#okay FOR REAL im done XD
themcytficrecs · 7 months
Dirges in The Dark by WixWrites (@twodiamondhoes)
Rated M, 57k words (with 5/11 chapters so far), Hermitcraft / Traffic fic in a fantasy western/cowboy au! Features Jimmy/Tango and Grian/Scar with alternating povs!
This fic was written with the Hermitshipping Big Bang of 2023, so it is completely written and is being updated weekly!
I went looking for a good cowboy fic, and got sucked in by the absolute mystery and intrigue that this fic offers. The slow reveal of details, the hints that you're given by all the things that go unspoken, the prose itself with the beautiful details and the wonderful characterizations of the different povs... it's all so good.
I am very excited to see how it ends, and I'm certain it's going to be one of the fics I reread very often.
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see sometimes I try and think about it all more logically. what if it was all happening to a friend. my friend!! you completely forgot to feed your kitten his wet food for five days? you haven't drunk water for a couple of days? you didn't shower or change your clothes for four days? you've only eaten two actual meals in the last two days? your average sleep in the last week is around five hours? my friend, you need help.
since it's me, I don't need help.
#most of it has been genuine forgetfulness/zoning out and 'oh it's 2am'#but like. last night i was lying awake hungry as anything bc all I had was dinner and not a great deal of that. if id been in a house on my#own i would've hopped up and got smth but i couldn't in case of disturbing grandma#(I have since purchased things that I will store near my bed that I can either take out of there#or leave them there for any such emergencies. if you call them emergencies. sometimes if i can't handle eating normally if i can't see what#im eating i can manage that - makes it less real somehow.)#honestly tho i am shocked by how immediately all my carefully created routines have fallen apart tbh#should i talk to my lecturer at uni who does the 12-2 class? to check she's ok with me eating in class? bc otherwise i will likely not eat#anything before dinnertime. probably skip breakfast#i don't know. i don't know anything. i love my course i love it so much and i don't know how i'll handle it#but i don't think i'd handle not doing it#idk im just so tired man#depression does a number on you frfr#okay that's it im turning on the heater finding some music and doing a lil dance. see if i feel better. maybe try a bit of hot water with#ginger or smth livening in it. i do want to try that. something to wake you up. ive been in a dead depressed limbo for five hours straight#and done nothing of use#tw ed#good news tho i find my anxiousness overall reduces the more depressed i am xD idk why lol#personal#puddleglum hours
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damagedcoda6669 · 4 months
hiiiii!!!! i was wondering if u could share some of the most common to least common bpd symptoms?….and maybe ones u struggle with??? <:3
ive been thinking i have bpd for awhile,, (since i was 15,i’m almost 18 now) BUT i dont wanna self diagnose bc i don’t wanna offend anyone……is that offensive? to self diagnose? idek <:p
there isnt rlly least 2 most common, bpd is a spectrum and has a wide range of experiences!!! but i will list the diagnostic criteria 4 u, and explain it in a way some1 first learning abt bpd can understand ^w^
u must experience at least 5 of the 9 symptoms from the criteria in order 2 be diagnosed!!!
1: frantic efforts 2 avoid real or imagined abandonment; this does not include suicidal or self mutilating behavior covered in criteria 5.
this means an intense fear of abandonment. if u have bpd, being abandoned by those u love is most likely ur biggest fear. ik its mine!!! xD this can look like a number of things. this can include an avoidant attachment style, pushing ppl away becuz u feel a need 2 abandon them first b4 it happens 2 u. u might do the opposite and cling rlly hard. u might resort 2 manipulation tactics n threats 2 try 2 get them 2 stay even if its not in their best interest (not every1 w bpd does this, and not every1 w bpd doing this is doing it on purpose. ive done this in the past b4 i reflected on my own behavior and realized it was wrong. we r not abusers by default and we dont have bad intentions.) u might beg them 2 stay, promise them things, try 2 change urself 4 them, yell at them 4 wanting 2 leave. its terrifying what the fear might do 2 u.
2: a pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by extremes of idealization and devaluation.
this ones pretty simple, consistently unstable relationships throughout ur life!!! but it might get a lil confusing at "extremes of idealization and devaluation", so ill try 2 explain that using a term from the bpd community, "splitting". splitting is when u switch from one extreme view of a person, object, character, pretty much anything, 2 the opposite. it USUALLY means going from loving some1 2 hating them, but it can mean the opposite (hating 2 loving), and it can apply 2 anything, not just a person. a good example of splitting is when ur fp (favorite person, another term from the bpd community) disagrees with u abt smth, or u see them hanging out with other ppl, u mightve viewed them as perfect b4 and now u feel an intense hatred and can only see them as a bad person. 2 other ppl, experiencing such a drastic change in perception over smth so small is seen as ridiculous, but rlly its entirely valid. its part of the disorder, its okay.
3: markedly and persistently unstable self image or sense of self.
u dont rlly know who u r a lot of the time, u dont have a strong sense of identity, if any at all. u might change styles often, change the way u talk, the jokes u make, ur beliefs, ur interests, ur hobbies. u might find urself basing ur entire personality on those around u. a common experience is that when ur favorite person or favorite ppl leave u, u dont know who u r anymore, becuz ur entire sense of self was mirrored from them. its like being a chameleon, but ur constantly mirroring other ppl, and ur nevr rlly ur own person.
