#oh the fun part of your 20s where you reckon with the fact that teenage trauma is also childhood trauma!
abby420 · 1 year
girls will try to have a normal night and then suddenly they are writing 1k words about their teenage years and how no one parented them and they were placed in unsafe conditions and no one cared and no one fed them
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mariinara · 4 years
can you do a sailor!sam hc? :) love your writing babe, hope all is well
Oh, wow! Thank you, darling!
That's SUCH an interesting request, because:
-Sam has ALWAYS been a man of the sea. Ever since he was a child, he'd always wondered what lies beyond what his eyes can see. He was crazy about it. Adventure called for him on land, but in the sea? He knew that's where he wanted to spend the rest of his life.
-He grew up near harbors and – because he adored the smell of the sea so much – he worked as the helper of a fisherman during his teenage years. He enjoyed getting out there, in a small boat, and throwing his net and sitting there, getting his hair and his skin stained by the unforgiving sun and sea salt. He adored every second of it. Except when it was actually time to sort the fish and it was when he'd hope for a chance to actually get out there without having to stink later. Whenever he'd voice his true ambition, everyone would laugh and make fun of the lanky, teenage boy.
-He'd kept this job as he grew older, trying to support his little brother. When Nate reached the age of 23, it was when he joined Sam in this job to bring more food to their table. But when Sam finally hit the age of 28, something amazing happened. He'd known that this occurrence was very rare. A famous sailor, who was once as ambitious as Sam, had his ship in the docks, waiting on buckets and buckets of fish for sustenance.
-Sam was awestruck. The grandeur of the ship made his breath hitch in his throat. Almost 20 canons were lined up in the side of the ship and he reckoned that there were more on the other side. Men, as tall and as big as oxes, scaled down the side of the enormous ship, laughing heartily and cursing each other out.
-Sam dropped everything: The fishing net, the empty baskets that needed to be filled– everything. Even his sanity was thrown out the window. And with a grin and a suggestive stare towards his brother, who'd been trying to snap him out of his trance for a couple of minutes.
-Nathan didn't know what was going on at first, but when Sam gestured with his head towards the ship and started to walk along towards it, he begged him to stop and think this through. They argued, back and forth, until Sam made it clear that him and Nathan were to only check it out and make it out before any crew member would catch them. Hesitantly, Nathan acquiesced.
-They carefully looked around as they made it closer. The chattering of men on the docks made it easier for the two men to slip by, unnoticed. And onto the ship, they made it. Boosting each other up and pulling one another aboard the deck.
-As much as Nathan didn't quite.. fancy the situation him and his brother were in, he, too, was awestruck by it.. So much to explore, so little time.. But they paid time no mind. They snuck around and even pretended to be captain and pirate, dueling to claim a great treasure. Swords clashing, shared laughter, and merely children in men's bodies could be heard from the deck of the ship.
-And it was too late to turn back. Everyone was getting back aboard, clutching buckets and buckets of fresh fish and chum. Sam and Nathan dropped everything, finally snapping back to reality, and scurried to hide. Nathan was panicking, whilst Sam kept calm and only focused on getting them out of there.
-So far, they were doing fine and no one had spotted them as they backed away. But suddenly, they both bumped their backs against something– rather someone so big that they could be mistaken for a rough, massive object.
- "Trespassers!" The man yelled, getting a hold on Sam and Nathan, shoving them forward as they struggled against his iron grip. Everyone gathered around them, protesting in unintelligible words.
- "Stop!" Came a stern, demanding voice. Yet, it was soothing in a way– calming. Soft, even. It made everyone freeze. Sam and Nathan included. The boys watched the captain of the ship approaching them. They saw how the crowd parted into two groups, like the sea when Moses walked it. And towards them walked a beautiful woman– taking steps at the pace of molasses. Her head was held high as if she owned the world.
-And suddenly, all struggle left Sam's body and for what seemed to be the umpteenth time that day, his breath hitched in his throat once the woman looked at him. As if his very soul was sucked from his body.
- "Let them go, gentlemen." She ordered and, immediately, Sam and Nathan were let go. Questions seemed to fill her eyes as she looked up at the two brothers and they were the same. But with the power she had over that crew of large, beastly men suggested that she was – in fact – the captain of the ship.
-Sam couldn't help but stare at her in awe. She wasn't nearly as tall as he was. On the contrary, she was probably the smallest person in this sea of men that swarmed her. But with the aura that surrounded her, she seemed to tower over everyone.
-The older Drake couldn't help but allow a smirk to show on his handsome features. He enjoyed the presence of beautiful women. But he had no idea that a powerful woman would be even more intriguing than a woman who would be at his beck and call. She was by no means easy and was going to prove to be a challenge and Sam loved nothing more than a good challenge.
-Nathan, however, was the one sane enough to answer all of her questions after she'd ignored Sam's flirtatious smile and his little "Hey. How are you?" in an attempted, sultry voice that didn't even scratch the rough surface of her hardened spirit.
-She introduced herself with a firm, rough handshake that left the boys grimacing. (Y/N) was her name. She soon found out that the brothers could read maps, had knowledge about the stars, and she could tell that through the way Sam was so enthusiastically engaging with her in talks about the sea and the ocean and its wonders that he'd wanted this for a long time. It almost reminded her of how it was like being a poverty-stricken orphan, begging around in her town.
-And, hesitantly but without her authority wavering, she offered the boys to join her on her next travel across the South China sea. And maybe on every adventure there was to come.
-The brothers kindly asked for a chance to think it through and discuss it among themselves and, as soon as the cabin door closed to give them privacy, Sam was all over the place, hollering and cheering for the "chance of a lifetime" as Nathan stood with an amused smile, his arms crossed over his chest as he watched his brother prancing about, listing the opportunities and things they might stumble upon through their adventures.
-And, reluctantly, Nathan agreed with an unsure nod that made Sam pull him into a bone-crushing hug that Nathan returned with a breathless laugh, patting his back and telling him to "take it easy".
-And so it began. The ship was heading away from the docks, with two new members aboard.
-The captain was not easy, nor was she lenient. But she was kind and showed small acts of compassion that only Sam could notice. He was watching her like a hawk. He followed her every move when he thought she wasn't paying attention. While laying out her plans, Sam's focus would be all on her and he'd make suggestions that made them lock eyes for a few seconds, with Sam flashing a cocky yet warm smile that made her rip her gaze away, clear her throat, and agree to his plans.
-He was adorably charming. As cliche as it was, he had his very own sea shanties that other crew members hopped on while going about their daily, mundane chores. Everyone loved the man. He could hold his drink down, had the most ridiculous, filthiest jokes, and proved useful in almost every area, just like his little brother who was just as outgoing.
-The hardened captain couldn't help but smile lightly as she watched the tall, handsome Drake going about his day. His laugh would echo throughout the ship to infect almost every single passenger. They'd know then that he was up to his usual shenanigans with one of his crew members.
-Sam would not relent when it came to his favorite ship captain. He had dignity and knew when to back away when he left her all flustered because of one of his many ridiculous nicknames that almost cost him his life the first time he'd said it. "Sweetheart" and "Beautiful" was among the very many nicknames he used on her when he'd bombard her with grabbing her waist and dancing around before dipping her and bringing her up again in his strong arms, only to leave her with a deep frown and a frantically beating heart.
-He was very trusted by her, nonetheless. He'd sometimes give orders around and drive the ship instead of her while she got a few hours of shut-eye. This continued every night and sometimes, Nathan would cover for Sam when he'd be too drunk to function properly.
-It was one night that Sam had the wheel in his hand, his hair softly getting blown by the easy sea breeze, his eyes glued to the horizon, and a soft, content smile gracing his lips. The subtle, steady rocking of the ship from underneath them was somehow comforting to the man and he inhaled his blessing deeply, letting it all in his system before slowly breathing it out.
-He thought he was alone. But, no. There she was, emerging from the cabins behind him. She watched his back for a few seconds, her eyes twinkling at his calm posture. It was so obvious that he was deep in thought.
-She'd hate to interrupt him, but on the nights she couldn't sleep, she'd always secretly wished for company and now that he was there, it was tempting to walk up to him. And so she did, taking ginger steps up the wooden stairs that led to her newest, most trusted crew member.
-"Evening, sailor.." Came her surprisingly soft, soothing voice to snap him out of his thoughts. He whipped his head to look at her, the look on his face expressing nothing but mild surprise. She had a small, thin smile across her face as she stood next to him, her eyes glued ahead. He'd never seen her like that before. Hair draped over her shoulders. She was in an off-shoulder top and her usual black pants that had buckles everywhere, and she was barefoot. He couldn't help but smile and look ahead as well, the periodic croaking of the ship filling the silence, "Evenin', cap'n."
-They stayed in comfortable silence for a little while and Sam noticed her looking down at her hands as they picked on splinters on the wooden railing, "What're you doin' up?" He asked, to which she sighed softly. "Couldn't sleep." She simply replied, rocking on the outside of her heels a little.
-This piqued Sam's concern. He had never seen her so fidgety before. She seemed slightly shaken and timid. He had to ask. And, reluctantly, she replied. She came forward about all her reoccurring nightmares. Losing all of this– losing her crew. Her family. The people she cared for and loved for so long.
-He was taken aback by her honesty with him. She told him everything and it was so moving for him– that she trusted him THAT much.
-And just when he noticed a thin layer of held back tears, he took her hands in his and turned to her slowly. She turned to him as well, in completely different skin. She needed him. She wanted to be held and loved. She'd ignored his charming advances for almost two months, but she was still human and Sam was the only one who treated her as such.
- "Hey.." He softly spoke, looking into her eyes with utmost adoration, his hands coming up to cup her face, his thumb swiping against the skin of her cheeks that heated up at the simple, intimate gesture. It made him smile softly, "I'm here.." He assured her. And he could swear that his heart almost leapt from his mouth when her palms pressed against his chest. He took in a deep breath and shook his head, exhaling shakily, "You don't have to go through that anymore." He told her, with as much sincerity as he could manage. His fingers tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and the touch made her sniffle and become more emotional.
-She never thought she was worthy of that kind of love. And as if Sam heard her concerns, he refuted them by pressing his lips against hers, stealing her breath away.
-It was magical. She was a completely different person in his arms. And she returned the passionate kiss shortly, making Sam inhale deeply, his brows arching in desperation. He, too, was a completely different person when it came to her touch or smile or even the slight shake of her head after he throws one of his pick-up lines her way.
