#oh to gently rest your face into lance's bosom
cowboyshit · 2 months
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lunchtops · 6 years
Pairing: klance (Keith/Lance, Voltron: Legendary Defender) Rating: M Warnings: they sure talk about banging, but nothing explicit  Summary:  Thirty seconds ago, he thought he’d had it pinned down (incredible, fantastic, best choice he’s ever made, why didn’t they do this sooner), but now, post-orgasm, after the heat of the moment had died down to an ember, Keith feels unsure about the whole thing.
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Keith feels an unfamiliar twinge of regret, the second he collapses against the mattress underneath him. He’s always been one to rush into things, to gamble and take impossible chances. So far, he’s beaten the odds every single time. Well, at least every time that it’s actually mattered. It’s a strategy - if you could even call it a strategy - that’s worked for him his entire life, and Keith didn’t see any reason to approach romance and sex any differently.
Now, hearing his partner rustling around - disposing of the condom, if he had to guess, though he’s still facing the ceiling with his eyes shut tight - he’s wondering if, maybe, this was a mistake. If this was something that he should have put more thought into. Something they should have talked about more, rather than simply checking for consent before tearing their clothes off. Something that he should have taken his time with, for his own sake, as well as for the sake of the man he can sense next to him, shifting closer, closer...
But the consequences, whatever they might be, are his to face, and Keith is far too spent to run from them this time. Slowly, he turns his head to the side, not quite sure what to expect-
“Hey baby,” Somehow, despite his impossibly messy hair, and the dark bags under his eyes from who knows how long without a full night’s sleep, Lance still manages to look smug as hell, when he smirks at him. Smug and handsome - fuck. “You cum here often?”
Keith groans, pulling the blanket up over his chest. His face feels impossibly hot. He’s never felt so… exposed before. He’s never been so exposed before, at least in the literal sense, and he still isn’t quite sure sure how he feels about that. Thirty seconds ago, he thought he’d had it pinned down ( incredible, fantastic, best choice he’s ever made, why didn’t they do this sooner ), but now, post-orgasm, after the heat of the moment had died down to an ember, Keith feels unsure about the whole thing.
“Oh, come on, what’s that about?” Lance snickers, tugging at the blankets. “We just fucked , dude, I saw everything . You don’t need to hide your bosom from me.”
Keith clutches the sheet even tighter. “Never say the word bosom again.”
“Okay,” Lance shrugs, and Keith is pretty sure Lance had never yielded to him so easily before. For a brief moment, he considers that maybe tumbling into bed with him was worth it for that alone. But, of course, Lance isn’t one to give up. Instead of fighting for the sheet, his hands roam under the blanket, quickly finding Keith’s torso. “As long as I can touch it, I’ll call it whatever you want.”
Keith shivers, as those fingertips send fresh shivers up and down his spine. “Why do you want to?”
“Want to touch you?” Lance asks, his expression softening. His movements slow, too, into barely-there touches, tracing slow circles across Keith’s chest. “I could come up with a few good reasons. Why? Do you not want me to?”
Keith hesitates, not because he doesn’t know the answer, but because he does, and for the first time in a long time, he surprises himself . “... I didn’t say that.”
Lance lets out a loud, relieved sigh, as he finally rests his head on the pillow next to Keith’s. The hand currently on his abdomen keeps going, exploring more and more, though the pressure of Lance’s fingertips on his skin is still feather-light. “Dude, don’t scare me like that.”
“Like what?”
“Like you’re going to kick me out of bed.” Lance laughs into the pillow, but Keith knows better; after all they’ve been through, he can tell Lance’s real laugh from the nervous, unsure one. It's a matter of seconds before Lance proves him right. “... You’re not, are you?”
Another brief moment of hesitation. “No, I’m not.”
Another sigh, and Lance is shifting closer to him. “Good. I don’t want to leave.”
Keith blushes, much to his own embarrassment. They’ve officially been as close as two people can possibly get, and Lance moving closer to him - not even close enough that they’re touching! - was enough to make his face grow warmer and his chest feel heavy. That small shift was nothing compared to what they’ve already done, but Keith still hears the alarm bells going off in his head; too close, too much, but also not enough - It’s a lot to take in all at once, as the reality of their situation catches up with him, and Keith’s fuzzy, sex-addled brain is reeling trying to figure it all out.
The easiest way to fix that, Keith decides in his usually impulsive manner, is to close that distance completely. In one swift movement, he tucks his head under Lance’s chin, one arm wrapped securely around his waist, while one of his legs drapes over his lower torso, completely locking himself into place.
Lance didn’t seem to mind; his own arm arms hold onto Keith tighter than he’s ever been held, and the laugh he lets out sounds so affectionate that it makes Keith’s heart ache. “I never had you pegged as a cuddle bug.”
“Well…” Keith begins to protest, before realizing he doesn’t have any ammunition to fire back with. “Me either.”
There’s a happy hum, and then Lance is pressing his lips to Keith’s forehead, right up against his hairline. Once, twice, three times… “Are you always like this, or am I just lucky?”
“I don’t know,” is Keith’s honest response. Inadequate isn’t quite the word he needs, to describe how he feels. Lance had assured him multiple times that being a virgin wasn’t a big deal, that he didn’t think any less of him for it, that they’d go slow and work through it and find a good pace together. Keith had believed him then, ten minutes into making out in that dusty supply closet, and he still believes him now; Lance had been nothing but kind to him, no playful mocking or teasing or any of the things Keith had come to expect out of their friendship.
And it had been good , Keith is sure of that. He knows Lance well enough that he’s confident he would be able to tell if he was faking. As he was with everything, Lance was vocal and expressive while they made love; there was no way he could fake that face he made when the climaxed.
Lost , maybe, was a better word for it, as much as he hates to admit it. This is completely uncharted territory for Keith. Even if he was enjoying himself, there's a certain level of anxiety that always came along with not knowing exactly what to do or say. Sex was no different.
Keith pulls back from the embrace, just enough for them to be able to talk face to face, their legs still tangled together under the blankets. “I told you before, I’m not… I’ve never really done this before. I don’t know what I’m like, or what I’m into,  or whatever. I’m still trying to figure it all out-”
Keith doesn’t realize that he’s talking with his hands, until Lance grabs onto one of them. He’s smiling, as he brings that hand to his lips and gently kisses the knuckles. “Hey, it’s okay. We can figure it out together.”
We . That word is enough to make Keith’s heart swell, with affection and hope. “ We can…?”
Lance’s smile falters a bit. “I mean, if you want-”
“I do.” Keith realizes after he’s blurted out his response that he’s done so a bit too quickly. Too fast, too eager, maybe a little desperate-
But Lance doesn’t seem to mind. If anything, he’s elated; Keith finds himself being pulled closer all over again, into a firm, tight hug, with Lance reversing their positions, so he can nuzzle at Keith’s neck and shoulders. Affectionate and so sweet that Keith swears he feels a toothache coming on.
“Me too,” his voice sounds shaky, and his grip on Keith’s torso tightens, as if he’s trying to anchor himself. “Me too, Keith. I- I don’t want this to just be a one time thing, y’know? I’d kinda like this to be a regular thing. Maybe a thing where we do other things, too! Like… kissing, or going out for dinner-”
“Yeah,” Keith exhales, feeling some tension that he didn’t realize he had been carrying in his shoulders melt away. Now that he’s all but been given permission, his fingers tangle their way through that short brown hair, so impossibly soft. Keith ends up nuzzling his face against it, as well. Lance smells like flowery shampoo and sweat and sex; which Keith didn’t realize had a smell of its own, but now he can revel in the fact that the scent is all over Lance, and it’s all because of him. “I, uh, thought it was kind of obvious, but I don’t want this to be a one time thing, either.”
“So… I can stay the night?” Keith’s pretty sure Lance’s voice has gone up an entire octave, by the time he finishes that question. He sounds so hopeful, and that swelling feeling in his chest starts all over again.
“Sure. Or… you could stay forever.” It’s a tall order, but Keith likes to think he’s a man who knows what he wants. And he’s wanted this for a long, long time; if they’re on the same page, what’s the point of holding back?
Lance starts shaking in his arms, and it takes Keith a few seconds to realize that he’s laughing. “Was that supposed to be a Mulan reference?”
“A what now?”
Lance sighs, a sound full of disappointment, but the kiss pressed into Keith’s neck that follows shortly after is more than enough reassurance that whatever blunder he had committed unknowingly wasn’t enough to make Lance change his mind. “We’ll work on it.”
It's Keith’s turn to laugh. “Don’t make me regret not kicking you out when I had the chance.”
“You won’t.” Keith can practically see the smirk Lance is hiding from him, with his face still hidden against Keith’s chest. “Believe me, you won’t. I’m going to rock your world, baby, you’ll see-”
Baby , huh? Keith’s cheeks turn what he’s sure is an embarrassing shade of pink, unsure of how he feels about pet names. He meant it, on all accounts, when he said he didn’t know what he was into. “Lance?”
“Can we just go to sleep for now?”
“Oh,” Lance chuckles nervously, as if that thought hadn’t crossed his mind. As if they hadn’t just finished their hardest battle yet, and going to sleep wasn’t the logical thing to do hours ago. “Yeah, sure babe, whatever you want.”
Keith smiles again, his eyes closing; maybe pet names will grow on him, if he gives them a chance. It wouldn’t be the first time something like that happened to him.
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g-r-e-y-eyes · 6 years
Day 20: Just admit that i’m right | Lancelot Kingsley
★ Ikemen Revolution Fanfic ★ Lancelot Kingsley X OC Note: NSFW  Prompt List
I drummed my fingers on my knee. I looked towards the bathroom where my beloved was. We were heading out for drinks with the rest of my commanders in celebration of Edgar’s birthday. Kyle had been most excited. I rolled my eyes, remembering his jubilation when we had suggested going to the bar. But well, I was a little excited as well. Especially since I would be spending time with my precious. I would never show it though. 
I cleared my throat.
“Love? Are you done? It’s almost time.”
“Yes, yes,” Came her muffled voice.
When she stepped out of the bathroom, my jaw dropped. She was wearing an off-shoulder dress which hung just barely above her bosom. The dress was loose, ending in the middle of his thighs. She smiled at me sweetly and twirled.
“What do you think?” She asked, her eyes glinting with a bit of mischief. 
I narrowed my eyes.
“I like it. But why are you wearing it?”
She arched an eyebrow.
“I like it, you like it. Why can’t I wear it?”
I rolled my eyes.
“You know what I mean.”
She puckered her lip.
“Do I?” She pressed her body to mine. My gaze drifted to her cleavage, now pressed against my chest. I inhaled sharply. I wrapped my arms around her waist and cupped her butt roughly, making her gasp. I crushed my lips to hers, willing her to kiss me back. She pushed me away gently and her eyes narrowed seductively.
“Let’s not keep them waiting,” She smiled cheekily.
I grabbed her hand.
“Wait. You’re not wearing that to the bar. It’s filled with men.” 
She rolled her eyes.
“Nothing will happen. Come on, we’re late.” She slipped out of my grasps and walked out the room. 
