#okay i have to sleep fr i have work in the morning šŸ’€ WOOPSIES... I HAD TO FINISH IT OKAYYY I HADDD TOOOOOO
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bobmckenzie Ā· 12 days ago
word count: 2.7k blurb: Caitie embarrasses herself when she first meets Tucker, and Tucker doesn't realize he's giving all the wrong signals.
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ā€œI doubt Iā€™ll even be able to talk to Tuckerā€”itā€™s likeā€¦ meeting my celebrity crush.ā€
The words sheā€™d spoken to Natalie echoed in Caitieā€™s head for the thousandth time since the night theyā€™d gone ghost hunting with Spectral Sightings. The ghost hunters had come into the comic store while Nat was working, and learning she was a fan of their web series, were nice enough to invite her along on an investigationā€”And Natalie was nice enough to ask if she could bring Cait with her.
Cait shouldā€™ve known sheā€™d only make a fool of herself.
After she let those embarrassing words slip out, sheā€™d turned around to realize Tucker was standing right there, in perfect earshot, his eyes wide. All she could do was freeze, staring at him like an idiot. She thought he was still back at the van with Specs, getting their gear ready.
Tucker cleared his throat, thumb jutting back in that direction. ā€œUm. We, uh, weā€¦ Everythingā€™s ready.ā€ His gaze wouldn't stay on her for longer than a millisecond. ā€œWeā€™re going in now.ā€
The dark of night, the old house, the cold drafts and unexplained soundsā€¦ none of it scared Cait, because she couldnā€™t focus on any of it. All she could feel all night was the hot blush on her cheeks, the pit in her stomach, and the shame as she realized Tucker wasnā€™t looking at her, talking to her, or even standing close by.Ā 
She tried to break the awkward tension by asking a question about some of his equipmentā€”one of his toys as Specs had called itā€”but all she got in response was a split-second look her way from across the room and a matter-of-fact, grumbled answer.
She felt like such a nuisance. Why, why did she have to say what sheā€™d said? Why couldnā€™t he have walked over just a few seconds later? Sheā€™d never wanted to make him uncomfortable, or make him think sheā€™d deluded herself into thinking anything would happen between them. God, she probably sounded like some kind of stalker-fan.
Specs and Natalie kept the night from falling into one long, awkward silence, something Caitlin was extremely grateful for. The two of them were getting on great, and Steven seemed thrilled every time he got to answer one of Natalieā€™s inquiries about his job, the case, or the history of the house. He seemed more focused on her than the investigation.
When the night was over, all Cait could manage was a weak smile as Specs and Tucker finished loading up the van. Natalie and Specs were wrapping up a long convoā€”Cait would ask for all the details later. Right then, she just wanted to get out of there.
ā€œUm, Iā€™m gonna go warm up the car,ā€ she interjected, gesturing to the vehicle parked down the long driveway. ā€œThanks,ā€ she said, reaching out to shake Specsā€™s hand. ā€œThis was cool.ā€
He took it earnestly with a single shake, telling her it was their pleasure. ā€œSorry we didnā€™t have any sightings tonight.ā€ He turned back to Natalie. ā€œBut Iā€™ll be in touch as soon as we review the footage.ā€
Caitlin offered her hand to Tucker, because it wouldā€™ve seemed rude not to, though she really just wanted to hurry back to the car and try to forget the whole thing. She looked up to meet his eyes, and found nothing but the same unreadable gaze heā€™d been wearing all night. ā€œUh, thanks again. I appreciate you guys letting me tag along.ā€
His hand found hers, and she fought not to let her breath catch at the warmth of it, the way her hand felt so small in his, the fuzzy feeling that fell over her whole body.
ā€œYeah.ā€ His response was simple and gruff, bringing her right back down to earth.
