#okay hot soup hot shower maybe some whiskey and I will be normal again
alatariel-galadriel · 5 months
huh they weren’t kidding about those flash flood warnings were they
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hyuniebaby · 4 years
Focus (5)
Pairings: Baekhyun x Y/N x Junmyeon
AU: College student! Baekhyun, Professor! Junmyeon AU, college!au
A/N: And a new character appears... 👀
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11
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As much as you wanted to stay in Mr. Kim’s office, you had to leave. He was looking extremely pissed off after finding out that you’ve slept with Baekhyun.
“Mr. Kim, I’ll - uh - go now.”
He didn’t even look at you, he was so lost in his thoughts.
You quickly left his office, breathing a sigh of relief once you shut the door. Whatever happened in that office was intense.
You can’t believe you’ve just sucked him off. You can’t believe you’ve sucked two men in a span of two days. You felt so dirty but for some reason, you liked it. You like how they made you feel.
You’re still hot and bothered from Junmyeon’s ministrations. You’re going to kill Junmyeon next time when you’re both outside the campus. He’s no longer an authority figure to you when he steps out of this campus. He’s dead meat.
You check the time on your watch and realized that it was still early. Maybe you could grab a quick drink and a quick fuck somewhere. But first, you have to clean yourself up and wear some panties.
As you got home, you plopped on your bed. Baekhyun and Junmyeon immediately invading your mind. How were you supposed to meet these two men tomorrow in Bio class? Were you supposed to tell Baekhyun that something happened with you and Junmyeon? Was he even supposed to know? Junmyeon knows about you and Baekhyun though... What if he reacted the same way as Junmyeon?
Ugh, they were driving you crazy. You definitely need a drink now.
You get off bed and proceed to your bathroom. You stripped off your clothes and observed yourself in the mirror. Fuck, Junmyeon gave you so many hickeys. You’re gonna have to cover it up with foundation and concealer. This adds to the growing list of why you should kill Junmyeon the next time you see him outside campus. You hated wearing makeup!
Deciding that staring at the hickeys won’t magically get rid of it, you step in the shower. Once you were done, you picked up the shortest dress and the highest heels you can find. You’ve been wild these days, you might as well embrace your new normal.
As you sat on your bed while trying to put on your heels, you see a piece of paper on your bedside table. Curious as to what it was, you reach for it and read it.
Y/N, I’m sorry I had to leave early. I enjoyed last night. - B
You didn’t know what to make of the letter. Was it supposed to be a thank you, goodbye? Was it supposed to be a let’s do this again next time? You decide that you’re going to dwell about it some other time. You want to forget about Baekhyun and Junmyeon tonight.
You go to your vanity and start putting on your makeup. You initially wanted to do subtle makeup, but you remembered that tonight, you were going to go wild, so you put on your red lipstick, and went with a smokey eyeshadow look. Once you were all set and done, you grab your phone and purse and went off to the bar.
You went straight to the bartender for drinks. You immediately down two glasses of whiskey. You take a good look at the place before you felt a pair of eyes looking your way. You look for the source and found the man who was looking at you. You both held eye contact. He was attractive, extremely attractive. Immaculate, even. He was tall and lean. He makes his way towards you.
“Why’s a lovely lady drinking alone?”
“Just a bad day.” His face looks better up close. “What about you?”
“I just wanted to drink. No reason.”
There was a moment of silence before he says, “Sehun. My name is Sehun.” Sehun, even his name sounds as good as his looks, you thought. In response, you tell him your name.
“So do you want to share with me what’s bothering you, darling?” The words rolled out of his mouth soothingly, you suddenly had the urge to spill every little thing that has been bothering you. So you did.
In the midst of telling him everything, you got overwhelmed and started drinking more. He tried to stop you but you wouldn’t budge. When you got everything out of your system, you were slurring your words.
Sehun was a nice man. He was a gentleman. He wasn’t just going to leave you alone. Based on what you’ve said tonight, your problems stemmed from sleeping with two men. He knows fully well that you don’t need another person to mull over. So he grabs your phone surprisingly you didn’t have a password for it and randomly dials a contact from your phone. Fortunately for you, it was Mina who he has been able to reach. He tells her about your state and where you were. Mina tells him that she’ll pick you up in five minutes.
“Y/N, your friend will arrive here soon to pick you up.” Sehun helps you stand up. You immediately cling to him. This was the moment the Sehun knew you were clingy when you’re drunk. What ever happened to the woman who looked so lonely earlier?