I pinched the bridge of my nose and groaned. 
“Cheers to you, Edgar! Happy Birthday!” Jonah raised his beer. 
Edgar smiled. 
“Thank you, my Queen. Thank you everyone for coming.”
Zero snorted.
“You told me that if I didn’t come you were going to jail me for insubordination and-”
“Okay, let’s bring out the cake!” Edgar clapped his hands.
I gave a small chuckle. My men were weird but they were a reliable bunch. 
“Sorry, excuse me.” Vicki stood up suddenly.
I grabbed her wrist.
“Where are you going?”
She laughed.
“To the bathroom. Do you want to go too?” She teased.
“Yes.” My face was one of seriousness. I wasn’t going to let her walk alone in this bar filled with all sorts of people.
Her face went from shock to exasperation and she left without me. My gaze never left her as I watch her slip into the bathroom.
“Vicki looks so lovely today,” Edgar smiled to himself. 
I eyed him cooly and he laughed.
“Why you’re not jealous are you, my King? Unless you would rather I say she looks absolutely horrible?” 
Jonah furrowed his eyebrows. His cheeks were flushed pink.
“Edgar. How dare you speak to King Lancelot like that.”
Edgar grinned.
“Oh, King Lancelot knows i’m only joking.”
Kyle knocked his glass on the table.
“Hey! Bring me another one!”
I rolled my eyes and looked towards the bathroom once again. Perfect timing. She waved at me as she walked back and I smiled. I saw a shadow move behind her and I tensed, my smile fading. I saw his hand reach out and her loud gasp was all I needed to confirm my fears. I didn’t hesitate for another moment.
“My King?” Jonah’s voice was a mere whisper as I found myself next to Vicki immediately. I snaked my arm around her, pulling her behind me as I glared daggers at the man. He shrank a little when he realised who she was. Who I was.
“King Lancelot. I’m sorry. I wasn’t aware that this was...”
My eyes flashed dangerously and he flinched.
“You mean you would have done it to any other girl?”
The man’s eyes widened in alarm. 
“No! That’s not what I meant. I’m sorry! Please forgive me, King Lancelot.”
I felt Vicki grip my shirt.
“What’s going on?” Came Zero’s voice.
“This man touched Vicki.” I said, my tone icy. 
Jonah gasped.
“How dare you!”
I felt her lips touch my ear as she tiptoed to reach it. 
“Lancelot. Let’s go.”
I turn my head slightly, her lips brushing against my cheeks as a result. 
“Of course.”
I took her hand and headed for the exit. I turned to my men and they nodded. They knew what to do with the bastard. 
She sat on the edge of the bed, silent. I loosened my tie and threw it on the floor. When I untucked my shirt and started to unbutton it, she finally looked at me. 
“I’m sorry.” She says softly.
She looked down at her lap.
“I shouldn’t have worn that. You were right.”
I shook my head and lifted her chin.
“No. This wasn’t your fault. He had no right to touch you for any reason. I’m sorry. You should wear whatever you want.”
She smiled sadly.
I cupped her cheek, caressing it with my thumb. 
“The only man who can touch you is me,” I say with a hint of possessiveness.
 She stared into my eyes, her mouth parting slightly. 
“Can I?” I whispered.
She nodded, blushing.
I used my finger to hook the thin strap of her dress off and the dress slipped off easily, exposing her breasts. I shrugged my shirt off and I heard her gasp softly.
I took off my pants and pulled her into my lap, her dress falling to the floor.
We leaned in at the same time, our lips connecting. I kissed her fiercely. I wanted her to forget tonight. Forget everything except me. My hands trailed up her torso, finding her breast. My fingers found their way to her nipple and I pulled, eliciting a moan from her. I broke the kiss, taking her other free breasts into my mouth. I sucked hard and she moaned loudly. My finger trailed down her torso once again to her core. My finger touched her core and I was glad to find that she was already wet. I inserted 2 fingers and she leaned back. I held her with my free hand as she arched her back more as my fingers pumped her faster. 
“Ah... Lance!”
I quickened my pace more, encouraged by her moans. When I felt her insides clench, I removed my fingers. I lapped up her juices and her eyes were cloudy as she watched.
I lifted her lips, positioning her above my length. She rubbed her core against my tip. Oh, she was so ready.  
She eased herself into me and I growled. Damn!
She started moving, going up and down painfully slow. I grabbed her butt, squeezing them. I moved them up and down and she got the hint as she quickened her pace. 
A moan escaped my lips and I crushed my lips to hers. She feels so good.
It had been too long of a wait and I didn’t want to wait anymore as I felt myself getting close.
“I’m close. Are you?” I asked her between pants.
She bit her lip and increased the pace and I knew.
She cried out my name as she slowly stilled. I moved my hips, bringing myself to my climax. I bit her lower lip and pulled at it. 
I gently lifted her up and laid her on the bed. I slumped beside her, our legs intertwining. 
“I love you,” I breathed. 
She smiled gently and I felt my heart skip a beat. 
She used the remaining of her energy to kiss my lips and her eyes drooped, finally closing. I pressed my forehead to hers and whispered.
“I’ll always protect you. Forever and ever.”
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[OC] Chapter 2: Moving out & in & out & in & out again
Hey everybody. Here's the second chapter of The story I started here about a Musketeers-inspired superhero team. As always, shout out to my boy @theoneandonlyspudbud. Good looking out, bud!
I'm gonna keep it under the cut, because it's loooooooong! ENJOY!
******scene 1: check for (bed)bugs******
The violent cacophonous explosion ripped through the quiet Sunday morning in Downtown Atlantica city, as debris from the empty Brunch Eatery flew out onto the relatively empty street. A confident foot stepped over the rubble from inside the exploded eatery, its owner obscured by the resultant smoke and dust clouds.
"People of Atlantica City, you are not safe." A booming voice belonging to the red-and-yellow clad perpetrator emanated from a hovering speaker drone. A screeching feedback noise halted his speech for a second while he adjusted the volume controls on the microphone placed inside his full-face helmet shaped like an ant's head.
"You are never safe" continued the strangely garbed man, as more strangely garbed and brightly coloured individuals appeared from behind the veil of smoke and dust. All of them wearing bug-themed masks "not as long as those ridiculous Mu5keteers continue their inept reign as your sanctioned Hero team"
The ruckus started to gather a modest crowd of vaguely disinterested early morning joggers. But their presence was enough to excite the red-wearing masked vandal "I say out with the old, and in with the new!
... BugOUT!!!"
He then proceeded to strike an uncomfortably back-breaking pose as he shouted his nom de plume "Fire Ant!!!"
The tall BugOUT member in Blue behind Fire Ant removed two crystalline scythes from their holsters on his back as he nervously mumbled "ummm...I-Icy Mantis!"
The short & plumb one in yellow jumped forward as she excitedly shouted "SPARK BEETLE!!" And then she bumped her taser-gloved fists together enthusiastically causing her namesake to fly out in an extremely flashy manner! (Sparks, that is, not beetles!)
"Ugh Leafy Ladybug or whatever" dismissively scoffed the green-hued one as she absentmindedly scrolled through the holographic screen of her SmartBand.
"This is stupid, I'm not saying this!" Refrained the huge man in the pink outfit as he looked visibly embarrassed, even though the full-face helmet.
"Ey, whassamatter, Billy?" Inquired Fire Ant with genuine concern while pressing the side of his own helmet to make his visor slide open. "We agreed on these personas weeks ago!”
"Why do I gotta be the most embarrassing name? It's easy for you, Carlos! 'Fire Ant' is at least mildly cooler-sounding than 'pink romance butterfly'..."
"Ok, first of all, it's 'Sweet Romance Dragonfly', we've been over this already" replied Carlos indignantly "Second of all, I tailored each of our roles and identities to match up against each Mu5keteer separately. Your size make you the perfect rival to their fat pink bastard!"
"Then why do I have to dress in pink and use that silly name?! I could just as easily be something cool...like...uh...Black Tarantula!!"
"No! It's a theme match up, we gotta show them how we're superior...just-Just trust me, OK!" Replied Carlos in frustration “We’ll be Atlantica City's newest Hero Team before Brunch-"
"Well, maybe not Brunch in this neighborhood, 'cus this place is toast! Haha, you get it?"
"YOU!!" Carlos whirled to face the source of the terrible pun, knowing exactly the kind of person who would utter such nonsense unapologetically.
"CARLOS! I knew it was you!" Tristan smiled ecstatically as he stood in front of BugOUT's quintet in his red and white Fire Musketeer outfit.
"RRRAAAAAGHHHH!" Carlos let out this bloodcurdling roar as he used his Psy-Q ability of pyrokinesis to ignite a blue fireball in the palm of his hand. He thrusted it vehemently toward Tristan.
"So, how you've been?" Calmly inquired Tristan as he used his own pyrokinetic Psy-Q ability to deftly direct the blue fireball away from his face.
Carlos closely followed behind the fireball with a vicious right hook, which was similarly dodged by Tristan as he swiftly stepped aside from the charging Fire Ant. Carlos reached for the holster strapped to his back, producing an iron Nunchaku with red cloth handles.
"It's time to see who's the hottest fire hero of all time!"  Carlos then expertly swung the Nunchaku in a fearsome manner, but it barely even registered as a threat in Tristan's eyes.
Instead, the Musketeer simply smiled as he withdrew his rapier from its scabbard "so how's your mother doing?" Asked Tristan casually while parrying and dodging Carlos's furious barrage of nunchaku strikes!
"SHE'S GOOD" screamed Carlos in frustration, the special cloth on his nunchakus burning brightly with an eerie blue flame! "She's gonna be proud that her son became Atlantica City's newest Sanctioned Hero!!"
The fight seemed even more impressive with the blue flames spinning wildly, but it was clear that they were working against Carlos. Tristan was able to easily take control of the flames and change the trajectory of the Nunchaku's spinning arcs ever so slightly, causing them to barely miss their targets.
As if he suddenly remembered they were there, Carlos looked back at his teammates and shouted "GET HIM! If we take him out, they'll be leaderless and directionless"
The remaining members of BugOUT charged toward Tristan with varying degrees of enthusiasm.
"Wow, you're either overestimating my leadership skill..." smiled Tristan as he nonchalantly glanced at his rushing opponents, who carelessly splashed through the flooded storefront.”...or you're just underestimating my team."
Suddenly, a pillar of ice sprang from the water beneath the BugOUTs, hoisting them on a plateau of slippery ice.
The ice was enough to stop some of the BugOUTs, but Spark Beetle used her momentum to charge gleefully with an electrically-charged fist towards Tristan! Her gloved fist, however, was halted abruptly by a yellow gauntlet sporting strange coils and doodads. The gauntlet, belonging to Priya the Lightning Musketeer, drained all the electrical power from Spark Beetle's Taser-Gloves then dissipating it harmlessly into the air.
"Would it kill you to wait for the rest of your team, O fearless leader?!" Asked Priya as she used the momentum of Spark Beetle's failed attack to flip her down onto the ground then pinning her shoulder with one hand, while restraining the other hand behind her back.
