#okay and this isn’t even talking about the SA take about the film cause I’ve seen that discourse
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Anyone else grow up as a lonely, misunderstood, undiagnosed neurodiverse (with high pattern recognition skills that felt like some kind of spiritual or supernatural powers), hypersexual teenager who was desperate for meaningful attention and who put themselves in precarious situations to feel a glimmer of affection?
So did we all like Nosferatu or what?
#honestly felt like a relatable coming of age film#unfortunately#I felt so emotional watching that film and both seen by and protective of Ellen#I’m not in therapy rn so you guys get to be my therapist SORRY#okay and this isn’t even talking about the SA take about the film cause I’ve seen that discourse#but like who else was on habbo hotel or coke music meeting creeps who flashed them? just me and my friends?#okay that’s a dumb example from my life but frfr the more I think about this movie the more I love it#also Count Orlok - or more affectionately Daddy O - could still get it
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Let’s Jeff It: A “Kid + Plane + Cable + Truck” Medical Review
First, whoever thought of this episode naming convention did not expect this show to make it past season 3.
Previous MacGyver Medical Reviews:
Awl - X-Ray + Penny - Duct Tape + Jack - CD + Hoagie Foil - Guts + Fuel + Hope - Wilderness + Training + Survival - Father + Bride + Betrayal - Lidar + Rogues + Duty - Nightmares - Seeds + Permafrost + Feather - Friends + Enemies + Border - Mason + Cable + Choices - Bitter Harvest -
The episode centers around a pilot (Ben) and his son (Asher) flying in a private Cessna aircraft. The pilot has a medical emergency and becomes unconscious, leaving the plane, with 10 year old Asher inside, on autopilot and running out of fuel. Mac and Desi manage to board the plane in mid-air using an improvised zip-line, and while Desi attempts to land the plane before fuel runs out, Mac attempts to save Ben’s life by improvising a defibrillator. It’s found that the pilot had been deliberately poisoned with an unknown substance, and while investigating, Bozer is also exposed. Once the plane is safely on the ground, the episode cuts to the hospital scene where they have apparently found an antidote to the poison, and all is well.
Honestly this review will almost entirely be about the heart stuff.
Heart Stuff:
So let’s start with Ben. Our first encounter with his medical situation is when Desi asks Asher if Ben is breathing. Beyond questions about Asher’s safety (which they essentially already know), this is a great first question to ask. Breathing is fairly easy to determine, even for a 10 year old, and gives a substantial amount of information. From that one “yes” they know:
Airway: Even though he is sitting up with his head lolling forward, Ben’s airway is open- thus eliminating the immediate need for Asher to pull his father out of the chair.
Breathing: Ben is moving air between the outside and his lungs. Eliminating the need for Asher to help him with that.
Circulation: We can assume if Ben is breathing, his heart is still beating, which eliminates the need to start CPR immediately.
We don’t know the quality or anything else about his breathing or pulse, but we know they are currently at least minimally sustaining Ben’s life, which gives them some time.
Mac then asks Asher to check Ben’s pulse, instructing him “put your pointer finger and middle finger on the inside of your dad’s wrist, just below his thumb. If you don’t feel anything right away, try moving your fingers around a little bit.” This is exactly how to feel the radial pulse, and especially if Asher had ever learned how to feel a pulse before I think it would be reasonable that he could be able to do it.
At the point when Asher responds “I feel it... kinda”, he has his fingers on the other side of Ben’s wrist. And he may have, indeed, felt a pulse there. The inside of the wrist on the side of the pinky finger also has a feel-able pulse called the ulnar pulse. The ulnar pulse is more difficult to find and a little fainter, but it does exist.
The fact that Asher was able to find a radial or ulnar pulse means that Ben’s circulation is working pretty well- if blood is getting all the way to his wrist, we can assume it’s also getting to his heart, lungs, and brain. I’m not sure I would go so far as to use a 10-year-old’s assessment of “kinda” as an indication of a weak pulse, but for the purposes of the story, we’ll take it.
We also have a small amount of history from Asher that Ben was dizzy before passing out. Probably the most well known reason for a “weak pulse and dizziness”, as Russ concludes, is heart attack, but for a medical professional of any kind, that doesn’t narrow things down- heart attack, stroke, hypoglycemia, dehydration, severe allergic reaction, a hidden injury causing severe internal bleeding, a drug or poison, and many others possibilities could also present that way.
