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homestylehughes · 10 months ago
But Daddy I Love Him
instagram au.
♥︎ luke hughes x zegras! sister
♥︎ face claim: marsai martin
"i forget if this was ever fun"
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liked by liked by lhughes_06, your.bsf and 55,456 others
yn.zegras i forgot this was even fun.
trevorzegras look at little sis bowling
↳ yn.zegras best bowler in the family ‼️
trevorzegras who's feet are those in the last picture?
↳ yn.zegras no oneeeeeee!
↳ trevorzegras hmmm...i dont trust you.
your.bsf OMG HOTTIE
↳ yn.zegras MY FAVVVVV ILY
↳ yn.zegras next time. i promise.
lhughes_06 pro bowler 🫡🔥
↳ yn.zegras YUPPPPPP!!!!
lhughes_06 i wonder who took all of those pictures...
↳ yn.zegras me too... he's kinda cute 😟
↳ lhughes_06 oh really?
jackhughes hope you got a strike for me little zegras
↳ yn.zegras i did just for you jack
_quinnhughes ceo of posting on instagram 🫡
↳ yn.zegras oh iiiii knowwww, maybe you should take a few lessons from me.
↳_quinnhughes teach me your ways pleaseeeee
colecaufield the best 5'3 bowler i know
↳ yn.zegras best 5'7 hockey player i know
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liked by yn.zegras, jackhughes and 160,678 others
lhughes_06 fun times
yn.zegras wow luke you couldnt pick a better caption
↳ lhughes_06 i think its pretty good, thank you.
↳ yn.zegras its pretty bad, but i'll let it slide this once
yn.zegras whos that girl in the second picture..
↳ lhughes_06 idk but she's cute 🤭
jackhughes rusty whos in the second photo
↳ lhughes_06 someone
trevorzegras luke that better not be yn
↳ yn.zegras ...
↳ lhughes_06 ...
trevorzegras jack are you seeing this?
↳ jackhughes yeah i sure am.
↳ trevorzegras i dont like it.
↳ jackhughes neither do i.
_quinnhughes please tell me you won the game luke
↳ lhughes_06 i lost...
↳ quinnhughes LOOSERRRRRRRRRR👎🏼👎🏼
hughesfanpage124 yn and luke in the same place??? DATE??
↳hockeygossip they are def together
↳ lukehugheshottie ew i hope not
↳hughesfanpage124 i really hope they're together, they would be sooo cute. i SHIP.
an: hiiiiii!!! the second part is hereeee!! hopefully you guys are okay with the connection and up of the lyrics kinda, i want to make it as interesting, and have it make sense as much as i can. idk if that made any sense LOL. anyways i added a post from luke's pov, which i loved. starting to see a little bit of build up of luke and yn. more coming veryyyy soon, i plan on updating the story every other day! like and reblog id you enjoy, and as always much love <3
tags🎀: @lukey-pookie-hughes43 @bruinsfan234
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candyfloss-esophagus · 2 months ago
Hey, thank you for the tag in that other post! now I know you're doing an ask game again lol Here we go! (as always feel free to ignore any you don't wanna answer or that you've already answered <3)
🍓 🧃 🍄 🪐 🦷
❄️ 🎨
( damn there are so many good asks to choose from, but I'm gonna save some for others too lol)
so it's been a month since you sent this but hear me out i literally forgot most of my life existed and i am very very sorry
🍓 how did you get into writing fanfiction? 
when i was eleven i started writing in a little notebook i won in a creative writing competition at school about some people (undisclosed but it was rpf) after i realised that you could literally just make up fantasies in your head about things and after that i fandom-hopped for a bit just writing what i wanted to
🧃share some personal lore you never posted about before
when i was younger i thought cicadas were a type of tree because in the gerald durrell books they were described as swishing quite a bit. i only realised they weren't when i moved to aotearoa when i was twelve
🍄 share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
peter (canonically) (i think) boxes so i think that hobie has been invited down to the ring a couple of times but only a couple because it's inevitable that after peter's slot they will end up outside the club making out in an alley and that's just not safe in noir york lmao
🪐 name three good things going on in your life right now
im finally learning to drive after years of stalling (that's a pun), things are going really well with my partner and they're the biggest sweetheart on the planet and im saying this here because they can't deny it here >:) aaand im getting into needle felting again :)
🦷share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
collect something mundane and tactile. i have a shiny things cup where i pick up shiny metal from the pavements and roads and keep it until i can find a project to use it in. it forces me to pay more attention to the world right in front of me which is good!
❄️ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
ive been playing around with a lesbian noirpunk age gap idea with older grizzled butch peter and younger starry-eyed but still very socially conscious chapstick hobie. don't really have a plot idea i just want toxic yuri and lots of corruption. evil butches rise up (im evil butches). i think @voidpants would write it best i just think the themes are on-brand and i adore his style with everything in me.
🎨link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it
THIS ONEEEEEEE THIS ONE THIS ONE THIS ONE BY THE PERFECT ASTOUNDING INCREDIBLE @whaliiwatching it OPENED MY EYES to the concept of lesbian noirpunk and there is FAT BUTCH (i am also fat butch okay listen i don't see myself a lot i get excited) and this art is BEAUTIFUL it is PERFECT you can't look at it and say it's not perfect everyone go and leave praise for whalii right fucking now they deserve it
thank you for the ask, it's always lovely to hear from you!!! here is the masterlist of the ask game if anyone is interested, yes i am still taking asks from it <3
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crossedwiress · 2 years ago
what's ur ranking for calum's tour fits so far
okay so as a general rating i would like to award calum with a full 5/5 stars ⭐ he deserves it <3
first outfit would definitely have to be the santiago fit
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i mean. come on. this fit is by far the winner for me. like,, arms out? with these pants?? the colour white suits him so well ??? also i really love these stripy socks they're so fun. they even match his shoelaces 🥰
more photos bc i will not be silenced loOK AT HIM
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there's neck there's arm what more could u want from an outfit !!
2. annnd second outfit would be buenos aires (night two)
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once again, he's fulfilling the simple criteria for a good outfit: arms out, with some fun pants. i kinda love how you can't even see his shoes in either of these photos but you KNOW it's the same white shoes he's been wearing almost every night <3 he is nothing if not consistent i'll give him that. also i would like to mention this COLOUR tank top bc green suits him. so. fucking. well.
