#oh yea lemme tag my au here ->
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some doodles from @sneeblbop's magma-mostly just gitm stuff and my truman show au brainrot
sandman belongs to @/venomous-qwille
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evera6234 · 4 years
Gotham’s Salty WIP: Chapter I
RATING: T (Teen for cursing and stuff, this may change)
Basically, the typical Daminette with a bit of lime and spice. Borderline crack fic bc i cant without humor. 
Marinette Dupain-Cheng goes to Gotham whilst carrying three years worth of emotional baggage, what she does with it, we don't know. Does she lug it around? Probably. Does she kick it off a skyscraper? Not probable, but maybe. Does she use it to drop kick an unsuspecting liar. Most definitely.                ~~~> EDITED BY OLLIETHETURTLE ON AO3
Transferred from AO3. 
Lemme know if ya wanna be tagged
OK. Umm.. First fic on AO3. K. We doin this, and we starting with this god awful piece of trash. Yes. Life. Fuck. 
Things ur signing up for:
Big boi Mari & Chloe Friendship Good Vibes TM
My ass shitting on Adrien bc im a salty bitch (and if u aint about that life, its ok. U can leave bc im not interested in fighting with people. No offence or disrespect to adrien stans but yea)
And Adrien stalker moments
Lila and Alya salt (plz see “im a salty bitch”)
Shitty update schedule, if any. I’m counting on yall to harass me to write.
Marinette & Jason “sibling-esque” relationship bc we all need that
An obscene amount of cursing (as you can already tell)
The class will not be  “Our singular communal brain-cell is fucking dead, help.” levels of dumb, but still “I have the IQ of a wet potato sack” levels of dumb.
Eventual negation of canon bc we live that life
“Espresso with a dash of Depresso” Moments TM
I'm originally an MLB fan. So do what you will with that info.
The good old “Ozmav AU” but with some lime and spice
As slow burn as I can
Mental Health stuff and the repercussions of having multiple identities treated completely differently
And the crown jewel of this entire fic… Auntie Harley and Ivy.
And….. sorry…. Ppl will kinda be OOC but im trying my very best. 
Tbh I have no idea where this going rn but... i mean… it going somewhere (specifically hell) because everything does. Leave ideas plz, don’t kill me. Just bully me. 
So yea. Lemme know what u want and if I want to, I might just squeeze it into the fic (if it fit ofc, im not just gonna add random 50 year time-lapses). I'll try my best ;)))) (<-- my quadruple chin)
Chloe’s head hangs heavy on Mari’s shoulder as the pressurised air surrounding them vibrates with the sounds… of well… a plane. Chloe had a tough couple weeks; late night combat practises with the new team (LB, Hornet, Viperion and Ryuuko) has obviously taken a toll on her partner. Both wrapped in a thick velvet blanket that Chloe remembered to pack (thank kwami) sharing a pair of headphones, both were lulled into a peaceful slumber.
Alya laughs as Lila tips her small glass of diet coke (that a flight attendant painstakingly poured for her) on a sleeping Marinette’s side of Chloe’s blanket, effectively waking her up. “Oopsies! Sorry Marinette! You see, the cabin air has really been worsening my arthritis. I didn’t mean it! I swear! Cross my heart!” apologized Lila with fake concern as Alya giggles beside her. 
Marinette, literally seeing Lila’s crossed figures behind her back says “At least Chloe is still sleeping, she needs the rest.” Alya, Lila and her empty cup saunter beck to their seats nearby. 
Mari and her class finally land in Gotham’s cold December night. Freshly hushed into a private shuttle, the class are driven to their hotel. It is late: around 3:30 AM. With heavy eyelids the class gazed out the bus’s windows in awe. The merging view of traffic and Christmas lights chase them to their residence. No one really remembers or knows what happened that night. Just the feeling of falling, be it into a white fluffy hotel comforter or into the crisp Gotham air. 
“Oh! My! Gosh!!!” hears Marinette as Lila on the bus to Wayne Enterprise. “I feel so. At. Home!” In Marinette’s tired ears, there were more exclamation marks. 
“Of course… The only thing that can inhabit Gotham alleyways are cockroaches and villains,” Chloe grumbles beneath her breath, looking out the window.
“What have I ever done to you Chloe?” Lila cries, “I understand why Marinette bullies me, she is a jealous and vile girl. But I thought you, Chloe, want to be a better person, not a bully like that bitch, Marinette!”
“How dare you. How dare you. HOW DARE YOU!” Chloe yells as the recent words loop in her mind, 
“Not gonna call your daddy, huh?” Alya taunts. 
Chloe, with tears in her eyes begins, but is quickly interrupted by Marinette, “No she will not. She doesn’t need to. Chloe grew a lot over the last couple months, I’m so proud of her. She doesn’t need your bitch-ass approval.” Marinette grasps Chloe’s hand which previously wrapped itself around the fabric of Chloe’s heavy caramel winter coat.
“Quiet on the bus!”, A yell came from the front.
“But, Mr. Bus Driver… Marinette is being a…”
“Shut it! Y’all want me to kamikaze this shit into a building? I’m guessing y’all value your lives so shut it!” 
“Ms.Guardian, can I please have a cookie?” Pollen softly asks from the inside of Chloe’s giant white faux leather handbag.
“Shh… Pollen! Now’s not the time!!!” stresses Tikki.
“Please Ms. Guardian!!! I’m so so so hungry. This bag isn’t very warm and it’s taking all my energy to keep warm. A lil blubber wouldn’t hurt…. please!!”.
“Of course Pollen,” quietly respond Mari with a grin, “Here you go.” She pulls out a couple cookies from a Tupperware and hands them to Pollen. “Please share them with Tikki,” whispers Marinette into the bag. 