They could have gone a little more in depth with the history, asking Asher for information like whether his father had allergies, was on any medications, whether he had any medical problems like diabetes, and when they had last eaten/used the restroom, as well as any other symptoms his father had mentioned prior to passing out. All of these would have helped narrow down a diagnosis. But for a lay group of rescuers who need to stop a plane from falling out of the sky, all they really need to know is that Ben is unconscious but with ABC’s intact.
Also, shout out to Bozer for doing an AWESOME job at distracting Asher while Mac and Co put together the zipline. He didn’t promise anything he couldn’t deliver, saying “we’re gonna do everything we can” instead of “everything will be okay” when Asher asked. And he just kept the conversation going about things Asher liked that didn’t have to do with the situation. There are very few people who would be that comfortable talking to a kid under stress, and Bozer was really exceptional at it.
Once Mac and Desi get to the plane, Mac brings Ben to the back and is presumably assessing him while Desi, Bozer, Matty, and Russ discuss how and where to land. I wish we could have seen the assessment to have more to talk about, but once the story pans back to him, Mac explains that Ben’s pulse is “low, too low.” I’m not sure if he means low as in his heart rate (number of beats per minute) is low, or low as in weak, but the former makes more sense. Even though we know Ben is moving blood forcefully enough with each beat to get it to his brain, not having enough new blood per minute could still result in his unconsciousness.
Slow heart rate is called bradycardia, and there are a few “ways” to be bradycardic. One is called sinus bradycardia, and is essentially a totally normal, but less frequent, heart beat. Bradycardia can also result from atrial fibrillation, where the top section of the heart has a sort of disorganized, random pattern of beats that don’t all transmit to the lower part of the heart, resulting in only some of the beats going through and a pulse that is both slow and irregular. It can also happen when the part of the heart that determines heart rate, called the sinoatrial node, or SA node, isn’t working correctly.
The only one of these that could possibly be treated by defibrillation is the atrial fibrillation. SA node dysfunction would require a pacemaker or external pacer, and sinus bradycardia would require either atropine (of nerve agent antidote fame) or some form of pacing. Sinus brady is probably the only one that would really come from a poisoning situation (unless anyone else has a poison I’m not thinking of).
Here’s a video of atrial fibrillation getting shocked:
Because of the whole poisoning storyline, I think we have to assume that Ben has sinus bradycardia, which, if you will remember from the paragraph above, is one of the ones we can’t shock.
The way Mac explains defibrillation is as follows: “Human muscles contract and expand based on electrical signals from the nervous system. When those don’t work, we can trick a muscle, like the heart, into getting back into rhythm. That’s exactly what happens with a defibrillator.” And I’m not saying anyone couldn’t build a defibrillator with enough time and experience. But if that’s your understanding of how they work, any defibrillator you make is not one I want to try out.
See, the first sentence of that is almost correct. It’s, like, a 6th grade level of correct, but it’s technically correct. I’m just not at all sure where they got the second sentence, because that is not how anything works at all.
In reality, in order for the heart to beat, each individual heart muscle cell needs to contract in a specific sequence. This is coordinated by an electrical impulse that travels through the heart muscle tissue. When you see an EKG, this is a graphical representation of the path that impulse is taking through the heart.
If the “path” gets messed up, it results in a heart rhythm that may not be able to generate beats that support life.
Defibrillation essentially is passing a massive electrical current through the heart tissue, which overwhelms all electrical activity and causes it to stop momentarily. The hope is that the interruption will break or “convert” the ineffective impulses/paths, and the heart will resume in a normal rhythm. Since sinus brady is technically a correct rhythm (just with too long between beats), the best case scenario for defibrillation is that Ben comes back in exactly the same rhythm... which doesn’t do much for him and wastes time.
I would have been much happier and more impressed with the writers if Mac had instead brought over a Phoenix first aid kit, which would almost certainly have an atropine auto-injector for nerve agent poisonings. It’s still a MacGyverism because the drug would be meant to be used for nerve agent exposure, and it would have stood a much better chance of saving (while also not killing) Ben.
