#oh shit does my subnautica au not have a name
sleepy-crypt1d · 2 years
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tripped into the ocean and now im back in the subnautica fandom someone help me
so every once in awhile i get a notification that someone liked one of my old subnautica pieces, very specifically my old ryley and bart designs and every single time i get that notif i just, cringe, because i know how bad they are.
 so here *slams this on the table* they’re new! i, i got better at art - i promise- they’re hot now! :D and unfortunately even more in love with each other because im still not over them killing the best character in the game- he’s still alive to me i do not care
ryley’s design?? obsessed with, had a lot of fun with making and thinking about, drawing him was fun and nice. bart on the other fucking hand???? almost didn’t draw him, his design went through so many different versions to get here, all of which i sent to my very asleep brother to ask for comments, none of which came. if you can see in his sketch, originally he had spiked ears and the green mutation covered nearly his entire body, but the longer i looked at it the more and more i just hated it lmao. i might post the old version too just because i still have it idk, but like, he caused me so much trouble. even now, im not completely satisfied with how he came out?? compared to ryley, im much more proud of him than bart, so i’ll probably tackle his design again at some point, but for now-
im pretty happy with how both of them came out!! maybe one day i’ll get around to drawing the other characters lol i’d love to draw robin and al-an at some point, same with my subnautica sona but here, the boys, the survivors themselves, these fucking idiots. love them dearly.
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robotslenderman · 4 years
For the 21 questions otp ask, Elisa/Lettow, 3, 6, 11 and 12. I hope that wasn’t too much for you 😊
OTP ask box game.
3. What is your favourite AU/prompt idea/trope for your pairing?
Favourite AU is the one where Lettow didn’t lose track of Elisa and managed to adopt her.
It did... not work out well at first, lol. Lettow had severe depression and had never had a childe before and had no idea what to do with her. Elisa had gone absolutely feral after three months of surviving night-to-night and sleeping in burrows she’d dug herself.
Over those three months Elisa had slowly gone batshit insane. In canon, Lampago scraped her out of it and taught her some survival skills, but this takes place earlier, before Elisa could do anything more than solve intra-kindred issues with “run away or claw their face off.” So in this AU Elisa has gone from a kind, generous and loving vet nurse that loved animals... to this near-wight who actually killed a couple of kindred over territory disputes.
Basically, she couldn’t control her Beast and was getting awfully close to wighting herself. In canon this was reversed by her watching Lampago and fighting hard not to be like her -- in this AU she doesn’t have a bad example to warn her away from going down that path, so she keeps indulging the Beast’s impulses by killing her prey and anyone trying to claim her territory.
Eventually it got bad enough that Lettow intervened before the Prince could put a blood hunt on her head (or his).
At first Lettow had a hard problem just keeping her around -- Elisa kept running away because she’d be overwhelmed or pissed off enough. Each time Lettow would give her a few nights then reappear at her burrow and talk her into coming back, because if she stayed out on her own there was no way she wouldn’t wind up killing someone else and he was highkey really worried the Prince would have her executed.
(Dove thought this was hilarious and that Lettow reaped what he sowed. “You left her so she could learn to survive on her own. Well, now she’s trying to do what you wanted her to do!”)
Needless to say, Elisa developed a Reputation among the Kindred of Tucson for being Lettow’s feral, low-humanity brat.
It did reach a turning point. In canon Lettow wouldn’t give her Stellaluna for thirty years, but in this one he had the same idea and gifted her her own famulus -- that little vampire bat she named Stellaluna. A bit of Elisa’s old humanity came back enough at the gesture that he was able to get through to her, and bond with her through teaching her animalism. Her love for Stellaluna, and her being touched at Lettow’s gesture, was a counterbalance to the Beast.
Yep, that’s right, Elisa had an emotional support vampire bat.
He’d been so desperate he’d seriously considered blood binding her to him until they both got her out of it; a blood bond would have made her so attached to him and desperate to please him it would have given her positive emotions to help lift her out of it instead of primal instinct and impulse, and would have given her willpower to fight her Beast at his behest.
Years later, she’d mention to Lettow that she attributed this phase of her life to severe depression. And he’d be like, “no, you weren’t depressed, you were turning into a wight.”
6. Least favourite canon moment of them?
I honestly can’t think of any explicit moments. All that comes to mind are concepts (that Elisa couldn’t bitch at Lettow about the blood bag thing) or moments that aren’t their moment (Lettow’s bizarre response to Jasper’s torture of Modian and his callousness to Dove), or something that isn’t even a moment (lack of more Reremouse-like missions in-game where you get to work with him hands on!).
11. If they aren’t a canon pairing, how would you get them together?
Their relationship didn’t happen as it did in canon.
Basically, canon moved too fast for them. Elisa strongly resented Lettow at least until the midpoint where he offered her the final three jobs, and she was terrified of him for the whole game except the epilogue because she kept waiting for him to throw her under the bus (the first half) or execute her for Diablerie (the second half). Even after he confronted her about Aila, she was mostly convinced that him having her be the bait was his attempt at killing her without having to execute her.