“Sehunie is so warm.” You slur. “Sehunie is the best. He listened to me all night without judgement. I hope Sehunie won’t ever feel lonely.”
He got flustered by how you said these words. No one has genuinely said these words to him ever. It was heartwarming to say the least.
“I-is Sehunie single?” You hiccup.
As if on cue, Mina arrives at the bar and claims you from Sehun. She thanks him profusely for taking care of you. She takes you to her apartment and cleans you up and lends you her softest pajamas. You dozed as soon as your head hits the pillows.
You wake up with an intense headache. When you opened your eyes, the first thing you saw were yellow curtains. You internally panicked upon realization that you did not have yellow curtains in your room. You look around the room and realized you were in Mina’s apartment. You sigh in relief.
You walk to the kitchen and find Mina cooking soup. “What happened?” You asked her.
“Before anything else, eat this and drink this.” She hands you a bowl of the soup she prepared and some pain reliever. “Secondly, I should be the one asking you what happened.” She gives you a pointed look.
“Well remember the professor who thought I was doing something with Jongdae in the janitor’s closet? After class I went to his office and I got scolded. Like the embarrassing kind of scolding.” You say, exaggerating a little bit. “You know I hate being scolded. Especially for something I know I didn’t do.” You frown. “So yeah I was so upset and wanted to drink everything away.”
You pause, trying to remember what the hell happened last night. “And then I remember drinking a lot... and... I think I met a guy?”
Mina listens intently to your story. Feeling sad that you were going through this alone. She could’ve been there for you.
“Hmm... Sehun? I think Sehun was his name. But I don’t remember what happened next.” You pout.
“You know you could’ve called me, right? You don’t need to keep these kind of things to yourself.” Mina says softly. “You’re lucky this Sehun guy wasn’t a creep! You were so out of it last night, something worse could’ve happened to you!” Mina scolds.
“I know, I know. I’m sorry”
“It’s okay. Next time call me or Joohyun or Seulgi. You know we’ll drop anything for you. Especially if there’s alcohol involved.” She teases. You laugh at her statement. Feeling a tad bit better than last night.
You let Mina know that you have classes by noon. She tells you to just borrow some of her clothes so you don’t have to go back to your house. After all, she lives just around the block of the campus.
The only problem for you was that Mina’s clothes are composed only of crop tops, skirts, dresses, and skinny jeans. You suppose it’s okay if the crop tops were the loose type, but they weren’t... Mina was nice enough to lend you her clothes so you opt to wear the fitted crop top and the skinny jeans. You don’t dare wear a skirt or dress because well these were the type of clothes you wore when something happened to you and the two men.
You bid good bye to Mina. You apologized for the inconvenience and thanked her for helping you out.
There were so many thoughts running through your mind as you walked towards your class. You walked with your head low while you try to massage your head. The throbbing of your head was still there and the unnecessary thoughts were adding to the pain you were feeling.
You ran into someone and you automatically apologize. When you look up, it was the guy from last night. He was getting some books from his locker and you literally crashed into him.
He was about to snap and say something in the lines “Watch where you’re going.” But he sees you. A look of shock was evident from his face, then his face relaxes and shifts to an amused look.
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The Look in Her Eyes- Chapter 6
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***White on a case, Dean and Sam meet a beautiful woman, Ava. She makes a large impression on the brothers, and ends up convincing them to take her on the road with them. It isn’t long before the shared experience, car rides, motel rooms, and risky cases pushes Ava and Dean together in an unlikely story of love, family, fate, and friendship. ***
Chapter Six, Stitches
I felt Deans lips part against mine. It felt good to kiss him. Natural. But that wasn't why we were here. I heard a step behind me, and I pulled away from the kiss. I turned and raised my gun from under my skirt. "Back off, or I'll shoot."
Dean reaches for his knife right as the vampires fangs extended. "It won't do you much good." It hissed.
"Maybe, but it'll slow you down." I said, pulling the trigger. I took out it's right kneecap causing it to fall to the ground.
Sam was behind it, with his machete against its neck. Dean and I rose to our feet. My gun was still pointed at the creature.
"Where's the nest? What are you doing with the women you're taking?"
"You may as well kill me." It spat. "I'll never sell out my family."
"Your wish is my command." Sam said, hacking off its head.
