#ok uhm. running away now byeee
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snickeringdragon · 10 months ago
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isat au BLAST !!
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kazuichis-whore · 4 years ago
Gundham x male!reader
Warnings: Death
Summary: Ya trying to get a date with Gundham <3
Sunflower Seeds
This takes place after the second class trial
You have had your eye on Gundham since you've all arrived at the island. Ever since the free times you've had, you always spent them with Gundham. If not Gunham, then Kazuichi, which made Kazuichi a bit upset since all I did was talk about Gundham, and Kazuichi wasn't really fond of him. Since the killings have started to happen, you've only grown closer to him and his 'Dark Devas of Destruction'. This wasn't the best for your heart, many times you thought it would explode when you were close to Gundham.
You see, you'd love to confess to Gundham, but you weren't entirely sure if he was into guys even in the slightest. You could just walk up to him and ask "Hey are you gay? Bi maybe?", but that is too straightforward and weird. So you settled on just keeping these feelings to yourself and just being a close friend of his. That is until Chiaki caught on to me.
It was a cool morning and everyone was either waking up or already heading to the restaurant. You had barely got out of your cottage before Chiaki got in your face.
"Hey, (Y/N). Can I ask you something? In private...", you hated that term, 'in private'. It usually meant that something bad was going to happen, but you trusted that Chiaki wouldn't say or do anything weird.
"Uhm... Sure. Come in" I moved aside so Chiaki could enter. She immediately cornered me. "Do you like Gundham?" She seemed so confident in the question. I was shocked and frozen, I studdered before I even got out a comprehensive sentence. "Whawhawahaa?! How... How did you know? Am I that obvious..?" She backed off with a soft smile. "No, it took me a while to figure it out. Your really good at hiding your romantic feelings. Anyway, Akane and I want to help you and Gundham get together."
"Thanks, Chiaki, but how are you two gonna do that??" There's no way that they could set us up, right? Dumb question. "Akane already found out Gundham is bisexual, but he only likes people he's known for a while and is close to, so you definitely have a chance with him. All I need to do now is convince him to go to the beach with you." What "Wait wait wait, how did you find out he's bi?" "Akane just asked and he was fine with answering" Of course they just asked.
"We can have you and Gundham meeting up at night and Akane and I could set up some lights in the sand and a picnic" Chiaki looked up as she was thinking out loud. "But what about Monomuka? We aren't allowed to be out of the hotel resort after 10 pm." She just smiled, "I'll appeal. He enjoys teen romance so there's a good chance that he'll let us all be out after the curfew", "How do you know he likes teen rom-", "That's not important right now, meet with Gundham at the beach around 10:30 pm." She seemed so determined. I agreed and we both made our way to the restaurant together
Of course, we were a little late. Gundham was the first to notice us, I think he was staring at the door... "The rest of the mortals are here." God his voice was hot. Kazuichi looked over at us "Finally! Gundham and Akane were about to go looking for you guys!" Man, did we take that long? oh. my. god. What the FUCK is that? I was about to say something before I saw this hideous tribute to our recently deceased friend, Mahiru. I was going to say something rude about it before Hajime grabbed my attention. He was signaling for me to be nice about it and that Hiyoko made it. I spoke with an unsure voice "Wooww that looks so coolll. Whoever made that is verryyy talented.". Hiyoko seemed to be satisfied with it. Good because that's all I got in me.
I made my way over to a table so I can eat. Gundham glanced over at me and continued to eat at his own table. It was a quiet morning, everyone must have still been tired. After we had all finished and left, I went to the supermarket to get some sunflower seeds for Gundham. Yesterday he helped me with a cow attack at the barn, so I wanna try to pay him back. It was a good thing he was looking for me anyway.
I still had some free time after I came back from getting the sunflower seeds. I decided to look for Gundham since I knew he was free most of the time. When I finally found him he was talking with Chiaki and Akane at Jaberwok Park, they must be talking to him about going to the beach with me. That also means I need to find someone else to talk to, I get really bored if I'm by myself for too long. I could either look for Kazuichi and look for things he can take apart or just go annoy Fuyuhiko. I'll look for Kazu, I don't feel like hearing boss baby yell at me.