(Years later he’d tell her that that was sincerely not the case -- that he had her be bait because he firmly believed she could survive anything.)
Needless to say, that’s... not a healthy base for a relationship, even though she was crushing damn hard by the end of the game and was genuinely upset that he didn’t even intend to say goodbye.
But they did get together. After Lettow returned from the Middle East Dove wanted Elisa to do some dangerous jobs and was like, “hey, why don’t we get mister fucking invincible to play bodyguard?”
Lettow was genuinely surprised at how emotional she was at his return -- she would’ve been brought to tears if she could cry. They bonded better this time around, as equals. They talked about Aila and laid that to rest -- it was harder for Elisa to talk about than Lettow. Elisa talked about how Aila was still around. Lettow talked about how he resented Aila for leaving him and letting herself get Diablerised. Elisa got to be turned on by watching him beat the crap out of people who tried to hurt her.
But it was a slow burn because, well. Elisa ate his wife so how could she, in good conscience, ever make a move on him? And on Lettow’s side -- he absolutely despised himself and thought he wasn’t good enough for Aila to stay awake or even alive, and if Aila hated him so fucking much she basically killed herself and put an (in his mind) innocent childe at risk to get away from him, how could he possibly make Elisa happy?
Cue months of mutual pining, and occasionally doing couple things like sharing a bed or cuddling without acknowledging them as couple things.
At one point Lettow bites off more than he can chew even by his standards, which Elisa was able to see plain as day at the time. Their usual tactics when overwhelmed was for Lettow to distract the attackers and for Elisa to run, but this time the opposition was so overwhelming that Elisa knew if she ran Lettow would get destroyed, so she refused to run, which only made things more dangerous for both of them. They had a huge argument about it -- Elisa accusing Lettow of trying to kill himself, Lettow accusing Elisa of being an idiot who didn’t trust him to do his job -- but the whole “oh my god the other person almost DIED” helped them realise that
maybe they should stop letting the Aila thing get in the way and just... get together anyway.
Because they loved each other.
So they did.
And they’ve been together ever since.
12. If you had to take them and plunk them into another fandom, what fandom would that be? Why?
Ooof I really had to think about this one.
There’s no one fandom I’d put them in, but I went into a lot of detail with just one so here’s the one I did:
Subnautica -- Human AU. Elisa is a courier on the Aurora delivering classified governmental data, stuff too important to trust to the post or the internet (or extranet, as it would be). She becomes the only survivor of its crash on 4546B. She feels guilty about falling in love with the planet she’s on and genuinely enjoying much of her time there (when she’s not pissing herself in fear) while knowing at home she has a boyfriend/husband who must be absolutely frantic with worry. She keeps a video diary of her survival there and documents the world as best as she can, tries to find other survivors, and wonders if she’ll ever make it out alive and see Lettow and her parents again -- and if she’ll ever be able to come back if she does.
Meanwhile Lettow is losing his shit, alternating between thinking she’s dead and hoping she’s alive. His subplot is him getting in touch with the loved ones of other survivors and harassing Alterra into mounting a rescue; his hopes are shot down, quite literally, with the discovery of the orbital canon and the fate of the Sunbeam. Alterra is refusing to destroy the orbital canon because uhh we don’t want war with ALIENS??? WE’VE GOT NO DIPLOMATIC TIES WITH ANY ALIENS??? DESTROYING IT MIGHT GET US ALL KILLED???,
but they have a satellite in orbit, out of range of the canon, and it’s looking for evidence of survivors. And it’s been picking up activity -- somebody they can’t identify swimming around near a life pod, or moving on one of the islands, or moving around the Aurora. It’s only when she one day takes a nap on the beach near the orbital canon, her face up to the sky, that they’re able to identify the first survivor -- Elisa Mulgrew, government worker.
That picture of her sleeping face and wet hair makes headlines across multiple systems.
So Lettow finds out she’s alive -- but there’s nothing he can do to bring her home. Nothing. And he doesn’t know how long she’ll live for, or how long Alterra will keep up the expense of the satellite. Because over time it’s becoming clear that Alterra is sinking millions into these efforts and there’s no evidence of any other survivors. There’s only camera recordings of one vehicle moving at a time, one person moving at a time, and the only person they’ve ever managed to record always has the same reddish-brown hair as Elisa. Alterra are trying to stop the search because they see it as essentially wasting millions on one person, who’s “only” a courier, who they can’t even save.
The only reason they’ve been humouring people this long is because of the amount of anti-Alterra political sentiment being whipped up in the wake of the disaster and Alterra’s handling of it, and how many people even within Alterra are upset about the whole thing, and how many people are behind the families of the people who were on the Aurora. And with less and less evidence that anyone other than Elisa survived, even they are starting to lose interest.
Yeah Lettow really copes badly in this AU. “Barely gets out of bed each day” badly.