4: impulsivity in at least two areas that r potentially self damaging (the examples listed in the DSM-5 include spending, sex, substance abuse, reckless driving, and binge eating, but i will provide moar examples!!!); this does not include suicidal or self mutilating behavior covered in criteria 5.
this ones also pretty simple!!! but personally i find that i become moar impulsive while in a bad headspace, or while im having a bpd episode/suicidal outburst. moar impulsive actions may include property damage, physical fights, running away, cutting contact with ppl, getting in contact with ppl who u know r dangerous, etc. those r all i could think of off the top of my head and they may not be the best examples, srry!!! :(
5: recurrent suicidal behaviors, gestures, threats, or self mutilating behavior.
i would like 2 say that self harm doesnt just mean cutting!!! self harm includes burning, hitting, ripping out hair, picking at skin, stabbing, and many moar. personally ive always been a cutter and i started when i was 9 or 10, but i want every1 2 know that all self harm is valid and this is a safe space 2 discuss it. im not gonna make any1 feel ashamed of it <3 also!!! suicidal threats and gestures may come across as manipulative, but that is almost NEVR our intention. we may act out in suicidal ways becuz its the only thing that gets us any sort of attention or care that we desperately need. i dont give a shit abt "ew theyre threatening suicide 4 attention, lets ignore them" becuz attention is a basic human need, and some1 threatening suicide REGARDLESS of their intentions is always a concern. whether its a call 4 help or not, they need help. dont disregard their mental health becuz their suicidal ideation doesnt present in an "acceptable" manner. all suicidal ideation, IS suicidal ideation. whether its passive, 4 attention, active w a plan, its all valid and requires attention and care.
6: affective instability due 2 a marked reactivity of mood (eg, intense episodic dysphoria, irritability, or anxiety usually lasting a few hours and only rarely moar than a few days)
intense mood swings!!! u can feel happy one moment, and then switch 2 being depressed or anxious, and then go back 2 "normal" 10 minutes later. sometimes it just happens 4 no reason!!! absolutely fucking sucks
7: chronic feelings of emptiness.
this one is hard 2 explain and can mean varying things 4 different ppl. 4 me, it means i will never be happy in the long term (maybe with medication, but.. rawdogging life? bad idea) nothing gives me any sort of long term joy and i dont feel like i have a purpose. its like theres a hole in my chest that will nevr be filled. nothing will make me complete.
8: inappropriate, intense anger or difficulty controlling anger (eg, frequent displays of temper, constant anger, or recurrent physical fights)
(also not every1 w bpd gets in2 physical fights or r angry at other ppl often, some ppl r moar angry at themselves)
9: transient, stress related paranoid ideation or severe dissociative symptoms.
paranoia is a symptom of bpd!!! although its shortlived in nature, and as stated above, stress related. dissociative symptoms can also present in a variety of ways!!! u can present with a fractured sense of self which may actually lead 2 u developing headmates iirc, but with them usually appearing as other versions of urself. or u might just dissociate due 2 stress or ur brain wanting 2 remove traumatic memories, 4 me dissociating feels like the whole world is fuzzy and blurry and i cant form any thoughts or emotions. i have dissociative amnesia and experience memory loss when this happens, which sucks becuz i dissociate at least once everyday. my memories r incredibly spotty and unreliable, its liek my brain is made of swiss cheese!!!
personally, i experience all of the symptoms from the diagnostic criteria, and they all effect my life on a daily basis. but that isnt 2 say that u need all of them in order 2 have bpd, as i said b4, u only need at least 5!!! there r also different types of bpd (not medically, theyre labels created by the bpd community) look in2 it if u resonate with some of the symptoms but not all of them!!! a lot of ppl who suspect they have bpd but dont present in a stereotypical way often relate 2 the term "quiet bpd", i recommend looking in2 it!!!
self diagnosis is entirely valid, and most of the ppl who r offended by it r neurotypical or they dont have the disorders that ppl r self diagnosing with. it stems mostly from ableism towards autistic ppl, specifically autistic ppl who self diagnose becuz they know theyre autistic but dont have the resources/time 2 get a diagnosis from a professional. if u believe ur borderline, and u've done ur research, i believe u. self diagnosis is not actually offensive 2 those who have mental disorders, im pretty sure the bpd community is accepting of self diagnosis!!! and if u cant find a community of ppl who r accepting of ur self diagnosis, just know that i believe u and this is a safe space 4 self diagnosis and ppl w bpd :3
bpd is also incredibly hard 2 get diagnosed with. its one of the most stigmatized disorders and often mental health professionals have a bias against it. sometimes, professional diagnosis is not an option 4 us. i knew i had bpd 4 years b4 i was able 2 get diagnosed. good luck!!!!
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quinloki · 1 year
hello i'm eating up everythink this kink game is soo 😋😋😋
could you do branding, breeding and collar for Eustass Kid and Killer? (im a sucker for kid pirates what can I say, if you wanna add a third c of your own choice i'm all ears 🤭)
\o/ I'm enjoying doing these - I'm so glad people are enjoying them.
Branding, Breeding and Collaring - make talk about the Possessiveness Trifecta. Sucker for yandere that I am, I am not complaining, but a fair warning to everyone reading, I may go a bit hard on this.
Also - I 100% have some yandere Kid Pirates stuff I want to go balls to the wall toxic on, so I'm going to do these particular head canons from a healthy view point (save all my deep dark shadows for the multi-chapter stuff.)
Hmm.. I'm tempted to add Heat since I did Wire not too long ago, but I'm not feeling it so I'mma step outside the Kid Pirates for my wild card choice and go with hmmm...
(I've done breeding kink for : Mihawk, Sir Crocodile, Rayleigh, Marco, Newgate, Jinbei, Zoro, Luffy, Sanji, Lucci, Law and Kaku.)
Oh I was going to pick Sir Crocodile, because why not, but you know what, let's go with Smoker.
Eustass Kid:
Branding - Oh god you don't even know - Eustass isn't going to suggest this to you, but if you bring it up (tattoos, actual branding, cell popping) he'll be all for it. Safe and painless as possible - well, okay, I mean, sometimes the pain is the point, but my statement still stands. Cell popping is generally not-permanent but most other forms of branding are. Style, design, brand or tattoo, he's going to talk all the details out with you, and how you're going to go about getting it.
Strapped to a custom chair, completely naked, as either he - or someone trusted - does the work (hey if you head canon Kid as a tattoo artist, rock on). He'll tease, please, and praise you the entire time, probably record the entire thing for posterity too especially if it's a tattoo. If you're up for it, he'd be all in for you to have a couple tattoos - at least one everyone can see, and few for his eyes only.
Breeding - FUCK Yes - Man's got a specific piece of furniture for this. It's designed to be adjustable (It goes from 4'00" - 12'00" just because he could), and can be used with or without straps. It's got a few other addons, and it's multiple body type friendly.