Marinette and Chloe then hears two tiny “thank you”s followed by the sound that can only be described increasingly aggressive chomping. Both girls giggle quietly.
“Welcome to Gotham,” says an unenthusiastic man at the front desk. “Congratulations, you are…” He checks his computer. “On time? Interesting.”
“Yes, we are aware,” grumbles Mrs. Bustier, already done with the man’s attitude.
“Okay so before the tour starts I’m doing to need the student who set-up this field trip to sign a couple forms and stuff. Here ya go.” The man pushed a thicc pile of paper into the teachers hand. 
“Oooh! That would be me sir!” Lila chirped, intercepting the papers before skipping back to her posse of her’s. A few seconds after beginning to fill out paperwork Lila cries “Ouch! My wrist! My arthritis! Can someone help me filling out all these form.” 
“I’ll fill them out, I’m only going to need your signatures,” offered Max.
“Thank you Max, you are so sweet!” Lila complements. 
“Of course, your arthritis was badly affected by the altitude yesterday, you shouldn’t be staining your wrist so early!” Max blushed. 
“Maribug, you gonna to say something?” 
“Nah, just watch. Entertainment without a Netflix membership.”
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alicehattera03 · 4 years
my ranking of tropes!!
As you may know- I uh- I write(fanfics) lol should I say I’m a writer?? Am I even a writer I- *existential crisis continues*
Well, anyways!! I decided to rank popular fanfic tropes cause why not?! (Everything you read from here on out is my opinion so no fighting!!!!!)
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For S tier!! Of course, angst was gonna be a tippy top choice for me, so is hurt/comfort(although I suck at writing the comfort part lmfao but reading comfort? YES), fix it fics are amazing like the time I needed to fix an ending of a movie that I came home from crying cause like WTF and I had to write a new ending, dark is well known cause well, DD:DE anyone?!, and canon divergence is a sure thing cause I mean, it’s AU material isn’t it??? and infamous ABO, damn, idk but y’all but that shit good when done right cause MMMMM hell to the yes for inner wolves and ranks, with the bite marks and stuff and lemme say alpha/alpha(unconventional ABO pairs and fics like with alpha/beta are ok too, but ofc I love alpha/omega as well) be doing things to my heart like you wouldn’t believe WOW. 
Y’kno what they say, canon material=free real estate. 
Tier A!! : surprisingly major character death is here instead of S tier but it’s because I like writing it(With all that angsty goodness) but I don’t really like reading it in other fics(cause I don’t wanna cry uwah), time loop is fun to write but not really to read(watched one too many movies with it and it was ruined for me in the long run)...established relationship is so good because I don’t have to worry about anything(unless one or both die then mayday mayday fuck we gotta problem), mutual pining is delicious lemme scoop it all up, unhappy endings are angsty so I love them and yet cry(so I may skip according to my mood), the AU’s are like beautiful when done the way I like em(opinions opinions), gen fics are surprisingly good all by themselves as long as you read the tags/summary you’ll be good to go! 
Tier B: arranged marriage is like the cherry on ice cream you can like it or hate it but it’s there and it isn’t that bad or anything to worry about, honestly if you have to fuck or die I think realistically we’d choose to fuck cause who wants to die if you can live? the AU’s ahhh chef’s kiss. Enemies/friends to lovers, after recently liking the childhood friends trope I was like this IS IT I love the dynamics basically, drunken confessions seem like a thing in real life too so I like it, fluff is cute to read but not to write cause I can never write it without getting angsty ahh maybe I should work on that for the new year??? (shhh wip in progress for new fandom ehe but still quite angsty oh noooo lmao)
Tier C: the AUs are uh not the worst but not the best... I used to like them a lot more but now I could live without them if I had to, amnesia is either frustrating or done really well, “there was only one bed” oh the horror ahahaha, warmth in someone’s arms? Hell yea, sign me the fuck up for that MMMM. Crack? Sure, I could get with the program. Pwp/sex pollen pretty much the same thing lmfao I can sit through it but it has to have a little bit of plot, first kiss usually cute and fluffy which I like reading but somehow can never write out lol the pains of being an angst writer instead of a fluff writer.. miscommunication is either super annoying to read cause they run circles around each other OR there is no or, it’s just awkward for me..I like healthy communication...
Tier D: in short, I hate children in fics and IRL...like the screaming tiny tots that can’t really talk..so yeah that and pregnancy whether it’s mpreg or not is probably out for me, crossovers..if it can make sense and I like both fandoms and there’s no badly written Oc’s...I can take it..body swap on the other hand? No. We keep our own bodies in this household thank you very much. Fake relationship is built on lies, it’s just hard for me to get through them unless it’s good and they work it out well between each other. The fairytale au by itself is alright but tbh time periods and the settings don’t match more than half the time which makes it hard for me to get into it..I like accuracy..coffee shop is..unrealistic half the time..although that could make people get into it, it’s just not for me. Missing/behind the scenes stuff are GREAT when done well, like a sneak peek of “What if” things. 
Now. Love triangles. Your may be thinking- a whole new paragraph for this? Yes. I HATE THEM WITH EVERY FIBER OF MY BEINGGGGG YOU HAVE NO IDEA THE PAIN I GO THROUGH WHEN FINDING OUT IT HASN’T BEEN TAGGED PROPERLY IN A FIC. If two people like the same person and the person likes them both back, don’t make the person choose. It hurts both parties. If the two people that like said person are die hard enemies, then ok fine, choose away, but ya know we(all genders included, I’m sure) got cough holes cough for a reason- just saying..basically I’d like love triangles to go to hell and make way for the queen: threesomes. 
