#okay ik this is a shitty edit but i just liked the message it said so i compiled it
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atsu-i · 2 years ago
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timingmatters · 4 years ago
Okay so its been long enough that i ranted and watched elite that idc for it anymore lmao. The shitty writing pissed me off, i ranted about it, and was ready to move on. But something that alarmed me happened today. Like seeing first hand the real life negative effect the messages of the series sent to people.
Its about Patrick’s character. Now i have a lot of issues with him, including the lowkey racist vibes he had towards Omar all season that were never addressed. But more than that, this is about consent. Since ep 1, Patrick tried BLACKMAILING Ander to fuck him to help Omar. After Ander told him multiple times to back off he still fully touched his dick until Ander physically pushed him off and left. This was ep 1. Now, we can rant about Ander and even Omar’s reactions and the drama. But this isn’t about the drama. Is the message of consent being shown in the series. Since ep 1 Patrick’s motivations, directly stated by him, is that saying no to him (including sexually) is a problem for the other person because he always gets what he wants. While the drama and Ander + Omar’ actions caused them to break up, it was directly bc Patrick kept trying to manipulate them both with sex and kept pushing even after he was told no. Not only in the first ep, but even when Ander tried to say they couldn’t have sex anymore because Omar didn’t want to be open anymore. He still kept pushing. He got MAD about being told no sexually.
I talked a lot about the writing from a plot perspective and the drama. But today im here to talk about consent. I wanted to be done talking about this season, but I just saw a post on fb with over 30k shares and likes talking about how they wanted to be Patrick in the club scene with Ander on the first episode (where he kept touching Ander even when Ander was like “mhmmm… lets not” multiple times). While ik the Omander relationship has been fucked by the writers, i still see comments about how Patrick and Ander could have been so good bc they are hot (and this comes directly bc a lot of viewers now don’t care for the plot, even less for the queer characters and the writers are aware, so all their storylines are incredibly sexual and viewers watch it for the sex and how hot it is). I have seen a lot of praise or wanting to behave like Patrick bc is hot. When his character has a horrible view on consent. And a lot of people are romanticizing it. Hell, i have seen feminists share it bc “it was so hot” and no talk on how rapey Patrick’s behavior is the more you think about it. His whole storyline was him being mad he was told “no” sexually in the first episode. People tend to not look at consent as hard when it comes to queer men vs girls in media (and ik girls are the primary victims of assault in real life, but online we don’t talk enough about consent within the lgbt community, including girls. We don’t talk enough about consent with wlw either). And i hate that Elite didn’t necessarily portray Patrick as the good guy, but they never addressed that kind of behavior either.
Same with Cayetana. Her and Phillipe (Philippe? I have seen different wording lmao and i dont watch with subs so idk💀 i forgot lmao). They are a couple this season and a lot of people ship them. So many vids online of their relationship. So many edits of their sex. And i have not seen people talk about how he literally tried to assault her and then said she was leading him on. At the very least, unlike with Patrick, that behavior was called out and addressed in the series, but it was still overlooked fairly quickly. This season of Elite has really bad messages regarding consent and normalizes really bad behavior, and it succeeds in doing so because people online are going with it. Thee storylines and behaviors were not written to start conversations, but rather for drama driven by sex. And for such a heavy sex show, the consent is off a lot.
It just made me really uncomfortable seeing so many people online talking about how hot these situations were and completely overlooking and being fine with how these situations lacked consent so much.
I feel like i was repetitive a lot, but alas is 5am and i’m writing this because i saw the fb post being shared about how hot the Patrick and Ander scene was in s1, when it borderlines (i think even explicitly IS) assault. To put your mouth on someone’s genitalia after they clearly said NO more than once, even if they hesitated a little or said it jokingly, is still assault and i got pissed at people praising it so i wrote this xxx
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heytherefandoms · 5 years ago
...but it's for a loaded reason. When it all comes down to it, Yennefer wants to have a child to boost her ego and be important to someone. But looking at her character over the entire story, it's much more than that. Before coming to Aretuza, Yennefer is tormented and beaten by society for her disability, which she blames on her elven heritage. When she reveals this to Istreed, she's revealing how she blames her life's suffering on her very existence. I can't begin to describe how sad (2/?)
