#okay I have two notebooks by the bed but the other one is a soft cover A4 so it's very impractical in bed
myrthing · 8 months
Two midnight decisions that aren't, really:
1. Uterus it's doing that thing it's not supposed to, so now I have to decide whether it's worth taking ibuprofen and aggravating the ulcer—probably leading to nasty acid reflux again—or maybe I could just tough it out, this is barely anything.
2. I want to get an empty notebook to keep by the bed because the one I currently have here is like, at least a third full of random garbage (budget calculations, drawing warm ups, doodles, story ideas, my terrible handwriting...) and it's so messy. But it's not like a new notebook is a guarantee to make me write or draw either, so maybe I should spare my extras for something else.
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grumpy pants
pairing: james hook x gn!reader (requested)
summary: there’s always two types of people in a relationship, the bubbly and happy one, and the grumpy and mean one. but it’s not who you’d expect.
type: fluff
CW: none
WC: 600+
requests are open!
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You two were quite the unexpected pair: A VK with a royal. People expected you to be all bright and bubbly, while Hook was supposed to be the more dark and grim one. But, they could not be more wrong…
The two of you were sat in the library, studying for your Honors Alchemy exam that was at the end of the week. Well, you were studying. Hook was sat there, his head in his hand as he made googly eyes at you. You were focused on your book in front of you, your eyes darting back and forth between the book and your notebook to write down notes.
“I can feel your eyes burning a hole into the back of my head. Stop looking at me, James,” you grumbled, your eyes not lifting from your notes. He leaned his head against your shoulder, nuzzling his cheek against the soft fabric of your top. “You’ve been studying for hours, darling,” he whined, looking up at you.
Hook seemed, and was, cruel and harsh to everyone who didn’t know him. But there was something about you that just made his cold heart melt. The other VKs regularly made fun of him because he was just a completely different person around you. They were not a fan of you two together in the slightest, but they all realized that nothing was going to stop Hook from seeing you. So, they still made snarky and evil remarks about you… just not where you could hear them. But, Hook felt like he didn’t have to keep his walls up around you, you were comforting. You were a safe space.
“Yes, and you should be studying, too. I can’t keep carrying you in this class,” you retorted.
Hook pouted, but once he saw that you weren’t going to let up he pulled away, grabbing his book and notebook from his bag. He laid them out on the table, his eyes wandering over to you again.
“Right, sorry,” he mumbled, “You’re stressing yourself out, darling. You need to relax.”
His hand found it’s way to the back of your neck, gently massaging your skin. Sighing, you closed your eyes for a minute. No matter how lovey dovey he got, it was moments like that, that reminded you of why you loved him so much.
“Okay, okay. I’ll take a break for five minutes.”
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The both of you found your way to your dorm room after another hour or so at the library. You were sat at the end of your bed, your nose stuck in your book as you continued to study. Hook was sat at the head of your bed, his eyes wandering around your room to keep himself busy. After a while, his eyes landed on you.
“Darling…” he said softly, in an almost whisper. You looked back at him with a raised brow, “What, James?”
His hooked hand snaked around your waist, pulling you close to him. He buried his face in the crook of your neck, placing the most gentle of kisses from there to your shoulder. “I love you, and I want you to spend time with me. We can study first thing in the morning, I promise.”
You couldn’t help but smile. He truly knew how to be convincing. You tossed your books onto the floor beside your bed, leaning back into his arms, “You’re lucky that I love you too, James.”
“I know how lucky I am,” He leaned his head forward, pressing a kiss to your temple. “Uh oh, looks like the pirate has gone soft,” you teased, looking up at him.
“Yeah yeah, you love me, darling. Soft or not.” he rolled the two of you over so that you both were laying on your sides. In another swift movement, you two were facing eye to eye. His eyes wandered your face, taking in every single detail. Your furrowed brow, the jokingly annoyed look on your face. He loved it all.
“I love you, even if you are grumpier than Grumpy himself.”
“Shut up, James.”
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a/n: it’s a little short, but even i couldn’t help but kick my feet while writing this. i hope you liked it! <3
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vanishingstarrs · 3 months
eijiro kirishima x reader, secret admirer trope, soft vibes, sfw
( do u guys prefer these drabbles to be longer ? shorter ? split into multiple parts ?? pls feel free to let me know !! <3 )
For weeks all you could think about were the little notes folded up into hearts that you’d been finding in your locker every day.
The first one appeared over a month ago and stated: you look badass in your new costume.
You’d been pretty insecure when submitting in the new design for your hero suit and despite all your friends encouragement you still felt a bit out of place among the rest of your classmates, who always looked confident and powerful in theirs.
You weren’t expecting anything, but the next day another fell out when you went to grab a textbook in between classes and it said— that new move was impressive, your improvement and dedication amazes me each day.
And the next day.
have a great day, gorgeous
And the next.
you were awesome in that training exercise
And more.
that test was rough, hope you did better than i did— your concentrating face is cute btw <3
you kicked bakugo’s ass today (and looked hot doing it), it was great!
you’re so strong and pretty
They continued every day to the point where you had finally called an emergency meeting with your friends, you laid back on Momo’s luxurious bed with a sigh,“I have no clue, who could it be? It has got to be someone in our class with the way they know so much, but…”
“But…?” Kyoka urged you on.
Another sigh left your lips, and you couldn’t help scrunch up your face as you looked at your friends,“None of the boys in our class seem to give off secret admirer potential, what if it’s just some sick prank one of them is doing?”
“For that long?” Momo questioned before shaking her head,“I don’t know, not even our guys seem capable of something so cruel.”
“Maybe you just haven’t given the right one the chance to step up?” Ochaco offered up.
“I mean what are her options?” Mina snorted, she held a list of all the guys in their class.
You guys had gone through and already crossed off a couple that were definite no’s, people like Mineta, Sero, and Kaminari who were self proclaimed “ladies men”. You considered that it might be one of the quieter boys, maybe Kirishima or Todoroki, even Ojiro.
You had reassured Ochaco that Midoriya wasn’t even a possibility, considering the boy was loud and open about his admiration for others and could tell she was relieved when you did.
You shrugged, having gone over any interactions with the boys in your class multiple times. “I don’t know, I’m not really close with any of them… I mean I sit next to Kaminari and Kirishima so I guess they’re my friends? But Kaminari has eyes on a new girl every day and I could swear Kirishima had told me about…”
“Who?!” All four girls sat up impatiently.
“No one.” You smirked,“I don’t spill your guys’ private conversations.”
“Boooo!” Toru threw a crumbled up piece of paper at you.
You opened up your latest two notes.
golden hour looks breathtaking on you
you’ve officially taken up a permanent residence in my mind, i think of you all day long…
“Wait!” Jiro stood up suddenly, snatching one note along with her as she began digging around in her backpack.
“Hey!” You pouted, but she shushed you.
“I know how we’ll solve this mystery.” She pulled out a notebook from class.
“How?!” Ochaco asked excitedly.
You almost didn’t want to know, what if you confronted the person and it went awry?
“Okay, so last week I asked Shouji to borrow some notes for a lecture I wasn’t really listening to and look!”
All five of you leaned forward to look at the notebook and the messy scrawl on the page.
“His penmanship is quite poor.” Momo pointed out and you silently agreed.
Jiro rolled her eyes,“Not why I’m showing you guys this, what I’m getting at is that we can just ask all the boys to write something down and compare their handwriting to the notes!”
“Genius!” Mina shot up,“I was just thinking I was really hungry, we could tell them we’re ordering some takeout and have each individually write out if they want anything.”
“Perfect, we should split up and do it quick.” Ochaco agreed.
Your heartbeat picked up and you anxiously wrung your hands,“Okay, but also can we actually order food? I eat when I’m nervous and right now I’m a wreck. I don’t know if I can do this.”
“Girl, you got this!” Mina turned to you with a big, encouraging smile and you returned it, albeit not as bright as hers. “Let’s find this guy!”
The group quickly agreed and everyone split up to take the class’s requests for dinner.
By the time you all met up in Momo’s room again, you were tense. You each had a note and several options to compare from, a few were easy to immediately knock off. You continued going down your list until you gasped, unable to help yourself as you met the gazes of your friends.
“What?!” Mina’s eyes bulged.
You swallowed,“I know who it is.”
Your friends all eyed the pieces of paper with matching handwriting and by the next day had convinced you to go up to the boy. You could feel their stares on you as you called out his name and beckoned him into the hall during homeroom period, asking if you could get his advice on something. You took a deep breath as you led him to a secluded window further down the hallway, mentally preparing yourself for denial.
“So what’s up?” He didn’t hesitate to follow you and ask,“You okay?”
“Yeah, everything’s fine.” You shrugged,“I guess I’ve just been a little… anxious, I guess? Good anxious, but still anxious nonetheless. You see, I’ve been getting these notes in my locker ever since day but there’s no name attached to them so it’s just a little weird. I’ve been trying to figure out who it is, racking my brain like crazy.”
“Can I see one?” Kirishima asked.
“Sure, here’s today’s.” You handed him over the crisply folded sheet of notebook paper, one you could now recognize and knew was getting thinner by the pages being ripped out daily. The note read: i wish i could tell you who i am.
You could see him gulp and leaped to take your chance.
“To be honest, I’d just wanna thank the person. I’ve been struggling with some confidence issues lately and their notes every day have really been keeping my spirits up.” You turned toward the window and away from him with a sigh,“They must not think they’re brave enough to tell me, but they shouldn’t be scared of—”
You turned around immediately, eyes widening at the fact that he’d used your first name. Kirishima was standing pin straight, holding the note tight in one hand and you almost felt bad for pushing him… but you had to know if your suspicions were correct. Besides, you hadn’t been lying. You really did want to thank him for always making you smile every day.
“It’s… I wrote the notes, I’m the one who’s been sneaking them into your locker every day.” He bowed slightly,“I apologize for not being man enough to sign my name or just say all these things to your face, but I wasn’t sure of how you’d react or what you would think of me.”
Now it was his turn to be surprised, eyebrows raised as he straightened himself up.
You smiled,“I knew it was you.”
You shrugged, smiling slightly,“A lady never reveals her secrets.”
This made him laugh.
“I’m sorry that I pushed you to confess, I just wanted to know if I was right and I’m glad that I was, glad that you were the one, that is.” You smiled at him,“Your notes are very sweet and I’ve enjoyed having them every day.”
As the bell rung and your classmates started filing out of class you realized your time had run out, you smiled at your friends who were giving you questioning looks. You motioned with your hand for them to move along, smiling bigger when Kirishima turned around to find them gone.
You brought his attention back to you when you spoke again,“Anyway, thanks again. I should get going, I’ve got to get to math and start studying, I’ve got a makeup coming up since I didn’t do all that great on the last exam.”
He nodded, seemingly speechless.
You couldn’t really wait for a response regardless as you rushed to pack up your things and head to your next class before the final bell rung.
You did your best to focus on the extra lessons your teacher was nice enough to give for students who’d been confused about the last test, but all you could do with think about Kirishima and whether he’d stop leaving his notes now that you knew it was him. You somehow managed to avoid him for the rest of the day, and when your friends asked about it all you could do was shrug. Nothing happened, you would say, and it was true.
Nothing happened.
Until the next day, that was.
You were headed to your locker a little earlier than usual, eager to get back to your studies when several notes fell out of your locker. Your face heated up as you rushed to pick them all up, opening the first one carefully.
Only a single word was written on the sheet of paper and you worked quickly in order to unfold the remains slips, reading through it several times just to make sure you weren’t imagining it. It read:
— eijiro
You shut the locker, forgetting all about your textbook in favor of trying to find him instead. Which was made extremely easy because when you turned around, there he stood.
Eijiro Kirishima.
He held a bouquet of flowers in his arms, and you spotted a plushie of your favorite character in the center of the arrangement. You thought his eye might’ve twitched nervously as he gave you his best smile, you quickly returned it.
“I was just coming to find you.”
“You found me.” He chuckled as he took a few steps closer,“Y/N, would you please do me the honor of going out on a date with me?— it doesn’t have to be today, I know you signed up for the makeup exam in math tomorrow, and actually! If you’d like, that is, I can help you study. I think I know the material well now, and I guess what I’m trying to say is I’d love nothing more than to have the chance to be the man you deserve.”
“One condition.” You smiled, knowing there was no way you would’ve ever said no.
“Anything!” He agreed immediately.
You held up the unfolded hearts he always wrote his notes on,“I still get these every now and then, nonnegotiable, they really make my day.”
Eijiro’s cheeks went as red as his hair as he grinned big, nodding,“Every day.”
“Then yes, I would love to go on a date with you.” You accepted the bouquet he was holding out to you before leaning up slightly and placing a kiss on his cheek,“It’s beautiful, Eijiro, thank you.”
“Anything for you, princess.”
Now you were the one blushing, he’d used a nickname and you definitely liked it.
“You’re cute when you blush.” He complimented.
“Oh my god.” You tried to hide your face in the flowers, unable to stop the large smile from taking over your face.
He was quick to take them back out of your hands, as well as grabbing your book bag from you,“Better get used to it, princess, the notes were just a placeholder until I was able to man up enough to confess, but not a day will go by without a compliment from me, I can promise you that. And no more lugging around heavy textbooks when I’m here either.”
“Thank you, Eijiro.” You felt the blush move higher, your ears feeling warm now too.
“So, study date tonight?”
He’d never admit it, but he’d stayed up late last night going over the necessary chapters in order to be able to help you with your upcoming test. In truth, he had no clue how he passed over you, but he’d make sure it never happened again.
You took his hand, intertwining your fingers with his as you agreed,“Definitely.”
This time, he was the one to place a kiss onto your cheek as he led the way to homeroom, smiling— beautifully and unabashedly.
Princess treatment?
You could definitely get used to that.
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moonlightchildz · 7 months
a yearning anticipation; jk
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summary: your lover, jungkook, has confessed to devote himself only to you
rating & warnings: M, smut, use of marijuana, creampie, doggy, f. receiving, m. receiving, mouth fucking, missionary, pwp!
Part One I:
The clock ticking was in by no way helping your anticipation. Anxious eyes flickered to the round object every few or so minutes, eyebrows furrowing as you tried concentrating at the task at hand. Your hand held the pen, but the sticky note in front of you was scribbled with a few words of your incoherent thoughts. Your manager seemed occupied as he talked amongst a group of coworkers about the oncoming project.
“Damn it,” you muttered out, spinning your pen over so you could scribble over the same sentence you’ve been working on for the past thirty minutes.
“Okay, if you haven’t finished planning out your outline then I suggest you take the rest of your time to do so. Remember it’s due tonight!”
Your notebook, laptop, and the stupid sticky notes that were useless were already packed inside your bag rather hastily, your finger already shutting the zipper. The ride home was spent with you scrolling through your messages.
jk: baby, same place & time
Your heart hammered as you raced to get home to get ready for the night. It gave you such thrill that he always chose and made time specifically for you. In return you mad sure to doll up and get sexy for him. The desire was already eating you up, making your body hot, wet, and sticky with pure arousal. God, you needed him inside you so badly already. You wanted him to devour you already. It had been ages since you last saw him. You were buzzing all the way over to this place, applying lipstick knowing it would smudge all over him and his clothes.
A special knock was made between the two of you and as soon as the door opened you shoved right past him.
“Make love to me.”
He slammed you against the door, hips pressed against your core as you shamelessly opened your legs wider for him. His fingers tangled themselves into your hair, tugging softly at the roots of your hair so he could angle your mouth directly against his. He was breathing erratically, haughtily glancing down at you. He watched how responsive you were to him, loving how just with the trace of his lips ghosting upwards your neck, mouth leaving open hot, wet kisses behind, drove you completely crazy. Your breathing had picked up, thighs starting to grind against each other.
“I’ve missed you,” He hotly breathed out against your mouth before momentarily kissing you again. You nodded, panting already as you tried to reel him back against your lips again.
“I love you,” you said in between heavy breathing kissing and he easily lifted you up. Your arms instantly went around his neck, a gasp escaping your lips as you felt the bulging of his muscles.
“Yeah,” he smirked, his teeth sinking down on your bottom lip. “I know that already, baby.”
He slightly pulled away from you and as he watched you follow in pursuit trying to still get a taste of his lips with your eyes still closed, he smiled against your lips.
“Bed? Couch? Carpet? Kitchen counter?” He began to list off as his lips trailed down the crook of your neck now, causing you to shiver against his warm body. You tilted your head, a soft moan managing to slip out of your lips already as his lips softly nibbled on your skin.
“Everywhere, I don’t care,” you whined out, hands gripping on to his biceps. “Fuck, you’re so fucking hot.” You blurted out without thinking.
You could feel his grin against your skin.
“I could say the same thing about you, princess.” He hummed out, tongue sweeping your collarbones now. He nipped and sucked, leaving behind his mark on your body in his wake. And you shamelessly mewled over it, fingers tugging at his shaggy mop of hair.
“Let’s do bed first. I feel like my neighbors might have missed us.”