Hey, Eustass makes things with his hands - not just metal stuff, the man's leather working and wood working skills are on point and I'm not even speaking in double entendre xD It's designed to keep from having the sub/bottom that gets on it from being too exhausted to be, well, bred. (Designed with their pleasure in mind cause some of these addons vibrate).
Thing of it like a comfy saddle with a sybian built into it (google that at your own risk).
Collaring - Oh god you don't even know - Obviously less permanent than branding, but there's a real "You gotta earn it" process to this for Kid. You don't just go around collaring people - putting someone in irons because they're a legit prisoner (or your role playing that sort of thing) isn't the same as this.
If you're okay with it he'll have a collection for you before long. From almost subtle chokers you can wear every day if you want, to ornate metal ones strictly for playtime, to fur-lined leather ones you could wear publicly if you wanted to. You can be sure all of them were made by Kid, and they're all going to be comfortable. The more comfortable you get wearing them, the more likely Kid is to loop a finger through them and pull you into a rough kiss without much warning.
Branding - No - Tattoos are an exception to this, but permanently marking/scarring his partner is a big no for Killer. Careful temporary marking yes, but he's the one with the scars, and he doesn't want to cause you to have any (or any more than you already have). It's not that he needs your skin to be flawless, it's that he doesn't want to be the cause of any of your scars.
Killer's job is protecting - the Captain, you, the crew - and probably in that order if we're being legit. Now tattoo(s), something he designs, something you can each get (that not exact matches, but matches style), he's all for that if you are. He wants his somewhere he can easily see - and maybe even that can be easily seen. >.> He wants yours somewhere that only you and maybe the ship's doctor will ever see.
Breeding - FUCK Yes - I mean, have you see that breeding bench that Kid built?! Of course he enjoys using it, and this is a style of marking/possessiveness he can get behind. (ah, heh accidental pun there. get behind... xD) It's not just filling you up over and over that he enjoys, sometimes letting others fill you up too, but it's having you shudder and cum on his cock over and over too. He's into it just as much for your continued pleasure as his own.
The number of times your body tries to curl on that bench is going to be at least twice as often as Killer satisfies himself.
Collar - Oh god you don't even know - it's blue and white with a double row of spikes on it and somehow it is crazy comfortable to wear.
Well, at least that's the first one he gifts you. Killer won't force you to wear any collars, but he'll talk about them and their importance to him and what they mean, and when he gives you the first one he even reiterates that you don't have to wear it. But if you put it on yourself, or present your neck for him to put it on, it'll certainly have an effect on him.
And if you're willing to own/wear more, he'll be gifting a small variety to you. Though the first time he notices you wearing one outside of playtime, you might find yourself over his shoulder and on your way to the bedroom - or the nearest available secluded spot. He'll cool off a little with time (or learn better restraint), but that first time is going to hit him like a ton of bricks.
Branding - Rather not - Cell popping maybe, but branding or tattoos aren't really Smoker's vibe. You could probably convince him to get matching tattoos for say, like, your tenth wedding anniversary or something, but he'd be a little skittish about the idea before then. He certainly has a possessive streak, but it's more of you knowing that you're his, and not necessarily a need to make sure everyone else knows.
I mean, everyone else will know, but he doesn't need a tattoo or brand to get that point across.
Breeding - FUCK Yes - Pressed against the wall, bent over the couch, screaming muffled pleasure into the comforter on the bed, and trying to stifle your moans as you hold onto the balcony railing while getting railed. Smoker is going to take you rough and without a condom - your body's begging for his to be buried in you, who has time for anything else?
Wrapped in his smoke you'll swear you smell like his cigars no matter how much you wash. It's not unpleasant, but it also feels embarrassingly obvious to know that anyone else who knows what his cigars smell like is gonna know. Not that you're asking him to stop, you agreed to the arrangements after all.
Collar - Starts as a Sure turns into FUCK Yes - You're the one telling him about collars, and some of the meanings behind them in bdsm and all that, and he's not against it. He lets you pick out what you want, and reads up on safety about them, and you two incorporate it into your playtime.
At one point though, you greet him at the door after his shift, either in little more than the collar, or with it being visible along with what you're wearing (sexy surprises galore under the clothes, of course). The whole evening riles him up more than usual, and he becomes a lot more attached to collars. Eventually he even collars you almost ceremoniously during a session, having gotten a custom piece made for the occasion.
Kinky One Piece Head Canons
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gabrielokun · 1 year
Hi. You watch a lot of dramas/series. Do you have any favorites? If you do, what's your top 20 favorite Asian BL dramas/series?
Hi, anon)) thank you for asking. Sorry, it took a while) but I have to prepare a visual representation to compensate for the lack of writing skills))) english is hard T_T
anyway, here are some of my favorite things
Love by Chance (2018)
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The show that started it all (づ ᴗ _ᴗ)づ♡ Yep, my first Bl therefore I just must include it. Is is a good show? - not really. BUT! AePete are my babies, I love them. Nobody does it like them ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡
2. My Only 12% (2022)
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Childhood friends to lovers done right! My favorite show of the last year. It is a slooooow burn but it's so worth it! Very lively and real boys. great family and friend dynamics, kind of meh last story outside of CakeEwi but still…If you want some great friendship slowly blooming into romance this is the show
3. Kieta Hatsukoi (2021)
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Super cute show. All characters are amazing, story well written, minimum hurt all the comfort. Good girl-not an enemy (im really easy too please ( •̯́ ₃ •̯̀) xd)
4. 30-sai made Dotei Da to Mahotsukai ni Nareru rashii (2020)aka Cherry magic
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JapBL are totally for me when they do fluff, (cause their angst is on a such level I need a lifetime to process it xd)
but this one is so fluffy (ฅ́ ˘ฅ̀)♡ They make me happy and I grateful for it
5. My Ride (2022)
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Speaking of fluff °ʚ(´꒳`)ɞ° Other couples are kind of boring But! Mork's uncles, MorkTawan's adopted son (still a bit salty we didnt see him again, Tawan should've had more parenting time, he is clearly a great dad ଘ(੭◌ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚) natural growth of their friendship into love *_*. This one is good!
6.Color Rush (2020)
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I love soulmates. Its short, simple story but with very interesting and original idea.
