#oh to be thrown aside by jotaro
jojosbizzaretitties · 2 years
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*Insert unfunny joke about Jotaro being fucked by dolphins*
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helpimhyperfixating · 3 years
Y/N's house has a pool in the backyard and one day, during a heavy rain, Mer! Jotaro makes his way all the way from the sea to Y/N's pool, much to their surprise when they wake up and go outside. "J...Jotaro? How did you get here?"
Surprise Visit - Mer! Jotaro x Human! Reader
Word Count: 1445
The rain was beating down hard as the Merman dragged himself across the road. The concrete scraping uncomfortably underneath his body. The water streaming over it helped a lot but it didn’t make it less annoying.
Once more, Jotaro inwardly cursed you for living so far away from him.
Of course in actuality, you lived relatively close to the ocean, but that didn’t mean Jotaro thought of it that way.
The pavement suddenly started vibrating beneath his hand and the merman realised something was coming. He attempted to hurriedly pull himself away from the road and onto the sidewalk but around the corner already came bright yellow lights as well as flashing blue and red.
Tires squealed while Jotaro had to squeeze his eyes shut, accidentally having looked directly into the light, his pupils shrinking almost painfully after having been in the dark so long.
Sounds of a car door slamming and two pairs of footsteps sounded and Jotaro attempted to peel his eyes open, holding one hand up to shield his eyes. The bright yellow light was gone but the red and blue was still flickering.
A person stepped in front of the light, blocking it and throwing a shadow over the merman on the floor.
“Hey there.” A male voice spoke and Jotaro sighed. “Long way from sea, aren’t you, buddy?”
“Fuck off.” Was his simple response as he turned forward again and started back up with the crawling.
“No, hey, hey!” The police officer hurriedly started trying to get in front of him, making the lights blind him again, to which he jolted his head a little and ‘tch’d in annoyance. “We’re here to help you!”
“Don’t need help.”
The policeman awkwardly looked to his partner who just shrugged. “Look, we don’t know how you got so far inland but we just want to help you and currently you’re going the wrong way.” He tried again, walking along at a snail’s pace while the Mer reached the sidewalk.
“I’m not.” Just to get more certain of himself, Jotaro silently sniffed the air again. Yes, this was definitely the way he needed to go.
“The ocean really is the other way though, bud-“
“Shut up! Leave me alone, you bastard!” Jotaro had had enough and yelled at the officer, baring his teeth before being blinded again when the officer shifted away warily, cursing as he had to squeeze his eyes shut again. Turning his head forward again, he once more started dragging forward, mumbling a “I’m not going to the ocean.” Before disappearing into the bushes on the side, leaving the police officers to stand a bit bewildered on the road.
- - - -
Stretching your arms over your head as you stepped from your stairs onto the floor, you sighed in content before walking over to your kitchen and making some tea. You felt as if you had some eyes on you but shrugged it off, your tea soon being done. Picking up the mug, you turned around and walked forward into the living room, large windows giving you a view of your garden which you were not paying attention to, instead walking to your dining table where you had put your book last night.
Ready to start the weekend, you turned and walked two steps forward in the direction of your couch, only for your eyes to finally land on the yard.
Your eyes connected with a pair of glaring aquamarine ones staring from your pool in the middle and your jaw fell slack.
In shock, you dropped your mug and it turned mid air, splashing all its contents over the front of your right foot before shattering, some pieces flying out and cutting your poor foot as well.
“Ah, shit, fuck!!” You called out, throwing your book behind you as you brought your right foot up and cradled it, hopping around twice before you stumbled and fell backwards onto your ass.
All of that was thrown aside however as you scrambled up to your one good foot and hopped to the glass sliding doors, unlocking it and ripping one open before half-running, half-hopping over to your pool.
“J...Jotaro?! What the hell!?” Once you reached it, you crouched down, looking down at the merman who you had come to call a friend. “How the hell are you here??”
You had a million and one questions but Jotaro was completely focused on something else. For one, he had never seen you so casually, still in loose pyjamas with a cute sea pattern on it, and for another, your foot.
Reaching out, he grabbed the ankle on your right foot and yanked, causing you to fall backwards on your ass again since one of your support beams just got ripped out from under you. You could feel the wet grass staining your pants and groaned at the feeling.
Your foot got yanked again, bringing your focus back to the merman in front of you while he seemed to be inspecting your foot up down, forwards and backwards. A chuff left him as he lowered your foot again before briefly looking up at you.
“You’re an idiot.”
Great. Of course that is the first thing he says to you after mysteriously appearing in your pool. You deadpanned as you stared at the small tree behind the pool, only to hiss when Jotaro pulled a piece of ceramic from your mug out of your foot.
He was using his sharp nails as a pincet, accurately locating every shard and starting to pull them out. Whenever he got it out, he would place it on the edge of the pool, only to then thumb down the small cut. You appreciated him pulling them out, but you liked that action less.
“Ow, Joot- don’t do that.” You said through gritted teeth when he once again was stroking his thumb over the cut.
His eyes glanced up and looked into yours but you saw him push his thumb down again all the same, gently rubbing up and down over your foot. Not only did the cut sting, but where you spilled boiling water over your foot was irritated and hurt whenever he would touch it.
Almost as if he noticed it too, he suddenly yanked your foot down into the water.
Your breath hitched and you stifled a squeal cause, “oh, that’s cold!”
“It’s not.” Jotaro remarked and you pouted at him, pulling the cuff of your pants up which were now wet due to being in the water. Just then, the merman dipped his head down to look at your foot underwater, returning to what he was previously doing, pulling your leg further and further down to which you got a bit nervous that he would maybe pull you completely into the water. You were not ready for a surprise morning soak.
Feeling another shard get picked out, that goddamn thumb rubbed over the cut again and you curled your toes at the sting. Biting your lip in held back frustration but just accepting it. Jotaro was one of the most stubborn creatures you had ever met so there would not be much you could do about it.
After what felt like forever, Jotaro finally came back up, still holding your ankle and now placing the last few shards with the others. He even picked out the smallest of the smallest ones that you probably didn’t even know were there.
“Happy now?” You asked and Jotaro swallowed. He felt a little restless, wanting so badly to groom you and take care of you that way, but if he did that you surely would be weirded out or run away. He couldn’t do that, not yet at least. So, instead, he just nodded and let go of your ankle, finally. Now that that was done, you finally felt like he would answer some questions. “What are you doing here?”
