#oh yeah lets see that plasma cannon
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kolastor · 2 years ago
I love when my D&D session ends with the two robots making a date to shoot hot loads at each other
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thequietmanno1 · 7 months ago
TheLreads, Vigilantes ch 117, Replies Part 1
1) “What nightmares lie waiting now that we had a force ghost give Koichi a powerup? God only knows, and with each passing chapter I fear he abandoned us. Now, let us see Koichi kick ass, on Chapter 117: The Bad one
2) Oh god you mean the other chapters weren’t the bad ones?!”-Well, from a certain point of view, the title could be referring to Koichi finally cutting loose with his magnum cannon of a fist, or it could be referring to Fires Georg showing in in a futile attempt to steal All Might’s spotlight, or it could be referring to Furuhashi’s brainwave idea to have legit force ghosts appearing in a situation outwith the OFA/AFO mental connection MHA has.
3) “OH JESUS FUCK POP IS TRYING TO WAKE UP BUT FURUHASHI IS TOO STRONG AND IS KEEPING HER DOWN”- She still got up….after a fashion. Just, left most of her fleshy part behind to show up for Koichi’s cheerleading session.
(Vigilantes ch 101) 4) “Also, where’s Midnight? Why isn’t she here? Her quirk could’ve put all of them to sleep, or at least she could try to do so.“- Midnight’s here to serve as the last line of defence between Nomura and Pop, and also as support when she starts flatlining. (Vigilantes ch 116) 5) OH DID YOU NOW, KOICHI
6) “Well of course, Knuckles also visited her and told her to get up.”- You tried to joke about it, but….
7) “Yeah Pop, fight on, since you can only do so when you’re in the fridge apparently.”- And even that amounts to her giving moral support to both a dying Koichi and Nomura as they tether on the brink of passing on. 8) “NO KOICHI DON’T SNAP YOUR FINGERS, YOU DON’T KNOW WHICH HALF OF THE UNIVERSE YOU CAN END UP ERASING”- Judging by your drunken binge following this, I bet you wished it was the half of the universe that conspired to allow this Bizarre ghost plotline to be birthed from Furuhashi’s mind. 9) “Koichi you fool, the power was inside you all along~And here comes the newspaper again, but now you can simply go “no <3” and brush it off”- Koichi legit could have overpowered Nomura’s best punch attempt here with his own arm cannon. Poor guy never really had a chance against the sheer force of the writer’s pen giving strength to Koichi’s blows/as much bullshit power-ups as he required.
DID YOU FUCKING FORGOT WHAT GHOSTKLEDUSTER TOLD YOU?”- Yeah, but he still doesn’t want to actually fire it. Perhaps one of the biggest hang-ups about liking Koichi’s role as the protagonist is his absolute adherence to never physically assaulting anybody- even here, he just resorts to tearing apart the plasma body to weaken Nomura, rather than strike the obvious weak spot in the head.
11) “PISS OFF KNUCKLES, GO TO THE OTHER SIDE ALREADY GOOD LORD YOU HAVEN’T SHOWED UP FOR AN ETERNITY AND NOW YOU REFUSE TO LEAVE”- And even when he leaves, Furuhashi just drags him right back before the curtain falls.
12) “Debatable, we still aren’t sure he has one”- If he did have one, it swiftly burned apart in his own self-cremation here. Though the lack of change to his usual demeanour when interacting with Koichi one final time indicates he never really put those brain cells to much work even when he had them.
13) “For pete’s sake, first McBee has a tulpa that turns out to be fucking AfO, now Ghost knuckles refuses to fuck off, can someone call in an exorcist already?”- At the rate we were going, I was expecting Koichi to Ghostbusters somebody by the end in some kind of spiritual final battle with Nomura – it’s not like the craziest ideas imaginable wouldn’t have fitting into this off-the-rails situation by the end.
14) “Why do I feel that any moment now Pop’s ghost is gonna show up to tell him that murder is okay in this particular situation”- You tried to joke about it, but Furuhashi was talking all suggestions as good ones the day this chapter came out.
15) “Koichi, with part of “it’s kill or be killed” you didn’t understood? Do you want to end up like knuckles there?”- I mean, he is sorta half-dead at this point – or at least in-tune enough with the spirit world to speak with actual ghosts. That said, at least the continuation of his character arc ended better than Knuckles’ did.
16) “Yes. Because guns are for pussies, real heroes kill with their hands. That’s the logic we want you to follow Koichi. Kicks are also in, as long it’s not below the waist.”- For Evidence, look no further than what All Might did to AFO with his meaty fists of supreme justice. @thelreads
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cuprohastes · 2 years ago
Those Darn Jedi
From a conversation in the notes of the Jedi Archive
@gurps-dungeon-mommy: Also just to add about cheap tricks to fuck someone's saber up - if you flip Khyber crystal in wrong polarity (or jam it with Force, like you proposed) the fucking saber would fucking BLOW UP and AT LEAST take someone out of the fight if not outright murder them on the spot
Cuprohastes: Yeah Khyber crystal canonically can hold massive amount of energy. Which suggests that if you were serious, you could build a Khyber Bomb
gurps-dungeon-mommy: and they let kids make weapons with that shit! ON THEIR OWN! "Here's a little bit of sulfur and coal, little child, construct me some gunpoweder and shoot that target please"
Cuprohastes: Well... no. It's more like 'Hey Timmy here's a plasma cutter. You have to put it together yourself and it uses a grenade as a valve, and when you're done, Lucy is gonna duel you with hers'
gurps-dungeon-mommy: That's even worse of a situation to put the kids in, man. Jedi are the most up-their-ass OSHA violating kickasses with space magic in there, no wonder people stopped liking them after a while
Which brings me to a point about the Prequels. And in fact the entire 9 installment Skywalker saga.
The Jedi are assholes.
Let's examine this shall we?
Not police. But they roam around dispensing justice. How? Mutilation and mind control. Remember Ben Kenobi solves a bar fight by just hacking off someone's arm because it's convenient.
Genocide. They decide to wipe out the Sith culture. Not just the Sith Lords, but their slaves, servants and the people just unfortunate enough to be born in the area. The Jedi show up and perform arial bombardment. And yet...
Slavery Is Fine. Having determined that the Sith cannot be allowed to live, based ont he argument that only the Jedi should be allowed to use the naturally occurring phenomenon of the Force, in the way they see fit, they suddenly hang up their morals and determine that letting the Hutts keep slaves it totes fine...
Clones ... And that continually breeding clones with a chip in their head to prevent them having free will, then using lining beings as cannon fodder is totally fine. c.f. Obi Wan not even pausing when his Clone wingman gets dusted. 'Oh he did his job'.
Child soldiers And yes the Jedi are scooping children up for indoctrination, handing them nuclear chainsaws, and then making them fight. "Hey kid, you're 16 and you already cut a guy in half and spent a couple of years dodging blasters. Here's your hairdo upgrade and some clone troopers, now go fight the Droid Army.
I mean Darth Vader is like 22 years old when Obi Wan sets him on fire and leaves him to cook alive because he was being a vicious shit and didn't want to give his former student an easy death.
The Jedi go on about how acetic they are... living in a giant marble and gold palace on Coruscant with their private navy and servants and army of droids. But they do nothing to make Couscant a better place to live for the people who live there.
And this is the people who have 'protected' the Republic for a thousand generations. 20,000 years.
The original trilogy starts with the Jedi, who were major cultural thing 20 years back, being this forgotten, mythological story.
Luke knows jack shit about the Jedi. Obi Wan straight up lies and massages the truth. There's that 'From a certain point of view" thing but also "A more elegant Weapon from a more civilised time" - Cut to: Qui gon Gin putting a bet on a 10 year old to win a speeder race with the kid's owner, fully intending to leave the boy's mother in slavery... A the start of a war where human slaves with brain chips will be forced to fight for a Republic that's just as bad as the Empire.
The Jedi are massively hypocritical and kind of nuts.
And then in the last three films, Luke's kind of tumbled to the fact the Jedi are... the myth was better than the people. The Jedi created Palpatine. In canon while they knew he was Force Snsitive they just told him he wasn't good enough and left him for the Sith to recruit. They failed to protect, they just leeched off of people. They were roving spree killers.
It's no accident that Mon Mothma wants her own Jedi for the rebellion. Screw the cachet: She knows one space wizard with a laser sword can hack n' slash through imperial troopers like crazy, Mind Trick their way in and out of any fortress, out-fly any normal pilot, and go toe to toe with Darth Vader... who at time of death was what... 45?
She wants her own Vader. She gets him.
"It's time to let the Jedi die out" Luke Says in the final trilogy, and he's right. Because Luke's managed to start another galactic war by creeping around his students bedrooms with a lightsabre and Kylo has some definite opinions on this, which backed up by Sheev Palpatine...
... is like "Screw this, arson and murder time". And poor Luke is like... hang on, what is the common denominator for every major galactic conflict of the past 10,000 years? Oh yeah, the Jedi getting their dicks out. Well time to shut up shop and go hit up them space-cow tiddies.
Fair play he's got a plan and he's followed through.
BTW that's not jsut any space sea-cow. They're married. They love each other and they're kinky as hell.
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foxingpeculiar · 1 year ago
AC6 Blogging again:
So, NG+ rules. I was like, “alright, I’ll play until something kills me.” That turned out to be Rokumonsen—the hidden boss you fight if you choose to spare Swindburne in Chapter 3. Like, I didn’t die once until halfway through the game. It felt madly powerful. (I beat him on the second try, btw, just before I quit.)
I’m rocking essentially the same build I have been, with some modifications. Bell bottom legs (this build is called “Disco Stu” in AC Data), the beefiest frame parts they can support, same weapon loadout as before, except I swapped the 10x missile launcher for a plasma cannon. And occasionally I monkey around with the internal parts, based on need.
Let’s see… oh, I was curious what would happen if I accepted the RLF request to kill the RedGuns, but I think that would’ve locked me out of the good ending. I’m finding a lot more secret shit this time though—trying to poke around and explore levels more, since I’m not frantically clawing my way through the way I was first time around. And taking advantage of the new missions that have popped up so far.
So yeah, okay. I’m still on board.
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thessalian · 10 months ago
Thess vs The Bulwark
I did get that side quest I was yammering about yesterday. That was cool. So was the main quest bits that I got to, honestly.
Hi, Kotallo. ...Wow, you're bitter as shit. Then again, the way your society treats the disabled, can't say I blame you.
So Tekotteh's a bit of a shitlord, huh? Well, I've dealt with the type before. We'll get this; don't worry.
Yes, we could sneak around them. But this is faster. POONK. POONK. POONK. POONK.
Ah. Nice to meet you, Chekov's Debris.
It's nice that the narrative is handling so many parallels with Aloy's life as an outcast. Heh; if people think she's not all that personable now, they should take a good hard look at Kotallo and see how bitter she could have got, if she hadn't had Rost in her life.
So, yeah, why do I not have the option to flag up to him that I actually got into his precious sanctum of safety and impregnability by climbing a mountain and coming in from the air? Along with a PS of "THERE ARE FLYING MACHINES, YOU DIPSHIT, AND THESE FUCKERS ARE OVERRIDING DAMN NEAR EVERYTHING SO YOU COULD GET AN AIR SQUADRON OF FUCKING STORMWINGS ON YOUR ASSES!"
No, seriously, I WANT THE OPTION TO POINT OUT THE THING ABOUT AERIAL STRIKES. Hell, I could have taken out the entire Bulwark like I've done with every rebel camp I've ever come across; perch on a mountain out of sight and most people's range, and POONK from cover.
But no, we have to deal with Chekov's Debris. I go look at Chekov's Debris.
Yeah, apparently this is going to take more than my plasma arrows to blow up. Okay. Fine. If you're going to make me fire a cannon, you're going to make me fire a cannon. Whatever.
"...That was an unkind comparison" is sending me. Kotallo's a bit of a grumpy-puss but I do love him.
Aha. Helloooooooo Tremortusk. Yeah, Kotallo, you go get those jackasses. I'll take out that thing. Slow time aaaaaaaaaaaand ... POONK to the belly.
Well. That was easy. Buuut Kotallo's not exactly keeping rebel heat off me--
Smoke bomb.
Oh, fuck this. WHAMWHAMSTAB.
Okay. Fine. I get Tremortusk cannon and--
Oh. Thanks, Kotallo. I guess taking out a Tremortusk in two shots and beating a couple of rebels to death earns me some respect.
Tekotteh? Dude? Yeah, your Bulwark is holding for right now, but you know what the best thing is? The best thing in the world is letting you do your smug monologue before we prove how much of an ass you are. Aaaaaaaaaaaand BOOM.
I think I speak for Hekarro and Kotallo and just about every Tenakth that thinks you've been a shithead for years when I say the following: *ahem* Womp-womp.
Yeah, I'll go check on the Sky Clan. Most of them don't deserve what they're getting just because their clan leader's a shitlord.
Oh, we get to call people back from "insubordination" punishment? Awesome!
Dude's climbing a mountain-- Ah! I've been there! On it!
Person grabbed by Stormbird. Iiiiiii ... can't do that yet but give me time. It's in the "For Later" pile.
Really getting the hang of glide-grab-grapple. It's a good thing.
A very good thing, given this quest. If I had to go all the way around, up, and down, this would take forever. Man, I hope we find that poor kid alive.
Oh, great, and now the others are getting attacked. GERONIMOOOOOOOOOO!
Okay, I see no more Glinthawks and yet we've still got the tense music and the quest has not moved ahead. Has it ... accidentally pegged that Shell-Walker convoy as part of this quest? Well, I have a very long-range bow; lemme find out. POONK.
Nope. Oh, come on-- Theeeeeeere you are. POONK.
Yeah, sorry. Thank you for the shiny. You go back to the Bulwark; I'll ... go cross this ravine again to get the bits from that Shell-Walker convoy I took out from ... well, I think "next post code over" might be an understatement.
Right. Climbing. Aaaand ... oh, hey. Folks that got stopped at the outset because ... because storm, apparently.
...Trans person. Not sure if definitely trans girl or trending to non-binary, because all they really say is "When I wanted to wear a woman's armour" (probably because they don't really have the terminology and they're discovering transgender from first principles, same as they have everything else), and there's not that much variation in hairstyles or face paint or anything else, and they haven't identified their gender one way or another, so I won't state for sure that this is a trans woman (even if the hairstyle does trend towards the feminine just on how it frames the face; that generally means little to nothing) ... trans person and it gives me life. I mean, it's interesting to see how it's handled in a world with no real term for it and certainly no way of medical transitioning.
(Side note: wonder what the Oseram would make of any trans people in their tribe. With most of the tribes, and the Tenakth in particular, there's not a huge difference in gender roles. If you can do the work, you do the work. But the Oseram seem to have by and large found sexism, which is why all the Oseram women who want to do basically anything are found outside the Claim, so I do have to wonder what their reaction would be to any trans person.)
Anyway, it's nice that Wekatta is using their experience to basically go, "Yeah, people think I'm weird too; I'm not going to give someone shit about societal norms". Even if it might stand to get Penttoh killed.
Oh. Hi, Rokko. ...Dude, I hope to hell Penttoh survives so you and he can be soldiers together. I'm really hoping this one's a "Aloy partners up with Penttoh and lets him get the flower" rather than a "Aloy saw his body at the very top.
And here's where I got stuck. Gliding--
Nope. Glidiiiiiing...
AAAAAAAARGH. ...*sigh* Gliding.
YES! Okay. And I will quickly scan for that data point I was after--
Aaaaaaand the focus picked up Penttoh fighting for his life; I'd better get moving--
And of course it had to be fucking Leaplashers!
Definitely leaning into parallels with Aloy's life as an outcast. Kotallo, Penttoh, Beta... There are worse things to base side-quests on.
Okay. Yes. Aloy as partner. Now, where's that climbing spot?
Right. Lemme see... Aha! Running jump and Pullcaster! There we go!
And kick over tree so we can both get to the next climbing point. Great. Good!
Aaaaand we made it. And ... I can glide down? All that way? Oooooooooh that's gonna be a viiiiiiiiew...
Hi, guys! No, Penttoh's coming. He just wanted to bask.
Oh, you little shit-- C'mon, narrative impetus says you have to hit him--
Aaaand I was right! Rokko and Penttoh as squadmates!
Erm ... Jekkah? Are you saying he's cute for you or for your brother? Please don't fight over Rokko, okay?
Okay. There's one last data point I want to get before I start prepping for D&D, so...
...That's ... a Tremortusk.
Doing the main quest has opened Tremortusk spawn points!
But first I'm going to get this data point, and then hunt this guy.
POONK once to the stomach...
POONK once to the tusk...
POONK once to the back cannon. Aaaaand done.
Campfire nearby-ish, quick-save, and off I go. But I HAVE TREMORTUSK SIIIIIIIIIIIITES!
(I like hunting unfeasibly big things with precision strikes to weak spots. It's a thing.)
So yeah, depending on how I feel after D&D, I might play more tonight. Alternatively, it might be an all-day Monday thing. I would have started playing sooner, but last night I was kept awake until like 4am by my partying neighbours, and then I woke up at 6am for no apparent reason, and it took an hour to get back to sleep ... so I slept through most of the morning. I guess that's what weekends are for, but the ridiculous part is that I'm still tired. I guess "technically enough" sleep doesn't always count if it's broken sleep.
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randomstuffaboutwarframe · 3 years ago
Shitting on DE for making the new war poopy part one
Is it just me or did DE kinda just pull the whole Praghasa thing out of their asses?
It felt like it was meant to hype people up for the new war in the trailer and then they wrote the whole script then went “oh yeah, big toothy ship thing. Yeah just give it a Lovecraftian horror name and make it, idk, eat the sun and yeet Ballas to Tau or something.”
Like what was your game plan there, Ballas? You’re gonna kill every living thing in the known universe then land in Tau with no supplies, no food, and nobody to rule over. That is a MASSIVE downgrade from your current situation my guy.
I wanted and expected to fight this plasma-eating mf in my railjack. I wanted an epic battle where you have to shoot it’s weak points with your space torpedoes then finish it off with a Tunguska Cannon round down the throat but instead I got the repetitive garbage that was the Ballas fight.
On top of that, the necramech part was just downright bad. My 1-forma radiation Mausolin was more than enough to instakill any and all of the sentients on the ship because NEWSFLASH, LEVEL 25 CHOPSTICKS ARE NOT HARD TO KILL. After that, Erra, who despite his shallowness was one of my favorite characters in the whole questline, got stuck with the ABSOLUTE SHITTIEST DEATH OF ANY LEAD CHARACTER IN THIS STORY followed by a fight with snek Mag, who I ONE-SHOTTED BECAUSE THE ARCHONS ARE IN NO WAY TANKY ENOUGH TO EAT A SHOT FROM MY BRAMMA WITHOUT DYING.
Also note that THIS WAS THE PERFECT OPPORTUNITY TO INTRODUCE ATMOSPHERIC FLIGHT FOR RAILJACK AND THEY FLUSHED IT DOWN THE TOILET. Tell me you wouldn’t like a scene where you take your ship in for a bombing raid on the orphixes the Grenieer were fighting on the POE all you want but at the end of the day, you’re lying and we both know it.
And don’t you DARE tell me allowing railjack on the open worlds would be too overpowered. We have warframes that can replace the entirety of earth’s atmosphere with cyanide and the suffering of orphans in a single button press and you think letting us bring a railjack to the fight would be the right place to draw the line.
I haven’t listed a QUARTER of my problems with this quest yet but I’ve been typing this for about an hour and I’m getting bored so I’ll see you in part 2
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notyetneedcoffee · 4 years ago
Can’t Run
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Steve Rogers is a wanted man. He broke the Accords, broke the law, and is still trying to do what’s right. . . even if it may get him killed.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: Cannon level violence in this chapter, NSFW in future
New series. Others can be found on my Steve Masterlist
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 Enough of the cold night air seeped into your old house to prompt you to pull on a heavy sweatshirt and wool socks. It’s not that you couldn’t turn the heater up, you just did see the need. If you could live in a cold tent through an Afghanistan winter, an east Cascade Mountain cold snap wouldn’t kill you.
Gary, your Belgium Malinois, curled up in front of the wood stove on his dog bed. You gave him a quick scratch on your way to the kitchen. The lights were low. All the devices were off. You just needed some quiet time. Maybe a beer would be good, too.
Before you could pull open the refrigerator, your dog moved past you to the rear door. He moved silently, hackles up. Unusual. Your training kicked in and you pushed further back into the shadows. Moving closer to the door, you tried to look through the sliver between your blinds out into the darkness of your carport. Something moved, something man height.
You swore internally as you slipped back to you living room and pulled the P320 from the hidden gun case in your console table by the front entry. Slipping your feet into the muck boots by the door, you quietly stepped out into the cold through the front door. You left Gary in the house, knowing that if you yelled for him he would go through the flimsy dog door. Hopefully, it was just a prowler. No need to be sued for a dog bite by someone who was trying to steal your chainsaw.
Peeking around the corner you saw your car door open and the hood up. ‘Good luck, asshole,’ you thought. ‘That thing isn’t going to turn over until the new starter comes by FedEx tomorrow.’
You stayed back far enough that he couldn’t easily turn on you, but close enough to see well. “Don’t want to shoot you…”
He moved so fast, a blur of dark movement rushed toward your face. You fired twice before a hard hit sent your gun flying. Instinct took over. Your foot made contact. You went low and inside, catching a glancing swing on the shoulder. Your elbow smashed into his gut, knocking him back.
His face came into focus. Holy shit, Steve Rogers.
You jumped back, putting your hands up.
He frowned, hard, before a groan of pain escaped his lips and he slipped to ground.
Blood seeped from his torso, from his thigh, and his shoulder. He was already wounded. You stepped a little closer to the man desperately trying to stay sitting up. “What the hell?”
“Dammit.” He muttered just as his eyes rolled back and he collapsed to the ground.
Shit. You looked around. There was nothing but darkness. Where the hell did Captain Frickin’ America come from and why was he bleeding out in your carport? Shit. You couldn’t let that happen. Rushing inside, you went for the medical go-bag you kept in the closet.
“Gary, get back.” The dog had slipped out when you came inside, he was sniffing over Rogers. At your order, he sat. “I wish you could help me with this.” You spoke to the dog as you began to cut the material away from his wounds.
With well-practiced precision, you cleaned the wounds and applied trauma dressings. It took effort, but you rolled him over to look for any through and throughs or rear entry wounds. He had one more on his left shoulder.
After stopping that leak, you pulled out an old green canvas tent. There was no way you could carry him, but you couldn’t leave him where he was either. Folding the single person tent into a quick litter you tucked it under his side before rolling him over onto his back.