LOL anyways, that was my lengthy ass ranking, lemme know if you want to see more of these(I might do a husbando/wifeu ranking in the future ahhh all my fandoms will end up revealing themselves ahaha) And you are most certainly VERY welcome to comment below what fandoms you think I’m in/might like, and I’ll comment back ofc ^^ Let’s be multi-fandom together ahaha
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chthonickeys · 4 years
———  BASICS!
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NAME: gio
PRONOUNS:  she/her
TAKEN OR SINGLE: taken uwu
i went to a comic/art academy for three years instead of university and worked with ppl who drew for marvel and disney. they all said that the higher ups in disney are all Basards and honestly??? i believe them
i enjoy cooking a lot!!! it’s far from being a relaxing hobby bc LEMME TELL YA I STRESS A LOT but seeing people happy because i cook or bake them something good fills me with the purest joy so its a stress i love going through :°> also i mean im italian im forced by contract to enjoy good food and cooking
i ADORE dnd!! i’m currently in two different sessions - one as a player and one as a DM - and boi lemme tell ya i miss playing and rolling dices
PLATFORMS USED: i started in italian RP forums, eventually moving on Facebook, making 237894 different profiles im genuinely surprised are mostly still up to this day, and while i was there i was also playing on IMVU dontjudgeitwascringebutitwasMYcringe; after a while FB annoyed me so i moved on ask.fm where i discovered the magic of using icons, skype, e-mail and eventually tumblr, starting with askblogs and then going for properly (?) written rp stuff, and jumping on discord RP thanks to Best Bot aka tupper also ill never forget that one time i rp’d in chatchat for the sake of being stupid with my bff and we ended up actually rping some hurt-comfort heavy enough that made us both cry.
GENDER:   i can barely call it a preference but,,, i find myself getting muse for mostly male characters
MULTI OR SINGLE:   LOOK i adore single blogs, but. i learned from experience (aka getting 2983473 urls in the pokemon rpc) that theyre uhhh. kinda hard to focus on :^)  im slowly learning to check on multis if i have less than 3 STRONG strong strong muses or if i know that i have generally low muse for them, but i’d much rather keep my multis fandom specific. so far i got four and really helped my current mental state so :^) thats good ig,
FLUFF :   oh i’m gonna sound terrible here ansfmdg buT!!! ok look i adore fluff but i need it in. somewhat little doses? mostly because i get easily bored with stuff that is nothing but 100% fluffy uwu everyday coffee shop au stuff, i need drama and action in my stuff asfmdg this said hurt/comfort???? that’s one hell of a fluff i’m always in for this is very good
ANGST :   heheh hohoho look. look in my FB days i was known to be an angsty bastard enough to make my sona into an angst-eater and,,, yea i always need to remind myself not to overdo because boi. i love myself some angst. not specifically sad crying angst i just. enjoy writing about strong strong emotions, i love exploring my muses in their darkest moments and lemme tell ya fight threats in which things are truly fucked are my favorite kind of rps so,,, yea also, again: hurt/comfort gr8
SMUT :   i like this, but out of all three of these type of threads,,, this is the one i need to be Truly in the mood for to rp, and even then it’s the kind that takes me the longer to answer generally. i cant write about dongs and stuff while chilling i need to feel the horny vibes you know??? also i’d much rather play it with someone i can feel like im truly vibing with to begin. also lemme tell ya finding synoyms for dong every single post is stressful fasdmg
PLOT / MEMES: turns out im terrible at plotting asndfmg. i enjoy memes much more than plotting generally, but i tend to go with the flow and prefer threads from dash commentary and unprompted asks way more. this said plotting is also fun and for big big heavy stuff i’d rather have a general idea of where i’m going/what are the limits
Tagged by: @deathxdefied​ ty uwu
Tagging: shrugs just steal it from me and tag me fnasdmg
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qveensbury · 5 years
return to sender; ch. 2
i said February lol here y’all go
 AO3;     zutara week 2019
to all the boys i’ve loved before AU — ch. 1
“Is this a bad time?”
Zuko stared at Katara.
“You look distraught.” She sat at the counter and leaned her cheek against her palm.
“After the day I had, who wouldn’t be.”
“Well, I wanted to talk to you about today. Is that okay? Do you want to head to the patio in the back? Your uncle said it was a good place to talk.”
“Uh, sure.” He stood up and walked out from behind the counter. “Is everything okay?”
The creakiness of Katara’s voice raised Zuko’s eyebrow.
“Are you sure?” Zuko sat in a chair.
Katara sat across from him. “Positive.” She tapped her fingers together. “A little known fact about me is that I am petty.”
Zuko crossed his arms. He thought of his sister and wondered what storms Katara hid. “Ok.”
“So, when Suki sent me a screenshot of Jet’s subtweets freaking out about us in the library, I just got a little happy.” Katara took in Zuko’s raised eyebrows and scoffed. “What is he gonna do? Dump me again?”
Zuko realized the storm was larger than he’d imagine. “You wanted to tell me we pissed Jet off?“
“No, I’m wondering if you’re interested in continuing to piss him off.”
Zuko frowned. “How?”
“The one thing you never want to do is show someone how to push your buttons. Jet just gave us a YouTube tutorial. He realizes it was a mistake to dump me. And the thought of me moving on is driving him crazy. I think it’s only fair to mess with him a little. He was a royal jerk. You know that better than anyone.”
“He is.”
“So are you interested in being my fake boyfriend just until Jet apologized for being a horrible human being.”
“That could take a while.”
“Jet can be pretty contrite when I’m involved.”