I wiped splattered blood off my cheek and turned away from the vampires wide, empty eyes and turned to Dean. He took his thumb and wiped another droplet of blood off my chin. "You did good." He commented. I wasn't sure if he was talking about the case or the kiss. Either way I was happy.
Sam bent down and felt though the vampires pockets. "Jackpot." He mumbled pulling out the vamps phone. "It has a GPS. I may be able to find the nest by his frequent locations."
"Nerd." Dean said with a grin.
"You know, Sam, in another life you could've been helpful at the station."
"Well, if this career doesn't work out I'll hit you up."
"Can we go back to the motel so I can wash the vampire blood off of me?"
"Yeah." Dean said. "Let's regroup."
We walked into the hotel. "I'm going to shower." I said, avoiding the Winchester's eyes. I shut the door behind me and let out a breath. I stared at myself in the mirror. I was splattered with blood. I closed my eyes. The demons face flashing. His face splattered with my blood. I turned on the shower and slid out of my dress. I had to burn it away. Wash it all away.
I stepped into the hot water, and I fell apart. I held onto the soup holder to keep myself from falling over. "It hurts." I cried out. I wrapped an arm around myself, my fingers grazing my stitches.
I could feel him cutting me. I didn't pass out, not once.
"Ava." Dean was knocking at the bathroom door. "Are you okay?"
"Y-yes." I choked out before crying harder. Shit.
"I'm coming in." He announced, opening the door. I heard it click behind him. "Hey, talk to me."
I slid the shower door open just enough for him to see my face. "Can you take these stitches out? Please?"
"Do they hurt? Are you hurt?" His face was wilting with concern.
"I just... I need them out." Tears were streaming down my cheeks. I couldn't stop them.
"I'll do it." He said, grabbing my towel. I opened the shower door completely and fell into his arms. He wrapped the towel around me. His gaze didn't leave my face the entire time. "Hey Sammy." He called. "Can you give us a minute?"
"Uh, yeah. I'll go get a coffee and work on the phone. I'll be back in an hour."
When the door the motel room closed, Dean scooped me up and carried me into the room. He laid me down on my bed and he took out his pocket knife. "This shouldn't hurt." He rubbed my thigh gently. "But please tell me if it does."
I nodded. I didn't realize I was gripping his shirt, but I couldn't pull my hand away.
He cut the first stitch and gently tugged until it came loose. "Was that okay?"
"Yeah." I exhaled. A little bit of weighted lifted off me with every stitch. "I'm sorry. It wasn't the vampire."
"What was it then?"
"The blood on my face." I admitted. I remembered what Sam said about me being able to trust Dean. After our fake kiss I wanted to believe it.
He stopped for a second and looked at me. "The demon, right? We haven't talked about it yet. Not really."
"You being here is enough."
"So, that was some performance." He said, taking my lead and changing the subject.
"I got an A in drama class." I lied.
"I can see that."
Dean got the stitches on my lower legs and arms. He stood up and grabbed a pair of underwear out of my bag. "I need to do what's under the towel." He said avoiding my eyes. He looked up at me sheepishly.
"Okay." I said, taking the underwear and while he looked away I slid into them, and I snapped on a bra. I sat back down in my black lace underwear. "Nice choice." I said bashfully.
"It isn't like that." He said quietly.
"Your performance was good, too." I looked at him as his fingers rested on the inside of my thigh, cutting away at the stitches.
"You have an easy lead to follow."
His fingers felt warm against my skin. "It was nice for a second. To forget about all the bad stuff. This morning in the water, it almost all felt normal."
"It did."
"You've been quiet ever since you and Sam agreed to bring me." I said reaching out for him so he would look at me.
"When I look at you..."
"You what?"
"I see what that motherfucker did to you. I see you laying there naked and bleeding. Asking me for help, and I'm chained to the goddamn wall watching another good person get torn apart."
I scooted toward him and took the knife from his hand sitting it down. I met his eyes. "I see it too, but not like that. Before you show up when he was..." I looked away.
"Hey." He said tilting my chin towards him. "I'm sorry to make this about me. You can tell me anything."
I swallowed hard. Looking at him I knew he was telling me the truth. "I don't have relationships, Dean. When I was younger..." I sighed.
"You don't have to tell me unless you want to, Ava."
"I do." I bit my lip. "I want to." I touched his cheek. "When I was 18, right before I joined the force I got jumped in an alley. I was raped. It put me in the hospital for a month. He almost killed me."
"That son of a bitch."
