#okay also i wanted to put ateez but i can’t choose a bias out of themnskkejhwjjw ssoruuyy
dejoovu · 5 years
1 of 2 tag🏷
tagged by @heonie-ween thx kimi💖💖
rules: list 10 biases and then answer the following questions
OKAY SO THIS LIST-10-BIAS FUCKS ME UP CAUSE I DONT EVEN KNOW IF I KNOW 10 KPOP GROUPS LMAO but okay this is a random list, not a top 10!!!
1. jooheon - monsta x
2. jiwoo - kard
3. mino - winner
4. seunghoon - winner
5. hani - exid
6. amber - f(x)
7. yugyeom - got7
8. christian yu - dpr
9. hwasa - mamamoo
10. moonbyul - mamamoo
between 1 & 4, who would you rather kiss?
okay i don’t wanna answer this cause i’ll probably regret kissing jooheon lmao
between 2 & 7, who would be your best friend?
ashkhejk jiwoo is such a cutie i’d love to have her as a friend
between 5 & 10, who has the better voice?
lol fuck mhhhhh.. moonbyul make me feel a certain way so
between 1 & 8, who is the funniest?
never saw christian being funny like okay yes but in a hot way, while jooheon is a fucking dumb bitch lmao i love him
between 6 & 9, who would you date?
probably amber
between 9 & 10, who would you do a collab with?
no one cause i’m ugly and awkward as fuck i can’t do talent sorry
between 4 & 8, who is the best dancer?
between 3 & 5, who would you most likely marry?
my heart tells me hani, my pussy tells me mino
between 1 & 7, who would you nurse when they’re sick?
i’m not nursing jooheon holy shit that bitch would be a pain in the ass bye
between 2 & 3, who has the better smile?
mr song minho
between 6 & 8, who would you rather vacation with?
nights in expensive hotels with big ass windows with christian!!!!!
i’ll tag @jooheonbot @kihyunsbabe @wonhoneybun @myleejooheon
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choking-on-tae · 3 years
Wizard ATEEZ Falling In Love With A Non-Magical S.O
Anon: how about wizard!ateez falls for a normal non-magical s/o? hmm like wizards and humans aren't allowed to interact so they kept the relationship a secret? or the friendship a secret if you don't want it to be romantic
Anon: ot8 wizard!ateez would be great or it can be hongjoong if you want a single member fic. but you can choose anyone you think fits it best they're all my bias sdjhfkfkr
A/N: I absolutely love supernatural AU's and ATEEZ so for me this is the perfect combo! I love this idea and wanted to make it longer than my normal reactions, hence why I didn't make it a 'ateez reaction to' post although it's pretty similar. I love supernatural AU's but be warned this is gonna be looooooong. x
Warnings: Angst and mentions of injuries. Idk if that triggers anyone but just thought I'd let you know in advance! x
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Seonghwa is someone who follows rules and doesn't question them to much. It isn't until he catches feelings for an adorable non-magical person that he finds himself questioning it. Why is it that wizards aren't allowed to fall in love with non-magical people? It just something that doesn't make sense to him. It's because humans are supposedly dangerous to them, although Seonghwa couldn't possibly imagine how.
He's just going on his evening walk when he spots you sitting in a field, admiring the pretty flowers. A soft smile spreads across his face as he makes his way towards you. "They're really pretty, aren't they?"
Your head snaps around at the sound of a voice, but you instantly relax when you notice it's Seonghwa. You flash him a shy smile as you nod your head.
"Yeah, these tulips are my favorite actually."
Seonghwa moves to sit down beside you as he too admires the beautiful tulips. You know Seonghwa is a wizard and that you're technically not supposed to be around each other, but it just feels so weird to you. He's just Seonghwa. There's nothing scary about him.
"I know we're not supposed to be around each other but I really like talking to you, Seonghwa." You whisper softly, but due to your close proximity it's still loud enough for him to hear.
He feels his heart flutter as he looks you in the eye. His heart beating rapidly against his chest as he tries to find the right words to say.
"I know what you mean. I feel the same way about you Y/N."
You smile at his words as your hands creeps towards his, gently lacing your fingers together as you give his hand a tight squeeze. Seonghwa feels his cheeks flush as he smiles brightly, knowing that you feel the same way he does.
He leans in to press a kiss against your cheek before resting his head on your shoulder, playing with your fingers as you two sit peacefully in the tulip field.
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Hongjoong isn't one to obey the rules, so when he came across one that said that wizards aren't allowed to fall in love with humans, he almost wanted to fall in love with one just to break the stupid rule. Almost. What he didn't expect was to actually fall in love with one. He didn't hate humans but the never actually found one that caught his eye. Until he met you. He spotted you one day when he was looking out of the window, sipping a warm cup of coffee as he looked at the outside world.
That's when he spotted you walking outside, headphones on as you skipped around. He chuckled softly when he saw how happy you looked, and he instantly wanted to get to know you better. There was just something about you that caught his eye, and he wanted to know what it was.
It wasn't until he finally met you that he found out what it was, your passion. Whenever you talked about something you liked your eyes would sparkle. It was something he hadn't seen before in a person and it really made him want to get to know you better. Hongjoong could tell right away that you weren't a witch, and that he should probably stay away but he just couldn't bring himself to do that.
He likes you, so he continued meeting up with you and eventually fell in love. You're sitting under a tree together, listening to one of your favorite songs when Hongjoong suddenly leans in to press a kiss against your cheek, taking you by surprise.
