#ok i will sleep now it’s 1 am. bye
heshemejoshi · 1 year
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one day i will make interesting fanart for this game. have agnea because she’s become my fave to draw
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iced-souls · 5 months
Uhm, possible spoilers i think for Marble Sky [made by @somerandomdudelmao in which you should go and check out if you haven’t read rn cause they be very cool very cool and very cool]
Guys guys guys — please trust meee she is A-OK and she is gonna be a teacher to Oscar as they make a pacifist alien befriending club
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I am not in denial i have no clue what you’re talking about—
I ain’t got a clue what these so called ‘jars’ even look like yet but i sketched a thing out immediately and then at that point my intrigueness started to fade, and then the ref came out and for some reason that boosted my interest even further. But i know what a bird’s brain looks like now so thats something.
I just think she seems very cool
I may have also did some other doodles a week or 2 ago that i didn’t post cause the social of anxiety was kickin in high those days but I’ll put them under the cut if thou wishes to see
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That is all ok buh byyeeee go see marble skiessssss
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pup-pee · 7 months
this is b4 theh confused their love or smth
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raspbeare · 7 months
me: i should sleep
my brain: to be loved— isn’t that what we all want? someone who sees past the masks, who’s willing to look deeper? who, upon finding the messy, ugly, and painfully, beautifully human within, will treasure it? will treat it with the care that the raw, vulnerable depths guarded within us all, deserve? who won’t run from our baggage, nor think they can fix us, but will stand by our side and support us, however they can, however we need? is that not what it means to be human?; to yearn to be truly seen, and still be loved?
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whyse7vn · 2 months
[ kim seokjin min yoongi x reader ]
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jin: i’m going to bed now if you even care
resting my body after a long hard day at
work if that’s even important in your eyes
almost died today if you even give a shit
it’s 2 am and i’m JUST going to sleep without you (my girlfriend) messaging me (your boyfriend) goodnight if you even care a little bit
you have 5 missed calls from jin!
jin: be honest do you care?
y/n: no
jin: you didn’t say gn
y/n: it’s 2 am
jin: no u right you don’t even care that’s what’s up
y/n: what
jin: no lol i get it whatever
y/n: what do you want
jin: a goodnight would be nice
y/n: it’s 2 am
jin: yeah???
y/n: am
as in morning
jin: awww who died
here for u 💓
y/n: morning not mourning
jin: can you say gn pls so i can sleep
you have 1 miss call from jin!
y/n: no joke ur 5 seconds away from being blocked
jin: just say you don’t care about me at this point 😭
y/n: i do not care about you at this point
jin: um
y/n: at all
jin: ok well that bit wasn’t necessary
i think i got ur point
y/n: i’m glad
jin: i guess i’ll just go to sleep then
without a goodnight from my lovely girlfriend
you have 10 miss calls from jin!
y/n: jin
jin: yeah
you can no longer send messages to this contact!
jin: 😧
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yoongi: miss you
delivered 5 minutes ago
yoongi: wow that’s crazy i’ll just jump off a cliff then
y/n: that was kinda dramatic
yoongi: sorry do i know you?
y/n: get a grip
yoongi: reply faster
do you even love me anymore?
y/n: well
yoongi: that’s not funny
y/n: do you see me laughing?
yoongi: take it back
y/n: i take it back
love when ur clingy >.<
yoongi: i’m not clingy
y/n: you just threatened to kill urself cuz i didn’t reply to you instantly
yoongi: that’s basic respect
i message you
you reply within the next second
y/n: that’s unrealistic
yoongi: no it’s not
you do it most of the time
lately you’ve been slacking tho
y/n: excuse me????????
yoongi: ur excused
y/n: and if i slap you?
yoongi: i’ll enjoy it
y/n: YOONGI OMG?/):).£
are you dying????
what is wrong with you
ur acting like you love me or something
yoongi: don’t say things like that
makes it seem like i’m a bad boyfriend
y/n: looks left looks right
yoongi: i’m a good boyfriend
y/n: looks at audience looks back at you
yoongi: stop
i am a good boyfriend
y/n: yeah!
yoongi: and if i slap YOU?
y/n: GASP
good boyfriends don’t threaten domestic violence
yoongi: neither do good girlfriends
y/n: are you saying i’m a bad girlfriend?
yoongi: looks left looks right
y/n: how low of you min yoongi…
i am NOT a bad girlfriend
yoongi: ur not a good one either
so where does that leave us
y/n: i’m the best?
yoongi: lol!
y/n: is this ur fucked up way of calling me a good girl
yoongi: ok where tf did you get that from?
ur really bad at reading the room
y/n: i’m in no room
yoongi: it’s a saying 🙄
y/n: ignoring you just rolled ur eyes at me rn
i’m SAYING we should kiss
yoongi: wow so clingy
y/n: what can i say!!!
yoongi: can you acknowledge what i open our conversation with pls
y/n: no
yoongi: ok kys bye
y/n: ur clingy
yoongi: k
now come home
idk the jin one was the first draft for the jin part in delivered i think and idk where the yoongi one came from just found her has said hey this is ok ig… thought they kinda gave the same vibe so posted them together better than nothing right? SIGHS sorry idk WHO WANNA BUY ME A NEW PHONE WHO⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️
i’m spiralling and have no storage pls forgive me
tags: @piw6n @92jinnies @birdie-vhs @earth2ela @hob3loveofmylife @jujubiism @bloopkook @ratchetpizza1 @myntalks @arloo00 @watamotee33 @y2kcy3brz @taiwan0618 @freyadanvers @gguksbeloved @raetf @bbsantc @winuvs @medicinemybish @bxnnyhime @seokmyballs @baetukki @zyaaaszn @thelilbutifulthings @jazminethecreator @meowgiz @jmnscutie @threeopossumsinacoat @cynicalyoongs @lightningpussy54 @eunthv @gigiiiiislife @lowkeykin @iammeandmeisiam @socksfirstalways @knjlvr06 @lailaisarmy @thvkives @xstfudaisyx @xxxanimangxxx @solstice34 @ml8dy @hoeforseoks @futuristicenemychaos @featjunranghae @jksgirlfrl @yeetedandoboi
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translatemunson · 4 months
you've been calling my bluff on all my usual tricks • ttfd
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a blurb from the universe of the tortured firefighters department
| check the masterlist |
cw: fem!reader, afab!reader, no descriptions of reader, banter (because i love it), some divergency from canon (it’s fanfic guys, so chill), proofread by my bye-lingual ass (let me know if i forgot anything)
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For the first time in fifteen minutes, you could finally reach for your coffee mug.
“Dispatch, this is 118 requesting more RAs for the scene,” and there it goes nothing. It was Evan Buckley on the other side of the comms. What happened with Chim or Hen asking for backup?
“Copy, 118. Units 126 and 163 are closer to the storage,” you replied, already jumping on channels to send the ambulances their way. “Will more units be necessary?”
“I believe those will be enough, Brains.” The nickname drop. Yeah, no way you were escaping that. “It’s nice to finally hear you on a call.”
“Can’t say the same, firefighter Buckley. Mind you, we are being recorded,” you brought your mug to your mouth, the steam long gone after a late night fire emergency on a delivery storage.
“Oh, don’t be a nerd now. Everyone is safe, I bet you can chat for a few minutes.”
“Should I remind you we both are paid to save lives, and not chit chat while the 9-1-1 line is packed?”
“Oh, is it? Then why are you still on this channel?”
Ok, he got you, he got you good. Back to drinking and finding some peace to face eight more hours on your shift.
“Still there, Brains?” You could definitely hear his smirk through the call.