"It isn't the fact that it's a demon, Dean. That doesn't have anything to do with it. It's that it happened again." I closed my eyes, unable to stop a tear from rolling down my cheek.
He caught the tear with his thumb. "I'm sorry that happened to you."
I opened my eyes and his face was closer to mine. "I haven't let anyone close to me since. I can't take the risk."
I heard his breath hitch in his throat. "But you're sitting here with me... like this."
"I know." I said quietly. "I trust you. I have since I met you. I know you'd never hurt me. You may annoy me." I smiled a little. "But I know you'll always protect me."
"Damn straight I will." He leaned into my hand, and placed his hand over mine on his cheek. "Let's get all of these stitches out. Lay back."
I followed his instruction and closed my eyes.
"I'm going to touch your leg." He said quietly, as he placed his fingers on the inside of my thigh again. He started snipping away, his fingers leaving little bits of electricity in my skin.
"Dean." I exhaled his name.
"Yeah?" He asked, his hand on my stomach, finishing up the stitches.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome." He pulled the last stitch away and leaned in, pressing a warm kiss to the pink scar on my abdomen. "Get dressed." He said standing.
I opened my eyes, chills running down my spine. I stood up and slid into a pair of jeans and a long sleeved shirt.
"Sam will be back any minute." Dean said, as he put his knife back in his pocket. "I need some air." He exhaled pushing out of the motel into the night.
I needed a cold shower, but the night air would have to do. I walked away from the door to our room and unlocked the Impala, pulling my emergency whiskey out from under the seat.
"How's she doing?" Sam asked as he walked up to the car.
"Not good, Sammy. I think we need to leave her out of this one."
"The vamp scare her?"
I shook my head. "No, actually."
"She's like no other girl I've ever met."
"What? You've got a thing for her?"
"Don't you?" Sam laughed. "I saw that kiss, Dean. That seemed for real."
"We were just acting."
"Keep telling yourself that."
"No matter what it was to me, she told me herself that it was nothing. It's not my place to hope that it's something it's not." I took a swig from the bottle. "Where do I get off thinking someone like her would consider me anyway?"
"Why wouldn't she?"
"Me? With my GED and give em hell attitude? I'm not really someone a girl like her wants to bring home to Dad. Or er... Bobby. Damn I'm going to hell just for thinking about her. I should go to Bobby now, so he can put me out of my own misery."
"Dean." Sam laughed reaching for the bottle. I handed it to him and he took a swig. "I think if you acted happy she was around she may actually like your company, but she thinks you don't even like her."
"Fuck. Of course I like her. What am I? A monster?" Debatable.
"Maybe you should, I don't know, show it?"
I shrugged him off and took back the bottle. "Mind your own, Sam."
Sam smiled at me with a shrug. "I'm just sayin."
"Yeah well keep it to yourself." I took another swig and put the bottle back. I picked up a hair tie that was under the seat and I smiled to myself. Ava. I picked it up and slid it onto my wrist. "Lets go back and make a plan." I said locking the door. "They're probably out on the prowl. We need to find the nest so we can attack in the morning."
We made our way back to the room. "Ave." I said as we opened the door. "We need to talk about the nest."
I looked around the room with a frown. She was nowhere to be found. Even the bathroom was empty.
"Dean." Sam said, kneeling by her bed. He stood up and showed me wet blood on his fingers.
Chapter Seven, Darkness
Get caught up!
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Dinner Party (Drake x Liam)
Pairing: Poly!AU Drake x Liam
Word Count: 3,319
Rating: NSFW
Warnings: Langauge; NSFW
Description: Jaela’s sick, so Liam takes Drake to one of Mary’s famous dinner parties, thinking Jaela’s dislike of her is petty. That is until he sees how Mary looks at Drake. Then, it makes all the sense in the world. 
Note: THIRSTY THURSDAY Y’ALL. I’ve missed my Poly!AU world, even if Jaela’s taking a knee for this Thursday. A Read More is inserted, titled Long Post and NSFW for mobile users.MASTERLIST
Permatag/Tagged (shoutout if you want to be tagged/I forgot you!) :@youwontlikewherewewillgo, @mfackenthal, @hhiggs, @jadedpixiescribbles, @ashtonmore, @boneandfur, @pbchoicesobsessed, @enmchoices, @bobasheebaby
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“Are you sure you can’t go?” Whines Drake, adjusting his tie in the living room. Liam claps a hand on his back, both looking at Jaela on the couch, wrapped up in a blanket, tissue box, water, an empty soup bowl, and Allie’s favorite book, along with Allie, asleep on her chest, snoring through her stuffed nose. 