(When Elisa eventually gets home she leaks the “the usual” audio, which starts a whole new wave of people being mad at Alterra and the guy on it almost certainly getting fired so hard nobody will ever employ him again. Elisa actually feels kind of bad for him.)
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fantroll-purgatory · 6 years
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FIRST: Alternia or Beforus?: Lives on Demokratia, and I won’t send the link again for the wiki I made because you’ve already seen it twice now lmao. Sorry for the invasion lmao
Haha are you guys just all recommending this blog to each other or did you all happen to follow it already? Either way I’m glad to see so many of y’all. 
Name (preferably include how you came up with it and why): Her name’s Celina, which is derived from the Roman goddess Selene, who is the goddess of the moon. Her last name, which she doesn’t use (or remember), is Igenia, which means “Of noble descent.” I’ve had her for a little over a year so there might’ve been a different name reasoning, but not sure.
Hmmm. Celina is a real human name And possibly a very common one among your primary audience, which are two strikes that always make me waver on a name. Maybe we could try to effectively combine Celina and Celeste to make something just a little more uncommon? Like Celist or Celise. That reads less immediately like A Regular Ol’ Name. Igenia works well, tho! I can’t find the definition saying it means noble, but I trust you. And it works anyways because there’s a company called iGenea that researches ancestry, etc. 
Age: 9 sweeps
Strife Specibus: Knifekind
Simple and to the point! She seems rough and violent, so that’s definitely fair. 
Fetch Modus: Garbagekind
Puts everything in without any organization, and while you can technically dig around and find exactly what you need, it’s a lot easier to just pull something out at random. It gets harder to find things the more shit you put in, which is why with her it’s really just filled with guns and knives and a few limited edition Beeyoncé (Troll Beyoncé) posters.
How DARE she do this to Troloncé. That’s hilarious though that’s not even a modus at this point she’s just dragging a garbage bag around with her like a heathen. Do people try to tell her to get a real modus. Does she hit them over the head with her garbage bag. This is so fitting for a dog-themed troll. 
Symbol and meaning: Canis Major- symbol of the greater dog I chose this for two reasons: one, unga unga dog, she’s a furry chad. Two, in astrological sense, Canis Major is the greater hunting dog of Orion, and is chasing Lepus, the rabbit. Since Celina’s whole schtick is fighting and dogs and hunting and what not, I found it a good fit.
I might edit the symbol a little just to match the fuchsia sign language, but we’ll see. 
Pesterchum: cagedMongrel [CM]
Is she caged? She doesn’t seem very caged. she might be an UNCAGED mongrel. That would also make her have the initials UM and would let you make who let the dogs out jokes. 
Quirk: x2 R’s (like a growling little dog), no punctuation, and rambling, hardly intelligible, insulting. + B’s for emoticons cuz her sick shades B)
Special Abilities (if any): Nuh-uh
Guardian/pets?: Sealmom, Fighting fish
Sealmom is a fully aquatic, leviathan seal that is Celina’s lusus. Celina has a bunch of deadly sorta beta fish that she breeds and forces them into tournaments and then only lets one live.
What Is A Seal But A Water Puppy. I love that gjhbhjg. You say she’s fully aquatic, so I’ll go ahead and let that slide. Am having fun imagining a fully aquatic seal, though. Fsr I’m thinking about like, Pinnicarids from Subnautica despite them not being fully aquatic… it’s just the Vibe. Alien species are fun!
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Also the fighting fish rings idea is such a good concept I’m surprised I’ve never seen it before. But also I’m tattling on her to Duckie for animal cruelty. 
Personality: Celina is, at her purest, truest form is a major fuckwad. Her intelligence is less than lackluster and she finds such.. intense joy in just purely pissing people off, either through only slightly empty threats to just being a gross flirt. She has taken the duty to personally make everyone around her on edge and in a bad mood just because she thinks its funny.
Oh Bastard. Going to be a fun character to write and play, though. She’s going to get her ass kicked at some point.
Interests: Fighting, cannibalism, bullying, holding fighting fish tournaments, fawning over hot people (celebrities or just women coughnothergfthocough)
Cannibalism?! Ma’am what are you doing! 
Title: Thief of Rage
Oof I don’t know if she’s a Thief of Rage, because this implies she steals other people’s negative feelings and takes all forethought upon herself for her own benefit…. HHhhrm. I guess Thief Is technically redistributive in general so it can work. I’m squinting but it works.
Land: Land of Havoc and Fool’s Gold
I Love this name.
Dream planet: Prospit
Mutable, relatively sure in herself, honest in her outward projection… yeah, that’s a prospitan alright.
Design time!: 
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Want to begin by apologizing for the lack of transparency. My actual laptop decided to break and so I’m trapped on my school laptop, which can’t handle an actual art program, so I’m editing in paint for the time being ;_;. Luckily there aren’t many changes here. I edited the sign like I said to have the Classique Fuchsia Prongs, and I brought her blood color back down to the canon range. I don’t know how the hemospectrum works in the Demokratia au, so I just rolled with the Canon Blood Laws (There’s only 12/13). 
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