#ok time to log off and write for the rest of the day
nyoomerr · 10 months
For the drabble request, I can never get enough shixiong!SY bingqiu. But only if you're up to it :)
ok it turns out i'm fundamentally unable to write a drabble as short as theyre meant to be, so here's over 4k words of shixiong!sy for your perusal 🤡 (+ a decent helping of cranky peak lord sqq and his wayward head disciple sy)
Shen Yuan… has possibly let himself become a bit too relaxed, since he first transmigrated. He used to spend every day on high alert: every cute little kid might be the protagonist, every mistake he made might have been logged somewhere for a petty revenge side plot later. He wouldn’t dare miss anything plot relevant, not when it might cause his doom. After all, ‘Shen Yuan’ wasn’t even a named character within PIDW - he was well and truly canon fodder!
But then, ah… Then Shen Yuan was accepted as a disciple on Qing Jing, and then he was a personal disciple of the notorious Shen Qingqiu, and then - 
Well, not even Shen Yuan can keep up that sort of hyper vigilance all the time, okay!! He’s the scum villain’s head disciple - basically a henchman! If he lived in fear for every moment he might be condemned, he’d never have a second to rest!
It isn’t Shen Yuan’s fault that the best way to relax in this world is to go on years-long expeditions off peak! 
…It might, maybe, be just a tiny bit my fault, Shen Yuan thinks, staring at Luo Binghe with horror. How does he manage to take such a long vacation that he misses the protagonist’s arrival onto Qing Jing? What kind of fake fan is he, ah?!
Luo Binghe has not introduced himself as such, but there is no way he can be anyone but Luo Binghe. His hair falls into perfect curls around a face so cute and round Shen Yuan wants to squish his cheeks until they turn pink, and he’s wearing an expression so determined and focused that it puts Shen Yuan to shame as the head disciple.
And he’s chopping wood. That’s the most recognizable part, obviously. 
Shen Yuan forces himself to step forward into the small glade he found Luo Binghe in, clearing his throat awkwardly. Luo Binghe whips around, and Shen Yuan nearly cringes at the nervous apprehension on the boy’s face.
“Ah, I didn’t mean to startle you…” Shen Yuan trails off. Luo Binghe stares at him and says nothing. Shen Yuan’s perfectly nice and friendly smile starts to slip. “I don’t think I’ve seen you around before…?”
“Apologies to Shixiong, this one will be sure to cut wood further away from the main peak buildings, so Shixiong doesn’t have to see me again.”
“Wha - wait, wait, that’s not what I meant!” Shen Yuan cries, becoming increasingly concerned about just how long he’s been away from Qing Jing. 
For Luo Binghe to already be this wary of any Shixiong who looks his way… ah, Shen Yuan has basically already failed every single one of his loose plans to keep Luo Binghe from blackening! He wasn’t even there to witness Luo Binghe’s initial perfect white sheep days, let alone keep him out of the warpath of bullies and bitter Shizuns!
“This Shixiong is Shen Yuan,” he says, taking a few slow steps closer to Luo Binghe. Somehow, he gets the feeling that he has to be ready to catch Luo Binghe by the scruff if he tries to run off or start a fight while Shen Yuan is just trying to introduce himself, ah!
“This one is Luo Binghe,” Luo Binghe replies, dipping into a perfunctory bow.
“Yes!” Shen Yuan says. “I mean - well, it’s a good name.”
Luo Binghe’s expression only grows more wary. 
“And ah, how long has Luo Binghe been on the peak?” Shen Yuan asks, even though the look Luo Binghe is giving him makes him want to slink back off into the bamboo forest. He has to know - if he’s lucky, it’ll only have been a year or two, and Shen Yuan can -
“This one has been a disciple of Qing Jing for over three years, now,” Luo Binghe says.
“Hm!” Shen Yuan says, because what he really wants to do is yell but he can’t do that with this customer service smile plastered on his face. 
Inwardly, he allows himself to monologue out a list of swears that would’ve gotten his old online accounts temporarily locked. Over three years is too long!! The blackening has already started!! Luo Binghe has already started damaging his meridians by following that cursed fake manual, has already started training under Meng Mo, and most importantly has already given up hope of being accepted here and started farming resentment instead!
Shen Yuan is fucked!! What sort of half-assed blackening prevention plan starts this late!?
“Ah, so Luo-shidi must already be 15, or nearly there,” Shen Yuan says aloud, laughing nervously. “Are you, um, sure?”
Please, please tell this pitiful Shixiong of yours that you just misspoke!!
Luo Binghe looks at him like he’s an idiot. Shen Yuan can feel nervous sweat beading along his forehead.
“It’s just - well, Luo-shidi is quite small, for being 15,” Shen Yuan says, and then nearly bites his tongue in an attempt to correct himself. Who is he to call the protagonist ‘small,’ ah!! “Not quite small! Only a bit! Only - uh, only slightly smaller than I’d expect! It’s only that I’m already 19, and Luo-shidi is much - I mean only a little! - shorter than I am, so -”
Shen Yuan makes himself shut up. You’re making a fool of yourself in front of the protagonist, you idiot!
“This one will be sure to train more to get bigger,” Luo Binghe says, though it sounds a bit like he’s talking through gritted teeth.
“No, no, you’re training plenty!” Shen Yuan rushes to say. “Uh, that is - admittedly, I’ve been off peak for some time now, but when I was Luo-shidi’s age, things like chopping wood were a group chore, so if you’re managing it all by yourself, surely you’re… big and strong…”
Shen Yuan shuts up again. Luo Binghe stares at him some more, but there’s something in his expression that seems more considering that it had been just a moment ago.
After a long stretch of awkward silence, he seems to come to some sort of resolution, and takes a hesitant step towards Shen Yuan.
“Forgive this one’s ignorance,” he says, slow and careful. “The other Shixiong said it was a chore best done alone to build strength. Is that wrong?”
“Very wrong,” Shen Yuan says, nearly beside himself with relief. 
Good, very good! Luo Binghe hasn’t lost all hope for his time on Qing Jing Peak just yet, after all! Given the chance, he’ll still try to carefully raise the issue of his bullying to a responsible Shixiong to take care of!
Shen Yuan can so be a responsible Shixiong that takes care of reports of bullying for Luo Binghe!!
“Oh,” Luo Binghe says, edging even closer to Shen Yuan. “Then what does Shen-shixiong think I should do?”
“Luo-shidi doesn’t have to do anything about this,” Shen Yuan says firmly. “This Shixiong will take care of finding out who’s meant to be sharing this chore with you and make them do the rest of it.”
“There might be multiple people,” Luo Binghe offers, still speaking with a caution that makes it quite clear how likely he thinks it is that Shen Yuan’s assistance will vanish as soon as Luo Binghe complains too much. 
“Because Luo-shidi has been made to do this chore alone for many days, now?” Shen Yuan asks. 
Still looking a bit wary, Luo Binghe nods. Shen Yuan sighs, having expected that answer, and takes the final steps needed to get within arm’s reach of Luo Binghe. Luo Binghe watches him closely, his hands curling tighter around the ax he’d been using to chop the wood. 
Moving slowly so as not to spook him, Shen Yuan raises one hand to place gently on Luo Binghe’s head. He really is too short for 15, but Shen Yuan knows all the details of ‘why’ - having to work too hard with not enough rest, having meals withheld from him or being served with spoilt ingredients - any kid would be a bit small, when under those conditions.
Luo Binghe had gone stiff under Shen Yuan’s touch, and Shen Yuan takes a moment to pet the top of his head for a moment before saying anything else, hoping to get Luo Binghe to relax again. 
Ah, I really did mean to try and keep you safe, Shen Yuan thinks to himself, feeling regretful. He’d come to Cang Qiong with the intention of finding Luo Binghe early, after all, and had worked as hard as he had in order to be ready for Luo Binghe when he came.
But then he had worked too hard, and Shen Qingqiu had promoted him to head disciple, and suddenly Shen Yuan thought he might go insane if he wasn’t able to get off Qing Jing Peak and stay off for as long as he could possibly get away with, and - 
How stupid of him. Luo Binghe must have been taken in during the disciple selection the very same year that Shen Yuan had taken off on his extended field trip. How very, very stupid of Shen Yuan, to think that things wouldn’t go upside down the second he looked away - this is Luo Binghe’s story, after all, and it’s always been a bit of a tragedy.
“Then this Shixiong can only apologize to you,” Shen Yuan says softly, with perhaps just a bit too much sincerity. “And in the future, if you’re given this sort of work again, I’ll chop wood in your place.”
Under his hand, Luo Binghe peers up at Shen Yuan with wide, hungry eyes. Shen Yuan gives him a final pat before withdrawing his hand, and plasters his friendly smile back on his face. 
“Now, why don’t you get cleaned up, hm? I’ll meet you again later - this Shixiong of yours still needs to report back to Shizun that I’ve returned from my trip.”
Luo Binghe nods, still watching Shen Yuan with an intensity that would feel more at home on an emperor than a scrawny 15 year old, and Shen Yuan beats a hasty retreat.
Despite all the pretty promises he made to Luo Binghe, he’s going to have to think of something clever to actually be able to fulfill them.
After all, not even all of his meta knowledge combined would be able to save Shen Yuan from his Shizun.
Shen Yuan has been pacing outside Shen Qingqiu’s bamboo house for ten minutes now. Nothing he can think of is good enough to convince someone as petty and stubborn as Shen Qingqiu. 
Once, at the start of his time on Qing Jing Peak, Shen Yuan had tied his disciple robes wrong, unused to wearing anything quite so complex. Shen Qingqiu had sneered at his mistake in the moment, and then for every major event in the next five years straight he’d made a point to comment snidely on how well Shen Yuan has managed to dress himself.
That’s the sort of mean streak this man has!! If he doesn’t like something, he’ll keep harping on that one thing for years, even after that thing isn’t around to bother him anymore! How is Shen Yuan supposed to coax Luo Binghe out of the jaws of a man like that?
Ah, forget it, forget it! Shen Yuan would just - he’d come back another day! Greeting Shen Qingqiu wasn’t really necessary, Shen Yuan could just -
“I was under the impression that Shen Yuan was a head disciple returning from field work, not a child trying to avoid bedtime.”
Shen Yuan whips around, the hair on the back of his neck standing on end like a spooked cat. There, kneeling elegantly on his front porch not ten meters from Shen Yuan, is Shen Qingqiu.
“Shizun!” Shen Yuan cries, trying to force his grimace into a nice, polite smile. “When did - I mean - this disciple means -”
Shen Qingqiu closes his fan with a harsh snap, and Shen Yuan shuts his mouth so fast he almost bites his tongue.
“Well?” Shen Qingqiu asks dryly, and Shen Yuan hurriedly drops into a bow. 
“This disciple greets Shizun!” Shen Yuan shouts, his ears burning with embarrassment. 
Shen Qingqiu hums, and Shen Yuan risks peeking out from his bow to look at him. 
He does not look especially pleased.
With all the elegance of a wild cat, Shen Qingqiu unfolds himself from his kneeling position on the porch and glides over to Shen Yuan. 
“Too low,” he says, slapping at Shen Yuan’s wrists with his fan. “Or was Shen Yuan hoping there would be a replacement head disciple waiting for him by the time he came back from his trip?”
“Ahahaha,” Shen Yuan wheezes, carefully correcting himself into a bow of a slightly higher ranked disciple than the one he’d originally slipped into. “Of course this disciple is honored by the position and very very grateful for Shizun’s benevolence in leaving it to him even during his absence…”
“What advice does Shen Yuan think his Shizun has for him?” Shen Qingqiu asks sharply, and Shen Yuan winces.
“‘Talk less,’ Shizun,” he recites dutifully. It is advice that Shen Qingqiu has given him many, many times.
Shen Qingqiu sniffs haughtily and walks a slow circle around Shen Yuan, inspecting him. Shen Yuan tries not to sweat too profusely. He really had been hoping that Shen Qingqiu may have forgotten about Shen Yuan in his years away, ah!
Finally, Shen Qingqiu completes his inspection, stopping once more in front of Shen Yuan. 
“What sort of pathetic creature has Shen Yuan carved the bones of to make his hairpiece?” He asks, using his fan to prod at Shen Yuan’s hairpin.
“A Hundred Year Crystal Tortoise, Shizun,” Shen Yuan answers.
“And the leather of your belt?”
“A Golden-Footed Acidic Bear, Shizun.”
“And did you even bother to remove the -”
“- the needle hairs beneath the Bear’s skin before treating the pelt,” Shen Yuan interrupts. “Yes, Shizun.”
Shen Qingqiu scoffs. “How bold you’ve gotten, interrupting your Shizun.”
“...Sorry, Shizun,” Shen Yuan mumbles, deflating a bit.
“Still,” Shen Qingqiu sighs, and Shen Yuan peeks back up at him again. “You did decent enough, I suppose.”
Shen Yuan perks up, half-standing up out of his bow. “Thanking Shizun -!”
Shen Qingqiu whacks him over the head with his fan. “If Shen Yuan’s trip had been only a single year, instead of nearly four!”
Shen Yuan very quickly gets back into the proper deferential position. 
“Fleeing so quickly after being promoted, only to stay away for this long - I hope Shen Yuan is comfortable sleeping on the ground, because I’ve long since given up keeping the side room in my house for an absent head disciple. I filled it with cursed artifacts and dusty books two years ago.”
“Shizun -!” Shen Yuan protests, starting to stand up again. He’d liked that little room, damn it! It was the one decent part of being promoted to head disciple in the first place, even if it meant sharing a roof with this asshole!!
