#ok no big spoilers I prommy
milfzatannaz · 9 months
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no because this panel of John talking to Daniel about Morpheus is making me SCREAM
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latinokaeya-moving · 1 year
speaking of totk. ik i’m meant to be asleep but i just wanted to say that i luv that rauru is a pretty looking goat man so bad… he has such a gorgeous design. saw him on screen n was immediately like oh i want to jump his bones please.
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intertexts · 2 months
OK HI. HELLO ROS <3 standing in ur doorway like this 🧍 listen i will read worm eventually i just have so much HAPPENING. ALL THE TIME RIGHT NOW. AND DONT HAVE THE TIME. and also jrwi has me in a chokehold u know how it b. ANYWAY. i need u 2 tell me as much about new haven wards as u can without like major insane spoilers for worm. little spoilers r ok. i watch/read everything with a few lil spoilers 2 look forward to anyway <3 i know nothing abt the universe of worm (<<has barely made a sizeable dent in it but god i will i prommy) but i wanna know what exactly nhw is about. how does the universe work. how do the powers work. what is the situation with the nhw how and why are they working together where did they all come from!! gimme the nhw lore!!! as much as u can!!!!! looking at u with the biggest saddest wettest eyes rn pls pls pls infodump abt nhw 2 me!!!!!!!! ros pls 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
HIII HI HI WHISKEY <333 UR INSANE FOR ASKING THIS. BTW. literally insane. grabbing u so hard by the shoulders there is a crazed look in my eye. anyway. FIRST i am tagging @stuck-in-the-ghost-zone here also!!!!!! bc it is his au as much as mine & i am NOT qualified 2 talk abt nhw mark n such. augh.
ok. ok. ok. new haven wards. putting the cut here.
so the basic movement of worm is that powers are from trauma. ridiculously simplified, but that's the base of it-- if you have superpowers, you have them because you went through traumatic events so severe to you specifically that it broke ur brain a little bit. the powers manifest in some way as a reaction to the traumatic scenario. (it is also more complicated than this. playing the spoiler card.) OR secret second option u put urself into indefinite debt to an extremely shadowy and ominous.... organization? person? shadow government branch? conspiracy? and get superpowers in a can, with like, a 10% chance they'll backfire and mutate u into some fucking terrible inhuman shit and then they'll completely memory wipe you and brand you and dump you off somewhere. not really relevant here. because the main way of getting superpowers is to be violently traumatized, cape society in worm tends to be grittier, more violent. there's more villains, the heroes are less shiny marvel or dc and more making whatever moral compromises they need to get the best outcome possible. at one point one of the main heroes in the city worm takes place in tells the sixteen-year-old protagonist "i don't care, there's a kill order out on them, just put a bullet in her brain if you see her, it's fine" and then a while later goes "yeah i'd vote for a kill order out on you guys too," directly to her face. worm is always going "hey, wouldn't it fucking suck if superheroes were real?". there are many horrifying and inhuman and violent threats. sexual and racial and physical violence aren't swept under the rug. these seventeen year olds are sent to crime scenes where flayed and gutted corpses are suspended from the ceilings because they're heroes! ^_^ but this aint about worm this is about the new haven wards!!!!! [wards are the child soldiers junior hero branch of the main syndicated/unionized hero organization, w/ placement in every major city alongside regional protectorate headquarters]
>key things for this au:
--william wisp changed his last name to bell when he moved to new haven (where his brother david lives :) and joined the wards, for another layer of anonymity ^_^ (he is. severely paranoid about his identity & privacy. <- also a Big and Heavy thing in worm/parahumans world. it's a Big Fucking Deal to unmask a cape regardless of their alignment)
-dakota never got the mechanical heart & biomedical augumentation so didn't meet mato cole at that time! he's still dakota damascus :]
-virion... idk why he's still virion & not vyncent actually. probably just because that was the name his parents gave him? we can't change it now though nhw virion & canon vyncent r two different guys to me...