You stare at him with wide eyes as you ask, "What are you doing?" "Isn't it obvious? I like you."
"But you aren't supposed to-" "-I know that, but I don't care. I like you Y/N and there's nothing I can or want to do about that. That is if it's okay with you of course."
His voice grows noticeably softer towards the end, which doesn't go unnoticed by you. He must be nervous for your response. Because you know just as well as he does that you aren't supposed to be doing this, but you can't bring yourself to care.
So you flash Hongjoong a bright smile as you pull him close enough to kiss him. He's surprised at first but soon kisses you back. It's short and sweet but long enough to know what the other person is feeling.
Hongjoong pulls back and wraps his arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer as you two lean back against the tree again and continue listening to your favorite playlist.
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Yunho is so focused on trying to perfect his spell that he doesn't hear you come in. You walk into the room, excited to show your best friend a funny video you saw online when you see something floating in the air. You drop your phone to the ground, the sound startling Yunho who turns around to look at who came in. Once he sees that it's you his eyes grow wide and he drops the object that was floating in the air.
"Y/N..." He says, beyond shocked that you caught him.
Now there's no point in hiding it anymore. Now you know he's a wizard. "I-I can explain..." He says, slowly making his way towards you but to his surprise he doesn't see you backing away.
"You're a wizard..." You stammer, still staring at you with wide eyes.
"I am. I'm sorry for not telling you sooner."
"I get it." "Huh?"
"I get why you didn't tell me, Yunho."
He's surprised by your action but also relieved. Yunho is glad that you aren't scared of him, so he makes his way towards you and gives you a hug, which you return.
"So you're not scared of me?" He asks, nervously biting down on his bottom lip as he stares at you with big eyes.
"Of course not Yunho."
He flashes you a bright smile as he rests his chin on your shoulder, holding you close. Yunho brushes his nose against your cheek before pressing a soft kiss against it.
"I really like you Y/N. I know I'm not supposed to but that's why I tried hiding it from you."
You nod at his words as you pull back just enough to be able to look at him. "I really like you too Yunho. I don't care that you're a wizard and I'm not a witch, but I still like you a lot."
Yunho smiles brightly at your words as he presses his forehead against yours, staring into your eyes.
"Then let's not care about what people say and just be together."
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You grab the two mugs with hot tea as you make your way to the living room, where Yeosang is reading a new book that he's become obsessed with lately. You let out a soft chuckle as you place the mugs down on the coffee table as you watch how focused Yeosang is on the book.
"What's it about?"
Yeosang's head snaps up upon hearing your voice. His cheeks turn a soft shade of pink as he tries to find the right words to say. "Its... uhmm.. just a book about history."
You nod softly, not believing a word he says. Yeosang has never been a good liar and you can see right through him, but you don't question it further.
You take your mug as you start sipping your tea, taking out your phone as you scroll through it.
"I'm gonna go to the restroom real quick." "Okay."
Yeosang closes the book as he leaves to go to the restroom. As soon as he's gone you reach for the book and look at the name. "The history of potions." Why the hell would he be reading a book about potions? It's then that something clicks in your brain. Oh my god Yeosang is a wizard.
You sit there in shock until Yeosang comes back, looking just as shocked as you. "Y/N... I.. I can explain."
"Are you a wizard?"
Yeosang nods softly as he feels his cheeks heat up from your stare. "Yes, I'm sorry for not telling you. I know we've been dating for a while but I didn't know how to tell you..."
"I'm not mad. I get why you didn't tell me."
He seems surprised by your reaction, and can't help but smile softly when he sees your happy expression. "So we're good? Even though we technically aren't supposed to be together?"
You wrap your arms around Yeosang's neck as you look him in the eyes. Staring at him lovingly before leaning in to press a soft kiss against his lips. "I don't care about that Yeo. I just want to be with you."
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You and San are playing in the field together, laughing and running after each other when you accidentally fall over a branch.
"Are you okay?" San asks, hurrying towards you as he kneels down besides you, examining the injury on your leg. The cut looks pretty deep and there's some dirt in it as well. San takes out his wand and uses a spell to cure your injury. Meanwhile you're staring at him with wide eyes. Coming to the realization that your best friend and person you're in love with is a wizard.
You feel your heart sink as you feel yourself tearing up. San puts his wand away and turns to look at you with a soft smile, but it disappears as soon as he sees the tears in your eyes. "W-What's wrong Y/N?"
"You're a wizard?"
San nods his head, his eyebrows furrowing because he still doesn't understand why you'd be upset about that. Since you've said multiple times that you think wizards are pretty cool. It isn't until he thinks back on some things you've said to each other that he realizes why you're crying. You're in love with him.
San feels his heart ache when it dawns upon him. The person he's been in love with for years feels the same way about him. Now it makes sense why you're upset. San sighs softly as he looks at you, wiping your tears as he leans in to kiss your forehead.
"I'm sorry Y/N, I should have told you sooner."
San moves to get up but as soon as he does you grab his hand, pulling him back instantly. The unexpected move causes San to fall forward and onto you. The two of you stare at each other with wide eyes as you feel your cheeks heat up.
"Sorry.. I just didn't want you to leave."
"No I get that." San says, smiling softly as he looks into your eyes.
"Maybe we could make this work, we just have to keep this a secret. I don't know if you want to d-" You press your lips against his, efficiently shutting him up as you wrap your arms around his neck. San smiles against your lips as he pulls back, chuckling softly.