“Mm-mmm,” you made a funny face for the cold coffee. “Just taking a break.”
“Right. Graveyard shift again?”
“Always, because it’s from my desk straight to class tomorrow morning.” You started typing again, checking all the information from the rescue. “Don’t you have anything better to do?”
“No, not exactly. Already packed the equipment and now I'm just waiting for the guys. Is Maddie working tonight?”
“No, she only takes the graveyard shift when Chim is off duty. But you should know that. Cut the small talk and go piss Eddie off, Buckley.”
“Only if you give me your number.”
And he goes for it, for the hundredth time that week.
“So you can piss me off on and off duty? I’ll pass,” your screen lit up with updates from the incident. “Guess I’m closing this channel now.”
“See you soon, Brains.”
“Don’t wait up, Buckley.”
You disconnected from the channel once you had confirmation both RAs were on scene and now it was only a matter of taking the patients to the closest hospital — information you already cleared with the drivers, and gave that usual Brains heads up to the hospital teams — and getting them patched up.
Graveyard shifts, most of the time, were easy to sail through. Another few more hours, instructions you had memorized in the back of your mind, weak coffee someone brewed because you were out of decaf, class notes to review and you would call it a night — or maybe a day, you were never sure.
The only thing different this time around was the fact that you had Buckley on the other side of the line. And when you checked your phone, closer to 2 AM, there was a message, from an unknown number, saying “Eddie told me to piss you off because he wants to sleep :)”. Also “It’s Buck.”
Of course you knew it already.
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author's note: hi, hello! i know i promised this blurb to come out yesterday, but got caught up with work stuff… BUT IT’S HERE NOW. it doesn’t spoil anything from the main timeline of the fic, it was more of a “i need to write something” moment and this is the result. don’t forget to check out the fic! see ya soon!!
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harryisourlover · 6 months
The Second Assistant
Inspired by the tongue guitar playing in Spain
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Smut alert 🚨
Harry was in the midst of a whirlwind tour when a recent breakup left him emotionally drained. Determined to avoid entanglements with fans, he found solace in his work. Amidst the chaos, he couldn't help but notice his new second assistant, (Y/N), whose beauty and grace captivated him.
(Y/N) was a beacon of joy and laughter among her colleagues, but around Harry, she turned shy and reserved. Since day one she acted like that. But one fateful night after a particularly electrifying concert where Harry had pushed the boundaries of his attire, revealed A LOT, also was a night extremely hot in Spain and (Y/N) fainted backstage! She was overwhelmed by the intensity of the performance plus hot night and the last thing that Harry did on stage definitely was the final cause of her faint.
Concerned, Harry rushed to her hotel room after his concert, still in his revealing outfit because all that matters was to see of she was really ok!
He knocked on the door, she just got out of the shower and she was expecting her meal, not Harry…
“Oh my god, it’s you!”
“I’m sorry, are you expecting someone else?”
“Just my dinner..” she said moving her eyes from his eyes going down to his torso and abs
He noticed and explained “I’m sorry again, i just got out stage and didn’t saw you there in the corner, they told me… Are you ok?”
“I don’t understand… You barely say Hi and Bye every day, any order of what to do to you i get from Mary because she’s the first assistant and i’m the second… Why do you bother coming here?”
“Excuse me are you implying that i’m a incentive boss-monster? That i don’t care? Only once that i tried to spoke to you, you didn’t looked back at me in the eyes and everytime i see you nice and goofy around the crew but always with a bad face at me, how did you expect me to act?”
“I… i was trying to act professional with you”
“I honestly thought you hated me since day one for some reason i quit trying to find out…”
“What??? I don’t hate you! Never! I’m a fan! Actually since 1D to be honest”
“Ok, now i’m the one confused here”
“When Mary interviewed me for the job she said: 1- never mention you are a fan; 2- don’t talk to him looking in his eyes because his girlfriend is nuts jealous; 3- don’t be you the cool girl i know around him, just strict professional”
“OMG i had no idea!”
“Mary says hahahah i’m your type, she’s so wrong! Look at me! But anyway she said if i want a career i can’t cause trouble in my first job ever in this industry!”
“I totally understand She was trying to help you… and avoid drama with my ex… She’s right about you being extremely attractive to me… She’s with me for 10 years she knows me very well!”
(Y/N)’s face is red and she thinks she’s about to faint again. Harry run to her holding her and asking “Are you ok? For sure?”
“I’m fine! Not going down again! It’s.. it’s just too much going on.. i need to sleep!”
“What about your food?”
“I will cancel… can you help me walking me to the bed?”
“I will help but you will eat! And i will go to my room shower and after that i will come back to see you! Where is your extra key?”
“Don’t need to do that Harry…”
“I will! Please let me do this!”
So exactly like he said, after he was back in her room. She had fallen asleep, so he took the tray away, returned to his room but kept her spare key.
Next day, like always when don’t need to travel to do a performance, Harry wake up when he wanted, brushed his teeth and looking at himself in the mirror started to think about (Y/N) and decided to go back to her room.
He wasn’t sure if she was awake yet, was 10 something AM, so he knocked softly. With no answer he did it again… and worried decided to use the key…
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She was with her AirPod, laid down on the floor, legs wide open up on the bed, rubbing her covered pussy with one hand and on the other hand watching Harry’s video a fan did of him obscenely flipping his tongue on the guitar…
Harry didn’t want to scare her but she’s couldn’t her him there! And honestly he was hard ASF!!! He decided to remove his clothes and already touching himself he walked to her bed and seat close to one of her legs, he did wile she briefly close her eyes, and when she opened…
“Ohh omg!” And removed Airpod looking at him, iPhone already on the floor and her eyes big in shock looking to Harry’s Big fat cock.
“Don’t need to say anything love, if you just let me finish here looking at you rubbing that pussy for me i will be very happy, and if you want he can pretend never happened… or…. You can get out of that floor and come here to this bed and let me taste that pussy just like you’re dreaming watching that video on repeat”
She was speechless and frozen. Harry smirked at her and that was enough to release her from the frozen state. (Y/N) started to move and stopped standing in front of him.
They connected eyes and he used one hand to hold her t-shirt up and the other hand to grab the elastic of her panties, she nodded and he started to slowly remove her panties…
“All of this mess for me darling?”
“May i ask you to remove your t-shirt and lay next to me?”
She nodded and did as he asked… slowly Harry moved to the top of her using his knees and hands to spread her legs saying: “Darling I don’t dare to go up there and kiss you like i want, because it’s dangerous… we can fall in love and ruin business! But if you don’t mind i will bury my head in your perfect soaked cunt… and after this anytime you or me need some relief we can count on each other secretly ok?”
“Ok Harry”
“Call me Daddy!” And with that he started to eat her like the hungriest man in the world, stroking his penis at the same time. (Y/N) came like never before and was fighting to close her legs involuntarily.
“Just another one sweetheart, one more of your sweet orgasm juice and i will let go” He said and immediately sucked her clit wile inserted his finger, she cried loud in despair and he was just so impressed by how tight her pussy was, he said “Girl, you can barely take my finger, if i try to put my cock on you I don’t know if will fit…”
(Y/N) moaned and squirted with that dirty talk, Harry drank all and released his orgasm in his hand and belly. “I don’t know if i can keep my mouth out of this pretty pussy anymore girl!”
He started to put his clothes on with the devilish smile saying “I’m getting out of here before someone sees me wile looking for me.. Angel, i will always have your room’s door keys now! This will be our secret!”