“Okay, Cap.” You stood up, panting a little. “What to do with you?”
But you already knew the answer. It took a lot of tugging, a lot of swearing, but you finally got him moved into the spare bedroom. At least, to the floor of the spare room. The hardwood floors made it a little easier, but you were sweating by the time you were done.
Going back to get your bag, you were thankful for the supplies. The Captain looked ashen and extremely hypotensive. Cutting open the right sleeve of his uniform, you opened an IV kit and pulled out a bag of saline. Even bleeding out the man had great veins. You hung the bag off the bedpost over his head. He would do better with plasma, but you could at least help a little to get his volume up while you figured out what to do.
Your dog whined from the door. “What do I do, Gary? I shot Cap. It’s not like I can call 911. He’s a fugitive. I’m not going to be the one to turn him in.”
“N’hospital.” He murmured.
“Captain?” You leaned over him. “Can you hear me?”
“No.” His eye opened but didn’t focus. “N’hospitals.”
“Okay. No hospitals. Got it.”
Suddenly Gary bolted for the front window. Someone was coming down the drive.
Remembering your gun, you shut the guest room door and dashed to the back of the house. Cold rain had started pelting down, practically sideways. At least it began to wash away the blood. You grabbed your Sig from the driveway and the bandage wrappers. Stuffing the paper in the trash, you heard the car pull up.
Tucking the cold weapon in to your jeans, you took a deep breath and looked at yourself. The ratty black sweat shirt hid any blood and you’d wiped your hands clean. A knock came at the door. Gary barked, aggressively. He didn’t like whomever was at the door.
Three men in uniforms stood at the door. They looked military, but had no visible insignia. You only opened the door a few inches, but enough to let them see you holding back the big dog.
“What is it?” You asked, not bothering to be friendly.
“Ma’am,” One tipped his head. “We’re going door to door looking for a suspect. Male, six foot one, blond or possibly brown hair.”
“Haven’t seen anyone, but something set my dog off like crazy about an hour ago. I thought it was elk.” Living in the woods, you saw them all the time. “He took off, barking like mad, but came back a few minutes later.”
“So, you haven’t seen anyone?”
“Nope.” Gary gave a growl and you tugged on his collar. “This guy would let me know if anyone were around. He’s not fond of men, as you can see.”
He stared at you a moment longer, before nodding. “Alright, ma’am. If you see anything, do not approach. Just dial 911.”
“Got it. Goodnight.”
As you shut the door, Gary instantly settled down and trotted off down the hall. You watched the men get in the car and leave down your drive. They didn’t stop even when they turned onto the main road at the end of your long drive.
You went back to check on your patient, opening the door slowly. The Captain had slid himself up against the wall and was half sitting up. Looking panicked, cornered, and dangerous, somehow his strength was coming back frightening fast.
“Hey there, Captain.” You said softly. “You okay? I mean, I know you’re hurt, but you’re not going to try and kill me, are you?”
“Who’s here?” His voice cracked.
“Just me.” You opened the door all the way and your dog laid down in the hall.
“No.” He frowned. “I heard, heard you talking to a man.”
“Some men came to the door. I lied and sent them away. It’s just me here.”
He shook his head. “Earlier.”
“I was just talking to my dog, Gary.”
“What?” He focused on you fully, face incredulous. “Who names a dog Gary?”
“An asshat brother with the intent to torment me for the rest of my life.” You knelt down, to be eye to eye with him. He huffed a half laugh. “Did I add to your wounds?”
“Um, don’t think so.” He swallowed and lifted his right arm. “You patch me up?”
“Yeah. It was either that or have you bleed out on my drive. Shitty job trying to steal my car, by the way.”
“Sorry.” His eye drooped. “Why didn’t you call me in?”
“We’re soldiers. You’re THE soldier. There’s no way in hell I’m going to do that.” You moved a little closer. “Any chance you’ve got enough strength to help me get you on the bed?”
“Soldier, huh?”
“Army medic, was anyway.” You came a little close and rearranged his IV line. “Good thing, too. You were banged up. I can’t believe you’re talking to me, actually.”
“I shake it off pretty quick.” He groaned as he tried to sit up. “What’s your name?”
“Y/N.” You carefully helped him up an onto the bed. “I’m gonna take your boots off and cut these bloody clothes away. That okay?”
He laid back, panting, and gave a little nod. As you worked on his boots, he got the pain back under control and watched you. “You’re not going to ask what happened?”
“Near as I can figure I’m harboring a wanted man.” You grinned. “Best to have plausible deniability.”
“Fair enough.” Steve stiffened as you cut your way up his pant leg, getting close to his hip.
“Captain,” You paused. “I’m going to do my best to respect your modesty, but I’ve got to get these off.”
He frowned again, but nodded. You figured casual conversation would set him at ease.
“So,” you started. “Gary seems to like you. He doesn’t like most strangers. Are you a dog person?”
“I love dogs.” His lip curved up. “Never had one of my own, but yeah.”
He groaned as you pulled the remnants of his pants from beneath him. He wore black boxer briefs and you did your very best not admire his muscular thighs as you tucked a quilt around him. “It’s pretty amazing you’re even conscious. Is healing part of the whole super soldier thing?”
“Most times,” He ground his teeth together as you got the pieces of his uniform top off. “Doesn’t mean it isn’t painful, though.”
“I can only imagine. I don’t have anything very strong, but I might have one or two painkillers left from rehab after my last surgery. You’re welcome to them. Or a stiff drink?”
“Won’t help,” he huffed a pained laugh. “It would take more than you have, and I could down a bottle and not get drunk. More of that super soldier stuff.”
“Well, that sucks. Did they hide that disclaimer in the fine print or something?”
He laughed, and winced. “Oh, stop that. It hurts to laugh.”
“Sorry.” You grinned and bundled up his ruined clothes. “Any friendlies going to be looking for you?”
“Not for a couple days.”  
You could see him fading fast. “Okay then, you rest. I’m going to get rid of this and bring you something to drink, something to eat too.”
By the time you returned with a large bottle of water, a turkey sandwich, and a pair of pajama bottoms your ex-boyfriend left at your house, the Captain was out cold.
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craziest-in-the-guild · 4 years ago
Point Rain
Chapter 3 of the Long Night series
Word Count: 5251
C/W: 18+ Description of severe injuries; medical treatments. Sex, unprotected p in v, oral sex (m and f giving/receiving), cream pie. Alcohol use.
A/N: Thank you all for reading this far! This one picks up on the action, both on the battlefield and behind closed doors. I did use vod in a way that I'm not quite sure is correct, feel free to leave notes on that for me to reference in the future. Hope everyone enjoys it!
The assault on Geonosis was being initiated to regain control of the planet and destroy the new droid factory. Generals Skywalker, Mundi, and Kenobi were leading a three pronged attack in hopes that the factory could easily be taken.
Our forces were under fire as soon as we launched. The noise from the laser blasts, other ships, and our own gunship was excruciatingly loud. I put a hand to my helmet in discomfort.
“Here, let me help you adjust the sound filtering,” came the modulated voice beside me. Rex took my helmet, adjusted something and handed it back.
“Better?” he asked.
“Yes, much, now I can hear myself think,” I laughed nervously. The sound filtering had dampened the blasts and roar of the gunship.
The gunship beside us was hit several times by cannon fire and exploded, rocking our ship. I could feel my heart rate speeding up and I tightened my hold on the grab bar above.
Our ship was the next to be struck by a blast, causing it to lurch sideways. I lost my balance and fell into Rex. I quickly returned to a standing position and he placed one arm around my waist to help me brace. I could see smoke and flames streaming past the side door. The pilot yelled over the comm for everyone to brace themselves; we were going down.
The ship picked up speed as we hurled towards the ground. We struck hard, enough to knock the breath out of me. Once the burning hunk of metal came to a stop, I scanned quickly to see if everyone was ok. No one was down and we all evacuated.
“Are you good, Doc?” Rex yelled over the noise.
“Yeah, I’m fine, just a little shaken!” I yelled back, ducking as laser blasts flew overhead.
“Draw your blaster and stay with Fives, Jesse, and Tup, I’m going with the General and Commander.”
“MEDIC! Man down!” cracked across the comms. That didn’t take long.
“What’s your location?” Jesse asked.
The injured clone was close, so we diverted to his location. His vod had dragged him behind a rock outcropping for cover. He had been hit with three blaster bolts to his left arm.
“I can’t move my arm,” he said frantically.
There was little bleeding from the wounds. I removed his armor and cut the sleeve of his blacks to get a better look. His radial pulse was strong, a good indication that no major circulation had been disrupted. I wrapped the injuries with bacta impregnated dressings.
“Clankers incoming!” Jesse yelled. Tup pushed me further behind the rock outcropping just in time to dodge a blaster bolt that ripped through the rock where we had been standing.
I drew my blaster and we both peeked around the edge of the rock. I had a clear shot at a few droids, so I took it, taking out three of them. Tup congratulated me.
Overhead, a severely damaged gunship streaked by, hit the ground, and rolled, coming to a rest not far from our position.
Tup and I ran to Fives as he and Jesse fired on the last of the droids. We advanced towards the gunship crash site.
As we approached, we could hear the screams of pain. Called over comms for additional medics and a tank for evacuation. There were none available, everyone had suffered heavy personnel and equipment loss.
A trooper approached, pointing me in the direction of an injured brother.
“Is anyone else alive?” I inquired.
“I don’t think so, sir,” he said.
I reached the trooper and swiftly pulled my backpack off, reaching for two tourniquets. One leg had been fully amputated just above the knee and the other leg was partially amputated below the knee. Blood was pouring from both legs.
“Fucking hell,” I muttered.
“Jesse, I’m going to need you to help me so he doesn’t bleed out. Put this one on the left leg and I’ll take the right leg.”
I slid the tourniquet on and yanked the strap tight before cranking the windlass. The trooper screamed in pain.
“I know it hurts, but it’s going to save your life,” I said.
Jesse and I both got our tourniquets secure and the bleeding quickly stopped. I dressed what was left of his legs with two large bacta trauma dressings.
Next, I pulled out a syringe filled with pain medicine.
“This is going to help the pain, but make you sleepy. We’re going to get you out of here. You’re going to be ok,” I assured him. I removed his helmet and his skin was pale, clammy, and cool. His carotid pulse was thready. I pulled the IV kit out and started a like in his jugular vein. This would have been a great time to have blood or plasma, but fluids and bacta would have to suffice.
“Jesse, he’s going to need evaced now or he’s not going to make it.”
“I’ve already called for them to come get him, they finally have a tank in the area and it should be arriving any minute,” he said.
I hadn’t looked up from my patient until now. I wish I hadn’t. A couple meters away laid a trooper that had been completely transected. I continued scanning the area, seeing dead trooper after dead trooper.
My concentration was broken by the sound of moaning. I got up and started searching for the origin. I found a trooper who’s arm had been completely amputated and a large piece of metal debris was crushing his lower half. Judging by the amount of blood on the ground, he was close to exsanguination. I knew there was no saving him. I removed his helmet and was surprised to find he was still semi-conscious. His carotid pulse was barely palpable and his chest rise was short and shallow.
“Help….me...p..p..please,” he pleaded, in between gasps for air.
“I will, don’t worry. It’s going to be ok.”
I pulled out another syringe of pain killer and injected his neck, in hopes of easing his transition to the next world. I removed my helmet so that the last things he would see would not be cold, unfeeling plastoid. I held his head on my lap and gently stroked his hair watching his honey colored eyes struggle to stay open. A few seconds passed and his eyes closed and his chest was still.
I felt a hand under my elbow, pulling me up.
“C’mon, Doc, there’s more of my vod that will need you,” Fives urged in a somber tone.
For hours, Fives, Jesse, and Tup took me from injured trooper to injured trooper, dodging and fighting the clankers and bugs. I was exhausted and covered in blood and dirt and vomit.
“Rex needs us to join up with General Skywalker, he needs help taking down the wall,” Fives said. “It’s going to be tight in that gorge, so you need to keep your head down and stay right beside me.”
“Understood. Let’s go,” I replied.
General Skywalker’s forces were pinned down in the gorge by the laser blasts coming from numerous guns mounted on an insurmountable wall. It would need to be destroyed so that we could advance and meet the rest of our forces at Point Rain.
We took cover with the General, Commander, and Captain Rex. I was relieved to see that Rex was unharmed.
“Ahsoka and I will go to the top of the wall and destroy it from within. Rex, you and your men keep their attention down here,” General Skywalker ordered.
“Yes, sir!” Rex responded.
Rex came over to me.
“Are you doing ok?” he asked.
“Oh, you know, just living the dream,” I replied with a weak smile as I motioned to the mess on my armor.
“Good, stay here where it’s safe,” he ordered as he left cover to lead his men.
There were so many clones being shot down, but I could not reach them safely.
“Fire on the droids on top of the wall,” came Rex’s order over comm.
I looked out around the rocks I was behind to see General Skywalker and Commander Tano fighting the droids on top of the wall. The Jedi were mesmerizing to watch. I then noticed someone else had joined them. It was Rex.
“Take cover, the wall is about to blow!” He yelled over comms. Then I heard him scream. All I could see was three bodies falling from the top of the wall. The explosives detonated and I quickly took cover. I wondered if Rex had survived the fall.
As the smoke cleared, I noticed there were considerably less laser blasts. I started checking on the wounded troopers. There were very few survivors.
I patched up what injuries I could before we advanced.
After another intense firefight, we finally made it to General Kenobi’s position at Point Rain. The General was injured, but had already been given a bacta injection. I moved on to help load and evacuate the rest of the wounded.
I was kneeling, wrapping a trooper's head wound when I felt a presence behind me. It was Rex. I was relieved to see he was uninjured.
“I know there’s a lot to be done here, but we’re ready to move out and start the direct assault on the factory. We’re going to need you,” he said.
I finished securing the dressing.
“I need to restock my bag, but I’m ready,” I said wearily.
Rex reached out a hand to help me up. I took it, my aching joints thankful for the assistance. He led me over to two lifeless bodies.
Unfortunately, there had been two medics who had not survived. I hesitated next to them momentarily.
“Go ahead and resupply from what they have left. It’s all we have,” Rex said.
I took their supplies and got ready to move out.
Unfortunately Rex was right, they did need me. General Skywalker led an assault straight to the front doors of the droid factory, in an effort to distract the droids while Commander Tano and another padawan destroyed the factory from inside. The plan worked, but it left many casualties in its wake.
I worked with the other medics well into the night. We were exhausted by the time the last gunship left.
I shuffled back to camp, in search of somewhere to rest. There were a number of fires with troopers sitting around them. Some groups were boisterous, others somber.
Then I saw him, sitting alone by a fire that was separated from the others. I made my way to Rex.
“This seat taken?” I asked
“Nope, sit down and rest,” he said as he patted the seat next to him. The seat being the ground with rocks to lean on.
“You look awful,” he said as he scrunched his face.
“You don’t look so great yourself,” I quipped.
Rex smirked.
“You’re no longer a shiny after today, but that doesn’t mean you need to be covered in blood and vomit, either,” he retorted.
He took me to the deconn area and helped me scrub away the reminders of the day.
“You had a busy first day.”
“Yes, too busy.”
I put my clean armor on and we returned to the fire. We sat in silence for what seemed like hours, watching the flames dance and listening to the cracking of the fire. I was somewhere between exhausted and unable to sleep. I had seen bad injuries in med bay, but nothing like I’d seen today. I needed time to process everything.
Rex touched my shoulder and I was jolted out of my spaced out state.
“C’mere,” he said, beckoning me to lean up against him. He removed his chest plate so I could rest directly on him and not on plastoid.
I was so tired that I didn’t hesitate. I sat down between his legs and snuggled into his chest. It was definitely better than laying on the ground.
He watched her stare at the fire blankly for some time. She was no doubt replaying the events of the day. She’d held her own, but he could see it had taken a toll. He knew the feeling all too well.
Rex wanted to comfort her; let her know she wasn’t alone. He wasn’t sure what possessed him, but he offered her to rest with him.
She came to him, laying her head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around her. He wondered what it would be like to actually hold her without all the kriffing plastoid between them. She quickly fell asleep.
“Oh, cyar’ika,” he whispered into her hair.
The faint, pre-dawn light on my face was enough to wake me. I rubbed my eyes, trying to bring the blurry world into focus.
No one else was stirring, but I knew it wouldn’t be long. I thought it best that the Captain wasn’t caught snuggling the medic.
“Rex, Rex wake up,” I said quietly as I gently touched his face. His facial features were striking. His cheeks, chin, and jaw were perfectly defined. I held his face in my hand and ran my thumb over the slight stubble that had grown in.
“Hmmm?” He inquired.
“Rex, it’s nearly dawn, everyone will be awake soon.”
He squeezed me closer.
His voice was still gruff from sleep.
“Kriff. Better not get caught like this,” he rubbed his eyes and we both stood up. “We should be shipping back to the Resolute today. Do you want to, uh, meet me in my quarters later? We can debrief and, uh, have a drink.”
Rex looked a little sheepish, which was funny to me, since most of the time he was a brave, tough, clone.
“Yeah, that would be nice,” I smiled and left to see what needed to be done before departure.
We were back aboard the Resolute in the early evening, just in time for dinner. I sat with the boys, listening to them discuss how many clankers and bugs they killed. I hadn’t seen Rex since arriving on the ship. He was probably stuck in his quarters working on reports.
“I took out 70!” Fives boasted.
“Yeah? Well I took out at least 100, probably more!” Hardcase stood up and pretended to be firing his rotary blaster cannon.
I was sipping my caf and enjoying the banter.
“Did any of ya bother to ask our new medic how many clankers she took out?” Jesse asked.
“Oh, uh, well, it’s nothing compared to your counts,” I said, waving my hand dismissively.
“Tell us!!!” Hardcase coaxed.
“Ok, I took out...three.”
“Woooo! Hell yeah!” They all started cheering and giving me high fives.
“That’s pretty good for a shiny medic who’s not even trained for combat. Makes my heart proud,” Hardcase sniffled, pretending to wipe a tear.
“Doc ain’t shiny after that battle,” Fives pointed out.
“Sure isn’t. To Doc!” Hardcase said as he raised his glass in a toast.
Everyone followed and raised their glasses.
“To Doc!”
I smiled, raising my cup of caf.
“Welcome to the family, vod,” Fives said, slapping me on the back.
“Thank you, my vod,” I smiled. I knew what an honor it was to be considered one of their vod.
I caught something out of the corner of my eye and looked towards the mess hall entrance to see Rex standing in the hall, just far enough back from the mess entrance so that it was unlikely his men would see him. We made eye contact and he tilted his head, motioning me to come to his quarters. I could feel the butterflies stirring in my stomach.
I pushed back from the table. “Well boys, I’m going to hit the fresher and call it a night.”
I stopped at my quarters to grab a change of clothes to take with me. I hoped he would be fine with me using his shower. I had become quite attracted to him, but I was afraid if I delayed meeting him, I might lose my nerve.
I made my way to his door and rang the buzzer. He answered the door in just his blacks. I couldn’t help but notice how well they clung to him. It was nothing short of glorious.
“Would you like to come in, or are you going to stand in the hall all night?” He asked, breaking my trance.
“Yes, I’d love to come in. Can I use your shower?”
“You can. I’m going to finish up these reports while you shower.”
His fresher was much bigger and nicer than mine. I took off my armor and my dirty blacks and turned the water on. I was still grimy from the mission and eager to get clean.
The first drop of hot water touched my soul. I didn’t mind being on a mission, but not being able to shower was unpleasant. My hair was caked to my head, tangled, even though it had been braided. Thanks, helmet. The water at my feet ran grimy with dirt, sweat, and blood. I scrubbed until the water ran clean.
I dried off and reached for my clothes. I saw a robe hanging on the wall and changed my mind. My heart was racing and the butterflies returned as I stood there, thinking about wearing Rex’s robe, and only his robe.
“Be bold, you can do this,” I whispered to myself.
I made up my mind and grabbed the robe. It was soft, but not plush. It stopped just below my knees and the sleeves extended to my fingertips. I tied it shut and opened the door.
Rex looked up from his reports with one eyebrow raised. He laid the datapad on the table.
“Would you like a drink?” He asked as he moved to the small liquor cabinet in the corner.
“Yes, please,” I said as I sat down on the couch, knees to the side.
“Whiskey fine? It’s really all I’ve got.”
He handed me the glass and sat down beside me. I swirled the amber liquid and took a sip. There were notes of vanilla, caramel, dark fruit and wood and it finished with a slight spice of pepper.
“This tastes expensive”
“It is, but I thought this evening was the perfect time to share it,” he brought his glass to his lips, slowly sipping. It was then I noticed how the whiskey matched his brown eyes.
His hand was laying in the space between us. I reached my hand out and laid it on his, gently stroking. Rex took my hand and raised it to his lips.
“Come here, mesh’la.”
I straddled his lap. Maker, his cock was already hard beneath me.
He brushed my hair behind my ear and then pulled my face to his, kissing me. His mouth tasted spicy, yet sweet, from the whiskey.
He moaned and thrust his tongue into my mouth as I rocked my hips back and forth against his erection.
Rex loosed the tie at my waist and pushed the robe from my shoulders. He gently moved me into an upright position.
Rex’s eyes trailed up and down my naked body, stopping every so often to linger. His hands moved from my hips to cup my breasts.
“Last night while I was holding you, I tried to imagine how soft and warm you were beneath the cold, hard plastoid.”
His thumbs lazily passed over my nipples, demanding the soft flesh to stand at attention.
“It’s better than I imagined, cyar’ika.” His hands slid down and squeezed my ass.
I pulled his shirt off and ran my hands down his solid chest and abdomen to the waistband of his pants. A deep “V” ran from his hips to somewhere below the waistband. I traced it with my fingers, leaving goosebumps in my wake. I glanced up from my work to make eye contact. He understood my unspoken request and lifted his hips from the couch, sliding the pants down, cock springing free from its confines.
I wrapped my hand around him, admiring the girth. I used my thumb to tease the head as he had teased my nipples. The leaking precum aided my hand in sliding over his length.
I stood, then knelt on the floor between his legs, taking his cock into my mouth. It was rock hard, but the skin was silky. Rex let out a sharp inhale as my tongue flicked against his sensitive head. He squirmed as I took him fully into my mouth, deep into my throat. I cupped his balls and his hands shot to the back of my head, grabbing my hair. He was gentle, but needy, thrusting into my mouth.
After a few minutes he stopped and pulled out.
“My turn, mesh’la.”
He stood and led me to his bed. I laid down on the edge and he quickly pushed my legs apart. His hand slid down to my swollen clit, rubbing slow circles.
“Maker, you’re already soaking wet,” he said as his fingers moved lower, sliding up and down my slit. He thrust one large finger in, causing me to grab the sheets.