“You didn’t come yesterday.”
At this you blinked a few times. THAT was why he came all this way to your home?! “Jotaro, the sky was practically falling down yesterday, it was raining that hard. I’m not going to the beach when that is the case and neither should you, the waves could crush you onto the rocks!”
“You promised you’d come.” Jotaro glared at you, holding onto the pool edge in between where you had placed your feet.
“I-“ Stopping yourself, you sighed softly. “I did, and I’m sorry for that.” You apologised, seeing Jotaro a little more content now. “Did you drag yourself all this way?” A nod was the response and you let out a short disbelieving chuckle. “You crazy fish you. Did anyone see you?”
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gundamcalibarney · 2 years
[ Just a Dude and his Stand ]
@standswap-september oh worms in a can Standswap brainrot hit so hard that i made this fanfic.
Standswap AU where things are swapped from the get-go instead of caused by a Stand (or mayhaps, a look into another in preparation for the other).
Note 1 : that this takes place roughly before the events of the Yellow Temperance & Rubber Soul/Michelle and 「 I’m Looking Through You 」 encounter.
Note 2 : a small warning but y’know how Jotaro threw himself into jail for beating the shit out of people? Yeah that’s here but not in graphic detail.
1988, Singapore, a Hotel at Night
After Thomas got his ass beat and thrown into jail for the apparent murder of a man in a bathroom (he was told that he was a Stand user but murder is still murder) the night fell still and quiet aside from the occasional street noise.
Midoro slept peacefully on the other bed provided while his grandpa and Mr. Mahir were in another room to themselves which makes sense since they’re both the smartest people in this little revenge tour group.
But alas sleep could not come easy to Josei as he continuously shifted and turned in bed and the blanket came on and off him but nothing seemed to put him at sleeping comfort. His eyes even started to sting a little whenever he kept them open for like what? More than 10 seconds?
The normally sky lit sky didn’t show much as light pollution and the dreaded sky halo blocked any good view much to his chagrin so star seeing wasn’t a go to sleep option at the moment.
So there Josei laid in bed with a tight but strained grip on his pillow with his thoughts, at first they were mainly annoyances at the lack of a good sky and the stupid light pollution then to that Joestar legacy and his mom getting sick because of some blonde asshole which made his blood boil and his spine tingle with rage.
Because what’d his mom do to get something that could potentially kill her? How’d Grandpa be able to stay fit and yet his mother had to be bedridden because of hers?
Sighing to himself he sluggishly turned in bed once again, now wasn’t exactly the best time to wish ills upon his grandpa as there would be little direction if his gramps wasn’t around (besides, it’s Grandpa why would he wish the worst of serious ills on him?).
However his mind drifted to another, he had his own Stand.
One that made him put himself in jail because of it.
One that broke through steel like paper.
He brings his hands up to face to see the bruises and scars he’d endured from the trip to Singapore and honestly it felt really weird to have a moment of calm like this, Josei remembered why his knuckles were so battered.
The force [ Wayward Son ] brings upon his enemies was nothing short of terrifying if it had been able to tear through bars and keep a shark up in the air with it’s fists alone and by god the barrages it was able to pull off with speed and strength that broke bones, that scared him if he were being honest.
Four men from what he assumed to be some street gang lay on the ground, genitals ripped off and teeth scattered across the ground and streaks and of crimson all over the pavement.
Yet his fists weren’t the ones bloody, he looked on in horror as the screamed and soon after he put himself in a jail cell in fear of it’s abilities.
There were times that the Stand had acted on it’s own, the fist that flew to his grandfather’s gut the few moments where the two had locked eyes and he could identify that there was something else behind those gold ringed eyes and even the periods where it wouldn’t even respond to him.
If Stands are the manifestation of one’s soul, then what was 「Wayward Son」 ?
The soft sounds of the crashing waves enter earshot for brief seconds and his heart sinks, it was as if the Stand had heard his thoughts. Of course it (or was it a he?) heard him, it’s technically him so it would make sense if he heard them too.
He could feel the hardened stare of the Stand from behind. At first he simply wanted to ignore 「Wayward Son」, he really wanted to drift into the comforting darkness of sleep but the gaze presses on and he wasn’t sure if he found that frightening or not.
Josei finally relents and looks back to see 「Wayward Son」, its gold brows seemed to have softened a bit but that black sclerad eyes still held that glare and its weird brim wasn’t in a way that made that glare seem ever darker.
The boy takes a deep breath in as he runs twirls a lock of hair with a finger.
“So maybe i was struggling to sleep and maybe i ended up thinking a bit too much.” Josei groaned as quietly as he possibly do.
Though the thick gold brows stayed in that resting angry face the eyes themselves seem to soften a bit, fists weren’t as clenched as they were on the usual.
“This whole thing y’know is just new to me y’know.” Josei settles himself in a cross seated position, a finger then points towards the Stand. “You especially since i put myself in the slammer cause of you.”
Eyes momentarily go towards the finger that went at its chest, it’s eyes now narrow and gave him a look back which meant he somehow offended it. He wondered if Mr. Mahir would’ve at least told him about this but he assumed that the constant battles prevented him from exactly getting an answer.
“How are you me?” Josei questions almost accusingly.
He wondered if it was weird to ask his soul given form a question like that, because obviously it was according to Mahir and yet it felt so oddly different from him, from the cold gaze to it’s dark silhouette if it weren’t highlighted with the blue and gold (it actually kind of looked like batman).
「Wayward Son」 plopped a hand to his shoulder, grip tight and while it’s dark eyes still narrow they radiated a different sort of anger.
Okay yeah maybe he shouldn’t exactly overthink it but how was 「Wayward Son」 him in a sense? But how could he not? When you’re told that you have a ghost and that ghost was basically you how else should one take that information?
How much of himself did he really know now that 「Wayward Son」 exists and almost looks like the exact antithesis of him?
Another ghostly (but weighted) hand goes to his other shoulder, prompting Josei to look eye to eye with his Stand.
First it points a thumb it’s own chest, then jabs a finger into Josei’s.
Josei took it as a way of it saying ‘You are Me, I am You we are the same being’ which might possibly be exactly what it meant, some things still felt like they added up despite Mahir, Midoro’s, or his stupid grandfather’s words.