7. Hello Stranger (2020)
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Such a simple story but the way it was done is amazing! Falling in love through web camera (੭ ˊ^ˋ)੭ ♡ Characters have such an incredible chemistry even tho they have minimum personal contact(kudos to actors they done well)))
I Will Knock You (2022)
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Okay, yes age gap not for everyone. But again it was done very respectful. ૮₍ ´ ꒳ `₎ა I love love love Noey's ˖°.✧aesthetic✧˖°., his room is my fave ngl, i want everything he has))))I love this delusional king He was so sure Thi is into him from the second they met and i live for it.
9. Until We Meet Again (2019)
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I love soulmates 2. I just love this show. Its gonna traumatize you and then comforts you with cutest fluffiest boys that going through it
10. Vice Versa (2022)
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I didn't like it at first
Puen annoyed me too much ૮꒰˶> ༝ <˶ ꒱ა but then I binge rewatch it in one weekend and I just fall for it. Its so good))) I love soulmates 3 and it's super pretty. I love colors
11. About Youth (2022)
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Show where I love main and second couple the same ପ(๑•ᴗ•๑)ଓ ♡ thats rare))) Again very simple story but told beautifly
12. HIStory2 Right or Wrong (2018)
Let's talk HIStory. They kind of getting worse imho. 4 and 5 were just fine. thats sucks ʚ₍ᐢ ›̥̥̥ ༝ ‹̥̥̥ ᐢ₎ɞ i still love them tho
HIStory2 Right or Wrong (2018) 13. HIStory3 Trapped (2019) and 14. HIStory2 Crossing the Line (2018)
are superior for me. but just watch any of them they all are worth your time
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15. Our Dating Sim (2023)
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Second chance romance done very very right!
16. Oxygen (2020)
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Good fluffy fluff. P'Phu and his bunny are so precious. Main are cute and sweet and adorable. Ignore weird girl and doctor everything else is just so lovely
17. Light on Me (2021)
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Love triangle done right. Good light fluffy show that did hurt so good (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
18. To My Star Season 2: Our Untold Stories (2022)
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I love how they told this story
19. Not Me (2021)
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its hard to explain how good this show is, its more serious than usual bls, great acting, amazing story, strong message told through not just cinematography but art and dance too. its truly great show
20. Triage (2022)
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Time loops are fun
+ some honorable mentions
Ingredients (2020)
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not a show))) just an add but damn. It such a feel good little comfort add Jeff and Gameplay have an amazing chemistry, simple slice of life stories but so good , mutual pining done so well
anything by strongberry, literally just go at their YT chanel and enjoy ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭ ੈ♡‧₊˚
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emmmm that a long post sorry
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totaldramafan-lauri · 24 days
I just wanna vent out about something.. about golden cheese..
I think I'm starting to lose interest in her, I don't know why but I guess it was the lack of content of her, no offense I wasn't getting bored or anything but.. I'm scared I don't wanna lose feelings for Golden cheese cookie.. I dont wanna let go because I love golden cheese cookie for almost a year now.. well not good compare to you but I'm just scared, I don't know why I'm scared when I lost feelings with fictional characters all the time but golden cheese was an exception.. an exception that is bothering me for awhile, I don't wanna lose feelings of her since I still love her but Im getting real bored of her due to the lack of content..
I may seem impatient and all because of the lack of Golden cheese content that's why I'm venting to a more dedicated fan of Golden cheese, it's you Lauri.. what do I do?.. no offense but I just want advice because I don't wanna get stuck on this stage tha might bother me for awhile..
I love her, I don't wanna let go of this love because of how much time and dedication I took I spent on the crk game on her, I do it for fun events too but all the reason I even joined this game because of her.. I joined because of her, I played because of her! I maxed out her level first this last few months but what do I get? Getting stuck on the loading screen where I can see the golden cheese cookie! and now this heck of a connection keeps saying 'network error connection' when my network is strong and fine, my phone too is expensive and new! Like.. Devsis.. you don't want another boycott do you? Because this is getting too far that you aren't even bothering to fix it..
I'm really sorry Lauri but I'm just so frustrated, I want to max out Golden cheese soulstones and all so I just keep playing.. I eventually got mad.. and maybe have taken my anger on Golden cheese cookie.. and after that.. oh how deeply I regret it because I just blame golden cheese for the Devsis doing.. because oh heck no.. I am and I am going to see my wife!! Like.. why aren't you letting me Devsis! It's been weeks since I logged in due to this error!.. I'm stuck at the LOADING SCREEEENNNN!! Ughhh.. I'm crying so much.. I might even have to delete my account and start over... I just wanna cry... T-T) just.. like it is hard to let me see my wife in-game!?..
Sorry for yapping all that Lauri.. just want your advice on what to do since.. I'm so so sorry for saying all that, I just wanna know if I should just give up or continue pressing that 'okay' button on the screen or just make a new account and delete the new account or something.. Im so sorry if this makes you sad or feel bad. I'm really sorry :(((
.. I'm just so bad and frustrated right now.. I can't even log in and check my golden cheese cookie.. all this is making me tired and it's hurting and making my feelings go away from golden cheese cookie.. oh my gosh.. I just don't.. I don't want to deal with that button that pop on my face like 'network connection error' like it was a taunting me.. I just wanna throw my phone on the heck of a wall or something like that!..
I' might take a break from Golden cheese cookie for awhile, glad that I loved her all these months, and these days.. I'm just so proud of myself for even keeping this up.. Still your fan though, I won't stop reading your fics even if it isn't a golden cheese cookie anymore.. and maybe I might move to FPE fandom anytime soon because I'm just tired of Devsis doing all this.. sorry for all the venting I did.. :(((
For the lack of content....I....I actually understand. Th-the same thing happened with me with Affogato, where.....I-I still love him, and he's still my king, but the fact that next to nothing's been done with him since Odyssey made me kinda lose focus on him over time (I was still MIFFED that he didn't appear in the Matcha update with the rest of the CoD tho XD). With Golden Cheese, tho, it's.....it's different.....I-I'm still hooked on her....so.....i-if you wanna know why, uh.....part of it is my fic, but also....
