#oh yeah and macky is here too i was just in some sunburst duo feels
fluffypotatey · 10 months
i haven’t seen a lot of mechanic!SWK au’s going around *sighs* have to do everything around here 😤
In Sun Wukong’s 500 year retirement he found many hobbies to occupy himself with
art and animation and game design were a huge hit to help get those brain juices flowing
however, they don’t do much help in actually silencing the racing thoughts in his head (and boy does he have a lot of them! not to mention that he can’t help but notice everything and everyone and yeah sure, being given the title of Bodhisattva is great and awesome but the omniscience part is a little taxing 😅)
anyway, enter cars
more specifically car engines, the machine behind the wheel, the things that actually make these automobiles move and function
those things
yeah so Wukong starts to pick up on a new hobby and it is……car mechanics!!!
Wukong being able to just open up the hood or roll under the car to observe whatever the problem is, to be able to examine and hone in on all the little details that go into making vehicles and it just silences that part of his racing mind
it’s a little similar to how fighting used to do it. where he didn’t need to think of much besides the person in front of him and how to take them down
it was similar. so similar
except, you know, no violence
also, instead of coming home covered in blood, it’s motor oil this time 👍
in this AU, Sun Wukong opens up a mechanic shop. it grows very popular for obvious reasons (or not bc maybe Wukong just disguised himself as a human to avoid suspicions and “yeah no, Monkey King Mechanics is in no way related to the Monkey King because….that guy is just sO cool he inspired this name….yeah”) and soon has franchises all over the city
and Wukong is having a grand old time, retirement is going well, until one day an old broken down kart is pulled into his shop and the driver is begging him to fix whatever is wrong and “just please don’t tell my boss! Dads-I mean, Pigsy will freak if he leans what Mei and I were doing—”
so he agrees to help out the kid (“I’m actually 23…?”), free of charge. however! only if he promises Wukong will get free noodles for a week
they shake on it
Wukong thinks nothing of this encounter until the end of the week (his last free bowl of noodles) and MK ashamedly admits that actually his friend Mei is also a mechanic but he denied her help this time because his boss/pseudo-dad has been able to pick up on her magical signature (because she has a knack for adding fun additional touches like a glider button for the steeper roads) and would find out very quickly that MK got himself into some mischief (again) and MK just didn’t want to be nagged again
which leads to Wukong offering to help teach MK on how to fix his own delivery kart bc 1) he’ll avoid another confrontation about responsibility from Dads- i mean, Pigsy 2) it was just good to know what goes on in your own vehicle “not to mention being able to sniff out the load of bs that some mechanics can give you, making everything overpriced!” and 3) MK was starting to rub off on the guy and Wukong would miss him (maybe. a little. a bit. a lot)
AND THUS brings us to our beloved sunburst duo hanging out as mentor and student once more!!!
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