#ok i think i'm caught up on the today polls
tblsomedoodles · 1 year
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Donnie doesn't quite get the concept of Cool yet, but he will get there. : )
The boys are competing in an archeological did. Mikey found a rock while Leo has found a bat. ( i hear leos get to find bats lol). (AM Papa Raph is too busy trying to get his Leon's bat to realize MIF Leo has one too.)
anyways! @tmntseparatedaucompetition polls have begun! you can vote on Mikey's Imaginary Friends poll HERE!!
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mayakern · 1 year
I can't believe the milk skirt is not popular enough to warrant a restock!! This is the very first skirt that caught my eye from your shop, and at the time I thought it's already discontinued!! I feel so lucky I was able to snag up one today! Do you have any other skirts you're surprised didn't perform as well as you expected?
the milk skirt WAS discontinued ages ago, we just found a few stragglers in the office. the OG milk skirt (blue hem) is from 2017 but the newer one is from just last year. the original version sold OK for a while, and then really poorly, and we were hoping maybe a new. more subtle version would sell better but we were wrong lol
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as for other designs that sadly didn't sell as well as i expected, there are quite a few!
the tea skirt in its multiple iterations. they are such slow sellers that devin has outlawed me from creating any new color variants of this design so it is dead forever. unless we find stragglers it will never be sold again. (OG cream and pink colors are from 2020, blue is from 2022)
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the monstera (2022) and moth (2020) skirts. the monstera skirt just suffered from being the 10th most popular design in a preorder poll that we picked 10 designs from. people liked it but prioritized buying other designs first so we never reprinted it. the moth skirt, idk, i made it as a companion piece to the bee skirt but i think because it's set on diamonds and not hexagons the moths end up too close together.
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the elephants skirt (2020). this one people were absolutely mad for when i was drawing the art and it just kind of sold OK. not awful, but not great.
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and the original spring color palette of the hiss from a rose skirt (2019). the other color palettes (black & red and winter) have done better, which is a good thing, but also im sad because i love the OG color palette. i think the original printing of it lacked some contrast that would give it more definition, and i've since reworked it to print better, but it sold so abysmally we haven't reprinted it since the changes were made. 😭
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the royalty skirt (2019). idk why y'all hated this one so much it's still cute
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there are a bunch more i could talk about too but i'm out of images so that's it for now.
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trashlama · 1 year
Ok hear me out Yandere redson and Mei poly /team up hcs please 🙏who both fallen for macaque female apprentice ~
Mei fights her seeing as macaque fighting monkey king , which leads to MK fighting her future darling it was only when reader makes shadow clones to trap MK , that’s when Mei gets involved. 
It would have been fine if the reader didn’t have such a flirty attitude, who likes to praise Mei even when Mei sword was near her throat. 
Before Mei could do anything , reader disappeared into the shadow realm 
For Red son , I can see him teaming up with her since MK is there enemy , with his brain and her brawn , MK and his friends will be finished in no time . (Reader teamed up with his , for sine reason her mentor disappeared and she thinking rid of MK and his friends will make him praise her ) 
He did not expect reader to be so smooth and honestly praises his inventions even saying he’s amazing . 
There were so close yet MK still won , Red son thought she was gonna leave him only for her to teleport him and her to her hideout to heal his wounds before sending him back home ,not before giving him a flirty remark . 
After that an obsession grow for Red son 
While Mei she gains a guilty crush that got worse when reader decide to keep her company since MK been busy Lately, She knows she should hate it but she been feeling lonely and when reader not being flirty she can be nice even winning Mei a dragon plushie at a fair . 
What made her snap was realising Red son fallen for her darling , but seeing how there got along greatly if there difference aside , there decided to team up to make reader theirs . 
My dude —deep inhale of air— would it be alright if I made this into like a two possibly three shot series?
I love the idea and I've been brainstorming tons of ideas for this one and in each scenario I'm like damn this idea is so good. I really want to do it justice so I need to have multiple chapters. Ya know? To build the tension and really get a feel of the mindsets and what not.
As you guys are aware I have to seriously start working on this future Yan Raph fic of mine... . It's Ironic but, I reeaally want to start writing the future yan Mikey part. Mostly because I basically have that one planned out in my head. Meanwhile I got like five different possible scenarios for the Raph fic that I can't decide on. Though a few months ago I had said I was gonna do the Raph one first so to keep my word I plan to do so.
However SOMEBODY (an anon) had requested a future Yan Michelangelo fic and I'm like brooooo were you reading my thoughts? Cause they were somewhat close to what I had in mind but not quite. But the point is I need to write the Raph fic soooonn!!!
Gotta appease the masses~✨
Though guys I'm a bad Trashlama. I keep brainstorming all these awesome plots that I totally want to write— which ironically were formulated when I was brainstorming for the Raph fic.
Soooo I'm gonna do a poll so I can force my procrastinating/ADHD ass to write at least some of these.
And guys btw I'm sorry again for taking so long. I've been caught up recently with finishing a lot of other things I had been procrastinating. -Cough- Hogwarts Legacy -Cough- Spider-Man Across the Spider-verse -Cough- Adult responsibilities -Cough- -Cough-!!!
Anyways thank you guys again for sticking around to the end. I'll have that poll out soon(probably today).
In the mean time here's some memes!
Sorry this is long↓ I don't own these memes. I've never claimed to do so. I just come across them on Pinterest when I'm on break at work and think they're funny so I like to share them. If I mistakenly put one on here that I shouldn't have please let me know! I like to respect people's wishes. And if you could add the creator names too that would be great so the same mistake isn't made twice. Sorry for the inconvenience that my sharing may cause. I hope you have a good day.
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