Zuko felt his eyebrows furrow. After the day I’ve had, the last thing I need is another ball to juggle on top of Je—
“And wouldn’t this temporarily solve the Jin situation? It didn’t look like you were too excited to talk to her about your letter.” Katara folded her hands under her chin and leaned her elbows on the table. “You don’t have much to lose.”
Zuko pursed his lips. A fake relationship seemed so over the top. “What would it look like?”
“Well,  we’d pretend to be a couple. We’ll say we started dating after you sent me your letter. We’ll go to parties and school events together. I can come to any theatre shows you have. We’ll hold hands—Jet hated it. It can be a win-win.” Katara’s eyes were sparkling.
“I don’t know.”
How many chances would he get to piss off Jet like this?
Katara hummed. “You don’t have to answer right now. Just think about it? Here let me give you my number.”
“Are there any other rules we should have in place?” Zuko handed his phone to Katara.
“Don’t fall in love with me, Ryuku,” Katara winked.
Yea, that’d be a bad idea.
“Here lemme walk you back.” Katara stood up.
Zuko followed her to the cafe. He saw a familiar ponytail and froze. He grabbed Katara’s arm before she could step in the cafe.
“Actually Katara, let’s do it.”
“Yea.” Zuko glanced above Katara before looking back at her. “Yes.”
She squealed before throwing her arms around his neck.
Zuko took a step back to steady himself, wrapping his arm around her. He saw Jin. She blinked and pivoted out of the cafe.
* * *
Katara stepped out of Zuko’s car.
“You’re supposed to let me open the door for you.”
Katara raised an eyebrow at him before glancing to the side. She turned to Zuko and beamed. “Sorry. It’ll be nice getting used to dating a gentlemen.”
Zuko turned and saw Jet. He took a deep breath and let it out. “Ready to go to class?”
“Yup!” Katara skipped around the car and took Zuko’s hand. She pulled out her phone. “Quick picture?”
Zuko nodded, a blush taking over his cheeks. He leaned towards her as she took the photo.
The relationship reminded Zuko of a bubble. It was pretty. But, he knew it wouldn’t last long.
* * *
“Ryuku,” preceded an arm being flung around Zuko’s shoulder. “What’s up?”
“Gas prices, Jet.”
Jet chuckled. “Always the killjoy, huh, Ryuku? Saw you with Katara this morning. What’s that about?”
“We’re dating. I wrote her a letter and the feeling was mutual.”
“I knew you had a thing for her,” Jet said dropping his voice menacingly low. Zuko knocked Jet’s arm away. “And yet, I never ruined your chances with Katara. You managed to do that all on your own.”
* * *
Katara scanned Zuko’s face. “Are you okay?”
“I saw Jet and—”
“What did he say?”
“He wasn’t thrilled we’re dating.”
Katara rolled her eyes. “His problem.” She stuck her hand out. “Are you ready?” She smiled.
Zuko reluctantly smiled back. He took her hand. “Lead the way.”
“This is Zuko, my boyfriend.”
In turn, Katara introduced her friends so quickly Zuko didn’t catch the names. He started to ask for them to say their names again.
But, one of the girls started talking.
Zuko sighed, hoping someone would say a name so he could start to memorize them. But he only heard Iri and Haru’s names.
At the end of lunch, Haru extended a fist towards Zuko. “Zuko, nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you,” he returned the fist bump.
“You have to be at my Halloween party.”
Zuko smiled. “Sure.”
Katara stood beside Haru. “Yay!” She shook her fists in a cheer. “We should have a couples’ costume.”
Zuko looked at the ceiling, raising his eyebrows. “I’m happy to hear ideas.”
Katara giggled. “Perfect.”
Zuko watched Katara take the ball back from a defender and lead the attack on the other side.
“Your girlfriend is great.”
“I don’t know that much about soccer.” Zuko turned to Mai.
Sitting besides him, she scoffed. “You’re supposed to say ‘she is.’ You’re terrible at this. How did you two start dating again?”
“Uh, Katara got a letter and we realized the feeling was mutual.”
“Mhm,” Mai watched as the other team started their counter.
Ty Lee stood in the goal, shouting instructions to the defense. “Romantic.”
“How did you and Ty Lee start dating?”
“We were friends and one day Ty Lee asked me if I liked girls. Sometimes, it feels like I was just waiting for someone to notice…I’m glad it was her. She asked me out and we’ve been together ever since.”
“That’s sweet.”
“Pay attention to the game Zuko.”
The referee on the field blew the final whistle.
“Well,” Mai stood up. “I’m gonna wait in my car for Ty Lee. Later Zuko.”
“Later Mai.”
Zuko looked at the field. The players circled around their coach. She talked for several minutes before clapping. The girls got up and started running around the field putting things away—the flags, the cooler, the soccer balls.
Katara looked at the bleachers and waved at Zuko. She raised her pointer finger.  Give me a minute.
Leaning back, Zuko nodded.
This time Katara walked out from the gym and waved again, beckoning Zuko to join her.
“Thanks for coming out.”
“Of course.”
Katara pulled out her phone. “C’mhere.”
Zuko shuffled towards her.
She turned as he stood behind her. She extended her arm before tutting.
“Can you talk the picture? My arm is too short.”
Zuko took the phone and angled the camera to capture both of them.
“Perfect.” Katara smiled, leaning back against him. “Cheese!”
Zuko smiled and took the photo.
Satisfied with the photo, Katara smiled at Zuko. “What a great way to end the day!”
Zuko’s heart fluttered. “Yea.”
After Zuko dropped her home, he stared at the photo Katara tagged him in. The sun had just begun to set when he took the picture and it brought out the gold in his eyes and made Katara’s skin glow.
They looked…good together. Like a natural couple.
Katara’s caption—soccer husbands of Republic City—made him chuckle.
