#ok green quadrant
prophetmuhammad · 10 months
Whenever I slag off leftists it's like no but I am at the devil's sacrament every time though
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drconstellation · 10 months
Memento mori
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If you have the Good Omens book, you have probably seen the little winged hourglasses that act as section separators.
Then if you paid attention during S2, you would have noticed at least two visual representations of hourglasses appear: One on Jimbriel's assistant shopkeeper vest and a large one in Hell itself.
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(There are actually two time-related symbols on Jim's vest, but I'll start with the hourglass symbol.)
These are collectively known as the Memento mori, which is usually translated from the Latin into "remember that you die." It is a philosophical reminder about the inevitability of death, one of the major themes in GOmens, which is ironic since we are seeing from the viewpoint of immortal entities who don't have to face it themselves.
Artistically you may see this expressed by a skull and bones, or a skeleton, a coffin, or wilting flowers. Another form of it is the popular saying tempus fugit or "time flees" inscribed on sundials.
We can also hear it - the Danse Macabre, the piece of music the Bentley plays for Aziraphale on the way to Edinburgh, is another example of this theme, as it depicts the Grim Reaper carrying off the rich and poor alike.
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Hurry up Aziraphale, you don't have all day!
The other time-related symbol on Jimbriel's vest is the ancient Greek meander pattern, named after the Maeander river in modern day Turkey.
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This represents a winding river folding back on itself in big looping oxbow bends. Symbolically it represents both unity and infinity - the undulating flow of human life that continues on and on into eternity through reproduction.
Sounds like something we've heard before:
AZIRAPHALE: Ah. The point. Ah, well, you've heard of Earth? CROWLEY: Ehhh… Not as such? AZIRAPHALE: Ah. Blue-green planet. It'll be over there somewhere when they roll out that quadrant. Now that's where the “people” that we're currently designing are going to be. I've seen the plans. We're going to start out with a breeding pair, and then pretty soon there'll be oodles of them! They'll breed like...um...well, they'll breed like people.
OK, then. That kind of sums up the two competing main themes in Good Omens nicely. Everthing Has An End or Eternity.
The problem is, they both sound equally horrific.
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andyoullhearitagain · 3 months
Every Quarkfit Ranked From Worst To Best Part 2
Part 1
16. Vacation Quark (Hiking Addition):
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My thing about this costume is that the vest actually seems a little too formal for the rest of the outfit. Like yeah if anyone's gonna wear a silk vest to a hike in the Gamma Quadrant it's Quark, but ultimately it doesn't come together for me. I do like that they used the wrong side if the vest fabric for the binding and the lapels, and I love this little Space Fashion moment of this tuck in the sleeve. 
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15. Vacation Quark (Beach and Brunch Edition):
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This costume has so many individual parts that are great. His shorts and sandals match! The shirt is a crop top and an undershirt! But altogether it's pretty mid tbh. I think I'd like if it had some detailing in the center front, like just a placket would be nice even.
14. Survival Jacket:
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Man, Starfleet LOVES a yoke, even their emergency coat has a yoke. I'm aware that it's crazy that I ranked this so high, but what can I say, I like this jacket lol. I also think it's slept on that his extremely long tails are hanging out the back lol.
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13. Herb Rossoff Look 2:
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MUCH better. Better fit, more texture, cute tie. Glasses look good on him. Not a good color for him though, he could use something darker.
12. Klingon Hologram Quark:
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The #1 way to a Klingon woman's heart? Historical roleplay. Love that we get to see some contrast up by Quark's face and I love this fur chevron moment on the back.
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11. Green and Yellow:
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I ALMOST like this costume. I saw someone say he looks like a leprechaun and like, yeah. He does. I kind of particularly hate that little green flower shape in the print and the cross on the vest. I do however really like the shape that the bias trim makes.
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No shade (ok a little shade) but they use A LOT of bias in Quark's costumes and it's ALWAYS shrunk and twisted unevenly.
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What is going on here? Is it from drycleaning? Anyway I do LOVE the shirt, I'm a suckered for chevroning stripes.
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Part 3
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rpking99 · 2 months
In Brightest Day, In Needy Night
Closed with @a-fantastic-time
Continued from here
It was honestly anyone's guess as to why the two found comfort in each other. Jessica being a ball of both physical and mental troubles, and Aya herself. A rogue A.I. according to the guardians, that barely met the standards for being sentient enough to be allowed to maintain her role as a Green Lantern.
But some how they stuck by each other, helped one another and supported everything with they stood for. After everything that had happened to her involving the other corps and even the anti-Monitor, there were even fewer people that she could really trust and rely on. She smiled and looked up towards her organic partner. The two floating just above Earth's atmosphere, the sun peering over the crest of the horizon. The two taking a small moment to just be in each other's arms.
Before they would get a mission or an alert that they would need to separate and go deal with their own quadrants of space. Something that had been taxing on both of them. Even if they could still communicate when ever they wished, it wasn't as good as when they could feel each other's touch.
Even if touch itself was difficult for Aya given her body. But she had been learning from each of their dates on how and when it was appropriate for her to do such with Jessica, which is why it came as such a surprise for her to reveal herself to her as it was now.
"J-Jessica! A-Are you sure? You know I don't require such physical contact. I don't have sexual urges, so I want to make it clear this isn't why I love you."
But her words fell on deaf ears as she watched her body flicker and glow. Everything she could possibly think to equate the word beauty right in front of her. She would nod and slowly let her body glow brightly, her metallic form growing and filling out in specific ways. "I wasn't sure what you would like, so I simply copied a bit from your crushes in the Justice League. I hope thats ok?"
In front of Jessica laid the culmination of Wonder Woman, Power Girl, Catwoman, and even maybe a villain or two. "If the size isn't right I can adjust them if you prefer?" She said floating closer over to the other. Smiling as she grabbed her hands and laced their fingers together softly. "I want you for you, not for your body or what ever you could possibly have."
"Yes Aya, I'm sure. I know you don't have physical desire but... I do. This... It shows how much I trust you. Love you. Because you make me feel safe. You make me feel okay going this fa-oh. Oh wow."
Jessica was left staring at the way Aya's body changed. Left in awe at the beautiful sexy body Aya left before her to just bask in. The female lantern having to hold back the urge to drool
And she was snapped from her shock as her lover spoke
"Girls I have crush-Aya! Have you been looking through my internet history? As spoke about that!" Jessica complained with a big blush... Although she could definitely see it now. The thick thighs definitely came from Wonder Woman. Power Girls tits where unmistakable. Catwoman's marvelous ass? Check. And she could just keep going if she wanted to
Aya had turned herself into Jessica's literal dream woman
And it just made Jessica smile even more lovingly at her
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thewertsearch · 1 year
I'm interested in where, exactly, their rendezvous is going to be. I had a bit of a think, and came up with four plans that could bring these teams together.
The trolls could join the human session, to escape the Demon.
The humans could join the troll session, to help them defeat the Demon.
Both parties could rendezvous in some tertiary location, such as the Furthest Ring.
Both parties could connect to each other, and establish a tertiary, sixteen-player session.
There's a problem with three of these options, though. Namely, if the two teams were planning to share a session, then Karkat would have no reason to be uncertain about whether they would meet.
A plan involving the Furthest Ring, however, requires the cooperation of the Horrorterrors. Who knows how that could end?
There is literally nothing under any sun, Green or otherwise, that could prevent this from happening.
Jade/Dave has potential, but I don't see Rose/John working out - and not just because of Kanaya. Romantic tension in Homestuck is usually pretty obvious, and I haven't observed any between those two.