Since they never name the weird poison that has bradycardia, rash, and partial, temporary paralysis as effects, that works through transdermal exposure, and has a functioning antidote, I’m going to assume they made it up (they... didn’t have to. They could literally have done a beta blocker or calcium channel blocker overdose, they would have just had to change a few easy things omg...).
The Hospital Room:
I do kind of want to talk about that hospital room, because it’s certainly one of the best I’ve seen in MacGyver. The bed is a real hospital bed, the furniture looks like real hospital furniture, that’s a real IV pump and the tubing is set up correctly (though since the tubing is running through it and it’s on but not programmed (screen is blank) yet, it was probably beeping like heck the whole time they were trying to film), the lights are real and there are both red (generator backup) and white (grid power) electrical outlets in the room, there’s even a computer for charting immediately behind Mac and the sheets don’t fit the bed. Like, that’s a surprisingly real (though very uncluttered) hospital room. I’m actually pretty impressed by that.
A few notes on Season 4 so far:
I’ll say it- I personally disliked the fact that they put Mac and Desi together, then ended their relationship badly off screen. I love Desi as a character, and that move felt like it was designed to designate her as a source of trouble for the team instead of as an asset. I also disliked initially that they added Russ as a source of conflict, and deeply worried the writers were going to use him to push Matty out of the show (or at least, have her constantly fighting against him). I also worried that having the Phoenix taken over by a shady private entity who wants an amount of control over their operations would be shown in a positive, instead of conflicted light.
I’m honestly pretty glad this episode straightened some of those worries out. By the end, Mac and Desi were back on good terms, and Matty had asserted her control over the team in tactical decision making. I’m borderline confident that when public-private conflict is addressed from here on, it will be shown in a way the puts the correct weight on “should we worry about continuing to exist, or should we do what’s right?” and show genuine consequences to whatever choice they make. Like, I hope the writers know what they’re getting in to...
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Blitz/Rook oneshot in which Blitz is, uh, kinda dressed like this. For Halloween. Not that this excuses anything. (Rating M, humour/some sexy times, ~2.6k words) - written for @magehir 💕 and also in response to the leaked Blitz elite skin!
“I would just like to reiterate that it was your idea to use Monika’s prototype to heat up our sandwiches and that -” Blitz is interrupted by yet another smack to his ass from a stranger passing by. His cheeks are hurting at this point and he missed the point where he should’ve just sat down because now it’d be pure agony whereas staying upright invariably ends with more pain. He banked on their British colleagues being both more polite and prudish to actually make use of the slightly smudged writing on his lower back but it seems his hope was completely and utterly in vain. “In short, all of this is your fucking fault and if I get the chance to take revenge -”
“Loosen up and live a little, you dry sponge”, Bandit shoots back, entirely unimpressed with his fury, and deliberately makes eye contact with a bloke trying to squeeze past while simultaneously getting an eyeful of the two of them. “You can touch, but it costs extra, my dude.”
“I can offer a screwdriver right from the bar”, the guy replies and causes Bandit’s face to lighten up and Blitz’ to darken at the same time.
“Don’t give him more to drink”, Blitz pleads but is interrupted by his teammate: “Honey, for a screwdriver I’ll shove my tongue so far down your throat I’ll tickle your vocal cords.”
Normally, Halloween is Blitz’ favourite holiday. He enjoys the thrill of watching scary films, even likes picking out realistic and horrifying costumes and has developed a few rituals over the years. However, this year, all of the previously sacred components which as a whole make up a successful Halloween for him had to be scrapped all because of one of Bandit’s clever ideas. They ended up trashing IQ’s current project, unsurprisingly, and incurred the wrath of a woman who takes a lot of pride in her work and who’s usually able to control her temper. Usually.
Not this time.
The result is a curse on all who are forced to witness it, a plague on earth, an abomination which never should’ve seen the light of day, an unholy trifecta and a trinity of sacrilege. In order to make it up to IQ, they agreed on what at the time sounded like a very simple premise: she was to decide their Halloween costume for the party Rainbow would attend together with the SAS operators stationed at Hereford. Blitz should’ve known it wouldn’t be that easy as soon as IQ agreed a little too readily, but back then he was too relieved to get out of the situation with all limbs intact to look a gift horse in the mouth.
