#oh now that we're getting close Im gonna let myself talk abt this just this once but if you care abt potential spoilers stop reading
arolesbianism · 2 months
Alright boys pack it up no more rain world posting new oni dlc is coming out in less than a week
#rat rambles#oni posting#rain posting#I jest I will probably still be posing some rain world stuff if I get around to designing more guys#but I can already feel the oni brain coming back and am half tempted to do one last comb through the files even tho I know itll be#pointless because the full dlc will be at my fingertips very soon#to be clear I 100% will be combing through the data of the full release too but thats a given#calvin my boy pls make it in pls don't get scrapped pls my boy#oh now that we're getting close Im gonna let myself talk abt this just this once but if you care abt potential spoilers stop reading#anyways so last I checked where the duplicant descriptions and stuff is stored there was an additional new duplicant named calvin#now I wasnt able to find anything else referencing him from my admittedly not super deep digging but he was there#I did thoroughly look through the spritesheets tho and hes definitely not there from what I could yell#or at least he wasnt when I checked idk maybe they put him in during one of the patches for some reason#but yeah I hope he makes it in despite all the specific advertising of them adding one new duplicant#its actually these descriptors that have been making me not wanna talk abt calvin dupe too openly as if he does make it in its probably#going to be a pretty big spoiler for a bit?#ofc if he is a secret of sorts then he wont be for long but if he is meant to be a surprise I don't wanna scream on the rooftop abt it#but I do wanna have proof that I found him before hand it he is a surprise I need to feel cool and special for looking at one file <3#yknow what I think I actually am going to pop open oni and tripple check that I'm not missing anything#I was playing rw a lot to cope with the dlc not being fully out but at this point Ive finished every campaign except saints#and saints is being a buggy bastard for me rn and keeps repeatedly softlocking me so Im giving up on it for now#like just this morning I did the entirety of the hunter campaign in like 2 hours I have so little left to do#if I do decide to replay a campaign tho it's probably going to be either gourmands or spearmasters since theyre my favorites to play as#idc what anyone says Ill always preffer the spearmasters story to rivulets I adore them both but ppl do not appreciate spearmaster enough#like every person Ive seen play it sees the ending as disappointing and I wont stand for it its high-key my favorite ending#now thats entirely because Im a moon enjoyer and a tragedy enjoyer but still I will always lose my mind over moon's final message
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empiresblrmybeloved · 2 months
One day left.
So uh, bit of a long read but if your willing, click read more.
Dear Future Z,
How's life been treating you so far? Did our family ever accept us? I hope so, how's the vtubing going, is it going at all? Do you have an OK sleep schedule? How's the drinking coming along, have you sobered up a bit? I hope your doing well by now, are you gonna go to college? What are you planning to study now? How about your freinds? Are.you still in touch with Starshell, Icarus, and Fallen Stars? What about Ray? Or Draven and Sam? How was Halloween? How do you identify now? Did Carlos ever get you that gc2b binder he said he'd get? Did you graduate? Sorry! Alot of questions, but im curious, and excited, oh! I should tell you about myself!
Our family doesn't accept us, but the number 333 has been popping up alot, like it has since we realized we were trans! The number means to take a bold leap forward. I think moving out is gonna be our bold leap! Vtubing, it's starting, streaming to freinds for now, but im excited for the future! I.. it's almost 11pm when I'm writing this, I have no sleep schedule! The drinking is uh. Not the best, I learned from our dad, but I don't drink as much as I did when I was 16! Can't even finish a whole Beast Unleashed can anymore! Getting high asf though. MAN it is weird to DM while high, it's fun though! I think I'm gonna go to college, I wanna study therapy and music production! Right now, I am in touch with all of them! I don't talk with them much now cause of school, but I'm gonna try and chat them up more! Rays gonna be my DM, Draven is in my poly, actually considering from breaking off from him,, I don't know, our feelings have been a mess, sam,, eeeh, we exchange trans tips and witchy tips every so often! I do numerology readings. I've called people out with UNO cards. Halloween!!! Our mom is letting us celebrate, albeit, she's making us go as a hufflepuff, but the fact is, she's letting us celebrate. This is gonna be our first Halloween!!!! Still a trans pansexual! I'm gonna bug Carlos abt the binder tommorow, promise! And I don't know if I will, I got alot of catching up to do..
Listen, if things have gone to shit, and we did something stupid.. I just hope things are better now, but, in gonna hold out hope- my goal is to get 2 months clean, dod we ever reach that goal? I hope so..
