#ok while revising i realized that i wanted to call attention to op's rhetorical avoidance of two-spirit people
secondwhisper · 4 years
Yeah ok I've seen that post on my dash three times now. The one that goes "we lgbt people don't want 'acceptance' by cishets or an 'inclusive' community we want survival" and lists shit that "we" want like marriage equality, the end of the trans panic defense, & antidiscrimination laws.
Let's break down why I never wanna see that post on my dash again! (Making this separate from the original post bc op is 15 years old and I'm not about to fight w a minor however misguided I feel they are.)
I'm gonna make two major points here. Those being - (1) this person is obviously ace-exclusionary and generally committed to some kind of purity of the LGBT(Q+) movement, & (2) gay/LGBT assimilation is being posited as truly "freeing" while queer liberation is indirectly derided.
It should really not be hard to see this post as coming from an exclusionist mindset. The incessant use of "lgbt" instead of "lgbtq" "lgbt+" "lgbtqia" or any language that allows for people beyond the L, G, B, or T to take part in the freedoms being conceptualized. ("lgb" is a similar but way bigger red flag for "drop the t" types which op is not, but I wanted to mention here.) Investigate their about, and you see "cishet exclusionist" "anti-mogai sexualities" and "pro-(most) mogai genders." From skimming their posts, it becomes clear that this means they are opposed to aspec people in the community, opposed to pansexual as an identity at all, opposed to the split-attraction model being used by "real lgbts", and opposed to queer as anything but an individual/private identity. I didn't figure out what they mean by "mogai genders" and frankly I don't want to go that deep. Literally, some of you reblogging this post are ace or pan, please think critically about what language is made to negate your place in the broader community / draw a distinction between you and a "real lgbt."
OP calls for protective government policies that would benefit lgbtq+ people, and they somehow contrast this with a nebulous desire for being accepted by cis/het people. This false dichotomy is between protections ("freedom") gained by winning civil rights, and the inclusion/rights of people who aren't covered under the LGBT acronym. They also list an end to corrective rape here, which doesn't really have anything to do with government policies, and also is definitely a thing that makes it hard for ace people to survive, but, like, ok. I have to say that I'm pretty unimpressed by calls for assimilation to heteropatriarchal norms, and also, as a budding anarchist (similar coincidentally to op's own stated political alignment) I find it laughable that our community's freedom will ever come from state policy. Clearly op doesn't think this is assimilationist but like.. if you claim you aren't seeking acceptance under a cisheteropatriarchal state framework, then don't seek acceptance under that framework?
Tying those two together, I think, is what really rubbed me the wrong way under OP - the generalization that "we" "lgbt" people all feel this way.
I seek queer liberation, not gay/lgbt assimilation. I am a queer aligned with queer movements which disrupt and destroy a system which oppresses all LGBTQ+ people. I understand that you may be neither queer nor in favor of queer liberation. Show me the same decency by not claiming that I, by virtue of fitting in the "LGBT," must support assimilation.
And stop platforming people who hate me and my queer community.
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