Katara’s having too much fun with this.
“So you’re the guy who’s been dating my sister?” Sokka used a toothpaste to clean his teeth.
“Yes.” Zuko sat opposite Sokka waiting for him to say something.
Sokka was home on break from the magnet school he went to. The school was on the other side of the county so Sokka stayed with his grandmother.
Sweat collected on Zuko’s palms and he wiped them on his pants.
This is just a formality, Ryuku. You need to meet Sokka to keep up appearances and that’s all.
“So, are you a sophomore like Katara?”
“I’m a senior.”
Sokka let out a low whistle. “Way to go, Tara.”
There’s no reason for you to be so nervous.
“What do you do for fun?”
“Yea. When you’re not at school or work?”
A groove formed in Zuko’s forehead as he tried to recall the last thing he did for fun.
Sokka snorted. “Oh boy. You’re definitely meant for my sister.”
“No! I mean I train at the dojo.”
“And, is your brain completely off?”
The groove grew deeper. “No.”
“Exactly! I have something to introduce you to.” Sokka stood up. “C’mon.” He led Zuko into his room, “Sit,” Sokka said, pointing to a beanbag.
Zuko did, watching Sokka turn on a small tv and the game console next to it.
“We’re gonna play some video games. You need to get a hobby.”
“Uh,” Zuko accepted the controller from Sokka. “Ok.”
“We need to avoid the guards and save the princess.”
“So, I shouldn’t try to think of how to save the princess?”
“Shh. It’s a different part of the brain.”
The game music filled the silence.
“This is going pretty well,” Sokka mumbled.
“Watch out!”
The defeated score played.
“Ugh! Let’s try it again.” Sokka reset the game.
Zuko let his shoulders drop. His brain needed the break. Even though it sounded like a hasty excuse, Sokka was right: the video game felt like a different part of his brain.
“Are you two done in here?”
Zuko looked away for a moment.
“Zuko, look out!”
Turning back too late, a guard captured Zuko’s game sprite.
“Sorry,” Katara sat on Sokka’s bed in between the two of them.
The tiny growl in Sokka’s throat suggested disbelief. “What do you want?”
“Zuko and I were gonna go study.”
“You said he’s like a star student and so are you. Let him goof off once in a while.”
Katara pouted.
Placing his controller down, Zuko turned to Sokka, “Thanks, Sokka. I had fun.”
“Katara gets everyone to do what she wants,” Sokka leaned back against the wall.
Although he could see the expression on Katara’s face, he knew she was either smirking or sticking her tongue out at her brother.
“Fine. I’ll let you kids study. Next time I’m in town we’ll try the new game I got last week.”
“Oh bubby,” Katara used a baby talk tone. “Let’s take a picture.” Katara placed an arm around Sokka’s neck. “Zuko you too.” She handed her phone to Sokka and put her other arm around Zuko’s shoulders. “My two favorite boys.”
“Ooh. How cute,” Sokka mocked. “Smile!”
Zuko was unsure if knowing Katara would visit was contributing to his nerves or bringing them down.
Their high school put on a renaissance fair every year instead of the usual homecoming fair. An alumni helped with the alehouse and the theatre program supplied actors around the grounds for an authentic experience.
“Hey you!” Katara waved. “Earl of the Pearl manor, correct?”
“Yes,” Zuko smirked, “how can I be of service?”
“The show starts in an hour, right?”
“Yes, my lady.”
“Good. Can’t wait to see you perform,” Katara smiled. “Sorry, outsell!”
Zuko felt his chest grow light.
“Can we take a picture?” She brandished her phone.
“Is that a new case?” He whispered, breaking character.
Katara blinked, “Yea.”
“It suits you.” He took the phone from her hands and raised it to take the picture.
The fruit from Katara’s shampoo signaled she was getting closer to him. She pressed her head under his chin.
Zuko’s heart stuttered.
“Smile,” she giggled.
He listened.
After Zuko handed her phone back, she cooed looking at her phone. “That reminds me. I found a couple’s outfit that should be perfect for Haru’s party. For someone in the theatrical arts, you’d think you’d be more into costumes. But! This should work,” she turned her phone to show the picture to Zuko. “Your costume will be a lot simpler than mine and we’ll have plenty of time to put it all together. What do you think?”
Zuko rubbed the back of his neck. “Yea. That could work.”
“Don’t forget we’ll all be in costume. And, besides you’ll be with me,” Katara winked.
Before he could stop himself, he was smiling. “Okay.”
“Break a leg, Zuko! Can’t wait to see you in action.”
“What are you wearing Jake from State Farm?” Katara giggled.
Zuko snorted, finding her laughter funnier than the joke she was repeating since he picked her up. Pulling into a parking spot, he shut the engine off.
Clicking her tongue, she showed him the poll results on her Instagram story. “No fair! People think you’d give better insurance than I would.”
The photo Katara’s dad took of them served as the background to the poll Katara described.
“Maybe pointing the price gun at the camera wasn’t the best idea.”
Katara pointed, looking down at it, ”Sokka worked hard on this.”
“He did, but it might not be the best PR strategy.”
“Well, what do you know?”
“Enough to beat you in the polls.”
Katara hmpfed. “Obviously, it’s because you’re cute.”
Zuko froze. “Huh?”
“Don’t try to fish for compliments Ry—“ She blinked at him. “Oh, you’re serious. Zuko you do know you’re handsome right?”
“I, um,” facing the steering wheel, he struggled to pull the key out of the ignition. “Someone may have mentioned it.”
“But, do you believe it?”
He shrugged, before finally freeing the key.
“You should. You’re very handsome.”
The keys bit into his palm. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome!”
“Well, uh, we should go inside.”