I hope your happier now.
Sincerely, Past Z, September 12, 11:01pm.
[And, the response..]
Dear, Everyone...Life isn't doing the best. But I'm trying, that counts for something I'm sure. Our family didn't accept us. It's dangerous here, but we're getting out, we have too. Our sleep schedule, uh. Non existent, sorry about that. I don't drink anymore, I use weed! :> college isnt actually needed! Im becoming a tax preparer and that doesnt need college! Still in touch with icarus and starshell, havent talked to sam in a while, Rays been close, pur Taurtis fictive is going on a date with their sam on the 5th! Draven can rot in fucking hell, bastard. We didn't do Halloween, we do have a binder though! Gc2b and it's RAINBOW! And– we fucking did it. We graduated. I didn't think we would. None of us did..Our family hasnt changed, but weve been seeing 333, 222, and 555 arpund alot. Positive changes. I hope I'm making the right decision moving out, its scary... we had to stop tubing cause our pc fucking DIED its almost tomorrow when writing this and i am wide awake, i still dont have a sleep schedule. I don't drink, I get high, it's good, I've learned to hide it– I haven't DMd since icarus and Jon came over last year, but yeah, existing while being high is nice. Helps, alot. Veil is with Ray, and Creed is poly with Ray and icarus! We ditched Draven. He was a red flag. Havent dont numerology in a while.. she LIED. She didn't let us celebrate she keeps lying it's horrible. Still a trans pansexual though!...I haven't reached two months, but I did reach a month clean. We were almost two months! Had a week left but, our brother starting saying stupid shit....We don't like this house. They claim their Cristian and forget about love thy neighbor, they'd choose the bear but they don't know that the body's brother is the man we all want to avoid. We dont want to be here any longer. Dad's getting mad because we've been counting down the days till we're 18, moms encouraging us to eat less. Our brother. I don't want to talk about him. It got worse. He did it.... I'll get better once I'm out, I'm sure of it.Sincerely, Future Xander.
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thetriggeredhappy · 3 years
okay forgot I sent you that ask cause it was like the middle of the night but the homoeroticism was because I was playing on hightower as scout and this blu sniper was legit the best huntsman sniper I've ever encountered. he'd get me as I was leaving spawn and I'd get him when he wasn't paying attention. funniest fucking thing was I missed my jump into their middle spawn area and landed below the wall there, so I just tucked myself in the corner between and wall and the crates, looked up and waited for him because I knew he saw me. a second passes and then there's an arrow in the wall next to my head. I back up, he's behind me looking at the arrow, he looks at me, I look at him, then the arrow, back to each other, then we're both asking how the hell he missed from point blank. either way I sort of wanna turn that into a fic but idk. not sure why I'm telling you about this but I figured you'd probably find it funny
writes a fic abt a theoretical in-game situation because im a fuckin. goobus
(warnings for canon-typical violence, consider this one pg-13)
Thump. “OW, FUCK!”
Scout clamped a hand over his mouth a moment too late, eyes wide.
Okay, so, shit. Not ideal. That was a twisted ankle—hell, maybe even a fracture—and here he was, alone by the BLU restock room, having just completely and utterly failed what was supposed to be an easy jump. The easiest jump.
And that bastard BLU Sniper for sure just probably heard him.
He pinned his shoulders back against the wall, eyes up towards the ledge above him. Okay, he had to think fast. He still had his gun, even if ammo was looking a little… thin at the moment. He wasn’t defenseless. He just had to play it cool. Keep his head on his shoulders. Which, yeah, was kind of the problem lately, since apparently the BLU Sniper was just a real douchebag with that bow and arrow, but whatever.
But the pain was distracting enough, and his focus narrowed so firmly to the ledge way up above him, that he didn’t process the sound of footsteps before the sound of a hard THUNK just to one side of his head, making him jump half a foot into the air and yelp in a way that was extremely un-manly.
And then he looked to his right at the arrow embedded into the wall a foot from his head, and then he looked at the BLU Sniper standing not even two dozen paces away.
A beat of pause.
“How the fuck did you miss?” Scout asked, utterly baffled.
“Bugger off,” the Sniper barked, looking similarly confused.
“No, seriously, how’d you fuckin’ miss?” he repeated, standing up and turning to look at the arrow again. “What the shit? My guy, I could’ve thrown it overhand and hit closer than that.”
“Well how does a bloody Scout miss a four-foot horizontal jump to flat ground?” he challenged right back.