Four humans can't seed a population, even if they weren't two pairs of siblings. Ectobiology wouldn't help, either - the gene pool is just too small.
This isn't the real reason that Karkat wants the kids to avoid dating trolls - but I also think he'd have trouble understanding why it's not a viable plan. Trolls don't work like that.
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CTG: ok youre by far the worst artist out of any of us CTG: and thats saying something ?CG: SHUT UP I DREW IT FAST
I wouldn't have expected Karkat of all people to go full hetero - especially since the ecto-machines could almost certainly merge John/Dave or Rose/Jade. Methinks he's applying 'not a homosexual' a little too broadly.
CEB: wow, i have to marry rose? CEB: uh… CEB: wow.
Just like with Vriska, this is all new to John.
I don't get the sense he's ever thought about romance with Rose - she's just his friend. Up until now, he hasn't seen her as anything else.
CTG: it was so much cooler when you were asleep and i basically never had to listen to you ever ?CG: I CAN'T GO TO SLEEP CEB: why not? ?CG: BECAUSE I'M TOO TIRED TO EXPLAIN WHY IS WHY. ?CG: YOU'LL FIGURE IT OUT LATER.
What's the problem, Karkat?
No recuprecoon? No dream self? Both, in tandem?
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Guess we're about to find out!
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heresmandie4u · 4 months
You Were Always There
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Summary: Out in the small town of Mount Shasta, the Winchester brothers meet a young coroner. This coroner has abilities and traits she did not know until now. How will these new details affect her current love life? How will they affect her life in general?
Warnings/Explicit 18+: None other than some gorey descriptions. Or trying to have gorey descriptions
Pairings: Crowley x my OC, Jennifer
Word Count: 1795 words
A/N: ok, so this story is on so many flipping things but I really liked this idea. I hope you all will too. I want to start a request series soon, and I'll probably put out a list of things I will do requests for soon. A couple other stories are coming out soon; a Psych one, a Wings one (for those of you who know what Wings is), a Wheel of Time one (again for those who know to the book and not the show because I have been DYING to write one), and one other one. Thanks and hope you enjoy. p.s. I hope that I can soon become completely unhinged.
      Jennifer, called Jenny by her closest friends, washed her hands slowly in the large metal sink. She stared off, thinking about the autopsy she had just finished. On the cold metal table lay a woman, aged 35 to 40. Around 5 feet 6 inches and 145 pounds, the woman had blond hair and green eyes.  She seemed mainly European, though she showed some Native American features. When first delivered to the office, she wore tan capries and a gray tank top; A hiker. 
 The clothing was removed for the internal examination when Jennifer noticed something plainly obvious. A long incision, about 6 inches from the abdomen to the diaphragm, had been recently stitched up. She grabbed a scalpel and carefully followed the incision, opening it up again. She shook her head when she discovered a similar feature that she had found in 6 other bodies in the past month and a half. The heart, which would have been found in the upper left quadrant of the chest had been violently removed. Both pituitary vessels as well as the aorta and the vena cavas had been ripped in jagged tears. She finished the rest of the autopsy and went to remove the surgical clothing. She glanced at the pictures near her desk as she stripped the gloves off. After she finished washing her hands, she grabbed the camera off her desk and returned to the body. She snapped a few pictures of the body on the table and then turned back to the computer, printing them out. She grabbed a new thumb tack and pinned them next to the pictures already hanging. She studied them for a while. There was nothing related to the 7 people other than their hearts being removed. All had seemingly been alive during the extraction, some having bruises on their arms where they were likely held down. All had died minutes after the extraction. But nothing connected them. Some were hikers, some lived in the town. One had been a surveyor from San Fransisco. Jennifer had no idea who could have done this. It had to be a who though, by the perciste stitching.
She jumped when her phone started ringing. She saw the time and sighed as she picked it up.
"Are you going to be home soon?"
"Yeah, I just have to finish up here. I'm leaving soon."
"Ok. I might be out when you get home. We are having Chinese tonight." She started picking up all the things she had pulled out.
"Ok, love you."
"Love you," She hung up the phone and set it back on the desk, continuing to put things away. Damion and her had started dating back in high school. He was in a band with one of her friends' boyfriends and they had met at one of their concerts. She'd admit to anyone but him that she was paying him no attention, which was one of the reasons they had stayed together for so long. In the past, any time she had dated was merely out of boredom and she went after them. But when he walked up to her and introduced himself, she knew it was different. In the past, she could have said that she loved him but recently, she wasn't sure. Of course she loved him, but she didn't know if she was "in love" with him anymore. Now, they had been together for 10 years; And engaged for 4. Jennifer thought that the band would go far, but a year after she met them, they dissolved. Damion now worked in an auto body shop. He still occasionally played the guitar but had entirely forgotten that that was what he had wanted to do with his life.
Jennifer walked through the small police department, waving goodbye to the few people who were still there. She reached the entrance, heading to her car. She climbed inside, laying her head on the wheel for a second before turning the key. As she drove home, she watched the scenery pass by. She loved living in Mount Shasta. She would drive up at least once a year with her father and camp. Driving through the main part of town, she finally reaches the railroad. The area around her changes quickly, from small town to thin forest, which soon turned thick. The trees here were not as tall as the ones in the national park but they still held the small needles of pine. As the forests grew thicker, so did the widths of the trees. She rolled down the window, letting the wind and smell of pine hit her. She smiled as the cold air blew at her. There was little snow still on the ground as it was almost July. She chuckled at the group of deer prancing through the woods beside her.
"I'm glad to see you happy." Jennifer gasped and swerved when she heard the voice. She quickly straightened herself on the road and glared at the man who had appeared beside her.
"Gabe, I told you not to do that when I am driving." He smiled sheepishly.
"I'm sorry. You've just been busy all day. And you were upset. I could let."
"Were you watching me again when I specifically asked you not to pop in when I can't see you?" He shrugged. Gabriel... her guardian angel. Or at least that's what he said he was. She had first met him back in her junior year of high school. It was a Thursday. She never felt great on Thursdays, mentally. The year before she had lost two of her closest friends when they had started talking behind her and a friend's back about being in an orgy. She was furious and they didn't speak for a month. But the girl just continued to cause problems until one day, she apologized. Jennifer never forgave her. She could never bring herself to as much as she wanted to. One of those days during that month, she found her way to the school's "Jesus Club". She was not a religious person but it comforted her to think there might have been something or someone watching over her. So a year later, she continued to go.
There was a new preacher in that day's sermon. She watched as he constantly looked over his shoulder to something behind. Occasionally, he would nod. She went home that day and that was the first time that Gabriel had "popped" in. He had been with her ever since, comforting her in her hardest time. Damion learned about Gabe toward the end of their senior year, though not about what he was.
"Did you have anything interesting today?" 
"Just the same old things" Jennifer sighed. They passed the resort and she smiled at the group of people celebrating outside. 
"Another one?" Gabe looked shocked. She nodded slowly. Gabe looked out the window as they passed the lake. That was one of the first places that they had all visited when they first moved to Mount Shasta. They spent 3 days at the lake from dusk to dawn, fishing, swimming, and having picnics. They hadn't spent a day there since.
The forest returned to thick as they occasionally passed a dirt road. They passed no cars along the road. Jennifer glanced at the tall mountain off in the distance. She turned onto the one-car road which led to her home. She parked in her normal spot just beside the house and climbed out. As she walked to the front door, she admired her home. It was a dark wood cabin, vines crawling up the sides. A small dark picket fence stood around it, connecting pots holding pink and white flowers. She opened the door and stepped inside with Gabe following just behind.