Shen Qingqiu whacks him again, and Shen Yuan obediently shuts up.
“Foolish boy,” he scolds, before promptly turning on his heel to stalk back to the bamboo house. “Hurry up, then,” he calls behind him, “I want to see if you still make tea as dreadfully as you did before.”
Shen Yuan makes a face at Shen Qingqiu’s back. Without looking behind him, Shen Qingqiu uses his qi to send a single leaf flying to Shen Yuan’s head, slapping him on the forehead right over where Shen Yuan’s brows had bunched together.
Shen Yuan smooths his face out into a perfectly polite smile once more. This asshole, he curses inwardly, he really is scum!! The lowest of the low!! A bully!!!
“Tea, Shen Yuan,” Shen Qingqiu calls once more, and Shen Yuan hurries to catch up.
Later, after Shen Yuan has dutifully given a retelling of his adventures over the last few years, and after Shen Qingqiu has grilled him on every mistake he made and how stupid that was of him and how shitty his tea still tastes, Shen Yuan finally manages to bring up Luo Binghe.
“This disciple met someone new this morning,” he says, pouring Shen Qingqiu more of his apparently awful tea. 
“Was Shen Yuan sure they were new? Perhaps it’s been so many years your brain has started to forget the faces of the idiots here in favor of whatever foolish beasts you’ve been studying.”
“Someone new,” Shen Yuan confirms, pretending to ignore Shen Qingqiu’s very pointed glare. “He was a disciple even younger than Ning-shimei, and you only picked her out the year before I left.”
“Ah,” Shen Qingqiu says, and all of a sudden Shen Yuan thinks that perhaps his Shizun has never been truly irritated with him in the past, because this expression is far more acidic than anything Shen Yuan has seen before.
“A-ah…?” Shen Yuan says, stupidly.
Shen Jiu sets his cup down with a harsh clink. “Shen Yuan should ignore that little beast. He won’t bring you any good news.”
“Shizun, this disciple likes beasts best,” Shen Yuan says. “Is he so bad?”
“Ignore him,” Shen Qingqiu repeats frostily. 
Shen Yuan swallows. This… there’s no way that he’ll be able to convince Shen Qingqiu to give Luo Binghe an honest shot in this one conversation. He can’t bet on being able to eventually wear him down, though, either - even if he does eventually convince him, if it takes a year to do it, that’s also not any good. Shen Yuan needs to be able to help Luo Binghe now.
Okay. This is fine. Shen Yuan has - he has so many very good ideas, all of them very well thought out and full of strategic benefits. He can use any one of these very good and smart ideas.
“I understand, Shizun,” Shen Yuan says, “That beast won’t be a shidi of mine, then.”
“Good, now -”
“But what about as a pet?”
Shen Qingqiu stares at him. Shen Yuan stares back.
“A pet,” Shen Qingqiu repeats. 
“A pet,” Shen Yuan agrees. “Shizun, I already said that I like beasts best - if I can’t raise Luo Binghe to be my shidi, can’t I raise him as my pet instead?”
“Don’t be foolish,” Shen Qingqiu snaps. “Beasts aren’t for keeping.”
“Sometimes they are - Cang Qiong has a whole peak dedicated to such a thing,” Shen Yuan points out. Shen Qingqiu’s scowl grows more fierce. 
“Qing Jing is above such dirty work,” he spits.
Shen Yuan swallows again, his hands clenched tightly in his lap. He’s already started down this path; he may as well place all his bets on making it through.
“Then perhaps Qing Jing is not for this disciple after all,” Shen Yuan says, trying to keep his voice steady. It still comes out a bit reedy, but at the very least, his voice doesn’t crack over the words. 
Shen Qingqiu’s eye twitches. “Speak plainly - Shen Yuan has already spent several years neglecting his duties. How much farther do you intend to stray?”
“Shizun so graciously held the position of head disciple open for this one,” Shen Yuan hedges. “On that topic, isn’t it possible for head disciples to choose to spend a decade or so on a different peak of their choice, to encourage diversity in education and cross-peak relationships before the head disciple becomes beholden to their peak as a lord? Perhaps I could take in a pet on a different peak, with such a method.”
“That’s a custom reserved for older disciples,” Shen Qingqiu spits, “intended to benefit them in the years directly leading up to their ascension as a peak lord, not when the head disciple is just a little whelp with a century ahead of them before they can wear a lord’s crown.”
“No such rule is written anywhere, Shizun.”
“Then I’ll write it,” Shen Qingqiu hisses. “Shen Yuan, you’ve had your fun these past years - now you are to stay on this peak.”
“Then I want a pet,” Shen Yuan says, tilting his head up defiantly. “It’ll benefit Shizun, too: you won’t have to feed or clothe him anymore, nor train him to be a cultivator.”
Not that you were doing any of those things for Luo Binghe before, ah!! Shen Yuan thinks, trying to focus on that feeling of indignation. If he just thinks about that - about the horror of coming across Luo Binghe in that clearing earlier, too scrawny to be 15 and yet wary enough of the world he may as well have been an adult - then Shen Yuan can hold his ground. 
If he just thinks about Luo Binghe as a neglected kid, and he just thinks of Shen Qingqiu as that child’s abuser -
If he just thinks about that, then Shen Yuan can meet the eyes of the man who has taught him and promoted him and housed him in the side room of his house, and he can demand this one thing.
“With what funds would Shen Yuan be able to feed and clothe his pet?” Shen Qingqiu asks sharply. “With what free time would he train him not to bite?”
“This one is the head disciple of Qing Jing Peak,” Shen Yuan says. “If a head disciple couldn’t manage that much, they certainly couldn’t deserve to ascend as a peak lord in the future.”
Shen Qingqiu falls silent, unfurling his fan and raising it high up his face until only his eyes peered out the top of it, watching Shen Yuan. Shen Yuan’s hands twist in his lap, but he keeps his gaze steady.
“A head disciple does not run away from the position,” Shen Qingqiu says. 
“Nor does a master run off from their pet,” Shen Yuan agrees.
There’s another moment of quiet as they both watch each other. When Shen Qingqiu speaks again, his voice is firm, like someone reciting basic peak rules and not the terms of the most batshit insane agreement Shen Yuan has ever brokered.
“You will stay on Qing Jing,” Shen Qingqiu says, “and you will accept the head discipleship position without fuss.”
“Yes, Shizun.”
“No more trips. No more pretending to forget to introduce yourself as my head disciple. No more pushing your pathetic disciple brothers at me with paperwork that you clearly filled out in some sort of foolish scheme to have me consider them over you.”
Shen Yuan winces. “Yes, Shizun.”
“You will not receive any additional allowance, for any reason, outside of the funds normally provided to a head disciple. Any pests you pick up will not sleep in my house, nor will you be allowed to request room in the dormitories for any such creature. Those resources are for disciples, not beasts.”
Shen Yuan hesitates. Luo Binghe can’t sleep in the rundown woodshed forever, and he wants to protest the idea that the dorms are for disciples, as if Luo Binghe was ever allowed in there in the first place.
Shen Qingqiu taps one finger on the table. “Answer, Shen Yuan.”
“This disciple agrees under one condition,” Shen Yuan says. “Using his personal funds, this disciple would like to request permission to make moderate renovations to a peak structure in order to improve the quality of kept wood.”
Shen Qingqiu scoffs. “Disciple Shen Yuan’s personal funds will be drained by feeding an animal - you will not be able to afford the standards that Qing Jing exacts for renovation projects.”
“This disciple has been collecting favors from An Ding. They will be repaid, and this disciple will be able to afford the project.”
“Shen Yuan had best not be caught collecting any such favors forcibly,” Shen Qingqiu warns, which is very distinctly a ‘don’t get caught blackmailing people’ warning and not a blanket ‘don’t blackmail people’ one.
“Of course,” Shen Yuan agrees. “This one is the personal disciple of Peak Lord Shen Qingqiu - how could I get caught in such a way?”
Read: you’ve made sure I understand how to not get caught when doing something shady, at the very least!!
Shen Qingqiu waves his fan once, twice - he’s irritated, but doesn’t necessarily disagree.
“Fine,” he says at last. “Permission for a renovation to that ugly woodshed is granted. And Shen Yuan’s answer to all other stipulations?”
“This disciple agrees.”
Shen Qingqiu slaps his fan closed in one palm. “Then Shen Yuan is allowed a pet. I won’t interfere further.”
Shen Yuan nods. He expected as much; Shen Qingqiu won’t egg on any further bullying, nor will he stop Shen Yuan from taking any measures he pleases when it comes to Luo Binghe, but he won’t help Shen Yuan dissuade the current bullying.
That’s fine - already, this is enough to help Luo Binghe.
“Thanking Shizun,” Shen Yuan says, bowing his head slightly. “This disciple will not disappoint.”
After all, how hard could raising the protagonist be? This world revolves around Luo Binghe; all Shen Yuan needs to do is make Luo Binghe’s everyday life a bit less miserable, give him just one person he can trust. Luo Binghe will manage the rest himself, by nature of being who he is - what he is. 
Yes, this - this is the best way.
Outside the bamboo house, crouched beneath a window so still his muscles ache and his head feels woozy from how shallow he’s kept his breathing, Luo Binghe listens to his Shizun and Shixiong move on to discuss cleaning out the side room now that Shen Yuan has returned to the peak.
A pet, he thinks, his eyes blown wide, his fingers digging deep into the ground beneath his knees. He can feel dirt caking the underside of his fingernails, and the scars he leaves in the ground are very much like an animal, indeed.
A pet, he thinks again, over and over on loop in his mind, his pretty Shixiong’s voice fading to background noise. He thinks of Shen Yuan gently patting his head like one might coax a dog, and he thinks -
Yes, a pet.
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billthedrake · 1 year
If it hadn't been for the lousy weather on the long weekend, Frank Grisholm may never have taken the chance. But he'd spent two days straight in his apartment, edging for hours with a vial of poppers, a tub of Albolene, and a collection of his favorite dildos, some quite impressive in size. The former D1 football player had a life change at 30, but for as long as it took for him to come out, it had taken less than a year for the muscled 6'5" hunk to realize he craved to have his hole worked over.
Just like grocery shopping when you're hungry, you should never log onto the apps when you've been marathon masturbating. But Frank couldn't help himself. Something about the dildos felt second-best that day. He scrolled through some familiar profiles, holding his phone in his right hand while his left slowly sawed a black-rubber Big Boy in and out of his ass.
He saw a couple of tops he'd hooked up with. Not fuck buddies, but maybe he could reach out for a repeat. Only his attention was caught by a new profile. Or at least new to Frank. The picture was PG rated. Well, R rated, maybe. A picture of a guys' shorts with a huge ridge filling out the package. The profile listed the vital stats. 20 years old, 5'9, 155#, top.
But the dick pick is what got Frank excited, and maybe a little scared. He'd never seen a dick as fat as this. Sometimes guys used the term "beer can" for cocks that probably weren't quite as big and round as an actual beer can. Unless images deceived, this one was fatter than one. It was a bludgeon of a cock that looked like a butt plug, slightly torpedo shaped with two heavy balls clinging to the stalk and a tuft of dark brown pubes behind it.
Then there was the rest of the writing:
THE REAL DEAL. This isn't photoshopped, fellas. It's a tree trunk cock ready to plow some experienced muscle ass.
TURN ONS: Masculine men, linebacker builds, meaty asses. Older guys cool. Cunt training. Seeing that gape.
TURN OFFS: Guys who pussy out. Condoms. Drugged out dudes (poppers and 420 ok)
FRONT OF THE LINE: NO FOREPLAY fucks. Military men.
I need serious takers only.
Frank had enjoyed some intense dildo play, for sure. Even back in his 20s, he had a secret stash of them, and he'd use them on himself whenever his fiancee was out. It was a lie he kept up, until his 30th birthday. He splurged and rented an escort on a business trip to Atlanta. He had to scratch that itch, to get it out of his system.
Only it was the best sex of his life. That big cocked escort had fucked the ex-jock to two toe-curling orgasms in quick succession. He didn't even charge Frank for going over the time.
The next week, Frank called off his engagement and started making plans to get a job in a city, a real city.
"Hey," he now typed. He was actually intimidated to reach out to Mr. Tree Trunk.
But he got a quick, flirty reply. "Hi man. You're fucking hot."
"Thanks," Frank said. Maybe it was the kid's age, or just that sheer cock size, but he didn't expect this easy rapport with the messaging. Frank revealed that he'd been edging all afternoon. Jake said he was taking a study break because he was really horny.
"Feel like coming over man? I'd love to pound your ass." The direct approach might not always work, but in Frank's worked up state, it was just his speed.
"Sounds hot," he wrote. "But I won't lie, that monster scares me."
"You a noob?" came the reply.
Frank had a sudden fear he'd killed the vibe and spoiled his chance to get laid. But his asshole would thank him, he decided. "Not to bottoming," the man replied. "I have some big toys, too."
"Hot," the college dude wrote. "I like breaking in new dudes. I won't hurt ya. Promise."
"That's tempting," Frank replied. "I'm so frickin horny."
"Me too man. Let's do this. My roommate is gone for the weekend." Jake sent his dorm name at one of the universities not far from where Frank lived. "I need to get back to my studying soon, but I wanna get my rocks off, bad."
It felt tawdry as hell, but the 32-year-old got cleaned up and dressed and made his way over to Jake's campus. Frank texted him when he was close, and Jake was down in the lobby waiting for him. The tall, almost beefy man blushed when he thought how transparent this was, being some college kid's booty call. But what the fuck, Jake was an adult, Frank was an adult, and it's not like anyone there knew the man.
