giving the man puppy dog eyes. he rolls his eyes laughing lightly.
“yes y/n, ill take you out.” he giggles, kissing you on the head. it brought you peace knowing that he had feelings for you too, but maybe you should be on your worst behavior more often…..
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formulawonu · 2 years
can i request seventeen asking for cuddles after a nightmare 🥺🥺🥺
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seventeen & nightmares
a/n: bye this prompt is so cute 😭 i got carried away idk why this became so long :( also idk why tumblr is glitching and formatting stuff weird
seungcheol: would 100% try to make it seem like he just wants to cuddle nothing suspicious ha haha... then when ur both trying to go back to sleep he whispers "honestly i just had a nightmare" :/ poor baby let him cuddle u all night long!!!! on the other hand if u have a nightmare he is ur #1 protector. do u need the lights on do u need water do u wanna talk? oh u just want to cuddle? HE CAN DO THAT
jeonghan: it happens in the middle of the night and it is the faintest of movement from him because he doesn't want to wake you but he makes sure you're right next to him and he pulls you in closer and eventually leaves a kiss on ur head just thankful u are there. but he'd tell u about it in passing the next morning acting like it wasnt anything so u dont worry :/ IM GONNA KMS and if its u with the nightmare you'd shake him awake and he'd ask u whats wrong in his sleepy voice but listen and talk to u however long u need to fall back asleep while cuddling u:/ f m l
joshua: STOP he would get up immediately and open all the lights to make u feel better :/ he'd make u sit up then get you water and rub ur back if its a super bad nightmare just so u know everything is gonna be okay :( would also be willing to do something random even if its the middle of the night to get ur mind off of it... like would bake warm cookies with you or smth ahhahah if he has a nightmare i think he'd try to wake u up like once but if u dont wake up he'd be content with just cuddling closer to u and falling asleep with his arms around u. ur his comfort pillow
junhui: waking junhui up because of a nightmare would be funny because he's clearly disoriented from being woken up all of a sudden but he's trying his best to make sense of why he's awake dkufgjhshf "HUH WHAT DO U MEAN SOMEONE CHASED U JUST NOW DO I CALL THE COPS?" takes him a min to process but comforts u the best way he can:/ he'd give good cuddles:( i think if he was the one with the nightmare he wouldnt really wake u or mind if ur half-asleep but he'd be talking about it out loud while playing with ur hair just so he could calm down and process it on his own
hoshi: he'd wake you up in the middle of the night so u both could process what the nightmare meant and you'd probably lie in bed just talking about different things to get his mind off of it:( he'd be playing with your hand and muttering random things solely saved for sacred late night conversations and moments. ur the bigger spoon when u eventually go to sleep n cuddle. if u have the nightmare he'd try his best to listen to u but i think he'd be falling asleep 😅 however its like second nature for him and he gives u one of the best cuddles ever
wonwoo: DONT GET ME STARTED ON HIM like if you had a nightmare and you wake him up and tell him about it he'd find a way to make it sound like a good thing like that time seungkwan had that nightmare of wonwoo and he said it meant something good djshfdjkfh he'd also drop everything to cuddle u and hum u to sleep:/ if he has the nightmare he honestly wouldnt wake you up to ask for cuddles bc he doesnt wanna bother u I FEEL ILL 😭😭😭 like the only way u find out he's had a nightmare is if he tells u abt it the next day or u personally wake up to his movement in the bed and see he's sitting up reading or using his phone to get his mind off of it:/
woozi: be REAL u had the nightmare and he would give up his personal space to cuddle u:/ "jihoon are u awake..." "no" "please i had a nightmare" he'd immediately sit up and ask you if you wanna talk about it or how he could help you and when u say u just wanna be near him he'd give in and cuddle because duh hes a simp 🙄 if he has a nightmare he honestly just pulls u in closer in bed