3. third outfit! São Paulo babyyyyyy
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all black is a LOOK and the white star ties in nicely with his white shoes <33
i dont know what else to say abt this fit other than if i could eat it i'm sure it would taste like cookies and cream, more specifically an oero, and i would thoroughly enjoy it
4. okay! now onto RIO !!!
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green again!! this was very close to being third but didn't quite make the cut. fun fact this is the only show he has worn a different pair of shoes other than his white ones. like i'm almost convinced he just wanted to see if he could get away with having the least clothing packed for this leg of the tour tbh
ANYWAYS, as i was saying,, it's GREEN. green suits him a little too well and i think he knows it! pls observe the display of neck in the second pic here; not for any particular reason just bc i think he looks nice 😃
5. next up buenos aires night oneeeeeee
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sorry i cropped ashton out but this ain't abt him
so. i've been calling this the farmer shirt since i first saw it, and i'm not sure what else i can add. he's giving little old farmer dude vibes! i don't hate it! looks kinda soft and cozy so good for him <3
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i just think he's neat 😎 and this shows off his farmer shirt nicely, yknow?
6. last fit! Bogotá
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what is this colour. why. i only have more questions abt his endless supply of near-identical shirts 🙂
okay FINISHED thank u for sending in such a meaningful ask jess 🥰 i can honestly say this has been a true star's wardrobe so far, i can't wait to see these bad boy popping up again the in the next leg of the tour <33
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mizugucci · 3 years ago
ohhhhh my god this is so stupid to be upset about but im genuinely so tired of it... pleaseeee shut upppppp
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chellestrash · 3 years ago
Handcuffing Ethan 2.0 and giving his a nice show of what he could do if not the restraints
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okay okay okay THIS ONEEEEEEE!! this ☝️ just mmmmmmmm sorry okay okay i’m fine.
my god if i hand to say how many times i’ve talked about putting on a show for ethan, just to tease him, just to make him twitch a bit juts to watch him leak in his boxers…idk say idk how many because i think and talk about it on a daily basis.
and using his own handcuffs to do it?? i feel like that only ads to it. Also call him sir a couple of time and see what he does.
“You want me to touch you? hmm? make you feel good? You want to be good and come for me?”
and just his fucking
“…yes ma’am.”
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a reminder of what we mean when we say ethan 2.0
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shesclearlya3 · 5 years ago
i loved you first. p.2
pairing: Xavier Plympton x Reader
word count: 4,391
warnings: au! in present time, language, a big oops coming
not entirely proof-read. 
*title inspired by joan’s song*
part 1 | part 2 |  part 3 | part 4 | epilogue
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One Year Later
You covered your ears as Montana and Brooke screamed sang along to Alicia Keys, while in the kitchen finishing up dinner in their shared apartment. You were recently promoted at work, and they wanted to celebrate with you.
Brooke sniffed, "I miss Ray." she said as she poked at her homemade noodles with a fork.
"It's only been four hours!" Montana interjected, meeting your eyes as the song ended. You smiled softly, taking a long sip from your glass of wine. 
"I know," she said, "He's always gone. I miss him."
"It's too bad the others couldn't join us," Montana said as she stirred something in a pot. "We haven't had the group together in a minute."
You silently bobbed your head as 2006-era Rihanna came on, attempting to keep your mind away from Xavier Plympton.
It's already been a year since you first met his girlfriend, Chloe. You couldn't believe how fast 2019 seemed to go. Now, you were counting down the days you had with him before he moved into his new apartment with her.
When you first heard the news, you assumed he was pulling your leg. You were having a slumber party in the living room, a few drinks in when he accidentally blabbed to you that they were looking for a new place. He admitted he wanted to tell you over dinner the next day, which would probably have gone a little better. Instead, you spent the rest of your Twilight marathon holding back tears and wishing Jacob Black would ride out of town with Chloe on his back and disappear forever. 
But after a good night's sleep, you realized it was selfish of you. You congratulated him and decided that maybe it was time for a fresh start for yourself. Before your promotion, you'd barely make enough to pay the rent all on your own. Brooke and Montana had gladly offered you their empty space, which you wanted to accept. But after your salary doubled, you'd be able to renew your lease for another year.
Even after all this time, it seemed you never really got to know Chloe. She was still friendly, but there was always an uncomfortable aura between the two of you. You had a few things in common with her, which helped make conversation whenever Xavier wasn't around, but it never exceeded that. 
You assumed you were being paranoid when she’d seem to always be looking at you, her eyes observing your every move when you were being your normal self with Xavier. Or how her voice always seemed to become sickly sweet when you’d be minding your own business, hardly remembering they were even there.
"Earth to y/n?"
You glanced up to see Brooke place a large bowl of spaghetti in the middle of the table. Montana was already sitting down, a half-eaten piece of garlic bread in her mouth. 
"I'm sorry, what?" you asked, embarrassed. 
Brooke giggled, "I asked if you were alright. You're quiet tonight - more than usual."
You nodded, helping yourself to her spaghetti as the girls gathered food onto their plates. "I'm sorry. I just keep thinking of Xavier moving out."
The girls nodded understandingly, "You know, the offer is still open," Montana said, smiling at you. Her blonde hair was pinned back, and she looked vibrant as her eyes observed you kindly. "You haven't lived alone in years, it's okay if you're not comfortable with the idea."
You nodded appreciatively, "I know, and thank you both, but... I think it will be good for me," you said, picking up your fork to smash at the bits of lettuce on your plate. The girls watched with amused expressions. "Maybe I'll finally stop moping over him and get myself a boyfriend or a girlfriend, who knows?" you said. 
"I think you should tell him how you feel, y/n," Brooke said simply, drinking her wine as if she was commenting about the weather.
You laughed dryly, "You know Xavier, he'll be pissed I kept it from him this long. We tell each other everything."
"I don't pretend to be an expert on love, y/n, but I say that if he is upset about it, fuck him." Montana shrugged, and you heard the sound of Brooke kicking her under the table. "Ouch! Come on, who wouldn't want to date y/n? He's an idiot for not seeing how she clearly feels about him."
"Xavier is our friend. We all know he can be dense and naive, but it's part of his charm." Brooke defended him before turning her eyes to you. "Why is it that you never made a move?"
The room got quiet as Montana's Spotify playlist came to a stop. You took a few bites of food, pleased that your friends gave you a few seconds to get your thoughts together. That was one of the things you loved about them.
"I guess I was just afraid of ruining what we had," you admitted, smiling a little. "We've known each other since elementary school; all of us, and the only ones who ever progressed into the romantic territory were Brooke and Ray."