-And the wheel on the ship was tied with the railing with a rope, holding it in place securely, while the two got busy in the captain's very own cabin. They got lost in a fog of their desperate moans and whispers of sweet nothings under the dim candle lighting. Their grips on each other was all that tethered them to reality– to planet earth. They couldn't get nearly enough from each other and they only relented when Sam collapsed next to her, trying to catch his breath.
-It was the same way for another month. No crew member noticed, but Nathan knew everything. Sam didn't usually kiss and tell like the grown man he was, but the nights left questionable marks on his neck and chest that only Nathan noticed as he and Sam jumped into clean attire. And upon the question of what that was, Sam gave a dreamy sigh and spilled everything to his little brother.
-It was no shock. Sam was incredibly charming and could wrap anyone around his fingers, but what intrigued the younger Drake was how the captain had Sam wrapped around her fingers just as much.
-Pretty soon, everyone started noticing and gossiping and seeing the not-so-discrete kisses they shared when they thought no one was looking. For their own sakes, they kept their mouths shut about it but they knew that the two belonged to each other.
-Sam was right. He was a man of the sea. And she wore the name of captain with pride. She made sure she was worthy of the title.
-The years flew by, and soon the boat had little rascals running around. The products of the captain and Sam's many late night escapades.. They were just as fierce and as stubborn and wild as their parents and Nathan was the proud uncle of both of them.
-And as Sam watched his wife spoiling their children with kisses, a newfound glimmer in her eyes and glow on her skin, a smile would tug up on his lips.
-He was right, yet again. This proved to be the greatest adventure. The adventure of getting to fall in love with her over and over again every single day.
Tags: @missdictatorme , @samdrakeftw , @yaeji-passion , @easy-and-steady , @the-drakeboys , @the-winchesterboys , @s4mdrake , @hrgnm , @purplezebra68 , @elledrake , @writer-jamie
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Girl Crush (Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor Imagine)
I wrote this after listening to ‘Girl Crush’ and broke my own heart. 
Also posted on AO3.
Warnings: angst, bits of fluff, bits of swearing, as a whole, very, very lovely. 
Additional details: → Based on the song ‘Girl Crush’ cover version by Harry Styles. It’s on Spotify if you wanna listen to it or maybe I’ll put it down there. 
           → Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor, but you can imagine Roger alone or Ben, if                  you feel like it.
           → Action taking place at present.
PLOT: You are confused as hell while Roger knows for sure that he’s in love with you. So, he puts that into a song. 
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(Credits to Greta Myklegard for the GIF on Pinterest.)
„C’mon, he wants you there more than anyone else.” Brian says, in a final attempt to make you move from the couch you are sitting in this moment. You know he’s in a rush and you are only making things worse for him, but he doesn’t give up. „Y/N, look, we have 40 minutes left and if you think about doing something, you should make a decision right about now. Forget about the argument, it’s the most insignificant thing now for you both.” So many thoughts, so little time. You thought. Brian looks up at the clock on the wall and you feel the urge to tell him to go. You just don’t want to make him be late or annoy him even more. And he, being the sweet guy he is, never admits the fact that you annoy him.
For maybe the millionth time today, your mind travelled back to a particular person. Blue eyes, beautiful blonde hair and, you should add, a big temper even though he acts like this shy boy every once in a while. And you were mad, but having his image in your head helped a bit through the phase. You are a very bad person and Roger is the last person to deserve to be treated like this. That is why staying in your pajamas in your house to spend the rest of the night was a better idea than going anywhere out . You wouldn’t hurt anyone.
„I still don’t hear you saying a single thing.” The curly one says again, somehow resisting to the impulse of pinching your arm or something like that.
„That is because I don’t feel good. I don’t feel comfortable coming tonight. I’ll ruin your moment, I don’t wanna do that.” You say with your thoughts all a mess inside your head.
„Neither does Roger. I saw him today, he clearly was pissed. But you know what? Yours and his pride shouldn’t be bigger than they way you need each other. Remember that you were there everytime.
Bloody hell. He shouldn’t have said that like that.
„I’m right here.”
„I don’t have a very good feeling about it, but I’ll be back in 12 minutes.” You say and in one second, you’re standing on your own feet. Brian smiles at you, somehow relieved that he didn’t have to spend too much time convincing you or contradict your opinions. You reached your bedroom and put on the most easier to find clothes. It wasn’t a formal thing or something which needed a significant part of care, it was just a little concert in a bar. You combed your wild hair, applied some mascara and lip gloss and you thought you were ready. Phisically, at least. You put your phone in the back pocket of your jeans and then went back to Brian, who was up from the couch, waiting impatiently for you.
„I’m okay.” You assure, but don’t know from where this comes from. You grab your house keys from the coffee table and in a few moments you are in the passenger’s seat in Brian’s car.
Roger. Your mind whispers. While you bite the inside of your cheek, his face appears in front of your eyes. He is so naive. Or, are you naive?
You didn’t have to tell him all those things. It was obvious that he didn’t need any of them, nor was his intention to confuse you. Yet, you are still so confused. Because you have no idea how you should act around him. He does these things … And you don’t know if you’re supposed to accept them or not. He has feelings for you. This is showing on him, it has been for a lot of time now. And somehow, this complicates your situation even more. Roger is a great person. He is a handsome man and an amazing friend, but is this how it should be? His actions towards you have always spoken more for him than his words. How he looks at you when you’re around him, how he tries to make you laugh and how he offers to help you so often you feel almost ungrateful. He’s so nice, it’s almost unbelieveable. You, on the other hand and in comparison, are in doubts and can only create complications with your beliefs.
„This … I think this is not right. Please, why you keep doing those things for me? I-I can’t make up for it, I don’t think I could feel the same for you, Roger. I don’t know, don’t force me.”
„I’m not trying to force you, Y/N, don’t say that. Why is this so hard for you to get? I just want you good, it’s so nice for me to see you smile and all that … But maybe that makes me a damn burden and I can totally understand it.”
Ugh, remembering this day’s events is awful. And the argument. It’s miserable.
„Remember that you were there everytime.” And Brian is right. Not just because he’s more conscious than you, but because it is true. You met Roger and the band he’s in exactly at the bar you are now heading to. It hapenned on a night when you decided to stop studying and stressing over final exams and get out of the house. Your mood was completely shitty, you reckon, and that made you give up for some hours. You entered the bar which was, back then, filled with teenagers who were almost the same age as you, drinking and simply having fun to your disadvantage. You found out that someone’s about to light up the atmosphere with some music only when a group of men became the center of attention. One held a mic, who’s name was Freddie, two of them had guitars, Brian and John and one more, Roger, positioned himself behind a drum set in the back. His messy hair back then was the first thing to catch you attention. When they started singing along with playing their instruments, there was this blast for your ears. They have totally disconnected you from your too full universe. Made you smile while admiring their talent and then cheering with the crowd when they were done. The memory makes you tremble now. It’s been almost two years since. Ever since, you were lucky enough to be present everytime they sang there. You got to know their songs in order and witness the new ones on occasions. They had power, a lot of talent, they were skilled and entertained every single person in the little crowded bar which became, by the way, more and more popular because of them. By having the courage to congratulate them, without even noticing, you became friends. It was an uncertain fact at first, but it became stable on the way. The truth was they were normal people, all in all. Normal people with a passion that brought them together to amaze the others. Music was an important hobby for them, but they have said that it would never be serious enough to make a living out of it.
Oh boy, how wrong they were.
The more people came to watch them playing on different nights and get drunk in addition, the more popular they became. And it just happened for you to be there when a man in uniform offered them the occasion to visit a recording studio. That was it. Everything went smooth, enjoyable and crazy. Absolutely crazy. Their first album followed shortly after that and now they go under the band name ‚Queen’.  
To get along with Roger was an interesting process. He was the ladie’s man with fast hands and drumsticks. But the thing was that he never looked after any woman in particular. He only looked after … Well, you. It was confusing to understand how and why, but you just assmued that you don’t have to explain everything and believed that, eventually, things will clarify. It was easy to say that Roger didn’t give up on his purpose. He never really lost any opportunity to take you out to dinner, flirt with you and smile in that way he does. Although you tried to avoid getting closer and closer, he’s always managed to pull you closer. He didn’t try anything on you still, never kissed you or tell you clearly what was that he wanted. But it was already obvious and the thought, the aspects of it scared you, if it’s to be honest. Why? Is still your question.
Why letting Roger to have you was so confusing and hard to get?
You wish you had an actual answer to that.
There were a lot of guys around you. There was this one, Anthony, who got under your skin a little, unfortunately for Roger. Not that you wanted to be rude. Only God knows, you cared about Roger too much, he earned that from you, but the way Anthony was seemed to feel right. It seemed to feel like it was appropriate for you, while when you were around your blonde one made you feel your skin burning, your stomach squeezing and your hands sweating. Could you name that?
No. You never did.
 „You seriously scare me when you are so deep into your thoughts.” Brian’s voice snaps you back to reality when you realize that you are biting your lower lip hard enough to make the blood spill out. Hopefully, that didn’t happen.
„What? We arrived?” You ask.
„Yeah, we’re here. 20 more minutes.”
You got out of the car, facing the bar. The wind blowing freshened your tenseness. Your hands are squeezed into fists, but there’s barely a thing you could do about that. Still, you manage to move, nervous. The inside of the bar is already full and the smell of alcohol and cigarettes gets to your nose quickly. It’s loud in here, mostly because everyone is excited. The boys are back from tour and decided to have a mini-show back at the bar where it all started. Like a ‚hi there again’ for everyone who watched their performances throughout the years. They were clearly important individuals now.
Brian suggested you to stay near the stage and then he rushed somwhere in the back. No one could call that a backstage because there wasn’t one. It was just a tiny space behind the stage, where they got used to encourage themselves before the show, laugh, have shots and practice a little. You know Roger use to play with his drumsticks there, hitting the air imaginary and throwing them up. Once, one of the drumsticks even hit him in the eye, but he didn’t complain, because he saw that you were secretly looking.
You ordered a glass of something strong for your state of mind and waited patiently. That is all you can do for now. The air is filled with eagerness, people are moving too fast around and there is no trace of your boys. No.
Stay. Don’t you dare to think of leaving.