「Wayward Son」then proceeded to violently pushed him back into a lay, shoved the pillow in between his arm and threw the covers back over his body before its form dispersed into a beautiful purple coloured sea of stars that he wanted in the sky when he first attempted to sleep.
The young Joestar let out a yawn, 「Wayward Son」 probably had the right idea. His nerves seemed to calm down when the Stand showed those stars, his lids began to get heavy and his head fell back onto the pillow as he finally drifted off to sleep.
The Morning routine was mostly quiet between him and Midoro, as the two got dressed the teen with yellow spectacles then piped up.
“So what were you talking to Wayward about?” Midoro asked.
Josei froze at the question, “Your concern is?” he raises a brow.
“I heard you summon him last night.” Midoro stated. “You seemed to be conversing with him on something yes?”
He guessed that it counted as a conversation, not exactly a long one but one nonetheless. Josei hummed in confirmation as he slipped the purple sleeveless varsity over his shoulders.
“Couldn’t get to bed as quickly as i’d thought.” he affirmed.
“Hard time sleeping? Yeah i get where your coming from, guess the two boat journeys and the plane crash tired me out caused me to get to sleep faster.” Midoro joked, putting on his silver cap.
How a plane crash and two boat sinkings didn’t tire him out was a mystery, perhaps the adrenaline kept his nerves at a constant tenseness?
“Anyways are you up for ice cream, really need a calmer if i wanna get through this intact.” Midoro offers. “Mr. Joestar gave us a couple dollars so we can at least buy something cheap.”
Ice cream did sound nice and after these hectic few days and what he assumed is going to be the days after now, he also most certainly needed it. Though there was almost the beckoning force of another that practically and silently screamed that yes, ice cream sounds like the best thing today could offer.
“Chocolate ice cream will do.” Josei sighed with a smile.
He found it strange that this was the one way that told him that he and it weren’t too different as he had originally thought.
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jjba-hell · 4 years
Fate and Fortune
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Part 6
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5,
Ya’ll gonna have to excuse this piece- it’s not my best work but I publish regardless TwT, I promise we’ll be back to our regular scheduled writing soon )^o^(
Content warning is REALLY mild like I can literally think of nothing in particular other than a painfully flirtatious Noriaki (yes, I do see him a bit more suave and intelligent, not very innocent)
For the moots @risottoneroo (hope you’re doing well) @fyre23 and @risottosplug (hi, I don’t know why you followed me but thank you, i appreciate (⌒▽⌒) and sorry this is the first piece you got tagged in, seriously the previously linked shit it better)
A/N: I’d love to keep things fresh on the blog- lemme know what chracaters ya’ll would like to see me write
“It feels like the only time you’re near me is when you’re healing me.” Kakyoin laughed as she hovered Fortune’s fingers in front of his mouth.
She chuckled quietly, “And whose fault is that?”
“Oh, you misunderstand. I’m most certainly not blaming you.” His hand wrapped lightly around the wrist closest to him. “I’m asking if I could get to know you a bit better than ‘Vera, the stand fever survivor’.”
She looked down at his hand around her wrist, feeling a moment of girlish glee until she shook it off and with smirk spreading over her lips, she looked into those amethyst eyes. “If I didn’t know any better I’d think you were flirting with me, Noriaki.”
With a smooth slip of her fingers out of his hand she was standing straight, looking down at him as he remained seated on the bench outside the payphone.
Noriaki rose up and in the process, reminded her that she was the shortest one in the group. “Well since you know better, what is that you think I’m doing- exactly?”
Vera’s eyebrow shot up as a grin slowly spread over her lips. “Digging for information, of course... albeit a bit more charismatically than most. How’s your mouth feel?”
“It feels good as new.” He bowed his head at her in thanks as they approached the open payphone door to where Mr Joestar was standing.
Noriaki Kakyoin was most certainly a smooth talker, whether he was polite or sly, Vera couldn’t quite distinguish but obviously speaking to the charming redhead was certainly much easier than trying to talk to Jotaro.
“We’ll talk our next steps at the restaurant.” Mr Joestar had announced. Vera reached down for the duffel bag she had thrown together in the airport bathroom in Japan.
“I could have sworn I saw you traveling with a suitcase.” Noriaki remarked, the expected suave smile following. It was him looping her duffel bag handles into his hand that came as a surprise to her.
“Well, they promised me a ticket to Hong Kong if I could travel by hand luggage- had to leave half my suitcase behind I’m afraid.”
“My condolences.” Was all he said as she fell in line with him toward the restaurant- Jotaro’s broad back being the only thing she could see in front of her all the way there.
“Laying it on a bit thick, aren’t you Kakyoin?” She nudged into his side gently. “I suppose I am in your debt for carrying my bag for me. So... I’ll be generous and offer three answers.”
Kakyoin hummed on contemplation. “My, my... what could I possibly ask?”
She shrugged, “Ask and find out for yourself.”
“Very well... where were you born?”
The snort of laughter she had to keep in was the most undignified thing she let slip in front of the charmer. “In the sky.”
The smile left Kakyoin’s face as he turned his head to see if she was joking. Up front Avdol was snickering as well.
“How is that possible?”
“That would be the second question...” she warned.
“Nonsense! You can’t be so vague in your answers!”
“And I suppose you’ll be the judge of that?”
Kakyoin gave just the tiniest pout before caving. “The curiosity would kill me, do explain.”
“My parents were flying to Egypt when I was born- yes, I was born on an airplane between Britain and Egypt.”
Kakyoin took a moment to laugh with her as they entered the restaurant and hid the bag away for a moment. “Well, if not for my own shock- I might have showered you in jokes of your angelic nature.”
When Jotaro gave an audible snort of laughter as he sat down at the table, she couldn’t help but smile politely back at Noriaki. “Goodness, you want more answers- am I that fascinating to you?” She slid into the chair Noriaki held for her.
The question hanging over Kakyoin’s head this time suddenly made his cheeks dust a rosy shade. “I suppose you are, I do find you and your stand fascinating.”
She smiled gently at him, purposefully placing a hand atop his own on the table- enjoying the blush spreading over his whole face a bit too much.
While letting Mr Joestar help the Frenchman that had arrived at the table, Vera left for a quick smoke break outside the restaurant- enjoying her choice of oversized jean jacket on her back.
Not much longer, Jotaro joined her around the corner in the alleyway beside the restaurant. For a moment he seemed to glare at her from below his cap yet again, and yet again- her gaze unchanging.