"I'll take that as a yes."
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From the moment Mingi first met you he knew you weren't a witch, and that it would be dangerous to befriend you. Not because you're a human because humans aren't dangerous, but because he might fall in love with you. When he met you he could instantly tell that you had a different way of thinking, and Mingi really liked that. It didn't take long before the two of you became friends, and soon he started to fall in love with you.
This cutie would be so conflicted, because he knows he isn't supposed to fall in love with a non-magical person but he couldn't understand why he wasn't allowed to.
You were aware that Mingi was a wizard and that you weren't allowed to be together, but just like Mingi you couldn't understand why it was that way. What was so wrong about wizards and non-magical people loving each other.
You were sitting on the couch, cuddled up together when Mingi suddenly leans down to kiss your cheek. Your eyes grow wide as you look at him. Your expression making him chuckle.
"What's it, Y/N?" "Why did you kiss me?"
"Because I like you."
If you weren't blushing before you sure are now. Mingi chuckles at your expression as he hugs you tighter.
"I know it's not allowed but I don't care. I like you and if you'll let me I'd love to be your partner."
You smile brightly as you hug him tighter, pressing a couple of kisses against his cheeks as he chuckles softly.
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One thing Wooyoung has always been interested in is potions, specifically love potions. He wonders if they actually work so that's why he decided to make one. Woo wasn't planning on making one that makes someone fall in love but one that lets you smell the scent of your soulmate. Wooyoung wanted to find out if it was really you. Once he finishes putting all the incredients in he stirs it around a litle before a delicious scent fills his nostrils. A delicious but also very familiar scent. Your perfume mixed with the smell of your laundry detergent. He's so caught up in his thoughts that he doesn't hear the front door unlock.
When you walk into his apartment the last thing you expect is to see your best friend standing over a small cauldron. You furrow your eyebrows as you stare at him. "Uhm. What are you doing, Woo?"
As soon as he hears your voice a panicked expression is plastered on his face. His eyes wide as he stares at you in shock. "Y/N... what are you doing here?"
You show him the bag of chips he asked you to buy as you say, "It's our weekly movie night. Did you forget?"
"No.. of course not.. uhm.." Wooyoung stammers, trying to think of an explanation but knowing there is none.
You lean against the doorframe as you fold your arms over each other, staring at him with a smirk on your face. "So a wizard, huh? That explains a lot."
Wooyoung seems surpised by your response but he's relieved you're taking it so well. He smiles softly as he makes his way towards you. "So.. you're not mad?"
You shake your head 'no' as you give him a hug. "Of course not, although it would have been nice to know that the guy I like is a wizard."
"You like me?" He smiles brightly upon hearing your words, pulling you closer until his nose brushes against yours.
"Yes. Like Wooyoung. I like you."
Wooyoung leans in to kiss you softly as he mumbles, "I really like you too Y/N. I don't care what anyone says."
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Jongho is going on his usual evening walk when he spots you sitting out near the river. He's surprised to see you there so late, since you're not a massive fan of the dark. He makes his way towards you, trying not to scare you as he carefully sits down next to you.
You look up to see Jongho sitting next to you, making you smile softly. Just when you were thinking about you he appears. How funny. Jongho's heart flutters when he sees you smiling at him as he notices you fiddling with your fingers. Something you always do when you're nervous.
"What are you thinking about Y/N?" "Oh.. just something." You mumble, trying to avoid his eyes.
Jongho is having none of it so he gently takes your hand is his, softly brushing his thump across the back of it as he gives it a soft squeeze. "You can tell me."
"I like you Jongho. And I know I'm not supposed to and you probably don't like me back but I just can't help it."
His eyes widen at his words as he takes a moment to take all of it in. You like him back? A wide smile spreads across his face as he takes your other hand is his too, squeezing them softly as he looks at you.
"Y/N... I like you too. I can't believe you feel the same way."
Now it's your turn to be surprised. Jongho likes you back? Even though he's a wizard?
"But we aren't supposed to..-" "-I know, but I don't care."
Both of you smile softly at each other as Jongho pulls you a little closer to him, so you're practically pressed together as you continue staring at the flowing river in front of you. aa
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yyxgin · 4 years
10, 16, 22, 23 & UH!! the last five? 👉🏻👈🏻
10: your favorite era of your favorite band: umm i can't really choose between GO LIVE and IN LIFE era they are both cultural resets fjsjsk
16: the group you could see yourself becoming best friends with: eeeeh stray kids ?? literally lmao. they just seem so down to earth and funny people,,also enhypen bc i am convinced jay is my spirit animal and we'd be besties. and txt because they are so chaotic as well 😭
22: if you were stuck in a horror movie you'd want which group with you: djek idk ?? they all seem like such scaredy cats tbh,,probably bts hyung line bc they seem reasonable and won't do stupid shit that would get us killed (umm hobi....okay i'll let it slide)
23: favorite fandom glow stick: i geniounely love the skz and ateez glowsticks ?? also cherry bullet like i dont stan but that glowstick >>>>>
46: if i knew someone with the same bias as me i would: dksk scream with them about them what else is there to do 😭
47: kpop idol i would most like to meet: minho,,not bc he is my ult but because of his personality omg 😭😭 or jackson wang bc he is the official aries idol representant and we would just chaotically vibe together djsksl
48: kpop idol who is like a role model to me: yoongi. he's been through hell and he still keeps going, he is really inspiring to me. also his view on life is really deep and makes you think
49: favorite kpop lyrics: i've been walking with the cheese that's the queso 😤🤪🤪 djsk no but really i am sucker for deep lyrics so here's a few: "i grew a flower that can't be bloomed in a dream that can't come true", "maybe we're living younger, that's why we're fever", "though i reach out my hand, there's nobody to hold it", "blessings wait for you"
50: if i had a whole day with my bias i would: dnsm visit soonie doongie and dori with him just to see him all soft happy and adorable 🥺🥺
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ainabaina · 4 years
While I’m in an emotional mood - from BEING SO FOCUSED I COULDN’T SEE PROPERLY - HAVING MY HEART PLUMMET when SUNWOO FELL TO HIS DEATH, my heart RIPPED from all the high notes they were all spitting- Hui, Seonho etc (sorry I can’t remember my head’s like blank), to the sweat coming out excessively from my eyes during those interviews and THEN MY HAND HAD SOMEHOW BECOME ROGUE AND STARTED ACTING UP and IT’S ALL THE MC’s FAULT - ADD TO THE DRAMA WHY DON’T YOU? 