minghao: hao would be so sweet about it like i think he would know ur having a nightmare before u even wake up and he'd shake u lightly because he's that receptive of u and how u are dhjfgfksj like he'd be all "babe its okay i think u were having a nightmare" then he's hugging u or rubbing ur back UGH but if he had the nightmare i think he's another one that wouldnt wake you up.. he'd get up drink some tea to calm himself down then get in bed and naturally cuddle up to u help
mingyu: ok thing is u NORMALLLY cuddle with this man but the grip he has around u specifically after a nightmare (regardless of if u or he had it) is strong and secure and everything is suddenly right with the world as long as u are in his arms dksfjhdsdfj but it'd also go like "i had a dream ~this~ happened" and he would say "ok but logically that can't happen" ok thanks mingyu! big help! but he just wants to make sure ur okay anyway:/
seokmin: he'd be so cute uisdkhjfsdkrfjh like ur there telling him about ur nightmare and he's trying his best to listen and be supportive but he's also scared out of his mind bec of the contents of ur dream so now he's lost in his thoughts and u both are scared hjdgfdjh same goes for if he has the nightmare 😭 but the cuddles are extra tight and u guys just keep talking in bed until u drift off into bed i can imagine it going "hey are u still awake im still scared" "i was FALLING ASLEEP" "ok but im still scared" kdfjhdfkgjh
seungkwan: he'd try his best to make u laugh if u woke him up after a nightmare :( like he'd get up and pretend to look under the bed start fighting an imaginary whatever in mid air and get mad ydfhgkfd "ok come out let me fight u" he'll have u laughing but also intently listening to whatever nightmare u had bec he cares :( if he had a nightmare he'd wake you up also n he might be crying :( he'd be talking about it and he'd pull u into his arms while just talking about it. just be there for him and tell him its gonna be ok :( kwannnieeeeeee :(
vernon: THIS MAN. he would actually be such a good listener its just that i also think he generally wouldnt know what to say??? like he knows he wants to comfort u and be there for u but also its several taps on the back and "errr dont worry it wasnt real..." or he'd just straight up ask u how he can be there for u :( if u ask him for cuddles i think he'd overthink it and u would feel him be more stiff than usual bc he doesnt know how cuddles logically help u get over nightmares ukdsjfhsd which is why i think vernon honestly just wakes up from a nightmare processes that its a nightmare and goes back to sleep period
dino: he is internally panicking bec wtf no one told him how to help someone else deal w nightmares how does HE even deal with nightmares???? but he'd be so cute trying to make u feel better :( but u wouldnt have to ask for cuddles honestly like his caring nature means he naturally pulls u in and keeps u there until ur fast asleep again ugh dhkdsfh if he has the nightmare i think he'd sit up then check to make sure ur there then cuddle u again :( he'd try to go back to sleep but if he really cant he'd wake u up and say sorry for waking u up jahjashdkjsh
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dirtybitfic · 4 months
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Matt Sturniolo x y/n
contains~ business meeting , fight , slight degrading , little bit of flirting.
y/n pov -
Its currently 4 am and the only reason i'm awake is because my boss called me . I try my best not to fall back asleep as he goes on and on about shit I need to do before todays big meeting. Don't get me wrong I like my job but sometimes my boss drives me insane. I didn't sleep well last night which is not helping the current situation .
*phone call*
Matt - Y/n are you even listening right now
Y/n - Sorry yes mr sturniolo I'm just trying my best to stay awake right now
Matt - Well I will let you go back to bed but you better have things ready when I get to the office am I clear
y/n- yes sir I will have it ready
Matt- Good girl ill see you at 12
Y/n - yep see you in the afternoon
*phone call ends*
I woke back up around 8 and made my way to the office .
I always make it a point to look classy and wear business attire especially when we have big meetings like today. I wear an outfit that I know I look good in but comfortable enough I can sit through 3 hours and write notes for my boss.
I finished up my last task Mr. Sturniolo had giving me on the call earlier and sat at my desk waiting for him to arrive. I've been his assistant for about a year and a half. He's a pretty good boss though he can be harsh and assertive with me at times I try not to take it offensively .I know he just likes things a specific way .