Brooke's cheeks flushed, and you knew it wasn't from the wine.
Montana chuckled, a light blush coating her cheeks. "About that..." 
You and Brooke gave her a quizzical look.
"Senior prom..." Montana nodded, "Chet and Me."
Your mouth fell open simultaneously with Brooke, who cackled as Montana blushed a deeper red. You joined in on the laughter as Brooke held her stomach, tears threatening to spill over.
"What is so funny!?" Montana yelled over your laughing, now slightly irritated. "I went with Jimmy Darling, remember!? He got drunk and fell asleep near the food table, so Chet and I decided to skip, and..." she laughed now, refusing to look you in the eye. "It was alright."
"Oh, my God! Why didn't you tell us!?" you said after containing your laughter. Brooke was still giggling, complaining her sides were hurting. 
"It didn't even last long, I think I blocked it out of my memory for a while... but he is packing..." Montana finished.
As you finished up dinner, Brooke refused to delve too deeply into her sex life with Ray. You three finished two bottles of wine and were now lounging in the living room in your pajamas, debating on watching a horror movie or a comedy, and you were already thinking about the snacks. 
After deciding on the original Friday the 13th, the movie was about fifteen minutes in when a message from Xavier flashed on your phone. You glanced at it.
Xavier: Hey, did you leave the front door unlocked?
No, I made sure it was locked like always. Why?
Xavier: I think someone has been in here. Your room is a mess!
You straightened up, glancing towards the girls who were cuddled up, munching on popcorn. Xavier sent you a picture of your room you had just cleaned the night before. A few of your dresser drawers were cracked open, and clothes were peeking through, definitely searched through. Your bed was haphazardly made, and your work clothes were strewn on the floor.
"Oh no," you said, causing Brooke and Montana to look at you.
"What's wrong?" Brooke asked, concerned.
"Xavier thinks someone broke into our apartment!" you said, giving them an alarmed look. 
"Oh shit, let's go!" Montana said, and the three of you wasted no time in driving to your home.
"Well?" Montana demanded as you and Xavier entered the apartment after speaking to the police. 
"They said it looks like someone had a key made. There's no damage to the door, and y/n says it was locked, so..."
"It was, I always double-check. Always..." you said, sitting down in the empty seat next to Brooke, who put a comforting arm around you.
"Who in the hell would have a key made?" Montana asked before she paused. Her eyes looked wild, before finally settling on you and Brooke. You gave her a confused look.
"I don't know. It's not like I have any friends other than you guys." Xavier said sarcastically. The one thing about Xavier is that when he was scared, he was more than likely to be agitated, and it always showed. 
"Did you give one to Chloe?" Montana asked.
"No, I never-..." Xavier paused, throwing a glare in her direction. "What are you implying?"
"I'm not implying anything, I'm just eliminating suspects, is all." Montana defended, quirking an eyebrow at Xavier. "y/n, have you given a key to anybody?"
You shook your head, hoping this didn't cause a fight, "No, I have not."
"See?" Montana offered, looking rather smug, "We're just eliminating, that's all."
Xavier glanced at you, and you nodded encouragingly. He seemed to like that, nodding himself and rubbing the back of his neck. "I'm sorry, I'm kind of freaked out..."
"That's understandable, Xavier. You don't have to apologize." Brooke said, shooting a small glare at Montana, who hid a smirk. "Do you guys want us to stay?"
"Yeah, if they come back, it's four against them," Montana offered, looking delighted at having the chance to kick some ass.
"No, you ladies can go home," Xavier said, before smiling at you. You felt your heart flutter. "We'll be alright."
After bidding the girls goodnight, Xavier plopped onto the empty cushion next to you. He glanced at you longingly, before saying, "I'm sorry if I scared you." 
You shook your head, "Please, do not apologize. If it were me, I would have called the SWAT team."
Xavier laughed, "I don't doubt that! Seriously though, I'm glad neither of us was home."
You nodded, "But it doesn't change the fact that they were in my room looking for something..."
Xavier frowned now, thinking, "I know... We checked every room, nothing else looked out of place."
"You're right, nothing has been stolen..." you said.
You sat there for about an hour, talking through your day. Xavier gave you his full attention, even when you'd hear his phone vibrating in his pocket every few minutes. He ignored it, asking you questions until you yawned loudly, falling into the back of the couch.
"y/n?" he asked, his voice sounding tired.
"Yes?" you whispered.
"I'm glad you're safe."
You almost forgot about the home invasion completely. Your landlord changed the locks, issuing you a new key. Xavier's stress eased as the week passed, and soon he was back to his old self. 
You didn't think much of it when Chloe started acting oddly friendly towards you, smiling at you or asking you questions about what you were doing whenever you saw each other. You assumed it was because she was bored when Xavier's attention was elsewhere.
The group was finally getting back together, and you found yourself having to face going to Chloe's place for the first time. You dressed for the hot weather, while Montana silently got ready beside you. You wondered if she was alright. She usually was bubbly before a night out. Brooke was just now getting back from her shift, occupying the shower in the other bathroom.
"Do you think this dress is too short?" Montana suddenly asked, turning around in her leopard print, knee-length dressed.
"Nope," you said honestly, "It's the perfect length for your height."
"Aww, thank you, y/n," she said, though her tone didn't match her words. 
You nodded, running the brush through your hair one last time. 
"Are you okay?" you finally asked, looking at her through the mirror.
Montana seemed uncomfortable, and you regretted asking. Montana never liked to be pushed for answers, especially if it regarded something personal. However, she looked at you as if she wanted to tell you, so you patiently waited.
"You know the guy I've been messing around with, Trevor?" she asked.
You nodded, "Yes, why?"
She shuffled in front of the mirror, taking her makeup bag and digging through it quickly. She often did this when she was nervous. Montana started applying mascara, using it as a ploy to avoid looking at you. "Well, I kind of had him do some digging on Chloe Smith."
Your eyes widened as Montana nonchalantly applied her makeup. "You what?"
"You can't get mad!" Montana said, switching the wand to the other eye. "I kept thinking about it, and it doesn't make sense. Like you said the other night, we've all been friends for years. You and Xavier never gave us keys to your apartment. Chloe has been around for only a year. She probably feels left out, and since you live with Xavier, it looked like a red flag to me." she said before observing her work. Montana continued, "So I had Trevor ask his brother to look into her, he's a real estate agent and has access to background checks. So he looked up her name, and he didn't find much, but..."