Then with another disinterested scoff he looked away. “Angelic, my ass.” He mumbled, turning to face the exit of the alleyway.
The laugh that left Vera’s lips was almost offensive. She held her side in pain as she laughed, other hand supporting her against the wall.
Jotaro only looked behind his shoulder at her in further distaste. “You laugh like a fucking hyena.”
Her breath came back a few gasps later and while wiping tears out of her eyes she walked up to stand beside him. “Aw, are you jealous Jotaro?”
He nearly whipped his whole body to face her, the reaction she was gauging from him being all she need to maintain that petty little smirk on her lips.
“What are you getting at, woman?”
She only shrugged, bringing her cigarette to her lips for a drag- maintaining eye contact with him through the blue white smoke. “I can’t think of any other reason you’d stare me down and invalidate a compliment intended for me.” She answered after letting the smoke dribble out of her mouth.
“You’re disgusting.” He grumbled.
“Well, Kakyoin is a disgusting flirt, I’ll give you that but don’t get angry just because I can flirt back.”
The frustrated groan and toss of his cigarette in the alleyway was more than enough evidence she needed. He didn’t like her banter with Noriaki but... he was gonna have to learn to open his mouth and say something to her if he was that painfully jealous.
She returned to the restaurant in absolute shambles- a table on fire and the Frenchman Mr Joestar was helping displaying his stand.
This time it was Vera’s turn to give an audibly obnoxious sigh and pull one of the abandoned chairs closer for her to sit down at. “Fucking hell, I only had some hot cola from a vendor today- I was looking forward to the beef chop suey just now.”
All eyes were on her as she sat down in the chair, crossed one leg over the other and dug inside her jean jacket pocket. Fortune had already phased the Frenchman’s passport into her pocket and was currently phasing his earrings into her other pocket.
With a dramatic flourish and an arm over the backrest of her chair she looked the gray-haired man up and down then looked at the open passport in her hand. “Jean Pierre Polnareff- that’s hopefully correct?”
Jean seemed to immensely tense at her casual display of her own ability but nonetheless, he brought the tip of the rapier closer to her face. “Mademoiselle, I’d rather not lay an unnecessary hand on you, if possible.”
She tipped her head back and forth for a moment, admiring her reflection in the stand’s silver armor- driving the point home by getting up and closing the distance- reaching in her pocket to hold his earrings to her ears.
“I think these suit me better, don’t you think monsiour?”
The realization dawned on his face and soon Polnareff was swatting at his neck like the earrings was supposed to be there.
“Let me guess- another sworn allegiance puppet for dio, perhaps money? What is it?”
“Vera, stop provoking him- his qualm is with me.” Avdol interjected, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder.
Vera calmly looked back at her guardian, a slight frown to her face. “Not to seem childish, but do you see me as incapable, Avdol?”
The calm smile spreading his lips was all she really needed. She knew him well enough to know it was simply because he had a handle on his opponent.
At the Tiger Balm Garden- Vera sat atop a tiger statue’s back, near the entrance of their little chosen battlefield. Admittedly, holding back from jumping in and healing was more difficult than intended but Avdol had never been a victim of anything.
After the fight she hopped off as Avdol walked away from Polnareff’s flaming corpse- Fortune’d dials moving to help the healing process from the stand attack wounds.
“You’re not gonna let him burn to death, are you?” She asked, knowing that full well he wasn’t exactly listening to her but instead the mumblings of the burning man behind them.
With a snap of his finger, Avdol’s flames extinguished themselves and unsurprisingly- the flesh blood made itself known.
Fortune and Star Platinum followed to rid the world of another fleshbud. Vera had Fortune heal the unconscious man before following after the others to the docks.
Polnareff showing up was probably the last thing Vera had expected for their Hong Kong detour, but regardless Avdol and Jotaro refused the Frenchman’s thanks but Vera took hers with the smuggest smirk allowed.
The sight of Mr Joestar’s mechanical hand both fascinated and disgusted her- watching as he slipped his white glove back on as if it was the most natural thing in the world.
“And for what reason do you need to find someone with two right hands?”
Cherie’s story was truly tragic but it seemed to have been completely forgotten as Polnareff went to snap a few pictures of the two tourists girls that tried to get near Jotaro.
“What a perv.” She muttered, more to herself but it got a chuckle from Mr Joestar. Just aside from Jean’s leg was a coul of rope- first tied onto the deck. Fortune moved out of her body and phased the coil of rope around Polnareff’s foot and then slipped the loop of rope from the deck off manually. The wind ad picked up just enough to tie around the Frenchman’s leg and watch as he he was frantically dragged off the deck and into the water.
“Hmmmm justice is best served cold.” She muttered, passing Avdol only to have her foot break through the wooden deck below her feet.
Avdol laughed openly, holding a hand to help her out with her knee stuck in the wood. “What we’re you saying about justice again?”
“Hey! This was for healing you guys! This was correlation! Not causation!”
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jotarosbelt · 5 years
Jotaro Kujo [“She Doesn’t Need to Know.”]
Under the cut for length and 18+ content!
part 2
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dilf jotaro for our viewing pleasure
Having met Jolyne at school, you two became quick friends. Studying at each other’s houses and after school hours, hanging out outside of school, you really covered the basics of a normal friendship and moved into the territory of best friends fairly quickly.
Now, you’ve never been to her house; mostly because she’d prefer to go over to your place or hang out at places like the mall or the park...
...until today.
You came by to study with Jolyne per usual, but you weren’t expecting to lay your eyes on a tall and muscular figure, slinking away into his office as soon as you two met eyes.
“Don’t worry about him, he’ll come around eventually. Besides, the fact he even looked at you is a good sign.” She laughed at her own remark, gesturing for you to follow her upstairs to her room.
You obliged, yet, you couldn’t help but wonder about the tall and muscular figure, dawning white slacks and a black turtleneck.
“I’m gonna go get a drink, you want anything?” You get up, walking to the door.
Jolyne nods. “Water, please.”
You give her a thumbs up and fly downstairs, making a turn to go to the kitchen when you ram into something; scratch that, more like someone.
You look up to meet a pair of icy blue eyes. Damn, were they gorgeous. The man just scoffs and mumbles something sounding like “good grief,” and slinks back into his office. You really didn’t have a reason to be so intrigued by a man you barely just met, but hell, curiosity is what makes you human. Right?