I've been sitting for about 40 minutes when I get call from my boss and I immediately pick it up even though I don't exactly want too
*phone call*
y/n-hey mr sturniolo
matt-hi y/n I just called to tell you that the meeting has been pushed back too 1:30 our clients flight got delayed
y/n- Okay sounds good sir I just finished up the final touches on the presentation and the meeting room is set up and ready
Matt- Atta girl! thank you for getting all that done . Im sorry for calling you at 4 am I know it wasn't the best time
Y/n- Its okay I know you like things done perfectly so im not upset
Matt- Good well I'm parked down stairs and was about to go grab some coffee would you like to come with me?
Y/n- Sure why not ill head down now
Matt- Okay I took the blue convertible today so I have one of the claw clips you left in it a couple weeks ago so your hair doesn't get messed up
Y/n- Oh good thank you
Matt- Of course see you in a couple
Y/n- Yep heading down now bye
*Call ends*
One thing about my boss is he notices the little things most don't for example him knowing I wouldn't want to mess up my hair and keeping the clip in the car just incase I needed it. I know its just a small gesture but it makes me feel some type of way , a way I definitely should not be feeling about my boss. We have a slight age gap given he's 27 and i'm 23 which is yet another reason I should not have the thoughts that I do about him quit often.
I Made my way down to the private parking garage and walked around until I spotted my favorite car Mr Sturniolo owns. Obviously everyone loves a convertible but his is just perfection.
"Hey!" I greet him as I open the door and slide into my seat.
"Hi Good morning " he he greets me with a small smile.
" New suit?" I ask as I look over him noticing i've never seen him wear this suit.
" Yes actually it is" he says with a sigh .
" You don't like it do you?" I ask as I can tell from the sigh and his facial expressions he doesn't seem very excited about it.
" No I hate wearing colored suits but my brother insisted I wear it for todays meeting" he says with an eye roll making me laugh.
" Well for what its worth I think it looks good ... It brings out your eyes" I say smiling over at him.
he return the smile before asking where I want to go for coffee.
I told him to go to Philz so he heads there.
One thing that we do share is music taste so riding around with him is always good. We were listening to "Everlong by the foo fighters" when my phone started to ring.
I look down to see it is my ex who had recently broken up with me . I sigh as I immediately hit decline . He cheated on me for an entire year with a woman who owns a large art gallery and I only found out because I went with matt to buy art for his new penthouse he moved into and saw my boyfriend walking out of her office with lipstick on his face and an untied tie around his neck. Safe to say my boss saw a side of me I wished he never had.
I yelled at him for an hour outside the gallery when he finally broke up with me telling me " I don't love you anymore ... I actually never really did I just liked your body and living with you in your nice ass apartment " so obviously I punched him in the face and he cried like a bitch when I ended up "accidentally" breaking it .
Matt watched the entire thing and safe to say we did not end up buying anything from HER gallery. When we had gotten back to the car Matt had praised me for the way I handled myself and said he was proud of me for breaking his nose .
I felt bad acting how I did in front of him but i'm glad he didn't judge nor fire me for it.
" Zach again" he asks as he pulls into the parking lot giving me his full attention.
" Yes hes been trying to call me all week and I have been ignoring him " I answer as I throw my head back letting out a deep breath.
" They say you never know what you had until its gone . I have known your for a while now and I don't understand why he would cheat on you " he answers in a tone that shows anger and annoyance.
Im glad I have a boss who cares about me outside of work even though some would deem a conversation like this unprofessional it's very normal in our relationship.
"Yeah I don't know either but i'm over it I just want him to leave me alone" I answer ending it with a long sigh and looking over at him.
" Im sorry he's such an ass but we should go in and get our drinks and head back to the office" he answers as turns the car off and unlocks the doors.
I nod as we get out and make our way into Philz and order our drinks Matt always makes it a point to never let me pay which I appreciate but with the amount he pays me i'm very capable of buying my own coffee. I mean shit I live in a 3 bedroom open floor apartment all by myself , Just goes to show I make more than enough money.
We get our drinks and make our way back to the office to get settled in before the meeting.
