#ok imma try and tag anyone who go a mention in this um
this has been a very terrible drabble, apologies to @rxpunzelwrites, @furillowrites, @clarkentwrites, and @wellickwrites for any possible slaughter of characterisation. i tried to keep it to my own characters so truly i am sorry.
not that anyone has to read this mess, i’m just very bored ok.
“Fiver says he won't do it.” Seth's smile was smug as he stared at Caleb, who was currently hoisting himself onto the bannister of the Messina stairwell. “He's just bluffing.”
Katie didn't look so sure, however, and she was currently frowning at her... best friend? Boyfriend? Caleb had no idea what they were, but he didn't think now was the time to find out. He had work to do. Kevin, who was standing beside Seth, the pair of them towering over Katie in all of their unnecessary height, was giving him an encouraging nod. Caleb could practically see the cogs in his brain working away, the tiny devil on his shoulder that looked just like his friend whispering 'do it'. The angel on his shoulder, all broken wings and a scowl on her face, somewhat resembled Lux, who was glaring at him and telling him that he's an idiot, but Caleb ignored her.
“Oh, i'm gonna do it,” Caleb grinned, lifting the remainder of his weight onto the bannister, his feet now angled dangerously on the perfectly rounded wood, the soles of his trainers tipping random, flaky bits of paint over the edge. All he had to do was raise himself to maybe half of his height, steady himself, and sorta surf his way down to the lobby. It couldn't be that hard, and he was only on the first floor so it wasn't like he had very far to go.
Katie, however, was rolling her eyes and shaking her head, and he was pretty sure he'd just heard her call Seth a pillock. He didn't even know what that meant, but he found himself chuckling along and nodding in agreement. Not a wise move on his part, he realised, as his body trembled beneath his own laughter. Stretching his arms out a little to steady himself, he glanced back at Kevin to catch a glimpse of that ever approving stare, before kicking one foot backwards and setting off on his venture.
Sliding down the bannister really wasn't quite as terrible as he'd anticipated, and he wasn't really all that sure what the fuss was about. Roaring with laughter as he travelled a few feet further down, he heard the unmistakable cry of a bloody hell emit from Seth's mouth. If the rush of adrenaline coursing through him wasn't enough, he felt a strange thrill at knowing that he'd just scored Katie an extra fiver, though he doubted the English girl was interested in the money.
His heart pounding with the sheer rush of the situation, pure, unadulterated glee coursing through his veins, he felt as light as air, and the really stupid part of his brain pondered over why he hadn't ever tried this before. It wasn't until he reached the bend in the stairwell that he found the answer to that question, his foot dipping ever so slightly, catching on the edge of the rail, and catapulting him straight off of it. As his body collided with the stairs, tumbling down and hitting each one in the process, he coiled into himself as much as he could, trying hopelessly to lessen the impact. Rolling his way down the steps, he found himself colliding with other people in the process, the occasional what the hell and loud, frustrated grunts meeting his ears as he barrelled his way into unsuspecting people. He heard the unmistakable cry of none other than sweet little Tara McIntyre as she called out in horror, and he could still hear the concern in her tone echoing its way after him. He was sure that, should he actually survive the fall, he'd find some way to apologise to the many residents of Messina that he'd so carelessly plummeted into, but for now he was more concerned with the whole not dying thing.
Somehow, he'd managed to bring his two hands up to wrap them around his head, hopefully protecting his skull from any additional damage (in comparison to whatever damage had already been done to it, if the severe lack in brain cells were anything to go by). He finally came to a very abrupt stop as he reached the final step, his body skidding along the shiny, well polished (thanks, Dixie!) lobby floor. As he laid their, aches and pains shooting through every crevice in his body, the world spinning rapidly around him, he heard the sound of frantic footsteps pounding down the stairs that he'd just came crashing from. He figured they must surely belong to Katie, Seth, and Kevin, though he had no doubt that more of his neighbours were eager to catch a glimpse at whatever buffoon had thought bannister-surfing would be fun.