“That ok?”
“Yes, it’s…wonderful,” I said breathlessly.
He curled the finger up, easily finding my g-spot. I pushed my hips into the bed. Rex smiled as he lowered his head to my clit. Shockwaves pulsed through me as his tongue licked my clit while his finger pushed and rubbed my g-spot.
“Gonna...cum,” I squeaked out.
He sped up the pace, pushing me over the edge. A white hot warmth ripped through my abdomen and my walls clenched tightly around his finger. He didn’t let up, causing me to orgasm in waves. All I could see were flashes of light behind my clenched eyelids. I reached for his head, looking for something solid to grasp. My fingers clawed, trying to find a hold, but his hair was short. The last wave was more like a tsunami and I squirted onto his chin and into his upturned palm.
“Mmmm,” he moaned.
He slowed his pace and finally stopped, removing his finger from my sensitive slit. He licked my squirt from his hand.
“Maker, I’ve never known anyone to do that,” He complimented, pleased look on his face.
“Takes someone special to make me do it,” I answered.
“Ready for more?”
He flipped me over onto my stomach and entered from behind. His girth alone nearly made me orgasm again. I took several short breaths in an attempt to hold back. He thrust fully into me and I whimpered.
“Too much, mesh’la?”
“No, just, sensitive. Maker, you fill me up.”
He started thrusting slowly until he was certain I was ready for more. His hands gripped my hips, sliding me forward and back on his thick cock.
The thrusts intensified and the waves of orgasm washed over me again.
“Mmpph,” he groaned behind me, struggling to move against my spasmining.
My orgasm let up and I could feel his thrusts becoming more urgent and sloppy. I pushed my hips down and back repeatedly.
He moaned loudly, filling me with warm cum. Rex leaned on top of me, hands reaching around to hold my dangling breasts. My thighs and midsection were still tingling with aftershocks.
Rex placed a gentle kiss between my shoulder blades and stood, withdrawing his cock. I could fill the hot stickiness of his orgasm dripping out of me. I could see him watching, before he disappeared to the fresher and returned with a towel.
Rex laid down on the bed while I finished cleaning up. I couldn’t help but to stand and stare at him laying there, naked, eyes closed, one arm above his head. He looked like an ancient sculpture of some tragically handsome warrior. I tossed the towel to the side and crawled in beside him.
I laid with my head on his chest, enjoying the sound of his heart and gentle rise and fall of his chest.
“Bzzzzzz,” came the annoying noise of the doorbell. It was followed by a voice.
“Captain? It’s Fives.”
Rex sighed. Fives was going to be the reason he had a stroke one day.
“I’ll go to the fresher so he doesn’t know I’m here,” I said. It was better to keep things concealed for now.
“Grab my spare pair of blacks out of that drawer so you don’t have to wear your dirty ones,” he said as he pulled on his pants.
I hoped up and grabbed the shirt and pants and headed for the fresher. I couldn’t leave my armor behind, so wearing my personal change of clothes wasn’t an option.
Rex crossed the room to the door, wearing only the lower half of his blacks.
“Yes, Fives?” He sounded slightly annoyed.
“ Have you seen Doc anywhere? One of the men has a shoulder out and was hoping to see her and avoid med bay.”
“Shit,” I whispered. I started getting dressed as quietly as I could.
“Did you check her quarters?” Rex asked.
“Yes, sir, she’s not there, the mess, or med bay. Not answering her comm either.”
“Uh, give me just a minute to get dressed, and we’ll go find her,” Rex said.
Fives waited outside the door while Rex dressed. He smiled and chuckled to himself. Rex was smart, but he’d forgotten to move the second whiskey glass off the table. Fives was certain he knew where she was.
He was proud of his captain. Rex never let himself have fun, and Fives knew he needed it. Fives was just wondering how he’d manage to land her when his own charm in med bay had never won her heart.
Rex came to the door, now fully dressed.
“What’s funny, Fives?” He inquired, squinting his eyes in suspicion .
“Uh, nothing, sir. Let’s go find her”.
As soon as they were gone I dressed at lightning speed. I opened the door and peeked into the hallway. Thankfully it was empty, since it was late at night.
Now, where should I go? My comm flashed and I turned it on. It was Rex and Fives talking.
“Let’s check her quarters, the med bay, the hangar, and the mess again, in that order,” Rex said.
I took that as my sign to make my way to the mess. That would give me enough time to get there, grab some caf, and come up with a story.
The mess was once again empty, which was good as there’d be no one to say I had just come in.
I grabbed a cup of caf and found a comfortable seat, trying to act relaxed.
About five minutes later, Rex and Fives entered the mess.
“Hey guys, want to join me?” I asked, pretending to be surprised to see them.
“Where ya been, Doc? I thought you were headed to the fresher and turning in hours ago?” Fives asked, squinting at me.
“Oh, well I got cleaned up but couldn’t sleep so I went for a walk around the ship and then decided to stop here for some caf.”
“Uh huh,” Fives was not convinced. “I’ve been trying to get you on comms for an hour.”
“Ummm damn thing must have been malfunctioning, I never heard a thing,” I shrugged my shoulders.
Rex decided to interject, before Fives could interrogate me further.
“Fives says one of the men has a shoulder out and wants to see you. Go with him to the barracks and see what you can do,” he ordered.
“Yes, sir.”
I followed the pair to the door. Rex turned to head back to his quarters.
“Sweet dreams, Captain!” Fives said in a sarcastic tone, waving ridiculously.
Rex didn’t even turn, he just held up his middle finger.
I stifled a laugh until he was out of sight and then Fives and I both laughed.
We composed ourselves as we headed towards the barracks.
“So, you and the Captain, eh?” He elbowed me.
“I have no idea what you are talking about? Me and the Captain what??” I tried to sound offended but the heat in my cheeks was giving me away. Fives could see right through me.
“I saw the second glass on the table in his quarters. It’s the only reasonable place you could have been since none of the clones on watch saw you. You and the Captain are bad liars,” he had a sly smile, as if he’d just uncovered a major separatist plot.
I looked down at the floor, embarrassed that I’d been so transparent and that I’d forgot to move the glass.
“It’s no big deal, Doc. I won’t tell anyone your secret. You two don’t need to go to such trouble to hide it. I’m just glad to see the Captain getting some ass!” He laughed and I socked him hard on the shoulder, the pain in my knuckles making me instantly regret my decision.
“Don’t be mad, cyar’ika, it’s all in good fun.”
“I’m not mad, you just deserved it for being a cheeky bastard,” I gave him a sly smile.
“You know you love me,” he grinned from ear to ear as he put his arm around my shoulder.
“So, whose shoulder is out?”
“And how exactly did he manage that?”
I placed my palm on my face in exasperation. You’d think the battles were enough fighting for them that they wouldn’t need to rough house in the barracks.
We arrived in the barracks to find an injured Tup, sitting on his bunk, guarding the injured left shoulder.
“Ouch, Tup, that’s definitely out of socket,” I observed as I palpated the injury. “Sure you don’t want to do this in med bay with a sedative?” The muscles were spasming and I knew it was extremely painful.
“Nah, I’ll be alright,” he grimaced.
“Ok, will you boys help him lay on the floor, please?”
“I thought a lady would prefer to do it in bed,” Fives quipped.
“Fives, you’re on thin ice,” I joked as I gave him a fake serious look and the “I’m watching you” motion with my fingers. He just laughed, as did his vod.
I worked to manipulate his arm, hoping the shoulder would pop back in with little resistance.
I rotated his arm 90 degrees at the elbow, rotating the shoulder outward as I gently pushed. After several minutes, I felt a pop as the humeral head relocated.
Tup breathed a sigh of relief and sat up. We helped him back onto his bunk.
“Thanks, Doc, that feels a lot better.”
“I’m going to give you a bacta injection to reduce the inflammation. I’m also going to put a sling on that arm tonight to give it time to rest. You should be good as new by tomorrow.”
The clones that had gathered to observe had started to disperse now that the excitement was over.
“Alright, Tup, I think you’re good to go. Try to get some rest, but comm me if you need me. As for the rest of you, try not to get hurt between now and revelry; I’m tired,” I yawned and rubbed my eyes.
I made my way back to my quarters, stripped, and flopped down on my bed. I just closed my eyes when my comm started beeping. I sighed and started to get up, assuming someone needed something.
“Might as well answer and get it over with,” I grumbled as I pressed the answer button.
“Nuhoy pirusti, cyar'ika.”
Sleep well, darling.
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years ago
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❀ promises | “a house by the sea for the two of us, that’s what i want” feat. iwaizumi hajime + pacific rim AU
⇢ day 10 of angstcember
⇢ synopsis: you knew the risks that came with the job when you agreed to co-pilot a jaeger with iwaizumi, even more so when you two grew close. every time you get sent out on a mission, you wonder if both of you would be coming back
⇢ content warnings: character death, suicide attack
⇢ a/n: so, back in the day (probs 2015) i was reading this notoriously long and famous hq!! pacific rim AU and it was amazing so i wanted to write my own (it’s nowhere near the quality of that fic tho but i tried ;-;)
⇢ pairing: iwaizumi hajime x f!reader
⇢ word count: 2.5k words
ANGSTCEMBER MASTERLIST (feat. haikyuu!! and bungou stray dogs)
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nothing else in the world could compare to the feeling of co-piloting a jaeger. you always remember the first time you saw one up close: all metal and weapons as far as the eye could see, being dropped into the ocean to fight off a kaiju. it looked invincible, it looked like humankind’s problems all solved. 
co-piloting one was absolutely nerve-wracking. just the idea of being able to control a large weapon of that size with your mind and have it imitate your body movements sent your head spinning. even now, as you made it move across the ocean towards where the kaiju was, you still felt that unease.
“hey, don’t act like this is the first time you’re doing this,” iwaizumi’s voice and thoughts interrupted you. he flashed you a cocky grin, shaking you out of your thoughts.
of course, you weren’t doing it alone. a jaeger could never be piloted alone, both in the physical and mental sense. “sorry, just had something on my mind,” you chuckled nervously.
“yeah, well the sooner you get that out of your mind, the sooner we’ll be able to beat this thing and still be able to get something to drink later,” iwaizumi, your co-pilot and lover winked at you.
“is alcohol always on your mind, iwaizumi?” you teased.
“you know for a fact it isn’t, l/n,” he grinned. you smiled, squaring your shoulders in-sync with iwaizumi as your jaeger stood before the prowling category 3 kaiju. 
“let’s do this thing.” 
“what did you say, cadet?” 
“i said, i can beat you in five moves,” you retorted, jutting your chin up as you stared straight into the eyes of iwaizumi hajime, one of the youngest jaeger pilots who also happened to be your trainer.
“i’d like to see you try,”  he narrowed his eyes at you before jerking his head in the direction of the training mat in the center used for sparring matches. you strode to your end of the mat and got into fighting stance. it wasn’t that you didn’t respect iwaizumi, quite the opposite actually, but you were eager to prove yourself, eager to get recruited to become a co-pilot. 
and besides, as someone who had to fight every single day when your town was destroyed, you were confident in your skills.
but so was iwaizumi, who had been a cadet when he was just a teenager and a pilot when he hit eighteen. he had fought people and kaijus alike and expected that he would make you eat your words seconds into your sparring match. 
what neither of you expected was that you would be trading blows, without ever landing a single hit, for quite some time. it came to a point that not only the cadets but other officers nearby came to watch the match unfold. suddenly, both of you were stopped by the captain and head of the base.
while you felt a sudden rush of adrenaline at his approving gaze, iwaizumi felt as if a weight was dropped in his stomach. there was a chance that you two were drift-compatible.
“let’s finish him off!” iwaizumi exclaimed. 
“you read my mind!” you grinned as the two of you raised your jaeger’s plasma cannon and aimed it at the badly wounded kaiju. there was a loud hum and the crackle of electricity as the plasma cannon charged before firing a shot. you watched with a smile on your face as the kaiju was blown to pieces across the ocean.
“well, that’s that then,” iwaizumi said. 
“good work you two,” your captain’s voice crackled over the radio. “as expected of miyagi base’s best duo.” 
“we have to come up with a flashier name,” you told iwaizumi as you two maneuvered your jaeger back to base. “i mean, that just sounds like a mouthful and not nearly as fear-striking.” 
“oh yeah?” iwaizumi raised an eyebrow at you. “how about the miyagi demons?” 
“why demons? aren’t we supposed to be helping people?” 
“yeah but from the kaiju’s perspective, we’re the demons.” 
“i don’t know if they’re capable of having that opinion,” you snorted. 
“hmm, miyagi menaces!” iwaizumi said proudly, causing you to laugh. 
“you are such a dork, you know that?” 
“shut up, i don’t see you coming up with cool names,” he pouted. 
“we have the rest of the night to come up with all the cool names,” you smiled, visibly relaxing now that the entire ordeal was over. even though it was an honorable job, being a jaeger pilot meant that whenever you and iwaizumi went out on a mission, there was a chance that you wouldn’t come back. you had lost too many friends and acquaintances along the way from kaiju attacks and each time you and iwaizumi made it home only felt like you had prolonged your death date. if it wasn’t today, it was going to be on another day.
‘but not today,’ you smiled to yourself as you and iwaizumi headed back to base. only, you were suddenly interrupted by your captain’s voice on the radio.
“l/n, iwaizumi! our signals have picked up something new!” he exclaimed. you felt iwaizumi’s panic first hand as you two quickly turned around to find the spot where you had just killed the category 3 kaiju turn red, meaning another was about to surface. 
“a double attack?!” you verified, hoping you were wrong.
“i-it wasn’t in the prediction,” your captain replied. “some kind of anomaly or the enemy just getting smarter.”
“either way, we still have to kill it, right?” iwaizumi growled, hefting the plasma cannon up. 
“i don’t feel good about this...” you murmured as you two got into stance.
“neither do i,” iwaizumi said through gritted teeth. “but i’ll make sure you get back home in one piece. i promise.” 
“alright,” you nodded, smiling a tight-lipped smile at him before turning your attention to the kaiju that rose to the surface. this one was much bigger than the one you had just faced before, probably twice the size of the jaeger you were in. and to make matters worse, you could tell that it’s entire body was covered with armor plating and it had a long tail with spikes on the end.
with your thoughts connected to iwaizumi’s, you could feel even his unease wash over you like a wave. who knew if either of you were going to make it?
it was the drifting that you were worried about. almost anybody could train themselves physically in preparation to become a jaeger pilot, but very few had what it takes to expose themselves mentally with someone else. it was easier for people who were siblings or lovers or best friends, but you and iwaizumi didn’t know each other prior to your first meeting. even after you two were forced to share a living space in the base so that you two would get closer.
but you and iwaizumi were guarded with your own demons that you were reluctant to expose to the other. the first time you tried drifting, neither of you were willing to open your minds and ended up with both of you getting kicked out of the drift. 
which was why you and iwaizumi finally decided to sit down inside your shared bedroom to have a little sharing session. you couldn’t help but laugh when he suggested it but both of you knew just how much you needed this. it was either that, or pass on the role of co-piloting to other cadets.
“okay, i guess i’ll be the one to start,” you exhaled, gripping the sheets under you for comfort as you told iwaizumi how you ended up in the co-piloting program. you lived in a town near the coast and when the kaiju started showing up, it was one of the first ever places that was hit. nobody was prepared, especially not you. 
“i’m sorry,” iwaizumi whispered as you recounted how you were running through the city, pushing past the crowds, only to turn around to see that your parents who were supposed to be right behind you were lying in a crumpled heap on the ground.
“all the more reason to fight them, you know? so less people end up like me,” you shrugged. “you... don’t have to open up again if you don’t want to.” after all, iwaizumi and his former co-pilot, oikawa tooru, had been quite famous back in the day for being young, amazing jaeger pilots. that is, until they faced a category five kaiju with a broken plasma cannon. 
you still couldn’t forget the sight of the kaiju punching a hole through the jaeger, through the pilot’s chamber. you could only imagine how it felt like for iwaizumi.
“it was... intense,” he exhaled, his brow furrowing. “one minute he was just there and the next, the drift connection had completely disappeared but i could just feel him leave. luckily i was able to activate the escape pod.”
“we’ll fight them,” you said, resting your hand over his. “together. we’ll fight as many of them as we can.” 
for the first time in a while, you and iwaizumi had come to a mutual understanding. iwaizumi had a legitimate reason for not wanting to be in the pilots’ chamber again, so you wanted to make it worth it.
you were living right in your worst nightmare. 
fighting category five kaijus was nearly impossible without some form of back-up. the miyagi base sent in their jets to fire bombs at the kaiju but with its armor plating, it had little to no effect. your only hope was aiming at the kaiju’s underbelly, but even that was difficult.
your own jaeger was beat up, thanks to the kaiju’s tail and from sustaining a flurry of hits. “brace yourself!” iwaizumi yelled as the kaiju closed its jaws around your jaeger’s right arm and using it to haul you up and toss you to the side. the force of the impact was absolutely jarring and it felt as if your entire head was scrambled.
“y/n! are you alright?” you heard iwaizumi call out to you. the side of his head was bleeding after you were both thrown against the back of the pilot’s chamber. luckily, you were both still strapped into your suits and still very much in the drift. you both got to your feet to find the kaiju still prowling towards you, taking its sweet time.
“how are we going to beat this thing?” your voice shook, knowing that iwaizumi could feel your hopelessness. your mind through the memories of earlier that day: you and iwaizumi eating cereal while watching TV, watering the little succulent you kept by the window, eating and joking around with some of your friends at the base, iwaizumi giving you a quick kiss before you both suited up. was this going to be your last memories?
“hey. we’ll be alright,” iwaizumi said aloud, looking at you with a soft smile on his face. you wondered how he could even smile like that in this situation. “i promised, didn’t i?” 
you nodded slowly. as a jaeger pilot, you were always prepared to die when you went out on new missions. and if that meant going down fighting, hopefully taking the kaiju down with you, with the man you loved, you were prepared to do just that.
it wasn’t that rare for couples to end up as jaeger co-pilots, or for co-pilots to end up as couples. but that only made it all the more tragic whenever one or both of them died during a mission. you knew fellow co-pilots who had postponed their weddings only for them to die, or for one co-pilot to be driven mad after losing their partner. it was enough to deter you from having feelings for iwaizumi, but not completely.
because of your drift connection, it didn’t take long for either of you to discover your feelings for each other. after a particularly hard mission where both of you almost died, iwaizumi ended up confessing to you in the changing room after you both departed your jaeger. 
and seeing that it was impossible for you to be apart from each other, both of you gave in.
“do you think we would have met if it weren’t for the kaijus and the jaeger program?” you asked one night while the two of you were in bed, your head laying on his chest. 
“i like to think that we do,” iwaizumi chuckled, running his hand through your hair. “maybe we’d meet each other in high school or university or something.” 
“what would you have wanted to be?” 
“a sports trainer,” iwaizumi said softly. “i was actually into playing sports back then. how about you?” 
“i wanted to own a flower shop,” you chuckled.
“you? a flower shop?” 
“don’t laugh!” you smacked his arm lightly. 
“you’d make a wonderful florist,” your boyfriend laughed and kiss you on the forehead. “maybe i’d run into you while buying flowers for my mom on mother’s day.” 
“and i’d definitely remember the large, muscular guy who entered my shop,” you giggled. “do you think it’s possible? for things to go back to normal? for us to actually survive this whole thing?”
“i don’t know,” iwaizumi replied honestly. “but i know what i want: a house by the sea for the two of us, that’s what i want.” 
“i’m sorry, y/n.” 
that was the last thing you could feel him think before iwaizumi kicked you out of the drift, sending you reeling. the kaiju was approaching and fast. 
“hajime! what are you doing?!” you panicked, turning to look at him but his brow was furrowed in concentration as he manipulated a few buttons on his controller. he was piloting the jaeger by himself. before you could say anything else or force yourself back into the drift, you felt yourself being pulled back by the security straps attached to your suit. you recognized the sensation back from when you were still in co-pilot training practicing the emergency protocols for evacuation.
with sudden horror, you realized what iwaizumi was planning, what he planned all along, to do.
“captain? i’ve initiated emergency evacuation for l/n,” you heard him speak into the radio. “please, please make sure to get to their escape pod.”
“understood, iwaizumi,” your captain’s voice crackled over the speakers. “we can’t thank you enough for your bravery and sacrifice.” 
“no! hajime don’t! let me stay! let me do this with you,” you screamed even as you were loaded into the escape pod. 
“sorry, y/n,” you finally heard him speak. it was as if time had slowed down as he turned to look at you once more. you didn’t want to believe that this was going to be the last time you would see iwaizumi’s face ever again. you would never wake up next to him in bed or eat cereal from the same bowl or dream about a future that you knew now you could never have.
“i... i don’t want to go back if you’re not coming with me,” you said.
“i know it’s going to be hard but, try to live well, alright?” iwaizumi said and pressed the button, fully ejecting your pod out of the jaeger before you could say anything else. your screams filled the escape pod as you hammered against it uselessly, even as the kaiju descended on the jaeger with its lone pilot before iwaizumi pressed the self-destruct button.
you’ve always hated funerals, having gone to far too many of them. especially when the deceased co-pilot’s partner was there to receive any medals of honor in their place. that was the first thing you thought of as the people in the base helped you out of your escape pod, offering messages of sympathy for your loss. because of his sacrifice, iwaizumi was surely going to be granted quite a lot of medals with you receiving them in his place. as if they could be enough to make up for the space in your bed and the house by the sea that would forever stay empty. 
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event taglist: @himikadafangirl @swoona-rintarou @l-dokisaki-l @laure-chan @aonenthusiast @ah-kaashi @just-a-gay-bean @linyu-sees-you @alto-march-of-death @newfriendjen @shrimpypenis @tenyafacesquish @mkkhaikyuu @animeismysleepparalysisdemon​
taglist applications still open! just answer this form
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thequietmanno1 · 8 months ago
TheLreads, Vigilantes ch 114, Replies Part 2
1) “Oh what, I thought it was funnier to just let him room amok AfO? Now suddenly you want to give orders? How shocking, I never thought you were a control freak or something.”- He is a control freak, but in this situation, where he’s planned for any possible worst-case outcomes to ensure his own survival and the continuation of his plans, he has the freedom to allow Nomura to indulge in his rampaging desires without consequence to himself – and fulfilling those desires means laying out the situation and his options for Nomura so he can pick which one most suits his aims, even the most self-destructive ones. Befitting himself as a corrupting devil, AFO has no concern for Nomura’s wellbeing even if he can predict his inevitable outcome from this, he just wants to see the heights he’ll reach with his raw emotion of hatred empowering his Quirks into this blazing inferno. 2) “I’d pay good money to see how you’d ever hope to savage this, but it’s not like McBee cares.
