#oh tem how i've missed you
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what if.... dragons tucked their heads like herons....
#dragons#temeraire#his majesty's dragon#oh tem how i've missed you#i have bad covid right now and this is all i can think about
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The X
1 fato sobre o Dimitri, no qual muita gente interpreta errado, é o fato de ele não ser só um badboy que implica com tudo e é super legalzão e "olha como ele é rude, ain ain", MAS, ele na verdade é um velho ranzinza de 70 anos no corpo de um jovem. As vezes ele nem quer implicar, ele só fica irritado com tudo, acha ruim, fecha a cara, sai murmurando, mas não se dá ao trabalho de reagir porque preguiças. As pessoas esquecem que o Dimitri é movido mais pela lógica do que pela emoção, mas acho que isso é mais culpa minha por não ter deixado muito claro, já que eu disse que ele está sempre com raiva e supostamente implica com todo mundo. Mas eu já deixei claro algumas vezes que ele implica bastante SÓ com quem ele gosta, com desconhecidos ou pessoas que ele não faz tanta questão, ele só ignora, tenho quase certeza que eu disse isso em algum lugar, não lembro onde. Sobre a raiva, realmente, ele sempre tem o sentimento de raiva mais aflorado, e está sempre com cara de bravo, mas nem sempre ele está bravo (isso foi uma coisa que eu mudei recentemente, ele não sente só raiva). Então é. Esse 1 fato é basicamente que o Dimitri não é emoção e reação, ele é lógica, pensa, depois reage.
E ele tá muito mais pra Lula Molusco do que qualquer outro personagem IDUSHADUISA
---- [ENG]
1 fact about Dimitri, which a lot of people tend to misunderstand, is the fact that he's not just a "badboy" who picks on everyone and everything and is super "cool" and "look how rude he is, oh my my", BUT, he's actually a grumpy 70 year old man in a young man's body. Sometimes he doesn't even want to deal with the situation, he just gets really annoyed and mad, frowns, starts muttering and complaining to himself, but doesn't bother to react just because he doesn't want to. People forget that Dimitri is driven more by logic than emotion, but I think that's mostly my fault for not making it clear, since I said he's always angry and supposedly picks on everyone. But I've made it clear a few times that he only picks on a lot on people he likes, with strangers or people he doesn't really care about, he just ignores them most of the time, I'm almost sure I said that somewhere, I don't remember where. About the anger think, really, he always has a more intense feeling of anger within him, and he always looks angry, but he's not always angry (that's something I changed recently, he doesn't only feel anger). So that's it. This 1 fact is basically that Dimitri is not emotion and reaction, he is logic, thinks, then reacts.
And he's much more like Squidward than any other character IDUSHADUISA
His mbti for those who missed it(it's in portuguese, but I think you get it):
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I think why it is so difficult for me to let go of kp is because this truly is my first and last bl. Idk if you remember me, but you used to get a lot of anons on the seedier side of bl industry. That was me. I tried to give bl a chance many many years ago, but certain tropes didn't really sit comfortable with me. Now you might say well the relationships in kp aren't healthy either ( and I am a vp shipper😅) but I felt there was something here that was missing from all those years earlier, and I fell so deeply into the brainrot. And now it is gone and I don't have anything else ( I mean I am sure the other queer love stories are made with just as much care but still...). Nothing.
Anon, I feel you, 100%. Long time no see.
As someone who spent years deconstructing my love for M&Bs, it is so ironic that some of my favorite bls are Tharntype and Kinnporsche.
To me, I fell in love with Kinnporsche for two reasons.
It was very obvious about its bad behavior. The first thing I saw n the trailer was the main character coming out to SMOKE!!!! and then he fell in love with his rude boss... and then his boss was parading other partners in front of him. Not to mention the hinting at the sexual torture. I was sold. I was ready for a show that wasn't going to pretend to be about fun and love, all the while parading toxic behaviors as good behavior.
I was sold on Porsche being a bad ass. This was something Type from Tharntype gave me a bit of, but I was upset with him sometimes because he was the abuser. I was happy to see the "bottom" character being given a backbone because too many times those characters are made spineless. But that trailer with Porsche gave me hope.
I went in to Kinnporsche expecting these two things and yes, I will admit that they let me down because Porsche became a little spineless and the show tried to portray Kinn's fuckery as good behavior.
But the beauty of it all was that while I didn't get exactly what I wanted, I got other things. I got intruige. I got action sequences in a bl. I got shenanigans. And best of all, I didn't have to spend 90% of the time staring at school uniforms. I cannot explain how much the adultness of this story appeals to me. I love that they weren't children. At least, they tried to make us forget that Porsche, Jom and Tem were in school but that was so fine by me.