Groaning to himself he laid as still as he could while he waited for his vision to clear. He was sure the pounding in his head wasn't going to cease any time soon, and that the strange snapping noise he'd heard emitting from his ankle hadn't been a figment of his imagination, but so long as he could see, and he was alive, that was what mattered most of all.
Will – handsome Will, and his shy, and often somewhat timid, disposition – was now leaning over him, a look of terror evident in his eyes. He looked horrified at Caleb's display, and if only the strange ringing in Caleb's ears could just stop he might be able to work out what the doorman was trying to say to him. No such luck, however, and he merely grunted back at him, lifting his hand and offering a very shaky thumbs up. That seemed to be enough for the boy, who scurried away at an alarming pace.
By now a crowd was starting to gather, and after a moment Caleb realised that Katie was now kneeling at his side, pulling his hand into her own and saying... um, something. Kevin, who he could see just over Katie's head, appeared to be laughing, which only made Caleb want to laugh, while Seth was – Oh Jesus, what was Carswell doing? Caleb might have been having a difficult time hearing, but there was no mistaking the way that Seth was frantically snapping his fingers at him, as though that were going to make things better. Yep, well done Carswell. Hearing cured, bones healed, everything's just dandy. It was no wonder Katie was always calling him names.
Slowly but surely, as the minutes passed, Caleb regained the use of his ears, sound piercing through him like a knife. The loud bustle of the lobby now practically only worsening the current pain in his head. He could tell that some people were trying to be polite as he caught snippets of the hushed – though still hurried – whispers of many. Others, however, weren't quite so tactful, and he heard Dan Sledge recounting his version of events to his roommates, and Caleb fought hard to suppress a laugh when he heard the mechanic ask; “Hey, Cull, you think we should get Dalton to try it? Indy can snapgram it. Or instachat. Whatever it's called.”
Katie, who had been keeping a very watchful eye on him, immediately caught onto the fact that he was evidently back with the land of the living, and shot him a disapproving stare, before gently brushing a hand through his hair. Heart of gold, this one, but still tough as nails. It wasn't hard to see why Seth was so smitten with her, even if Seth couldn't fucking admit it himself.
“Will's called an ambulance, it won't be long, alright?” she told him. He wanted to protest and tell her that he was fine, that he'd just walk it off, but the pain searing through his ankle told him otherwise. And, honestly, even without the possibility of a broken or fractured ankle, his entire body felt stiff, and he had been sort of contemplating just laying there for the rest of the night.
Minutes passed, and before he knew it Caleb was once again surrounded, only this time by a whole new set of familiar faces. Ah, yes. Adam, the hot EMT that he'd become all too well acquainted with. Offering up a weak grin, he allowed himself to be lifted up onto a stretcher, and wheeled outside and into the ambulance. With Katie promising that she, Kevin, and Seth would follow suit, it became all too clear that none of his friends had any intentions of actually accompanying him inside the ambulance. Great, whoop-di-fucking-doo. Ah well. Just him, Adam, their driver, and a bunch of machines that beeped a little too loud for his liking.
The drive to the hospital was quick, over much too fast for Caleb's liking, and he was whisked away from Adam. It wasn't all bad, though, as he now found himself in the very capable hands of his favourite med-student; Doctor Shane. Or, Doctor Harvelle, as he was supposed to refer to him. He'd gotten to know practically every doctor, nurse, and anything in between, that worked in Wellington's local hospital, and Shane Harvelle was shamelessly one of his favourite parts. He was cute as fuck, and he had a tendency for calling people honey, which made even Caleb blush. Allowing Shane to guide his gurney through the hospital corridors, he forced himself to withstand the absolute agony that ripped through him now as he angled his head to stare up at the other man.
“So, Shane,” he started, though the efforts alone sent a shock through his system. Shane only glanced at him, a disapproving glare gracing his otherwise pretty face, and Caleb figured that was probably his cue to shut up. No such luck for Doctor Harvelle, of course. “You excited to see your favourite patient back in your loving arms?”
He followed up his question with a laugh, which soon dissolved into a cough, and before he knew it he was spluttering under the pressure, his lungs evidently not feeling too up to it today. Fine, whatever. His question could wait until they relieved a bit of the pressure, or whatever it was they were meant to do.