Mistake. Because now he’s not only clad in the skimpiest outfit he’s ever worn in his entire life, no, it’s also an amalgamation of tulle and lace and frills and whatever any of this is called; it’s pink and exposes both his abs and half of his back, barely reaches over his ass and is topped off with intricately laced up knee-high boots sporting dangerously high heels. The objectively worst parts about all of this are twofold though: one concerns the large letters on his back written in permanent marker and spelling out Spank here with arrows pointing downwards, the other one…
Well. Never in his life has he ever felt the urge to watch Bandit make out sloppily with a nondescript Brit while wearing the sluttiest maid outfit Blitz has encountered so far but it seems that’s just what his entire career has lead to. To this moment. To yet another hand reaching out and copping a feel of his backside and him not being able to turn around fast enough to punch whoever did it in the face because he’d probably eat shit instead. Bandit rocks his pumps like a pro while Blitz attempts to move as little as possible. His feet are already killing him.
“I’m gonna throw up any second now”, he informs Bandit as soon as he’s done snogging a stranger and has started drinking the screwdriver. “Why don’t you just pick someone and disappear with them for a bit so I don’t have to watch you reapply your fucking lipstick every other minute?”
“What are you talking about?” Bandit sets his drink down on the counter next to them to whip out his small mirror to check on the state of the garishly red paint on his mouth. “I already fucked three of them. And one dude only let me blow him to get to you, just so you know.”
Okay. Alright. That is it. He’s reached maximum capacity for this evening concerning a lot of things, one of them being all the information Bandit so willingly shares when he’s past drunk – he’s already grating when sober but like this he’s positively insufferable. He’s enjoying the persona his costume enables way too much for Blitz’ taste, has posed for photos, flirts aggressively with literally everyone who doesn’t run away immediately and looked creepily enthusiastic when Jäger wrote the cursed invitation all of them bear on his back. Jäger himself, displaying a similarly short nurse outfit, has been hanging out with other Rainbow ops and is therefore mostly safe from the kind of attention lavished on Blitz – it’s not like he has anyone to hide with, however: Sledge is catching up with old friends and probably wouldn’t appreciate any interference from the porn version of Disney’s Sleeping Beauty, IQ would gloat to an uncomfortable extent and he has the vague feeling Mute would mock him relentlessly.
“I’m leaving”, he announces despite not knowing where he’s going, only knowing he needs to go somewhere else. Somewhere where Bandit isn’t.
“You’re so ungrateful, do you even know that?” This makes him stop in his tracks and frown at his amused friend. “Here I am, valiantly protecting your virtue by redirecting all those perverts’ attention to me, and how am I repaid? With disdain! Oh the humanity.”
Oddly enough, Bandit’s vocabulary increases proportionally to his ego whenever he drinks. “You tried to trade me for a shot of whisky earlier”, he replies drily before turning away for good. He swears he hears Bandit sadly mutter and it almost worked as he walks away.
The size of the party is a problem, however, and Blitz soon finds himself surrounded by people he doesn’t know, some of whom gladly endorse the message on his back whereas others manage to rope him into a conversation under the guise of wanting to be friendly. The illusion is shattered quickly when one of them asks whether he’d be up for a foursome, prompting him to keep drifting through the crowd in mild horror. Bandit has told him before that he looks almost laughably attractive (a fact Bandit still hasn’t forgiven him somehow) but he never really believed it until now. Until he’s suddenly aware of all the looks he’s getting.
“Elias!” He turns around at the mention of his name and comes face to face with a vaguely stunned Rook, probably also drunk and filled to the brim with bad ideas. “I’ve, uh, been searching for you all over. There’s something wrong with Glaz, I need your help.”
Instantly, he sobers up as if he just slept for several hours. “Lead the way.” He barely takes note of Rook’s costume which is comprised of little more than an admittedly adorable dragon onesie and doesn’t even object when the Frenchman grabs his hand tightly and drags him away. He must seem serious enough for no one to drop a remark about his outfit on the way for which he’s eternally grateful, but when Rook suddenly pulls him aside into one of the smaller men’s bathrooms, suspicion befalls him. Especially since the room is otherwise empty. And even more when Rook locks the door behind them with a deep breath.