The crowd started to whisper loudly when the lights dimmed and the little stage was all Freddie’s. He appeared, wearing a not so bold of an outfit as you were used to, smiling and waving to everyone. From behind, there came John, Brian and finally, the ladie’s man. He lifted his hands in the air, along with his drumsticks and smiled warmly. You suddenly felt the need to smile as well, seeing him form afar. He has his hair slightly wavy maybe from the humid air and wears black skinny jeans with a plain white, elbows-lenght shirt. This look makes him be even more handsome, with his white teeth and soft, blue eye. You bite your lip unconsciously.
They start playing and it’s pure bliss. The people are absorbed by them, singing along and dancing around like some super happy freaks. Their hands are quickly in the air, yelling from excitement and spilling their drinks on the floor without being bothered. You stand still, in a poor-lighted corner with your empty galss in your hand, wanting so hard to move and dance with the others. These boys are awesome. But you can’t move, just swing a little from left to right because Roger managed to see you at some point. He seemed a bit shocked until trying to hide it. His drumming was intense, hair being a mess, cheeks flushed and wet lips while he was looking in your direction. You tried to grin, liftting your glass in the air and making him smirk for a bit.
Yeah, your pride wasn’t bigger than the way you needed each other. It’s true, for God’s sake, but you’re a fool for the record and will never admit this.
Only looking at Roger, a last song was heard and then people started to scream again, loving the atmosphere the boys created. They stood on the stage and took all the noise, all that cheering into their souls, breathing fire and joy. You placed your glass on the the bar’s counter and exited your ‚safe’ place, approaching the stage but still being covered by the crowd.
„Alright, we’re not done just yet.” Freddie says in the mic. He looks at Roger from behind his shoulder and continues. „Our friends right here needs to do something. Come here, buddy.” You watch as Roger steps forward. His breathing is fast, you can see. A moment of silence later, he speaks:
„I’ll apologize in advance if I’ll sound like shit, I’m trying though.” His face is all sweaty and red, but he’s so beautiful. With the mic now in his hands, he looks at Brian who jusy enjoyed him. He nods, everyone becomes quiet and you tense up.
A gentle guitar sound is heard and your hands start shaking. Roger finds you in the crowd and while looking right into your eyes, he says:
„This is for my girl.”
 „I got a girl crush …”
 Your heartbeats speed up. Your feet take you right in front of the stage in a desperate attempt to understand what is happening. You know this song. You know this song and it sounds painfully good from his mouth.
 „Hate to admit it but
I got a heart rush
It ain't slowing down
I got it real bad
Want everything she has
That smile and that midnight laugh
She's giving you now”
 You pity him. It’s so lame and unecessary, but you do. Something inside of you flinches and a knot is forming in your throat.
 „I want to taste her lips
Yeah, ’cause they taste like you
I want to drown myself
In a bottle of her perfume”
 Roger is nervous too, you can see that by the way he tightens his grip on the mic. His voice can tremble in any moment, he’s so concentrated as he lays his forehead on the mic head. The lights are all on him, at a decent amount of intensity.
„I want her long blonde hair
I want her magic touch
Yeah, 'cause maybe then
You'd want me just as much
And I've got a girl crush
I've got a girl crush”
 You can barely look around to see everyone watching him in awe. It almost makes a tear drop down your cheek, but you shouldn’t do that. They lift their hands up in the air once again, moving them along with the rhythm.
Oh, Roger …
 „I don't get no sleep
I don't get no peace
Thinking about her
Under your bed sheets”
 Anthony. For a strange reason, Anthony comes into your mind. The music reminds you of how you slept with him for the first time. Roger knows nothing about this, and should never find out. But you feel guilty. On that night, Anthony, although he was hugging you from behind in his bed, wasn’t the one you thought about. Roger was.
 „The way that she's whispering
The way that she's pulling you in
Lord knows I've tried
I can't get her off my mind”
 You couldn’t breathe properly. You’re so nervous and you have any idea why. It’s so frustrating and it makes your face red with feelings. There was this day once, when you cut one of your fingers with a knife while trying to cook something alone. You’ve tried to cook before, but only simple recipes. You swore a lot when the knife slipped in your hand and cut a wound in your finger. You couldn’t stand blood, so you rushed to the hospital to get stitches. You called both Anthony and Roger, maybe one of them was willing to take you back home. And guess who came first.
Not Anthony.
Roger. And he was worried as hell. He checked your finger, the bandage and asked if you were okay. His touches on you were gentle, they were sweet and caring and you remember how warm that made you feel.
 „I want to taste her lips
Yeah, 'cause they taste like you
I want to drown myself
In a bottle of her perfume
I want her long blonde hair
I want her magic touch
Yeah, 'cause maybe then
You'd want me just as much”
 It’s so weird, you feel him so vulnerable. You can’t be pissed anymore, there’s no point in that. Everything in you tells you that you need to go up there and hug him. He doesn’t look at you anymore, he’s looking at the crowd. Some of them are crying, some of them are leaning against each other and dance in silence. Brian plays at his guitar with fine touches. Freddie and John are doing the backing vocals, they murmur together like two birds and you can swear you are in love.  But Roger loves you and he’s trying to get this right for you.
And you feel so bad for it.
„And I've got a girl crush
Oh, and I got a girl crush”
 You try to handle when Roger turns to look at you and dries his lips. His eyes glow, and seeing him this way, you try to smile as beautiful and true as you can. He swallows hard before singing the last notes of the song that made you love him so freaking much.
 „I got a girl crush
Hate to admit it but
I got a heart rush
It ain't slowing down”
 When he finishes, a silent moment goes by. He lets out a shaky breath and then, right there, the crowd begins to applaud and call out his name. And you can’t lose this chance. You clap your hands so hard while he gets your sight and smiles so little. You close your eyes and decide it is time to slow down. All these things for you. Roger Taylor is ruining you right now, but it’s fine as long as you did that too to him.
Trying to calm down from your weak moment, you wait for the bar to empty in order to catch your breath. The need for fresh air is inevitable. Still, you can hold on for a couple of minutes more. Brian, Freddie, John and Roger aren’t anywhere close so you start wandering around. Suddenly, Brian takes your hand and points you forward, where Roger is staying, unable to see you. He is holding his head down and the image is terrible. You nod to Brian and he smiles back at you, trying to send you some boldness. You walk towards Roger and when you are right behind him, your arms wrap around his warm body. He doesn’t jump taken aback, he doesn’t move. Your head creeps on his shoulder where you see him with both of his hands placed on a glass with a dark-colored liquid in it.
„’Drowning your sorrows in alcohol, huh?” You speak in his ear, his bittersweet scent hitting on your senses.
„It’s just Coke. If it was alcohol, then I would’ve been wasted by now in terms of how I’m feeling.” He doesn’t turn his head at you and you can guess it’s because he’s somewhat ashamed.
„Roger?” You whisper. „Look at me, please.”
He does. His eyes find yours and they’re a bit red. Did he cry?  
„We will stare in each other’s eyes now?” He asked with sarcasm. Still, his voice was weak.
You giggled. Then, your hands cupped his cheeks. What followed was shocking for both of you. Lips to lips, you two kissed. It was lingering, a little needy at first and then slow. Your lips were hot, feelings tangled and fingers numb on his skin. He placed his hands on your wirsts, applying pressure as he kept his lips glued to yours. A light strong taste from his tongue was now in your mouth and you immediately knew he lied earlier.
„Is that whiskey I’ve just felt in your mouth, love?”
„Just a little.” He answered, giving you that smirk which, right now, makes you lose your mind.
„Thank you so much, Roger. So, so much. You were beautiful out there. So, damn sweet.” You know your words could be meaningless compared to what he did tonight for you. But this was all you could do. You feel dizzy even tough you barely drank. You assume it’s because of what happened.
„It wasn’t a big thing. I’m not the romantic type, you know?”
„I know. I need some air, do you want to take a walk with me? We need to talk.” You say, not breaking eye-contact for a single second. He dared to intertwine his fingers with yours and then stand up. You hold his hand carefully while guiding him to the exit. The night is chilly just as it has to be to cool you down, but with Roger by your side, your whole body is burning. Confusion is lost, hopefully forever.
Let’s talk about Ben Hardy as Roger Taylor wearing a plain white, elbows-lenght shirt, okay? My heart is too weak for that. I’m nervous about this because I spent a lot of time writing it and I hope you will enjoy. Thank you so much in advance for reading! Heart, reblog, comment, whatever, it will be enormously appreciated and kind of you! Opinions really, really help me and make me wanna continue writing. :)
xoxo, D.
11 notes · View notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Tearing It Up - Learn Heavy Metal Guitar
New Post has been published on http://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/tearing-it-up-learn-heavy-metal-guitar/
Tearing It Up - Learn Heavy Metal Guitar
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    “Would You Like To Learn All the Heavy Metal Metal Guitar Chords And Scales You Need to Play 90% of Metal Songs in Under 31 Days Without the Expense of Pricey Ongoing Lessons?”
Sick of boring and complicated theory?  I know how you feel, you just wanna plug in, crank up the distortion and volume and start thrashing to your favorite tune right? I teach you how right here…
Hey Fellow Guitarist! Phil Here,
Oh man, it’s such a pain in the ass when you want to start rocking but your fingers don’t seem to do what you want them to do right? I know, I’ve been there.
It’s not your fault as most teachers will have you drudging though boring chords and scales that have nothing to do with metal.
Yes, you can learn these later, but for now, you can get by with the main chords most of the top metal bands use.
As I type this, I’m watching a Black Sabbath DVD, and for the most part, Tony Iommi is playing two finger metal chords! Many of the guitarist today can’t even read a note of music!
Here’s the Good News!
If you want a system that is easy to follow, but will challenge you to progress quickly which you can feel and hear, then this is the course you have been waiting for.
Look, let me level with you, you DO have to practise to get good, so any courses that tell you otherwise are talking s**T I’m afraid, but are hard ways of playing guitar, and there are easier ways of playing guitar.
And let me tell you, once I get you over that initial hurdle, you’ll be amazed how satisfying it is to plug in your amp, turn up the volume and strike a thick, crunchy power chord which makes your chest vibrate.
Oh, and you’ll quickly realise how cool people will think you are when you can play even the simplest of tunes, especially girls. Don’t ask me why, but as a teenager, when we had our band, girls always wanted to come and watch us practise…
This course isn’t boring because…
…you are going to be learning from videos, pictures and explanations, ensuring you can take the quickest route to playing what you wanna play.
