#okada rei
suntaeshine · 5 months
im trying to figure out how on earth people's eyes work so,, reblog this with three wrestlers you find godly, otherworldly, insanely attractive (no personality or anything just purely looks) (include sexuality if u want/feel comfortable)
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pinkwillow · 3 months
Missed opportunity for AEW to do a beach-themed photo shoot for their anime beach episode.
The Elite as lifeguards.
Blackpool Combat Club making sand sculptures. Only Moxley's is a sand mountain with a fork on top.
Bang Bang Gang destroying sand castles by "accident"
Orange Cassidy sleeping on a rubber ducky float and being drifted away.
The Acclaimed & Death Triangle vs. The Dark Order & Undisputed Kingdom at beach volleyball. Wardlow is busy sunbathing in the back.
Beach balls being thrown at Don Callis but he pops them with his screwdriver.
Lastly, the men in AEW posing like the ladies from Dead or Alive Xtreme series.
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elitehanitje · 5 months
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westofessos · 4 months
Double or Nothing predictions!
Blue - who I want to win
Red - who I think will win
Also manifesting Jamie Hayter returning tonight so hard.
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outsider-rodeo · 7 months
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buffgirlotd · 1 year
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muscular woman of the day: rei okada from tamayomi
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shinagawa-division · 2 years
It was actually fucking hilarious.
Ritsukos most hated nieces on her doorstep holding some very large boxes.
What’s in the boxes?
“Careful- they might be a bit…dangerous” Lana shrugs “As for where we got these- don’t ask”
In the first box- holy shit that’s a lot of chemicals! Some had to be placed in very special little containers to make sure they wouldn’t fucking melt the box they were in- HEY IS THAT C4?!
The second box was stuff you would normally associate with a lab- beakers, test tubes, some safety goggles, a Bunsen burner- the whole nine yards!
The third box was filled with….oh that’s funny- it has a mug and a painting in it
The painting was of Ritsuko dressed like a mad scientist, the painting had a lot of green used in it as she seemed to be looking at a test tube with an almost evil sense of glee.
The mug simply said “I’m a bad bitch :)”
“Happy birthday- please don’t kill us yet”
Ritsuko sighed in irritation at the sound of the alarm signaling that there were unfamiliar life forms on her property, upon checking the security cameras, she was surprised and a tad bit annoyed at the sight of the Alarie sisters on her doorstep, she (and along with everyone else that was interested in the DRB) had heard how her sister had publicly adopted the Alarie sisters (despite one of them being a full grown adult) and were now legally her daughters. While Ritsuko couldn’t give a damn about that, she was curious as to why Lana and Kanade were here, rolling her eyes and sighing, she paused her latest work on her project and made her way to the entrance of her residence.
Upon seeing the sisters, she blankly stated. “I dont know how or why the two of you are here and honestly, I don’t care, I’ll save both our times and take these off your hands. Good day.”
Taking the presents with her inside, she placed them on a nearby table and called one of the clones to check to see if the gifts had any…undesired items, she raised an eyebrow at the vats of chemicals and the dormant C4, not at all the least bit threatened. “452, take those to the basement.” She commanded and the clone merely nodded in obedience before doing what he was told.
Taking a look inside the other two presents, she took one of the test tubes and carefully inspected it, giving a nonchalant hum before shrugging and placing it back in the box and looking in the third present. She rolled her eyes at the portrait, although she wouldn’t admit it, she did find the art piece to portray her in good taste. She picked up the mug and almost snorted at what was printed on, deciding “fuck it”, she headed towards the kitchen to brew up some tea.
Thank you for the gift!
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danwhobrowses · 2 years
Rey Mysterio to be inducted to the WWE HOF 2023
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The man who got me into wrestling. I am more than happy to see Rey finally get into the Hall of Fame, but it is not without its worry. If Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels' inductions are anything to go by, it usually hints that Rey may even retire by Mania, which I don't want.
