#ok that feels more like bits and here’s one more: the puffball can also do close combat but it’s mostly swordfighting
stormvanari · 2 months
yeah so
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🔥 lmao 🔥
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cheddar-inq · 5 months
guh this was supposed to be a quick warmup and it was NOT
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fandom opinion stuff !!!!!
notes abt why and blank template below the cut
Favorite character - I've just always loved Rivulet. Even before I realized I WAS riv, ive always just. loved him. i love how fast-paced the campaign is, i love the story, i love the colors and mechanics and design and just. all of it !!!!!
Liked by everyone but me - i just cant really understand a lot of the fandom's love for artificer. like i dont hate arti at all but i just dont understand all of the love. to me, artificer is someone trapped in that pure fury who simply could not let go of it, regardless of how hard they may have tried to break out of it. i think that it should be highlighted more in the fandom and thats actually what im trying to change about my own rain world au- i want to highlight that fury, that grief, that pure hatred mixed with the confusion of what to do, and how even once theyve calmed down from that fury, that it can be reignited in an instant from anything that reminds them of the death of their pups, the toll scavengers, ect.
Didn't like at first - i just thought monk was boring tbh. As ive played rain world for longer and longer ive realized that monk is incredibly brave and fascinating
Would like to know more about - always been curious about nightcat and i am even MORE curious now bc of the announcement of the Watcher !!!!!!
Least Favorite Character - again, i just. i cant stand how the fandom sees arti exclusively as someone to be sympathetic for and someone to be redeemed without any of that lasting guilt and fury. kinda just ruined them for me. i do love their campaign though
Like the design, dislike (Campaign) - i literally LOVE gourm ok. i love just how much can be done with their character, i love how theyre presented in game as that kind colony member who braved a new, unknown area to benefit their family, their colony, everyone they care about and love. i just hate the exhaust mechanic and i found the food quest to just be boring and unnessecarily long and tedious
Like the campaign, dislike design - by this i mean more like. just how hunter was shown in game. i really liked the story but i feel like we just werent given enough. what were they like before leaving nsh? what were they like before the rot or before the rot began to seriously affect them? how many other iterators knew about hunter? how old even were they when they began their mission? and dont get me started on the ending i wish there was more than just the one end scene art, i wish we knew more about hunter and nsh's relationship
Similar personality - guys i kin rivulet i have always seem him acting like how i do and vice versa sorry this ones a bit boring of an answer
Fav ships - i love you puffball. i love you deepsea. my favorites ever <33
Least fav ship - this isnt personal to anyone and no hate to anybody who enjoys monk ships, i just cant see them as anything other than a pup so monk ships are just uncomfortable for me to see
would befriend irl - no joke. any of them tbh. potentially artificer but probably not just because of how that kind of grief and anger can affect people, im not sure if arti would be able to make friends with others. also the slug i drew is my slugsona, the lizardtamer <3
would never befriend irl - arti for the reasons listed aboveeee
yeah :333 heres the template !!!
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firaknight · 3 years
idk if ur still doing the writing requests but uhh maybe a kirfluff love confession?
I absolutely am!!!!!!! Here you go anon!!
Alternative title: These puffs gay and one of them has no idea what gay means while the other gets gay panic.
It was a noticeably chilly night in Dreamland. Despite it being the middle of summer, the chill of the night was stronger than ever. The sky was clear and empty, stars painted across the darkness. Soaring under the sky was the Warpstar, leaving sparkling trails of stardust in its wake. The Warpstar itself had taken on a slightly different form, resembling a large pillow rather than a star built for transportation.
Sitting atop the Warpstar were Kirby and Prince Fluff, nestled together beneath a thick blanket. Their bodies sunk into the center of the Warpstar, like sitting on a particularly squishy pillow. It was warm, the kind of warmth that was just comfortable enough—not too hot, not too cold, just perfect.
The night air was crisp, the sweet summer breeze gently blowing. Fluff noticeably shuddered at the breeze, colder than usual. Kirby huddled a bit closer, oblivious to the blush that slowly grew on Fluffs cheeks. The prince stared into the starry night sky, his mind wandering, his expression twisted in deep thought. Kirby noticed the sudden shift and turned, gently nudging him, and in a quiet voice asked...
“Whats wrong, poyo?”
“Hm? Ah, it’s nothing! Just... lost in thought.” Fluff hoped that simple answer would deter the pink puff. To his dismay, it only seemed to make Kirby more intrigued.
“It’s not nothing! You look upset.” Kirby scooted a little closer. He took note of how warm Fluffs cheeks were. Maybe he was sick? Maybe that’s why he wasn’t feeling good.
“Really, Kirby, I’m fine. I’m just thinking.” Kirby gently placed a paw on Fluffs cheek, feeling said cheek grow progressively warmer and turn a brighter shade of red.
“Thinking about what?” Fluff bit the inside of his cheek. He knew this conversation wouldn’t end well...
“Love? What kind of love, poyo?” That question caught him off guard.
“What do you mean “what kind of love?” Isn’t there only one?” Kirby shook his head, smiling.
“There’s lots of kinds, poyo! There’s platonic love, one-sided love, puppy dog love which I don’t really understand, romantic love, really really romantic love—Meta Knight and Dedede don’t like talking to me about that one for some reason—poyo, and familial love! I’m probably forgetting a bunch, but there’s a lot, poyo!!” Fluff thought over the responses, staring down at the Warpstar.
“Wait, hold on— really really romantic love? What’s that and why won’t your dads explain it to you?” Kirby stared blankly. Even he was a little confused on that one.
“Uh, I don’t really know, poyo! Dedede changes the subject before I can ask and Meta Knight tells me I’m not old enough yet. He says that in a couple years or so I’ll be old enough to understand what he’ll tell me, poyo.”
“Guess it’s really personal, huh?” Fluff mentally patted himself on the back for changing the subject. Maybe this time Kirby wouldn’t pry for more information.
“No, I don’t think it is. He says it’s got something to do with puffball puberty, which I haven’t hit, poyo.”
“Oh, ok.” The two sat in silence after that, but it wasn’t a pleasant silence. It was the kind of silence that made you want to talk, even if there was nothing to be said.
Maybe he’s done-
“Back to the original subject; what kind of love are you thinking about, poyo?”
Yod yammit.
“Romantic love. There, happy?” Fluff tried to stop himself from sounding too blunt. He didn’t want to talk about this, but Kirby wouldn’t let up, even if he said he wanted to change the subject.
“Romantic love for who? I promise I won’t tell anyone, poyo!” Fluff furrowed his brows. He was going to dodge these questions for as long as he could.
“A friend.”
“Oooo!!!! Which friend, poyo!! There’s so many!!” Fluff was mentally cornered. He couldn’t say “a close friend” because that would narrow it down to maybe 3 people, of which Kirby could easily deduce who he had feelings for. He also couldn’t just repeat “a friend” because Kirby, while naive, isn’t stupid, and would narrow it down to those few close friends almost immediately. He couldn’t stay silent, because Kirby would think he struck a nerve or something and would most likely never bring up the topic ever again, which, while helpful in this situation, wouldn’t be in the future. He bit the inside of his cheek again and decided to take a risk. A calculated risk in the form of a puzzle, but a risk nonetheless.
“A pink friend.” Kirby tilted his head in confusion.
“Pink? That’s weirdly specific, poyo.”
“Pink, huh... hmmm...” There was an unbearably long amount of silence between the two. Fluff couldn’t tell if Kirby was lost in thought or spaced out, and he really didn’t want to ask. He decided to throw in the towel, realizing this was getting nowhere.
“Y’know what, nevermind. Forget I-“
“It’s me, isn’t it.” Fluff felt his cheeks get hot.
“H-how did you-“
“Well, it’s not like you were super vague about that hint!” Fluff mentally hit himself for that one.
“Well, I’ve got a confession for you, poyo.” Fluff ran over the options in his head, all of which were bad. Kirby was probably going to say he didn’t love him back like that, and would prefer to stay friends.
Just get over the fact that he doesn’t like you back. He’s Kirby, he probably hasn’t had a romantic thought in his-
“I love you back. In a romantic way.”
Fluff was speechless. Completely taken off guard and a little shaken by the response.
“Y-you’re joking, right?”
“No? Why would I be, poyo?”
“To tell the truth, I’ve been too cowardly to mention it. I-I mean, you’re a prince, poyo! I’m just a kid with superpowers, I guess. I always felt like I was waaaaaayyy out of your league and that, if I mentioned that I liked you, you’d shrug it off like it was nothing, poyo.” He paused for a moment, thinking.
“You were always so friendly with me, even when I was just some random stranger who got thrown into your world by accident. I-if I’m being super honest, I’ve had a crush on you since we made it to Treat Land all the way back when we first met, poyo.” The realization that, maybe, just maybe, Kirby was trying to flirt with him all those years ago made Fluff put his face in his paws.
“I can’t believe I didn’t realize it sooner...”
“It’s not your fault! I’m not super great at showing romantic love, poyo. I’ve only ever felt that kind of love once or twice before I met you, and I had no idea how to respond to it other than my usual acts of love!” Kirby gave him a smile, that adorable smile he gave everyone.
“S-so... uh... d-does that make us... b-boyfriends?” Fluff couldn’t figure out why saying those words made him unbelievably nervous.
“I think so!”
“W-what do b-boyfriends do...?” Kirby went silent, thinking on it.
“Well, Meta Knight and Dedede are gay, and they kiss each other on the lips a bunch.” Kirby could see Fluffs face go from blue to almost entirely red.
“U-u-uh... I-I don’t think I’m ready for that...” Kirby gave Fluff a small pat, smiling.
“We don’t have to then! What about an alternative?”
“L-like what...?”
“Nuzzling! I do it a lot with friends and it’s my way of saying “hello” and “I love you” in a platonic way, but we can make it romantic!” Fluff thought about it and decided that nuzzling was probably a good start.