"I set you up for a perfect entrance, and you repay me with your sass and ingratitude. Does your insolence know no bounds, Vanderluss?!" Tristan shook his head half-mockingly.
"Hey, can we get this over with already?" Grumbled Lance, the Ice Musketeer, wearily as he stepped off a little patch of ice which quickly evaporated as soon as his feet touched the ground.
"It looks like it's already over, Mr. Grumpy pants!" Teased Blossom, the Green Musketeer, as she gently stepped off a large cluster of sturdy vines. She joyfully patted and squished Lance's hat as she asked the sleepy youngster "what's the matter, cutie? Not getting enough sleep?" She withdrew her hand quickly to avoid the razor-sharp Leaf Shurikens hastily thrown by the hands of Leafy Ladybug. Blossom's eyes faintly glowed green and she motioned with her hand as she used her Psy-Q ability of Botankinesis to command the vines to shield her from the next barrage of shurikens.
"Merrgh! Why don't you ask Casanova over there?" Lance shot Tristan an angry side glance that the Fire Musketeer pretended not to notice as he continues to dodge Fire Ant's attacks.
Blossom turned her attention back toward Tristan after she entombed Leafy Ladybug in a cluster of vines.
"Why would-" Blossom stopped mid-sentence as her eyes widened in sudden realization. Priya who also experienced the same epiphany shouted “OH HELL NO! TRISTAN!!"
Blossom hugged Lance's head closely to her bosom, jerking him away from the uncertain swipe of Icy Mantis's crystal scythes. Blossom ignored Lance's indignant cries as she scolded Tristan "Don't tell me you bring your...your...overnight guests every night with poor little Lance in the very next room?!"
"H-hey now, it's not every night..." Tristan paused as he recalled last week "umm...huh...it was every day...nice-WHOAH! Almost got me there, Carlos! You're getting there."
At that moment, Leopold, the Love Musketeer, landed with a mighty thud just a few feet beside the rest of his teammates. He looked around at the bizarre scene in front of him before asking "uhhh...so what did I miss?"
"You're mine, you pink bastard!" Sweet Romance Dragonfly's wings fluttered furiously as he flew toward Leopold; he planned to take out all his attire-related frustrations on the Love Musketeer. Without missing a beat, Leopold grabbed the helmet of the pink-garbed BugOUT member in an iron grip, almost crushing it with his gloved hands, before smashing Dragonfly face-first into the concrete.
Blossom whirled to face Leopold, still hugging a visibly irate Lance, who was somehow able to freeze Icy Mantis's feet to the ground, "Poor Lance can't get any sleep because Tristan can't stop hooking up with girls every single night!!"
"H-hey, they weren't all girls! There was Greg from Thursday night..." Tristan blurted out as he deftly parried Carlos's Nunchaku strike, before twisting the blade around the chain and flinging the flaming weapon aside, disarming Fire Ant in the process.
"Oh, yeah. He made pancakes the next day." Lance's muffled voice barely escaped the tight embrace of Blossom's arms. "He was all right, I guess."
"See?" Tristan smiled nervously "he had pancakes-"
Lance squeezed himself out of Blossom's arms as he interrupted Tristan "and then there was Monique, who made all those short jokes at my expense. That was fun."
"And don't forget Inspector Jessica the day before. Never gonna forget that she pulled a neutralizer to my face my first day in Atlantica City. Well, I don't have to, because she thought it would be funny to remind me of that first thing in the morning! You know how FUN it was to have someone point a Neutralizer to your face while you're on the toilet?!"
"L-Lance buddy..." Tristan stammered nervously.
"OH! But how can I forget Radha and her stupid 4 AM alarm. WHY DO YOU NEED AN ALARM SO EARLY, RADHA?!"
"Uh, sorry to interrupt your tirade..." Carlos finally spoke out. He was getting frustrated at how effortlessly they dispatched his team. But he was more frustrated at the fact that they did it while barely paying attention to them!
Lance completely ignored Fire Ant as he continued "I know what you're all thinking! It would be so easy for me to just get some ear plugs, isn't it? Well, you know what?! Maybe I don't WANT to get ear plugs! Maybe I feel they'd inconvenience me-" Lance's right hand balled up into a fist, as ice kept building up around it in copiously thick layers.
"DON'T YOU DARE IGNORE ME!" Fire Ant's hands lit up with gigantic blue flames that bathed the entire street in its alluring azure light! He then lunged towards the Mu5keteers while delivering another blood-curdling scream.
Suddenly, Lance rushed past Tristan to throw a wild Haymaker punch with his ice-covered fist squarely in Fire Ant's face. The devastating impact sent Carlos flying in the opposite directions with a shattered helmet and traces of ice trailing behind him.
Lance's icy fist slowly melted away revealing a terribly tattered gauntlet barely covering a cold blue hand. Lance grabbed his frigid right hand, trying to warm it up as he continued "-as much as I have inconvenienced you..."
There was a heavy hush enveloping the tense scene, even the remaining conscious members of BugOUT dared not break the silence.
"....Lance...I..." Tristan finally spoke.
"There's only a week or so left before I move in to the dorms at the Academia Atlantica" Lance interjected softly "but I don't think I'll be able to stay at your place even a single night more."
Lance slowly walked past his teammates and he conjured a patch of ice beneath his feet using his Psy-Q ability of Cryokinesis. He sped off further away and out of sight of the rest of the Mu5keteers.
Priya squeezed Tristan's shoulder encouragingly. She mustered her most sympathetic tone to utter "heeeyyyy, big guy...don't let it get you down, now...."
Tristan stood in silence. His eyes stared at the horizon towards the direction Lance went.
************Scene 2: moving out**********
Lance zipped up his duffel bag while whistling cheerfully. Just as he was leaving his room, he met the glassy gaze of Tristan; who opened his mouth slightly as if wanting to say something before closing it shut again.
"Oh, hi Tristan!" Lance greeted his brother with a smile "you don't mind if I keep the rest of my stuff here for now, do you? I'll be moving to the dorms soon, so why bother moving it now, y'know?"
Tristan looked a bit befuddled as he mouthed and gestured in agreement. Lance was just about to cross the hallway before Tristan finally said "uh...Lance...so...where... Will you be staying?"
"Oh, here and there mostly. For now, Priya said I could crash at her place for a couple of nights. See how that goes from there."
"Ah" replied Tristan, looking away absentmindedly "that's...uh...that's good, then."
Lance reached out and gave Tristan a hug. Tristan was a bit startled at first, but then he wrapped his arms around Lance returning his hug.
"Thanks for putting up with me all these weeks, Tristan."
Tristan felt as if his guts were caught in a vice! He looked at Lance with saddened eyes.
"Haha! Now that Lance the square is away, the real party can start! Amiright, bro?!" Chuckled Lance as he gave his brother a playful punch to the shoulder.
Lance then grabbed his duffel bag and strapped it on his shoulder "I'll go get settled in at Priya's and then we can all meet up tomorrow for lunch."
He then left through the apartment door, giving one last look back to Tristan while waving goodbye "see ya later, Tristan!"
The door gently closed behind Lance, leaving Tristan alone in the silence of his thoughts.
************Scene 3: moving in************
"This ain't exactly the Ritz" chuckled Priya as she fiddled with her keychain that contained an inexplicably huge number of keys! She stood just outside of her apartment's door while talking to Lance.
"But, hey! At least there's only one pesky house guest to deal with." She gave a look back to Lance with the biggest and stupidest smile sprawled across her face.
"...hilarious. And don't mind me too much. You'd barely notice me at all."
She finally found her apartment keys in the unholy mass of iron and brass. After unlocking the door she held the doorknob and gave a serious look over to Lance "I gotta warn you: I wasn't expecting company, so it miiiiii~iiiiight be a wee bit messy."
"Pri, I went to a very lax all-boys boarding school. Messes never really bothered me anyway"
"Haha! Love your attitude, little man" Priya swung the door wide open then dramatically gestured for Lance to enter "Step into my parlour, said the beauty to the beast"
Lance cautiously stepped into the darkened apartment as his hand reached on the wall for a light switch. That's when he felt something wet and springy squish beneath his feet. The slimy sensation sent shivers up his spine. He almost hoped to stay blissfully unaware of the true nature of the squished object beneath his feet. Unfortunately, Priya had no room to indulge his childish musings, as she flicked the light switch near the door to illuminate the harsh reality Lance will have to face.
The living room, if you could still call it that, was in complete and utter disarray! Clothes were strewn about with abandon. Discarded fast food containers sheltering half-eaten and half-rotten meals of ages past were scattered about on almost every surface. In fact, there was an open Pizza box right under Lance's feet at that very moment. The disgusted youth slowly lifted his feet up and noticed traces of moldy cheese getting stuck to the bottom of his shoe.
"You can sleep on the couch there" Priya casually pointed to a spot in the centre of the living room that seems to be the epicentre of all the clutter in the apartment. The couch was barely visible underneath all the garbage.
"Y-you LIVE like this?! The Hell, Pri?"
"Hey, now" answered Priya defensively "you just caught me between cleaning days, is all."
"And I guess those happen once a year, I suppose."
"Oh, shut up!" Priya kicked most of the trash from atop the couch onto the ground "there you go, your majesty!"
Lance took a deep sigh and then proceeded to wade through the pile of scattered trash to finally sit on the couch. It was surprisingly comfy.
"If you're up to it, I'll get us some snacks..." Priya went to the kitchen and briskly wiped one of the bowls that was soaking in the sink for God knows how long. "...and then we can fire up some vidya games! Tristan and I used to do this all the time back in high school! That guy did not like to lose in Smash Bros., I can tell you-"
Priya stopped talking after she took a peek from the kitchen door to have a look at Lance, only to notice that he was sleeping soundly. She smiled softly, and went into her room. Her bedroom was a stark contrast to the living room and kitchen, as it was immaculately clean and tidy! Trendy storage systems delineated where everything goes with neat labels in beautifully legible handwriting. Priya gingerly stepped toward a chic double dresser and opened a drawer labeled "Blankets & Linens - Guests" to find rows of neatly folded blankets with varying colours and patterns. She carefully considered her options, finally settling on a light blue blanket with a domino pattern on its edges. She was pleased with her selection, thinking it would be very suitable for her house guest.
Priya quietly draped the blanket on top of the sleeping Lance. "Good night, little man. Poor guy must've been pooped."
************Scene 4: Brunch************
Lance picked at his food with his fork unenthusiastically. His listless expression concerned Blossom deeply. They were both sitting in a booth at the recently re-opened Brunch Eatery. Priya was also there, as she was furiously stuffing her face with waffles and washing them down with the bottomless Mimosas. After a long stretch of awkward silence, Blossom attempted to coax Lance into opening up with some small talk.
"It's amazing that just a few days ago, those BugOUT idiots blew up this restaurant..."
"Mm-Hmm" mumbled Lance passively as he dragged his fork across the unappetizing mess that used to be an elegant Belgian waffle.
Priya continued the conversation to make up for Lance's lack of interest "But I still can't believe they got off Scott-free!"
