#ohh i got recommended that hashtag again. nice
dellinah · 2 years
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Uh right I use tumblr to post my art too bc it allows for fun long rambles since this is the only social media left that doesn't bend over backwards for algorithm shit making everything short and clickable. Good hellsite is good
Time blindness is FUN it's like anxiety's younger yet equally annoying younger sibling
But uh hey have this recent commission I made. Bc it's been a bit. First one since paypal updated how they work and I had major anxiety hoping it wouldn't mess up bc how do you deal with bank stuff when you're not home and it took them 3 days to prpcess it I aged 47 years waiting for it i stg
But ahh I'm so happy with how this turned out actually. Most of it anyway. It was just really nice getting to draw something so peaceful and wholesome in the midst of some mind chaos and actually finish it (i mean, i had to (bc commission) but yk what I mean. If this is the only time I get over artblock so be it)
Just lots of mind foggyness. And anxiety. And all those fun things that come when you're quirky like that.
I just appreciate how this gave me some peace and satisfaction. Maybe art does help the mind. Who'd have guessed
Yes, I'm a furry. Yes, I can't draw or shade fur. We exist
I just wish I had done all the bushes like the ones in the right bc wtf is even the bushes on the left. By then I was 50 layers into this so. But the right ones are alright and the left ones suck
I just love autumn. Fall. Pumpkin season. Whatever you wanna call it. And I love foxes. And furries. All good vibes all around. Makes you think it'll all be ok
And it will, I'm sure
But hope you like this too
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putschki1969 · 5 years
Hikaru×SPICE Live Broadcast ~ A summary/translation
I am finally home. Thank God the video got archived (at least for a week) so I can watch it right now and provide a more or less detailed summary.
Without further ado, let’s get started. 〈(•ˇ‿ˇ•)-→
Takeshi Kato (=TK) is doing a short intro where he explains that they are doing a live broadcast to celebrate Hikaru’s birthday. Hikaru had reached out to them and asked if it would be possible to do a short-notice broadcast. They were more than happy to help out with that. The camera points to the side to reveal Hikaru. She greets everyone and says it’s been so long since the last time they did something like this. Hikaru talks about the reason she wanted to do this live so abruptly. It’s because she reached 15.000 followers on twitter and wanted an opportunity to celebrate that with everyone. Talking about celebration. TK wishes Hikaru a happy birthday. They bring out a cake for her and she also introduces her drink for the night - tapioca milk tea (as one would expect from Hikaru).
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Hikaru talks about how she fell in love with tapioca milk tea when they went to Taiwan back in 2010. Ever since then she has had an obsession (something all of her twitter followers know about). Nowadays there is a huge tapioca boom in Japan so it’s very easy for her to find new drinks to try out. She always posts her collection. TK asks everyone to send in lots of comments, questions etc by using the hashtag #Hikaruバースデー Rumor has it that something good will be happening to one of the commentors at the end of the broadcast. Hikaru is like, “ohh, yeah, I think there will be”
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TK reads out some comments, mostly birthday wishes, compliments about Hikaru’s beauty, messages of gratitude and talk about tapioca. In the background they always upload a different fan art and Hikaru tries to mimic the pose from the picture. Generally she is just being super cute.
They talk about how Hikaru started twitter at around October last year and how no one believed that it was actually her. Only when she posted some proof did people finally believe it was her XD
It’s been about a year since her last live (birthday event) so TK asks her what she has been doing during all this time. Hikaru replies that she started twitter, drank lots of tapioca, ate lots of food, went to the gym, watched anime, read manga and slept. TK wants to know how it feels like now that she is not doing one live after the other as used to be the case during her time in Kalafina, all that free-time must have been weird at first. Hikaru agrees but she also says that she is not really doing anything different now than she did before. Even during her Kalafina days she would always follow her hobbies if she wasn’t busy with Kalafina stuff. But now she has more time to focus on that and of course she always tries to learn more. Since she currently can’t expand her knowledge by doing lives she has made it a habit to attend lots of lives. She mentions attending the YK Live which took place last weekend in Chiba. She talks about taking selfies with Keiko and uploading them to twitter. TK asks how it feels like to be listening from the outside. Hikaru explains that Wakana and Keiko have always performed at YK lives in the past and it has always been different from Kalafina so it’s not really anything new for her but still it felt very nostalgic to watch the live. Time to continue with fan questions. One fan asks Hikaru to which extent she likes tapioca and Hikaru is super perplexed by that, “what kind of question is that?” TK explains that the person probably meant how she likes the texture of her tapioca bubbles or the amount. Hikaru explains that she likes a lot with black tea but not so many when she is drinking something fruity. Another viewer says that the entire family is watching the broadcast on a big TV screen. Hikaru gets super embarrassed and is afraid her face will look too chubby.