“Oh, fuck you. I’m not the one who couldn’t hit a still target at eight fuckin’ yards.”
“I’m not the one who fell eight feet and yelped like one of those yappy sorts of dogs!”
“I’m not the one who wears sunglasses in the middle of the fuckin’ night.”
“Oh bugger off,” the Sniper spat, jaw tight, “now you’re just getting personal.”
“Wanna talk about personal?” the Scout challenged, moving forward, feeling particularly bold just then as he processed that closer range meant he was in less danger when it came to a Sniper. “If we’re talkin’ about personal, we can talk about how you’re gettin’ all personal! What’s with the target on my back, huh?”
“Well why are you wasting time bolting up to beat my head in instead of doing your buggering job?” the Sniper challenged right back, eyeing the way the Scout moved in but not backing down.
“Hey, you’re the one shooting at fast targets for no reason!”
“No, you answer the damn question,” the Sniper sneered, taking a step in as well, and it made Scout stutter to a halt, suddenly much closer than he was entirely on board with now that he noticed the knife hanging on the man’s hip. “What’s got you picking fights with blokes a kilometer out from the damn fight? You got a bloody death wish?”
“Maybe it’s just ‘cause I like you so much,” Scout teased in a sing-song voice, and didn’t anticipate the hard shove to the chest that sent him stumbling back, and it caught his leg wrong, made him hiss through his teeth at the sharp spike of pain, and too late he recovered his balance.
“Not so brave now, though, are you?” the Sniper jeered, fronting on him now, and before Scout could shift his weight to defend himself another hard shove sent him stumbling back further, off balance again. “Caught out neck-deep on enemy territory with a bum leg, and there goes that bravado, doesn’t it? Maybe now you’ll learn to mind the attitude.”
“Ain’t ever minded my attitude before, why would I start today? Because some fuckin’ punk gets his kicks playing with his food?” Scout mocked, absolutely committed to not looking like a coward. This Sniper wasn’t gonna get that satisfaction. “Where’s that professionalism now, huh, crocodile man?”
“Are you ever going to shut your damn mouth?!” the Sniper growled, and every nerve in Scout’s body screamed ‘danger’ at his expression, his body language, everything. Back literally to a wall, the tail of that arrow from earlier in his periphery, the Sniper closing in. “Will you just shut up already?!”
“Make me,” Scout sneered, and the Sniper practically snarled, surging forward. He processed the painful click of teeth foremost, but his limbs caught up faster than his brain, and within seconds he had arms up around the Sniper’s shoulders, yanking him down to kiss him harder, longer, and man, he was so fucked.
This was like fighting too, fighting to hold on tighter, to pull back to breathe. He was being crushed a little, ribs aching, but it was good, the fighting.
He pulled back to gasp hard, and coughed a little at how the closeness didn’t let him get the whole gasp’s worth of air, and a second gasp followed at the feeling of the Sniper pushing his head back, setting his mouth in against his neck and getting to work. Scout huffed for air, digging fingertips in to grip at him, lips tingling and aching. He was pretty sure he could taste blood, but he wasn’t sure whose.
Wait, what the fuck was he doing?!
Like ice water, brought to his senses, he caught sight of the arrow out of the corner of his eye. It was easy to reach, but a little harder to yank out of the wall, and then easy to jab down somewhere into the Sniper’s ribcage.
A choked noise, the Sniper rearing back despite Scout’s clinging arms, and he didn’t see him reaching for the blade but he felt it lodged down through his shoulder.

God fucking damn it, he had good aim. Already his vision was swimming and going dark. He didn’t have long.
“Kill ya later,” he managed to quip, grinning as wide and smug as he could manage, and it was hard to tell, but at least he probably got the Sniper too from the way the man teetered. And he tried for a wink, but waking back up in the Resupply again, he couldn’t be sure he managed it.
Oh well. He’d have next time. And if he wasn’t determined before, he was now—there would be a next time.