"I wouldn't call it 'Scott-free' per se" a soft-spoken voice brightly interjected. Both Lance and Blossom looked up to meet the smiling face of Jericho Landon, attorney at Law. He was carrying a tray of the healthiest items available the Brunch Eatery's buffet table.
From behind Jericho, a tall and athletic figure stepped closer carrying a tray packed with very carb-heavy menu items. Lance, Priya, and Blossom quickly recognized him as the ringleader of the same team they were just gossiping about.
"Carlos!" Shouted Blossom in surprise "what are you doing here?!"
"They have some of the best pancakes in the whole city! They're good for Carbo-loading."
"Yeah!" Priya stood up gleefully to high-five Carlos.
"N-no, I mean...you'd think blowing up the restaurant would be the easiest way to get a life-time ban..."
"Oh!" Carlos smiled as he draped his arm over Jericho's shoulder "My boy Jericho here got it all sorted out. He's the best dang Lawyer in the city! He's almost as good as these pancakes."
Carlos then looked at Jericho and playfully winked "and twice as sweet!"
"Oh, you." Smiled Jericho warmly "speaking of sweet, can you grab me a mimosa while I go find us a booth?"
"Sure, babe!" Carlos lightly kissed Jericho on the lips before rushing to get that drink.
Priya stood up carrying her empty glass "hold up, Carlos! I'm refilling mine, too."
As Carlos and Priya walked off toward the bar, Blossom looked absentmindedly to their direction. She was understandably startled when she felt Lance's cold, tiny hands grasping hers. Her face was blushing red! She did not know lance to be so direct. She knew he had an innocent, childish crush on her when they first met. But that was years ago, she told herself. He grew out of it, she reminded herself. She looked at his eyes, they looked determined, yet desperate. She knew that there's no easy way to do this: she'd have to reject him straight away to preserve the friendship, she decided!
She was just about to let Lance know of her decision when he blurted out "Please get me out of that horrid apartment!" His voice was cracked as if he was about to sob.
"Wha-?" Blossom was somewhat relieved, but no less confused by the situation.
Lance whispered as he stole hurried glances at Priya who was waiting in line for the bar "I can't live at Priya's anymore!" That place is a pig sty!"
"Seriously?!" Blossom was vexed, if a bit puzzled. She feared that Priya had gone back to her bad habits. She recalled all that time she spent with Priya coming up with a reasonable system to clean up her apartment regularly. And how they spent a whole afternoon buying the perfect dresser for her new linen collection.
"No, that's not fair. A pig sty is much, MUCH cleaner!" Mumbled Lance "but you gotta help me out! I don't want to hurt her feelings, and I can't go back to Tristan after I made that whole scene!"
He looked at Blossom with his big, sparkly eyes that look like they are a hair-trigger away from bursting into tears "Please, Blossom..."
Blossom took a deep breath and smiled softly. Sometimes, she told herself, I forget how young he is. She took Lance's hands in both of her hands and reassured him "leave it to me! I know how to be subtle..."
Priya finally made her way back from the bar and was about to sit down back in the booth. But before she could do so, Blossom dramatically wrapped her arms around Lance affectionately and addressed Priya angrily "It's not fair that you get li'l Lancey all to yourself! I wanna play with him, too!"
"Haha what?" Laughed Priya nervously, unsure if Blossom was joking or not.
"He's staying with me from now on, no questions!" Blossom suddenly stood up dragging the bewildered Lance in tow "we're getting his stuff from your apartment. BYEEE~EEE!!!"
Blossom slapped down a handful of bills on the table to cover her share - and then some! She continued to drag Lance all the way to the exit of the restaurant.
Lance finally shook off his surprise and blurted out "THAT's being subtle?!"
"Hey, it worked didn't it?" Giggled Blossom "C'mon, roomie, let's get your stuff!"
******Scene 5: Moving in (again) *********
Blossom opened the door to her spacious condo suite as she gestured warmly for Lance to enter ahead of her. The boy was astonished to see the luxurious and clean dwelling, which made Priya's place seem even more of a squalor in comparison. Though sparsely furnished, the few furniture neatly arranged in the suite's modern living room were very sleek and elegant. Nothing too gaudy or frivolous, it was simply functional and to the point.
However, it was impossible not to notice the huge planters strewn here and there. Lance noticed that all the planters housed lush green vines that were drooping lazily onto the floor. They were easily identified by their five pointed leaves as the Alien-borne Edan plants, which were Blossom's area of expertise.
"Wow!  That's a lot of plants." Lance said as he adjusted the strap of his duffel bag on his shoulder.
Blossom seemed flustered as she replied "Y-yeah, sorry about the mess. I was running out of room to put them in the lab back there, so I had leave them out here for a bit."
"Haha, you forget where I've been crashing the last few days?" Chuckled Lance "this is nothing. It's actually quite pleasant! They have such a nice smell as well-"
Lance stopped mid-sentence as he realized why the smell was so familiar. The light, smoky fragrance from the Edan plants is something he always smelled on Blossom! His cheeks burned red with sudden realization: he'll be sleeping under the same roof as Blossom! He could not believe it! If he told himself five years ago that this would happen, his five-years-ago self would have died from giddiness -subsequently creating a temporal paradox, so it's a good thing that Time Travel does not exist yet.
"Lance?" Blossom reached out a hand touching Lance's shoulder.
Lance nearly jumped from her touch. He was just about to come up with an excuse to leave as quickly as possible, if it wasn't for Blossom ushering him toward the guest room.
"C'mon, sweetie, you must be exhausted"
Lance reluctantly stumbled into the dimly lit guest room, which was strange since the fancy chandelier was turned off, so the windowless room should have been completely dark. He turned his head toward the source of the light in the corner of the room. His eyes widened in shock and he felt goosebumps all over his skin.
In the corner of the room there were several lit candles underneath a literal wall of pictures varying in size, shape, and material; from glossy photo paper, to black and white newsprint. Some were as small as passport photos, while others were poster-sized and took up a good chunk of the wall. Despite these differences, they all had one thing in common: they were all pictures of Armand Hammer, Blossom's deceased boyfriend and the original Ice Musketeer. His shoulder length golden locks shone in the candle lights from several of the colour pictures comprising the eerie shrine.
Blossom cheerfully turned on the light switch of the chandelier, revealing even more pictures of Armand on the other walls, as well as on the table and nightstand. The weird shrine wasn't only confined to the corner, the whole room was a shrine!
"Make yourself comfortable!" Blossom smiled as she was about to leave the room.
She can't be serious, Lance thought to himself, is this some kind of sick joke?!
"Ummm-" Lance started to speak before deciding to remain silent. Even though it's already been five years since that day, it's possible that Blossom is not completely over the death of her beloved Armand. This must be her way of dealing with her loss, thought Lance to himself, who am I to judge how she copes?
Blossom turned around to lance and looked puzzled "something the matter, Lance?"
Lance nervously avoided eye contact as he mumbled "o-oh n-nothing"
Blossom walked slowly toward Lance and stared at him quite menacingly "you'd tell me if there's anything wrong, right? You wouldn't try to hide it from me, would you?"
Lance backed away slowly while sweating nervously. He managed to stammer out "N-nah! Me? Pshhht! Of c-course not."
Blossom looked sternly toward him for a few seconds, then her features softened up to her usual pleasant self "OK! Just wanted to make sure!"
Lance finally breathed a sigh of relief. He was not sure if Blossom was really that oblivious, or was she just sadistically enjoying watching his reaction.
Suddenly his train of thought was interrupted by the sound of two distinct distress signals emanating simultaneously from both his and Blossom's SmartBands. They both brandished their SmartBands with the blinking HoloOrb facing upward.
"Lance here."
"Blossom here. Go ahead, Sarah."
The HoloOrb stopped blinking after processing the vocal pattern authentication protocols. Recognizing them to be the correct recipients, the orb glowed brightly while emitting a beam of light that manifested a small holographic screen at a comfortable eye-level of its users.
The screen showed a lab coat-clad young woman seated in front of the monitoring station at Mu5keteer Command Centre. Sarah adjusted her brightly-coloured floral hijab as she said "Attention all Mu5keteers: we have a hostage situation in the confectionery district. An unknown challenger team have taken control of La vie en Rose Chocolate factory and has taken around 50 employees hostage. They demanded that the Mu5keteers come to challenge them."
"Wait" Lance interjected "they want to challenge us? Why not just demand that we concede the title to them like every other challenger team we faced?"
"That's a good question, Lance." Replied Sarah sarcastically "maybe you could ask them yourself while you're saving the hostages!"
The screen went black and flickered off as Sarah turned off the signal.
"Well, you heard the boss." Blossom said earnestly "time to suit up!"
She held her SmartBand out in front of her, and Lance followed suit. They both took a deep breath and recited clearly toward the SmartBand's microphone "One for All...”
Holographic vines spread from the HoloOrb on Blossom's SmartBand, they quickly covered her hand and continued up her arms. The vines sprouted beautiful white flowers that rapidly burst in an explosion of petals; and as they disappear into the aether, Blossom's green Musketeer outfit is revealed underneath them! This pattern of "vines > blooming flowers > exploding petals > costume reveal" continued on every part of her body until she stood clad in her Green Mu5keteer outfit.
Similarly, Lance's HoloOrb on his SmartBand generated a sheet of spikey icicles covering his entire body, encasing him in ice.  Cracks started to form on the holographic ice cocoon, they quickly sprawled across the entire edifice until the whole thing exploded in a hail of holographic ice revealing Lance in his Ice Mu5keteer outfit!
"...AND ALL FOR VICTORY!!" Both Blossom and Lance recited the rest of the Mu5keteer battle cry with their trademarked enthusiasm!
"What is it, Lance?" Blossom glanced toward him curiously.
"My duffle bag..." Lance looked around and kept patting his shoulders and back trying to fruitlessly find the missing bag.
"Ha!" Blossom laughed sweetly "it must have teleported to your locker in HQ during the outfit transformation."
Blossom walked briskly toward the spacious 14th floor balcony as she dragged Lance by his hand "C'mon, we can get it later! We have to get to the chocolate factory!"
******Scene 6: In the Name of Love...****
"I-it's not too tight, is it?" A flustered, soft voice that belies the massive, hulking build of its owner asked meekly.
She was dressed in an elaborate fuchsia-coloured costume with lots of frills and flowy pieces of fabric, which surprisingly worked wonders to highlight her impressive biceps. The outfit had an overwhelmingly prolific heart motif that was accentuated by a giant pink heart centred in her Tiara with faint cursive writing that say [Philia].
"O-oh not at all!" The middle-aged factory foreman blushed and stammered slightly at his captive's concerned words "It's actually quite soft..."
"I am glad to hear it" a melodic voice softly wafted through the air, accompanied by its equally angelic originator. She wore what appears to be an overly ornate rose-coloured nun's habits. Her sheer skirt and frills were floating softly just a few inches off the ground. Her outfit was similarly adorned with a heart motif, albeit with some crosses thrown in for good measure. A faint cursive writing on her heart-and-cross brooch reads [Agape].
