#ok ima stop OOP LOL
hector-reyes · 2 years
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Dear Jules,
Can you believe I’m actually missing a Colorado winter? Texas is nice but it’s got nothing on home. Don’t tell anyone I told you that. I don’t need it to get back to my mom that I’m homesick or she’ll show up. Probably with soup. Honestly I probably wouldn’t mind that, maybe I am a little homesick. This summer will make almost seven years that I’ve been out here, can you believe that? And I’m finally close. This spring I’ll have majors tryouts and it’s finally gonna change. I feel it. All this hard work and everything. Seven years. Jesus, it feels like a lifetime, you know? Kind of can’t believe I’ve been away that long. Kind of can’t believe you’re not out here with me yet. I think you’d like it. I know you would. 
Anyway, I’m sure you’re bored at home so you know, just offering something for you to do. If you come this summer you can finally see me play in the big leagues. Wouldn’t that be something? You can tell everyone about it. I’ll even give you my autograph. It might be worth a lot of money one day, you know!
I was out at a bar last week and saw this neon sign. Kind of cool, right? I always wondered what it would be like if I loved football more than baseball. But I’m too pretty to get tackled that often, you know? Could I make it any clearer that I wish you were here? There’s all these places I want to show you. We could go dancing. Eat some really good barbecue. My car’s finally not crapping out on me so we could even go for a ride and you wouldn’t have to worry about hitchhiking home. 
I guess I’m trying to say I miss you. Is that corny? I guess I was just looking at some of our letters earlier and I was kind of thinking I wouldn’t have made it this far without reading your letters, you know? Deciphering your handwriting is my favorite part of the week! I’m joking. Mostly. Not that mine is any better, I always have hand cramps after these. Not that I’m complaining. Next time I’ll go to the library and find a typewriter. And yeah I DO know where the library is. It’s pretty close to my place. And my new roommates are way cleaner than the last. Am I selling this or what? I’d let you take my bed, I can take the couch. Like a gentleman. Though I gotta warn you, my PJs are kinda sexy. 
Speaking of sexy, you doing anything for the holidays? I’m trying to find my way back home if I can but we’ll see if it happens. I just don’t want to make any promises and then it falls through. But I got a great Christmas sweater I think you’d love to see. It’d make you laugh and it’s a little too warm to wear it over here. If I do come home, make sure you clear your schedule for me, yeah? Your line of suitors are gonna have to wait. Bet you didn’t think I knew the word suitor, huh? 
I’m starting to write too much again, you’re probably rolling your eyes at this point wondering when I’m gonna end. Guess I just want an excuse to keep talking to you. I’ve included some photos and a few stickers I found in a shop I think you’d like. Write me back! 
I really hope I get to hug you soon. 
Thinking of you,
p.s. please immediately forget all sappy emotion written above. 
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imbrium-mare · 1 year
ok my thoughts on the movie bc I literally can’t get it out of my head and I love these boys sm. all I’ve said before has been negative and I don’t like that so!! Movie love time
Some things I really liked
When they were on call and Henry appears and ESP when they’re curled up on the bed (two parentheses miles away closing each other!!! Yes)
The soundtrack (bad reputation was iconic)
Henry karaoke and just the happiness there
Zahra asking if she could get Alex to stop and he says no SO FAST
How happy Alex looks about to confess his feelings and then how sad he is when he’s in London
V&a museum scene
Red room scene and the buildup to it!
The way the Paris scene was filmed? Incredible execution, Alex’s hesitation was soooo cute
A lot of the decor and background choices were just amazing
Henry whose never had his own key getting Alex’s!!! And Alex actually wearing the ring
When they’re in the closet (lol) and Henry asks why Alex hates him and Alex’s whole pouty face thing when henry makes fun of the reason
Alex throwing a peace sign at the prince?? Dead
Their texts
Alex in texas
Ima Thurman says bottoming
What I wish we had also
The love letters!! Ughhh imagine the montages with little cut scenes of them reading those out like PLEASE I need the star crossed lover vibe up to a max
More background queer characters (Amy and her wife, June and Pez and Nora)
Alex screaming outside the palace for Henry to come down while Shaan tries to make him leave was so fucking funny in the books and idk WHY it was cut like? In general Alex was toned down and it made me sad
More fuck the GOP/the royal family content (more under cut oops)
A deeper exploration of grief and found family and coming out (child of divorce doesn’t know he’s bi alex? Hello??)
Rafael Luna!! Politics!!!
More Alex problems, not just the divorce but the burnout and anxiety. And his shifting career decisions
More of the crowds and international support at the end
Alexa speech to Texas before it goes blue and just more election night content generally
Less Miguel what was the reason ugh
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sofieeisstupid · 3 years
Avatar Naruto AU??
Ok so I saw this post on instagram about a ATLA Naruto AU and I can't stop thinking about it. There's so much that could work here and I just need to write it down somewhere. soo uhhh here's some brain vomit
Firebending Prince Sasuke on a quest to get revenge on his brother for murdering the rest of the royal family and throwing the fire nation into chaos.
Airbending Avatar Naruto who needs to find a new home for the almost wiped out air nomads and oh yeah that world-peace nonsense, might as well help the flamebrain to help the fire nation not collapse.
Earthbender Sakura who doesn't like to bend at first cause it's dirty, but she is driven to be as strong as her friends and to protect her country from being in the middle of another war.
Firebender Kakashi who is Sasuke's tutor + secret royal guard member assigned to keep him safe while on his 'sabbatical'. Also Mr. oh gosh these kids are going to kill themselves I should probably train them
Very vague sense of a timeline:
The fire nation has been waging war on the rest of the word and the air nomads are very very close to being dead and Itachi is groomed from a young age to further the fire nations might across the world.
So the white lotus comes in and is like "itachi you are the only way the cycle of hate ends, you must end it or the other nations will end you." And Itachi does his thing and murders everyone to save his brother. Oop.
Sasuke grows up in the midst of a crumbling fire nation with no family and a bunch of politicians trying to control him to control the future of the fire nation.
Eventually he's like enough is enough ima just leave and kill my brother. He almost makes it out but Kakashi finds him and is like lol ok you can go, but I have to come with you.
They 'steal' a boat and set out to the earth kingdom where shit starts to happen and Sakura and Naruto come into the picture.
He meets Sakura first after inadvertently saving her town while on the hunt for Itachi, she wants to be able to protect herself and admires his strength.
Naruto is next, he's been traveling around the Earth Kingdom doing war relief measures and trying to find a new home for the air nomads. He knows his duty is to bring peace and all that nonsense and his avatar senses are telling him this annoying jerk is the answer?! He's not pleased, but does figure that by traveling with them he can scout more places for a new air temple.
Anddd that's as far as i got. tbh I have no idea what this is or what do do with it but it wouldn't stop playing in my brain so I like fuck it ima write it down, that's what this place is for right? 😋
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swearronchanel · 5 years
you know what’s going on
“There are times when all we can do is our best...” felt that
Thank you Vanessa Redgrave for the inspo as always
There’s the incubator, finally
I miss seeing Phyllis with the cubs lol
LMAO Violet pulled a Kanye was “aight Shelagh ima let you finish but let me just say” 😂
May and Angela in their sound of music looking outfits LMAO
I should start carrying around ceremonial shears bc you never know right?
LMAO Ms Higgins is not here for any of McNulty’s shit
Shelagh’s suit is nice but why is she not in uniform at clinic?
She’s like yea I think he’s sentimental he fell in love with a nun he barely spoke with lmaooo 
My gal Trixie finally
She’s fiesty, I respect it ha
McNulty with a drug problem is almost predictable tbh, it’s done on a lot of shows. The only time i found it an interesting trope was on House😂 maybe I’m being too hard on the show idk lmaoo
Give us more Shelagh and Trixie !! Cowards
I just want them to be friends sheesh
Also hard to believe they can’t find any braille pamphlets
LMAO STOP this fuckery right now I don’t want these Sister Bernadette and Dr Turner vibes from Sister Frances and Dr McNulty
He’s cool I just don’t want that lol
“A moment on the lips a lifetime on the hips” LMAO that’s DEFF been said but I relate😂 tbh I think Trixie literally said it a few seasons ago??  But whatever I’ll never get rid of my hips sadly
I love Val’s humor
“Master Cyril” sister MJ has a pure little crush on him & no one can change my mind
LMAOO “for historical research” SISTER MJ feening for a fry is me af
“Not everyone wants to take the pill” VERY TRUE! And valid! Just not true for me 😂
but also when are they going to write the pill an episode where it’s not skated around? you know what I mean?
Trixie tell this bitch to goooo
Damn this poor woman, is social services really gonna crush her? Blind women have surely have had babies for a long time then
“Haven’t met a bloke who means what he says yet” OOF also felt that
Old bag? oh nah you do not disrespect Ms Millicent P. Higgins like that (idk what her middle name is but a P name sounds right LMAO)
McNulty I dare you to punch him
Why haven’t we seen that? LMAO someone is bound to get in a fight. Phyllis would FOR SURE throw hands with a deserving person (at least in my head she would but I guess there’s a lot up there LMAO)
Aww Cyril, he better propose soon lmaoo I want to see the church choir again!!
He’s so pure
No one wants to separate her from her baby huh? Hmm where was that energy for Esther Tang🤔 just saying...
Pill poppin’ McNulty
Sister Hilda has grown on me all season, she needs a good storyline to shine more!
Phyllis getting excited for the help🥺 I love her
when the doll hit the table aajskksk oops 🤐
What do we think McNulty’s presumedly tragic reason for being addicted is?
every summer when I was younger me and my friends/cousins on the block tried to make a go kart😂we always failed rip
Sister MJ is such a gem. I’ll die on that hill
Sister Frances taking charge, good for her
Dr Turner walked in and right back out LMAO like what?