Finally coming to a stop, Shane hit the safety on the gurney, locking him into place so that he wouldn't roll away. Putting on what Caleb could only assume was his absolute best Doctor voice, adopting an impressive air of professionalism, he called on some of his peers to help. Various people rushed forward, several of them scoffing, or rolling their eyes, when they saw just who their patient for the day was. One of them in particular, however, caught his eye. She was blonde, very pretty, and she had a cute little bow tucked into her dishevelled locks. She was familiar, he was sure of it, but not from the hospital. While Caleb spent a lot of time being carted around Wellington's A&E, he was sure he knew her from somewhere else. It was possible that they had gone to school together, as she looked to be about his own age, but a part of him wondered if maybe he'd seen her at the bar. Maybe she knew Luxie? Luxie had plenty of friends he didn't know, and he figured it was altogether possible that this girl happened to be one of them.
Cringing and wincing as the surrounding doctors tried to gather a catalogue of his various injuries, firing questions at him and trying to get a rough recap of exactly what had unfolded, he was vaguely aware of someone mentioning morphine. That sounded about right, he figured. It only made sense that they'd probably have to put him to sleep, given the abundance of injuries he'd managed to endure, especially if they'd have to operate on his foot – which he had no doubt they would; No more soccer for a while, then.
Letting his head loll to the side, his cheek falling into the pillow beneath his head, his eyes wandered lazily to the blonde. She had a very pretty face, and she looked so focused, her brow furrowed in concentration. His eyes begun to flutter shut, the effects of the morphine already setting in. Just as he was losing himself to unconsciousness, his eyes flitted open and landed on her name tag.
“Sawyer,” he whispered, his lips pulling into a  soft, weak smile. The last words he recalled uttering before the darkness finally took a hold of him were; “Huh, pretty.”
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imfucking-magical · 7 years
Only a recruit pt 2
A/n Hello my peoples my lovelies! Thanks for the awesome feedback on part 1. I have been having more interaction with you guys and I honestly love it. Like hit me up about your day if you want =) 
Warnings: Mentions of injury and cursing
Permanent tag list: @softbbyboye @kisshuggay, @gothamsblackqueen@frostbitten-desires, @frostbyte-horan, @allison0609
Temporary tag list: @konomoma, @peter-pan-hoe, @parkermanparkercan @mae-shower
Originally Mr.Stark wanted to fly you out to the tower since you only had a single bag of clothes, but when he saw you shaking he decided to call a car. He walked you down and out of the building and into a flashy car. The suit came off of him and went neatly into a carry on.
“That was cool” You told him pointing to the bag. He didn’t say anything and sat the whole trip silent.
“Soooo... where are we?”
“We are at the Avengers tower.” He said getting out of the car and I followed him.
“Because I’m recruiting you.”
“Because you’re smart beyond your years and we could use someone like you.”
“How did you...”
“Look kid I’m Tony Stark. I can find anything out about anyone or I have people that can. You’re just a high school student, it wasn’t that hard to see your character. Now if you’re done asking questions. You’re room is around the corner and here is a card so you can get whatever you need for your own lab or if you want new clothes or something.” Mr.Stark handed me a credit card.
“Is there something you want me specifically to work on or do I have free reign?” You asked holding the card and trying not to show how excited you are. You could hardly believe it was real.
“Just don’t blow up the building. Try to make useful stuff. Help whenever its needed. Other then that free reign. No illegal stuff tho. You’re still what 14?”
“Anyways. Yea and also watch out for the rest of the Avengers. They don’t know about you yet.” Mr.Stark said walking away to another part of the tower. You walked into your room and dropped your stuff down.
The room was huge. “Hello Miss Y/l/n.My name is F.R.I.D.A.Y. Would you like a tour of the tower?”
“Sure, but first is there a lab already here or is there a room where I can set up and order stuff?” You asked taking out your notebook of inventions you have yet to try.