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They talk a bit about Hikaru’s make up and how she had to do it herself for this broadcast. She has shared the stuff she uses on twitter and usually she doesn’t really change her make up items so it should all still be the same.
TK points out that all of Hikaru’s tweets have an English translation. Hikaru explains that she tries to connect with everyone as best as possible and since she has a lof of foreign followers she always makes the effort to post in Japanese as well as in English. Hikaru says it feels great to do a live broadcast like that because it makes her feel super close to us. Then there is a message from my friend Sai-chan who is from Thailand. Hikaru greets her and says something in Thai (I guess it’s a greeting?). Either way, it sounds super cute. She is asked to recommend the best tapioca but she really can’t because it depends on your personal preference. There is just too much to choose from so you have to decide for yourself what you like and what you don’t like. It’s really difficult to answer a question like that so Hikaru asks the viewers to change the topic to something other than tapioca. She then talks about her hair and how she is currently letting it grow. She doesn’t really go to the hairsalon or anything, she just lets it grow naturally. She really loves her short hair but right now she feels like having longer hair. She used to have longer hair in the first years of Kalafina, then she cut it and kept it short for a long time and now she wants to let it grow a little longer.
Hikaru is then asked why she is suddenly going to the gym even though she hates exercising.
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She still doesn’t like it, it’s super tough (especially since she did zero work outs in the pasts) but with all the tapioca milk tea she drinks she just HAS to work out. Back in the day their live performances would be her work out but now she doesn’t have that anymore so she had to find another way to stay fit. This way she will be strong when she starts performing again. There is really no other choice for her than to go to the gym, she doesn’t really like doing any other sort of activity. Thb, she doesn’t even like any of the activities at the gym either. For her, everything is torture but she has to make that sacrifice at leasr once a week in order to be able to drink her beloved tapioca.
Hikaru is overwhelmed by all the birthday wishes and says she actually doesn’t really like to receive so many congratulations. She really prefers to be the one who does the congratulating so she suggests to sing a song. Hikaru asks if it’s okay if she sings a song a capella, she thinks it should be fine, after all they did sing a bit during their Kalafina broadcasts too. She wants to sing a birthday song, it might be weird since it’s actually HER birthday today but she is sure someone out there is celebrating their birthday this month as well. She is gonna sing “Happy Happy Birthday” by Dreams Come True. She wishes everyone a happy birthday, even those who don’t celebrate their birthday today. [Ahhhhh, I loved it. Didn’t even know the song but Hikaru rocked it.] Everyone is super happy about hearing Hikaru sing live and that she actually sang so much of the song. BIG ANNOUNCEMENT ahead. The tension is palpable. Hikaru becomes super serious. And then there it is. It has been decided that she will do a SOLO LIVE!! Waaaahhhh! FINALLY!
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She has been worrying a lot and felt bad because everyone on twitter has beeng asking her to start singing again, everyone wanted her to be on stage again. On the one hand it made her happy to hear those words but it was also so very frustrating. She is glad she can finally make it happen. In her time as member of Kalafina she has learned one important lesson. If there is something you cannot do by yourself, you can borrow strength from others. It was hard for her to learn since she doesn’t like asking for help but sometimes it can be fine. You have to do it and there is nothing wrong about it. Kalafina heavily relied on that and right now she is also doing it. With the help of many people, her solo live is being made possible. TK suggests they make a tweet about the solo live and Hikaru thinks it would be a good idea to include a little selfie. While Hikaru makes the tweet, TK repeats all the important info regarding the live. After a couple of minutes she finally posts her tweet. Live tweeting SUCCESS.
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Hikaru is scared because the venue can seat over 2000 people. She worries no one will come and the hall will be empty. She is like, “everyone, PLEASE COME! This would be the perfect birthday present for me!” She will do lots of covers (same as her birthday event) and she asks everyone to send in requests. And of course she want to create some live goods for her concerts. She wonders what she could make. Since it’s going to be winter time she thinks warm items would be nice. TK asks what kind of live it is going to be since this is her first time doing a proper solo live. Hikaru doesn’t know yet but she is currently worrying about it. She will inform everyone if there are any further infos but right now the most important thing for her is that she can continue singing, she will figure out the rest somehow. Things like whether she will have a band or not..