Also as I’m sure you can tell already, it is written in a language that is easy to understand without any highbrow musical jargon. It just cuts to the chase so you can start playing as fast and quickly as possible.
You proberly already know tablature? If not then no worries, I’ve got you covered because not only does this couse include tab explanation, most of it doesn’t even require an understanding of tablature to get started.
Have fun while you learn
One thing you’ll notice quickly is you will be having fun with this system because you’ll be learning chords and scales that are the foundation of 90% of heavy metal songs.
Even if the initial novelty wears off, your enthusiasm and progress will be kept up to speed with worksheets and exercises.
Being able to quickly pick up and play your favourite metal songs is where the fun will really begin.
The good part is, this Ebook and Video course won’t cost you an arm and a leg.
No heavy fee up front.
No monthly payments. None of that…
In fact I reckon this has to be the best deal going if you want to learn metal guitar. But I’ll let you be the judge of that.
So why this will work for you?
Because I’ve been playing and teaching Heavy Metal and playing guitar since the age of 13 (I’m now 35). I’ve also played in many bands, enjoying some success with a UK Metal band called “Rough Justice”.
The method I use to teach is one that I used to teach my best friend who can now play faster than me. You see, a few years back I had a problem. I had a friend who wanted to play lead guitar in our band. We had a gig coming up at New Year’s Eve but he could barely play a few chords!
l thought I was doomed!
Now, I knew I couldn’t go through all the theory with him as that would take forever. But I noticed that when playing the majority of Heavy Metal songs there were certain chords that came up time and time again – with slight variations.
I also found that a lot of them could be simplified and still sound the same, especially when you added loads of distortion and volume. (In fact, the night of the gig, I made a few fluff-ups but somebody asked how I did the whole thing without a single mistake!!)
So I threw the theory book out the window and created a system which would teach him what he needed to know to play heavy metal guitar quickly!
All the stuff you need
I took all the essential chords which you need to play 90% of metal songs, simplified them in a way that they were easy to play but sounded the same and used these to learn enough songs to play a set list. And it worked! We did the gig using this method.
That New Year’s Eve we played to a packed-out hall of screaming metal fans! It’s a feeling you just can’t describe, although that feeling could be yours very soon.
(Oh yeah…I’ll never forget the look on the audience’s faces when our singer announced “Well, I’ve been asked not to swear tonight, and I think I’ve done pretty well, but unfortunately, the next song’s called F**king Hostile, but we’re gonna do it anyway!!!”)
I took everything I taught to my friend, improved on it and created an Exact Blueprint which you can follow to get the same results.  Introdicing “Tearing It Up”
Step-by-Step Illustrations show exactly how to pick up essential Heavy Metal Chords fast.
Sample Images from Ebook
Each Chord comes with a full explanation of which strings are being played, and at which Fret your fingers should be positioned at. The combination of text, images and videos truly make it the quickest way to learn.
It’s Not Rocket Science
Learning to play the electric guitar is not rocket-science. It’s easy and fun. When you start this fast-track course on Heavy Metal Guitar I’ll show you how to learn chords without reading music and you’ll be playing some cool covers in no time at all. It will still take some work and practice, but honestly, once you start to make progress, you won’t want to stop.
Wanna start a heavy metal band or just riff on your own? You can! It’s not that hard. If you’ve bought other guitar books and courses and given up, don’t let that discourage you. I’m here to show you how to play that axe like a rockstar.
In fact why not get all that old boring guitar lesson stuff out right now and have a barbecue with it in the backyard. Hang on to your guitar though – you’re gonna need it. You don’t have a guitar? Mate – run out and beg or borrow one right now!
So have fun with this. Practice 10 minutes a day (or as much as you want) because I can’t wait to hear you play and hear how you’re getting on…soon! I’m not going to sell you this course and then just leave you to work it out on your own. Nuh-uh. I’ll be with you every step of the way.
We have a Blog and an active Forum to go with it. I’ll give you a link to them with the course.
Here’s What This Course Will Do For You!
No more spending lots of money on private lessons which often are spent going over stuff you’ve already done before or not interested in. Instead, from this course you can expect to:
Here’s Exactly What You’re Getting
But Wait – There’s More! I’ve now added 13 Video Tutorials to the Mix
You get over 30 minutes of Video in 13 Tutorials demonstrating the main parts of the course to make sure you pick this stuff up as quickly as possible. It’s like looking over my shoulder as I show you how to play the chords and techniques from the Ebook.
As well as chords, these videos will show you how to do alternate picking, play harmonics (very cool), hammer-ons, pull-offs, finger-tapping and more. These are all essential heavy metal guitar techniques and I show you them all in one hit.
(I was planning on releasing these videos as a separate product – but what the hell – go for it. )
Here – check out one of the videos yourself-
By the way – don’t miss my special technique for using the plectrum to make the chord sound heavier.
How much would you expect to pay for all that? Have you seen what the other online courses are charging? I’m not going to charge you anywhere near that. In fact, I want to blow them all out of the water with the tremendous value I bring with this.
So What’s the Deal?
Here’s the hard-sell ha ha: You too, can now teach yourself to be a heavy metal guitarist – right at home – in a fraction of the usual time. You can’t go wrong with my accelerated method which has already shown heaps of people how to play metal. Forget the idea that you need some sort of special “musical talent.” Just send me money – lots of it. Kidding.
You can get this right now for $17. This is so affordable it’s a no-brainer.  Man, some guitar lessons are more than that for an hour. If you break it down it comes to about 20 cents a day over a year. Think you can afford that? 
Get “Tearing It Up” Now At 17 Dollars
Grab Your Free “Essential Metal Chords and Progress Cheatsheets” With the Course
If you really want to tear it up on the guitar, make loads of money, chuck TV sets out of five-star hotel rooms, get the girl and live happily ever after – buy my “Tearing it Up” course right now. And I’ll throw in these free “Essential Metal Chord Worksheets”.
We’ve done a lot of work on this product recently – made it better and better. And I’ve probably under-priced it at $17. Everyone tells me I’m just about giving the course away.
I’ve added heaps more content and a Blog and I’ll be giving you lots of bonuses (you should see what we’ve got in store for you – some killer deals on amps and guitars coming up for one thing). BUT: I can’t guarantee this course will stay at this price. Supply and demand and all that. So grab it now!
How Do I Get and Use This Course?
Upon purchase, you will be able to download the product immediately, even if you are up with the Vampires at 3 in the morning. You will also be given the opportunity to have the download links emailed to you, and the chance to revieve free life-time updates to the product.
The Ebook and worksheets are in pdf format, I will provide a free link to Adobe Reader which you will need to view them if you don’t already have it.
The videos are in WMV and MP4 format. Windows Media Player comes as standard with Windows, and I also provide a free download link to VLC Media Player if you’re not already able to view MP4s, so I’ve got you covered on all bases.
Depending on your Internet connection speed, you will be able to either download the entire product as one Zip file, or if you prefer, you can download each video and document individually. Simply use WinZip to unzip the files once they are on your computer.
By the way, I laughed recently when a customer of mine asked “why have I got those fake testimonials on my site”. I laughed because these are real testimonials from previous customers, yet when looked back at them myself I could see how other people might think they are made up. So, if customer reviews aren’t your thing, just skip past the next section.
LOOK at one of my customers below!
This is a YouTube clip one of my customers (Greg) uploaded. He came up with this riff himself, and listen how he really starts to get into it after the one minute mark. As I mention in my course, it’s not so much what you play, it’s HOW you play it. Give it some attitude!!!!
What about testimonials?
I have had great testimonials from previous customers, but I no longer print them here for a couple of reasons. Number one, it is probably hard to believe them as there is always that feeling I could have made them up right? Secondly and more importantly, the results you get will come down to one thing, how much effort you put into it and how much you practice. I can show you the path, but you have to put the work in too. However, if you are willing to do that and get over that initial hump, you will find playing the guitar VERY rewarding.
P.S. Don’t Give Up Your Day Job. I’m not gonna BS you here. My heavy metal guitar method won’t have you the giving up the day job anytime soon. It’ll have you playing some heavy stuff pretty quick but you’re gonna have to practice. Sorry about that chief. But at least you won’t be practising boring stuff from The Sound of Music. We’re gonna rip and slash some heavy metal guitar chords to begin with.
Get “Tearing It Up” Now At 17 Dollars
Your Iron-Clad, No-Risk, All-Your-Money-Back, 2 Month Guarantee!
Your ‘Tearing It Up” Guide comes with a no questions asked 100% money back Guarantee.
If for any reason, you decide that ‘Tearing It Up’ just isn’t for you, you’ll get every penny back.
In fact, I’m so confident you’ll be fully satisfied with the product, you can keep the guide no matter what – as my way of saying “Thank you for trying it out”.
So as you can see, you have absolutely no risk in ordering – all the risk is on me!
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Tearing It Up - Learn Heavy Metal Guitar
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/tearing-it-up-learn-heavy-metal-guitar/
Tearing It Up - Learn Heavy Metal Guitar
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    “Would You Like To Learn All the Heavy Metal Metal Guitar Chords And Scales You Need to Play 90% of Metal Songs in Under 31 Days Without the Expense of Pricey Ongoing Lessons?”
Sick of boring and complicated theory?  I know how you feel, you just wanna plug in, crank up the distortion and volume and start thrashing to your favorite tune right? I teach you how right here…
Hey Fellow Guitarist! Phil Here,
Oh man, it’s such a pain in the ass when you want to start rocking but your fingers don’t seem to do what you want them to do right? I know, I’ve been there.
It’s not your fault as most teachers will have you drudging though boring chords and scales that have nothing to do with metal.
Yes, you can learn these later, but for now, you can get by with the main chords most of the top metal bands use.
As I type this, I’m watching a Black Sabbath DVD, and for the most part, Tony Iommi is playing two finger metal chords! Many of the guitarist today can’t even read a note of music!
Here’s the Good News!
If you want a system that is easy to follow, but will challenge you to progress quickly which you can feel and hear, then this is the course you have been waiting for.
Look, let me level with you, you DO have to practise to get good, so any courses that tell you otherwise are talking s**T I’m afraid, but are hard ways of playing guitar, and there are easier ways of playing guitar.