Actually, I’m not even sure how he’s speaking right now, since he’s a fucking ball of plasma”- At this point, they’re conversing mentally, and his brain appears to be the only remaining organic parts of Nomura’s body left, even if it’s steadily burning away from all this. 3) “Well, it was already your only purpose before, it’s not like this was something new or anything. 
Such a fucking sick look, why Furuhashi, why”- For the sake of having a sick look really, damn the logical leaps taken to achieve it. 4) “Considering that McBee is apparently burning up, I suppose there won’t be any evidence left of him to point at you, and the nomus he brought up with him all blew up, so, yeah,I suppose things are under control enough that you can let him go ape shit
well, more ape shit than usual”- Well, they blew up in just a little bit, but yep, all evidence went ultra-kablooey over the course of Nomura’s wild ride.
5) “DAMMIT KOICHI THIS IS ALL HE HAS BEEN DOING FOR THE PAST 20 CHAPTERS PAY ATTENTION”- Yeah, but he wasn’t on fire the last time either.
6) “Koichi
you’re in mid-air, and you can clearly see that the explosions haven’t cut the vertical paths
just shoot up and go over him, dogfight his ass”- Koichi clearly went to the Prometheus school of flying away from things. 7) “…Or you can just tank it, that also works. We’ve seen you manage to dodge and parry his hits when he was at the highest speed, right now this shit he’s pulling is easy by comparison.”- Nomura’s intention wasn’t to out-speed Koichi this time, it was just to hold him in place long enough to clump up the Bomus below him so the blast would catch Koichi in it as well. 8) “Yeah McBee, honestly, your ultimate form before was way faster than this.
You aren’t even using Overclock, since you need to breath to send oxygen to your brain, and being honest soon I don’t even think you’ll have a brain left.”- He’s discarded pure “speed” for “Overwhelming force” which is the one thing that can actually overcome Koichi’s shields, since he needs to take the impact himself if he can’t deflect it. The difference between being able to take a bullet from a handgun with body armour vs taking a round from a tank cannon. 9) “??????
Well, to be honest that’s some three chapters more than I’d expect him to last, but
Huh”- His own body had only so many Bomber cells left in it after he repeatedly detonated them in a futile attempt to overcome Koichi’s defences, and his new form rapidly burnt out what was left in a manner of seconds. Now with the stock of `bomus he’s absorbed, he’s got a recharge of cells that can last longer at the same rate, even if the end result will be basically this. Dude is deadand still trying to kill Koichi now. 10) “wait what the fuck you guys still here? I thought you all blew up trying to chase Koichi
Also, how are you guys gonna go now that the motherbrain has evaporated?”- The brain is actually still intact inside his skull, and is just about the last organic piece of Nomura remaining – he cut off his transformation intentionally just short of self-consuming what remained in this conflagration, in order to use the “spark” from his brain and remaining body matter to ignite the rest of the Bomus all at once.
(Vigilantes ch 104)
11) “And as soon as Koichi defeats McBee they’ll crumble into dust and leave no evidence of their existence like any keystone army ever. And we’ll never question their existence again, not even after the attack at USJ.”- More like “super-explode down to the atomic level to enact a power boost”, but similar idea, yeah. @thelreads
0 notes
iwantutobehapppier · 6 years ago
Just Ask
Pairing: Dark!Steve Rogers x Reader
Story continues here: You Belong, Mine, A Habit and Convalescence 
Summary: You’re a mutant/enhanced human in a relationship with Steve Rogers that only the Avengers are aware of. This takes place at the end of Civil War and moves into the time in between Civil War and Infinity War. 
Warnings: Violence, dubious-consent, Dark!Steve, choking, forced orgasm, forced pregnancy, unprotected sex. 18 an older only, do not read if under the age of 18. This isn’t for everyone, if any of these situations bother you please read no further.
Word Count: 5,537
A/N: This is my first time in this world of Dark!Steve also first time I have posted any of my writing to Tumblr. I have a few sequels in mind and already in works for this. Thanks for reading!
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“Steve’s not gonna stop,” was the voicemail Nat left, following the fight at the airport. You knew what that meant. You were never going to sign the accords or fight in this no matter how much both sides asked but you weren’t going to stand idly by while they killed each other either.
You had followed Stark to the location, hanging back but even farther back when you saw some guy dressed like a giant cat.
When you finally intervened Bucky was on the ground visibly unconscious and his Vibranium arm across the room.  Your eyes quickly diverted to Steve and Stark battling it out. Stark was on the ground with the Iron Man helmet smashed off his head you knew it was time to step in.
Just as Steve moved to slam the shield against the Arc Reactor you brought your hands on the sides of the shield standing above Stark’s head. It took all your superhuman strength to keep him there, a mere inch from the chest piece but your strength would not hold up to Steve’s.
“You can’t fight him Steve, please” you voice barely above a whisper. Steve’s eyes widened and you could feel his pressure against the shield falter a fraction. It was enough for you to shove the shield down on the ground.
“Even the golden boy’s girl knows what side to be on. Nice to see you finally picking a side and step out of the side lines,” you grimaced. You wanted to explain that was not what was going on at all but this was not the time.
“You don’t understand, he’s going to kill Bucky.” Steve looking at you desperately as you both remained above Stark.
“No it’s you who doesn’t understand Cap, he killed my mom. He won’t walk out of here.” Stark responded quickly. There was so much pain and malice.
You shut your eyes tightly, just then you heard Bucky groan out in pain.
The sound plasma hand cannon readying was the only warning you heard and before you could intervene Steve had the shield back in his hands deep in Stark’s chest piece. The hum of the suit dying was chilling enough to bring tears to the corner of your eyes.
Steve breathed heavily and looked up at you as you loomed over them both. His eyes pleading you to understand or forgive him, you weren’t sure which. You did understand, it was Bucky how many nights did he stay up telling you stories about the two of them.
It didn’t matter how many times they brainwashed him, he was still Bucky. You couldn’t abandon Stark just like you couldn’t betray your love to Steve.
“Don’t make me choose,” you took in a ragged breath trying hard not to break down. He closed his eyes for a moment then stood up, pulling the shield out of the Iron Man suit as he did.
He moved over to Bucky, helping lift him up to his feet and began to walk away.
“That shield doesn’t belong to you.” Stark called out as he tried to get up right.
“Tony,” you scolded him. That was Steve’s more than it was anyone’s but he ignored you and continued.
“You don’t deserve it, my father made that shield.” Steve looked at you and then down at the shield. Without a response Steve dropped the shield and continued to walk off with Bucky leaning on him.
It hurt seeing the bruises forming on the sides of his face. You were forever grateful to Stark but could you really just let Steve leave without talking? Turning to Stark you helped him get to his feet within the dying suit.
“Who do I need to call?” you asked, making it clear you weren’t going to help him get back home.
“If you go with them you’ll be a wanted woman.” He warned.
“I already am, remember I didn’t sign.” He grunted. “Oh yeah, you and your ‘I won’t sign and I won’t fight’ bullshit. See what happens? Capsicle can’t think right without you.”
“Tony, who do I call, Rhodes?” He looked away and tried to stand on his own but the weight of the suit was off balance from all the damage and he faltered. You quickly helped him stay upright and then guided to a wall he could lean against.
“Does anyone know you are here?” He bitterly chuckled and that was enough to tell you clearly no. What a mess this had turned into.
Shaking your head in disbelief and pain at how it had all turned out you pulled your phone out and speed dialed.
“Nat? Yeah… No things did not go well at all… they’re all 3 alive,” You looked at Tony and frowned at his bleeding face. “…not without damage though.”
“Follow the gps on the phone, come get Tony and keep it discrete.” Nat disconnected after your instructions and you handed to phone off to Tony. He looked down at your hand then back up, dazed.
“I’m not staying here, and I’m not keeping that on me. You know you mean so much to me and saving me from…you know.” A deep sigh escaped your lips and he glared at you. You sat the phone down on the ground.
“You are going to go after him?“ He called out your name when you turned your back to him, "After what you just saw him do to me, to us, and protect that Hydra Murderer! He killed my parents! My Mom!” Stark’s voice rose with each word as you ran off.
By the time you caught up they were already at the Quinjet and the cat guy was talking to them both outside the jet.
Bucky was the first to notice you, the other two looking your way to see what he was looking at. Steve sucked in his breath through his teeth with wide eyes. He did not expect to see you again, honestly that stung.
The man in the Cat suit had I his mask off, it was T’Challa. You cocked your head to the side, this situation was all sorts of fucked up. Maybe one day you’d get all the details but now you had to talk to Steve.
Bucky lifted his arm out from around Steve’s shoulder and T’Challa helped him get inside the jet as Steve walked towards you pulling off his helmet. You speed walked towards him, slamming your body into him not caring about the painful grunt he made, he was a super solider he could take it.
His arms wrapped tightly around you, almost bone crushing as you wrapped his arm around his neck and pulled him down to kiss you. It was rough and full of the need you two always felt for each other. It was a few minutes before you both pulled away from such a tight embrace.
“I won’t ask you to come with me,” he spoke softly against your lips. You almost wish he would but you knew he would never ask more of you than you could give. He kissed you again but it was softer this time. You pulled away.
“Is that how you kissed that Sharon girl?” his cheeks flushed and muttered “Sam,” under his breath. You smirked.
“I intended to tell you before Sam… It was to get the suits, she was doing a favor and there was a sense of duty to-”
“To kiss a girl who you had been leading on? Oh okay.” you teased him as he fumbled to explain. You weren’t the jealous one out of the two of you.
“Stop playing with me. I have to get Buck somewhere safe.” He stressed and you nodded in agreement.
“You have Bucky, get him the help he needs.” You kissed him again but he frowned.
“I want you too.” he pulled you away from his embrace, his hands resting on your shoulders looking you in the eyes. His swirling blue eyes held so much pain, desire, guilt, anger…there was too much as always.
“Then ask Rogers. You just gotta ask.” The hum and heat of the Quinjet starting up pulled you out of each other’s gaze. “Times up,” you smiled at him as you removed his arms from your shoulders.
“I’ll find you,” the confidence and unsaid meaning in those words sent a chill down your spine.
“I’m counting on it old man.” You watched him walk into the Quinjet, turning around to look at you his mouth opening as if he would ask. You knew better, he was always too late. You started walking away to make your own escape from the chaos that had ensued.
8 months later
You stood in front of what had to be at least 1980’s A/C window unit. You hated the heat. You let out a groan as noise rose from outside the bustling city street of Agadir, Morocco.
The motel wasn’t the worst you had been in so far while on the run. Mercenary work was giving you extra cash to move up from D Grade motels to C Grade. It was certainly easier than your earlier years.
Shaking you heard trying to cool down you knew you just needed to get out of the room, maybe the beach?
Your eyes narrowed while looking at the people on the street then nodded your head agreeing with that idea.
You looked around pretty sure you found the least crowded part of the beach. Walking towards the shore a gentle breeze blew your hair and long thin robe you wore over your bikini. You used to care about showing this much skin, the scars and all imperfections would have made you self-conscious but that was before Steve. Before he instilled in you the confidence and encouraged your self-discovery.
Setting your bag down as you neared the shore you sighed; you missed Steve, desperately at night. Giving him space with Bucky was more important to you than having Steve between your legs every night.  
You were pretty sure he was in Wakanda but getting there was proving a task given it was only you. Stark spoiled you with all his means and connections over the years. You looked out, the light blue of the ocean reminded you of his eyes, those eyes that would burn with desire and need for only you.  
Cool ocean water brushes back and forth on your feet took you out of your thoughts. That’s what you needed, this was better than that ancient A/C. You began to walk further in pulling the bottom of the robe up however yelling started behind you.
There was panic and pointing to a young gentleman running with a floral bag in his hand, as he came across your bag he grabbed it. “SHIT!” you were too trusting or as Steve would say “Head in the clouds”. Without thinking you launched after the guy not caring about your lack of shoes or clothing.
The man looked behind him and his eyes widened, you were gaining on him and fast. He ran into the street dodging cars, you followed ignoring the gravel and fiber glass your bare feet picked up along the way. When he saw you were still following he quickly turned down a side road leaving the main road facing the beach.
You kept at him and your feet kept picking up more but you pushed through, you needed your bag! You smiled when he ran down a small alley way, fool.
When you turned down you saw him get closed lined by a large arm falling to the ground and slamming his head against the pavement. You looked at the man who had helped you, he had a ball cap on with sun glasses and a short full face beard.
“Thank you,” you said slightly winded as you walked up to get your bag, starting to really feel the pain in your feet now that you’ve stopped running.
“Your feet,” the man muttered pointing behind you to the bloodied foot prints you left. The voice it was so familiar…
As you got closer you starred at his face intently and it clicked.
No sooner the words left your mouth he had you up against the alley wall holding your cheeks and kissing you with fierce abandonment. You pulled his hat and sunglasses off let them fall to the ground.
It caught you off guard, the force and wildness as your lips crashed and his tongue demand entrance to your mouth which you gladly allowed. As he was mapping your mouth his arms began to trail down gripping your ass roughly. On instinct you wrapped your legs around his waist, he gladly held you up.
You pulled away to catch your breath and the moment you took another breath he was on you once more, biting your lip pulling a soft gasp from your mouth. He groaned grinding his pelvis into you, both you feeling the dampness in your bikini bottoms.
You could feel him against you, hard and hot. Just as you started to feel dizzy from his demanding kisses he kissed his way down your neck, biting then gently caressing the bite mark with his tongue only to then suck on the same spot. His beard rubbing against your skin in just the right way, you couldn’t help but whimper and dig your nails into his deltoids.
He called out your name, voice deep and gravelly against your neck.
“Please,” you gasped out, not sure what you were pleading for, more or less? His touch was so rough, so much more forceful than any time before. His hands were continuously kneading your ass and helping roll your hips into him with great force.
You felt his breath against your neck, it started shallow but you could feel it begin to slow, his hands just holding you.
Finally he pulled his head out from your neck and looked you in the eyes. There was an unsettling darkness in his look, something unfamiliar to you.
He opened his mouth to say something but a groan from the man he knocked out stopped him. You both looked toward him, his eyes remaining closed but head moving a little. Steve let you down to your feet. Once on them you gasped at the forgotten pain from glass and gravel in your feet.
Steve glared at you, “How could you chase after someone without shoes on and in only a bikini?” sounding like a parent scolded a child.
“My shoes and clothes were in the bag. Might I add I have a robe on!” you matching him with tone of a petulant child.
He rolled his eyes “See through robe,” he picked up the side of you robe to make his point, “What do you think was going through those men’s minds as they saw you chase after this thief?”
“Look at that girl run?” You tried to joke but it was met with a seething glare.
“They were looking at what’s MINE and ogling it.” You could feel the bass in his voice, it scared and excited you. What was going on with Steve?
Before you could vocalize your thoughts he put his sunglasses and ball cap back on, then grabbed both bags the thief had and held them out to you. You took both and squeaked when he lifted you up with one arm under the bend of your knees and the other under your upper back. You placed both bags in your lap and wrapped an arm around his neck.
He began to walk further in the alley way shadows before you spoke up “These aren’t both mine!”
“You’ll have to get the other one to its rightful owner after you’ve put some actual clothes on and I’ve treated your feet.” You nodded silently, his tone still rough.
He took you back to your motel room, how he knew it was yours was bothering you. What was even more bothersome was his silence as he sat you at the edge of the bathtub, robe tossed on the floor and he began to run water while sitting on the toilet seat adjacent.
“Steve…” you broke the silence.
“How long have you been following me?” He cleared his throat and focused on cleaning out your feet.
“How long have you been trying to…” you winced as glass was being pulled from your feet “…find me?”
He pulled the last of the glass from your left foot and looked at you directly.
“You made it hard to find you, never staying in one spot for long,” he went to work on your right foot avoiding your gaze. “I was impressed; you never lost your edge for hiding huh?”
The implications related to your past were not lost on you. A past you worked hard to keep from most, but not him.
“I’m not as good as Nat but I certainly can stay hidden until I want to be found.” Silence encased the bathroom as he worked on your foot and you worked hard to ignore the feeling.
“8 months.” He spoke so softly you almost missed it. He had finished cleaning your feet and started wrapping them in gauze.
“Hm? 8 months?” He didn’t respond until he finished bandaging your feet and pulling them in to his lap.
He stared down at your feet, caressing your ankles. “We got to Wakanda,” you were right, “and Bucky wanted to go back under while they worked out how to reverse the effects of Hydra’s brainwashing.”
He raised his head to face you. “I started looking for you the moment he went under. I regretted not asking you to come with me.” He leaned forward placing his hand against you cheek, you immediately nuzzled into his hand keeping eye contact.
“When Nat heard about mercenary for hire making way along the coast of Morocco I had a suspicion it was you. I found you here a week ago, checking into this motel.”
“Why did you wait so long to talk to me?”
“Things have changed, I have changed. I’m not Captain America.” You slid into his lap, his hand gripping our thighs as you steadied yourself.
“You never were Captain America to me…” You push his hair falling onto his forehead to the side. It’s so disheveled; it was weird seeing him without it in perfect condition but you liked this more.
“We’re meant to grow Steve, it’s okay if you changed.” You kept gently caressing his face.
“I almost fucked you in that alley way. I would have too had that thief not started to wake up.”
You gasped at his words as he moved his hands to your hips sliding you closer to him in his lap, pushing you pelvis against his.
“In fact I think I would have liked him to have woken up, seen my cock buried deep in your tight pussy.” you whimpered as you grinded on him, his words scaring you as they were not him but excited you none less.
“Know this body belongs to me,” his hands smacked both your ass cheeks and pushed you flush to his hot confined throbbing cock. You gave a startled yelp that turned into a moan.
“That YOU belong to me,” he stood up, your legs wrapping around his waist again.
“You belong with me, by my side, forever,” the last part he spoke with hope, as if he wanted you to agree.
“Just ask,” you implored as he laid you on the bed, your knees bent and legs spread to make room for his giant body.
His eyes narrowed at you.
“I’m way past asking permission,” he growled and ripped your bikini top off, you moaned as you felt the fabric tighten then snap against his strength.
“Steve,” you tried to get him to talk to you more but he ignored you in favor of pulling his own shirt off then attacking your neck as he was in the alley.
This time instead he was roughing sucking on your neck while his hands roughing massaged your breasts.
You responded by wrapping your legs around his waist and pulling his hips down to grind against you. His rough attention was driving you insane.
To be without him for so long and come back with this force, this possessiveness nearly made you cum.
He continued to suck on your neck working to leave a mark, a reminder of what he told you. One of his hands moved inside your bikini bottoms.
Slowly rubbing a few circles around your clit you gasped and dug your nails into his shoulders, the sensation was too much. Just then he plunged two of his fingers inside you and curled up, continuing to rub random patterns against you clit with his thumb.
You lifted your upper body up, mewling at the sensation.
“Look at how responsive your body is to me, your pussy aching for me.” he growled into your ear, stopping his ministrations on your neck.
“Tell me, have you been taking care of yourself while I’ve been gone?” He lifted his head up looking you in the eyes a darkness there that was daring you to lie.
Your cheeks were already flush with arousal but you could feel them warm even more with embarrassment. “Ye-yes.” you got out meekly.
He chuckled, it was a dark chuckle, something you’ve never heard from him before.
“Did you think of me nightly doll face?” he continued thrusting his fingers into you at an increasing pace. You cried out gripping his forearm, it was almost too much.
“Oh no no,” he growled and increased his pace, curling his fingers ever so slightly reaching for your special spot. “You’re so tight around my fingers,”
“I missed feeling you wrapped around my cock.” He began to unzip his pants while speeding up his rubbing of your clit and adding a third finger inside your dripping pussy.
“Yes, you know what I want,” your finger nails dug into his arm. “You’re going to give this to me.”
Your eyes widened as you felt the pressure build up inside you. It was too much, this was nothing compared to what you could do for yourself. It was almost better than how it used to be between you two.
“Steve,” you gasped out the pressure building up at a scary pace.
“Yes doll face? What do you need?” A smirk played at his lips.
“Please-” but you couldn’t finish as you felt the dam release. It was over powering as your eyes rolled into the back of your head your hands going limp against his arm.
You could feel the wetness seep out of you.
“Fuck, you’re always so good for me.” you barely heard Steve’s words as the blood was rushing loudly through you, your body not able to come down as he continued to rub your clit but remove his fingers from inside you.
“Too much!” You gasped out, your hands trying to pry his hand off you. Your legs start to flail.
“No!” He ordered and you stilled. He pulled his cock from his pants, it was red and you could almost make out the throbbing veins from above.
You knew after 8 months without him it was going to be a bit of an adjustment given how long and thick he was.
“8 months you made me search for you,” you felt the head of his cock pressing against your opening. His words full of frustration and indicating he had been thinking about the time between as well.
Before you could express your concerns he plunged in. When you both felt him bottom out a mixture of moans and gasps were released between the two of you.
His fingers stopped rubbing you clit letting both of you revel in the feeling of finally being together again. He shifted his hips and you moaned out his name.
“That’s it, you know who you belong to.” he pulled himself out until just the tip was inside you.
You wrapped your legs back around his waist trying to pull him in. He made a sound of disapproval and pulled both your legs from around his waist and in front of him bending you in half.
“This is how I’ve wanted you,” his voice was graveled again, you saw the darkness in his eyes as he starred down at you. His body completely covering you.
“Helpless beneath me, all mine, and not pushing me to ask for it, but letting me take it.” He plunged back in at that, you cried out at the force of his thrust.
“Not too loud doll face, you don’t want to cause any concern have someone see you like this,” he smirked again, “or do you want someone to see you like this.”
You whimpered at the thought, finding it scary and turning you on even more at the same time.
He started a punishing pace, staring right into your eyes, as you held your legs together to the side of your face. His look was relief mixed with anger and that raw desire you were used to from him. You were trying to hold back your cries. He placed his hands on the back of your lower thighs, using it as leverage to continue his pace.
“Please,” You whimpered out, “Steve.”
He looked down at you raising an eyebrow.
“Come on,” he spoke your name tauntingly, “All you have to do is ask right?”
You groaned out, using your words against you. With every moment you were seeing a different side of Steve. You weren’t sure yet if it was good or bad but it certainly lead to a lot of pleasure.
“Cum, I want to-” you gasped out as he started rubbing you clit.
“Do it, cum on my cock,” his force was wearing down the bed frame, it began to creak and shake with each thrust.
You closed you eyes the intensity too much for you to even look at him, this was four times as intense as the last one. You tried to grasp anything you could to ground yourself.