-ashe is the unluckiest fucking guy in the world!!!
their powers are a little different from canon both bc of the ways powers work just being different frm how they do in pd & also because of the "they're always a reflection of the worst moment of ur life that you're just dragging around with you reminding you of it" thing. <333
wibby / whisperer is a breaker/shaker (<- power classifications meaning he has another form he shifts into, and also an area of effect] in his breaker form (crackling white-blue energy) he 1) can control how corporeal he is, or *how* corporeal he is, from "walks into the brick wall" to "doesnt notice there's a brick wall and goes straight through it", to "goes incorporeal to stick his hand in a guy's chest then resolidifies to instakill him" w/ some tradeoffs. & 2) shape/control energy manifestations in a fairly wide radius around him, where the power of the shaped energy is in proportion to the amount of recent death in the area-- if there's a ton of casualties in the area, he can do a lot more than he could in a peaceful small town in the middle of nowhere. the situation with his trigger event was him. growing up socially isolated and half convinced he was going crazy and everyone else Also thought he was fucking insane (deadwood is still haunted!! more haunted :]) for years & years + the loneliness + frustration + unsureness if he's actually the one just. losing it or if it's all really real + the constant feeling of being in danger, that the town is bad and malicious and out to Get you. anyway. he fell, take that as ambiguously as u do for that in canon, didn't die, but was severely injured & couldn't move. just laid there for maybe a day or so in the woods that wanted to kill him. anyway he triggered when he was found! the catalyst was not "the place that's been out to get me my entire life finally succeeded" but the helpless incandescent frustration of "actually nothing i ever do is going to make you understand. i've been trying for so fucking long to make you See It but you won't!!! you never will and you just think i'm crazy or stupid or making it up for attention even though it has such obvious fucking consequences and is manifestly Real!!" he was recruited to the wards by miss g herself, who was like hahahhahaa this kid could be a Really Fucking Big Problem if he doesn't have an eye on him!! ^_^ he never wanted to be a hero, and still doesn't, really, but he's terrified of accidentally hurting people & deadwood is like a weight around his neck and maybe things will be better if he just gets out of here. for a while they're not, of course. he just feels like. y'know. he's another sick thing that crawled out of deadwood, and his powers make that obvious. the way they interact with recently dead shit makes him sick!! living with david is awful-- a big, lovely, lonely high rise apartment, an older brother who barely bothers to speak to him, calls to their mom through the walls going "why is he here? why would you send him here? can he like, go anywhere else?"
virion sol / imprint is a trump (meaning his powers interact With other capes powers.) he can copy powers by touching other parahumans-- the copied power is just as strong as the original, whatever the original is, but he doesn't have an innate sense of how to use it; he can easily be overwhelmed or overstimulated by powers that involve a ton of sensory input, or accidentally loose cannon something he wasn't expecting and can't easily control. regardless, this is a fucking insane power to have. it's so cracked. like within the parahumans-- world, this is something so rare, especially being able to copy the full strength of the power. the very few examples in canon of something similar, the copied power is always inferior. his situation was similar to canon-- the greats were a team of independent heroes, & were like, extended family to virion. he grew up unpowered, but in the cape world-- so many aunts and uncles teaching him security, standard protocols, how to fight capes, how to run cape business and independent team business, how to handle guns and tasers and safely run background checks. y'know. a family's worth of professional knowledge. he never really wanted to be a cape, anyway, he was more than happy to do all the unpowered stuff at home that needed to be done. occasionally he came with them on patrol n stuff or snuck out to watch them. the greats' long term goal was prying out the lich, an extremely heavyweight warlord who had control over most of the city. virion's father struck a deal with the lich-- virion knows as little what the deal was For as he does in canon, but he double crossed the entire team. virion snuck along to the confrontation with the lich (setup) & watched his father turn & murder all of them. still not sure if he did it all himself or just watched as the lich's minions did it, but the way they knew all their weaknesses, how efficient and brutal and unexpected it was-- it was his dad feeding the information. virion stays frozen in shock and horror & hidden during all of this. can't do anything to help. is fucking useless, despite all he knows and has done. for the first time in his life, he wished he had powers, that ram and min and everyone could have taught him how to have and use their powers like they taught him everything else. he triggered watching it all happen. after this, he went on the run, terrified that someone would Know that he saw, that they'd be coming for the loose ends, that his dad would come back for him. all he has of his family is a couple piecemeal things he could grab before he ran-- ram's favorite revolvers, a holy medal of alphonz's, some of his mom's sturdy jewelry. anyway, he ran, moved to a different city, new haven. started figuring out his powers, started targeting specifically other capes who were up to bad shit-- minor to mid league villains, the occasional local hero who would Look squeaky clean, but after their sudden death dirty secrets would come out, etc. all very low-key, very subtle. none of the disappearances or deaths looked related. during this period he is SO fucked up. he is so fucked in the head. he's incredibly hypervigilant and paranoid and jumpy (good at looking unbothered and still clocking every single sound and movement and always facing doors and windows), mired in the grief and guilt and horror at. watching his entire family slaughtered and life shattered in a night. sleeps for no more than two hours or so at a time. even on top of the lich and his dad... what he's been doing puts an even bigger target on his back. doesn't have time or heart for anything but the dirty work. is dissociating through the periods of time where he's not actively hunting someone down or on the job. silhouette is the one who puts the pieces together-- of course he's on the protectorate (hero organization) radar. sure he's only been targeting bad guys, but how clean each one was? how well covered they all are? how whoever this is has allegedly killed at least almost two hands' worth of capes in cold blood by now? sets off alarms, if you're looking!!