And let me tell you, once I get you over that initial hurdle, you’ll be amazed how satisfying it is to plug in your amp, turn up the volume and strike a thick, crunchy power chord which makes your chest vibrate.
Oh, and you’ll quickly realise how cool people will think you are when you can play even the simplest of tunes, especially girls. Don’t ask me why, but as a teenager, when we had our band, girls always wanted to come and watch us practise…
This course isn’t boring because…
…you are going to be learning from videos, pictures and explanations, ensuring you can take the quickest route to playing what you wanna play.
Also as I’m sure you can tell already, it is written in a language that is easy to understand without any highbrow musical jargon. It just cuts to the chase so you can start playing as fast and quickly as possible.
You proberly already know tablature? If not then no worries, I’ve got you covered because not only does this couse include tab explanation, most of it doesn’t even require an understanding of tablature to get started.
Have fun while you learn
One thing you’ll notice quickly is you will be having fun with this system because you’ll be learning chords and scales that are the foundation of 90% of heavy metal songs.
Even if the initial novelty wears off, your enthusiasm and progress will be kept up to speed with worksheets and exercises.
Being able to quickly pick up and play your favourite metal songs is where the fun will really begin.
The good part is, this Ebook and Video course won’t cost you an arm and a leg.
No heavy fee up front.
No monthly payments. None of that…
In fact I reckon this has to be the best deal going if you want to learn metal guitar. But I’ll let you be the judge of that.
So why this will work for you?
Because I’ve been playing and teaching Heavy Metal and playing guitar since the age of 13 (I’m now 35). I’ve also played in many bands, enjoying some success with a UK Metal band called “Rough Justice”.
The method I use to teach is one that I used to teach my best friend who can now play faster than me. You see, a few years back I had a problem. I had a friend who wanted to play lead guitar in our band. We had a gig coming up at New Year’s Eve but he could barely play a few chords!
l thought I was doomed!
Now, I knew I couldn’t go through all the theory with him as that would take forever. But I noticed that when playing the majority of Heavy Metal songs there were certain chords that came up time and time again – with slight variations.
I also found that a lot of them could be simplified and still sound the same, especially when you added loads of distortion and volume. (In fact, the night of the gig, I made a few fluff-ups but somebody asked how I did the whole thing without a single mistake!!)
So I threw the theory book out the window and created a system which would teach him what he needed to know to play heavy metal guitar quickly!
All the stuff you need
I took all the essential chords which you need to play 90% of metal songs, simplified them in a way that they were easy to play but sounded the same and used these to learn enough songs to play a set list. And it worked! We did the gig using this method.
That New Year’s Eve we played to a packed-out hall of screaming metal fans! It’s a feeling you just can’t describe, although that feeling could be yours very soon.
(Oh yeah…I’ll never forget the look on the audience’s faces when our singer announced “Well, I’ve been asked not to swear tonight, and I think I’ve done pretty well, but unfortunately, the next song’s called F**king Hostile, but we’re gonna do it anyway!!!”)
I took everything I taught to my friend, improved on it and created an Exact Blueprint which you can follow to get the same results.  Introdicing “Tearing It Up”
Step-by-Step Illustrations show exactly how to pick up essential Heavy Metal Chords fast.
Sample Images from Ebook
Each Chord comes with a full explanation of which strings are being played, and at which Fret your fingers should be positioned at. The combination of text, images and videos truly make it the quickest way to learn.
It’s Not Rocket Science
Learning to play the electric guitar is not rocket-science. It’s easy and fun. When you start this fast-track course on Heavy Metal Guitar I’ll show you how to learn chords without reading music and you’ll be playing some cool covers in no time at all. It will still take some work and practice, but honestly, once you start to make progress, you won’t want to stop.
Wanna start a heavy metal band or just riff on your own? You can! It’s not that hard. If you’ve bought other guitar books and courses and given up, don’t let that discourage you. I’m here to show you how to play that axe like a rockstar.
In fact why not get all that old boring guitar lesson stuff out right now and have a barbecue with it in the backyard. Hang on to your guitar though – you’re gonna need it. You don’t have a guitar? Mate – run out and beg or borrow one right now!
So have fun with this. Practice 10 minutes a day (or as much as you want) because I can’t wait to hear you play and hear how you’re getting on…soon! I’m not going to sell you this course and then just leave you to work it out on your own. Nuh-uh. I’ll be with you every step of the way.
We have a Blog and an active Forum to go with it. I’ll give you a link to them with the course.
Here’s What This Course Will Do For You!
No more spending lots of money on private lessons which often are spent going over stuff you’ve already done before or not interested in. Instead, from this course you can expect to:
Here’s Exactly What You’re Getting
But Wait – There’s More! I’ve now added 13 Video Tutorials to the Mix
You get over 30 minutes of Video in 13 Tutorials demonstrating the main parts of the course to make sure you pick this stuff up as quickly as possible. It’s like looking over my shoulder as I show you how to play the chords and techniques from the Ebook.
As well as chords, these videos will show you how to do alternate picking, play harmonics (very cool), hammer-ons, pull-offs, finger-tapping and more. These are all essential heavy metal guitar techniques and I show you them all in one hit.
(I was planning on releasing these videos as a separate product – but what the hell – go for it. )
Here – check out one of the videos yourself-
By the way – don’t miss my special technique for using the plectrum to make the chord sound heavier.
How much would you expect to pay for all that? Have you seen what the other online courses are charging? I’m not going to charge you anywhere near that. In fact, I want to blow them all out of the water with the tremendous value I bring with this.
So What’s the Deal?
Here’s the hard-sell ha ha: You too, can now teach yourself to be a heavy metal guitarist – right at home – in a fraction of the usual time. You can’t go wrong with my accelerated method which has already shown heaps of people how to play metal. Forget the idea that you need some sort of special “musical talent.” Just send me money – lots of it. Kidding.
You can get this right now for $17. This is so affordable it’s a no-brainer.  Man, some guitar lessons are more than that for an hour. If you break it down it comes to about 20 cents a day over a year. Think you can afford that? 
Get “Tearing It Up” Now At 17 Dollars
Grab Your Free “Essential Metal Chords and Progress Cheatsheets” With the Course
If you really want to tear it up on the guitar, make loads of money, chuck TV sets out of five-star hotel rooms, get the girl and live happily ever after – buy my “Tearing it Up” course right now. And I’ll throw in these free “Essential Metal Chord Worksheets”.
We’ve done a lot of work on this product recently – made it better and better. And I’ve probably under-priced it at $17. Everyone tells me I’m just about giving the course away.
I’ve added heaps more content and a Blog and I’ll be giving you lots of bonuses (you should see what we’ve got in store for you – some killer deals on amps and guitars coming up for one thing). BUT: I can’t guarantee this course will stay at this price. Supply and demand and all that. So grab it now!
How Do I Get and Use This Course?
Upon purchase, you will be able to download the product immediately, even if you are up with the Vampires at 3 in the morning. You will also be given the opportunity to have the download links emailed to you, and the chance to revieve free life-time updates to the product.
The Ebook and worksheets are in pdf format, I will provide a free link to Adobe Reader which you will need to view them if you don’t already have it.
The videos are in WMV and MP4 format. Windows Media Player comes as standard with Windows, and I also provide a free download link to VLC Media Player if you’re not already able to view MP4s, so I’ve got you covered on all bases.
Depending on your Internet connection speed, you will be able to either download the entire product as one Zip file, or if you prefer, you can download each video and document individually. Simply use WinZip to unzip the files once they are on your computer.
By the way, I laughed recently when a customer of mine asked “why have I got those fake testimonials on my site”. I laughed because these are real testimonials from previous customers, yet when looked back at them myself I could see how other people might think they are made up. So, if customer reviews aren’t your thing, just skip past the next section.
LOOK at one of my customers below!
This is a YouTube clip one of my customers (Greg) uploaded. He came up with this riff himself, and listen how he really starts to get into it after the one minute mark. As I mention in my course, it’s not so much what you play, it’s HOW you play it. Give it some attitude!!!!
What about testimonials?
I have had great testimonials from previous customers, but I no longer print them here for a couple of reasons. Number one, it is probably hard to believe them as there is always that feeling I could have made them up right? Secondly and more importantly, the results you get will come down to one thing, how much effort you put into it and how much you practice. I can show you the path, but you have to put the work in too. However, if you are willing to do that and get over that initial hump, you will find playing the guitar VERY rewarding.
P.S. Don’t Give Up Your Day Job. I’m not gonna BS you here. My heavy metal guitar method won’t have you the giving up the day job anytime soon. It’ll have you playing some heavy stuff pretty quick but you’re gonna have to practice. Sorry about that chief. But at least you won’t be practising boring stuff from The Sound of Music. We’re gonna rip and slash some heavy metal guitar chords to begin with.
Get “Tearing It Up” Now At 17 Dollars
Your Iron-Clad, No-Risk, All-Your-Money-Back, 2 Month Guarantee!
Your ‘Tearing It Up” Guide comes with a no questions asked 100% money back Guarantee.
If for any reason, you decide that ‘Tearing It Up’ just isn’t for you, you’ll get every penny back.
In fact, I’m so confident you’ll be fully satisfied with the product, you can keep the guide no matter what – as my way of saying “Thank you for trying it out”.
So as you can see, you have absolutely no risk in ordering – all the risk is on me!
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Tearing It Up - Learn Heavy Metal Guitar
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/tearing-it-up-learn-heavy-metal-guitar/
Tearing It Up - Learn Heavy Metal Guitar
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    “Would You Like To Learn All the Heavy Metal Metal Guitar Chords And Scales You Need to Play 90% of Metal Songs in Under 31 Days Without the Expense of Pricey Ongoing Lessons?”
Sick of boring and complicated theory?  I know how you feel, you just wanna plug in, crank up the distortion and volume and start thrashing to your favorite tune right? I teach you how right here…
Hey Fellow Guitarist! Phil Here,
Oh man, it’s such a pain in the ass when you want to start rocking but your fingers don’t seem to do what you want them to do right? I know, I’ve been there.
It’s not your fault as most teachers will have you drudging though boring chords and scales that have nothing to do with metal.
Yes, you can learn these later, but for now, you can get by with the main chords most of the top metal bands use.
As I type this, I’m watching a Black Sabbath DVD, and for the most part, Tony Iommi is playing two finger metal chords! Many of the guitarist today can’t even read a note of music!
Here’s the Good News!