He threw you on the bed, hand on the back of his shirt as he began to dispose of it. His shirt slowly rode up his body, and you were watching him like a fucking hawk as you propped yourself up on your elbows, eyes taking in his well taut body. Months without seeing his body had definitely not prepared you for now. He was bulkier, his arms and thighs had gotten bigger, thicker and you couldn’t be more happier as you eyed the happy trail that led into his low hung jeans. Veins ran up his arms, his tattooed fingers looking quite tempting to suck on. It didn’t help that his biceps bulged as he balled up his shirt and flung it somewhere in his room.
The teasing asshole tried to slowly dispose of his rings, lustful eyes taking you in as you began to fling your tank top off your body. You were already halfway from slipping out of your shorts when you softly moaned out, “Please keep them on and choke me already.”
“Fuck,” he groaned out, sounding almost in pain as he saw your bare breast in full display already. You were a teasing little shit as your ran your hand over your breasts, a finger tweaking your nipple as you gasped at the sensation.
He was there in seconds, crawling on top of you. You urged him as you helped him by pulling him up by his arms to kiss him roughly on the mouth. Your legs were spread open for him, hips rutting against his harden cock.
“I need you.” You moaned out, desire beginning to overwhelm your body.
“And you don’t think I don’t?” He retorted as easily. His hands were hooking on to the band of your poor excuse of underwear. It practically only covered your cunt and the rest was just lace. “But you’re not wet enough, baby. At least, not yet.”
His fingertips skimmed your thighs as he threw your underwear behind his shoulder. He teasingly ran his index finger down your slit, gathering all of your dripping juices while groaning at the sight in front of him. He slowly began to roll figure eights on to your clit with the back of his thumb, dark gaze drinking your reactions in. There was a cocky grin laced on his pretty face, watching in fascination as you arched your back, mouth slightly open, and eyes screwed shut.
“Still so responsive to me, huh? Baby still loves it when I touch her, mhm?”
“Yes,” your voice hitched, becoming a soft mewl in response. Just the sound of his voice made you a horny, hot mess. 
He muttered out, “So wet for me, already? You missed me that much?”
His fingers were buried inside you, gathering up your moans and relishing in them. He loved teasing you, watching your mouth spell out his name as he curled his fingers inside of you, your slick making his movements more easier. Watching seemed torture for him so he knelt down, burying his mouth into your pussy.
“I’ve missed this pretty pussy so much,” he moaned against your cunt and your fingers fisted the sheets, tugging harder as his mouth sucked on your clit harshly. You had forgotten the sex between the two of you. God, who were you kidding. Of course you couldn’t forget the sex, not when he was eating you out like a deprived man.
“Oh God, oh fuck,” you whimpered out, the sensation driving you to the point of becoming so sensitive.
You could feel his tongue sliding in and out of your hole, curling and mouth slurping with his nose brushing against your clit. Your legs had begun to quiver, your hips had began to move to the movement of him tongue fucking you. Your fingers had weaved into his damp hair, cunt grinding directly on to his tongue. You felt breathless, toes digging into the mattress as your loud moans filled his room.
“Please, please, Jeongguk,” you were panting now, legs beginning to quiver from delight. You were squirming underneath him and his hand pinned you by your hip, keeping you still as his tongue slid into your hole.
“I’m sososo close, fuck me,” you incoherently began to spill out, mind and mouth becoming numb. Instead of coherent words coming out, moans were slipping from your lips, eyes rolling to the back of your head from the intensity.
he chuckled as he slid his fingers inside you while sucking on your clit. that alone has you a numbing mess as he sucked until your sensitive body gave out and you came right on his tongue. he allowed you to gather your senses, kissing your forehead, hands rubbing on your sides for gentle comfort. love emitted from his actions, only making you more eager to return the favor to your lover. it was soon enough, that your tongue slid up his cock, mouth wrapping around the tip of his cock. It was prettily glancing up at you, precum beginning to drip down the base of it. You hollowed out your cheeks, tongue sliding against the shaft before slowly taking it in your mouth. You slurped and sucked until Jeongguk’s fingers curled up against the bed sheets.
Jungkook had his arm swung over his eyes, soft panting emitting from his lips. His thighs were spread apart with you in between them on your knees, happily sucking his cock away like the good girl you were. At one point your fingers were digging into his meaty thighs, earning such responsive whimpers from him in return. He was moaning your name softly over and over again, incoherently saying into air, “f-fuck yeah, just l-like that.”
His fingers tangled themselves into your damp hair, tugging slightly harshly. he couldn’t help it, it just felt so fucking good. he was losing control just having your mouth around his fucking cock. his nerves were all over the place but your mouth wiped away every single thought out of his conscious.
“Such a good girl for me huh?” he bucked into your mouth, voice coming out low and headily. “Sucking my cock into your pretty little mouth like that.”
Your eyes fluttered open, humming along in agreement. He nodded, jaw slack as he stared right at you in the eye. He almost blew into your mouth right then, but how couldn't he when his pretty baby was sucking him dry. But he needed to cum inside of you. He needed to finish inside your pussy so badly.
“Baby, you’re such a slut,” he cooed out and you moaned out. He lost it. Your hands were fisting the rest that couldn’t fit, head bobbing up down as his cock slid inside your mouth. Watching Jeongguk lose himself like that, whimpering nonsense into the air, “so, so, so good to me.”
“Let me—”
“No,” he shoved you back against the bed, and he began crawling over you to pin your arms above your head. “Spread your legs for me, baby.” He ordered, voice low and raspy. “I know you love to.”
You spread your legs for him, and he teasingly grinded himself over your dripping cunt, the tip of his cock nudging your clit ever so deliciously. A low, strangled moan escaped your lips as he rolled his hips against yours and he kissed you, catching it between his lips, eating off from it. He coated his cock with your juices, grunts coming from his pretty lips as his grip tightened around your hands. His fingers intertwined with yours, pressing them against the mattress as he rolled his hips against yours, each thrust gliding his thick cock against your dripping cunt.
“yes, yes,” you whimpered out in desperation. “Fill me up. Get inside of me and cum all you want,” you begged him, pleading as your fingers dug into his.
Instead Jungkook just placed his lips against the shell of your ear, teeth softly nibbling your earlobe, tongue following pursuit to trace down from your ear to the crook of your neck as he continued to run his tongue all over your burning skin.
“Please, I need you,” you choked out, tears welling up in your eyes. “Please.”
“I know, princess,” he roughly grunted out, teeth biting down his bottom lip.
He leaned against his side, his veiny hand tightly gripping your thigh as he hitched it over his waist. He kissed you hungrily and so desperately. His tongue rolling over yours, nipping and sucking at your bottom lip as you exhaled deeply and shakily. Your hands had wandered up from his broad shoulders to his dark hair, tugging at it as you eagerly obeyed and parted your lips for him.
A throaty groan emitted from his lips, his eyebrows furrowing and his pupils blown out in pure lust. He slowly slid out and slammed his hips against yours, and you needily gripped on to him, hands digging into his broad back. Your mouth opened for him and he wasted no time into sucking your tongue in his mouth.
“Oh, fuck,” you managed to softly moan out, the roll of his hips against yours making you feel stupid dizzy. You grinded upwards, meeting his rolled movements in sync. Your breathing had increased, becoming mixed into choked up mewls curse words. 
He gathered your legs, pressing them against yours chest. You could hear his soft groans emitting from his lips, your pussy milking him so sweetly. 
“You feel so good, princess,” he inhaled sharply at the sound of his cock sliding out of your dripping cunt, groan becoming muffled against the crook of your neck. His hot breath fanned against your skin, fingers curling on the side of the covers. 
The bed was beginning to move along the rhythm of his hips grinding against your pubic bone. His chest was starting to drip with sweat, strands of his wavy hair damp and beginning to stick on his forehead. You watched how Jeongguk lost himself within you as he rolled downward, grunting as a small whimper escaped from your mouth. Your breast were bouncing as he deliberately fucked your pretty brains out. 
It was nice to touch you like this after so long.
“Turn around, ass up for me baby.” He ordered you, and like the good girl you were, you complied eagerly to please him.
You got on all fours, ass sticking up just the way he liked it. He licked the palm of his hand before massaging your ass in his hands. With a loud smack, he left behind his handprint on your swollen, red cheeks as you buried your face in the sheets, mouth wide open in such a heeding state. He slid inside you once more, causing you moan so loudly as your pussy welcomed him once again. The headboard smacked against the neighbors wall and your moans weren’t helping either as he fucked you senseless.
You were sliding off the bed at this point, but it felt so fucking good.
“Fuck, fuck I’m c-close,” he moaned out against your shoulder, biting down on your skin. You clenched tighter, loving the sound of skin on skin. He didn’t last long after that, crumbling right behind you.
“Fuck,” he breathlessly let out, sliding out of you to lay down next to you. He was kissing you roughly, mouths clashing with front teeth scraping and tongues wanting to rival one another. His arms winded around your body, not wanting to let you go at all. It made your heart flutter. God, you loved him so much.
“I forgot just how good you could fuck me,” you said, rolling over to grab a joint from his jacket. He was handing you his lighter, his other hand running its finger into his messy hair. His cheeks seemed flushed, a boyish grin lacing his features.
“Gotta make sure my baby is reminded every single time,” he winked as you blew out smoke directly on to his face. 
“C’mere,” he patted his thighs and you slowly crawled over him, joint in mouth as you settled between his thighs. 
He gently took it out of your mouth, setting it in between his lips instead. Smoke engulfed the both of you, and you leaned into his arms. You wanted to feel and hear his heartbeat once more.
“I missed you.” He confessed after a while, his eyes set steady on yours.
“I’m sure you did.” You rolled your eyes in defiance and he fiercely grabbed a hold of your face to stop you in your place.
“I’m being serious,” he began, slowly inching closer and not letting go of you. “I love you. You are the one for me.”
He ran his fingers down your spine, eyes taking your beautiful features in. He was simply watching you in awe, your presence reminding him of what he had let go quite stupidly. He never led you on, promising you what you always wanted when it seemed nearly impossible, but he was so fucked in love with you. He dreamed of you and yearned for you to be by his side already.
He said with such utmost sincerity, “I’m gonna blow off my engagement.”
You hummed in contentment. Jeon Jungkook was the price and you had won. Though his fiancée would be messy to deal with, you knew he would protect you against her, plus you already had a house and cars under your name. All assets would soon be yours.
“I knew you couldn’t stay away,” you giggled against his mouth. In all seriousness, you were ecstatic to hear that your lover was finally about to cut off the only thing standing in your way.
His fiancée.
“Can I bounce on your cock as a celebration?”
You settled yourself in between his legs, taking the joint from his hand.  You inhaled deeply, feeling hazy and warm in the comfort of your man’s arms. “Yes?”
“By all means,” he waved his hand towards his cock. His hand was already placed behind your head, inching you closer to him. His lips mouthed against yours, “Be my guest. It’s all yours.”
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darby-rowe · 9 months
first off...ur so genuinely underrated
second off... can I get a academically-exhausted!coryo x you-need-a-break! reader...
she distracts him from studying or smt
tysm anon!! i've been having so much fun writing again :)!! but i will admit that im very out of practice so this has been quite the adjustment period.
i luv this prompt! i hope u dont mind that i wrote sfw & nsfw versions just in case u were looking for one or the other. nevertheless i hope u like them!!
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sfw young!coriolanus snow x gn!reader word count 401
“My love…” you softly cooed as you noticed the frustration on Coriolanus’s brow, your eyes scanning over the chicken-scratch of notes within his notebook. Formulas and equations that even your academically talented mind couldn’t wrap around. You placed one hand on the edge of his desk and one hand on the back of his chair, leaning down so your face was level with his. “I think it’s time for you to take a break,”
Coriolanus’s eyes didn’t meet yours as they went back and forth from his textbook to his notebook. “I just have to do one more problem,” he murmured, stress evident in his voice. He clicked his tongue in disappointment and lightly bumped his fist on the surface of his desk. “How am I still not getting this?”
“You’ve been studying for hours,” you told him. And when his eyes still didn’t meet yours, you took it upon yourself to gently hook your finger around his chin and turn his head to meet your gaze. “Coryo, you need to relax,”
His eye bags were prominent in the way it had been almost eighteen straight hours of him being awake and staring at math equations. God, he looked so tired, and all you wanted to do was take care of him and hold him in your arms, just a moment of respite from the terribly demanding academics of university.
You held his face with both of your hands, foreheads touching and eyes closed. “Let me hold you, my dear,” you said, voice hovering above a whisper. “Just for an hour or two, okay? Please?”
There was a slight desperation in the way Coriolanus placed his hands on top of yours and leaned into your touch. You knew he didn’t want to admit that he was close to his breaking point, but he didn’t have to say anything. You took his hands and gently lead from his chair to his bed, in which you guided him to lay within your arms. Immediately, his body molded with yours, and you softly pet his blonde curls as you felt his muscles begin to relax.
“My sweet boy,” you whispered, kissing the top of his head as his arms wrapped around your waist. His face buried within your chest, inhaling the sweet scent of you. “Just relax. I’ve got you…”
Just as you expected, the emotionally exhausted boy was dead asleep within the hour.
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18+ | nsfw young!coriolanus snow x fem!reader word count 1,005 cw dirty talk, slightly subby coryo, p in v, unprotected sex, chair sex, finishing inside
Slowly walking up behind Coriolanus at his desk, just making enough noise to make your presence known, you gently run your fingers through his soft blonde curls. You watch with slightly parted lips as his head leans into your touch, his pen still clutched within his hand.
Your voice is soft and smooth with a slight purr as your lips ghost against the shell of his ear. “Baby, it’s been hours,” you sigh. “Don’cha think it’s time for a break?”
Coriolanus taps his pen onto his notebook filled to the brim with various notes. The feeling of your fingers massaging his scalp sends shivers down his spine. You feel so, so good. “I can’t stop,” he says, his voice an exhausted wine. “If I stop now, I won’t want to continue. I have to keep going,”
“And what good would that do?” you ask, your lips dangerously close to his temple. “You’re tired, my dove. You’re tense–” you kiss his temple. “And you’re frustrated.” another kiss. “Why don’t you let me take care of you?”
“I can’t–” he sighs.
“Why not?” Before Coriolanus can say anything else, you swing your leg around to straddle his lap, completely blocking his view of his desk. He tries to lean from side to side to look past your body, but you keep him in his place. “No, no baby, just look at me,” you coo, holding his face in your hands. “Focus on me, my love, can you do that?”
“I’m exhausted,” Coriolanus tries to protest, but as he feels you begin to grind your cunt against his crotch, his voice catches in his throat, and suddenly all words leave his brain.
You suppress a satisfied smirk. “I know, sweet boy, I know you’re exhausted. And that’s why you have to let me take care of you. So relax, my love. Relax,”
You take your finger and drag it along Coriolanus’s bottom lip, opening up his mouth to grant access to your tongue. You taste him deeply, exploring the warmth of his wet tongue and soft lips. The feeling of your sensitive lips sliding and molding against his makes you moan ever so slightly, and you chuckle into the kiss when he, too, emits a moan.
“That’s right, baby,” you whisper. “Just relax,”
You start undoing his pants and Coriolanus doesn’t stop you, watching as his cheeks flush a light pink as you free his semi-hard cock from the confines of his clothing. You reach underneath your skirt and slide your panties to the side, and with a few seconds of adjusting, you slowly sit down on his shaft. You both gasp in unison at the new feelings enveloping the two of you.
Coriolanus curses underneath his breath as your tight, wet walls envelop his dick, and you take him all the way. He’s so deep inside you, making your eyes slightly roll back into your head. “Fuck, baby,” you whisper breathlessly, starting out slowly as you lift yourself up then back down again on Coriolanus’s cock. “So big, so deep…”
It takes a few moments, but you’re soon rocking your hips back and forth and in circles as you ride him, making sure he is feeling exceptionally good. You can’t keep your hands off of his face and shoulders. Hell, you can’t keep your eyes off his face. The expressions he makes as he’s balls-deep in your pussy are absolutely delicious.
However, you catch him at one point trying to take a look at his desk and you’re quick to turn his focus back on you. “No, baby,” you purr. “Look at me. Pay attention to me. Focus on how good my pussy is making you feel. Do you feel good? Yeah?”
Coriolanus looks at you with his pretty blue eyes, lips slightly parted as he pants. “Yes, fuck–” he breathes. “Feels so good. Feels so good on my cock,”
You capture his lips in another kiss, shoving your tongue down his throat to taste as much of him as possible. You wrap your arms around his neck as your hips continue to move with his dick deep inside your pussy. You feel his hands on your hips, following your movements.
You pull away from the kiss and look deep into Coriolanus’s eyes as your lips ghost against his, panting and moaning into his mouth. “You feel so good, baby,” you pant. “Are you gonna come inside me?”
He bats his pretty eyelashes at you. “Can I?”
“Please…” you whisper, guiding his hand to your throbbing clit, and he wastes no time before taking his thumb and rubbing circles around your sensitive nub. You mewl, feeling the apex of your pleasure draw closer and closer.
His moans and gasps of pleasure are so pretty as the both of you bring yourselves to your inevitable orgasms. You feel his cock throb inside you, on the verge of exploding and releasing his seed deep inside you. Your walls contract around his dick, and you know that your climax is near.
“I’m comin’,” Coriolanus whispers. “Gonna come inside your pussy,”
“Fuck yeah, baby,” you moan. “You’re gonna make me come–... mmm, ah–!”