"You're even hotter in person," Jake growled as they made our way to his room. He was wearing just some shorts and T-shirt and flip flops, with a college ball cap. He had a soccer player look about him, not a competitive one, maybe, but that tone, lean-muscled look accentuated by his ruddy cheeks and cute face. His body was buff for a college kid's, but his face looked younger.
Jake may have been in a rush, but Frank had to give him credit, he took his time. They sat on his twin dorm bed and made out, then lay back. The ex-jock had never made it with a dude this much younger than him, but the fact Jake had a massive cock gave that age differential a certain thrill. And when the college dude started tugging at Frank's sweatshirt, that put the man in a real bottomy mood.
"Fuck," Jake growled as he lifted Frank's arm and started feasting on the furry pit. The swipe of his tongue sent goosebumps down the bigger, more muscular body. Jake kissed along the chest, then munched at the other pit.
When they finally kissed again, both could feel the temperature rising. Frank reached down and massaged that fat boner in Jake's shorts.
"Wanna see it?" he asked. Boasting.
Frank nodded. "Please."
"Big muscle guy is a frickin size queen, aren't ya?" Jake wasn't a dom, not exactly. He mostly loved the physicality of sex. But he also knew he had 7 incredibly fat inches calling the shorts.
He undid his shorts and there in the flesh, Frank learned that in fact no Photoshop was involved. He was staring at the most colossal prick he'd ever seen or could imagine.
Like a hungry power bottom the big man scrambled to get down and lick it. He actually tried to work the head between his lips, but that cock was too fat.
Jake gently massaged my short hair and laughed. "Don't worry, dude, I've only met one guy who can suck me."
Frank Grisholm felt sad he wasn't that guy. And more than a little ashamed for his lust for that tool. The college kid was cute as fuck but it was the monster meat between his legs that had me acting like a slut. "OK if I lick some more?"
"Be my guest," Jake said, hands on his hips as the man laved him. The thing about dicks that big is they're generally not as hard as smaller cocks. Too much blood flow needed for all that vascular tissue. But as Frank licked him, Jake grew harder and definitely sported a fuck hardon now.
"On your back, man," he hissed. "I wanna eat your hot hole."
The big man did as instructed and when he pulled those meaty legs back, Jake actually whistled before getting down into place. He stared at Frank's pucker and gently ran his finger around it. "So nice... you have a little looseness." He looked up at the guy, a horny expresion on his face. "You been playing with your toys all day, huh?"
Frank nodded. "Yeah. But none of them are as thick as you, kid."
That made Jake smile. "Should be a tight fuck, then," he growled and dove in to lick the hole.
Frank loved every part of this. On his back in some goddamn college drom room getting a very eager and skilled rim job. He had to imagine Jake's endowment meant he had a good deal of experience, if he wanted it. Now he softly urged the college stud in a deep gravely voice, coaxing to lick him deep.
The rimming didn't last TOO long. Maybe five minutes. But Frank's hole felt alive and ready. There had been too much stimulation and edging and now he wanted it.
Jake wasn't giving him a chance to back out. At least not unless and until the big guy said no. He slathered on some milky viscous lube, and Frank realized he'd seen it in some toy play videos. The college kid was actually nervous as he pushed that first fat inch past Frank's ring.
The ex-footballer wanted this, bad. But the entry stung and he did his best to hold back a wince.
Jake looked on concerned but also majorly turned on. "Yeah, man, first time's a bitch," he said. "But you got it." He reached down and ran his hands along Frank's beefy furry front. "I'm in ya now, buddy. So just relax and let me in."
Frank took a couple of deep breaths until he decided the heavy breathing was making him tense up.
"Want some poppers?" Jake asked.
"Um, yeah," Frank said. Sometimes they gave him a headache afterwards, but that would be worth it if it allowed him to take this massive cock.
Jake walked as the big guy huffed the fumes. "You're just my fucking type, man," He said excitedly as he fisted that tree trunk meat and added some extra viscous lube.
Frank screwed the cap back on the vial and lay it down on the mattress. He nodded up at Jake.
The poppers rush coincided with the college kid's second entry. That humongous prick was boring right into that slick ass and Frank's body was letting it.
"Fuck!" the big man growled. "You're huge."
"You like huge," Jake said in his turned on voice. He pressed on, feeling a crazy snugness but not an outright clenching of the man's guts, like he usually did with noobies. Soon he felt his balls press against that muscle ass. "I was right, man. You're tight as fuck."
Frank had lost his hardon earlier but the idea he had that giant dong buried all the way up him turned him on and made his cock bone up. He reached down and scooped up some extra lube and applied it to his cock.
Jake was now sawing in and out. Not a lot. But priming the pump. "Not gonna last long today, I'm afraid," he grunted. "Too fucking tight."
"That's OK," Frank said.
Jake nodded down to the poppers. "Take another hit," he urged. "You'll need it."
The ex-jock did just that. Then enjoyed the wave of warmth in his body. Jake was fucking now. Heavy full strokes. It wasn't rough or hard or fast, but with a tree trunk dick, it didn't have to be. Hands down, it was the most intense fucking Frank Grisholm had ever experienced. He tugged at his regular-sized boner and felt jolts of pleasure. His prostate was downright flattened by that torpedo-tapered dong, which sawed over it over and over.
"Shit!" Jake hissed. As he came, that was the only time he lost control, his hips jerking harder and fast as that bazooka blasted deep inside Frank. He'd actually had bottoms pass out with that part, but Jake couldn't help himself. When he was mid-nut, nature took over.
Fortunately, that extra intensity pushed Frank to the hardest cum of his life. Pleasurable to the point of hurting as ropes of seed got pushed out.
Before the poppers wore off, Jake was pulling back, very slowly. With size comes responsibility, and Jake was always careful in the dismount, at least until he knew a bottom was well trained for some rougher stuff.
His eyes were fixated on Frank's well-fucked hole. "Damn, that's one hell of a gape!" he enthused. "Fucking beautiful."
Frank felt exposed and slutty but the fact this kid liked his wide-open cummy hole made him less self-conscious.
"I wish I had more time to play with that," Jake said softly, actually wistfully as his fingers traced the gaping rim. "Is my finger OK, man?" he asked.
Frank winced a little. "I'm a little tender. But go ahead."
Jake was like a kid in the candy store as he examined his handiwork. The man's pucker was a little red and a lot stretched, though it was closing back up before his eyes. Frank leaned back and watched that giant college dong shrink to a soft elephant trunk.
Jake looked at Frank with a leer. "You think you'd ever be up for cunt training, man? You have an amazing pussy."
Two years ago, Frank would have objected to those terms. Now, he was OK with them. "What do you mean, cunt training?"
Jake smirked. "I've given some guys real big pussy lips, just by fucking regularly." He added, "though some of the dudes have also used toys. Either way, it's hot as fuck."
"I dunno," Frank hissed. He'd loved everything about taking on the challenge of Jake's cock, but he didn't want to be a freak or anything.
"Just think about it, man," he urged. He pulled up his finger and licked off the fuck juice from it. "You'd have a lot of fun doing it."
Jake patted his meaty thigh. "Listen, I really do need to study for my midterm. But dude, that was incredible... I'm glad you hit me up."
"Me too," Frank said sheepishly, gathering his energy to get dressed again. The popper headache was coming on, but he'd been right: this was all worth it.
"Seriously man," Jake said as he slipped his shorts back on over that soft heavy, flopping meat. "Let me know if you want a repeat. I'm not looking to date or anything, but it would be hot to have a longer session."
"We'll see," Frank answered, but with an encouraging smile. Jake stepped up for one last kiss, then Frank was off.
The whole way home, the ex-jock's hole felt tender and used, but that very feeling made him smile.
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theladyregret · 2 years
Wow, I...vastly underestimated how much you guys would vibe with the whole The Walking Dead in Space thing lol ok well...now that I have a day off from work here's some of the ideas I've been thinking about while bored this week.
Human Diplomat: Hey, is there a reason all the water access areas don't allow humans anymore? Don't you guys know we have high water requirements?
Alien Space Station technician: Oh! No one told you?
Human: Told us what?
Alien: Sorry, they were supposed to tell you. Our apologizes, this must look terrible.
Human: Tell. Us. What?
Alien: Our bio filters detected the disease you all carry in the stations water supply after you visited last. Our scientists ran some tests and found that it can survive almost indefinitely in water and is highly resistant to our water treatments. We had to purge and decontaminate the entire system. We created a separate system for your use that is more isolated. You can use those....I....uh...are you ok? Is this sufficient?
Human, frantically writing in a log book: Oh? Yes, fine...that's fine!
Second human: I think you guys just solved a centuries old mystery for us.
Alien, looking confused: What mystery?
Second human: How our species all became infected so quickly.
Alien: You never found out?
Human: It wiped out 99% of our population during the initial outbreak...the how and why of it kind of stopped mattering after a bit, you know?
Galactic News Reporter: Tragedy today after the recent excavation of the lost human mining crew in sector 92. Against human recommendations, rescuers continued their efforts throughout the week. The human deceased, commonly referred to as Walkers, attacked and killed several rescue parties before the site had to be bombed by air support military. Diplomats from several species met once again today to discuss the risks of open contact with the Humans and whether stricter protocols need to be put in place.
Video feed cuts to a human diplomat standing in a room full of multiple different aliens: We told you what to do! You didn't listen! You never listen to us! If you had, none of this would have happened!
Alien Politician: You recommended that the tunnels be collapsed before any excavation be conducted prior to the time frame denoted by safety regulations which would have condemned any potential survivors-
Human, hitting the table in front of him with his fists: YOU'RE STILL NOT LISTENING!
Transport ship pilot over PA system: Our ship is currently on approach to the Human home planet of Terra. Be aware that we will be passing through the debris field left over from the Human Colony Wars which will require us to drop out of FTL. Our ship is specially equipped for this journey so rest assured we are in no danger from the debris. It is recommended that any windows be shielded for the duration of this time, thank you.
Human passenger pulls the shade down for their window with a sigh.
The alien next to them looks curious: Why do the windows need to be covered?
Human: Some people find the...debris...disturbing. *the way they said debris sounded sarcastic*
Alien: ...humans find broken ships disturbing?
Human: You didn't do very much research before coming here did you?
Alien just looks confused.
Human reaches over and opens the window cover. They pass close by one of the wrecked ships and at first it looks like any other debris field...then something moves and they realize it's a body. A human body floating in space. It jerks and twists as they pass by. Mouth opening and closing. The alien jerks back in surprise.
Human: The vacuum of space means they don't decompose so...all those people who didn't die properly...they're just out there...like that. Thousands of soldiers. Ships just full of Walkers.
They pass by another ship. This one looks intact and newer.
Alien: That's not human...
Human: Pirates...scavengers. Sometimes they try to come in and take metal from the ships...but...without the proper shielding.
They pass to the other side and there's a hole torn into the side of the ship.
Human: Just another corpse in a field of corpses. Food for the dead.
Alien looking horrified: Why not clean it out?
Human: Why take the risk? Besides...it keeps out the unwanted.
They pass by the corpse of an alien floating in space that still has a walker clinging to it, idly chewing on what still has flesh attached to it. This walker looks more decayed then the other one had. The alien looks like they might be sick so the human shuts the shade again. They don't talk the rest of the way.
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reaveries · 2 years
▬  booze and banter
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summary: reader gets carried away drinking and arthur finds it amusing
pairings: high honor!arthur morgan x female!reader (established relationship)
warnings: intoxication, micah being grimey for one second, mild sexual themes (so mild you could miss it lmao)
word count: 2.5k (approximately 12 minutes reading time)
a/n: this is my first rdr2 drabble woo!!! hope y'all like it! i have a few other ideas i'm working on atm that i can't wait to outline and write,, it's just too much fun :3 also if you like it enough please give it a heart or let me know, it'd really make my day to know someone likes my writing! ok bye pardners, njoy <3
masterlist archive of our own
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She hadn’t realized until now just how much she missed this. Everyone was clustered around the fire, shoulder to shoulder, thigh to thigh. All are temporarily blind to their worries in favor of something much more pleasant. They’d been settling in for the evening when Javier started plucking at his strings, a careless but entrancing melody. One by one the weary souls of the Van Der Linde gang migrated to the warmth of the fire and began to sing along with the few words they recognized from his songs. The men and women sway to the music, occasionally tipping back their bottles and downing hot, bitter spirits.
She tilts hers back to get the last few drops, then tosses the empty container into the dark grass at her feet. A sigh escapes her as the heat pools in her belly, warming her up from the inside. The world begins to finally slow, with the men across the fire moving like molasses as they sing. She knows she’s enjoyed herself more than intended at that point but she doesn't mind much. In truth, there is a face missing at the fire and the longer he lingers away from camp, the deeper her worries grow. He and Hosea had gone on a hunting trip to look for the elusive giant bear dwelling in the Grizzlies. It was simple enough and he wouldn’t be gone long, he had assured her. But even so, her worries crept up on her, and on a night like tonight, the warm embrace of whiskey is waiting for her.
Suddenly, the lively beginning chords of her favorite song start to play. She perks up at the sound and awkwardly pushes herself off the log, stumbling over the fabric of her skirt and earning a steadying hand from Sadie beside her. 
“How much have you had?” Sadie asks, eyebrows raised.
She squints up at the sky to find the answer, like the barkeeper left her tab somewhere in the stars. 
“Somewhere between two and…five…” 
“Two and five what? Shots?”
She shrugs her shoulders. “Somethin’ like that.”
Sadie huffs and shakes her head but doesn’t press further. It wasn’t anger or disappointment that stirred her, rather she knew her usually reserved friend was sure to make a fool of herself.