this is. Her self esteem and image low, to put it mildly. Then she’s at Aretuza and she realizes how her lineage actually helps her, that it is part of what makes her so powerful. But she can’t control it. Again, something is wrong with her: she’s undeserving of such power. This isn’t helped by the fact that she’s rejected from Aedirn because of. Again, she blames her existence for her life’s suffering and failings. Love for oneself is low. Feelings of importance is low. And she makes it (3/?) clear she wants to be seen as important more than anything. And yes, she falls into the trap of believing if someone else sees her as important and worth love, she can believe it herself too. But she never does. She feels useless working for the court, she feels useless working for the Brotherhood. And when she fails to save the baby from the assassin? She’s failed and proven to be useless yet again. And this is the part where I think I could be extremely biased in my interpretation of Yen (4/?) When she’s reflecting on the beach and talking to the dead baby, she’s thinking of all the ways the world was cruel to her and why. And at that level of awareness, she knows how she wishes life could have been to her. She wishes she could have been made to feel important. Not for her magic, but for simply living (as clearly her magic doesn’t make her important, looks at where she is in court and the fact that she failed this child). Having a child could be a second chance for Yen. Yes, it’d (5/? living vicariously through her child, but who hasn’t had a shitty life and thought bitterly how they could have done better? (Okay I know a lot of people but I personally fall into the category that does). Anyways, even Geralt sees it (and comments on it in a terrible way but Geralt’s never been good with his feelings) during the dragon hunt. Anyways, I shoulda been better and included actual evidence and quotes but I didn’t, AP Lang can sue me. But ye, I think you can feel for Yen once (6/?) you understand where she’s coming from. A poet I bet Yen would love is Plath, who said “Perhaps when we find ourselves wanting everything, it is because we are dangerously close to wanting nothing.” And what does Yen tell Geralt she wants? “Everything.” And for the longest time, nothing is all Yennefer accepts for herself. Tissaia tells it to her “you accepted a fucking bed in a pigpen as okay for yourself”. The rest of Yen’s storyline is trying to run away from that girl and believe (7/?) deserving of something more. So yeah, Geralt isn’t wrong when he calls her selfish for wanting a child to finally feel important. But while it’s untrue having children will make anyone feel fulfilled (an especially annoying role thrust upon women more than men) it’s not untrue it will never make someone feel fulfilled. IDK where I’m going with this, I’m just beating a dead horse now TBH. Sorry about that. And ik Yen’s motives and goals still aren’t fantastic, but I hope they’re more human (end) 
Hi anon! I think your first message got eaten by tumblr. Also I made that post yesterday at night,queued it, and immediately forgot about it so I was confused at first about what I wrote.
Thanks for your lengthy explanation! You’re right, we can feel for Yen because we’ve seen everything she’s been through and all that. Tbh, from my personal POV, I still don’t really get why she wants her own, biological child this badly (as in, she could have easily stolen or adopted one), but I don’t like children all that much so let’s leave that aside (also the fact that her life isn’t exactly child-friendly, like Geralt said, but then again, there seems to be going on a lot of war and violence everywhere all the time, so).
What I was trying to say, and probably didn’t, I can’t quite remember right now, is that I’m kind of upset with the writers for giving Yennefer such a… you know, this typical “main character woman has a deep dark shame, a secret she can never tell anyone - she’s infertile”/”main character woman can’t have biological children and it is what Makes Her Life Hell Forever, as it was the Only Purpose of her life” kinda story. I don’t mean this in a way of critizising women who really, really want to become mothers and see it as their life’s goal, that’s totally valid, of course. It just annoys me that they gave Yennefer such a stereotypical Tragic TM story and goal. We know that she’s lived at least two lifetimes worth of years, and they wanna tell me she never gave up on that dream? She spent between a hundred and a hundred and fifty-ish years chasing that one goal? Never adjusted it? Never looked for alternative ways? Or found a different way for herself to become important to someone? 
I don’t know. I don’t know how to explain that I understand why she would hold on to that her entire life, and that I think it’s perfectly fine to tell stories of women who really badly want to have biological children, while also explaining that I dislike how women keep being portrayed as inherently always wanting to become mothers in media, without contradicting myself. I hope I made myself somewhat understandable.
Also, AP Lang as in the citation method? Yeah, it can choke. I don’t know it and I’ve never used it, but I had to use MLA 8 for my BA paper and citing. is. the. worst. Just let me list all my sources at the end without having to specify exactly where I found which sentence on every single page!! There HAVE to be simpler ways to cite!! Anyway I handed in my BA paper like three weeks ago so knock on wood and cross your fingers for me.
(not that I’m scared, I already handed in like half of it as a seminar paper and got it back corrected, and my professor’s a real sweetheart, I asked for like 5 days extension because I had trouble writing because of my med’s side effects, and she was like “oh??? health comes first my dear, have an entire month of extension!!! hope you’ll get better soon!!!”, but still)
Also, if anyone knows how to tag answers before posting them, please let me know? I mean I get asks like once a year but it’s still annoying to post them, then having to go to my dash and edit the post to add the tags there.