But seeing these boys cry and perform their hearts out and on a programme that’s attentive to this, I’m really proud of them. I’m proud of all of them. 
I haven’t watched passed The Boyz performance in episode 3 yet because I’m still waiting for my friend to watch it together so just a heads up why I won’t mention anything after that! 
Golden Child - I was honestly so surprised to see they got eliminated and so fast too! But I hope everyone sends them love regardless. They’re absolutely excellent artists so please give them love. I first saw these guys on the Weekly Idol episode they did with Weki Meki and fell in love with Donghyun but could never pick him out anywhere else because he just blended so well with blue. Also TAG’s reaction was so cute. Like their performance told a story. It was so artistic. My bias is Donghyun and TAG. PLEASE GIVE GOLDEN CHILD LOVE. ALSO WANNABE is an amazing song, please check out and stream their music. When Jangjun was on the phone with The Boyz, oh my god, he’s so funny but man if he did that to me he’d probably get a hiding. Not gonna lie :D 
TOO - Before RTK, I knew of them. I knew Magnolia but not enough to be familiar with the beat or lyrics. I knew Kyungho but only by face. The dance battle video too came frequently on my dash on Youtube and I regret not watching it sooner. The fact that they literally debuted in April just amazes me. Their Rising Sun performance was just so amazing, like I’ve watched it so many times. Also Donggeon, underrated vocalist, he’s become one of my favourites and literally just with that single performance, the power. TOO underrated everything. My biases (well at this point in time, I still need to get familiar with them) are Kyungho and Woongi. 
ONEUS - I was so happy seeing these boys on RTK and I hoped they would be able to grow their fanbase and their skills in the way they deserve. These boys are absolute treasures and literally all are some of the sweetest boys I’ve ever seen. I was already a fan of ONEUS before RTK and they really did not disappoint. My bias in ONEUS is Ravn and that did not change, although I did have difficulty finding who my biaswrecker was because they kind of all have that title at the moment. I love their new song too. Like give me more please. Also when the concept movie thing came out, I just wouldn’t leave my seat for a good half hour because I just kept getting immersed in it. 
VERIVERY - Now this is the group I probably feel the most apologetic (?) to because in comparison to other groups, I’m not too sure I can differentiate anyone and I know I could literally look up their names but it kind of feels more authentic (?) I guess this way. I know who Kangmin is and I thought we were the same age but nope he’s younger than me, way younger than I thought. I also really like their leader, Dongheon (I couldn’t help myself and looked up names and am just checking out their profile) and the way he organises his members and leads his members is absolutely amazing and diligent. Also - Hoyoung? Studied in New Zealand? AHH, wow it’s so weird hearing his accent cause like it’s also mine and I don’t know why it’s so strange to me. Fuck I want to find out what part of New Zealand he's from and I want them to perform here. Shit now I want to talk to him.  Okay guys please send recommendations of what I should watch because I can’t let this group slip from my fingers when I have them in sight so- 
Pentagon - AHH! Pentagon! I’m so fucking proud of them. They always hold themselves high throughout anything and they stay confident and everything no matter what happens. Seriously they’re boys that you could put all your trust, love and support in and know that it’s in a safe place and that with them it’s valued and I’m not saying that other groups aren’t like that, I just feel like it’s a thing with them. I mean, just look at Kino and that’s all the validation you need. But wow, their themes are absolutely amazing and Hui’s high note fucking killed me tonight. I knew who Pentagon were before RTK and stan them (kind of casually - I watch their videos and content often) But I have four biases in Pentagon and can’t choose between them and like there’s also another member that keeps snapping his fingers in front of my face and I’m tryna stay loyal. But I’ve got four possible biases, Jinho, YeoOne, Kino and Hui and there’s just a warm feeling with these guys. Like help, I can’t choose a bias from Pentagon to save my life and I’m kind of sad that Jinho has gone to serve military enlistment so soon but that just means he’ll be back sooner. 
ONF - Wow, ONF. That amount of things I’ve heard about them like literally a couple of weeks/months before RTK has been outstandingly large and I always seemed to see them with ATEEZ often. But their performances are so hard to get over, it like captures you in the moment with an ecstatic amount of dimensions and it’s just all really thought out. They’re also hilarious. Like I had to rewind a lot of the time because I find this one particular bit so funny. Their reactions were what I lived for. I’ve also come to realise I have a massive crush on Wyatt. Like damn. But can’t wait to listen to their music more and to find out more about their members. Right now all I really know is Wyatt and I’d like to get to know more. 