"Dame, we're here!" she shouted into the house. She slipped off the black ballet flats she wore and placed them in the shoe holder by the door, gesturing for Gabe to do the same. The two walked into the living room, Gabe flopping onto the couch and Jennifer heading to the kitchen. 
"Please don't do that. You are going to make a dent." She opened the cabinet and grabbed a shot glass. "I don't put your feet on the table."
"Sorry," Gabe said, taking his feet off the coffee table and turning to her. "Where's Damien?" She shrugged as she poured the cheap vodka into the glass. Gabe watched her, his eyebrows rising. "Are you going to drink that by itself?" She gave him a blank look before downing the drink and placing the glass in the cup. Walking back to the living room, she grabbed the TV remote, turned it on, and sat next to him. They flipped through channels for a few minutes before Jennifer stopped on the shopping channel which was selling a disco mirror ball. They watched for an hour as they sold different things, from IT Cosmetics to stainless steel frying pans, when they heard the door open and Damien walked in. 
"Hey, sorry I'm late. Something was going on in town. A lot of traffic. Foods still warm though," he held up the plastic bag holding the Chinese food. "Oh, hey Gabe. I didn't know you were coming over. I would have gotten you something." Gabe shook his head.
"No, it's alright." Damien set the bag down on the counter and went to the drawer looking for chopsticks. Jennifer pushed herself up off the couch to help when Damien waved at her to sit down. 
"No, I've got it. Just find something better than the shopping channel. It's so boring." She grabbed the remote again and started looking for something she knew Damien would like. He carried the food and two pairs of chopsticks out and sat next to Jennifer. "So Gabe, when did you get back? We haven't seen you for at least a month."
"Just today." He reached over and grabbed a noodle from Jennifer's box, which caused her to hit him on the hand with the sticks.
"Where were you?"
"Florida. Broward County. It's a nice spot." Gabe stood and walked to the fridge, grabbing two bottles of water, and handing Jennifer one before sitting back down. Jennifer shook her head.
"What were you doing in Florida?" she asked. Gabe shrugged.
"Just visiting some friends." Jennifer scrunched her nose, looking at her food. She stood and handed Gabe the box and the chopsticks. 
"I'm going to bed." She kissed Damien on the cheek and hugged Gabe quickly. "I want to have lunch tomorrow," she said softly to him. He nodded and watched as she walked down the hallway. She changed into small shorts and a tank top and crawled under the covers. She fell asleep quickly, not hearing when Gabe left or when Damien snuck in and climbed into bed beside her. 
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melonishus · 1 year
Jessica - This is TERRIBLE
Ruby - It’s not that bad
Jessica - This isn’t your 2nd time being adorable ! I have an important job at the justice league
Weiss - No you don’t . There are thirty Green Lanterns in your quadrant. You’re entirely forgetable
Jessica - …
Ruby - But think of it this way ! Here you’re the ONLY Green Night Light :)
Jessica - Lantern
Ruby - Ok boomer
Writing Requests are OPEN
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butmakeitgayblog · 1 year
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I think you just won the “grey vs green” eyes war. Those babies ARE 👏🏻GREY 👏🏻
Congrats, babe!!
I know bUt I guarantee there's delusionals out there who will say ok but if you shift your head and blink rapidly and then look ONLY at the lower left quadrant of her left eye you see a little green so obviously they're green 😤
Anyway thank you I've... I've been fighting this war for years now
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c0tards--s0luti0n · 6 months
uhhhhhhhhhh that vice quadrant thingy you mentioned earlier? idk
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okay i have 2 explain some stuff first . blue matter is something peter walter 1 discovered , it's very important to the spg universe(s) . it's the thing that powers the robots. it has the capability to open rifts in space and time and it has before .
The thing that starts up the whole story is 2 characters from the becile family (which i havent explained yet) basically kidnapping rabbit to experiment on her blue matter core . 2 other characters (guy hottie(thats his actual name) and peter walter 2) break in to try and stop them, but a blue matter explosion fragments space and time , creating 2 universes . universe prime and universe omega . the explosion also sends a beam of blue matter into space .
universe prime
in universe prime , the blue matter beam hits peter walter the 3rd(refered to as IV from now on)'s space ship . he gets hit directly in the chest , the beam turns him into commander cosmo , granting him superhuman abilities (seen in the song Commander Cosmo) . he saves earth multiple times because hes been basically forced into this superhero role . he gets depressed and decides to trap himself in a star until it kills him . he goes into a rift in space (the achilles rift) and is brought to universe omega . his storyline continues in the universe omega section later dont worry about him for right now
a young peter walter 6 (refered to as VI from now on) starts working on the W.I.N.K project , a satellite built to find habitable planets (seen in Steamjunk) .
22 years later , the robots (the spine , rabbit , hatchworth) find W.I.N.K crashed near walter manor . he tells the robots about the green apple planet he found but lost because the space giant took it . they get VI to turn him into a spaceship and they go back into space to find the planet .
they go into space and find the space giant with the planet . the giant turns out to be a spg fan , they play some songs and he challenges them to a guitar duel , during the duel he just kinda shrinks down . into nothing . they get the planet back , W.I.N.K brings them home but decides to go back and live on the planet .
universe omega
before everything about commander cosmo , in this universe the blue matter beam doesn't hit IV's space ship . it barely misses , the crew starts studying the blue matter , and it leads to a domino effect on earth and humans make insane progress in technology , as seen in the song Progress And Technology (see what i did there. hehe) . the blue matter beam instead hits a russian space probe with human dna on it , creating cosmica/the daughter of space . cosmica finds IV's ship , and accidentally destroys it in her curiousity . she rescues IV from it , he's known as just the astronaut from here . they also fall in love btw theres like 5 love songs in the album abt them
back to commander cosmo . he seals himself in a dying star called the necrostar , accidentally bringing it back to life . just under 100 year timeskip , ravaxis starburner (character that hasnt shown up before hes new . hi rav) blows up the necrostar to free commander cosmo .
the astronaut and cosmica have been destroying moon bases and spaceships together . with help from a space militia , commander cosmo kills the astronaut and gets cosmica to realize Hey you cant let your boything kill people . it ends there but it DOESNT later on a fragment of the necrostar finds the astronaut's corpse and merges with it , creating the necronaut . the album then ends there for real this time . :3
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turntechanomaly · 4 months
🌈 for the homestucks maybe
ok so!! dave is a bi trans guy. if you can't tell that's kinda my default hc lol im like 99% t4t and a lot of them just have that bi boy swag. specifically i think he's started transitioning before we meet but he's closeted/stealth/whatever. but he gets more comfortable being open abt it as we get closer. and we kiss about it.
for karkat- so for the non-homestucks following me trolls dont do gender and sexuality in the same way humans do. theyre still somewhat sexually dimorphic, and there are canon trans trolls, but it's not as important to them and homosexuality just isn't a concept they have, romance regardless of gender is the norm. so i don't think karkat would really label himself. that all being said he is definitely queer in human terms, and probably in troll terms too given the polyamory and quadrant-blurring of our relationship. i also like transmasc karkat a lot but it's not like...a core hc to me.
jade (queerplatonic) is bi and some variety of arospec to me bc Green and i like her and it just makes sense to me. and shes a nonbinary girl! i like transfem jade a lot but i can see her either way. and i think she's definitely xenogender and has a little hoard of neopronouns, i should think abt specific ones. also not necessarily queer but i think shes a therian!!
aaand finally feferi (familial) i havent thought about hcs for her in as much detail :o( but shes a trans girl to me definitely
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Vivi - Jade/Karkat Fic
Prompt: Pet/Child Acquisition
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Prompt from @yearoftheotpevent
Media: Homestuck
Genres: Post-sburb, established relationship, fluff, hurt comfort, quadrants, ship kid
Characters: Jade Harley, Karkat Vantas, Vivian Harley-Vantas (OC), various carapacians
Pairings: Jade <> Karkat
CW/TW - None!