I know he said he wants his last match to be with Dom, but he also said he wanted to retire at 50, and he's 48 right now. We could easily give him a year to do a Liger/Muta-esque retirement tour, even culminate on WM40 if needs be, but yeah there's small worry, because as much as it's great to see the man who got me into wrestling finally get some flowers for his 20 years in WWE alone, I also don't want to see the man who got me into wrestling retire.
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sydsaint · 7 months
My fav evil bastard man is back!! <3
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Summary: PAC returns to AEW and finds that his old friend/lover has been swayed by Malakai Black to join his crew.
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It's almost time for the main event involving House of Black. Buddy, Malakai, and Brody are all doing last minute adjustments to their gear and plans while you are Julia wait for them.
"Malakai." You approach your leader cautiously, not wanting to distract him from the task at hand,
"Yes, YN." Malakai turns away from Brody who he was just talking too.
You twitch under Malakai's intense gaze as he peers down and waits for your question. It's been almost a year since he saved you from a dwindling singles career and recruited you into the House of Black. You and Malakai have become close in that time. But the man still scares you to some degree. Just like he does everyone else on the team.
"Are you sure that you don't want me and Julia to come out there with you?" You ask Black. "You know that it wouldn't be a problem. And we could help ensure that Mark Briscoe and his friends are dealt with once and for all." You add.
Malakai shakes his head and puts a hand on your shoulder. "We can handle Briscoe and his friends, YN." He assures you. "Besides, Julia needs time to recover from her shoulder injury. And as for you, my dear? Well, you should be focused on finding a way to garner Toni Storm's attention." He reminds you.
"Right." You nod meekly. "Good luck out there, then. To everyone." You nod to Buddy and Brody.
Buddy and Brody both nod and Malakai turns back around to them. You walk back over to Julia and take a seat next to her.
"Sorry, YN." Julia frowns. "I know that you hate being cooped up in here all night."
"It's alright, Julia." You sigh. "But it's like Malakai said. I should be using my time to figure out how I can mess with Toni the most." You assure yourself.
Over the past few weeks you've taken notice that Malakai has been confining you to the locker room more and more. Usually he's happy to have you at his side and ready to handle potential problems. You're a wild and free spirit. So being cooped up like a caged animal has been slowly driving you nuts. But you trust Malakai. He pulled you out of a dark place after your last faction fell to pieces.
A little over a year ago you were happily involved with the Penta, Rey, and most importantly, Pac. Together, the four of you were a faction making moves in AEW. But then Pac lost his international title to Orange Cassidy, Rey broke his arm badly, and everything fell apart.
On the other side of the locker rooms backstage, Eddie Kingston has rallied the troops for his latest multi-man feud and is busy greeting his newest recruit. Fresh off of a bad shoulder injury, Pac.
"Pac, man. It's good to have you back." Eddie greets the self-proclaimed 'bastard' with a friendly shoulder bump and handshake.
"It's good to be back, mate." Pac nods. "Rumor is that you're dead-set on taking out the Jackson brothers and their new best friend, Okada?" He asks Kingston.
Eddie nods as the two sit down to chat for a bit. "Yep, that's the plan. Penta is already on board with it." He nods to Penta talking to someone on the phone in Spanish on the other side of the room. "And we could use your specific brand of violence and cruelty for this, if you're down."
"Of course." Pac nods. "I'm happy to help an old friend. And speaking of old friends. I can't seem to find YN anywhere." He wastes no time in bringing you up to Eddie.
"YN, right." Eddie nods. "I forgot you and her used to be a thing." He chuckles. "YN...she's been going through some stuff lately, man." Eddie rubs the back of his neck.
Pac tilts his head, worry crossing his face. "What kind of stuff? She's alright isn't she?" He presses Eddie to clarify things.
"Umm, not exactly the words I'd use." Eddie replies, beating around the bush as much as he can for fear of Pac's response to the news. "Pac, you gotta understand something man. After you lost the International championship and Rey broke his arm. Well, everything kind of fell apart." He explains a bit. "I tried to look out for YN as best that I could man. But I had my own shit going on at the time. And well, you know, YN, man. You can't keep a leash on the girl."