The Boyz - YAY! Congratulations my boys. So fucking proud of you you have no idea. Fucking freaked me out a lot (Sunwoo I’m looking at you you little sh*t) but I was in awe just watching you completely in your element. I used to be only a casual fan and knew most of the members but not all. I watched a couple of fan edits and liked a few pictures. I was so upset when Hwall left (and I hope he knows how proud of him I am as well). He was my bias and everything too so it was kind of a double hit. But 2020 must of been the year that I would eventually stan them stan them, stan them so much that they become top 3 on my personal kpop group bias list. Like I’m watching a lot of Youtube with them and their concepts and their ideas are so creative and open-minded. Like a concept is just a word to them and not a concrete ‘must do this’. But since becoming a stan, my love for Sunwoo grew again (I used to struggle between choosing between him and Hwall and also double biased them) and he’s actually my ideal type out of kpop idols. I also grew a love for Hyunjae and let me tell you, he fucking intimidates me and a massive part of that is because I have a crush on him. It’s just like-man. I remember first stanning them or trying to at least and like it feels like a faraway dream because it feels like it’s been forever supporting these boys and like they’ve become part of my heart and soul now. Like I love them so much and like world domination. 
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idk-loving-kpop · 4 years
Hi love!🌹 Can I have a written ship with BTS, Seventeen, Monsta X, Ateez, and Stray kids, please?
I’m an ENFJ, 5'6", have a long black hair, dark eyes, fair skin, oval face and chubby cheeks. I’m the eldest of 4, making me reliable and a good leader. Very caring, supportive (#1 fan), affectionate, kind, strong both physically and mentally. Really nice a friendly to everyone and polite around adults. I get competitive and fearless sometimes. I’m a good listener so as a good adviser. I work hard, play hard! I do things fast, walk fast, work fast, speak fast but I always think through it before act. When I work with others, I’m the idea gatherer. If there’s a problem, they tend to let me deal with it. I’m pretty agreeable and good with comforting. My way is to encouraging people, not to use harsh words or yell. I don’t think of giving up on what I do and my love ones. I love sharing my love with my family and people I care. I just love, enjoy doing thoughtful things for others and always wish them well. My friends say I have the power to make people happy and think in a positive way. I adore animals, children (//they make me super happy! 😍 I really enjoy being around them.), LOVE cuddling, skinship, coffee and books. In my spare time, I dance, work-out, as well as reading, watching movie (horror movies are my fav) and cooking. I enjoy amusement park and adventurous things. I really like stars gazing and going for a walk at night. Listening to music is things. I love the sound of piano and guitar the most. I hate heat and worst with directions. I’m always there for my sibling. Smile’s always on my face and I hope everyone can smile, too.
Thank you so much for your time, effort and kindness!! Please take your time with my ship if you’re too busy, I understand🌹 I hope you have a lovely day filled with smiles, a lot of love and support~❤️❤️❤️
HI ENFJ!! I am INFJ/INFP (just depends on the quiz & probably the day lol). Thanks for the lovely message I always trying to be smiling.
I am totally loving your vibe. IDK why I feel your happy virus attitude & you talkative personality through your post.  Okay so what I put in bold was stuff that really stood out for me & help choose. And the order of the groups is the ones I know from most to least. I try to do my research and since you shared you MBTI, I tried to also search the MBTI of those groups. 
I really hope you enjoy! 
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I always read which group people want before reading.  To see who pops in my head 1st. Honestly he was the only one that popped in my head was TaeTae. It also helps that you & Jimin have the same MBTI. Which shows y’all will match very well. Plus both of y’all are the oldest in your family & he is very family orientated. He loves animal & children. He seems very outgoing & adventurus. I can see y’all walking around night gazing. You like the sound of piano & guitar, Tae seems to like soft tone & relaxing music.  The songs his made have been very mellow & when I think of piano & guitar, I think mellow. 
I am just going to stop now  lol .. 
MONSTA X - Wonho
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Okay soo when I was reading I had 3 names pop up, Minhyuk (y’all have the same MBTI & from the sound of it love to talk.) Wonho (working out, dancing, affectionate) & Jooheon (He seem very scary & mean but he is sweet as Honey, & the opposite of scary lol) … I honestly it was hard to choose soo I did eeny meeny miny moe … Cause that’s how role when I can’t decide on something. lol
For the record I need Wonho back in the group.  I need to see his shirtless self at the concerts loving Monbebe. Honestly I was felt he was the best idol when it came to fan services & loving the fans. And his not my bias from Monsta X lol.
Stray Kids - Bang Chan
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So I had the Aussie line in my head for this one (don’t you just love their accent).  But then doing some little research I was also thinking Lee Know & Woojin (I wonder what happen in that situation that was really weird.) Okay so after doing my research. I decide on Bang Chan. 
Ateez - San
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This is a group I haven’t been able to get into, even though my friend got into them. I actually learn about them when I started doing this. But my life motto is Hakuna Matata and I totally love that song, if y’all haven’t heard Wave from Ateez listen to it, it’s a bop okuuuuuuurrr… lol 
I wanted to play it safe, by choosing Hongjoong … According to their recently MBTI results him & San are both INFP, which means they do pair up well with ENFJ. But then I was reading up on their profile (https://kprofiles.com/ateez-members-profile/) … I choose San cause it said special talent happy virus. And I actually said that you posted made feel that you had a happy virus personality, so damnit in my book y’all are meant to be lol… 
Seventeen - DK
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This group I will be honest I’m not a fan off. Like don’t get me wrong I don’t hate them or anything. Just never got into them; I probably only know maybe 1 or 2 songs. Also know them as the group that perform to Super Junior & the guy looked like Heechul. *lol* 
 So, I am not confident but I tried my best to do my research.  Okay so I based it 1st on MBTI, I need to narrow it down from 13 to less. 