“Glaz is fine”, he bursts out before Blitz can even say anything, “so don’t worry. But you seemed like someone who needed saving.”
Oh. He supposes Rook isn’t incorrect in that observation though it’s a little embarrassing it was this apparently this obvious. “Yeah. I kinda did.” Here, away from prying eyes and wandering hands, away from the stuffy air and the slightly suffocating presence of the crowd, he can finally breathe freely and feel a little less self-conscious about his clothes. Or the lack thereof, really. “Thank you.”
The heartfelt words are met with a timid smile accompanied by a manic stare Blitz noticed before but accredited to Rook being concerned about Glaz. This… seems to not be the case, though for some reason the young man is attempting to stare a hole into his head. “No problem. I just – I have so much respect for you and everything you do and so seeing you getting groped like that is really upsetting. You’re so much more than just a pretty face, even if it’s an extremely pretty face, but, uh, them reducing you to no more than a body to ogle at is -”, he bites his lip for a second, steadfastly refusing to break the now almost uncomfortable eye contact, “well, I’m not trying to say that it’d be a bad thing in itself if you wanted to be ogled at, but you didn’t seem like you wanted -” He trails off and Blitz realises he hasn’t blinked once since they entered the men’s. Tears are starting to form in Rook’s eyes and if he’s honest, there is some hilarity in this.
“You know, I won’t think less of you if you look, Julien”, he states gently and witnesses all the tension in Rook’s shoulder disappear at once.
“Thank fucking Christ”, he breathes and adds an even quieter holy shit as his gaze swoops to take Blitz’ costume in. Unlike some other expressions Blitz has taken note of throughout the evening, Rook’s speaks of helpless, desperate admiration and is actually quite flattering. Not only because he obviously likes Blitz as a person anyway, but also because he makes no move to touch or even comment.
In fact, his hopeless amazement is so pure that Blitz can’t help but tease him a little. “Dom really went overboard with this. He claimed Monika required us to shave everywhere but I somehow doubt it.”
Watching Rook choke on nothing is oddly satisfying. This time when his eyes travel all over Blitz’ body, it’s almost as if he can feel it like a concentrated ray of sun, kissing all his exposed (and indeed shaved) skin with a tingling warmth which lingers much longer than it should. Somehow, he doesn’t mind it coming from Rook, even welcomes the attention – Rook’s costume definitely plays into it as he looks utterly endearing, but also the strange intimacy of it, the fact they’re alone and Rook isn’t doing it to play along or crack a joke to someone amplifies the pleasant feel. It’s real, that much he knows.
“To be honest, I have no idea what’s supposed to be so sexy about men in skirts”, he continues and is about to add that seeing Bandit in one might have put him off the idea for at least a few decades, yet Rook won’t even let him finish his sentence before he chimes in, cheeks bright red.
“I can tell you: you’re fucking gorgeous already and this – this only makes it better. You might not get it, but fucking hell, I want to unlace your stupid ugly boots with my teeth.”
Blitz’ brows rise simultaneously to Rook’s eyes widening in shock and there are a few seconds during which neither of them move a muscle. It’s definitely one of the tamest propositions Blitz has received all evening and yet it’s decidedly more forthright than all (okay, no, probably just most) of them combined because it’s meant so painfully seriously his mind immediately supplies him with the appropriate mental image. He suspected Rook to be interested in him before and this is the unambiguous proof yet where he’d normally not even consider the Frenchman (alright, another lie, he likes Rook and he likes him a lot), right now he’s… thinking about it.
And thinking right now means picturing him on his knees in front of Blitz and surely, it has to have something to do with the blasted outfit which apparently turns men into horny sluts because he literally can’t think of anything more enticing at that moment. No matter the fucking heels or the odd, cool feeling on his legs and in his crotch or his sore ass, all he can think of is giving in to Rook – who just then starts scrambling to explain himself.