"Eddie! You're rambling." Pac interrupts his friends babbling. "Just tell me where she is. What happened to, YN?" He asks Eddie again.
Eddie bites the inside of his cheek and shakes his head, guilt written plain on his face. "YN's with Malakai Black and his buddies now, alright?" He finally gives Pac a straight answer. "Black picked her up about a year ago and she's been with him ever since."
"What?!" Pac jumps out of his seat. "You let YN get pulled in by Malakai Black?" He aims an accusing look at Eddie.
"Now come on man!" Eddie sighs and gets to his feet as well. "I said I tried to look out for her!" He reminds Pac. "But the girl doesn't listen to anyone, you know that."
Pac's jaw twitches in annoyance and worry. But deep down he knows that Eddie is right. Pac knows better than anyone that you can be one stubborn woman when you want to be.
Eddie studies his friends face and watch as Pac begins formulating a plan in his head to get you back. "Pac, bro, say something." He tries to get Pac's attention off of you for a moment. "Come on. What's on your mind? Where are you going?" He asks when Pac turns toward the door.
"I'm going to get YN back." Pac replies matter-of-factly as he strides toward the door like a man on a mission.
"Pac, wait!" Eddie hurries around the table and steps into Pac's way. "YN ain't the same broad you were seeing a year ago, alright?" He warns Pac. "Malakai's turned the girl into an animal. Just like he did Julia."
Pac shakes his head and shoulders past Eddie. "YN was always an animal. She was just excellent at hiding it from people." He insists. "She's still the same, YN. My, YN."
Eddie groans in frustration as Pac storms off in search of his lost love. He grabs Penta from the locker room and the pair head out to assist Pac in case a fight against Malakai and his boys breaks out.
Back in the HOB locker room, you decide to head down to the ring and assist your friends when it looks like they are in trouble. Julia's shoulder is bothering her, so you go alone. You make it out to the ring without a hitch and assist Malakai with Mark Briscoe. Malakai delivers a finishing blow to Briscoe and HOB wins the match so you join Malakai in the ring to celebrate.
You are in the middle of celebrating with your team in the middle of the ring when suddenly a familiar voice sounds over the arena speakers. Your head whips to the top of the ramp just as someone comes through the tunnel.
"YN! Tell me it ain't true, love! You've abandoned your friends for these fools?" Pac comes through the tunnel like a man on a mission and a microphone in hand.
"Pac?" Your heart skips a beat in your chest.
Malakai clamps a hand down on your arm and you turn to look at him. "Look who finally decided to come back, YN." Black peers down at you with an intense gaze. "Remember what I told you when we first met?" He asks you.
You swallow and nod. "That my friends would try and blame me." You recall your first encounter with Black.
"Mhm. And look what's happened." Malakai points up the ramp. "Pac comes back to AEW finally and what is the first thing he does? He points fingers at you. He's the one that left, remember?" Black whispers in your ear.
"Right." You nod. "I didn't abandon my friends! They abandoned me!" You begin to feel anger rising up in your gut. "He abandoned me. Not the other way around." You point an accusing finger toward the top of the ramp.
A sinister smile crosses Malakai's face at his expert manipulation of you. "Atta girl, YN. Now, are you going to let that traitor stand there and blame you for his misfortunes?" He asks you.
"No. No, I'm not." You shake your head. "Brody, Buddy." You turn to the pair standing idly behind you. "Take care of him, please." You ask them.
Brody and Buddy both happily nod before quickly making their exit from the ring. You watch the pair sprint up the ramp to confront Pac. Luckily for Pac, Penta and Eddie arrive just in time to occupy Malakai's goons. Pac breaks away from the fight and makes a b-line for the ring. Malakai remains at your side as Pac steps into the ring, his gaze transfixed on you.
"YN, love. Come on now." Pac begins his speech with a soft expression.