"Ludus there chose the rope herself. It's 100% organic bamboo fibers. She really wanted to make sure no one was uncomfortable" the angelic figure named Agape gestured toward a young brunette with pink highlights and pigtails. The girl blushed brightly enough to match the salmon colour of her sleeveless outfit. She fiddled with the hem of her short skort as she blurted out defensively "I-I didn't do it because I was concerned or anything! I just thought the bamboo fibre would be stronger, that's all!"
"HA! You are simply too adorable, Ludus" chuckled a tall, dark, and beautiful woman with a head full of curly dark brown hair. Her luscious lips curled upward in a seductive smile, which were glistening the same shade of wild magenta as her low-cut outfit.
She walked confidently toward one of the young male hostages who was tied up to folding chair. "If you're staking claims already, I better make my move, too. I call dips on this hottie..." She then lifted her fishnet-stocking clad leg and rested her high-heels in the small visible area of the seat that lie between the hostage's thighs.
Eros then bent down closer to his face and asked in a breathy voice "You look like a man who does not...dislike...being tied up. Isn't that right..." She traced her hand from the man's trembling neck, down to his shoulder, finally stopping to fidget with the plastic ID badge clipped on his front shirt pocket. "...John?"
John swallowed and cleared his throat nervously as he stammered "w-well ...ahem... Uh...."
"Eros, please do not tease the hostages."
A stern, yet caring, voice called out from the back of the cafeteria room where all 50 hostages of the La Vie en Rose Chocolate factory were corralled. All 50 pairs of eyes, along with the 4 extra pairs of their captors, turned toward the direction of the voice to meet the serious gaze of their leader's dark green eyes which were adorned with thick, dark eyebrows that match the long dark hair that flowed past her waist. She carried herself proudly and walked with a warrior's gait. Her flowing pink cape, pink epaulets, and pink saber resting at her waist as it dangles close to her flowing pink skirt: they all contributed to giving her an air of military might and leadership. A heart-shaped medal pinned to her left breast sports a faint cursive writing identifying her as [Pragma]
“Heh, sorry, boss." Smiled Eros as she played with her hair "I just couldn't help myself...."
She put her foot back on the ground and walked away slowly while caressing John's blushing cheeks. "...But can you blame me?"
Pragma smiled softly, she then scanned the room to make sure she got everyone's attention before speaking in an authoritative, yet gentle, voice "My name is Pragma, I represent Longstanding Love, and we are the Love Maidens. We apologize for troubling you. Once the matter is settled, you may return to your peaceful lives."
She then grabbed her sheathed saber and held it out in front of her dramatically "I swear by my blade that once we're your sanctioned Hero Team, your lives will be threatened never more!"
In a bizarre - yet probable and extensively documented - behaviour, the hostages' eyes glinted with sympathy and admiration for their captors.
Suddenly, a yellow figure crashed through the cafeteria's skylight and expertly performed a few somersaults before landing gracefully on the ground below!
"HA!!! Eat it, nerd!" Priya exclaimed loudly as she looked up toward Tristan who flew in through the shattered skylight.
"Tch! You got lucky. All those skyscrapers were in my way..." Tristan pouted as he landed gracefully next to Priya.
Lance and Blossom made their respective entrances through opposite entrances of the cafeteria, as they planned beforehand to surround the captors.
"All right, ladies" Tristan addressed the Love Maidens while ignoring Priya's exceedingly smug smile "We're here to accept your challenge. Just let these people go, they got nothing to do with this."
"Indeed" replied Pragma "but they shall remain here as witnesses to the collapse of the false-wait a minute..."
Pragma stared at the Mu5keteers angrily before growling "where is he?!"
"Uhhh...where is who?" Lance nervously asked
"It's 'where is whom', little brother." Tristan smiled as he patted on Lance's blue hat.
"It's really not." Blossom chimed in, feeling a slight case of second-hand embarrassment.
"WHO ELSE WOULD I BE TALKING ABOUT?!" Pragma shouted "The false idol of love-"
At that exact moment, the Love Mu5keteer finally caught up the rest of his teammates as he landed with a thud through the shattered skylight.
"-HIM!" Pragma pointed her sword toward the tardy Musketeer "Leopold Wong, the Love Musketeer! We are the Love Maidens, the true embodiments of love, sworn to protect this city! You are a false symbol of love, and must be crushed beneath our boot heel!!"
"Wow. First of all, rude." Leopold adjusted his hat trying his best to conceal his irritation. "Second, what makes me a false idol?"
"What kind of idol of love would stumble around like a hippopotamus?!" Pragma shouted in reply.
"And you're about as handsome as one, too" added Eros with a sarcastic smile
"You're probably some kind of pervert!" Ludus yelled in a huff
"Y-yeah" nervously agreed Philia
"God loves all his creatures" softly smiled Agape "take solace in the belief that at least one person loves you."
"Okay, that's enough of that" Priya barley contained her rage as her eyed faintly glowed yellow and electricity crackled from her Tesla Gauntlets.
She was about to pounce and wreak havoc upon the Love Maidens, if it weren't for a giant pink gloved hand that gently held her back by her shoulder.
"It's ok, Priya"
"It's not, Lee!!" Priya shouted at Leopold who walked calmly toward the Love Maidens. "How can you let them-"
Priya stopped mid-sentence as she felt another gloved hand holding her back by her other shoulder. She looked back toward its owner to see Tristan's concerned face look at the back of his old pal.
"I could ask you the same" said Priya, directing her ire toward Tristan "he's our friend! How can you let them just say those horrible things to him?!"
"You think Lee was ever bothered by anyone talking smack about him?" Tristan calmly answered "he's the sweetest, most loving human being I ever met, and he can tolerate an extraordinary amount of hate and bitterness..."
At that moment, Leopold stood in front of the Love Maidens who nervously adopted a defensive stance instinctively due to his intimidating size. Tristan continued "...But those girls are going to wish they stuck to badmouthing him rather than question his dedication to the concept of love."
"I had high hopes for you" Leopold calmly addressed the Love Maidens "seeing fellow warriors of love warmed my heart, and gave me hope for the future. However..."
Leopold slowly lifted his head, his usually half-closed eyes are wide open in anger as they glowed faintly with a pink hue "...I cannot abide by such shallowness tainting the essence of love!"
The maidens felt a low rumble around Lee that urged them to instinctively jump back. Their instincts proved to have been correct, as the ground crumpled violently in a 3-meter radius around the Love Musketeer. His bulky gravity boots glowed red instead of its idle blue aura.
"Don't you know what love is?!" Leopold cried out as he squatted low.
With blinding speed that belies his girth, Leopold kicked off the ground and charged toward the biggest target among the Love Maidens: the powerhouse Philia!
The raven-haired Maiden fumbled a bit with the transforming gauntlets in her hands, but she was finally able to switch from the standby gauntlet mode to the defensive bucklers just in time to barely block Leopold's charging open-palm strike! The thunderous impact sent Philia flying in the opposite direction as Leopold shifted his attention to the other Maidens who have already brandished their weapons.
"Love is patient, love is kind." Leopold recited diligently as he unsheathed his rapier to parry the slashes of Pragma's saber and the bludgeoning strikes of Ludus' Bo staff. "It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud."
While being occupied by Pragma and Ludus, Eros took the chance to position herself behind Leopold and out of his effective range. She then removed her heart-adorned whip from its back-strapped holster and unfurled it noiselessly. After expertly winding-up the whip, she aimed precisely at Leopold's sword hand in an attempt to disarm him. To her surprise, Leopold whirled around and grabbed the whip with his free hand while still continuing his speech undeterred "It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs."
As he said those words, he wrapped the whip around his forearm to get a good enough grip to pull Eros toward him.  Ludus futile attempts at resistance were for naught, as her svelte form went hurtling in the air before Leopold aimed her toward Ludus and Pragma. The impact of the three Maidens sent them tumbling to the ground, but behind them a rose-coloured figure flew into the air.  
"You dare quote scriptures to me?!" Although Agape's angelic demeanor barely changed, a noticeable twinge of rage can be felt as she spat out those words.
Her magnificent dress glowed pink with the light of various anti-grav discs sewn into the fabric; which allowed her to stay afloat like a deadly jellyfish! Agape waved her hands close to two giant silver crosses strapped besides her hips. The proximity sensors triggered the mechanisms in the crosses to spring out what appears to be a gun handle from the short end of each cross. The other end split menacingly and an eerie pink light glowed from within. She grabbed her cross-shaped ray guns and began firing pink plasma bursts at Leopold.
"Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth." Leopold weaved through the barrage of pink death unperturbed, the plasma bursts seemingly veer slightly away from him. He quickly slid beneath one of the Cafeteria's tables and lifted his legs up to touch its underside.
With a mighty heave - and a little help from his gravity boots - Leopold flung the table upwards toward the surprised Agape. The table struck her entire body and lifted her all the way to collide with the ceiling, producing a mighty thud! All the while, Leopold dutifully continuing his lecture while on his back "It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres."
A shadow rapidly increasing in size draped Leopold's body, who reacted just in time to avoid Philia's crushing double-fisted hammer blow. Ludus and Pragma regrouped and joined Philia in a desperate attack on the titan.
"Love never fails." Leopold parried Pragma's saber and grabbed Ludus' staff with his free hand.
"But where there are prophecies, they will cease..." He whirled with the staff in hand, dragging Ludus alongside him before flinging her toward the ground - barely missing her teammates.
"...where there are tongues, they will be stilled..." Leopold then stabbed his rapier into the ground as he locked both hands with those of the charging Philia. Though not as bulky, she was slightly taller than Leopold and sported more well defined muscles. Alas, this was no contest of strength, but one of technique and experience! As Leopold displayed his years of fighting experience to use Philia's momentum against her in an expert Judo throw that left her face down on the ground.  Using the spinning momentum of the grabbling move, Leopold whirled around and grabbed his sword from the ground just in time to block Pragma's vengeful saber!
"...where there is knowledge, it will pass away." Leopold finally completed reciting his favourite quote as he locked swords with the last remaining Love Maiden standing.
"H-how?" Pragma stuttered in frustration, tears welling up in her proud eyes. "How are you so strong?!"
Leopold simply smiled "as a fellow warrior of love, you already know the answer..." He then expertly twisted his blade and flung her sword upward, disarming Pragma in the process. As he grabbed the fallen saber, he pointed the tip of his rapier toward Pragma's neck while resuming
"...it's because Love conquers all."
Pragma's eyes softened and her tense hands went limp as she fell to her knees with downcast eyes. She was able to meekly admit with a quivering voice "I...I c-concede..."
Leopold sighed deeply as his shoulders drooped with exhaustion "Oh thank God! I'm about to collapse!"
Leopold nearly stumbled due to the sudden weight on his shoulders as Lance pounced ecstatically while embracing him from behind. The other Mu5keteers were right behind Lance as they all rushed joyfully lauding Lee's fantastic feat!
Blossom brandished her SmartBand that was transmitting with the supervising officer of the police barricade outside throughout the entire debacle. She brought the HoloOrb closer to her lips and declared "Captors have been subdued, and the hostages are secure."
"Roger that" answered a gruff voice "we'll take it from here."