A few paces away from the fire, Mary Beth and Tilly twirl each other around arm-in-arm as the song begins to pick up. Tilly notices her walking over and extends her hand.
“Glad you could join us!” Mary Beth cheers. Her cheeks are flushed a light shade of pink but she doesn’t appear to be far from sober.
“I couldn’t help myself, this song can’t be enjoyed sitting down!” She laughs loudly. 
“I know, it’s like they put somethin’ in it!” Tilly agrees.
Mary Beth takes her hand and spins her around rather clumsily but the wind in her hair and her skirt feels like heaven. She began to feel like she was floating and like her legs were just carrying her wherever they pleased. She couldn’t help but giggle at the funny thought of them running off without her. But all of a sudden, her foot catches on uneven ground and she’s forcefully reminded that her legs are, indeed, attached to the rest of her. She collides with the dirt, landing on the softness of her backside.
The music stops and folk turn to look her way. In a brief moment of sobriety, she looks up at the girls’ surprised faces and she starts to laugh. A real, throw-your-head-back, belly-aching laugh. Tilly and Mary Beth can’t help but join in, Mary Beth getting on her knees and laughing so hard that no noise comes out at all.
“Now you’re cut off!” Sadie yells.
The sound of a man groaning can be heard.
“I’ve always said women don’t know how to handle their liquor,” Micah’s grating voice pipes in. “Not that I mind.”
“Alright, that’s actually disgusting,” someone else responds.
Tilly reaches down to help her up and she gratefully obliges.
“Everythin’ alright?” another person asks, but this time their voice contains the deep, familiar drawl she’d been missing all night. She turns to make out who it is but the world moves too slow and faces are swimming in her vision.
“Arthur and Hosea are back, everyone!” Another person shouts, followed by whooping and whistling.
She can’t help the smile that overtakes her face.
“Arthur?” She slurs, trying to make out the man among the faces surrounding the fire.
Sadie starts to laugh in the husky way that only she does.
“Ever since she started on that whiskey we haven’t been able to get her to shut up about you. All night I got ‘Where’s Arthur at?’ or ‘Wish Arthur were here’ and my personal favorite, ‘I’ll be so pissed if he got mauled by the damn bear.’”
She gulps.
“You’re tellin’ me I said all that out loud?”
The group erupts in laughter and Javier begins to finger his strings once more. A warm hand finds her upper arm in the midst of everything. She whips around a little too fast and nearly loses her balance again. He reaches out to grip both of her arms and steady her.
“Woah there. You’ve got more whiskey than blood in ya,” he chuckles.
Everyone’s attention is back on the music and the girls have resumed their swaying to a more somber song than before. 
She looks up at him, her eyes meeting his. A funny feeling rises in her chest. His calloused hands on her bare skin and his sweet blue eyes peering down at her make her heart swell with contentment.
“You’re back…” she smiles broadly.
“Of course I’m back, silly woman,” he laughs. He looks her over, eyes resting on her flushed cheeks and glassy eyes.
“Let’s get you outta here,” he says, directing her away. She hums in agreement and finds his elbow to interlock with her own.
“You were gone too long, Arthur Morgan,” she scolds as they leave the warmth of the fire and head towards his tent. “I was so cold without ya. Almost considered sleepin’ with Cain.”
He scoffs.
“Don’t tell me I’ve been replaced after only three nights!” He sounds appalled at the idea but the smile on his face deceives him.
“Don’t worry, big guy. I was only considerin’ it.” She pats his chest assuringly. “Could never replace you. Especially not with a dog. Why, a dog couldn’t do half the things you do.”
The two of them step beneath the canopy of his tent. He unfurls the canvas that’s drawn back to the posts and lets it fall to seclude them from the rest of the camp. He ties the opening shut to keep the wind from blowing in and ward off any prying eyes to their private matters.
“And what is it I do?”
“Well…” she starts, kicking off her boots and fidgeting with the buttons of her blouse.
“Shoot guns. That’s a big one.”
He hums, acknowledging her astuteness.
“What else… Oh. Leave the woman he loves to freeze to death while he goes lookin’ for a big bear.” She turns to him with a pronounced frown.
He can’t restrain his laughter anymore, “Alright, alright, darlin’. I see the errors of my ways.”
Arthur moves towards her and replaces her hands with his own, gingerly undoing each button for her. Her hands fall limply to her sides as he works away. He pulls the blouse off her shoulders, then moves to slide her belt from the loops of her skirt, causing it to slip down and pool at her feet. She puts her hands on his chest to steady herself as she carefully steps out, wearing nothing but the sheer linens of her chemise. She rests her head against his chest and closes her eyes, a soft sigh escapes her lips when his hands find their way to her hips. A childlike sense of peace overtakes her.
“I just missed ya is all,” she mumbles.
“I know,” he says, leaving a kiss on the crown of her head. “Now go get in bed, sweet thing.” 
She didn’t need to be told twice. The adoring way he spoke to her always left her stomach a fluttering mess. She couldn’t help but giggle as she stumbled over to the cot and plopped down, cozying herself beneath the furs. 
She watches him lazily as he pulls his bandolier over his head and places it on the table. His gun belt and holsters follow suit and then he’s working down the buttons of his blue shirt. He shrugs it off, revealing the top half of his cream-colored union suit. Her eyes rake over him drowsily. She loves the way the muscles of his abdomen strain against the material and how he leaves the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, revealing his strong arms. Those arms were truly something else. She doesn’t bother attempting to suppress the sudden vivid recollection of the lewd circumstances she’s witnessed those arms in. 
He looks down at her out of the corner of his eyes while he undoes his jeans.
“You have no shame, do ya?”
“Not at all,” she says with a grin.
He shakes his head. “You’re usually so put together. I woulda never taken you for a sloppy drunk.”
“Sweetheart… Don't know if you've noticed but turn me into a delirious fool even when I’m sober,” she slurs, the weight of her eyelids increasing by the second. “It’s not the hooch that’s the common factor.”
“Ah, I've noticed, don't you worry.”
Her eyelids had finally sunken and waves of swirling darkness danced behind the thin skin. She could hear the smile in his tone and it made the corners of her mouth turn up. The cot dips down beside her and she feels his hand pat her hip, signaling her to make some space. She turns over in a less than graceful manner to face the wagon, allowing him room on the outside of the cot in the way they always slept. He groans as he lies down behind her, grateful to finally rest his bones somewhere other than his damp bedroll. His large hands find her stomach and his knees lay flush with the soft skin of her calves. The rough, itchy stubble of his chin nestled into her shoulder was a welcome feeling she hadn’t realized she missed so much. The warmth from his breath fanning over her neck and his chest pressed up against her back did away with any lingering goosebumps on her skin. He brings his hand up to brush away stray hairs at the nape of her neck and tucks them behind her ear. She feels the warm softness of his lips leaving innocent kisses there and down her shoulder like he often did when the night was coming to a close. And whether it was the liquor in her veins or the yearning she felt when he was gone, she didn’t know, but her chest was thumping with every little touch.
“Arthur…” she murmurs. He hums in response, lips still pressed to her skin.
“Take me with you next time.”
He pulls away suddenly, not expecting that.
“But you don’t like huntin’,” he states, with no room for doubt.
She rolls over and opens her eyes. In the darkness of his tent she can barely make out the features of his face but she brings her hand up to the outline of his cheek. Words are lost on her in this moment, maybe she shouldn’t have said anything.
“I don’t like hunting,” she agrees. “But I like you.”
He lets out a long sigh. “I like you too, darlin’. Now go on and go to sleep before you say anything else you’ll smack yourself over in the mornin’.”
She obliges and burrows her head into his chest. He wraps his arm around her, weaving his fingers through her hair. He laughs quietly to himself, replaying the last few seconds in his head once again.
“You’re ridiculous,” he mumbles. 
She fell asleep as he toyed with the strands of her hair and it didn’t take long for him to follow suit. Sleep always came easy in the arms of his woman. And though it wasn’t the welcome home he’d been expecting, he’d be lying if he said it didn’t tug on his heartstrings to see her smiling up at him the way she did. How could he ever leave her after that?
The harsh and unrelenting pounding behind her eyes is what rouses her the next day. She brings her palm up to her forehead and groans at the pain. 
“Mornin’ sunshine!”
She turns her head and squints to see Arthur sitting at his desk, journal in hand. Light shining in through the canvas behind him darkens his figure and makes him hard to make out at first. He marks his page and sets it aside when he sees that she’s awake.
“Was wonderin’ when you’d finally join the realm of the living,” he says, looking down at her with a playful glint in his eye. He’s fully dressed and has most of his gear equipped like he’s ready to get going.
“Here, drink this.” He hands her a cup of what looks like water off the table. She sits up to take it into her hands and then downs it all at once. It wasn’t water, at least not entirely. It had a slight floral aftertaste that wasn’t too unpleasant but not something she’d ever willingly want to drink.
“Good girl,” he says, removing the cup from her hands and placing it back on the table.
“Now get dressed, we’ve got work to do.”
“Work? What work?” She asks, a puzzled look on her face.
She and Arthur never shared the same kind of work, not even when it came to camp chores. Whenever she tried to do something as simple as chop wood, one of the men would wave her off and take care of it for her. So what was it? Were they going to rob a train together? Why that’d be something, especially considering she can count on one hand the number of times she’s fired a gun. 
“You don’t remember?” He tilts his head, bringing a hand to his chin to hide the shadow of a smirk.
“Remember what, Arthur?” She looks up at him, eyebrows furrowed. Then, slowly, fragments of last night begin to creep up on her. Her eyes widen at the sudden realization. “I didn’t mean it. No, I don’t want to go-”
“Maybe that’ll teach ya to take it easy on the hooch next time, darlin’. Now, you alright gettin’ dressed on your own, or do ya need my help again?” 
He takes a step back as he says it, anticipating her response. She grabs the empty cup off the table and flings it at him but he dodges it easily and steps through the opening of the tent, chuckling under his breath. 
She flops back onto the cot with a huff. She wouldn’t be drinking again for a while.
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icynsom · 1 year
Snowflake by a Fire
CHAPTER TAGS | afab!reader. anxiety. Fluff.
wc | Unsure
Subjects | Cod, Fluff, SOFT agnst, sfw.
Summary | You are a pilot for task force 141. While on a snowy mission your plane gets snowed in and you are unable to take off. Forcing you, Gaz, Soap, Price, and Ghost to wait until morning to take off. The men weren’t very happy about it.
AUTHOR'S NOTE | Hi! I’m new to tumblr so I hope you like my writing. I enjoy writing in my free time so it means a lot for you to read this!
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“It’s so god damn cold” You looked to your left, finding the source of the complaint. Clutching your arms to your body. Soap was shivering, his voice was shaky too.
“Suck it up” Captain Price looked over, Gaz glancing from behind him. Everyone was upset at the cold winter mission we had been sent on. Today was supposed to be the last day but the snow pilled your plane in.
You were the only pilot on the team, being the only person able to explain that you couldn’t take off to a group of already angry and frustrated soldiers, wasn’t ideal. Everyone was upset at you, mostly Ghost.
“It’s our dumbass pilots fault.” Ghost snarled from the other side of the fire. The snow was falling but only a little bit, making white patches on the men’s dark clothing. You softly sighed.
“I’m sorry” you muttered. “I can’t.. I can’t start the plane in the snow, we can’t even take off”
The stuttering was enough for Soap to want to drop the topic. “Leave her be, she is our only pilot, she might leave us here if we push her to much, ain’t that right?” He looked over to you, his accent was always nice when the tension was thickening. Usually his jokes made everyone laugh. This time the response was a huff from the men, Soap looked to you. “Sorry lass, guess they ain’t feeling it”
You huffed yourself, wondering why ghost was glaring. Your mind snapped and you blinked. *Ghost was staring? No that’s*… you watched closer… *that’s a glare*, slightly you tense up. The thought rang through your head, he was glaring, he was watching you like he wanted your head in his hands, you weren’t sure if he wanted you dead or anything else.
Price stood, looking down at you with a soft face. “Get rest everyone” he muttered. “That’s an order.” His voice had a command and for the first time ever your mind ignored it. Soap got up, then Gaz, and they walked into one of the 3 nearby tents. You watched the fire, noticing it was just you and Ghost left.
Ghost looked at you through the flames. No words, but soon you spoke up. “Are you going to head to bed?” You looked to the ground at your words, watching snow fall near the fire and the flames lick them up. Snowflakes didn’t last long in an open flame, you didn’t know if you would last much longer under Ghosts eyes.
“Soon” He was hesitant to answer, seemed more interested in something behind you.
“Oh.. ok, well I’m going to.. uhm” your words wouldn’t come out, they were stuck deep in your throat, almost as deep as your plane was stuck in ice, you looked over your shoulder at the plane. Icicles hanging from the wing, not good for flying, at all.
“Speak” Ghost snapped at you, your eyes darting to his, the warm fire separating you two, his eyes were dark, but it didn’t look like anger anymore. Your back straightened.
“I should head to bed”
“Ok” Ghost responded fast before standing up, you watched his gaze linger. Soon his eyes softened but he looked away, grabbing his rifle off the log he was sitting on. “I’m taking the far right tent”
“But that’s my tent” you hurried to stand up, rushing to stand a bit closer to him, you didn’t want him in your tent, more out of fear than anything else.
“Too bad Pilot” he shrugged and walked into the tent, leaving you standing in the snow, wondering if it was worth it. Could you go in there? Or should you freeze. That latter was more appealing but you didn’t like the idea of freezing.