I walked to the 3rd island and was on my way to Electric Ave. since that's become Kazu's new hangout. When I got there he was already digging around looking for anything to fidget with. Kazu is a nervous guy, so I understand if he wants something to with his hands constantly.
"Hey, Kazo! What 'cha lookin for today?" I asked as I leaned over his shoulder to see what he's grabbing. "Anything really. Although it would be nice to find something to corrode the cameras that Monokuma put everywhere. Hey, have you seen some yellow wires anywhere?" He stopped whatever he was doing to look at me. "No, but I think I saw some orange ones by the old game consoles", I pointed to the pile not too far away from me. "No no no, It has to be yellow, orange won't work with my current project." He went back to rummaging. "What are you working on?" I turned my head to the side, it's a bad habit. "I'm trying to make a phone, so we can call someone or something. At least be able to play some mobile games so I'm not so bored all the time." He was still digging around.
"Ok then, see ya! I'm gonna go find Chiaki or Akane, whoever comes first." I said turning away. All I heard was a very faint 'bye' from Kazuichi, he probably wasn't listening. Oh well, at least he said bye. I walked back to the resort where our cottages are. I must have lost at least 30 pounds from all the walking between islands. As I was walking past the farm, I saw Akane. I walked up to her to ask about Gundham and if he was going to the beach. "Heyyyy Akaneeee!" I tried to strike up a conversation since I'm not very good at it. "Oh, what's up (Y/N)?" She definitely knows how to match someones energy. "Sooo what did Gundham say?" I asked, slightly bouncing from excitement. Akane just deadpans "What?". "About the beach! What did Gundham say about going to the beach with me?". "OOOHHH, he said he'll go with ya, but you have to not force him to swim with you. Something about him poisoning the water from his skin? I don't really know, I wasn't really listening". "Oh, that's fine! I won't force him!" I beamed.
"By the way, he said he wants to talk to you about something. He's at his cottage if you wanna talk to him right now." Akane seemed to not be interested in anything she's saying. She probably agreed to help Chiaki only because she was bored. "OK! Thank you, byeee!" I turned around and hightailed out of the barn.
As I was making my way towards the resort gate, I heard Sonia scream at the supermarket. I left the gates and started booking towards the market. When I finally got there, I didn't see her anywhere. I started calling out to her and poking around every crevice of the store. When I finally found her, she was just standing in the back, perfectly fine from what I could see. "Sonia oh my god! What happened? I heard you scream, are you ok?" I was panting from the running and looking. She looked at me with a pang of guilt in her eyes. "I am sorry for scaring you (Y/N), but thank you for taking the time to find me." She looked down at her shoes. "Well yea of course, but why did you scream?" I tilted my head to the side again. "I am terribly sorry (Y/N), but I have a kingdom to lead and I need to get back, I'm sure you understand. Right?" She slowly started walking towards me. I saw a screwdriver in her hand, It looks like....Kazuichi's! How did she even get his screwdriver? Oh what am I thinking, she probably just asked for it while batting her lashes and Kazuichi just gave it to her.
I started to walk backward until I was fully against the door. I quickly started to feel for a handle and scrambled out, back to the isles. As I was running towards the door, I felt a stabbing pain at the back of my head. After, my body felt numb, as if I couldn't control it. I fell. The last thing I heard was the door opening, it was Gundham. "Hello? I heard a scream so- (Y/N)!!" I really hope he finds the sunflower seeds in my pocket. At least the last thing I saw was Gundham.
Mod Jax: HAH, yall probably thought you were gonna have a nice beach date with Gundham. Foolish. You don't get to have a happy ending. Anyway, this took a while ahaha. MAYbe I'll make a version where ya survive and get yer beach date, maybe I won't, idk yet. BUUUUT there is a 90% that I make a part 2 where it's the trial for your murder.
Todays message that ya probably need to hear
You're not responsible for someone else's mental health, fuck with yourself before you fuck with someone else
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emotionally-imbruised · 6 years ago
Wandering Souls
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Imagine Alexander Ludwig as Nathan, ok byeee. 
Halloween is approaching, and despite the festive decorations, and people walking around all dressed up; you try your best to ignore the fact.