And best of all, KINNPORSCHE KILLED EVERY SINGLE SEXUAL SCENE. The kisses, the sex, the handjobs. Oh Lord. they did it better than everyone who came before and anyone who has come after. Even down to that crying scene in the bar where that silly bartender strolled out and ruined the vegaspete moment, anyone can admit that we were hoping for some wall action. And if they'd done it, the show would have killed it.
Right now, I'm judging western sex scenes using Kinnporsche as my metric. Anything less is cringe, as far as I'm concerned.
So yes, Anon. I understand completely. other bls are trying their best to live up to the legacy of Kinnporsche, but to me, they're not succeeding. I've found some nice ones with good acting/storytelling, but... it's just not it. At least not yet.
I'm waiting with crossed fingers to see if BOC can replicate that magic or if Kinnporsce was a fluke. GMMTV and the others have been pretty consistent but BOC doesn't have a record to track so I want to wait. If another show comes out, I will give it a chance. I'm praying for Man Suang to quench this thirst in my spirit.
Honestly, in my head, I doubt that anything can top Kinnporsche right now. Especially with the cast separating and doing different things. I loved them all together. I got so used to seeing them all as a unit that it's going to be hard to watch something with one or to people. But I will try because I need my fix.
Like I said, my fingers are crossed TIGHT!
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Pedido: Com o Louis que eles terminam (escolha o motivo) e ele escreve uma música sobre como tem lidado com o término (no caso, Miss You). Final feliz
Términos são sempre difíceis. Principalmente quando ainda há sentimento das duas partes. Eu e Louis terminamos nosso namoro de 3 anos há 2 meses simplesmente por não conseguirmos mais passar muito tempo juntos.
-Eu não aguento mais, Louis! De que adianta namorar se não podemos ficar juntos?
-S/n, você sabe que a culpa disso não é minha. Nós dois temos carreiras de sucesso, eu como cantor e você como escritora. Não podemos deixar tudo isso de lado.
Me sento no sofá com os cotovelos apoiados dos joelhos e as mãos segurando meu rosto choroso.
-Eu sei disso, Louis. Mas acontece que eu não aguento mais. Eu te amo, mas não dá pra viver assim.
-Você... Você está dizendo que quer terminar?
Fico em silêncio, apenas chorando enquanto a ficha dele cai. Não sei de onde arrumo forças, mas faço minhas malas e saio da sua casa em prantos.
Acordo com meu celular tocando freneticamente. Amelia havia me mandado 27 mensagens no total. Disco seu número e tento ficar mais acordada para falar ao telefone.
-Finalmente! Por acaso entrou nas redes sociais hoje?
-Eu acabei de acordar, é óbvio que não. Aconteceu alguma coisa?
-Sim. Só se fala da música nova que o Louis...
-Amelia, é sério que você me ligou pra falar dele? Você mais do que ninguém sabe que eu ainda não superei, isso não é legal.
-Mas s/n, me deixa terminar de falar...
-Não. Falo com você no almoço.
Desligo o aparelho e jogo o celular ao meu lado na cama. Bufo de raiva e a uso como combustível para começar meu dia.
Tomo um café da manhã reforçado, tomo meu banho rápido, visto uma roupa social e vou para o escritório. Chegando lá, todos me olhavam com certa expectativa. Eu não estava entendendo nada, portanto só segui meu dia como se não estivesse percebendo nada.
-S/n! Telefone pra você. - A recepcionista grita da sua mesa, com um sorriso enorme no rosto.
-Transfere, por favor?
Um segundo depois, o telefone da minha mesa toca.
-Como é bom ouvir sua voz de novo.
Eu não precisava perguntar quem era, reconheceria aquela voz em qualquer lugar. Sinto meu coração saltar.
-Louis... Oi.
Fingi não perceber que todos pararam o que estavam fazendo para prestar atenção em mim quando ouviram o nome da pessoa do outro lado da linha.
-Você ouviu?
-Ouvi o que?
-A música que eu lancei hoje. Marcaram tanto você nos comentários das redes sociais que eu imaginei que você tivesse ouvido.
Ouço sua risada baixa.
-Não abri minhas redes sociais hoje. Eu... Deveria ouvir?
-Eu fiz pensando em você, então acho que sim.
Engulo em seco, sentindo meu coração bater cada vez mais forte.
-Eu estou trabalhando agora.
-Posso cantar pra você agora se quiser.
-Você... Tudo bem.
Prendo a respiração ao ouvir sua voz suave começar a ressoar a melodia.