“S-sure! B-but you’re going to have to demonstrate that. W-we don’t do that back in Patchland, I think.”
“Fine by me! Now sit still!” Kirby peppily scooted closer, pressed one of his cheeks to Fluff and nuzzled him. Fluff swore he could cook something on his face with how hot it’d gotten, yet at the same time, he loved this. Every second of it, while it made him more and more of a blushing mess, was wonderful to him. He decided to return the gesture, squishing his cheek against Kirbys and nuzzling back. Almost immediately he heard the low rumble of a purr. His face turned maxim tomato red upon hearing it. He’s never heard Kirby purr before, and good lord was it adorable.
“Y-you can purr???”
“Mhmm! All puffballs can, I think!”
“...I think it’s adorable...”
“Awww, Fluff!!!” Kirby nuzzled him a little harder, giggling.
“Well, my dear boyfriend, would you like to watch the stars with me?” Kirby giggled at Fluffs sudden flirtatious tone.
“I’d be happy to.” The two smiled, resting against each other, staring up at the night sky. Maybe it was just Fluff, but with Kirby around, the sky looked more beautiful that night than ever.
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meloncholy-words · 4 years
A Snake’s Skin
Based on the idea that Deceit, in all his old-timey, fancy nature, can make the other sides do A Fluster™ by showing even the slightest bit of skin. I don’t remember who had the original idea, but I’m turning it into a fic. I’ve been thinking about this for a while, and am finally doing it, especially now because I need my comfort. I’m ditching all new information because I don’t wAnNa ThInK aBoUt It.
Warnings: Other than Dee and Remus, none, I need CoMfOrT
Deceit yawned. He was bored. The others weren’t giving him enough attention. Patton and Virgil were baking in the kitchen, Roman and Remus were doing God knows what in their room, and Logan was reading, right next to him, and not giving him any attention. Which was, by the way, illegal! But then, Deceit had an idea…
He made a few glances towards Logan, before shifting around slightly, before he struck. He let out a loud, exaggerated yawn, lifting his arms up as high as he could, letting his shirt lift up ever so slightly. He took a small little peak at his boyfriend, and inwardly smiled to himself.
Logan’s face was a bright red, his eyes were wide open, and his jaw had dropped. He stuttered a little, before he let out a squeak and lunged forward, pulling Deceit’s shirt down.
“D-Dee,” he stuttered out, voice unusually high, “I get that we’re alone, but now isn’t the time for that.”
“Oh, my apologies,” he said smoothly, a small smirk on his face as he spoke,” I was just yawning. See, I’m just so bored here, with nothing to do and no one to do anything with.”
“I see,” Logan said, adjusting his glasses. His face had gone down in hue, but his cheeks were still fairly dusted in a vibrant red, and his voice had lowered back down to normal. “If that’s the case, perhaps we could watch a documentary and cuddle?”
“That sounds excellent!” he said, clapping his hands together and smiling a wide, happy smile.
Logan pulled up Netflix and threw on a documentary about the earth and its shape. They fell asleep in each other’s arms before it reached halfway through.
It was an unusually hot day in the Mind Palace today. Not unbearable, but definitely noticable. While the others went outside to play in the pool, Deceit had stayed back to stay in his room instead. However, that decision was made after breakfast, and he was hungry. He left his room in favour of heading to the kitchen, an “evil” smile gracing his lips when he peeked into it. For you see, there was Patton, making lunch for everyone. He wasn’t dripping wet, but he was certainly not dry. He was also there, standing so innocently, in nothing but some swim trunks, flip flops, and a thin, wet tank top. This was a big contrast to Deceit, who was covered in layers upon layers of clothing. This wasn’t uncommon in their household, though.
‘Hm, it has been a while since someone’s paid attention to me..’ the sly snake thought. He hid himself back back around the wall, before adjusting his hat slightly, and then striking.
Deceit made his way around the corner, dramatically sighing as he removed the hat he’d just readjusted.
“My my, it’s so hot. Oh, hello there, Patton.” He started lightly fanning himself with his hat.
“Oh, hi Dee!” Patton said in his normal giddy tone. “Yeah, it is. But we have some lemonade and iced tea, if you need any!” He let out a soft giggle, before returning to making the sandwiches.
“That sounds like a good idea, but-” he had unclasped his cape at this point, and had it folded as he placed it down onto one of the dining chairs, “-I don’t think that’ll be too helpful.”
Patton let a glance towards his direction, before slightly tensing and looking back away, a light red tint on his freckles cheeks at the sight of some of Dee’s neck. This caused Deceit to smile again, like the evil child he is. He reached towards the top button on his shirt and popped it off.
Walking up to Patton, as he began pulling his shirt collar more outwards, he leaned over his shoulder, and asked, “Oh, what kind of sandwiches are you making?”
“Oh, you, know just some simple ham sandwiches, maybe some apple sli-” Patton let out a loud squeal, nudging deceit away as he looked in the opposite direction. “D-Deceit, that-that’s highly in-inappropriate!”
“Oh, I’m sorry Puffball,” he said softly, “it’s just sooooo hot, I couldn’t help myself.” He shuffled himself a little closer, and whispered lightly, “You wouldn’t want me to overheat, would you?”
Patton made a strangled sound before pushing past Deceit grabbing the sandwiches, yelling out, “ITWASNICESEEINGYOUBUTIGOTTAGONOWBYEHUN-” and fleeing the scene, leaving Deceit to cackle by himself.
This really was just too fun.
Deceit sighed to himself. Roman had invited him to join him in the imagination for a fancy ball. Of course, he blended right in, using his lawyer suit because it made him feel special. What didn’t make him feel special was how Roman had decided that his kingdom was more important than him. Now, that was fair, it was very understandable. But that didn’t mean that he was happy with it.
He glanced towards Roman, and felt a twinge of sadness. He felt lonely. He took a sip of wine as the gears in his head began turning. Finally, they clicked, and he felt his evil smile return. Right next to Roman was a long food table. That’s where he’d gotten the wine. There were some pastries stacked up neatly just beside him. He knew what to do.
Deceit, very gracefully, made his way over to the pastry rack. He made it clear that he had no intention of acknowledging Roman, at least, not yet. He gathered up two pastries, and made a, not big, but eye-catching, act of spilling some wine onto his gloves. Not too much, but a reasonable amount.
This certainly caught the eye of Roman, who was still giving the rest of his attention elsewhere. However, what really caught his attention was when Deceit, very slowly, removed his stained glove. This lit up Roman’s face a noticeable amount, not the colour of his sash, but enough. He quickly excused himself from his company, and grabbed Deceit by the arm, leading him out to the balcony.
“Deceit, we are in public!” he hissed into his ear. “You’re already wearing less than usual, was that really necessary?!”
“But Roman,” Deceit exclaimed, feigning innocence, “my glove! It got dirty! What did you expect?”
The prince, whose face had somehow become closer to his sash, pulled out a single extra glove.
“Stay here, put this on, and I’ll be back with another pair for you.”
“You’re gonna leave me out here.. Alone?” Deceit let his lip slip out slightly, and his eyes grew bigger. Yes, he was absolutely resorting to puppy dog eyes.
Guilt gently washed over his face, and he softly said, “I’ll be back fast, I promise.” He gave Deceit a light kiss on his forehead and disappeared back inside.
A pair of thick, orange gloves were the ones that Roman decided would best for his King Snake. However, when he exited back out to the balcony, he blue screened. Not only was Deceit’s hat off, but both of his gloves were off, too!
Noticing the prince, Dee opened his mouth to say something, only to be cut off by gloves smacking into his face. Roman had also returned back inside in a flustered fit, which made him giggle. His boyfriend was just too cute sometimes.
Virgil and Deceit were cuddling on the bed together, even though they should have been sleeping. They’d both had a hard day, and had taken to each other’s embrace. However, instead of sleeping at normal times, they’d stayed up well past 2 am to discuss conspiracy theories, and how believable they were. It was a fun game they’d like to play. One would say a theory they’d heard and start giving off some details about it, and then they’d both announce if they thought it was believable or not. If they both agreed that it was either believable or too crazy, they’d continue. If not, they would try convincing the other onto their side. They would carry on when they had both ended up on the same side.
Now, they’d both intended to sleep, as this game always started. This meant that they were both in pajamas, which is a significant decrease in the amount of clothing Dee would normally wear, though he was still quite covered. He had loose, baggy sweats on, thick, fluffy socks, and a long sleeved shirt. This contrasted with Virgil, who had on boxers and his (unzipped)jacket. And nothing else. Deciding he wanted to continue his game of flustering, he started hatching a plan. Virgil was used to seeing Dee like this, so him being less layered than normal didn’t make him red. However, this was the least amount of coverage that he’s seen him in. Which means…
“Ok, ok, fine, it’s believable, jeez!” Virgil exclaimed. At this point, they’d given up on being quiet. “Ok, now, you’re turn.”
“Hmmm… What about… me showing skin.”
Virgil looked into Dee’s eyes like he had gone mad.
“Least believable one yet. Next!”
“Oh, is that so?” Dee said, a smile in his voice. He snapped his fingers, which turned his long sleeved shirt into a short sleeved one, and his baggy sweats into baggy sweats, but with the ends rolled up, exposing his ankles and a little bit of his calves to the world. This made Virgil begin to turn red.
“DECEIT!” he screeched, hiding his face. “I know it’s late and you may be a little bored, but SERIOUSLY?! Nowisntthetime!!!!” This got Deceit laughing, and he snapped his original clothes back, cuddling right back into Virgil.
“I know, I know, sorry hun. I just had to prove you wrong.” Virgil huffed at this, lightly smacking the smaller man’s chest.
“That was mean!”
That got him laughing again.