Jaela coughs for emphasis, a small smile on her lips. Liam knows its because she’d do anything to avoid another Mary dinner party. And Mary. Him and Drake both thought it was a little petty, her dislike for her, but Drake stopped complaining after the two of them had sex on her new bathroom counters, for… whatever Jaela was trying to do, outside of basically exposing their cover of a committed married couple with their friend helping out with the three. 
“No,” Jaela says, rubbing Allie’s back. “Remember? Liam got sick from the stupid rain and truck incident, then he gave it to James, and James gave it to you, Tomas and Allie, then Allie gave it to me, and I’m sure James has it again. And as much as I would love to give it to Mary, I’m not leaving this spot.”
Liam smirks at Drake’s eyeroll, but then he goes over to kiss her and Allie’s head. Liam follows suit, giving Allie an extra kiss on the cheek, not caring if he got sick again— it’s his daughter, after all. She’s worth it. “Be good for Mom, okay?” He whispers and Jaela offers a smile. 
“Keep her away from Drake. And you. I’ve had enough of her trying to play this stupid game. You’re both mine. I’m serious.”
The men smirk, raising their eyebrows. “I like a jealous Jaela,” Liam says and Drake flicks his tongue over his lips. 
Jaela narrows her eyes and sniffs. “You have the master shower for later since you two like it so much.” Their eyes widen in tandom. Shit, did she know about their favorite spot? “Don’t think I don’t know when my products are misplaced. Now, appease the public. You’re just going Drake, so you can get out of the house while I’m sick with the kids.”
“You know they’re talking about—”
“Never to me,” she says quietly. Liam sighs. He even notices the hush in the room when Jaela arrives, always was like that, but even more so after her and Drake’s stunt. “But, like I said, I don’t care. Nor do I regret it. You don’t call James— peculiar—” She draws out the word and Liam senses her anger, controlled—yet ready to explode— under her skin. “Compared to his siblings, and expect me to not show you that I can get whatever I want.”
Drake and Liam exchange a quick glance, nod, and then Drake speaks, “If I heard it, I would have done the same thing,” he says and Jaela looks uncertain, holding Allie closer to her. “Don’t worry, she doesn’t hold a candle to you… or Liam.”
Jaela relaxed and Allie snuggle closer against her. “Okay,” she whispers, shutting her eyes. “I expect all the town gossip. Don’t pretend you don’t love it, Liam.”
With that, Drake and Liam turn, heading to the monthly dinner party Mary held. 
In the truck, Drake runs a hand through his hair. Liam smiles, turning left out their dirt driveway, out of the forest. “Nervous? 
Drake shrugs, touching his tie again. “It’s my second dinner party. And the first time…” he smirks. “I can’t say I regret doing it, because fuck is somebody talks about my son like that… but I don’t think either of us thought it through, how that would just…” He frowns, shaking his head. 
“Make people wonder even more about us? Yeah, well… they’ll move on.”
Drake chuckles. “I doubt it. But… it is amusing watching Mary think that she stands a damn chance with me.”
“And while Tom watches.” They laugh together, settling into the familiar comfort of each other because life’s damn good right now, Liam’s heart so full, even if Jaela has her petty quest for revenge. She wouldn’t be the same firecracker of a woman he loves, if she didn’t. 
After fifteen minutes, a light rain falling, they arrive at Mary’s home. One Liam’s familiar with, when him and Jaela attend the parties, the proper thing to do in a small town. Or maybe he does miss the balls and dinners, just a bit, back in Cordonia. But enough of thinking about that. 
Cautiously, they glance around the other cars parked— nobody’s there— and they steal a quick kiss before exiting, each adjusting their collar and tie before entering one of the bigger homes in their smallish town, nothing comparing to what they were used to… but it is nice, Liam has to think. 
Him and Drake grab a whiskey and work their way through the people, soft music playing throughout the bright kitchen and living room, three kinds of appetizers on the counters. Liam’s sure Jaela’s just paranoid, but he can’t even deny the hungry looks some of the women give Drake, or the looks of… disgust, perhaps, they throw at them both. They lean against a cream wall, sipping their whiskey— perhaps a little quickly, chatting to themselves for Drake didn’t care for interacting with too many people. They both stop when Mary approaches, her eyes locked on Drake’s. Liam sips a little too much whiskey and contains a cough, truly curious at how this will go. 