If you want a system that is easy to follow, but will challenge you to progress quickly which you can feel and hear, then this is the course you have been waiting for.
Look, let me level with you, you DO have to practise to get good, so any courses that tell you otherwise are talking s**T I’m afraid, but are hard ways of playing guitar, and there are easier ways of playing guitar.
And let me tell you, once I get you over that initial hurdle, you’ll be amazed how satisfying it is to plug in your amp, turn up the volume and strike a thick, crunchy power chord which makes your chest vibrate.
Oh, and you’ll quickly realise how cool people will think you are when you can play even the simplest of tunes, especially girls. Don’t ask me why, but as a teenager, when we had our band, girls always wanted to come and watch us practise…
This course isn’t boring because…
…you are going to be learning from videos, pictures and explanations, ensuring you can take the quickest route to playing what you wanna play.
Also as I’m sure you can tell already, it is written in a language that is easy to understand without any highbrow musical jargon. It just cuts to the chase so you can start playing as fast and quickly as possible.
You proberly already know tablature? If not then no worries, I’ve got you covered because not only does this couse include tab explanation, most of it doesn’t even require an understanding of tablature to get started.
Have fun while you learn
One thing you’ll notice quickly is you will be having fun with this system because you’ll be learning chords and scales that are the foundation of 90% of heavy metal songs.
Even if the initial novelty wears off, your enthusiasm and progress will be kept up to speed with worksheets and exercises.
Being able to quickly pick up and play your favourite metal songs is where the fun will really begin.
The good part is, this Ebook and Video course won’t cost you an arm and a leg.
No heavy fee up front.
No monthly payments. None of that…
In fact I reckon this has to be the best deal going if you want to learn metal guitar. But I’ll let you be the judge of that.
So why this will work for you?
Because I’ve been playing and teaching Heavy Metal and playing guitar since the age of 13 (I’m now 35). I’ve also played in many bands, enjoying some success with a UK Metal band called “Rough Justice”.
The method I use to teach is one that I used to teach my best friend who can now play faster than me. You see, a few years back I had a problem. I had a friend who wanted to play lead guitar in our band. We had a gig coming up at New Year’s Eve but he could barely play a few chords!
l thought I was doomed!
Now, I knew I couldn’t go through all the theory with him as that would take forever. But I noticed that when playing the majority of Heavy Metal songs there were certain chords that came up time and time again – with slight variations.
I also found that a lot of them could be simplified and still sound the same, especially when you added loads of distortion and volume. (In fact, the night of the gig, I made a few fluff-ups but somebody asked how I did the whole thing without a single mistake!!)
So I threw the theory book out the window and created a system which would teach him what he needed to know to play heavy metal guitar quickly!
All the stuff you need
I took all the essential chords which you need to play 90% of metal songs, simplified them in a way that they were easy to play but sounded the same and used these to learn enough songs to play a set list. And it worked! We did the gig using this method.
That New Year’s Eve we played to a packed-out hall of screaming metal fans! It’s a feeling you just can’t describe, although that feeling could be yours very soon.
(Oh yeah…I’ll never forget the look on the audience’s faces when our singer announced “Well, I’ve been asked not to swear tonight, and I think I’ve done pretty well, but unfortunately, the next song’s called F**king Hostile, but we’re gonna do it anyway!!!”)
I took everything I taught to my friend, improved on it and created an Exact Blueprint which you can follow to get the same results.  Introdicing “Tearing It Up”
Step-by-Step Illustrations show exactly how to pick up essential Heavy Metal Chords fast.
Sample Images from Ebook
Each Chord comes with a full explanation of which strings are being played, and at which Fret your fingers should be positioned at. The combination of text, images and videos truly make it the quickest way to learn.
It’s Not Rocket Science
Learning to play the electric guitar is not rocket-science. It’s easy and fun. When you start this fast-track course on Heavy Metal Guitar I’ll show you how to learn chords without reading music and you’ll be playing some cool covers in no time at all. It will still take some work and practice, but honestly, once you start to make progress, you won’t want to stop.
Wanna start a heavy metal band or just riff on your own? You can! It’s not that hard. If you’ve bought other guitar books and courses and given up, don’t let that discourage you. I’m here to show you how to play that axe like a rockstar.
In fact why not get all that old boring guitar lesson stuff out right now and have a barbecue with it in the backyard. Hang on to your guitar though – you’re gonna need it. You don’t have a guitar? Mate – run out and beg or borrow one right now!
So have fun with this. Practice 10 minutes a day (or as much as you want) because I can’t wait to hear you play and hear how you’re getting on…soon! I’m not going to sell you this course and then just leave you to work it out on your own. Nuh-uh. I’ll be with you every step of the way.
We have a Blog and an active Forum to go with it. I’ll give you a link to them with the course.
Here’s What This Course Will Do For You!
No more spending lots of money on private lessons which often are spent going over stuff you’ve already done before or not interested in. Instead, from this course you can expect to:
Here’s Exactly What You’re Getting
But Wait – There’s More! I’ve now added 13 Video Tutorials to the Mix
You get over 30 minutes of Video in 13 Tutorials demonstrating the main parts of the course to make sure you pick this stuff up as quickly as possible. It’s like looking over my shoulder as I show you how to play the chords and techniques from the Ebook.
As well as chords, these videos will show you how to do alternate picking, play harmonics (very cool), hammer-ons, pull-offs, finger-tapping and more. These are all essential heavy metal guitar techniques and I show you them all in one hit.
(I was planning on releasing these videos as a separate product – but what the hell – go for it. )
Here – check out one of the videos yourself-
By the way – don’t miss my special technique for using the plectrum to make the chord sound heavier.
How much would you expect to pay for all that? Have you seen what the other online courses are charging? I’m not going to charge you anywhere near that. In fact, I want to blow them all out of the water with the tremendous value I bring with this.
So What’s the Deal?
Here’s the hard-sell ha ha: You too, can now teach yourself to be a heavy metal guitarist – right at home – in a fraction of the usual time. You can’t go wrong with my accelerated method which has already shown heaps of people how to play metal. Forget the idea that you need some sort of special “musical talent.” Just send me money – lots of it. Kidding.
You can get this right now for $17. This is so affordable it’s a no-brainer.  Man, some guitar lessons are more than that for an hour. If you break it down it comes to about 20 cents a day over a year. Think you can afford that? 
Get “Tearing It Up” Now At 17 Dollars
Grab Your Free “Essential Metal Chords and Progress Cheatsheets” With the Course
If you really want to tear it up on the guitar, make loads of money, chuck TV sets out of five-star hotel rooms, get the girl and live happily ever after – buy my “Tearing it Up” course right now. And I’ll throw in these free “Essential Metal Chord Worksheets”.
We’ve done a lot of work on this product recently – made it better and better. And I’ve probably under-priced it at $17. Everyone tells me I’m just about giving the course away.
I’ve added heaps more content and a Blog and I’ll be giving you lots of bonuses (you should see what we’ve got in store for you – some killer deals on amps and guitars coming up for one thing). BUT: I can’t guarantee this course will stay at this price. Supply and demand and all that. So grab it now!
How Do I Get and Use This Course?
Upon purchase, you will be able to download the product immediately, even if you are up with the Vampires at 3 in the morning. You will also be given the opportunity to have the download links emailed to you, and the chance to revieve free life-time updates to the product.
The Ebook and worksheets are in pdf format, I will provide a free link to Adobe Reader which you will need to view them if you don’t already have it.
The videos are in WMV and MP4 format. Windows Media Player comes as standard with Windows, and I also provide a free download link to VLC Media Player if you’re not already able to view MP4s, so I’ve got you covered on all bases.
Depending on your Internet connection speed, you will be able to either download the entire product as one Zip file, or if you prefer, you can download each video and document individually. Simply use WinZip to unzip the files once they are on your computer.
By the way, I laughed recently when a customer of mine asked “why have I got those fake testimonials on my site”. I laughed because these are real testimonials from previous customers, yet when looked back at them myself I could see how other people might think they are made up. So, if customer reviews aren’t your thing, just skip past the next section.
LOOK at one of my customers below!
This is a YouTube clip one of my customers (Greg) uploaded. He came up with this riff himself, and listen how he really starts to get into it after the one minute mark. As I mention in my course, it’s not so much what you play, it’s HOW you play it. Give it some attitude!!!!
What about testimonials?
I have had great testimonials from previous customers, but I no longer print them here for a couple of reasons. Number one, it is probably hard to believe them as there is always that feeling I could have made them up right? Secondly and more importantly, the results you get will come down to one thing, how much effort you put into it and how much you practice. I can show you the path, but you have to put the work in too. However, if you are willing to do that and get over that initial hump, you will find playing the guitar VERY rewarding.
P.S. Don’t Give Up Your Day Job. I’m not gonna BS you here. My heavy metal guitar method won’t have you the giving up the day job anytime soon. It’ll have you playing some heavy stuff pretty quick but you’re gonna have to practice. Sorry about that chief. But at least you won’t be practising boring stuff from The Sound of Music. We’re gonna rip and slash some heavy metal guitar chords to begin with.
Get “Tearing It Up” Now At 17 Dollars
Your Iron-Clad, No-Risk, All-Your-Money-Back, 2 Month Guarantee!
Your ‘Tearing It Up” Guide comes with a no questions asked 100% money back Guarantee.
If for any reason, you decide that ‘Tearing It Up’ just isn’t for you, you’ll get every penny back.
In fact, I’m so confident you’ll be fully satisfied with the product, you can keep the guide no matter what – as my way of saying “Thank you for trying it out”.
So as you can see, you have absolutely no risk in ordering – all the risk is on me!
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Tearing It Up - Learn Heavy Metal Guitar
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/tearing-it-up-learn-heavy-metal-guitar/
Tearing It Up - Learn Heavy Metal Guitar
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    “Would You Like To Learn All the Heavy Metal Metal Guitar Chords And Scales You Need to Play 90% of Metal Songs in Under 31 Days Without the Expense of Pricey Ongoing Lessons?”
Sick of boring and complicated theory?  I know how you feel, you just wanna plug in, crank up the distortion and volume and start thrashing to your favorite tune right? I teach you how right here…
Hey Fellow Guitarist! Phil Here,
Oh man, it’s such a pain in the ass when you want to start rocking but your fingers don’t seem to do what you want them to do right? I know, I’ve been there.