As we were getting the projector up and running my phone started ringing again . I turn the ringer off and throw it in my bag rolling my eyes. It doesn't go unnoticed by matt when I catch a small smirk runs cross his lips. He doesn't smile too much , I notice that he only really smiles around his family and sometimes me if i'm lucky . He's intimidating which is one reason I was so scared when I first got the job but the thing that kept me going was one day about a month into working for him his mom came into the office and told me that I must be special because he went through 25 interviews before me and he had met me , He was very specific about how he wanted his assistant to act and behave and shockingly I guess that was me. He may have "liked me" but for the first year and a half he was cold and standoffish with me , he would practically ignore me unless he needed me for something or when he would tell me the things that needed to be done for the week.
He finally started warming up to me sometime last year and i'm really glad he did it makes the job 10 times better and enjoyable when he acknowledges and speaks to me .
I sat in my chair by the large windows as I zoned out looking over the city but was snapped out of it when our front desk guy told us through the intercom our clients were on the way up.
This new client we have is actually very exciting . The company that matt owns is a luxury advertisement production company . We make advertisements and plans on ways to promote products and grow the businesses me work with.
Our new client who is on their way up right now is a wine company . Their vineyards are located in the south of France and they have made a new champagne that is flavored with different fruits. They created a new flavor line which is peach, passion fruit , Pear and guava. At first I was skeptical of how well these flavors would taste and if they would really sell or not but after sampling them all I knew they were going to make amazing profit from the new collection.
I sat through thirty minutes of the meeting when my phone continuously rang and vibrated with calls and texts. I knew it was my ex and I started to get fed up so I stopped taking notes so I could just power off my phone.
I grabbed it from my bag with a roll as I saw 6 missed calls and 15 text messages that he had sent in the span of 30 minuets and started powering off my phone .
" You're assistant seems to be more interested in her phone than the importance of this meeting. I must say this is very unprofessional" I hear as my head snaps up and I make eye contact with one of our clients. He glares at me as he scolds me for being on my phone.
" i'm sorry I was just powering it off beca-" I try and explain myself but he immediately cuts me off before I get the chance.
" I don't want to hear any excuses . You need to learn how to respect the people who want to work with your company " he scoffs with a rude eye roll and I cant help the tears that start to fill my eyes.
I look at matt panicking but find him staring at me with an agreed look .
" i'm sorry would you excuse us for a second" matt says as he comes over pulling me out of my chair by my arm and dragging me out o the room.
"I-im sorry I didn't mean to-" I start to say as the tears stream down my face.
" Y/n you need to understand these are very important clients and if this goes right not only I will make a lot of money but so will you . I don't like the way he spoke to you but I will not compromise this deal by saying something to him. So we will take a few minutes for you to calm down and make him think that I set you straight and we will go back in" he says as he places a soft hand on my back soothing me .
I nod " yes sir" I answer as I calm my breathing and look up at him.
We keep eye contact as his eyes seem to grow darker . Something in me stirs as his hand moves up and down slowly on my back at some points getting so low he could grab my ass if he felt inclined too . I hater to say it but his soothing actions are turning me on. Ive always felt a tension between us but I used it aside just telling myself its his cold personality that makes every situation slightly intense .
He moves his hand to my chin holding it and moving my head up to really look at him . He slightly smiles " You calm down?" he asks in a deep voice that for some reason has me clenching my legs together.
"Yes sir i'm sorry for crying I just -"
"I know you don't like being patronized infant of people i've learned that throughout the years you've worked for me . Just be glad your well behaved or you'd really hate me " he says with what sounds like a small chuckle.
" why would I hate you?" I question as I step slightly closer.
"i'm not one to tolerate people misbehaving or defying me . You should know that by now" he answers in a more gravelly voice that has me clenching around nothing .
" right well umm should we go back in " I say in a wavering voice but clear my throat to try and play it off.
He smirks at me but nods his head .
He leads me back to the conference room with a hand on my lower back .
Im moving to open the door but stop when he start whispering to me.
" make it look like I corrected you okay " he whispers before opening the door .
I walk in as I distort my face to make it look as though I am upset and I move quickly to my seat and choose not to even look up at anyone .
I grab my computer and get to typing as matt starts back on the presentation and the clients make their comments and requests .
After about an hour the meeting comes to and end and they decide to go with us for their campaign.