A short time after going back up to Jolyne with your refreshments, you excused yourself once more to go to the bathroom. At this point, you’ve learned Jotaro’s office was downstairs, right by the bathroom you intended on using.
Walking to the bathroom, you passed by his office. You were curious. So what harm was there in taking a peek inside? You cracked open the door, taking a look around to make sure he wasn’t inside before stepping in fully, closing the door behind you. You strode over to his desk, looking at all the paperwork and assignments he was working on grading and signing, as well as the picture of his ex-wife, him, and baby Jolyne together in the corner. How cute!
Reaching to pick up the photo to take a better look, you feel yourself get slammed against the desk, hands behind your back and your face pressed against the polished wood surface. You manage to turn your head just enough to see who was pinning you down and your face flushes almost instantaneously. 
Why were you getting excited?
The man backed off of you, relaxing at the thought of knowing it was just you snooping around his office. You sat up, stretching yourself out from being held so forcefully in that position, as well as trying to ignore the excitement caused by being pinned against the desk like that, completely helpless...
...by none other than your best friends dad.
You did your best to ignore the thought and the feeling between your legs, pushing it down as deep in your mind as possible and turned faced him. His eyes seemed to bore into your soul, his face completely straight and expressionless. Cold, even.
“What’re you doing looking around in my office for?”
You swallowed hard. You swore he could hear it, as well as your quickening heartbeat and your heavy breathing. “Uh... I was um, looking for the bathroom.”
His brows furrowed at your response. “There’s a bathroom upstairs by Jolyne’s room. Why didn’t you use that one?”
You bite your lip. “I wasn’t aware of the bathroom upstairs. Jolyne didn’t tell me about one..” You chuckle nervously. “Besides, I haven’t had much time to ‘explore’ the house as is.”
He scans your face with his unchanged expression. “Good grief. The bathroom’s over there, now beat it, woman.”
You nod sheepishly and make your way out of his office, delicately closing the door behind you. Little did you know, Jotaro was checking you out as you left. He let out a light chuckle at your shyness. He found it cute. 
But, he wouldn’t let you know that.
You used the bathroom as you originally intended, and made your way back up to Jolyne, pushing down all your sinful thoughts of the marine biologist currently flooding your mind to focus on finishing your study session with his daughter.
Since that visit, you opted to not study at the Kujo’s place again. That pesky marine biologist of a father would continue to penetrate your thoughts as long as you gave him a chance. So, you distanced yourself.
Well, you did until Jolyne left one of her study plan outlines at your place. And you being the good friend you are, you to opted to bring it over.
You pulled up to the Kujo home, gulping hard, as you stepped out of the car and walked up to the front door. You knocked gingerly against the door, expecting Jolyne to answer, but you were greeted by the burly man by the name of Jotaro Kujo, wearing nothing but some gray sweatpants that rested slightly below his hips revealing his surprisingly deep V-line and the hem of his boxers, as well as a pair of some black dress socks.
He looked down at you expectantly, waiting for an explanation of why the hell you were on his doorstep. “Hi, Dr. Kujo, uh..”
Goddamn, if his heart didn’t jump at how you just used his career title to address him, you’d be wrong.
“..I’m here to drop off these papers Jolyne left at my place. I thought they’d be useful when it came to studying, but I thought she’d be in right about now.”
He sighed and stepped aside and out of the doorway, gesturing for you to come inside. You looked at him with an unsure expression. 
“I’m inviting you in, bitch.”
You let out an “oh” and apologize before stepping inside and kicking off your shoes at the door. “Pardon the intrusion!”
You and Dr. Kujo sit there, talking for a few minutes about how school’s been going and how you met his daughter, but mostly about your major and what you want to do for work when you graduate.
“Well, I’m majoring in criminal law, actually.”
He cocks a brow. “A lawyer, huh. That’s unexpected.”
You look back at him, surprised. “Oh? How so?”
He sits back in his chair, taking a sip from his drink. “I didn’t take you for the ‘lawyer type,’ if I’m being honest.”
You sigh at his response, a little upset. “Fair enough.”
You two continue to talk a fair amount, asking him about how he got into marine life and about his youth before you finally get up and decide to leave. While putting on your shoes, he comes over and squats down in front of you, slipping a business card in between your lips with a number on the back.
Hot damn, it was his cell number.
You feel yourself blush at his way of giving you the card and remove it from between your lips, putting it in your bag. You thank him for letting you come by and he does the same, saying it was no problem and he’s thankful you came over and dropped off Jolyne’s things the way you did, as well as saying it was nice talking to you.
As soon as you got home, you put the number in your phone, shooting Jotaro a text. He responds a few hours later saying once again how he enjoyed your company and hoped you’d come by again. You blushed at his words and typed a quick response reading “likewise,” flinging your phone across the room and burying your face in your pillow.
A few more study sessions and hangouts with Jolyne and you finally end up full circle back at her house. To be honest, you were ecstatic about being able to see Jotaro again, but you did your best to hide it.
“Hm, seems he doesn’t mind you being here, given he hasn’t slinked off and into his office like he usually does,” she says, forking her thumb to where her dad stood in the kitchen, leaning against the counter with a mug and a book in hand. He looks up and sends you a quick wink, going back to reading with his unchanged facial expression.
You feel yourself blush and let out a giggle. “Seems like it.”
Amid your hangout, Jolyne gets up and apologizes profusely, saying she has to go run over to Ermes place due to an emergency. She says she’ll be back in an hour or so and encourages you to make yourself feel at home till she gets back. You, being as understanding as you are, nod and shoot her a smile. 
“I’ll be fine.”
“I knew you would,” she says as she grabbed herself a jacket and smiled while stepping out the door, quickly gliding down the stairs. “Keep an eye on our guest, would you Pops? I have something I need to take care of.”
He only scoffs in response.
After opting to clean Jolyne’s room up a bit, you go downstairs in search of a bite to eat, only to run into Jotaro the same way you did the first time.
“Oh, I’m so s-sorry, sir.”
Once again, he only scoffs in response. “I was looking for you anyways. Come sit.”
You gulp. Why the hell would Jotaro-motherfucking-Kujo be looking for you?
You both sit on the couch like you both did the last time you were over at this house. However, none of you bothered to make conversation this time. It was more of just Jotaro accessing the sight of you before him while you avoided making eye contact out of fear those aqua-marine eyes of his would bore into your soul again like they always did.