It’s not your fault as most teachers will have you drudging though boring chords and scales that have nothing to do with metal.
Yes, you can learn these later, but for now, you can get by with the main chords most of the top metal bands use.
As I type this, I’m watching a Black Sabbath DVD, and for the most part, Tony Iommi is playing two finger metal chords! Many of the guitarist today can’t even read a note of music!
Here’s the Good News!
If you want a system that is easy to follow, but will challenge you to progress quickly which you can feel and hear, then this is the course you have been waiting for.
Look, let me level with you, you DO have to practise to get good, so any courses that tell you otherwise are talking s**T I’m afraid, but are hard ways of playing guitar, and there are easier ways of playing guitar.
And let me tell you, once I get you over that initial hurdle, you’ll be amazed how satisfying it is to plug in your amp, turn up the volume and strike a thick, crunchy power chord which makes your chest vibrate.
Oh, and you’ll quickly realise how cool people will think you are when you can play even the simplest of tunes, especially girls. Don’t ask me why, but as a teenager, when we had our band, girls always wanted to come and watch us practise…
This course isn’t boring because…
…you are going to be learning from videos, pictures and explanations, ensuring you can take the quickest route to playing what you wanna play.
Also as I’m sure you can tell already, it is written in a language that is easy to understand without any highbrow musical jargon. It just cuts to the chase so you can start playing as fast and quickly as possible.
You proberly already know tablature? If not then no worries, I’ve got you covered because not only does this couse include tab explanation, most of it doesn’t even require an understanding of tablature to get started.
Have fun while you learn
One thing you’ll notice quickly is you will be having fun with this system because you’ll be learning chords and scales that are the foundation of 90% of heavy metal songs.
Even if the initial novelty wears off, your enthusiasm and progress will be kept up to speed with worksheets and exercises.
Being able to quickly pick up and play your favourite metal songs is where the fun will really begin.
The good part is, this Ebook and Video course won’t cost you an arm and a leg.
No heavy fee up front.
No monthly payments. None of that…
In fact I reckon this has to be the best deal going if you want to learn metal guitar. But I’ll let you be the judge of that.
So why this will work for you?
Because I’ve been playing and teaching Heavy Metal and playing guitar since the age of 13 (I’m now 35). I’ve also played in many bands, enjoying some success with a UK Metal band called “Rough Justice”.
The method I use to teach is one that I used to teach my best friend who can now play faster than me. You see, a few years back I had a problem. I had a friend who wanted to play lead guitar in our band. We had a gig coming up at New Year’s Eve but he could barely play a few chords!
l thought I was doomed!
Now, I knew I couldn’t go through all the theory with him as that would take forever. But I noticed that when playing the majority of Heavy Metal songs there were certain chords that came up time and time again – with slight variations.
I also found that a lot of them could be simplified and still sound the same, especially when you added loads of distortion and volume. (In fact, the night of the gig, I made a few fluff-ups but somebody asked how I did the whole thing without a single mistake!!)
So I threw the theory book out the window and created a system which would teach him what he needed to know to play heavy metal guitar quickly!
All the stuff you need
I took all the essential chords which you need to play 90% of metal songs, simplified them in a way that they were easy to play but sounded the same and used these to learn enough songs to play a set list. And it worked! We did the gig using this method.
That New Year’s Eve we played to a packed-out hall of screaming metal fans! It’s a feeling you just can’t describe, although that feeling could be yours very soon.
(Oh yeah…I’ll never forget the look on the audience’s faces when our singer announced “Well, I’ve been asked not to swear tonight, and I think I’ve done pretty well, but unfortunately, the next song’s called F**king Hostile, but we’re gonna do it anyway!!!”)
I took everything I taught to my friend, improved on it and created an Exact Blueprint which you can follow to get the same results.  Introdicing “Tearing It Up”
Step-by-Step Illustrations show exactly how to pick up essential Heavy Metal Chords fast.
Sample Images from Ebook
Each Chord comes with a full explanation of which strings are being played, and at which Fret your fingers should be positioned at. The combination of text, images and videos truly make it the quickest way to learn.
It’s Not Rocket Science
Learning to play the electric guitar is not rocket-science. It’s easy and fun. When you start this fast-track course on Heavy Metal Guitar I’ll show you how to learn chords without reading music and you’ll be playing some cool covers in no time at all. It will still take some work and practice, but honestly, once you start to make progress, you won’t want to stop.
Wanna start a heavy metal band or just riff on your own? You can! It’s not that hard. If you’ve bought other guitar books and courses and given up, don’t let that discourage you. I’m here to show you how to play that axe like a rockstar.
In fact why not get all that old boring guitar lesson stuff out right now and have a barbecue with it in the backyard. Hang on to your guitar though – you’re gonna need it. You don’t have a guitar? Mate – run out and beg or borrow one right now!
So have fun with this. Practice 10 minutes a day (or as much as you want) because I can’t wait to hear you play and hear how you’re getting on…soon! I’m not going to sell you this course and then just leave you to work it out on your own. Nuh-uh. I’ll be with you every step of the way.
We have a Blog and an active Forum to go with it. I’ll give you a link to them with the course.
Here’s What This Course Will Do For You!
No more spending lots of money on private lessons which often are spent going over stuff you’ve already done before or not interested in. Instead, from this course you can expect to:
Here’s Exactly What You’re Getting
But Wait – There’s More! I’ve now added 13 Video Tutorials to the Mix
You get over 30 minutes of Video in 13 Tutorials demonstrating the main parts of the course to make sure you pick this stuff up as quickly as possible. It’s like looking over my shoulder as I show you how to play the chords and techniques from the Ebook.
As well as chords, these videos will show you how to do alternate picking, play harmonics (very cool), hammer-ons, pull-offs, finger-tapping and more. These are all essential heavy metal guitar techniques and I show you them all in one hit.
(I was planning on releasing these videos as a separate product – but what the hell – go for it. )
Here – check out one of the videos yourself-
By the way – don’t miss my special technique for using the plectrum to make the chord sound heavier.
How much would you expect to pay for all that? Have you seen what the other online courses are charging? I’m not going to charge you anywhere near that. In fact, I want to blow them all out of the water with the tremendous value I bring with this.
So What’s the Deal?
Here’s the hard-sell ha ha: You too, can now teach yourself to be a heavy metal guitarist – right at home – in a fraction of the usual time. You can’t go wrong with my accelerated method which has already shown heaps of people how to play metal. Forget the idea that you need some sort of special “musical talent.” Just send me money – lots of it. Kidding.
You can get this right now for $17. This is so affordable it’s a no-brainer.  Man, some guitar lessons are more than that for an hour. If you break it down it comes to about 20 cents a day over a year. Think you can afford that? 
Get “Tearing It Up” Now At 17 Dollars
Grab Your Free “Essential Metal Chords and Progress Cheatsheets” With the Course
If you really want to tear it up on the guitar, make loads of money, chuck TV sets out of five-star hotel rooms, get the girl and live happily ever after – buy my “Tearing it Up” course right now. And I’ll throw in these free “Essential Metal Chord Worksheets”.
We’ve done a lot of work on this product recently – made it better and better. And I’ve probably under-priced it at $17. Everyone tells me I’m just about giving the course away.
I’ve added heaps more content and a Blog and I’ll be giving you lots of bonuses (you should see what we’ve got in store for you – some killer deals on amps and guitars coming up for one thing). BUT: I can’t guarantee this course will stay at this price. Supply and demand and all that. So grab it now!
How Do I Get and Use This Course?
Upon purchase, you will be able to download the product immediately, even if you are up with the Vampires at 3 in the morning. You will also be given the opportunity to have the download links emailed to you, and the chance to revieve free life-time updates to the product.
The Ebook and worksheets are in pdf format, I will provide a free link to Adobe Reader which you will need to view them if you don’t already have it.
The videos are in WMV and MP4 format. Windows Media Player comes as standard with Windows, and I also provide a free download link to VLC Media Player if you’re not already able to view MP4s, so I’ve got you covered on all bases.
Depending on your Internet connection speed, you will be able to either download the entire product as one Zip file, or if you prefer, you can download each video and document individually. Simply use WinZip to unzip the files once they are on your computer.
By the way, I laughed recently when a customer of mine asked “why have I got those fake testimonials on my site”. I laughed because these are real testimonials from previous customers, yet when looked back at them myself I could see how other people might think they are made up. So, if customer reviews aren’t your thing, just skip past the next section.
LOOK at one of my customers below!
This is a YouTube clip one of my customers (Greg) uploaded. He came up with this riff himself, and listen how he really starts to get into it after the one minute mark. As I mention in my course, it’s not so much what you play, it’s HOW you play it. Give it some attitude!!!!
What about testimonials?
I have had great testimonials from previous customers, but I no longer print them here for a couple of reasons. Number one, it is probably hard to believe them as there is always that feeling I could have made them up right? Secondly and more importantly, the results you get will come down to one thing, how much effort you put into it and how much you practice. I can show you the path, but you have to put the work in too. However, if you are willing to do that and get over that initial hump, you will find playing the guitar VERY rewarding.
P.S. Don’t Give Up Your Day Job. I’m not gonna BS you here. My heavy metal guitar method won’t have you the giving up the day job anytime soon. It’ll have you playing some heavy stuff pretty quick but you’re gonna have to practice. Sorry about that chief. But at least you won’t be practising boring stuff from The Sound of Music. We’re gonna rip and slash some heavy metal guitar chords to begin with.
Get “Tearing It Up” Now At 17 Dollars
Your Iron-Clad, No-Risk, All-Your-Money-Back, 2 Month Guarantee!
Your ‘Tearing It Up” Guide comes with a no questions asked 100% money back Guarantee.
If for any reason, you decide that ‘Tearing It Up’ just isn’t for you, you’ll get every penny back.
In fact, I’m so confident you’ll be fully satisfied with the product, you can keep the guide no matter what – as my way of saying “Thank you for trying it out”.
So as you can see, you have absolutely no risk in ordering – all the risk is on me!
Home | Contact us |Affiliates |Privacy Policy | Blog
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Tearing It Up - Learn Heavy Metal Guitar
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/tearing-it-up-learn-heavy-metal-guitar/
Tearing It Up - Learn Heavy Metal Guitar
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    “Would You Like To Learn All the Heavy Metal Metal Guitar Chords And Scales You Need to Play 90% of Metal Songs in Under 31 Days Without the Expense of Pricey Ongoing Lessons?”