" Me and my wife would like for you to come down to our vineyard in say 4 weeks and shoot promo videos and get photos for the videography does that time frame work for you Mr. Sturniolo?"
the man who blatantly degraded me asks as matt looks to me.
"y/n is the calendar clear that week?" he asks and I pull up his calendar that I schedule and go over it.
" Yes looks like there is only one meeting that week but its with gloria i'm sure we can reschedule it" I answer as I smile at both of them.
"Amazing well my wife is very excited for this campaign . She can be a bit much but what woman isn't right" he says jokingly to matt .
Matt smiles and nods as he leads him out of the office and to the elevator.
I audibly sigh and roll my eyes at his misogynistic comments , safe to say i'm not exactly thrilled ill have to deal with that man on a normal bases but its worth the money so I guess i'll just have to live with it.
Matt comes back in groaning and running his hands through his hair.
" I really do not like that guy" he says making me laugh.
" Trust me neither do I" I say making him chuckle and shake his head.
" He wants us to stay at his estate but I kindly declined . I told him We have many work calls we take and we wouldn't want to be a disruption " he says with a smirk .
I smile widely nodding my head
" Thank god I wouldn't want to be stuck in a house with that man for a day let alone an entire week" I say making him laugh.
" I'll book the hotel so you won't have to worry about that and we'll take the company jet " he says as he grabs his bag and powers off the projector.
" You sure I don't mind dealing with the hotel bookings" I say as I pack up my things as well.
" Yes I have a favorite hotel i've gone too many time there and I know they will give us amazing rooms and the view is amazing" he says as he walks over to me .
" Oh okay" I say smiling up at him.
His hand goes to my jaw like earlier as he moves his thumb softly back and forth .
I lean into the touch as he looks at me deeply like he's studying my soul.
" You did good today I know you're dealing with calls from that asshole and I appreciate you were powering off your phone " he says as he steps him closer to me .
I sigh as I avert my eyes
" Im sorry for causing our client to think of our company as less then because of my actions though" I say still not looking up at him.
" You did nothing wrong you're always a very good girl he's just an asshole who clearly doesn't respect woman"
I blush as I look up at him . His use of the term "good girl" today has gotten me feeling things I shouldn't.
He looks at me as I look up at him .
" If you ever need anything you call me okay . I know i'm your boss but I want you to consider me a friend too " he says as his hand slides down my neck to my shoulder.
His touch leaves goose bumps in its wake which i'm embarrassed about and I can tell he noticed my body reaction by the smirk that grows across his face.
" Yes sir I just wouldn't want to burden you with my problems you have enough to deal with as it is" I answer honestly .
He shakes his head sighing
" Sweetheart you could never be a burden no matter how hard you tried . You're the first assistant i've had for longer than 4 months which can only mean I like you very much and that is rare" he says making me smile .
" Thank you sir I like this job a lot and I hope to keep it for a very long time" I say as I step slightly closer . Our chest are almost flush against each other , im so close I can feel the heat radiating off of him.
" Trust me i'm not letting you go anytime soon " he says in a deep gravely voice that makes me feel such dirty things a literal whimper escapes me .
My eyes widen as I clear my throat and avert my eyes from his.
He grabs my face and turns it to face him again
" Did you just whimper " he asks with a smirk .
" What n-no I was clearing my throat" I say in a panic .
" Are you lying to me y/n " he asks in a teasing tone that almost has be whimpering again.
" No sir " I answer but avoid eye contact.
" Look me in the eyes and tell me the truth" he says in a demanding tone .
I feel as though i'm shrinking into myself as I look up at him .
" Im not lying to you I promise" I say as convincingly as I can.
" You better hope you're telling the truth" he says in a darker deeper voice that has me gulping .
" A-and why is that" I ask as I try and take a step back but bump into the table behind me.
" I don't like liars . Do know what bad lying little girls get y/n " he asks as he steps even closer and i'm forced to sit on the edge of the table as his body is positioned in-between my legs. If anyone where to walk in right now this would be a very compromising position to be in .
" No sir I-i don't" I say .
His entire demeanor changes his large presence now dark and cold as his hand moves to my neck pulling me closer as I gasp in shock.