Word Count: 2769
The room was cute, Karkat couldn’t deny that. It was a fairly large room, big enough to supply the kid for their whole life. He and Jade made a compromise on the style of the room, since she wanted a bright and colorful room, while he wanted something more muted. Not completely monochromatic, but not blinding him with neons. The walls were an off-black, almost pastel if black could be pastel. The floor had the same light hardwood floor that the rest of the house had, and there was a striped rainbow carpet draped over the majority of the floor. The rest of the nursery was a mixture of Jade’s rainbow accessories and Karkat’s white and gray furniture pieces. It all came together really nice, much to his surprise. Jade was currently hoving a few feet off of the ground, putting up string lights and rainbow triangle banners.
In the center of the room, there was a crib. It was the centerpiece of the room, really. Karkat walked over to it, and looked down into it, hand resting on the dark wood. He looked down into it, where his new child would sleep. The thought was overwhelming. On the bookshelves were books suited for the next three years of a child’s life. There were toys, most of them designed for sensory play or to keep a baby entertained while the parents tried to get some sleep. His heart began to race and his palms grew sweaty. To see it all, right in front of him, was making his anxiety spike.
“Jade?” He sputtered, his raspy voice breaking the silence. Her white ears twitched and she turned around, floating down and joining him next to the crib.
“What’s up?” She smiled at him, her bright green eyes looking into his red ones. She could tell almost immediately that he was nervous, and she reached a hand to touch his shoulder. “Are…you ok?”
Karkat put a hand to his forehead, eyes drifting back down to the crib. “I don’t know if I can do this Jade.”
“Karkat what are you talking about?”
“You know exactly what I’m fucking talking about!” He shouted, gripping the air around his chest, as if trying to strangle it. “We’re having a baby Jade! A fucking baby!” A sharp inhale comes from him as he drags his hands down his face before crossing his arms. His hands grip onto his upper arms.
Suddenly, he’s face to face, head tilted up to look at Jade. He had to look up to be face to face with most people, but Jade was just so damn tall! “Karkat. Look at me.” She says, putting her hands on his shoulders.
“Looking.” He scoffs and Jade rolls her eyes in response.
“I know you’re nervous, Karkat. But I think everything is going to be just fine. We’ve prepared as much as we can!”
“Yes I know but-” He puts a hand to his forehead, “We can prepare as much as we want but actually raising a baby is different! I mean, I didn’t even really have parents-”
“I didn’t either!”
“Yes yes I know!” Karkat sighs, putting his head against Jade, “I just don’t want to fuck her up. We both know how shitty parents can be. I don’t want to be like that.”
Slowly, Jade puts her arms around him, taking a second to silently check if Karkat wanted to be held or not. He leaned into her, and she squeezed him. “The fact that you are so nervous about it tells me that you won’t. Plus, you’re kind of a goober Karkat!”
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?!” He sputters, pulling away from Jade, eyes pulled back into a glare.
“It means that you couldn’t hurt her even if you tried.”
“You really think that?” He asks, voice raspy.
“Of course I do! Don’t worry too much, it’s not like we’re picking her up today!” Jade laughs, poking out her tongue.
Then, her phone began to ring. With an audible groan, Karkat shoves his face into his hands. He took barely a glance at her phone before groaning even louder and leaning against the crib. Jade shushed him furiously, shoving his head lightly. On the phone was the number to the ectobiology lab. Both Jade and Karkat knew it wasn’t a call to inform them that something bad had happened to their daughter. They had visited the lab a few weeks ago to check her progress, considering it was the ninth month since the lab used their genetic material to make a child. Assuming nothing catastrophic happened, they would bring her home today. The mere thought of that made sweat drip down from Karkat’s forehead and palms.
With the phone by her ear, Jade speaks. “Hello?”
It was an agonizing couple of minutes. The voice coming from the phone was too quiet for Karkat to hear, and Jade barely said a word. Just nodding along. The call couldn’t have lasted more than five minutes, but Karkat felt like it lasted for a lifetime. Finally, the call was over, and the phone slid back into her pocket. She met his eyes, and they were sparkling.
“We can go pick her up, Karkat!” She shouts, grabbing his hand and pulling him out of the nursery. Only once they were in the hallway did she begin to slow down.
“WAIT!” Karkat yanks his hand away from Jade’s before grabbing her shoulders. “Oh my fucking god, Jade. Holy shit. What do you fucking mean?! We’re going to get her, right now? Like, right now right now? What did they say?!”
“Yes!! Right now right now! They said that she was ready. If we make her wait any longer, bad things could happen to her if we don’t.”
“God damnit.” Karkat sighs, pushing his hair back as he leans against the wall. He takes in a deep breath, “Let’s go fucking get her then.”
“Yes! Let’s!”
“Is the car seat set up? Or whatever is fucking needed to carry a baby in a car.”
“A car?”
Karkat turns around slowly, the most incredulous look Jade had ever seen on his face. “Yes, Jade. A car. What else would we fucking use?!”
There was a beat.
“Do not tell me that you were actually thinking about flying me over, and then flying me, and a NEWBORN FUCKING BABY back?!”
Jade shifts uncomfortably, a soft smile on her face. “Maybe?”
“NO.” Karkat grabs Jade’s hand and drags her through the house before entering the garage and slamming his fist onto the door button. Slowly, the garage opens. Karkat cringes as the lights enter the room, but he shakes it off. Before Jade could get a word in, Karkat grabs the car keys off of the nearby hanger and unlocks it, the car beeping in response. Jade watches intently as Karkat inspects the car seat in the back seat and smiles. Gosh, what a lucky moirail she was!
However, her smile fades as Karkat gets into the driver’s seat. She puts her hands on her hips, giving Karkat a scowl. In response, Karkat sticks his tongue out at her (how dare he!) and makes a dramatic showing of the passenger seat to his left. She sticks her tongue right back at him before sitting down in the passenger seat.
“I could’ve driven us!”
“Absolutely not.”
Jade sighs before dropping it. She wasn’t the worst driver, albeit not the best. If Karkat wanted to drive, then he could drive. Jade could see the anxiety-ridden sweat drip from his forehead and the tensing of his shoulders, and knuckles. He was still petrified. Even so, he drove just as cautiously as ever, paying attention to every pedestrian, every road sign. It was impressive, especially for a guy who had never driven a car in his life before arriving on Earth C. Neither said a word as Karkat drove through the human kingdom to the ectobiology lab. At the final red light, she put a hand on his thigh. Slowly, he stopped hyperventilating. He hadn’t even noticed his breaths beginning to increase.
Their eyes meet.
“It’s going to be ok.”
There was no response, just a subtle nod. Jade takes her hand off of him, putting it back in her lap. As Karkat drove, he made an effort to keep his breathing under control. It helped with his anxiety a little, to focus on something, anything other than the fact that he was going to pick up his kid.
Before Jade and Karkat even went to the lab to submit their genetic material, they had started to look at names. Of course, if their kid ever felt that their name didn’t suit them, Jade and Karkat would be more than supportive! However, they had to pick a name. They decided on Isaiah (or Izzy) as a more masculine name, and the name that they went for after their daughter’s gender was revealed, Vivian. Jade called her Vivi for short.
Vivian Harley-Vantas. A name for the ages, really.
No middle name was also decided, since Karkat felt like two last names was more than enough. Jade was alright with that as well. As the car slowly approached the laboratory, Jade found herself tracing Vivian’s name on the skirt she wore. Over and over again she wrote it into the fabric.
