#ok im tired gn my hatters ๐Ÿค—!
I think it's time for me to be done critiquing the jedtavious and natm fandom and start praising it for what it's doing right
Now I understand why some people don't like Oneshots, but for me personally, I love them, they're cute, fun and short (most of the time)
So I see a lit of the time, there's usually tropes in these oneshots, it's fanfiction, you cant escape it
But my all time favorite trope that I will absolutely never get tired of is the one where, it's the end of natm 3 and everyone is going back in their places, turning into wax, for the last time, Jedediah is beyond sad because he'll never get to talk to his Octavious again. So he finally confesses his feelings, after all this time, and Octavious confesses back, they kiss, they go back to their dioramas, then they get brought back to life 3 years later and reunite in a sweet and tender moment
I love love love love LOVE this trope, it's by far my absolute favorite
Why do I love it so much?
Now I know you're confused, let me explain
So in the first film, they're enemies, right? I know this, you know this, we all know this
But after Larry forced them to work together they immediately got along
Like there was no "I don't trust you quite yet" or "it will take me a while to warm up to you" it just jumps straight to "I AIN'T QUITTIN' YOU!!!" (Which leaves me to believe they never actually hated each other but that's a WHOLE 'nother argument for a WHOLE 'nother day)
Anyways, but they're just friends. They just stopped their feud, they don't love each other QUITE yet (i know Jed referenced brokeback but I honestly do not care, that doesn't mean that they're in love YET)
In the second movie, however, Larry has been away for a year (who tf is the night gaurd in that time?) And things are changing, soon they'll never wake up again
Now, like in the 3rd movie, at this point they supposedly will never see each other again, except it's not as emotional as the 3rd movie because it this point, they're friends, right? They are best friends, sure, but at this point Octavious just started noticing how different he feels around Jedediah, mean while Jed knows FULL WELL how he feels towards Octavious
Notice how Jed seems a bit closed off to Octy? Larry left, leaving them with, I assume, no gaurd. He's mad. He trusted this person, this person helped him get over his grudge with what is now the love of his life and then just LEFT
And now he has 2 options, 1: spend his last moments venerable to the people he cares about most or 2: be closed off so that no one notices how much this HURTS
Hes about to lose everyone and everything he loves but is he going to say anything about it? No! He doesn't want to appear weak, especially around Octavious, especially in his last moments
But then all of a sudden, their in a museum, fully alive, being attacked by Ahkmenrahs brother, Kahmunrah
Now, mind you, Jedediah thought that he was never gonna wake up again. He thought he was going to die, and he didn't, but also be aware that even if he didn't die tonight, someone was going to find the tablet and send it back, so he knew that they were gonna die anyways
But he'll be damned if they die in the hands of someone who only wants to bring pain and suffering into the world
He decides that he was going to save everyone from this guy, and if he was going to save everyone, he was going to save EVERYONE (hence why he called Larry)
But when he gets captured, he tells Octavious to get outta there, hes saving Octavious, no i don't think you guys get it, hes making sure that Octavious's life is extended as much as possible even if is means risking his own life
Because he loves Octavious
He loves the whole museum but he loves Octavious, he's doing this for Octavious
But he is also (quite literally) pushing Octavious away, so that Octy doesn't get hurt
When he gets trapped in an hour glass, he is fighting back because fuck you you don't get to touch me and make me vulnerable
But when Larry is told he has an hour to figure out how the tablet works, does Jedediah freak out? No. He tells Larry that hes got this, and that he can do it, because despite being mad at him before, he still cares about him
Jedediah, at this point, knows he's going to die, he acts like hes going to be fine but he's going to die
But the thing is that, he doesn't care
As long as the tablet, and everyone in the museum is safe, and Octavious is safe, he'll be alright?
Now does Octavious agree with this? NOPE!
That's his best friend! No way he was going to let Jedediah just die like that
He knows just as well a Jedediah that they're going to die anyways, but he wants Jeds life to be extended as much as possible, just like Jed wants that for Octavious
I know that Jedediah keeps talking about how Octavious is gonna come and save him, and how he looks worried that he won't, but I think deep down, he doesn't want Octavious to come and save him because that would put OCTAVIOUS'S life in danger, the thing he was trying to avoid in the first place
When Larry gets a hold of the hourglass he immediately apologizes to Jed
And you know what his reaction is?
He isn't angry, or scared, or sad, or even a little disappointed, he just says "it's alright, you tried your best. Dang, we almost had him too!"
Jedediah I love you and I'm glad you're not making people around you feel like it's their fault but that is NOT WHAT YOU SAY WHEN YOU'RE ABOUT TO FUCKING DIE!!!