With one final gasp, you feel yourself come undone as your pussy drools all over Coriolanus’s cock. Your legs tremble, and the combination of your orgasm and his warm cum filling you up makes your eyes roll back into your head. You close your eyelids and tilt your head back to reveal your neck, in which Coriolanus seizes the opportunity to plant open-mouth kisses all over your throat.
You come down from your high and look Coriolanus in the eye once more, brushing away a stray curl from his voice. You smile sweetly, basking in the afterglow of his orgasm. “Feel better, my love?”
Coriolanus thinks for a moment as he catches his breath, then he nods. “Yeah,” he replies. “Yes, thank you. I feel a lot better. I really needed that,”
You press a small, loving kiss to his lips. “Good,” you whisper. “Now go to bed,”
don't be shy, let's talk. ♡
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callsign-rogueone · 2 months
the south star
sawyer henrick x reader part two of sawyer and peach's story words: 1.9k 🏷: no book spoilers (yet) and no warnings. just these cuties figuring out how to make this fake-dating thing work. it's totally definitely fake, right? falling in love with your childhood best friend would be crazy.
It’s easy to spot Sawyer on this side of the school — he’s the only one dressed in head-to-toe black, and by far the tallest student around.
Not that there’s many people here at this hour. You’ve both already had dinner, and a few of your classmates who have early morning shifts tomorrow have already gone to bed. 
He settles into the seat across from you, offering you a warm smile that turns into a frown when he sees the book you have open in front of you. “Did I keep you waiting? I’m sorry.”
You finish a sentence and set aside your notebook. “Not at all. I was just getting some studying in — this botany course is harder than I thought it would be. What did you want to talk about?”
He takes a breath, deciding to jump straight into it. “Boundaries. We need to decide — you need to decide, really — how far you want to go with this. I don’t want to do anything to make you uncomfortable— that’s why I’m here, because he’s making you uncomfortable.”
Easier said than done. Where do you draw the line? Where does he want to draw the line? What if you make him uncomfortable by crossing it? You don’t want to ruin your closest, longest-standing friendship. Closest if you don’t count that big gap of the last two years when you’d only spoken to each other once — but before that, he had been your best friend — and at times your only friend — since childhood. He still knows you better than any of your healer friends.
He can see the gears turning. “Hey,” he says softly, reaching across the table. His hand stops an inch from yours, because you still haven’t said anything. “If you don’t want to do this, I get it. My friends meant well, but they can be…” he trails off, looking for the right word.
“No, it’s okay,” you say after a moment. “I’m fine with whatever you are. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
You move your hand closer, setting it on top of his. He cradles your fingers in his palm, his thumb brushing over your knuckles gently. It takes everything in you not to shiver at the gentle touch. 
He smiles, shaking his head. “I knew you’d say that. But if there’s one thing I’ve learned from Ridoc, it’s how to commit to a bit. I’m locked in. I’ll take this as far as you think it needs to go.”
That’s all this is, a bit, an act. You know that, but why does the reminder sting?
He’s still holding your hand, thumb still idly stroking your knuckles. His eyes catch on your nails, lingering there a moment, admiring them. “You’re really good at that. The paint is so neat.”
You feel a little squeeze of pride at the compliment, but you don’t admit that you’d spent extra time on them this week, to make sure they were perfect — filing the tips into perfect ovals and cleaning up the edges with a tiny brush, putting an extra coat of gloss on top. 
“Polish, not paint,” you say with a soft laugh. “And healers need steady hands, don’t we?”
“I didn’t think about that. I guess so.” He realizes that you still haven’t answered his question, still haven’t drawn a specific line in the sand. “Just think about it, okay? And if I ever do anything that crosses a line or makes you uncomfortable, even if it’s something we agreed was okay earlier, you let me know, okay?”
You nod, taking a moment to find the words to respond — you’re lost in his eyes, in the soft concern there.
Has he always been this beautiful? 
“Okay,” you finally answer, more quietly than you’d intended. “I’ll think about it. And thank you. For agreeing to do this, and for being so nice about it.”
He offers you a shy smile. “Of course. Now, my first official act as your totally real boyfriend.” He lets go of your hand, laying it back down on the table gently. 
There’s that stinging feeling again. You push it away, looking up at him. 
“I won this in my first challenge fight, my first year,” he says, unsheathing one of the knives from his hip, “and now I’m giving it to you.”
You raise your eyebrows, amused. “Is this some rider’s tradition I don’t know about? Giving people knives as a romantic declaration?”
“Not that I’m aware,” he answers, “I just want you to have something to defend yourself with.” 
Your joking smile immediately falls. “I don’t know, Sy…”
He flips it around with ease, extending the hilt to you. “Just hold it for a second.”
You take it carefully, weighing it in your hand. It feels entirely different from the small knives you’d use to prepare ingredients; this isn’t made to chop up leaves, but to cut skin, and not in the precise and delicate way that a scalpel would, but with the intent to cause damage.
He reaches out to adjust your hold on it, gently moving your fingers into the proper grip and wrapping his hand over yours. 
You feel the metal warm up under your palm, your breath catching as it moves — molding itself to the shape of your hand, making four groves the perfect size and shape for your fingers. Your eyes snap up to his. “Did you just…”
He realizes he never told you about his signet. “Yeah,” he says shyly, letting go of your hand. “How’s that feel?”
“Better, but still… wrong.”
“I know it feels weird. It’ll take some getting used to. And I hope you won’t ever need it, but you should still have something. Just in case.”
“Okay,” you agree, setting it down on the table and reaching into your bag. “But then I want you to carry this around.” You set a length of stretchy cord down beside it, along with a roll of bandages.
It’s his turn to raise an eyebrow. “Bandages, and… rope.”
“A tourniquet,” you correct. “If someone’s losing a lot of blood—”
“Wrap it around as tightly as you can and tie it in a knot,” he finishes for you, pocketing them. “Got it.”
“On the side of the wound that’s closer to the heart,” you add, and he nods in understanding. “Good.”
“Now, if I want to teach you how to use that, I’m going to have to learn how to do stitches, aren’t I?” He asks, nodding toward the dagger.
“Stitches might be a bit advanced. But I’ll think of something.”
He gives you that sly smile you’ve missed so much. “Are all of our dates going to be educational?”
You flush, realizing that this is technically a date, even if you’re just sitting here talking. “Not all of them. We need a break sometimes. Which leads me to our next order of business. We both have the day off tomorrow, so we can stay up a little longer. C’mon.”
You stand, shouldering your bag and leading him down the hall and through a door he hadn’t noticed, onto a small patio.
“I like to come out here sometimes and just look at them,” you say quietly.
It takes him a second to realize what you’re referring to — but then he follows your gaze up to the sky. The August evenings are finally darkening at a reasonable hour, hundreds of tiny twinkling stars visible overhead. 
You sit down on the sun-warmed stone, Sawyer settling beside you. 
He’s the first to speak, starting the conversation quietly. “After that whole mess at the land-nav exercise, I did some more reading about celestial navigation. You see that one really bright one, over there on its own? That’s the south star. It doesn’t move with the seasons like the rest. The others come and go, but it always stays in the same spot.”
“Do you think it gets lonely?” you ask softly, lying down to look at it better. “Always staying in one place?”
“Only you can make a star millions of miles away have feelings,” he says with a soft laugh. “Maybe. But its friends come to visit every year, and it has the moons for company.” He looks over at you. “But this isn’t about the stars, is it?”
You sigh, shaking your head no. “I want to be here, I really do, but sometimes I feel terrible for leaving them. Especially this time of year.”
He doesn’t need to ask who ‘they’ are; your distant upward gaze at the moon is enough to clue him in. You’re talking about your family, feeling guilty for heading off to school and missing the harvest.
You continue in a whisper. “I know they all encouraged us to go, but… I worry about them, how they’re doing, if the harvest was enough to pay the bills. I know they wouldn’t tell me if it wasn’t, because they know I’d drop out and go back the moment I heard they were in trouble.”
“I think about that a lot. And now that I don’t have that option, and I’ll be gone for four years, not three…” he sighs. “I never told them I had to repeat. I just don’t want them to be ashamed of me.”
You turn your head to look at him. “They could never be ashamed of you, Sy.”
“You think so?”
“I know so,” you answer, rolling onto your side to face him properly. “Their son is a dragon rider, not to mention the executive officer of his squad, and he can literally bend metal without even touching it. I know you’re around a bunch of badasses with magic powers every day, but to us normal people, that’s really damn cool. So what if it took you a little longer than your friends? You’re the real deal. You’ve got the relic to prove it.”
You realize that he’s never really shown it to you, and that you definitely just admitted to checking him out that day in the infirmary, but you brush past it quickly. “But all that aside, you’re kind, empathetic, funny, strong… you’re a great guy, Sawyer, and an amazing fake boyfriend.”
He flushes even redder.
You smile. “I could go on, but you look like you’re gonna catch a fever, so I’ll stop for now. Just know it’s the truth, every word.”
He looks back up at the stars. “Thank you,” he says quietly. “It means a lot to hear you say that.”
“Of course, Sy.” You reach out across the stone, brushing your hand against his. Your heart races as he intertwines your fingers.
“For what it’s worth, you’re an amazing fake girlfriend too.”
“Oh, yeah?”
“Yeah. That was a world-class pep talk. And I feel very safe with my new rope.”
You narrow your eyes at him. “Hey! I was serious about that. You guys are always showing up and getting blood all over the floor. It would be nice if you could keep it in. Especially now that Nolon’s out all the time and it’s just us normal folk around to help.”
He laughs, squeezing your hand gently. “I promise I will keep as much of my blood inside my body as I can.”
You pull your gaze away from the constellations on his cheeks, looking back to the ones lighting the dark, just in time to see a streak of light cross the sky.
“Make a wish,” you instruct, closing your eyes.
Neither of you say your wishes aloud, but you both hope they’re the same.
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yeonzzzn · 1 year
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🍓strawberries: yeonjun x reader | childhood friends to lovers | warnings: none, just cute ♡
"they say a double strawberry will bring love. spliting it in half and sharing it with another person, you will fall in love with each other..."
[3.0k words] ☆ [pls do not repost]
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A soft tapping on your bedroom window startled you awake. 
You turned quickly to your left, seeing a face looking back at you. The face of your best friend. 
“Yeonjun!” you snapped holding your hands over your chest, “you nearly gave me a heart attack!”
The corners of his mouth tilted up, his finger pointing upwards, signaling you to open the window. 
You sighed as you walked over and lifted the glass up, “don’t you know what time it is?” you asked. 
Yeonjun checks the watch on his wrist, “it’s only 9:30pm.” 
You dropped your face in the palm of your hand, “only 9:30pm he says.” 
“Yeah! Obviously!” Yeonjun places his foot over the plastic panel to the window, “move over I’m coming in.”
You step aside, watching your childhood best friend make his way into your room. 
Yeonjun sets a plastic convenience store bag on your desk where you were once asleep. 
“Oh shit! I forgot we had math homework!” Yeonjun picks up your notebook, “can I copy this later?” 
You snatch the notebook from his hands, “you know you can do it yourself, right? And anyways, why are you here so late? It’s a school night you know.” 
He points to the plastic bag, “I got us snacks.” 
“Yeah. I can see that.” 
You decided to accept his snacks, knowing full well if you didn’t he would pout until you did or leave pouting and then you’d definitely never hear the end of it. You both sat on the floor leading against your bed to keep the crumb from getting on the bedsheets. 
Yeonjun went on telling a story about his experience at school earlier that day while you sipped on the cola he brought you, and munched on some chips. 
You and Yeonjun have been friends since birth, your mothers are both best friends, which automatically made the two of you best friends. 
“Like Y/N it was crazy! This fight was different from any other school fights I’ve seen!”
You nodded your head, “I can tell by your story. I don’t know why you get yourself caught up in these fights, remember we are seniors in high school, if you want to get into a good college, you can’t get caught up in that.”
Yeonjun rolls his eyes, “It’s not like I was in the fight, I just stopped it.” 
“That does not help your case.” 
He shrugs, digging into the bag for another snack.
“Ah! I forgot I got strawberries!” 
You glance over, seeing the rubbing strawberries in his hands. Your eyes lit up, “why did you not start with the strawberries first! I love them!” 
Yeonjun smiled brightly, “that’s why they had to be last! I know you love them.” 
The smell of the fresh strawberries filled your room, your mouth watering, ready to have a taste. 
One by one you both took them, the container soon almost empty. 
Yeonjun’s attention was soon taken by the last strawberry, he held it up in his hand, “it’s a double strawberry.” 
You reached across trying to take it from him, but he pulled away, “I call dibs!” you tried to reach again but he was quick to pull it further away, “Yeonjun!” 
“Do you not know the lord to double strawberries?!” he frantically let out, still shoving you away from the red goodness. 
“What is so special about a double strawberry?? Is it more juicy? I want it if so!” 
Yeonjun rolled his eyes, “No! Silly! Sit back and I will tell you.”
Crossing your arms over your chest, you let him win, ready for him to explain. 
“Okay, they say if you share a double strawberry, the ones who share it fall in love with each other.” Yeonjun smiled up at you, only for his smile to fade once he saw the look on your face.
“That’s the lore?” you couldn’t hide that your were disappointed. You hoped for the lord to be something more amazing.
Yeonjun flicked his finger to your forehead, “yes that IS the lore! Do you not find that interesting?!”
You shook your head, “I think it is silly to put trust in a fruit to make two people fall in love.” 
Yeonjun shrugged, “I think it’s fascinating.”
“You’ve always been the more romantic one out of the two of us.” 
He nodded, staring down at the strawberries. You felt bad after not believing his story, Yeonjun always loved theories and it made you feel guilty for shutting it down so quickly. 
“I’m sorry for being mean,” you apologized.
He smiled brightly at you, “share the strawberry with me.”
You laughed, thinking he was joking. “What? You’re serious?”
He nodded again, “yeah why not?” he wiggled his brows, “maybe we’ll figure out if it’s true or not.” 
You shoved his shoulder, “stop playing.”
He locked eyes with you, your heart rate increasing seeing how very serious he was being, “I’m not playing, Y/N.” 
All you could do was nod in agreement. What’s the worst that could happen?
Yeonjun split the strawberry and handed you your half. 
This was the first time you felt nervous around him. Yeonjun knows your deepest, darkest secrets. Has seen you at your worst, and even your highest. This man embarrassed you in front of the whole student body in the fourth grade when he found out which boy you had a crush on and announced it to everyone. Never once had he ever made you feel the things you were right now. 
But you ate the strawberry anyways, watching as he ate his half. 
“You’re right,” his voice startled you, “the double strawberry was really juicy.” 
Yeonjun looked over at you making eye contact. 
Every inch of you was screaming to look away, to nod your head in agreement that the strawberry was indeed juicy and really good. 
But you couldn’t break away, you sat frozen beside him. 
Yeonjun inched closer to you, shifting his body facing you, his arm resting on your bed while the other hand reached for you.  
You let him. You let him place his hand on the side of your neck, his thumb brushing against your cheek. You could smell his cologne, feel his breath against your skin. 
Yeonjun slowly connected his lips to yours. Your body went hot from his touch. Everything was spinning, but felt as if the world had stopped. 
Once he pulled away, you had to remind yourself to breathe. 
“It’s late,” he said, pushing your hair behind your ear, “I’ll see you at school tomorrow.” 
Yeonjun placed a final kiss on your forehead, and you watched him climb out your window and disappear down the street. 
As if the lore of the strawberry were true, you fell in love with him. 
Everything with Yeonjun felt so right. Everything made sense with him. 
And he felt the same with you. 
The two of you spent the rest of the school year together. 
You became the “it” couple of the school. And deep down, you loved it. 
Every holiday with him was better than before. Every date was more and more special. Every kiss took your breath away every single time. The first I love you melted you. But your heart raced faster each time you heard those words come from his mouth. 
You loved him with every inch of your being. You felt as if nothing could tear you two apart. 
Until the day came where it did tear you apart. 
The two of you sat on the floor of his bedroom. Boxes filled every corner of the room, the convenient store bag of snacks, untouched. A container of strawberries empty, with no double strawberry. 
“Yeonjun, we can find a way!” you cried. 
He tucked his lip between his teeth, “we can’t and you know that.” 
Today was supposed to be a celebration of Yeonjun being accepted as a trainee, but you didn’t think the celebration would end with the both of you ending. 
High School graduation was in a week, you both had so many plans for the summer. He was supposed to follow you to your dream college that was three hours away if he wasn’t accepted as his dream company to be a trainee, and even if he was accepted, you both wanted to make it work. 
Until tonight. 
You knew with Yeonjun’s schedule he wouldn’t have time to visit you often or text or even call often. You did not think it was going to be enough to break the two of you apart. 
You kept looking at the empty container of strawberries, wishing a double one would magically appear there. Maybe the lore wasn’t true after all. 
Graduation came and gone. Days passed. Months flew by and then a years. 
You graduated top of your class from college and landed your dream job in Seoul and moved into a beautiful apartment. 
Your parents threw you a party in congratulations. All your friends from high school came and even the one from college. 