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luvdsc · 3 years
hi miss cat sooooo i feel abit queasy rn?? idk so sTORY TIME :D i have this guy friend,,,, let's call him 'beer' (idk what to call him oKAy OHMYGOD) LMAO. his family and my family are pretty close but we only met personally in the beginning of last year since they moved here to my city and they didn't know anybody else in the area except me n my fam so not only did we helped them move in to their new place but we also helped them familiarize the area. and they would constantly go to our house and vice versa. me being anti social and introverted, i never really interacted with them much?? after eating i would just walk straight back to my room and lock myself up there until they're gone OR.... i would wait for them to leave so i could eat JKGFDJSDKS (i have social anxiety n interactions seem draining at times so i just avoid ppl i'm unfamiliar or uncomfy with ;-;). tURns out,,, we were the same age???? JDFKDKV me and 'beer' got close during my sister's bday party. it was just a small n intimate gathering (only like 5 ppl,, including me n my sis) nd he was invited. my sis was so drunk, we had to bring her up to her room and tuck her into bed,,, my sis friend was in the bathroom puking the night away JDFKSSJNK and the others were just either passed out drunk or just didnt wanna drink anymore. but there was so much drinks left and we didnt want to waste it, so me and 'beer' ended up tryna finish the cocktails that was made since it was such a waste to throw them out and since i was under the consumption of alcohol i became more outspoken and confident than i usually am JFVDSJKVDJK we had a couple drinks earlier so while we were abit tipsy and we looked like crazed people talking and giggling n shit,, we became close after that night. and from there, we became each other's designated "drinking buddies". IDK IF THATS AN ACTUAL THING BUT YEA :D LIEK, EVERYTIME WE DRINK LIKE WE'RE JUST ALWAYS TOGETHER, KINDA LIKE A DUO,, DRUNK PARTNERS IN CRIME OR WHATNOT JKDSKFFJV and we would even make bets on who's had more drinks or sumn. and as time went by, i noticed how he got alittle comfortable with me?? he'd try to like make advances or do some gentlemanly stuff (which he doesn't normally do around me??) at first i didn't rlly mind since he prob was tipsy or something. and then during new year’s,, as in when the clock struck 12 am,, he messaged me and confessed that he started harboring a crush on me and that he had feelings for me ;-; IDK WHAT TO REPLY SO I WAS LIKE: "HAHA U'RE PROB SHITFACED DRUNK RN,, GO TO SLEEP :)" and he was like: "nO IM SERIOUS, IHAVE FEELINGS 4 U, AND NO I DIDNT DRINK ANYTHING TODAY" KJFNXCSKJDVF I JUST LEFT HIM ON READ AFTER THAT CUS IDK WHAT TO DO?? HJSDNDFSKF ++ i'm not rlly into these kind of things and i just dont see him that way,,,, i'm the type wherein if i just don't see anything even just a teeny-tiny spark, it's just NO. + commitment scares me :( i just felt so scared n weirded out so after that i just started avoiding him :// there were times where his fam n him would stop by at our place so i literally just lock myself up in my room whenever they're there and wait til they left. but today, they came again and we all ate dinner together. i sat across him and he greeted me saying "hi". i can only offer him the most awkward smile cus i didn't wanna be rude to him infront of everybody. his sister literally squealed HJFDVKSJK and i think she knew what was going on LMAO. after eating, i went to the kitchen and i was just washing the dishes and he suddenly came in, he seemed so nervous i honestly felt bad :( and he was like tryna bring up the 'confession thing' but the tension was just so bad n awkward. and he was like,, "let me just wash the dishes" and i was like "nO, u're a guest just leave the dishes here and i'll wash) and we were just bickering back and fort having a banter of who's washing the dishes, but i just was so fed up i grabbed his plate and i washed it myself FJBKDNVSJF and he was like,, "we good?" im like"yea?? ig" KFDJNSS idk now it just feels weird, he's cool but i just dont rlly like
him that way and although i admire him for being honest with his feelings abt me, i just dont think we can hangout anymore like we used to. so yea im srry if this is so long holy shit im so sorry. i hope life been treating u well bub!! <33
bdudidkdnfjjdjd oh god, lovebug, this all sounds really awkward, and I totally get how you feel 🤧🤧 like when they say “we’re good?” it’s like that when you say that you’re fine but you’re not really fine meme fjjfkdkffkck 😀😀 because the friendship gets so awkward after that, and it sucks because you see him as a really good friend and really liked hanging out with each other but now feelings made everything weird and you’re never gonna be able to go back to how it was before because those feelings will always be on the back of your mind and the friendship is not the same and you eventually drift apart and god, it just really sucks to lose a friend /: it’s basically the eventual slow death of a friendship and it’s just so complicated and I’m sorry you have to go through that, honey bee ): I hope you’re able to work things out with him tho 💗 and thank you, honey bee !!!! Aside from this, I hope life has been treating you kindly as well, sweetpea 💕
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