“Of course Miss Y/l/n. There is a room connected to this one that can be set up as a lab or you can work with Mr.Stark and Mr. Banner in the big lab.”
“I’ll set my lab up in the other room. I don’t wanna bother them. Can I have that tour now F.R.I.D.A.Y? You also don’t have to call me ‘Miss Y/l/n. Y/n is okay.”
“Ok Y/n if you follow the arrows to outside the room you will find the kitchen.” Blue arrows lit up on the ground and you followed them to the kitchen. You saw a red and blue suit with curly brown hair in the kitchen. The first Avenger you were going to meet was going to be Spiderman. No one except the Avengers knew who he was.
“Hi.” He jumped and turned around revealing a familar face. “PETER???!!!” 
“What are you doing here?” He asked you.
“Me? I’m offended you didn’t tell me! Come on you know me better than anyone. I would not have blown this kind of secret like Ned would.”
“Um....Ned already knows...” You slapped his arm.
“I’m even more offended now.” You joked with him. 
“Oww I’m sorry. Now what are you doing here?” He asked. 
“I got recruited. Well.... Iron-man destroyed a wall at my old apartment after Jake had shoved me into my experiments and spilled acid onto my arm.”
“WHAT?? Are you ok? Do we need to get you to the medical bay? WHere are you hurt???” He asked looking frantically for any injury.
“Peter.. Peter Im fine I took one of my tablets. My stuff is in my new room. I still can’t believe I’m here. Like this is the Avenger tower. This is where I’m suppose to live now. I don’t think I have to pay rent. Its amazing.” You’re face hurt from how big you were smiling. You no longer had to worry about Jake.
“You’re still gonna go to highschool right?”
“Duh. I have to keep an extra eye out for you now. Can’t let any bad guy hurt my Peter” You said ruffling his hair.
“Staaawwwpp I’m sweaty.” 
“Like I care?” 
“PETER GET BACK HERE WE STILL HAVE TRAINING!” Captain America yelled walking into the room
“Hey I gotta go, but I’ll catch up with you later yea?” 
“Who is that?” He asked.
“Hey I’m Y/n Tony recruited me for science stuff.” 
“Is he having you train in fighting too?”
“I don’t know. He didn’t really say much.”
“Might as well join us because you’re probably going to have to learn to fight if you’re part of the team now. You can just watch for right now. I’m Steve by the way.” You followed them into a training room and sat on the floor leaning against the wall.
“You ready for this kid? I’m not gonna go easy on you this time.” Steve said putting his helmet on.
“Bring it.”
Sad to say Peter started to get his ass handed to him, but as you watched you realized that Steve never protected his legs. Well he never protected them because Peter never went for them. 
“I thought you said bring it kid?” Steve said laughing.
“Ha ha..” Peter said sarcastically.
“Wait time out Steve.” You told him before Peter got his ass handed to him.
“There are no time outs in a fight.” Steve said and you walked over to Peter who was now standing confused.
“Go for his legs.” You whispered to Peter.
“Just do it. Fake him out then take him out with his legs.” Steve looked at you suspiciously as you whispered to Peter. Peter nodded and you went back to your spot on the floor.
The fight continued and Peter did as you said knocking Steve on his ass.
“You want me to ease up a bit Cap?” Peter asked laughing.
“I don’t know what she told you, but I know she helped somehow.”
“I’m an innocent bystander I don’t know what you mean.” You told him smiling.
“What did you tell him?”
“I just told him the one spot you never seemed to guard. If its any consolation Peter never guards his face so you could probably get a few head shots in.” 
“WhAT? You need to learn your weaknesses.” You told him.
“Don’t you have some sciencey shit to do?” He asked you
“What you don’t want me around anymore?” you fake pouted.
“You still haven’t even met the rest of the team. I also don’t need you to see my ass get kicked anymore by Steve.” Peter told you.
“Steve don’t hurt him too bad. We still have school tomorrow.” 
You wandered around the rest of the house and ran into someone. “Oh my gosh I’m so sorry I wasn’t looking where I was going.” You bent down and started to pick up the books and papers that you had knocked out of their hands.