"They get punished" he kind of growls more than speaks . My mouth opens but no words come out .
He lets go and steps back and goes back to his normal calm demeanor .
I sit in shock as he grabs his bag and starts walking to the door.
"Goodbye y/n see you Tuesday" he says in a kind of sing song tone that has me scoffing. He obviously finds it funny to leave me wet and speechless.
We've never had a moment like that sure we've had weird moments where a little flirting was involved but nothing like what the fuck that just was.
I hop off and grab my bag before rushing down the hall to the elevator . The second I get into my car I scream .
I don't exactly know why I did but it felt great.
I start up my car and put on my nighttime playlist and pull out of the parking garage and pull onto the bright light city roads.
The second I got home I went through all the messages and voicemails from Zach .
15 missed calls from Zach
37 missed texts
all consisting of " call me back" " Im sorry" " I love you so much please" " Fucking bitch answer me" " God your a cunt this is why I cheated on you" and a lot more .
I hate the fact that after listening to three of his voicemails i'm in full tears curled up on my floor in front of my huge floor to ceiling windows.
Im snapped out of my daze when I hear 5 loud bangs on my door . I jump up as my heart pounds . My apartment is the only one on this floor so its not like whoever it is has the wrong apartment .
I slowly make my way to the door when the bangs happen again this time harder .
"OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR Y/N" I hear Zach's voice from the other side .
I panic even more as I slowly go to open the door . The second I turn the lock the door barely open and a fuming Zach marches his way in.
He comes at me so fast I have no time to react . One hand is wrapped tightly around my neck as the other is grasping my hair so tightly I feel like my scalp is on fire.
" You think you're so fucking cute ignoring me huh don't you " he practically spits in my face.
" You-- cheated on me a-and broke up with me w-why are you mad" I choke on as I gasp for in in his tight hold.
" Don't you dare fucking speak to me like that . I said I was sorry but you just want to be a spoiled fucking bitch and ignore my calls" he bites out as his grip on my hair tightens and I scream out in pain.
" You think you are so perfect don't you good fucking too shoes but your just a pathetic little bitch who's unlovable " he shouts in my face as tears start to steam down my face and I cough as I try and pry his hand from my throat.
" I tried to love you I did but you are just so insufferable to be around you know that god your always so pleasant you never do anything bad you're fucking boring all you do is work and come home and sit around doing nothing like a pathetic little loser " He spits as he shoves me into the wall making me yelp.
His hand connects to my face as his fist hits my eye .
He has never acted like this before let alone hit me .
He immediately lets go and steps away also in shock of what he just did .
" I c-cant believe you actually j-just p-punch-ed m-ee" I say in a gasping panicked voiced.
"I-im sorry y/n I ... I didn't mean to I " he says as he steps further away with fear across his face.
"GET OUT GETH THE FUCK OUT " I scream as I fall to the floor and cry .
he runs out closing the door on his way.
My head is pounding my eyes isn't opening correctly and I haven't gotten off the floor in 2 hours.
My phone starts ringing making me jump but I turn it over to see "Matt Sturniolo(boss)" calling .
I don't answer because of the state i'm in and the last thing I want is my boss knowing wtf just happened .
I get a text
" y/f/m/l/n you better answer your phone this is very important" it reads. Judging by the fact he literally just used my full name I know I have to choice to answer his second call to me.
*phone call*
"H-hello" I say as I sniffle and try to make it sound like i'm not crying and my voice isn't stringed.
" Hey I know its late but the clients from today actually want us to come down Tommorrow and stay until the following Sunday and I already cancelled all the appointments this week that were a conflict so I need you up and ready at 10 am Tommorrow I will pick you up at 10 and well head to the airport" he rambles . I panic not knowing what to do I cant say i'm sick because he'll know thats a lie .
I stay silent as I continue sniffling trying to mask my situation .
" y/n are you there ? " he asks in a slightly worried tone.
"Y-yes its just that ... I can't leave Tommorrow " I say as my voice breaks with the last word.
" What why you obviously don't work Tommorrow so what is wrong?" he asks in more of an interrogational tone .
" I j-just cant okay " I bite back as tears start to stream down my face again.