I’ve been waiting for Trixie to get a main storyline all season and now that she has one I’m not feeling it? It’s not over I guess, let’s see
aw a baby girl 🥺
out for the count is my line Trix
Aww poor Val man 😭
“The same scared little boys” stinggg
what did you think would happened beryl?
sibling squabble is over just like that?? or nah
Val’s gran isn’t looking to hot, I hope they don’t kill her off
Oh noo she’s stepping on glass
that hurts like a bitch
Val’s making her gran cupcakes😭
Bro CODINE doesn’t work for you? he’s really got it bad
stop this before I cry, save Elise Dyer
Trixie found another blind mom for some inspo & this is why I love her !!  
Ok this is a sweet story for sure, I just was looking or a story with more “UPMH” for Trixie if that makes any sense?
This wasn’t the best episode by far, but at least I got to see Beatrix
Phyllis is so happy Lucille and Cyril are there to help
“There are always challenges in life. Pieces to put together, plans to lay...”
When Vanessa Redgrave says all will be well I believe it 😭
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I just.. sheesh. My heart every time you’re here.
Also, turns out he is on a diet and fasting but he broke it bc of me anyway LOL OOPS.
But MAN I hope my future man is as patient as you (or even MORE PATIENT) with my parents man bc they can be too much 😂 this has always been one of my worries LOL.
But ahhh always like old times with you. It’s so funny how you’re always so surprised when I remember stuff lol or when you tell me something and I’m like, “Yeah you told me...” “I told you?” “Yeah exactly a year ago yesterday” LOL because of Snapchat memory and I forgot to send it to him.
“Your anniversary is this week right?” haha. I remember bc I remember the date of that very specific unforgettable phone call.
“My number is... *says first 6 numbers* but mom keeps missing it and messing it up.
So I repeated it and said, “0928.. right?”
“Yeah! Haha”
“Ok wow I still got it” LOL. I forgot I have it memorized.
And just you telling us about your future plans. ☹️ 💗 AHHHH. MY BOY IS TURNING INTO A MAAAN. And us just reminiscing bc we were talking about our age. 23! AND I’M FREAKING 28 WHAT. It’s nice that he’s actually following through with his timeline.
“How long have I known you? Since you were 17? 2014.”
*simulataneously* “DANG.”
“We’ve known each other for so long Alda... 7 YEARS” HAHA.
But my parents are so rude sheesh 😂 Mom kept talking over him and also giving unsolicited advice about his future and him and Racheal’s plans. I could tell he was getting kinda irritated bc he was getting a little defensive that’s why I kept trying to change the subject or asking other questions, and tbh I was getting irritated too bc it’s one of my pet peeves. Like bro... can people just share what’s on their mind or their plans and be excited about it? Nobody’s asking for your advice, why are you telling people what to do. And my dad when he came in, Mom’s like “MAY BISITA TAYO” “Hello po!” And the first thing Dad said was, “Oh hi!..... *long pause* What happened?” SO UNEXPECTED. RUDE. I didn’t even know what he was talking about and CJ SAID “YEA I KNOW I GOT FAT” AND MOM SAID “HAHA HINDI KA NAKILALA” AND DAD SAID “YA.” SHEESH. RUDE. CAN’T GET OVER IT THEY JUST KEPT CALLING HIM FAT. LIKE I KNOW HE IS AND HE KNOWS HE IS AND HE KEPT POINTING IT OUT TOO BUT THAT DOESN’T MEAN YOU GOTTA KEEP BRINGING IT UP DANG. RUDE. GEEZ. I HAD TO KEEP TELLING THEM TO STOP GAH. LOL.
But it’s so funny how he loves eating 😂 he said, “DUDE THAT’S HECKA GOOD” to my sammich hehe. Mom asked what I was feeding him and I said “Chicken sandwich” and he didn’t really react lol. But then after making it and placing it in front of him, I said, “Here ya go! Chicky sammich!” And he was like “😳 DANG. WOAH. THAT LOOKS BOMB WTH. TY!” And we ate together and he prayed ☺️ and when he bit it he was like, “Dang that’s hecka good. TY” “Welcome! Hehe” and then mom brought up dessert and cookies and so I was like, “I know! I used to make some for him all the time” and he’s like, “No it’s okay!” But I went and made some in the kitchen anyway and came out like 20 mins later with them done. And Mom was watching him eat his 2nd cookie and said, “Enjoy na enjoy talaga tong kumain ‘no?” And he looked kinda offended but I was like, “I know!! 😂☺️” BC I LOVE IT. MY FAVORITE TYPE OF PEOPLE. HAHA. Axel brought up the other day that making people food is my love language even if it’s not a real thing which is sooo true hahaha. I LOVE cooking/baking for people I LOVE THE MOST AND IT MAKES ME SO SO HAPPY SEEING THEM EXCITED AND SATISFIED but when other people I’m not close to are like, “Where’s mine?” “What about me?” it’s kinda like... UM? Who are you? I just hate being told to cook HAHA. It really depends who it is and how they ask. Like kanina CJ said, “Ima just pop up here like Alda I’m craving a sandwich can you make me one” I got so excited like, “HAHA JUST LMK. YOU KNOW I’M DOWN.” But anyway, I digress. After mom said that ang sarap sarap niya kumain thing, CJ’s like, “I mean... if you’re gonna put freshly baked cookies in front of me I’m gonna eat it. I just trying to be a good guest 😬” HAHAHAHA. I LOVE THE COMEBACKS. And I’m glad he baby talks with me. It’s something I keep trying to change bc some of the kids or even adults look at me weird when I automatically do it sometimes LOL and like sheesh it is kinda weird for a 28 year old hahaha but he does it too and so I don’t even try to stop myself. I also got Axel and Mica doing it too even if Axel calls me out when he’s with certain friends in the car and calls me and I answer a certain way like, “Why do you talk like that, you sound like...them...” but apparently it’s just when I said “yeeh” and “yees” that makes him cringe. Lol anyways... today was good. He asked me how I’ve been doing during quarantine and what I’ve been up to and literally I blanked and was gonna tell him about my depression and therapy... but then mom mentioned, “Kain, tulog, nood, luto ng luto... Pero busy din sa LDC” and he started laughing and I was like, “Yeah basically. Cooking baking, and yeah! I did take college courses” and he goes, “Oh for what?” so I told him and he mentioned that a lot of people at Tesla do AutoCAD and it’s needed and that he wishes he had that skill and that Kuya Basil was supposed to teach him. I should have offered to teach him! I wonder if I can apply.. I wonder if that would be weird if we both ended up working at Tesla 😂 but ahh I missed him. And I’m gonna miss him when he gets married and moves up there. Idk if he saw my reaction when I said, “Wait... so you’re moving up there?” “Yeah...” “Oh okay..” I looked away and just ☹️ I already miss you from 13-30 mins away, now you’re gonna be 1 hour and 40 mins away 😩💔 HNNNG. But I happy for you, always ☺️ as long as you’re happy. Also today really confirmed that it was for the best that I did not entertain the feelings I had and truly trusted in Jehovah and asked for signs bc as strongly as I felt for you, I knew deep down you weren’t it for me even if it FELT nice to be around you. I really need someone who’s truly kind and spiritual and wouldn’t allow me to rebel against my parents like that haha. Also it still bothers me how you get angry and how you handle certain emotions and are comfortable with using certain vocabulary 😅 definitely takes me back to certain moments where I thought “I can handle this as a best friend but not as a gf bc we’d be representing one another” haha. Happy and grateful for where we’re at 🤗
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jadelunaaa · 5 years
Sober thoughts, drunk heart. It is 1:43am on a Saturday night, Sunday morning. Suprisingly I am not drunk right now. I am filled with sober thoughts, but my heart, my heart is drunk. Drunk with all sorts of feelings. Last night I went to the bar and drank with some friends. I was having a good time until he walked in through the door. My heart stops everytime I see him and I hate that I feel this way. Of course me being drunk. I text him. I tell him if he could give me a ride home because he literally lives on the street next to me. I send it, immediately the little bubble comes up, he’s texting back.. it’s up for a while. Oops I’m in trouble, then it disappears. He didn’t respond, he changed his mind. Ignores my text. I text him again. Nothing. I get a lyft home. My lyft turns on his street instead of mind. He’s home. I get to my house, get our child out of grandmas bed and bring him to mine. I know I shouldn’t text him, but I do. I tell him... “Here goes a long ass paragraph that nobody asked for but I’m still going to write it because I need you to know this.....All I needed was a ride nothing more nothing less. it’s okay for you to say no, you can’t give me a ride or whatever you need to say. I wasn’t going to talk your ear off or get in any kind of feelings lol I honestly just didn’t wanna get an uber for an 8 minute ride lol you could’ve just said no saying no is ok. I just don’t know what to say or do for us to be good again . Because that’s all I want for us to be good. I don’t know how to act when I see you at the bar cus I wanna say hi but then again ima get hella ignored. I genuinely care about you oj and worry about you and wonder all the time if you’re ok, I will always always care. You said you didn’t feel well and that you would take jared to movies on Friday pero nada. Is it that hard to text me real quick to give me a heads up about what’s going on? Because if it is please let me know so we could work something else out. That day at James party was great we acted like normal human beings lol what do I do to get there again?! Idk what to do idk what to say I just wants our coparent relationship to get better for our son. Tell me what I need to do or say because I am lost. I promise you I am not the bad guy.” I go to sleep hoping I would get some kind of response. I wake up in the morning. But nothing. Idk what to do anymore. What am I supposed to do. I have nothing left in me anymore I can’t make it better if he doesn’t want to make it better. Please tell me oj what do you want from me. Because I give up.
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celestialallstars · 5 years
Episode #6: “Can i PLEASE get a blindside.” - Jared
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ok so basically the game has been sooo quiet and ive like.  felt dead. idk. i had a breakdown last night bc of it and i cried on my couch (KNOW THERE WAS A LOT MORE THAN THIS LKSDJGKLDSGLS I WOULDNT CRY PURELY BC OF THAT) but yaaa and now im better but like the entire day i was throwing up in class (or like feeling anxious im exaggerating sorry) about going home.
i didnt want mo out but with that being said i didnt want anyone out?? after i mentioned to him that stephen/mo were targeting each other, rhys came to me with the idea that like him jared chloe and i should make a chat, and i was down for that bc it would secure my positioning and like ALSGKSDG who'd flip on an alliance THIS early.. right?? right..
chloe was really not talkative with me. stephen/jared were active so i appreciate that immensely. im just thrown off. i dont really know who i can or cant trust.