She took her hand from his and tried to suppress her embarrassment for the millionth time.Ā 
The events had just kept repeating in her mind since that night. Even now at work, reorganizing the bin of clearance CDs, she could hardly focus. Specs had emailed Natalie the next day, saying nothing exciting had shown up in the footage, but that they all should do it again sometime.Ā 
Cait gave some excuse about her work schedule being too chaotic the next few weeksā€”she knew Nat saw straight through it. Sheā€™d tried her best to cheer her up from her moping, insisting that she saw Tucker looking at her throughout the night. But Cait hadnā€™t expected Tucker to be interested in her before, and she certainly couldnā€™t believe he would be now.
What Cait didnā€™t know was that Tucker was interested. Beyond interested. Heā€™d been interested ever since he and Specs had met Natalie at the comic shop and sheā€™d mentioned that her friend would be excited to meet him. He thought maybe sheā€™d been insinuating something along the lines of attraction. Then heā€™d met Caitie and hoped to God thatā€™s what sheā€™d been insinuating.Ā 
She was pretty. She was sweet. Hell, she even smelled sweet, better than the little snack cake he was eating. When she shook his hand hello and looked up at him with those kind brown eyes, he felt a surge of confidenceā€”he wouldnā€™t blow this. If he had a chance with her, he wasnā€™t about to screw it up.
Then heā€™d overheard her confession to Natalie. Like meeting her celebrity crush. She wasnā€™t just maybe a little interested in himā€¦ she really had a thing for him. It shouldā€™ve made him ecstaticā€¦ but what if he didnā€™t live up to whatever she thought heā€™d be like in person? What if he said the wrong thing and made her reevaluate, what if spending time with him made her realize she was completely out of his league? What if he came off a lot cooler in the videos, what if he looked better on camera? What if they had nothing in common? What if he couldnā€™t think of anything funny to say?
The confidence disappeared in an instant. Too worried about saying the wrong thing, he barely said anything all night. He was so self-conscious he could hardly look at her, let alone talk to her.
When the night was over and sheā€™d said goodbye, he feltā€¦ well, he wasnā€™t sure, exactly. He hadnā€™t been suave or smooth like heā€™d hoped, but at least he didnā€™t embarrass himself. Given how chatty Specs and Natalie had been, he was sure it wasnā€™t the last time heā€™d get to see Caitā€”they could all hang out again sometime, he thought.Ā 
That was, until Specs got in the passenger's seat of the van as Cait and Natalie drove away.
ā€œWhat is your problem?ā€ Specs asked, buckling up.
Tucker raised an eyebrow, his lip curling at the unexpected attitude. ā€œWhat?ā€
Specs huffed, as if it was obvious. ā€œIf you donā€™t wanna make friends with them, thatā€™s none of my business. But theyā€™re, like, fans of ours. Is it too much to ask for you to act professional?ā€
Tucker could only scoff, moving his hands out in a gesture of what the fuck are you talking about? ā€œName one thing I did that was unprofessional.ā€
ā€œUh, the entire thing. You were acting like youā€™d ratherā€™ve been at jury duty, Tucker.ā€ Specs shook his head as Tucker started backing out of the driveway. ā€œLike the whole thing was some kind of inconvenience. If you didnā€™t want to do it, you shouldā€™ve just told meā€”I couldā€™ve gone solo.ā€
ā€œYou donā€™t even know how to use half that stuff,ā€ Tucker grumbled under his breath. Had he really seemed so uninterested?