"Don't!" You put a hand up. "Every abandoned me, Pac. You abandoned me. No phone call. No letter. Nothing. You were just gone. And I was left alone. Alone to face everyone and everything we did together!"
Malakai watches your speech with a pleased expression. He's done it. He's managed to take a broken girl with the passion to be the most dominate force AEW has ever seen and sowed hatred and mistrust into her heart.
He's made the perfect weapon. And now here's the test to ensure that you are past the point of redemption and ready to be wielded like the gilded sword Malakai needs you to be.
"YN, I'm sorry, love." Pac takes a cautious step toward you.
"You're sorry!" You laugh. "Sorry? You don't get to be sorry!" You shout at him. "You don't get to show up out of the blue and expect everything to go back to normal!"
Pac takes a step back at your outburst and turns his glare onto Malakai. "You! What did you do to her!" He confronts Black.
"What did I do to her?" Malakai laughs. "You should ask yourself that same question, friend. You're the fool that abandoned, YN. I saved her! I gave her friends! A family that loves her!" He puts a hand on your shoulder. "Tell me, Pac. What did you do for, YN? Pretend to care about her? Lie and claim you loved her once? Only to abandon her when she needed you most?" He raises his voice in a fake protective manner.
"YN, please." Pac tries one last attempt to reason with you. "You have to know that I never meant to hurt you." He asks you.
You stare at Pac with a cold look in your eyes. "Well you did hurt me." You inform him. "And now you get to live with that sin." You step back, eyes directed behind Pac as Buddy and Brody make their way up to him after dispatching Penta and Eddie.
Brody and Buddy descend on Pac and Malakai leads you off with a directing hand on your back.
"YN! YN! I know It's not over!" Pac shouts in-between hits as Brody and Buddy reign hits down on him. "The girl I love is still in there! And I won't stop until I get her back!"
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geekhead79 · 24 days
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Six years ago today "The Biggest Independent Wrestling Show Ever" was presented as the inaugural "All In" took place at the Sears Centre Arena in the Chicago suburb of Hoffman Estates, Illinois!
The success of the event led to the formation of All Elite Wrestling in January 2019! Over 11,000 fans attended the event.
In the main event "The Golden Elite" Kota Ibushi and The Young Bucks defeated Bandido, Rey Fénix & Rey Mysterio!
Kazuchika Okada defeated Marty Scurll
Kenny Omega defeated Penta El Zero
Ring of Honor World Champion Jay Lethal defeated Flip Gordon. Lethal was using his Black Machismo gimmick and was seconded by Lanny Poffo.
Hangman Page defeated Joey Janela in a Chicago Street Fight
Cody Rhodes defeated Nick Aldis to win the NWA Title!
Tessa Blanchard defeated Dr. Britt Baker, Chelsea Green, and Madison Rayne in a Four Corners Survival Match!
Christopher Daniels defeated Stephen Amell
Matt Cross defeated MJF.
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bisexual-kane · 5 months
A really cool thing about how AEW uses their singles titles is that they are all prestigious.
Usually, you use "secondary" titles for wrestlers in the midcard to feud over when they are not quite ready for the main event. But AEW more-or-less gives them to people who could be world champion but it doesn't make narrative sense/the timing isn't right for them.
Like, the TBS Champions have been Jade Cargill, Kris Statlander, Julia Hart, and Willow Nightingale--all believable champions for the Women's Title.
Then the International and Continental Crown titles have been held by: Eddie Kingston, Kazuchika Okada, PAC, Orange Cassidy, and Jon Moxley. Rey Fenix held the International Title on a fluke, and Roderick Strong is probably (definitely) dropping it to Will Ospreay at Double or Nothing . . . but, exemptions aside, those are all people who could believably walk into an AEW main event and walk out as AEW World Champion.
I think the TNT Championship is the one that most feels like a "midcard" title, but even that in the early days was held by Cody Rhodes, Brodie Lee, Darby Allin, and Miro and recently has been held by Adam Copeland and Christian Cage--again, all guys who could believably be World Champion if the narrative stars aligned.
