#okay i care a little bit hut thats not colurrreent me problem
I wanna draw him I wanna kiss him I wanna shove him in everyone's faces and grab him by the shoulders and shake him my forever fiancee I just wanna1🫵🫵🫵🫵LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOKK. LOOOOK!!!!!!!! AT HIMM!!!! OUGHH. I LOVE HIMMM. I wanna write an entire essay about the main songs I associate with him and how every little line, every verse and every chorus has a paragraph under it explaining the whole scene I imagine and each word and who's saying what and what's happening and everyone just erupts because WOAA!!! WHAT AN INCREFIBLE ANALYSIS KANE!!! WOWWWW YOU TWO ARE SO OOO O O OOO IN LOVE WHAAAAAAAAAT?? WOWWW !!!!! WHAT WRITTEN WITH PASSION AND glGLORY AND GRRATNESS AND AWE. WOW. !! AND IM LIKE I KNNNNOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW PLELASSSSSEEEEEEEE. LEPLEASE. ON MY KNEES BEGGING TO HAVE HIM . ONE RING IS NOT ENOUGH I NEED HIM TO HAVE LIKE FIVE BAJILLION DAMMIT..
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