OK ALSO SIDE NOTE CHRIS SENT ME [IM NOT EXAGGERATING] 55+ MSGS SPILLING TEA ABOUT HOW THE TUATHA HAD AN OG ALLIANCE WITH EVERYONE BUT MITCH + MAYNOR - which i knew about but LASKGLDKS AHHHH. and he leaked that stephen wanted kori/bryce targeted and i leaked that to bryce to further stephens target. IM JUST SO MESSY LOL
also i kind of predicted a swap likeee omfg. and i dont know how i feel. i kind of felt safe on my tribe??? but like.. oh no. anyway, my tribe isnt super dominant in challenges or anything (compared 2 the other tribe who has bryce/stephen/drew), but i think we can win a lipsync since we have a woman, gay men, and a metrosexual male who has an outgoing personality (and i mean that in the nicest way obviously). IDK I HOPE WE WIN BC THAT TRIBAL WAS HORRIFIC AND I LOVE MO SO MUCH AND AHH.
ill probs give a video soon in more depth with what chris said. yalls deserve it.. oops period.
I HOPE YALL CAN FORGIVE ME. im eating hotdog. bye bye love u all.
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Wow I like the whole tribe! Alyssa is probably my front runner of talking and honestly she's great! I am in her spell ahhhh but hey JARED is here too woo! I think at least with Mitch and Zach too I'll be safe but I'll see! This challenge could either go really well or really badly for us but I'm excited to do anything creativity!!
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I absolutly love my tribe at the moment, i'm getting along well with alot of them except Kori who i haven't spoken to much at all but im confident in our abilities to win! Jared is talking a little bit about wanting the game to pick up a little bit and i agree to some extent however blindsiding someone just for the sake of a blindside isn't smart gameplay so im just gonna lay low nd continue making those strong bonds here there and everywhere to hopfully come out on top should we end up at tribal
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Can i PLEASE get a blindside
hi it's 6 am but rhys fucking filmed vertically so if we lose he automatically has my vote
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I feel good but also scared. I dont think I'll do as good of a job as I hope, but it also is turning out decently so far. My biggest concern is time. With having work tomorrow, I can only do the editing on my lunch break of 90 minutes, then whenever i get home which probably wont be until 6, given the upload time that leaves me with about 3 hours in total. Hopefully I'll be able to work with Rhys and Jack's stuff, as i think it'll be easier for me to do it then. Regardless, I'm gonna be a zombie but LOL this is the second Wednesday in a row I stayed up late except this is not for school and instead of 3 hours, ima get 2 hours of sleep haha that is so sad and funny and heebee jeebee zoinks, alright goodnight
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Two things: 1) there's really nothing quite like making a fool of yourself multiple times in a single org, just to be immune for one round. 2) i am horrible at looking for idols
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So Matt just told me he thinks we’re gonna have a double tribal right before merge which is like ew I hate that throw it out please, speaking of throwing out uh Kori can go because he’s wearing on my nerves like yes we’re gonna get things done on time calm down please and thanks.
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these people are actually delulu if they think that video is winning. no fucking way we are winning. time to go to tribal!
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So the swap has happened, and I get what is almost probably my worst case scenario player-wise. All of my close allies, with the exception of Kori, are currently on Cyrena. Meaning that winning immunity isn't even really good, since it puts them in danger.
I think there's a way to make this bad situation good though. Getting to finally work with Michael, Matt, Loris, and Drew can actually be a blessing in disguise. If I get on their good sides now, they might clue me into their plans once merge rolls around. That's the hope, anyway. For now my goal is just to survive being swapped with a bunch of people I've barely spoke to!
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The past 24 hours have been major toughie for me. Staying up late and then trying to manage editing a video, work, and time constraints, and I won't lie, its been exhausting, but I didn't want to let my tribe down, or anyone down I guess. A little ways through, I kinda felt pretty defeated and then learning at last minute it was due an hour before I predicted made me panic A LOT internally, but it does seem like the tribe likes it so if we do lose and if they do vote me out, I can look back at this and feel like I did something right.
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Well a lots happened and to be honest at times life and this game move too quick for me to even remember if I've mentioned it. We swapped, and I'm trying to just keep myself afloat however I can.
The challenge was overly stressful and I have no idea if we'll pull it out. Editing has been so stressful and I've found new appreciation for the people that do it. I just hope whatever I whip together will just be enough so that I can breathe and really take stalk of my new situation.
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So, I haven't been around a whole bunch recently. However I'm glad we didn't go to tribal, that could've been  a reason if my name came up. So I'm glad I have time to more cement my bonds on this tribe and keep my name out of peoples mouths.
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We JUST WON IMMUNITY WOOHOO. I was kind of nervous with a music challenge considering the only other one I did previously I did not do the greatest in :P. Both videos were amazing and im so glad Eve and Jones's mom liked ours significantly greater than the other one! As far as my position is concerned, I am reunited with Jared and our relationship is still strong I think so that's good. Stephen I am HOPING will be ok by just latching on to Kori at least for premerge. Those two are still the ones I trust the most, but I also like Alyssa Chris and Zach. I WISH i could connect more with jack, but i feel like every time we play together it gets more difficult to hold a conversation, so that's a yikes. Jared myself and stephen are diligently working on the idol search, but it's likely already found. I'm pretty sure there are too many components for someone to just find it by themselves
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WELL. Im a target tonight! God we really do love that for me. We really do. Kori, eat my fucking ass. You leave me on read all the time. And then you have the NERVE. THE ACTUAL NERVE. to be like "omg stop slipping in my dm's!" Boo if you didn't leave me on read constantly then maybe i would actually want to speak to you! an actual moron. And then STEPHEN HAS THE FUCKING AUDACITY to me like "ya lol i'll be at tribal i'll make the decision between you and Kori at tribal!". BOI. THAT IS NOT HOW YOU GET TRUST IN SOMEONE. Its fucking ridiculous. Thank god Michael is in my corner, hopefully drew and bryce too. I am NOT getting 15th right now, no way. I am BETTER than this. i am going to make it work, tim gunn style. maybe its time to break the fajitas and channel their energy once again
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Why do I go on the initiative literally ever? I'm clearly bad at it, I wasn't even remotely thinking things through and I SHOULD have let Stephen or someone else suggest someone but no I had to be mildly greedy and wanna send home Matt whom I barely DM.
I already flopped editing the video, and now here I am flopping the social/stategy game that I love playing supposedly.
Of course I tried reaching out to Michael and Drew FOOLISHLY because I wanted to build trust and maybe work with them. So naturally Michael tells Matt because ofc they'd be close as would Drew probably since he and Michael have been together since Day 1. As it stands I'm stuck praying Loris is gonna vote with me and it just sucks because I'm so bad at this game.
I'm trying to keep a cool head right now because there's still time. Stephen and I are trying to work logistics, see if we need to switch the vote to say Michael in case of an idol, but I'm not sure Loris/Bryce would be on board for that.
There's a pretty good chance that I'm definitely dead. But I'ma fight to the bitter end!
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Today I learned from Stephen that Kori is in some dangerous water. He I guess said Matt's name to Michael who told Matt and now them and Drew are voting Kori. However Bryce and Stephen and perhaps Loris are all voting Matt. Now this is good if it works because honestly that group having to endure their numbers dwindling is good for my game. It only leaves Jack and Alyssa but I think we better be careful because I can see both of them slipping through the inevitable war zone that is gonna be happening.
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Today's been a pretty informative day for me. After losing the immunity challenge by a hair, I was worried because I didn't think I had bonded very well with my current tribe through One World, luckily for me, that doesn't seem to be their biggest concern at the moment.
During the initial stages of the vote, I talked to Kori and the two of us decided Matt would be the easiest target to take out. I was leaning towards voting Matt because we hadn't talked very much, so hearing Kori was on board right away simplified things for sure. Bryce and Loris both seem to be on board with it too so I shouldn't have anything to worry about at this point.
In the morning, things got a whole lot more complicated. Matt found out he was the target through Michael, and began his campaign to get Kori out instead of himself. I'm not entirely sure why Michael decided to do this, but it doesn't make much of a difference at this point. Matt campaigned to me, and I sorta pretended to be on the fence. I was listening to what he said, but Kori is realistically one of my closest allies, there's no way I'm voting him out to side with people I had just met.
Once campaign season got under way, I had a conversation with Chris. Chris tells me that on original Orfeo, him, Loris, and Zach believed there was an alliance of Chloe/Sharky/Drew/Michael formed. This explains not only why Sharky was seen as an easy boot on swap-Tuatha, but also why Michael wants to keep Matt instead of Kori. With Chloe re-joining after tribal, him/Drew/Chloe/Matt would form a tight majority. Without Matt, they're a minority.
I proposed an idea to switch the vote from Matt to Michael or Drew. I said it was because I was worried about an idol, but this alliance is the real reason I wanted to do it. However, Kori, Loris, and Bryce are comfortable with the status quo and since it's not my neck on the line I didn't feel the need to push too hard.
Me, Kori, and Bryce now also have an alliance with Loris, which is cool? I haven't gotten very close with Loris yet but he seems like a smart player tied to Chris and Zach which spells good things for us working together in the future. Assuming I survive this vote and have a future, of course.
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hi I think I might make it past final 15 that’s nice umm... I suggested an alliance of me Bryce Stephen Kori to counter the potential power of chloe Matt Michael and drew once chloe joins our tribe because my brain is massive. but now we’re like scared for idols . scary shih anyways like how r u I’m good.
oh huh tribes r gonna be even again next round... so I have to make this conf by default just in case of a you know what wait no anna u said no more 24 hour challenges QUEEN ... thank god I can’t be bothered to delete this so she’s being SENT
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Right now there's so many things running through my head with the introduction of Matts vote steal, because realistically i could convince him to give to me or i could keep him around as a potential shield. I don't want to do it to the guy but also a vote steal could shift the tides of the game in my favour later down the line. so it's a difficult decision and one id rather have more time to contemplate.
