#oh tims just like a year older than donnie
smearkrann13 · 1 year
[close ups + bonus stuff under the cut]
Listen we got robbed of timothy in rise and imma be honest i just like this dude he's funny
So now i made him a character in rise
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Timothy is Aprils Classmate (and Casey jrs) they'll meet after a few months after the kraang incident. Timothy moved to New York for school and is now currently working a part time job to support himself through college (hes parents help him but he also wants to be independent) He's a big guy who's most of the time fumbling through life, he's in the same classes with April and Casey jr.
After meeting April and the others he gets dragged in their shenanigans, he thought jr was a bit weird, then he met Casey (Cassandra) and he thought she was totally weird. He starts experiencing all types of stuff with the mad dogz and he just doesn't question it.
It would also lead him to meet the turtles, first one being Donnie, who immediately becomes fascinated with him, Tim doesn't even question why he looks like that he just says "you're kinda cool"
Donnie would be 17 and Tim would be 17-18 (i just know he'll be as old as Raph)
Close ups
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Bonus doodles
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Donnie finds so much comfort in Tims clothes (its cause their big and soft and comfy)
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bigskydreaming · 5 years
Imagine the Batkids hanging out at like....the food court of a mall or something, Jason keeping paparazzi at bay with finger guns that manage to be wildly ominous even if the gulping paparazzo have no true idea WHY that particular motion from this particular man has cold beads of sweat breaking out on the backs of their necks. Damian loudly proclaiming he hates everything and everyone even though he only half means it, well at least until Tim asks if he needs them to go get him a booster seat. To which Jason stops long enough to cackle about Tim finally finding someone he can actually literally look down on, it must be like Christmas for him, and meanwhile, Duke idly says to no one in particular that he can never decide if he accidentally got adopted into the Addams family, the Manson family or the Kardashians.
“I would be great at being a Kardashian,” Jason muses.
“Well you’re already 90% ass, so you’ve got that going for you,” Steph chirps brightly.
“Die, but for real this time,” Jason volleys back, equally pleasantly.
“I can’t believe the English major is suggesting I plagiarize him,” Steph says with eyes wide in mock bewilderment. Jason scoffs.
“What English major? In case you’ve forgotten, I never even finished high school, I was busy being de - “
He cuts off as Cass holds out her palm and Dick and Duke both slide ten dollar bills across the table to her, accompanied by groans. Tim jabs a finger at her with a scowl, half rising out of his seat in outrage.
“That doesn’t count, he didn’t even finish saying it!”
“Also, you’re cheating,” Damian adds on hotly, too incensed to notice he’s literally standing in solidarity with his most hated enemy. Though Tim catches it, if the slightly constipated look on his face is anything to go by. “Do you really think us so blind we can’t tell that Brown blatantly set that one up for you?”
“Don’t hate the players, hate the game,” Steph says sagely, as she and Cass split the take.
“What the hell just happened?” Jason asks. No one looks anywhere near the zip code of apologetic.
“Well we definitely didn’t all get together once a majority of us had done the knock knock knocking on death’s door thing ourselves and wound up making a long-standing bet about how long you can go without bringing that up and where the clock restarts each time you do,” Steph says thoughtfully, eyes intent even as she stares off into the distance, like it’s an actual mystery and she’s really trying quite hard to scry out the answer.
“What?” Jason says flatly.
“In my defense, they were doing it long before I came along and they said it was like, a family tradition,” Duke offers.
“I mean, it’s not like we lied,” Tim shrugs. “Besides, it was Cass’ idea and she’s died twice, so it’s allowed.”
Jason redirects his ire on their sister. “Why are you the worst.”
She shrugs. “I died.”
“I used to think having a sister would be cool. I can’t believe you ruined sisters for me.”
“Bite me, little brother,” she says sweetly. His face flames. Detonation imminent.
“I’m older than you!”
“Not if you don’t count the six months you were dead,” she sing-songs. “Besides, Tim’s lying. It was his idea.”
Jason’s head swivels like a turret-mounted missile launcher. Tim chokes on his French fry.
“What the hell! That’s not tr - .” He trails off then, frowning slightly. “Wait, was it? Oh. Right.”