-Is it my imagination?
Is it something that I'm taking?
All the smiles that I'm faking
Everything is great
Everything is fucking great
Going out every weekend
Staring at the stars or the ceiling
Hollywood friends, got to see them
Such a good time
I believe it this time
Tuesday night
Glazed over eyes
Just one more pint or five
Does it even matter anyway?
We're dancing on tables
'Til I'm off my face
With all of my people
And it couldn't get better they say
We're singing "til last call
And it's all out of tune
Should be laughing, but there's something wrong
And it hits you when the lights go on
Shit, maybe I miss you
Just like that and I'm sober
I'm asking myself, is it over?
Maybe I was lying when I told you
"Everything is great
Everything is fucking great"
And all of these thoughts and the feeling
Doesn't matter if you don't need them
I've been checking my phone all evening
Such a good time
I believe it this time
Tuesday night
Glazed over eyes
Just one more pint or five
Does it even matter anyway?
We're dancing on tables
'Til I'm off my face
With all of my people
And it couldn't get better they say
We're singing 'til last call
And it's all out of tune
Should be laughing, but there's something wrong
And it hits you when the lights go on
Shit, maybe I miss you
Now I'm asking my friends how I should say I'm sorry
They say "Lad, give it time, there's no need to worry"
And we can't even be on the phone now
And I can't even be with you alone now
Oh how, shit changes
We were in love
Now, we're strangers
When I feel it coming up I just throw it all away
Get another two shots 'cause it doesn't matter anyway
We're dancing on tables
'Til I'm off my face
With all of my people
And it couldn't get better they say
We're singing 'til last call
And it's all out of tune
Should be laughing, but there's something wrong
And it hits you when the lights go on
We're dancing on tables
'Til I'm off my face
With all of my people
And it couldn't get better they say
We're singing 'til last call
And it's all out of tune
Should be laughing, but there's something wrong
And it hits you when the lights go on
Shit, maybe I'll miss you.
Eu estava ofegante, sentia lágrimas escorrerem por minhas bochechas, e quase não estava forte o suficiente para segurar o telefone na mão.
-Pode me encontrar no restaurante da esquina do meu escritório daqui há meia hora?
-Só se você não for brigar comigo.
-Não vou brigar com você, Louis.
-Então eu te encontro lá.
Não dou tempo para despedidas e apenas bato o telefone na base. Limpo os resquícios de lágrimas nas minhas bochechas com pressa, e volto aos meus afazeres.
O tempo se arrastou até o horário de almoço, e quando finalmente pude sair, corro até o restaurante onde vejo que Louis já está me esperando.
-Oi - Um sorriso brota em seu rosto ao me ver - Senti saudades.
-Eu percebi - Rio sem graça me referindo à música - Precisamos conversar sobre isso.
-Você não gostou?
-Eu gostei. Fui pega de surpresa na verdade. Tudo o que você colocou nela... É verdade?
-Veio tudo daqui - Ele aponta para o seu coração - Então sim, é tudo a mais pura verdade. Passar os dias sem falar com você é torturante. Chegar dos meus compromissos e não te ver me esperando em casa dói muito. Você é tudo pra mim, s/n, e eu precisei te perder pra perceber isso.
As lágrimas já corriam novamente pelo meu rosto.
-Louis, eu... Você sabe que eu continuei te amando desde que eu te deixei. Eu nunca vou conseguir superar você.
-Então volta pra mim. Vamos fazer dar certo. Mas eu preciso de você comigo pra isso.
-Tem certeza disso?
-Você é a minha maior certeza. Dá mais uma chance pra nós dois.
Me estico sobre a mesa e seguro seu rosto com as duas mãos, deixando um beijo cheio de amor e saudades em sua boca.
-Você é a minha maior certeza, Louis.
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Here I am, again on my way to airport to pick up Nicky. Gosh I'm happy to help, but I don't know why I'm so nervous to pick up up today. Whatever the reason, I just know I'm happy to see her even for a brief moment.
The time has come she should be ready, let me give her a call.
"Hey, just wondering where to pick you up" I say holding back excitement trying to sounds cool.
"I just got my bag come pick me up on the east side" she said so cutely.
Gosh why she gotta sounds so heavenly. "On my way" I say. Right when I put my car in drive I get a text from my mom saying she gonna be delayed... GREAT😒.
I drive over to pick Nicky up and she spots me from the crowd of cars. Gosh she's looking pretty. I pop the truck and go help her with we bags. We greet and give one another hugs. Man she's smelling so damn good right now.. geesh J calm down and play it cool.