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Wooo ok operation vote steal is a go and next round we’ll be swimming in green hopefully but with one world sis og tribe lines just ain’t it!
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God im over this tribal. Like ugh these people really are under Kori's mist so like im probably going home. Do I think i might be able to survive? a small glimmer of hope says yes, but i'm not confident. God im just... so annoyed at this. Im clearly on the outs here and I just HOPE i can pull through i just am so scared. I know if i do leave though that I have fought my damn hardest to stay tonight. Im trying to think of the positives because its hard to do so because im being sad atm.. UGH. the fajitas really have failed me tonight, their light has dimmed and their guidance is no more. i am now with the darkness. we r one.
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Oh my fucking god my heart is breaking. Matt is basically in such a deep hole he's going to go home, unless he plays an idol. And Alyssa has an idol. And she doesn't think it's smart to use it on him because Michael says he's just gonna go home next round. His social game hasn't been up to snuff and they're gonna boot him regardless, so she wants to keep us with power and let him go. And I agree with her. Which kills me. I'm usually able to just be a robot when it comes to this like yes I will make the smarter decision if it means I'll be emotionally torn, and this is such an instance. Luckily, it's not my idol to give up. Yes Alyssa says it's "our" idol but it's her call end of the day. I just... fuck. This is all stars man. And I'm actually starting to feel, for once.
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Well it's about an hour before tribal and at least on it's surface it would seem Matt is going. I'm not confident though because any number of things COULD happen. I'm hoping there's no idol play, just because I feel like pre-merge just isn't a good look for me.
If Matt does pull something off, then kudos to him, and if it's me that'd make this my final confessional for the season. I've had such an amazing time playing and while I feel like I've been playing a lower key game on purpose I feel like I'm doing what I can to really come into my own. I hope the bonds I've made are gonna stick and that everything works out for us.
But if it doesn't I guess I'll have to find a way to be ok with that. This has been such a unique All-Stars experience so far, and I hope I can take what I've gotten from it and make myself better for it. (Also highkey hopefully this isn't my last confessional and I'm getting sentimental for no reason.)
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Kori is voted out 4-3.
0 notes
survivormarmoreal · 6 years
Episode #2: “I have no material for a confessional” - John
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Cole got voted out? Who is Cole? Oh the one who proclaimed that "the real bitch has arrived"...bye.
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Ok so now that Cole is gone, my next target if we lose I think Bryce should be next. The tribe shoulda known what would happen when me and Nick got put together :) only the inevitable tribe swap can screw this up.
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So I have no idea who that first boot guy was, but rip the first of many people!  I hope to not follow him out the door anytime soon lmfao...
This challenge looks like it'll be fun and brain blasting, but I'm so bad at everything, so we shall have to see how I perform!  I really want to thrive in this pre-merge portion and not only form alliances but also show that I can do a challenge for my tribe and do it well!
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Hi! I’m Nicole! I’ve been doing so terrible in this game so far, I already got a strike for not submitting a confessional and also abstained from last immunity. I absolutely HAVE TO pull my weight this round or my tribe is gonna hate my guts. I love Alice in Wonderland so I’m sad that I am doing so pooorly but hopefully I still have time to turn it around.
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I did the challenge and i hope i did well enough to give us points to win immunity. Dont really want to go to tribal. I really like my tribe. It is time tho to have somewhat game talk. Right now Im feeling like I want to align with sharky, dennis, and charlie. But need to see who they would want to work with. I also really like Brian. So by default if we do lose, my target might be Nicole which sucks but we havent really talked. Those are my thoughts so far.
I started my game talk with Dennis and he wants to work together which is great. (Hopefully he is telling the truth). Next we talked about who we should bring in and he said charlie and Im down with that because Charlie is awesome. I brought up Sharky and Dennis said that he was chill and would work with him. He’s asking Charlie and I’ll be asking Sharky. Hopefully this four person alliance works. I really like to work with them three.
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Okay challenge performance: Not my best? Outfit I wore while I did my challenge: cute.
Okay the game has officially BEGUN. Maynor just came to me pitching an alliance. I feel great about working with because we get on really well. The only hiccup is that he followed it with pitching us working with Dennis and Charlie as a 4 person alliance. I really want to work with Brian though so I'm going to try and get him to keep his options open...but I have an alliance at least.
Does Nicole have a personality? I'm really not sure because our conversation has consisted of NOTHING. I want to work with women...but not Nicole…
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Charlie and Sharky both agreed to be part of the 4 person alliance. This is great because we will have majority on our tribe. Hopefully its true tho. Sharky is down to be my duo partner in this game and im 100% truthful about that. I would totally go to the end with him. Lets just hope we win immunity today so we can avoid tribal again.
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Okay so this alliance is in motion and Brian is getting left behind...I have to figure out a way to warn him without freaking him out
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Wowee, tribal. Not a fan. I should be Gucci but like maybe a new Gucci gang will usurp me. Though I do severely doubt it lol. wooo! Did someone mention that I have an exam tomorrow as well? Love this. Brb gonna have a mental breakdown.
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WE WON. Thank god. The longer we stay on this winning streak the longer I can keep from having to make real choices in who I align with.
From here on out Maynor and I will be a power couple known only as The Scream Team.
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All I know is Keaton BETTTER STAY. If he leaves, ima kick his ass
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Alliance of 4 is great. Going to make a chat later with host. Need to come up with an alliance name first. We won immunity which is awesome. We are now only tribe to have all memebers still. Which is good and bad since we could be targets during a swap for having everyone still in the game. Lets 🤞 that doesn’t happen.
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ok so jayden stays ignoring but finally started talking to me for like 4 minutes so love that!! he really cares. and like still ppl force me to have convos with them like i just want a social game sorry to inconvenience u!! love naomi smalls. uh i have a f2 now! me and nathan WILL win this game know that we scored the highest in the challenge too.. WHICH WE WON! WOOOOH
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Keaton has decided he wants to be buddies with me and BC now so *surprise* that’s an alliance now. Woohoo. Keaton’s growing on me a lot actually - it took him a while to get started but now he’s arguably one of my favorites. Keep it up Keaton!
At this point it’s getting increasingly obvious that BC wants to be everyone’s best friend. The alliance with Matt happened because BC had a chat with both of us the night before about allying separately. And Keaton initiated the alliance yesterday because of a conversation he had with BC. And then apparently BC gets on really well with Marie as well? From my perspective, he’s spreading himself too thin and it could bite him in the ass if he’s not careful.
As for the vote, it’s between Marie and John. BC and I are leaning John. The guy hasn’t talked to me once since the first night. He’s putting in super low effort, and I’d rather have someone like Marie who actually tries to be a part of the team. Matt and Keaton seem to be leaning Marie though. I’m going to try to push BC into committing against John without being too vocal either way myself. If Marie winds up going, it’s not the end of the world, but I’d really like to see John gone.
Also, a swap would be great right about now pls and ty
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Sooooo I have an idol... a legacy advantage... a majority alliance... and our tribe won immunity... I think I’m the most powerful player in the game right now... let’s just stay that way!
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I just sent in to create the Four of a Kind alliance which is me, Dennis, Charlie, and Sharky. Sharky and I named our duo alliance. I feel that Sharky is genuine to were I trust that he does want to work together. I still want to bond with Brian because I really like him. Nicole is mostly offline so idk. Our conversation like stopped.
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So apparently the hosts want me to make one of these so I will. Not much to talk about since im in the majority and we aren't going to tribal. Bryce is presumably going next although he is good at challenges and appreciates Travis Scott. But according to Nathan he tried to target me so ya know.
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So my phone is gone... this is sad and for now I have no way of getting it back so I am not quitting until I get voted out but I am not giving up.
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So I’m shook I survived the first vote and we won thank god. I’m so happy for Nathan he really stood up for me last round and I’ve got his back no matter what now! I’m just hoping that Bryce isn’t angry with me for the cole vote oops
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I thought I was clever. I was going to let other people take charge of this vote, let someone who cared more about who got voted out decide who goes. No need to get blood on my hands this early, right?
well APPARENTLY we're all so fucking bright that we all had the same great idea. none of us are going to dare suggest we have a preference here, and we're going to sit around until late tonight going "ya idk im fine with whatever". because that's what survivor's all about.
at least Keaton's hinting aggressively that he prefers to vote Marie here. if he were a little more active he'd be a lock for my favorite on the tribe.
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Why I get paranoid: I thought why not share why I’m paranoid when I play games... Survivor is a very cut throat killer game and when thinking about how to control that part to me to where I can be cut throat with no regrets. I turn that on at merge and cut away the paranoia because I simply know that once merge hits there is some respect to everyone left in so I feel a bit more comfortable making the plays I do but before merge it’s kind of stressful... fun fact about me is I never have gotten premerge in an official group game. So in a sense I guess I’m paranoid because the pressure is on premerge and merge is where I really start to pull it together because if I go out there’s simply no reason to really care what place I get.
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So, some developments. First of all me and Dennis feel like we've cracked a part of the puzzle on the search thing, as the wording was the same in two different things we found. Praying that Dennis gets and advantage. Imagine if we held all the powers by day 5 hahahaha.
Also, Dennis told me Maynor wants to make an alliance with me him and Sharky. I do feel good about this but would rather have Brian involved tbh. Despite this, me and Brian talked and I feel good about my relationship with him. He's a really nice guy!
Dennis didn't get anything on the hunt.. boooo. I am kinda wondering whether he's lying to me, cos I don't really understand why he tried to talk 4 times when there was another option... idk I trust him but I hope he's not hiding any advantage from me.
The alliance also got made. Good to feel comfortable in a group tbh
So happy we won the challenge!! I was a high scorer in this challenge, maybe I need to tone it down, don't want to seem a threat lol!!
I am a little bit worried about having told Sharky about the idol. Idk if I can trust him yet. It felt kinda awkward when I promised him I'd share the idol with him, I am genuine about that but I hope he sees that.