Admittedly, her excitement had begun to run short, and her own anxiety had hit her. She couldn’t exactly pinpoint what exactly. As Karkat pulls into the laboratory parking lot, her heart begins to race. Perhaps she was worried about the health of her kid? It was a big jump, going from a tube to the real world! Yeah, that had to be it!
A long exhale left Karkat as he put the car into park. He turns to Jade, his face strangely neutral, and his candy-red eyes oddly determined. She looks back at him, and cocks her head to the side. 
“Are you ready?”
The question surprises her at first.
Jade nods, although she isn’t too confident in her answer. Karkat can tell, but he makes the decision not to say anything. This is already hard enough as it is. Going into parenthood is a terrifying feeling. Maybe it was easier for people who didn’t have science babies? They would be in the hospital right as the baby was born, instead of having to walk in after. Who knows. Karkat takes Jade’s hand and they walk in.
Thank god they had been in this specific wing of the lab before and knew their way around. The panic of not knowing where their baby was might’ve killed Karkat on the spot. They enter the nearby elevator after checking in. Jade squeezes Karkat’s hand, not saying a word. He looks up at her, and he goes to speak, seeing the distant look in her eyes, but the elevator door opening cuts him short. They step out, and Karkat releases his hand from hers, wiping the sweat onto his gray jeans. Carapacians scurry about, talking on phones or getting to where they need to be. None of them seem to pay mind to the two of them. Jade towers over the majority of the carapaces, while Karkat struggles to push through them.
For the first time since that morning, Jade smiles. She puts a hand to her mouth, trying her hardest not to snicker as Karkat shoves his way through the carapaces. Eventually, he meets up with Jade in the waiting room where they had been previously to check up on Vivian’s progress. This particular sector of the lab was used solely for test tube babies and similar things.
“Yeah? You think it’s funny Jade? Does my suffering amuse you?!” There was a pause. Jade was wondering if she’d get a full fledged Karkat rant right there and then. However, he deflated. He just didn’t have it in him. Not at the moment.
“I’m sorry,” Jade whispers, half in a laugh. Karkat puts his head against her shoulder, his horns digging into her arm. But she doesn’t mind. They walk up to the front desk, and a short and stocky prospitian carapacian looks up at them. Their beady eyes widened in shock at the sight of two literal gods. With a shaking hand, they hand a pen to Karkat.
“We got a call about our baby! Would you know anything about that?” Jade asks as Karkat scribbles their names on the sign in sheet. The carapacian shakes their head. Karkat grumbles something under his breath, and almost immediately another carapacian opens the door to their left. This time it’s a tall and lanky dersite, they have on a white lab coat and they seem excited to see the two of them.
With a quick hand gesture, the dersite beckons them to follow. Karkat hands the pen back to the prospitian and they enter a long hallway full of doors. They follow behind the dersite; Karkat is laser focused in, his attention on nothing but getting to their child. Jade, on the other hand, can’t seem to focus on anything. The white fluffy ears on her head twitch and turn at every sound, listening in to every movement of the nearby carapacian workers. Her eyes dart around, peeking into rooms for only a few seconds.
The dersite takes them into a room, and a familiar one at that. It had been the same room that Karkat and Jade had been in before to monitor Vivan’s development. Jade felt her palms go sweaty and her tail tucks in between her legs. Karkat notices, and grabs her wrist. He squeezes it slightly and she takes in a large breath, steading her nerves and heart that is slamming in her chest. The dersite from before hands Jade a clipboard and a pen. On the clipboard is a set of papers, and Jade assumes it’s for some medical records that goes right over her head.
At first, Karkat goes to stay with Jade, waiting patiently. But the dersite lightly touches his shoulder and nods their head. He squints but follows the dersite into an adjacent room. The moment he steps in, he gasps, and his heart begins racing. The dersite bends down over the white crib in the room and scoops up the baby inside. Almost instinctively, Karkat reaches his arms out, and the baby is placed in his arms.
“Oh my god oh my god oh my god-” He barely takes a second to breathe. “Is this…?
It only takes a second for the dersite to confirm Karkat’s thoughts.
“Oh my fucking god.”’
Karkat wants to scream, to yell, to shout. To do something. He doesn’t, however. He can’t. Not with a sleeping baby, his sleeping baby, in his arms. He doesn’t move, he barely breaths, and his eyes don’t move from her. She looks like a human, from the outside. She has Jade’s dark brown skin, and wispy black hair at the top of her head. After the first few months, it had been determined that most of Vivian’s appearance would resemble a human rather than troll, while some of her psychological functions would be similar to trolls. Such as the ability to strongly feel ashen, pitch, and pale feelings.
Part of what Jade was signing for was to keep track of Vivian’s development. Being a human-troll hybrid is new, and of course, science is curious. As well as being related to two of the world's creators was also keeping her on her radar.
“Karkat? Is everything ok?” Jade asks from the other room, and the dersite nods for him. Jade’s voice snaps him from his daze and slowly he walks out. Jade had finished with the paper and was sitting on the teal couch in the corner of the room. Almost immediately, her eyes lit up.
“Is that…?
It’s subtle, but it’s a nod.
There were no words at that moment, and the dersite left the room to give the two some space. Jade walked over to Karkat, her hands gently grabbing his arms. Vivian’s soft, sleeping breaths and the sound of a clock ticking were the only things able to be heard.
“She’s perfect…” Jade whispers, gently touching Vivian’s forehead.
“...You’re worried.”
“I’m just nervous about her, is all.”
Karkat huffs and bumps his head against Jade’s forehead. “Don’t fucking say that. We got this.”
“You promise?”
“Yeah. I do promise Jade.” He huffs, handing Vivian off to Jade who’s eyes only widen. “Let’s just take this one day at a time. We…We got this.”
Jade smiles at him.
“We got this.”
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What are some of your favorite felt head canons if you don't mind, and is your intermission discord server still active?
Oh yeah psh the server is defo active. We talk there every day and we had a group vc like just yesterday! Feel free to join! Even if you’re going to lurk we got good fanarts being made like every other day! https://discord.gg/VMtTxQj
NOW TO THE INFODUMPING! Sry not sry you asked for this I’m just gunna go full ham. (I figured out how to add a read more link! hah!)
OK SO! I’ve got so many! Top fav is my ones for Crowbar of course. I love making his juju a sentient being and having it effect him negatively by applying sensitivity for timeline shenanigans on him. This also means Crowbar is weak against temporal movement like teleportation. He’s fine for the most part if the Doc teleports him with green sun magic but if Droog does it, it gets him sick and dizzy for a bit.
Oh! Also that Crowbar has lots of hobbies, but every single one is a benefit to his Felts. He’s incapable of doing activities selfishly and has a hard time detaching himself from his work. Expressing himself creatively? Sure! How about he gets into woodworking and architecture so he can repair walls, doors, and clocks whenever they break around the manor. Taking time off to zone out and relax? No problem! He unironically loves doing paperwork because the exactness of the wording comfort him and he can keep business flowing. (He secretly collects the small manuals that comes with most products because finding grammar mistakes in the terms and conditions amuses him.) He even has a mild special interest in car detailing and cleaning so that the getaway cars for everyone are in top condition, and so that the manor is clean and free of evidence.
Oh and that reminds me that I love to hc that the manor (I make it sentient) looooves Crowbar the most out of any member since he’s the only one that takes care of it. The manor’s architecture shifts constantly to confuse intruders and such, but for Crowbar it shifts to get him to wanted destinations faster. If Crowbar wants to get to the west wing from the east wing, only Itchy has a chance to close the distance faster than him. Ah! It’s so funny! I’m smiling about it now! Aaaa I love them!
