#ohhhhhhhh i'd love to see katherine kick freddy's ass
slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
(you remember that posts someone made about Freddy and Kai Parker fighting/working together?) What would happen if they somehow switched realms (so Kai ends up in Dreamworld on Elm Street and Freddy ends up in Prison World/TVD Univers),while still keeping their original powers? Also imagine protagonists of both worlds dealing with this new threat!
Omggg, Damon 'why wont anyone stay dead in this town' Salvetore getting told that they're fighting Freddy Krueger. That would be so funny. Like, really?? really??? *takes a big old swig of his bourbon* That's it, we're incinerating all the dolls in the house. All of them. Sorry Stefen but Mr Binky has to go-
Stefen says he's never watched a Slasher flic and Damon is so mad- like what!? you've never seen a Slasher? Friday the 13th? Halloween!? Wh- sit down little brother you're about to learn.
Also Damon following Randy's Rules XD Sorry Elena, but you cant have sex until Freddy is dead again. No one is leaving the house- actually, no one is leaving this room (Except for Katherine. Katherine can go. See ya pal- ). The one he does have problems with is not drinking. Bonnie has to smash all the bottles with her magic just to ensure he wont take a sip when no ones looking XD He is so mad, but restrains himself cuz he knows she's right.
On the other side, in Springwood, things are a little more chaotic. These are sleep deprived kids!! They haven't rested properly for years!! And now they're expected to fight a witch?? During the DAY??? Day is not their best time.
And none of them, have powers in the real world.
All I have to say, is its time to call up Mary Helena again because they need HELP. Let her pray the evil out of him, or something.
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