#okay but for real the fact that its jaime reyes blue beetle helping me improve so much on my art is crazy (in a fun way)
sosoribro · 10 months
a very small collection of what i would consider to be my best pieces
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man i like this one so much
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the eyes are huge here but i think that makes it even better
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fun fact i woke up at 4am on august 18th completely by accident (true) and i drew this to make sure i'd stay awake. i wasn't tired anymore, but i figured i should make one more thing before going to see it :>
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ok i'll admit i had to trace the wings from an actual photo but i still really like this one and its an idea i've had for a while
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i loooove this one!!!
okay enough about me everyone leave right now and say good things about your own art tell them sosoribro sent you
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