Within seconds, the wrecked cafeteria quickly filled up with S.W.A.T.-geared police officers. They moved quickly and efficiently to detain the defeated Love Maidens, as well as releasing the hostages from their bondage.
The Mu5keteers quietly made their way outside, with both Tristan and Priya supporting the exhausted Leopold out proudly. One by one, they transformed back to their street clothes. All except for Lance, who futilely kept pressing the manual recall button on his SmartBand's holographic screen in order to transform back, but to no avail.
"Yeah, sorry, Lance." Leopold scratched the back of his head "We had to shut your teleport module off temporarily"
"Huh? Why is that?!"
"Well, you had your duffel bag on you when you transformed, right?" Leopold replied.
"You know how the transformation works, don't you?" Leopold explained, going into 'Professor Lee' mode "Your clothes are teleported and switched with the Mu5keteer outfit that's kept in your locker back in HQ. As you know, the matter teleportation device that was developed by Tristan and me is still technically a prototype. It was not designed to teleport an entire duffel bag worth of matter along with your clothes. It didn't catch on fire or anything, but I had to take your module offline and run diagnostics just to be safe. 99% sure that it's nothing, but I can't risk the quark accelerator overheating, it was already overclocked as it is! But then again, the buffer algorithm was slipshod to begin with. Your hotshot programmer brother thought it was fine, but I always told him that theta compilers were not reliable-"
Leopold paused a second as he noticed Lance's confusion. He sighed realizing he was babbling again and simply explained "Anyway, we had to shut down your locker. You'll need to come with me to HQ and get your stuff back."
Leopold looked outside and noticed that it was getting dark. His eyes lit up and he quickly turned to Lance asking "Oh, here's an idea! Why don't you spend the night at HQ with me and the wife? I'm sure Sarah would love to have you over! You can go back to Blossom's place in the morning-"
"THAT'S A GREAT IDEA" Lance excitedly interrupted Lee, as memories of the guest room/dead-boyfriend-shrine awaiting him at Blossom's gave him chills.
"O-oh, all right, then!" Leopold smiled nervously at Lance's enthusiasm "next stop: Mu5keteer HQ!"
**********Scene 7: HQ sweet HQ********
Leopold lead Lance through the ornate revolving doors of the historic Arcadia Tower Building, one of Atlantica City most famous landmarks. The Building is very prominent in the city's skyline and has been around for many years. Its massive lobby, adorned with numerous plaques and statues commemorating the tower's rich history. Lance kept staring around in awe as he followed Leopold who confidently made his way to the elevators.
Instead of pressing the buttons of the main four elevators, Leopold walked a little beside them as he came across a smaller elevator door. Instead of a standard call buttons, there was a sophisticated biometric scanner and a SmartBand authenticator module.
Leopold brandished his SmartBand closer to the authenticator, which glowed yellow for a second before turning green. He turned his head up toward a blinking red light and spoke clearly "Wong, Leopold; plus one."
"VOICE RECOGNITION: MATCH" a robotic voice emanated from the speaker atop the elevator door, as a red light scanned Leopold's face. "FACIAL RECOGNITION: MATCH. RETINA SCAN: MATCH."
The light turned off, and a yellow light glowed from the screen of the biometric scanner; indicating for Leopold to place his palm on it.
"What's with the voice?!" Lance asked curiously.
"It's great, isn't it?" Leopold answered excitedly as he placed his palm on the screen as indicated "Sarah and I were going for that retro science-liar feel. So we found a soundboard program online for Zankarr. You know, that evil robot king from that old Japanese Sentai show Wild deRanger?"
"FINGER PRINTS: MATCH." The red light atop the elevator turned a bright green as a cheerful tune played from the speakers indicating that the elevator doors are opening "WELCOME HOME, FLESHY BOSS-MAN." The recording's voice changed slightly as it added "plus one."
"Sorry, I hadn't gotten around to adding your biometric data into the database yet." Leopold apologized as he pushed on one of two buttons on the elevators, the one marked with the Mu5keteer's logo. "We can do it tomorrow morning so that you can come and go whenever you please."
"Are you sure about that?" Lance asked quizzically "you and Sarah live here, I don't want to intrude. Besides, I'm only here for a day or two, tops!"
"HA! Why would we mind?" Chuckled Leopold "the entire top floor is our team's HQ. Ideally, we should all be living here together. We certainly have the room. But it wasn't convenient for everybody, so they all stayed at their own places and only Sarah and I moved in."
The high speed elevator gradually reduced its ascending velocity as it neared the secluded 76th floor, inaccessible to the public and only authorized individuals are allowed entrance. An electronic chime sounded off as the elevator completely stopped and the same robotic voice from earlier declared "YOU HAVE NOW REACHED THE 76TH FLOOR, HOME OF THE MU5KETEERS!"
The doors opened revealing a spacious loft, its ceiling was at least three stories high! Gigantic screens took up most of the space on the walls, each screen showing multiple major intersections and famous landmarks in Atlantica city. A colour-coded ticker tape running across all the screens displayed a transcribed version of the city's police band; the ticker tape had a predominantly green background, indicating low-level incidents already handled by the police force and hence not requiring the Mu5keteer's intervention. At the end of the long foyer, a complex console with three large holo-screens was situated in the middle of two spiral staircases that go up to the second and third floors of the loft. The gigantic swivel chair in front of the main console whirled toward Lance and Leopold, revealing Sarah with a half-eaten doughnut hanging from her mouth.
"LFffPoffLD!" Her muffled voice barely coherent through her stuffed mouth.
Sarah coughed as she almost choked on her doughnut. She swallowed hard and called out "And Lance! Finally gracing us with your presence, your highness?"
  "Hi, Sarah" Lance smiled nervously.
"Ah, lay off the guy, honey" Leopold wrapped his arm around Lance's shoulder "he's our new roomie!"
Sarah jumped out of her seat "Seriously?! Aw, that's awesome! Let's get you to your room, but first..."
She took long strides to leap into Leopold's arm, kissing him passionately "...missed you, pookie-poo"
"Missed you more, sweetums!"
Lance nervously averted his gaze away from the happy couple, embarrassed by this gratuitous display of affection inches away from him.
"Oops! Sorry, Lance." Sarah looked toward Lance sympathetically.
"O-oh don't mind me..." Stammered Lance awkwardly.
Sarah looked back to Leopold "we better tone it down a bit, now that we have a roommate."
"But not too much, right?" Smiled Leopold as he gently kissed Sarah's neck.
Sarah's cheeks burned bright red as she giggled "Oh, Leopold! You're so bad!"
Lance turned his head away in awkward embarrassment, when he noticed that the second floor doors on the right-hand side have a symbol on them for each Mu5keteer's emblem.
"Uh, H-hey, I guess, that's my room up there, huh?" He pointed toward the second door from the staircase that had the diamond shaped emblem of the Ice Musketeer. "I'll uh just go and get some sleep. Seeyouguyslatergoodnight!"
With that hasty goodbye, Lance made his way up the staircase, three steps at a time, until he reached the unlocked room. The door slammed behind him as he quickly entered the room.
"Oh, jeez." Sighed Sarah "do you think we overdid it?"
Leopold shrugged in response before kissing her again.
****Scene 8: Breakfast at Leopold's (and Sarah's)******
"Mphhfffzzzat eggs?"
A dishevelled Sarah wearily mumbled as she lay half-awake on the bed next to the sleeping Leopold.
"Hmmm?" Leopold grunted in response without opening his eyes.
"Whut time izzit?" She reached her hand to grab an alarm clock shaped like a fluffy bunny that was on top of the nightstand next to her side of the bed.
"IT'S 9:13!!!" Sarah shouted in shock as she violently shook Leopold in an attempt to rouse him quicker "Wake up, Lee!! The alarm didn't go off!"
She left Lee slowly waking up as she leapt from her side of the bed in her yellow bunny-themed pyjamas. Her messy brown hair getting in front of her face as she hastily brushes her teeth while getting her clothes ready.
"Whuzz rong, bae?" Leopold sleepily asked as he stood at the open door of their bathroom while leisurely scratching his belly. "Whutz the hurry?"
"Lee, I told you" she hastily replied as she quickly got dressed "I'm expecting new volunteers starting to work the dispatch shifts today."
Leopold began washing his face as he recalled "oh, yeah! The summer kids are going to school soon, I forgot."
"Yeah, I wanted to wake up early to get everything sorted before they come in today at 10AM" Sarah was clumsily adjusting her Hijab as she made her way out of their quarters on the second floor and onto the main foyer.
"Oh, Good morning Sarah!" She looked puzzlingly toward the voice on the other second floor across the way from her. Lance was standing in the middle of the spacious kitchen area while wearing an extremely loose frilly pink apron; obviously belonging to Leopold. Sarah looked at the pan and spatula in Lance's hand and she finally realized the source of that mysterious egg smell that awakened her.
"Uh good morning, Lance" she walked across the bridge connecting the two second floors. "What's uh what's going on, big guy?"
"I thought you guys were going to sleep in, so I was planning on making you breakfast in bed." Lance looked away embarrassedly "y'know, as thanks for letting me crash here."
He quickly turned over the French toasts on the pan, he was satisfied to see it turned a nice golden brown. "It's nothin' special, just French toast and omelettes." Lance dusted the French toasts with powdered sugar as he put the final touches to the placement of the two breakfast trays.
"Oooh! Finch Toast!" Leopold licked his lips expectantly.
Sarah whirled around to her husband and she muttered "I-I just can't..."
"Huh? What's wrong?" Lance asked in confusion.
"I'M SORRY, SWEETIE!!" tears welled up in Sarah's eyes as she hugged the surprised Lance closely "I-I didn't want to do it but they convinced me ...FORCED me, actually..."
"What are you talking about?" Lance tried to squirm loose from Sarah's embrace, but with little luck.
"We planned on making you so sick of our lovey-dovey lifestyle that you'd have to move back with Tristan" Leopold answered flatly as he munched on his breakfast "boy, this is really good. Did you put rosemary in the omelette-"
"Wait wait wait wait..." Lance interrupted "what do you mean 'you planned' it? Who else was on it? And why?"
Sarah finally let go of Lance and fiddled with her hands slightly ashamed yet relieved to be confessing this little scheme "Tristan was feeling really down because of what happened after the BugOUT fight. We all tried cheering him up, and he'd smile and laugh and all that, but you can tell he's just keeping it inside. So we...uh...we thought it would cheer him up if we made you decide on your own that you wanted to go back to living with Tristan again. And they decided that the best way to do that is to make you hate living with any of us..."
"No offence, Sarah, but that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard" Lance shook his in disbelief
"That's what I told Lee!"
"To be fair" Leopold interjected while licking the powdered sugar from his fingers "we were very drunk at the time"
"I wasn't!" Sarah retorted defensively.
"Which only means you're double guilty." Leopold smiled before taking a huge gulp of orange juice.
"It all makes sense now!" Lance grabbed his head in slow realization "is that why Priya's place was trashed?!"
"Hehehe, you never went to her room, did you?" Smirked Leopold "I bet it was spotless. The day you left, she practically drowned her apartment in cleaning products trying to get it back to her usual standards."