ā€œItā€™s too bad, really.ā€ Specsā€™ voice lost its hostility as he relaxed against his seat. ā€œI was hoping sheā€™d be your type.ā€
ā€œI meanā€¦ā€ Specs shrugged. ā€œIf Natalie and I everā€¦ If we ever becameā€¦ involvedā€¦ I guess I just mean it wouldā€™ve been convenient if youā€™d been interested in Caitlin. Weā€™re friends, theyā€™re friends. Makes things simple.ā€
Tucker stopped at a red light and glared over at Specs. His interest in Natalie wasnā€™t the bombshell he seemed to think it might beā€”itā€™d been obvious since theyā€™d met her. What tripped Tucker up was the way his own best friend had completely misread him. If he thought thatā€¦ what must Cait have thought?Ā 
ā€œI never said I wasnā€™t interested.ā€
Specs turned to him with a laugh, which quickly fell into a look of stupefaction. ā€œYouā€™re serious.ā€ He blinked a few times before his expression changed to one of understanding, then pity. ā€œTucker.ā€
Tuckerā€™s heart sank. Had it really been that bad? He tried to convince himself it wasnā€™t, that Specs was exaggerating. Heā€™d been too focused on Natalie to be paying much attention to anything else, anyway. That was it.
A few days later, he came up to Specs as he was sitting at his laptop to ask if heā€™d set anything up yet for them all to hang out again, maybe do another investigation together. Specs grimaced, and explained in the gentlest way he could: Natalie was down for another hunt together. Caitlinā€¦
ā€œSays sheā€™s too busy,ā€ Specs said, not sounding like he believed it.Ā 
Incredible, Tucker thought. For once in his life heā€™d had a chance with a womanā€”a woman who was nice, who was cute, who found his work interesting, whoā€™d been wearing the t-shirt of a band he loved, who was attracted to himā€¦ and he managed to throw it away in a few hours.Ā 
He sighed, doing his best to keep a poker face, though he was sure Specs saw right through it. Who wouldnā€™t be disappointed?
ā€œUh, our new business cards are ready,ā€ Specs said, trying to cheer him up. ā€œThe printer called while you were in the shower.ā€
ā€œIā€™ll pick ā€˜em up.ā€ He tried not to sound so depressed, but his voice came out gruff and unexcited anyway. ā€œWhatā€™dā€™you want for lunch?ā€
ā€œOh!ā€ Specs perked up, jotting something down on his notepad before ripping off the page and handing it to Tucker. ā€œItā€™s a new sandwich place Natalie told me about. Thought you might be interested. I'll look up the menu and text you what I want.ā€
Tucker grumbled out an agreement, tucking the paper into his pocket and heading to the front door.
Unfortunately, the mindless errand didn't do much to cheer him up, even if the business cards did look great. As he parked in an area of town he wasn't too familiar with, he hoped this new sandwich place was goodā€”good enough to take his mind off things.
Walking up to the restaurant, he passed by a second hand CD store. He'd have to stop by sometime when he wasnā€™t so bummed out. Looking through the window, he could see they also had a small selection of tapes in the back, a large area for records, and rows and rows of neatly organized CDs. Closer to the door there was a bin with a large clearance sign over it, and a tall brunette who was sifting through it. Great, just another reminder ofā€”
He felt himself freeze as she turned, her long waves moving out of her face as she continued to browse. It was Caitlin.
He swore under his breath, turning away, stepping out of the view of the window and running a hand over his hair. Shit, his hairā€” he hadnā€™t even done his mohawk before leaving the house. He wasnā€™t ready, hadnā€™t prepared himself, had resigned himself to the idea that heā€™d never see her again.Ā 
He couldnā€™t go in there. But if he didnā€™tā€¦ if he didnā€™t, what if he really never did get to see her again? What if this was his last chance?
He rolled his shoulders back, clearing his throat and straightening out his t-shirt. Heā€™d just go in there and talk to her. Like a normal person.Ā 
The bell above the door jingled as he entered the storeā€”apart from Cait, there was only an employee behind the counter and a few teenagers looking at the records in the corner.Ā 
ā€œHi, welcome to CD Sanctuary! Is thereā€”ā€ Caitieā€™s greeting stopped short as she looked up from the bin and met Tuckerā€™s eyes. She paused for a second, her voice much softer when she spoke again. ā€œHi.ā€
God, she looked good in the daylight, he thought, taking her in. She was wearing a black camisole, camouflage cargo pants that sat low on her hips, and a roughed up pair of Chucks. Despite the simple outfit, somehow heā€™d never seen anyone look better in anything.