“You must be y/n. Tony said I might run into you. I’m Bruce otherwise known as the Hulk.”
“Yea he kinda just took me in a few hours ago. Quantum physics?” The book you held in your hand was very colorful and heavy.
“We’re working on new weapons for everyone. Tony also told me about your wonder tablet. How exactly does it work?”
You followed Bruce to his lab he shared with Tony and explained how your tablet worked. In short terms it sped up the metabolism to heal wounds. Bruce leaned against one of the work tables and took a sip from his mug.
“I don’t know where Tony is at. We were suppose to finish the project today.” 
“Well what does he normally do?”
“He is normally in here or going out to eat.... what time is it? Yea he hasn’t eaten in awhile he probably went somewhere for food.”
“Soo do you know if there is food in the house or do we have to go to a fast food place?”
“We usually have fast food delivered. Now that you mention it I don’t know if we actually have food in the house other than eggs.” Bruce told you.
“Wellllll I want mac and cheese for dinner soooo Imma go to the store. You should come with so we can get actual food in the house instead of take out.”
After about a week you had met everyone on the team and bonded with everyone well. You were also trained for months and worked with Bruce in the lab, but Tony kept his distance. You had gotten used to it thinking he didn’t want to have to deal with another kid since he already had Peter. You didn’t expect much from him, but he still took you in and for that you cared about what he thought. Tonight wasn’t suppose to be any different then every other day, but you decided you would make one last attempt to make nice with him and since everyone else was out doing stuff you were able to go and talk with him. His door was open when you walked around to go find him.
“Tony?” You asked him and he just let out a strangled noise and falling to the ground and crawled away from you. His harsh breathing rang though your ears. He was having a panic attack. Cautiously you walked towards him then sat on the ground in front of him. 
“You’re safe you know. What ever you just saw or heard, its not what you thought it was or its not happening now if it was a memory.” You told him, but he didn’t look me in the face. 
You took out your phone and put it on your breathing app then handed it to him, he surprisingly took it. His breathing slowed down into an even pace. You left to grab some tea and came back with two mugs.
“Here drink. It’ll calm your nerves.”
“Thank you.” He said taking it with a shaky hand.
“Do you wanna watch a movie or cartoons or go to bed?” You asked and he looked at you skeptically.
“Why are you here? Why aren’t you in bed? Why?” He asked snapping at you.
“Why not?” I asked him.
“No seriously kid why are you here? Why aren’t you with Pepper or something?”
“Can’t you just accept my kindness? You gave me a home.”
“Is that why you’re doing this?”
“No. I know how much a panic attack sucks and how after every one I wished I had someone there to make me not feel so alone.” 
“I didn’t have a panic attack.”
“Tony you are shaking for fucks sake. Just stop. Everyone else around here including you acts like your ok. You’re a human being you’re allowed to feel scared, get mad and cry. You had a panic attack. Now do you wanna watch a movie or something or sleep it off?” Tony stared at you dumbfounded.
“....It was Peter...” he said softly.
“What about Peter?” your voice softened.
“He had died before I got to him. I couldn’t go fast enough I couldn’t get to him quick enough...”
“Why don’t you call him?”
“And tell him I had a dream about him dying?”
“No just talk to him. Just so you know he’s ok.”
“If I call him then he’ll know something is wrong.” You rolled your eyes and called Peter on your phone.
“Y/n? What are you doing up so early? Is something wrong?” Peter asked as you put him on speaker. Tony watched the phone as you held it in front of you
“No nothing is wrong I’m sorry for waking you I just wanted to talk to you and see how your day went today since I didn’t go to school today.” 
“Nothing much. Flash was asking around for you though. Honestly Y/n you should stop trying to pick a fight with him. He might deck you one of these days.” Peter said.
“Peter no one else is standing up to him.I’m not scared of his fake ass tough guy show.”
Tony looked like he wanted to say something, but closed his mouth. Peter sighed. “Other than that all you missed was Ned laughing to hard he had milk come out his nose because of a joke I told him.”
“What did you say?”