" Y/n what's wrong are you crying " he asks his tone now soft.
"n-no " I try and say without giving away that i'm lying but obviously fail.
" I can hear you sniffling and your voice is choked up tell me what's wrong" he says in a sweet voice .
I sigh loudly " Zach came by earlier and he ..." I stop myself from finishing my sentence not wanting to tell my boss about the embarrassing events .
" He what y/n" his voice sounding slightly angry now.
" He yelled at me and said really hurtful things and then he ... he punched me " I answer in a squeaky raspy tone.
" HE HIT YOU" matt yells from the other side of the phone
"Y-yes" I say as more tears stream down my face .
"Thats it I'm coming to you is your door unlocked " he ask as I hear keys rattle in the background.
"Wait what n-no don't come here" I say in a panic . I do not want him seeing me like this its for one embarrassing and two he's my boss he shouldn't be coming to my apartment .
" Don't tell me no i'll be down there in 5 minutes that door better be unlocked"
I go to protest but the line goes dead.
As much as I love my apartment it doesn't help that Matt lives in the penthouse at the top floor of the building meaning he has easy access to come and see me if he really wants to hence why hell be down in 5 minutes .
I sit on my floor as I try and at least stop the crying before he gets here.
As i'm sitting calming myself my door opens and in walks matt.
I turn away from the door so he doesn't see my face.
" y/n where are y- why are you on the floor?" his voice rings as steps approach me .
I shrugged but burry my face in my arms .
I feel him sit next to me as his scent fills my nose . I sigh but still don't bring my head up .
" y/n look at me" he says in a soft sweet tone.
"No " I say as I shake my head .
"Y/n please you're safe with me you know that i'm not going to judge you" he says as his large hand soothe up and down on my back .
Im so embarrassed that at my grown age I'm crying infant of my fucking boos.
I lift my head and look at him as a look of anger and pain washes over his face.
" sweetheart" he whispers as he immediately pulls me into his chest cradling me . I feel as though i'm a little girl girl again being rocked back to sleep after a nightmare . I being sobbing in his arms as I choke out all the horrible things Zach called me and said to me.
" You are non of those things. Don't think for a second that what he says is true , You're are amazing , sweet, hard working and strong . He is a crazy ass motherfucker who didn't deserve you in the first place" he says as he rocks me slightly .
I for some reason feel inclined to crawl into his lap and bury my face in his chest . I know this entire situation should not be happening right now but I cant stop myself from doing it.
The thing is he lets me he pulls me closer as he smooths my hair and holds me to his chest tightly .
After god knows how long i've stopped crying and my breathing has become somewhat controlled.
I unbury my head from his chest and look up at him .
He smiles weakly
" My sweet girl" he says as his hand gently runs across my face wiping some tears away . I wince when his hand grazes my eye area.
" where are your pain meds ?" he asks as he runs his hand through my tossed hair .
" My bedside table" I answer in a whispered and exhausted tone.
" Alright come on lets get you upstairs " he says as he picks me up off his lap setting me on the ground and standing up then extending his hand to me , I take it as he pulls me up then follows me up the stairs to where my room is .
he tells me to get into bed as he runs down to the kitchen getting me water and rushing back up .
" which table right or left?" he asks .
I try and remember which one but cant so I just shrugged and answered that I couldn't remember so he goes to the rightsize on first .
He opens it and his mouth pops open as he looks at me .
"w-what are they in there " I ask in confusion as to why he looks shocked .
he just stares as me and slowly shakes his head .
It dawns on me after a couple seconds that that is the one I keep my "personal items in" . My body flys up in bed as I rush to close the drawer .
" Im so sorry I forgot about keeping those in that one I ... god thats so embarrassing.
" I never thought of you as the type to own things like that" he says with a laugh making me groan and hide my face in a pillow.
"Im only messing around with you , i'm not uncomfortable about seeing that its normal" he says as he walks to the other table finding the Advil and pouring out two in his hand .
" Take these to her with the swelling before it gets worse" he says as he walks over to me .
" were seriously just going to breeze over the fact that you ... my boss just say my ... "
" toys yes now take these" he says shoving his hand in my face . I sigh as I take them out of his hand and toe them into my mouth then take the water he had in his hand and swallow them down.