You opened your eyes as he grabbed one of your hands, pulling to his face he kissed the back of your hand. Never breaking eye contact as he continued to thrust and rub your clit through your orgasm.
“Be good for me now, I want to feel you cum on my cock again,” Your eyes widened as you tried to shake your head no but it was too late.
“Remember I’m not asking,” he warned.
Another orgasm crashed over you unexpectedly from all the over stimulation.  Suddenly his pace picked up with urgency.
“I’m gonna cum in you doll,” you shook your head no. You knew it wasn’t safe.
“Steve, wait I’m-” he kept his pace up.
“I know, and I don’t care,” you felt yourself edging towards another orgasm at his words. What was wrong with you?!
“I’m going to fill you up with my seed,” he groaned at the image in his mind. “Your stomach round with OUR child. That’s what I want.”
You came again, it was too much, HE was too much, you felt your vision swirling.
“No, stay with me.” He quickly pulled your legs back around his waist. His hips movement becoming erratic and desperate.
He groan out your name as he came inside of you just as he said he would. His hips jerked as he continued to cum in you.
When he was spent, he didn’t pull out. Still hard he remained inside you.
“Steve, I can’t-”
“Sssh, I know I know.” He rolled over pulling you with him, staying inside of you.
A soft whimper escaped your lips as you sat up, feeling him shift inside you. He groaned and griped your hips.  
He bent his knees behind you and you leaned back on them. He thrust upwards once, watching your breasts bounce with the movement brought a smile to his face.
You giggled softly at his actions. The sensations making you giddy from all the endorphins running through you.
He felt like a drug induced dream almost. You frowned slightly, what if he wasn’t real?
You bent down towards him and kissed him hard, running your fingers through his hair.
“Please don’t disappear on me,” you pleaded against his mouth.
He looked at you in shock.
“What are you talking about?“he sat up pushing you up with him.
"What if they find you? Or Bucky again? You’ll go off and I don’t want to come between you two but-”
He kissed you gently, his hand caressing your cheek.
“You are mine and I am yours.” he flexed his hips proving his point and causing you to let out a moan.
“Prove that I’m yours,” he goaded you as he laid back.
You smiled at him as you placed you hands on his chest, and started to move your hips back and forth. The groans he emitted empowered you to speed up your movements.
Even with your current speed it wasn’t enough for Steve. He started thrusting upwards, you gasped in shock, everything was still so tinder.
With his feet planted flat on the bed and knees bent he started thrusting up into with precision. One of his hands shot up to grip your neck gently and the other began rubbing your clit.
You started to squirm and moan on top of him. It overwhelmed you but you didn’t want it to stop.
He tightened his grip around your neck, you went almost limp letting your weight fall on it and he smiled.
“Someone likes to be choked?” His words were accusatory but his tone was pure desire.
You meekly nodded your head followed by a struggled moan as he quickened his pace on your clit.
“Please, please,” you hoarse out within his grip.
“Don’t worry, I’ll give you that baby,” he started pounding into you from below.
“I can feel you tighten around me at the thought, I’ll give you my seed, but you have to be good.”
You immediately started cumming, pulsing around his cock as he continued his brutal pace.
“You really want it don’t you?” his hand left your clit to rub your lower abdomen.
“Do you feel me right there?” He pushed down and you flooded his lap cumming again. He groaned not expecting you to spasm around him again, he could take no more and with one final thrust he filled you again groaning out your name.
This time as the darkness began to swirl your vision it embraced you fully.
When you came to you first felt a warm damp feeling brushing over our inner thighs and groin. You slowly opened your eyes to see Steve still naked wiping you down with a warm wash cloth.
He looked up and smiled sheepishly when he saw you were awake.
“I may have treated you too roughly,” he admitted remorse clear in his voice.
“I’m sorry I lost control, after I kissed you the first time I could think of nothing but possessing you in every way possible.” He looked down as he continued to clean you.
“We can shower in a little bit once your energy is recouped.” He set the wash cloth on the bedside table and crawled up next to you and pulled you into his chest.
You curled up into him enjoying the rhythmic beat of his heart.
When you awoke again it was dark. Steve was walking about into the room, fully clothed and with food.
You smiled at him, sitting up in the bed causing the bed sheet that covered you to slip down. He hummed when he saw your chest.
You went to pull the sheet up but he spoke up “Don’t cover up, I love to see what is mine,” he growled.
“You better feed me before you start that up again.” He chuckled and sat the food down on the bed.
You two ate in silence, enjoying the food and each other’s company.
Once you were both finished it was time for a much needed shower. You wanted to shower together but that tiny bath tub proved to be ill accommodating to a super solider plus one.
You lay in the bed satisfied watching Steve put on his boxer briefs and get into bed with you.
“We’re heading to Wakanda tomorrow, any loose ends you need to tie up here before we go?”
You looked at him scandalously; did he just TELL you what you were doing?
“Steve, I have a few things may take a day or two-”
“Find a way to do it in one, our rendezvous is at 1900 hour tomorrow,” he looked at you with a stern gaze.
You went to voice your protest but before you could he shut it down.
“I’m not leaving you behind, I’m not asking either.” He laid back and pulled on top of his chest.
You huffed but cuddled up to him, nuzzling you face into his chest closing your eyes. A smile spread across your face. You wanted to be madder at him but demanding him to be at your side felt right. Maybe he needed to not be Captain America to become more Steve.
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noneatnonedotcom · 5 years ago
The Enemy Above
Onboard the VCS Wicker Man a young huntsman sat, beside him, the crew of the ship hurried about their jobs. The previous captain, having suffered a wound in a recent skirmish with atlas, was missing leaving jaune in charge of the bridge and the team of huntresses down below. 
Team ABRY or ambry as they were known, had been formed in battle. The white fang had assaulted the dust stores used for the ships in Vale. Only a timely intervention by blake (their resident secret faunas who wasn’t so secret to jaune) had seen the scheme thwarted. And only the assistance of yang and ruby had let him actually pull off his plan to stop them.
After that, he’d claimed blake as a fellow hunter and ozpin had shown up to back his claim (a good thing too as a faunas outside of menagerie was unheard of and would have resulted in her getting jailed alongside her former comrades, it likely would have been death for her and they both knew it) the only cost for the assist was that their new team become permanent. They’d done more missions in their time as huntsmen-in-training of vale than most adults and with the war between atlas and vale heating up had been stationed on a frigate to hopefully stay out of trouble. The betrayal of team CVFY and the revelation of velvet to be a faunas had quickly put the kibosh on that.
Now having had the ship repaired they were returning to vale proper to get their new captain to work in concert with jaune.
“Sir Arc,” came a voice to his side “we’re picking up something strange on the radar”
He looked over at the crewman “what kind of something?”
“It looks like another ship”
Jaune frowned, he wasn’t sure they could handle another fight “have there been any reports around this route before?”
“No sir no reports”
Jaune frowned “none at all?”
An older crewman came over to look “ah, the kids just picked up a radar reflection, see there? The other ship is copying our exact speed and turning” the older woman looked to jaune “nothing to worry about Sir Arc”
Jaune frowned more, he could feel it in his gut something wasn’t right. And after the last few times, he wasn’t willing to risk it just being a feeling. He touched a button and called down to his team “ruby, yang, blake, report to the bridge immediately. Weapons with you. And pick up my armor as well, would you?”
It was yang’s voice that came over the line “feeling fancy captain? You want the cape with it?”
“I’m not a captain yang, and yeah I got the feeling I’m gonna have to make an impression here” he sighed as she signed off “helmsman alter our course a little, bring us close to that peak into cloud bank”
“Aye sir” came the voice and jaune went to the ready room, trying desperately to suppress the feeling of dread he felt 
Onboard the AS Anguilla, a young Weiss Schnee stalked her prey. She was young the youngest specialist in the Atlan naval core but she was the best, second only to perhaps her older sister winter. 
Some whispered of buying her station at the start of the war but she had shown through her victories that they were simply idle chatter of the lesser classes. She was the best of the best. And that was why she had to question the point of sending her after this Jaune Arc.
Yes, he was just as young as her and still in a command position but the valeian savages didn’t have their own robust command structure. He likely had no real tactical training and no further support. If there was any advantage to the lance doctrine of vale it was that it was utterly chaotic and the brutes seemed to thrive on that.
His ship was a standard ship of the primitive people, a frigate class. Though she noticed the above standard set of three five-inch guns of a strange make on the deck of the ship. It was a gravity dust forged hull, with hard light dust forged armor plating, it was faster than her own cruiser but her own weapons were something to behold. 
Nine eight-inch-guns, and ten smaller 5-inch guns of her own. Her hull was also made of gravity dust forged steel and her armor was a true hard light shield an advancement that had seen her ship through combat action after combat action. Her heavy cruiser was also equipped with a heavy MAC cannon. Something that was more than enough to see her through taking vale itself. For what ship or station could hope to survive a ball of molten plasma the size of a small ship fired at it?
Yes, this would be a simple mission and she would go home to her sister with just another feather in her cap.
“Okay so let’s assume you’re not going insane,” said blake sitting on a chair as ruby and yang helped their leader into his armor “why the cloud bank, all they have to do is wait for us to break out of it when we run they can just go above it. At least for a short while”
“And if it’s as big as you say,” said ruby grunting to latch a final strap “even out coil guns aren’t gonna do much”
“We have a couple of tungsten rounds left from our fight with CFVY,” said yang
“So… we’ll be able to hurt them a little before we blow up?��
“We can’t outrun them,” said jaune “we’re faster but the range they have would mean we’re gonna be full of holes before we can even get a radio signal out”
“We still don’t know they’re there,” said blake “there are no reports of anything being wrong around here”
“Exactly,” said jaune latching his cape onto his armor “we’ve got no reports, none! When was the last time you had a huntsman not complain about lack of combat? Or even Grimm?”
Blake’s eyes widened “oh shit, and you’re saying it has to be a big ship because-”
“ a small ship wouldn’t be able to destroy a cruiser before they could radio out for help,” said ruby
“And a ship without reach wouldn’t be able to stop the smaller ones,” said jaune nodding his head
Yang blew a strand of hair out of her face “this is why I prefer fighting on the ground, less thinking involved”
Jaune laughed “that’s typically because I’m too busy screaming to come up with a plan”
Ruby smiled “but you always look out for us”
Blake nodded “it might still be nothing,” she said closing her book “but I’m more than willing to trust your judgment”
Yang cracked her knuckles “so what’s the plan?”
“We go into the cloud bank, they’ll have t follow us because they’re trying to convince us they’re a radar reflection. We jam the radar once we’re in”
“We’ll be blind then,” said blake 
“But we still have that weather device thing installed, we’ll be able to see them based on cloud displacement,” said jaune with a smirk
“And they’re big enough that we’ll actually pick up on it unlike us who will look like an eddy in the wind if they’re even carrying meteorological equipment” blake finished for him
“They should be,” said ruby “a ship that big would be a shame to lose it to something as simple as a summer storm”
“WE’VE LOST RADAR” came the shout of her crew 
Weiss cursed “clever bastard, had us figured from the start, well you can’t hide for” she froze he wouldn’t be hiding, he was a smart enough commander to know she was chasing him  “ALL HANDS BRACE FOR IMPACT, SHIELDS UP! HELMSMAN GET US OUT OF THIS CLOUD BANK!” she shouted orders at a rapid rate barely getting her ship’s shields up in time to block five of the six rounds. The first somehow tearing through her hull like tissue paper.
“FIND HIM!” she shouted as her crew scrambled to get their other systems working “DAMAGE REPORT!” 
“HOW LONG TILL WE’RE COMBAT READY?” asked Weiss shouting to be heard over the alarms
“WHAT?”  asked a crewman
Jaune cursed as dust rounds flew past his ship exploding and tossing them about. She didn’t know where they were but she was just going to fire on every eddy. And eventually, she’d hit them, what was her game? She wouldn’t panic unless! “Full astern!” he shouted as the ship moved back rapidly not a second too soon as in the exact place he was before a massive light passed through the open-air scenting the air with ozone 
“OH FUCK!” shouted yang summing up everyone’s feelings on the matter
“WHAT WAS THAT?!” yelled blake covering her ears 
“JAUNE!” shouted ruby clinging too him
“Open fire and move us out of here, I want continuous fire! Not a second for them to get that ready. Use out light ammo we’re not getting through that shield!” he did his best to keep his voice level. Right now he needed to get distance. He just had to make it to nightfall but to do that he needed to prevent that weapon from firing and he was guessing that something like that required a lot of power. Maybe enough that they had to drop their shields to use it. If not…
Well, fuck it shooting it made them all feel better at least.
The gunbattle lasted hours as flashes lit up the clouds. The wicker man could fire and move but all it would take is one hit and they were toast more to the point the enemy ship had exited the clouds earlier and now the only reason he knew where the damn thing was was that it wanted him to shoot at it so it could shoot back, meanwhile unknown to the vale ship. The fuel for the shields was running low. The stockpile of hard light dust was not infinite and that initial shot had been plenty lucky but the constant firing gave her own crew a chance to catch them as the angle of impact gave them away. 
The sounds of battle faded with the setting of the sun as The Anguilla surveyed the cloud bank below it. 
“We’re out of hard light dust ma’am” came the words of Penny “I would recommend retreat”
“We run and he’ll gun us down,” said Weiss “the second we give away our position he’ll fire and now we don’t have the shields to protect us” she cursed her own temper. She just had to be the best. 
Now her crew’s blood was on her hands
“Our only hope,” she said raising her voice “ is to find them before they find us, and destroy them. I’m ordering complete silence”
She sat there, they sat there. For hours. Eight in total of complete silence. And in the first, she’d realized that jaune Arc had to be doing the same. It would be the one who blinked first that would lose. 
The tension was the worst part of it. The constant fear.
It was at the end of the eighth hour that she heard it
“MY BODY IS A CAGE OF FLAMES” came a voice in the darkness she sat stunned as the crew began to bring their guns about
“THE BURNING YET VERDANT GIANT!”  what was he doing?
“RETRIBUTION, A SHRINE THAT PRESIDES OVER HUMAN AFFAIRS AND PURIFIES THEM” had he lost his mind? Was the pressure just too much for him?
Weiss realised it too late “NO WAIT!”
Her men fired and the flash of her guns lit up an automated message buoy floating through the clouds
“THE WICKER MAN!” three sets of five-inch guns fired tungsten rounds from their electromagnetic barrels. 
Of course. That’s why he was able to pierce her hull so easily once he got past the shield
They tore through her ship hitting the engines. The force of the explosion knocked her out.
Her last thoughts were “he’s a sorcerer. Able to pull the very thoughts from my head”
Jaune stood overlooking his med bay, really it was the brig but they’d had to refurbish it for the crew they’d dragged from The Anguilla.
“This all of them?” he asked Ruby as she walked up behind him
“Yeah, only these ten, standard crew was three hundred and twenty-two”
Jaune tried not to let the number get to him “it’ll be worst for her” he said looking at the captain “I know the feeling”
“You did pretty well I’d say”
Jaune shook his head “I’m not made for this Ruby. That entire battle those men looked to me and…” they both fell silent
“What if I had made the wrong choice?” he asked in the quiet of the room
“Then we’d adapt,” said Ruby “we’re not like Atlas, we trust you jaune but we’re not helpless without you. If you made a mistake we’d have called you on it. Just like I’m doing now”
He turned to look at her only to catch a non plused look from Ruby  “you’re an idiot, jaune” she said in the stunned silence “you’re your own greatest critic and if we caught anyone talking about you the way you talk about yourself we’d kick their ass. You won today, against a ship you had no business winning against. They had you beat in firepower, tech, they had every advantage and a commander almost as good as you on top of it, and you pulled victory from the jaws of defeat. You saved us. Have some damn pride!”
He chuckled shaking his head “we’re taking a vacation the second we get back to vale”
“Oh can we visit patch?” asked ruby surprising jaune
“Yeah we really should check on the old man huh?” said yang appearing out of nowhere 
“Already taking him to meet your father huh? Asked blake with a teasing tone
“I-i- no it’s not, well I wouldn’t mind... The thing is” ruby flushed red and tried to force a sentence out 
“Eh captain here wants to give me or ruby a shot I wouldn’t mind,” said yang with a smirk. “or maybe you want us both, so greedy captain” a wink and Jaune let himself get caught up in the moment blushing and stammering.
When they got back to vale, he’d most likely get a bunch of medals or something. He’d be paraded around as a hero for all the little huntsmen in training and that would bring all sorts of troubles for his team and him but for now, he’d just bask in the comfort of yang ruby and blake all acting like they were flirting with him and pretend it might actually happen one day.
He had his team, that was all he needed
so this was an experiment, please give my some feedback about it. but the general idea is that it’s based off the ideal huntsman system i speculated about a while back. it’s based off some space battles i watched way back when and i did my best with it. 
if you can guess which battle in particular i’m mimicking let me know too but seriously let me know what you thought of the story
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snappedsky · 4 years ago
Fanatics 79
A mysterious threat is making it's way towards Earth, and the Battalion have to work fast to destroy it.
*Links to previous and next chapter in reblog*
Trouble through the Milky Way
           Pluto. An adorable, little planet beloved by many on its far off neighbor, Earth. It floats quietly in its cold, dark orbit around the sun, minding its own business.
           Then it’s blown to bits.
           A small ship flies by. It would be nondescript, if it weren’t for the giant plasma cannon grafted to its underside.
           A few lightyears away, Lard Kio watches the vessel through her distance viewfinder on the Resisty ship. She immediately calls Zim.
           On Earth, the sun is just barely peeking over the horizon. Zim is sleeping lightly in his bed when a beeping sounds through his base.
           “Master,” the Computer says while Zim’s eye cracks open. “You are receiving a call from Kio.”
           “Transfer it to my phone,” Zim orders as he sits up and grabs his cell phone. He answers the call and Kio’s face appears on screen.
           “Zim, we got a big problem,” she says sternly.
           He listens intently as she quickly explains the situation.
           An hour later, Dib, Gaz, Tak, and Pepito gather sleepily in Zim’s lab- except for Tak, who is wide awake.
           “There better be a good reason for waking me up before 6,” Gaz growls.
           “There is,” Zim replies from his chair at the main computer. “Pluto has been destroyed.”
           “No! Not Pluto!” Pepito cries in distress.
           “What could destroy Pluto?” Dib asks.
           “Not ‘what’. ‘Who’,” Zim explains as he pushes a button on the keyboard. A blurry image of a small grey ship with a disproportionately large cannon appears on the screen. “We’re not sure who they are, but they appear to be heading straight for the Earth. And with firepower like that, they can cause a lot of damage to the planet. At their current rate of speed, they will arrive by tomorrow morning. But because we do not know the range of their cannon, we have to assume we have less time than that. We have to stop them before they can get close.”
           “How do we do that?” Pepito asks.
           “Can we use the Epic?” Gaz suggests.
           “It doesn’t have any weapons yet,” Zim replies, “and going up against a ship in space without our own vehicle is just plain stupid.”            “So we gotta stop it from the surface,” Dib muses, “do we have any weapons that’ll work?”
           “I have an Irken Surface Cannon at my base,” Tak replies, “I just don’t have any mortar shells for it.”
           Dib rubs his chin with consideration. “Can you load it with other things?”
           “If they fit properly, sure.”
           “Then what about…the Blissful?”
           “The Blissful?” Gaz scoffs, “you mean that giant bomb you, Tak, Squee, and Maddie made for that science fair a couple years ago?”
           “Yeah,” Dib replies, “presumably it should be incredibly powerful.”
           “Presumably,” Tak repeats emphatically, “we were never able to test it.”
           “But it is highly unstable,” he points out.
           “You say that like it’s a good thing,” Pepito grimaces.
           “Shouldn’t we tell Squee first before we try to use it?” Gaz suggests.
           “That would be the polite thing to do,” he agrees, “I wonder what he’s doing right now.”
           Squee is fast asleep in his bed, his face pressed into the pillow. Beside him, Nugget is also asleep, her claws restlessly kneading Squishy Pete.
           “There’s no time to call Squee,” Zim points out, “what if he doesn’t answer? We can’t wait for a response. We have to act now.”
           “Fine,” Tak groans, “where is it?”            “I helped put it in Squee’s basement,” he replies, “it should still be there. We will have to remove it and transport it to Tak’s base.”
           “So we have to get into Squee’s house,” Pepito’s states, “I think Devi has a key so she can clean while they’re away.”
           “We need to work fast,” Zim declares, “let’s go.”
           They leave quickly and fly the Epic across the city to Devi’s building. After setting down in the parking lot, they hurry up to her apartment and knock until she answers, looking none too pleased.
           “Ugh, it’s you guys,” she groans, rubbing her tired eyes.
           “Hi, Devi,” Pepito waves, “sorry but this is an emergency.”
           “What is it?” she asks impatiently.
           “We need into Squee’s house,” Dib replies, “you have a key, right?”
           “Yeah, hang on,” she says and ducks back into her apartment. She comes back after a few seconds with a single, bronze key. “Here. Just give it back to me later.”
           “Thank you,” Pepito chimes and they hurry away as Devi closes the door.
           Wasting no time, they fly over to Squee’s house and park at the curb. They rush up to the front walk and use the key.
           The kids stand uneasily on the front step as the door loudly creaks open. It seems to echo ominously throughout the dark house, the early morning sun barely filtering through the boarded-up windows.
           “Wow,” Dib comments, “this place is uh…kinda creepy without Squee here.”
           “Let’s just get into the basement and get the bomb,” Zim orders and steps into the house. He freezes, a chill shooting up his spine. He suddenly has the feeling that he shouldn’t be here. But he quickly shakes it off and glares at the others. “Let’s go. Hurry up.”
           Zim marches through the living room and Tak, Dib, Gaz, and Pepito quickly but cautiously follow. As they head to the hallway, they’re all constantly glancing around warily. They’ve been to a lot of haunted locations before but somehow this feels worse. Not haunted exactly, just…forbidden.
           They finally reach the basement door and Zim pushes it open. It creaks open even slower than the front door did, revealing a much darker room.
           “Where’s the light?” Gaz asks.
           “There isn’t one,” Zim replies as an electric torch pops out of his PAK, illuminating the area. It’s a completely empty room with a sudden drop near the opposite wall. Zim points to it. “The bomb is down there. I remember Johnny and Squee bringing me down there.”
           They quickly cross the empty room and peer over the gap. There’s just a ladder leading down into more darkness.
           “Right,” Tak grunts and nods at Zim. “After you.”
           Zim glares at her for a second before descending the ladder. One by one, the others follow.
           It’s only a couple feet to the bottom floor and they all look around as they hop off the ladder. They’re in another mostly empty room that leads to a large hallway, lit by flickering, fluorescent bulbs in the ceiling. Somewhere down the ladder, the normal drywall of the house changed to cement blocks that make up the entirety of the hallway. There are stains on the walls and floor that the kids try to ignore as Zim points to the only object in the room.