anyway, silhouette tracks him down, says hey, i know who you are, i know what happened. you're just a kid. you join us, and you'll gain the resources and skill to be able to get revenge. aren't you tired of running? now... virion took to this fast and well when he did, but. before it all, he was just a teenager. despite the family business, he was just some guy! he helped his mom cook and got help with schoolwork at the kitchen table and his cool aunts took him out for lunch. he never wanted this or expected it. and of course he doesn't trust the heroes farther than he can spit, but... it's something. it's better than this. anything has to be better than the way he's driving himself into the ground. & also, of course. if silhouette can find him. anyone else who's looking for him can too. (i don't think he's even registered on the radar of anyone. his dad didn't actually survive the lich, obviously, & he was the only other one who really knew abt virion + nobody knew he triggered. he's just. so fucking paranoid.)
dakota damascus / failsafe is a thinker/mover. he 1) has a precognitive sense of any pain that anyone in a radius around him will feel in the next short amount of time. this is-- varyingly difficult to block. he can't just Choose not to feel it, although the intensity of the feeling, again, varies. mostly proportionally to how severe the pain actually is, or how many people are hurt, but, with time, he can dull or sharpen it + follow the threads of it to discern Who exactly is in pain, rather than just an ambient sensation. 2) is VERY fast & has matching enhanced cognitive speed. these two abilities work SO good together, both in combat situations & also just day to day patrolling. man. i love dakota. anyway, he triggered young-- he was out with his parents (maybe 7/8) and they got caught in an attack by siberian-- a genuinely indestructible, incredibly powerful villain who can just,,, run her hand through a concrete foundation like it's butter & collapse buildings, or scoop out peoples insides in a heartbeat. and also likes to eat people, like, raw and bloody after dismembering them. whatever level of ultraviolent shocking horror u are imagining. double it. anyway. they got caught in the scene of this attack, dakota got separated from his parents in the panic and stampede and rush to get out-- he's seven! it's terrifying levels of panic and claustrophobia and people shoving and trampling and he's not gonna leave without his parents!! of course not!! he triggers from the fear and the disorientation and the panic & he can't find them & he's trying to fight the crowd but he barely comes up past their knees & there's awful sounds of fighting & he's close enough to see her... things are doubly disorienting with the echo of the agony from everyone who gets Fucking Siberianed. he sees most of the fight. um. a while after she's driven away and it's finally finished he finds what's left of his parents. there's a beat in worm, during an encounter with siberian and the Big Heroes, the prime force equivalent, where they just.. give her a victim to chew on because it makes her happier and less of a nightmare to fight. which is something i think about frequently. anyway, after this things are kind of loose, similar to canon. he does the same shit. it's also quieter and you can feel less people hurting the higher up u are. yk? OH GOD. YEAH. at some point after this we still have not hammered it out. he confronts the slaughterhouse 9 (the supervillain group that attacked/siberian is part of) about it & gets his face slit open (half chelsea smile style) & makes a deal to either kill a guy in [n years] or that guy will kill him & several hundred other people!!!!!!!!!!!! dakota damascus killing a man baked into the bones of nhw!!!
anyway he & cat still fell. he underwent a second trigger event when this happened, actually-- the panic and desperation of that situation + the way it echoed his first trigger, etc. this is also super fucking rare, btw. there are very few second triggers & it is almost Never good. (u cannot trigger more than twice + a second trigger is always a refining or an improving of the intent of the original trigger) so that's where the speed etc. came from. tide found him, gave him. a better support system (low bar!!) + a real purpose in joining the wards. i have a lot of feelings abt this.