October 31st just marks yet another full circle the earth has made around the sun and has no significance to you regardless of it being the anniversary of the day your entire world was flipped upside down... But you try not to think about it that way.
You continue your way through the semi-crowded streets of NYC during this late fall evening; dodging the other pedestrians, and groaning at the slow walkers you get stuck behind. The smell of blood from each and every person around you fills your nostrils overbearingly as you think back to the last time you fed, but shake it off as you turn down a creepy looking alleyway to give yourself a break from all the strong scents.
As you make your way down the dimly lit path, a sudden cool breeze wisps by you, and whips your hair around. You tighten your black leather jacket around your torso as you brush off the feeling of a presence being behind you, and keep walking. The echo of your boots meeting the pavement is almost deafening in the silence you’re surrounded by, and you waste no time in glancing over your shoulder in search of the someone, or something you feel to be nearby. With another shake of your head, you face forward again, and are met by a sense of the presence being closer this time... and it feels almost familiar? You think about it a bit more, and it alls clicks, before suddenly whipping around to grab ahold of who you now know is behind you. 
“You know better than to sneak up on me, Styles,” you hiss through gritted teeth as you harshly push your best friend up against the wall by his neck. 
“Y/N!” his deep British voice replies excitedly, as he flashes you his famous dimpled grin. You roll your eyes at him before tightening your grip around his neck and scowling. 
“It’s been ten years Harry,” you seethe, as you feel the anger and resentment you have towards the brunette standing in front of you rise; all while he just stands there looking as smug and as handsome as ever. “What could you possibly want?”
Suddenly he grabs ahold of your arm, and pulls you towards him; turning the two of you around, so you're the one with their back pressed against the wall, all in the blink of an eye. “I’ve missed my best friend,” he pouts as he reaches to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear, and you smack his hand away. 
“Best friends don’t break best friend’s neck’s, then just leave them and disappear for ten years,” you snap and storm away from him.
“You’re still bitter over that?” He groans and follows after you. “How many times do I have to apologize?”
“You haven’t apologized!” You yell and turn around to face him, catching him off guard. “Now, you only come looking for me when you’ve fucked up royally, or you need something. So which is it, hmm?”
“I do not,” he grumbles, and you scoff. “M’here for a completely different reason, actually.” He pauses and reaches into his jacket pocket, pulling out a small blood bag with a sad tiny drawing of a candle taped to in. “Happy Birthday!”
“Not my birthday,” you state, and take the bag from him; ripping it open and draining it’s contents into your mouth, tossing it into a nearby trashcan once you’re done. 
“Thanks for sharing,” he huffs, and you smirk. “And yes it is, Halloween is right around the corner... Also known as our birthday.”
“No, your birthday is in February,” you correct, as he rolls his eyes. “And you know I don’t celebrate my birthday on Halloween, cause it’s not our birthday. It’s the day we died, Harry... two-hundred years ago.”
“And you don't look a day over a hundred,” he jokes, earning himself a glare from you. 
“I despise you,” you state, and start walking away again. 
“Oh c’mon Y/N,” he pleads and catches up to you instantly, grabbing ahold of your arm, and turning you, so you’re facing him. “I’ve actually missed you, it’s been a long time... too long.”
You give him a once over, as you can feel his gaze making its way around your body. “Your hair’s longer,” you speak up. “It looks good... in a messy, greasy kind of way.”
“Bet it’d look better with your hands running through it,” he replies and snakes his arm around your waist, pulling you towards him. 
“Straight to the point, I see,” you smirk playfully, playing off the fact that you’re still extremely annoyed with him. “You’d love that, wouldn't you?”
“I mean, it has been ten years,” he replies and looks at you hungrily. “So what d’yeh say?”
“I say,” you start, and move to brush your lips against his teasingly. He lets out a breath as you move away slightly and place your hands gently behind his neck. You let your fists tangle into his long curls for a moment before quickly moving one hand to his chin, and twisting his head to the side until there’s a sickening crack. His body goes limp, and you let it fall to the ground; stepping over it and continuing your way home as if nothing happened. “That payback is a bitch.”
About an hour passes by, and you have to move your gaze from the book you’re reading to Harry as he bursts through your apartment door. “Ok, I guess I deserved that,” he states, as he cracks his now insanely stiff neck. “I don't remember you ever playing this dirty, I’m impressed.”