"Oh, but he said that they almost had him, meaning he is disappointed" yeah, disappointed that they couldn't defeat Kahmunrah, not that he is literally DYEING!!!
Anyways, he gets thrown on the Ground and is seconds away from dyeing, and Octavious, after taming a squirrel and having a GIANT ABRAHAM LINCOLN COMING TO DESTROY KAHMUNRAHS FAKE ASS like the lengths this guy goes through for Jedediah
He finds Jedediah dyeing in the hourglass, and promises to get Jedediah out, but Jedediah has no fight in him left, and basically telling him that it's ok, telling him to remember how he was, how their lives were before Jedediah started pushing Octavious away out of fear, and I'm sure if given the chance, he would've apologized for pushing him away, and he would've talked about the story of their relationship from enemies, to friends, maybe he would've told Octavious how much he means to Jed and maybe... just maybe.... Jedediah would've had the chance to tell Octavious how he feels
But before he got to do any of that, Octavious saved him from the hourglass and they kicked some gigantor butt
And Jedediah ends up not telling Octavious about his feelings, he doesn't want Octavious to know. He knows Octavious cares about him, and Jed cares about him too. But he doesn't want to ruin their friendship. He loves him, so much, but he values their friendship above all else and would rather suppress these feelings then tell Octavious and lose the best friend he ever had
And Octavious doesn't want to tell Jed about his feelings either for similar reasons, he doesn't want Jedediah to think less of him because of these feelings, so he tells no one
Now for the third movie (if you made it this for here's a cookie ๐Ÿช)
Now I do realize that the cat video scene is a jedtavious moment, and it's a cute one, but it doesn't really prove my point and this is already tiring me so I'm skipping to the vent scene
So we all know the famous "hold my hand" scene, but I'd like to go more in depth into it
You see, as someone who would like to be more physically affectionate to someone they like but us too scared to, I understand that while holding hands can be a thing friends do, and I have seen it and even done it myself, if you don't usually hold hands with people, depending on the person, it can be seen as a romantic gesture
And considering Jed is someone who isn't a physically affectionate person, and Octavious knowing this, he might not have meant it this way, but Jedediah saw it as basically a love confession
Now when he asks, Octavious says no, Jedediah is like "mhm ok sure, whatever you say there toga boy" but he doesn't push it any further just on the slightest chance that he might be wrong
Later, Jedediah and Octavious meet Lancelot, and Octavious is immediately crushing on him HARD
Now, hot take here, I love the "jealous jed" trope, but I honestly see this as more of a "wait a second, you like guys?" thing
He never looks visibly angry, just, suprised? I guess?
This is a big deal to him, because it just further confirms that Octavious most likely feels the same towards him
Suddenly his fears go away, hes not scared of anyone getting hurt, hes not scared of getting rejected and losing a friend, he has gone through so much with Octavious and he's going to risk it all
In what he thinks are his last dyeing moments, he reaches out for Octavious's hand. No more hiding, no more suppressing his feelings, no more pushing his best friend away out of fear
He was going to take that hand now
And while for most of you, this seems like someone who isn't physically affectionate deciding to have his last moment be of physical touch, and while it can be that as well, I personally think that this is Jedediah telling Octavious that he loves him too
After they recover and go back to the museam, they tell Larry their goodbyes, and it's a sweet and tender moment, but I really wish that we got to see Jedediah and Octavious having their own moment
Which is where the fanfiction comes in
This is the point I was trying to get at, I just needed to over explain everything so that you guys understand where I'm getting at
In this trope most of the oneshots follow the same formula
Jedediah is really sad that they're going away forever and Octavious comforts him
Then they finally tell each other about their feelings, kiss, and go back to their dioramas for supposedly the last time
Then when they awake again, they reunite and you can feel the absolute relief and joy when they find each other again, and when they kiss and tell each other that they love each other despite the fact that people are watching
Then they go to the party and dance all their worries away, because this time they know just how much they care about each other, and in that moment, nothing else matters, because there's nothing better than finally getting to relax with the love of your life after going through so much
If the people who write this trope told me they based it off of a deleted scene, I wouldn't be suprised, this feels so real, like this actually happened in the movies
They went through so much together, so to have their story end like that makes perfect sense
This is what enemies to lovers should feel like, no toxicity, no miscommunication, no fighting after becoming friends, just this
Just, bliss
Just Jedediah and Octavious going through charecter development together, letting each other be vulnerable, dropping hints that they like each other, then finally, being together on harmony, and that's what this trope brings me
I love this trope
Because it's cannon
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