You sat on the couch beside your parents, listening to them talk about how their lives have been since you’ve been gone. You’ve talked to them on the phone every single day, and they’ve visited, but there was still a lot to be caught up on. 
“Oh honey! Mrs. Choi told me to give you her congrats.” your mother said, giving you a warm smile. 
You nodded and smiled back, “tell her I said thank you.” 
She nodded back, but her warm smile slowly faded, “Have you spoken to Yeonjun?” 
You froze at his name, slowly looking away from your mom.
She placed a hand on your shoulder, giving a soft squeeze. 
You excused yourself, rushing away to the kitchen. 
Yeonjun never left your mind. For years since the last day you saw him, he was all you ever thought about. Your heart ached for him. It wanted him and only him. 
You noticed a fruit plate on the table, with a singular strawberry sitting on it. You picked it up, and threw it away. 
A few months have gone by, you settled into your apartment and made a name for yourself at your job. Life was getting easier and Yeonjun didn’t cross your mind much anymore. But maybe it was due to being busy. You never knew the answer to that, and didn’t want to find that answer. 
The first snow of winter touched the ground. You shoved your hands into your jacket pockets, forgetting your gloves at home was the worst mistake of the day. 
You had a late day at work, causing you to walk home at 9pm. With the sun down, the winter breeze was even cooler. 
You kept your head low as you continued your walk back home, counting down the steps until you walked into your apartment. 
A few pairs of laughter in the distance caught your attention, you didn’t want to run into them after all. 
You glance up, seeing five men standing on the sidewalk, laughing at each other. 
It made you smile, it reminded you of the times you and your friends would laugh. 
But your smile faded, when you recognized one smile. 
You stopped walking after fully realizing you recognized the laugh too. 
Your heart raced seeing how happy he looked. How different he looked. You could tell he carried himself different. His smile was bigger. He was much taller. His hair was dyed orange. He looked the happiest you’ve ever seen him. 
You knew you needed to walk away, to turn around and walk a different way home. You couldn’t ruin this for him. 
But it was too late. 
He made eye contact with you. His smile faded. 
You wanted to move, but your feet were planted to the ground. 
He said something to the four friends of his and made his way to you. 
You finally were able to look away, hoping his friends would pull him back, but saw they were no longer on site. 
Finally, you were able to turn around, facing away from him.
“Y/N! Wait please!”
You couldn’t take another step before his hands turned you around and pulled you to him, his arms wrapping around you.
You fought yourself to keep from crying, kept yourself stiff so you wouldn’t. 
Yeonjun realized it too, slowly pulling himself from you. 
“Why are you out here alone?” he asked, pulling a strain of hair behind your ear, “you’re freezing! Are you heading home? I’ll drive you.” 
You shook your head, “no I’m fine.” 
His face fell, watching his foot dig into the snow. 
“Please let me take you home, I don’t feel okay knowing you’re walking alone.”
You took a deep breath in, “you haven’t changed much have you?”
A small smile grew on his face, “obviously not.” 
You agreed to let him drive you home. 
He stopped at the convenient store down the street from your apartment, “why are we stopping?” you asked. 
He gave you a wink, “for snacks of course, just like old times.” 
Your heart sank, but you slowly nodded anyway. You tried to push the last memory of sharing snacks with him out of your head. You didn’t want to remember it. 
Yeonjun dropped the plastic bag on your kitchen table, sliding his jacket off, dropping it in the chair. 
“Want any coffee? To help warm up?” you asked. 
Yeonjun nodded, “yes, thank you.  
He rustled through the plastic bag, bringing out a few packages of ramen, two bags of chips, and a container of strawberries. 
You handed him his coffee, glancing down at the container. 
“You really got everything we used to eat as children, didn’t you.” you soft scoffed. 
Yeonjun tore open one of the bags of chips, “hey I’m a simple guy.” 
You rolled your eyes, sitting down at the table across from him, “you really didn’t change.” 
He glanced over at you, “why would I?” 
You shrugged, tapping your fingers on your coffee mug, “you’re an idol now.” 
“Y/N, just because I’m famous doesn’t mean I’m not the same Yeonjun you know.” 
You looked away from him, seeing his face hurt. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” he whispered. “I am an idiot, I get it. But I haven’t stopped thinking about you all these years. You’re the main reason I was able to get as far as I did.” 
You looked into his eyes trying to read him. Yeonjun never was able to hide how he felt from you, even as kids you always knew what he was feeling. And right now wasn’t any different. You could see his emotions all over his face. 
“I didn’t want to lose you,” he chuckled, “but I couldn’t put you through that life.”
You shocked your head, anger filled you, “you don’t know how it would have worked! I was ready for that life. Prepared myself for it. I was ready to support you through thick and thin.”
Yeonjun nodded, “I know, trust me I do.” 
You both sat in silence, until you decided fighting with him wasn’t what you wanted right now. You finally reunited with him, you don’t know when you’d be able to see him again. 
“Want to eat the strawberries and talk how we used to?” 
Yeonjun smiled, opening the container. 
You listened as he talked about his trainee days, about his group members, the company he’s under and even his seniors who he looks up to and all the friends he was able to make. He looked so happy talking about it all. You couldn’t help but wonder how different it would have been for him if you were still in the picture during that time. 
“I’m very happy for you, Yeonjun,” you picked up a strawberry, “I guess it worked out in the end.”
You didn’t mean for those words to be that sharp, but you could tell they cut him like a knife. 
“I meant it when I said I never stopped thinking about you. I talked about you all the time. I still do.” 
“I think about you too,” you decided to admit, “I never stopped.” 
He cleared his throat, “get me caught up on you.” 
You caught him up on your everyday life and how you ended up in Seoul. 
“I am very glad you’re doing well for yourself, Y/N. I was worried about you.” 
You raised a brow at him, “I’m an adult Yeonjun, I can’t take care of myself now.” you teased him. 
He threw his hands up in defense, “hey listen, I trust you okay.” 
You both laughed. You missed this. You missed him. 
“I’ve missed you so much,” he whispered, as if he could read your mind. 
You sighed, “I’ve missed you too.” 
Yeonjun chuckled, reaching for the last strawberry in the box, his eyes frozen on it. 
You took a sip from your coffee, watching him in confusion, “what is wrong with it?”
He smiled, “have you ever heard the lore of sharing a double strawberry with someone?” 
You set your cup down, seeing the double strawberry in his hand. 
“They say if you split the strawberry in half with someone, the two will fall in love.” 
He glances up at you, tucking his bottom lip between his teeth.
“I’m still in love with you, Y/N,” he interrupted. “I loved you way before we even shared the first double strawberry. I think I’ve loved you for as long as I could remember, and I never stopped. Sharing the strawberry with you that night all those years ago only gave me the confidence to finally show it.” 
Tears formed in your eyes. The happiness you felt in that moment was written all over your face. 
“I don’t remember when I realized it, but it’s the same with me”, you reached across the table grabbing him by his shirt collar, “I’ve always loved you Choi Yeonjun, and it took that stupid double strawberry to finally realize it.” 
The last thing you saw was his smile and his face inching closer to yours. Your world spun at the touch of his lips. Your heart raced feeling his cold hand brush against your neck. 
He was here with you. And that’s all that mattered in that moment. 
Yeonjun pulled away, resting his forehead against yours, “so, we are sharing this strawberry?” 
“As long as you promise to not leave my side again.” 
“You’re crazy if you think I’m dumb enough to walk away from you again.”
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electrosair · 1 year
Where do they like to kiss? dendro + electro ver.
english isn’t my first language, sorry for mistakes
characters: al haitham + baizhu + kaveh + tighnari + cyno (separate)
word count: almost 1k
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Al Haitham
Top of the head.
Somehow or other he has to show that he's still the cool guy, so he won't give you a lot of kisses or affectionate caresses in front of people. But once it's just the two of you, things change.
I was sitting on his lap, head buried in the hollow of his neck and half asleep, focusing solely on how his chest expanded and sank with each breath in rhythm with mine. He held a book in his hands and his eyes moved from left to right, reading every word and occasionally letting out little murmurs. He closed the book abruptly, perhaps unhappy with its contents, and I jumped at the noise. "Oh, sorry." He said in a soft tone and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer to his torso. "You can go back to sleep." He sketched out a small laugh and pressed his lips against the top of my head, ruffling my hair slightly.
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Hear me out, I know this probably sounds very typical or very weird or both at the same time. But for some reason my head only sees it possible for Baizhu to spend all his free time poking you in the scrapes and bruises so they 'heal faster'.
His work shift was over and we were relaxing quietly, ordering some new products that had just arrived at the pharmacy and talking about the day when he saw a previously unseen wound on the skin of my arm. "When did you get it? Let me see." He asked and dropped the jar of crushed herbs on a shelf, taking my wrist to closely examine the bruise. I quickly explained that it was a simple knock with a door, but Baizhu was adamant that it needed to be treated, not at all for the fact that he loved the feel of my skin under his touch. "Does it hurt much?" His fingers caressed the bruise on the outside of my arm and when I nodded slightly he brought his warm lips to it.
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Okay, but Kaveh getting upset about his job? Why do I feel like he would come back to you for a lot of comfort after a day with really annoying customers? He'd ask you for advice only to have you say one sentence to him, light up his own light bulb and shower you all over the face with kisses.
I was already tucked up in bed and Kaveh had not yet arrived home. The sounds of Al Haitham's footsteps stopped quite a while ago and the worry began to grow on me, only then the door opened and the noise returned to the house. Kaveh appeared through his door frame, looking drunk as he propped himself up so as not to fall. I jumped out of the sheets to go hold him down and sit him on the edge of the mattress, questions coming out of my mouth as I tried to check if he was okay. "Customers are insufferable, not like you." He mumbled vaguely, his arms gripped me tightly and he leaned me against his own body. I tried to speak again, but he cut me off before I could. "Oh, I should have thought of that before, just having you here does it for me." He laughed and kissed my cheeks quickly, still drunk and slid over to scribble something in his notebook.
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This man is too sweet to exist, he would try to give you a single kiss, maybe as a goodbye, a peck or something but he would just convince himself that it's not enough and kiss your forehead (or anywhere else) as well.
I could see him gathering his stuff in a backpack for today's expedition, he said something about a strange plant throughout the day yesterday but I didn't pay much attention to him from the moment he uttered the phrase 'it's too dangerous for you to go blah blah blah'. Once everything he saw as necessary for his outing was inside the green bag he approached me, that typical face that even if I asked him on my knees he wasn't going to let me go. "Before you ask, no." I rolled my eyes, holding back a small laugh and nodded my head. "Well, I'll be going now then, I'll be back in the evening." He left a kiss on my lips and headed for the exit of our cabin but before he left he turned on his own heels and ran up to me again, leaving a kiss on my forehead.
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This definitely sounds weird, but let me explain. I'm 100% sure Cyno would take you on some missions with him and you'd come back in pain from all that walking, so there's nothing better than kisses to relieve.
I kept my eyes closed as I groaned lying down, my calves felt more sore than usual and I knew perfectly well that tomorrow I was going to have a stiffness that wouldn't let me walk, but still I didn't plan to let Cyno down once I told him I would accompany him, at least for this week. "Is something wrong, do you want to rest?" I merely pointed to my legs, looking at him with abandoned puppy dog eyes, maybe I'd get him to give me a piggyback ride or more rest time. "What does that mean?" he asked and crouched down to my height, running his hand down my legs gently as he inspected. Noticing my expressions of pleasure as he massaged, he smiled and began spreading kisses all over my exposed skin, getting giggles from me.
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kittycatsheros9 · 1 year
Ethan landry x Cheerleader!reader Part 2
Word count: 1567
Warnings: kissing, male oral, fingers in mouth, there’s praises
Notes: only one person requested part 2, but I must satisfied the people, even if it’s one person 😂
You were close to failing. Exams were two weeks away and you didn’t understand a word your Econ professor would say. All you heard was nonsense after nonsense. Basically, all you would do in that class was daydream. Mostly daydreaming about cheerleading. And right now, your spot on the Blackmore cheer team was in danger. If you failed this class, you could be kicked off. And you didn’t need that.
What you did need was a tutor. Someone to help you understand all this gibberish that came out of your Econ professors mouth. Luckily you knew someone. That someone always sat right behind you in class. The only reason you knew he was smart, was him answering 99.9% of the questions the professor would ask. And he always got them right.
“Hey E, can I ask a question?” You quietly asked him.
He looked up from his paper to gaze at your lips and then your eyes. What if you had figured him out. His biggest secret. It made him feel all dirty inside but he couldn’t help it. He really enjoyed spending his time just imagining you. Imagining you in different positions. Your face would be all screwed up. Your eyebrows furrowed. Eyes almost shut. Your mouth slightly opened for you to whimper. And your hair would stick to your forehead. Ethan would do round after round with you.
His dirty thoughts got interrupted. You had tapped his desk, wanting his attention. But he heard you the first time, not needing you to repeat. So he nodded his head. You gave him a soft smile before voicing your question.
“I was wondering if you could tutor me, for Econ…please”
Ethan let out a sigh from his lips. So you didn’t figure him out. And he was so thankful for that. He wanted to help you, so he responded.
“Yeah of course, maybe I can tutor you today?”
After Econ ended, you and Ethan exchanged numbers. You picked out a time that would work for both you and him. So your plan worked out. You and Ethan were set to study tonight. It would’ve been earlier in the day, but you had cheer practice.
That was Ethans last class of the day. He walked back to his dorm all giddy and filled with excitement. He was going to have you in his dorm, all alone, maybe no clothes on. If it worked out in his favor. He had to tell Chad not to stay in the dorm tonight. He needed and wanted to have you to himself.
Hours passed. Chad was now gone. Out with Tara on a date. Ethan felt like time was moving impossibly slow. He was spread out onto his bed. One hand behind his head and the other on his stomach. He looked over at his desk. His eyes reached the clock. 8:59 pm. You were supposed to come over at 9. But what if you were late. His thoughts were cut off short by the knocks. It was you. He immediately rose off his bed.
He opened his door and displayed a wide grin. There you were. In a tank top and comfy shorts. Your arms carrying your school notebooks. He opened his door wider. A sign for you to walk in. So you did. You two got to studying. Him having to repeat some topics but that was okay. It didn’t bother him. With the time getting later and later. He noticed you getting closer to his body. You had asked him if you could ask a question. Assuming it would be about Econ, he nodded.
“Can I Kiss you E?” You tilted your head and moved your eyes down to his lips. His tongue went out to wet them. You knew what you were doing. And thankfully, he did too. So he fastly nodded. You giggled at his eagerness.
You tightly grabbed ahold of his shirt and pulled him in. Your face slightly lower at this angle. You looked up at him with your doe eyes. He looked at your eyes but quickly closed them. Waiting to feel your lips on his. You started off by giving two soft pecks. It wasn’t fueling Ethan’s needs. So he cupped both of your cheeks. Pulling your face closer and properly sealing your lips to his. He groaned at the feeling of the softness. Never wanting to let go.
You climbed into his lap. Your legs straddling him, then sitting down on his hardened dick. Ethan whimpered at the feeling of the pressure. Letting go from your cheeks, he put his hands on your hips. Helping you move back and forth on his clothed dick. Loving every second of it.
You pulled your arms around his neck. Letting them rest there. Hands reaching into his curls. You tugged them tightly. He bit your bottom lip. Wanting access to feel your mouth. You slightly opened. Immediately feeling his tongue clashing against yours. You were still moving your hips in a back in forth movement. Ethan now rutting his hips up into your clothed cunt. It was all so much.
Ethan was the first to pull away. Already missing your lips, but he needed to breathe. Now only sounds of heavy breathing filled the dorm. You stared deep into his eyes. Watching them frantically move. He was staring from eye to eye. Then looking down at your red, puffy lips. You shivered at the silence and spoke up.
“Can I suck your dick?” You spitted out fastly.
You looked back at Ethan’s eyes and watched them widen. He felt like he was about to pass out. Maybe he was in one of those daydreams again. But you reached down and touched his dick. And no he wasn’t in one of those dreams. It was all real. He muttered out a yes, also nodding at the same time.
So you pushed at his torso. Needing him to fully lay back. You looked back at his pants and unbuttoned his jeans. At first you only pulled down his jeans. Not wanting to get into it too fast. You looked at him and palmed him against his boxers. A loud moan broke the silence. You smirked, knowing you were making him feel good.
You pulled down his boxers, letting them rest on his thighs. As where his jeans were. Now all you could stare at was his dick. It was thick, and maybe seven inches. It was the perfect size. You moved your body towards his dick more. Spitting on his tip. Watching his hands tug on his sheets. You reached your hand down. You started from his tip and moved down. You stroked him. And moans slipping out of his mouth.
“Does that feel could Eth?” You asked. You already knew the answer by the sounds he was creating. But just wanted to make sure.
“Yeah baby, fuck you’re doing so well” he praised you. You blushed at his response. Ethan praising you was something you didn’t know you needed.
You moved your body downwards. You coming face to face with his dick. You opened your mouth to just suck his tip. His hands found a place in your hair. Only lightly squeezing some strands. Your mouth moved father down. About halfway. Letting one hand reach around him. Stroking the part of him that wasn’t in your mouth. A couple of strokes and you moved your hand away. Pushing yourself all the way down. Hearing a “fuck” and whimpers fall from his lips.