The sides had cuddled up on the couch, watching Disney movies together. Remus had passed on the offer to join them, pretending to gag as he threw himself onto the floor to watch by himself. Virgil had fallen asleep after the first few movies, leaning onto Patton, who cuddled Deceit up into his lap immediately. Logan held Roman in his arms, and they were both also leaning on Patton, with Roman beginning to drift off but being determined to stay awake.
Deceit looked around at his boyfriends and smiled. Seeing them go into a gay panic was nice, but this was even better. He was content with them being like this instead. It made them all happy.
And that was all that he wanted, really.
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doctorbeth · 5 years
Puffy aka Puff aka Puffaluffagus aka Puffball
Puffy is a puffalump and puffalump surgeries are always complicated. You see, puffalumps are made from a very thin fabric which I can’t source today, and they were stuffed very lightly (but puffily).  And their fabric has LOTS of gathers.  So their stuffing compresses leaving folds in their fabric and those eventually tear.  Repairing most puffalumps means lining them, then stitching all those tears shut to the new lining.  That means lots of new scars (seams) but their people are happy because they want to keep the original skin exposed.  But sometimes, puffalumps have been repaired at home over the years, so the original fabric isn’t as big a concern as keeping the puffalump stable.  And in that case, we can recover them like a furrier patient.  That was the story with Bei, and elephant who came to the hospital a couple months ago, and it was also the story of Puffy, whose story I’m sharing here today. :-)
Puffy’s person wrote:
I would like to introduce you to my very best friend in the whole world, Puffy (aka Puff, Puffaluffagus, Puffball) the Puffalump
I know you probably hear a lot of this, but Puffy has been my best bud for the past 25 years. He's been through childhood bad dreams, a move across the country (from California to Michigan!), breakups, anxiety attacks, and everything in between. We're pretty tight. 
But over the course of the past two decades, my sweet Puff has been loved on to death..and he's definitely looking worse for wear. In the past, I've sent him off to my grandma and a friend's mom for repairs, but I feel like now he needs the loving, expert touch of a doctor. I am definitely super nervous about sending Puffy for some help, but I want to make sure he's going to be good to go for the next 25 years . 
I'm sending along some pictures of Puff for you to take a look at to see if he's able to be repaired. I really really hope so! I know he's really not in the best of shape, so I might be hoping for something that's not possible. I would love your professional opinion though! 
Thank you for all that you do, Realms of Gold! I am so looking forward to hearing from you soon!
Here are the diagnosis photos Puffy’s person sent:
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Actually, not too bad... though quite faded.  I gave her three treatment options:
1) stitching wounds with supplemental fabric
2) lining and then stitching wounds shut to lining
3) recovering (keeping original skin underneath and original eyes visible)
After taking time to think about it, Puffy’s person opted for recovering.  She wanted him to last another 25 years and the issue with lining or patching is that all the original skin is still exposed and susceptible to wear.  If he were going to watch the world, that would be ok, but Puffy had a more active lifestyle.
Puffy arrived at the hospital in May and we started the process of choosing fabrics for his new skin.  There were shiny ones:
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and less shiny:
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It turns out Puffy was pink, pink and white striped, white, and blue!  Here is a photo of Puffy Jr (his little brother) that was sent as a sample (Puffy never had the bow though):
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A bit faded, but MUCH healthier!
Eventually, we settled on a matte fabric for Puffy, in two shades of pink (we couldn’t match the striped fabric), white and blue.  Surgery commenced and after a bit, first photos were sent:
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We agreed to leave his original collar and bow, as they aren’t structural and kept part of his history there.  Those are his original eyes transplanted onto the new skin.  A bit more adjusting (to make his ears flop and his chubbiness right) and he was ready to fly home!
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His person was so excited:
I am almost in tears, he looks SO good!! He looks the perfect amount of fluffy, with the perfect color fabric...ugh. I cannot get over it
Beth, he looks so wonderful, you are a miracle worker!! Thank you thank you thank you!!!
So I packed him up to fly home to Michigan.  He made it in time to celebrate the fourth on the lake with his family:
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His person wrote:
He's home! He's home! And he's beautiful and wonderful and perfect in every way. I'm in love. I never thought that Puffy would look so good ever again, I am overjoyed. I cannot thank you enough for taking my friend and making him whole again.
Here’s hoping all of you and your stuffed companions had as joyful and love filled a fourth of July!
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look-ma-im-on-tv · 4 years
Guardian Angels and Sunshine
Word Count: 6,296 (wow ok)
Summary: Virgil feels like a jerk for how he’s treating his boyfriend Patton, so he takes him on a very special date, even if it shows his insecurities.
TRIGGERS: Okay so apparently I decided to make this far more angsty than it had to be. Tw blood, tw self harm (Virgil harms his wings) tw cursing,  tw falling and just simply tell me if I need to add absolutely anything else.
Author’s Note: This was for the Secret Santa thing the fanders did, this story was made for @mindscape-blues and some of the wing designs were based off of @asofterfan‘s art. You should go check those out cause they are super amazing. I know that it’s been a long time since I wrote this, but things happened and I never posted it on here until then. ALSO this is a bit of a rollercoaster with tension and I’m sorry for that I don’t know why I wrote it that way.
Virgil hated his wings. Absolutely hated them. They were these giant, flashy, bright white feathered wings and they were the worst. They would fit Roman a hell of a lot better than Virgil. Everyone’s wings were supposed to represent their personality, but his never did. Of course, everybody else thought Virgil’s wings were great, his parents, his teachers, his friends, and especially Patton. Patton had loved Virgil’s wings since they first met, and there was absolutely no convincing him otherwise. Not that Virgil hadn’t tried.
Speaking of, Patton came rushing out of the kitchen. He had brown hair, a light blue halter top on, and these blue-green hummingbird wings to match his energetic personality. Patton loved his own wings, flitting about most of the time instead of walking. He was carrying a bowl piled high with popcorn for the movie day that Virgil had begrudgingly agreed to. (Though he got far more excited when he saw that Patton picked some movies the both of them would like.) Despite how much he complained, Virgil loved being around Patton. He was just always too anxious.
Patton sat down, putting the bowl on the table, and started the first movie. Virgil slowly and cautiously moved closer to his boyfriend, laying his head on his shoulder lightly, worried about going too far. Patton tensed up a little. Wait, was he making him uncomfortable? What if this was too sudden? What if he was in the way? What if Patton hated him now? What if-
Patton smiled happily down at Virgil, almost beaming with pride. Virgil felt his worry soften, and he settled into Patton’s warmth. He sighed, feeling calm for the first time in a while.
Eventually, Virgil woke up to Patton’s soft singing. “H-huh?”
“You gotta wake up, gumdrop. I’m gonna make dinner now, but unfortunately I can’t do that very well with you still laying on me.”
Still only half-awake, Virgil mumbled, “Can’t we just order pizza or somethin?”
“I already have dinner planned, and trust me, you’ll like it a lot more than pizza. It’s special.”
"What's more special than pizza? Pizza means I don't have to move."
"I know, I don't want to get up either, but we gotta. The food won't cook itself."
"It would if we ordered pizza," Virgil said sarcastically as he got up.
Virgil stood there by the couch while Patton started towards the kitchen. He suddenly stopped and turned towards Virgil, gently grabbing his hand and giving him a small kiss on the cheek before disappearing into the kitchen.
Virgil simply stood there for a while, stunned and absolutely flustered. He pressed a finger to his heated cheek where Patton had kissed him, feeling a bit numb. They had never kissed before, not once in the almost year that they had been together. Light on his feet, Virgil ran to his room and quietly closed the door behind him, sinking to the floor.
He felt strangely euphoric. Virgil had never really gotten kissed, he was always too distant. His feathered wings flapped a little, the feathers fluffing up in joy. He smiled. Patton was amazing.
After what might have been an hour, Virgil heard a knock on his door. He turned on the light, stretching, and opened it, Patton being on the other side. Dinner must have been ready, Patton was in a formal halter top, bowtie and all. Looking down at himself, Virgil was in pajamas, but despite the difference, Patton took his hand and guided him to the table.
“Wow…” Virgil gasped. The table was decorated like a stereotypical fancy restaurant, with dimly lit candles, a white tablecloth, and a vase with a single rose in the center.
Patton stood to the side of Virgil, wings fluttering anxiously as he awaited his approval. “I know it’s a lot, I mean, most of it was Roman’s idea. But it’s special for you, and I hope you like it.” Of course it was Roman’s idea. He was always one for the dramatics.
“It’s… wonderful Patton. Thanks.” It was, but Virgil felt like he stood out. The dinner was so nice and fancy and here Virgil was in his pajamas looking and acting like a complete mess.
Nevertheless, Patton beamed. “I’m glad you like it! Sit down, okay? I’ll go get the food.”
Virgil nervously sat down as Patton went back into the kitchen. He felt so out of place it practically hurt. It was a lot. He was gonna kill Roman when he saw him next.
Patton came back with two plates of food. Virgil nearly rolled his eyes at the extravagance, but instead he smiled at the kindness. Patton was too good to him.
Patton had made pasta, which was good, but Virgil could hardly eat.
“Uh… thanks Patton. For all of this.”
“Of course! I’m happy to spoil you.”
Virgil wrapped his wings around himself nervously. He didn’t even notice until Patton said something.
“You okay Virge? Your ah…" Patton gestured to Virgil's wings. "You look uncomfortable.”
He immediately unfurled his wings, practically glaring. He really didn’t ever want to call even more attention to them.
"Yeah, I'm fine, sorry."
"You're okay! Must be cool having wings big enough to wrap around you like a blanket."
"Well it isn't," Virgil mumbled to himself.
After a pause, Patton said, "Virgil, your wings are great. I know you think they're too much, but they're perfect."
"No they're not! They're not me at all. They're stupid, and ridiculous, and I hate them." Virgil closed his eyes tight to avoid Patton's reaction.