Jason’s eyes narrow, tension on the trigger, but Tim rallies and just shrugs unrepentantly.
“Eh. You’ve tried to kill me like three times. Suck it up.”
“Next time, I’ll be sure to try harder,” Jason growls. Tim smiles serenely and takes an extra obnoxious slurp of his milkshake.
“See? You’ve learned something new today. You’re welcome.”
“Why am I not live-tweeting this,” Steph wonders, yanking out her phone and sending digits swiftly flying across its keys. Dick leans over on her left to view her screen.
“Are you tweeting as Batgirl about her fellow vigilantes, or the random blond stranger always seen out with the Waynes but that no one can determine their connection to?”
“First off, I’m the EXOTIC blond stranger, excuse you. Get it right. And second...idk. Either. Both. Does it really matter?”
“Well, it might if you actually do tweet the same content from both accounts and someone somehow manages to spot some kind of connection,” Tim says dryly. Steph scowls without looking up from her phone.
“Stop oppressing my shenanigans with your logic, Timbleton.”
“It’s my new name for you. For it is both pretentious and douchey, as are you.”
Tim glowers. “Sometimes I honestly can’t remember why I went out with you.”
She shrugs. “You were a fifteen year old virgin and I have a killer rack. It wasn’t that deep.”
“Hey, you are still just the exotic blond stranger seen with us all the time, right?” Dick says suddenly, seemingly lost in thought. “Like, B didn’t adopt you since I last saw you or anything.”
“No, and you know you don’t ACTUALLY have to ask me that every time you see me.”
He shrugs. “I mean I kinda do. You are always here, and it is Bruce. It’s not like he ever tells me when he adopts someone new so like, you could be my sister for four years before I even realized it if I didn’t ask.”
“Ooh. A sighting of Dick angst, spotted in the wild. Those are rare,” Jason snickers. Dick just eyes him.
“FYI, I still have footage of a certain Robin, age fourteen, singing Backstreet Boys. And I have Roy on speed dial. Tread lightly, Little Wing.”
“You said you deleted that!”
“I lied. I do that sometimes. I’m terribly problematic.” Dick beams beatifically.
“Why have I not seen this footage?” Steph shrieks.
“Make me an offer,” Dick says as leans back smugly.
She wastes no time, fingers dancing across her keyboard again, and moments later Dick pulls out his own phone and reads her incoming text. One eyebrow arches significantly.
“That’s an offer, alright.” He frowns. “You came up with that quick. I’m either impressed or disturbed.”
Steph shrugs. “I get bored on stakeouts sometimes.”
“You can be dispressed,” Cass pipes up helpfully. Dick nods solemnly.
“An excellent suggestion, Cassandra, thank you. Just for that, I’ll send it to you too.”
“I will stab you,” Jason says dangerously.
“Just think, Jay, if you didn’t try and stab me all the time already, that might actually be incentive not to....oh whoops, finger slipped, just hit send, how terrible, much regret.”
“I feel like there’s supposed to be a life lesson in there somewhere,” Duke murmurs.
“Stay out of this, new kid on the block.”
“Does that make you Marky Mark or like, Donnie?” Tim wonders idly. He shakes his head at himself then, baffled. “Why do I know the names of the New Kids on the Block?”
Stephanie meanwhile is watching her phone with what can only be described as naked glee. It’s muted - she’s never one to share her spoils freely after all - but apparently that is more than good enough for now as far as she’s concerned. Beside her, Cass intently stares at her own screen, shoulders shaking with silent laughter.
“I will kill you all someday, and when I do the courts will rule it justifiable homicide and I shall be vindicated.”
“Please, Todd. As if I don’t have contingencies in place to ensure you receive my vengeance even from beyond the grave, should I ever perish at your hands.”
Silence falls across the table as they all stare at Damian.
“See, now I’m dispressed,” Tim says. “Sometimes I wonder what it’d be like to take a guided tour of your brain, but then I think why not wait til Halloween and sell tickets too.”
Damian glares at him, but to the surprise of everyone, Tim included, he reacts no further than that. A few seconds later though, Duke bolts upright in his chair across from him, directing his own baleful glare at the smaller boy. Damian just stares at him meaningfully and jerks his head in Tim’s direction. Duke rolls his eyes and sighs.