You continued to bob your head up and down his dick. His hands helping you with these movements. You wanted to do something different. So you pulled his dick out of your mouth. Kitty licking the tip. Then licking all the way down to his balls. You heard him breathe heavily.
“Shit, I didn’t know you could be such a dirty girl” He rambled out.
You heard his moans and whines in between his words. You hummed at his sentences. Now licking and sucking one ball. You started to stroke his dick. Then you moved to his other ball, doing the same acts. Licking and sucking. In your hand you felt his dick twitch. A sign of him close to cumming.
“I’m bouta cum, im bouta cum” he said like a chant.
So you moved your attention back to his dick. He hit the back of your throat. You moved up to only his tip to tease him. But his hands pushed you all the way down. His dick hitting the back of your throat again. Your nose touched his pelvis. You stared up at him, while he looked down at you. Words leaving his lips, but you couldn’t hear.
You felt his hot cum spur out of him. You tried to pull back. You needed to breathe. But he didn’t let you. Even though he felt your hands claw at his thighs. A sign to let him know to pull out. He was too in the moment to pull back.
Once he came down from his high, you felt his hands pull out of your hair. You pulled his dick out and pulled your body up. You smiled and stuck your tongue out. He sat up and stuck two fingers in your mouth. Making you suck. He pulled them out to wipe your spit on your lips.
“Shit baby, such a good girl”
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thebearchives · 2 years
i want to write you a song | CL16
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PAIRING: charles lecler x singer!reader
REQUESTED: [X] yes [] no
SYNOPSIS: you share your newest song with charles, a song you had written about him, for him. as he listens, you think back to the memories that inspired each lyric.
WARNINGS: fluff with very minimal hurt/comfort, some french translations
A/N: i feel like this is so shitty, so i apologize to the anons who requested this </3, also HEAVILY inspired by i want to write you a song by one direction so stream it as you listen (if you'd like)
as always, don't be a ghost reader!
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“okay, are you ready?” your eyes were wide with excitement as you turned to look at charles, finger hovering over the play button on spotify.
charles adjusted the earbud in his ear, his other hand reaching over to squeeze your own that sat in your lap, “always. i can’t wait to hear it.”
you smiled, “i’m gonna press play, okay?”
charles gave you a wide smile and nodded excitedly, “let’s do this!”
your finger pressed against the play button and the familiar strumming of your guitar began coursing through your ears. charles’ hand tightened against yours again once your voice cut through the instruments.
i wanna write you a song; one as beautiful as you are sweet
you stared up at charles’ face as he slept peacefully, long eyelashes brushing against his cheeks. you couldn’t help but envy his ability to shut his brain off and sleep, for your own was running faster than charles’ bright red ferrari. the longer you stared at charles, the more your thoughts crowded your mind. 
you reached forward and lightly brushed his hair back away from his forehead. god, he was so beautiful–your beautiful muse, who had no idea how much he inspired you with every word and action. 
you pushed yourself up and out of bed, the inspiration running wild within your head. your fingers itched for your songwriting notebook, settling into your spot on the alcove. the ideas flowed from your mind to the blank paper, filling line after line about the way charles made you feel.
with just a hint of pain for the feeling that i get when you are gone
“i miss you,” you frowned at the phone in your hand.
“i miss you more, mon ange,” charles’ voice was soft, “but i’ll see you in two days, okay?”
“but that’s so far away,” you couldn’t help but whine. you knew you were being overdramatic, but you couldn’t help it. 
it was the last race weekend of the triple header, and the race was tomorrow afternoon. after his race, charles would be packing his bags and heading back to monaco to see you again. you had only been able to go with charles to the first weekend, having to stay home for the next two weeks due to your album deadline that was approaching fast.
you watched as charles’ lips curved upwards on your phone screen, “but i’ll be yours for the entirety of the summer break, amour.”
you let out a puff of air, “i hate this.”
“i know, i do too. if your deadline hadn’t been on monday, i would have flown you out instantly.” 
“not if i did it first,” you laid back on the bed, turning to your side and holding the phone up against the pillow, “if i had it my way, i’d have been with you for the entire three weeks.”
“if i had it my way, i’d have every race in monaco so i’d never have to leave home.” 
his words made you smile, “what about the curse?” 
charles chuckled, “mon amour, no curse in the world is strong enough to go against my luckiest charm. you’re undefeated.”
“hm, maybe you should say this after you finally win a home race,” you couldn’t help but laugh at the way his face dropped.
“that was rude, ange,” charles frowned, “i was trying to be romantic.”
“sorry,” you giggled, “you are very romantic, please continue.”
“no, i don’t think i will now,” charles crossed his arms across his chest. after a beat, he dropped them, “isn’t it late for you?”
you nodded, a yawn escaping your lips, “couldn’t sleep without you. ‘s been like this all two weeks.”
a sigh escaped his lips, “‘m sorry, ange. i promise to give you all the cuddles once i’m back.”
“you better.”
charles watched as your eyes slowly shut, bidding you a goodnight. both your hearts ached at the sound of the call ending, wishing you could have been with the other.
you opened your eyes, gazing at the phone in your hand longingly. you wanted to call him back. you wanted to tell him again how much you missed him, and how the house felt empty without his presence, and how your bed felt so much bigger and colder without him in it. but you refrained, closing your eyes and willing yourself to go to sleep. 
tomorrow, you would fall asleep again and wake up to charles coming home, but for tonight, you’d sleep alone for another night. 
i wanna lend you my coat; one that's as soft as your cheek
you couldn’t help but giggle as you watched charles try to hide his shiver. said brunette narrowed his eyes at you, a pout gracing his pink lips.
“stop laughing at me,” he tugged on the hand that he was holding onto, cold fingers intertwined with your warmer ones, “i’m not cold!”
you let go of his hand, moving both of your hands to cup his red cheeks, “mon ange, your hand has been trembling for the past five minutes. please, just admit you’re cold.”
charles grumbled but made no move to remove your hands from his numb face. you were so warm. 
“‘m not cold, promise,” he mumbled quietly, though his head snuggled into your palms further. in return, you caressed his soft cheeks with your thumb, trying to warm them up.
“so if i pull my hands away right now, you’d be fine with that?”
charles frowned, “no.”
you smirked, “so you are cold!” 
the silence made you laugh loudly. you moved your hands away from charles’ face and turned around. after a beat, you turned your head to look at charles, “well?”
at his confused gaze, you continued, pushing your hands into your coat’s pockets, “are you gonna join or no?”
charles smiled, moving closer to your body and placing his hands into your pockets alongside yours. you held back a flinch at his cold hands, intertwining your fingers and tugging him closer. his back pressed against yours and he sighed happily, nuzzling the rose-tinted tip of his nose against the back of your head. 
“merci,” charles pushed your intertwined hands forward, wrapping his arms around you as best as he could, “though, i have to assure you, i was not cold.”
“of course not.”
so when the world is cold, you will have a hiding place you can go
you had lost your coat.
you had looked everywhere for it. suitcases, bed, closet, laundry. everywhere. you’d even asked your manager if she had seen it anywhere, be it in any of your hotel rooms throughout the tour, or even in the tour bus that had just been returned to the agency. no such luck.
charles could sense your frustration over the video call, eyebrows furrowed as he watched you tear apart your shared bedroom, “amour, why are you destroying our room?”
you huffed, plopping down on the bed, “i can’t find my coat!”
charles’ body tensed, eyes flickering off-screen before instantly landing back on your sulking figure. he cleared his throat, “which coat?”
“the teddy coat! the big one that you always say swallows me whole whenever i wear it,” your pout was adorable, and had charles not have been panicking over the fact that the very coat you were looking for was with him, he would have cooed over how cute you looked.
“ah,” charles scratched the side of his neck, “why do you need it?”
“i don’t know,” you shrugged, “i just wanted to wear it out today. but now, i can’t! because i can’t find it. you know how much i love that coat–hell, even you love that coat, and now i’ve lost it!”
the awkward chuckle that left charles’ mouth made you raise your head. you narrowed your eyes at him, watching as his face became sheepish, “you didn’t.”
charles broke, “i’m sorry!”
“charles! i’ve been looking for it everywhere!”
“i’m sorry! je suis désolé!” he repeated, getting closer to the camera, “i only brought it with me because i knew you couldn’t come to the race this weekend and it’s so cold here.”
“but, char, that’s why you have your coats,” you whined, “not mine!”
“the reason i brought your coat instead of mine,” charles’s cheeks turned a slight pink as he realized he would have to explain himself completely, “was because it smells like you.”
you were so still, charles thought his laptop froze. when he realized you weren’t frozen, he continued, “your coat feels like home. it’s comforting.”
“char,” you started, “you should have told me.”
charles’ cheeks flushed a deeper red and he covered his face with his hands. “no,” his voice was muffled, “it’s so embarrassing.”
“no, it’s not!” you gasped, “mon amour, look at me.”
charles looked at you through his fingers, “i’m looking. mais, s'il vous plaît, ne me regardez pas. je suis embarrassé.” but, please, don’t look at me. i’m embarrassed.
“il n'y a aucune raison d'être embarrassé,” there's nothing to be embarrassed about. you smiled, “i find it very endearing. i just wish i could be there in person instead. ‘m sorry.”
charles’ face appeared from behind his hands, a soft smile planted on his lips, “‘s not something you need to apologize for, mon amour. i understand.”
in the background, you could hear someone calling for charles. your boyfriend gave you a cheeky smile, “wish me luck, ange!”
“well, you’ve got my lucky coat with you, no?”
right before he hung up, charles groaned, “mon dieu, i knew you would tease me!”
and while charles may have known that you’d tease him, he had no idea that carlos was in on it too, sending you pictures of the monégasque wrapped up in your big teddy coat, fast asleep with his arms wrapped around himself.
i wanna build you a boat; one as strong as you are free. so any time you think that your heart is gonna sink, you know it won't
another sunday, another race that went to shit. 
charles flopped onto the bed in his driver room, angry with the way his race had gone. the first race you had joined him for in weeks, and he just had to go and crash his car into the wall. god, you must think he was the worst driver on the grid.
charles pushed the heels of his palms against his eyes, willing himself to not shed tears. he knew you’d be knocking on his door soon enough, and he didn’t want to seem weak in front of you. he felt his heart sink at the thought of facing you. why couldn’t this race have just gone well?
like he predicted, a knock sounded from behind his closed door, your voice lightly calling out his name.
“come in,” charles cursed himself for his shaky voice.
stepping inside the room, you felt your heart crack at the sight of your boyfriend. you couldn’t see his face, but his ears were red and his chest was moving at a rapid pace. you closed the door behind you, making your way to the ferrari driver.
“oh, charles,” you cooed, kneeling against the bed, hand brushing his hair back softly.
charles pushed his palms in deeper, rubbing to get rid of the tears that had managed to spill out. his voice was just but a whisper as he spoke, “i’m okay.”
you frowned, “you’re not, and that’s okay, charles. you don’t always have to put on a brave face and pretend like you’re not hurting,” you reached to grab his hands, pulling them away from his eyes, “especially not in front of me.”
charles’ eyes were red and glossy with the tears threatening to spill out. you cupped his face with your hands, “it’s okay to cry, mon amour. you can let it out.”
it was like your words were the key to the gate charles had locked. he blinked once, twice, and the tears began to flow. charles pushed himself closer to you, and you let him cry until he couldn’t anymore.
his hushed sobs turned into sniffles, “i’m sorry.”
you shook your head, moving down so that you could catch his eyes with your own, “you have nothing to be sorry for, mon amour.”
“i do,” he was adamant, sitting up on the bed and wiping his eyes with the back of his hand, “i’m a driver for ferrari, i shouldn’t be making these stupid mistakes and causing more trouble for everyone else. i’m better than this. i need to be better than this.”
“you’re being too hard on yourself, charles,” you made sure he was looking at you, “you can have bad days and bad races. just because you drive for a top team doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to make mistakes.”
charles opened his mouth to argue but you continued, “you’re right, you drive for ferrari. hell, you have the longest contract with them. but why is that?”
charles stayed quiet, listening to you. his eyes were still red, yet the glossiness had gone away, now wide with interest.
“it’s because they know what kind of driver you are, charles,” you grabbed his hands, giving them a squeeze, “they chose you because they know that you’ve got so much talent that’s just waiting to be let out. a few bad races is nothing. if anything, it’s expected. don’t beat yourself over it. nobody is perfect, okay? no driver has a record with no bad races.”
he had never anticipated you to be this passionate when it came to his career. hell, he had been expecting you to be just as disappointed as the media, focused solely on his faults. 
his eyes were watery again, this time for a completely different reason. his lips twitched, a slight smile forming on his face.
“this race doesn’t define you, charles,” you gave him a small smile, “don’t let it overshadow your success and accomplishments. i’m so proud of how far you’ve gotten, mon amour, no race result would ever make me stop being proud of you.”
“mon dieu,” his voice was breathy, “je t’adore.”
you let out a choked laugh, not expecting such a response, “et je t’adore, aussi. now, were you listening or did i just ramble for no reason?”
“i was listening,” it was charles who squeezed your hands this time, intertwining your fingers together afterwards, “you’re just so amazing. tu es vraiment mon ange.” you really are my angel. 
it was funny how fast the situation had flipped. just moments ago, you had worked yourself up to the point where you nearly cried as you comforted charles, and now, you were trying to hide your blushing cheeks from him.
you whined out his name in embarrassment, and he couldn’t help but laugh.
“i’m serious,” it was nice to see him smiling again, “you just have such a way with words, mon amour. i’m so glad i have you by my side, especially in moments like these.”
“was just being honest,” you shrugged, “nothing special.”
“‘nothing special’? mon amour, you just took away all my anger and disappointment with a few words, you’re the most special,” charles placed a kiss against your forehead, “thank you for being here, mon ange.”
you gave him a smile, “i’ll be here whenever you need me, charles. always and forever.”
and just like that, the sinking feeling in charles’ chest had disappeared, now replaced with the sheer happiness and joy that you brought along with you. he helped you up from where you had been sitting, before wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you down to lie with him on his bed. the quiet sniffles had been replaced with loud laughs and giggles as the race disappeared from your minds.
everything i need i get from you, and giving back is all i wanna do
you had gotten into music at a young age, preparing performances for your parents as a birthday gift because all your other siblings had made them cards and you wanted to be different. music quickly became your way of giving back to others.
you wrote songs for your family and friends, to return all the support they showed you. songs for your fans, to show how much you appreciate them. and songs for charles, to give back all the love he had given you over the years.
which lead you to this moment in time; sharing your newest song with your beloved, one written about him, for him, for the first time ever. it was his birthday gift.
“so, do you like it?” the nerves showed clearly in your expression. 
“like it?” charles cupped your cheeks, squishing them slightly, “amour, i love it!”
your eyes widened slightly, “really?”
charles hummed, “of course, i do. i love every song you write, and this one’s about me so i love it even more.”
charles could feel your smile growing against his palm, “i’ve written songs about you before, char.”
he dropped his hands from your cheeks, face showing utter shock, “what? you have?”
you nodded your head, a bubble of laughter erupting from your mouth, “of course, i have! i write love songs, and i’ve been in love with you for years. who did you think i was writing about?”
“are they released yet?” his eyes were wide in wonder, “have i heard them before?”
to tease him, you began pondering, index finger tapping against your chin, “hm, have you?”
charles gripped your arm, shaking it, “ah! you can’t do this, tell me, y/n/n! please!”
you laughed loudly, head tilting back in delight, “you have! you have! now stop shaking me, please, my arm is gonna fall off.”
“which song?” the shaking stopped but his hand remained on your arm.
you gave him a cheeky smile, “well, i can’t make it that easy for you. figure it out on your own.”
he whined out your name, “but it’s my birthday! you have to be nice to me on my birthday!”
“i am being nice!” you gaped at him, “i wrote you a song! and let you listen to it before i released it!”
“but it doesn’t count when i don’t know what other songs you’ve written about me,” his frown was adorable, and you couldn’t help but reach forward and push the corners of his lips up.
“fine,” you leaned forward and placed a quick peck on his pout, “i’ll tell you, but only because it’s your birthday.”
charles smiled brightly, holding up his pinky, “and because it’s my birthday, you have to pinky promise that you’ll always tell me when a song is about me.”
“now, you’re pushing it, birthday boy.”
i wanna write you a song; one to make your heart remember me. so any time i'm gone, you can listen to my voice and sing along
ted gestured for the cameraman to record the ferrari garage. decked out in his red gear, charles sat with his earbuds in, and eyes closed while his lips mouthed along to whichever song he’s listening to.
“and here we have mister charles leclerc, in his natural habitat listening to some tunes,” ted spoke into his mic, making his way over to front of the garage. 
charles opened his eyes, catching sight of ted and smiling. he pulled out an earbud and gave the camera a smile, “hello, ted. how are you doing today?”
“ah, i’m doing great. how are you?” the reporter smiled back at the driver.