Drake offers him a look, but he only shakes his head, smirking. Okay, let’s see why she gets under Jaela’s skin so much. “Ooh, Drake,” Mary says, stumbling for a moment, breath smelling like wine, eyes too bright. She touches his arm, steading herself, chest on display in a green, low-cut top. “I didn’t expect to see you here this evening. Normally it’s just Liam and Jaela.”
Liam clears his throat. “Hello Mary. Jaela’s sick, along with Allie, so I figured it would be best to get Drake out o the house. You know how germs with kids are.”
“Liam!” She says, maybe a bit too loudly, and Liam raises an eyebrow, her hand falling on his arm. “Always a pleasure to have you— both— around. You’re such an… enigma, Drake. Why do you hide so much?”
Drake blinks a few times. “Uh…”
Her eyes travel down his body—pointedly stopping at his bulge— and Liam, for a moment, flushes. What the hell? Not like this woman had a chance in hell. But… “I know you’re not the best at words,” she purrs, moving closer to him. Liam shifts an inch towards Drake on the wall, eyeing her oh so carefully. “Not that I mind.”
“Oh, uh, well—”
“Did Jaela tell you two about the new pantry we designed? It’s sooo spacious,” she grins, running her hand up and down along Drake’s forearm, fingers tapping against his olive skin. Liam bites his cheek, Drake smirking, dark eyes glittering. Liam fidgets, sipping more whiskey. Oh, Drake knows exactly what he’s doing with the look. 
“Yeah?” Drake raises an eyebrow and Mary bites her lip, slowly withdrawing her hand. Others glance their way… then look away, peeking from the corners of their eyes. Two women whisper. “Tell me more, Mary. I’m afraid Jaela hasn’t yet.”
She presses closer, their knees touching. A twisted heat begins to rise in in, deep and low. So, he’s open season just because they think he fucks Jaela too and that’s it? Not there we’re in a committed—
Liam doesn’t miss Mary’s hip wiggle, hand back on his arm, running a finger around her drink’s rim— nor does he miss Tom’s glare at his wife, most likely, drunkly propositioning Drake at her own dinner party. He expected that, really, but it all seemed like a joke when Jaela said how Mary looked at Drake, and wanted him for herself, the two laughing. Mary’s is a real, drunken giggle. Drake’s chuckles are fake, and he’s looking to Liam, Mary not noticing the secret, loaded glances. 
He expects this, as a former, ever observant (yet, how didn’t he know about the pregnancy for so long?) former King does. He didn’t expect to feel this damn jealous, watching her run a hand along Drake’s arm, squeezing his bicep again. Liam seethes under his breath, face hot, and down the last of his whiskey, cutting into the conversation between the two, Drake mouthing thank-you as they both look down at Mary— Liam thinking Jaela’s dislike of her was justified. What kind of woman did she take them for? Hadn’t the rumors always been in the back of their minds?
“Oooh Liam,” Mary says, smirking, slurring her words in the slightest. “I was just saying that Drake simply needs to see our renovated pantry. Since he has, well…” she hiccups, leg pressing against Drake’s. Liam discreetly pulls Drake closer to him, their bodies blocking the way his hand loops through Drake’s belt, then slides down to his ass, possessively squeezing it, backs against the wall. Drake sharply inhales. They whispered and perhaps secretly accepted that Jaela was seeing both men.
But they didn’t have a clue about Liam and Drake’s involvement, just as in love with each other as her.  “And I wouldn’t mind you seeing it, either, Liam…” Her eyes flick up and down their bodies. Liam clears his throat. “You three are such good sharers…” She licks her lips and like a blessing, Tom appears with a glass of water for her, glaring at the men. 
“Susan just got here. We haven’t even served dinner yet,” he snaps, then guides her away. Drake and Liam both visibly relax… but Liam doesn’t move his hand, the men locking eyes. 
“Thank god she’s gone,” Liam breathes, digging his nails into the fabric. 
“Why,” Drake says, cocking his head to the side. “Jealous?”
Liam’s dick twitches and he smirks, both of their pupils expanding at the same time. “I don’t think we need Mary to show us around her new pantry, do we? Certainly she didn’t show you or Jaela the bathroom countertops.”