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Slowly you push the tent flaps open, Ghost was laid down, he was still in his gear. The plastic on his skull mask had been removed, it was just the cloth now, the thin cloth that made you wonder how easily it came off. You had known Ghost quite a while, didn’t know him well but he had flown with you enough to know what type of turbulence scared him. News flash, it was none.
Slowly you creep into the tent. “Not going to sleep in the cold I see?” Your eyes dropped to his body, he slowly sat up as you sat across from him on the little mat that covered a small space on the floor of the tent. His eyes boring into yours. You wondered what he was thinking. You found social queues hard enough without a mask, but only seeing his eyes made it nearly impossible. It made your head hurt trying.
“I don’t like the cold” When you were younger you found being vulnerable made it easier to understand someone else. Maybe it would work on Ghost. He looked at you with cold eyes, *that back fired*, you let your thoughts try to come up with a solution. He did before you could.
Ghost hummed in satisfaction, like he had gotten something dark out of you. “Why’s that?” *Shit*, you knew the deeper meaning, but as he scanned your panic he shook his head. “You’re right, I don’t want to know” Ghost laid back down, resting back and closing his eyes. You followed.
Laying next to him and closing your eyes. Something felt right, nothing could get to you. Ghost shifted in bed and turned away from you, but you didn’t mind. The heat that radiated off his vest made the tent feel bigger, cozier. Soon you drifted to sleep.
“Goodnight” were the last words you could mutter, another soft hum of sleep came from Ghosts lips.
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ronearoundblindly · 2 years
Hello darling! No pressure (I fukin tried to write this anon and YOU WOULD HAVE KNOWN), but I keep thinking about a workaholic reader who needs cared for! It’s the beginning of a new year but she’s already worn out from last year.
You write such a real Steve, can he be stern about it? Tough, rewarding love? And you can request (that I stfu) anything from me, I wish you the whole world 💚💚💚💚
Drag me kicking and screaming :P
Dear bestie,
You bish. Fine. I see what you did there. Be warned, I'mma tap you back for this. Oh, it'll happen...
Not Today
Warnings for...Steve is a bit of a hypocrite? and that might be it? Oh, and Steve uses completely canonical profanity. It's literally the exact same line. You're welcome. WC 3.1k
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The tech support department is a team. There are about a dozen people who are tasked with directly answering any Avenger's call at any time, day or night or holiday. You know your own team but not socially since you all rotate and shift hours. It's a fairly lonely job, and that's fine.
The world's superheroes don't know your names, can't distinguish your voices, and don't really care which of you picks up as long as they get the information they need. Steve Rogers is guilty of this, too. It's not on purpose, but he still struggles to remember more than just a 2-D connection can come from technology. Old habits are hard to break.
Then came Thanksgiving, and Steve took several for the team by coordinating casual progress on a few upcoming missions while the rest of the Avengers scattered to celebrate with family. He still saw people; he still enjoyed the festivities. He just also worked.
That's when Steve noticed.
He called your department at 1900h after the big dinner because a document scan was cut off oddly and he needed to see the original. You answered. 
He called again after the house was quiet and everyone slept. At 2300h, you answered. 
With barely-bridled irritation, Steve called instead of a morning run because he needed clarification on a recon analysis. You answered at the ripe 0500h, but he was too distracted to notice it was the same voice until that afternoon.
When it occurred to him that the same person answered four calls in a row, Steve asks for your name, but you politely remind him you aren’t supposed to say it over the line.
“Plus, it’s not important, Captain Rogers. Answering your questions is.”
He doesn’t like that one bit.
After the holiday though, it’s you picking up less often. The others are back in rotation more, and perhaps it was just a fluke, he thinks. If you can’t say your name, you certainly can’t tell him that you filled in for coworkers hoping to spend just a few extra hours with their families.
Your team works out of one central computer lab which Steve knows, but since it’s all by phone and online, remote shifts are common. Steve wouldn’t have time to stalk around the facility anyway.
He lets it go.
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On his way out to the landing pad one night, Sam Wilson joins him in the elevator, suited up, ready, and on the phone.
“Thanks, Genie, I’ll call if there’s anything else,” Sam says before hanging up and nodding at Steve. “Ready?”
“Always,” he grunts back. “Who’s Jeannie?”
“One of the techs.”
“She told you her name?” Steve looks stunned. One of your coworkers doesn’t seem to follow the rules.
“Didn’t. She’s just particularly magical…and effectively trapped in a bottle since she’s always on the phone, I guess.”
Oh—Steve gets it now—Genie is like a nickname. That doesn’t explain why it is still you (because he just knows it’s you) answering calls so frequently.
“Are they short-staffed or something? People out on leave?”
Sam shrugs. “I don’t know, Cap. She just tells me what I need to know.”
They head off on their mission.
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Steve Rogers doesn’t have much of a social life. Ok, fine, he doesn’t have any social life, but he’s a curious sort of man. It bugs him to not understand what’s going on around him, and in theory, this isn’t a huge mystery. He pulls up the time logs for the on-call analysis team and glances over it.
Whether he expected a simple coincidence or a mostly-female staff now that could sound similar, Steve’s not sure, but what he finds infuriates him by proxy. He stops himself from looking up the personnel file for your employee number though. He’s not so mad as to break that protocol.
For another week or so, he fights the urge to hang up on you and call again since he knows there are likely at least three other people available. It probably wouldn’t make his point clear because Steve doesn’t know what his point is yet. Instead, he grits his teeth and does his work, oblivious to his annoyance growing.
Until Christmas Eve when he walks by the lobby coffee bar just as he’s dialing your team’s hotline.
He doesn’t notice at first but the woman next in a long line to order scurries out to hold the phone to her ear, pinning it to her shoulder and opening her laptop right there as she stands. He hears your response echo in both his ears and looks up.
“You gotta be shitting me,” he huffs, stomping over.
It’s only when he snatches your phone away that you realize he’s there. “Oh, gosh, sir—I mean, hello, Captain.”
“What are you doing?!”
He’s downright terrifying when angry, and his fury coupled with your alarm makes you shrink in your own skin.
“I—I just—“
“What is this? Day nine? In a row?!” His voice cracks slightly as he barks out questions he already knows the answer to. He sees people staring around you, so he points down the far hall. “Conference room, now.”
He keeps your phone in hand and ignores it ringing three times before you even make it to the giant table. You look tired. He complains it’s unhealthy but when you try to say something he cuts you off and asks when you last ate. That’s simple, right? You have to feed yourself.
“I was in line, sir. That’s what I was doing.”
“Then you shouldn’t have answered the phone. Sit there, no, right there.” He points and presses one finger against the wood for emphasis. “You don’t move. You don’t leave this room. I’m taking this—“ he pockets your phone “—and you sit there.”
As he’s about to let the door close behind him, he turns. “And if you so much as touch that laptop…”
It’s explicitly clear that you are still terrified, but you nod.
He comes back with food from their private lounge, a variety since he doesn’t know if you have restrictions or allergies. There’s water and coffee already in the room. He sits and eats something with you, staring until you munch on a few things.
When he’s satisfied, he stands and hands back your silenced phone. “I don’t want to catch you overworking like this again, you hear?”
Your very wide eyes blink twice.
He takes that as yes, wraps his knuckles on the table, and goes back to his own work.
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Steve gets exactly what he wants. You log long—but no extra—shifts all the way through to New Year. He never hears your voice when he’s not supposed to.
Except…he celebrated the clock striking midnight with Wilson, Torres, and some other employees on the roof, and after the crowd dissipated, Steve couldn’t get to sleep. He walks (wanders) the halls when this happens. The building is empty.
Of course, the building is not empty, so Steve smacks the glass door open in frustration.
“Nobody works in this lab for third shift.”
You’re startled, ripping your headset off and half-rising from a rolling chair. “This is my shift, and…I’m not nobody.”
“Agreed,” he spits before realizing how that sounds. “Gah—“ he runs his hand through his hair, pulling harder than necessary “—this is insufferable.”
“Agreed,” you mumble, sitting back down with a questioning gaze.
Thinking of nothing else to say, Steve then bursts, “have you at least eaten?”
“Uh…it’s two in the morning. It’s not a meal time.” You flinch at his powerful huff. “Have you? Do you need to eat, Captain Rogers?”
You point him toward a tiny table.
Of course, the phone rings, but he stares you down. “Are there other people working remotely?”
“Yeah but—“
“But what,” he says in a very specific way to indicate there is no correct response except—
“Nothing. I am actually supposed to work though.”
“Seventy-plus hours this week and you still think it’s required?” Steve kicks himself internally. He just showed his hand.
“Just stop—“ He doesn’t get to finish.
His phone rings, and he suddenly can’t say squat. Steve simply answers it, wearing the most sternly disappointed face he can muster, and leaves.
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He gets bold. Something about the anger boiling up inside him at the whole situation makes him far more aggressive at trying to change your habits, more so now that he’s seen your face. You’re not a 2-D sound anymore. You’re real, and you really work too much.
He keeps a closer track of the time logs and sees you’ve, in fact, reduced your hours. Then he hears Torres say something about ‘you rock, Genie’ on the phone…nine hours after he spoke to you that morning. So he checks and you’re not on-call. That’s when he realizes you’ve been working after and before clocking in so it looks like you have no overtime.
That’s nonsensical to Steve. He’s livid.
He picks out one of the burner phones constantly available to his Team and does something he’s not super proud of but feels justified in: he looks up your address in your file. It ends up not being a huge deal because you live in an apartment complex almost entirely rented out by compound employees. Still. Steve folds in his own self-condemnation with his fury at your deceit.
And you lied. You lied to him.
He drives over and stands by the door, flips open the phone, and calls the hotline.
“Ready,” a female voice chirps. It’s customary. No chit-chat just immediately prepared to listen to and research the caller’s question, but he can’t be sure it’s you from one word. Then Steve realizes he can’t say anything because he’ll give away that he also knows you have screened his calls from his normal number during times you are supposed to be off.
“Unclear. Weak audio connection. Boosting in three, two—“
Steve pounds on your door because goddamnit, stop working, woman. There’s a very sharp squeak from the phone (and through the entry) before the line cuts out. His heart rate and breathing spike in anger when he hears a muffled, “what do you want?”
It’s sad, not quizzical or alarmed. You’ve looked through the peephole at him.
“Open the door,” Steve says in his Captain voice, and you do, right away, unable to not comply. He wiggles the phone. “I know for a fact three other people are on-call. Explain yourself.”
You’ve also straightened in anger, but the posture is defensive and fragile. “It’s not like my work suffers, and I can keep going—“
“Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should,” he barks back, stepping over the threshold and blocking the entire doorway. “And you suffer even if the work doesn’t.”
You have no rebuttal for a long moment, frowning at his intrusion until you try again.
“Well, you…you’ve been up since at least five—“
“I have a physical advantage to handle more than you on less sleep.”
Your face sours further. “And that makes you better than me?!”
He’s defeated by that, having first scared the daylights out of you by yelling in the atrium, then interrupting you at the lab, and now showing up at your home to yell some more. Steve isn’t at all sure what’s gotten into him.
His shoulders sink. He finally takes a second to look around.
“You’re done. You are off work for the night. Do not pick up that phone.” He snatches it away again. “Just do something else.”
Without moving your feet, your whole body swivels to look around your apartment. You fill the silence with a short sniffle before confessing, “I…I don’t have anything else to do.”
Neither does he. Steve has not a single clue what he’d do if he were told the exact same thing.
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“It won’t fit,” you gasp in frustration.
Steve sighs. “You’re making this harder than it needs to be.” He continues to watch you struggle, leaning forward just enough so his breath fans over your face. “Go on. You can do it. It’s meant to be.”
“Shut up,” you whimper before dropping the slippery piece in defeat.
“You know in real life—“ he clucks his tongue “—they make cars big enough for your brood there.”
“Steve, this is the game of LIFE. I don’t know that anyone is supposed to end up with five children and a spouse. I’ll just have to strap him to the top of the van.”
As you delicately lay the little man to the side, Steve frowns.
“That’s no way to treat your beloved second son!”
“Who said it was my son I kicked outta the car?”
He barely stifles a laugh and goes to spin for his turn, but not Steve’s turn.
In order to make the game last longer, and because you both have somewhat alter egos, you are playing with Steve, Captain America, Genie, and yourself.
Genie has apparently been super busy having five children. It’s ridiculous.
So Captain America scores one for his perfect little life: a mansion.
“Look at you, Mister Two-Kids-and-A-White-Picket-Fence,” you chide.
One boy and one girl, of course. It’s now the running joke of the game that everyone’s life is terrible compared to Cap’s, even Steve’s.
Steve has three sons, and he keeps grumbling that he wants a daughter. You have offered him one of yours. He feigned offense. He openly hopes to avoid ending up like Genie though.
“I guess I’m just very dedicated to servicing my customers,” you joke in your best phone voice.
Steve sputters and blushes, putting down his to-go container in favor of sipping more water.
He withheld your phone to order, too, and insisted on paying for the obscene amount of food (because he eats like a horse, it seems). In addition, you are required to have half a glass of water every time your phone goes off. Self-care, he says. Hydration is good.
His phone has vibrated a few times as well, and because he’s him, Steve always answers to make absolutely sure it’s not urgent. He talks in his Captain voice, which gave you the idea to make him play the board game like that. He’s actually quite funny trying to get it together and ‘act the part’ while he spins a tiny rainbow dial that he’s already broken twice.
The air of irritation he arrived with has dissipated, and he smiles more. It makes you smile to see him relax. He’s more animated than you would have guessed. He holds himself very straight and still as Cap; Steve is a lot more approachable and a lot easier to make fun of.