And! And and I love to hc Crowbar being super dense in matters of love. In the server (there is rp and I am the dedicated Crowbar rper) I make sure to have him make the perfectly wrong assumption any time someone falls for him bc Cro mentally cannot comprehend someone being attracted to him- OH THAT REMINDS ME OF ANOTHER ONE! I hc that to us irl humans Crowbar is the most normal and even the sexiest felt, but in leprechaun standards Crowbar is like, the ugliest leprechaun ever. Leprechaun standards value weird shapes, weird chaotic habits, and the scrungle vibe, and Crowbar is intimately aware he doesn’t embody any of it, so it’s just like. “Um. I know damn well I don’t make an effort to strive towards beauty standards, so,,, why are you falling for me again? Surely this is a joke? This, isn’t what people are supposed to do.”
On that note though, I think Crowbar has a hard time with charms as a system. He’s effected by it and feels it occasionally, but he does much better with quadrants and carapacians in general. He doesn’t like talking about it with his men because he’s scared they are going to make fun of him for it, but they probably already know what with his little Snowman crush.
Hot take I could do with or do without Snowbar. It really depends on who I’m roleplaying with. For the most part I love it because it emphasizes the fact that Crowbar is just really fucking weird compared to other leprechauns. He’s orderly, he’s bi, he likes things to be a certain consistent way, and there’s nothing be can do about it. It just makes me feel warm inside. If my rp partner doesn’t like the ship though I loooooove to make Snowman and Cro like, slumber party pals. They engage in the tea and girl talk! Wlw and mlm! Snowy is the man’s rock and sense of reason in a sea of idiots.
Though hm, now for other Felt. I do like the idea that Itchy actually has garbage reaction time and is in a state of single focused mania a lot. My mans has trouble sleeping and knowing his environment and it can take a toll on his mind, but when he does sleep his metabolism is too fast for such a long sleep and he has to go into a hibernation state! Like a hummingbird! (That’s @naturallydark ‘shc for the Itchy they rp in the server) aaaa good stuff. Oh and I love to think Itchy is chronically bored and has big issues with being under-stimulated, which is why he is friends with most of the felt and will bother them. The company makes him happy! And when he’s not being a lil fuck, he does know how to cheer the majority of the Felt up when they are down.
On the flip side I love imagining that Doze actually has insane reaction time, his world just slows when he’s stressed, which doesn’t happen as often as folks might think. I imagine Doze’s biggest fear is getting irreversibly maimed so his powers activate during physical combat, but other than that he’s a pretty normal dude. Probably the type to catch a bunch of dishes and have everything land on the tray again cartoon style. Definitely thinks he’s the coolest guy in the room (civilized edition)
Fin is just cute. Man just, swims in the dumbest places. You can never predict when he will be in a body of water. Kinda hates when anyone dumps dead bodies in the canal and will drag them out of the water to toss to the lusi (lusus’s?) wandering the desert when he can.
Clover and Snowman get along really well. Like, Snowman thinks Clover is strangely charismatic, but this is almost purely because the universe loves Clover.
Anything @ontdah does with his Die makes me happy. Just. Anything. Love that angsty man.
Snowman can absolutely take damage without it effecting the rest of the universe. (I despise the fact that the prominent badass female character can’t roughhouse) like, she is a universe avatar. She can just choose to be an avatar of some useless far off planet, she just likes the power trip with being able to stop any fight she’s in by just standing there. Only the Felt know this but they keep it a safely guarded secret and they still respect the rules of it. After all she likes having star freckles when she embodies everything so she actually is in that vulnerable state most of the time. It’s like, her shitty personal version of a Russian roulette, but with the lives of every single person alive. She’s a massive troll. In the most dignified way possible. Stitch thinks she’s crazy, Crowbar finds her fascinating in her selfishness.
Stitch is one of the rarer less chaotic leprechauns, and he gets along pretty well with Crowbar. For the most part he’s the dad figure of the felt despite not being the oldest, and will let any of them silently hang out with him if the fucked up ness of their life becomes too much. The official sawbones, and less official therapist of the lads. Makes sure they have everything they need to handle any mental stuff they struggle with. He helps Itchy with his adhd, works with Matchsticks (more often) and Cro (less often) on their ptsd, helps lots of them with anxiety, rationalizes through Clover’s survivors guilt, and even has chats with Snowy when she’s feeling existential. He is incredibly emotionally intelligent and likes to use that ability for good, however gruff it comes across.
Sawbuck is the nice fuck boi of the Felt and you cannot convince me otherwise. Clover may be the most charismatic over all, but Sawbuck definitely has the most game. The guy is a dream boat, an absolute hunk. Sawbuck is the sexiest man alive and everyone in the felt (no matter how reluctantly) agrees with it.
Matchsticks is a pyromaniac and is constantly curbing his own urges to just burn everything to the ground, timeline included. He’s a REALLY nice guy, but the urges get to him sometimes. (Hc from @ontdah )He has troubles staying present at times and keeps multiple fires burning around the manor for convenience and for reminiscing. Crowbar has to tell Matchsticks when meetings will be hours or even days in advance or else he might not be able to include him. The guy just, travels a lot and is hard to find. His jokes cheer everyone up, but it’s clear he’s not always happy. Stitch and Matchsticks spend the most time with each other. Stitch has personally guided Matchsticks into being more present, but it’s a constant process.
Eggs is fantastic at retelling heists in engaging ways. If anyone wants a retelling of events, they tend to go to Eggs, even if Crowbar has the better memory. It’s more entertaining that way.
Biscuits makes food for the Felt. Without him they would all immediately starve. Some felt know how to cook, but only Biscuits knows how to portion meals to feed all of them correctly. He’s also their silent nutritionist and will give you a look of disappointment if you ever come into the manor with, ugh, FROG FORBID Store. Bought. Sweets. He has standards. Most of his free time is spent in the kitchen and he is the only Felt besides Crowbar who is allowed an allowance for groceries.
Quarters is a gun freak and gives all of them names and backstories like iron dolls. If you handle a gun incorrectly in front of him he’s going to very passive aggressively judge you until you piss him off enough to drag you back into gun training. He taught most every member how to use firearms (except for Stitch, Matchsticks, and Clover) but he has made every single one of them take a firearms course, hosted by himself of course. Snowman and Quarters have long bouts of dark humor involving weapons sometimes too. They started being friends after he taught her how to use a sniper rifle.
Cans is Crowbar’s bean bag and they are bros. They cuddle lots and talk about stuff. I imagine Cans has almost an enthusiastic butler sort of relationship with Crowbar and Crowbar can do nothing to refute this. After many, many, months and years of Cans comforting Crowbar and being there for him and helping him out of risky situations, Crowbar has succumbed to trusting the man fully. Whenever Crowbar is having troubles sleeping he will simply drag himself over to Cans’s room and nap with him. They are cute.
AH! oK DONE! I have more Cro hcs of course but this has taken me ages to type and! I! Need! To go to work soon!
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how-masterful · 2 years
31 Fics Of Fright
Day 8- Slime of the Season
Simm!Master x Reader
Prompt: Slime
Notes: A very silly fic for a very silly prompt, and also my love of Ghostbusters I think I wrote this thing running on the pure adrenaline from the trailer today- who else is excited?
Warnings: None
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“Can you see anything?”
Your voice called over the communicator, a silver disk stuck to the side of his jaw. The connection had begun to muffle the deeper the Master had gotten into the old underground station, your voice laced with crackles and pops like an old radio announcer. All that was missing was the transatlantic accent.
