#oh yeah and there will almost certainly be more unreleased songs featured in the future so uhhh. watch out I guess ??
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psilliguykai · 23 days ago
WWWW #1: "-iSH"/"William I Wonder"
[context under the song/cut and art commentary in the tags ^^]
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Well when tension comes to tear my life
Can we survive torn in Soul, Heart, and Mind?
Or will we be captured in the strife,
Damned to repeat until we die?
Well, at 23 oh, will I see
If I'm to "be" as one or split in three?
And when I’m just a piece, is there still a “me”?
Or just a pawn for Heart or Mind?
I am a point in time and space,
And we are the truths that we create,
And so when our matter takes its state
No, it doesn't matter who I am.
No, it doesn't matter who I am.
And I'm gonna be myself again.
“Ryan William I Wonder” [Timestamp 1:47]
William I wonder,
Do you feel the sky?
Weighing down on your back
And crushing your spine?
I see how we’ll suffer,
The horizon line,
And we know we’re bound
To come back sooner or later.
Oh, there's nothing you can do
To hide from blinding rays
Or the moon’s hateful gaze,
And the stars are losing faith.
So William I wonder,
Do you feel the sky?
Weighing down on your back
'Cause it's weighing down on mine.
I'm gonna try to keep talking to a minimum on these in the future, but I figured I should provide some context as this is the first piece. Sooo yeah ! Here's the first song in William's Wanton Weary Wiles! See masterpost for context ^^ these will all be released in chronological order, in the form of written Jash-style (changing some lyrics to fit the story) Will Wood covers. I'll be hyperlinking each original song in the cover titles so people can get a sense of what it would sound like, +for credit ofc :] Most of them will also be accompanied with some sort of art piece !! The majority will probably just be little somewhat shitty sketches such as the one featured here (for the sake of my sanity lol. and also cuz. frankly. I like them :3), but I might have some full pieces too at some point. Formats and realistically a few other aspects are probably gonna be somewhat inconsistent as I'm not the best planner, sorry in advance but also. This is my project and I wanna keep it fun and doable ^^
Props to you if you've read this far!! Seeya in the next one I suppose :]
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ccreepri · 8 years ago
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 ( disclaimer: Yori is a fictional character for the purpose of roleplaying in the idolverse, and writing creativity. gif used is of my own creation, original video can be seen here. )  Yori walked into the station wearing sunglasses, skinny jeans and a leather jacket, quite the casual appearance considering the pop idol’s current rising popularity. She bowed as soon as she came in, greeting all staff members with a refreshing smile. Quite the different image than the one she shows off on stage and in the music videos she’s featured in, where her image has always come off tough , “angry” and that of a femme fatale.   Yori is the recently turned 26 year old main vocalist and leader of EDM girl group “Creep” , a horror and more adult concept group that debut under Double Kill Ent. in November 2014. The group has been turning heads ever since with notable talents, catchy music, and ground breaking concepts each time. Considered as the group that “ always brings Halloween “ to Seoul City no matter the time of year, it’s a standard that they live by, giving new meanings to what goes bump in the night.   The main brain behind all of that iconic genius? Well she sat right across from me with an easy going smile as she removed her sunglasses, seemingly at ease despite this actually being her first ever solo interview throughout her whole career.
( Annotation of video: ) Q: Nervous at all? You seem nervous. A: Well , no. I mean--- actually yeah I am a bit nervous. Q: Why? A: ( laughs ) I don’t know, I guess because it’s my first interview without all the other girls with me....feels a bit weird? I usually just let Koemi do the talking because I tend to start trouble with how I talk. Q: Trouble?   A: I’m just very blunt. Not many people are ready for that. Q: ( adjusts mic ‘) Well I daresay I hope to be ready for it. Care to introduce yourself? A: ( nods and turns to the camera, it zooms in on her and she smiles enough to show her teeth, waving both hands. ‘) Hello, I’m Kwon Yeori, known as “Yori” the leader of Creep. If any Aliens are watching, I love you! (’ makes small finger hearts at the camera before laughing and turning her face away ‘) Q: And the “Aliens” are?