And he left…. Not knowing that the biggest secret (Y/N) carries… She’s 22 but she’s virgin…
And now all she can think about is how to tell him! And when…
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rafecameronzwhore · 1 year
First word
Ok, so I thought of a blurb idea that was so cute, and I think it would fit before everything happened. Got this idea from the fanfics I read. Where rafe calls TR "Mama"
Primrose is 1
Reader is working for her dad
Rafe working for ward
Still in obx
Read backstory for more info
Warnings: Fluff, Fluff, wholesome and that's it
You and Rafe had just gotten back from work
You picked up Primrose from your mom's house and now you were driving back home to your house
Rafes hand rested on your thigh as he drove
It was obvious he was tired
When you 3 got home you took a shower first as rafe played with Primrose
Then rafe took a shower as you made dinner for everyone
When rafe came out of the shower he came behind you and wrapped his arms around you resting his head on you as you fed primrose dinner
Rafe peeked his eyes above your shoulder and gave primrose funny looks with his eyes
That made primrose laugh
You smiled, heart warmed at your lover and child's relationship
"How was your day mama"
"It was good"
Rafe hummed and kissed your shoulder
You giggled and looked back at your child to see the angry expression she has
"What's that look for" you ask her with a teasing pout
"Mamma" she said to the best of her ability
your jaw dropped
you turned around to look at Rafe to see if you heard right
to see that he was recording
"MAMMA" she said again
you put her plate down and go to her
showering her with kisses making her giggle
"Mamas girl" you whisper to her
you felt hands wrap around your waist
"We're having another kid, so their first word can be dada"
You giggled at that
"We'll see"
Rafe kisses your cheek, and all of a sudden, you hear an angery sound coming from beneath you
You look down to your daughter to see she has that same angery expression from before
You take her out of her (whatever the hell babies eat on)
And hold her
"Whats wrong baby"
She pushes rafe away, which has you a little confused
"Hey, what did I do peach?"
Rafe says, coming closer to see if he did something
"My mama" you suddenly hear
Your jaw drops, and you look at rafe for confirmation of what you just heard
You see rafes wide eyes looking back at you for the same confirmation
"Hm, but she's dating me" rafe said cheekyly
You watched as primroses Pout worked
"MY MAMA" she screamed as she wrapped her hands around your neck
You and rafe both laughed, and you rubbed her back up and down while she had her head buried in your neck
Time skip
You put primrose to sleep
You and rafe were in bed, your head on his chest, and his hands ran over your hair
"You know she kinda looks like you when she's mad"
"Whats that supposed to mean"
"That your cute when you're mad"
You giggled
"Shut up and go to sleep"
Rafe kissed the top of your head, and you both drifted off to sleep.
Hey sweets, I know everyone's waiting for part 3 of restart, but I got this cute idea and made it, might make a part 2 where primrose says her 2nd/3rd word (I don't know if "my" counts) that's like daddy or Dada let me know if you wanna see that. I'm finishing this at 1:28 am lol
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1ris5starlight · 3 months
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(This happen after this episode)
To understand:
(Text) = thoughts
*text* = movements and noises
Text = narrator
After show moments #1
11:25 p.m.
Monty and Moon are currently sleeping on the couch of one table of The Black Cat and Puppet is deciding what to do.
Puppet: what should I do now? I can't just leave them here....
Should I call someone??....
I'll call Sun and Earth to come and pick them up..
Puppet: *ringing* come pick up, pick up..
Sun: Hello?
Puppet: HEYY!! Sun!!! How is it going??
Sun: Uhm- I-I'm at my house, not doing much...By the way have you see Moon? He's not back yet and I'm a bit worried..
Puppet: oh- Yeahhhhh- about that- emhhh-..
Sun: ...is something wrong?
Puppet: mmh- yeah. Uhh- So, me, Monty and Moon went out and we wanted Moon to try some drinks andddd we went to The Black Cat, which I'm currently, and Moon started drinking more and more and Monty too andddddd they kinda got drunk pretty bad-...until the alcohol got them and now they're sleeping on the couch of a table-...
Soooo, yeah- can you come and pick Moon up? I will call Earth to pick Monty up soon....please??
Sun: ...*sigh* I'll be there in a minute.
Puppet: Thank you~!!! (Platonically)Love you, bye!!
Sun: *hangs up*
Puppet: Alright, time to call Earth...
Puppet: *looks over Moon and Monty*
Puppet: we'll get a good scolding from both of Sun and Earth-! ....
(Well we kinda deserve it-)
11:43 p.m.
Puppet: (they should be here any minute now...)
Sun and Earth come in the restaurant.
Puppet: (there they are!) Hey guys!!
Earth: Hi puppet!
Sun: Hey..!
Sun: So, where are they?
Puppet: OH, they over there.
Sun, Puppet and Earth walk in restaurant and arrive where Monty and Moon are.
Sun & Earth: *looks over the drunk sleepy animatronics*
Sun: I swear- He just got back! How did he end up like this so soon?!
Puppet: welllllllll-
Sun: it was a rhetorical question. You already told me what happened, Puppet.
Puppet: oh yeah-
Earth: Alright, I'm going to get Monty home and you Sun bring home Moon ok?
I will come tomorrow to see how it is going, ok Sun?
Sun: yeah..Alright..
Sun and Earth pick up Monty and Moon, they say goodnight to Puppet and go to their houses.
12:12 p.m. (late night)
(Sun and Moon's Island)
When Sun come in the house with Moon in his arms, his cats also come to him and star moewing and purring at him, because they're happy that he's at home.
Sun: Oh-! Hey babies!
Cats: *meowing more happily*
Sun: yeah, I'm happy to see you too!
Sun puts down Moon on the sofa.
Cats: *meowing a bit upset at Moon*
Sun: yeah... I got to go to pick Moon up, because he got drunk..
Sun: *looks over Moon* *sigh* well, he got drunk for the first time...and I hope he never do that again-...at least not this badly...
Sun pick up a cover and he lays it on Moon; but when he's doing it, the sleepy Moon animatronic grab his hand before he go.
Sun: what-
Moon: *drunk and sleepy* P-please...*ik* stAy wItH me..
Sun: ...fine, Moony. But don't you dare get this drunk ever again, ok?
Moon: *more sleepy* mHmMhmm...
Sun sits on the sofa with Moon and the lunar animatronic hugs him, the solar animatronic does the same and so they fall asleep in each other's arms.
09:34 a.m.
The cats start meowing for food and the Sun is already up in the ski, when Moon wakes up.
Moon: *groan* mmhhhmh....what happened..? Why my head hurts so much..?
Moon: *remember everything*
Moon: oh yeah- I got pretty drunk and fell asleep..
God, Sun is gonna scold me to death-..
Moon: *notice he's in living room* uh? Why am I-
Moon: *tries to get up, but can't* what-
Moon: *notice that Sun is still asleep and hugs him* oh...Sun must have bring me back at home and he fell asleep on me...
Well, I better not wake him if I don't want to get scolded like a kid-!!
Moon lays down again, hugging Sun to him and admire the ski from the window, listening to Sun fans rolling softly, simulating a person that sleeps peacefully(it was like a peaceful music to him that sound).
Moon: *looks at Sun and kiss him on the forehead* good dreams, Sunny.!!
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oscconfessions · 4 months
I love Payjay........ here is why I........ love....... It.....