L-look at it this way. There are a lot - like, a LOT - of characters in CRK. It's impossible to focus on one character constantly when they're always adding more. However, the Ancients are the true main characters of this game, so....they're a case where we KNOW more content is COMING eventually. E-especially with the Beasts. So....th-that's what I keep telling myself. More content of her is coming. I dunno when, but it IS coming....e-even if it takes a while, I'll be there, and....i-in the meantime, the rest of the stories they release will keep me occupied til I see her again....
(That being said, there's also no shame in taking a break from the game until an update that reignites your interest. People do that all the time. XD Not everyone is as hyperfocused as me, and that's completely fine. CRK is actually pretty forgiving to returning players)
S-so....yeah.....it's coming. And....j-just like her promise to her subjects that she'll be back for them, the game has promised us that it'll come back to her in time. Like I said, the Ancients ARE the main characters of CRK at this point (Gingerbrave is just a mascot now, let's be real XD) And....y-yeah, that's how I hold on to hope. TBH, once I fall this hard for a character, usually it'll last me a couple years even with a lack of content - I had a crush on one character based on a single pilot last me FOUR years - so this kinda thing, it's.....it's different for everyone. I-I hope you understand my thought process, tho.....
A-and in the meantime....that's kinda what fan content is here for....like my fic.....so.....I-I guess I should apologize that my fic isn't good enough to keep you interested in her.....I-I really do my best to do her justice with my writing and....to be self-indulgent, but also make it still feel like her.....as in, in-character, so....yeah, s-sorry.....I-I understand that it's been going on for a while, and....i-if your interest doesn't last that long, I understand, OK....? ^^ Th-thank you for reading....
A-and finally.....a-about your error screen.....I-I've had similar happen to me. F-for a few months, I've had problems with my game crashing (oddly, it's gotten BETTER these last two updates. The crashing was worst during the Mystic Flour update), and.....d-during that time, I did have a bit of a scary experience....
Here's how I dealt with it.
(for other people who aren't interest in in-game stuff, don't bother reading under the cut)
DISCLAIMER: THIS IS THE ONLY TIME I WILL ANSWER AN ASK THAT DEALS WITH COMPLAINTS AGAINST DEVSIS. I WILL NOT DO THIS AGAIN. I have endless respect for Devsis and all they've done with CRK, and it's a MAJOR pet peeve of mine when players throw unfair complaints at them for things either out of their control or just calling the game P2W or whatever when it's NOT (except for Grandmaster tier in the arena) and it's just a case of kids being too impatient to handle a game with grinding in it. I HATE things like that. The only reasons I'm addressing it this time is not only cuz it's the first, but also cuz I think I have advice on what to do for this one issue. But I WILL NOT tolerate being yelled at about people's issues with CRK or Devsis. I just wanna talk about Golden Cheese, the characters associated with her, and my fic. THAT IS ALL.
N-now, um.....it wasn't the exact same error you're getting. At least....n-not the wording you're giving me. The "network connection is unstable" error has NEVER lasted that long to me, and it doesn't happen on the title screen. This is probably on your end, not the game's, so please don't make comments about boycotting Devsis. It won't help.
HOWEVER, I have gotten AN error on the title screen before, that wouldn't go away no matter how long I waited. The message was "Failed to load data". I dunno if it's the same one you're getting, cuz I dunno if maybe it's worded differently in other languages or if you're playing in English, but....y-yeah, this is what it was spitting at me. I'd close the game and wait a few hours, but it never went away. The problem is that it never reloaded the title screen. It just stayed there. At least with errors that happen during the game, I can wait an hour and come back. Nnnnnot so much with stuff on the title screen. XD
So....I.....I panicked. And....h-here's what I did.
I deleted the game from my phone, and then reinstalled it. This is NOT the same as deleting my ACCOUNT. My account still existed. I deleted the GAME. Then, when I redownloaded it, I simply just logged back in to my DevPlay account and everything was right where I left it. Th-that's how I survived the biggest scare I've had playing this game. XD
I-I dunno how much this'll help you.....cuz I dunno if it's the same error, and I also dunno how you made your account (like I use DevPlay). B-but.....your issue just....sounded similar to that, so I thought I could t-try to help......I-I'm sorry if it doesn't....
F-for what it's worth, I've been playing this game since 2021, so I....I have a lotta patience with it.....^^;
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dipplinduo · 6 months
#1 - 50
no im kidding LOLLLL #25 and 34.
(Context: Questions for Fic Writers Ask Game) LOOOOOL I WAS ABOUT TO BE LIKE "DAMN OKAY" xD
25. What other websites or resources do you use most often when you write?
My toxic habit is that I go on google and look up synonyms of a word and search until I find one I like if I notice I'm repeating myself/want it to hit different. I should be using actual resources imo but I'm too lazy to go find them.
I also tend to research random things for accuracy (e.g. for S&S D, I often check what pokemon are available in certain areas for worldbuilding; for DIOH I recently went on a whole deep dive about sencha so I could incorporate cultural stuff & things like taste appropriately, etc.)
34. What aspects of your writing are inspired by/taken from your real life?
Sweet & Sour Dipplins:
I recently said this but Kieran's dialogue regarding gayness was verbatim my memory of what little me said in response to learning about gay people & a family member's disapproval of gay marriage ("Isn't love just love, though?")
Some of the highlights of Juliana's character are based on what I aspire to be/try to be, and her character flaws are based on what I know are my own.
Not really irl stuff but I lazily decided Juliana's team is legit my Scarlet team because I didn't feel like putting too much thought into it LOOOOL
I think I pull from my interactions with my irl guy friends when thinking of what Drayton would do/say sometimes. Also same with the bromance that is Arven/Crispin.