You egged her on, "But?"
"Long story short, she's a bit of a stalker," Montana said brightly, turning to look at you. "There's a restraining order against her for obsessive stalking."
Your mouth fell open at this, wondering why Montana looked so damn cheerful about this. 
"I know what you're thinking. I think it's great news if Xavier finds out who she really is, then he'll break up with her and be with you."
As much as you wanted to rejoice and praise the Lord above, you knew this was wrong. "Montana, that's not right!"
"Why not?" she pressed, looking through her makeup once again. 
"We don't know if she was the one in my room. Anyone could have a key made-."
"Exactly! She's been with Xavier for this long. If the neighbors saw, they'd think nothing of it. Trevor's brother agreed, he said people have gotten into unavailable apartments by falsifying keys and claiming they live there. It's not that hard to do, as scary as that sounds."
"I don't understand what she could have been looking for," you said, frowning. Your heart rate increased, wondering if Montana was possibly right. 
"I don't know, pictures, a diary, a vibrator?" Montana joked until she saw the look on your face. "y/n?"
Your face paled as you quickly left the bathroom, going to your bedroom, and promptly digging through your dresser. You heard Montana, and now Brooke calling your name as you threw clothes all over the place. Your worst fear was confirmed when you realized your journal was gone.
"y/n!?" Montana asked, stopping in the doorway. Brooke was behind her, dressed and ready to go. She looked concerned. 
"My journal is gone," you choked. 
Montana gasped, placing a hand over her mouth. Her eyes were excited, though. Brooke looked more lost, looking between the both of you with a crinkled face. "y/n? What is going on!?"
"Montana, I think you might be right," you said, looking at her. 
Brooke looked impatient, and you slowly gathered your clothes with shaky hands as Montana filled her in on the possible scandal. Brooke gasped at the appropriate times and quietly asked if they should tell Xavier or not.
"I don't know!" you moaned, sprawling out on your bed. "He's going to be so pissed at us!"
"Not if we catch the bitch red-handed!" Montana interjected, coming to stand in front of you. "Look, y/n, we're all in this together. If it turns out we were wrong, which is a very low possibility, I will personally take responsibility for it."
"I couldn't ask that of you," you said flatly.
"Too bad, I'll do the same," Brooke piped up from behind Montana, smiling at you. "I always thought something was off about her. She won't get away with this."
Montana turned to her, grinning. "Get it, babe."
Brooke blushed and glowed the entire way to Chloe's place as you thought over a plan. 
As you waited for the boys to arrive, you were getting a headache thinking of all the things you wrote in your journal about Xavier. It's probably been well over two months since you wrote in it last. Still, you gushed about your best friend more than once, praising how much you loved him. 
The atmosphere in Chloe's home was warm, and you hated that. Brooke and Montana were helping her in the kitchen while you lounged on a chair to keep up appearances. Brooke had brought you a hard lemonade, which remained untouched as your head got worse by the minute. 
The television was on low; MTV was playing an 80s rewind, and you attempted to distract yourself, focusing on George Michael. You occasionally heard Chloe's voice chime in, and your friends laughing at whatever she said. As much as you hated to admit it, you felt left out.
It wasn't long before there was a series of knocks on the door. You shot up, calling out that you'd get it. You were almost knocked onto the couch when a tall, redhead breezed past you. Chloe swung open the door, squealing at the sight of Ray, Chet, and Xavier holding bottles of alcohol and a bag of snacks. Xavier was barely in the door when Chloe was all over him, causing Ray to roll his eyes and push through.
Chet met your eyes and smiled, and you couldn't help but smile back.
Montana and Brooke came out after hearing the commotion, and for a few minutes, there was loud laughter and talking as everyone began to settle in. Xavier was dressed like he came straight out of a magazine cover, and you clenched your legs together. 
"I'm starving, is the pizza here yet?" Ray asked as he followed the others into the kitchen. You followed hastily, not wanting to watch nor hear the sounds of Chloe and Xavier making out in entrance.
"We just ordered it fifteen minutes ago!" Brooke said, hugging Ray tightly as he kissed her forehead. You smiled, amazed at how in love they were. Montana nudged you, throwing a protective arm over your shoulders as Chet stuffed the alcohol they brought into the fridge. 
"We'll wait until she gets a few in her," Montana mumbled, "Then we'll give her a taste of her own medicine."
You nodded silently, still feeling like it was a bad idea. As much as you loved your friends, you feared this was going to blow up in your faces. Chloe and Xavier squeezed into the crowded kitchen, going for the alcohol as they managed to hang onto each other. 
You followed the others into the living room, taking your original spot on the couch and opening the lemonade Brooke had given you. You beckoned for them to sit next to you, but was aghast when Chloe and Xavier sat next to you, Xavier in the middle. You felt your cheeks get red as Chloe threw her long legs over his lap, her feet just inches from you. The girls gave you an apologetic glance as everyone found a spot on the remaining furniture or on the floor.
The first few hours were spent eating and laughing at all the outrageous stories Ray had from working on the road. After you ate, you felt your headache slowly melting away. Chloe was definitely lightweight as she quickly became more clingy and loud towards Xavier, who seemed to be more interested in what Chet was talking about than her babbling incoherently. 
Ray convinced Chloe to dig out the Wii, and he was fighting with Montana on who got to be the first player. From the corner of your eye, you could see that Xavier was watching you. You fought the urge to look, smiling as Brooke leaned back against your legs, laughing at her boyfriend and best friend arguing over who the best Mario character is.
"Xavieeee, I have a secrettttt..." you heard Chloe whisper a little too loudly, her wide eyes staring at Xavier, who was still looking at you.
"Not now, babe," he brushed her off, before turning his attention on Chet, who asked him a question you couldn't hear.
"I have to pee!" Montana said suddenly, standing up and meeting your eye. 
"Me too!" you said, catching the hint and throwing Chloe's long legs off you. Brooke nodded in support, scooting closer to Ray, who was loading Mario Kart. 
You did your best to appear nonchalant, but you were still nervous as you followed Montana down the hall. Instead of veering right into the bathroom, you crept down the hallway and walked straight into her bedroom. 
It was an ordinary room, white walls, a large bed, a record player with a bin of records underneath. There was a guitar shoved in the corner, and it felt wrong invading her space like this.
"Don't feel bad, y/n," Montana said quietly, looking at you. "She has no respect for you. But we have to hurry!" 