Sick of boring and complicated theory?  I know how you feel, you just wanna plug in, crank up the distortion and volume and start thrashing to your favorite tune right? I teach you how right here…
Hey Fellow Guitarist! Phil Here,
Oh man, it’s such a pain in the ass when you want to start rocking but your fingers don’t seem to do what you want them to do right? I know, I’ve been there.
It’s not your fault as most teachers will have you drudging though boring chords and scales that have nothing to do with metal.
Yes, you can learn these later, but for now, you can get by with the main chords most of the top metal bands use.
As I type this, I’m watching a Black Sabbath DVD, and for the most part, Tony Iommi is playing two finger metal chords! Many of the guitarist today can’t even read a note of music!
Here’s the Good News!
If you want a system that is easy to follow, but will challenge you to progress quickly which you can feel and hear, then this is the course you have been waiting for.
Look, let me level with you, you DO have to practise to get good, so any courses that tell you otherwise are talking s**T I’m afraid, but are hard ways of playing guitar, and there are easier ways of playing guitar.
And let me tell you, once I get you over that initial hurdle, you’ll be amazed how satisfying it is to plug in your amp, turn up the volume and strike a thick, crunchy power chord which makes your chest vibrate.
Oh, and you’ll quickly realise how cool people will think you are when you can play even the simplest of tunes, especially girls. Don’t ask me why, but as a teenager, when we had our band, girls always wanted to come and watch us practise…
This course isn’t boring because…
…you are going to be learning from videos, pictures and explanations, ensuring you can take the quickest route to playing what you wanna play.
Also as I’m sure you can tell already, it is written in a language that is easy to understand without any highbrow musical jargon. It just cuts to the chase so you can start playing as fast and quickly as possible.
You proberly already know tablature? If not then no worries, I’ve got you covered because not only does this couse include tab explanation, most of it doesn’t even require an understanding of tablature to get started.
Have fun while you learn
One thing you’ll notice quickly is you will be having fun with this system because you’ll be learning chords and scales that are the foundation of 90% of heavy metal songs.
Even if the initial novelty wears off, your enthusiasm and progress will be kept up to speed with worksheets and exercises.
Being able to quickly pick up and play your favourite metal songs is where the fun will really begin.
The good part is, this Ebook and Video course won’t cost you an arm and a leg.
No heavy fee up front.
No monthly payments. None of that…
In fact I reckon this has to be the best deal going if you want to learn metal guitar. But I’ll let you be the judge of that.
So why this will work for you?
Because I’ve been playing and teaching Heavy Metal and playing guitar since the age of 13 (I’m now 35). I’ve also played in many bands, enjoying some success with a UK Metal band called “Rough Justice”.
The method I use to teach is one that I used to teach my best friend who can now play faster than me. You see, a few years back I had a problem. I had a friend who wanted to play lead guitar in our band. We had a gig coming up at New Year’s Eve but he could barely play a few chords!
l thought I was doomed!
Now, I knew I couldn’t go through all the theory with him as that would take forever. But I noticed that when playing the majority of Heavy Metal songs there were certain chords that came up time and time again – with slight variations.
I also found that a lot of them could be simplified and still sound the same, especially when you added loads of distortion and volume. (In fact, the night of the gig, I made a few fluff-ups but somebody asked how I did the whole thing without a single mistake!!)
So I threw the theory book out the window and created a system which would teach him what he needed to know to play heavy metal guitar quickly!
All the stuff you need
I took all the essential chords which you need to play 90% of metal songs, simplified them in a way that they were easy to play but sounded the same and used these to learn enough songs to play a set list. And it worked! We did the gig using this method.
That New Year’s Eve we played to a packed-out hall of screaming metal fans! It’s a feeling you just can’t describe, although that feeling could be yours very soon.
(Oh yeah…I’ll never forget the look on the audience’s faces when our singer announced “Well, I’ve been asked not to swear tonight, and I think I’ve done pretty well, but unfortunately, the next song’s called F**king Hostile, but we’re gonna do it anyway!!!”)
I took everything I taught to my friend, improved on it and created an Exact Blueprint which you can follow to get the same results.  Introdicing “Tearing It Up”
Step-by-Step Illustrations show exactly how to pick up essential Heavy Metal Chords fast.
Sample Images from Ebook
Each Chord comes with a full explanation of which strings are being played, and at which Fret your fingers should be positioned at. The combination of text, images and videos truly make it the quickest way to learn.
It’s Not Rocket Science
Learning to play the electric guitar is not rocket-science. It’s easy and fun. When you start this fast-track course on Heavy Metal Guitar I’ll show you how to learn chords without reading music and you’ll be playing some cool covers in no time at all. It will still take some work and practice, but honestly, once you start to make progress, you won’t want to stop.
Wanna start a heavy metal band or just riff on your own? You can! It’s not that hard. If you’ve bought other guitar books and courses and given up, don’t let that discourage you. I’m here to show you how to play that axe like a rockstar.
In fact why not get all that old boring guitar lesson stuff out right now and have a barbecue with it in the backyard. Hang on to your guitar though – you’re gonna need it. You don’t have a guitar? Mate – run out and beg or borrow one right now!
So have fun with this. Practice 10 minutes a day (or as much as you want) because I can’t wait to hear you play and hear how you’re getting on…soon! I’m not going to sell you this course and then just leave you to work it out on your own. Nuh-uh. I’ll be with you every step of the way.
We have a Blog and an active Forum to go with it. I’ll give you a link to them with the course.
Here’s What This Course Will Do For You!
No more spending lots of money on private lessons which often are spent going over stuff you’ve already done before or not interested in. Instead, from this course you can expect to:
Here’s Exactly What You’re Getting
But Wait – There’s More! I’ve now added 13 Video Tutorials to the Mix
You get over 30 minutes of Video in 13 Tutorials demonstrating the main parts of the course to make sure you pick this stuff up as quickly as possible. It’s like looking over my shoulder as I show you how to play the chords and techniques from the Ebook.
As well as chords, these videos will show you how to do alternate picking, play harmonics (very cool), hammer-ons, pull-offs, finger-tapping and more. These are all essential heavy metal guitar techniques and I show you them all in one hit.
(I was planning on releasing these videos as a separate product – but what the hell – go for it. )
Here – check out one of the videos yourself-
By the way – don’t miss my special technique for using the plectrum to make the chord sound heavier.
How much would you expect to pay for all that? Have you seen what the other online courses are charging? I’m not going to charge you anywhere near that. In fact, I want to blow them all out of the water with the tremendous value I bring with this.
So What’s the Deal?
Here’s the hard-sell ha ha: You too, can now teach yourself to be a heavy metal guitarist – right at home – in a fraction of the usual time. You can’t go wrong with my accelerated method which has already shown heaps of people how to play metal. Forget the idea that you need some sort of special “musical talent.” Just send me money – lots of it. Kidding.
You can get this right now for $17. This is so affordable it’s a no-brainer.  Man, some guitar lessons are more than that for an hour. If you break it down it comes to about 20 cents a day over a year. Think you can afford that? 
Get “Tearing It Up” Now At 17 Dollars
Grab Your Free “Essential Metal Chords and Progress Cheatsheets” With the Course
If you really want to tear it up on the guitar, make loads of money, chuck TV sets out of five-star hotel rooms, get the girl and live happily ever after – buy my “Tearing it Up” course right now. And I’ll throw in these free “Essential Metal Chord Worksheets”.
We’ve done a lot of work on this product recently – made it better and better. And I’ve probably under-priced it at $17. Everyone tells me I’m just about giving the course away.
I’ve added heaps more content and a Blog and I’ll be giving you lots of bonuses (you should see what we’ve got in store for you – some killer deals on amps and guitars coming up for one thing). BUT: I can’t guarantee this course will stay at this price. Supply and demand and all that. So grab it now!
How Do I Get and Use This Course?
Upon purchase, you will be able to download the product immediately, even if you are up with the Vampires at 3 in the morning. You will also be given the opportunity to have the download links emailed to you, and the chance to revieve free life-time updates to the product.
The Ebook and worksheets are in pdf format, I will provide a free link to Adobe Reader which you will need to view them if you don’t already have it.
The videos are in WMV and MP4 format. Windows Media Player comes as standard with Windows, and I also provide a free download link to VLC Media Player if you’re not already able to view MP4s, so I’ve got you covered on all bases.
Depending on your Internet connection speed, you will be able to either download the entire product as one Zip file, or if you prefer, you can download each video and document individually. Simply use WinZip to unzip the files once they are on your computer.
By the way, I laughed recently when a customer of mine asked “why have I got those fake testimonials on my site”. I laughed because these are real testimonials from previous customers, yet when looked back at them myself I could see how other people might think they are made up. So, if customer reviews aren’t your thing, just skip past the next section.
LOOK at one of my customers below!
This is a YouTube clip one of my customers (Greg) uploaded. He came up with this riff himself, and listen how he really starts to get into it after the one minute mark. As I mention in my course, it’s not so much what you play, it’s HOW you play it. Give it some attitude!!!!
What about testimonials?
I have had great testimonials from previous customers, but I no longer print them here for a couple of reasons. Number one, it is probably hard to believe them as there is always that feeling I could have made them up right? Secondly and more importantly, the results you get will come down to one thing, how much effort you put into it and how much you practice. I can show you the path, but you have to put the work in too. However, if you are willing to do that and get over that initial hump, you will find playing the guitar VERY rewarding.
P.S. Don’t Give Up Your Day Job. I’m not gonna BS you here. My heavy metal guitar method won’t have you the giving up the day job anytime soon. It’ll have you playing some heavy stuff pretty quick but you’re gonna have to practice. Sorry about that chief. But at least you won’t be practising boring stuff from The Sound of Music. We’re gonna rip and slash some heavy metal guitar chords to begin with.
Get “Tearing It Up” Now At 17 Dollars
Your Iron-Clad, No-Risk, All-Your-Money-Back, 2 Month Guarantee!
Your ‘Tearing It Up” Guide comes with a no questions asked 100% money back Guarantee.
If for any reason, you decide that ‘Tearing It Up’ just isn’t for you, you’ll get every penny back.
In fact, I’m so confident you’ll be fully satisfied with the product, you can keep the guide no matter what – as my way of saying “Thank you for trying it out”.
So as you can see, you have absolutely no risk in ordering – all the risk is on me!
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