INFP - S.Coups, Jun, Hoshi, and D.K.
ENFJ - Mingyu, Joshua, and Dino
ENFP - Seungkwan and Vernon
INFJ - Wonwoo, Woozi, and The8
ISFJ -  Jeonghan
Okay sooo … They say ideally ENFJ & INFP are the most compatible.  Soo I just going to focus on those 4.  Okay after reading their profile (same website as above)  … I went between S. Coups & D.K.  … After that I went with eeny meeny miny moe … Cause I couldn’t choose between those 2. Sorry.
I hope you enjoy .. Sorry for the extra nonsense … I like written ships that have a lot of details, cause it makes me think.  I’m also a sucker for MBTI. Let me know what you think.  Have a great day!
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heoneyology · 5 years
Atiny Anon Project: Mission 3
okay, here goes!! all of the questions answered for my sweet 🐝🌻 anon!
sorry this is really long akldsj;lfkjdsf I hope you don’t mind reading...
1. Which 3 members of Ateez would you get on well with the most, and why?
personally, jongho and yeosang come to mind first immediately. jongho just seems so much fun and super patient, and we share a star sign. he’s also active and while I not might be as extremely active as him, I still enjoy exercise and activities like hiking! I choose yeosang as well because he likes video games and if I’m not on tumblr or at work, I can usually be found gaming 😅 lastly, I think I’d probably get along with yunho... although I have a strange habit of not liking very many aries I meet, I have a feeling I’d be fine with him because of his everlasting energy, his love of harry potter, and also the fact that when I saw them during the hi-touch I just felt this magnetic pull to tell him what I had to say to him (I had something to say to every member but he’s the only one I spoke to aklsjdfkjldsf)
2. If you were to take your bias(es) somewhere in your hometown/ the place you live where would you go?
so, I’m not sure if you’ve figured it out or know yet, but hongjoong is my bias! yunho is second bias, but I stan ot8 and I have a reaaaally big soft spot for yeosang (and jongho recently, too). if I chose my hometown, phoenix, I think for hongjoong I would choose to take him to either the phoenix art museum, mesa arts center, or the musical instrument museum! I haven’t actually been to the latter but I hear it’s really cool and I kind of want to go... for yunho, I think I’d choose the phoenix zoo! as for where I live, in flagstaff, the obvious choice for any of them, bias or otherwise, would be the grand canyon! if you’re going to visit arizona you may as see the natural world wonder!
3. What genre of movie would you watch with each member?
alk;jdfjs hmm okay for this one... I couldn’t really narrow it down... or place specific members so... I just did a bunch!! comedy: ot8, wooyoung, mingi animated: mingi, seonghwa, hongjoong fantasy: yunho and yeosang especially, but ot8 action/adventure: san, yunho, jongho horror or thriller: jongho, hongjoong drama: seonghwa
4. Which Ateez member do you personally relate to?
honestly, hongjoong 😂 we can fall asleep absolutely anywhere without any issue, we both work too much, we both stay up waaaay too late, we both kind of put others before ourselves and are giant dorks but also very attentive, and according to his weekly idol profile that he recently filled out, he’s really good at getting mad about one thing and staying mad about just that thing, which I’m also good at (I like to fixate alksdjfld)
5. What is your favorite live stage from Ateez?
the very first mcountdown for hala hala! as well as their showcase stage for hala hala! and also the november 1st pirate king stage!! sorry, I’m TERRIBLE at choosing “favorites” of things klajdskljf
6. Do you have any similarities you share with any member?
oh this is kind of a nice question since the weekly idol profiles were just revealed but kaljdskfjds it’s hongjoong! and his ability to sleep anywhere and everywhere, and suddenly! I can fall asleep without a problem pretty much anywhere I am!
7. Which member would you switch bodies for a day?
yunho! what I would give to be that good of a dancer and not trip over my own two feet and also look so fucking akjd;kfjsdf eloquent?? when dancing???? also he picks up choreography so fast he’s so smart???
8. Which member makes you laugh the most?
akldjfjds omg ot8 as a whole!!! wooyoung makes me laugh a lot because his laugh is so contagious, though. san and jongho too, they both have a really good sense of humor! mingi also makes me laugh because whenever he laughs it’s with his whole entire body and I end up laughing because it’s so cute. also mingi was really funny in weekly idol! albeit a traitor LOL
9. Which member would you trust to dye your hair?
hongjoong, I think, since he’s actually dyed his hair the most among the members
11. What fruit do you associate the members with?
akljsdflJK THIS QUESTION IS SO COOL BUT ALSO UMMMM hongjoong: grapefruit. he’s sweet but sour (sweet off stage, sour/zesty personality on stage) seonghwa: cherry. he’s sweet and sincere. yunho: banana! he’s fun-loving, and his personality is bright (yellow!) yeosang: peach. he’s sweet on the outside but he’s a total gemini and has that dark streak alddjlf;kjdsfk just like peaches can go bad at any given moment LOL san: kiwi. he’s elusive, sweet, kind of zesty. mingi: strawberry. he’s the sweetest of sweet and strawberries are super sweet and I literally just can’t see mingi doing any wrong, ever akldjfkjsd wooyoung: mango, harder outer shell but sweet on the inside and also a really refreshing taste and he always seems refreshing idk if this makes any sense aksldfjkldsf jongho: apples kalkldfjsdf since he always splits them, also hard exterior and he’s strong boy!!