I base a lot of Sweet & Sour Applins' behaviors off of cats. Sweet Applin is more of my freinds' domestic cats, while Sour Applin is closer to a cat I grew up with and saved from the streets. She had a very big love/hate relationship with me in particular DESPITE ME BEING THE FIRST HUMAN SHE WARMED UP TO AND THE LITERAL REASON SHE GOT A HOME-
One of the S&S kissing scenes is based on something I've experienced personally. I am not saying which one. 💀
The Dichotomy in Our Hearts:
People in my personal life often describe my disposition as being "sunshiney", but I can have my own broody rainclouds when I'm down lol. I usually appreciate being able to talk about my feelings but if I'm in a particularly rare mood of total despondence nothing will really work on me other than silence and physical touch. It's my primary love language and Kieran's own despondence being broken through with it in Chapter 2 is a very ME thing in hindsight LOOOOL
Juliana hiding her feelings is something I have absolutely done with crushes growing up, and her shy but curious and caring disposition is based off of my past self. How she will deal with her secret crush on Kieran will also be dealt with in the way I have dealt with my own (although this is coincidence and is for the plot).
A Sugary Sweet Kiss:
One time I went on a date with someone who was really really nervous the whole time, and I pulled a littleeeee bit from him when I was characterizing Kieran. I also dressed very nicely while the other person dressed down like Juliana and Kieran did in the fic. xD
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Dear Eli,
I hereby give you the invitation to infodump about your chosen topic /nf
Have an amazing afternoon,
A sleepy but exited Jamie
(You do these better but I tried XD)
I was saving this until I felt the euphoria of a new hyperfixation, AND I NOW WELCOME YOU TO THE YOUNG ROYALS ERA!!!!!!!!
Suprisingly spoiler free but very long <333
Okay, SO!!! Brief overview of Young Royals before I get into the details. Its a Swedish queer romance set at a boarding school, between Wilhelm the prince of Sweden (Second in line but his brother dies early on and so he is now the Crown Prince (I really like how they pronounce that in swedish)), and Simon, a non-boarder from a poorer area. A video of them together being intimate is leaked by August (Wilhelm's cousin? I think?), and that is the baseline of the story.
So it seems like August is a really awful person, right? He did this truly awful thing completely of his own volition, and caused so much pain and trouble for these people. Objectively and categorically, this is wrong. Enter: thing I love about this show #1. THE CHARACTERS ALL HAVE FLAWS AND NUANCE BUT THEY ALSO GET REDEMPTION.
So August does a very bad thing, but we constantly see him feel so incredibly guilty about it. He tries to be kind to make up for the horrible things he did. The impact of everything that happened because of what he did is shown to have a major and very real impact on his mental health. And this is done in a sympathetic way. On top of this as well, is the fact that the other characters, Wille especially, treat him atrociously. He purposefully undermines August's power, blackmailing him and manipulating his friends to dislike him. We see that there are flaws in every character, and that one is /not/ better than the other. AND ITS NUANCE AND I LOVE NUANCE NOT EVERYTHING IS 'HES THE BAD GUY HE DOESNT DESERVE TO LIVE'!!!!!!
So yeah, August really tries his hardest to be kind to people, and he gets ridiculed and bullied by Wille. This isnt to say that Wille is completely in the wrong here or that his actions outweigh August's. Wilhelm has so much trauma. His brother died tragically and he wasnt allowed to grieve with his parents. He was forced to lie about his relationship with Simon. He was so alone and isolated. And he found respite in his relationship with Simon, and so when August took that away, he was *rightfully* angry. But he went too far.
ANYWAY!!! I have so much more to say buttt akjdsf i need to sleep!!
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k1ngj0ve · 2 years
Had a long convo about Bisexual Pickles(the drummer), gonna edit it to be readable
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(initially this was a convo about how Murderface would be into Semen Retention and claiming being with women is gay, and pickles doesnt get involved because hes had sex with men before)
Friend: I feel like one interpretation of Pickles could be that he doesn't think it's "gay" to have sex with men. so he thinks he's "straight" and that fucking the same gender occasionally is a thing EVERYONE DOES Me: pickles doesnt strike me as a 'has thought deeply about his sexual identity' or 'has done research on terminology'. if he has any terminology at all its some rare 80s term that was thrown around casually in 1 district of LA during a 2 year period. hes like 'oh im just what they used to call a butter nutter' and no one has any idea what that is
Friend: he's from the generation where "bisexual" means a girl fucking two men in porn or something, he never considered it's a label that can apply to real people
Me: this all came out because he was accidentally being interviewed by an lgbt magazine and didnt know it, having a great time with dudes that understand him and can relate to big gender-weird sex parties
and then the article comes out and its front page like 'pickles is bisexual' And hes SO MAD and he spends half the episode making a big deal about it, until someone finally defines it for him (i think swkisgaar wouldve been trying but wouldve reached a language barrier, hes getting so pissed)
until finally someone explains it to pickles and hes forced to deflate like "..oh. i guess that is.. what i .. am.. then… '. Hes so upset to have a label though. He wants himself to be UNLABELLED. he liked the mystery
Friend: Like a younger version of creed https://youtu.be/2JO3oJybBTw
Me: Thats funny XD "im not offended by gay people" and then relates about how he fucked this dude 15 times over a 3 day bender and how it was some of the best sex he ever had and they met up every saturday night for the entire summer until that dude came out to him as gay and pickles had to end it which always bummed him out because they had a real connection you know
Friend: the poor guy thought they were gay dating out and proud and it turns out Pickles didn't realize kissing another man in the mouth and holding his hand while getting ice cream is gay
Me: pickles talks about it in a way that strongly implies he was in love and wanted to spend the rest of his life with this dude, they bought a puppy together "but then i found out he was gay so i had to break up move out"
Friend: RIP
Me: in that dethklok way where youre just like "what the fuck goes on in your head, how do you think anything works"
Friend: he thought they would have to get a little purse dog and both of them would become hairdressers
Me: 'i dont wanna be a wedding planner'
Friend: "I don't want to move to San Francisco :("
Me: i am really pleased by my mental image of skwisgaar like yelling at pickles trying to explain that bisexuality is fine and normal but not having the language to do so. just fully not in english, and the parts in english Can Not Be PArsed. he means well and keeps trying to help and he just gets angrier every time
Finally screaming like 'SITS DOWN, SHUTS UP, YOUS GONNA LISTENS SHJSJFHEHSJAN' and then a plain looking person next to him clears their through slightly and goes "Skwisgaar says "Please sit down and be quiet, I have hired a swedish interpreter to help communicate" then gives this really heartfelt and informative speech telling pickles its okay to be who he is
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burby2007 · 9 months
Sometimes I wonder "is this really worth it" he deleted it for a reason I'm assuming, and I feel bad uploading it, but I want to archive it. I'm still going to do it. I will put it a screenshot here to show you what it is and if you know what it is said when you get a cookie and two the words he said in the video really left an impact on me sometimes I wish I could just hug him through that screen cuz the pain in his eyes is more real than the pain in my eyes when I think about my grandafather who I deeply miss as well. I'm not going to get into it here, but he was my best friend to me. I don't even know how many people on this blog even care about me, but that's okay this goes out to the ones that actually care about me, and I want you to remember that I love you guys. Furthermore soon I will release the video. Im going do it a day early just because the fact that I don't want you to be sad on a holiday so hopefully you guys are ready. And Matthew I'm sorry if you want me to take it down I will. Because I love you man ( and just to make sure not a creepy way you just mean a lot to me.)