“No sign of the bugger yet, how far down does this whole thing go?”
The Master stared into the deep hole, sprawling and descending downwards, a purple mist exhuming from the cavernous drop. The head of security had attempted to scare you with old tales of people falling in and never stopping falling. The Master was utterly unconvinced.
“It likely won’t head into the deeper caves, it’s scared of the mist.” You said from the TARDIS console.
You’d pulled a chair up to the central console, notes and research sprawled across her surface in notebooks and journals, mic ghosting close to your lips as you listened through a pair of headphones.
“You should be able to corner it in one of the adjacent corridors.”
“And what can I do about beating the shit out of it for stealing my dematerialisation circuit?”
“It’s only a child, Master! Plus, it’s intangible. It can touch you-”
“But I can't touch it. Fine, fine. But I'm still going to kill it.” The Timelord grumbled, huffing as he took steps deeper into the tunnels.
“Remember, that transmitter only works once.”
You’d arrived back from your day trip to discover the TARDIS refusing to take off. Not for lack of trying, the old girl wheezing and groaning, like she was dragging herself off the ground and trying to pull herself into the vortex. A furious Master became enraged to find the circuit had been stolen, the inside of the console coated in a thick, gelatinous green gel. You’d teased that slimer had made his way into the console. A single look at the security footage suggested that you may not have been wrong.
“I’m still confused about what we’re dealing with. Slimer wasn’t real.”
“You humans often get inspired by aliens and don’t even know it. Maybe the director saw one, even in a dream, and thought he’d made it up himself. How do you think they made the Xenomorph?”
There was a terrified silence over the communicator, the Master smiling devilishly to himself.
“Oh yeah, stay out of the 8th Quadrant of the Mancalar Planes. Also out of West Virginia.”
The Master smirked at the sound of a pen scribbling on paper, approaching the entrance to the side tunnels, torch held tightly in hand. The beam of light bounced against the old subway tile, the ancient language on the wall just out of the field of the TARDIS translator. Judging from the shape of the signs they were directions, and the Master followed as best he could. His boots crunched against the filthy floor, covered in dirt and dust, his coat hanging down to his calves.
“Ok, if you’re at the entrance you should be able to follow the path through to one of the exit tunnels. They were all blocked off years ago but there should still be the atrium… Master?”
The Master’s com had gone eerily silent, beyond the sound of his shallow breaths. You tapped on the microphone, placing down your pen atop the old subway map.
“Master? Are you alright?”
“When you were looking into this thing, what did it say about species size?”
You scoured over the table, picking up a red notebook and flipping across a few pages.
“It says, erm, that they have a relatively big species but often work in families. Or, um, hold on- ah! They can grow up to 8 foot tall, if that’s what you’re after.”
“Right,” The Master continued, voice wavering with odd apprehension.
“In that movie… with the slimer…” He started, swallowing thick. “When they find it in the hotel… what happens?”
You paused, raising an eyebrow, placing down the notebook onto the surface.
“It um, Venkman finds it and he, er, slime’s him.”
“And what makes it… slime him?”
It was more of a statement than a question, but the statement raised more questions within your mind than you thought possible. You racked your brain, trying to remember the scene.
“Oh! When Venkman sees it, and slimer looks at him.”
There was another pause, the air silent as both you nor the Master failed to speak. You could still hear the Master’s breathing, though the sound had begun to crackle once more.
“Darling…” He said quietly, and a chill spread through your body. He only called you darling when something was very, very wrong.
“Yeah?” You replied. You held your breath awaiting his reply.
“It’s looking at me.”
A reply tried to fight its way out, but was beaten to the punch by the sound of the Master’s loud yell. You could hear the screech of another creature in the background of the com, the piercing wail of the receiver making you rip the headphones from the top of your head.
In an instant the com had cut dead, a loud crash sounding behind you. You whipped around in your seat to see the Master materializing inside the TARDIS, the transmitter fizzing and dying as it clattered out of his hand and fell to the floor. The torch rolled across the grate floor, hitting the edge of the steps, just avoiding tripping you up as you ran towards the Master. He was sprawled across the floor, groaning at the impact of his back. Head to toe, he had been covered in the same thick, green slime that had filled the console.
“Oh my god, are you ok!?”
You cried, reaching down to the Master’s side, the Timelord growling in aggravation. You struggled to hold in your laugh at his disgruntled expression.
“Next time,” He gritted, wiping the slime from his eyes and throwing the globs towards the floor. You scrunched your nose in disgust, the slime sticking wet against the Master's clothes.
“You’re going exploring!”
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sonic100 · 3 days
Sonic the Hedgehog CD - 1993 - Sega CD
Ah, Sonic CD. The game that gave us Metal Sonic, Amy Rose, vocal themes, a darker tone, and more exploration. By and far a defining moment in the forming of Sonics' brand! The plot for this game and all the games in future are much bigger, and will now be detailed in a separate band rather than in a quick paragraph like before.
The 100% requirement for this game is; Destroy all Generators/Collect all Time Stones, and destroy all Metal Sonic holograms then beat the game.
Little Planet, a habitable natural satellite, appears over Never Lake for one month a year. Eggman steals the Time Stones, a new, never-seen-again magical jewel set, and anchors the planet to the earth. He then proceeds to take over the entire planet, covering it in a big metallic shell and sending machines into the past to before Sonic could stop him.
Sonic goes to Never Lake and finds what Eggman has done. Climbing the massive chain connecting Little Planet and Earth, he goes through the zones, destroying the generators in each area and saving the future. Along the way, he meets Amy Rose, another hedgehog who followed Sonic after reading her tarot cards (something that was forgotten about until recently). However, she is quickly kidnapped by Metal Sonic, Eggmans' new robot Sonic clone.
Eventually, Sonic makes it to Metallic Madness and defeats Metal Sonic in a race, saving Amy Rose and scrapping the badnik. Beating Eggman, he detaches the planet from its chains, saving it, and escapes with Amy back to Earth.
So, Sonic CD is apparently a mixed bag to some people. Easy bosses, hard levels, and apparently some people don't like the music! Wild. I personally think this is one of the best classic games in the franchise, behind Sonic 3 & Knuckles (we will get to that eventually).
The gameplay loop is different from previous games; the levels are really tall and long, and functions slightly differently when you travel to the past or the future. You can go straight to the end of the level, of course, but when you reach the third act you are forced into either a Good or Bad Future. Unless you do a special requirement, you will ALWAYS go to the Bad Future.
So, how do you 100% this? There are two things to do; go back to the past and destroy every Metal Sonic hologram (that was a personal goal of mine, really), as well as every Enemy Generator. When you destroy the generator, you go to the Good Future instead!
There are still only 7 stages here, so I'll go over them briefly. Palmtree Panic is CD's Green Hill, being a lush open plains-type area. New gimmicks are abound, such as a ramp that goes straight up and sends you flying. Collision Chaos is a mechanical forest and this games pinball stage. Tidal Tempest is an OK water level (still better than Labyrinth), Quartz Quadrant is a lot like Gimmick Mountain, with conveyor belts and weird terrain, and Wacky Workbench is... It's bad, just another Metropolis Zone.
The two last stages! Stardust Speedway is the most famous out of all of the classic zones, up with Green Hill, Chemical Plant and the Death Egg. You go as fast as possible, zipping through, until you get to race Metal Sonic to the end of the zone. He unfortunately gets completely obliterated by a closing door. Poor guy... I hope we get to see him again :3
Finally, Metallic Madness has you go through Eggmans' base, beating the doctor himself and saving Little Planet. Most of the stages in this game are very fun! Unfortunately, Wacky Workbench continues the trend in the classic games of having bad, slow, platforming stages.