Before Zuko could knock on the front door. Katara tugged on his hand. “First, the doors always unlocked. No need to announce yourself. Second, this light is perfect. We should take a quick picture.” She handed him her phone.
At least she didn’t ask me if this was my first high school party. Zuko extended his arm to take the photo.
“You’re getting much better at this!” Katara cooed after she reviewed the picture. “Okay let’s go.” Pushing the door open, she put her phone in her apron and took his hand to lead him inside.
“Zuko! Katara! You made it!” Haru grew out a mustache to complete his pirate costume.
He embraced Katara before giving Zuko a fist bump. A beat later, he laughed. “Nice. If anyone needs insurance, talk to these.
Katara squeezed Zuko’s hand. “Aren’t we so cute?”
“You don’t really give us a moment to forget, Katara.”
The smirk on her face probably meant something different to Haru than it did to Zuko.
It wasn’t flirty or cheeky. That smirk said our ploy is working.
And, that bothered him.
“Let’s get some snacks,” she tugged him towards the kitchen.
When she saw Katara, Haru’s mom’s face brightened. “How are you, my dear?”
“Good!” Katara let go of Zuko’s hand to hug her. “This is my boyfriend Zuko.”
“Nice to meet you, ma’am.”
“Nice to meet you.” Haru’s mom turned to Katara winking. “He’s polite.”
She giggled, “Stop it. Don’t be embarrassing. We’re just getting some snacks.” The handful of candy Katara took wouldn’t hold her for very long but Zuko didn’t point it out.
“Are you gonna get anything?” Katara asked Zuko, eating a gummy worm.
He shook his head.
“Are you ready to explore?” Katara put the price gun under her arm and placed her hand in his.”
She smiled, leading him through the Prakoso house.
It all felt nice. And, Zuko was sure it looked nice, too. The picture of the two of them holding hands, matching costumes, having side conversations.
It would look good until you got too close.
Like fake flowers.
“Ugh, I’d kill to have a relationship like yours. You two are like couple goals.” Pearlista said before wandering off.
“Yea, except it’s fake,” Zuko mumbled.
Katara stiffened.
Holding his breath, Zuko let his hand go slack in Katara’s.
“Zuko, I—“
“Hey! Haru wants every one to take a group photo.”
“We should go,” Zuko tugged on Katara’s hand towards where their classmate pointed.
She didn’t protest, letting him lead her.
Every time Katara tried to start a conversation, Zuko blurted something out to steer it away from what he said.
After the photo.
During the pumpkin carving.
And, the dance-off.
“I’m gonna go use the restroom. Can you hold this?” Katara handed the price gun to Zuko.
“Be right back.”
Katara didn’t squeeze his hand or his face. She didn’t even wink.
Oh no.
Fiddling with the prop, Zuko sighed.
I wonder if she’s mad.
The bass of the music swallowed his tiny groan.
I’m being sucha downer maybe that’s why she left.
Zuko ruffled the back of his head.
Agni, I’m the worst. I should go tell her I didn’t mean it.
His heartbeat was a little faster as he walked around looking for Katara. Spotting her white headband, he walked towards her.
Zuko’s stomach clenched.
Back against the wall, Katara’s arms were crossed.
Jet leaned over her, talking into her ear. Their body language reflected years of comfort and familiarity Zuko and Katara still hadn’t achieved.
There was another smirk on Katara’s face. She opened her mouth to say something when she saw Zuko. She pushed past Jet, shoving his shoulder away from her.
“Zuko, I—“
“Katara,” Jet called for her.
“I’m ready to go home. Please. If that’s ok.”
“Yea. Totally.”
She took his hand and sighed.
Zuko wanted to bring it up. It—his comment or Katara and Jet.
Of course, he knew their relationship was a set-up and eventually Katara would end up back with Jet. That was the plan.
But, Zuko drank the kool-aid Katara was serving.
They were cute together.
And he liked being with her.
He liked her.
Maybe Zuko never stopped liking her?
Why am I so shaken up by the two of them together?
He pulled up in front of her house.
“I had a lot of fun tonight.” Katara looked at Zuko.
“Good. Yea.”
Katara paused. “Thanks for the ride. Good night Zuko.”
“Good night Katara.”
What if Jet was apologizing to Katara?
What if she wanted him back?
What if that meant we’re through?
A sharp pain camped in his chest.
Jet looked like he belongs next to Katara. When have I ever felt that way?
Zuko stared at his bedroom ceiling.
The whole relationship’s fake.
Why is it such a surprise?
Somewhere along the way, the bubble had become solid. Fantasy is incompatible with reality.
Bubbles pop.
Solid things shatter.
A/N: uh khakis?
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haespoir · 6 years
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honestly, i’d like to start this post off by saying thank you!!! never would i have thought that i would ever reach over 100 followers,,, so the fact that i’ve hit 1000 followers seems so unreal to me,, so thank you guys! for supporting my writing and dealing with my nonsensical rambling!! 
with that being said: in honour of reaching 1000 followers, i’ve decided to start a little series on my blog. i’ll be writing for five main groups: nct ( all units ), loona, twice, red velvet and the boyz. these are my favorite groups to write for though i’ve really only ever written publicly for nct. 
i’ve complied a list of 60 aus ( most are from this masterlist and i’ve just chosen the ones that i like ) and 20 songs so just pick one and send me a request! note: most things will be written in bulletpoint and this post will serve as a masterlist for everything! 
example requests: 
“competitive au #1 w doyoung?” 
“angst song #2 with sana?” 
if a prompt is taken, it’ll be bolded with the name of the idol next to it! i’ll also include who requested it uwu basically, it’s a first come, first serve type thing! you can also request more than once!
ok with that being said,,, have fun! 