You nodded and quickly began to dig around. You made sure to put everything back in its place and not make too big of a mess. Montana had the same idea, but her actions were more rushed than calculated. You heard Chloe's laughter, along with the others as someone turned on the sound-bar. You could hear an intense game of Mario Kart going on. 
Montana's loud gasp sent chills up your spine. You turned from your spot looking underneath her bed, seeing her holding a box she got from the closet. "What is it, Montana?" you asked.
"I found your diary," she whispered, looking at you.
You realized you forgot to listen to what was going on in the other room. 
Montana quickly grabbed you, forcing the two of you two squeeze in the little closet as Chloe's voice grew closer. Montana held a hand to your mouth as she shut the door, and it became silent as Chloe entered, giggling to herself as she grabbed a jacket from her bed, stumbling back out.
You waited a few minutes before Montana pushed you out, and the two of you stared at each other in disbelief.
"What do we do now!?" you hissed, pointing to the small box Montana still had clutched in her hand. 
"I didn't think this far!" Montana shot back, before opening the lid. Your heart stopped, seeing your journal, along with a small notepad on top. It was no bigger than the palm of your hand, and underneath, it looked like there was a photo of you and Xavier. 
"We can't cause a scene with everyone here!" you said, and Montana nodded in agreement. "We have to go back out there, or they'll think we're up to something."
"I need you to play sick," Montana said, removing the contents and shoving the box on the shelf. "We'll be in deep shit if we're caught. I'm going to sneak this out, and we'll present it to Xavier later,"
"How is he supposed to believe we found it here?" you asked as Montana shoved it under her shirt. "This isn't going to work!"
"y/n, trust me this once, please," she said, before wrapping her arm around you. "Lean into me like you're sick so we can hide the this between us." 
You went along with it, stumbling out and hiding in the bathroom. Montana flushed the toilet, and you ran the water for a few seconds before coming out, back in your position. 
"Guys, y/n isn't feeling well, I'm going to take her home," Montana said, leading you towards the door.
"What's wrong, y/n?" Chet and Ray asked while Xavier stood up, almost knocking Chloe off his lap. She looked disgruntled, shooting you a glare. You pretended you didn't see, scrunching your face up.
"She got sick, I'll stay with her until Xavier gets home," she pushed, attempting to get away as Xavier walked towards the two of you, clearly concerned.
"Hey babe, are you good?" he asked you, and you hid your smile as Chloe frowned at the name.
"I think the alcohol just isn't agreeing with me," you lied, giving him what you hoped was a weak smile. "You don't have to worry about me, Xavier,"
"I'm always worried about you, y/n," he said, frowning at you.
Chloe stood up, coming over and attempting to put her arms around him. Xavier allowed it but didn't reciprocate as she gave you a dirty stare. Montana returned the glare, squeezing your arm, silently begging you not to move.
"She'll be fine, Xavieee!" Chloe said, "Let M-Montana take her home,"
You desperately wanted to tell her to fuck off but refrained. "I'll wait up for you," you assured Xavier. But before you could say anything else, Montana stumbled, forcing the two of you apart. Your journal, along with the photo and notepad, clattered to the hardwood floor.
Your friends watched them clatter to the ground, and you immediately wished lightning would strike you down. 
Chloe blinked before recognition flashed in her eyes. "WERE YOU IN MY ROOM?"
Montana, bless her soul, bent down and scooped it. "Don't act so fucking surprised, you lying sack of-."
"Montana!" Xavier said before he recognized your journal. Chet squeezed his way towards you as Chloe fumed in her spot, the others watching quietly. 
"You went into y/n's room and stole this!" Montana accused, waving the journal in Chloe's face. "You're fucking psychotic!"
"Chloe, is that true?" Xavier asked, giving her a dumbfounded look. 
"Of course not, baby! They're setting me up!" Chloe hiccuped, tears welling up in her eyes as she pointed at you and Montana. "They're lying."
"If they're lying, what is this?" Chet asked, holding up the notepad that Montana left on the ground. Your face paled as you saw your name continuously written in black ink before scribbled with red ink. "And that's not even the most fucked up thing in here!" Chet glared at Chloe and Xavier, "This is fucked up."
"I need you all to leave," Xavier said, "Now!"
Chet was yelling at Chloe and Xavier as the others hurriedly grabbed their things, almost pushing each other out of the apartment. 
"Xavier-," you said, wanting to plead with him to believe you.
"y/n, go!" he said, his eyes hard as Chet carefully pulled you into the hall. The last thing you saw was Xavier's angry expression before the door was slammed in your face. 
taglist: i’m so sorry if i missed anyone, my list accidentally got deleted :( if i missed anyone, please let me know!
 @the-walking-daryl @trichy-knitts @shydragonrider@thefandomzoneisdangerous @lemonwhiskers @jetblackpayne @langdonsvcrd @okoktrinity22 @uwonman @stefanmikaleson1864 @sevenwonderwitch @rubbrninja @iamnotjesha @leatherduncan @imshakingandcryingrn @bratzblitz @goblackcat69 @brookethompsonownsme @bookoffracturedescapes @zodiyack@bitchchatter@guiltyfiend @psychobitchtess  @aangrana  @thexmancometh @wtfcas​ @pleasforhelp​ 
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harryfeatgaga · 4 years ago
at first i thought the feather boa was an after thought or a cute accessory and now its clear he planned all three outfits around those feather boas lollllllllll
Anonymous said: Omg you might not even need the side blog??? 
Anonymous said: Did he won the last award?
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callmemckenzieee · 4 years ago
Have you read the new update yet? If so what you think about it? 🤔
Okay number oneeeeeee I loveeeee it but damnnnn you finna get the poor girl in some heat but overall I’m like this is what I waited for❤️
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call-me-koi · 4 years ago
Okay oneeeeeee more horny thought then I need to go be productive so like yusuke. Imagine you accidentally knock over one of his art supplies and it spills. You proceed to be bent over his lap, the price of the supply is how many spanks you get, and he has a vibrator overstimulating you
You deadass didn't notice the arrangement of acrylics on the floor till you stepped on a bright yellow bottle of paint
Floor was a m e s s
But that wasnt all??? You like tripled 3+ things along the way??
You bend over and suddenly thinks to himself
"Hm, nice ass. Curvy sides, not to saggy but neither to firm...Squishy but not just fat.....11/10 ass."
Man saw u bend of his lap?? Wuthout sum spanking??