You really didn’t know why this was happening, but you felt that familiar feeling pooling between your legs like when he bent you against his desk, or when he answered the door completely shirtless. He really knew how to get you flustered without speaking, not like he was aware of it, though.
Yet, somehow, you ended up in his lap, your shirt as thrown into the corner of the living room, you grinding down into his erection. Jotaro groaned in your ear, those sounds of approval making you shudder. That deep, predatory-sounding growl really fired you up.
He buried his face in the crook of your neck, sucking and pulling at the flesh, being careful to make his little marks and bruises in places you could easily cover-up. You whimpered at the sensation of his soft lips dancing across your neck and collarbones like he owned you.
God, did he own you.
“Ah~ Dr. Kujo..”
He let out another predatory-sounding growl at the way you moaned out his title, quickly moving his hands up to the middle of your back to unclip your bra. It fell off in one motion and Jotaro shifted his attacks from the skin of your neck to your chest. He kissed, bit, and nipped at the flesh, making you arch your back and let out the cutest little whimpers he’d ever heard.
Wanting to coax out more of those cute and delicious sounds from you, he moved to suck the buds on your chest, alternating between each of them and proceeded to knead and pull at the tender flesh.
Having had enough, he sat you down on the couch, pulling his turtleneck from his body in one swift motion, quickly moving down to undo his belts and unzip his pants. He shot you an expectant look, glancing from you, down to the floor in front of him, down to the obvious bulge in his pants.
“Jesus Christ woman, for someone of your intellect, you’d think you’d understand what I’m asking of you right about now.”
Processing his words, you understand what he meant. Jesus fuck, he wanted you to blow him. You turned red almost immediately at the thought, but nodded and dropped down to your knees in front of him.
You pulled down his pants and navy blue boxers down just enough to pull out his member; hard and firm in your grasp. You could hear his breathing falter and his breath got heavier and ragged as you slowly began to pump him.
Finally getting the courage, you started with a few experimental licks of the tip and shaft of his dick, testing the waters. He seemed to like what you were doing, and the needy look in his eyes beckoned you to do more.
Giving in to the look Kujo was giving you, you part your lips and insert his almost throbbing member into your mouth. You tell he was trying not to buck into your mouth, mostly out of fear of hurting you, but also because he wanted this to last as long as possible.
You swirled your tongue around him, bobbing your head up and down while you used your hands to take care of whatever you couldn’t fit in your mouth. Shit, he was a big guy, after all.
“Gah.. fuck,” he moaned as he gently rocked his hips into your warm, wet cavern. You looked up at him with tear-filled eyes, your hair sticking to your face.
Jotaro took the liberty of brushing your stray hair out of your face and grabbing a handful of it behind your head, admiring the way your lips wrapped around his cock before withdrawing himself and pulling you to a stand. Picking you up, he tossed you over his shoulder and trudged up the stairs to his room.
Tossing you on the bed, he crawled up behind you and roughly pulled off and threw your skirt to the side, along with your now-soaked underwear.
He lets out a scoff at the sight glistening of your folds, a slight smirk on plastered across his lips. “Good grief, you’re this wet just from having my cock shoved down your throat, huh? I would have never imagined you’d turn out to be such a slut.”
You shivered at his words. That deep, velvety voice reverberating in your ears and the way those dirty words practically rolled off of his tongue. You were having a great time becoming putty in his hands, and he was enjoying it too.
Probing experimentally at your entrance, Jotaro had his eyes locked on your face, looking at your expression for any signs of discomfort. Your face contorted out of sheer pleasure, your back arching against the covers and whiny little moans escaping your mouth. You tried bucking your hips up into Jotaro’s hand, encouraging him to enter you already or give you some form of stimulation, but your attempts were quickly put to a stop by his unoccupied hand that had shot up to pin your hips down with an immense amount of force. You whimper and look at him, pouting. His stoic expression returned and he slowly pressed a finger into you, as well as starting to rub circles on your clit.
“Please, Dr. Kujo~” you moan out, desperately trying to rut against his hand, but your movement being stopped because of his hand holding you down. He raised both of his eyebrows at you out of sheer interest. “Please what, Ms. [Last Name]? Tell me exactly what you want me to do to you. We only have so much time before Jolyne returns, yes?”
You bite your lip and nod. “I- I, uh..”
He hums expectantly, waiting for your incoming request.
“I want you to fuck me, Jotaro. I want you to fuck my brains out.”
Groaning, he withdrew his hand from your core and reached over his nightstand to grab a foil sealed packet. Ripping it open, he rolled the condom down onto himself and sat down, patting his thigh to signal for you to crawl and sit on his lap.
You crawled over and straddled him, hovering over his throbbing member. Taking a deep breath, you wrapped an arm around his neck, using your other hand to guide his cock into you, lost in the feeling of him stretching you out, obsessed with the feeling of every inch entering you.
Slowly, Jotaro began bouncing you up and down on his shaft, his grunts and growls traveling straight into your ear and down to the coil you felt forming in your stomach.
You heard him growl into your ear, mumbling something about how tight and good you felt and how you were doing such a good job for him. You felt butterflies form in your stomach because of the man's words; the cold and inexpressive man, now complimenting you and your body while performing the most intimate act man could engage in.
“Oh my god, J-Jotaro... I’m- ah,” you squabble our just barely, the pleasure coursing throughout your body clouding your senses. He nods into your shoulder and pulls you up and off of him with ease, bending you over the edge of the bed and ramming back into you, no mercy being given.
“Jotaro, AH!”
Your scream set him off, even more, Jotaro now going feral and causing him to push your upper half into the mattress and he buried himself inside of you, time and time again, panting and grunting in your ear. You’re sent over the edge, that coil you felt in your stomach coming undone as you call out his name, clenching around his length, buried as so deep inside of you, you could swear you could see it in your stomach. He let out an animalistic moan, soon stopping short as he spilled himself into the condom, still buried deep inside of you.
He peeled himself away from your body and out of you, taking off the condom and tying it up and into a not to throw away. 
“Hey,” he said as he turned around to see why you didn’t respond to his call, only to find you sprawled out on his bed, fast asleep. He really did fuck your brains out, after all.
“Good grief,” he said to himself as he went into your bathroom, getting a towel and a damp cloth to wipe yourselves down. He cleaned you up and dressed you in the pajamas you’d brought with you to stay the night, as well as the extra pair of underwear you packed and picked you up, carrying you to Jolyne’s room to rest. He was really attempting to make this look as inconspicuous as possible. 