" Now i'm going to help you pack . Where are your suitcases " he says as he start walking around my room searching .
" You're actually joking right there is no way I can go looking like this" I say in a bratty tone . I didn't mean to use that tone its just the way it came out.
" First of all watch your tone but yes you're still coming and it will get better in a day or two and we don't have to start the campaign shooting until Tuesday so we can just stay in until then or when we go out you can just wear sunglasses. Now suitcases where are they?"
I groan but point to the door "hallway closet " I say as I yawn .
He nods and walks to the door opening it and coming back 5 seconds later with two suitcases in hand.
" Okay what do want to pack first pants, shirt ...? " he ask as he sets them out on the couch I have on the wall opposite my bed.
"Well I usually pack pants first "
" Okay where are your pants" he asks looking at me .
" Bottom three rows in the closet" I answer
" Any specific ones you want ?" he asks
" You know what how about you pick 4 pairs and i'll say yes or no " I say as I getting extra comfy in bed .
" Yes ma'am " he says jokingly as he makes his way to my large walk in closet.
He comes out 2 minutes later with 4 pairs in hand.
He holds up the first pair , I nod and he smiles " I really like these ones" he says as he happily packs them in my bag.
Second pair - I happily nod and he packs them.
Third pair - I dead pan as he laughs actually laughs . " You've gotta be kidding those were all the way at the back " I say as I give him a look. " why do you even own these " "They were part of a halloween costume like 2 years ago" he just shakes his head and sets them aside .
Fourth pair - " Matt this is a business trip" I say as a I shake my head no . " I know that sweetheart but we don't have to be in business attire the whole time" " I guess your right okay yes pack those"
"Okay next skirts pick 3 they are hung on the left side along with the dresses pick tow of those" I instruct him as I try and stay awake .
He comes back out with a big smile which i'm finding slightly unsettling given ive never seen him so cheerful before
dress one - " absolutely not"I say. He sighs and sets it aside
Dress two - I smile and nod yes . He neatly packs it
Skirt one - immediate yes
Skirt two - Yes
After 45 more minutes i'm fully packed except for underwear and socks.
"Okay last things are undergarments " he says as he looks at me waiting for to tell him where they are.
" Don't worry about those ill pack those in the morning " I say as I wave him off.
" I have a feeling if I let you do that you'll forget " he says as he tilts his head . I hate to admit but he probably right.
" fine okay top shelf of the drawers on the right wall" I say as my face flushes red. My boss definitely should not be handling my underwear and bras but at this point i'm to tired to care.
"wow these are organized so nicely" I hear him say from inside my closet.
Their's silence for a second before he comes out with a handful of my sets with a smirk on his face.
He sets them on top as well as socks .
"Okay done now shoes " I tell him where the shoes are and he picks all good options so that was easy.
He packs up my makeup and skincare bag putting them in the suitcase with the shoes .
" Okay fully packed and ready to go" he says as he pushes both cases by the door .
"Thank you Sir you really didn't have to do all of this" I say sincerely
" First of all as much as I love you calling me sir when we are outside the office call me matt you calling me sir makes me feel fucking old" he says with a smile.
I choke on air at his beginning comment with makes him chuckle.
" Im grateful I have you as a boss matt"
" Im great full to have you as my assistant y/n "
We both share smiles before he turns on my ceiling fan and comes and sits on the edge of my bed.
" I want you to know I genuinely do care about you y/n not just because you are my assistant but because your all around a great girl " he says as his pulls his hand on my comforter covered leg giving it small shake.
" Thank you matt really I couldn't ask for a better boss" I smile at him with half open eyes.
" I'll let you get some rest and ill take your extra key so you can sleep as long as you can and ill just come down and grab your bags and make sure your up and awake by 10" he says as he pats my leg and stands up.
" You sure I don't mind setting and alarm " I ask .
" Im sure now get some sleep and ill see you in the morning "
"Okay well see you in the morning and thank you again really "
" Of course . Good night y/n "
" Good night matt"
God what the fuck just happened ...
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