(I actually first noticed this during the Continental Crown when it started to be apparent we were giving Eddie Kingston a new belt because he was an obvious contender to dethrone MJF, but MJF's organic face turn sort of meant Eddie would be an unlovable dick to end it. Pretty sure we are also giving Ospreay a belt so his rise doesn't undermine Swerve.)
Anyway, it's just a really cool, fun, unique thing about All Elite Wrestling.
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Weekly Wrapup 1/21/24
This Week's Rankings:
Kazuchika Okada - 75.4% smash
Kevin Owens - 74.5% smash
Mustafa Ali - 69.6% smash
Chris Brookes - 68.6% smash
Rey Fenix - 63.3% smash
El Hijo del Vikingo - 57.6% smash
Komander - 56.1% smash
Joe Coffey - 51.5% smash
Angel Garza Jr. - 50.5% smash
Sheamus - 49.1% smash
Darby Allin - 43.5% smash
Iron Sheik - 30.1% smash
Toru Yano - 28.3% smash
Jinder Mahal - 27.5% smash
More stats under the cut, along with my observations, commentary, and some of my favorite tags...
Most total votes this week (most enthusiasm)
Kevin Owens - 369 votes
Kazuchika Okada - 289 votes
Mustafa Ali - 270 votes
Darby Allin - 262 votes
Chris Brookes - 242 votes
And least total votes this week (least enthusiasm)
Komander - 155 votes
Joe Coffey - 163 votes
El Hijo del Vikingo - 177 votes
Angel Garza Jr. - 186 votes
Rey Fenix - 188 votes
The closest poll was Angel Garza Jr., who won 94-92.
Top Ten Overall
Kris Statlander - 91% smash
Athena - 90.2% smash
Hikaru Shida - 89.7% smash
Minoru Suzuki (Young Variant) - 88.7% smash
Swerve Strickland - 88.3% smash
Hangman Adam Page - 86.4% smash
Bianca Belair - 86.4% smash
Hikuleo - 86.0% smash
Jon Moxley (AEW Era) - 84.8% smash
Rhea Ripley - 84.2% smash
Bottom Ten Overall
Vince McMahon - 3.9% smash
Kane (Corporate variant) - 10.1% smash
Miracle Violence Connection - 11.8% smash
Triple H (Terra Ryzing variant) - 18.6% smash
Charlie Dempsey - 22.1% smash
The Boogeyman - 22.6% smash
Brock Lesnar - 23.2% smash
Marty Scurll - 23.8% smash
Ranjin Singh - 24.7% smash
Ink Inc. - 25.0% smash
Top Women Overall
Kris Statlander - 91% smash
Athena - 90.2% smash
Hikaru Shida - 89.7% smash
Bianca Belair - 86.4% smash
Rhea Ripley - 84.2% smash
Bottom Women Overall
Carmella - 47.8% smash
Julia Hart (Cheerleader Variant) - 49.8% smash
Sherri Martel - 63.1% smash
Aubrey Edwards - 66.1% smash
Sonya Deville - 70.1% smash
Top Men Overall
Minoru Suzuki (Young Variant) - 88.7% smash
Swerve Strickland - 88.3% smash
Hangman Adam Page - 86.4% smash
Hikuleo - 86.0% smash
Jon Moxley - 84.8% smash
Top Tag Teams
The Golden Lovers - 80.4% smash
Best Friends - 66.7% smash
Motor City Machine Guns - 65.5% smash
Young Bucks - 43.8% smash
Ink Inc. - 25% smash
Average Smash Rating
Week 1: 52.7% Week 2: 57.7% Week 3: 54.4% Week 4: 62.9% Week 5: 58.4% Week 6: 55.9% Week 7: 59.6% Week 8: 56.7% Week 9: 53.3%
This week's results were surprisingly average. Okada was the top smashable wrestler, but he wasn't smashable enough to hit the top 10 overall rankings. Jinder Mahal was the least smashable wrestler, but he wasn't so unsmashable as to make the bottom 10 overall. Just...average.