“Shut your facehole, Drake, you blithering dolt,” Duke says robotically. “Also, you are excessively diminutive for your age and nobody likes you. Allegedly.”
Once more silence reigns supreme.
“Oh fuck, can he possess people now?” Jason asks.
Dick waves them all down, gesturing for quiet before he takes the lead, studying Duke with an intent focus. “I think I speak for all of us here, when I say: no, but seriously, what the actual fuck.”
Cass nods gravely. “What he said.”
Duke shrugs a half-hearted apology. “It’s nothing personal Tim. It’s just that Damian and I have an alliance, and part of the terms are I have to defend his honor, since - and I quote - ‘tt, the very notion I need assistance defending my actual person is laughable, Thomas, don’t be daft.’”
“Wait, we’re doing alliances now?” Steph asks, because of course that would be the part that catches her attention. “I want an alliance. Cass, make an alliance with me.”
“Whose idea was this alliance, anyway?” Jason asks. Duke just shrugs again, this time defensively.
“Hey don’t look at me, Dick’s the one who apparently thought it was a good idea to introduce Damian to Survivor reruns.”
All eyes turn to the eldest. In a particularly accusatory fashion.
Well, with the exception of Damian, as he has returned to his meal and is quite contentedly dining with a distinct air of smugness about him. (Even more so than usual.)
“What? I couldn’t get him to agree to watching anything else on TV, and then we came across some reruns and I thought it might appeal to him.”
“And you saw no potential drawbacks to him seeing appeal in the basic premise of voting people off the island?” Jason asks skeptically. Dick picks up a fry and studies it with clear deliberation and an equally clear attempt at avoidance. Subtlety, thy name is not Grayson.
“In hindsight, it’s possible mistakes were made.”
“I mean, at least now Dami’s attempts at casting undesirables out of the family are rooted in democracy instead of totalitarianism. That’s progress, right?” Steph asks. Heavy on the uncertainty.
“Right, and I have some beachfront property in Kansas to sell you,” Tim says sardonically.
“Nah, you keep it. I’ll just get it in the divorce when we get back together in ten years, marry, and I abscond with half of your fortune.”
“Wait, what?”
“Shh, just let it happen.”
“Hang on, back to this alliance,” Jason says, turning back to Duke. “So what are you getting out of it?”
“Oh, he has to do my calc homework for the rest of the semester,” Duke replies.
“Duke, you should have just told one of us you needed some help with your homework,” Dick says with an unmistakable note of concern in his voice. Duke shoots him a quizzical look.
“I don’t. I just don’t want to do it.”
“This is why Duke is the most valid,” Steph nods knowingly. Cass nods in agreement.
“Hey, did nobody else notice that in essence, Damian implicitly admitted he needed help protecting his feelings from getting boo-boos,” Tim pipes up oh so casually. The youngest among them narrows his eyes.
“In my spare time, I peruse the occult tomes recommended by Raven and the Zatara brat in search of a ritual that will make it so you never existed in the first place,” he says, matching his tone to Tim’s conversational one. Not deterred in the slightest, Tim just adopts an expression of over the top faux sympathy.
“Sucks you can’t just ask me for help. I already know where one of those is.”
“Dami, no!” Dick speaks up sharply. Their little brother slumps back in his seat and crosses his arms over his chest.
“I wasn’t actually going to do anything, Grayson,” he sulks. Dick snorts.
“You were absolutely about to jump on top of the table and kick Tim in the face. Don’t even try and pretend I don’t know what I’m talking about.”
“I was an only child once,” Jason muses. “I should have appreciated it more.”
“But then you couldn’t form an alliance with me, little brother,” Cass points out, equal parts sweetness and wickedness. He hesitates, visibly torn between wanting to protect his vaunted older brother status and agreeing to an alliance with the most feared of them all.
“You’re evil.”
She shrugs but doesn’t contest the point.
“I’ll form an alliance with you, Cass,” Tim says, smirking at Jason.
“No thanks.”
Tim’s mouth falls open and he looks between her and his now cackling older brother. “What the hell? You’ll form an alliance with Steph and Jason but not with me? Why not?”
“I’m chaotic neutral,” their sister explains sunnily, as she steals some more of Dick’s fries.
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