Patton spoke quietly and softly, "It's okay if you don't like them storm cloud, but… I just want you to be happy with you, ya know? And honestly I think they fit you…"
Shit. "Look, they don't fit me. You're wrong. But I didn't mean to get all mad at you, you're just trying to help."
"Oh no, you're fine. We could go back and forth about this all day, but how about we change the topic to something lighter, okay?" Patton smiled his trademark bright smile and all the tension and awkwardness dissipated.
The rest of the dinner went well, with casual conversation. They cleaned up and were standing in the hallway when Virgil froze.
His voice shook with nervous laughter, "Hey, Patton? You puffball…" He took a deep breath, steadying himself. "Can… Can I kiss you?"
Patton turned around and held Virgil's hand to comfort him. "Of course, Virge."
Virgil's breath hitched, and he lifted his head up to Patton's. He felt his wings flap nervously behind him as he closed the distance, kissing Patton lightly. He shied away again and whispered, "Thanks. I love you."
"I love you too, baby." And with that, Virgil hugged Patton and ran back to his room.
It had been a couple weeks since the dinner, and Virgil and Patton had hardly talked since. Virgil was so embarrassed about what happened that he had stayed in his room most of the time, and when he did have to go out, he'd always try to find some reason to go back as soon as possible. He knew he shouldn't, but he just couldn't talk to Patton right now.
Which was unfortunate because at that moment Virgil heard a knock on the door and a muffled, "Can we talk?," from the other side. He got off of his bed and stood against the door.
"What about, Pat?"
"Well uh…" Virgil could hear frustrated mumbling from behind the door. "I don't want to make you uncomfortable, or anything like that, but… Are you avoiding me?" He could hear Patton panic a little, "Not to be rude! It's okay if you need space, I don't mind! But I just want to know if you're okay… You've hardly left your room for a while."
"I'm okay, I promise. I'm just… Busy. Don't worry about it." He couldn't explain himself to Patton right now.
"Okay. Just make sure to take care of yourself, storm cloud. I love you, you know." The hurt in Patton's voice stung.
"I love you too," Virgil whispered, though Patton probably didn't hear. How was he supposed to tell him? How do you explain to someone that you felt embarrassed just telling them you love them? Patton would be heartbroken, Virgil couldn't tell him that. He couldn't lose Patton.
Later that night, Virgil decided to try to make amends with Patton and say goodnight. He was about to knock on his door when he stopped. Patton was talking to someone.
He heard him muffled through the door, "I don't know. I tried talking to him but he's just so distant!"
"Then insist," a voice grandly shouted, sounding static-y through a phone, "Don't let him escape the grasp of your caring heart!" That was definitely Roman.
Another voice said, "That is not what Patton should do. Forcing Virgil to speak with him would likely result in numerous problems. We should definitely use a different tactic." And that must have been their other friend, Logan, judging from the vocabulary.
"Okay well then what do you suggest?," Roman replied sarcastically.
"You guys," Patton spoke again, "I really don't know what to do anymore. I love him, I really do! But…" Virgil's heart sank. "I just never get to see him. He's always hiding or pretending to be someone he's not. I miss him."
Virgil clasped a hand over his mouth to stifle a gasp and ran back to his room. He messed up. Again. But this time he hurt Patton. Patton, who had always been there for him, who had always given him the world. He was a fool for thinking he could do any better.
He ended up crying himself to sleep that night.
Virgil's eyes snapped open. Someone was in his room. The sunlight pouring through his window nearly blinded him, but he was too panicked to close his eyes.
"Who's there?!," he demanded.
"Virgil, calm yourself, deep breaths. There is no need to panic, it's merely me and Roman, your friends. We came in because we were not expecting you to still be asleep at this hour." It was just Logan and Roman. He was okay. Virgil sighed with relief.
"Sorry to interrupt your sleep, Sir Mope-a-Lot, but we need to talk," Roman snapped, his deep red wings flaring behind him. He sounded pissed.
Virgil looked at his clock, it displayed 2:12 P.M. "It's already two?," he mumbled to himself, "What do you want to talk about so bad?"
"We were talking with Patton in a phone call last night, and we got relatively concerned--"
"Let me take care of this," Roman interrupted, "Virgil, why are you avoiding Patton? Do you not love him anymore?"
"What?" Virgil stood up, almost challenging him. "Of course I love him, dumbass! Are you kidding me?"
Logan stepped in front of Roman, separating the two. "That was taking it 'too far.'," he said, finger quote and all, "We apologize, I'm certain Roman's intent was not to question your affections for Patton." Virgil rolled his eyes. "You know he addresses everything with all of his feelings, and we're both concerned for Patton and yourself. We visited today to encourage you to spend more time with him. We all agree that the interaction would have a positive impact."
"You can't just sit in your room all day!," Roman made sure to include.
"Alright, I get it, I get it. I promise I'll hang out with him." Honestly Virgil just wanted them to go away right now. He already felt like shit, they were only making it worse.
Roman suddenly looked triumphant. "Good, because we're all going to lunch. Right now. Get ready."
"What? Now? Ugh, why are all of you morning people?"
Logan blinked. "It's not morning. It is two in the afternoon."
"Whatever." Virgil sighed. "Just give me a minute."
After the pair left, Virgil just lied on his bed for a while, remembering last night. How was he supposed to face Patton now? He really messed up.
After getting dressed, Virgil looked in the mirror. His eyes were puffy from crying. God he felt like shit. He rubbed his eyes with the back of his sleeve. He and Patton had made this sweater, since all commercial shirts his size were halter tops and he liked sleeves. It was patchy and not very well-made, but he still loved the sweater.
Eventually Virgil left his room, looking at the floor so no one could see his tear-stained face.
"Finally! Took you long enough!"
"Gah! Roman, you scared the shit outta me! Were you two seriously waiting right outside my door this whole time?"
"Well, yeah. We had to make sure you were actually coming." Virgil rolled his eyes.
"Virge, is that you?," Patton said, peeking out from his room, “Oh it is! Good morning raindrop!” He walked over and hugged Virgil.
“Well uh… as Logan has been more than sure to point out, it not really morning anymore,” he replied, awkwardly and nervously hugging him back.
Patton pulled back, his sunshine smile on his face. “Well it is to you isn’t it?”
“Guess so…? ‘Morning then.” Patton laughed.
“I’ll be ready to go in just a minute, okay? Don’t leave without me!” he said, disappearing back into his room.
Once he was gone, Virgil hissed out a, “Don’t even.” to Roman before leaving the hall to wait.
On the way to the sandwich shop, Roman and Logan soared above Virgil and Patton, though Logan had never understood how crystal wings could bring him that high. With Virgil’s wings, he could fly just as high as them, but he preferred to stay a bit lower with Patton.
It was more than awkward. Patton must have run out of things to say, and Virgil was too absorbed in his guilt to think of anything else. At least, not anything good to talk about. He cared about Patton more than anything, but did he even show it? No, and now Patton was the one suffering. Patton always gave the world to Virgil, helping him when he was scared, making him dinner, setting up movie days, always caring so much for him. And Virgil did nothing in return but push him away. And yet Virgil still didn't want to be doing this, he just wanted to go back to his room.
The four finally arrived at their favorite sandwich shop--they always came here--and they walked inside, each of them still paired up. They sat down and the awkward silence continued. Eventually, after they ordered food, Roman managed to start a conversation about the play he recently auditioned for, but Virgil wasn’t really paying attention.
What was he supposed to say? He didn't want to be here. It was so forced and awkward and so uncomfortable. If he was going to fix things with Patton, Virgil couldn't do it here. There were too many people, it was so crowded it was like they were using all of the air and leaving none for him. He couldn’t breath, how was he supposed to talk? His heart began to beat faster. Shit. He had worked himself up again, hadn’t he? He was shaking, and nervously chewing his sleeve. He couldn’t think right, he felt horrible. He was spiraling, this was too much, why were there so many voices?
One stood out though. "Virgil? Virge, hey, look at me, okay?" He listened, and turned towards the source. It was Patton. "Good. Now breath, remember how? 4-7-8, okay sweetie?" Virgil felt Patton hold his hand and he controlled his breathing. There we go. "Better?" He nodded. "Good! I'm glad that helped. Do you want to go home now?" He shook his head. He didn't want to ruin things like this.
"Okay. But I'll be here for you," Patton said in a comforting manner before returning to the conversation.
Virgil smiled a bit sadly to himself. He really loved Patton.
It was late when they got home due to Roman insisting that they go see a movie and then go hang out at his place. Virgil exaustedly kicked off his shoes and started toward his room when he felt Patton's hand grab his arm.
"Virgil?" Oh no. He turned around. "Can we talk? For real this time?"
There was no good way of getting out of this now. Virgil had been avoiding it for too long anyways. "Yeah… I know."
"Gummy bea-Virgil. I don't know how… The best way I can explain this is just that… Well, I miss you! You're always hiding, or you don't let yourself be you and I guess it's just…" Patton paused for a while, his features clenching with emotion. "I just don't want to lose you!," he cried out, tears beginning to spill down his cheeks.
Virgil felt tears sting his own eyes. He'd never seen Patton like this, so destroyed and upset. Patton was always cheerful, even if it was a fake smile, he was still always smiling. Virgil had to fix this.
He held both of Patton's hands, mostly trying to imitate what he hoped was the right thing to do in a situation like this. "Patton…" He looked back up. "Patton, I promise you won't lose me. I know I've been a dick lately--"
"I'll fight you," Patton interrupted in a whisper, almost making Virgil laugh.
"Okay, I've acted rude and made mistakes," he corrected, pausing for Patton's approval. "But…" Every fiber of Virgil's being wanted to run and hide, he hated this confrontation and wanted to run away.
"I love you, Patton. Even when I'm terrible at showing it. I… You…" He shook his head as if it would help him get the words out. "You mean the world to me and more. You're so bright, and happy, and you make me smile and laugh and you're just amazing." He rubbed his forehead and muttered, "God that was so cheesy… Look, my point is, I don't want to lose you either, okay? I'm not very good at this," he waved his hands around to show he meant their relationship, "but that doesn't mean I don't want to try."