“I’m so sorry, I have no idea where that came from, that’s not what I meant to say at all, I, uh, you look fantastic but you always do, but if you don’t feel comfortable wearing this you of course should take it off – I mean, not right now obviously, but you could go home to change and I’d even come along to help – fuck – I don’t mean like that, I mean I could make sure no one molests you on the way kinda like I’m doing oh God -”
And his pitiful speech dies with a high-pitched noise just as Blitz grabs one of the horns on Rook’s hood to pull him in and smash their lips together.
It says a lot that Rook doesn’t even seem to consider stopping when the door bursts open. Despite it having been locked, the mechanism was too flimsy to really hold against any type of weight – and some large dude reminding Blitz of Montagne slamming Bandit against it quite clearly counts as weight. “Oh fuck, it’s occupied”, Bandit mumbles against an insistent tongue and everything about the whole situation would turn Blitz off immediately if only Rook wasn’t so bloody good at this. His eyes only slide over to the sudden intrusion once, then they go back to gazing up at Blitz lovingly, longingly and with such devotion he still can’t breathe. The young man looks at him like he might literally faint should he actually be allowed to taste Blitz’ come, and not only that, his cheeks hollow out with every bob of his head, one hand is kneading Blitz’ thigh and the other playing with his (now remarkably hairless) balls and dear Lord how can anyone be this earth-shatteringly good at blow jobs?
So yes, even though Bandit and his fourth Montagne substitute saw him in a princess outfit getting sucked with abandon by an adorable purple dragon, he can’t find the energy to care, not when Rook keeps moaning around his shaft like this. It’s by far the hottest thing he’s ever experienced and not even Bandit can rain on this parade.
Even if he seems intent to do just that. “Hey, congrats, baguette, you finally did it”, he calls while herding his newest victim out of the room again, “and don’t forget – you owe me for this!”
And Blitz suddenly remembers how IQ said she’d decide on their punishment later, remembers how he saw Bandit and her together shortly before she announced her final judgement, and how much Rook seemed to look forward to Halloween despite usually not caring about it – but before he can finish the thought, Rook swallows him whole for the first time and rips a groan from his throat which makes the Frenchman’s eyelashes flutter.
He can think about this later, he decides and pushes a hand under soft fabric to bury it in Rook’s hair.
#rainbow six siege#blitz#rook#blitz/rook#fanfic#oneshot#bandit is the maybe not so secret hero in this#also this is pretty much how I picture their friendship#I wrote this in two hours so yay me
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Well, that wasn’t scripted (Chris Evans/Steve Rodgers)
A/N:Chris Evans smut
summary: As a makeup artist you have become comfortable with celebraties working with them everyday but what happens when you have to actually work with them in their own field, under lights,camera and action.
Warnings: female!reader x Chris: Quite Smutty, fingering, stimulation, teasing, swearing , tinsy bit of daddy kink and I don’t know what else
Disclosure: I do not own marvel or any of their characters
Y/N : your name
During scene Chris changes into Steve but hopefully will make sense as you read Hope you enjoyxx
Y/N’s POV:
Now lets get facts straight. I’m like any normal person on the planet. I survived through high school and college. But now, now I am a make up industry on large films such as spiderman, the x-men and hold up the avengers.. did I fucking stutter the avengers most recently the film Infinity War. It’s in this time that I have met the legendary Chris Evans, the beautiful man, that laughs everytime I powder his nose because it tickles…how cute.Anyway being up close and personal with the cast everyday I have managed to become quite close friends with all of them , especially the blonde and blue eyed devil. Anyway today is Chris evans big scene as Captain America is heart broken after seeing his love interest Sharon Carter cheat on him with a random agent. He feels wrong done by and when a flirty gorgeous woman throws herself at him , he doesn’t think twice about taking her to the tower to have his way with her. Lets say im jealous with whoever is playing this role , I’d swop places in a heart beat, literally. As I am setting up the make up for Chris Evans , simple yet a bit has to be added, for the lights. As I am crouching down to get the brushes , the door to the room opens and slams shut with big heavy steps and the person sits down with a huff. Chris seems to be in a happy mood. Sarcasm it’s beautiful. “So grumpy whats got a bee in your bonnet today” i say while turning to face , a shirtless hunk of Chris , okay y/n