#oh well we're in the present for a bit x3
pan-magi · 1 year
Another time for me to go into anime and manga differences, woop. This one is more technical in how some things cannot be simply adapted because different mediums. Somewhere out in the interwebs (outside tumblr) I saw someone claim that adaptations have to be 1:1 to be good and this is also a semi-refutation of that.
I go kind of in lecture mode I'm sorry ><. I try to keep the tone relatively informal so I hope it isn't too boring of the read.
Here is the manga panel in question:
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(From when Aladdin and Alibaba are in Amon's dungeon and witness the slime reforming and regenerating. The text here is "A slime appeared (x3)." I believe in the official English release the translation is slightly different with "Here, a slime. There a slime. Everywhere a slime." I do think that one is slightly funnier which is important to this.)
(If any aversion to slime or gooey things this isn't the post for you. It's my whole example. Also some with Aladdin almost being eaten at my example at the end.)
You may be thinking what's the big deal with this simple panel? The anime has the encounter be basically the same. You are correct. However, the presentation is very different.
What I find funny about the panel is the repetition of the slime going splat and the accompanying text reinforcing it. It is so simple and so effective. The scene is basically like "oh, look, there's one here. And another one here. Oh no, they're coming together. We're in trouble." The delivery works best with a graphic novel medium as compared to an animated one.
The crux, in my opinion, is the emphasis the text and narration give. If Aladdin and Alibaba voiced the line out loud it would have been out of place and out of character for both of them. Neither are type to have stream of consciousness observations spoken out loud, which the above emphasis will be if given to a character.
Without the text emphasis, the scene doesn't really convey a joke. It's more of a standard action scene. That's fine. A way to attempt to add it in the anime is to linger on the slime an extra moment to draw attention to the uh oh funny.
Here is the equivalent in the anime:
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The first column I set to a 150ms; the second is slowed to 200ms. The slightly slower one can add some foreboding. The meaning is not clear though and up to the audiences interpretation on why the camera chooses to linger on the shot, as it were. If someone watching does not get the visual joke and frame the whole thing falls flat. That is a failure to the action end of the scene that demands a quick pace.
What's the big deal for a straightforward joke? That is about it, really. I chose it because it has the clearest distinction in being a 1:1 scene and conveying two different tones due to the simple medium difference. I do not think the anime is weaker. The scene in movement lends itself to be more action oriented. Thus, that's the focus. If it tried a literal translation of that visual joke it would have fallen flat and ruined it.
The anime does still have the comedic (also horrifying) framing that is allowed to be translated more literally. See example two:
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The above gif is set to 2 seconds per frame. I don't know what the timing is for the anime. I was lazy to check, eep. The important part is the jump cut makes it funny and makes it work so well. In my opinion at least.
That's a wrap~ Sorry for being a bit dry and lecture mode. Magi does a decent job and that means letting the show breathe as an adaption. I wanted to take the opportunity to be a bit of a nerd about it. haha. Thanks for reading.
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alexcutecolly · 4 months
oh I’m so happy this gives you ideas! I love to hear your ideas! and I think that v.olo would be really satisfied with himself after eating us like think about the hums he would make after he gets us down and rubs at us >w< he’d enjoy that feelng and it would be so cute
You’re so correct he could just take us with him and no one would even know! it’s our little secret. all the nice pressure from him laying on us a little bit while we’re in there uuuuu so comfy!!! and we could be in there for as long as he wants I really think thats cute
and it sounds like in the game we didnt say what he did cuz just a few people even notice he wasnt there so maybe getting to have us as his close friend is a better prize and we don’t tell the villagers! I forgive him you know?
ps. mi.lotic is naga shape if that gives you more v.olo ideas
v.olo uwu
Awwww, I love to hear your ideas too!! 💕
Omg yeah! I bet he'd be content about feeling us wriggling and shifting inside, we're so small but it'd be enough for him! ❤️ Plus belly rubs can be sooo soothing, both for him and us! Counting the hums as well, we'd all be passing out in a matter of minutes! x3
Warning: Major spoilers for P.okemon Legends: A.rceus below!
Tbh considering A.rceus doesn't even let us return home to the present timeline, remaining with V.olo is a much better option xD whether it's staying in his belly or not tho, that's up to debate xD I can see him teasing us a lot on the journey to another region, with pokes and jokes about us taking easy since he's doing all the walking x3
Also, I like to think he'd be into gentle, playful mouthplay! ❤️ Such as moving us around in his mouth, from cheek to cheek, not only to enjoy our flavor but to goof around a little bit before swallowing us down x3 ❤️ and I imagine him smiling when he lays on his stomach, maybe to switch to a better reading position, and he feels us tumbling inside him as a result! He's such a sweet dork tbh 😭❤️
I went to check who among the main characters mentions V.olo or what happened atop M.ount C.oronet, and only C.ogita and L.aventon do, sooo... It's safe to say everyone else is weirdly clueless 😅😅 which is technically a good thing, since we could hang out with V.olo still without being banned from the village again, but it makes me so sad as well because it means that despite the battle and how it changed everything between him and us, it barely had an impact on everyone's else lives ;-; ;-; ;-;
I wouldn't still tell the villagers what happened tho, ignorance is bliss sometimes xDD plus they're not going to chase him down with torches and pitchforks, lmaooo 😭😭 we forgive him either way, this is what really matters! x3 ❤️ and he can eat us all the times he wants!! x33
Oooh M.ilotic is a nice choice for a Naga!V.olo! He could be like one of those water snakes, that are totally fine with swimming and living in damp areas! Mmmmm imagine him sneaking away with a visible bump in his tail, and he dives in a nearby river to hide if he hears footsteps coming in his direction! x3 and once everything is quiet again, he slithers out and starts heading back to his lair, super happy because he's got his belly filled ❤️
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turntechcatnip · 4 years
Texas is probably as close as Earth gets to deadly Alternian sunlight. Do you like being outside?
<View Mewssage History>
Between the wings and the horns and your coloring, you can’t leave the apartment. You know that. Whatever weird pocket dimension you fell in looks to be no different from the Earth you grew up on, aside from the fact that the niche that was Bro’s younger brother, Dave Strider, doesn’t seem to have existed. That means no trolls. No carapace. And especially no random bird people. There’s no reason to think someone wouldn’t take one look at you and go ‘what the fuck’ and lock you up in some lab somewhere.
That doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the sanctity of your own roof.
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TC: bro doesnt like me coming up here tbh
TC: someone could be across the str33t with a telescope spying on a poor lil catbirdtrollkid and call the government or somefang
TC: which would be a hassle if nofang else
TC: but
But you miss the wind. You miss the shade of the trees. You miss the light of the dual moons. You miss running with Pounce, your fingertips lightly touching the ground, claws digging into loose earth.
TC: betw33n the strider albinism and a nocturnal cave dwelling troll im purrty sure if i get into a fist fight with the sun id lose no contest
TC: shades are nonnegotiable during the day though unless i wanna burn my eyeballs out
TC: i dont think the sunll roast me like a turkey but i dont think i can regulate heat as well as i should so noon is kinda off limits but the bookends of the day are prime gargoyle time
TC: dawn and sunset are aight but theyve got some baggage to them
TC: i mostly like coming out here at night
TC: i think id go crazy if i couldnt go outside at all
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