Did you two really need to run the risk of your best friend, which was his daughter, finding out you just got you back blown out by her dad?
Didn’t think so.
Leaving Jolyne’s room, he walked downstairs to retrieve his belts, as well as your shirt and bra he’d discarded and thrown to different spots all around the room. 
The clock read 9:27. Jolyne has been gone for almost an hour. Surely she was on her way her home now.
Jotaro sighed and quickly buttoned his pants back up, throwing his belts around his neck. He went to the laundry room to throw your clothes in the wash and did one last survey of the house to make sure you wouldn’t be busted by Jolyne when she got back. After everything was settled and you were all clear, Jotaro let out a content sigh and went upstairs to take a shower, only to ultimately go back to his office where it all started.
“She doesn’t need to know.”
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Okay, I hope this is the story you had in mind.
Jotaro X Stand User! Reader
You really can't catch a break, can ya?
It was a new year of high school, and surprise surprise, you leave to go home from school, and you got cornered by fucking bullies, again. Sigh. For whatever reason, the bullies at this school always seemed to pick on you, and non of the teachers seemed to be any help. Whatever, it's not like you couldn't handle yourself in a fight, or minded a few scrapes. However this time was different. Something happened to you between the end of last school year and now.
You don't quite know how to explain it.
A few weeks ago, you noticed a sorta, presence following you. A ghost? A spirit? Whatever, no one else can seem to see it. Of course you had no idea where you got it, or when exactly it started showing up. Was it before or after you had that dream of being shot by an arrow? Who knows. Normally, the spirit wouldn't do anything but follow you, but about a week or two before school, you had encountered a mugger. You had threw up your fists defensively out of habit, you had barely touched the guy, yet the mugger ended up flying back about 10 feet before getting knocked out. While a witness claimed that you punched the dangerous thief back in self defense, you knew it had to do with the spirit following you. You saw the spirits hands hovering over your view, punching and knocking the other guy out, yet you could feel it. This scared you, who knows how dangerous this spirit was. And now you were cornered by bullies again.
Meanwhile, a classmate of yours, Jotaro Kujo, was standing by in the corner taking a drag from his cigarette. You've had a crush on him since forever. There were a few problems with that. One, he was ALWAYS followed by a bunch of fangirls, aka almost every girl in you class, he never cared for them though, and of course you'd feel like you wouldn't have the chance to approach him anyways. Second, he was a total delinquent, many classmates would tell you not to bother associating with him as he's always getting in fights. He disappeared briefly towards the end of last year, you never knew why, but rumors about Jotaro began spreading around ranging from him getting thrown in jail for a few months, to his family suddenly deciding to take a trip to Egypt for some reason.
"STAY BACK!!!" you shout, putting your hands up in front of you. "I'm warning you, go away." This catches Jotaro's attention.
"Oh we'll go away." said one of the bullies, inching his fist in front of your face. "After we beat your face into a pulp!"
"I'm serious," you say, your voice trembling with fear. "You could really get hurt, stay away!" One of the bullies starts to throw a punch, when Jotaro decks him in the face.
Wait a minute.
Looking at Jotaro, you see he has a similar spirit accompany him, his resembles a muscular man of shiny purple and blue with glowing red eyes and long wavy black hair. You also couldn't help noticing the spirit's facial features sorta looked similar to Jotaro's. The spirits fists we're flying punching the bully as he shouted a rapid fire "Ora!Ora!Ora!"
"Leave (name) the fuck alone." says Jotaro as another bully approaches you. You couldn't hold back as your spirit started rapid punching the remaining bullies, screaming rapid fire shouts of "Pon!Pon!Pon!" You couldn't believe it. You and Jotaro both had spirits!? Could there be others? Jotaro looked a bit surprised at the sight of your spirit. I guess only people who have them can see others, you thought. The bruised up bullies started taking off.
"Let's get the hell outta here!" shouted one of the bullies.
"Who would have thought (name) would be as tough as Kujo here?" exclaimed another as they ran away. Jotaro smirked.
"Yare yare daze." he said shaking his head as he adjusted his tattered hat. He smiled slightly to you. "They probably won't bother you again. Are you alright (name)?" You nodded, still somewhat in shock.
"You have one too!" you exclaimed. As if by instinct, your spirit appeared beside you, Jotaro nodding.
"I see you're a Stand User as well." Aasked Jotaro. You looked a bit confused.
"Stand?" you asked. Jotaro brought out his spirit.
"The spirits we used to fight off the bullies are called Stands. They're a part of us, and each one has special powers." he explained "Only other Stand Users can see Stands."
"There are others?" you ask. You practically collapse into Jotaro's arms as tears roll from your eyes "I thought I was the only one! I was seriously scared to tell anyone else about it." Jotaro was taken aback somewhat at this. He's never one to comfort. In fact, if any of the fangirls in class would have done this, he'd push her aside and call her a bitch. But he couldn't push you away. For one, your story was somewhat similar to his, he thought he was possessed by an evil spirit and was willing to stay in a prison cell until he figured out what was happening so other people wouldn't get hurt. And while he didn't like to admit it, he had feelings for you as well. While he felt awkward, Jotaro wrapped his strong arms around you in a hug. You felt relief from telling him your secret, and felt warm and protected in his arms.
"Yes, there are others." said Jotaro letting you go from his embrace. "But there are some Stand Users who are evil, and dangerous. Many Stand Users are drawn to each other, but this can be dangerous as there can be evil Stand Users lurking around. Stand Users can get severely injured from a fight." A flicker of sadness appeared briefly in his normally steely eye, "Some may never make it back alive." Jotaro shook his head as if to shake away a bad memory. "How long have you had your Stand?" he asked you.
"I've only had my Stand a few weeks." you answered truthfully. "I'm not even sure of it's powers yet honestly, other than it punched some bullies away."
"I see." said Jotaro, thinking a moment. "I know a couple other Stand Users. We can meet sometime soon and help you figure out what your Stand's full ability is. And maybe figure out a name for it."
"What's your Stand's name?" you ask out of curiosity. Jotaro and his Stand smiled softly.
"This is Star Platinum." answered Jotaro.
"It suits him." you paused. "Anyways, thank you for standing up to the bullies for me"
"Thank you for finishing off the rest of them." Jotaro said. The two of you had been walking while talking about Stands and you both found yourself at your house.