“He had guacamole from cooking class and I told him that his one guacamole was equal to 6.022x10^23 guacas.” Peter gave out a small laugh and you tried to not smile, but couldn’t help it because he was so bad it was good. Tony was smiling too
“Geez Parker is that the best you could do?” You asked
“ Whatever hater I know your smiling on the other side of the phone.” Peter said.
“Ok well I’ll let you get some sleep and I’ll see you at school tomorrow ok?”
“Yea. You should probably get some sleep too.”
“What are you talking about I can totally sleep in class.”
“Sure. Good night Y/n.” You heard him yawn.
“G’night sleepy head.” You told him and hung up.
Tony had finished the rest of his tea. 
“Maybe you should get some sleep kid.” Tony said.
“Nah. I’m going to the main room to watch cartoons.” You told him and walked out. 
A few minutes later he came and sat in the opposite recliner.
“Tom and Jerry?”
“It was the first cartoon I could find that was on and wasn’t trash.”
It was about half an hour before we talked again.
“Do you have panic attacks often?” He asked you catching you off guard.
“Sometimes yea. Just depends on the day I’ve had. I don’t know what Peter’s told you, but from what he knows my parents are dead....”
“But they’re aren’t” He said and you nodded. He had looked them up.
“They might as well be. ‘We’ll be back in a few days.’ A postcard shows up about a week later they moved to a different country. I sold most of the stuff they left behind for rent money. I filed for emancipation and the government gave me some money for help and helped me get a job.” You told him watching the tv. He didn’t say anything else and about an hour later you fell asleep.
After that encounter Tony wasn’t as distant as he used to be and actually talked with you and you guys joked around while messing with the stuff in the lab. One night while you guys were working on improving your tablet Steve came barging in.
“There is a situation a few miles from here. Person has been noted as armed and dangerous.”
“Are you up for a mission kid?” Tony asked you
“Tony she’s just a kid.” Steve said butting in
“Steve have you seen her? We need her out in the field. Even with her age.” Nat told him walking in behind him.
“I got a suit for you kid.” 
“You’ve already put thought into her going on a mission with us?” Steve asked.
“She is part of the team Steve. Check it out kid.” A futuristic suit appeared in purple and black. It wasn’t metal like his, but like Spiderman’s suit which was a spandex like material.
“Go try it on.” 
You came back with the suit on and it felt awesome.
“Lookin good Y/n” Nat said 
“It has all of the weapons you created in it plus other things that we will review in the jet.” We started walking to the top of the tower and met up with everyone else.
“Y/n?” Peter asked looking at the suit.
“In the flesh.” 
“Wow ummm are you going on the mission with us?”
“Yep lets go!” You said excitedly getting on the jet.
“I still don’t think she’s ready.” Steve mumbled.
“Steve come on she’s pretty kick ass” Peter said making you blush and Tony started to go over what was in your suit.
“Ok everyone ready to drop?” Steve asked.
“What?” You asked and soon everyone was jumping out of the jet. A pair of arms wrapped around you and felt the ground disappear from under you. Peter had grabbed you and he swung from building to building until you guys were finally on the ground.
“Thanks for that.” You told him
“No problem.”
“The news said there was an explosion in this building over here.” Steve said pointing to the worn down and closed building that was falling apart.
“Split up and stay on the radios.”
We split up and you headed to the basement of the building. The thermal vision in the mask showed that there was someone in the room. Slowly you walked up and they turned around.
“Who are you?”
“The name is Jenny.” She said turning around.
“Not much of a super villain name.”
“Because I’m not a super villain. I’m just smart I use to be a scientist at Stark’s company. I was hoping the Avengers would show up. I wanted to tell you guys that I see what’s wrong with the world.”
“Poverty, racism, and the government?” 
“The male species.”
“I don’t think you can blame a whole gender for the issues of the world.” You said leaning against the wall.
“You’re female are you not a feminist? How do you not see that the oppressors are the male species?”
“First of all yes I am a feminist and your definition of feminist is actually  misandry.” You told her.