ashe / auxiliary / muse is also a shaker/breaker!!!!! his backstory i cannot talk too much about because it is Big Spoilers. but he is a fucking powerful telekinetic (around when he joins the wards, having not really used his power in years, he has an upper weight limit of a couple times his body weight & a fairly large radius of effect). he also has a breaker form that only triggers in certain situations & if he really really pushes himself to breaking w/ his powers-- when he enters it, he loses lucidity, for the most part, & starts warping and stretching and breaking space-time in strange, dreamlike ways-- the pavement melts, or everything gets bouncy, or cars and concrete chunks and things with no business moving float slowly around like balloons, or he pulls and crumples reality to move without really moving.... it gets Real fucking bad, real fast. ANYWAY. he eventually sneaks out one night, walks to a gas station to get. snacks. it-- okay, i'm fucking linking mac's post, i CANNOT summarize all of this concisely. go read that. so. that's ashe's deal!!!!!!!!!
SO. YEAHG. THATS. THATS THE MOST OF IT. um. yeah. theyre a dreadful little polycule they are. So fucking clingy they r traumabonded. like little trembling chihuahua puppies. separation anxiety and all. virion and dakota share a comfy old victorian house in a suburban neighborhood maybe a fifteen minute walk from the protectorate hq. wibby starts out living w/ david and eventually just... all his stuff moves over to their place. their clothes r all mixed up they know each others blood types they're all sleeping together on the couch. eventually their house gets blown up. they all get various flavors of nightmare & are 1 million shades of debilitatingly mentally ill but like-- it works. they r good for each other. theyre good together. do not separate them. etc. i'm not even gonna fucking START talking abt their dynamics other than that but like. i mean. if you want a repeat of THIS u can always ask!!!!!!!
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rowavolo · 1 month
how dare you not elaborate on maleko,,,, “oh he’s basically just my take on capitano” what Is It,,,,, holds out a plate like a poor victorian boy,,,,
— blue (ty for the acct and the tag btw!! i will go snooping now)
HELLO im so sorry. i genuinely forgot not everyone has the same exact brand of capitano brainrot that my partner and i do . so some ramblies below the cut in a very disorganised fashion :3
there may also be some spoilers in here for the capitano x kemonomimi reader fic im working on which will totally get updated one day i prommy
Ok so Maleko (hereby referred to as capitano) is indeed my take on GI capitano but better in every single way (joking but only a little)
I sort of passively imagine him to also be from the old mondstadt, so he has some knowledge surrounding that, and it's extra jarring when he tries to speak Mondstad's native language, people are just sort of like. "um. why are you speaking in ye olde german mondstadt"
despite what his muscle and strength might have you believe, he's genuinely not a very violent guy, he just happens to be willing to use anything and everything at his disposal to reach whatever end goals are in his mind (presumably something god-hating. or maybe hes just tagging along for the funny)
he's also fiercely loyal, as in would die and kill for someone at a moment's notice level of loyal. its almost unnerving.
he's also very very quiet - folks dont tend to notice it due to how loud his presence seems, but he barely utters a word - his orders usually get passed through his generals or simple grunts or hand gestures. it's shockingly effective.
on a similar note, i do imagine he actually has selective mutism that kicks in around more than a handful of people, but it's not really something that seems to hinder him
I know he's some species of Creature to me. not entirely sure which. definitely dragon-adjacent (of course), but there's also a part of me that wants him to be something with an exoskeleton, so that in some places, the armour is literally just Him. He definitely has a more beasty form to go along with the humanoid one too!
hes actually a huge softie, but hides it well enough that nobody ever really notices or questions it (though his fellow harbingers do like to speculate behind his back. theyre just Like That. gossipy mom group)
wears his hair tightly wound/braided in protective styles, it's super long and he needs it out of the way especially during battle (yes hes creature. yes he can have hair. these two can coexist). He'll occasionally adorn it with little trinkets and the like, but his main concern is keeping it from hindering him Without lopping it all off (he finds it more difficult to care for and make look Good when it's short. it just goes FLOOF).