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I have no idea what’s happening this vote so I’m gonna vote Keaton because he’s the one I’ve talked to the least and hopefully I don’t get voted out ughhh
John is voted out 4-1-1.
0 notes
dopeloverx · 6 years
DopeLoverx: all these spikes and shit DanielTheKing: you thought you was a god? ThatsTy: like y df my nigga aint puttin his hand up like he blokn det shit? DopeLoverx: let me move ThatsTy: yuh ThatsTy: i did DanielTheKing: we can swap dope DopeLoverx: ty besti ThatsTy: like shiiid im Vip, DanielTheKing: they can't attack u DanielTheKing: but they can hug u DanielTheKing: z ThatsTy: mfs still huggn me Guest_EvilXMarc: are my spikes in your way? DopeLoverx: YES! DopeLoverx: >>>>>> DanielTheKing: ion feel em Guest_EvilXMarc: oh lol DopeLoverx: lol ThatsTy: but wen i wasnt vip tryna hug a girl det was vip i kouldnt DanielTheKing: damn ty Guest_EvilXMarc: they look sexy Guest_EvilXMarc: . DanielTheKing: errbody love u ThatsTy: sit weird DopeLoverx: lmfao DopeLoverx: z DopeLoverx: right ThatsTy: my first imvu account i was 13, llf den i neva got on afta i turned 14 n hea i am 2day ThatsTy: gah bak on 2 years ago DanielTheKing: z DanielTheKing: you go way back then DanielTheKing: yah they changed that vip shit ThatsTy: fakts DanielTheKing: when it first came out u couldn't nun to vip DanielTheKing: u was a peasant ThatsTy: nah Guest_EvilXMarc: . Guest_EvilXMarc: lol ThatsTy: u still kant G Guest_EvilXMarc: >.> DanielTheKing: how they huggin u then ThatsTy: buh ion undastand how dey huggn me cus dude next to me was vip she hugged him n he basically pushed ha ass ThatsTy: im like wtf? DanielTheKing: z DanielTheKing: ur vip broke ThatsTy: i need my money bak Guest_EvilXMarc: is he typin about me? DanielTheKing: nah Guest_EvilXMarc: oh DanielTheKing: sumtin else marc Guest_EvilXMarc: im too high Guest_EvilXMarc: smh DanielTheKing: z DanielTheKing: i be tha only sober mf on imvu Guest_EvilXMarc: tryna slide on ole girl next to me ThatsTy: nah DopeLoverx: lol Guest_EvilXMarc: >.> DopeLoverx: its new years ThatsTy: z Guest_EvilXMarc: happy new years to everyone Guest_EvilXMarc: hope you guys get drunk DanielTheKing: it must be new yrs erryday for sum folks then ThatsTy: gne head n slide ThatsTy: G ThatsTy: its a open spot nex to ha ThatsTy: @Dope ThatsTy: yoo Guest_EvilXMarc: @strawberry Guest_EvilXMarc: have a boyfriend? DopeLoverx: when he move i want my corner seat back DopeLoverx: z Guest_EvilXMarc: oop DanielTheKing: lol ThatsTy: u havn a photo shoot dope? DopeLoverx: not rih now why ThatsTy: kus llf u dne changed hella times i just noticed det ThatsTy: i thought u was leavn n kummin bak buh u neva left DopeLoverx: cause the organe was getting on my nerves Guest_EvilXMarc: tryna show off in front of her new friend DanielTheKing: z Guest_EvilXMarc: @Marcus ThatsTy: dead asf DopeLoverx: and the way my back look in the white was frustrating Guest_EvilXMarc: lol. DopeLoverx: so i had to change again ThatsTy: uuh huh ThatsTy: i see DopeLoverx: yuh DopeLoverx  rolls eyes ThatsTy: llf i jus asked sweetheart a nigga was curious, i dead ass thought u was takn pics of yaself Guest_EvilXMarc: @strawberry imma sing to ya Guest_EvilXMarc: hold up DanielTheKing: z Guest_EvilXMarc: lmaoo DanielTheKing: -dies- DanielTheKing: wah u gon sing Guest_EvilXMarc: idek Guest_EvilXMarc: gimmie some DopeLoverx: dont encourage him DopeLoverx: << ThatsTy: he muss b on mobile ion see nobody name strawberry n hea DanielTheKing: z Guest_EvilXMarc: i need a love song DopeLoverx: ikr DanielTheKing: that her mobile name ThatsTy: uhh huh ThatsTy: i see DanielTheKing: dope they be comin for u Guest_EvilXMarc: @magnolia tell your friend to stop cappin DopeLoverx: smh idk why ThatsTy: z Guest_EvilXMarc: she know she want me to sing to her Guest_EvilXMarc: . DopeLoverx: i dont ThatsTy: z Guest_EvilXMarc: lol dont be rude Guest_EvilXMarc: 😂 DopeLoverx: besti wyd ThatsTy: < DanielTheKing: bout to go turn on this heat ThatsTy: yooo DopeLoverx: lol DanielTheKing: cold af DopeLoverx: YOOOOOOO DopeLoverx: llol 8amz has left the chat DopeLoverx: z DopeLoverx: i wanna watch a movie DopeLoverx: any suggestions DanielTheKing: lol idk @ dope DanielTheKing: what u like DopeLoverx: action adventure thriller DopeLoverx: i kinda want a good thriller DanielTheKing: thrillers be havin u on that edge of ya seat DopeLoverx: my lips are numb DopeLoverx: im never doing this shit again DopeLoverx: omm DanielTheKing: doin what DopeLoverx: drinking DopeLoverx: i dont drink DopeLoverx: tryna be cool and shit ThatsTy: yall Daniel finna die DopeLoverx: >> DopeLoverx: why DanielTheKing: damn ThatsTy: kus his girl gne kill em DanielTheKing: drank too much huh DanielTheKing: aye man its a new yr ThatsTy: nah ion do det no mo ThatsTy: im tied asf tho DanielTheKing: can't put that on me so soon DopeLoverx: what did u do ThatsTy: ima b da one dets gne get killed by my girl tbh DanielTheKing: idk what ty talkin bout DanielTheKing: i was doin me Guest_EvilXMarc has left the chat DopeLoverx: ty butt dont make my head hurt DopeLoverx: lol DopeLoverx: im so confused ThatsTy: nah ima blame u too so yo girl kan kill u too DopeLoverx: Seee thats why you my fam ThatsTy: dets y he dyin llf DopeLoverx: you already knew DopeLoverx: z DanielTheKing: yah ThatsTy: im tied asf ThatsTy: its 3:45 DanielTheKing: hell yeah it is DopeLoverx  slips on dawsons breek ThatsTy: tf is det? DanielTheKing: a song ThatsTy: oh ok ThatsTy: buh she dancin on beat doe ThatsTy: z ThatsTy: well she was DopeLoverx: my bihh lookin like oooo yo bihhh lookin like naaahhhh DopeLoverx: Droptop freak and she flossin DopeLoverx: ayeee DopeLoverx  twerks   DopeLoverx: my bihh loookin likoooo yo bih lookin like nah nah DanielTheKing: so Ty u drug free DopeLoverx: i fuckin love that song DopeLoverx: z DanielTheKing: i can tell DopeLoverx: thats all i wanted to hear DanielTheKing: z DanielTheKing: damn i hate shop on here DopeLoverx: im done DopeLoverx: im sleepy kinda DopeLoverx: if i get another new years text DopeLoverx: im turning my phone off DanielTheKing: ooo that alcohol kickn in DopeLoverx: my lips are still numb DopeLoverx: i keep biting them DanielTheKing: i guess u gotta sleep it off DopeLoverx: i gotta work tomorrow DopeLoverx: z DopeLoverx: im a light weight DanielTheKing: wha time DopeLoverx: i cant smoke either cause the weed too stong DopeLoverx: my nepheew got me some gas 1 time DopeLoverx: im thinking im taking that shit DopeLoverx: till i hit it forreal DopeLoverx: almost died DanielTheKing: lol DanielTheKing: were you coughing? DopeLoverx: when i was hitting it nahh DopeLoverx: not till the last hit DanielTheKing: gon cough out ya lungs on tha floor DopeLoverx: shit was painful DopeLoverx: and i was passed out in the next room DopeLoverx: shit was uncontrollable DanielTheKing: awwww DopeLoverx: i dont do drugs DanielTheKing: say no to drugs DopeLoverx: lol DopeLoverx: riii DopeLoverx: im a good girl DopeLoverx: see:) DopeLoverx: my high tho is sex frfr DanielTheKing: lol DopeLoverx: good sex younger looking skin DopeLoverx: more smiles DopeLoverx: lol DanielTheKing  whispers: whats ya fav position? DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: lllol are u serious whats urs   DanielTheKing  whispers: doggy and cowgirl lol KGTF has joined the chat DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: oo. depends on teh mood   KGTF: Yoo DopeLoverx: HAPPY NEW YEARS! DopeLoverx: WHATS GOOD MF DanielTheKing  whispers: a quiet place is a good thriller KGTF: Happy New Years KGTF: Lmaoo KGTF: And Shii CHiLlin DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i saw it it was kinda like bird box hella random DopeLoverx: how was it it bringing in 2019 KGTF has left the chat DanielTheKing: damn he left quick DanielTheKing  whispers: u saw searching? DopeLoverx: lol DopeLoverx: i tild u i was boring DopeLoverx: z DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: loll yep seen that 1 too   DanielTheKing  whispers: damn you seen it all DanielTheKing  whispers: movie buff ass DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i love watching good movies i use to live at teh theater   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i use to wanna be a actress DanielTheKing  whispers: u saw the commuter? DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: nahhh lol DanielTheKing  whispers: damn it'd be cool hanging wit u i love watching movies together DanielTheKing  whispers: its pretty good DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i dont think i have DanielTheKing  whispers: and i love thrillers DanielTheKing  whispers: and romance haha and action DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: aww DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: im sure ur a romantic   DanielTheKing  whispers: only for the right woman DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: ") i wou;dnt expect otehrwise DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: loll DanielTheKing  whispers: what time is work DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: 3p i close DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: im fucking pissed too DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: but its whatever DanielTheKing  whispers: u got time DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: oh yeahh DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: did u make breakfast DanielTheKing  whispers: i been in here the whole time DanielTheKing  whispers: loll DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: loll DanielTheKing  whispers: ima make it later in tha day DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: what was he talking about getting u in trouble DanielTheKing  whispers: oh cause i got a bestie thats a female DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: hmmm DanielTheKing: yaasss its warm now DopeLoverx: lol me and blankie making sweet warmth right now DanielTheKing: haha thats wassup DanielTheKing  whispers: why you say hmmm? DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i dont wanna get u in trouble   DanielTheKing  whispers: loll ima not stop having friends cause my gf DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: tho me and toast got something i still move like im single lol DanielTheKing  whispers: people like me and i can help ppl by being me so i cant stop DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: um lol   Guest_pabloperp has joined the chat DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: thats no how that shit works DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: loll DanielTheKing  whispers: what u mean DopeLoverx: people are so weird DopeLoverx: :x DanielTheKing: jump out a plane #2019 DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: you respect her wishes no friends mean no friends lmfao Guest_pabloperp has left the chat DanielTheKing  whispers: Nah b thats not me if i can help someone ima do it DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: loll   DanielTheKing  whispers: i give a part of myself to my gf no1 else gets that should be enuff DanielTheKing  whispers: you can't hog some1 for yourself ppl aren't made like that DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: thninks about my clingy nature   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: >> um yeah right   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: loll DanielTheKing  whispers: ima be a psychologist DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: thats a pefect idea i wanted to be a thearpist   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: bro swear we friends af DanielTheKing  whispers: ppl seem to love getting advice from me lol DanielTheKing  whispers: so we aint go sumn special goin on? DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: cause u talk to people in a way they understand DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: wait huh DanielTheKing  whispers: people are simple to me DanielTheKing  whispers: im just messin wit u DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: loll DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: you a scorpio tho DanielTheKing  whispers: we vibe really well i love your energy and honesty even tho u try to hide it sometimes DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: hide my energy? DanielTheKing  whispers: nah your feelings DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: rolls eyes DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: what feelings lol DanielTheKing  whispers: like if you feeling a way about something you tend to tuck it away at times DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: no comment   DanielTheKing  whispers: z DanielTheKing  whispers: its cool...i know most guys are terrible listeners DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: loll DanielTheKing  whispers: why you feel like im a good fit as ya bestie DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: cause u fun to talk to u keep the convo going you always roll with the vibe i throw   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: imvu dont do that shit nomore DanielTheKing  whispers: gotta make tha most of the time u have DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: on earth? DanielTheKing  whispers: plus your vibe is fun lol you always on sum crazy DanielTheKing  whispers: nah with the ppl you come in contact with DanielTheKing  whispers: anything can happen a person mite have to leave imvu for some months DanielTheKing  whispers: then that energy