Spanks you a good 57 times, double ass cheek on a tueaday night hella ass
Makes u walk down a art museum with a vibrator on max
Twist?? Theres more then one
Different lengths and sizes too!! All on max ;;3
You pass by the mona lisa and next think you know
Eyes were staring at you as a scream RIPPED through ur throat as you just orgasmed in front of mona
Man one hell of a day
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waywardwhump · 5 years ago
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There is a trend among both angels and fallen where, if they are the kind so inclined to give life, they default to adding extra feathers and fluff wherever possible. They will make the softest, most plush creations imaginable.
This isn't even neccessarily whump: smart business people could just find the right ones to ask. There are those on both sides who would adore making soft little friends for humans. Some do it for themselves anyway! It would be significantly harder to market fallen created animals, but again, you could probably find a underground market for them. I'm sure there are ~~edgy~~ buyers out there that would pay for a fallen animal for no other reason than it was created by a fallen. (Okay, and there are probably those who want the classic attack hell hound to use for bad things, but that's weapon territory, we're talking strictly pets here)
Although it's important to keep in mind that there's still strong associations among the humans: there are times where seller's would have to cater to their market, with fallen animals being more fiery and angel animals being purposely rounded and non threatening.
But again: strictly speaking, they could create most anything they wanted, within reason. An angel could make a big flame dragon and a fallen can make a wide-eyed gentle doe.
I just.
Really like the idea of a group of angels and a group of fallen living in the same area. Who both make companion animals for themselves. And one day, they run into each other.
Tensions run high, lightning swords are drawn-
One of the demon cats rub harmlessly up against an angels leg and one of the angel dogs rush to beg the closest fallen for pets.
The solidarity hits the angels like a truck. The tension breaks.
They stand down.
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ssthongmagnet · 6 years ago
The second oneeeeeee! Oh my goooooood. Steve having a small freak out before accepting the fact that it's okay and he can let go because Danny would take care of him. Yes, I love it!
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He’s spent his whole life being told how to be, how to act, and then he puts pressure on himself by trying to act straight so nobody can tell that he’s gay; DADT will do that to a person.
But then he meets Danny who breaks down the borders he’s placed around himself, who gets him like nobody else did (especially his parents), and especially when it comes to physical contact. Steve was brought up to be the one to initiate comfort, not accept it from anyone and especially guys. 
Danny got Steve to open up, to allow himself to be comforted openly, to be who he so desperately wanted to be. And he gave him a family.
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formylovebrandon · 3 years ago
Hi Brandon!!
I know you weren’t feeling the best when you went to sleep :( I hope you’re doing better now that you were able to rest!! Please let me know about ur dream if you had one :))) I wanna hear about it really bad !!! (I like it a lot when you tell me about them, except when they’re bad Bcs when they’re bad you don’t sleep well:((()
I wanted to say that I’ll always be there for you, because I love you so so much and nothing in the world will even change that<3 (even haechan asking me out okay??:??3? NO ONE COMPARES TO YOU OK???? YOURE MY NUMBER ONEEEEEEE <33333)
Anyways, I’m exhausted now >< so I’ll be heading off to sleep, we can talk tomorrow when I wake up tho!! And we can do stuff together if you want to :D Im down for whatever !!! As long as I get to spend time with you I’ll be happy:)))) and as long as you’re hAppy I’ll be happy too!!!
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evenshands · 7 years ago
hypothetical s3 even x mikael texts, part 2
[part 1]
mikael: how’s it going over there
dammit even let me live vicariously through you
even: i never want to leave ever
he’s so incredible mikael
do you know how many parallel universes there are
and i got the one with him
god i like him so much
mikael: i’m happy for you best bud
even: :D
even: i should have probably said goodbye properly shouldn’t i
not just
left a note
fuuuuuuck i’m so stupid
mikael: you probably should
just talk to him tomorrow
it’ll be fine
you human disaster
even: thanks
i mean why did i even do that
who does that
mikael: i’m gonna hazard a guess and say people who are trying to be mysterious
even: yeah but WHY
mikael: you’re the one that did it my friend
even: FUCK
mikael: hey best bud
you okay?
even: uuuuuuggghhhhhh
i feel so shit
i hate my brain
haaaaate ittttttttttt
mikael: do you want me to come over?
even: i want to wallow in self pity.
mikael: i’m on my way
sweet or salty popcorn?
even: salty
like me
about life
mikael: got it
mikael: need a pep talk?
even: no
i need a hug
mikael: from me or him
even: no offense
but him
mikael: gotcha
well it’s gonna be fine i swear
just tell him why you weren’t there
if he likes you as much as i know he does
he’ll forgive you
even: thanks best bud
even: are you home?
mikael: yep, what’s up?
even: it’s fucked. i need a hug.
mikael: he’s a dumb teenager saying dumb teenage things, even.
does “religion causes war” ring any bells to you?
“i don’t trust religion”
and so on and so forth?
even: why are you still my friend?
mikael: because you say dumb things. you’re not a dumb person.
much like our lovely isak
even: it’s not the same thing
i don’t want to hurt him
he’s been through this shit with his mum
mikael: can you hear me sighing across oslo
give him a chance, ev
let him choose
even: what if he chooses no?
mikael: what if he chooses yes?
are you really going to make the decision for him on the off chance that it might save you a little bit of discomfort when for all you know it could be preventing a whole world of awesome?
even: yes
mikael: you are not.
even: you can’t make me
mikael: wanna bet?
even: what do i say
mikael: you know what to say.
you’ve got this
even: he’s not out. i cant talk to him in public
mikael: you’re talking not fucking for gods sake
even: think again
mikael: i did not need to know that
even: well
not in public at least
mikael: even
even: okok sorry
mikael: did you talk first though?
even: he’ll be happier not knowing.
mikael: even!!
even: well
he will
i don’t want him to be sad
he’s too pretty to be sad
mikael: he’s going to have to find out eventually
even: not yet though.
let me pretend i’m normal for a while
mikael: even you are normal.
even: bullshit
mikael: even come on
even: talk soon
mikael: even!!!
even: guess who met the friends
he’s so cute and hot and beautiful
mikael: you met his friends?
nice oneeeeeee
when do i get to meet him?
even: will you tell him
mikael: it’s not mine to tell
even: idk
even: hahhaaa mikael
he found that video you made
you know in first year
he thinks you’re his competition
mikael: as in
he thinks you and me
i just got the shivers
no offense or anything
even: SO RUDE
btw cant make it tonight
he wants me to go round
see you later
mikael: you better not be replacing me
mikael: hey
whatcha up to this weekend
i’m feeling left out
what happened to the time you’d spend with your old best bud
stop replacing me!!!
