#okay i forgot they were all meant to be minifigures and made jan a snake
sidespart · 4 years
For the title thing: Of Minifigures and Men
Fake Fic Titles
Found Family Fantasy AU platonic DLAMPR
Virgil is the Chosen One. A nobody orphan with an incredible destiny. He has enough magic to summon and command demons, control the weather, slip into the shadows and disappear and is essentially prophesised to free the land form darkness/ restore the one true king to the throne etc etc
Unfortunately, he is also a little kid, completely unaware of his powers and keeps accidentally summoning demons and trapping them in his toys.
There’s two in particular who he hasn’t been able to get rid of – an old bit of rope with a knotted snake ‘head’ is possessed by an elemental demon named Janus and a mishappen knitted doll with too many legs is a chaos demon named Remus. At first they spend their time tormenting Virgil trying to get him to release them but eventually realise that a) he doesn’t know how and b) they’ve some how gone at got fond of the kid. At which point the switch to trying to protect him from all the weird shit that inevitably happens around a Chosen One.
When Virgil is about 10 an old toy soldier starts talking to him (which, whatever, happens all the time) but instead of making the normal newly trapped daemon threatening noises, it insists that its actually the displaced spirit of the rightful Prince of the kingdom. And that his body is currently being held captive by evil wizard types and he can’t find his way back and it is Vigils DUTY to help him out.
Virgil isn’t totally sold on this (he does not like hard work) but figures he will at least try. Especially since the people in charge of the orphanage seem to be getting fed up with him and all his creepy nonsense and Janus is getting worried they’re not going to be able to keep Vees powers a secret forever (also Remus keeps setting fires to things).
So tiny creepy kid Virgil sets off on a mission to save the world with his dolls, eventually meeting up with 15 year old apprentice priest Patton (who is meant to vanquish any demons on sight but is kind’ve bad at it and also doesn’t want to upset Virgil who he mentally adopted within 5 seconds of meeting) and 17 year old runaway/ future Earl of fantasylandshire Logan who had to flee after he made some crazy accusations about crown Prince Roman and was accused of treason. No one else has noticed but Logan insists there’s something wrong with the Prince. He’s not himself. It’s like he’s been possessed by a demon or something.
Magical road trip to restore Romans spirit to his body/defeat the big bad/ clear Logans name / restore Pattons faith in his purpose/ find someone to train and maybe adopt Virgil / free Remus and Deceit ensues!
(aka: maybe the real family is the friends we made along the way)
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