On the subject of Okada, I realize the photo I chose was a little controversial, but he is a WEIRD guy, and I wanted to highlight that. Also supposedly there is a nude photo book of him out there??? I like Okada, but not enough to spend money on a book of naughty pics.
Overall, the trio of AEW luchadores this week had a decent but not terribly enthusiastic showing. Penta was requested, but I haven't queued his poll yet. We'll see how he stacks up!
And now for some of my favorite tags and comments
@theringleader on Kevin Owens: #hes the reason i watch three hours of mid wrestling television 🤲🤲🤲🤲💖
@peppermintquartz on Kevin Owens: #sorry kevin i just wanna talk cats with you and nothing else
@daphne-minor on Kazuchika Okada: #how are you gonna smash okada and not his clothes sharing boyfriend nick jackson
@regalityandcoffee on Mustafa Ali: #like i lovejim but he literally looks like my brother
@mancewarner on Toru Yano: #loony tunes type sex. rube goldberg machine type sex. get yano'ed
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colossal-niamh · 6 months
Saw Kenny Omega talking about rating matches and it reminded me how dumb Meltzer's star ratings are. So now I wanna list of my Totally Better Than Dave 5-Star List of matches that cap out at 5 because who makes a serious ranking system then breaks it 59 times:
Macho Man vs Ricky Steamboat, Wrestlemania 3
Ric Flair vs Ricky Steamboat, Chi-Town Rumble
Ric Flair vs Terry Funk, Clash of the Champions 9
Mitsuharu Misawa vs Jumbo Tsuruta, 6/8/90
Bull Nakano vs Aja Kong, 11/14/90
Super Generation Army vs Tsuruta Gun, 4/20/91
Mitsuharu Misawa vs Toshiaki Kawada, 10/21/92
Sting vs Vader, 12/28/92
Shinobu Kandori vs Akira Hokuto, Dream Slam 1
Bret Hart vs Owen Hart, Wrestlemania 10
Terry Funk vs Atsushi Onita, 5/5/93
Mitsuharu Misawa vs Toshiaki Kawada, 6/3/94
Akira Taue vs Mitsuharu Misawa, 4/15/95
Manami Toyota vs Aja Kong, 6/27/95
Juventud Guerrera vs Rey Misterio, 3/9/96
Kaientai DX vs Gran Hamada, Gran Naniwa, Masato Yakushiji, Super Delfin, and Tiger Mask 4, 10/10/96
Bret Hart vs Stone Cold, Wrestlemaina 13
Mitsuharu Misawa vs Toshiaki Kawada, 6/6/97
Rey Misterio vs Eddie Guerrero, Halloween Havoc 97
Vader vs Mitsuharu Misawa, 10/30/99
Kenta Kobashi vs Vader, 2/27/00
Atlantis vs Villano III, 3/17/00
Steve Corino vs Yoshihiro Tajiri, 5/14/00
Triple H vs Cactus Jack, Royal Rumble 2000
E&C vs The Hardy Boys vs The Dudley Boys, Wrestlemania X-7
Kenta Kobashi vs Mitsuharu Misawa, 3/1/03
Brock Lesner vs Kurt Angle, 9/18/03
Eddie Guerrero vs Brock Lesner, 2/15/04
Samoa Joe vs CM Punk, 10/16/04
Kurt Angle vs Shawn Michaels, Wrestlemania 21
Kenta Kobashi vs Kensuke Sasaki, 7/18/05
Mitsuharu Misawa vs Toshiaki Kawada, 7/18/05
Necro Butcher vs Samoa Joe, 6/11/05
Kenta Kobashi vs Samoa Joe, 10/1/05
AJ Styles vs Samoa Joe 12/11/05
John Cena vs Rob Van Dam, 6/11/06
Bryan Danielson vs Nigel McGuinness, 8/12/06
KENTA vs Bryan Danielson, 9/16/06
Samoa Joe vs Takeshi Morishima, 2/16/07
The Briscoes vs El Generico and Kevin Steen, 8/10/07
Nigel McGuinness vs Takeshi Morishima, 10/6/07
Undertaker vs Edge, wrestlemania 24
Samoa Joe vs Kurt Angle, 4/13/08
Nigel McGuinness vs Bryan Danielson, 11/22/08