r u d e
mikael: hope his dicks worth it you disaster.
new friend wanted. applications sent to mikael øverlie boukhal.
mikael: hey even, where ya at? it’s been a couple of days
mikael: [missed call x 3]
even: can you not leave me alone at all?
i just want some time with isak.
i’ll talk to you later.
mikael: okay…
mikael: even, how come isak’s insta story is at one of the most expensive hotels in oslo?
even: he deserves the best.
mikael: even…
even: you don’t get it mikael
even: why the fuck would you call my parents
you’re the worst fucking friend ever
there’s nothing fucking wrong
he hates me and it’s all your fault
mikael: i was just trying to help
mikael: hey even
can i come and see you?
i’m really sorry for what i did
i hope you and isak are okay
i don’t know if you’re having an episode or what but i’m sorry for assuming
text when you feel like it?
love you best bud
mikael: yo. just checking in.
hope you’re okay
i’m here if you need anything
mikael: your mum told me you’re not feeling too good
do you want me to come over?
i can bring chocolate?
best bud hugs?
i’m here if you need anything <3
even: thanks. you’re an awesome best bud. sorry i got mad at you.
mikael: hey, no worries. we all do it.
you home? can i come see you?
your mum said you went out. i hope you’re with isak but can you let me know? <3
mikael: [missed call x 5]
even: i’m with isak. sorry for worrying you
mikael: as long as you’re okay
even: yeah i’m okay.
i’m gonna stay here for a while
mikael: that sounds good
say hi to isak from me
even: he says hi back
and that he’s sorry for thinking you were his competition
mikael: hmmm. he might be forgiven. i need to meet him to make sure.
even: when
mikael: no pressure best bud
in your own time
even: thanks best bud
even: he gives the warmest hugs.
mikael: should i be jealous
even: probably
he makes me feel safe
i just wanted to go back to when i couldn’t stop bothering you about him
i get to talk to him properly now but
i’m still pretty in love with him and i can’t freak out about that to him
mikael: glad to know i’m still useful
even: always
mikael: i’m proud of you best bud
even: cringe
mikael: ugh. whatever. you suck
even: <3
mikael: <3
even: there’s a party here on friday
it’s technically for kosegruppa people but isak’s flatmates will be there and everyone says it’s fine to invite you.
so do you want to come?
mikael: i would love to, best bud
even: awesome
mikael: so, uh
you didn’t tell me about his hot friend????
what sort of best bud are you????
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cosmictulips · 4 years ago
Hello 🔮 For your free readings may I ask about E and P feelings towards me? What energies are between us? Are either or both having romantic views towards me? Thank you in advance 💜 I’m M and over 18 🌸
Hello Friend =D Thank you for your patience =D
I broke this up into three sections.  the bolded will be each section.
So Let's begin with 'E'  for that I pulled the 10 of swords,  king of cups in reverse, and queen of swords.
so this tells me right off the bat that there is something going on in their life that has made them emotionally disconnected.  I don't think it has anything to do with you,  but it feels like something is going wrong in their life and they're kind of taking the L for it right now.  I see that they might have a fear of failure and it's shutting them down in the realm of connections and emotions.  so you might not be the only one they're "giving the cold shoulder"  to.  I think as of right now  they are not interested in a relationship with someone.
I can alsooooo see this as them seeing you as the queen of swords and they are kind of... shutting down because they feel like you're out of their league lol.  The Queen of swords is someone witty, doesn't take shit from anyone,  knows how to get what they want lol.  and it could be intimidating to him lol.
But I really feel like someone is just... not helping this poor person out lol.  they have been getting hit with something in their life and they ain't feeling too good about anything right now.
For P: 9 of cups, King of Pentacles, two of pentacles.
okay so for this oneeeeeee I feel like a budding relationship is happening here.  they are feeling very emotionally secure in most aspects of their life.  this is a person who is generous, and nurturing and I think this is how they see you and what they want to bring to you.  there's a very protective kind of energy here.  Like it feels like,  to them you are protective lol.  like they see you as being someone who would give their heart to someone if you could ya know?  so stable and grounded.  they also want to work with you.  they want to plan something out with you and have a stable foundation for a relationship.
There were a couple other energies that came out.  Mostly intuitive ones that talk about connecting with you on a deeper level.  so I do feel like they want to reach out and actually try for something.  I think you two might have an emotional connection and they want to take it further.
Then for the overall energy we got the 2 of cups and Temperance.
so.... there is something going on here lol.  I think it's going to take a bit more time to figure out who you actually want to be with and I'm seeing that you should be patient with E.  I think E is just having a rough time with something but once they come around,  they'll try to woo you.  this could also be having some time with P lol.  I think P is very interested ;))) and I think that even to them they feel a connection to you and eventually would like to take that further.
I had another message here and I forgot what it was.
Take your time.  I see both connections needing a bit of work.   I think P here is going to end up winning your heart if they ever say anything but I think they will to be honest.  they seem pretty emotionally... in control lol so I don't think they'll have a hard time expressing themselves to you.
I think E is going to take a litttleee bit longer to come around.
I hope this helps =D if you ever need anything, or just wanna say hiiii feel free to stop on by lol
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neo-princess · 5 years ago
Ok last ONEEEEEEE I promise ok so what if your dating let’s say mark and you abuse mark and everyday the members see him with bruises on his face and arms what would the the members do (last one I swear)
Okay so, first off abuse is never ever okay in a relationship. And it actually hurts to think about this with Mark. Cause I can see this going one of two ways. Either mark would get fed up and stop you immediately, breaking things off. Or he’d be quiet and let it happen. Which is why it breaks my heart so much, cause I hope no one ever treats him like that. I definitely think the first to realize would be Johnny and Johnny would PRY the truth out of Mark. And I don’t think they’d let mark go home, or they’d report it or cal the police. Because the love that all of those boys have for their members is insane. Who ever was hurting Mark would definitely have the fury of Johnny, Haechan, Taeyong, definitely Yuta, Jaehyun. Literally EVERYONE.