I think......... for me personally it all started in season 1 (with some things that happened) (temporarily) (shhhhh no deviantart mentioning) because I was a bombjay fan and it was OVER for me. I don't really care about Bomb x OJ anymore, but when the alliance was over I CRIED. Maybe OJ was a bit in the wrong for breaking off the WHOLE alliance, but he did meet his gay boyfriend. I am only semi-mad at him for doing that now. Aquatic Conflict is probably my favorite season 1 episode, just because it's the first one where they really interact with each other, OJ expresses his gratitude for Paper, even wondering why he got out so early. After this, they clearly grow closer!! OJ is shown to be worried about Paper when the stuff with his ev/l self occurs!! Sure maybe it's the bare minimum BUT FOR AN OBJECT SHOW IN THE EARLY 2010S, ITS EVERYTHING. They were clearly very important to each other!! OJ even gets mad at TACO who I'm pretty sure (correct me if I'm wrong) had NOTHING to do with Papers elimination. OJ even talks about winning FOR HIM. Season 2 doesn't share much, but in Everythings A-OJ. OJ trusts him enough to be his lawyer. I'm unaware if objects can get..... law degrees... Though considering the fact MePad (and maybe Toilet?) were representing MePhone in court: I don't think any of them are qualified. I'm sure there was someone else OJ knew that could properly defend someone, but considering the line-up: probably not. In the first episode of S2 as well, Paper is the only one to mention OJs death, and is the only one to tell him they wouldn't be in the second season. OJ though, is fine with it, because they can hang out :)
There is no payjay in season 3.
So many times I've heard "they're just best friends!!" and YEAH!! MARRY YOUR BEST FRIEND IF YOU WANT!! I think they're just great. they're married to me, they're happily married and run the hotel. yea. ok I'm sleep deprived. I need to stop payjay posting at 4 am. hi mods. hi sky.hi Baxter. hi oliver. hi pink heart one I don't know the name of. ok bye
payjay propaganda
:( i dont get a hi? /lh -🗄️
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crazytea5 · 1 year
Yandere Tanjiro Inosuke and zenizu.
so I’m doing this because of the “What do you want me to post?” Post so I’m doing it like I said I would. Now let’s do it! Pls note that y/n uses she/they pronouns.
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1 Yandere Tanjiro.
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Now you met Tanjiro selling some pastries in your family’s bakery.
he noticed you and instantly became obsessed with you.
he started to stalk you until one day gaining the confidence to come and say hi. Little did you know that he had been stalking you.
he decided to buy some kelp rice balls.
He asked if you would like to see him later on but you declined due to your mother being extremely afraid of oni (demons) and apologised for not being able to but he said that it was fine.
he started to come EVERY SINGLE DAY but you didn’t mind because you believed him to be your best mate. He knows what you thought of him and believes you still think that.
You didn’t just work 3 hours a day at the bakery you also did wood chopping for 5 hours a day and then would give it to you Father to sell.
after work you would meet up with Tanjiro but that stopped when his family died.
Fun Fact: You were at the kamado household when it got attacked and you suffered serious injuries trying to protect them you also managed to save not just nezuko but also Tanjiro.
Tanjiro came straight home and didn’t stay at another house.
giyyu saved you and brought you all to the demon slayer HQ were you and Tanjiro trained under him as his successors.
Tanjiro kidnapped you on a rainy night in a alley.
He is EXTREMELY obsessive and delusional.
2 Inosuke
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You and Inosuke met in the final selection.
in final selection you had seen Inosuke coughing up blood and being extremely injured so you helped him.
he felt different. He had never felt love before but after experiencing it he was safe to say it was a very real thing and not just for fairytales.
one day you and him have the same mission. You too have missions together a LOT. Due to Inosuke asking and due to him threatening to kill your Crow. Due to polite requests.
he kidnapped you when you to finished a mission. He then told everyone that you had died during said mission and said that the demon kidnapped you tortured you and ate you alive.
YOU HATE HIM! You love him he’s so kind! No we hate him… stop lying.
He keeps you in a box like Tanjiro’s when you have to leave tho thats pretty rare.
you live in a cave with him and if you do something wrong expect to almost be beaten to death.
He is extremely delusional and scary.
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Now Zenitzu only met you due to you being a local farmer. Only due to Tanjiro being busy as he would normally be the one to do food shopping when he seen you it was love at first sight. Totally not a obsession.
He was just crying and you had come to help him so he started to believe that you Loved him too.
So after asking Tanjiro Zenitzu was allowed to come with him to the farm to buy food.
Zenitzu after knowing you for a year kidnapped you while you were asleep and defenceless.
he is extremely delusional
You extremely hate him and try to do murder attempts to kill him but you always fail and he always says that it’s just a stage that people go through when their taken to a surprise home and that love will always fix it.
Ok I’m finally done because I am posting this at 06:51 in the morning and I have had 0 sleep so bye!
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aleksa-sims · 6 months
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RL Story
CW: addiction, serious illness
Totally done and still sad because I saw Daniel and this stupid girl today I came home after work. Nico wasn’t home yet. I was kind of relieved about that. I wasn't sure, if I should tell him? I mean, nothing happened, but what I said to Daniel today was just not ok! It was totally unfair and selfish.
As soon as I got home, I went for a walk with N.’s dog. Back home I took a shower & I lay down on the bed. I wasn’t feeling so well. I got serv pain in my right knee and my hands also hurt. It bothered me so much, that I had to take a painkiller. After that it slowly got better while I fell asleep.
A little later N. came home. I heard him come up to the bedroom and watch me sleep. Nico has an extraordinary talent for disturbing me while sleeping. No, tbh it's really cute. Every morning before he leaves the house, he comes back to the bedroom to me, while I’m mostly still sleeping. He kisses me and tells me quietly that he loves me. In the beginning I found it hard to get used to. It's annoying to be woken up by him in the morning (5.00 am!) just because he has to kiss me. Yk? It wasn’t until he was gone (abroad), that I realized how much I missed being woken up by him in the morning.🩷 But back to that day, it was not in the morning, but in the evening.
N. saw the painkillers I had taken next to me on the bed, thinking I was sick or something.
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Nico: Hey babe.... Are you ok?
Me: M-hm... Yea, I'm ok.... Where were you? I missed you.
Nico: I said good-bye to Damien and the others. They’re going back to Italy tomorrow.
Me: Yea, without you.... You stay here, with me. So happy about that. Right now I need you with me. I've had a really, really bad day N.... And you? How is your new team? Are they nice?
Nico: Agh...well, what can I say? Germans, yk?🤷‍♀️😉 But it was ok and it’s nice to be home, not somewhere alone abroad ..... Did you see Dilek today?
Me: No, she’s sick. She stayed home.
Nico: Are you sick too? I see you’ve taken painkillers.
Me: My knee hurt again. Somehow my whole body hurts, my hands and legs... But I'm fine. 🙂
Nico: You should tell your doc. You are pregnant. Maybe it has something to do with it?
Me: Yea, but don't worry. I know this pain. It's nothing. I’ve had this pain since I was a kid. It comes and goes, but it’s not serious. My muscles and bones are just very sensitive to pain. 🫤
Nico: It’s all right, babe. But if I see you get pain again, I’ll take you to your doc. I don’t want to scare you, you know that! But you don’t hurt for no reason. Sure, it's nothing, but it’s better to get it checked out before you need to take painkillers again.
Me: Chill Nico!! I know you’re afraid I might get addicted to painkillers . But c'mon, N.! It's just ibuprofen. 😄🤷‍♀️My pill addiction is past. I know I was difficult for you back then, but I promise, this won’t happen anymore. Love you.