The first few live goods suggestions are cominng in: a pass case, a stola (Hikaru asks if guys would even wear those?), glasses case, tapioca keyholder, a hat (Hikaru says that her hat from the b-day event was really popular), book cover, eye mask, stationary set, tapioca straw, etc... Then we have some song requests: Platinum from CCC (which she also sang at her b-day event), Speechless from Aladdin, Zankokuna Tenshi no These, Evanescence songs, winter, X-Mas songs, Hirahara Ayaka’s Jupiter, anime OPs/EDs, musical pieces, etc...Hikaru is quite intimidated by some of the song requests because she doesn’t know if she will be able to do justice to them. I am too lazy to list all the song suggestions and honestly, I don’t even know some of the titles and artists. I am pretty clueless when it comes to singers other than Kalafina. Anyways, you get the idea. Hikaru is intrigued by almost every request. She says that she particularly loves anisongs (which we already know of course). They talk a bit about Kita Wing by Nakamori Akina, ever since she was super young she loved to sing this song at karaoke. Keiko would often mention that during their radio programs.
Then they talk about outfit ideas for the live. Should she wear a skirt or pants? TK notes that Hikaru usually likes to wear pants. Hikaru agrees, they are much more convenient, it’s easy to move around. Which is also why she ended up wearing pants so often during Kalafina lives. It was so amazing when she first got to wear pants for their FOTW live. Before that Kalafina’s image had all been about skirts. She had always wanted to wear pants so to finally get to do it felt great. At that point she felt courageous enough to ask if it would be okay and everyone at the office told her that it’s totally fine, of course she can wear pants. That’s when they decided to design pants and she never looked back. Hikaru would like to know what kind of silhouette the audience wants to see, what kind of colour scheme? The majority would prefer pants (short pants XD). Hikaru considers doing an outfit change during the live so she can try different types of clothing. Hikaru will think about wearing something red even though she is not used to that. Reddish colours were always more Keiko’s image whereas Hikaru often wore blueish colours. Someone suggests Hikaru should do cosplay, Hikaru is not exactly convinced by that idea. She asks if anyone even wants to see that...? She is not really the type to do cosplay. But there are definitely a lot of cool suggestions like Shiki from KnK. Lots of people want her to have a ponytail hairstyle but she is not suó sure about it.
They are informed that there are only five minutes left till the scheduled end of the program. Time to wrap things up. More than 2000 are watching the live broadcast at that moment. CONGRATS. TK is like, “what if all those people watching right now came to the live?” Hikaru would freak out.
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More promo for Hikaru’s live. Hikaru begs everyone to come and to bring lots of friends. She hopes she can show a new side of herself to the audience that already knows her from Kalafina lives. But she also hopes that lots of new people will come who have never been to a Kalafina live. She is starting with a clean slate. She wants to be the kind of singer that conveys her feelings to the audience. For her, singing is not just about producing a lovely voice, it’s about having conversations with the audience. If it weren’t for us she wouldn’t be able to sing.  Time is running out. Some more promo. Hikaru hopes everyone can read the info.
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Hikaru talks a bit about how her character is very straighforward and that there are not a lot of changes when it comes to the things she likes. When she likes something she will like it forever. 
Hikaru doesn’t know what the live will be like but one thing is for sure, she will be singing. She is sorry she can’t say more yet but eventually things will be put into shape. Once again she thanks everyone around her for making the concert possible.
Hikaru says she was super nervous because she did the broadcast all by herself. TK then tells her that her tag is trending on twitter. BANZAI. Then they get back to that rumor which was mentioned at the very beginning of the broadcast. A little present from Hikaru. Two of the viewers that commented will receive a polaroid of Hikaru as present. Those who would like a chance to win the present need to follow the spice_anige account on twitter. TK will message the winners directly. The winner will be chosen at random among the Hikaru birthday tag. According to a previous tweet made by Hikaru, the winner has already been chosen.
Hikaru once again thanks her followers on twitter. When she first started, it felt a bit weird but now she feels very empowered. She feels like she can do everything. Big thank you to everyone.
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