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little-red-beret · 8 years ago
The second oneeeeeee pls! Chuya is my love😍😘
In his defence, Chuya had never experienced a migraine before. Anyone who knew better would have recognised the warning signs and responded accordingly, perhaps by NOT going out on an extreme mission that involved a lot of ducking, dodging, chasing and shooting. When his vision blurred for the third time that day, it didn’t go back to normal. Chuya was sprinting across a ceiling, weaving around light fixtures and hurtling over door frames. His opponent, who hadn’t known about his ability until mere seconds ago, must have been terrified as Chuya closed the distance between them, gun pointed and ready to fire a shot.
Chuya was no stranger to fighting upside down. His aim was just as good as when he was on the ground, but this blurry vision was really throwing him off. He cursed softly and wiped at his eyes with gloved hands. Still, nothing would come into focus. It only got worse, if anything, and that was when it hit him. Suddenly Chuya was overwhelmed with dizziness. His energy drained from his body, and he tripped, tumbled and rolled to a stop beside a crystal chandelier. His target slipped away in an instant, but Chuya had only been chasing them for kicks in the first place. He could track them down and finish the job any time he liked, or just send Black Lizard to do it for him. Right now, Chuya had a much larger problem at hand.
He weakly managed to pull himself to his hands and knees, but to move any further would be pushing it. Waves of solid pain slowly forced their way through his head. By now Chuya finally realised what was going on, but it was too late. He had a migraine, and he was rooted to the ceiling, immobilised with pain and dizziness. Chuya took a shaky breath, struggling to calm himself and think reasonably, but it was hard to do so when his head was under so much literal pressure. He wasn’t sure whether he was going to be sick or pass out, or both.
Below him, he heard two pairs of footsteps. “Hey, Chuya, you let that guy get away!” Tachihara shouted from the ground. “Chuya!” Chuya’s mind raced. How was he supposed to explain this to his co-workers? He didn’t want to explain it. Right now he just wanted to curl up and shut himself in a dark, cool room. “Gin, speak up.” Tachihara replied to his accomplice. “Should I really?…. Okay.” There was no doubt they were talking about him. Part of Chuya felt humiliated, but it was far outweighed by the pain that wreaked havoc on his head. “Chuya, what’s up?”
Chuya knew that in this state his voice would be too frail to respond, so he remained silent. All he could do for now was to rest and recover as fast as possible so he could get down from here and get help. Suddenly, another set of footsteps approached, getting louder as they caught up to the group. “Where did that piece of scum go??” Akutagawa demanded, and then with much more confusion “Why is Chuya on the roof?” Another pair of footsteps followed closely behind, most likely Ichiyou Higuchi. “Something seems to be wrong with Chuya,” Tachihara explained with a slight tone of unease. “He’s not responding when I call out to him.”
“Can you hear me?” Akutagawa called, and coughed from the sudden exertion of his voice. Chuya nodded weakly, still clinging to the ceiling, eyes squeezed shut. He didn’t dare open his eyes for fear of the vertigo-inducing sight below. This building was very grand, high ceilings and colourful paintings lining the walls. It would be a shame if Chuya were to ruin the elegant mood of the place by throwing up all over the ceiling. Or would it fall to the ground? Even just trying to think about his ability hurt his head. “Maybe he’s been injured.” Akutagawa suggested thoughtfully.
“How will we get him down??” Higuchi asked frantically. The question hung in the air, silent but as tense as Chuya’s pounding headache. Then the panic set in. “Chuya!!” Tachihara called desperately. “Chuya! You need to get down here so we can help you! Chuya!” Akutagawa cried. “Chuya!” Higuchi yelled. “Akutagawa-senpai, can’t you use your ability??”
“Rashoumon is quite sharp, and I’m more accustomed to handling enemies with it. I wouldn’t want to hurt Chuya.” Akutagawa replied quickly. “Chuya!!” Higuchi called again. “Chuya!” Chuya almost would have preferred an injury to this. The ceiling spun, to the point that he wasn’t actually sure which way was up anymore. If he fainted, would his ability keep working? What if he fell? The yelling down below wasn’t helping, either. His head pulsed accordingly with each syllable that echoed through the room. Chuya was shaking all over. He didn’t know how much more of this he could take.
“Chuuuuuyaaaaaa!!” “Everyone, let’s not make such a fuss. What’s happening?” Chuya sighed in relief at the sound of a gentler, calmer voice. The yelling died down immediately as Mori Ougai’s footsteps entered the room. “Chuya is injured!” Akutagawa told his boss urgently. After a short pause, Mori calmly called up to Chuya.“Chuya, can you hear me?” Chuya gave a single nod. He definitely wasn’t feeling well. Even in silence, his head throbbed and ached slowly and his stomach was roiling. “If you can move, come down here. If you can’t move, stay where you are.” Mori instructed. Chuya was in no condition to move. Yet, he cautiously, shakily shifted one hand forwards. Then one knee.
He opened his eyes slowly and squinted against the blinding light of the chandelier beside him. Everything was ringed with halos of light that sent searing pain through his skull. Chuya thought of everyone waiting below him, Mori, Higuchi, Gin, Akutagawa, Tachihara, all of them who seemed to care so much about him. He had to make it down, one way or another.
Edging his way weakly along the ceiling, Chuya soon reached the wall. He shifted the gravitational force around him and gradually crawled down the wall as easily as if it were the floor. He couldn’t imagine how ridiculous he looked. Finally, he reached the tiled floor. Chuya immediately slumped onto his side, and everything faded to a blissful black.
When Chuya regained consciousness, he was sure not much time had passed. Everything was still bright and blurry, and after only a few seconds of being awake Chuya’s stomach began to stir, an unsteady queasiness building up again, and his head ached like there was a hammer smashing it to pieces. If only it were in pieces. Above him, the Port Mafia applauded him, giving triumphant shouts of ‘you made it’ and other encouragement. Chuya flinched at the abrasive noises, and Mori shushed them gently. He crouched beside Chuya, peering at his deathly pale face in concern. Mori was surrounded by a halo of white light, almost like an angel coming to rescue him. “Are you alright?” He asked.
Chuya only had the energy to faintly utter one word through the crippling pain in his head. “M-migraine….” then he dropped to the ground. They had gotten him down from the ceiling, but they were insane if they believed Chuya could make it any further than that. “I’ll carry him,” Kouyou offered. The last thing Chuya felt before he lost consciousness for the second time in five minutes was a gentle pair of arms sliding beneath him and scooping him up off the ground. The Port Mafia was a formidable force to reckon with, but from the inside it was a tight-knit community of criminals who helped and supported each other…. all while committing organised crime, of course.
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