Also, this game has the best Special Stages. It's enjoyable but challenging, and so much prettier!! On the topic of pretty, quick mention to the Toei animation at the start and the end. Absolutely iconic, and I love how they look even in pixel format!
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pesterloglog · 9 months
Jake English, Tavrosprite, Jasprosesprite^2
Act 6, page 7810-7811
JAKE: Tavrosprite thank you for surreptitiously scooting away with me to my planet.
JAKE: I hope they all dont think me too much of a soggy knickerbocker for ducking off without making the rounds and saying goodbye.
JAKE: I just needed to get away and clear my head and i guess get my dander up for this great green man-fracas i am to solely contend with apparently??
JAKE: Say tavrosprite...
JAKE: Youll help me with out this impending pugilism wont you?
JAKE: Atta boy tavvy!!!
JAKE: Oops is it ok if i call you tavvy?
JAKE: Actually wait.
JAKE: No i think i wont on second thought tavvy sounds fucking stupid.
JAKE: So were agreed then.
JAKE: We wait here and limber up and flex our stupendous guns a bit then let sail our haymakers once the circus trundles into town.
JAKE: I just wonder if theres anything else for me to DO aside from kiss my knuckles and lather them up with elbow grease.
JAKE: Turn my ten favorite boys out for a bracing constitutional you know?
JAKE: Should i be...
JAKE: Straining my brain to have some sort of magnificent epiphany about myself?
JAKE: Is this...
JAKE: Is this IT for me? Is this all there is to understand?
JAKE: Maybe theres only so much ragged wood a man can scrape from a barrels basement.
JAKE: Maybe sometimes a fellas gotta fess up to the fact that all there is to get about hims been firmly got already.
JAKE: Ive pretty much concluded that im a complete waste of everyones time if i bother busying their lives with my brand of beeswax and buffoonery.
JAKE: I settled square on the determination that i need to just be alone for most of my life and you know what im perfectly ok with that idea.
JAKE: Im just a lunk head and a loner and thats that.
JAKE: What else is there wonder about myself or my future except which face is most deserving of my fist?
JAKE: Thats the ticket!
JAKE: I love my aspect it feels so empowering every time i want to feel like somethings real when tons of facts are missing.
JAKE: I really am a lucky son of a bitch arent i tavvy. Shit i mean tavrosprite. Blech what i bad nickname sorry!!!
JAKE: But yeah thats pretty much what the doctor ordered for old jake english. No romantic stuff. No platonic stuff either!
JAKE: Ill be like... Mr nonrom sansplat... Or... Oh horsenoodles there has to be terminology that more effectively consolidates my present understanding of myself into a coherent identity i can get enthusiastic about.
JAKE: Maybe the troll lingo has the answers. Or maybe im pioneering some sort of... shadow quadrant system?? Ooh lordy wouldnt that be a swift kick in the netherdumplings.
JAKE: What do you think tavvyboy should i take my idea to the troll patent office and make a mint?
JAKE: Oh yeah.
JAKE: Heh oopsie.
JAKE: Yeah...
JAKE: Yeah!
JAKE: Cheese and crackers tavvers what an inspirational little spiel that just was.
JAKE: Mayhaps youve more concealed talents than you let on??
JAKE: Tavmeister are you ok?
JAKE: Heavens to murgatroyd park tavenue whats the matter??
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JAKE: Speak to me lobster tavioli!!!
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JAKE: Ey! Rikki tikki tavi! Lay it on me bro... do you need to go to a hospital or what?!
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eldieablo · 2 years
Open Back
It’s so gross. It’s so gorey. It’s so good. Shhh Ricky, let the grownups handle this. Ricky sat back and watched Nino Beto sit up on the main table of the back kitchen, shirtless. We, the whole family, wait patiently as he flexes his muscles in the rising eye of the morning. Open back surgery in the back kitchen. Eee wow, what a life. A big mail slot of skin spread right over his backbone, just one line. Nino Beto hasn’t had surgery in a while so his back had to be reopened, in which the white scar tissue was broken in one straight incision down his back. He inhaled. He exhaled. The curtains of his flesh began to pull apart for open back surgery. His back opened in the shape of a football. No, sling stone. No, Guam Seal. And in this open hole in Nino Beto’s back, the backbone can be seen walking step by step with its stubby, little bone legs like a bone centipede. Normally one would see the muscles that are stuck to the bones of the ribcage. But not us. Not you. Not me. We can detach them if we want to for easy access to the insides. This slingstone shaped hole in his back got bigger like a mouth at the dentist’s office, held open by canopy bungee cords, and hooks. Very Hell-Raiser. Ricky went over to where his dad was. Right over Nino Beto’s gaping cavity. He could see every organ. What did I tell you, son? Um, Diaphragm & Spleen Left Hypochondriac Region? Right, my boy. Young Ricky proceeded to name all the quadrant regions of the back to which organs resided there. ...Cecum & Appendix Right Inguinal Region. Yes! Great job, son! Remember to make sure not to fall in, ok? It’s very important to me you listen to me ok, Ricky? Okay? Ok. Can y’all hurry it up? I’m exposed here. And don’t forget my boy, in-between the ribs, still sensitive. Ricky’s Dad swirled a feather in between Beto’s ribs and he burst out laughing. Quit it! Quit it! Sorry Påri, couldn’t help it. Where is it again? It’s my foot. Tumor. You know you’re gonna stretch further for that, right? I know. Beto looked down and closed his eyes. We’re all here for you Påri. Take your time. He lifted his legs both on top of the long main table to lie on his belly. He bent his elbows and knees. No. He’s not. Is he? He is! Nino Beto’s open back started to stretch in horizontal lines across the shoulder blades, upper arms, butt, and thighs then vertical lines went down the forearm and legs. Then extremely wide lines stretched his hands and feet open in the shape of forks in four fingers. Opening the thumbs would make the skin fall off like a leaf. Skin pulled open to reveal the insides, tiny cubic bones that make up the hand. Revealing tendons, white, wispy, spider web-tendons. His open palms. He was doing it! He’s doing it! He’s making a cave-drawing! A Petroglyph! There it is Dad! He used a tweezer to pluck out the big clump of cells in Beto’s foot. Blue. You better not try anything again, Påri. You’re stale buh-lale, pår. Great eye my boy! What’d I tell y’all? He’s my good-luck charm. He found Mom’s Breast-Cancer, Tun Caesar’s Diabetes, Erica’s Goiter, Påle’s Heart Disease, Heart Problems, “Heart of hearing,” Isa’s Pacemaker, Georgia’s High Blood Pressure, everyone’s bad lungs, hearts, organs, the list goes on! Rich’s Dad put him up on his shoulder. That’s my boy! What do we say Ricky Boy? Not no problem! Tåya’ Guaha! That’s right my boy, go ahead inside and pick an ice keke. While he stayed inside, he watched the Incredible Hulk on TV, slurping on a green ice keke, dreaming it’s the same formula the Hulk took. Pår, you know the drill. Go get some rest. The whole family walked back. Nino Beto walked back inside to find Ricky Boy on the floor. Hey my boy, what are you doing? Beto’s back hurt like hell. Just watching TV, Nino. He needed to sleep so his open back can close up, as usual. Can you step on my back? So I can fall asleep? Sure thing, Nino. Ricky stepped on Beto’s back for a good twenty minutes until he fell asleep. And whenever you sleep with an open back, it always snores like a mouth. So in one quick sucking breath, Ricky fell into the open back. Dad! Dad! Nino! Son! Ricky! Ricky! Beto! And when Beto woke, he was sealed shut forever.
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