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"To Edd. The best friend I ever had." (Matthew Hargreaves 2013)
I hope I didn't mess this thing up oh God this possibly sounds cheesy or inappropriate( with my luck it's most likely inappropriate and I just fuck up) or something oh God what have I done Xd
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tylerdashart · 2 years
(spoilers for TDP season 4)
OKAY. so i dont really do these kinda posts but id like to say a few things about season 4 cus ive seen some things and the fandom making theories, i just like to write about my own thoughts. ive watched s4 only one time due to not having netflix so i dont really remember many scenes.
"season 5 when?" are you good?? the season 4 just dropped 3 days ago! Im serious when i say ive seen multiple people already posting this question mostly on YT comments or Insta. also the fact that they're not artists OR a fic author makes sense honestly. they have no idea how animation works.
"rayla's acting weird" this is what frustrats me the most. NO she's not... ok maybe a little. but like. come the fuck on, she was gone for 2 years. ofc she's not the same person we saw in season 3. people change. plus, personally, i dont see any difference on her except this one time when callum asked her to...kill him. yes rayla acted a lot calm in that scene- not just that scene really. she was so calm most of the time, but i can see why? she's trying to get callum warm up to her, she's giving him space, she's being gentle as much as she can cus she knows how much she hurt him. she's grown up, she's not the same hot-headed, irritated elf anymore. and we all know how she hides her feelings. Im pretty sure she's gotten used to it, or managed to cope her feelings well so that she can stay calm. lastly about rayla, all i have to say is people change, so does rayla. and no she's not fake at all.
firstly, if rayla's acting weird, what about Viren being supportive with Terry? isnt that weirder? he didnt even treat his own son better, but he's supporting a trans fella? sus.... secondly, what about opeli being so chill about Ez going with Zubia. in that case most of the characters in s4 were out of character. and that's okay cus it's been 2 fucking years!
personally i think the "Zubia in Katolis" scene was a bit rushed. they couldve done it better but Im not saying it was bad at all tho! i loved the scene with the whole callum doing magic thing and the dragon sized jelly tart? xD
"why is rayla back?" why not really. she realized it was useless to find viren and came back home? she realized she wanted to see her mage? "we had something so special. but I became so obsessed with revenge, i.. risked losing the best thing ive ever had... you" she CLEARLY missed him yall. ofc she came back.
"where's the rayllum kiss" Im glad we didnt get a rayllum kiss. I know this is a cartoon show but at least the animators made it similar to how an in-real-life relationship works. people dont just go "you were gone for two years but its okay, i forgive you, lets kiss". Callum needs time to get used to being around rayla again. he's happy but also angry, he needs to see how hard rayla's trying to win callum's trust back. it was so clear that callum got a bit comfortable with rayla again in the last few episodes, especially the last one. That hug was enough sign for us to know they're gonna be okay and that they're still deeply in love.
Stella isNT EVIL YALL. leave my poor baby girl alone >:c
the fart joke was......nuhuh. idk if it's just me but it was gross. i dont wanna remember how much i cringed.
claudia was a bit- no fuck it- she was too much this season. especially in that scene where she tricked rayla with pebbles. god that hurt so much.
Lastly, Season 4 was amazing!! i loved season 4, and all the new things we saw. the arc is building up, it's so interesting, im so excited for season 5.
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bluebird990 · 2 years
Spoilers for chp 223
Soo that was unexpected but definitely not unwelcome.
WE FINALLY GOT TO SEE MYLESSS IM SO HAPPY. It's so nice to know that he wasn't a pushover. He seemed like a pretty okay person tbh. Tho above all, he has WOLF KEUM'S RESPECT? Now that's an achievement ig XD
Donald really did him dirty tho. Mokha duo is the real pushover ig.
But wolf dear what are you doing? Where is your character development?!?! It seems like Gray's beating literally did nothing for him...
Like I didn't expect him to become a completely different person but like...ya know...at least have a teeny tiny change in that attitude?? You do remember that YOU TOO got beat up by said "rookie punk" don't you wolf?? Why is he still underestimating Gray? Or does he just..not care..
Ig I was kinda right then? Wolf is going to fight mokha and win I assume n then he'd want to fight Gray again ig?? Tho Gray definitely wouldn't let wolf beat mokha alone. He does need his revenge after all...
Poor hwangmo tho 😭 Gray's gonna beat him up first n then move to dongha. "Look at my situation" nah my dear hwangmo, you should NOT give that excuse to Gray cuz that's exactly what he hates the most. "There's nothing that I could've done" n all that shit...
Welp after this chapter I'm half convinced that wolf neither has a sad backstory nor will he ever join eunjang (tho I was already convinced that the latter was pretty improbable). All we can do is hope now ig :,) (hope for what exactly? Idek...)
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xxminie · 1 year
Where are Dolly Nova Mae and the big tiddy guy from are they from austrillia
thank you for asking!
In Spark (pretty much what I’m gonna be calling their comic when I get off my butt and make it lol), the world isn’t like normal Earth in that the countries we have Irl don’t exist, they’re all different countries instead. I’ve done this so I can have more freedom in how to design the cultures around these places. They’re inspired by real life places though. Kinda like the last air bender.