"You mean it?," Patton said hopefully.
"Well yeah, course I do. I'll prove it to you. Uh… I'll make it up to you, tomorrow, okay? We'll do something together."
"That sounds perfect," Patton said, throwing himself into a hug. "Thanks for talking to me, storm cloud."
"Of course, it'd be stupid for me not to."
"Well it still means means a lot to me." Patton giggled, kissing Virgil's nose. "Now get some sleep, kay? It's good for you."
Despite Patton's wishes, Virgil did not go to sleep until very late that night. He had stayed up trying to figure out what he was to do with Patton. They'd had so many dinners, seen hundreds of movies, he needed something new. He sighed and picked up his phone.
Virgil [Roman? You awake?
Roman 👑 [Yeah
Roman 👑 [Why
Virgil [What are good date ideas?
Roman 👑 [You asking me out shadow boy? XD
Virgil [For me and PATTON idiot. I need ideas
Roman 👑 [Uh
Roman 👑 [Wait is this when you’re planning to finally do it?
Virgil [Hopefully.
Roman 👑 [Then this needs to be good.
There was a long pause before Roman texted again.
Roman 👑 [A romantic dinner by candlelight!!!!
Virgil [Is that your default? You already had patton do that one.
Roman 👑 [I did??? K fine what if you were to fly together?
Virgil [-_-
Roman 👑 [Walk through the park
Virgil [Sounds like hell.
Roman 👑 [You're too picky!!
Roman 👑 [What if you guys just watched a movie
Virgil [Seriously? I thought you were supposed to be creative or smth
Roman 👑 [I AM!
Virgil [OK well I'm just gonna think of something myself.
Virgil [Night.
Virgil laid back down and sighed. He knew what to do, despite how much he hated even the idea. He had to admit, it was pretty perfect for Patton. He texted Logan for the specifics and planned it out in his head.
Just before he finally went to bed, Virgil heard a *ding!* from his phone. He got a text.
Roman 👑 [Virgil, I really am glad you're doing this. You both deserve each other, and I'm glad you can both be happy. Goodnight, and sleep well dark knight. P.S. You'll have to tell me all about it after too! Good luck!
Virgil turned off his phone and smiled, his wings ruffling lightly with excitement as he fell asleep.
Logan [The sun will set tonight at approximately 7:30, so I recommend leaving at 6:00 at the latest if you wish to view it.
Logan [Also, I computed the mathematics and the aerodynamics of this all appear to function theoretically. Considering your overall strength, of which those wings help, you should be able to physically be capable.
Logan [Oh, and, good luck.
Virgil knocked on Patton's door, shaking from his nerves and repeatedly looking at his phone for the time. 5:00. 5:00. 5:00. 5:01.
When the door swung open, he smiled. Patton was hovering a few inches off the ground happily with bursts of color shining behind his from the bright decorations he had hung from the high ceiling.
"Hiya, sugar-cube! I'm guessing it's time for that surprise of yours?" He was practically dancing in his spot.
"Yeah. Uh-It won't be stupid or anything, I promise." Please let this all go well.
"I'm sure it'll be great." After not even a moment's hesitation, he shot into action, "Come on, let's go!," he laughed, grabbing Virgil's hand and basically dragging him out the door.
Virgil was laughing himself, "You don't even know where we're going!"
Patton froze in place. "Oh! You're right! Well," he said, moving behind Virgil, "Lead the way, sweetie!"
He almost forgot. "Oh, hold on, I gotta… grab something really quick." He ran back to his room, grabbing a small item and returning to Patton.
Virgil led him outside and into the air. It took a short while, but he found the clearing. It was a small circle in the trees in the city's park. Virgil landed them in the clearing, pursing his lips in a half smile and gesturing as if to present the area.
The trees made a circle around them, keeping to the edges as if to avoid disturbing the two. In the clearing, there were tens of wildflowers, and Patton was in awe.
"Oh, Virgil! This is amazing, how'd you even find this place!," he exclaimed as he knelt down and started gently picking a few flowers.
"I just sorta looked for a while, it's not exactly difficult to find a place like this. What are you doing?"
"With the flowers? You'll see."
Virgil sat down on the damp grass beside Patton. He watched him with the flowers curiously for a while, then laid back and stared at the clouds. It was a good thing they had left early.
Eventually, Virgil heard an excited, "Done!," from Patton and sat up to see. He had a flower crown woven with bright yellow dandelions and soft white morning glory on his head, and was holding another in his hand for Virgil. He handed it to him, and Virgil was amazed. It was so neatly made, beautiful, and the edges of the morning glory on his own were more tinged with purple than Patton's.
"You wanna put it on, graham cracker?"
Virgil lifted the flower crown onto his head awkwardly and half-smiled, causing Patton to clap happily.
"It's perfect, Patton. Thanks."
"You're darn right it is! It looks great on you."
The lighting shifted as the sun began its descent. Where he was sitting, Patton was bathed in the light, his hair and eyes shining with it. Sitting here, cross legged in the grass with the wildflowers surrounding him, he looked perfect. Like a piece of pure joy in the peaceful nature of his surroundings.
Virgil stood up and awkwardly held his hand out to Patton, helping him up in silence. This was a good a time as ever. He held both of Patton’s hands and hesitantly flapped his wings, lifting the both of them off of the ground. As his boyfriend’s feet tiptoed off the ground and his wings fluttered, Virgil pulled him up into his arms. They held each other in a hug and Virgil brought them high into the sky, up above even the clouds. They were surrounded by the gold of the sunset, painted and scattered among the clouds. The flowers upon each of their heads shone as bright as the smiles on their faces as they enjoyed this moment of peaceful beauty with each other.
“Virgil, this is gorgeous.” Patton hugged him tightly, burying his face in his chest. “You spoil me, sugar plum. I love you.”
“I love you too,” Virgil hesitated, “sunshine.”
Patton leaned away to look at him. “A nickname!” he gasped, “I love it.”
Virgil chuckled. “It's not a big deal. Wanna fly around a little I guess?” Patton nodded excitedly, smiling so wide it reached his eyes and closed them shut.
Virgil swooped through the sky, holding Patton tight and feeling the wind rush through his hair and ripple the fabric of his clothes. They whooped with the delight and thrill of the flight. They fell together back towards the clearing, Virgil only focusing on anything other than Patton when he had to bring them back away from the ground.
He stopped and looked around at the picturesque sky. The sun was at the horizon, so close to the edge that you could look right at it. He faced himself and Patton towards the sunset, feeling his cheeks heat up when he realized he was holding Patton bridal-style. Ironic. They hovered there, Patton resting his head on Virgil’s chest, watching the sunset together.
Virgil's breathing shallowed. He was actually doing this. And now was the time. He didn't ever remember being this scared in his life.
He shifted, freeing one arm to reach into his pocket. He really hadn't thought the whole 'how the hell is he supposed to do this in the sky' thing through, had he?
He coughed nervously, "Patton?"
"What is it sugar pie?"
"Uh, well…" he pulled the little box out of his pocket, shaking wildly. He held Patton with one arm and awkwardly opened the box with the other, revealing the silver ring with an aquamarine embedded in it. "Just… would you want to," he took a deep breath to try and calm himself even a little, "to marry me?"
As he finished his question, Patton sniffled, tears falling from his face. "I-I'm sorry, I know it's kind of sudden and we were just kind of fightin--"
"No, Virgil, it's a yes! It's okay, yes!" Patton threw his arms around Virgil, crying happy tears into his shoulder.
Virgil was stunned for a moment, processing what just happened as everything slowed down. Yes? That's really what he said? Holy shit.
Virgil laughed, completely and freely, spinning around in the air with Patton. He couldn't believe this was real, but he didn't care. He had never been happier.
They eventually slowed, kissing each other for a moment before turning back to the setting sun.
Virgil was staring at the sunset, absorbed in his thoughts when he felt something slam into his arm. Startled, he wildly swat at the attacker, must have been a bird, and opened his eyes at the sound of screaming. Patton. He was falling, fuck. Virgil had dropped him.
Virgil got sight of him and dove downwards, making every possible effort to fall faster. He had to catch up to him, he would be… fuck Patton would die if he hit the ground at this speed. They had been so high up, Patton’s wings wouldn’t be enough to slow him down. Virgil clenched his arms to his sides and flapped his wings against the sky to speed himself up. He was getting closer. So was the ground. Patton was going to die. He was going to die because Virgil had actually fucking dropped him. Because of a stupid bird. He couldn’t let that happen, Patton could absolutely in no way die. With one last effort, Virgil caught up to Patton, grabbing him and putting his own body underneath his and desperately flapping his wings in an effort to slow them down enough.
They crashed to the ground in the clearing, harshly slamming the breath out of them both. They rolled to the side, both urgently making efforts to take a breath. When they finally could, they laid down, unable to stand from the adrenaline.
“Holy shit,” Virgil breathed.
“I don’t care if I’m cursing, you almost fucking died!” Virgil shouted, sitting up.
“I would have been fine.”
“Bullshit. You would have died.”
“Well then I am fine.” He was suddenly in front of Virgil, a hand gently holding his cheek. “Honey, you saved me. I’m okay. We’re okay.”
“Well I also fucking dropped you.”
Standing up and walking around as if looking for something, Patton replied, "I knew you'd catch me. And I do have my own wings you know. Aha!" Patton reached down and picked something up. It was their flower crowns. He walked back over to Virgil and gently placed his crown on his head.
"See? We're okay. A little bruised, but okay" he said softly as he sat down next to him and started playing with his ring. “In fact, more than okay in my opinion,” he said softly.
Virgil rested his head in Patton's lap, with him absentmindedly combing his fingers through his hair. He was happy to be here with Patton, alive. And absolutely ecstatic that he had said yes. He'd have to thank Roman for the idea to fly later.