I break the "bad news" to Nicky as I head over to the rest stop. I start small talk to see how her flight was, but with each word she says, just reminds me how I miss talking to her. She says my name and my mind takes me to the point where she would sing it in the bedroom 🥰.. calm down and cool it J, nothing gonna pop off.
I pull into the parking lot, we are the lone car.
"So we have some time to kill, let's listen to music"
"okay sure Heff" ugh I love and hate when she calls me that.
I sit back and try to say cool but she over there moving around can't stay still.
We lock eyes ever so engaging, she reaches for my beard, oh how I miss that. "Girl stop, hands to yourself" but of course she doesn't and with every touch I get more aroused.
I say to myself man she listen to the beat of the music. The beat plays and I start thinking of my own lyrics
"Oh how I miss my hands on her thighs,
Good good she touching me and it give me a nature high.
Her hands so soft to the touch, her giggle and laugh gives me such a rush"
Mann I don't know how I'ma make it through the night.
"Let's play a game!?" She shouts with excitement
"What kinda game" cautious and curious I ask.
"We gonna play a game of red light green light for touch, you know since you have so many rules over there"friend".
"Nope that's a bad idea, because.. it just is." Immediately she puts her hand on my neck, damn she knows that my spot. "Iight we can play a little bit."
Now we are caressing and groping on each other body parts. Laughing red light but the other sis goes, shouting green light when we know we really like it. At this point I've had enough. I pull back and step outside to get some air..
She exit her to come over to check to see if I'm ok. "Hey I'm sorry if I went to far, come back in the car it's cold."
"Give me a hug first" she does.. now we are pelvis to pelvis. She looks up to me brings her face ever so close to mine, she breathes out loud enough to hear and I feel it on my lips and I rush in for a kias💋. Now we can't go back from here! I open the door to the back seat and with a big old smile Nicky crawls in. Damn that sexy
We're making out slowly and passionately like we used to. My hands with a mind of there own make there way to her sweet spot. The scent of her wetness turns me on so much, I caress on the clit, rub up and down, twirl it around, then back down and slide my middle finger in. Nicky moans a little from there insertion. She bites on my lip and I back on hers. I lay her back against the seat while i spell my name with my finger in her vagina, she moves to take off her hoodie and start to pull up my shirt to take off mine.
Topless in the car now, Nicky removes my hand from down her pants and then take tem off completely.
" Hurry up and take off your, I want to say hi to my friend!" She says in her sweet and sexy tone. I follow her command. But this point in standing hard from all the excitement. She slowly approaches and kisses and licks on the top of my dick, the warmth of her mouth damn near make me cum, but I hold back because I really wanna have some fun. Nicky bobs her head up and down, rub on my balls sends shockwaves though my body, now I know I'm ready to be inside this hotty. I grab hold her her pony tail on the top of her hands and navigate her motion a little while longer on my penis, then pull her head up to kiss on my stomach, then to my chest, now onto my neck until she make it to my lips. I slide to middle of the backseat and grab on her soft body and place her on top of me cowgirl stylr, I look deeply into her eyes mental say " you ready" and with a engaging look back her eyes says "yes".
Nicky grabs onto my penis and direction it to the sweet spot and slowly slides down. 🥴🥰🥰. I'm inside, a place I've love to be, I fit so perfectly. I'm trusting my hips she holding on to me. She throw her head back and she moans real loud "omg yes J, Yes!” I'm kissing on her neck get more excited as she shout my praise, her hands on my back scratchimg of enjoymemt. It's hot and heavy we are enjoying this so much. On the radio out song places "Roses, I walked in the corner with the body screaming dolo" this turns Nicky on so much she pushes me back into the seats, and starts twirking and twirling on my lap with me still deeply inside her.
"Damn I love and miss this song" I whisper in her ear as she sings the lyrics.
We go at it throughout the whole song. I can on image what the car looks like from the outside. Windows are all fogged up, rocking side to side. If anyone was watching they knew it was on and poppin in here.
"Oh Nicky girl is missed this so much" I in between taking breaths and thrusting
"Oh yea J, me too. Oui. Ohh. Yes right there... I'm about took" she cums all over me and I feel the burst of wetness which makes me wanna go faster and deeper, deeper and fast Nicky moans of ever so loud, and now I'ma bout to
Buzz buzz buzz. I snap out of the day dream from my phone ringing. Nicky hand is on in my pants between my zipper. We both looks at my phone to see it's my mom saying she ready for me to pick her up.
"Welp looks like we have to cut out game short" I say jokingly. Zip my pants and start the car
"Hmm until next time then J"
At this point I'm on my way
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