#oh well supertrio polycule rant for another day
kaizzaphela · 1 year
What do you think the main uno characters would look for in a romantic partner personality wise?
Uuuuuuuuhhhhmmmm I’m not super into romance but let me think
Arlo- can’t imagine he’d be into romance to be honest. I like holdlo but even that was irony that spiraled into unironically liking it. I think he would want someone he can boss around. Possess even.
Sera- too busy dealing with her friends insanity you have to be normal and well adjusted. She’ll fucking leave you.
John- have to have a decent amount of empathy. I think he would be too disturbed by someone who doesn’t.
Remi- Also needs to have a lot of empathy. Someone who can tolerate her periods of being a little obsessed with something. A bit of an anchor type
Blyke- Has to be about as passionate about justice and morality as he is. Also because I can’t imagine he dated someone other than Isen and Remi so I guess they would have to tolerate that he cares about them way more.
Isen- ugh this one’s hard. Wants someone who can take a joke and he can mess around with a little. Needs to be his friend and not just some person he’s dating.
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