#ohhh but i think she like killed the nobles daughter who was Supposed to like . get her job
laikahh · 3 months
came up with a little story idea
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vaguekiwi · 3 years
oop sorry should’ve clarified. You said in comment relies the last chapter of Violet Rain that you have an idea for something that occurs several years later. I know you might not write it but what’s the idea?
(Reference to this ask)
Ohhh. Okay, okay. I know what you’re talking about (and thanks for following up!)
So… yes. There is an idea I have for something that happens a few years after the events of Violet Rain. Anons right that I probably won’t write it, but let’s consider it a headcanon. (Bullet point summary under the cut for anyone interested. Also spoilers for the fic)
So 8-11 years after Violet Rain ends, life in Arachne is good (haven’t decided quite how long, it’s dependent on child development and how mature I think Serenity May could conceivably be)
Tony and Peter are doing great as King and Prince Consort. Their territories are thriving, their personal reputation is somewhat improved, foreign relations are good.
Serenity May Brandt (Ned and Betty’s daughter) is making huge strides for the kingdom of Arachne. The people adore her: she’s eloquent and kind and funny and charming and effortlessly proving that the status you’re born under doesn’t determine your worth.
Serenity is also, of course, preparing to inherit the throne once she’s older
Maybe Brad and Victoria are together? Either way, Victoria’s doing great at her job. She’s close with Serenity, Brad’s close with Serenity; people joke around the castle about how the King and the Prince Consort are always going at it like rabbits 👀
Serenity is of course very fond of her Uncle Peter and Uncle Tony and living her best child-heir life
Well one thing leads to another and at a medieval-town-hall (??) or a speech or a coming-of-age ceremony or something (????) there's an assassination attempt on Serenity's life
And everyone is like 👁👄👁 fuck no
So the premise of the fic/sequel would be a political thriller / intrigue trying to figure out who's pissed off enough to try to have Serenity killed. Mostly they suspect other nobles or people still disgruntled from the war.
They briefly investigate the armsmen who went into exile during the events of the fic but they're all just living their lives and it's not them
It briefly strains Peter and Tony's improved-relationship with King Steven because someone's like "yo maybe it's Steve" but it's not him
They hire a private bodyguard for Serenity named Wade Wilson because that sounds hilarious and amazing to me. They also briefly investigate him because he's pretty lethal and unstable but it's not him.
I have a scene idea where Peter and some friends, like, go to the mountains to pray for guidance? And it's kinda mystical and magical and foggy and there's moonlight and multi-coloured rain and shit.
Well... all roads lead to Rome. Guess who's pulling the strings?
Mr. Quentin Beck sitting out his days in a prison cell because 8-11 years ago Peter was like "capital punishment is morally wrong" and Tony was like "Well we can't just let him loose on the world" so they settled on a life sentence in prison.
Anyway Beck's pulling strings with disgruntled nobles and rumours and all the general unpleasantness he's always been known for. They figure it out, Serenity's safe... but what are they supposed to do now?
Well Peter spends a lot of time by himself thinking it over. He knows what he believes in morally, he knows what he believes to be right, but he's so scared of the potential Beck has as a threat. And Peter is now experiencing fear basically on behalf of a surrogate child and if there's anything to be scared of in life it's a parent's love for their child.
So Peter comes to a conclusion that kinda makes him feel sick. But he decides to carry things out as humanely as possible.
Peter visits Beck in prison, and serves him a cup of tea.
Beck 100% knows what's in the tea but he drinks it cause it's time. And he and Peter sit together and talk and Beck tries to get in his head but Peter of course doesn't let him. And stays with Beck until he falls asleep.
And then everyone's happily ever after for real
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