Bryan Danielson vs Takeshi Morishima, 12/27/08
Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels, wrestlemania 25
KENTA vs Ricky Marvin, 10/15/09
Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels, Wrestlemania 26
El Generico vs Kevin Steen, 12/18/10
Eddie Kingston vs Claudio Castagnoli, 3/13/11
CM Punk vs John Cena, 7/17/11
Daniel Bryan vs Randy Orton, 6/24/13
CM Punk vs John Cena, 2/15/13 Daniel Bryan vs John Cena, 8/18/13
Sami Zayn vs Cesaro, 2/27/14
Daniel Bryan vs Randy Orton vs Batista, Wrestlemania 30
Sami Zayn vs Adrian Nevile, 12/11/14
Bayley vs Sasha Banks, 8/22/15
Atlantis vs La Sombra, 9/18/15
Shinsuke Nakamura vs AJ Styles, 1/4/16
Sami Zayn vs Shinsuke Nakamura, 4/6/16
Kenny Omega vs Hiroki Goto, 8/14/16
DIY vs The Revival, 11/19/16
Kenny Omega vs Kazuchika Okada, 1/11/17
AJ Styles vs John Cena 1/29/17
Katsuyori Shibata vs Kazuchika Okada, 4/9/17
Kenny Omega vs Kazuchika Okada, 6/11/17
Allister Black vs Adam Cole, 1/27/18
Kenny Omega vs Kazuchika Okada, 6/9/18
Undisputed Era vs Danny Birch & Oney Lorcan, 6/16/18
Brock Lesner vs Daniel Bryan, 11/18/18
Briscoes vs SCU vs The Young Bucks, 12/14/18
WALTER vs Pete Dunne, 4/6/19
Kofi Kingston vs Daniel Bryan, Wrestlemania 35
Cody vs Dustin Rhodes, 5/25/19
WALTER vs Tyler Bate, 8/31/19
Jon Moxley vs Kenny Omega, 11/9/19
Kenny Omega & Hangman Adam Page vs The Young Bucks, 2/29/20
Cody vs Brody Lee, 10/7/20
WALTER vs Ilja Dragunov, 10/29/20
Wheeler Yuta vs Daniel Garcia, 8/8/21
WALTER vs Ilja Dragunov, 8/22/21
Bryan Danielson vs Kenny Omega, 9/22/21
CM Punk vs Eddie Kingston, 11/13/21
Hangman Adam Page vs Bryan Danielson, 12/15/21
Hangman Adam Page vs Bryan Danielson, 1/5/22
Jon Moxley vs Wheeler Yuta, 4/6/22
FTR vs The Briscoes, 4/1/22
FTR vs The Briscoes, 7/23/22
Bryan Danielson vs Daniel Garcia, 8/17/22
Jon Moxley vs CM Punk, 8/24/22
El Desperado vs Jun Kasai, 9/12/22
Atlantis jr vs Stuka jr, 9/16/22
Pentagon jr. vs Villano IV, 10/15/22
FTR vs The Briscoes, 12/10/22
Hangman Adam Page vs Jon Moxley, 3/5/23
GUNTHER vs Drew McIntyre vs Sheamus, Wrestlemania 39 night 1
Athena vs Willow Nightingale, 7/21/23
CM Punk vs Samoa Joe, 8/27/23
Jon Moxley vs Orange Cassidy, 9/3/23
Eddie Kingston vs Claudio Castagnoli, 9/20/23
Takuya Nomura vs Fuminori Abe, 10/12/23
Sting & Darby Allen vs The Young Bucks, 3/3/24
There's a few big gaps in my watch history, namely 90's NJPW, 10's Noah, most joshi post 2000 and anything wrestling pre 80's. I'll edit this if I find a new 5 star match but not rn because this took me literal hours I'm beat
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hoennislands · 6 months
ALLIE HIIIIII who’s your favourite wrestlers (TELL ME EVERYTHING) also do you pay for ppv or just pirate shit
HIIIIII EM, omg okay so this is going to be a bit long. But as of right now, I do pay for njpw world (njpw's streaming service) but, for past non-njpw matches, I've been trying to find them online. I love wrestling but, I haven't really gotten the burning urge to sit and watch a show lately :/ I'm going to put the rest under read more
I do loosely follow other promotions but, I don't reallly sit down and watch them, just watching clips and reading results.