Nico didn’t worry about my pill addiction, but actually about the pain I had. A few days ago, my knee hurt so badly that I could not walk. I even cried. But after I took a painkiller, it stopped again. That pain I had in my muscles and bones will get really bad after delivery. Not immediately after delivery, a few months later. But I do not want to draw too much attention to this issue now. Later, when the time comes, I will explain this in more detail. These were the first symptoms of a serious illness. Since CML is not so easy to diagnose, it will take a while for me to get the diagnosis.
And about Daniel I didn't tell Nico. I was happy with N. and we’re about to have a Baby, so I decided to somehow forget Daniel and let him go. But something happened that night!😞 Daniel texted me at 1:00 a.m. I’ll see him tomorrow again. 😢
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Can I have a Shihouin chika x shy reader? The reader is very reserved and does not dare to go to others. She talks to her captain the first time by finding him naked in the public baths where she made a mistake for women. 💀Thank you in advance.
This request have some kamonohashi ron feelings to it XD
Let me know what you think!
Tsuki's note 1 : not proof read, i am not having much time to check spelling, sorry!
Tsuki's note 2: i usually rather go with gender neutral, but... Attention:
Female! Reader
You have been a shinigami for a while now.
For some odd reason, you were asked to join the 2nd division - it's not like you are stealthy or anything. You were just a regular shinigami.
But due to your battle abilities, you were highly ranked - you rarely lost fights, when you did, you made sure to cause havoc.
Most would assume and think you are a very outgoing person because of your captain - Shihoin Chika.
But they couldn't be more wrong, oh no.
You are very shy. To point of not replying and blushing a lot when people talk to you.
Even with Chika, you barely exchanged words, unless, you had to give a report or something.
At least that was until one unfortunate day.
On your day off you decided to take a walk in the town nearby and take a nice bath on their onsen.
You got distracted by a few events happening in the town so you didn't notice how time flew by.
You went to the onsen pretty late.
For one side you were relieved that the possibility of seeing someone there was low, because it was late. But on the other hand, you would loose some sleep time. But you can't always win, right?
You double checked the sign to be sure you were walking into the female baths.
Usually you never went there naked or with just a towel, you usually had some kind of bathrob on while checking for people in the baths.
As you did so you saw someone there, you couldn't help but squeak.
And you did not go unheard.
The head turned around to reveal, your captain, seated in the water just staring at you, as you stared at him.
You could feel your face flush right away and before you could stutter/scream an apologize, you saw him smirk.
Obviously he teased you: " Oh, is the poor y/n so tired they have misread the sign?"
Well, you did not answer that. You rushed out and turned your back to read the sign. It read women. You entered the right bath.
You stood there a bit confused and dying inside. What were you supposed to do now?
While in your daze you heard a laughter, that sounded very far away.
You turned around to investigate, but before you could take one step forward, you heard a very familiar voice, calling for you.
You stopped right away feeling your face flush again.
More teasing came out of Chika, asking why you would be so shy - he didn't mind spectators.
You stuttered out that the sign was for women. That he was the one on the wrong bath.
You could hear the !! he made when the captain saw that you were right.
The small laughter resumed on the corner again.
Like a flash the captain passed by you only to bring two boys.
Both being held by the collar, like puppies.
Chika proceeded to scold them for doing that - although he was teasing you, apparently he was ok at being pranked at.
The boys looked horrified. Completely scared of him. You felt a tad bit of pity for the boys, but just a little.
When Chika let them go , they ran away so fast, they tripped on each other.
Your captain sighed complaining about kids.
You turned on your heels, said good bye to your captain and walked away. It was impossible to look at him now, just no.
He tried calling you out, as he noticed you wouldn't come back, he screamed an apology.
The next few days were painfully awkward for you.
Chika, on the other hand seemed just fine.
You managed to go up a few ranks soon, which meant you were around the captain more.
It did not help you at all with the extra awkwardness.
Things got even more awkward when someone asked about you, why you were promoted so quickly.
He even joked at some point: " yeah, me and y/n have grown a bit closer lately" with a wink at you.
You wanted to die, then and there. No idea if he actually meant it or not.
Probably not, right? I mean you had to have gotten this spot out of effort... right?
Thank you for reading!
I hope this was of your liking!
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Stalker's little family.
Pairing: Austin Butler x reader.
Part 1.
Warning:Blood kink, Cum shots, Sex Toy, Choking, Dirty talk, Pregnancy sex, Hair pulling, Oral (Fem & male receiving) Shower sex, Breeding kink, Degrading kink, Praise kink, Dark humor, Murder, Gore, Dark reader, Yandere Austin, Clean toothbrush.
Summary: It's time for Austin to return to California, Anaheim so with a heavy heart you leave with your new boyfriend, to his shared house with Kaia, you keep asking what happened with her but he'd either switch the topic or not answer at all regardless of this you're absolutely ecstatic for your new horizon but it seems it wouldn't come so easy to obtain when Austin's neighbor finds out about his secrets.
A/n: I want to thank everyone who had waited patiently for me post this, if I'm being honest I had lost motivation to finish but I did! I hope that y'all like it, I want to also say I appreciate every person who likes my stories and my followers without y'all I'd never find out how much I love to write. Anyways onto the story and like always stay tuned (Sorry if it sucked!)
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"Thank you so much for everything." you said as you pulled away from ki's embrace "I am sad to see you go, (N/N) you have been a great friend and colleague. Take care of my baby ok?" Ki winked at you which you playful huffed "Now get going or you're guard dog is going to put me six feet under," He chuckled nervously looking over your shoulder, and you followed his gaze to see Austin's icky blues glaring murderously at Ki, holding Hudson, who was in fact too busy gumming on his little fist to notice his daddy's deadly aura.
You hid your smirk, feelings of arousal and euphoria rushed up your veins like a drug "I guess so, Bye Ki. I'll call you sometime." you winked at him before heading to your car not bothering to hide your smirk anymore "Cool down tiger." You teased walking past Austin to your vehicle, you open the car door and sat down in the passenger seat. Austin following in suit after he buckled Hudson into his car seat before getting to the driver's seat and began driving, his eyes ahead of him, his jaw clenched "My love you don't need to be jealous, I love you." you said softly "I know, I just can't help it. You're mine after all." he takes your hand and kissed your knuckles, a small smile on his lips, God he loved you so damn much, even when you tease him like that, he just didn't trust Ki he was known for being a playboy, anyone can see he liked, Maybe even loved you and that thought made he want to go crazy, you're his, if he has to get you pregnant, breed you over and over again for people to know that then he will, happily.
Ki had some of his people move your stuff into Austin's house in the dead of night, and his jet set to take you back privately, knowing you wanted to keep your little family secret, especially since Kaia went missing, it would be bad publicity for Austin and you can't, won't ruin his dreams. "He asleep?" you asked sitting up in the queen-sized bed you now shared with Austin "with difficulty but asleep." he sighed, slipping under the covers, his head on his hand as he looked at you "it's hard huh?" you said laying down "Oh yeah," he chuckled softly pulling you into his embrace "But I wouldn't change a thing." his other hand rubbing your 3-month pregnant belly "Not a thing." you smiled as you both laid in the comfortable silence, his arms around you and his heartbeat in your ear made everything so surreal, you dreamed of something like this, THE Austin Bulter to be in love with you, have a family with him, to have that honor of bearing his children and here you are, in his bed, in his arms, his love all around you, yes you and Hudson had to be kept secret but you actually liked that you don't want paparazzi in your business.