Nova, mae, dolly and dagger reside and do most of their business in a capital called Centrum City. It’s a republic city of sorts in that it’s a mix of different cultures since it’s the largest main hub city and
These guys all have American accents because I feel so weird hearing aussie accents, it’s just.. not a very attractive accent to me maybe because I speak and hear it every day XD. Dolly herself has a slight Brooklyn accent and Nova is slightly southern.
Countries are divided into what the people call ‘Grids’ and cities are called ‘Circuits’. This is because they look exactly like a circuit board (im not very creative okay xD)
sorry for the long ass answer 😭
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codebreaker-0 · 10 months
[ ooc post ]
Here it is,
The collection of revealed/translated lore bits in chronological order. Some might be missing as this will probably never be done.
Testing the waters. Here is your first fun fact, CODEBREAKER's avatar is a green and black protogen.
2. Q: do you work for c&a, codebreaker?
A: I don’t like C&A.
3. Q: codebreaker do you want a hug
A: I don't like being touched.
4. I’m sorry for lying to you. One day I hope you’ll understand.
5. There is so much I want to say that I can’t. I can only push you in the right direction.
6. It’s harder to leave than it was before.
6: [brainfuck code, translate later https://www.tumblr.com/codebreaker-0/734723524058644480?source=share ]
7. When I take the headset off, The wounds are still there. (In reference to him getting injured in the digital world.)
9. so why do i keep coming back ? (after he said he didn't like it in the circus.)
10. But sometimes I can still hear you guys even when I’m not here and that scares me (in regards to being asked if he can contact us [ us being the circus members] from the real world)
11. I wish I could be honest with you. I don’t want them to know I’m here.
12. Some of the people here are okay. It’s been a while since I felt that way.
15. HE’S GONE HAYWIRE ! xD (unclear if he means himself, or caine)
16. [ REDACTED ] packed up and left The server lagged today I wasnt online when it did but I felt it like a migraine I’m going to need a plan soon I know I’m not crazy
17. Q: you don't always have to be the strong one btw
A: I wish it worked out that way
18. FUCK (a message left while he was missing)
19. IT ABRUPTLY STOPS ME. I CANT STICK TO THE SAME CODE FOR TOO LONG. I THINK THEY KNOW IM HERE. (in regards to why he is never clear with his answers)
22. I want to smash this headset with a hammer so I never have to see this stupid game again
23. hr wants a word with me!! lmao maybe this man HAS gone insane!!!
Misc facts: Frequent suggestions he has some degree of medical knowledge (knows cpr, mentions med school)
Mentions being a cyber security expert
Shown to spiral pretty fast
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bellysoupset · 1 year
okay so starting with the wendy/vin food poisoning fic AHHHHHH oh my GOODNESS, THE ANGST!?!?! literally obsessed. it actually was a little to real (i literally sat and stared at the wall for a full hour)(im not exaggerating). it was so angsty and painful in the best way ever omg 😭 first off the sickfic part was CHEFFS KISS and I LOVED IT SM like how sudden and messy and miserable it was + vin being so sweet AGH <3333 and then the angsty part hit a lil TOO close like idek how to explain it but it was just so REAL? & thats why the ending was so painful- sometimes your partner can be the sweetest thing ever and create this super safe space and say all the right things to comfort you and the fact that sometimes that's NOT ENOUGH to help you believe it and fully accept the love is so painfully real??? and the way you portrayed that was so perfect UGH 😭 and i know (been there done that) it's so frustrating on BOTH ends and it's SO HARD to work through, but the patience and reassurance can literally heal so much with time and GOSH i felt so seen by this fic (and also horny lmaoooo <3333) and idk what to say other than GODDAMN IM OBSESSED WITH YOUR WRITING AND YOUR OCs AND AGH YOU'RE SO FREAKING TALENTED SOUP!!!
then as for the leo+wendy fic AHHHHH i'm pretty sure i was the other anon who requested this a while back (before i started the lil otter signature xd) and IM SO GLAD YOU WROTE IT AYEEEE <333333 i LOOOOVE that leo is finally warming up to wendy and wanting to get to know her and being softer but also i love the constant/continuous banter AHHHH omg and the way she realises when he's getting upset and feeling sicker and immediately goes soft and gentle and helps him while also not making it weird :') and GOSH the way they were having this SUPER NECESSARY convo in the midst of ✨the action✨ was such great writing!! and also the way you made them both softer while keeping them 100% on character is such a slay WAH this was so good omfg
ANYWAYS that's all my rambling so sorry it's SO long lmao i just LOVE these characters so much and i love your work and wanted to express my admiration (again) hehe 🤭🫡
I never wanna publish your asks, just entering tumblr and going in my askbox gives me INSANE amounts of serotonin
IDEK what to say to all this other than i'll be printing and pasting it in my little scrapbook. I really LOVE that you're a Wendy fan, it makes writing for her soooo much fun 💛💛💛 And yeah, the first angst def hit a little too close to home here too, especially the frustrating part where it really doesn't matter what anyone else says, if you're not convinced of it.
I'm looking forward to writing more for them!
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sweaterrat · 2 years
Okay, I'm finally done! I hope you like what I did, and that it makes you even bit happy!
Tell me if I did anything wrong, I'm still working on drawing natural hair in general. If something is off just tell me and I'll fix it asap!
Gif:(Sorry about only having the coloring really, I'm new to clip studio and didn't know that you have to tell it to record bc it doesn't do it automatically?)
I was only going to do the headshot sketch but then the outfit was so so cute and i- ... sigh, I just had to show it off on you. I bet it'd look great if you wore it irl! I hope I did your beauty justice :3
Gosh I really really hope I didn't mess anything up- . Based the hair on the atomic lass cosplay post and the lemlav princess and the frog au. (Also where I took the colors from)
Also, if anyone recognizes my artstyle... no you don't XD. Shhhhhh
I have a lot more to say but I think I'll make another ask because this one is getting long (so this is part 1 guess)
- 🌙✨️
That’s it. I’m hanging this up in my room./hj
Now lemme go see what part 2 is abt
—Your Pal, Niyah 💛💛
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