“Doesn’t matter its most of them anyway. This serum is going to have them destroy each other. My first test subjects are your friends. All of your other male friends have tripped the wires and been shot. He’s the only one who I haven’t hit yet.” She aimed her gun behind me,I turned seeing Peter was behind me, and fired hitting him right in the shoulder.
“WHAT THE FUCCK LADY???” You shouted at her and went over to see if Peter was ok.
“Peter?” You bent over him only to be socked in the stomach. “Ahhh the hell? Its me???” You held your stomach. He flipped back onto his feet and started swinging.
“Uh oh.” 
“You screwed up big time Jenny!” I yelled as I started to dodge Peter by running through the building.
“Peter come on dude its me.” You yelled as you avoided getting webbed going into a bigger room where you saw the Hulk and Steve fighting Wanda and Natasha. Steve saw you and threw his shield at you just missing by a few inches.
Peter had the Hulk throw him and ended up slamming into you and knocking you over. He ended up on top and you kept your arms up to protect your face. When he wouldn’t let up on the punches you socked him in the mouth and got up.
“Peter.... please.” You said backing up. Natasha and Wanda were in your peripheral view fighting off Steve and Bruce. Who knew where the rest of the team was.
“Instant kill mode Karen.” The suits eye’s glowed red. Well shit. You ducked behind a pillar of the run down building. 
“Peter this isn’t you. You can snap out of it anytime now.” Slowly you started crawling over the rubble going deeper into the building.
“You can’t hide Y/n.”
“Guys have you had any luck trying to get them back to normal?” you whispered over the radio. 
“No not yet. Bruce is putting up a good fight though.” Nat said.
It got eerily quiet. You looked around and there was no sign of him. All of a sudden you were lifted out of the rubble by your neck and thrown. Your body slammed into the wall and was held there by webs as Peter walked over to you.
“ You wouldn’t kill me Peter. I have a hard time believing you would kill one of your best friends who you have Star Wars marathons with, brings you cookies when you have a bad day at school, and who you take frequent naps with?” 
“Shut up.”
“ Alright fine. Do it Peter. Come on kill me. Since you have no issue with killing someone who loves you come on and kill me.” You told him and he swung his fist and it impacted next to your head sending your heart pounding.
“Oh my God.”
“I swear to fuck Peter don’t scare me like that.” He chuckled and undid the webs around you. “When did you...”
“Like midway through that punch. I could’ve killed you.”
“Thank God you didn’t.” You told him with your heart still racing and you wrapped your arms around him.
“Y-you love m-me?” He stuttered out and it sent a smile to your face.
“You didn’t know?” 
“Guys this isn’t the time to proclaim your love for one another. We have bigger issues on our hands.” Nat said as we heard a thump on one of the other walls.
“Talk about it later?” 
“Y-yea.” You knew Peter was blushing hella hard under his mask, but so were you.
You found Tony on the roof with Jenny fighting.
“Looks like your plan backfired on you.” You told her as he dragged her across the roof, but he stopped when he heard your voice.
“You.” He dropped her and started advancing towards you.
“Tony...” You warned him.
“You took Peter away from me.” He swung at you.
“Peter is downstairs fine.” You moved out of the way.
“You had to come and ruin our lives” There was a blast that missed.
“Your parents deserted you because you were unlovable. You weren’t good enough.” He landed a punch into your side.
“We didn’t even want you.” His foot landed in my ribs as you tried to get up.
“ I should’ve left you where I found you.” He hit you again and sunk deeper into the roof. Everything hurt. He started to walk away.
Tears streamed down your cheeks as you held your side in pain. Words came out of your mouth that you never expected to say.
“Dad please stop.”
“I’m not your dad. You were only a new recruit kid. You weren’t that important.” Tony said coming back to stand over you.
“Stupid me then I guess.” 
Lol the joke that Peter made came from someone on Tumblr and I love it so much!!! Also I’m sorry this came out later than intended you guys. I promise to be more ontop of it. I didn’t edit this either so lol ik its not that my best. Also let me know if you want to be on the tag list or if you have an imagine/oneshot you guys want me to do. Have a good rest of your day lovelies <3
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