Drake grins. “No, no she didn’t.” And in a flash, Drake downs the last of his whiskey and they move through the crowd, to the stairwell connected off the kitchen, heading down the basement, finished and modeled and so perfect. 
But they don’t linger at the bar, or the couches, or anything. They slip into the pantry, smelling of new wood and paint, Liam pulling Drake into a hard kiss the moment the door slides shut, Drake’s hand finding a light switch in their hurry, his back pressed against the shelves, cans and boxes rattling at the force. 
Drake groans into Liam’s mouth, rough and fast, one hand wound into Drake’s hair. Liam’s free hand pulls his hips to his, grinding, smirking at the evident arousal. Drake nips his lower lip before they part, eyes near black. “What was that for?” He whispers, low, husky, and Liam shivers as Drake runs a hand down his side, cupping him through his slacks. 
No, he wasn’t going to have the power after that stunt. Quickly, Liam pins Drake’s wrists to the side, against the wood, eyes glinting, the thrill of his submission… quite frankly, pretty fucking amazing. Drake rolls his hips and Liam bites his tongue, their whiskey laced lips centimeters from their swollen lips. “I think I need to remind you who you belong to,” Liam growls, squeezing his wrists before firmly grabbing Drake’s hips as he knelt, burning everywhere. 
Drake traces Liam’s lower lip, then jaw, with a finger. “I thought I belonged to Jaela, too.”
Liam chuckles, loosening Drake’s jeans as Drake gulps, gripping the shelf, knocking over a a cracker box. “She’s not here, is she?” Liam breathes, jeans falling down, freeing his thick cock within the second Liam parted the slit, precum on the tip. “And right now,” Liam lingers, tongue flicking over the head, Drake shuddering. “You belong to the King.” And he takes Drake into his mouth, tongue flat on the underside of his dick before he slides it up, swirling around the head,, already setting a rhythm that he knew would make Drake cum and utter his name.
Drake throws his head back, head shut, and knocks over some cans, rolling on the shelf before finding purchase next to organic Doritos.  “Fuck,” he mouths. “Liam—”
Stopping, lips brushing against his rock hard dick, Liam raises an eyebrow as his slowly pumps the shaft. “What did you call me?”
Drake rocks his hips forward, hand gripping Liam’s shoulder. “My King,” he finally says, Liam tingling with desire, warmth, and need before resuming sucking Drake’s cock in— he has to admit it, Mary’s spacious pantry, packed perfectly. 
But Liam focuses on Drake, hands gripping the back of his thighs, keeping him close as possible, teeth grazing in the gentlest way over his head when he pulled back— only to bob back in, taking all of Drake, gag reflex long gone, salty precum mixing with his saliva. 
The floor rumbles with the people upstairs moving and chattering, louder than before, but the men are lost, Liam drawing Drake’s quiet moans— and a louder one, when he squeezes his ass, boxer fabric so thin, the heat from Drake’s skin on Liam’s fingers, even through the red plaid. “Fuck, Li— my, my King,” Drake pants, thrusting his hips forward. But in an effortlessly move, Liam stops his, locking eyes with him, pinning his hips to the shelving, a can of baking spray falling over, Drake gasping, holding on to his wrist, muttering under his breath. 
There’s one thing that’ll do Drake in when he’s this close, Jaela teaching it to him one languid evening during the summer. While his tongue circles the brim of the head, he cups his balls through the boxers, then slowly flicks his tongue over the tiny slit on his head, lips nearly off of his dick before he dives all the way in, Drake moaning as he comes, covering his mouth. 
Liam lets him finish, swallowing every drop before standing up, cupping his face between his hands. Drake’s breathless, adjusting himself before Liam captures him in another kiss, his own dick straining against his pants. If they wanted to rejoin the party… something had to be done. 
Oh, he’s so fucking sure Drake is willing to do anything for him, for his King, after all. 
Drake shivers as he tastes himself, their kiss sloppy, but neither caring, Drake’s arms around Liam before Liam pulls away, harsh. “We should get bac—”
“I don’t think so,” Liam says, gruff and Drake’s mouth curves into a smile, knowing that tone. 
“Get on your knees for your King.”
Though Drake obeys, Liam still grips his shoulders, helping him down, smirking. Liam’s dick is throbbing, Drake wasting no time to removes his pants, part his boxers, and then to take all of him, as he did to him. Liam grips his hair with both hands, Drake raking nails up and down Liam’s legs, tongue fucking amazing, licking, dragging, swirling, hot breath on his throbbing dick, tugging Drake hair, eliciting a moan from him. 