“good, good. i was just trying to get into the zone, you know?” charles gestured towards the track behind them, “big race today.”
ted nodded, “of course. now, i’m sure the people will want to know, so i’m just going to ask you this now,” charles nodded, and ted continued, “what songs do you listen to to ‘get into the mood’, as you put it?”
the dimples on charles’ cheeks became apparent as he smiled widely, he pushed his phone forward and turned it around so both the camera and ted could see what he was playing. 
ted let out a laugh when he registered your familiar name and song title, “ah, of course, should have seen it coming.”
charles laughed along with ted, “yes, yes. y/n just released a new album and it is very, very good.”
“and as you said, y/n’s music gets you in the zone?” ted raised his eyebrows, an intrigued look on his face, “do explain for us, charles.”
charles’ face got visibly pinker, “well, ehm, as you know, y/n is my lovely, lovely partner, and so, whenever i’m away from them, i listen to their songs because they–” he scratched his neck sheepishly, “–help ground me and keep me in a calm headspace.”
“aw, well isn’t that just adorable?” ted smiled at the camera, already envisioning how the fans at home would be reacting to charles’ answer.
charles chuckled shyly, “ah, yes, i guess so. i am very lucky, i get to hear my partner’s voice whenever, wherever. even when they’re not around.”
ted nodded, “well, i’ll let you get back to it, then. good luck, charles! i’ll see you after the race, hopefully.”
charles bid ted goodbye, turning back into the garage. he pushed the earbuds back into his head, your soft voice entering his ears once again. god, you were going to tease the hell out of him for that interview.
— present
the guitar strums faded, and you waited for charles to open his eyes with a bated breath. his eyes opened, searching before the landed on your figure. a warm smile graced his lips and he let out a breathy laugh.
“that was amazing,” his eyes were shining brightly, “c'était si beau.” that was so beautiful.
“you think so?” you let go of the breath you had been holding, “tu es honnête?” you’re being honest?
charles nodded his head rapidly, “why would i lie? mon amour, that was so, so good. are you sure you wrote it for me?”
you let out a chuckle, “no actually, it’s for carlos. do you think he’ll like it?”
charles’ jaw dropped, and you laughed loudly, “i’m kidding, of course it’s for you.” 
you pushed yourself closer to him, resting your head on his shoulder, “everything i write is for you.”
charles wrapped his arm around your body, pulling you closer, ”thank you for all the beautiful words.”
you smiled against his chest, “anytime.” 
he leaned down and pressed a chaste kiss against your temple, “je t’aime, amour.”
“je t’aime plus.” i love you more.
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ququb444hm · 10 months
𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐭, 𝐜𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝
part 30 / sassy man apocalypse ☆
warning(s): *REUPLOAD* bc i didnt like the first one n i am in love with angst/comfort, possible typos, profanity, kys joke
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rain pitter-pattered against the glass windows of mr. ramirez’s classroom as soft jazz filled the empty conversations of college students writing out their history essays due at the end of the week. 
“aw man. what the hell.” rin groaned as he accidentally wrote down the wrong citation on his worksheet. “mori, do you have white-out? i keep fucking messing up and i’m so close to throwing the whole paper away.”
rummaging through his green pencil pouch, the sandy blond shook his head with a frown. “think i might’ve forgotten it in my dorm, sorry. nn* might have some though,” he stood up from his chair, walking over to yn’s table which was as quiet as ever.
(nn = nickname)
keiji had just left to go use the bathroom a few minutes ago, the seat in front of his being vacant also because that student barely came to class, today was no different. the girl who was assigned to sit in front of yn was fast asleep and the other kid who was supposed to be in front of kozume had moved to talk to their friend across the room. this left yn and kozume alone together. awkward. 
but yn didn’t seem to care... or to notice.
actually, she didn’t even seem mentally present.
mr. ramirez was still getting used to being in a physical classroom after persistently having asynchronous classes for almost two years because he simply “didn’t wanna get out of bed.”— he often supported his statement by falling asleep after his short lectures and with the current weather, it was easy to do so. 
so whenever yn had history class, it was basically a free period. which was very much needed after the conversation she had the previous day with shoyou. just what did he mean when he said kozume was scared of letting himself be happy? so focused on the question at hand that everything around her all mushed together into an unimportant blur. the pen in her dominant hand moved on autopilot, creating messy scribbles all over her notebook– seemingly illustrating her disordered mind.
“yn, do you have any white-out? cause oh! uh-” mori peeked over her shoulder, seeing the black ink pour out of the pen and dance like there was no tomorrow all over the lined paper. “uhm.. yn?”
noticing her unresponsive behavior, kozume placed a gentle hand over hers, squeezing it ever so slightly. “hey,” his soft touch mixed with the familiar comforting sound of his voice lulled yn’s tangled thoughts, bringing her back to the present moment. “are you okay? mori was trying to talk to you but you weren’t responding.”
“hm? oh.” collecting herself, yn turned to face her friend with a smile. “sorry, mori.”
the libero raised a brow at the interaction, his eyes lingering on the physical contact of their hands that still continued even with yn snapped out of her daze. “uh yeah, all good, nn. rin just needed some white-out 'cause i forgot mine. so i’ll be taking this-” he situated himself in between yn and kozume’s chairs, purposely hovering the top half of his body over their joined hands (with his ass poking out because of the weird position) to emphasize his nonverbal disapproval at the blond, before dramatically grabbing the white-out and dragging it to the edge of the desk, successfully (and awkwardly) separating their hands in the process. “pleasure doing business with you.” he chirped, giving kozume a dirty look before trudging back to his own table.
“sorry.” kozume mumbled, turning his attention back to his work. he internally groaned, scolding himself for what he did. ‘couldn’t you just tap her shoulder? but noooo you just can’t keep your hands off her. stupid.’
“it’s okay.” yn reassured. “actually, kozume i-” the sound of the chair next to her sliding against the vinyl flooring made her stop her sentence– keiji was back. “nevermind."
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as time drew on, it was finally the end of morning classes, and yet it was still pouring outside. even heavier than when class started.
“be careful out there!” mr. ramirez warned, watching as students bustled out of his class and into the rain. “make sure to turn your essays in by friday, midnight! each minute after the deadline is my increasing disappointment in all of you!”
“you sure you’re okay going with him?” mori asked for the fifth time as yn packed her bag. kozume blankly stared at mori, wanting to get out of the class as soon as possible because he could feel keiji staring at them, eavesdropping on the conversation. he internally begged keiji wouldn’t try to confront him about walking with yn. 
but, in all honestly…he was a little happy that yn had asked. even if it was because of tetsu. he missed her. every single fiber in his body yearned to be with her. hate coursed his body ever since that night. but only for himself. he wouldn’t, couldn’t, never blame anyone else, even keiji, for his actions because he knew that in the end, he was the one that told yn all those cruel words. so when yn asked if he could accompany her to pick up tetsu, he was grateful that they were able to have some time alone. just the two of them.
yn sent her friend a comforting smile. “i’ll be okay, don’t worry about me. just let coach know we’re gonna be a little late m’kay?” mori sighed, knowing he couldn’t change her mind even if he physically dragged yn away from kozume– they’d just find their way back to each other one way or another.
“see you.” rin murmured, ruffling yn’s hair before walking out with mori.
“which building is tetsu in?” kozume asked, getting his umbrella ready.
yn fixed the straps of her bag, waving at mr. rameriz as she and kozume exited the class before answering, “pretty sure it's on the second floor of T building.”
“is that okay?”
“yeah. that’s okay.”
the walk to T building was quiet and a bit tense. yn fidgeted with her hands, shoyou’s words still circulating through her mind. she wanted answers from kozume. she wanted him to tell her why things were the way they were between them. but she didn’t want to force it out of him. she wanted kozume to come to her first. her eyes focused on the path in front, letting the sound of the rain calm her down. 
kozume on the other hand, he couldn’t stop staring at her. he never could in the first place. yn was just so spellbinding, and the rain wasn’t helping in the slightest. he had so much to say, but he could never find the right words when it came to her. he stopped in his tracks, holding onto the umbrella tightly. his free hand pulled at the hem of yn’s jacket so they were facing each other. “yn, i’m sorry.” his voice was soft. it was almost hard to hear over the harsh rain. 
the sudden gesture caught yn off guard. “wha..?” kozume’s apology, though expected because of how much they both knew his words affected yn, came out of nowhere. “kozume-”
“i know i haven’t been honest with you, but i..” he pursed his lips, mind going blank as he stared into yn’s inquisitive eyes. “i don’t know what to do.” his voice sounding desperate. sounding lost.
“kozume,” every time she said his name, it felt like a stab to the heart. he missed how her voice was laced with so much love when she’d call him kozu or koz, but now his name seemed foreign as it rolled off her tongue. she placed a comforting hand on his, returning the gentle squeeze he gave her previously. “you’re my friend before anything that happens. i don’t know what’s happening with you, and it physically hurts to have you push me away, but i’ll always want to be someone you can talk to.” her thumb rubbed the back of his hand, soothing all his anxious assumptions of how the conversation would’ve turned out.
her touch was so soft and warm, a heavenly contrast to the heavy rainfall. kozume’s features relaxed, his head falling forward to rest on yn’s shoulder. her other hand reached to caress his head. “i don’t want to keep hurting you.” he mumbled.
“i don’t want to keep getting hurt either, kozume.”
“i know, i’m sorry yn. please be a little more patient with me. i didn’t mean anything i said that night, i was just overwhelmed and i regret taking it out on you.”
yn continued running her fingers through his blond hair. she slowly nodded, letting his words sink in. “i don’t forgive you for what you said, and how you constantly kept confusing me before that night, but i’m not mad at you, kozume.” her hold on his hand tightened in just the slightest. “it hurt when you made me feel you liked me back and kissed me only to call everything a mistake, and it hurt when you told me you weren’t being honest with me just now. you hurt me kozume, but still, i don’t want to lose you.”
the two stayed in their positions for a few more minutes. allowing themselves to bask in each other’s comfort. yn was the only good thing in kozume’s life, he knew that. and for a moment he let himself forget just how much he needed her. but he wouldn’t make the same mistake again. 
he knew he had to talk to keiji.
“what took you guys so long?!” tetsu fussed. after what was about 15 minutes since the bell, the two had finally made it to tetsurou’s class. “and why is my sister wet, kozu!? i thought you had an umbrella??” he quickly removed his own jacket, placing it on top of yn’s smaller figure. 
“it’s raining hard as fuck out there.” kozume groaned, also damp from the rain
“why do you guys still have practice anyway.” yn shivered, wrapping herself in the added fabric. “i know your game is coming up but what if some of you get sick?”
“no pain, no gain!” tetsu insisted, grabbing kozume’s umbrella from him and pushing the two out of the class. “now we gotta hurry..coach called me like three times telling me to get my ass to the gym!”
yn checked her phone to see if she had gotten a call also,
2 missed calls from milo’s dad 🫶🏼 1 missed call from SUNAVABITCH 🤣🤣 3 missed calls from alcoholic (coach) ⭐️
“well, fuck.”
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part 29 secret little personal diary <- | masterlist | -> part 31 old man
note(s): me when i lie n say i'll finish this before thanksgiving break but i didn't >p< (IM SORRY.) anyways.. am i or am i not dragging their argument too long like.. let's wrap it up kenma! also i don't like the ending..but i wanted to post SOMETHING so i might change it later. next part is also written.. but AFTER that r a few text msgs :3
✩⡱ taglist !! + @writing-for-the-hell-of-it @sherryuki-callmeyuki @anny-bah @ast4rg1rl @sukunasrealgf @dani-shitting-around @whokillednyx @vernon-dursley @limaswife @sugawara-levi @sixxze @ryoiii @literally-a-ferret @444sunarin @llearlert @lloyd4x @usermins @2baddies-1porsche @vernon-dursley @lyzisbitchingagain @h3xi2g0n3 @l0v3do11 lmk if u want to be added (msg or inbox)ヾ(・ω・`;)ノ
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pxgeturner · 1 year
hihi! i saw your movie party event, and i would love if you could do miguel ohara and "i'm so in love with you, it's scary" if possible! thank you!!
you tell miguel a date idea, he ignores you. he confesses.
wc: 642
warnings: implied sex but no smut, not beta’d (didn’t feel like it)
summer movie party! masterlist
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miguel had just pounded you deliciously into the mattress and cleaned you up like the gentlemen he is, you two were in bliss. miguel opened his notebook, doodling his little notes, you’re bundled up in all the blankets, looking up at the ceiling and smiling to yourself.
“hey, miguel,” you prompt. no answer, you roll over to look at him.
“oye, papi,” you kiss his forearm.
his pencil is still writing.
so you start talking, “i just had an idea, we should go out and see that movie you’ve been looking forward to in matinee, but before that, we should go to the mexican market so we can sneak in pan dulce in my purse. what do you say?”
he’s still silent. you know he heard you, he’s always listening to you. so you give him some time to respond, he’s probably in the zone. you rest against his arm.
you prop yourself up to look at the clock on his nightstand, it’s been ten minutes. you kiss his cheek and get out of bed. “you think about it, and i’ll take a shower.”
you take your time, you’re really thoughtful about it, letting yourself really reset. you exit the bathroom, cute outfit on, makeup done and hair in braids. your boyfriend is still just in boxers.
“you make a decision, yes baby?” you’ve crawled up to his side.
you playfully pinch his shoulder, “hello? is my loving boyfriend there? say something,”
He shuts the book and pinches the bridge of his nose. “ay, carajo, stop it for a minute. Por favor.”
“¿qué pasó, mi amor? dime que tienes.” you run your hands through his hair gently.
he moves you to be in front of him. you rest a hand on your thigh.
he sighs, “all the playfulness, and the waiting, and smiling, and the thoughtfulness, all the soft touches. you have to stop it.”
“your problem is with me?” he groans, “so what, you-you want someone who’s cold, and rough, and impatient?”
another groan, “no,”
“then what,” think good thoughts, think good thoughts, he’s not breaking up with you he just doesn’t know how to to put it into the right words–
“i’ve never done this before.” he palms his face.
“done what?”
his head is down, you can’t see his eyes.“had a real relationship. where i feel safe and loved. no one has ever treated me like you do.” he holds your hand, “i’m sorry, this is so new to me and it makes me nervous. Part of me wants to push you away. But i don’t want that, i want you. and i want you to be you.” his other hand starts playing with one of your braids. “i love you. i love you so much, it’s scary.” finally he looks up, “well, tiny?”
you lunge forward, kissing him. he holds you securely at your hips, you wrap your hands around his head and and neck, “i love you,” you slouch into him. “so, about the movie idea–”
“okay, so quiero una concha ¿quieres pan de elote?”
“tú lo sabes,”
“can i have some?”
“why don’t you just ger your own instead of eating mine?”
“we can go halfsie this time!”
“just this time?”
you put your hands in the air “i make no promises!”
he tickles you, making you roll over to escape his big hands. “just go shower so we can see that geeky movie.” and he listens, but gives you a quick smack your ass has .
he paid for the sweet bread, you paid for the tickets. you two went back to your apartment this time. where your bodies combined for a second time that day. that evening, miguel o’hara made love to you. and after, he treated you to dinner, and decided that tomorrow, he’s going to a jeweler to get promise rings.
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strangersatellites · 10 months
maple syrup, coffee, pancakes for four
a cute little steddie dads ditty based on this tweet
Steve chuckles under his breath and flips the page. 
He’s got his back against the headboard in the low lamp light. It’s late and he’s reading some goofy romance novel that Max left for him last time she was over. Something about people on vacation. He doesn’t really know or care but it’s kept his mind occupied long enough.
Eddie’s sat at the other end of the bed, taking breaks from lightly strumming his guitar to jot down melodies or lyrics or whatever it is he writes in that notebook of his that he carries everywhere.
When Steve tries to start the next page the words stop being about the shitty hotel the characters are at and they start being measurements, instructions. 
He slams the book closed in his lap and tugs off his glasses, gets Eddie’s attention and meets his eyes, curious.
“Do you think we should’ve gotten chocolate chip instead?”
Eddie rolls his eyes with a smile and sits his guitar beside him. Huffs a laugh under his breath as he crawls up to wrap both long arms around Steve’s waist.
“Well,” he drags it out, dramatic as always, “Since both of the girls said they liked blueberry better, I’m putting my money on blueberry being the better option.”
Steve’s weighing the options in his head, nodding because he knows Eddie’s right.
“I know, Robbie flips out every time we have regular pancakes but,” he huffs, runs a hand through his hair, “It's pancake day. It has to be perfect. Do we even have syrup?”
Eddie pulls his head back from where he’d rested his chin on Steve’s shoulder, his eyes now less amused and more confused.
“Okay, I thought we were stressing because it’s her first sleepover, what in the world is pancake day?”
Now Steve’s the one who looks confused, down-right offended.
“Uh, hello? Didn’t you have pancakes on Saturday morning after every sleepover growing up?”
Eddie wrinkles his eyebrows up. “No? Uncle Wayne woke us up and took us to the diner.”
And, well. Steve can forgive that. 
“Oh. That sounds pretty fun actually.”
Eddie snorts. 
“Yeah it was. It was probably just an excuse for him to go see his lady friend but I wasn’t gonna turn it down.”
Steve laughs and smiles at the thought of a grumpy Wayne trying to hit on the waitress and a child version of Eddie flicking eggs across the table.