“And I thought I’d have at least another hour before you woke up,” you mutter, and set your book down. Harry rolls his eyes as you make your way across the small space between the two of you, and brush your shoulder against his as you make your way by him on route to your bedroom. 
“Where are you going?” He follows after you, and you internally groan. 
“I’m changing into something comfy,” you state, as you switch the light on and walk over to the dresser. 
“Why?” He whines, and he flops onto your bed; moving his gaze to stare at the ceiling. “When did you get so boring?”
“Not boring, just tired,” you reply as a matter of factly. “I mean, you can leave if you want.”
“Haha,” he snarks and leans onto his elbows to look at you better. You smirk as you pull the long-sleeved shirt you’ve worn all day up and over your head, tossing it into the dirty laundry basket by the doorway. Harry’s eyes remain glued to you as you do this, and he makes no attempt to cover it up. 
“Like what you see?” You ask as you unbutton your jeans, and shimmy out of them; leaving you in your red lacy underwear ensemble as you stare back at him. 
“Nothing I haven’t seen before,” he replies and adverts his attention from you briefly. “Doesn’t really faze me anymore after two-hundred years, y’know?”
“Hmm,” you hum in disagreement and glance down at his lower body. “That growing bulge in your pants says otherwise.” You smile to yourself triumphantly as you turn your back to him, and unclasp your bra. The material slides down your arms, and you let it fall to the ground before sliding on an old worn-out band t-shirt from the 90′s to cover yourself up. 
“That’s where that shirt went,” he whispers into your ear; suddenly moved from his spot on your bed. “Looks better on you than it did on me.”
“Flattery only gets you so far Harry, you should know this by now,” you say, and make way to climb onto your bed; pulling the duvet over your lap as you lean against the headboard. “Now are you going to tell me why you're actually here or not?”
“I want you,” he replies suggestively, and you raise an eyebrow at him as he sits back down onto the bed. “T’come with me, y’know, go somewhere new. You’ve been in New York for a long time, and uhm-.”
He trails off awkwardly and looks away, clearly thinking about keeping all the details of his unexpected visit hidden from you. “No,” you argue, and glance at him suspiciously. “I like it here, why would I leave?”
“Well uh, as vampires, it’s um good for us to move around,” he stammers and keeps his eyes from meeting yours. “So people don't notice us, right? You’ve been here for a while, soon people will notice.”
“And I’ll deal with it when that does happen,” you retort, as you continue to study his odd body language. “You never cared about me staying in one place for long before, why now? What aren’t you telling me?”
“I... ran into Nathan,” he murmurs quietly; but your enhanced hearing picks up on it quickly. 
“Who the hell is Nath-,” you start but cut yourself off as realization and panic washes over you. Harry’s stunning green eyes finally look to you, and you take a shaky breath. “Nathan, as in my ex... The man responsible for us both dying and becoming vampires all those years ago.”
“That’s the one,” he replies and scrunches up his face as if just the mention of the man causes him pain.
“W-what did he want?” You ask unsurely, not entirely sold on the idea of actually wanting to know the details. 
“Well, after he had his goons snap m’neck, tie me to a chair, and stab me with some wooden stakes... I didn't really get the chance to ask,” he explains and starts twiddling his thumbs. “Was kinda focused on getting out of there.”
“Fuck,” you whisper, and mindlessly start crawling across the bed towards him. He flinches slightly as you gently place your hand onto his cheek, but you don’t move away; instead, you move his head until his eyes meet yours. “You’re ok, though, right? You got away, a-and we don’t have to worry about them.”
“I wish it were that easy,” he replies with a shrug and leans into your touch as he places his hand over yours. “I knew he’d been trying to track me down for some time, but I didn’t think he’d actually find me seeing as we’ve done so well in avoiding him for so long.” 
“Is this why you just up and left for ten years?” You press, and he nods. 
“He’s already killed us once, Y/N,” he continues, as the memories begin flooding your mind. “I figured if I stayed away from you; it’d keep him away too, and that you’d be safe.”
“You’re an idiot,” you state and lean your forehead against his. “Jesus Harry, he could have killed you. Let him kill me, I’m the one he wants dead.”