Actually really enjoys strategizing. He's a powerhouse on the field and can turn the tide of a battle at a moments notice, but given time to plan ahead, he usually doesn't need to (i imagine him and kokomi would actually have a lot to talk about!). Because of this, there are also some board games he enjoys, as well as genius invocation.
he is not very expressive. it is very hard to tell when/if he likes someone because the line between tolerance and annoyance is so so blurred. folks say it's due to the helmet but in actuality his face is just Like That.
he is, however, very polite. unless someone is actively hindering him in some way while hes trying to do something, he will not do anything about it. but if they start getting in the way, theyre getting grabbed by the scruff like a kitten and put at arm's length.
oh hes also very big. VERY BIG. closer in size to the robot we see sandrone with in the trailer, if anything. like. brick wall of a man big. has to duck under most doorways big. HUUUUGE. foul legacy sized at the very LEAST. just broader.
he doesn't often find time to indulge in any hobbies, and even if he does, he tends to spend it training instead because the idea of not doing useful things sets him on edge.
HOWEVER if someone (cough . me . cough. ) were to force him to take a break, he'd enjoy hobbies that involve creating things for the ones he loves. Woodcarving is definitely a past time of his, he's a very good cook (but refuses to do it because he knows others will bother him about it), and he has a soft spot for cheesy romance books (like.. they stare wistfully at each other from across the ballroom level cheesy) and period pieces.
i feel like theres so so much more to say about him but i cant THINK of it right now. but anyways my cappy my beloved hes soooo silly <3!!!!!!
I hope this was enough to feed you, Blue!!
Friendly reminder not to copy or repost my work, feed it to AI learning modules, or otherwise steal it!
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hii hii hii hiiii hiii hi 🌟 ok um ok. at some poitn. you should watch falsettos w me /slash not forced. ive said this before but im thinking it again because i just rewatched it. its so good i prommy. heres my pitch okay. it includes gay people 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 FOUR of them !!!! and they . kiss ! there is also divorce 🤯🤯🤯 annd its really good music big fan 🦑🐙🦀. what else umm well theres women who are very good characters. and lesbians big fan of them. erm what else. it is set in. well first act is in 1979 second act is in. 1981ish. i think yeah. and its very nice vibes love the vibes of it all of its very good. 🌈🌈🌈 every thing abt this musical makes me very sad its. well i cant say much with out spoilers but its well its just a lot. and well its good its really good. i like it 👍👍 OH and most importantly there is mendel who is well he is so silly to me. i didnt care abt him that much when i first watched it but also that was um. probably like 4 years ago almost. and now i love him big fan of that guy. hes so normal <- lying but he is like the second normalest person in the first act. that isnt saying much i guess because the first normalest person is a like ten year old boy welllll whatever. ok good night i am typing this 1 in the morn ing. !!! 🌃 so goodnight. or good morning 🌇 when you're reading this probably i dont know.
- the ! hebry.... 🤯
ITS BEEN ON MY LIST FOR SO LONG OH MY GODD PLSSS IT SOUNDS SO GOOD I. we Will watch it maybe even today ill ask my mom if im free
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raan-miir-tah · 2 years
OK!!! Long rambling post bc I finished my second rewatch of the ninjago movie!! Ignore if you’re one of my mcyt mutuals or don’t want any potential spoilers (?) for for sun song (my movieverse long fic that’s doing to have two twin plot lines oooo you wanna read it so bad) bc I am just rambling about how I’m gluing all the conflicting lore together
-France Exists. They have a little French guy say “bonjour ninjago!” so somewhere out there is the country of France. Idk about all that so. Fantasy France is still fantasy Asia 👍
-They also use Spanish words all the time so same extends here everyone is all fantasy Lego Asian I am not thinking about the consequences of Ninjago taking place on a pangea island with an inhospitable second island existing and Europe also existing I am willfully erasing Europe
-Lloyd is giving major “therapist friend who isn’t in therapy themselves” like he does all the emotional labor and for what
-He also tends to smile when uncomfortable and try to laugh off any of his own pain. Hypocritical styles of dealing with emotion etc etc
-My sooo serious /s revamp of the plot is including Meowthra being a more scary lion demon thing that gets banished through the power of love or some other dorky shit AND
-Lloyd getting his dumb lego arm ripped off is actually him SHATTERING shattering it (throwback to both him breaking his leg before the Garmadon fight way back in the beginning of the show and him breaking his arm w/Harumi and having arm armor for the rest of the show bc I’m so smart and big brained)
-The ninja kill Garmadon’s soldiers. People die. They are 16-17 in highschool and have racked up a kill count of several thousand when put together. I will try not to be cringe when I add this not so little detail I prommy
