#ok time for the baavira shippers to blacklist me
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lok + headlines from “the onion” because life is satire
[Image ID: Seven screenshots from the Legend of Korra, each with a headline from “The Onion” edited over them. 
One: A closeup on Korra from “Korra Alone.” She is carrying a backpack and sweating; she looks disgruntled. The headline reads, “Mental Health Day Spent Spiraling”.
Two: Kuvira and Baatar Jr. aboard the Earth Empire train. Kuvira, visible from the chest up, is in the foreground while Baatar Jr. stands in the background. Kuvira looks angry. The headline reads, “Lack Of Sexual Tension With Coworker Almost Unbearable”. 
Three: Mako, in winter clothing, stands on the deck of a ship. He has his knuckles pressed to his forehead and looks extremely frustrated. The headline reads, “Study: Boyfriends Who Aren’t Speaking Are Thinking About Ending Relationship 90% Of Time”. 
Four: Bolin is slumped over a table, seemingly ill. Pabu lies in a bowl in front of him. Several empty bowls are scattered around them. The headline reads, “Man Ashamed Of Himself After Cashier Reads Food Order Back To Him”.
Five: Asami stands at the top of a staircase, bathed in the pink light of the spirit vine weapon. She is bent slightly forward as if she stopped there suddenly. The headline reads, “Earth Hopes Weird Burning Sensation Nothing Serious”. 
Six: Lin and Tenzin watch a pro-bending match. Lin looks amused, but Tenzin has both fists clenched in frustration and is scowling. The headline reads, “Area Dad Knew That Play Would Never Work”. 
Seven: Mako and Bolin are visible from the chest up, both raising their fists and wearing their pro-bending uniforms. The headline reads, “Grief Psychologists Say Best Way To Cope With Death In The Family Is Dropping 50 In An NBA Game”. End ID]
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