01. [ younghoon | anon ] “love letter” jinsoul and kim lip 
02. “push and pull” kard
03. “rumor” kard 
04. “lady” exid
05. “see saw” gowon and chuu and kimlip 
06. “walkin’ in time” the boyz 
07. “hard to love” bol4 
08. “destiny” lovelyz 
09. “we were in love” t-ara and davichi 
10. “dont recall” kard 
01. “hi” lovelyz
02. [ donghyuck | anon ] “walk u home” nct dream 
03. [ heejin | anon ] “what is love” twice 
04. [ jaemin | anon ] “shine” pentagon 
05. “imagine” bol4
06. “nevermind” jeong sewoon 
07. “real man” the east light
08. [ doyoung ] “a girl like me” gugudan 
09. [ yuta | @jenofanclub ] “heart attack” chuu 
10. “the day of confessing my love” jo kwon 
roommate aus
01. friend of a friend needs a place to stay before they get evicted
02. my roommate fell nd broke their arm in the shower,,, what do i do
03. [ yeri | @najaeminclub ] new roommate cooks for the first time and almost burns the house down
04. overheard you singing in the shower you sound angelic 
05. [ doyoung | anon ] your clothes ended up in my laundry and now im wearing your favorite tshirt 
enemies to lovers au 
01. you’re a jerk barista who purposely screws up my name when i order 
02. [ jihoon | @lovejihoonie ] you saw me crying and you weren’t supposed to,, why are u trying to hug me 
03. you come to the restaurant i work at and choose me as your server every time just to annoy me nd i can’t do anything or i’ll get fired
04. [ yuta ] look i know we haven’t said anything nice to each other for years and this is a bit sudden but can you hold my hand and pretend to be my partner for the next few minutes cause my ex is coming over and i can’t be on my own for this so lets just pretend we aren’t mortal enemies okay? omg, you’re saying nice things about me and your arms are around my waist and my heart is pounding in my chest and oh god no out of all the people i could crush on why you?
reincarnation aus
01. [ jaehyun | anon ] i meet and fall in love with you in every lifetime at the same age but your age is always different so it never works out and for the first time i’m meeting you when we’re the same age and i’m horrified that i might fuck this up
02. [ doyoung ] i skipped like four cycles of reincarnation and i know you’re pissed at me for leaving you all those lifetimes but it wasn’t my fault please please will you take me back
03. [ yukhei | anon ] i don’t know how to tell you this but the reason you didn’t see me in our last reincarnation cycle is because for some fucked up reason I was reincarnated as your dog
04. [ taeyong | @najaemini ] we keep reincarnating as people who speak different languages and it’s kind of pissing me off because i can never initially confirm if it’s you but at least i keep learning a bunch of cool new languages each lifetime
height difference aus ( specify who is the tol nd who is the smol pls !! ) 
01. [ jacob | anon ] you were trying to reach for a box of cereal and a whole shelf’s-worth of cereal boxes fell on you here let me help
02. [ jeno | anon ] we’re both baristas and sometimes i have trouble reaching for things and i show up to work one day to find a personalized stool with hearts and my name on it i hATE YOU 
03. we’re in art class tgt and i just opened a cupboard to find a tiny person (you) squished inside and you just looked at and said “shh i’m hiding” we’re on the bus and im really not trying to take up your space im sorry i just have rlly rlly long legs 
04. [ juyeon | @jenofanclub ] you’re afraid that you’ll lose me in big crowds so you always hold my hand but now you just hold my hand when there’s only, like, five people around and I’m getting vry suspicious
05. you’re super short and i’m sorry but it’s really really cute whenever you try to reach that book on the top shelf here lemme help you- oh no don’t be embarrassed, your face is all red and you’re even more adorable now i am going to die
competitive aus
01. [ jaemin ] we’re both ‘team leaders’ at a summer camp for little people and you may be hot but goddammit my collection of twelve-year-olds are going to beat yours into the dust
02. i used to be the best baker in the neighbourhood but then you showed up at Mrs Appleby’s 80th birthday with a stack of brownies which almost gave me an orgasm my honour is at stake and im going all out for the next event
03. [ renjun | @najaeminclub ] a mutual friend invited us to their laser tag party and we’re the last two alive on opposite teams and goddammit if im going down you’re going down with me
04. you’re going to be at the halloween party and you’ve won best costume for the past three years but this year i am wearing the best costume ever if you defeat me i will eat my - wait you actually look really cute when did you turn hot what the fuck um
05. [ donghyuck | anon ] we’re always making stupid bets like ‘bet you can’t drink this whole bottle of BBQ sauce’ but then you did and now you’re sick and i feel really bad here let me look after you
06. did you actually just blue shell me on our date you fucker
college aus 
01. [ momo | anon ] excuse me, I know we don’t have assigned seats in college, but I’ve been sitting in this one for eight weeks and it seems you’re in my spot
02. [ lucas | anon ] bless the spring semester stage combat class for practicing on the North Lawn, because watching my crush get sweaty and worked up while pretending to fight people really Does Things to me, okay
03. i was abroad last semester and forgot to fill out the housing form, but your old roommate dropped out so hi, hey, how’s it going, I guess we live together now
04. both of us turned up at the wrong room for this lecture but don’t know where its meant to be 
05. [ lucas | @najaemini ] we live in halls opposite each other and i keep seeing you changing through your window 
witch aus 
01. listen, i know im new at this and all, but you screeching at the top of your tiny frog lungs isn’t going to help anyone, is it????? don’t you dare croak at me in that tone
02. [ jeno | anon ] we’ve been friends for years, so are familiars are really good friends with each other too. nd recently, while we’ve been doing witchy stuff, i’ve noticed that our familiars are growing extremely close and being affectionate towards each other. that’s weird because like our familiars are supposed to represent our subconscious and that’s not how we feel about each other at all… right?