Your thinking stopped when Austin's soft snores filled your ears "Goodnight my love." you whispered and kissed his cheek before snuggling into his chest as sleep overcomes you. Austin slowly open his eyes only to shut them from the slither of light from the curtains, he grunted and turned to cuddle you but he felt nothing "Baby?!" he called, a bit of panic in his deeper voice, sitting up in the bed "I'm in the kitchen!" you called back, Austin quickly got out of bed and rushed to the kitchen, his pajama pants hang on his hips, and his panic immediately vanished as he sees you fed Hudson some baby food with your new work cloths; a white pencil skirt with a white dress jacket buttoned and a black blouse low-cut.
Austin looked at your get-up, top to bottom l, he licked and bit his bottom lip, his blues darkened "Say," he trailed off "When was the last time I fucked you?" "Austin!" you gasped "What?! I'm just asking," he smirked "Not in front of Hudson! Horn dog." you giggled as Austin placed kisses around your face and neck, "I have to go, I can't be late, I'm the CEO now." you smiled at him as he pouted "Sarsh is gonna come and pick Hudson so he can have a play date with Jackson" Austin nod "Bye baby," Austin whispered against your lips before giving you one last kiss. You waved goodbye to Austin and Hudson, who rested against his father's waist, Austin waved back with a smile.
Ryan's eyes watched the houses going over if this is ready to try to find out the truth he knew something was up when movers had moved something into his neighbor's house in the dead of night and his Kaia went missing after she accuses of Austin cheating, that was enough for him to think maybe Austin had something to do with that, gripping his lock picks and a blacklight, left his house and jumped the fence to the backyard of his neighbor's home, and started to unlock the back door, He sighed asentersnter the house "Ok where to begin?" he questions no one, he had 3 hours before you and Austin come back from work. Closing the door he began to look around.
He looked in the bedrooms first upstairs and then the master bedroom bathroom, he turned the blacklight on the sink, and streaks of bright green fell down the drain, taking his phone he snapped a photo before heading to the kitchen, Ryan's heart stopped dead, the loud clinking of heels hit the wooden floors that lead to the very room he was it. He looked around vertically 'There!' he looked at the walk-in pantry and immediately hid in that spot, peeking through the mostly closed double doors, he watch you as you dropped your keys on the marble Island. "I know you're there, come out," you called out with an ice-cold tone, staring directly at the pantry, Rayn walked out, a glare in his eyes "You cause her death huh?" he spat "You took my only happiness away! Now it's your turn, I'll—" Ryan's villain's speech was cut short by his own scream as a knife stuck out of his shoulder, another painful scream ripe out of him as the knife was jerked out, his body slumped to the floor, gripping his shoulder to try and stop the bleeding but that was useless as he'll come to find out. Austin pinned the defenseless man and his knife cut into Ryan's chest over and over again, blood spattering onto Austin's face, and hands, and a large pool of crimson leaked out of the already dead man "Austin." you called firmly, he didn't stop, you frowned as you walked to him and kneel beside him"Austin." you called again softly taking his face in your hands, your frowned deepened as a tear hits the dumb corpse.
"I-I can't lose you or Hudson." Austin stuttered tears keep falling " Oh baby you'll never lose us," you looked down at Ryan's lifeless body "We made sure of that." Austin's breathing calmed, "let's hide the evidence," you said taking the shovel you left by the front door and handing it to him. "we'll be fine my love," you kissed him and nudge him gently to the backyard, you watched him leave before began to grab things that you needed like the tarp, mop and bucket, a large zip ties, a jar of hydrogen peroxide and flowers. You filled the bucket with water and hydrogen peroxide, dragged the body onto the huge black trap, wrapped him in it, and close the tarp with the zip ties. You were mopping the floor when Austin came in, and you could help but stop to watch as Austin picked up the body almost effortlessly, the blood made him even more beautiful and sexy, and you could already feel yourself become soaked for your boyfriend, you quickly finish mopping up all the blood, grabbed the flowers and walked into the backyard, Austin had already buried the body next to the flower garden, Austin wipe the dirt off his forehead but it becoming even dirtier, you let out a small giggle at that which got you an adorable confused look from Austin before you both began to plant the flowers above Ryan's resting place. "Now let's get cleaned up" you clapped your hands clean, well the best you could do with blood and dirt caked on them, Austin being the gentleman he was, helped you up.
Flashes of Austin filled your mind, him being so protective and possessive, killing the threat of your happiness, for your family, his eyes, damn near black as a starless night, and the beautiful crimson splattering onto his cheeks hands, and chest, some even in his blonde hair, the strong feeling of hormonal lust came as your want for him grows. You barely had enough time to step into the bathroom when Austin's mouth smashed against yours, tongue exploring your mouth like it would all suddenly vanish, you lewdly moaned at feeling the hotness of his tongue, he backed you more into the bathroom, one hand blindly opening the bathroom mirror cabinet, and Austin broke the heated kiss as he begins to open up the unused electric toothbrush "Clothes off and lay on the floor" his deep voice growled, and you smirked playfully, undressed with Austin smacked your ass and laid down against the cold white tile, waiting and anticipating for his next move, he's slowly almost teasingly took his clothes off and got on his knees, the toothbrush between his teeth and he took it out of his mouth "let's have a try huh?" he smirked, turned on it, the vibration sounded out in the otherwise room silent, the rough bristles hit your sensitive bud with a spinning vibration.
A loud whimper and moan at a harsh but pleasant sensation "that's my beautiful slut." he said, his cock slammed and pounded away into you without mercy.
"Fuck," he groans tossing the toothbrush away, his hand now occupied with choking and squeezing your throat, leaving a bloody handprint, your eyes rolled back as he rolled his hips, throwing one leg on his shoulder, and leaned to kiss you reaching a new deeper angle "Eyes on me," he growled pulling your head back, fist wrapped in your hair a while he drilled down into you like a crazed man, his pelvis bone slapping against your clit.
"So beautiful, carrying my baby let every motherfucker you're mine, fuck. Want. To. Keep. You. Pregnant." squeezing your neck tighter as he thrusted after every period, you loved that idea, you would gladly carry this man's babies no matter how much he wanted, to have him breed you over and over, would be a dream come true. You were close so close, your pussy clenched and unclenched around Austin making him curse under his breath as he fucked you faster, "Fuck!" you cried grabbing into his bicep, and a hand on your belly you came, your back arched, pushing your breasts against his firm chest. Austin continues to thrust until you came down your high, he pulled and wrapped his hand that was on your neck around his angry and sensitive cock, jerking and squeezing, his pearly cum suddenly shoots onto your chest and stomach, heavy almost breathless pants left him.
You both sat there for a second before Austin stood up and picked you up setting you down the toilet, a kiss on your head, and then turning on the shower head to the right temperature. You hummed as the hot water relax your muscles, and the beautiful Crimson rush down to the drain "We're not done yet." Austin whispered into your ear, turning you around and getting on his knees, His eyes meet yours, licking his lips and before his pillowy lips wrapped on your clitoris.
You closed your eyes with a smile as your boyfriend eats you out, this truly was a dream come true, you'd fight for this, and Austin had proven this tonight, by killing that pesky, nosy neighbor, too high off drugs that drove everyone away and the day he killed Kaia, yes you knew, when It came your family you knew when something was up, you even know he brought an engagement ring but you wouldn't tell him that.
This was your happily ever after and nobody. Nobody would take it from you.
Taglist; @kendralavon7, @purejasmine, @plasticfantasticl0ver, @galaxygirl453, @cynic-spirit, @18lkpeters, @chasingwildflowers,
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emberenchanted · 1 year
For Keeps (2/3)
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Pairing: Dark!Carol Danvers x Female Reader
Summary: Carol sees you. Carol wants you. Carol gets what she wants. 