"Hey, Virgil?”
“I know I already told you but… I love you, my guardian angel.”
That nickname. Patton was adorable. “I love you too.” Virgil suddenly became overtly aware of his wings. It was getting dark.
“We-we need to go back home now," Virgil said suddenly.
“What? Why? I wanted to see the sunset.”
Why? What was he supposed to say to that? He was being ridiculous, Virgil knew that, but he also knew that he really didn’t want to still be out here once the sun had set. Patton wouldn’t understand it.
“Just… I don’t know. Because."
“Well, if you don’t know, can’t we stay here just a little while longer? Please?”
Virgil sighed. There was no way he was getting out of this. Either he was staying, or he was gonna have to explain.
“Fine, we can stay a bit longer, I guess. But we're leaving before it gets dark."
“Thanks, marshmallow."
After a while, Patton whispered more to himself, "I can't believe it. We're gonna get married?"
"It doesn't feel any more real to me, Pat. Not one bit."
They sat in awed silence, both drifting away in their thoughts. When Patton gasped, Virgil returned his attention to his surroundings.
"What is it Pat?"
"Your… Your wings Virgil! That's amazing!"
"My wi--" Oh. It was dark. Which meant…
He sat up suddenly, seeing the soft purple glow shine on the grass around them and reflect in Patton's eyes. He looked completely starstruck, yet Virgil just couldn't share in his wonder. His now purple wings wrapped around him instinctively and he shut his eyes against the light.
Patton was clapping happily and his smile could be heard in his voice, "Oh my heck, why'd you never tell me about this? It's just the dang coolest!"
Virgil mumbled something under his breath, causing Patton to curiously hum.
“Would you stop saying that?!” he repeated, “I thought you hated lying.”
“Virgil, I’m not--”
“I’m--I’m going home now,” Virgil interrupted. Just before he took off, he paused and added a rushed, “Sorry,” before quickly flying away.
A few minutes after getting home and running to his room, Virgil heard a knock on the door through his own sobs. “Don’t come in, Patton.”
Against his wishes, Patton opened the door with two cups of hot chocolate in his hands. Light from the hallway spilled into his room, revealing what Virgil knew was a horrifying scene.
Patton gasped in shock and managed an, “Oh, Virgil…” in a broken voice.
Virgil peaked through his hands, seeing nothing but what he expected. Dimly glowing feathers were scattered everywhere, blood on the tips from the force of being ripped out. He had been so angry and just wanted them gone, he had paid no attention to the thought of what would happen if Patton saw.
“I’m sorry,” he said, his own voice completely shattered. “You shouldn’t have to see--”
He was silenced by the clanking sounds of the mugs being put down and Patton running over and hugging him tightly. Every bit of Virgil’s control melted as he completely broke down into his shoulder. He clutched Patton and sobbed for what could have been minutes or hours or an eternity, and neither of them could say a word. Virgil was just so sick of his wings but now goddammit everything hurt. And Patton, Patton didn’t deserve to see this but Virgil couldn’t help but be so selfishly happy he was there. He was such a comfort to him, and deep down his presence made Virgil know that everything would be alright. He felt safe with Patton, and cared for. And he never wanted to let go.
Eventually, after Virgil had probably cried out every tear he’d ever had and he calmed down, Patton left for a moment to find things to clean Virgil’s wounds. Virgil himself began slowly cleaning up the mess all over his room, guilt tugging at him with each luminescent feather he picked up. It was like a hurricane had spilled out of his head through his fingers, wrecking the room with the evidence.
Virgil felt strangely upset. He had wanted these feathers gone, forcefully rid himself of them despite the pain, yet now it was like he was mourning them. Like he wanted them back. He had hated his wings ever since they came in, had always wanted them gone, so why the hell would he ever miss them in the slightest? He suddenly regretted ever doing this.
He walked over to his mirror, thankful that the light from his wings was enough to see without turning on his blinding bright room light. Virgil’s reflection was, well, pitiful. His face was swollen and red from all the crying, his hair a complete mess. Worst of all was obviously his wings. They drooped with lopsided feathers loosely hanging everywhere and blood dripping from a few spots. He stared at his reflection for a while before another figure joined him.
Patton started gently cleaning him up without saying a word. He wiped off any blood, cleaned up the crooked feathers. He wiped Virgil’s tears away with his thumb and held his face in his hands, effectively keeping Virgil looking at him.
He brought him closer and kissed him, hard, with all of the hidden anger at Virgil for doing this to himself practically pouring through his lips. He brought his hands behind Virgil’s head, raking his fingers through his hair while fresh tears from the both of them mixed together.
When Patton pulled back only slightly, he whispered shakily, “No one hurts you and gets away with it. Not even you yourself. I love everything about you, so we’re going to watch a movie, cuddle, drink hot chocolate, and you are never going to resort to something like this again.”
He hugged him tightly and Virgil stood shocked when a sob shook his body. “You talk to me first! I'm here for you! I know you don't like your wings but there has to be something else to do about them. You could have really hurt yourself doing that!" He hugged Virgil as if he would fall apart if he let go.
Virgil hugged him back, whispering comforts and playing with his hair. "You're right. It's okay. We'll watch some cartoons and be okay.
Patton sniffled, wiping his eyes. "Good. I love you Virgil."
"I love you too."
Patton kissed Virgil quickly and brought him to the livingroom by the hand, sitting him down on the couch and going to reheat the hot chocolate.
I'm so lucky to have him with me.
When Patton returned with the hot chocolate, he already had some of the drink stuck to his lip. He set the cups down and Virgil pulled him closer, gently kissing the hot chocolate off. Having calmed down, Patton giggled lightly, a sound Virgil hadn't realized the sweetness of, and sat down next to him before turning on a show.
After a short while, Patton began to fall asleep, shivering slightly. Virgil hesitated, wrapping his wings around his sleeping boyfriend--fiance, actually, he remembered with a smile--and picked him up.
"Huh?" Patton slurred, half-awake now.
"You passed out, sleepyhead, so now I'm taking you to bed. The couch isn't very comfortable."
After not much more of a reply from Patton, Virgil assumed he was okay with the situation and he brought him to his bed. Just as he was about to walk away, he heard a muffled whine from Patton.
"It's cold…" He mumbled.
Walking up to him again, Virgil asked, "You want me to get you another blanket?"
He had gotten within arms reach, close enough for Patton to tug at his shirt. "Can you just be my blanket?"
"I think you're sleep delirious," Virgil replied sarcastically.
"You're serious?"
"Come on, just for now? For your husband-to-be?"
Virgil held back a laugh and sat down. "Fine, for you."
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dragonscalesatdawn · 6 years
Dragon Worldbuilding in ‘Scales’
“i’d love to know anything about your dragons that you’re able to share” - first of all, thank you! So much!!!! I was going to answer that in a reblog like you did, but the post got long, so...now it’s this. 
Second - You fool. You’ve activated my infodump card! I have so much to share! A lot of what I’m about to write will probably never be explored, at least not in much depth, in the WIP itself, as much as I’d love to, because it’s just backstory infodump stuff and not really plot-relevant. But it’s really cool and I adored coming up with it, so I’m thrilled to have even the tiniest excuse to share! 
I’ve put it all under a cut because seriously, I’m not kidding about it being long, lmao. 
The classic dragon in fantasy is great, and all, but there are aspects of them that don’t make a whole lot of sense if you look at them from a science viewpoint. I’m no animal expert or anything, but I’ve decided to use what knowledge I do have/can google to try to fix a few of the little things that don’t make sense. I like to science my fantasy lmao. There doesn’t seem to be much I can do about them being far too heavy to ever fly, let alone carry passengers, and a few other elements just wouldn’t come together naturally in a single animal, so I used some backstory excuses. 
My world, which I’ve yet to name, was made through a mix of Gods and evolution. Gods made the Big Bang, and though they mostly left things to form as they would, they did help things along here and there, and continuously interfered in how their Big Bang evolved until they had the world as we see it today. They still interfere - frequently, from their viewpoint, but of course they’re immortal, so interference happens only every few thousand years at most. 
Dragons were, long story short, a result of one God bragging about her creation of the first human, and saying that nothing could be more creative or original than this, and how her creation would soon conquer the world, blah blah. Another God (Gods being petty as they are) basically just said ‘hold my beer’ and made dragons, in much the same way that a twelve year old author makes a shameless self-insert character. He took a bunch of features from other creatures that he thought were cool and smooshed them together. 
Now, if a God wants to bestow a creature with magical abilities, these abilities come from that God, and tax the God a little of their power. Gods have a lot of power, so this is only a very minor inconvenience, but they still like to avoid overusing it if they can. This guy was really hell-bent on spiting his sister, though, so once he had the basic beast to work with, he just couldn’t resist giving them a bunch of magic in the end. But that’s why they’re not just creatures of pure magic. 
(Fun fact - another God also had the idea to build a creature to spite the God who made human and her bragging - but she took a different route and just gave humans magic - and hey presto, elves! The dragon guy was really pissed that he didn’t think of it.) 
He used magic to make them fly, and magic to allow them to breathe fire - literally, purely for The Aesthetic™. He also gave them a certain brand of telepathy - I’ll get to that later. But that’s all the magic he gave them (although, this was enough to give them a connection to magic that they can, in times of great need, draw on more magic to use at their own will. But that’s basically limited to a panic response, they can’t do it just whenever) and here’s where we get into my own takes. 
Dragons are typically reptiles. They’re also typically warm-blooded. Like, super warm blooded - some stories have dragons who are hot enough to make rain turn to steam. Those two facts don’t really work together, so in my world, dragons aren’t reptiles at all. After a bit of research and screwing around, I’ve decided that they’re probably closest to monotremes - a group of mammal that lays eggs. Their scales are made of keratin, similar to an echidna’s (one of two types of monotreme) spines. They also have short, dense fur underneath the scales, and the males have manes. Male monotremes also have a venom spur, so my male dragons have venomous barbs at the tips of their tails. 