“He wants both of us dead, actually,” he corrects. “Man still has a grudge against us for ruining your wedding to him all those years ago.”
“And now it’s come back to haunt us,” you mutter nervously and move away slightly, but he stops you from getting too far. 
“Hey,” he speaks softly, and inches closer to you; causing you to feel as if the familiar strong force that tends to push the two of you together, returns. “We’ll be ok. I lost them somewhere in Australia, and that was over a month ago. Haven’t seen any sign of him or his guys since.”
Your heart pounds in your chest as he stares at you so intensely, and you do feel better in general just with having him back around. “That’s good,” you nod and bite on your bottom lip. He glances down at the lip between your teeth and moves to close the gap between your’s and his mouths, but you’re the one to actually connect them. The hunger the two of you have had for each other is evident as he reacts instantly, and deepens the kiss; grabbing ahold of your thighs, and lifting you closer to him so you can straddle his lap. “God, it’s been a long time.”
“It has,” he agrees as he moves away to lift the t-shirt over your head, and tosses it to the ground. He starts sucking on your neck, making sure to leave marks from him all over you in doing so. “I guess this is the type of thing that got us into our current predicament with Nathan, isn't it?”
“I was young, human, and in love with my best friend,” you explain, and push him back slightly so his shirt can be removed as well. “Not with some rich asshole, my father sold me off to marry; all despite our constant sneaking around together. Also, can we please not talk about him right now, it’s a mood ruiner.”
“I was in love with you too,” he replies, and catches you off guard slightly; but you brush it off as you move lower, and start working on removing his pants. “Y/N, what even happened to us?”
This makes you stop, and you slowly look up to him again; keeping your hands in place on his waist. “Uhm, I think we figured this would be easier,” you start, and he nods. “What we have right now has always worked. Neither of us is tying the other down, and we’re each free to do whatever and whomever we want. Which I think is good seeing as we’re stuck with each other forever as it is.”
He looks at you thoughtfully, before snaking his hand around your neck, and pulling you towards him until your lips crash against his again. “Haven’t been with anyone in two-hundred years that makes me feel the way I do when I’m with you, bub,” he mutters against your lips, causing you to moan as he dips his fingers between the thin underwear you wear, and into your folds. “S’wet for me pet, just like always.” He moves his fingers to his mouth, and locks eye contact with you as he sucks them dry. “Almost enjoy this as much as I enjoy blood.”
“Oh shut up,” you snap, and let him flip the two go you over, so he’s now on top. His hands start gently massaging your exposed breasts as he moves his mouth down your jaw again, leaving a trail of small kisses until he reaches his favourite spot; the gentle curve where your neck and shoulder meet. He grazes his sharp fangs against your sensitive skin, leaving two small punctures that fill with blood; but not too much as he swiftly licks away the red liquid. Your eyes flutter, and you moan in pleasure as he continues sucking at the same spot. His body grinds against yours, and you can feel his erection rub against your thigh; but just as you’re about to do anything about it, a noise sounds from out in the living room, and you break away from Harry. “Did you hear that?”
“Y/N,” he whines and starts moving his mouth down your collarbone. “I didn’t hear anything, you’re just stressed.” You consider his words for a moment, and think that maybe you are overreacting; until the faintest footstep makes one of the old wooden floorboards creak obnoxiously loud to your amplified hearing. 
“There’s someone here,” you state and push him off of you. You vamp speed over to your dresser, where you pull out a long-sleeved top and a pair of tights; putting them on faster than any human could even comprehend. Harry is beside you in a matter of seconds, pulling his clothes back on quickly and quietly. You glance down at the prominent bulge that remains in his pants, and can't help but smirk a little as your eyes meet his again. 
“Don't even start,” he whispers harshly, and you let out a small chuckle. 
“Wasn't gonna,” you reply and move towards the door; but he’s quick to stop you. 
“Are you seriously just about to walk out there?” He asks disbelievingly. “No game plan, just walking straight into the war zone, yeah?” He glances down at you and expects a response, but doesn't get it as you just glare at him before opening the door and walking out of the room; hearing the audible groan he makes as he follows after you. 