aint there no more Guest_pabloperp has joined the chat Guest_Kingjay23136 has joined the chat Guest_Kingjay23136 has left the chat Guest_pabloperp has left the chat ThatsTy has left the chat DanielTheKing  whispers: that was random af DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: nah its a convo never feel like that DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: with me   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: cause i try key word TRY not to hold back with you   DanielTheKing  whispers: im not expecting you to lay it all on me cause u still gettn to know me DanielTheKing  whispers: i just know that as people we go thru so much DanielTheKing  whispers: and alot of times we dont have ppl to just express ourselves to or with DanielTheKing  whispers: so we carry alot of pain with us and its rough DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: your gonna make me cry that shit is so real   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: the people im around i dont expess myself too DanielTheKing  whispers: like you could be a kid who went thru abuse but couldn't say nun or cps would come take u DanielTheKing  whispers: that shit don't go away DanielTheKing  whispers: or if ya parents was on drugs or u saw someone u was close to commit suicide DanielTheKing  whispers: its alot of shit DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: that happen to you DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: << DanielTheKing  whispers: so i just say ppl need to just be them cause its not guide book to this life shit DanielTheKing  whispers: shit alot happen to me lol DanielTheKing  whispers: but parental abuse was something yes DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: mom or dad DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: << DanielTheKing  whispers: dad DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: alcohol? DanielTheKing  whispers: nah just cause he could DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: beat u woop you verbal? DanielTheKing  whispers: beat down with items, fist, verbal all that DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: im so sorry DanielTheKing  whispers: i wasn't even mad bout that abuse cause shit happens DanielTheKing  whispers: i was more mad at the adults around who knew and aint do shit DanielTheKing  whispers: they just let it happen DanielTheKing  whispers: that was my proof to know adults are fucked up DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: not even adults just some peopl DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: people DanielTheKing  whispers: that shit drove me insane tho DanielTheKing  whispers: couldn't trust nobody forever DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: smh DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: since then ... DanielTheKing  whispers: that shit warped my personality for many yrs lol DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: how   DanielTheKing  whispers: like i didn't wanna be a victim DanielTheKing  whispers: but i couldn't be me without existing with that pain DanielTheKing  whispers: so i kinda acted like someone else for a time being DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: what was your safe place like someone else who? DanielTheKing  whispers: like i just was trying to hang with otha ppl who were prob bad for me DanielTheKing  whispers: just to avoid living with reality DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: do u ever feel like it happen for a reason   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: it being 2019 DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: like have you grown into a better you DanielTheKing: hell nah i wouldn't wish that on anyone DanielTheKing  whispers: but um DanielTheKing  whispers: i've grown alot since then DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: loll DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: got caught slippin DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: lmfaoo DanielTheKing  whispers: the only thing that came out of it was me being able to know how much pain the world is in DanielTheKing  whispers: and how easy it is to hide it cause i hid it very well and i still hide it at times DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: .... DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: << DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: the realest shit i was told as a child when i tried to express my feelings like the REAL shit   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: "sounds like a personal problem" and "Noone cares" DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: but i dont feel that way   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i care about people DanielTheKing: your fam tell u they love u DanielTheKing  whispers: z DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: lmfao   DanielTheKing  whispers: this damn thing keep fuckn up DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: there u go   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: z DanielTheKing  whispers: but my parents never told me that DanielTheKing  whispers: nore any of my fam DanielTheKing: i grew up fast af DanielTheKing  whispers: z DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: my dad died protecting me   DanielTheKing  whispers: this mf cursor boy DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: my mom had been thru some shit b4 that DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: when i was in HS she told me everyday just dont come home pregnant   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i dont even be out like that lol DanielTheKing  whispers: man shit DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: she got preg young with my sister and got married young and then the crack era hit   DanielTheKing  whispers: i never had one sex talk with my parent DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: and their dad my sister and brother   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: their dad was hooked on drugs DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: and my mom was taking care of them   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: holding shit down DanielTheKing  whispers: i fell into porn at 10 and foul language DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: until my moms mom died then she had to take in her lil sister   DanielTheKing  whispers: ever since then i felt like an adult lol DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: and her husband the fatehr of her two childer hooked on drugs raped my moms little sister DanielTheKing  whispers: z DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: and that shit fucked her up DanielTheKing  whispers: wtf DanielTheKing  whispers: you can unsee shit ya know DanielTheKing  whispers: can't DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: then fast forward 4 years later she meets my pops DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: whos a family man supporter all that   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: never married has me lol   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: and not even a year after that hes gone   DanielTheKing  whispers: shit cray DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: so my mom gonna became   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: different ig   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: always over protective controling   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: grumpy   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i hate to say it lol DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: she didnt like hugging us DanielTheKing  whispers: being a parent is hard af and scary DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: or kissing us DanielTheKing  whispers: my parents never hugged till i was grown DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: ikr DanielTheKing  whispers: well my mom at least DanielTheKing  whispers: my dad shit DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: lol shit cray DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: my moms been in and out the hospital   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: she let me kiss her and tell her i love her i had to leav her there 1 night DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: after going thru this break up   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: like god knew i needed someone   DanielTheKing  whispers: the world is fucked up man DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: like walking around straght face any dude looking at me getting mugged DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: lol but inside lol DanielTheKing  whispers: and ppl try to act like we all doing well like everything all good DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i just wanted a genuine hug DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: someone i felt like i could trust to tell me they love me   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: all i got is my mama   DanielTheKing  whispers: ikr DanielTheKing  whispers: the i love you words genuinely with a hug touches your soul DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: my brother and sister different dad they blamed my mother for their fater raping our aunt DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: and they didnt like me cause i was born outside   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: so just imagine thru the years   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: lol the saltynesss and shade DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: lol the fakeness DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: lol it was sad   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: we just started getting along again but tbh i still dont trust them sometimes   DanielTheKing  whispers: i bet it was DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i dont trust their intentions   DanielTheKing  whispers: i wouldn't honestly some shit just dont go away DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i make more money than they ever and my dad before he died set me and my other brother up really well with money   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: so they use me sometimes DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: but because my heart is so giving   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: it hurts hwne i need them in return and they cant deliver i dont want the money i just want my sister ya know DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i dont want shit you have lol DanielTheKing  whispers: like one reason i wouldn't wish this on anyone cause i was paranoid one time DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: just show me you care about me like yall care about each other   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: a little of what i been thru as far as family lol DanielTheKing  whispers: the word family don't mean nun to me DanielTheKing  whispers: i've seen fam do some dispicable things to each other and its sad DanielTheKing  whispers: yall blood   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: thats why i adored my ex he was family oriented   Guest_Basseses has joined the chat DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: always with his family or doing something for his family DanielTheKing  whispers: i do alot for my fam tho DanielTheKing  whispers: thats why my last 5 yrs been hellacious to some degree DanielTheKing  whispers: somebody always need sum and i dont ask for nun in return DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: bro ya boy broke my heart lmfao   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: im still kinda shell shocked DanielTheKing  whispers: my boy? DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: ya boy meaning the dude DanielTheKing  whispers: oh DanielTheKing: since we scorpios lol DanielTheKing  whispers: z DanielTheKing  whispers: oh my goddddddd DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: lmfao DanielTheKing  whispers: this cursor is annoying DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: rofl DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: but yeah and then when i see him   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: all i get is Im sorry   DanielTheKing  whispers: im sorry cause i miss that good pussy DanielTheKing  whispers: z DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: 6 mos i went over that shit like where is baby somethings wrong why cant i get in touch   Guest_Basseses has left the chat DanielTheKing  whispers: they right tho DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: then wehn i did talk to him   DanielTheKing  whispers: times does heal most things DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: he was like we gonna be together again and i love you this and that   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: and i saw the bitch DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: he was with on thanks giving DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: lol DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i asked him before that   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: a few days before cause it was his birthday DanielTheKing  whispers: was his new chick looking like