Liam lets his head fall back, eyes shut, in pure ecstasy, thrusting his hips forward— and Drake taking the motion— and him— all at once. “Drake…” he mutters, heart pounding— then stopping when there’s footsteps. 
Somehow, his cock gets harder as the stairs creak and groan. Drake and Liam lock eyes, Drake pulling away long enough to whisper, “Can’t stop until the King comes,” and then resumes, nails digging into his thighs. Liam loves the thrill, though hearing Drake and Jaela is different than being caught with Drake like this. 
“Drake? Liam? Dinner’s ready!” It’s Mary, and Drake sucks harder, faster. Liam lets out a strangled groan under his breath when he comes as Drake flicks his tongue just right, Mary’s slurred speech and footsteps closer. 
Liam keeps Drake in place, swallowing him, eyes locked with a smirk, before he releases him. 
They had three kids, so they know how to dress quickly, pulling up their pants in a flash, Drake still swallowing Liam’s cum when they open the door, Mary a few feet away, staring at them with her head tilted. “Oh! You saw the pan…”
Out of the corner of his eye, Drake wipes his mouth with his thumb, smirking during the last small gulp. Mary looks between the two of them, wobbling on spot, face blushing into a deep red, hand over her heart. “I, oh, the pantry—”
“It’s quite lovely, Mary,” Liam says, striding forward, touching her arm. “Really spacious, just like you said. I’ll be sure to tell my wife.” He winks, and she nods, mouth still open. 
“Isn’t it beef tenderloin tonight?” Drake says, brushing her shoulder. “You’re also running low on flour.” He winks and she sputters, fanning herself when they head up the stairs, to rejoin the rest of the group, Tom purposely avoiding them for the rest of the evening, Mary suddenly silenced— but with a look of curiosity on the pair. 
Once more, not that Liam minds. Let them whisper. 
Besides, he’s sure Mary would keep her intrigued mouth shut, after all. 
The house is dark when they arrive, Jaela’s spot on the couch cleaned up. They kiss for a moment, then Drake parts. “I’ll check on the kids. You find Jaela.”
The master bedroom is empty, and then he goes to Drake and Jaela’s room— only slightly smaller than the master, because it wasn’t that they planned for their polyamorous relationship to happen when they fled Miami to meet Drake here— Jaela coughing in bed. 
Liam crawls onto of the comforter and onto her through the fabric when she’s done coughing. Jaela smiles in the low light and Liam brushes her hair out of her face, she too sick to even wrap it up. “What are you doing here?” He says, kissing her cheeks. 
She shifts under the blankets and he presses his hips down, against her body. She rolls her eyes, head back on the pillow. “I’m sick. And…” She raises an eyebrow as he does it again. It’s not like they haven’t fucked when one— or both— were down with something before. “I figured you and Drake might want the shower. And bed.”
Liam chuckles under his breath and kisses her neck, Jaela groaning slightly. “And how’d you figure that?”
Jaela quiet for a moment, Liam tracing a hand down her covered body, eyes burning. “You always get like this when it’s this time of year,” she mumbles and he raises an eyebrow. 
“This time of…?”
“When we left Cordonia,” she whispers, taking a hand to draw a line on his cheekbone, Liam’s smile falling. “You want us to call you King and stuff and… well, to be honest, I’m not up for an all night fucking session. As much as I like it when you take charge.”
Maybe she had a point. Yet, that was years ago. He didn’t want to be King anymore, for her, for his family, for… him. “That’s not it,” he says, kissing her nose. “I know why you dislike—”
“Dislike is too kind a word.”
“Well, I know why now. God, she really wants him, huh?”
Jaela nods, frowning. “Was she bad? Did she say anything?”
“Oh Abdi,” Drake says, clapping a hand on Liam’s back when he enters the room, shirt already off. “I think she’ll keep her mouth shut for a while. We might of shocked her into oblivion.”
Jaela gasps, eyes wide. “You fucking didn’t.”
They laugh together, each kissing her cheek at the same time. “We didn’t quite do that then. But we have some unfinished business. Come on Rys.”
Liam gives Jaela one last kiss and gets off the bed, shutting the door to her coughing again, whispering into Drake’s ear, tongue tracing the lobe, “Call me fucking King.”
Disclaimer: Pixelberry owns the rights to these characters.
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