03. [ seulgi | anon ] i borrowed the broomstick you keep in your wardrobe, and while i was cleaning up some lint; it suddenly shOT UPWARDS AND SMASHED INTO THE CEILING WHILE I WAS STILL HOLDING IT AND IT WON’T STOP MOVING GET ME DOWN FROM HERE I SWEAR TO GOD.
ghost aus ( in which one person is a ghost ) 
01. the neighbours asked one time if I had any roommates and i said no and they just looked really confused because they can always hear me shouting or talking to someone. yea, my neighbours think I’m crazy now, so thanks for that.
02. we’ve been arguing for a solid hour about whether Amelia Earheart actually died when the plane supposedly crashed; i don’t care if you met her one time when you were in purgatory. that doesn’t make a difference!
03. my ghost is really temperamental so i sometimes just scream “FUCK OFF” at it really loudly. it quietens down after that.
04. i’ve become so used to all the weird shit that happens in my house that when i invited people over and you were just throwing books around in the hallway, i completely forgot that they aren’t used to it like i am and now they just ran out of the house screaming. 
05. [ johnny | anon ] you’re a ghost and you scared me so much that i died and i literally rose out of the floor two minutes later as a ghost, now we’re stuck together for eternity and now i’m gonna beat your ghost ass.
you know them but you don’t know them aus 
01. my friend can’t stop talking about how they want to set me up with their other friend so we start texting each other and they’re hilarious but shy about meeting and ALSO there’s a cute bike delivery guy who brings my mail at work and winks at me whenever i sign for a package 
02. [ sana | @jenofanclub ] i’m obsessed with a food blogger who writes about cheap ways to be gourmet in your 20s and i flirt with them over comments but they never post pictures of their face and ALSO there’s a really cute grocery bagger at the store down the street who teases me and always asks to join me for dinner and i definitely want to say yes
03. [ jaehyun | @jaehyunclub ] there’s an overnight IT person at school who always answers the phone when i call about a problem with my computer and i totally have a crush on their voice and their exasperation and ALSO the bakery down the street is always running out of my fave scones and the adorable person behind the counter can’t hide their amusement and i think it’s super rude but also super cute 
04. [ lucas | @najaeminclub ] my boss is always telling me how perfect her son would be for me and she promises he’s coming to the next holiday party and don’t worry he’s heard all about me too and ALSO there’s this dude i slept with once a couple of months ago and sometimes he still sends me dick pics when i ask him to at 3 in the morning cause seriously dude’s got a good dick 
05. our kids are bitter rivals and the only time we ever meet is when we’re both called to the principal’s office and whatever maybe i think you’re kind of cute but your kid’s a monster and ALSO someone keeps buying the last everything bagel at my favorite coffee shop 2 minutes before i get there in the morning and has heard about my plight and has started leaving me bragging notes about it 
06. [ changmin | @lovejihoonie ] i hired a dog walking company and i’ve never met the person who comes to my apartment but they leave me really cute notes and they give my dog presents and i kind of love them because my dog does and ALSO one of the artists at this gallery opening is hella cute and i want them to paint me like one of their french girls
??? aus
01. [ jacob | @lovejihoonie ] im calling to cancel our date bc im actually in the er right now, sorry,,,, i mean,,, i guess u can come here,,,, bring me fries 
02. we’re both meant to be going on blind dates with other people but we sat down at the wrong table and got our hopes up
03. a scary-looking person who unintentionally makes kids cry and a daycare volunteer meet at a children-filled park
04. [ sunwoo | anon ] you’re infamous for being an asshole nd i had to sit next you in class. turns out you’re kinda nice one-on-one. 
05. i let you cheat with my answers on a test and then you got the highest grade possible nd now you owe me a HUGE favour.
06. i just got bowled over by your huge-as dog in the park nd now you’re profusely apologizing while trying to hold your dog off 
07. [ kun | anon ] i kind of naturally spoil people and like taking care of them, you’re always getting sick in class / feeling down in class nd omg i think the teacher ships us???
08. [ yuta | @najaemini​ ] you always like to make me embarrassed by leaning in too close or hitting on me, but i’m used to it now nd one day i decided to retaliate
09. [ ten | anon ] ok so when we were little i accidentally mentioned that i had a crush on you but i always thought you didn’t hear me because you just looked at me weird and never commented but now we’re in high school and omg you just introduced me as your boyfriend/girlfriend/datemate wtf we never discussed this!!!
10. [ donghyuck | anon ] why are you so clingy people will think we’re dating- i know we are but you’re the one who wants it to be secret you moron!
11. [ taeyong | @najaeminclub ] i understand that you’re my bodyguard but that was a freaking FRISBEE not a nuclear bomb jesus christ- hey why are you still on top of me and why have i not noticed how beautiful you are? 
12. you’re so perfect and i’m in love with you but i’ve never actually met you and you keep avoiding meeting up, so i called nev and max to help me figure out whether or not you’re catfishing me
13. [ irene | anon ] you had a party and i got really drunk and stole your toaster, so i showed up the next day to return it and you were really hungover so i made you breakfast (but i burnt all of it)
14. [ jungwoo | anon ] you have dimension-jumping powers and you’re mad that literally EVERY OTHER VERSION OF YOURSELF is dating ( insert idol ). then ur idol asks u out and is confused when u screams ‘FUCKING FINALLY, JACKASS!’
15. [ hyunjae | anon ] i suggested we play spin the bottle so i could kiss you, but now everyone else is kissing you except me :/
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