Monotremes are born hairless, but I discarded that because...because shut up, is why. Baby dragons looking like little lumps of raw chicken didn’t work for my Aesthetic™. But, it seemed to much of a stretch to have them born with scales. Thus, for the first two weeks of their life, dragons are covered in a layer of extra-soft baby fur. The fur doesn’t come in the same variety of colours as their scales, but it’s usually as close as possible. For example, Avaura is going to be a red dragon, but at the point I’m currently up to writing, she’s just a little ginger puffball. 
Ok, now for the telepathy thing. Originally, the God who made dragons was content to just let them communicate through body language, but (because this design process took a fair while) he saw how humans and elves were really benefiting from being able to communicate more complex thoughts to one another, and he changed his mind. Only, dang it, he hadn’t made a creature with the sort of mouths that could pronounce sound the way the others’ creatures could, so he had to find another way for them to communicate. One that didn’t drain too much of his own power. So he came up with a pretty complex system. 
Baby dragons inside their eggs can sense the minds of people who touch the eggshell, and they imprint upon a creature - usually their mother - from inside, and only hatch when this creature is around to protect them through their vulnerable infancy. And then, only when that creature’s thoughts tell the small that it’s safe to hatch - well, mostly. If a dragon is waiting in its egg for too long, it can get impatient. Sometimes they make hasty decisions about who to imprint upon, and sometimes they do things like hatch when it isn’t safe once they’ve chosen somebody. 
(There’s a famous figure in my world who decided to smash a bunch of dragon eggs. It backfired horribly, from his viewpoint anyway, and he ended up with like ten dragons imprinting on him because hey, this guy was better than nobody at all. He may or may not be real, but parents tell their kids about him to scare them away from being cruel to other children.) 
Upon hatching, the baby dragon forms a permanent psychic link with it’s imprinted ‘mother’ where their minds become basically two parts of a whole. They can see through one another’s eyes, feel each other’s pain, and remember each other’s memories. They can ‘speak’ to one another without speaking, just by sending thoughts, images, sensations, etc., although in my actual writing I translate these into something like dialogue for readability purposes. When an entire clutch of eggs (which are usually around 30 at my current stage of worldbuilding, but that number might change idk) all the little babies who imprint on the one mother are connected to each other through her. Thus, they have a strongly matriarchal society - and since they can remember all their mind-partner’s memories, after a few generations a dragon is less of an individual being and more an amalgamation of several wise and ancient beings. If they could talk to you, it would probably be a pretty unsettling conversation. 
Dragons usually live on a continent, a fair ways away from where the ‘people’ races live and where my story takes place, so when a dragon egg for whatever reason doesn’t imprint on its mother, its usually another dragon who takes care of the lil bab. 
But, for reasons that aren’t and probably never will be known, there was one time that a heavily pregnant dragon decided to fly away from her home and lay her eggs in the land of peoples. These babies were all set and ready to hatch, and then tragedy struck and mummy dragon died. The babies never got to emerge from their shells, and there were no other dragons around to adopt them. 
Thus, these babies, 30 or so of them (again, might change the number, idk) were left with no mind to tell them it was safe to hatch. So they didn’t. For quite a few years. Then along came a human that one little egg deemed worthy of imprinting on. This human became known as ‘scaled,’ due to the dragon scales, of the same colour as her mind-partner, that grew and spread from the spot on her skin that first came into contact with the egg. Humans aren’t dragons, though, and so the clutch of eggs were far pickier about picking one to imprint on. No two of them ever agreed on a person, and so each scaled human has only been partner to one dragon (aside from the one guy I mentioned earlier, but he’s a special case. And possibly fictional). 
The scales growing on human mind-partners is basically the dragon magic trying to identify the hatchling’s mind-partner as another dragon, failing, and instead of accepting this, just going ‘well them I’ll make them a dragon!’ But of course, dragon magic being pretty weak, it takes far more than a single human lifetime for any real change to happen, so they just grow a few harmless scales on the surface. The scales are harder than human skin, obviously, so they make for somewhat decent armour, but just because they protect the skin from cuts does not make the area immune to any sort of bludgeoning or impact-based damage, as many scaled folk find out the hard way. 
Avaura is the second-to-last to hatch of this clutch. One the last bab hatches, there will likely be no more scaled people. Unless of course, Something Happens. Which it might. Or might not. Who knows. 
And my god, that was long. If you actually read all of that, thank you so much for listening!!!!!!! I hope it was even half as entertaining to read as it was to write :) 
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retirement notice
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I really didn't want to do this, but I knew this would be inevitable. My time as an RPer must come to a conclusion. With my health rapidly declining due to overworking and immense stress and hardly any time to be at the computer thanks to work and school, it's time I retire from the hobby. What started out as a little fun my old online friends dragged me into back when I was in high school turned into a solid 7-8 years (??? or more??? I lost track of it) of experience and fun. I knew this couldn't go on forever. Although 21 is a young age to retire from it, I knew a year ago that it was close to my expiration date for role playing.
After having spoken to one of my closest RPing friends about the matter, he was right. I should not be denying the cruel truth of reality. It would also be unfair to many of my partners to constantly delay them of my replies and contents. I would love to be on, but at the same time, most of my energy is already spent working and tending to my real life matters. I'm going to NYU, I'm going to become an epidemiologist, I'm going to be working my bottom off, I'm planning to continue my prospective plan into medical school shortly afterward, and I'm definitely planning to work till I die for my community in the health profession. No matter how hard I try to calculate my schedule, RPing... just won't fit in anywhere.
So I apologize for leaving right after my "brief hiatus", but I like to let everyone know that I really enjoy your company and I enjoy getting to be creative with you all. Even if we barely see each other on the dashboard, I really love your content as I'm the type of person who reads whenever I have the chance. If... I don't bury my head in the drafts department. Also, shout out to these folks that I got to know for a long period of time! (some may come from my other accounts because yolo, I'm too tired to bother clarifying my existence and identity more than once)
@oceanaiad : BAE, u r the moon to my sun-- I don’t even know what’s going on anymore, lmao. Anyway, I’m really happy to be RPing with you and I’m sad we can’t RP anymore on Tumblr, but you are amazing, girl. Your skills in the community make my heart go doki doki. Continue to be awesome, Seon, and remember to keep Lucifer under your wings. Also, plz keep Deuce from killing people with her cookies. She’s too sweet just like you you precious little honey bun <3 Let’s continue to be friends OOC and cry over Granblue Fantasy and... and the many things we cry over. just... :SLDKFJ:LKSDJF:LSKDJF SOYA SOYA SOYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
@6thfleet : BRUH BRUH BRUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, you’re chill and you know, you’re a good listener and you’re just an adorable little puffball that I can just??? SQUISH?????? Like why are you so good in this world???? Anyway, you’re... well, to be frank, you introduced me into the KanColle fandom with a positive bang and I’m grateful that you were one of the first RPers in that fandom to interact with my newbie muse. And for someone that mostly stuck around Final Fantasy folks? That means a lot to me. So thank you for being there with me... and being there when I switch to other fandoms! That really means so much more to me too as someone so flexible. I hope we can remain friends even beyond the RPing realm! 
@chaoticflicker : onii-sama, you mean so much to me in this world. That may sound like an exaggeration, but I’m not joking about that. You’re someone that stuck with me since the very first day I stepped into RPing. I still remember those embarassing moments in Twitter that we both would like to delete 4ever, lol!! No matter if I replied or not due to my hectic life, you always take the time out of your day to drop in a positive message in both Facebook and Discord. It’s not even limited to that... in Twitter and here too. Even if I didn’t respond to them, I can surely tell you that I have read them and I feel grateful to have a friend like you in my life. As for RPing, you were always with me no matter which fandom I went into. Your Vincent... is honestly kickass and one of the best I’ve interacted with! Let’s continue to be friends and talk about gaming when we have the chance!! P.S. when will we ever have the release date for FF VII Remake and confirmation that they’re ever going to work on FF Type-Next ; ;
@convxction : FATY I AM SO SORRY I HAVE TO FINALLY RETIRE FROM THIS S:DLFKJ:SLDKJF:LSKDJF you’re like the best Chrom and Eight and Machina I’ve ever interacted and my heart cries like insane when you exist. why are you so precious and why are you so beautiful??? But seriously, I’m really happy to be your RP partners since the good old days when Type-0 used to... well... have a much bigger fandom than what we have right now, lmao. There’s probably like one or two of you leftover. ; ; I’m so sorry I’m going to disappear from this amazing tiny community. You’re an amazing RPer and you are a kind individual that the world needs more of. I hope we can continue to be friends and crey over literally everything that the world throws at us.. especially that ending of Type-0. Never forget Class Zero and Machina and Rem and Kurasame and-- 
@oursongofhealing : ok, this is going to sound like some random stalker tagged you because I’m a creep, but just letting you know that this “creep” is that other Deuce RPer who constantly disappears like a ninja (this -> @flutistplayer ,) lmaooo. Just want to let you know that I’m proud to be one of the many RPers who interacted with you. Because your Deuce is just godly??? AND I LOVE YOUR PORTRAYAL OF HER??? And for being so open to me for interaction despite us having the same muse??? Like that really means so much and you’re just amazing. I’m going to be another member from the fandom who takes their leave, so I feel guilty about it, but at the same time, I’m happy to be a part of the community with you. Continue to be the awesome RPer ! (folks rlly, follow this person because they got good skills)
@asktheattorney : Girl, you deserve so much in this world. Like so much more than the sun itself. Like... sob, you’re just an amzing RPer. I’m not going to lie, your quality really is amazing and I’m just proud to be one of the many lucky RPers who can interact with you. You’re amazing and I’m just-- I’m just a seed facing the sun and being a tiny existence, lmao. But seriously, you’re a chill person and I really enjoy talking deep OOC stuff with you!!! You’re so cool and you’re an amazing person that I’m glad to get to know! I hope we can continue to be friends beyond the RP realm! 