He almost left in a completely flabbergasted huff when his original suggestion was for you to have a hot bath or something. Your quick “what are you gonna do? Watch me?” made Steve nearly crawl out of his skin in apology, but you decided to put him out of his misery and suggested eating instead.
“Right. Food,” he muttered under his breath, “that’s a good, basic life requirement…”
And that’s when you also had the idea for this game.
Best decision ever.
He’s never played, so you only made it through a few turns before the delivery arrived. Steve is practically a natural…a natural loser, that is, and it somehow makes him even more perfect. As Cap, he fights for justice, but he doesn’t fight over game rules or what’s fair about random cards and moving in an arbitrary pattern on the board. He doesn’t care if he wins, and oddly, you feel like the gleam in his eyes says “I’m winning by just being here.”
You feel the same. This is the most fun you’ve had in a long time, and it’s just a stupid foldout piece of cardboard. He’s just that magical.
So you both hide away in your own little bottle all night.
More jabs, more setbacks, more triumphant returns from behind later, and you barely care who wins. You chat absently between every spin. You have too much fun going wild with your alter ego’s stories. Then it’s past the three-hour mark of no-calls and quite late.
The food isn’t all gone, so you hop up to make Steve a doggy bag to take home. He shifts from relaxed to wildly awkward in the space of your walk back over.
“So,” he drawls, staring at your two phones on the coffee table, side by side and silent.
“So,” you mimic with a smirk, “I promise to not work until tomorrow, logged in or not. You have my word. Scouts’ honor.”
“I’d say I trust you—“ he bobs his head around, thinking “—but I don’t, so I might have to check up on you.”
“Oh dear,” you gasp. “A home visit? Expected or unexpected?”
He clearly feels bad about how he ended up here for the night, but Steve steps forward to take the wrapped offering of leftovers.
“Maybe expected. Next week? Same time?”
“Sure. I can survive on eating once a week.” It’s cheeky and a little forward of you, implying you might only eat with him and so he should see you that much more, but Steve beams.
He squints a little. “Or maybe sooner?”
“I’d like that. This…this was fun.” You step closer to gently kiss his cheek. “Thank you, Captai—Steve. Thanks.”
“Next time, I want a daughter,” he laughs, tilting to kiss your cheek, too, and then he jumps back and slaps his forehead. “No. Not like. I’m so sorry. That came out all wrong.”
You cackle while he still tries to correct himself.
“We can play the game. And in the game, it would be nice if—would you stop? I didn’t mean it like that.”
A few big breaths has you settling but just barely.
“I know, but hey, maybe next time you’ll be the one tied up?”
Steve swallows hard with huge eyes.
“To the top of the van, that is, because you would give up your seat for the children, right?”
Yeah, he would, he agrees and sees himself out, adding one more good night as he plucks his phone back, pushing it into his pocket next to the burner.
On his ride home, he already has the urge to check.
“Hey,” you answer immediately. “What’s up?”
“You aren’t supposed to pick up. You promised,” he snorts, smiling.
“But I knew it was you.”
He’ll be mad at that eventually. He should be mad at that. He could give another Captain speech about overworking and caring for yourself and yadda yadda, but not today.
No. Not today.
Today, you cared for each other, even though you didn’t know how, even though you didn’t want to, even though it was hard. Tomorrow, you can both care even more.
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Immediately started bawling. Whoops.
Reminder to self: it isn't even the big things that make you feel cared for. Sometimes it's just a very simple joy.
[Main Masterlist]
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brb-on-a-quest · 3 months
Day SixHappy Sunday! (if you live where I do lol) thanks to all 22 of you are hanging out with me and doing these! they're a lot of fun to think of and I'm glad you're all having a good time answering them!~soft edition~whats your go-to comfort movie?what's your favorite comfort food?what do you like to do to cheer yourself up?say three nice things about your appearance say three nice things about your personalitysay three nice things about your intelligence what brings you peace?what is a great personal, handmade gift that someone could make you?what reminds you of home? (it could be your physcial house, but it could also be the feeling of home)tag someone who makes you smile :)
whats your go-to comfort movie?
How to train your dragon
what's your favorite comfort food?
what do you like to do to cheer yourself up?
depends on what's bringing me down. If it's work? i do scrapbooking or scrolling. if it's relationship stuff i either ask questions or go hangout and do things offline/with a different friend group until i am of sane mind. If it's normal anxiety depression stuff god help us all (but mainly its talking with people/tumblring/or logging off and doing real-world activities when i can... rn the library bc saving money is a beautiful beautiful thing)
say three nice things about your appearance say three nice things about your personality.
i have long hair (ok it medium length but longest i've ever had it) and it and feels really good when i take care of it properly
someone told me i had really pretty eyes once.
I am very funny.; i am not very smart but this really only adds as a bonus to the funny
i am kind and trying to make the world a better place than when i leave it
growth mindset!! (slowly but surely)
say three nice things about your intelligence
I am not very smart but this, again, leads to the lovable goofball persona
I like reading which makes gaining knowledge easier (if only i can make myself to read things besides fiction)
Again, growth mindset, so trying to keep a postive approach to failure and setbacks (im not the best at it, but small steps count).
what brings you peace?
taking time to intentionally disconnect from what is expected of me.
what is a great personal, handmade gift that someone could make you?
Anything. i love sweets, i love art, I love writing, i love seeing people's talents.
what reminds you of home? (it could be your physcial house, but it could also be the feeling of home)tag someone who makes you smile :)
My desk, it's got all of my knicknacks. And also hangingout with friends. I'm not picking one how dare.
@walkthruthewords @sunflowers-and-polka-dots @igotthisaccountunderduress @hiddenvioletsgrow @onewingedsparrow @afaroffsong @informedimagining @illneverforget365 (@rest of mutuals).
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visionthefox · 5 months
Im feeling silly , I was looking over my logs of texts I often write to myself, an idea of what ever I want to do in the future And I found a horror idea based on a dream I had- I still somewhat remember it- I have a fear of getting lost and trapped - because I did get lost some few times in my life~ but for some reason my dream changed to "Im running" to "watch as someone else needs to survive" and I guess was to not get too scared? anyways, all I know I was in a abandoment plex, or shopping mall, I was in the play area MIND YOU this was before FNAF RUIN was even a thing! but I used to watch ppl explore abandoment places at night- soo ok, based on this dream of being lost, and running from something, I created an AU I never once shared to anyone sooo feeling silly! I want to let it out~ in resume! actually short one What if Fazbear got tired of weird stuff happening in the daycare, robots coming in and out, missing tech- a fucking death star? and their animatronics getting too comfortable walking away.. so much so is getting the brand in trouble so one night- FazCo just - reset both Sun and Moon, one night they sleep in the room they have, some humans walk in, since they work there Computer can not harm them, Computer tried to wake Moon but failed the next day, both brothers forgor everything and everyone, but something is off, Sun is not nervious nor shy, far from it, he seems to take a leadship, be harsh, sassy and somewhat mean-Moon in the other hand? he is calm, silent, cold only to human and robots, not kids, he is obedient to Sun only, and will be mean to everyone else. idk what exactly happened, but the plex grew darker, as maybe the aura of the change made everyone freak out, since Moon was literally paying FazCo to let him do anything, yet the company reset him as nothing.. soon chaos happend, and Eclipse , who mind you now has a body of his own -and I have no idea on what arc this happened, I just know he still hated everyone and didnt died- tried to walk in the daycare, only to Find Moon staring at him at the top on the play structure, Eclipse tease Moon but soon see something is not ok. Moon let him walk in, and worst, he just stared at him like a cat set on a prey, is only when Sun walked out from the ball pit he stared at Eclispe , and in a cheerfull yet cold tone said "oh, you are not part of FazCo line.. you are a bootleg? sorry~ we dont allow bootlegs in here! you need to leave!" and before Eclipse can say shit, Moon chease him away, Eclipse doesnt know why- but he ran away, maybe because Moon seems to be in his "kill code mode" but he just runs NOW this is the meat of the AU, Eclipse is forced to survive not getting seen by anyone, not even gregrory because he soon realized, every door is locked with new code only the rest on the glamrooks know, he tried to find the code, but just can not.. this is all I got, in my notes I had that Sun tried to reset Eclipse too thinking he just "needed some repains too" but I think Sun wanting Eclipse gone is more scary~ so yea, idk what to do with this so Im letting this out here- I may flesh out this idea? but I dont think I may actually draw it I just knew I wanted some horror related AU with sams at the time I wrote my dream down, I wanted true horror an scene I rememebr is Eclipse running inside one of the tubes, is all dark, only his eyes glow, and he is freaking out, Moon is cheasing him like a actual robot, no much of his personality showing - Eclipse clips up to the play structure, and finds a way out, not before he hears Sun teasing "please come out! we will make you better! you need to follwo FazCo rules~"
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tokidokitokyo · 1 year
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お久しぶりですね!Hello, I'm still here! My study log has been on a hiatus since the end of May, but I am here to regale you with tales of my Japanese studies. Why the hiatus? The usual suspects: Work, real life (including vacation!) and family had to take some precedence, but I am still here studying behind the scenes.
I feel refreshed from having had to put down my pencil and focus on other things for a while during the month of August, and so I feel rested and refreshed and I don't feel overwhelmed to come back to my studies. I don't feel like I have to catch up or like I haven't been doing enough during my time off. Rather, I feel very excited to get back into my regular study routine.
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Study Methods I Used in June, July, & August
In June through August I mostly studied Vocabulary, Kanji, and Listening. The areas I focused on the least were Writing and Grammar. The study tools I used most were mobile tools so I could bring them with me on my phone anywhere I went.
My pro study tool this summer was the mobile app for renshuu.org because I was able to use vocabulary and kanji flashcards to get in some practice even during busy work days and holidays.
Podcasts were my second pro study tool, especially the Let's Talk in Japanese podcast. I could listen during my work commute, on the plane, while the baby takes a nap, and just before bed.
ママ友 or mom friends are a great way to practice listening & speaking. My son just enrolled in a Japanese preschool and I've already made a few new friends for playdates. Playdates are useful for improving his Japanese and mine!
My 2023 Goals Progress
I laid out some broad goals for my Japanese study in my 2023 Japanese Language Goals post, so here is an update with my progress towards these goals.
1. Read one page a day of 日本の歴史366 (にほんのれきし366) everyday in 2023.
How is it going? Terrible! I did not bring this book on my vacation, so I have not kept up. But I will get back into reading the daily pages as often as possible. I am not going to finish the entire book this year, but that's ok. I still learn something new every time I pick it up, and even retain some of the information! Goal: Read as many entries as possible by the end of the year.
2. Finish 日本語総まとめ N3 (にほんごそうまとめ N3) workbooks.
How is it going? Good! I plan on returning to these workbooks now that things have settled down after my holiday, but I will only be able to do extensive practice on the weekends. I still have two weeks left of exercises in the books, so I think I am on track to finish it by the end of the year.
3. Review and learn the first 6 levels of the 常用漢字 (じょうようかんじ), specifically the 教育漢字 (きょういくかんじ) up to grade 6.
How is it going? Okay! Although I didn't have much time in August to review kanji during my holiday, I was able to get through reviewing Grade 3 of the Kyoiku Kanji during June and July. Goal: Review through at least Grade 4 during the month of September.
4. Read at least one book every two months.
How is it going? Terrible! I still haven't had the time (nor the motivation) to pick back up the books I stopped in March, and I'm trying to be okay with that ^^; I would like to pick back up one book in September and try to finish it by the end of the year. Books are a big commitment, and I have to prioritize my studies, so unfortunately books tend to be the first thing I drop.
5. Improve my speaking and writing by finding a tutor.
How is it going? Terrible! I have not begun to even look for a tutor, despite telling myself I would for the entire month of June. I am not sure if I am going to try to find a tutor at this point or if I will just continue with self-study, writing sentences on HelloTalk, and getting some help from my husband. I would like to try to write more and get my sentences corrected by native speakers. I'd also like to interact with native speakers, but finding the time is really tough.
6. Study Japanese for at least 10 minutes every day.
How is it going? Good! Although the rest of my goals have suffered greatly this summer, my goal of continuing to practice a little bit everyday has allowed me to persevere and to feel like I've accomplished something.
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Going Forward in September
I am a bit sad to see the summer go as it's my favourite season, but the changing of seasons is always exciting and motivates me to try new things and continue moving forward.
Focus on Grade 4 of 教育漢字
Write in Japanese on HelloTalk
Read one of the books I started this year by the end of 2023
Read 日本の歴史366 as continuously as possible
Review N3 Grammar
What does everyone else have planned for Japanese study in the fall?
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sakurachan7734 · 5 months
Happy little family
Chapter 8: wedding day
Kim: hold still talus
Talus: sorry mommy it’s really hot
Kim: I understand that’s why we have a shade over the altar if you want to you can take the jacket off afterwards but you must put it back on for pictures
Talus: ok mommy
Tobor: where is mama?
Kim: she is getting ready you should stand by the carpet for when she comes she will be in a minute
Tobor: ok where is the flower basket?
Kim: it’s on the chair you and your brother are sitting on
Talus: ok can me talus and Blair play together when the wedding vows start?
Kim: yes but please don’t be too loud and don’t go too far We wanna make sure you have time for dancing.
Tobor: ok mommy
A few minutes later the wedding starts tobor throws the flowers and talus walks beside him while Sally walks behind them when the vows starts and the kids go to play
Blair: it’s good to know that you are all better tobor! Now we can play all day!
Tobor: yea and my hair is growing back!!
Talus: I’m excited to have my brother back!