           “There it is,” he says.
           The Blissful: a giant, round, silver bomb with a purple smiley face with closed eyes painted on it. Five feet in diameter and over 150 pounds, it is practically just a container sloshing with volatile, explosive liquid.
           “It should fit in my cannon,” Tak says, “now, how do we get it out?”
           “The same way I got it in,” Zim replies as he extends his spider legs. Using lasers, they cut out a large section of the ceiling and set it aside, creating a hole to the surface. The kids are all slightly relieved to see sunlight.
           “Tak, you stay down here while I-,” Zim starts to explain before he’s cut off.
           “Why do I have to stay in the creepy basement?” Tak snaps.
           “What, are you scared?” he jeers.
           “Of course not.”
           “Then stay down here while I lift everyone out,” Zim orders, “once I’m out, you’ll help me lift the bomb up to the surface and Dib can bring the Epic around.”
           “Fine,” she huffs and eyes the spooky hallway. “Just…be quick.”
           Dib, Gaz, and Pepito hold onto Zim’s spider legs as he lifts them all up to the surface. Then he crouches next to the hole and lowers his spider legs down.
           “Okay, Tak, gently lift the bomb and pass it to me,” he demands.
           She seems to ignore him as she stares suspiciously down the hall.
           “Tak,” he says louder.
           “What?” she questions, looking at him. “Oh. Right.”
           Using her spider legs, Tak gently lifts the Blissful and passes it to Zim. He carefully lifts it through the hole and rests it on the ground.
           “Alright, Dib get the car,” Zim orders. Dib nods and quickly hurries around the houses back to the street. “Tak, let’s go.”      
           Again, she doesn’t reply. She just stares down the hallway, her eyes narrowing.
           “Tak!” Zim snaps but she doesn’t hear him.
           Far down the hall, a bloodied hand slaps down on the floor just barely in view, clawing at the stone. An inhuman groan echoes off the walls.
           Tak’s eyes widen and her spider legs shoot up, hoisting her out of the hole.
           “Seal it, hurry,” she orders frantically.
           Not knowing what she saw, Zim is slightly taken aback, but nevertheless he obliges. He quickly picks up the section of the ground and slips it back into its hole.
           With the basement sealed off, everyone suddenly feels more at ease, and they heave a heavy sigh.
           “Okay. Let’s agree to never go down there again,” Gaz says and everyone nods.
           After Dib comes around with the Epic, Tak looks at Zim and asks, “now what?”
           “Now is the really tricky part,” Zim replies, “you and I are gonna have to ride on the roof and hold the Blissful steady while Dib flies to your place.”
           “Good luck with that,” Pepito comments as he and Gaz get into the car. Then Zim and Tak climb onto the roof. With their bottom two spider legs, they hold onto the vehicle while the top two hold the Blissful in between themselves.
           “Okay, Dib, take it slow and steady,” Zim orders.
           Dib carefully raises the Epic into the sky and flies slowly over the buildings. Everyone is tense during the ride. If they drop the bomb, it could very well decimate the city. Dib just tries to focus on keeping the car steady and hopes a bird doesn’t fly into them.
           Thankfully, they reach Tak’s base with incident and Dib parks on the curb. Everyone gets out while Zim and Tak carefully lower the Blissful to the ground.
           “Alright, ready up your cannon,” Zim orders.
           “Already on it,” Tak replies as she grabs a remote from her PAK and pushes a button.
           The roof of her house folds up as a giant, silver gun rises up on a tall pedestal. In front of the gun is seat with a monitor and control panel. Tak pushes another button on the remote and a space opens up at the bottom of the pedestal, just big enough for the Blissful.
           “Let’s load it up,” Tak says and they shove the big bomb inside and seal the door. As it rises up the pedestal and loads into the cannon, she climbs up to the monitor and sits in the chair. Zim quickly follows her and hangs off the side to watch, leaving Dib, Gaz, and Pepito to stare up at them.
           “Okay, just have to find the ship,” Tak muses. As she searches through coordinates on the control panel, the monitor displays different parts of space until finally landing on the familiar, grey ship.
           “They’ve blasted a hole into Jupiter!” Zim cries, “we have to hurry.”
           “Locking on,” Tak says and a crosshairs appears over the ship on the monitor. “Let’s hope this works.”
           She hits the big, red ‘FIRE’ button and a loud *boom* echoes over the city as the Blissful is shot out. The kids watch it fly into the sky until it disappears.
           It breaks through the atmosphere, the friction causing its volatile fluids to heat up, and flies through space at an extremely high velocity. The passengers on the ship just barely see it coming.
           The explosion can be seen from Earth as a star that lights up then quickly dies out. The Battalion immediately erupt into cheers, jumping up and punching the air.
           “I can’t believe that actually worked,” Gaz remarks.
           “I knew it would!” Dib grins.
           “I cannot wait to tell Squee about this,” Pepito exclaims.
           While they celebrate, Zim and Tak watch the explosion on the monitor, satisfied with the smoke that fills the screen. But as they start to hop off, Tak notices something.
           “Wait,” she says, “something’s happening.”
           Zim looks back at the screen just in time to see five objects exit the smoke.
           “The passengers survived,” he snarls.
           “They must’ve used escape pods,” Tak exclaims as they look up at the sky.
           Dib, Gaz, and Pepito don’t realize right away that something’s wrong until Gaz notices the Irkens. “Something’s wrong,” she says.
           They all look up and watch for something. For a second, nothing happens. And then they see five things appear in the sky.
           “They’ve broken through the atmosphere!” Zim exclaims.
           They watch the objects plummet like tiny particles in the distance, each landing in a different spot. Then Zim and Tak jump to the ground.
           “We got an alien invasion,” Zim declares, “one of them seemed to have landed not far from the city. If we leave now, we might catch them.”
           The others nods and they quickly clamber into the Epic and take off. Zim flies them quickly towards the site of the closest crash. As they near it, they spot a plume of smoke.
           A small, round pod has crashed into field just outside the city, causing a small crater. The Epic lands and the Battalion hops out, weapons at the ready, just as the hatch opens.
           Out tumbles a short, black alien with a pair of large, compound eyes and four spider-like legs. She hasn’t noticed the Battalion yet as she coughs and picks herself up.
           “Hey, I know you!” Pepito exclaims, “it’s Uu!”
           The alien looks up at them in surprise before crying out in an alien language. She attempts to scramble back into the pod, but Zim’s and Tak’s spider legs lash out and grab her. They hold her overhead, and she glares at them.
           “You’re one of Carcas’ soldiers,” Zim says.
           Gaz groans exhaustedly as she rests a hand on her hip. “I hope Squee’s at least having a good day.”
           Most mornings start early in Cammie’s house; especially when the smell of waffles is wafting down the hall. Everyone quickly gathers in the kitchen as Squee readies their breakfast.
           “I hope they’re good,” he says as they dig in.
           “So good,” Johnny chimes with a mouthful.
           “Crispy outside, fluffy inside,” Cammie remarks.
           “You should do the cooking more often,” Thomas comments.
           The Night Terrors are too busy quickly stuffing their faces to say anything, which is complimentary enough.
           Squee beams happily before sitting down to enjoy his own breakfast.
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quietlydiabolic · 5 years ago
“Botanical” - BassRock hanahaki skit
By: Jixie Fandom: Mega Man Classic @bassrockweek​ : May 19 - Chef's Choice Rating: G Word Count: 533
A/N: I wrote this skit previously for some fanart posted by @kosei-on. But I’m pretty sure only three people saw it, so it’s being recycled for BassRock week’s wildcard day.
Bass: *trying to act cool* Hey Wily. What’s it mean when someone’s barfin’ up flowers? That’s weird, right? Wily: Wily: Oh for [redacted]’s sake. Bass: What? Wily: Who is it? Bass: Who is what? Wily: Who do you have a crush on? Bass: !!?? I don’t have a crush on anyone! What the heck are you talking about!? Wily: *exasperated sigh* It means you’re in love with someone who doesn’t love you back. Bass: … Bass: Pffffftttttt ha ha that’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. *crying laughing* Ah hah hah! Ah man, you almost had me there. *walks off, still chuckling*
Bass: DIE, Mega Man! Rock: I don’t want to fight you! There must be another way! Bass: The other way is instead of blasting you to bits with my cannon, I smash your head in with—! *huuuurrrkkkk* Rock: *horrified* Oh! Oh no, are you okay?? What’s wrong? Bass: Nothing’s wrong, doofus! I'm— *hggglrk* *gakk* *ptoo* Rock: *growing increasingly distressed* Oh no! Oh gosh!
Rock: I wish I knew what was wrong with Bass, so we could help him… Blues: *facepalm*
Blues: Listen— Bass: Ugh. Get lost. I'm— Bass: Bass: Well it’s not like I’m sick or anything, ‘cause I’ve never been sick a day in my life, but I just don’t feel like putting up with your crap right now. Blues: *sigh* Bass, do you even know what hanahaki disease is? Bass: *he does not* Psh, yeah of course I do! I’m not stupid. Blues: *facepalm*
Rock: Please stop shooting at me… *dodges plasma shot* Bass, my brother says— Bass: Your brother is a brain-dead moron who doesn’t know his butt from a hole in the ground. Rock: —that you’re sick because— Bass: And you are a drooling, [slur redacted] numbskull who— Bass: *collapses to his knees and is violently ill* Rock:  😨 Rock: *walks over and starts patting Bass on the back* Ohh. It’ll be okay. …So yeah, Blues was saying that— Bass: *weakly raises his arm and shoots Rock in the face* Rock: OH COME ON!
Rock: *has gone to Skull Fortress and is talking to Wily* —and Blues says that’s why— Wily: *looks utterly and thoroughly disgusted, but for whatever reason is hearing him out* Bass: *walks into the room, notices Rock* Dammit! What are you doing h—!? Bass: *hkk* *has obviously thrown up in his mouth and is trying to choke it back down* Rock: Um, Bass… er… do… do you have a crush on me? Bass: *spits out flowers and blood* Ugh! HECK NO! I’m so disgusted by you, it makes me puke just seeing your dumb chipmunk-looking face! I hate— *hurk* I hate yuuh— *hlorf* I— *gllrk* Rock: *whispering to Wily* I think he likes me. Wily: *groans and buries his head in his hands*
Wily: Alright, I’m in. What’s the plan? *Blues and Rock exchange glances* Blues: Didn’t you build Bass to kill Mega Man? Wily: *sigh* Yes, but it’s obvious that’s not happening, and I’m getting sick and tired of cleaning up flower vomit all the time.
Rock: Please! If you don’t let me love you, you’re going to die! Bass: N E V E R!
Instead of the hanahaki sufferer trying to convince his crush to love him, the crush, friends, and family, go to increasingly ridiculous and convoluted lengths in an effort to get him to admit his feelings and let his crush take him on a date before he drops dead.
(Spoiler alert: he dies.)
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loveissupernatural · 5 years ago
Tumblr media
      “The Man Behind the Mask”                        Pt 7
Peter Parker x reader
Warnings: Slight violence, spiders
Summary: You’ve recently moved to Queens, New York after your father finds a new job with the U.S. government handling alien affairs in the city. You’ve grown up in a small town, and it’s your junior year of high school; culture shock takes a whole new meaning when you’re saved by the famed new web-slinging Avenger - and when you meet a new group of friends at Midtown High that seem to always be hiding something. But things quickly get personal.
Masterlist / Pt 1 – Pt 2 – Pt 3 – Pt 4 – Pt 5 – Pt 6
Peter exited the bedroom to find another chair so that he could join you at the desk. You took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, trying to calm the frantic pounding in your chest. You and Peter were about to look at something that very few people had seen, and that even fewer were supposed to see. You were about to get your answers.
Peter returned quickly with a metal folding chair, placing it next to yours with a dull thud.
“Here we go…” he all but whispered to you, opening the envelope and carefully pulling out its contents. You held your breath. Peter’s brows furrowed as he pulled apart the multiple files and pages, spreading them out on his desk until the entire surface was covered. You finally let out the breath you were holding in an awed whistle.
You scooted your chair even closer to the desk, eager to get a close look. Peter sat down as well, scooting close, and if you weren’t so enamored by the secrets these pages held, you’d be drinking up his proximity with barely-controlled enthusiasm.
You spread your palms over the endless diagrams and reports, sighing. “So, smart guy, what’re we looking at here?”
Peter’s mouth curled into a half grin at your nickname for him, sneaking a peek at you from the side of his vision. “Well,” he began, sounding flattered and a little proud, “from what I can tell – ” he brought a few thin sheets of paper toward you that contained light drawings “– we’ve got some kind of schematic here. See?” He layered the long pieces of paper together, a few different ways, before a bigger picture began to appear. “Lemme figure this out,” he murmured, almost to himself, and you loved the way his tongue barely peeped out from the corner of his mouth as he thought.
You leaned in closer toward him and toward the desk, watching the papers intently. Peter began to slow, and placed one last sheet on top.
“What the hell is that?” he asks himself quietly, and you would think his puzzled face was adorable if it wasn’t for the fact it was slowly morphing into horror.
“Peter?” you asked hesitantly, looking from him to the schematic. “What – what’s wrong?”
You’d never seen this expression on his face before, and it disturbed you. He looked angry, but mostly scared, eyes full of question.
“I’ve – I’ve seen something like this before,” he said, and he twisted the pile until it was facing you. Your eyes wandered the pages, looking for his cause for sudden concern, and then you saw it.
Between thinly sketched lines and footnotes, a layered image of a creature began to emerge. Each thin page contained one small part of its body and make up, full of scribbles and calculations that you couldn’t begin to understand, but when the pages were placed on top of each other, it formed a blueprint of some kind. A schematic of something that looked terrifying.
“What… is it?” you breathed, finger tracing the faint outlines.
Peter shook his head slowly, but it wasn’t from lack of understanding. It was from disbelief.
“I thought – I thought this was over,” he said to himself, running a hand through his hair. He suddenly shot up from his seat, knocking the metal chair onto the ground, making you jump. Peter was pacing back and forth, back and forth, not looking at you. His eyes were pink.
You were in the dark. “Hey, hey! Peter, what’s going on? What’s wrong?” “I’ve seen that tech before,” he grimaced, pacing even faster now. His eyes were darting around the room, as if his saving grace was written somewhere on the walls or on the ceiling. “This is bad, Y/N. This is really, really bad.”
“I’m lost,” you blanched, standing up. You approached Peter’s frantic form and placed your hands on his shoulders, then gently slid them down his arms, trying to calm him. Your hands settled at his wrists. He looked up at you, and you didn’t like what you saw. You’d never seen him like this.
“It’s hard to explain,” he shook his head. But then the words started pouring out. “I – not me, I mean Spider-Man – he’s dealt with this tech before. There was this super bad guy, h-he was stealing alien wreckage from the attack on New York years ago and using it to create weapons. He was hurting people.”
“You mean that guy with the metal wings?” you asked, trying to catch Peter’s gaze long enough to calm him down. “I remember, I saw it online. Spider-Man stopped him, didn’t he?”
“Yeah, he did,” Peter answered darkly. “The government went in and cleaned the place out. He was sent to prison.”
“Well, that’s good, right?” you asked encouragingly, squeezing his wrists gently.
“The government went in and cleaned the place out,” Peter repeated slowly, shaking his head. His brows were so furrowed that multiple stress lines were forming on his forehead.
“You – you mean, they didn’t get rid of it,” you realized, and your hands dropped from his wrists weakly.
Peter marched over toward the desk, pointing at the precise drawing of the creature. “Some of these parts, they were in Vulture’s lab,” he insisted. “I-I mean, ya know, that’s what Mr. Stark said. That Spider-Man said. That he saw.” Peter suddenly seemed awkward.
“So, what, instead of dismantling this guy’s work they just…?”
“Revamped it. And they’ve added to it. They’re…” Peter leaned over the schematic, chocolate waves falling messily to his forehead. “They created a-a weapon. But it’s not… I don’t think it’s just a weapon. It’s, like, a thing.”
You joined him, leaning over his shoulder, looking at the drawing again. You could see where Peter’s horror was building from. The machine, or creature, or whatever it was, looked like a cross between a giant spider and some sort of alien being. Its multiple arms were large, jagged, and stretched rigid, it’s head large and covered in what appeared to be metallic plates. You’d seen the news footage from the attack on New York years ago, and you’d seen what those aliens looked like: a nightmarish combination of technological battle armor, putrid skin, and sharp teeth.
Peter began separating the pages, and pointed to each individual one. “Look, Vulture used these kinds of plasma cannons, he built them himself.” Peter pointed to its frightening head, and to its eyes. “Do these look familiar to you?”
As he picked apart each page, he slowed, fixated with one in particular. He looked like he was going to be sick.
You searched the page Peter was staring at, and saw the words “tissue regeneration” scribbled in red ink at the very top. The depictions were obviously not technological, and you realized with a pang of terror that this was alien tissue, pulled from the corpses of the fallen army. There were detached arms and legs, a sketch of vein and organ structure, bones.
“They’re stitching it together,” Peter croaked.
You covered your mouth. You weren’t sure of what this meant for you, or for your family. You weren’t sure what this meant for anyone else.
“Is – is that what hurt my dad?” you asked, but your voice was hoarse, blocked by the nausea and fear congealing into a ball inside of your throat.
Peter didn’t answer, but started rifling through the remaining files so quickly that you don’t know how he could possibly be reading them.
He held up something that looked like a journal, turning to you. “It’s an event log.” —————————————– Ned rushed over as soon as his family dinner finished, barely making it out the front door with excuses about helping you two with your Chemistry project.
“Pete, my mom’s gonna kill me,” Ned whined, taking a seat on the top mattress of Peter’s bunk bed. He threw his backpack down on the ground without care. “She knows that you’re the best Chemistry student in our class. You should’ve seen the look on her face when I told her I had to come over to help you guys. No way she believed me.”
“Dude, worry about your mom later,” Peter said exasperatedly, shoving the pile of schematic papers into Ned’s hands. Peter’s hair was a total mess at this point, and he looked a little crazed. “We’ve got a problem. Like, a really big problem.”
“Like, a Spider-Man-sized problem or a Mr. Stark-sized problem?” Ned asked, turning the papers every which way in his hands, then holding them up to the light.
Peter looked at you nervously, then back to Ned. “I-I don’t know, man. But we’ve gotta tell somebody.”
You held up the black, soft covered journal that Peter had found. “We think this is an event log or something,” you told Ned. “We were waiting to go through it until you got here.”
“Oh, thanks guys,” Ned said, touching his heart. “I feel like an important part of the team.” He grinned to himself and muttered something that sounded like ‘guy in the chair’.
Peter sat down beside your place on his lower bunk, peering into the journal as you opened the first page. It was covered in numbers and words that meant nothing to you. It was chicken scratch. The next page, however, contained dates and times, with short descriptions written out beside each one.
“August 20th, 15:00 hours,” Peter read aloud over your shoulder. “Project Megarachne begins testing phase 1.”
“Megarachne?” you repeated, confused.
“It means big-ass spider,” Ned offered offhandedly, still twisting the schematics in every direction like some secret would reveal itself if he just stuck his tongue out the right way. You gulped.
Peter continued reading over your shoulder. “Memory configuration complete, A.I. integration successful.”
“Is this thing some freaky alien robot?” Ned asked, turning his body so that his head hung off of the edge of the bunk upside down. You doubted he could decipher the scratch-like handwriting like that.
Peter kept reading to himself silently, and reached to gently take the journal from you. You obliged, although you’d miss him peering over your shoulder.
“Yeeesss?” Peter answered eventually, “But… no?”
He reached his hand into the air, waiting for the schematics, but Ned was still twisting them above his head like he was trying to see some optical illusion.
“Dude,” Peter said insistently, wiggling his fingers, and Ned handed him the papers with a huff.
Peter flitted through each page with speed, and you wondered how he understood a single word or number. Then he looked back to the journal. Then back to the schematics. Then back to the journal again.
“It’s – I think it’s both?” he said, and it was obvious that while he was fearful, he was captivated. “It’s like a robot, but with real tissue. They created an A.I., but… but it was sourced from base programming they found inside the aliens’ brains.”
You’d never heard of anything like it before.
“Mr. Stark – Ironman – that’s why he blew up the Mothership during The Battle of New York. It was the power source, the command center,” Peter explained to you, and Ned nodded in rapt agreement, his head still upside down. “When Ironman nuked the Mothership, they all shut down and they died. They weren’t robots exactly, I mean, they were alive, ya know? But they weren’t.”
“So… they’re playing Frankenstein with this thing?” Ned asked with equal measure of awe and fright.
Peter flipped through each page of the journal until he came to the last entry, and to your horror, it was covered in ash and what you sincerely hoped wasn’t –
“Aw, man, is that blood?!” Ned asked, almost sounding like he thought it was cool.
Peter held it away from his face, cringing. “Ugh, gross.”
“What does the last page say?” you asked, and now it was your turn to lean over his shoulder.
Peter squinted. A lot of the timestamps were unreadable behind the rust-colored stain.
“Being… is… sentient?” With a nose wrinkled in disgust, he brought the journal close to his face again. “That’s it. It’s stopped after that.”
“Yeah, well, we know why,” Ned said pointedly. With a lurch of your stomach, you wondered whose blood was on that page. You hoped it wasn’t your father’s.
“So… you think that it, I don’t know, came to life and broke out?” you spoke your thoughts aloud. “It caused the explosion and that’s why my dad is in the hospital?”
“I mean, it makes sense,” Peter replied, chewing his lip. “That could explain why they’ve got goons covering the place. They don’t want a word of it leaked to the public.”
“No one on the floors above or below…” you mumbled to yourself in thought. “But why all of the guns? Why the steel doors and security protocols?”
Peter took a deep breath. He stared at the menacing creature on the page before him, and his eyes never left the drawing when he answered, “Maybe they’re scared it’s gonna come back.”
You swallowed hard, fighting the tears that were threatening to spill. The thought of your father covered in gauze and casts, comatose, trapped in that bed with nowhere to go as this monstrous creature stalked through his doorway to finish what it started…
“You – you have to tell Spider-Man, you have to tell Mr. Stark,” you squeaked pitifully, a rogue tear leaving a trail down your cheek. “This thing, it could come back for my dad, for everyone in that hospital. Could you im-imagine what it could do to do New York?”
Peter grasped your arms, desperately trying to catch your frantic eyes with his wide chocolate ones. “Hey, hey, hey, Y/N, it’s gonna be okay. We’re gonna take care of this, I promise. Your dad is gonna be fine.”