-The movie game makes things like Morro, Naddakan marrying Nya briefly, and the time twins all canon so. Adjusting the timeline to set those in the future idk if I’m including these guys in sun song in any major capacity but!! They are floating around somewhere
-Same thing goes for the Serpentine I’m just having them live in the next city over and just kinda vibing
Since the other ninja in the movie are just kinda, there. I’m giving them all backstories by chopping together what makes sense of their show ones, for example:
-Cole’s still got the dead mom and the dad who puts too much pressure on him
-I already said that Kai and Nya were raised in their parents blacksmith shop so they actually get a stable home life <3
-Zane is going to be Dr Julian’s failed attempt to build a better alexa that ended up sentient so he had to build this turning test passing weirdo a body so he can be a real boy™️ he doesn’t have a mom but all the movies on his hard drive make him think he has to pretend he does
-Ed and Edna are going to be Jay’s maternal grandparents/long term foster parents bc Libber and tbh I forgot his dad’s name are major celebrities who do lines between takes like they got custody taken SO fast
-Garmadon and Koko are, SO DIVORCED. So Vinny will make an appearance as Lloyd’s new stepdad who is just so significantly better like he will be the dad that steps up
Here’s where there’s actual spoilers but like if anyone reads this far they deserve a treat. I am,,, SO FUCKING EXCITED for how I’m fitting Harumi into sun song like queen really is going to show the fuck up and start stabbing people
Anyway if you can’t tell I have a new hyperfixation
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freunwol · 2 years
remember when i said id upload the rest of the ssau beta designs i coould remember where they were. remember when i said that literal months ago. uhhh
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ohhhgh i threw this design out like almost immediately.... i have no clue what i was going for w the shoulder pads tbh, i dont draw a folded up scarf like that (i think. i wouldnt now)
also evan & ds at the top, and also kirby for??? some reason?????? whats he doin here
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another page had basically nothing relevant i just liked this one
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i may actually have been trying to go for a folded scarf oh no
(not sure whats going on in the bottom right either but just focus on silly lumis and also kirby)
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evan...... i was limited in my color choice i would not have chosen that yellow naturally
my concept for him was that toxic positivity is basically his religion... plus other things that are BIG spoilers but essentially hes still a dragon master, but here since he has a lot more access to darkness mir kinda morphs into a more twisted looking onyx dragon... he still tries to be, yknow, Mir, but hes ride or die for evan and ride means losing urself at least partially to mass amounts of darkness yknow. i know that has almost nothing to do w the design and thats bc i dont think i put much thought into it beyond cool jacket
also no i have NO clue what i was going for w the fishnets ik i just wanted to put smthn on his legs but why fishnets im just as confused help???????? (EDIT ON SECOND THOUGHT that may have been my attempt at drawing a texture that i... could have made w cross hatching but didnt???? so its not actually fish nets?????? or it might be and im misremembering??????? help)
(also fun cameo of my earliest design for lucid lol)
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ok that side profile there has always stood out in my brain and looking at it again i understand why... the Energy.... the wind maybe... where did it come from how did i make that hello???????
idk whats happening in any of the other doodles
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yis papa... im aware that one looks jank as hell but i dont think i cared. or it was on purpose???? i Do Not Know. also lmao @ low standards
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i think the extent of cygnus's role here was to be the phanaria kid and also eight. that was... it. i will say the her trying on the gloves is adorable and i also like the flower dress!! i can tell why i didnt wanna color that though lmaoooo
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idk either
THESE designs though i actually have something to say!!! at least on arans end, merc i mostly just wanted to make more... queen-ly, no comment on how well that went (shes wearing tights its not colored in but i prommy theres tights)
aran though!! i based her armor on the temple of time guardians bc. well thats spoilers but i took notes from that book. i think it was actually in the last post too, that she also has a helmet and when she has it on the ponytail looks like the lil plume of smoke they have n all... yeah
arans closer to the more serious self she was originally since she never lost her memories, not like stone cold (i doubt aran ever was That cold if she naturally turned into a more jovial her) but still more serious.