Blair: anyway what do you guys want to play?
Tobor: I just wanna talk my mommy’s said not to be too loud 
Blair: ok
Talus: this is a pretty wedding
Blair: it is my mommy’s say that your mommy’s have been together since high school!
Tobor: really?!
Blair: yes!
Talus: cool!
Tobor: my mommy’s said that their honeymoon spot has an amusement park by it so we can go during the summer!
Blair: I thought you already went?
Tobor: no we went to the park mommy said we need to have enough money for the fair
Blair: understandable you were in the hospital for a long time
Tobor: yes the fair is going to be fun! Our grandparents are taking us because mommy’s want some “adult time* whatever that means
Blair: ok
A few hours later the dinner starts
Talus: did you make sure to not put any fish in my plate?( note: talus is deadly allergic to fish) 
John: yes I made us I don’t want you in the hospital to
Talus: thanks grandpa
John; you’re welcome I made sure to make a fish free dish for you every food
Talus: thanks and mama said you had speech to do what is that?
John: it was just a graduate Your mommy’s are getting married and make jokes
Talus: ok how long will it last?
John: only a few minutes your mommy’s don’t want this wedding to be a few hours long
Sally: what are you talking about?
John: oh talus was just asking some questions
Sally:* chuckles* talus is a curious little boy
John: he sure is
A few hours later Kim, Sally and the boys are driving to the beach house(I’m too lazy to write the rest of the wedding)
Kim: I’m so happy to spend the rest of my life with you!
Sally: me too dear but pay attention to the road
Kim: oh sorry
Sally: it’s ok I think almost there anyway 
Kim: ok
They make it to the beach house and Kim put the boys in the guest bedroom
Kim: do you know if we had enough money I would move us here and out of that cramped apartment and from that couple next-door
Sally: me too
Kim: it has a lovely view
Sally: it does…..now let’s get busy~
The next day Linda takes tobor and talus to the amusement park
Linda: so what are you boys wanna do?
Tobor: the water log ride!
Linda: ok what are you think talus? I know you don’t like that ride.
Talus: I can tough it out for tobor 
Linda: that’s sweet ok let’s go!
After the ride
Linda: are you boys hungry?
Talus: I am but I can wait until I get home
Tobor: I’m not hungry
Linda: ok
A few hours and a bunch of fun rides later Linda takes tobor and talus back to the beach house
Kim: did you three have fun?
Talus: yes! I was brave to go on the rides I was scared of!
Kim: really?! That’s great i’m sorry I couldn’t be there
Tobor: it’s fine mommy 
Sally: looks like you went on the water log ride a few times today you should get changed
Tobor: ok mama!
End of story
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vivalabunbun · 8 months
Hello Viva!!
I am the same anon who had shared about my married life being similar to the plot for "As I am, I will be"! I've loved that work with my entire heart for months as each and every single line struck a resonance with me! I don't know if you'd recall me ranting about how broken my relationship was at first because it was an arranged marriage TvT
Seeing the continuation for it being posted, I couldn't help but feel overjoyed! Even to say, I logged off from work to read it!! . Your writing was up to the finest mark anyone could make it out there! I love the descriptions and details you make, even the tiniest references you've thoroughly researched before makes me feel truly immersed in the story, as if I am witnessing this unfold before me.
Despite what had happened once, I'm glad to see the two share such sweet moments without any strain or doubts :) A happy marriage is when you no longer doubt one another and only wish to lead a silent, tranquil and peaceful life with one another. No third parties, relatives or anyone involved in it, just the two of you in your own comfortable space, may it be in each other's arms or the under the same roof on the same bed.
The morning grocery scenes, the afternoon napping scenes and even the rain part, all of them struck me with a sense of nostalgia as if you had known my entire life plot! I kept giggling as I read it (fluff makes me giggle) and my husband had to really check on me LOL
To see Alhaitham laze around and even convince Y/n, who was known to be responsible to laze around with him was such a sweet moment and personally that '30% chance to rain' hit real hard! It's ok Alhaitham, sometimes things never go the way you want it to, especially with weather.
Lastly, thank you for creating this masterpiece. It made me reflect on my entire life time filled with grief, pain and all that sweet moments i've had. I am glad to see Y/n and Alhaitham get closer in their nerd language! Thank you so much, peace out!
Stay hydrated, take care of yourself and make sure you're well rested !!
With lots of love,
a strange married anon
Oh! Hello again!! 🥹🥹
I'm excited to see you in my inbox! The soulmate au is really one that made me ponder about love the most. I just really really love it when readers share their inner monologues as they read my works.
There's no better feeling than the contentment of just doing nothing with someone you care about in a private little microcosm 🌌
For his birthday and Valentine's day, it just felt right to give him a sweet and tender moment. Especially after the heavier works.
Maybe in some way, when I was reading up on theories and factoids as I was writing, this short(er) fic was a sensible way to provide a happy ending for universes where one wasn't possible.
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sawdusst · 10 months
Theft of a Crew (Coroika Pirate AU) Chapter 1 ⚓
Hi hello hi!!!!! We're back on the writing grind with another choose your own adventure type thing :D
Sorry if this chapter was a bit boring,, I hope you guys enjoy it :'D I had a bit of trouble arranging a few things but I think it turned out ok!
As I do with all of my posts, here's the link back to the main thread in case you'd like to read more about the pirate AU :D or— or re-read, I guess if you're already familiar with everything.
Anyways, enjoy!
[Word count: 1,128 + some revisions]
“Don’t forget we’re here to pick up some supplies that should last us the next couple of weeks,” Barreleye said, pacing back and forth on the main deck. He scribbled a few other notes on the yellowed sheet of paper, “We also should pick up a few ropes, the ratlines are starting to get worn out. I also think we should buy some extra sails. I'm not sure when's the next time we'll reach land."
Barreleye walked onto the wooden deck, being met with a bright afternoon sun and a soft breeze that brushed through the piers. He held a tattered piece of paper in one hand and a quill in the other.
“I hope I can get myself a new jacket,” Tako mumbled as the anchor was lowered, “My old one's falling apart.”
“And I wonder if there’s any place where my tri-stringer could get repaired,” Mitsuami said, plucking at a stray thread hanging off the bow’s limbs, “For a fair price too, Hagglefish weapon shops are so overpriced.” 
“Tell me about it,” Hornmet interjected, “Seriously, twenty-thousand cash for just a check up??? And it’s just for them to look at it?? As if I don’t already do that every day.” 
Barreleye laughed, "I'm honestly just glad to be here. I might stop by a few gift shops myself."
Port Mackerel was a bright and luminous town that was famous for two things: pickpockets and bountiful markets. By sundown the town had a soft and warm glow with the streets lit up by lanterns that hang from one street light to another. It was certainly a city of life and one that never seems to rest. 
Once the crew was finished docking the ship, some of them hopped off while other crewmates decided to stay behind. 
“We’ll meet back here at sundown,” Barreleye said, “Don’t forget about the supplies! I’ll see you guys later!” 
Barreleye and Mitsuami walked down a cobblestone path, passing by an assortment of merchant stalls as they entered the town. They passed by an old, wooden board with withered wanted posters plastered all over it. The ink on the yellowed paper was starting to fade, the bounties barely legible. Newspaper clippings and other posters were stuck onto the board with short daggers. Barreleye had his hands tucked in his pockets with nonchalance as they passed by the wooden board. Mitsuami held her tri-stringer in her hand, following after him and occasionally stopping to look through shop windows. Her pet salmonid rested on her shoulder while they looked around. 
Barreleye and Mitsuami walked past the merchant’s stalls that displayed a colorful array of trinkets and other mementos. They passed by a stall with a merchant claiming to sell wood from an “island of shadow” when it was really a bunch of logs painted pitch black. 
They walked past another stall directly next to it that sold pieces of a ‘cursed mirror’, which were just regular shards of glass with a yellow tint from regular wear. 
“Do you think they’re real?” Mitsuami asked, “I’ve heard no one’s survived a visit to the shadows before… except for maybe a few rare cases…” 
“Really?” Barreleye responded, “I didn’t know if it was possible to escape from that island or not. I’ve heard the inner coast of the island is too strong for any boat to sail properly. Once you’re there you’re pretty much doomed.” 
“I’m not really sure what to make of it,” Mitsuami replied with a sigh. 
While the two were walking, Mitsuami couldn’t help but feel as if they were being watched. Sure, it was a town with a huge pickpocketing problem— they still had those to look out for. However, whenever Mitsuami glanced over her shoulder— she noticed a silvery blue inkling standing somewhere amongst the citizens passing by.
They wore a white shirt with ruffled sleeves and a pair of dark pants. There was an empty holster for a dagger on their waist. They looked exhausted. Their eyes were dull and emotionless. But as other inkfish passed by, the inkling would disappear into the small crowd.  
As the two walked, Mitsuami could feel someone was watching them from the passing crowds. She looked around cautiously, holding her tri-stringer close to her chest. Everyone else around them seemed to be minding their own business. She gently tugged on Barreleye’s arm.
“Captain, something doesn’t feel right,” Mitsuami said out of the blue, “Something’s— off.” 
The two stopped walking as Barreleye turned to face her. He tilted his head with confusion. “What do you mean?”
“I-I’m not sure, actually,” Mitsuami replied with a shrug, she then laughed it off, “Maybe I’m just being extra cautious— you know, cause of all the pickpockets around this part of town and—”
“Did you see something?” 
“Yeah I—” Mitsuami turned around, seeing the passing inkfish behind them all appeared to be normal. She tilted her head with confusion. “Huh… that’s weird. I could’ve sworn that—” She trailed off mid-sentence and looked back at Barreleye. “I could’ve sworn I saw someone was there…” 
Barreleye turned around, looking in the same direction that Mitsuami was. The two looked carefully at the crowd before Barreleye shrugged. 
“Maybe it was just someone passing by?” Barreleye suggested, “It could just be someone going the same direction as us.”
“No… No it’s not like that,” Mitsuami replied, “It was like— they were watching us. I-I’m not sure, I think I’m probably just being overly cautious— like I said earlier.” 
Barreleye had a look of concern on his face. He took one last glance towards the bustling crowd and busy streets. There was nothing wrong. Everything appeared to be normal. Businesses were operating as usual and merchants were talking to possible buyers. 
“Oh… right—” Barreleye replied, then turned back around, "What was it that we were looking for?"
"The weapon shop?"
"Oh! Right! We should get going then," Barreleye said.
The two continued, eventually arriving at a brick building with a large display window out front with a variety of weapons on display. Barreleye and Mitsuami stood at the front, looking up at the large sign. 
“You don’t have to wait for me if you don’t want to,” Mitsuami said, “I could just meet you back at the ship at sundown, like you said earlier.” She reached into her pocket, pulling out a small, drawstring bag of coins. “Hopefully I have enough for a repair.”
Barreleye reached into his coat pocket, taking out his drawstring bag and handing it to Mitsuami. “Here, you could just borrow some from me if that isn’t enough. I think I’ve got at least three or so thousand in there.” 
“What? No, no, captain it’s okay— I don’t like owing inkfish money—”
“You can have it,” Barreleye insisted with a smile, “It’s just for a repair. You can pay me back another time!” 
“Thank you Captain..” Mitsuami replied.
Once Mitsuami left, Barreleye looked around and wondered what he should do next. 
thank you for reading!!!
im sorry if there wasn't much for this chapter— and also sorry for apologizing so much it's probably growing bothersome HDHDJNFJDNFJ
have a nice day/night!! :D
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WHG 20 Day 2 - Ares
This is my last one for today! Tagging: @ratracechronicler (thanks for Atwater!), @maple-writes, @pen-of-roses, @drabbleitout, @grailfish, @forthesanityofsome, and @pied-piper-of-hamlet!
I went out to look for more tributes, but they were hard to find, and, well, I should have brought someone else, because at sunset, Primary decided to start the fucking visions again.
It was all the same shit, with me killing my friends. It was almost familiar enough to be more annoying than traumatic. I tried to find a safe-ish place to rest, stumbling through the forest.
And I heard some rustling, so I tensed and looked around even if I couldn’t see. “Hello? Who’s there?” Just because the person could be a tribute that Triel recruited, I couldn’t use my magic right away.
“Just a racoon.” I couldn’t place the voice.
I looked over towards them, but of course, I couldn’t see anything besides me killing the people I cared about. I summoned my black flames to my hand. “Don’t come any closer! Who are you?”
“Alright. Can you see, kid?”
They didn’t sound threatening. I shook my head. “Not…not at the moment. But I can still fight.” I jutted my chin out.
“That is a theory I don’t want to test. Just stand still. There’s no one else around. Nobody’s attacking.”
I relaxed a little but didn’t get rid of my flames. “Who are you?”
“The guy from 4, the one who can’t walk straight. Hugo Atwater. What’s your name?”
I blinked. I recognized his name. “Triel said she recruited you. I was supposed to keep my eyes out for you. Didn’t think this would happen so soon.” I waved my hand over my eyes. “I’m…Ares. District 1.”
“Ah…we have a mutual friend.” Something thumped. “I’m guessing you looked a little too closely at that sunset, Ares?”
Triel had mentioned something like that, but no, this was Primary. I shook my head. “No, unfortunately, this is something different. I kind of have the soul of a god who wants to use me as a vessel trying to convince me to destroy my soul by showing me killing all my friends over and over until they get tired.” I shrugged.
“…Well, that does put a bit of a damper on your evening plans, I imagine. Have you tried blasphemy? I’m sure you get that a lot actually, but gods do tend to hate that sort of thing, I’ve heard.”