nahhhhhhh? DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i wished him a hbd   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i asked him if he had a girl or was talking to anyone DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: he straight up lied to me bro DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: and said NO   DanielTheKing  whispers: z DanielTheKing  whispers: wtf DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: im thinking we gonna be together again and then i saw the bitch   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: he sending me pics of us   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: frm the summer before   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: and shit DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: AND YOU GOT A WHOLE BITCH! DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: he dosnt know i know but after i saw that shit i stopped talking to him DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i dont ever wanna feel like that again left in the dark DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: like i trusted u   DanielTheKing  whispers: damn love DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: if u need sum and i got it u got it   DanielTheKing  whispers: that relationship really fucked wit u DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i question my sanity still DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: like was i crazy for believeing it was real DanielTheKing  whispers: nah   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: like what did i do wrong for him to do that to me DanielTheKing  whispers: you wanted it be real cause you were giving it your all DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: he had me thinking it was forever shit lol DanielTheKing  whispers: it wasnt u it was him DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i feel so stupid   DanielTheKing  whispers: u gave ya energy to tha wrong nigga DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i never saw this guy coming   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i use to tell him you never know someone until at least 2 -3 years   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: in a relationship DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: 4 years lateer   DanielTheKing  whispers: relationships are for adults tho DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: this shit happens   DanielTheKing  whispers: its hard af if u still learning yourself DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: yeah we were young   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: jhene aiko was our summer song lol DanielTheKing  whispers: like if iwas in a relationship when i was younger DanielTheKing  whispers: i would've been a savage i swear DanielTheKing  whispers: i didn't give no fucks 6horty has joined the chat DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: see that relationship turned me into a savage loll DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i was talking to mad dude   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: not to sound like a hoe DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i was faithful for 4 years even after he ghosted me   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i had a 1 night stand   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: started fucking this dude i met over th esummer lol   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: it was crazy DanielTheKing  whispers: im still a savage tho DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: ive calm down since then   DanielTheKing  whispers: i just don't act on it DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: u? DanielTheKing  whispers: yah DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: really? lol DanielTheKing  whispers: i can't make a woman fall in love with me and drop her like a brick cause idc DanielTheKing  whispers: z DanielTheKing  whispers: but i wouldn't do that DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: lol i still dont get it   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: and then feed me bullshit   DanielTheKing: i can't i would feel guilty now DanielTheKing: but catch me some yrs ago DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: smh lol ive never been dirty like that DanielTheKing  whispers: i would sell u a dream like a mf DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: but its fuck him now DanielTheKing  whispers: and have u thinkn all kinda shi DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: where ever he is now i hope he realizes he broke someones heart who rode for them   DanielTheKing  whispers: i like a woman with a nice body DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: we use to have this thing where we would fall out and be liek nahh we together till the lord says otehrwise DanielTheKing  whispers: so she can be my snack lol DanielTheKing  whispers: z DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: lol and the lord sid otehrwise DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: llol DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: u a scorpio i know u a freak DanielTheKing  whispers: shit a extra freak DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: lol i know DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: well DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: i dont know know but im sure   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: lol youd def keeo me wet DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: but DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: on that note DopeLoverx   yawns   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: its about time for me to goto bedddddd DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: << DanielTheKing  whispers: lol DanielTheKing  whispers: id be askn can i hit it in tha mornin too DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: lol be good DanielTheKing  whispers: i needa hit tha gym soon DanielTheKing  whispers: this 6'4ness i going to waste =(( DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: loll DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: well babe DopeLoverx   hugs u   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: im headed out   DanielTheKing   hugs u back   DanielTheKing  whispers: sweet dreams strawberry DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: you have a wonderful night as always a pleasure DanielTheKing  whispers: big factz!! DanielTheKing  whispers: nite DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=es3Fm7dLm2o DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: tell me youll listen to it DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: and tell me what u think 6horty has left the chat DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: this is my sleep mood rihgt now DanielTheKing  whispers: i got u ima leave a message for u DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: mk hhun   DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: good night   DanielTheKing  whispers: b4 u go DanielTheKing: z DanielTheKing  whispers: u know what's tha best DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: << DopeLoverx  > DanielTheKing: ?? DanielTheKing  whispers: when someone u really vibe with tell u why you mean something to them DanielTheKing  whispers: to hear that is priceless it feels like time stopped for a sec
0 notes
survivormuxloe · 6 years
Episode #6: “because Sweyn’s Baddies are COMING” - Jones
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My bitch ass glasses broke so I’m more than happy to be doing a challenge that requires my ears. Maybe wil my eyesight so poor my hearing will get better to compensate who knows. Even if we lose I’m in a Gucci spot to survive.
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Tribal was a success. With the first tribal done I’m happy trust is built and I can stop being paranoid.
With that said I think I’m in a good position going forward as I have an alliance and we’re probably reaching a merge or a swap soon.
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my plan of action for my tribe since we legit havent got Anything on the doc yet (me n michael have an excuse..) is to make it seem like im doing more than i am. oh im gonna work on it soon! i’ll do this soon! like its all about seeming like im contributing.. when i aint LAMDKNDG
me n michael made a f2 altho it breaks my heart to say its just for the sake of my survival on this dumbass tribe.. theres no way malik flips on me and with michael as my f2 i can essentially force him to flip on danielle if he wants to stay which is like perf rn since i dont really trust her..
i miss my close allies tho lol. like ryan is my #1 n its unfortunate he isnt getting a chance to make more bonds considerig we need those bonds for his idol to make a big move.. hopefully mercia loses again and wes goes tho? it evens it up to 6 sweyn vs 6 mercia and i think itll swap again before merge and hopefully ill be with ryan/rhys/jones :)) my social game is good rn i think.. i just gotta lay low with physical and downplay strategy so im never the target. hard w/ these personalities tho. X
like im actually gunna go fucking mad.. its songs. yah its hard to identify bc theyre distorted and overlapped but theres no excuse not to get at least artists.. or even one song. malik n michael can barely do that.. LIKE YEAH I HAVENT DONE THE BEST BUT IVE GOT 2 SONGS THERE RN AND IDENTIFIED NICKI + XTINA SO! BLOOP! im gunna kill myself.. poor dani. its especially painful knowing ill try to get her out if we lose LMAOAOAOA but i mean.. (: oh well!
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This challenge can litterally chomp on a dick. No. I hate it. I dont want to do it. Like BEGONE.
Honestly its so hard, and like i dont listen to pop so im struggling with it. Hopefully we win, but I feel safe if we go to tribal.
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At this point I am so upset because I feel useless because all the ones I know have been picked and idek if anyone took my suggestion seriously. If this round ends my game, I’m going to be so upset!
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We’re pretty much fucked unless a miracle happens
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I've been a bit nervous about my position and stuff in the game and I'm trying to catch up socially with a lot of people and stuff. I'm doing what I can on a five person tribe and hope I can work on hard on getting as far as I can in this game. I have a feeling we merge next round so that could be cool. I wanna make it far as I can this game, I'm trying to be active but UTR so hopefully it works.
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WE WON FIRST PLACE AGAIN AND THIS TIME I WASNT A FUCKUP WOOOOOOOOOOOOP WOOP I’ve been talking to David more and I helped out a lot with this challenge so I’m hoping he won’t want me out next time we go to tribal.
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THREE IN A ROW, BABY. Feels good to not have gone to tribal since Jose's elimination. Also an added bonus that I basically carried our tribe to win today, not a big deal, LOL.
Also, with the reward, I've now got a vote steal advantage. This is HUGE for me. I have a group of people I wanna work with in this game and if this group is down in numbers at any point, this vote steal can come in handy.
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that challenge was a damn mess but i'm just glad we made it out alive. sad Canute lost though ugh i'm sending all of my positive energy to Scott so he can make it through.... hope we merge next round that would be cute; i'm ready for more action in this game
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im gunna kill my self . :) WE LOST. AGAIN. :) NOT MY FAULT. AGAIN.
n now i gotta deal with fucken awkward 2-2 tribal lines when i have a f2 with michael and a love for malik.. but bc dani is good at challenges her ass wont go and thats so annoyin but u can bet ur ass ima try somethin if i have to bc i dont trust malik to keep me safe vs her whereas michael will.. if i have to flip on malik i will
why me tho like im a good person. i dont deserve this. why couldnt i be on a competent tribe. LMAOAOAOA.
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THANK GOD WE WON IMMUNITY if we lost I probably would’ve spontaneously combust Bc I love??? My current tribe??? I love Madison too and It sucked we voted her out Bc I actually adore her but she wasn’t doing a lot. I just love this tribe and if we had to vote for each other again I’ll lose my marbles. Maybe we can work more together going into merge if we get there? I hope so, because Sweyn’s Baddies are COMING
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Well, we lost once again and I’m upset about it. The challenge was super hard for us and we struggled. It seemed like everyone wasn’t really putting in all they could as they just said “I forgot” I was like oh!! cool!! This tribal, I’m not crazy worried right now. I trust Scott a lot at this point because he doesnt have a reason to lie to me by telling me that I’ve been holding up the tribe because... I have been. I think the move this week is to vote out Malik. We’ll see whats going on but I really think we might be doing that this week. Hopefully there’s a merge soon because I need to fucking be by myself!!!