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rikusuriuri · 7 years ago
hey uh callout for @/sugarandmemories for things, im doing this as a vb blog & someone who’s seen him pop up more and more in the fanbase but this is gonna include stuff from other fanbases bc ik he’s very active in a lot of things & has acquired quite the following from it, and i wanna make sure everyone knows who they’re reblogging from (tw for incest & pedophilia)
basically Nick/Sugar has sexualized minors/has shitty ships + interacts with an artist who draws pedophilia/incest, and he himself has drawn some pretty questionable art
okay so Sugar/Nick is an 18 yo artist who draws a lot of fanart and his main blog is @/scepterno, his art blog, again, is @/sugarandmemories and he has another art blog @/monfernomaxie but he’s most active @/sugarandmemories ! (his ig is also sugarandmemories & his twitter is sugarnziles)For the sake of this post, i’m only gonna go over things that were posted after he turned 18! anything thats a little suspicious or problematic before his 18th will be ignored for simplicity
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so people who dont know venture bros the two pictured are twin brothers and let me start off by saying i have nothing against touchy siblings but what rubs me (and a lot of others the wrong way) is the blush & stuff & also just the one on the neck (sorry its small, the one w blue around it) all of it just feels a bit off
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this is also something that rubs me the wrong way bc the twins pictured are just recently 18 in canon (okay, so age stuff is weird w them bc of different things that happen but for the sake of reference, dean is a kid who is just entering college & just graduated high school we saw their 16th birthday and the show has spanned about 2 years in canon time) the person with hearts around him are traits from a henchman of the twins’ father’s arch enemy who as a henchman has tried to (and succeeded in) killing the twins, has kidnapped the twins multiple times, and yes, they have had silly and friendly interactions but vbros honestly brushes a lot of things off really easily, and even strained relations aside, has a significant amount of years over the twins (10+)
okay this is now jumping into venturecest more so uh for reference & pictures will be censored accordingly 
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@/scepterno is his main blog (sorry for the photo hhh) and theres a venture bros artist who i won’t be leaking the url of here bc i dont need that shit spreading but if you want to know it for blocking purposes, message me, also, sorry for some pretty Bad art below but essentially sugar/nick interacts w someone who posts pedophilia & incest 
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this is just proof they interact and also is really dubious for me because OP draws really shitty things (incest/pedophilia) involving hank so it really rubs me the wrong way (and also OP never tags their stuff, so i can only assume sugar/nick follows them)
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okay here’s a pic of the same blog from above of some of their art, showing the twins in sexual situations together & even kissing (one of multiple pics they have of the two of them) again thats Sugar/Nick’s main blog liking this pic, OP has multiple pictures, again, of incest, pedophile, and just implied sexual situations within the venture family, all of it untagged but still viewed/recognized but sugar/nick. it makes me really question that hank + dean art that he posted to his art blog before, especially considering the types of post he’s interacted with and appears to support, 
you cant look at people’s followers on tumblr as far as ik but Nick does follow that same artist above on twitter, has liked some post and even shared some of their cleaner art ! (message for proof bc im not posting twitter handles or more art)
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he supports hotdiggedydemon & has retweeted/reblogged his work (hotdiggedydemon is known to have racist/pedophilic works & nick is still willing to support him)
anyway nick/sugar has been shown to support shitty artist because he thinks its okay to support good art and ignore what the artist does, which basically just gives said shitty artists a bigger platform/validates what they do
he draws borderline inappropriate/questionable art and interacts with/chooses to be friends with artists who openly support/draw incest/pedophilia/racism/rape and sees no issue with it 
if you have anything to add/extra info you can message me and i’ll add it but otherwise stop interacting with/supporting sugarandmemories because he has a pretty low moral highground when it comes to art and the artists behind it
Misc other info: 
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he’s drawn tagged nsfw(ish) art of teenagers which he’s defended and sees no issue with 
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here’s him contradicting the nsfw tag on his tumblr and defending it on ig/arguing over it ! i remember seeing him getting defensive of it on ig before i think, but the comments are locked now ! 
supports (likes) hotdiggedydemon on twitter (pretty openly problematic, white & uses the N word, etc)
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more defense of the cyrob piece he did/defending the sexualization of minors
also he’s made ddlg jokes before on his blog & twitter (not something inherently bad but he’s made one in reference to robin from ttg 
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defending pedophilic/rape/etc art as if its not bad, equating pedophilia/rape/etc to just a “mature theme” as if its not a real issue even if it is just art
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implied ddlg jokes about a kids show/involving a teenage character
im probably not gonna update this post anymore but here’s 
a doc w/ misc other info (just one new thing as of this update, but if i need to add anything it will be there/you can always still send info in, i just honestly dont keep up w/ him)
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