“I’ve already called them a crusty shit, and that didn’t make them leave. It’s fine. Once they get tired, I can bring you to Triel!”
“Oh, you can do better than that, kid. Ahoy, crusty shit. My mum’s god’s got ten arms and a tiger. You’re out here bothering a teenager with war flashbacks like some two-dimensional cartoon ghost. I’ve met mollusks with more backbone. I don’t believe you. Ares, there’s a nice flattish log coming up to your knees a few paces two o’ clock. Take a load off, kid, and let the little sleep paralysis demon tucker themself out.”
Who is this mortal? I like him. He’s amusing, too amusing to not listen to him this one time.
The visions blurred, and as I sat down on the log he had mentioned, they went away. I blinked and looked around. I was in a forest, and it was indeed Atwater standing near me. I stared at him. “That worked. They said you were too amusing to not back off for now.”
“Well, at least I’m good for something.” His eyebrows went up a little. “Wait, can you see again?”
I nodded. “Well enough. Don’t know how long they’ll let me though.”
“This is a…habitual thing for you two, then?”
I nodded again. “Ever since the interview. I’m used to it by now.” I shrugged. But this didn’t matter. I could see again! “But now that I’m not blinded, I can fly you to Triel’s camp!”
He didn’t look convinced about what I had first said, and he looked even more concerned after I was said I could fly him to camp. “You can fly.”
I nodded, standing up. “I can change into a phoenix. You wanna see?”
“Hell, yeah.”
I…I could make him proud. I wanted to make him proud. Like…like my dad. I transformed into the phoenix and squawked at him, tilting my head to try to ask if it was ok if I could pick him up.
“Yeah, that checks out.” He grinned, and I couldn’t help the warmth in my chest. I made him proud! He even gave me a thumbs up! “Badass, kid. Oh—we’re gonna do the flying thing now? I mean, you can try, but don’t strain yourself.”
I could easily carry a person, so there were no worries there! I squawked again and ruffled my feathers in happiness before I flapped my wings and flew up to get some momentum before grabbing his shoulders to fly him towards the camp. He held tightly to my claws as I flew him, also holding onto his spear.
He looked stressed, and honestly, I was getting really fucking tired, so I set him down close to the camp but not quite there. The mutts were coming soon, but my magic should keep us safe.
I glanced over at Atwater once I transformed back. “We can walk the rest of the way, if you’d like.”
“That would be ideal,” Atwater wheezed, but before we could get walking, the howls of the cat-dog mutts echoed through the night, and I tensed and readied to protect Atwater from them, but a fireball scared them off, and Chess hobbled into sight, holding tightly to a small mutt who was snuggling up to her. She was cooing at the mutt. What the fuck?
Atwater collapsed quietly as I stared at her, collapsing as well, since I had gotten tired. Chess looked up and smiled. “Ares! You’re okay! We’ve been worried! And Atwater!” She hobbled over, the mutt crawling up to her shoulders and lying down with a yawn. “You’re safe! I’m so glad!”
“Uh. Right.” Atwater sat up and looked over at me. “Are you alright?”
I nodded, standing up and tilting my head at the mutt. He had a calico color, with a dog’s face, but one cat ear and one dog ear. And his feet and the end of his tail looking like a ghostly smoke. “I’m fine. More mentally tired than anything.”
“Well. Splendid.” He sighed and lay back down, waggling his fingers at Chess, glancing at her in askance.
Chess sat down next to us, so I collapsed again. “I thought I had seen a runt mutt with the others, and they had been mean to him, but look at him! He’s so sweet!” She held him out to Atwater.
Atwater nodded, handing him a stick. He leaned over towards me. “Not to pry, miss, but you seem to be experiencing more gravitational issues than someone in full health ought to. Is that half-rate shitstain in your head bothering you again?”
I looked up at him, not wanting to admit anything. “I’m not tired.”
He looked over at Chess. “Did she or did she not very recently mention being tired?”
Chess tilted her head. “Technically she mentioned being mentally tired. Not sure if that’s the same thing.”
I grinned. “See? I’m fine!” Not moving.
“It is the same word, you infants,” he tutted. “You can’t ‘yes, and’ each other out of a breakdown, physically or mentally. For fuck’s sake. Since you’ve elected to lie there in perfect health, then, at least quit trying to transform into a nautilus now and stretch your legs out. You’ll get bad circulation curled up like that, and your spine will stab you in the back in 20 years if you make it a habit. And drink something.” He fished out a flask, shaking his head.
Chess laughed, and I sighed and took the flask. “Yes, dad.” Fuck. The words had slipped from my lips before I could stop them. My cheeks heated up from embarrassment and takes the drink. It was just water, unfortunately.
“Belay the sass, or you’re grounded, young lady.” At least he hadn’t made a big deal about it. I just handed back the flask, still embarrassed.
Chess sat up more. “I can lead you two back to the camp! It’s not far!”
Atwater pocketed the flask and pulled himself up with the spear. “Great. On further examination, my legs are not, in fact, gelatin, so I’m good to go. Lead the way, Chess. Ares, I expect you can run circles around me, given how very fine you are, but try not to rush too far ahead for the sake of my fragile pride and all." He offered me a hand, and I took it to help me get up to walk.
Chess stood up and put the mutt on her shoulders and cheerily started leading the way. And to be sassy, I transformed into the phoenix and flew up and landed on Atwater’s shoulders so I didn’t have to walk, since I was actually tired. Atwater just whistled, acting like he didn’t notice.
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HARMONY! HARMONY!!!! I ran out of tags trying to describe how much I loved this last update to Memory Logs I am having an out of body experience rn I didn’t even get to describe my favorite part!! THE WAY!!! YOU DESCRIBE THE FEELING OF BRAND NEW FINALLY REALIZED AND REQUITED LOVE!!!!! AAAAAAA literally how do you see and write on the human experience so clearly, you are some kind of wizard, *you’ve got mail voice* ms. 152 insights into my soul… “you thought I was mocking you??” vs actually teasing him about the !!!below deck!!! club (which lmao the existence of) but Steve just being so hyped that Eddie’s into him that it all comes out in this wash of bubbly feelings (“dear god stop this madness”), and “wants to stock up on chapstick and water so they can make out all night” OK SO I SWOONED, SHOW ME SOMEONE WHO WOULDNT, Steve giVeS EDdIE hiS RIIINNNNGGGG, “IT WOULD BE A PLEASURE TO RESTART WITH YOU”, the FOREHEAD KISS!!!! I don’t know how you do this, but if I ever lost my memory, rereading all of your fics again for the first time would be such a pleasure. Rereading them after a week is a pleasure. Rereading them right after finishing reading to note down every favorite line is a pleasure!! You get my drift haha… anyway thank you for being such a queen and sharing your incredible writing with us for free. I am wishing you many dark chocolate pudding cups, and much fan art to delight you, and a very generous rest for your wrists on the other side of all this typing, and a very marvelous week 💕💕
OMG your tags were giving my LIFEEE how rude that they would ever cut you off like that! I need to speak to the internet manager asap!! 😂😂
HAHA the wizard line is *extra* perfect because Steve would *also* blame such sorcery on a wizard (he definitely called Vecna a wizard that is obsessed with clocks and I will never let that go lol).
There hassss to be unreleased footage in the ST vault of all the divorced moms and Eddie just waiting for Steve to turn around and scoop in the back ice cream counters, like PLEASE tell me the footage exists and I didn't just make it up 😭
AGH the ring and forehead kiss goodbye are maybe my favorite parts ❣️❣️ like Steve knows there's nothing else he can do but give a little piece of himself and then hope that there's magic-memory powers in his expert kissing abilities - it's very naive and endearing and heartbreaking all at once and I just want to give him the biggest hug for trying so hard.
Sweet deerling, that is SO incredibly kind omgggg my tender heart cannot take such kindness!! If someone ever made fan art for this I would *weep,* even if they just thought about it, I'd still be teary! I don't have dark chocolate pudding but I dooooo have dark chocolate raisins, which is definitely a win. I'm sending you all the good vibes for the rest of the week/weekend ✨✨ Thank you so much for always being so supportive of the little stories I write.
Have a spectacular day!! Watch all the Meg Ryan films your heart desires!! ❤️🥰❤️
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ahoneesan · 1 year
hi! its been a bit. i dont think ive made any posts about this particular subject on this particular blog. not the long form effort posts like these, at least. there have been some fairly major developments here so i figured it was as good a time as any to log them here. and maybe get into the rhythm of writing regularly about this again? dont get your hopes up. but maybe more regularly than Not At All. anyways!
so thanks to having a job i have a gym membership now! that means i can lift Actual Weight instead of being trapped at 40lbs due that being all my at-home dumbbells can do. its nice! i've been progressing through my 5x5 workout without any real trouble so far. except for my overhead press. i literally cannot even begin to finish my 5 sets there, at the suggested introductory weight of 45lbs. its kinda baffling, i wish i knew why exactly i had that one hurdle. but i was barely making 5x5 on 40lbs either so, naturally 45 would be tougher! i should probably deload down to, idk, 35 or something and work my way back up but man. cmon! lets frickin go!
the rest of my numbers (which ill list down below) are doing well. i think, at least. steady gains (though they are "newbie gains") through and through, if i stay consistent on em ill be squattin 100 byyyyyy monday after next. which would be pretty cool! i guess! i havent encountered any real hurdles yet (apart from the OP i just mentioned) so its hard to get motivated by goals. im in this for like, the thrill of the lift. again: i guess!
cardio has been fine, though due to workin out preshift i dopnt have time to just like, run forever on that. maybe i only go in early for weights n leave cardio for after? maybe i cardio by running around the block at home then bus in to work like usual? maybe i just crank the speed and hope for the best? ok i did try that last one and it fucked my knee up just a bit lol. ultimately cardio is a supplement to the weight training for me so, afaik, its more important to have that elevated heart rate sustained for longer and longer periods of time than to be trying to make a like 8 minute mile. ill keep at it for now, probably try to ramp the speed up a lil more slowly than I did but as far length of workout i kinda dunno what to do. im still kinda entranced by the treadmill i now have access to so, probably keep on that for a while longer.
as far my body numbers go, theyre more or less unchanged from where I was when i started doing all this like, a year ago. which is part of Why im not so motivated by goals n such. but thats of course still on me. havent had my diet right, wayyyyy too many breaks n off days, no ability for actual Progression until just now. hopin i can start to turn this dang machine into some fucking muscle soon. i think i can! maybe! AUGH!
SQUAT - 70
BENCH - 60
ROW - 80 (pulled my back just a lil on this last time, lol.)
OVERHEAD - 45 (cant even finish this weight lol)
CARDIO - 4.5mph(?), 45min
WEIGHT - 160
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bike42 · 9 months
Friday - Saturday January 12-13, 2024
Last full day at Aguila. We had our usual leisurely breakfast, quiet with most of the others out on excursions. We put on our swim suits and hiking shoes and headed down the trail, stopping a several beautiful beaches that we had mainly to ourselves again. It was a bit slippery after last nights rain, but Jeff is adept at finding us sticks to use for hiking poles.
We walked about 2.5 miles out, swam, sat against a log and read for a bit, then walked back to catch the end of lunch. Everyone was back from their excursions so the place was a-buzz. Jeff had his Kilimanjaro t-shirt on, and a young couple from CA wanted to know all about it as it’s their goal to do all seven summits. Always fun for us to find people who want to hear our stories… we have a lot of them!
Same afternoon routine, hammock, nap, read, shower, and down to the Jungle Bar for G&Ts and cribbage (were evenly matched this trip, but JT is ahead on our travel rivalry scoreboard). We sat with some new people at dinner - a couple from PA, and a couple from the UK. We’ve lost track of how many new people we’ve met during our 8 nights here! The pattern seems to be to come from three nights … and do snorkeling at Cano Island one day, and Corcovado NP the next, then off to somewhere else for three nights. It’s what we did last September in the UK, but I think they miss the magic of immersing in the wonder of this area, and this resort specifically!
We said some goodbyes, then headed up to pack and rest up for our transition. I awoke to someone else’s alarm this morning before mine went off at 6am. We had breakfast, said more goodbyes (told the staff we’d see them next year) and boarded our water taxi at 7:30am. It was a fun ride, north along the coast for 15 minutes, then into the Sierpe River to the village of Sierpe. The river was a twisting path of mangroves, with the occasional house/dock - obvious erosion issue where they’d removed the mangroves. There were lots of boats out fishing, and boats loaded with tourists coming towards us. I wasn’t quite prepared for what we saw upon arrival at Sierpe - quite a bustling port! People getting off boats, and waiting for boats. About 20 different docks offering taxi services and car parking. We were surprised to see Aguila had its own dock, with Jimy there to greet us in an Aguila shirt. On the dock waiting to be loaded was a washing machine, a mattress and box set, and coolers full of things to be transferred. I would have loved to stay to watch them load the boat, but our ride was waiting.
Alex at the resort had arranged for Chino to pick us up and transport us to Dominical. Chino is Chinese, and didn’t speak much English but we did ok. We arrived in Dominical about 10am, which gave me time to hit a shop for new cheap sunglasses and a hat! At 10:20am our driver from Imiloa came with a 4x4 pickup. We know Chino’s van wasn’t going to make it up the road to Imiloa! We arrived about 10:35 am, just three hours after leaving the resort, relieved that it all worked out!
We relaxed for about 15 minutes before the others arrived in a series of taxis. We’d met Yolanda, the massage therapist, and wrangled ourselves into massages for today. So we skipped lunch and headed to our amazing room (booked the same as last year), where Yolanda was setting up her table on the balcony. I’m writing this from my hammock. Life is good!
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