13. Is there a (not ateez) song that makes you think of a member?
personal by the vamps. hongjoong sung it on vlive and ever since then I automatically associate it with him. listening to his soft and soothing voice puts me to sleep too and when he sung that aHHH my heart
14. Is there a hairstyle you really want to see on your bias?
hongjoong’s mullet back :(( also I wouldn’t mind seeing him with dark hair??? I love natural hair on idols and I don’t think we’ve really seen dark hair on him since mixnine, and that wasn’t even that long! also I like the red being back, wouldn’t mind seeing orange on him again but if anything I would LOVE the gray hair back!!! from pirate king ear!!! that was GOOD!!! but ultimately I really want the mullet back!!! he has such a nice facial structure and the mullet complemented it really well...
15. Which member would you choose to accompany you on a long car ride?
yunho, probably. he’s such a goof! the car ride wouldn’t be boring but also if I want to nap skljdlsfjsdf big boyfriend vibes
16. What food would you love to cook for a member?
I make.... really good enchiladas and chili... but both are spicy... and honestly I wouldn’t mind cooking for all the members? I can’t think of anyone in particular I specifically want to cook for. jongho probably eats really well so I’d love to choose him, and wooyoung also always seems interested in food!
17. Which member would you choose to put an outfit together for you?
hongjoong or seonghwa, just because of hongjoong’s interest in reforming clothes and seonghwa’s personal style (especially when they were in europe!) also probably san, just because he always looks comfy and I like comfy clothes.
18. Rank your bias’ looks throughout all Ateez eras.
say my name/hala hala > pirate king/treasure > wave/illusion
19. Who do you think has the best eyebrows in Ateez?
yeosang and hongjoong
20. What job do you think would suit each member if they weren’t idols?
alk;sjflkjdsf okay ummmm hongjoong: producer, you can tell he wants to work with music no matter what so seonghwa: maybe a cook?  yunho & wooyoung: teachers or dancers. or dance teachers oooh! after seeing them interact with the fanboy at the last fansign, I can’t get over how good they were with teaching him :(( yeosang: chocolatiere... he loves sweet foods and the chocolate that he made for atiny was :(( san: an actor mingi: a dancer, professional or backup or something jongho: actor or athlete 
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tentimesbetter · 5 years
aaand the last one - [4/4] About the 3rd mission… could I be greedy and ask you to do all of them? (unless there’s one you really don’t want to do, then feel free to skip that^^ But I’m really interested in all of your answers!!) – secret atiny anon
Tumblr has been glitching on me and I will not hesitate to fight @staff if my answers don't post >:( but here we go. If this glitches, I'll just do a solo post with all the answers. I skipped #18 because I can't rank them at all, I keep changing answers lmao and I kept the old numbering so #10 and #12 don't exist.
1. Which 3 members of Ateez would you get on well with the most, and why?
Ngl, I think I'd get along with all of them p well? Especially the 99-line.
Specifically I think I'd get along best with Yeosang, San and Hongjoong. I think Yeosang and I would have the type of dynamic where I'd just be like "hey"x100 until he responds and then I'd just be like "hi :3". I'd basically be the most annoying person and he'd probably love me for it.
San I think I'd get along with bc I'm a clingy friend, he's a clingy friend. Also I just really want to be best friends with him. I don't really have a specific reason it's just there hhhh
Hongjoong I think I'd get along with bc I'm a mom friend™ and he's a dad friend™. I'd probably just keep nagging him about getting enough rest and
2. If you were to take your bias(es) somewhere in your hometown/ the place you live where would you go?
This is very specific and probably not the best but there's this rooftop on my uni campus that very few people ever access because people don't know they can go up it? I'd really like to take both Yeosang and Seonghwa up that roof.
Also there's this place near my uni where we go to chill? There's a cafe there that I'd like to take them to.
3. What genre of movie would you watch with each member?
Horror with all of them. I'm a sucker for horror, honestly and I'd drag them to watch it with me regardless of who it was.
The exceptions to that are if I'm feeling hella emo and sappy. Then I'd want to just cuddle with San or Seonghwa and watch sad romantic movies. And it's not a genre but I want to Die Hard with Jongho.
4. Which Ateez member do you personally relate to?
I really can't say? Like I've been swallowing content 10 videos a half-day but I can't /relate/ to them exactly? Like I can low-key relate to Yeosang being like on the sides because he likes to be but idk if that counts because it's a very minor thing.
5. What is your favorite live stage from Ateez?
My Way. I love the little dance break thing at the chorus and it's done so smoothly? I love watching them perform My Way.
6. Do you have any similarities you share with any member?
Seonghwa and I are both the stressed mom friend™ who needs to be babied, if that counts.
7. Which member would you switch bodies for a day?
Yunho or Mingi. I want to see what the world's like from that high up.
8. Which member makes you laugh the most?
WooSan, honestly. They're just comedic gold together and I love them to bits for it.
9. Which member would you trust to dye your hair?
Hongjoong and Hongjoong only. I'll trust that man with my bank account details even. He's the most reliable person for this job.