Series Warnings: extremely dubious consent, strap ons (r receiving), sex (oral, vaginal), fingering, anal fingering, Dom!Carol, orgasm denial, spanking, violence (not really towards reader), manipulation, forced relationship, rough sex
18+ ONLY
Link to Chapter 1
Chapter 2
As you drag yourself up the stairs to your studio above the bar you reflect on whether living at home with your parents had really been that bad. This kind of thing didn’t happen where you were from and it had you thinking that perhaps it was time to revisit your long term plans. Coming back home after three months was kind of pitiful, but even that might be better than getting pulled into a world you have no business in. One filled with casual violence that made your stomach turn. 
Especially since you were now dreading the inevitable phone call from Carol. You knew she would call and you knew you wouldn’t be able to say no to her. That was a dangerous road to start down. Better to nip it in the bud ASAP. 
Calling an ambulance for Mel and closing down the bar mostly by yourself made for an extra late night and all you could think about was taking a hot shower (your meager attempt to wash the violence off of you and out of your mind) and climbing into bed. You wish you’d given yourself a glass of wine “on the house,” but after Carol’s display, it seemed like Mel really couldn’t spare the extra cash. 
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When you awake late the next morning it’s with a pounding headache and two missed calls from an unknown number. You also see a voicemail notification. Your mind quickly flashes over the events of the preceding night and you immediately wish you were still sleeping. For some reason you feel like you should be sitting up while you listen to Carol’s message, so you throw your legs over the edge of your sofa bed and drag yourself into an upright position. 
As you suspected, the message was from Carol and she sounded like sin. 
Beep. “Hey, baby. It’s me, Carol. I had such a good time with you last night, and I can’t wait to see you again. How about I pick you up tonight at 7pm for dinner and a show? Call me back with your address as soon as you get this. Ok, bye baby. Talk to you soon.”  
You squeeze your eyes shut and press 7 to delete the message. You never should have given her your number. And you definitely couldn’t go out with her. She’d hurt Mel! In the three months since you’d moved to the city, Mel had been--well, not a friend exactly--but a stable acquaintance. He’d given you a job and a place to live, and only price gouged you a little. But the commute to work was unbeatable. You generally liked Mel and wanted him to be ok. Carol, or whoever she was representing, could have offered him some kind of payment plan. From what you could tell from his tearful blabbering while you waited for the ambulance, he’d made an honest mistake. 
You also knew that while you might be telling yourself you were refusing to call Carol back out of some source of solidarity, the simple truth was that Carol scared you shitless. She also didn’t seem like someone who handled rejection well. And you aren’t interested in standing up to her and risking her undeniably brutal wrath. You don’t think that she would hurt you like she’d hurt Mel, but you also don’t think she’ll simply accept your answer and leave you be. So, to your bleary brain, ignoring the problem is the next best thing. You busy yourself with laundry and tidying your small apartment; your distractions work well until Carol’s next two calls at 5 and 6pm. She doesn’t leave any more voice messages and you hope that she got the message that you weren’t interested and that she would lose interest in you. You spend the evening with a bottle of cheap red wine and Netflix. You tumble into bed around 2 am and fall into a fitful sleep. When you wake up in the early afternoon the next day, 6 hours before your 7:30 pm shift at Mel’s, you nervously check your phone for more messages. To your relief, there are none. 
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Carol’s good mood fizzles in the 24 hours after meeting you. The morning after Mel’s Tavern she’d woken up in high spirits. After a quick 6 mile run, she’d showered, eaten a hearty breakfast, and started planning her date. She’d settled on a location for dinner, made reservations, and bought tickets to a popular live show. She’d called Y/N to tell her all about their night, then called again to leave a message. By 5pm, Carol was irritated, and by 6pm she was worried. She’d even driven by Mel’s around 6:30pm to see if you were working. If Carol had known your address, she wouldn’t have hesitated to drop by. By 7:30pm Carol was back in the gym, sparring just a bit too viciously with Natasha. 
“Damn!,” Nat huffs out as Carol puts her on her ass for the fifth time that evening. She sits up while rubbing her side and looks at Carol through the red sheet of hair that has fallen over her face. “Did I happen to do something to you? Because, if so, you should know I’m very sorry. Can you please stop beating me up? ”
Carol sticks out her hand to help Natasha off the mat. “Sorry. I’m a little distracted today so I wasn’t really paying attention.”
Natasha, now standing, looks quizzically at Carol and then laughs, “I feel like I should be insulted.”
Carol smiles. “Never, Nat. You always give me a good fight." The next moment her smile turned sour. “I’m just frustrated and a bit pissed. I met this woman last night and she gave me her number, but then started avoiding me. She won’t answer her phone and stood me up for a date. That’s actually where I’m supposed to be now. But I know she likes me. I saw the way she looked at me and reacted when I touched her. But, she’s just too nervous to admit it.” 
Carol rolls her eyes and throws her head back as she releases a frustrated grunt.
“Ok, woman troubles. Now that I can help with,” Nat chuckles. “If she’s too shy, then you need to be bold enough for the both of you. Don’t let her say no.”
“You know what Nat?,” Carol grins, “it’s like you read my mind.”
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Carol strides into Mel’s Tavern at 9 pm the following night. She walks directly to the bar, ignoring everyone around her and heading straight to you.
As she approaches, your heart starts racing and the room feels much hotter than it had moments ago. She was just as breathtakingly beautiful as you remembered and your mind empties for just a moment. She didn’t look happy, but she also didn’t look like she was about to fling a knife into your heart or drive a fist into your face. That had to be a good sign, right? 
“Hey, Carol,” you choke out quietly. “Can I get you something to drink?”
“No, Y/N. But I would very much like to speak with you.” Carol states calmly, hands braced against the edge of the bar and body leaning over the counter towards you. “Why don’t you take your break now?”
You gesture aimlessly to the few scattered patrons in the bar. For the second time in as many shifts nobody would look at you. They were all suspiciously interested in the glasses in front of them, even if those glasses were empty. You grit your teeth and say, “Someone might need me.”
Carol frowns, looks around and asks the room loudly, “Anybody here need anything?”
A chorus of “nos” come back to her.
Carol raises one of her perfectly arched eyebrows and beckons you over to her with a softly crooked finger. 
You scoot to the section of the bar directly in front of Carol, cross your arms and look down. Carol reaches across the bar with her right hand and, taking your chin between her thumb and forefinger, pushes your head up until you meet her eyes directly. 
Your brain races through excuses frantically. You knew it was a possibility she’d show up and you should have prepared better. Maybe you could say that things have been a little crazy in your life and you don’t have time to pursue anything... with anyone? Not just her? It was a pitiful excuse, but the best you could come up with.
Carol looks at you, head tilted slightly, brows furrowed, and eyes narrowed as her thumb gently strokes your face. Her expression could only be described as frustrated yet determined. “Baby,” Carol began slowly, “I’m confused. When I came in two nights ago, we had an instant connection. That doesn’t happen often, does it?”
Your head jerks quickly back and forth, signaling no.
“Ok, that's what I thought,” Carol continues. Her voice hardens slightly, as does the hand holding your face. You wince at the sudden pressure. “So why didn’t you call me back? Why did you make me call you four times with no response?”
Your head feels dizzy and your lips stay glued together. You're on the verge of a panic attack and all you could think of is getting her to let you go. 
“Answer me, baby. Now,” Carol commands, as her grip on your chin tightens further. 
“I’m sorry,” you whisper. Your eyes squeeze shut and your upper body is leaned back as far as you can while your face is still being held by Carol. 
Carol abruptly releases your face and you have to take a quick step and set your hand on the bar to rebalance your body. 