ā€œHi,ā€ he managed, feeling stupid as he realized she wasn't shopping, she was working. This was a bad idea. He shouldnā€™t have come in.
ā€œIā€¦ umā€¦ā€ She shook her head, laughing quietly. ā€œSorry. Are you looking for something specific?ā€
He felt his stomach drop a little as she picked up with her employee greeting. ā€œNo, Iā€¦ I just came in ā€˜causeā€¦ ā€˜cause I saw you.ā€
ā€œ...You did?ā€
The baffled surprise in her voice told him Specs was right, as much as he hated to admit it. He really mustā€™ve been giving the completely wrong signals that night.Ā 
ā€œI, uhā€¦ I thought maybe we could talk.ā€
Caitie shot a glance over to the register, raising her voice a little. ā€œSure, I can help you find that!ā€ She nodded for Tucker to follow her into one of the aisles of CDs, giving him an apologetic look as she lowered her voice again. ā€œSorry. My boss. Heā€™s a little strict.ā€
ā€œI donā€™t wanna get you in trouble,ā€ he murmured, gesturing towards the door. ā€œI can goā€”ā€
ā€œDonā€™t.ā€ She shook her head, stopping in front of a section that spanned from Rage Against the Machine to Red Hot Chili Peppers. She pretended to rifle through one of the rows. ā€œItā€™sā€”Iā€¦ Iā€™ve been wanting to talk to you, actually. I mean, to apologize.ā€
His brows furrowed as he looked down at her. He could smell the same sweet, fruity perfume sheā€™d been wearing the night they met, and had to resist the overwhelming urge to lean down and bury his nose against her neck. ā€œApologize?ā€Ā 
She looked up at him briefly before her gaze returned to the CDs. ā€œYeah. Umā€¦ Iā€™m really sorry for the other night. I didnā€™t mean for you to overhearā€¦ what you heard. I know you probably must think Iā€™m some kind of creep. And I know it weirded you out, and I justā€¦ā€ She shook her head. ā€œIā€™m just sorry.ā€
ā€œI wasnā€™t weirded out.ā€
She finally looked up at him and held his gaze, her eyes filled with confusion.
ā€œI wasā€¦ā€ The admission was hard to get out. ā€œNervous.ā€
ā€œNervous?ā€ she repeated quietly, like she wasn't sure if it was good or bad.
ā€œNervousā€¦ that you might, uh, not like me as much in person. Nervous becauseā€¦ā€ He shrugged, smiling a little. What did he have to lose? ā€œBecause I would've been nervous around you whether I heard you say that or not.ā€
Was he getting his point across? Where was the line drawn between subtlety and failure to communicate? Hell if he knew.
But when he saw her cheeks flush red, he knew she understood: this wasn't a one-sided attraction.Ā 
ā€œOh,ā€ was all she said in reply, her face glowing warmer as she smiled.
He couldn't help feeling a surge of pride. He was responsible for that smile, that pretty blush.
ā€œI thought, maybe, y'know, if you're not too busy, we couldā€¦ have dinner, or lunch, or breakfast, or coffee, or somethingā€¦ together. Sometime. As a date.ā€ He was sure he sounded like an idiot, barely able to think straight, but she was still smiling. What else mattered?
She bounced a little on her heels, gently biting her bottom lip, but unable to dim her grin. ā€œIā€“ Yeah, I mean, of course. Yeah. That'd be nice.ā€
A smile broke out on his face, the warm rush of relief flooding over his body. She said yes. Yes, to a date, with him. It would be the first date of his life.Ā 
Tucker got his phone from his pocket, pulling up his contacts and handing it to her. ā€œWe can plan it later, if you want. When your boss isn't watching.ā€
She laughed, holding the phone low out of view as she typed in her info. He liked that soundā€”he hoped he'd get to hear it a lot from now on.Ā 
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