11. What fruit do you associate the members with?
🤔 This one's tough but my first associations are these–
Hongjoong - cherry
Seonghwa - mango
Yunho - watermelon
Yeosang - grapes
San - pineapple
Mingi - kiwi
Wooyoung - litchie
Jongho - apple
13. Is there a (not ateez) song that makes you think of a member?
This is entirely of this one edit I saw on Twitter but Ruelle's ‘I Get to Love You’ reminds me of Yeosang. The account went private so I can't find their tweet anymore but their user is @/yeosangweeb
14. Is there a hairstyle you really want to see on your bias?
I want to see Yeosang with an assymetrical bob. I think he'd look nice.
I also want to see Seonghwa with like red hair. Maybe more like burgundy or maroon and not the bright red Hongjoong has but red hair huhuhu.
15. Which member would you choose to accompany you on a long car ride?
Yunho because he's a party people and I'm a stress people so we'd balance it out and have a good time.
16. What food would you love to cook for a member?
I don't have foods specific for the members but I just want to make them all biryani hhhh. It's basically a rice dish we make here and idk why I think they'd likey.
17. Which member would you choose to put an outfit together for you?
Hongjoong! Maybe San also but mostly Hongjoong.
19. Who do you think has the best eyebrows in Ateez?
Yeosang or Seonghwa. Let's be real, my boys have their eyebrow game going very well.
20. What job do you think would suit each member if they weren’t idols?
Okay this one's a little tough aaahhhh but here we go–
Hongjoong would probably go into fashion design and rock that scene.
Seonghwa might go into???? acting???? Idk. Or maybe modelling but I think there's a height requirement for it :p
Yunho would probably be a kindergarten teacher or something? I can see him work with little children.
Yeosang hmmm,,, I think he'd go for a quieter job? So maybe an editor for a publishing house or something?
San I can see being a nurse or something like working at an old age home? Or like a retail job– idk why.
Mingi would probably go into academics and do what I plan on doing which is study until he has too many qualifications and not enough job satisfaction.
Wooyoung would maybe go into working with animals? Like a vet or like work at those pet daycares?
Jongho would probably go into athletics? Maybe professional weightlifting.
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prince-dongju · 5 years
I'm such an idiot!!! I didn't send you the numbers for the third mission even though I picked them out haha. So could you answer me number 2, 6, 13, 14, 17 and 20? But only if you have time of course! I'm sorry about your problems with camp (those people sound very... interesting haha), especially about the weather. I hope it will be better next time! Honestly I agree on black6ix and onf, I would protect them with my life haha.
You're not dumb at all hun! I forget things a lot. This camp was definitely one for the books. Who do you bias in those groups? Black6ix and ONF? I mean, if you have a bias. It's hard to choose sometimes.
Okay. Question time! I'm so excited for these!!!
2. If you were to take your bias(es) somewhere in your hometown/ the place you live, where would you go?
Hmmm. This is a hard one. I live in a really small town, so there isnt much to see. I would probably just take Mingi all around my town and tell him about all the different places. I'd probably take him stargazing up on the hills near my home where you can see all over the town, and just talk about life uwu.
6. Do you have any similarities you share with any member?
Oh boy. San has 2 dimples but I only have one. Also, it's kinda interesting that I'm closest to wooyoung in age and we both have an older brother who was born in the same year. So that's cool
13. Is there a (not ateez) song that makes you think of a member?
Any Camila Cabello song reminds me of Hongjoong since he loves her so much. And Postcard by Troye Sivan reminds me of Seonghwa since he recommends it a lot.
14. Is there a hairstyle you really want to see on your bias?
BLONDE MINGI. GIVE ME BLONDE MINGI!!! Okay, hear me out. If they gave him another undercut and put his hair up, I might die
17. Which member would you choose to put an outfit together for you?
I'd actually trust Seonghwa and Wooyoung. They both dress very well and their style kinda matches mine a little. I would trust them with my life. And fashion decisions
20. What job do you think would suit each member if they weren't idols?
All the aus I'm thinking of rn. I might get a little carried away with this one haha
Hongjoong: a music producer/ composer. I can see him as a college student who's trying his hardest to make it by. He puts his all into his music and everyone praises him for his passion.
Seonghwa: I can see him as a nurse actually. He's so good at taking care of people and he has this calming vibe to him. Any patient who talks to him instantly feels a little calmer.
Yunho: a dance instructor. Hes so good at helping people get the moves down. He always knows how to keep the energy up so people don't get frustrated if they can't figure out a move. His smile is so beautiful, you cant help but smile along with him.
Yeosang: I can see him teaching skateboarding lessons to kids so he can have some extra cash to get through college or something. He's so good with the little kids and he always gets so blushy and flustered when their parents complement him.
San: this is a classic one, a barista. He did say that he would like to be one once. The regulars at the cafe love him. He knows all their orders by heart. When he flashes that sweet smile at you, your frown would definitely turn upside down
Mingi: he would be a really good mc on a variety show. He's really good at making people laugh. And hes a pretty good MC when he tries his hand at it. I'd watch the heck out of that show. Bless
Wooyoung: idk why, but I can see him as a teacher. Hes said before that he loves history and I can see him really immersing himself in his job. All the students would love his class. Hed put a twist on every lesson to keep students engaged
Jongho: an aspiring soccer player. Hes really good. Good enough to reach the big leagues. He has many admirers because hes so good at what he does. He can sometimes get a little cocky, but it's all in good fun
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