not the time to druel , smirk. “Y/n i don’t have time for this …” he says while pressing the heel of his hands and rubbing his eyes. “ okay Chris tell me whats wrong ?” I say while putting my hands on his shoulders to get him to look up. He looks up at me with those crystal blue eyes , dammit. “Its just .. the girl who Captain America was supposed to sleep with , she backed out , so now we don’t have a girl and its gonna set us so back, and its just the whole cast is so tired..aghhh.” he says and hangs his head low. “Well if I could act I would do it but then the movie might go to shit.” I say with a nervous giggle before realising what I just said when he gives me the biggest grin. “ really oh my gosh that would help so much I’ll be right back I need to suggest it.” And runs out of the make up room , oh fuck what have i got myself into . Okay so an hour later and I have hair done , make up done and the skimpiest dress I’ve ever worn , yeah you got it right kids , I’m the replacement , which means I’m doing a sex scene with the guy I’ve been obssessed over. How am I gonna even survive this , I’m so shook. I walk on to set where I have to flirt with ‘Steve Rodgers’ , and I’m the bar lady where Steve tries to drown his sorrows even though he can’t. Chris walks up to me eyeing me up and down , well maybe this dress was a good idea. “Hey y/n , you look great by the way and thank you so much for doing this.” “ its no problem Chris it’s just will I be good enough I mean I’m not an actress I’m just a make up artist. ” I say looking at the ground , pouting. Chris gently lifts up my chin looking into my eyes ,“ hey you’ll be perfect just remember its only me , just playfully flirt like we usually do and we’ll be fine , and for the sex scene just follow my lead and we will do well okay beautiful.” Oh my gosh sex and beautiful in the same sentence don’t do that to me Chris, dammit. “Okay I’ll try my best.” I say with hopefully a convincing smile. “Okay its time to shoot , you got this and we haven’t told the rest of the cast that you are replacing the interest as we want them to be actually shocked at the end of the scene.” The scene : “Oh captain, what has gotten America’s favourite soldier so blue” I say behind the bar with a pout. “ don’t really want to talk about it doll” Steve says with a shrug. “ okay handsome, just know you can talk to me everyone knows a bar lady is actually the best person to talk to.” I say with a wink. “ its..its just you fall for this girl and its like she walks on water and gets you and the next moment she is getting fucked on her desk by some no name agent like what the hell.” Steve says frustrated.
“Language soldier” I say with a smirk. “ dont even get me started on that doll.” He says with a small smile. “ okay you want me to be straight with you this girl was stupid to let you go , your a gentleman , strong, fucking hot and probably great in bed , I would of never given that up.” I say staring at him and licking my lips. Steves eyes widen a bit shocked at this girls forwardness but soon recovers and smirks. “So what time do you get off ” I act shocked but then smirk back “ in 20 minutes , may I ask why you would like to know.” I say leaning forward letting my clevege be on display. His eyes dart there quickly before looking up at me ,“ I was thinking of buying you a drink and maybe a dance.” I flutter my eyelashes ,“ such a gentleman as always, and sure i could do with a drink.” Supposedly 4 drinks in , and my characrer Sierra and Steve are on the dance floor . Its supposed to be provocative with the audience surprised to see captain america so raunchy not that I’m complaining grinding back into Chris’s body is never a complaint , I’m soaking now and by what I can feel Chris is also a bit excited. My character turns to face Steve and I wrap my hands around his neck pushing our bodiesvtogether grinding onto him. “ Sierra. .” Steve moans losing himself yet his hands are on my hips not moving, gripping tightly. “Yes captain …” i say looking up at him through my lashes and biting my lip . “ I dont really know what…” “ shhhh ..” my character says putting my finger on his lips .“ Put your hands where it feels right.” I say placing his hands on my ass and Chris lets out a soft growl which isn’t scripted holy shit. Soon my character grows some strength and I pull Steve nearer our lips close yet not touching , holy shit I’m going to kiss Chris and this feels really real. Soon Chris closes the distance and we are kissing tounges, lip biting and everything and I’m trying my best not to let out a moan, gosh dammit is Chris talented in everything he does , soon my back is pushed up against the wall and Chris kisses down my neck , and taps my thighs indicating me to jump , as my legs wrap around Chris’s waist I can feel his not so little friend , is this even acting anymore. I then remember I have a line so I say it in a breathy tone , “ captian shouldn’t we go somewhere a bit less public.” And moan out loud as he nips my neck , that wasn’t scripted. “ sure baby girl lets go.” And Chris carries me to where a stationary car is parked to look like we are going to the tower as Chris sets me down to climb inside but thankfully there is more raunchyness in the car .Chris pulls me into his lap , Istart to grind on him which causes him to release moans which seem a bit to real to be acting , soon he says his next line which is just before we get to the bedroom for the sex scene, oh shit .