#ok anyways i might make a diff post about chara specifically bc them and where their soul is
buttercupart · 1 year
how Frisk and Alphys bring back the fallen humans post-pacifist
oh yeah Oh yeah it's headcanons time who wants Headcanon's Time
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its in my humble post-pacifist opinion that when the barrier breaks and the six human coffins go empty, its because their bodies are magically transported under the flowers in the ruins, so that they're buried with Chara, all seven humans together. it gives more weight to this line;
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( Asriel will now watch over their final resting place as his way of apologizing for absorbing their souls in the first place )
shortly thereafter, the souls are gathered back up and put back into their preservation jars while monsterkind navigates the mass moving to the surface; they want to properly do something to honor the long-gone humans who made their freedom possible; maybe to give them a big celebration of life ceremony before releasing their souls on the surface? they're not sure, but they want to honor the fallen children's deaths and sacrifices they made for monsterkind, and they want to do it right.
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uh.....however, Frisk has like... a serious guilt complex about not being able to save Chara and Asriel; not being able to give them their happy ending, and this extends to the other humans as well, even though they never met any of them. it eats up at them that they can't make everything right for everyone all the time, because they see that as their purpose in life.
so they eventually reach out to Alphys, who they verrry well know has done some wild unethical stuff regarding determination and souls, and they both know that its possible for something without a soul to still be alive (ie; the whole Flowey debacle, the amalgamates, etc) and that humans can tolerate determination much better than monsters can - and together, Alphys and Frisk travel back to mt. ebott one weeknd under the guise of it being a cool aunt and nibling outing - only they know the truth that they're going back to visit Asriel-as-Flowey and see if there's anything they can do for him.
anyways TL;DR, Flowriel lets it slip that the souls are still in their preservation jars in the castle and that the humans bodies', including that of Chara's, are all buried there underneath the golden flowers in the ruins. Frisk gets the idea to dig up their bodies and use their remains - their bones of ortet, even, to grow new replacement ones.
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however, even though they're currently up to way crazier unethical shit than ever before, both Alphys and Frisk understand the implications of just using a singular bone to grow clones out of - they could make multiple copies of the same person, theoretically, and thats just Too uncomfortable - so they opt to just dump the whole skeleton in there for the best results, and if worst comes to worst and the experiment totally fails, then, well, that will be fine and will be their cue to not continue any further, clearly!
the new bodies are grown in whats essentially Marcy from Amphibia's picklejar rejuvenation tank, down in the true lab, with the next step once the new body is ready being to just kindaaaa... shove the soul into their chest and hope it takes to the new body and doesn't pop back out?? determination injections are administered as necessary to assist in the process; think kind of like immunosuppressants in organ transplant cases - and since Frisk is the most determined being with the sole power to save and reset, they are the DT donor to the other humans
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ok anyways super tl;dr Frisk and Alphys dig up the fallen childrens remains and are making grimwalkers/test tube babies/replacement bodies for them utilizing their bones, down in the torture labyrinth. this is a secret that they absolutely cannot tell anyone about ever so they plan to elaborately lie about like, love and determination bringing them back to life or whatever (however the souls are conscious, so... they know what really happened)
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