"I'll see you at school tomorrow (name) said Jotaro.
"You too." you answered back. Before Jotaro turned to leave, you suddenly planted a quick kiss on his cheek, which turned bright red.
"I'm so sorry." you said embarrassed. Jotaro then chuckles softly.
"Yare yare daze," he said, in a more softer tone than usual, and he stole a quick peck from your cheek. Now it was your turn to blush!
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spicynbachili1 · 6 years
Japanator’s Anime Binge Log: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind
Vento Aureo, Aetas JoJo
Halloween may need already handed, however for individuals who observe it, celebrating the lifeless is not over but! And just like the spirits of these handed, Japanator’s Binge Log has risen once more from the ashes of summer time to speak about – what else – the brand new Fall 2018 anime season! 
However we’re leaning into the frightful spirit of the second by bringing you the scariest factor of all: Change! As is perhaps gleaned from the title, we’re breaking apart our season “preview” into extra of a set of impressions of the reveals we’re watching. Somewhat than a wide-ranging roundup of a ton of anime we’d not even hassle to see the primary episode of, the Binge Log will, transferring ahead, operate as extra a snapshot of what we consider a present on the time of writing. Meaning you may anticipate extra related, well timed, and hopefully frequent installments, unbound by seasonal rhythm, Netflix or Amazon license-hoarding, or frequent sense and decency!
Immediately’s topic is the long-awaited debut of JoJo’s Weird Journey Half V: Golden Wind! We’ll be telling you what we consider the present beneath, however be happy to hold forth within the feedback, or counsel the subsequent Binge Log topic!
JoJo’s Weird Journey Half 5: Golden Wind Studio: David Studio Director: Naokatsu Tsuda Airdate: October 5, 2018 Watch it On: Crunchyroll, Funimation, Hulu The Blurb:
David Studio returns to JoJo’s Weird Journey variations with the fifth a part of the saga of Stand Energy and horny posing, Golden Wind (also called Vento Aureo), this time starring Giorno Giovanna (“GioGio” to his pals), an Italian robust seeking to stand up within the ranks of Naples’ underworld.
Workers Impressions:
Josh Tolentino
Episodes Watched: 1-Four
I will admit it proper now: I have never completed watching Half Four but. Life and whatnot occurred, and I principally ended up testing of the present comparatively early on. As such, any actual comparisons between Diamond is Unbreakable  and Golden Wind can be meaningless coming from me. For what it is price, although, Golden Wind does begin off robust. 
The arc’s new JoJo is definitely the son of Dio Brando, making him a cousin to Jotaro and Josuke by dint of the bizarre circumstances of Dio’s return partially Three, and thus an heir to his personal Stand energy, “Gold Expertise”, which may give life to inanimate objects and induce bizarre hallucinations within the already-alive. Gold Expertise reveals Half 5’s willingness to experiment with more and more elaborate Stands, persevering with Half Four’s development away from the mundanities of standard ol’ battle. A lot as I loved Half Three, the clashes of loopy guidelines that govern the totally different Stands makes for a extra fascinating battle, in my e-book.
That a lot is proven in JoJo’s first battle, with a rival gangster named Bruno Bucciaratti, whose Stand, “Sticky Fingers”, can open zipper-like portals in something it touches. Issues get, properly, weird proper fast, with Bruno in a position to pull gross stunts like teleporting a lifeless mobster’s fingers proper into JoJo’s rattling mouth. JoJo holds his personal, although, and earlier than lengthy his character and ambition persuade Bruno to behave as his mediator, introducing him to the gang, “Passione”, and its capo and gatekeeper, Polpo. 
The battle with Polpo’s Stand “Black Sabbath” can also be a fairly good one, however its aftermath is what helps set Giorno as Half 5’s JoJo aside from the others. Whereas Jonathan, Joseph, Jotaro, and Josuke may hesitate to kill or in any other case may favor some extra poetic type of justice for his or her enemies, Giorno, hardened by his adolescence, is extra biblical, managing to make use of his Stand to, basically, induce a murder-cum-suicide. 
If issues sustain this manner (I would not know in the event that they do, as I have never learn the manga), Golden Wind will likely be one to look at, even when the Crunchyroll subtitles’ copyright-friendly renaming of Stands and characters feels a bit pointless.
Marcel Hoang
Episodes Watched: 1-Three
I have been trying ahead to Golden Wind for a very long time as a consequence of the truth that it simply continues the slippery slope Jojo takes since Diamond is Unbreakable. Stunned at Josuke’s fancy outfit and physique sort? Properly Giorno is even thinner and has a chest window! Did you’re keen on the loopy globe trotting antics and the Twin Peaks vibe of Morioh? Let’s go to Italy and take care of the mafia!
It has been a sizzling minute since I final watched Diamond Is Unbreakable, so getting again into the groove of those loopy Jojo antics was a whole lot of enjoyable. There’s by no means any lengthy moments of charging or inexplicable downtime. In relation to battle scenes, there’s at all times both a punch being thrown, or a personality shortly narrating what’s weird issues are taking place of their thoughts. Just like the second after Bruno will get hits by Gold Expertise, he shortly goes from “What is going on?” to “You idiot! I am stronger now!” to “Oh no! My senses are quicker than my physique!” within the span of only a minute. Any lesser battle manga may take an entire episode clarify these little intricacies, particularly since Jojo is all about bizarre powers, the foundations that govern them, and getting round them.
Diamond Is Unbreakable has additionally at all times been about leveraging its weird setting to create colourful backgrounds which can be bizarre in context however completely applicable given the circumstances to indicate how bizarre the whole lot was. Perhaps Golden Wind will not have purple bushes or inexperienced skies besides perhaps the shocked response items, however colour continues to be popping contemplating the primary characters are Italian mobsters who loves extravagant fits with loopy colours, working out of Naples, Italy. And talking of extravagance, Combating Gold has made the hubub for followers for the previous few days,arguing whether or not it was good or just the weakest OP within the collection, although I do not suppose anybody’s gone fairly as far to they hate it. However depart it to Coda to make one thing that is nonetheless catchy, no matter how you are feeling of the track in its entirety. I nonetheless discover myself shouting out “combating gold!” every time that comes up on the track.
However the ED? It is nearly as good because it will get in comparison with “Gangster’s Paradise”.
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