#oh screw it i’ll make a little mock up for him whenever im more lucid
antii-gravity · 4 months
just had a dream abt rt being a high school teacher of mine??
So, from what i remember, he had to take a day off for a school thing? so he sent out a little email saying he was gonna be gone but he was gonna stop in to say hi. But for now we had a sub. Apparently dan decided to give us a quiz that day (the bastard) and he ended up popping in to say hi right after we were given said quiz- so he gave us a quiz on a day he wasn’t even there and then immediately distracted us taking it (unbelievable)
did not matter at all to dream me though lmao i just remembered being so excited to see him (for all of two seconds while gave snarky comments on the poetry we were reading and left) anyway the class devolved into chaos almost immediately. which to be fair i’m surprised hadn’t happened sooner. desks and chairs were everywhere, everyone was talking so loudly and moving everything around and i was just sitting in the middle of the room at my perfectly straight desk just like. i miss dan.
anyway rt english teacher au when???
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