You slowly make your way down the hall towards the living room, making sure not to make any noise. Once you reach the end, you peek around the corner to find the place completely empty. You scoff and move your way into the room, looking around for any sign of an intruder, but find none. 
Just as you’re about to turn around to face Harry again, a sharp wooden stake whizzes towards you, and you quickly dodge it; watching as it misses your body by mere inches, and embeds itself deeply into the couch behind you. Your gaze snaps to the direction the stake came from just as a vampire you've never seen before exits the kitchen and whips another piece of wood towards you. This time you don’t dodge it, but rather reach up and grab it out of the air; smoothly rotating it in your hands and chucking it right back at him, nailing him in the gut. “Are you kidding me?” You yell at the unknown man, as he groans in pain and falls to the ground. “I just bought that couch!”
“Y/N, now is not the time to worry about furniture,’ Harry grumbles, and you look over to see him in an all-out brawl with a different vampire; various grunts leaving their mouths as they roll on the ground, trying to get the upper hand against the other. You let out a huff before turning back to your opponent, as he painfully yanks the stick from his stomach, and slowly stands up. With an aggravated sigh, you rip the stake out of the couch, and speed over to the man; grabbing him by the neck as you press him against the wall forcefully, just like you did to Harry earlier. 
“Dick move,” you tell him before stabbing the weapon into his chest, making sure it hits the exact spot you know will kill him. You let his greying, lifeless body slump to the ground before making way over to help Harry out with his goon. The few steps you make towards them are all you get to do before a force takes you out from the side, and you topple to the ground. You struggle against the hold the new stranger has on you, and let out a whimper of pain as he straddles your waist, and aggressively pins down your wrists with his hands. 
“My, Nathan was right when he said you were a looker,” the nasty looking vampire speaks up, and you scrunch your face in disgust. “May have to keep yourself.”
“And I see Nathan still has to send others to do his dirty work for him,” you spit, and move your knee up to forcefully meet his groin. He let’s go of your wrists and moves back slightly, just as Harry appears behind him and stabs another stake into the man’s heart through his back. The now-deceased vampire falls to the ground beside you, and you glare up at your best friend disapprovingly. “I could’ve handled it.”
“Still not the time,” he replies monotonously and holds out his hand to help you up. You take it, and roll your eyes as he pulls you into a standing position; glaring at you sideways. “A ‘thanks for saving m’life Harry, I don't know what I'd do without you’ would’ve been nice.”
“Mmm not happening,” you reply and walk by him. There are four dead vampires scattered around your apartment, and you're more than a little annoyed. “So, what now? We can't stay here.”
“I know,” he states firmly. “We need to leave the state.”
“The state?” You question defensively. “N-n-no, I have another place near the Canadian border; we can go there.”
“Do you hear yourself right now?” He asks accusingly and looks at you annoyedly. “Y/N, Nathan knows we’re here. There’s bound to be more men where these guys came from, and they're probably not too far from here. It’s too risky to stay so close.”
“But-,” you try to argue and end up getting cut off. 
“No buts, Y/N! God, just stop being so damn stubborn for once in your life, and listen!” He yells, causing you to raise your eyebrows at him in surprise.
“Well now you're just rude,” you scoff and start making your way towards the broken down the front door of the apartment. 
“Oh, don't be like that, I'm trying to help you,” he groans and runs his hand over his face aggravatedly. “We’re in this together.”
“Maybe I don't want to be in this with you, Harry!” You snap and whip around to face him. “You’ll just piss off afterward like you always do... that is if we actually make it out alive.”
He takes a couple breaths and studies you for a moment. “You're not going to make this easy, are you?” He asks, and you shrug. The smirk that forms on his mouth, and the laugh that leaves it makes you want nothing more than to just smack the stupid look off his face. You go to say something else but, his striking green eyes meet yours, and you freeze. “Than I’m sorry about this.”
“What the hell are you talking about-,” you begin, but are cut off abruptly as he speeds behind you, and locks you into a chokehold. “No, Harry! If you snap my neck, I swear to God it’ll be the last thing you do.”
A deep chuckle ripples through him and vibrates against your back as you continue struggling against his hold. “Sorry love, but it’s for your own good,” he explains smoothly, and lets you fight for a second longer, before twisting your head to the side with a sickening crack; and everything soon goes black. 
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