As much as you wanted to believe Peter, you couldn’t. “You can’t know that.” A look of pure determination set across Peter’s face, and he looked up at Ned, still hanging upside down. “C’mon, man, we’ve got work to do.”
Although neither of you wanted it, you went back home shortly after your revelations. Peter insisted that you needed a good night’s sleep, and that they couldn’t contact Spider-Man while you were still there, in case your personal goon was still keeping tabs on you. You knew he was right, but Peter’s presence made everything going on in your life at that moment seem more tolerable, and you’d miss the balm of his kind eyes and sweet voice. Ned and Peter promised to update you at school the next day.
Just as Peter warned, Aunt May shoved cab fare in your hand and absolutely refused to take it back. You waved goodbye to them both solemnly, trying to hide the panic in your eyes in front of Peter’s aunt.
Your apartment felt even more lonely and cold now that the sun had set, allowing darkness to creep in like an unwelcome house guest. You laid in bed, staring at the shadowed vaulted ceiling of your bedroom, watching the fan lazily turn with a faint click.
Your mind, through the trauma of your recent discovery, tried to logically wrap around what you’d learned with Peter and Ned. The government, like they always do, played around with something that they didn’t understand and ended up creating a worse monster than they had to begin with. They thought, in their predictable arrogance, that they could control it. Use it. They’d been wrong, and people were hurt because of it – people were dead because of it. You were so grateful that your father wasn’t the latter.
You fell into a fitful sleep that night, giant spider-like aliens crawling through your dreams. —————————————— The next day, after an awkwardly silent ride to school with your tree of a government-assigned babysitter (it was weird now that you were in the know about his secrets), you rushed inside the bustling halls of Midtown High with buzzing anticipation. You ran toward Peter and Ned’s lockers after spotting a mop of familiar-looking wavy chocolate hair through the crowd. Their backs were to you.
“Dude, you do know that this is gonna get complicated, right?” Ned told Peter, placing another piece of tape on the already large mound holding up the Death Star replica hanging from the top of his locker. “Helping Y/N with her dad, avoiding the feds, figuring out where Arachnizilla is and how to stop it all while hiding th—”
“Dude, I told you, stop calling it Arachnizilla,” Peter chided. “It’s lame.”
“No, it’s not!” Ned insisted, and it sounded like it was for the hundredth time.
“Arachnizilla, huh?”
Peter and Ned spun around at the sound of your voice, looking like they’d gotten caught with their hands in a cookie jar. How much had you heard?
“Heyyyy, y-you!” Peter greeted with a nervous grimace, deep-set panic in his eyes.
You narrowed your gaze at them, painfully aware that you had walked in on a conversation that you were not meant to hear. Peter and Ned did this all the time – talking about something heatedly under their breaths until you approached, then acted like nothing happened. You used to shrug it off, thinking that it was personal or just guy stuff, but this time you’d heard your name.
They were hiding something from you.
“So, what’s the big secret?” you laughed with a forced smile. This obviously concerned your father and the discoveries you all made last night. Why were you being kept in the dark? And why the hell did they look so nervous, especially Peter?
“Secret?” Ned laughed forcefully, swatting away your question like an invisible fly. “Pfft, what secret? Isn’t – isn’t that funny, Peter?”
“Yeah, f-funny,” Peter croaked weakly. His voice went up an octave.
“What’s gonna ‘get complicated’?” you quoted Ned’s words back to them. Your grip tightened on your backpack straps.
“Spider-Man,” Ned blurted. Peter slapped a palm to his forehead.
“Ya know, um, Spider-Man…” Peter fished, looking anywhere but at you for the rest of his sentence, “his, uh, his life is – is about to get complicated, you know? What with the f-feds looking for him and sneaking info to us and dealing with – with that alien thing—”
“Ned, shut up.”
You sighed. Of course this was about Spider-Man. You swore that you’d never heard of such a secretive superhero. Everyone knew the identity of The Avengers, with the exception of the masked web-slinger.
“Did you talk to him?” you asked, retreating your suspicious tone. Their reasoning was sound enough for you, for now at least.
If you didn’t know better, you’d think Peter was breathing a sigh of relief. “Yeah, we talked to him right after you left,” Ned chimed in, giving Peter a moment to regain himself. “He’s on it.”
You nearly collapsed in relief against the lockers beside theirs, closing your eyes and letting the weight of last night’s worry lift from you, if only for a moment. You smiled bigger than you had in days. “Guys, that’s so amazing.”
Peter still seemed nervous, but his smile mirrored yours. “I told you, Y/N, everything would be fine.” His smile grew a little, prideful. “Spider-Man is on the case.”
Suddenly, you felt a hand on your arm, and turned to find a dark-haired guy wearing a permanently-etched smirk. He was vaguely familiar, and as he looked into your eyes, you realized with trepidation that he was one of the many assholes that catcalled you in the hallways almost daily.
“I’m sure you’ve noticed me around,” he said, licking his lips as he looked you up and down. “I figured it was about time I introduced myself. The name’s Flash.”
“Flash,” you repeated, trying to hide the bite in your voice for the sake of propriety. You personally thought it was a dumb name. He evidently didn’t pick up on your less than enthusiastic tone because his hand was still on your arm.
“Yeah,” he affirmed with a cocky nod, leaning against the lockers beside you. “I figured it was high time I came and rescued the damsel in distress.”
You scoffed, but you’re sure that Flash thought you laughed. “Excuse me?”
His unkind eyes darted behind you toward Ned and Peter, and he sneered. “You’re new, so I wouldn’t expect you to know. There’s better company in this school than Penis Parker and Pillsbury Doughboy over there.”
You couldn’t stop the drop of your jaw. The nerve of this guy.
“They’re losers,” he continued, shrugging his shoulders as if they were diagnosed with a terminal illness and nothing could be done.
“Leave her alone, Flash,” came Peter’s voice from behind you, and you couldn’t help but savor the little spark of joy that his protective tone ignited within you.
Flash scoffed and his dark eyes filled with mirth. “Ooh, Parker’s coming out to play.” His eyes settled back on you, and you hated how it made you feel. His hand still hadn’t moved from your arm and its grip was tightening. “C’mon. It’s Y/N, right? Let me show you the people you wanna be hanging out with at Midtown. I could show you around after school.”
You had a gut feeling that you had no interest in this guy’s definition of “show you around”.
Just then, Peter was between you and the invasive Flash, pushing away Flash’s hand from your arm. Relief flooded you at the loss of contact, but your heart hammered at the evident upcoming confrontation.
“Dude, back off,” Peter said and his tone was barely even. You could tell there was irritation boiling just underneath the surface of his words.
Flash went from being amused by Peter’s quips to irritated. “Whatcha gonna do about it, barf bag?” He was a few inches taller than Peter, and he used that height to look down on him as he took a step into Peter’s personal space. All you could see was Peter’s back and Flash’s mocking face. The back of Peter’s neck was turning red.
“Peter…” Ned warned from behind you.
You didn’t like this. Sure, Peter was secretly kind of jacked (at least from what you could tell), but you’d never peg him as the fighting type, and you definitely couldn’t say the same about Flash. Your eyes darted to Peter’s balled fists.
“Shut up, Pillsbury,” Flash quipped at Ned, but his eyes never left Peter’s. He was taunting him. “Come on, Parker. I know you wanna punch me.”
“He’s just trying to get a rise out of you,” Ned said, stepping around you and gently tugging at Peter’s elbow. His tone had turned desperate. “Let’s just go, man.”
“That’s right, just go,” Flash shrugged. He grinned wolfishly at you over Peter’s shoulder. “Leave her with me, I’ll show her a good time.”
It happened so fast that you almost missed it. Peter’s fist flew out from his side and collided with Flash’s jaw, eliciting a sickening crack. You yelped in shock as Flash dropped to the floor.
He was out cold from a single punch.
You stared at the scene in shock. Flash had landed on his back, cushioned by his backpack, head lolled to the side. A tiny trickle of blood pooled at the corner of his mouth.
“Peter,” Ned breathed, and to your surprise he sounded almost disappointed. “Just one punch? You totally could’ve drawn that out longer.”
Peter shook his head at Ned in a “drop it” kind of way, then turned to you with searching eyes filled with pure concern. “Are you okay?”
You nodded and opened your mouth to speak, but no words came out. Were you surprised that Peter handled Flash with a seemingly-easy single punch? Honestly, yes you were. You would’ve never expected the sweet-looking bookworm to have such a grueling right uppercut. He hadn’t even drawn back his fist.
Were you embarrassed that the two caused a scene, over you no less? A little, but the stares of passersby was greatly outweighed by your shock. You looked down at Peter’s now unclenched hand, and there wasn’t even the hint of a mark.
But mostly, you were grateful. Nothing you could’ve said would’ve shaken Flash off, that much you knew, and Peter had stepped up to defend you. Effortlessly.
You flushed deeply at the realization that, honestly, you were a little turned on.
But you still hadn’t answered him, and worry pierced Peter’s brow. “I’m fine,” you finally said to Peter’s relief. You desperately tried to fight back the raging heat that you could feel rising from your neck, to your ears, to your cheeks.
“Are you sure? You seem kind of upset,” Ned said, noticing your redness.
Oh, that was the last thing you were, you thought with intense embarrassment. Peter gently placed his hands on your bare arms at Ned’s words.
“I’m so sorry about that,” Peter began in a clumsy tumble of words. “I – I shouldn’t have done that, and I know it was stupid, but – but he was disrespecting you and he wouldn’t leave you alone, and I’ve known Flash for forever, he’s always been a dick and never knows when to stop and—”
Oh, how much you wanted to kiss him.
“—and he always does shit like this, ya know? And it’s one thing when he’s being an ass to me and Ned, but you—”
Stop staring at his lips, you scolded yourself, which only turned the thermostat up on your already fiery blush. Of course, Ned and Peter thought this meant you were getting more upset.
“—don’t hate me,” Peter was saying, and you realized that you’d missed half of his sentence because you couldn’t stop thinking about how badly you wanted to make out with him. “I’ll – I’ll never punch anyone ever again, okay?”
���Don’t make promises you can’t keep,” Ned muttered under his breath. Peter shot him an unamused glare, but there was no venom in it.
“Mr. Parker!” rang a deep voice, and all three of you jumped apart. A man that you recognized from your first day as the principle was marching down the hall, his broom-like mustache quivering.
Peter gulped. “Shit.”
Pt 8
Tags: @rivaea @starksparker @its-nikki-bitch @martinafigoli @castawayclaires @rintheemolion
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rubyspearsmegamanproject · 4 years ago
28. Song Of The Siren
The episode begins with a view of a beach at night. Some police bots are walking by the edge of the harbor. They pass by a rock in the shallow waters of the beach. Something is moving in the water and towards the rock. Splash Woman jumps up onto a rock. She takes a deep breath, and begins singing. The police bots turn around and look at Splash Woman. Splash Woman waves to them as she is singing. She then points them towards some robots sitting down on the sand. The police robots begin shooting at the robots and destroy them in the process. Splash Woman laughs evilly as she watches the carnage. Meanwhile, Mega Man and Rush are walking down the city sidewalk. Some lady robots are walking up to them. They flirt with Mega Man and tell him how handsome and muscular he is. Rush groans in embarassment at the spectacle. Mega Man tells the lady robots that he and Rush have to go. They quickly walk past them as the lady robots seductively bid Mega Man goodbye. Mega Man is red in the face with sheer humiliation. Rush licks his face as a way comforting him. "Thanks Rush." Mega Man says to him "I needed that."
As they walk to the corner sidewalk, they see someone running towards them. Three large
military robots come charging towards them. They begin firing at them. "Sufferin' Cyborgs! An ambush!" Mega Man cries out. He jumps out of the line of fire and shoots at the military robots. Rush jumps out of the way also. One of the military robots fires a grenade at Mega Man. The grenade lands in front of Mega Man. Mega Man picks it up and says "Here! Have a taste of your own medicine!" He throws it at them. Two of the military robots are instantly blown up into parts. The remaining military robot fires his gatling gun at Mega Man in the hopes of destroying him. Mega Man dodges the bullets and charges up his cannon. Rush jumps on top of the military robot's head and covers its eyes with his paws. Mega Man fires a fully charged shot at the robot's legs. Mega Man cries out to Rush "Rush! Jump!" Rush jumps off of the robot's head as the robot falls to the ground and smashes its head upon the
pavement. Rush runs back to Mega Man. "What was that all about?" Mega Man asks Rush. A call comes up on his arm cannon. Mega Man presses a button on his arm cannon to receive the call. It's Dr. Light. "What is it, Dr. light?" Mega Man asks him. Dr. Light responds "Mega Man! Construction robots appear to have glitched and are wrecking nearby buildings! You need to get over there right now before they put human lives in danger!" Mega Man says "I'll be right there!" and hangs up the call. "Looks like there's another emergency, Rush!" Mega Man says to Rush. Rush barks and then turns into his Jet mode. Mega Man gets on Rush and they fly over to the construction site.
Elsewhere, some garbage disposal robots are picking up garbage cans and dumping their contents into the garbage truck. Splash Woman pops out of the fountain nearby and says "Yoo hoo!" to the garbage disposal robots. They look at her and then look back and continue on with their work. Splash Woman says "I knew you wouldn't pay attention to me..." and then begins singing. The garbage robots, instead of dumping the trash cans into the garbage truck, begin throwing the trash cans through the windows of nearby buildings and throw the garbage in the garbage truck all over the place. Splash Woman laughs evilly at the spectacle before her. She gets a call on her arm cannon and answers the call. She asks in a singsong voice "Who is it?" Dr. Wily sighs and says "It's Dr. Wily. Is your singing reprogramming them as I expect it to do?" "But of course!" Splash Woman says with glee "And they're causing chaos like you wanted them to do!" Dr. Wily says "Excellent! With your help, Splash Woman, I will have a massive army of robots in no time! Now make your way to the Robo Commando headquarters and give them a concert they'll never forget! Mwa ha ha ha ha!" "Oh Wily!" Splash Woman says "You're such a card!" and hangs up the call. She dives into the fountain and swims away to her next target.
Meanwhile, Mega Man uses his plasma cannon to stun the last remaining construction robot. The robot falls to the ground with a metallic thud. Mega Man exclaims, "Well that takes care of them!" He then surveys the damage that was caused by the construction robots. "Is everyone alright?" Mega Man asks everyone. The people tell Mega Man that they are okay and unharmed. Mega Man is perplexed as to what is causing the robots to go berzerk. Mega Man calls up Dr. Light on his arm cannon to ask him if he's figured out the cause of the problem yet. Dr. Light tells him not yet, and for him and Rush to meet him and Roll at the seafood restaurant for dinner. Mega Man hangs up and tells Rush that they have a rendezvous with Dr. Light and Roll. Rush barks and turns into his Jet mode. Mega Man and Rush fly off.
At the seafood restaurant, Mega Man is discussing with Dr. Light the current situation with the berzerk robots. Across from where they're sitting, something swims into the large tubular aquarium that is in the center of the dining area of the seafood restaurant. It then swims up to the top of the tank. It is revealed to be Splash Woman. She surfaces and sees that Mega Man is over at one of the tables. She laughs to herself and says "Mega Man's going to be quite in a tizzy tonight!" She begins singing. Next to the aquarium is a table full of high-ranking police robots. Dr. Light and his robots hear singing coming from the aquarium. Dr. Light thinks that they are putting on a show for the diners. "Such beautiful singing!" Dr. Light complements "The entertainment here is simply astounding!" Mega Man says "Yeah! Whoever's singing should really sing up for-" as he turns his head to where the aquarium is, but cuts himself off when he sees that the singer is none other than Splash Woman. He is shocked and shouts out "Splash Woman!" Mega Man jumps out of his chair and runs over to the aquarium. The high-ranking police robots that are now under Splash Woman's control come up to Mega Man to stop him from confronting Splash Woman. "Stop in the name of the law!" the police robots shout at Mega Man. They aim their guns at him. "We sentence you...to death!" the police robots says as they charge up their guns. Splash Woman laughs out loud and says to Mega Man "Looks like you've been busted!" Mega Man looks up at her and then back down at the police robots. He then shouts out "Afraid not!" He jumps onto the head of the police robot in the middle and the police robot's gun points down to the floor. The gun goes off, creating enough force to launch Mega Man up onto the edge of the tank.
He stares Splash Woman right in her eyes and exclaims "You're the one that's been making robots go crazy, aren't you!" Splash Woman giggles and says "Robots like you!" She begins singing. Mega Man tries to resist her singing, but finds himself falling under her spell. Splash Woman giggles evilly and says to him "You love my singing to, don't you?" Mega Man slowly nods. Splash Woman then tells him "Now, my number one fan, go wreck your friends!" Mega Man jumps down from the tank, using the police robots as a landing. He then aims his cannon at Dr. Light and begins charging it. "Mega No!" Roll cries out.  She quickly switches to her frying pan attatchment and puts the frying pan in front of Dr. Light. "But Splash Woman wants me to!" Mega Man says, clearly brainwashed by Splash Woman's siren-like singing. Mega Man fires a shot from his plasma cannon in Dr. Light's direction. Roll deflects the shot with her frying pan. The shot is deflected and hits the floor in front of Mega Man. Dust and debris and kicked up. Mega Man swipes at the dust with his hand to clear it. He accidentially hits Roll, who lets out a cry that is reminiscent of off-key singing. This, for some reason, snaps Mega Man out of Splash Woman's control. Splash Woman sees that Mega Man is no longer under the control of her singing. She has the two remaining police robots destroy Mega Man and his allies. They get up and run over to Mega Man and aim their guns at him. "So the pursuit is still on, huh?" Mega Man says to the police robots. He then shouts "Very well then!" and fires at their guns. The intense heat of the plasma blasts melts the police robots' guns, making them no longer work. The police robots put up their arms and surrender. "Now that's more like it!" Mega Man exclaims. Suddenly, Dr. Light cries out "Mega Man! Help!" Mega Man turns to see Guts Man holding up Dr. Light above his head. "You better put him down, Guts Man!" Mega Man says to Guts Man. "Or what!?" Guts Man growls. Mega Man aims his plasma cannon at him and says "Or else you're going to get a face full of plasma power!" Guts Man laughs and says "Try it! You'll end up hittin' your dear ol' doc instead! Ha ha ha ha ha!" Rush sneaks up to one of Guts Man's legs and bites it. Guts Man wobbles around in pain and yells out "Not again!" Dr. Light falls out of Guts Man's arms. Mega Man jumps up and catches Dr. Light. Meanwhile, Guts Man manages to pull Rush off of his leg. He goes over to the large
lobster tank. Rush whimpers as Guts Man prepares to drop him into the lobster tank. "Here lobsters! Lunchtime! Ha ha ha ha!" Guts Man yells out with sadistic glee in his tone. Rush yowls out for Mega Man. Mega Man runs over to the lobster tank. While he is running to the lobster tank, Mega Man yells out "Oh great! Now it's Rush's turn to be rescued!" Splash Woman is getting upset at Guts Man's tomfoolery and yells out to him "Guts Man! What do you think you're doing!" Guts Man groans and says "Ohhh! I was getting rid of the robo dog!" Splash Woman yells out "The others are getting away!" Just then, Mega Man snatches Rush
out of Guts Man's grasp and pushes the lobster tank over, dumping water and lobsters all over Guts Man. The lobster crawl over Guts Man and pinch various parts of his head. Guts Man flails around in pain and ends up slipping and crashing onto the floor. Splash Woman facepalm and says to herself "Looks like I'll have to spear them myself!" She fires her Laser Trident at Dr. Light and Roll. Mega Man and Rush run over to save them. Roll uses her vacuum attatchment to suck up the projectiles, but as the Laser Tridents are sucked up, they damage her arm. Mega Man fires some shots at Splash Woman, knocking her Laser Trident out of her hands. Splash Woman yells out "This is just the beginning, Mega Man!" and dives into the aquarium. Mega Man tries to jump into the aquarium to pursue her, but just as he is about to dive into the aquarium, he sees that she has already swam away. He splashes the water in disappointment. "Robo Rats!" he cries out.
Back at Dr. Light's Lab, Dr. Light is trying to find out how to reverse the effects of Splash Woman's singing. He laments how he had built her and seven other robots to help humanity. He thought that he had created them in a way that would make it difficult for them to be reprogrammed, but Dr. Wily somehow managed to find a way to reprogram them. Mega Man remembers the first time he confronted them. Dr. Light and Mega Man hope that they can save the robots that he had created and get them onto the good side once again. Dr. Light tells Mega Man that he can't seem to find a way to reverse Splash Woman's singing by himself. He tells Mega Man that only Splash Woman herself would know how to reverse her own singing. Mega Man wonders how they are going to find out a way to gather information on how her singing works on male robots. Dr. Light tells Mega Man "It's looks like you're going to have to seduce her into finding a way to reverse the effects of her singing." Mega Man looks at Dr. Light with disbelief. "Are you serious!?" he says to his creator. "I'm afraid so." Dr. Light replies. Roll places a half ring-shaped device on one of Mega Man's "ears". She tells him that if he needs her help to just press the button on the device. Mega Man tells her "Okay. I'll remember that for if I need any of your advice during this little misadventure." Mega Man gets into the Air Raider and flies out of the lab and off to the Skull Ship.