“I wish I could’ve seen that.” He drops a kiss to Eddie’s temple before he continues. “When I was a kid, my mom always made a big pancake breakfast with syrup and whipped cream and sprinkles and it was the best part of the sleepover. I’ve always wanted to do that for Robbie.”
Eddie’s smile is soft and he’s tangling their fingers together over his lap. 
“Aaaaaand now that she’s old enough it has to be perfect. That right?”
Steve nods, lets out the breath he was holding in, lets some of the tension seep right out of his own skin and lets Eddie carry it for a while.
Eddie shifts and tugs Steve so that his head is tucked just near where his guitar pick sits in the hollow of his throat.
“Well, lucky for you, when I took the girls to Rob’s room for bed earlier, when I kissed her good night she told me this was the best day ever.” He tightens his arms around Steve and he can hear the smile in his voice. “I think you could feed them cereal and they’d think it was Christmas morning.”
Steve can’t help the smile on his face at the happiness that his daughter brings him. At the idea that letting her friend spend the night is the best day she’s had in the six years of her little life. Thinks that it might be top five days in his own thirty-two.
He snuggles down further into Eddie’s arms and laughs when the man huffs and reaches to turn off the light.
He kisses his chest and closes his eyes.
“Good night, Eds.”
“Good night, baby.”
He falls asleep to the sound of Eddie’s breathing and the hushed giggles down the hall, more excited than he’s maybe ever been.
Eddie’s set an early alarm to go check for syrup.
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staplegxnn · 9 months
(Reposts are appreciated, please do not steal, copy, or publish my work without proper credit.)
Tw: cussing, lots of juicy juicy angst
Headcannons: poppy does not like cussing (humor ensues), Barb is traumatized, Branch is a snuggly mf who loves his gfs with all his heart
Life was slow and messy for Barb after the whole “trying to turn everyone into rock trolls” thing. It wasn’t easy for her to make friends, some people still hated her, others went as far as teasing her and calling her names, it wasn’t something she could escape. But there was one escape…Poppy and Branch, Poppy was the queen of the pop trolls, a sweet and overly optimistic woman with a heart of gold and a love for glitter, and Branch was her pessimistic boyfriend, he was more chill and low energy than poppy was, but he was still all smiles and jokes. Poppy and Branch were Barbs absolute best friends, they didn’t judge her for anything, sure, Branch needed a bit more time before fully trusting Barb, but one he did, they were amazing friends. Poppy was certainly the closest to Barb, they could talk to each other for hours without getting bored, they did each others hair, they went on adventures together- they were absolutely inseparable.
Barb sat on the edge of her bed, sighing as she scribbled down some doodles in her notebook. She didn’t have anything to do today, Branch was out with his brothers and Poppy was doing some queenly shit that Barb would rather just not ask about- she had her own problems ruling her own kingdom. Barb laid back in her bed, looking up at her ceiling, she’d been staying temporarily in the pop kingdom for around a month now, since most of the rock trolls were helping re-construction of the other kingdoms, she honestly loved it there, it was bright and colorful, and sure- it was kind of not her vibe- but it made her happy nonetheless. Barb felt her hand grip around her pen, her notebook laying on her lap, she sat up and started to doodle again, it started with a head, then a body, some legs, some arms…Barb grumbled, she got up and walked to her desk, grabbing some other pens. Pink hair, pink skin, a blue and green dress…and pretty, hot pink eyes. Barb set her pen down, rubbing the paper and sighing, she chuckled, looking at the drawing.
Barb sat down in her desk chair, rocking it side to side as she flipped the page and started doodling again. Her heart thumped in her chest as she thought about Poppy, she looked to the picture on her wall of the two together, Poppy hugging Barb tightly, and Barb hugging back- she wanted that to happen again, she missed Poppy’s hugs when she wasn’t there. Barb looked back down at her paper, she drew poppy again, her smiling face and bright eyes, she closed the notebook, setting her pens aside, she took a deep breath and took the picture from the wall, looking down at it.
“Poppy. God damnit why can I not stop thinking about you….”
Barb heard a soft knock on her door, she set the picture down and opened it, almost having a heart attack as she saw the pink preppy princess standing right at her door. She stepped back.
“Ah! Poppy! Oh you’re here! I thought you weren’t gonna be back for another hour!”
Poppy giggled, hugging onto Barb and sighing.
“Ugh- the queen stuff was soooo boorrrrrinnnngg! So I snuck away to come see you!!! I- hope that’s okay-“
Poppy sat down on Barb’s bed, smiling at her. Barb nodded, smiling back and crossing her arms, trying to make Poppy’s hug last longer.
“Of course it’s okay. I’m always one for ditching.”
Barb sat next to Poppy, leaning on her a bit, Poppy leaned into her as well, the two of them falling back onto the bed and giggling. Barb looked at Poppy as she wrapped her arms around her, taking her in another big hug.
“I miss your hugs when you’re not around…”
Barb mumbled, looking up at the ceiling, trying to ignore her thumping heart and burning face.
“Awww! Barb!!! I miss you too. I wish I could come over here more often but I’m so freaking bussssyyyy- excuse my French.”
Barb laughed at Poppy’s remark, looking down at her and sighing softly.
“Eh, it’s fine, I can survive without you for most of the day. I just require like- 5 hugs per day.”
Poppy giggles, sitting up and tackling Barb, wrapping her arms around her.
“HAH! There’s number 3!!!”
Barbs face turned red, she laughed again her face now redder than the burning flames of a fireplace. Poppy noticed this, she tilted her head slightly.
Poppy, despite being busy, was a very devoted person to her friends. She had time for everyone, and everything, you could ask her to do a 4 hour long task during work hours and she’d find the time to do it for you. But most of her time was spent around two people, her boyfriend Branch, and her best friend…Barb. Barb was such a spunky woman, her personality was off the rocker and she was honestly so fun to be around, Poppy never wanted to leave her side half the time they were together, and her favorite times were when Branch, her, and Barb were all together, those were her happiest moments. Recently, poppy had been spending a lot of time with Barb, since Branch was busy catching up with his brothers, it was just the two of them most of the time, and the more that Poppy was around Barb….the more she started to notice little details about her. She always melted into hugs, she wasn’t really that snuggly, but when Poppy or Branch snuggled up to her she would cling right onto them, she always got a bit red when the two were around her…and most of all, the way Barb looked at her.
Barb looked up into Poppy’s eyes, tilting her head as well and chuckling.
“You okay there, princess?”
Poppy shook herself out of her trance, smiling and tackling Barb down into another hug, laying back on the bed with Barbs head on her chest, she melted into her like always, smiling and taking a deep breath.
“Yeah, I’m fine, just thinkin.”
Barb closed her eyes, her arms wrapping tightly around Poppy’s waist. Poppy gently ran her hands through Barbs bright red hair, it was soft and silky, and it shined like fire in the light.
“Whatcha thinkin about?”
Barb opened her eyes, looking up at Poppy with a smile. Poppy loved Barbs smile, it was one of the best things about her, it was crooked and toothy- and the most charming damn thing she’d ever seen, it reminded her of Branch’s smile.
“You and Branch, like always.”
Poppy giggled, ruffling Barbs hair. Barb grumbled playfully, turning over and pulling Poppy into an even tighter hug.
“I haven’t seen Branch in a while. Does he come home today?”
Poppy nods.
“Yeah, I hope so. I miss him.”
Barb sits up, smiling down at poppy and stretching.
“I miss him too. Let’s just hope he doesn’t bring his brothers around- cause I am not up for having like- 50 people in my house.”
Poppy giggles, laying her head down on Barbs lap. And there was that look again. Barbs gaze softened, her eyes half lidded, a spark firing deep within her pretty reds. Poppy adored it…it made her feel so special the way Barb looked at her, like she was the only woman in the entire world.
“Nah, I think it’ll just be me, you, and Branch. We could scrap book together!!!”
Poppy smiles widely, both hers and Barbs faces a bright red.
“Ah- scrap booking? Really?”
Poppy scoffs playfully.
“Yes really, you know you love it.”
Barb rolls her eyes, chuckling.
“Uh huh. Sureeeeee. Yeah fine, we can scrap book.”
Poppy squeals.
She sits up, wrapping her arms around Barb and tackling her back onto the bed, laying down with her and closing her eyes.
“I love…-“
Poppy paused mid sentence, opening her eyes and looking up at Barb, that same look still in her eyes.
“H…hanging out with you.”
Barb smiled, sighing softly and looking up at the ceiling.
“I love hanging out with you too. I swear you and Branch are the only reason I’m even still in Trollstopia. I would’ve moved if I didn’t have you.”
Poppy gently plays with Barbs hair again, giggling.
“I’m happy you stayed.”
Minuets later, there’s a knock on the door, and Poppy immediately jumps up to go get it, swinging open the door and gasping as she saw who it was. Branch came rushing into the room, picking Poppy up and giggling.
“There’s my two favorite girls!!!!”
Branch threw poppy down onto Barbs bed, hopping up and giving Barb a big hug too. Barb giggled, her face flushing as Branch snuggled up to both her and Poppy.
“Oh you’re back Branch we missed you!!! Me and Barb were talking about scrap booking!”
Branch playfully rolls his eyes, just like Barb did.
“Really? Scrap booking?”
Poppy scoffs.
“You two are no fun!!! I’ll go get the supplies from my house. I’ll be right back!!!”
Branch leans in to Barb, whispering.
“Watch, she’s gonna take like a full fuckin hour.”
Poppy snaps back around and looks at Branch.
Barb and Branch both laugh as Poppy closes the door and leaves. Branch sighs, wrapping an arm around Barb. Barb smiled and closed her eyes, wrapping her arms around herself and fidgeting with her leather jacket.
“So, anything new since I’ve been gone?”
Branch gently started playing with Barbs hair- that was one of the many things him and Poppy had in common, they liked playing with Barbs hair.
“Ah, not much. Poppy’s been busy with ruling, and I’ve just been kinda stuck here all alone until she gets done for the day.”
Branch frowns a bit, huffing.
“You could’ve told me, I would’ve come back sooner.”
Barb shakes her head.
“Nah, you were busy with your brothers. I can handle being alone…I was for most of my life anyway.”
Branch sighs, hugging Barb close.
“Well you don’t have to be alone now, you have me and Poppy. And we’ll never leave your side.”
As Branch said this, Poppy came back in the house, hopping up on the bed and snuggling right up to Barb and Branch.
“That’s right! We’re gonna be here forever and you’re gonna have to just deal with it!”
Barb smiled at Branch and Poppy, looking between the two of them.
“Ah- you guys are gonna make me blush.”
Branch chuckles, laying back on the bed and letting his head hang off the end of it.
“But you’re cute when you blush.”
Poppy nods.
Barb didn’t even have time to process what the two had said to her before she was dragged into the downstairs part of her house by Poppy, Branch following closely behind. Barb sat down on her couch as Poppy sat on the floor, getting out all her art supplies and clapping happily. Branch sat down next to Barb, putting his arm around her and yawning.
“Oh boy. Here we go.”
The next couple hours were filled with constant laughter and talking between the three, like always, it was the most fun they’d each had in a while, just making little paper cut outs, pouring glitter everywhere, listening to music and watching movies, it was great. By the end of the day, they were all 3 warn out, it was dark out and they’d been loud and crazy to their hearts content. Poppy sat on the couch next to Barb, leaning against her and groaning.
“Ughhhh- can’t we just spent the night? I don’t feel like going back home.”
Branch nods in agreement.
“Yeah neither do I.”
Barb chuckles.
“Yeah, no shit you can stay. Have I ever said no?”
Poppy yawns sleepily.
“Watch your-…language…”
She grabs a blanket, not even bothering to grab a pillow, just falling asleep on Barb, all snuggled up in her blanket. Barb sighed, chuckling as Branch sat behind her, covering the both of them with a blanket, Barb sighed, laying back against him and looking up at him. Branch smiled down at her, then he smiled down at Poppy, chuckling.
“She’s out like a light.”
Barb laughs.
“Yeah she is.”
Barb gently plays with Poppy’s hair, smiling as she laid against her, sleeping peacefully. Barb sighed, looking off into the distance for a second before speaking again.
“Branch? Do you guys ever feel like…I’m bothering you….? Like I’m intruding on your relationship…? I’m like- literally fuckin laying in between you two right now.”
Branch chuckles, shaking his head as he turned down the volume of the tv.
“Of course we don’t. Me and Poppy chose to have you around, and we wouldn’t have it any other way. Honestly, you make our relationship complete, without you it feels like it’s missing a piece.”
Barb blushed at the remark, fidgeting with Poppy’s hair.
“Does Poppy feel that way too?”
Branch nods.
“Oh absolutely! She loves you. Anytime us two are alone together one of us always brings you up, and that’s why we’re always around you, Poppy needs you just as much as I do.”
Barb paused, the room was silent for a moment as she thought to herself.
“Branch…do you…ever think…- maybe….”
Barb paused again, looking nervous. She shook her head and sighed.
“Never mind. Night, Branch.”
Barb laid back, closing her eyes and snuggling against the two. Branch chuckled, patting her on the shoulder and laying back as well.
“Goodnight, Barb.”
Barb was the last one awake in the morning, she felt the slow rise and fall of Branch’s chest against her head, and the vibration of Poppy’s voice against her ribs. She opened her eyes, smiling down at Poppy, who immediately smiled back at her and hugged her.
“Barb!!! Sorry if we woke you-“
Barb shook her head, sighing and looking up at Branch.
“Nah, you didn’t.”
Branch sat up, helping Barb sit up as well as he walked to the kitchen and started making all of them coffee. Poppy leaned against Barb, sighing.
“Branch told me that last night you were asking if you bothered us. And you don’t!!! You really don’t. We love having you around!!! To be honest we hate “alone time” cause we like it better here with you.”
Barb giggled, nudging Poppy playfully.
“Branch, were you talkin shit last night?”
Branch walked back in with coffee, handing Barb her cup.
“So much shit.”
Poppy gasped.
“Language!!! Thank you for the coffee, sweetie~”
Poppy took her cup from Branch, taking a sip and sighing. Barb stayed quiet as Branch and Poppy spoke to each other, she thought to herself for a bit…she didn’t feel whole without Poppy and Branch with her either, she felt like she needed them as well, she felt…like she was part of their relationship in some way. She shook herself out of it, finishing her coffee and walking to the kitchen to put her cup away. Who would ever love her like that? She was a crazy, off the walls, angry, terrible person- who didn’t deserve love, that’s all she could think about, and that’s all she thought of herself. Poppy looked over to the kitchen, seeing Barb just looking down at the counter as she fidgeted with her cup. Poppy stood up, walking up behind Barb and wrapping her arms around her waist, laying her head on her shoulder.
“I know that face. What are you upset about???”
Barb shook her head, sighing and rubbing her forehead.
“It’s nothing.”
Branch scoffed, standing up and leaning against the kitchen doorframe.
“Don’t say it’s nothing. We know you, it’s clearly not nothing when you act like this.”
Barb groaned.
“That’s just the thing. You guys know me, but…you know me too well! You shouldn’t be- hanging out with me like this- you should hate me! You both know what I did…you both know how I am and get you still chose to stay….why??? Because I said sorry once? Because I had a change of heart? You shouldn’t just- forgive me right away-“
Barb put her head in her hands, sighing softly.
“I don’t deserve what you guys give me…- and I never will.”
Branch and Poppy looked at each other, both pulling Barb into a big hug. Poppy cupped Barbs face in her hands, shaking her head.
“Barb. You deserve all of what you get from us, and more. You are a sweet, loving, adorable woman and i love the way you are! I don’t care about what you did in the past- you’ve clearly changed.”
Barb placed her hands over Poppy’s hands, looking at her the same way as always.
“But…I…I just worry that…I’m a burden to you.”
Branch shakes his head.
“You are not a burden. We promise.”
But a promise wasn’t enough for Barb, she gave the two of them a soft, and clearly fake smile, before sitting up on the countertop and huffing. Poppy burrowed her head into Barbs stomach, her arms wrapping tightly around her waist, Branch just sighed and hugged the both of them, looking up at Barb.
“Cmon, you believe us right?”
Barb shrugs.
“I don’t know….it’s…- hard to. I’ve had people lie about that stuff in the past- and with you two…- I…”
Barb sighs softly.
“It would hurt worse if you two were lying.”
Branch grumbles, rolling his eyes and picking Barb up from off the counter, slinging her over his shoulder. He took her upstairs, Poppy following closely behind, Branch plopped Barb right down onto her bed, grabbing her desk chair and sitting down across from her, Poppy staying standing.
“Alright Barb. Talk. Somethings up with you. I came home, we all had some fun, and now you’re suddenly upset, and I don’t like it when you’re upset.”
Barbs face turned red, she didn’t know what to say, and she was so focused on Branch that she didn’t even notice Poppy opening her notebook.
“Ah- it’s- it’s nothing, you know me, I’m always down about something.”
Poppy suddenly spoke up.
Barbs heart dropped down into her stomach when she saw what Poppy was holding- she was in some deep shit now. Branch looked over Poppy’s shoulder, his gaze softening as he smiled, looking up at Barb, who was now face down in a pillow, seeming to be preparing for the worst.