"Uh-huh" Lance mumbled unconvincingly, it was hard to picture Priya's living room without all that garbage "but what was up with your plan?! Why did you think that I would want to leave because of you guys being extra ...um... Affectionate?"
"I don't know, man" Leopold threw up his arms in frustration "we had to improvise! Beside, wasn't that kind of the reason you left Tristan's apartment in the first place?! We get it: you're a love-hater."
"I'm not a love-hater!" Lance yelled out in shock "don't tell me that's what you guys think of me?! Aw jeez..."
Lance's eyes widened as he recalled "Does Blossom think I hate love, too?! Arggggghh! Is that why she decided to build that Armand shrine? To scare me off because I'm a 'love -hater', huh?"
"Uhhh, no..." Leopold and Sarah looked down nervously, then Lee continued "she's been building that shrine since he passed away..."
"We...uhh..." Sarah stammered "just could not confront her about it..."
"You know how she can get..." Leopold added cautiously.
All three stood in awkward silence as each recalled their own experiences dealing with that Blossom. However, they were startled by a muzak tune followed by the grating robotic voice punctuated by another more human voice "ELEVATOR ENTRY AUTHORIZED. AUTHORIZED USER...Tristan Dumas...PLUS.... FIVE...STANDBY, FLESHY ONES!"
"Oh!" Sarah exclaimed as she rushed downstairs toward the Command Centre "they're here already!"
She removed her SmartBand from its charging station and quickly strapped it on her wrist. The holographic screen lit up in front of her outstretched hand as Sarah pulled up the file on the new volunteers.
"I can't believe they actually got off with just community service" Sarah mumbled to herself as Lance joined her in the foyer, while Leopold stayed in the kitchen cleaning up "thank God for our revolving door criminal justice system."
"Huh?" Lance crossed his arms perplexed "your volunteers are criminals?!"
"I know what you're thinking. I thought it was weird, too." Replied Sarah with her eyes still on the digital dossier "but they actually requested to volunteer here at Command Central."
The muzak tune chimed again, followed by the robotic voice "YOU HAVE NOW REACHED THE 76TH FLOOR, HOME OF THE MU5KETEERS!"
The elevator doors sled open revealing Tristan in a smart casual suit, behind him were five young women who looked oddly familiar to Lance.
"Wait a minnit" Lance suddenly recognized the women being escorted by his brother "You're those Love Maidens lunatics! How in the hell did you get off so quickly-"
"I'll give you one guess, little bro" smiled Tristan
"Uggghh" Lance smacked his palm on his face in frustration "damn that smooth Landon!"
"Uh-hey...I'm sorry about yesterday..." The giant yet oddly timid short-haired girl mumbled meekly "I-I hope we can be friends now"
"Of course, we can!" Interjected Sarah excitedly "first of all, I'd like to welcome you ladies to the Command Centre. My name is Sarah Hessler, I'm the Mu5keteer's Coordinator and Dispatch. I will be supervising you all during your appointed community service period."
Sarah then turned to the tall girl who spoke earlier "you must be Minowa Runningbear, alias Philia - which stands for the kind of love between friends, right?"
"Y-yes" Minowa blushed slightly” m-my friends call me 'Minnie', so I g-guess you can, too..."
"Thank you, Minnie." Sarah smiled warmly and then turned her attention toward the other maidens.
"Agatha Deveraux, alias Eros" a pair of luscious lips curled into a sultry smirk as if in acknowledgment "I...uh...I guess it's kinda self-explanatory what type of love you represent"
"Mmm-hmmm" Agatha curled her dark brown hair in her fingers playfully "but I would have loved to hear you say it"
"Ahem" Sarah blushed nervously but quickly regained her composure "moving on! Tomiko Watanabe, alias Ludus - which stands for playful love"
"PRESENT!" Tomiko raised her hand excitedly.
"I'm not taking attendance; you don't have to call out like that"
"Could've fooled me" Tristan smirked while elbowing Lance.
"Any-way!" Sarah shot a piercing glance toward Tristan who nervously tried to evade it by looking away nonchalantly. She continued her totally-not-taking-attendance "and then we have Theresa Santiago, alias Agape. Which just so happens to be my favourite kind of love: Divine Love."
"Ah! Why thank you, darling!" Theresa smile practically lit up the entire foyer, almost rivaling the mid-morning sunlight coming in from the window!
"And finally we have Faisal Basheer...?" Sarah looked closely at the picture of the final member of the Love Maidens on her digital dossier. The picture was from an old I.D.  With a bunch of Farsi writings on it, it showed a young teenage boy with predominantly thick eyebrows.
"Actually" the last of the maidens quietly interjected. Her long black hair and thick eyebrows were very recognizable as belonging to Pragma, the leader of the Love Maidens. "...I prefer going by 'Feiroz', there were still some paperwork I still needed to have changed. A lot of them were from the old country, so it was difficult to go through them all with me living in Atlantica city..."
"O-oh!" Sarah blushed in embarrassment and felt guilty about her outdated data "I'm sorry, I should have double-checked the dossier I got from the courthouse! I'll make sure to update your information accordingly!"
"Thank you" replied Feiroz earnestly "I think I speak on behalf of all my compatriots when I say we are glad to be here. We're looking forward to helping the Mu5keteers keeping this city safe."
"Yeah, not to be an icy, wet blanket" Lance interrupted” but why are you helping us? You could be doing anything besides working directly under the team that whooped your asses-"
Both Tristan and Sarah kicked the rude boy in both shins "ow-OW!! N-no offence."
"Haha, none taken." Pragma smiled softly "let's just say that we are repaying a debt for a lesson well learned."
"Oh! I didn't think I'd see you guys again!" Leopold called out from the second floor kitchen.
As he made his way down the stairs, all of the maidens looked visibly perturbed. Agatha tried to play it cool, but her hands were fiddling with the zipper of her jacket. Tomiko looked away from Leopold while grabbing her arms timidly. Minnie looked down nervously as she squeezed the hem of her skirt. Theresa's face barely changed its expression, but her hands were nervously stroking her own hair relentlessly. Feiroz stood up straight as if standing at attention, her thick eyebrows knit in a fearsome scowl, which would have been more intimidating if not for her blushing red cheeks!
"Uh, you guys all right?" Leopold asked with concern as he stood in front of them.
"L-LEOPOLD!" Abruptly shouted Feiroz.
"Y-yes?" A shocked and confused Leopold answered.
"W-we're honoured to be working alongside you! And we would like to apologize-"
Leopold's outstretched hand stopped Feiroz's words as he calmly said "don't worry about it."
He lowered his hand as he continued "the honour's all mine. You'll find that the Command Centre is our lifeline. We depend on the information we get from this room so that we can protect this city. With it, we can stay one step ahead of danger and act safely and decisively! I want you to know that our lives are in your hands."
Leopold held out his hand, offering to shake Feiroz's hand "I'm counting on you, Feiroz."
Feiroz looked at Leopold's hand as she hesitantly brought her shaking hand closer to his. She was startled a bit when he reached his hand closer to clasp her hand firmly yet warmly.
As they both eventually let go, Feiroz brought her hand close to her heart while keeping her head down. Her cheeks burned bright red as she managed to stammer out a "...th-thank you..."
The other maidens tried to hide the jealous glances they were shooting at Feiroz, failing miserably in the process. Sarah, sensing a weird tension in the air, decided to get the orientation back on track "Ok, Ladies! Please follow me to get your sweet, sweet biometrics recorded in our system to get your level Beta access."
Sarah then led the Maidens to the third floor mainframe room, leaving the three men in the foyer. Tristan turned toward Lance before grimly asking "Lance, you got a minute?"
Lance faced Tristan with concern, as Tristan continued "we need to talk."
**********Scene 9: Clear the Air**********
The door to the rooftop patio of the Arcadia building flung wide open as Tristan and Lance stepped out into the morning sun. The Patio's relaxing green potted shrubbery and comfortable lounge chairs were a stark contrast to the grim faces of the Dumas brothers. Tristan took a seat on one of the lounge chairs and gestured for Lance to follow suit.
After a brief moment, Tristan let out a heavy sigh "Lance, we need to address the elephant in the room...we haven't spoken about it since you left the apartment, and I think we've been intentionally avoiding it..."
He looked up at Lance while fidgeting absentmindedly "...you are aware of my proclivity to share my nocturnal life with a multitude of nightly companions have caused you much alarm, has it not.”
"Hehe..." Giggled Lance "your vocabulary gets more eloquent the more nervous you get. Just like dad!"
"It does?" Blushed Tristan "w-well whatever, the point is you must be wondering about my... uh... extremely active social life"
"Not really-"
"You see" Tristan interrupted "when I was in high school, I found that I loved being in...relationships...with as many people as possible. Some of them at the same time! That pissed a lot of people off, as you can imagine."
Tristan got up from the lounge chair and paced the rooftop "I'm being flippant, but time has dulled the pain. The cravings I felt for something new, the pain of being tied down while still loving the one I'm trying to leave, the euphoria I felt when my inhibitions are released, and the ache I felt after my betrayals..."
Tristan clenched his fists tightly "...my life was a torment of whirling emotions. I always wondered what's wrong with me! I kept promising to change but I also keep going back to my old destructive self. I lost so many friends over this, and I lost trust in myself."
Tristan softly caressed the rooftop's garden hanging tree branches slightly above his head as he continued "it wasn't until University that I had an epiphany. There was nothing wrong with my...urges. My sin was that I was not honest with the people I was with. So I made a vow to always be truthful and upfront about everything with them before they get to know me."
"Why are you telling me all this?" Lance interjected cautiously.
"I-I have not been upfront with you" stammered Tristan in response "you were subjected to my lifestyle without talking to you about it first. I sh-should've-"
"Should've what?" Lance stood up from his seat "asked my permission? You think how you live your life was something you needed to clear with me first?"
"Y-yes? No?" Tristan looked toward Lance in confusion "I don't know! You were upset and I thought it was because-"
Lance interrupted Tristan's frantic ramblings with a tight embrace. Tristan's tense shoulders relaxed a bit as he wrapped his arms around Lance to reciprocate the hug.
"Tristan" Lance spoke with his head still nestled in his brother's chest "You don't have to ask me to accept you. You're my brother, I will always accept and love you. No matter what."
Tristan fought back the tears from his eyes. Fought and failed, that is, as his eyes misted slightly. "Lance..."
"I was so happy that I got to spend all this time with you" Lance choked slightly while letting his tears flow freely "but I realized that you have your own life here. It was clear I was in the way, and I felt I was cramping your style."
Lance then looked up toward Tristan, his big brown eyes glistening with tears "I'm sorry I yelled at you! I f-felt that I'd just get in your way and eventually you wouldn't even want me around-"
Tristan pulled Lance even closer and tightened his embrace "Never! You're my brother." Tears streamed from Tristan's eyes as he continued "I'm the one who's sorry! I should have been more perceptive. You've always been such a sweet, sensitive child. I should've made an effort to make my apartment less of a swingin' bachelor pad, and more of a home."