For American promotions, I really like Mustafa Ali, I have loved him since 205 Live and I'm rooting for him because he's so cool and talented. I don't really have to many faves in wwe because I don't really follow it rip but, I have always loved Bayley and I like the members of Damage CTRL. Tiffany is sooooo talented I'm very impressed. I've always rooted for Naomi too. I also always like Kevin and Sami. When I was younger I loved, John Cena and Randy and the Shield, Finn Balor lol. My past faves were Layla, Eve Torres. I liked Ricochet from when he was in Lucha Underground. The Rey Mysterio of course. Carmelo and Trick have peaked my interest!
For AEW, I really like Takeshita! He's fantastic! Ospreay is good but I'm hot and cold about him. I've been mostly interested in Japanese wrestling lately. So of course I like Okada, Shibata, Riho, Hikaru Shida. Willow and Kris Stat are wonderful too. Queen Aminata has been really awesome lately. Thunder Rosa, I will always root for her. I really like Swerve and Hangman and of course this champion Joe. I do somewhat like BCC (Yuta especially I miss him!!) I like DG and Lee Moriarty. The Lucha Bros and Pac are a;so great. I also almost always root for fellow nyers like Eddie Kingston!
My main promotion rn is NJPW and they've been going through a transitional phase rn so you'll hear a lot of people say how it sucks but, I don't really agree. My faves are LIJ currently and I think BC War Dogs are cool. My main faves right now are the Reiwa 3 Musketeers who are (Shota, Ren, and Tsuji). Shota makes my brain go brrr I can't help it he's captivated me :)
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yuzukahibiscus · 1 year
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In this great place called Takarazuka, Flower Troupe Top [Star] Yuzuka Rei says, “I will remember Sensei’s love I’ve received dearly in my heart.”
(Source from Asahi News Digital) “Takarazuka, it’s a great place. I hope people who are watching our stage [performances] would think like that.” Takarazuka Revue Flower Troupe Top Star Yuzuka Rei thinks about this while rehearsing earnestly now.
Starting in the Takarazuka Grand Theatre on July 7 is “GRAND MIRAGE”; the director Okada Keiji has been a director since 1980/ and will be presenting his 22th work on the Romanesque Revue Series; one that Yuzuka says, “a revue that can be done because it’s Takarazuka”.
“The musumeyaku are beautiful” The PROLOGUE begins with a scene of Yuzuka and the musumeyaku. “The musumeyaku are beautiful and very adorable”, [Yuzuka] praised. Saying that they steal hearts even in the rehearsal classroom, that she also took a photo of this moment. With a gracious music and for this elegant performance. “That every detail is exquisite and of high quality” is important. “We’ve been practising a lot, and we want to present a romantic revue that can only be done by the current Flower Troupe.” About Hayama-sensei’s choreography: the profoundness of memories For the dance, there is a scene choreographed by Hayama Kiomi-sensei, who passed away on June 10. “Since it’s a Bolero song, you can really feel how deep this is. I can feel the weight of each choreography move. I will cherish these movements and do well in rehearsals.”
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