Carol’s hand snakes out and grabs yours, holding it firmly so you can’t walk away. Her voice softens some, but still sounds slightly harsh .“Ok, I’ll forgive you this time. But don’t let it happen again.” From her back pocket she whips out a piece of paper and a pen. “Write down your address so I know where to pick you up tomorrow.”
Once Carol pockets your address, she reaches for your hand once more. “How much longer do you have on your break, baby? Let’s go outside.” 
After walking you outside, Carol immediately presses you against the brick wall and pushes her lips against yours in a forceful kiss. Her tongue slips across the seam of your lips until you open to allow her entry into your mouth. She sets to exploring every bit of you, sucking your tongue into her mouth and nibbling on your lips until they are tender and you are breathless and dizzy. Then she’d promptly untucked your shirt, unbuttoned your jeans, and slid her hand down to your slippery folds. When you try to move away, her free hand tightens on your waist and shoves you back, making your back scrape against the wall. 
“Mmmm, is all this for me?,” she murmurs, nuzzling your ear, as her fingers part you and begin gently rubbing from your clit to your slick opening. You squirm on Carol's fingers, and Carol slides her thumbnail over your sensitive clit harshly, making you yelp. “Did I tell you to move?”
“No,” you whisper.
“When we're together like this you call me Ma’am,” Carol growls. “No, who?”
”No, ma’am” you gasp out while trying desperately to stay still. She slides two fingers into you and your walls flutter furiously around Carol's fingers, searching for relief. “Sorry, ma’am.” It comes out as a whimper. 
Carol pushes her fingers deeper up inside of you and you choke. Her free hand slides under your shirt, over your waist and ribs, before spreading and tightening under your breast, fingernails digging into the hollows between your ribs, scratching your soft flesh. Carol thumbs your taut nipple, and a moan bubbles up in your throat as you fight your every instinct in your attempt not to move. Her warm breath fans over your neck as she shifts your body flat against the wall, caging you in. 
Carol pinches your nipple sharply as her fingers begin to push into you harder and faster. She  focuses her thrusts, curling her fingers inside you to rub your spongy flesh until she hits that exquisite spot that makes you moan and shiver. The slick sound of her fingers pumping in and out of your pussy fills your ears. That and Carol’s murmuring are all you can hear. Her voice pitches you higher as she calls you her good girl, her sweet girl, her hot sticky tight little girl. 
Your heart pounds in your chest as you feel the relentless rising in your core. You approach the edge of a wicked orgasm, and just as you feel yourself begin to teter over, Carol slides her fingers out of you and starts slipping them, in a whisper soft motion, over your clit, just barely brushing you. The abrupt emptiness has you whining sharply. 
“No, no, no,” Carol whispers in your ear. She presses her body firmly against yours,  “No coming for you. You were a bad girl. Do bad girls get orgasms?”
“No,” you gasp.
Carol pinches your clit sharply once before going back to her soothing motion, “No, who?”
“No, ma’am,” you whimper. 
“Good girl. We’re going to do that a few more times while you apologize to me, ok? Hold on, baby.”
Feeling lost, you loop your arms around her neck and drop your head into the crook of her neck. Carol’s long slender fingers push roughly back inside of you, furiously rubbing you as you whine and squirm against the wall. Before long you hear yourself apologizing for not answering her calls, for worrying her, for standing her up. 
She tortures you throughout your broken apologies, bringing you to the edge over and over only to force you back down. 
Finally, finally, she must decide you’ve apologized enough, and she whispers in your ear as her fingers pick up again, “Shhh, now, I’m going to let you come baby. You’re being such a good girl and you apologized so nice. But don’t you ever ignore my calls again. No matter what.” Her voice hardens and her slippery fingers pinch at your clit gently--making you jump and yelp--before pushing them back inside you, “You understand me?”
Your brain is fuzzy and can’t seem to string together enough words to form a sentence. When you first saw Carol enter the bar you definitely didn’t intend for this to happen. You’d hope that you could somehow weasel out of a date with her without her getting mad. Things had obviously not gone according to plan. You must take too long to respond, because Carol’s free hand reaches to twist your clit harshly, making you howl. 
“Answer me. Now.” The fingers inside you don’t stop. 
The sharp pain from her twist radiates up your body, and temporarily mutes your rising orgasm. “Yes,” you sob pathetically. “Yes, I understand, ma’am.”
Carol uses the entirety of her body weight to push you up against the wall. Your back scrapes the wall as her fingers pick up speed and she coos softly in your ear. Her fingers push you violently over the edge, and you buck harshly between the wall and Carol's solid form. Carol’s fingers fuck you through your orgasm as she nuzzles your neck, licking and nipping at the tender skin there as you come down.  
Carol watches as you readjust your clothes and wipe at the mist in your eyes before she walks you back into the bar. She drops a possessive kiss on your mouth before heading toward the door. At the last minute, she turns and looks you dead in the eye. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Right, baby?” 
You look back at her and nod. “Yes, ma’am,” you whisper under your breath. 
After dropping you back at work, Carol walks to her car with her lips curled into a smile. She is sure that she’s on the right track with her sweet, shy little baby. She's even hopeful that she might be able to trade in her unused tickets for show credit that she could use for her date tomorrow night with you.
Chapter 3
A/N: Thanks for reading and for any feedback you give. Please do let me know what you think so far. It's much appreciated. Also, I know need to work on my dividers.. haven't quite figured those out yet. Thanks for bearing with me.
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seth-burroughs · 3 months
mdarc chapter 1 rewatch part 4 let's goooooo gamersss
halara is here. "i have no obligation to help others, but i work sincerely according to the payment i receive" "to believe in another is the shallowest concept one can uphold" yes halara as you should. striking them with the npd hammer
ok so i stopped doing this for like a week or two because lammergeiers swarmed my apartment and started tearing out my bones and eating them in front of me. really sad story. anyway i heard seth literally appears just next scene aint that something huh
watching the sidequests needless to say yomi brain is very uncomfortable rn
why the fuck did he bring flowers. somebody make a 40 paragraph essay on why he showed up with a fucking bouquette at his house
i missed the jp pronunciation of their names. sezu barozu. yomi herusumairu. suwaro electro. halara nightomero
everybody else in the game either has some sort of odd unusual name combos and then theres seth burroughs of the british isles
awkward and bitter exes forced to look at each other for the first time since the divorce in which yakou took the kids and then lost them at castorama shortly after
i might have been joking but why the fuck do they talk like exes. hey what the fuck is this scene
return of the megaphone. i forgot he has a megaphone because my memory is comparable to the warrior cats writing team
that was the loudest crunchiest fucking sigh i ever heard i am wheezing. everybody stop whatever youre doing go search for the jp dub mdarc playthrough of this scene you need to listen to this shit
i love seth's shit eating grin. i wish for nothing more than to smash his skull against the wall repeatedly in a romantic sense
"this flower... its beautiful, isnt it?" there is something deeply wrong with you. find jesus
i cannot with this fucking exchange. i cannot. i cannot. this is fucked. seth is a fucked up character. i am so fucking scared. wiki help me
this laugh is so fucked up too. also through this entire conversation i feel like a child that is forced to witness their parents fighting in the living room
bye seth that was an ethereal experience and i will now go to sleep aware that i am from this moment on apparently sexually attracted to all Makoto, Fake Zilch, Martina and Seth now and I got no idea on what to do about it to be honest i shall uhh make up a strategy in my bed gettinh all cozy and shit or something
My biggest accomplishment of today was to stand up for a few minutes to get zoomies then resume being too tired to function
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