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My ass is for sure on the line tonight. I know that  Malik is targetting me for being weak and all that so rn I’m just trying to get Scott 100% on board with voting me and Malik 100% certain that he is safe with me just in case there’s an idol and maybe if I’m too in my nerves and scared I have no qualms with throwing a vote on dani incade of a tie
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You know what they say, another week safe, 
That one didn't seem so easy,  partially cause I sucked at it and mainly because I sucked major balls at it. But hey Mo and David saved our asses so yeeeeeeeeeeee boi. And not only that we also got reward but not really cause the only thing I got was a jpg image, and so did Felix David and Mo according to them which means either one of them is lying or Wes has it. Either way I guess it's not the end of the world.
So now Canute is going to tribal I wonder how that is gonna play out, a part of me wants Dani and Michael to be safe but another one wants rocks but at the same time another one would be jealous cause I wouldn't be a part of it and I could use some rocks in my life. Either way that's it for now folks now if you excuse me Felix wants to kidnap me and introduce me to the spooky facebook wikia comunity, spooky shit indeed.
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So WOOOOOOOO this is the first tribal of the season that i'm not attending which is amazingggg and feels so good to finally have a break!! Plus like I honestly LOVE my tribe rn bc everyone is so iconic and fun and we even made a charlie's angels thing bc its so iconic... ugh love them BUT if it came down to tribal I think I would be okay still since i've really worked on rhys and we have a 3 dude gay guardians alliance of me, rhys, and ryan even tho im not even gay but they dont need to know that... my boy scott is in tribal rn but i hope he comes out okay!!! if he doesn't well oops idc bye bitch but if he does then yay!!
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Tonight I am absolutely terrified I think the votes are gonna be on Malik but you just never know so my best plan is just to hope for the best and campaign to stay I’m not just gonna sit back and get eliminated especially this close to a merge situation where I know I’ll be in a good position to make it far.
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im legit gunna die im so nerv and i shouldnt be. LIKE. I TRUST THAT MICHAEL HAS MY BACK. AND MALIK ISNT VOTING ME. SO IT SHOULD BE IMPOSSIBLE FOR ME TO GO. BUT I DONT THINK THAT FOR SOME REASON. all i can think of in the back of my mind is what if michael and dani flip on me and its 2-1-1.. but theres nothing i can literally do bc if i vote michael and stay our relationship is gone lol
ughhhh i should just be positive but its so hard bc even if malik goes.. i feel awful LMAAOAOOA but like. uhm. yes ): i feel awful
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Scott as much as I like the guy I can for sure see he lets his emotions dictate how he plays and while that’s not necessarily bad it’s difficu when you’re trying to blindside someone and he could just run and tell Malik so the nerves are here and out to play hunny
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My thing is I think it’s is going to go to rocks. Which is why we were worried about that when linus left but it’s real. Dani we don’t wanna vote each other, hell everyone says they don’t want to vote me which is always weird for me to hear but if that’s true good if they’re all voted me then nasty.. but I don’t want to vote Dani and I definitely don’t want to vote Scott..so that kinda leads to Michael which I don’t want to vote either but I have reasons: the main reason is the past couple of challenges he’s done the worst in, and if we need to survive incase there’s no swap or merge then we need all the strong members here.
I feel a bigger bond with Dani and Scott vs Michael who I feel is cool but I don’t feel we’re clicking on a better level. And it’s not even a tribe thing it’s literallt what I feel could save us from tribal, and how don’t i know if Dani and Michael won’t vote me out right after Scott leaves? So basically what’s happening is it’s likely going to be a 2-2 on Michael and Scott, and I’m not changing my vote. So I’ll likely go to rocks and lose but that’s ok. I did my best and it could be a stupid move but I don’t wanna risk Dani and Michael voting me out if we lost again, because I’d hope Dani wouldn’t but you never know. So rocks here we come!
Malik is voted out 3-1.
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lameiskate · 7 years
Facts you would never know if you didn't ask
1.) applesauce or pudding? it depends on the day tbh
2.) what was your initial reaction when you first realized that your parents had to have had sex to have you? ...IDK tbh i was probably just like ok
3.) if you could create ANY mix-up or mythical animal and have it be brought to life, what would it be? UNICORN but u know what half unicorn and half dinosaur would also be cool
4.) what kind of bread do you prefer? rye
5.) describe a moment that is a prominent memory, but didn't have a strong impact on your life. idk y this is the first one i thought of but i remember in 8th grade the boy sitting next to me in math took my book out of my hands as i was reading it and i didn’t even realize he was trying 2 be mean to me bc i was just like LOL GOOD ONE MAN
6.) what is the quote/lyric that you relate to most? ok there’s this character from this kdrama called age of youth and the main girl is literally me and it;s fuckin scary but idk a quote from her off the top of my head but ik there’s one about needin 2 man up and speak up for herself and i was just like wow me!!!!
7.) if there was one problem/issue you could wipe off the face of the earth, what would it be? OH MAN I CAN ONLY PICK ONE UMMMM ima go w all terrorism that sounds good im lookin at u white boys who never get a proper punishment
8.) do you think everyone in our lives serves a purpose, or are some people just there? ...u know this is a hard question tbh i think we’re all just out there man
9.) Favorite knock-knock/cheesy joke? KNOCK KNOCK WHOS THERE???? UNDER UNDER WHERE??? LOL UNDERWEAR
10.) how do you feel about getting your picture taken? I HATE IT JFC
11.) most embarrassing poster you've ever owned? probably the one direction one morgan (????) gave me that’s still hanging on my door
12.) what are the 3 worst movies of all time? THE ROOM, tbh idk any after that
13.) when was the last time you were in a public setting and a stranger annoyed you? ALL THE TIME
14.) strangest pet peeve? i dont think any of them are strange?????
15.) what is a quirk you find cute in a significant other? .....idk
16.) if you could make a guest appearance in ANY show, which one would you choose? ELLEN SHE GIVES AWAY A LOT OF STUFF
17.) who do you think is the most underrated comedian? idrk anything about comedians srry fam i only know the well known and overrated ones
18.) based on your personality, what do you think your spirit animal is? DEER IN HEADLIGHTS IF IM ALLOWED TO BE THAT SPECIFIC
19.) color combination that you hate? idk orange and blue was the first one i thought of
20.) what is your favorite childhood memory? I HAD AN HP THEMED BIRTHDAY PARTY WHEN I WAS LIKE 10 but tbh i think i cried idk y i picked that one
21.) what cartoon character do you most resonate with? CARL FROM JIMMY NEUTRON
22.) what game do you never lose at? I LOSE AT EVERYTHING
23.) what does your dream home look like? im too lazy for this question tbh
24.) Honestly, do you love your family, like them, dislike them, or hate them? I LOVE THEM THEYRE JUST ANNOYING
25.) pettiest argument you've ever been in? WHO KNOWS
26.) what is the weirdest article of clothing you've ever come across? idk
27.) what is your favorite day of the week? NONE THEY ALL SUCK
28.) Do you feel offended by swear words? not really
29.) Stupidest dare you've ever done? i dont do dares :)
30.) Did your parents ever compare you to your siblings or cousins growing up? Did that affect the way things turned out? no
31.) You get to be any person in the world for a whole week. Who do you choose? whos the wealthiest person is itstill bill gates ill be him and pay off my own student loans :) 
32.) one food you hate that should be destroyed at all costs? ANY FOOD WITH SALAD IN THE TITLE THAT ISNT A TRADITIONAL SALAD
33.) What is your favorite past time for each of the four seasons? i’m too lazy 4 this one too but honestly i do all the same things regardless of the seasons aka laying in bed and wasting my life away
34.) what is something that will always make you laugh? THAT VIDEO ABOUT THE IRISH PUG WHO CAN’T RUN
35.) what does your pet look like? fuck u i don;t have a pet
36.) describe your favorite outfit. my light washed jean shorts w a black t shirt and cream colored cardigan w gold colored dangly earrings and my black wedges
37.) most annoying noise you've ever heard? CHILDREN CRYING
38.) at what age did you learn to drive? LOL 22
39.) What is something that you own which you know you probably shouldn't? i have a shirt that says bitch on it?????
40.) last thing you made with your own 2 hands? what idk
41.) Favorite time of day? day. not morning but not evening???? does that mean afternoon
42.) Do you believe in ghosts, spirits, or any kind of afterlife? OH GOD DONT ASK ME ABOUT THIS PLS
43.) what sports did you do in school? I DIDNT i played softball once when i was younger to impress my dad but he didnt go to a single game :)
44.) if you had been voted for a 'superlative' in your last yearbook (class clown, laziest, most likely to become president, etc) what would you have been voted? TRIES HER BEST BUT FAILS but also doesnt try as hard as she tries to make it sound :)
45.) reality show idea that you would most definitely watch on television? idk but i want the x factor to come back to america but w judges who actually know what theyre doing thats right im calling u out demi paulina and britney and sometimes simon (ok yall but remember that mess he made emblem3 do w a mashup of my girl and california gurls to the music of what makes you beautiful)
46.) do you still own a landline phone? my parents do???
47.) scariest storm you've ever had in your town? idk
48.) skill you wish you had? THERE ARE A LOT OF SKILLS I WISH I HAD
49.) what is something you wish you could talk more about, but don't for fear of what other people would think? MY AFTERLIFE THOUGHTS that sounds weird
50.) last book you read? well if we’re being specific rn i’m rereading goblet of fire and the last one i finished was prisoner of azkaban
51.) what does your calendar have on it? i dont have a calendar i only have one when school is goin on
52.) what do you do if you get stopped by a person selling something from a mall kiosk? i usually pretend i cant hear them oops :)
53.) infomercial you're beyond tired of seeing? i can’t think of any i don’t usually watch real tv????
54.) what was your first stuffed animal/doll's name? baby bear
55.) have you ever said something out of anger and instantly regretted it? probably
56.) how do you feel about raising minimum wage? HELL YEAH
57.) how would you spend a perfect day with your best friend? ...............................i.......... do not know.......................
58.) when was the last time you changed the oil in your car? i do not have a car
59.) did you ever have to do speech therapy? no
60.) something you're looking forward to in the future? GRADUATING COLLEGE
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