“Sierra baby if you dont stop now im going to cum in my pants .” Chris gives me a pointed look to say that this isn’t just about the acting. This scene then jumps to the sex scene in Steves bedroom , Chris and I walk onto the set quickly and I jump and wrap my legs around his waist before we resume the sex scene. Chris throws me onto the bed before stripping his shirt off , and being this up and close with a shirtless Chris i could of came right there .he then proceeds to take his pants off leaving him in tight white boxers , holy shit he is rock hard but he has to be for this scene anyway , he then removes my dress in one move realising that I don’t have a bra on and sucks in a breath ,“ baby you look so beautiful right now ” i look at Chris wide eyed as that wasnt scripted but it seems that the director is happy with it. “Please fuck me captain , please.” At this time we go under the covers and the next part is supposed to be all pretend but it seems that Chris has better plans , Chris’s hand sneaks into my panties and as I am about to pretend gasp , i let out a real one when Chris’s finger enters me ,“oh baby girl your so wet for me ” scripted although well he’s not wrong. “Captain please ..” I say whimpering as he adds two fingers into my entrance. He starts to move quicker inside me and I let out real moans when it should be fake and as i am about to hit my high Chris pulls out his fingers and puts it into his mouth tasting me as scripted and says “so sweet.” And I am flushed , but I carry on the scene to not let anyone know whats actually happening , “captain please fuck me ..” I say in a whiny and desperate voice and not much is really acting, Chris then starts grinding on to me and his thigh is against my clit giving me friction that causes me to tilt on the edge and then he whispers in my ear only for me to hear ,“ come for me baby ” and this pushes me over and causes me to moan that puts a porn star to shame. The director calls cut and congradulates me on my ’ acting’ and states that i need to wear just captain America’s shirt over my underwear for the next scene. When he turns away i look over at Chris who is smirking at me ,“ we will talk about this later ” i say and slip his shirt on walking to the next scene , i pretend to be looking for something to eat and as I am reaching for the cereal the rest of the team walks in and I can hear gasps as they did not know I was going to play the scene, Natasha says ,“ so captain did get lucky last night , I thought I heard right ” at this I drop the the cereal box and turn suddenly to see all the avengers ,“ oh um hello , im Sierra and I, I’m not trespassing I came home with um … steve and we uhh… and … this is really awkward , I just really wanted some cerial.“ I say with an awkward smile , then Bucky says "with those legs your welcome anytime doll face ” and looks me up and down. “ and with that ass ,” Pietro says and at that Chris walks in(as scripted ) and looks at my state weirdly before looking in the direction I’m looking at and sees the team , “ahhh right , guys this is Sierra , we met last night and we hung out and yeah.” He says scratching his head blushing before wrapping his arm around my waist. “ I call bullshit you had sex ” tony says running out the room as steve chases them and wanda states “men” END OF SCENE Everyone starts to cheer and congratulates on my acting and sebastian comes up to me and kisses me on the cheek , “ Y/n you did amazing and I wasn’t lying about those legs" and then Scarlett joins in ” yes girl , why have you been hiding this from us.“ ” well its just ..“ by this time Chris interrupts us ” sorry guys Y/n and I have to catch up on something so we are going to hang out in my trailer , okay bye “ tugging on my hand while running to his trailer before pushing me inside locking the door , ” is everything okay Chris “ I say looking at his heaving chest .” Yeah sure besides the fact you are driving me insane” “ what do you mean ?” I say confused . “Oh come on y/n , during that scene i just wanted to properly take you on that bed but I opted in just fingering you but now I’m just hungry for more and I always get what I want ” Chris says pushing me against the wall in his trailer. I smirk up at him and drag his shirt off my body ,“ well then daddy , why don’t you take what you want ?”
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