@shugcxrcuei-jin : BROTHER MY LONG LOST BROTHER WE ARE LITERALLY ONE OF THE SAME. Except different gender, LMAO. I’ve never met anyone who is the same hybrid as me and I’m just??? Like whoa????? AND WE LIKE THE SAME STUFF AND CRAVE FOR THE SAME STUFF LMAO. I’m so sad that we won’t be able to interact on Tumblr anymore, but hey... we can always fantasize about our muses with their future marriage, lmao. Not to mention that we have each other on Facebook, so feel free to hit me up on Messenger! I’m sure you’ll be “glad” to hear the storm of complaints on my end about schooling eventually, lmaoo
@foulmouthedscythe : OI WE SHOULD CONTINUE TO COMPLAIN ABOUT WHEN SICE WILL POP UP IN DISSIDIA OPERA-- OR EVEN IN DISSIDIA NT-- Jokes aside, ;alksjdf;lakjsdf;laksjdf you are such an amazing RPer and I’m so happy that you’re one of the small number of Type-0 RPers that are somewhat surviving out... in the desert that is called the Final Fantasy Type-0 fandom, lmao..... Anyway, I hope we can continue to be friends beyond RPing and theorize about... everything, I suppose, lmao. P.S. Your Sice is amazing and I cry because let’s be honest, her sin level is far tinier than Deuce for whatever reason, LMAO
If I miss anyone, I apologize since there’s just so much of you, but just know that I love you all equally! With that finally out of the way, I hope you all have a wonderful life, you enjoy your day (even if it's cloudy, the sun will eventually shine), and who knows, we might bump into each other one day. Maybe.
For those that wish to continue contact with me, Discord is... actually not a good option anymore as I barely go on that platform. The best way to contact me is via Twitter at @animeminafans (kudos to those who got the pun in that username). For those who know more on a personal level, I’m more than happy to share my Facebook information. 
Deuce, Admiral Yori, and Houshou would also like to bid their farewells! We'll miss everyone and move on with our lives. They’re one of the longer running muses that stuck with me for a longer period of time. Especially the Admiral and Deuce. Those two deserve equal treatment of respect and love from... well, from me really, lmao. No one else is obligated to deal with them. But I can only hope that their interactions touched a bit in your character’s life. 
May you all achieve so much in your life as I will do my best on my end. This is farewell!
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- Crystal
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purrcraze · 5 years
Do Siamese Cats Scratch Furniture? How To Stop That!
Have you recently adopted a cute Siamese cat and now you are wondering why your furniture looks a little sad? Well, your Siamese cat might have something to do with it!
Do Siamese Cats scratch furniture? Yes, Siamese cats do scratch furniture and other objects. This is a way of getting exercise, stretching, and getting rid of old nails. Scents are left behind also. Scratches also let other cats know that a fellow feline is nearby.
Now you know the basic reason Siamese scratch furniture. But to really understand why and ways to prevent it, keep reading.
Why Do Siamese Scratch Furniture (and other stuff)?
Let us note right away that some breeders train their cats to use scratching posts. However, Siamese adopted as kittens may need training.
You will not only notice scratches in your furniture, but also on wooden door frames, wooden doors, carpets, and mattresses.
Scratching is a natural need of cats of all breeds. They do not do this because they are angry or upset with you, rather it is a way of satisfying one of their many needs.
Aside from marking territory and keeping claws healthy, cats scratch as a way of showing excitement over something such as when their owner comes home from errands.
You might see your cat scale a door or wall to scratch, or even stick their rear ends into the air to scratch the carpet or welcome mat.  Old cardboard boxes are another cat favorite.
Your job as a pet parent is to note all the surfaces they love. Make a good list of everything they like to sink their claws into. By doing this, you are making yourself a “buying guide” of sorts and will know what scratching objects to purchase.
Set the Limits 
Now that you know what your cat likes, it’s time to put boundaries up and encourage your cat to scratch only the appropriate places.
Cat scratching behavior is dependent upon texture. Therefore, you should cover up surfaces your cat scratches using safe but unappealing materials. For instance, cats do not like sticky feelings on their paws. You can buy double sided sticky tape for cats that will deter them.
Much of the time, this tape is safe for use on surfaces like wood, so you can protect your woodwork or other special wooden objects like chests or wooden statues with it.
Cats also dislike the smell of citrus. Some cats find menthol unappealing.  You can place old rags or cotton balls saturated with citrus perfume or essential oils near objects you would like them to avoid.
Sore muscle rubs like Bengay also may deter cats. (Author’s note: I did once meet a shelter cat who actually LOVED menthol- do be wary of this).
Your goal is to make use of these deterrents until your cat understands they are only supposed to use the scratching posts for their needs. Once your Siamese is fully trained, you can get rid of these objects.
Keep in mind that accidents can and will happen. Do not ever yell at your cat or hit them. They may see you as a threat and avoid you. Instead, clap your hands and take them to the object you want them to scratch.
This drills in the message that the wall/door/couch is not OK, the scratching post is.
What About Declawing?
Some cat owners may think that having their cat declawed is the way to go when it comes to keeping scratching under control.
This is not the answer, nor is it humane. Firstly, the act of declawing the cat can make him or her less likely to eliminate in the litter box. Secondly, they are more apt to bite.
Other health problems can arise as a result of declawing. Infections, back pain, and sore feet can be caused by declawing. The way a cat’s foot hits the ground naturally is altered when they are declawed. Imagine wearing ill-fitting shoes and never being able to take them off.
Declawing is only for special situations: for instance, if nail bed tumors are not benign, declawing must take place so the cancerous tumors can be removed.
Declawing is not what some make it out to be: some cat lovers are under the impression this is like having nails clipped.  Instead, the last bone of the toe of the cat is removed. It would be akin to removing human fingers at the last knuckle.
Cats can be trained to avoid things their owners want to protect. Plenty of training, Patience and positive reinforcement are the tricks to making this work.
How Can I Prevent Scratching?
There are plenty of ways you can train your cat to scratch only appropriate objects. For instance, there are pet-safe sprays and tape that can be applied to various surfaces in your home.
Aside from this, you can and should bring in big scratching posts for your Siamese cat to enjoy. We have chosen two great ones you and your Siamese cat are sure to like.
AmazonBasics Hammock & Cat Scratching Post
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Cats love to scratch right after they get up from a nap. Your Siamese will absolutely love the convenience of being able to nap and then jump down and scratch away. Your sofa and wood will be well protected when this lovely post is on your home.
The hammock is up off the ground, perfect for cats that like to be up a bit so they can look around. This also helps satisfy the desire to climb.
The pillars for scratching are constructed of natural and good quality rope that they can scratch for healthy nails. Chipboard and plush carpeting are the other two main ingredients of this super scratching post.
You will find that this post is unintrusive and attracts cats who are tired or just need a place to relax as well as fulfill their need to scratch. This small investment is also great for apartment dwellers who want to get their pet deposit back.
The colors are unobtrusive, and it will fit neatly anywhere. It even features a fun hanging puffball for added exercise and fun for your Siamese. Get the Hammock & Scratching Post here!
PetFusion 3-Sided Cat Scratching Post
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You may think a cardboard scratcher won’t last very long but looking at user reviews show that this quality scratcher lasts quite a while: Longer than 1 year with multiple uses.
The scratcher is glued together using top of the line adhesives and will stand up to the toughest cats of all breeds. The three-sided design is fun for cats to walk through and rub their backs on, and then scratch afterward.
The scratcher itself is made of recycled cardboard, Cornstarch glue, and features silicone grippers that will stay on your floor with no problem.
Cardboard is great as most cats love it. The vertical scratcher is a great way for your Siamese to stretch out and get rid of those claws.
It is a reasonably priced object your cats will enjoy-and you can reclaim your stuff. Get the 3-sided scratching post here!
Cat Scratchers You Can Make
Using things, you already have in your home, you can give your Siamese a place to scratch while you wait for your new scratching post to arrive.
You can bring in a clean piece of wood for your cats to scratch.  A piece of wood with bark you might use at a campsite or in the fireplace is a great thing for cats to pick at. Be sure it is a natural piece of wood and free of chemicals.
Are you throwing away old carpet? Cut away a piece and allow your cat to use it for his scratching needs.
Was a cardboard box recently at your home? Corrugated cardboard is loved by cats. A bonus is that if it is thick enough, you can punch holes in it, hang it with string from a doorknob, and allow your cats to scratch away.
Make sure you watch them so you can replace the cardboard once it gets thin.
Where Do I Put the Scratching Post? 
Place these objects where your Siamese will be most likely to use them. You might put it near their bed or by the back door so they can greet you and scratch excitedly after each workday.
We advise you to have scratching objects on each floor of your home so your cat can scratch when needed.
Keep them in the same spots to minimize accidents and keep them in the habit of scratching the right places.
Related Questions
Do Siamese Cats Scratch?
Yes, Siamese do scratch. Every cat-from the big cats like lions and panthers all the way to that mangy stray you know scratch. Siamese smart and can be trained to avoid scratching with enough patience and consistency.
Do All Cats Scratch Furniture?
All cats scratch, and furniture is no exception if it is a texture, they find appealing. They can be trained to avoid it and use a scratching post or other object.  Scratching is a way of signaling other cats and marking territory.
Are Siamese Protective of Their Owners?
Siamese closely bond with their owners and are very smart. They are extremely protective and are known to defend their person if they feel a threat is present. These cats are dedicated, loving and loyal to their owners and not afraid to show it.
Indeed, Siamese are scratchers of furniture, but they can be trained otherwise. Bring your patience and a good scratching object and you will see results in no time.
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