Mega Man arrives at the Skull Ship. He gets out of the Air Raider and walks over to the Skull Ship. Bubble Man comes up on the ship's  intercom and asks him angrily what he is doing near the Skull Ship. Mega Man tells him that he wants to join Splash Woman's side. In the Skull Ship's main room, Bubble Man talks into the microphone. He says to Mega Man "This isn't some sort of clever trick, is it!?" Mega Man says to him "Of course not!". As he straightens  his bowtie he says "I love Splash Woman so much I want to join her and fight by her side!" Bubble Man responds "Hmmm...fair enough!" He presses a button on the control panel in front of him. A bridge extends out of the Skull Ship and plops down in front of Mega Man. Roll tells Mega Man "Just go up the bridge and make a good entrance!" Mega Man walks up the bridge and onto the Skull Ship. He walks by some security cameras that are following his every move. He goes up to what he thinks is the main entrance. He knocks on the door. On the intercom, Bubble Man snaps "Just go in, Mega Ditz!" "Oh! Okay!" Mega Man responds. The door slides open and Mega Man enters. He walks around looking for the room that Splash Woman is in. He hears Splash Woman saying "Come in, Mega Babe!" Mega Man asks out loud "Where are you, Splash Woman?" Splash Woman simply giggles and replies "Over here!" Mega Man looks around and yells out "Where?!" Splash Woman cries out "In the room next to you, silly!" Mega Man looks to his side and sees a door there. He slowly opens the door. He goes into the room. The room is dark. Mega Man hears water swishing. A single light turns on in the room. The light shines on Splash Woman. She lightly waves at him and says with a coy tone in her voice "Why hello there, Mega Man!" Mega Man is taken aback for a second, but regains his composure and replies "H-Hello there, Splash Woman! It's real nice to m-meet you!" Splash Woman giggles and says "It's nice to meet you too!" She swishes her tail seductively. Mega Man outstretches his hand to give her the bouquet. "Oh for me!" she says to him. She takes the bouquet and holds it close to her chest and says "That was real sweet of you!" "T-thank you!" Mega Man nervously replies. He is unsure of what to do next. He tells Splash Woman "W-will you e-excuse for a moment, please?" She replies "Sure thing, Mega Man!" Mega Man does over near the entrance and presses the button on his device. He asks Roll what he should do next after offering her the bouquet. She suggests to him asking her out on an outing. Mega Man tells Roll that he and Splash Woman are in the Skull Ship. Roll suggests that he bring her out onto the deck so that they could view the scenery together. Splash Woman looks over at Mega man and is suspicious of his behavior. Mega Man goes back to Splash Woman and asks her if she would like to join him in watching the scenery from the front deck of the Skull Ship. She answers "Why I would love to do that! Only one problem, I kinda need someone to carry me up on deck!" She points with her hand to her slowly swishing tail. Mega Man goes over to where she is. He treads through the water and picks her up in his arms. "No problem!" Mega man says to her as he carries her out of the room. We see Splash Woman looking back with a sinister look on her face. As he is walking out with Splash Woman in her arms and down the hallway, Guts Man stops him when he gets to the end of the hallway. "Just where do ya think yer goin' with her!?" Guts Man asks Mega Man. Splash Woman interrupts Mega Man before he can say anything to Guts Man. "I have given him permission to take me out onto the front deck to watch the stars with him, isn't that right Mega Man?" Splash Woman says to Guts Man. Mega Man nervously replies "Uh, yes! That's right! That's what she told me!" Splash Woman looks at Guts Man in a stern way and
says to him "You better be nice to us, Guts Man! Mega Man is going to be joining our side very soon!" Guts Man groans "Oh, alright! You may pass...but only this once!" Guts Man slowly steps aside and lets them through. "You're such a gentleman, Guts Man!" Splash Woman says to Guts Man as they go past him and out onto the front deck of the Skull Ship. Proto Man is watching them from the end of the hall. "This I gotta see!" Proto Man says to himself with amusement. Out on the deck of the Skull Ship, Mega Man and Splash Woman are watching the bustling city life by the harbor. Mega Man silently sneaks away from Splash Woman to contact Roll. He presses the button on the device and waits for Roll to call back. Roll asks him what he needs this time. Mega Man asks her what he should say to her as she is watching the nighttime scenery. She tells him to complement her and to comment on what is going on in the distance. Mega Man replies "Got it!" and hangs up. He goes over to Splash Woman and tells her "You're looking really pretty tonight." Splash Woman says to him "Why thank you, Mega Man!" She looks down at the water below and says "I've never had a robot of the opposite gender complement me before!" Mega Man looks down at the water with her, his reflection joining hers upon the surface. Mega Man says "You haven't had a robot complement you before!?" Splash Woman sadly responds "No...not even Dr. Wily himself!" She continues "The other robots don't even treat me with respect! They just see me as some sort of sea princess!" Mega Man looks back at Splash Woman and says to her, "I respect you." Splash Woman is suprised by what Mega Man just said to her. "You-you do?!" she asks him in order to confirm what he just told her. "Of course I do!" Mega Man replies. "You're not only an attractive robot, you're also a great fighter!" He continues "You were quite the adversary during the seige on Atlantis!" The excitement increases in his voice as he says "You're one formidible opponent!" Splash Woman blushes and says "Why thank you, Mega Man! I've never had one of my enemies complement me on my fighting prowess! You're a first!" Thinking that Splash Woman is lost in what he said to her, Mega Man goes over to the other side of the deck and contacts Roll yet again. "Any other romantic advice?" he asks her. Roll simply says "Now's a good time to hold her hand!" "What!?" Mega Man exclaims in disbelief, his exclamation attracting Splash Woman's attention. She glances at him, and sees the device around his "ear". Roll is still explaining to Mega Man why holding her hand would win her heart. As Mega Man concludes his conversation with Roll, Splash Woman suddenly grabs his hand. Mega Man looks over at Splash Woman, horrified. Splash Woman angrily asks Mega Man "Who are you talking to on that thing!?" Mega Man tries to confess that it is Roll, who is helping him out on his "date" with Splash Woman. Splash Woman angrily says "You'd rather talk with your ditzy sister than spend some quality time with me!?" Roll overhears what Splash Woman called her and begins to say "Listen here, you rusting excuse for a mermaid! I-" Splash Woman pulls the device off of Mega Man's "ear" and crushes it in her hand. Roll has now realized that her communication with Mega man has been abruptly cut off. "Oh no!" she exclaims "Mega could be in very big trouble!" She runs out of the side lab and exclaims "I've got to tell Dr. Light! Fast!" Meanwhile, Mega Man tries to explain to Splash Woman why Roll was assisting him. Splash Woman doesn't listen to him, and accuses him of romancing her as a way to find a way to stop her from controlling the male robots. Mega Man feels like he cannot make excuses and admits that the "date" was indeed an intelligence gathering mission. Splash Woman yells out "I knew it! You were just trying to sweet talk your way into finding out how to save your boy robot friends!" She presses a button on her arm cannon and yells out "Now you've made a very fatal mistake!" Mega Man extends his hand out to stop her from calling for back up and cries out "No! Don't!" While looking at him with evil intent, Splash Woman says into her arm cannon "It's a set up! Mega Man's trying to destroy me! Help! Help!" Mega Man hears the robot masters about to go out of the door. He looks back to
Splash Woman and says "Sorry I broke your heart!" He tears off his suit, removes his bowtie, and run towards the tip of the deck and dives off of it headfirst into the water below. Guts Man, Dive Man, and Bubble Man barge out of the door and onto the front deck. "Where did that blue lothario go!?" Guts Man roars at Splash Woman, ready for a fight. Splash Woman tells the robot masters that he jumped into the water, then commands Dive Man and Bubble Man to pursue him with her. She goes over the railing and goes into the water in pursuit of Mega Man. Proto Man stands at the door and shakes his head at the spectacle occuring
before him. After diving into the water, she activates her Laser Trident and swims away. "Where did that cyan cad go!?" she asks herself with anger in her tone. Meanwhile, Mega Man is hiding under a dock, with some scraps of the suit still on his body. He calls up Dr. Light on his arm cannon and yells into it "Dr. Light! Come one! The mission's a failure and now Splash Woman and the other robots are after my blue hide!" Dive Man passes by the dock and hears Mega Man calling for help on his arm cannon. Mega Man hears Dive Man swimming towards him, looks up, and gasps in terror. "Found you, you little womanizer!" Dive Man
says to him. He fires some Dive Missiles at him. Mega Man swims quickly out of the way of the missiles. The missiles destroy the wooden pillars holding the dock up. The dock falls into the water. Mega Man tries to escape the sinking dock, but ends up pinned under the wreckage. Bubble Man comes upon the carnage and swims over. He sees Mega Man struggling to free himself from the wreckage and comments "Ha ha ha ha! Trapped like a blue crab!" Splash Woman joins Dive Man and Bubble Man and charges towards Mega Man with her Laser Trident. Mega Man sees her charging towards her with a very angry look on her face. Mega Man exclaims "Don't make me shoot you!" He realizes that she will not listen to this threat, and aims his plasma cannon at her as it charges up. Unfortunately, his plasma cannon has been damaged and automatically shuts down. Mega Man sighs and braces himself for Splash Woman's attack. Bubble Man and Dive Man simply watch with
sadistic glee. Just then, Roll jumps down into the water and onto Splash Woman. She is knocked unconscious for a moment. Rush dives into the water not too long after. He goes over to Mega Man and sees that he is trapped in the wreckage. Mega Man shows Rush his damaged arm cannon and tells him "I can't really defend  myself this time, boy." Bubble Man tells Roll "Sorry to burst your bubble, Blondie, but you're not going to be play heroine!" He fires his Bubble Lead weapon at Roll. Roll is enveloped in a large bubble. Bubble Man goes over to Rush while he's removing the reminants of the dock off of Mega Man and says to him, "Now it's your turn, Metal Mutt!" He fires his Bubble Lead weapon at Rush. Rush dodges the bubbles. The bubbles hit the wreckage and encase parts of it in bubbles. The bubbles float away, freeing Mega Man from the wreckage. "Thanks for the assistance, Bubble Man!" Mega Man tells Bubble Man. Rush turns into his Marine Mode, and Mega Man gets inside. Dive Man fires some Dive Missles at Rush. Rush quickly jets away from the missiles. Roll tries to pop the bubble trapping her with her fingers, but is unable to. She switches to her corkscrew attatchment and jabs the bubble. The bubble pops, and Roll swims away to join Mega Man and Rush. Splash Woman goes after Roll and fires her Laser Trident at her. Mega Man looks back and sees that Roll is in trouble. He tells Rush "Rush! You need to fetch Roll! She's in a pickle!" Rush turns back to rescue Roll from Splash Woman's wrath. Roll switches to her toaster attatchment and attempts to fire it at Splash Woman, but the toaster won't work underwater and just produces a stream of small bubbles. Splash Woman laughs and tells Roll "How pathetic! You can't even use the right attatchment! You really are a Robo Ditz!" Splash Woman charges up her Laser Trident and aims it at Roll. Roll goes through her attatchments in a desparate attempt to find the right one to fight Splash Woman with. Rush quickly grabs Roll by the collar of her "shirt" and quickly swims away. Splash Woman still fires at them as they get away. Dive Man tells Splash Woman "Don't waste your Laser Trident on them, Splash Woman! We'll get them next time!" Splash Woman growls and clenches her fist as the good robots surface.
As the Air Raider makes its way back to Dr. Light's lab, Mega Man and everyone else are trying to think of another way to find a way to reverse the effects of Splash Woman's singing. Roll recalls back at the seafood restaurant, when she cried out in a way that sounded like off-key singing, that for some reason it reversed the effect the singing had on Mega Man. "It was almost like I was singing off-key!" Roll comments. Mega Man and Roll both realize that off-key singing is the key to reversing Splash Woman's singing. "That's it!" they both say in unison. Mega Man turns to Roll and says "No offense, Roll, but your terrible singing appears to snap guy robots out of Splash Woman's spell." "None taken!" Roll says. Mega Man then says "We gotta tell Dr. Light right away!" The Air Raider flies over to Dr. Light's lab.
Elsewhere, the Skull Ship docks at Baltimore's harbor. The Skull Ship is near the World Trade Center. The Skullker flies out of the Skull Ship and goes up towards the roof of the skyscraper. It lands on the roof. Proto Man is revealed to be the one flying the Skullker instead of Dr. Wily. He looks to the back of the Skullker, where Splash Woman, Guts Man, and Cut Man are, and says to them "Time for your concert, Splashy!" Splash Woman smiles evilly and chuckles. Guts Man carries Splash Woman out of the back of the Skullker with Cut Man following behind them. He goes to the center of the roof and places Splash Woman down. "Okay!" Guts Man says to her "Sing yer heart out!" Splash Woman stands up a bit and clears her throat. She begins singing. Every male robot within earshot of her begins to stop what they are doing. They then begin to wreck havoc on their surroundings. Dr. Wily is viewing the situation from his Skull Ship. He laughs evilly and is very pleased that his plan is working. He calls up Proto Man in the Skullker and tells him to look down and see how the male robots are reacting. "Okee Dokee Doc!" Proto Man responds. He gets out of the Skullker and looks down at the city below from the edge of the roof. He sees the destruction below and smirks. He turns around and walks back to the Skullker. He hears Cut Man cry out that an air vehicle is on the horizon and looks back to see what it is. It is the Air Raider. Proto Man thinks that it is going to shoot at them. He and Cut Man aim their cannons at it. To their surprise, it lands on a nearby skyscraper. They deactivate their cannons.
They go over to the edge of the roof to see who is going to come out of the Air Raider. Mega Man comes out of it, looking confident and determined. Roll climbs out of the Air Raider, but instead of her usual garb, she is in a sparkling red dress. Dr. Wily's robots are strangely both confused and enamored at the same time. Rush comes out of the Air Raider, carrying a kareoke machine on his back. He places the machine in front of Roll.  Roll grabs the microphone, looks at the bad robots and says "Hey Boys! Check this out!" She takes a deep breath and begins singing, off-key. Splash Woman hears Roll singing and stops singing herself. She flops over to the side of the roof. She becomes enraged when she sees Roll for herself. She commands the bad robots to go over there and get rid of them. They run into the Skullker and fly off while Splash Woman resumes singing. Mega Man and Rush see that the Skullker is heading towards the building that they are on. Mega Man looks at Rush and says "We need to stop them!" Rush turns into his Jet Mode and Mega Man gets on him. They fly off the roof to confront the Skullker. Inside the Skullker, Proto Man is piloting it and sees Mega Man approaching, his cannon aimed at the Skullker and ready to fire at it. Proto Man says, "So you're going to stop us, huh?" He presses a button, smirks evilly and says "Let's see you stop this!" The Skullker fires a large beam at Mega Man and Rush. "Rush! Roll over!" Mega Man yells out to Rush. Rush does a barrel roll, narrowly dodging the large beam. The beam hits the windows on the side of the building. The windows reflect the beam back at the Skullker. Proto Man, Guts Man and Cut Man are terrified at the beam shoots back at the Skullker. The Skullker is hit and is badly damaged. Mega Man looks on and comments "How's that for karma?" The Skullker emits billows of smoke and begins to plummet to the ground below. Mega Man is shocked to see that the Skullker is headed towards a group of people. He flies down and catches up with the plummeting Skullker. He pushes the Skullker towards the water. Proto Man sees that the Skullker is now headed towards the water. "Abandon Skullker!" Proto Man cries out in distress. Proto Man and the other bad robots jump out of the Skullker, Proto man jumps out of one of the windows in the cockpit. Guts Man and Proto Man plunge into the water. The Skullker makes a huge splash as it smashes into the water. Cut Man misses the water and lands onto the concrete walkway. His cutters take the impact and smash into pieces. He hits his head on the ground and bounces over onto his back. Swirls appear in his eyes. Underwater, the Skullker sinks quickly down into the depths. It then explodes, sending up a column of large bubbles. Proto Man and Guts Man try to dodge the bubbles, but the bubbles end up floating them up towards the water's surface. As they surface, Bubble Man and Dive Man confront them. Dive Man sternly asks them "What's going on here!?" Proto Man tells Dive Man "Mega Man is what happened, Dive Man!" They hear Rush and Mega Man flying up back to the rooftop. Proto Man fires his plasma cannon at them. Guts Man grabs Dive Man and prepares to hurl him at Mega Man. "Hey! Put me down!" Dive Man commands. Guts Man tries to throw him, but messes up the throw. Dive Man falls into the water. Dive Man surfaces and yells at Guts Man "You moron!" He aims his cannon at Mega Man and says "Let a more competent soldier handle this one!" He fires some Dive Missiles at Mega Man. Mega Man catches the missiles, much to Dive Man's shock. "Touchdown!" Mega Man cries out. He then says to Dive Man "Here, let me throw you the old pigskins!" Mega Man throws the missiles back at the evil  robots. The missiles explode and literally blow them out of the water. Dive Man flies out of the water and lands onto the concrete. Guts Man ends up landing on him. "Get off of me, you hard-hatted lug!" Dive Man angrily yells out.
Meanwhile, Splash Woman sees that Mega Man is returning to where Roll is situated. "It's time for an encore performance, Mega Cad!" Splash Woman evilly says. She sings to him. Mega Man sees that she is delibrately singing to him and covers his "ears" with his hands. Unfortunately, he is unable to do this for very long. He and Rush swoon as they succumb to the singing's effect. Mega Man and Rush go up to Splash Woman. Mega Man asks Splash Woman "W-What is your h-heart's desire, m-my love?" Splash Woman tickles his chin and tells him seductively "Oh Mega Man, I would just love it if you would destroy your sister!" Mega Man turns around and says "As you w-wish, mi a-amore!" Rush barks slowly and lovingly. Mega Man and Rush turn around and jet right towards Roll. Mega Man aims his cannon at Roll, all the while flashing an expression of hatred. Roll knows what to do this time, and without fear, begins singing off-key. Mega Man and Rush immediately snap out of the effects of Splash Woman's singing. Mega Man realizes that he his aiming his cannon at Roll, and quickly puts it down as his cheeks redden with embarassment. Splash Woman is furious that Mega Man has yet again escaped her control. She readies her Laser Trident and fires at the good robots. Mega Man fires at Splash Woman and knocks her Laser Trident out of her hands. Splash Woman sneers and growls "If I can't destroy you, then my fans will for me!" She goes over to the edge of the roof and looks down. She sees the hypnotized male robots being loaded up onto the Skull Ship. She begins singing to them and has them enter the skyscraper the good robots are on and go up to where they are. "Scale that building and bring them down!" Splash Woman commands through song. The male robots march out
of the Skull Ship and run over to the skyscraper. Some of them enter the building and go up the stairs and the elevators, while some of them climb up the building. Dr. Wily calls up Splash Woman on her arm cannon and cries out "What do you think you're doing!?" Splash Woman responds with "Getting rid of the problem, just like you've commanded me to do!" Dr. Wily angrily tells her to get them back on the Skull Ship. Splash Woman replies "After I get rid of the problem!" She hangs up the call and continues with her singing. In the Skull Ship, Dr. Wily calls up the robot masters. Over near the building, Guts Man manages to finally get off of Dive Man. Dive Man gets  up and begins yelling at Guts Man. Proto Man gets a call on his arm cannon. He yells out "Shut Up! Wily's calling me!" at Guts Man and Dive Man, who were still fighting. Proto Man says "What is it, Wily?" Dr. Wily says to him "It looks like the hypnotized robots are going to need your help in taking down Mega Man...literally!" Proto
Man smiles evilly and says "Sure thing, Dr. Wily! We'll be right there, won't we guys?" He looks at Guts Man and Dive Man. Dive Man salutes Proto Man and says "Yes sir!" They then run off towards the building. Meanwhile, Mega Man and Rush look down from the rooftop and see that the hypnotized robots are getting closer and closer to them. Mega Man shoots at some of them, causing them to fall off of the building. He tells Roll "I don't think I can hold them off for long..." He then tells her "Sing to them!" Roll resumes singing. Splash Woman sees that Roll is singing again. "Oh no you don't!" she exclaims. Splash Woman starts singing again. Roll sees that Splash Woman is staring to sing and turns up the volume on the kareoke machine. Splash Woman sings louder. Roll turns up the volume on the machine even higher. Splash Woman sings even louder. "How about this, Scale Tail?" Roll yells out to Splash Woman. She turns the machine up to maximum volume. Splash Woman sings as loud as she can. Mega Man is still blasting away at the robots climbing up the building. He and Rush hear them exiting onto the rooftop. Mega Man looks at Rush with worry and says "Looks like we're done for!" Suddenly, Splash Woman's throat short circuits. Some smoke comes out of her mouth. She tries to sing again, but can barely let out a squeak. "What's the matter, Splash Woman?" Roll taunts "Robo cat got your tongue?" Splash Woman readies her Laser Trident and aims it at Roll. "Not this time, Splashy!" Mega Man cries out. He fires a fully-powered shot at Splash Woman, knocking her out. "Looks like her singing career is over!" Mega Man says to Roll. Rush is at the edge of the roof and says to Mega Man "Look! Look!" Mega Man and Roll go over and see that the robots are snapping out of it. The robots on the roof that were about to attack Mega Man and his allies realize where they are and head back to the door. Roll turns around and says "I hope the rental store is still open at this-" She is suddenly grabbed. Mega Man turns  around and sees that Guts Man has snatched Roll. Before he can react, Cut Man aims the cutters on his head at Mega Man's neck. "Mega! Danger!" Rush barks out. Mega Man turns around to see Cut Man on the verge of taking his head off. He ducks just as the cutters close shut. Proto Man, Dive Man, Wave Man, and Bubble Man climb onto the rooftop. They surround Mega Man and Rush. "Looks like you're surrounded, Little Brother!" Proto Man says to Mega Man. Mega Man says "Well in that case, why don't we put some tunes on!" He adjusts the kareoke machine's volume, causing it to emit a loud horrible screech. All of the bad robots cringe and cover their ears. Guts Man drops Roll and
stumbles back a bit. He loses his balance and falls off of the building and onto the ground, smashing into pieces. Roll gets up and says "Twas beauty that killed the bot!" Proto Man crouches down, still holding his 'ears' with his hands. He yells out "Somebody turn that wretched machine off!" Wave Man fires his Water Wave at the kareoke machine. It does not turn off but instead shorts out. The Water Wave sends the machine towards Dive Man and Bubble Man. "Not over here!" Dive Man yells out. "It's going to explode!" exclaims Bubble Man. The machine is about to explode. Bubble Man fires his Bubble Lead at it, encasing the machine. Dive Man and Bubble Man both exhale a sigh of relief, but to their horror, the machine explodes. They are both blown to pieces. Roll comments "We're going to have to pay for that now!" Only Cut Man, Proto Man, and Wave Man now remain. Mega Man tells Roll "Stand in the middle!" Roll complies and gets between Mega Man and Rush. Mega Man fires at Wave Man while dodging his Water Waves. Mega Man charges up his cannon and fires it at Wave Man. Wave Man is knocked out and falls onto the ground. Mega Man then copies his Water Wave weapon. Proto Man and Cut Man see that Mega Man has Wave Man's weapon now. "Let's get him!" Proto Man yells out to Mega Man. "I'm sorry, but you guys are all washed up now!" Mega Man says to them as he fires his Water Wave at them. Proto Man and Cut Man fall off of the building. Before landing on the ground, Proto Man cries out "I'll get you next time, Mega Man!" He and Cut Man smash into pieces, their parts joining Guts Man's shattered body. Mega Man and company hear a boat's horn blow. They peer over the roof and see that the Skull Ship is leaving the dock. "Bon voyage!" Mega Man yells out.
Back at Dr. Light's lab, Roll is telling Dr. Light how she had to explain to the rental store owner why she couldn't return the kareoke machine. Rush goes over to Mega Man and barks to him, indicating to him that the kareoke video game is ready for him to play. Mega Man goes up to the microphone. "This oughta be good!" Roll says to Dr. Light. Mega Man clears his throat and begins to sing. He hits a high note, shattering a nearby vase. Roll tells Mega Man, "You might want to consider singing lessons, Mega!" The episode ends with everyone laughing.
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