Lance gently broke off their embrace and said as he wiped his tears "No! You shouldn't deny who you are. I just...I just want you to know that I want you to be happy. I don't have to be comfortable with it so that I can accept you. Besides..."Lance smiled at Tristan as he continued "...I tried sleeping with ear plugs last night, just for a lark. Guess what? Not that inconvenient at all and I had the best night sleep of my life! I guess all that outburst was for nothing..."
Tristan chuckled as he grabbed Lance and patted his hair playfully "HA! My little drama queen! Well, at least you got to spend some time with the rest of the gang, they were complaining that I keep you all to myself!"
"Probably! They most definitely should, anyway..." Tristan gave another chuckle as he patted Lance "...so, do you like living at HQ?"
"It's all right" Lance answered as they were making their way back downstairs "but I'll be going back to spend the night at your apartment today"
"Wha-?! REALLY?!!" Gasped Tristan in excitement before regaining his composure "ahem, yeah, like whatev thass cool, fam..."
Lance smiled back at Tristan's flustered antics "I'm not moving back in with you, bro."
"B-but, I thought..."
"I'm going back to pack my things" Lance interrupted "did you forget? It's moving day tomorrow! School is starting soon and I gotta get settled at the dorms before then!"
Tristan pulled out his SmartBand and started typing out a text before decisively hitting the sending button "There! I just cleared my schedule! We're going to give you the send-off slash packing up party of the century!!"
Tristan put his arms around Lance's shoulders affectionately as they walked into the main foyer, while ignoring the incessant text alerts from his SmartBand.
*************End of Chapter 2*************
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webcricket · 8 years
The Devil in the Details
Characters: CastielXReader
Word Count: 1693
A/N: One-shot inspired by 12X12 Stuck in the Middle (With You) – consider this your spoiler warning. I hesitated to post this fic, since there are so many other amazing reader insert “re-writes” of the most epic Cas scene ever. But after re-reading and editing it, I think it’s different enough to share. Script straight from the episode is italicized and not mine. Obvious angst (You saw the episode, right?! Right?!), also fluffy flooff.
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(GIF source @subcas)
Let me tell you a story – the unlikely story of Lucifer’s underling, Ramiel, Prince of Hell, who unwittingly used one of heaven’s most unyielding weapons to unleash the undying love of an uncommon angel. And how the King of Hell, Crowley, unquestioningly the luckiest upstart crossroads demon ever to usurp the underworld, gave this unparalleled love an opportunity to unfold with nary a soul unpeopled in the undertaking. You could say the match was made in heaven, but the devil was undeniably in the details.
Castiel, fallen angel of the Lord, former soldier and commander of Heaven’s divine army, recent (only in practical terms of eons of existence) sufferer of human weakness, the seraph with too much heart, remained stoic even in the face of certain death.
“Crowley’s right, you should go.” Cas pressed his dimming blue eyes shut, gasping against the flood of pain surging in his chest.
Your affect remained strangely numb as you processed Crowley’s words. Dying, Castiel is dying – maliciously stabbed by Ramiel with the lance of the archangel Michael, doomed to rot from the inside out. Crowley lies, you told yourself. He’s a demon, a poor example of one at that, constantly sympathizing with Winchesters. Demons lie. Cas can’t die. Not now. Not like this. We’ll find a way to save him. We always find a way. Your shock cold fingers clasped over the angel’s sticky, bloodied hand. “I’m not leaving.” You peered helplessly between the angel’s anguished aspect and the Winchesters, eyes beginning to pool with tears you refused to acknowledge. The Winchesters stopped the apocalypse, killed Death, reconciled God and the Darkness, survived death (more than once) - surely they could save one injured angel. “We’re not leaving, right?”
“Cas, come on.” Dean backed up your words.
“No, you listen to me.” Cas growled through the agony. “Look, thank you. Thank you. Knowing you, it-it’s been the best part of my life. And the things…the things we’ve shared together, they have changed me.” Stifling a groan, he somehow summoned the composure to quiet his quaking frame. “You’re my family.” Expression watery, his focus flitted to you, regard dropping remorsefully when he met your dewy eyes. “I love you.”
A sob shattered your bosom, tears flowing freely. You squeezed his hand tighter.
“I love all of you.” He closed his eyes, mustering the courage to send his loved ones out of harm’s way, to ask them selfishly to abandon him. “Just please, please. Don’t make my last moments be spent watching you die.” Desperation grated in his tone as he attempted to appear unwavering in his request. “Just run. Save yourselves. And I will hold Ramiel off as long as I can.” He struggled to push himself upright, failing in a fit of coughing as you helped ease him back to the tattered couch.
“Cas, no.” Dean shook his head.
“Yes.” The angel panted from the futile exertion.
“No.” You sniffled, flattening a palm to his shoulder.
“You need to keep fighting.” He avoided your gaze, frightened to see the emotion in your features after his dying confession and final request – knowing one look at you would be the undoing of his resolve.
“We are fighting. We’re fighting for you Cas.” Sam firmly countered.
“And like you said, you’re family, and we don’t leave family behind.” Dean added sternly.
The angel trembled, breath shaky, glancing between the brothers, understanding nothing he could say or do would sway the decision - Winchesters were a stubborn lot.
Dean, Sam and Mary left you and Cas alone while they clustered to confer on a plan of action.
“Cas?” You brushed the sweat-slick hair from his forehead, willing him to look at you. “Angel?” You normally playfully teased him with the title, eliciting an eye roll or narrowed scolding squint in answer. But your tone was different now, the returned affection you shared for the angel unhindered.
He dared peek into your countenance, eyes brimming with tears, finding a modicum comfort in the soft familiar lines of your aspect. “Y/N. I-I’m sorry that it’s going to end like this. I should have…I never meant for it…”
“Shh angel, save your strength.” You gently pressed a finger to his lips, leaning closer, rubbing small circles into his arm. “You’re my world Cas. I…”
The King of Hell interrupted the moment, unceremoniously crashing screaming through the wall of the barn, landing in an unconscious heap at the base of a tractor.
Ramiel entered onto the scene via the new egress in the wall.
You cupped a palm to Cas’ cheek, compelling him to focus on you. You’d wasted so much time skirting around your love for the angel, believing he could not possibly feel the same. If this was the end, all the time you had left to spend together, you weren’t going to squander a second more. “I’ve got you, angel. I love you. It’s just us now, okay?”
Cas nodded, acquiescing to your touch, weakly resting his hand over yours, the tiniest of smiles tracing his mouth in defiance to the pain.
You searched each other’s eyes, chasing the eternity you’d been denied.
Cas knew without a doubt that your soul would persist on, lingering in perpetual peace and contentment. He hoped perhaps your nook in Heaven might even give you more time with him. Or rather, a representation of him constructed from your memories - an ideal happily ever after if that’s what your heart truly desired. Of course, angels didn’t have souls, and for him, this would be the it - the end of his story. The idea of your Heaven, however, comforted him as the black fissures in his vessel crept up his neck and cheek. Eyes fading, head lolling, he gagged as thick black began to ooze from his mouth.
“Cas!” Ramiel defeated, the lance of Michael clattered to the cement floor, Sam racing to the couch when the angel cried out.
Dean and Mary followed closely on his heels.
“Right here buddy. Hey we’re here Cas.” Sam crouched, settling a palm on the angel’s knee.
You clutched at the angel’s tattered shirt, uselessly trying to loosen his clothes to allow him to breath.
“We’re right here buddy.” Sam’s voice faltered.
Cas’ eyes rolled back, body seized in a convulsion.
“Do something!” You bawled, blinded by the sting of tears.
“Hang in there, alright?” Sam looked franticly at his brother. “What do we do?”
Dean’s chin dropped, resigned to the angel’s fate. He reached out to hold your shoulder.
You flinched away, wringing Cas’ arm, trying to pull him out of the seizure. “Castiel, please! Don’t go!” You collapsed, clinging to his torso – a pure blue light suddenly radiating against your tightly closed eyelids.
Taking a few tentative breaths, the angel’s strong arm wrapped protectively around your back, glinting blue eyes lifting to Crowley, the now broken lance spinning in his grasp.
“Magic’s in the craftsmanship.” Crowley stated matter-of-factly.
“Cas?” Dean tore his eyes from the demon to the apparently healed angel.
Cas stared, disbelieving between the King, the Winchesters, and your crumpled figure clutching to his chest.
“Oh.” Crowley shrugged. “You’re welcome.” Disinterestedly dropping the lance, he disappeared.
Marching shell-shocked from the barn en masse, no one said a word. Against all odds, Ramiel was dead. Against even greater Biblical kinds of odds, Castiel was alive. Dean said you were going home, but that wasn’t exactly true. There was a hunter back at the cabin, Wally, that wanted last rights of a hunter funeral. It wouldn’t do to have demons swarming around at news of the death of a Prince of Hell and an empty meat suit with a hunter’s face laying invitingly out on the front porch.
Hours later, exhausted, achy, filthy, caked in blood and numerous other substances you didn’t intend to attempt to identify, you slumped into the backseat of the Impala, door held open chivalrously by the angel.
The atmosphere in the car remained oddly still as Dean turned onto the highway. After a few minutes, he switched on the radio. “You guys mind?”
The murmur of collective disapproval vibrated the cabin.
“Fine.” Dean begrudgingly switched the dial off. “But when I fall asleep at the wheel you have no one but yourselves to blame.”
Sighing, Sam slouched against the window, fitfully adjusting to find a comfortable position in the seat to try and get some sleep.
Approving of the idea, you closed your eyes, rolling your head to rest on Cas’ shoulder.
Cas peered down at your lap, sliding his outstretched fingers across your thigh to nudge yours. “Y/N?” Something had just occurred to him - something huge. Despite having said he was okay in the barn, the angel didn’t quite feel normal after he’d been miraculously healed. He felt fine, but different. Different, but not abnormal. He’d finally pinpointed the source of the peculiar feeling.
“Hmm?” You hummed, inching your fingers to intertwine with his.
“Can I tell you something?” The angel’s blue eyes fixed steadily on you when you opened your eyes.
“You’re okay, right?” You sat up, clutching his arm, a rush of worry zinging you to alertness.
“Yes.” He wound his arm around your shoulders, snuggling you into a warm embrace. “I’m better than okay.”
“What are you talking about Cas?” Dean’s gruff voice interceded with concern.
Cas met the elder Winchester’s gaze in the rear view mirror, an unusual full smile blazing across the angel’s face. “The power in the lance healed me.”
“Yeah, we got that buddy.” Dean half-smirked, wondering if the angel had gotten a few wires crossed in his close brush with death.
You curiously studied the angle of Cas’ stubbly jaw, surprised to hear an unmistakably familiar wave of celestial intent whisper in your mind, encouraging you to trust him, that everything would be alright - to hold on.
“No Dean, all of me.” Cas gave an exaggerated wink. Wings healed by the power of the archangel’s lance, the long forgotten flutter of angelic flight filled the air. Dean slammed on the brakes, sending Sam’s sleep-limp frame crashing to the dashboard. Throwing his arm back across the seat for leverage, he whipped around to gape at the empty backseat.
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