“Barb, why didn’t you tell me and Poppy?”
Barb lifted her head.
“Hah??? Tell you what??? You must be seeing things!!!! There’s nothing in that no-“
Before Barb could finish her sentence, she was smothered in a big Poppy hug, her shoulders dropped and she took a deep breath, hugging her back.
Poppy lifted her head.
“Sorry for what?? There’s absolutely nothing to be sorry about.”
Branch nods, sitting up on the bed with the two.
“Poppy is right. But why didn’t you tell us sooner…?”
Barb shrugged, she had an answer, she didn’t think she deserved to be in a relationship, especially not with two amazing people like Poppy and Branch, but they didn’t need to hear that, they probably already knew.
“I…I guess I was just nervous.”
Poppy looked at Branch, and Branch back to Poppy, the both of them smiled and nodded, looking back at Barb and taking her hands.
“There’s no need to be.”
Poppy hummed in her sweet and soft tone.
“Because- we love you like that too.”
Barb sat dumbfounded in the lower floor of her house, staring dead forward at her blank tv screen. 2 weeks. That’s how long she’d been in a relationship with Poppy and Branch, it hadn’t hit her until just then, her heart sank deep into her chest, but before she could think about anything more, she was tackled and immediately smooched on the cheek.
“BARBBBB!!!!! Hiiii!!!! I missedddd youuuu!!!”
Barb giggled, kissing Poppy back and sighing.
“You went upstairs for 10 minutes, Poppy.”
Poppy sighs, sitting up and looking down at Barb.
“That’s too long without you.”
Barb sat up as well, only to be pulled into another kiss by Poppy, Barb melted into her, sighing softly and wrapping her arms around her waist, she closed her eyes, allowing herself to enjoy the moment. Poppy giggled as she broke the kiss, holding tightly onto Barbs hands.
“Gosh, you’re such a good kisser~”
Barb turned bright red at the remark, chuckling and tucking Poppy’s hair behind her ear.
“Ah- I’m not that good.”
Branch came up from behind Barb, kissing her on the cheek and hugging her.
“Nah, you are. Don’t downplay yourself.”
Barb hid her face in her hands, shaking her head.
“Oh stop it-“
Poppy giggled, pulling Barb into another hug.
Poppy, Branch, and Barb all sat on the couch together, snuggling closely. Barb stared off into space again as the other two spoke amongst themselves. She couldn’t help herself, she was deeper in thought then she usually was, she wasn’t paying attention to anything except for the voice in her own head. Poppy looked up at Barb, running a hand through her hair and trying to catch her attention, kissing her cheek, cupping her face, everything she could- but Barb was too deep in her own head. Branch sighed softly, just leaning his head against Barb, and waiting until Poppy was asleep around an hour later to pull Barb aside. He gently helped Barb off the couch, wrapping an arm around her waist and walking out onto the back porch with her, and as soon as they got outside, Barb broke down into tears. Branch took her hand, his heart broke seeing one of the people he loved most in the world break down like this, he just held her in his arms, hugging her closely as she cried, he didn’t even need to ask her what has wrong, she started talking all on her own.
“Branch- I- I don’t deserve you, or Poppy…I’m a horrible fucking person. I’m loud- I’m heartless, I’m too closed off to say anything about it- I…I’m the opposite of you guys.”
Branch paused as he listened to Barb speak, he gently sat down with her, taking her hands in his and kissing her forehead.
“Actually…Barb, you’re exactly like how I was once…”
Barb looked up into Branches eyes, seeming surprised. Branch just nodded.
“Yeah, I know- hard to believe- but…I was closed off once too, I was scared, I was isolated, and to be honest…I was kind of an asshole. I didn’t think I deserved love either, but Poppy helped me see differently, she helped me realize and understand that no matter what…everyone deserves a little bit of happiness. And especially you do, Barb. You’re the second sweetest girl I know, and I love you.”
Barb smiled, tilting her head slightly and giggling through the muffled sound of her tears.
Branch shrugged.
“No one can be as sweet as Poppy.”
Barb laughed and leaned into Branch, closing her eyes and sighing, maybe she did deserve love, maybe this was her second chance…and maybe, just maybe- she could finally be happy once again.
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caramelstarlight · 1 year
Despite our differences…
(Two Words One Heart: Despite our differences…)
(Grinding for Tighnari on genshin until October 8th. If you want to help out lmk on wattpad or tumblr. America server: UID:630853256)
(Credit to Etheries for title!)(Honestly forgot if I was supposed to make us do one thing or different…)(Cuddling near the end. <33
Waking up on the fennec foxes bed, you say up. Staying silent and enjoying the warmth of the sun. Looking through the window for a few moments. You smiled softly at the thought of learning more about Sumerus culture. You lifted yourself off the bed carefully. Taking spare clothes out of your bag. Changing into them quickly. (Yes you closed the window- and used its curtains to block out any wandering eyes.) 
You checked your phone and it was currently 8:42 am. You figured Tighnari was already awake, taking him for an early bird and a night owl mixed together. Waking up at the break of Dawn and not resting till he’s finished at nighttime. Your species are nocturnal after all. You smelt something… a bit of batter and syrup… Pancakes? Yes! (Sorry waffle lovers :d but you can pretend you ate waffles. I prefer pancakes bc it’s easier for me to eat-)
You snapped your fingers. Your bag floating at your side as you peered into the living room. Peaking your head and a few fingers around the wall. Your ears perked and flicked. Intrigued by the scent and the sight. The tail wagging softly as it matched your smile, soft. Staying silent as you watched him cook pancakes. Gazing at his features slowly, from his ears to his tail. Blushing slightly as you realized he saw you. Lowering your ears slightly as you moved away from the wall. 
“Are you tired? Did I wake you up-? If you are go back to sleep it’s okay. I’ll wake you up later.”The male offered as he went back to cooking. Humming a slight tune of some sort. Realizing he wasn’t mad. You peeked against the wall again. Slightly nervous. (Ohh… is it weird if I enjoy his scent…?! He smells like Nilotpala lotuses..) (if it’s lotus’s I’ll cry bc I do Lotuses-) You thought as you slowly came into the room. Staying silent as he grabbed plates from a cabinet above. Keeping your focus on him as he came closer towards the table. 
Placing the pancakes down as he laughed softly. Looking at your amazed expression, stars in your eyes. With your tail wagging, you made a pretend cough. Trying to remove embarrassment from yourself. “Good morning and Thank you Tighnari.” You’d say. Recovering from it quickly. 
“Good morning sleepyhead and  you’re welcome”. He’d reply. Slightly teasing you for waking up at 8. In fact it’s almost 9am. “You don’t have to call me a sleepy head when I woke up at 8am!” You’d state. Eating a bit of the pancake. “I can if I want to. I woke up at 6.” The fennec fox told you. 
You’d mumble slightly eating pancakes as he laughed again softly. Both of your and his tails wagging as you ate. Enjoying the comfortable silence with birds chirping every now and then. Wondering how collei was doing as you finished. “I can clean the dishes for you if you want, I’m return for a bit of your hospitality?” You’d ask him as the male finished his pancake/s. “That’d be great. Thank you.” Tighnari stated. Watching you take the plates toward the sink. Cleaning them with dish soap. 
“Should we start learning around 9:30?” You’d ask him. Wanting to know his thoughts on the trade you guys did. “Yeah that’s sounds nice. We both can prepare in the meantime.” He’d say. Standing up and getting a few lengthy books. (He seemed to be off today… wouldn’t he have to tend to his duties or did he already did it earlier at 6am…) you thought to yourself as you opened your bag. Looking for your sketchbook and your notebook.(Full of inazuma specialties with a few Mondstadt and liyue)
You both sat down at the table again. Both ready to tell each other what you had bfdi taught about the plants. “You see, the dendrobium grows in places where blood has been shed severely for example, the Nazuchi beach. A war between the shogun and the Sangonomiya occurred here.” You’d tell him, showing a sketch of the beach and the dendrobium pressed into the book. 
“It’s said that, if you deny eternity, you’ll become one of them in inazuma.” You continued, seeing as he was focused and finished. You went to the next flower, the Sakura. “Do you want me to continue or do you want to talk?” You’d ask. Realizing he could’ve wanted to ask questions. “No you can keep going.” 
“Alright, the Sakura of inazuma are important to us. Especially the shrine maidens. Legends says that the root of the Thunder sakura are linked beneath the earth if you trace back to it. You’ll appear at the Sacred Sakura tree at our Grand Narukami Shrine. Some others say the Thunder Sakura is apart of the Almighty Narukami Ogosho. When she split the islands in half with a slice. I don’t know if they have healing purposes. But they can be used in a lot of food choices, as long as you gather them with electro or electrogana.” “I see, but isn’t the Grand Narukami Shrine hard to get too? So how do you manage?” “I climb and walk…-?” “My mistake then.” 
“The Nilotpala lotus, blooms at nighttime and is often found in some bodies of water in sumeru. As long as it’s a forest wetland it’ll grow there. There are some tales about it but I prefer to not believe in them. Do you still want to head me explain them?” Tighnari questioned as you wrote in your book. “Yeah I’m interested, I’m here to learn a lot about sumeru after all.”
“The moon goddess’s chariot once had a light that matched the sun. Everything was at peace till destruction. The flowers would serve a new master. But the Nilotpala lotuses would bathe in the moonlight and continue to remember the songs of that time.” “It sounds wonderful…” you said slightly amazed at the tale. “It does. I wonder how it was back then.” 
“Y’know…” you said as you got closer and sat beside him. “Despite our differences… I think we get along great. Maybe even better in the future. Only time will tell.” He’d nod at your words. “I believe that the best way to get to know someone is spending time with them. Other methods are Illogical and idiotic. Glad we can agree on that.” You’d nod as you showed him more of your sketches and illustrations along with your writing.
 After a few hours of exchanging information you apparently were getting sleepy. You yawned lowering your ears down slightly as you laid your head on his shoulder. Leaving it there for a few moments before jolting back up. “Ah sorry Tighnari! I’m not used to talking so much for hours. My voice must be getting tired and myself for being in this position for long.” You’d admit. Apologizing to Tighnari. “If you can’t stay up and want to take a nap I don’t really mind. I can read what you put down in your writing. I can read it clearly.”(you have neat handwriting dw if you don’t irl-) 
“Are you sure I won’t bother you if I do?” “I’m sure.” “Alright I’ll try my best to not sleep on you.” You said falling asleep around a few minutes later. Your head had again, went onto his shoulder but he didn’t mind (He’s in his mom state /j) Reading what you wrote as he listens slightly to bird chirping. (Debating if I should have you just bring your arm around his. Ehh why not? I’m clingy as hell)  Realizing you wrapped your arms against one of his. Muttering something in your dream as you tail swished behind you. (Gonna make you fall asleep on the couch together you’re welcome.) He touched your ears slightly. Hearing purrs as he began to fall asleep. Lured in by the soothing sounds and slight silence. Curling his tail around you in subconsciously(without him thinking about it just immediately) laying his head onto yours. In response you curled one of your tails around him. (Wanted to this bc it was stuck in my head) 
Collei came into the room seeing you both snuggled against one another. Ears slightly twitching every now and then with the tails flicking as well. Taking a picture of you both before leaving a message on the paper. Of her asking a few questions that could wait. For now she wanted to go make flower crowns for the three of you. Coming back and placing it on the table as she looked at the plants and pictures in the book. Admiring the detail and how pretty the flowers were. Learning more about them.Staying quiet to not wake the both of you up from her. Finally finished with her duties and she can relax. Using this as her spare time. (2pm btw if your curious do that’s like 5 hours of taking about this back and forth or just showing pictures.) 
She gently smiled as she left going to her room and getting Cuilien-Anbar to hug. 
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thatonewatching · 1 year
Creeps with animals
Feat: Eyeless Jack, 'Ticci' Toby, Jeff t.K, Hoodie/Brian, Masky/Tim, Laughing Jack, BEN Drowned, and Helen Otis/Bloody Painter.
BEN: Prefers lizards and insects but isn't opposed to loving bunnies and cats. Definitely researches different bugs and has a whole little notebook about them. Takes scary care of his pets and will go feral if you mess with them without his permission. Will talk your ear off about it if you let him shamelessly. Specifically likes to stick bugs the most. He collects small bugs he finds around the mansion and keeps them in jars. Names the bugs. Pet rabbit. Has jars of fireflies but lets them go after like two or three nights.
"Ben, what the hell is this?" you asked, grabbing the small buzzing jar. He hummed slightly, turning around, yet his eyes didn't leave his game until he was facing you completely. "Don't touch that!" he cried, snatching the glass from your grasp. "Okay, but what is it?" you repeated, crossing your arms over your chest with a chuckle. "His name is Greggley," he answered, placing the jar back on its high shelf. "I'm sorry, his name is fucking what?"
Eyeless Jack: Cat guy. Need I say more? has like eight fucking cats he found. Is way overprotective of them. Names them shit that will correlate to how he acquired them. Like, if he found them chasing a bird, their name would be some shit like "Birdie" or "Hunter" because it's cute. They claw at him like a scratching post, and you cannot convince me otherwise. He no longer wears shorts because of them. Gives them toys but is fully aware they will not be used. Can fit two in each hand. "You're not allergic to fur, are you?" Jack inquired. You shook your head quietly, a no. "Good,' he muttered. Opening the door, multiple cats rushed to him, rubbing against his legs and letting out loud meows. "Hello, princess!" he cooed, picking up a chubby calico. He rested the cat over his shoulder, beginning to pet its back. "Such a good kitty, aren't you?" he purred (get it? lmao) The kitten meowed in response, leaning into him more. "The cannibal demon man has cats..."
Jeff: He doesn't like small animals. Likes 'cool' animals, as he would say. Falcons, hawks, sharks, etc. Has a secret soft spot for sea otters. Would never admit it, though. Has had many fish in the past. None have survived for too long. His current fish is named "Bubbles" but he will not say its name. Only in his head. Aggressively nice to animals. Not allowed to have animals smaller than a cat. He will lose it. Cuddles with his animals. Feeds a stray dog. Smile dog. "Cute ass fish," he muttered, back cracking loudly as he stood upright from his crouched position. "Did you say something?" you inquired. "No, and even if I did, what's it matter to you?" he snapped. "Sorry," you ruefully replied, rolling your eyes. Sprinkling the food in the bowl, he squinted, as much as he can, at least, and said something else under his breath. Little did you know, he was calling his fish by its name.
Toby: Feeds every stray. Every single one. Cat, dog, rat. Doesn't matter to him. He has several rats and lets them crawl all over him. One is named "Gerard" and the other is named "Frank" because we stan My Chemical Romance <3333 Brings them places in his pocket around the mansion and in town. Never on missions. Kisses them on the head. They are chubby little rats, and he will not take criticism of them. They are his babies. "Toby, what the fuck is in your pocket?" Tim questioned, watching as the area wiggled around oddly. Toby moved his hand up, pulling out a black and white rodent. "Really? You brought the fucking rat to breakfast?" Brian joked. Toby shook his head, a no. "The fuck do you mean 'no'?" Tim angrily asked. Swallowing his food, a shit-eating grin plastered his face. Once again, he moved his hand up, pulling out another rat. "No, I brought them both."
Helen: Like four cats. They are not allowed in his studio. Many scars from them. They hide under his bed and get his legs when he walks by. Has run into many walls trying to avoid this. Does not trust them. Buys them that expensive ass kitty food and tuna. Cat treats. His cats know tricks for sure. They are mean. He jumps onto his bed from a distance away because of the fear of monsters under his bed (the cats) Names them after famous artists/poets. They give him even more mental instability. "Oh my fucking-" he cried, stopping mid-sentence to exhale loudly. The small black cat ravaged his ankles, kicking and thrashing to assert dominance. Bending over, he lifted the kitty from his limb, tossing it on the bed to continue his phone call. "Yeah, sorry. Mr. Sparkle Palooza bit me again," (I'm so sorry for the name)
Hoodie/Brian: He likes big dogs. Like German Shepherds, Golden retrievers, and any type of hound. Dogs go on as many walks as he can provide. Many, many treats. They are spoiled. He gives them scraps excessively. They sleep on his bed, despite having their own. Very well trained. "Sick em'" is his favorite surprise. Vicious ass dogs fr. Clips their nails regularly. Hates when he gets called a 'dog dad' or when his dogs are called 'fur babies' because it weirds him out. "Oh, godamnit. Can you fucking stop, you crazy asshole?" he muttered, attempting to hold the dog in place as the clippers came in contact with the animals' nails. You watched, amused, across the room as he swore to himself. "Need some help?" you joked. "No, (y/n), I do not need help."
Masky: No animals. Unless it's like a single cat, he's not down. However, does enjoy deer and other forest animals. Has been horseback riding. Enjoyed it thoroughly. No animals unless approved by him.
Laughing Jack: Endless animals. Cats, dogs, rats, mice, deer, birds. All of them but snakes. He hates snakes. But is super affectionate toward any other animal. "Jack, look what I found!" you cheered, holding up a small kitten. With wide eyes and a grinning face, he gently took it from your hand, cradling it as if it were as fragile as glass. "It's ours now."
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