A: Ah...it’s what we call our fans. Creep’s fans are Aliens. Because Aliens are from out of this world right? and they’re considered to be very ethereal, stunning, strange but also a curiosity. Our fans are definitely all stunning in those terms so we gave them that name. Q: Ah, I see. And you guys just had your third album release? A: Yes, this would be our... fifth time promoting? But it’s only our third time promoting a full album. It’s called “Persephone” and tells a modern version of the Greek Myth of Persephone, and Hades. We put a lot of work into the album, and it’s been doing well right now -- it seems. Thanks to everyone who has been making purchases and requesting the music shows to feature us! Q: ( laughs at something ) You sure do thank people a lot Yori. A: Ah, do I? I’m just so thankful. Q: It must be a dream come true, being apart of a concept so special. Tell me a bit about your group’s concept? A: It’s a horror concept, drawing some inspiration from classics like Michael Jackson’s “Thriller”. We always want to make music that makes people want to get up and dance, while making our visual representations fun and scary all at once. It’s not something you see women do often in this industry, at least, not as a permanent concept. So it’s refreshing to a lot of people. Q: I certainly agree, I’m a fan! A:  ( bashfully bows her head ) -- ah... thank you... Q: Now about you, you’ve been having a busy year! Besides your group’s promotions and practices you’ve been making a lot of solo appearances this year, can you tell me about those? A: Ah! yes, I attended Seoul Fashion Week with some of my idol friends this year and I met a few promoters who wanted to listen to my beats. My hobby has always been arranging audios , crafting beats and doing all the behind the scenes stuff. Even before singing I did this for fun, and though it was scary at first, after I started being more....courageous about showing off what I could do? I’ve been getting a lot more calls since then--- since the creation of my soundcloud, and the release of my original songs and arrangements to the public. ( nods slowly as she talks, moving back and forth in her chair. ) Q: Calls from? A: Well other idols, singers mostly. They want to collaborate. Since I’ve been focusing so much on Creep’s comeback, I’ve had to turn down a lot of calls... ah, I’m sorry for that! I’m going to have free time again soon so please call me again!  (’ nervously laughs and fixes her hair’) Q: Well there was one call you definitely did take this year, one for Trigger’s ( @triggrrd​ ) risque music video shoot this year? A: ( sits up straighter’ ) Ah no no, he didn’t call me--- I called him! He was doing auditions for dancer’s in his video, and he’s an old friend so i thought I could help out. Q: Any words for the negativity you received from it?   A: I don’t have much to say about that. We tend to get negativity whenever we do anything. I mean, women. It’s sort of how the industry is at this point, and I’m aware of how fans can be. But, I think it’s fine for woman to be proud of their figures, dance how they like and be whoever they want to be. We’re in a new era, a new generation, you know? Such things shouldn’t be taboo anymore. Q: So you’re saying that provocative themes and risque style dancing isn’t or shouldn’t warrant the negative comments? A: No I believe in the universal right to disagree with things. I’m just saying, to each their own , you know? I just think the new generation should be a bit more accepting too. Q: Gotcha. So now, I think I will have to ask a serious question. You said there was something on your mind? A: Yes, something I wanted to inform everyone about Creep’s future. There hasn’t been a lot of media talk of it yet, but I would rather the fans hear it from my own mouth first. Ah....Creep is not a group that will dissolve or disband at any time now, or in the future. We’re all pretty adamant about that. We might split ways at times, but we will always be together and always be Creep.   Q: And this statement is being made because of Ivy’s ( @poisivy​ ) withdrawal? A: Yes, and I know how much the fans cherish her and love her, as do we. We all still keep in touch with her and the relationships are good. She just wanted to venture off into her bigger dreams, and I wholeheartedly support her, and I ask for Creep’s fans to please all do the same. ...and support all of us as well. We all have our own separate dreams, and Creep is where we meet as one. The remaining five of us are staying together for a long time, count on that! Q: That’s pretty well said, actually. Is this perhaps hinting at something coming from you? Any solo ventures? A: Ah, well I’ve been working on a numerous projects during Creep’s release of Persephone this month, including a song with Mellow’s June ( @fyjune​ ) and my own baby Kira ( @93kira​ )  which is being released tonight. I helped produce two songs for Chaeyoung’s ( @bangyeong​ ) Moderato album, and I have many unfinished projects, unreleased tracks with big stars from SM Entertainment, YG Entertainment and Starship. I hope once all of these projects see the light they’ll be well received and supported as much as the music I do for Creep is.  Also, at popular demand I will be doing song covers and new releases at fans requests to my soundcloud! I do read all my comments so I promise I’ll get to most of the songs being requested. Q: That’s pretty impressive! SM? May I ask who it is? A: They’re a pretty private person, so I can’t readily disclose that. Just know he’s quite talented in the industry himself, actually. ( laughs ) I think he’s a bit like every idols dream to work with. Q: Someone you look up to then? A: Yes! But there’s a lot of great artists I look up to so much. LE from EXID, ZionT and all of Amoeba Culture. I’m really a big fan of Punchnello and all his work, and a user of Soundcloud named Yeseo95 is remarkably talented. And of course- I’ve got the heart eyes for everything my pal DEAN does. ( @deeanfluenza​ )  the guy is dope. Q: Dean! He’s popular right now, especially with women. I didn’t think that was your style... A:  ( shakes her head ‘ ) Oh you’re talking about looks right? Dean and Gray are both really popular in that department. No I’m strictly talking music, I heart eye him professionally-- stink eye him socially, heh. Q: So I take it you’re good friends. Ah, but is there anyone in particular you DO have an ideal of? A celebrity crush? A:  ( laughs ) They always ask that question. Why do people always ask that question? Truthfully I don’t pay enough attention to looks in this industry. I fall in love with talents-- voices --- music. If I had to pick one I’d tell you I’m pretty smitten with Crush right now, and that guy who has been picking up on fame a lot more lately..Chancellor? but my ultimate favorites will always be M.J Blige and Rihanna. Q: I’ll have to check Chancellor out for sure, if you’re recommending that. ( laughs at something) Ah, did you draw that?   A:  ( while the interview had been going she had been slightly doodling on a notepad and lifted it up to show a picture of the interviewer she had drawn ‘) Yeah it’s you ! Want to keep it?  ( rips it out and hands it to him ‘) Q: Ah, that’s cute... Well we’re almost out of time for the interview but I know you have one more announcement? A: Ah, yes. I’ll be appearing in a Television Drama starting February 16th! It’s called 101 HighSchool , and I can’t reveal much yet, but it’s got an amazing cast and an equally amazing storyline. It deals with a lot of real life issues the youth of the current high school generation can relate too. Q: Sounds exciting! So it’s your first time acting-- right? A: Yes! I’ve been getting help from Koemi on practicing it, and I hope I do well. i hope everyone can support it regardless of my lacking skills. ( laughs again and looks off. ‘) Q: I’m sure you’ll do well. Well that’s all the time we have now! It was nice getting to meet you  Yori. A: ( reaches out to bow her head and shake his hand ‘) Yes, thanks so much for having me. haha. ( clip changes to the stations outtro, before playing clips of Creep’s Persephone music video. ‘)
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