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in the story they have... kind of a fraught relationship, on the same side but for very conflicting reasons and kind of resent each other... but like maybe..... yknow? yknow????? i also just like the energy of this one
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maybe ending off on one u have essentially nothing to say abt is passe but hey!! i like the earrings w the chain thing. shes so fashion
maybe one day ill stop saying ill write ssau one day and actually write it lol
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gayspock · 3 years
you mentioned in some of your tags that you don’t know what the fanon/general fandom opinions were. from what I’ve seen (I’m also a new fan) vi/caitlyn is pretty big (my guess would be because of how blatant it is), however, with...idk how to put this? average LOL fans think it was rushed and don’t like it. tumblr, of course, is into it tho. jayce/viktor is also huge. a lot of people seem to resonate with jinx and silco’s familial relationships. I’ve also seen a lot of people in the fandom not recognize the ableism in Viktor’s arc, which is worrying. if you don’t care to spoil yourself on where these character’s arcs will go in future seasons, I suggest you look up the LOL lore of: vi, ekko, viktor, and jayce. some are just...a slap to the face. anyways, have a good day/evening.
OHH okay omg (nods) tysm for a brief little insight, bc i was looking in the tag a little but it feels like tumblr's tag algorithm is a lot worse thn wht it was even before. unless the fanbase on here is smaller than wht i thought or sth HELP OK lemme dump this reply under a read more bc im rambly pjhpsrgjssfpgs
but a lot of tht hm? i THINK thats just about wht i expected - so no big surprises.
i dont blame the average LOL fans- a sentence i never thought i'd say skpgjsp - bc i can deffo see a lot of the places where it was like..eh. yknow. i said it myself. it feels a little undercooked in some places, and seemed more paced to keep it fast and snappy. like they kinda like they really could have spent more time on a lot of things- and so i presume tht'd be rllly frustrating if u were deeper into the pre-existing lore.
then regarding these little guys.... yeh i think i heard abt vi/caitlyn bein p big. :3 i still stnd by not rlly giving a damn (HELP, thats said with love i prommy)- but you kno nonetheless im happy tht ppl are enjoying a wlw relationship..... like its good they arent being sidelined by ppl. even if im not into tht scene i'll just nod from a distance.
BUT, THOUGH DO YOU KNOW WHATS SO, SO FUNNY? like ok. viktor and jayce obviously, like, occurred to me- but i also just kinda. kept pushing it to the back of my head? does that make any sense? like- jesus like. WELL DUH THEY'D HAVE SOME TUMBLR GIRLIES GOING WILD... silly me... and its like i feel like i sorta figured tht'd be going down, but it was in my peripherals out of clear sight HELP. wasnt helped by the fsct they kept separating the besties in the latter half- which i mean, obviously tht was bc of them drifting away frome ach other and stuff, but oh sniff sniff im emo nonetheless bc i rlly loved their relationship... 💖 LIKE i think its just in my head i kkinda just . i have no idea i never labelled them as anything i just kept jokingly mentally referring to viktor as his little bestie with a heart above the i, keeping them fun an ambiguous whilst medara gets her shit rock'd by him HELP PGJS[0JDH[PGKBPSD.
but also, on the subject of viktor- ah... yeah. :/ i wasnt sure if tht'd be sth tht'd be talked abt and.... the more it rlly became apparent, the more i hoped it wouldnt just be glossed over but . also ik tht happens a lot with things like this. god. i do hope tht those conversations are had at some point, more openly- like,granted im probs not gonna be knocking abt the communities on here tht much (and even if i was, im not sure how much i could really input into that?!) but yeah. thats a shame. 3:
and hm.... you know i might look into it. just bc theres some guys here im GENUINELY pretty into and idk if the show itself will fully give them their dues, even if it doesnt diverge- bc im INTERESTED... i love viktor. and ekko. and vi. sooo badly. and im super curious abt jayce. so help. i might go spoil myself now (bc in truth ive never been tht mad abt spoilers irpdgphjdhj and idk how much it counts here anyways).
THANK U FOR THE LITTLE THOUGHTS ANON. ITS NICE TO HAVE ANY JUMPING OFF POINTS TO CHATTER AWAY. i will have a good ... norning... <3 its like 2am here omg
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