#oh noes testing woes
mbti-sorted · 9 months
Hi, I realize you're not here to play mbti-counselor (or are you?) but I'm kind of stuck; I could swear that I'm a Fi user and Ti user, but that isn't possible. Could you offer any advice on how to figure it out? How do you understand Fi and Fe, and Ti and Te? Is there a type that presents, due to function order or a loop like they have both? Thanks for any help, and your time, and this amazing tumblr - I've learned so much ... ironically I can type other people quite well now.
These are Dario Nardi's definitions:
- EXTRAVERTED FEELING (Fe) - “Evaluate and communicate values to enhance social relationships.”
Attend keenly to how others judge them. Quickly adjust behaviour for social harmony. Like to use adjectives to convey values. The true degree of their emotional response about morals/ethics is often held back and given only in words or ideas. May be easily coerced or embarrassed.
- INTROVERTED FEELING (Fi) - “Listen with your whole self to locate and support what’s important.”
Evaluate personal importance along a spectrum from love/like to dislike/hate. Use their whole brain to listen to others. Attentive and curious for what is not said. Focus on word choice and voice tone. Hard to embarrass. Can respond strongly to specific, high-value words. May not utilise feedback.
- EXTRAVERTED THINKING (Te) - “Manage resources efficiently to quickly decide based on the evidence.”
Highly efficient use of brain resources. Focus on word content, recall facts and figures, see and manipulate images, and then decide. Adept at giving decisive explanations. Tend to utilise other brain regions only when those regions are truly needed. May display confidence even when wrong.
- INTROVERTED THINKING (Ti) - “Reason multiple ways to objectively and accurately analyse problems.”
Rely on interior regions of neocortex. Adept at deductive reasoning, defining and categorising, weighing odds and risks, and/or navigating spaces. Can shut out senses to think. Tend to back-track to clarify thoughts. Separate body from mind when arguing or analysing. May quickly stop listening.
I don't particularly type by functions, just how it shows up in physical behaviour - I find that people with Ti (not me!) are better at picking theirs out. You can try the suggestions in this post.
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urlocalnctstan · 4 years
𝚃𝚒𝚍𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚜
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Genre : Angst, Fluff, Slow-burnish, Idol AU
Pairing : Jaehyun x Reader ft.Mark (other members too)
Warning(s) : strong language, age-gap, mature contents, weird writing style lmao, uh what else? idk but yeah
Disclaimer :The story is completely fictitious, idol-fan relationships are not common so some of you crazy ones out here, pls don’t get too delusional, your oppas will be your oppas only virtually, not in real life.
Playlist : Youtube Link / Written
Word Count : 5.4k
Summary : ‘Time and tide waits for none’- a quote that is universally accepted and believed. You both had had your experience of meeting the right one at the wrong time, the concept of love long forgotten after the sudden downfall of your relationship together. But will time eventually heal everything for you both?
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The car came to a halt, your mind subconsciously drifting back to the humiliation you faced tonight back at the office.
“ARE YOU FUCKING DUMB, Y/N?” your boss was a fuming mess, his whole office scattered with the documents you had brought just a few moments ago. At the sight of the shredded papers, you felt you heart clench. You worked so hard for this project, disregarding God knows how many nights of your sleep. The feeling of abomination was slowly creeping up from the pit of your stomach towards the man who stood taut, seething in rage.
“HOW MANY TIMES DID I TELL YOU TO JUST DO WHAT THEY ASKED YOU TO?” He yelled, his fist furiously banging on his wooden desk, beneath his hand rested some pieces of the torn documents.
“Sir, even you know how risky it is to design as they asked to. If a blunder happens it is our company that is to be held accountable, not theirs.” you knew it was pointless to reason with the stubborn headed prick, but you had to try out your luck.
“Get out. Out, out, out. Get your fucking face out of my face.” He swished his index finger repeatedly, letting out a frustrated shriek just as I was about to exit his office. His wrath was nothing new in the office, as all the other employees shot me a rather pitying look when they saw me exiting the team leader’s office with hands full of ripped papers. Wow, my 2 weeks worth of sleep. Just wow. You didn’t bother to reciprocate their sympathetic glances, storming out of the corridor as you furiously started clicking the floor to your cabin. The jabbing of your finger on the glowing button that read ‘13’ was the only sound that resonated in the fairly empty area, earning annoyed looks from the two individuals who stood right behind you.
“Ah, fuck.” You banged your head against the steering, recalling the even as you clutched the handles harshly. “Why,” another bang. “do I,” bang. “live like” bang. “this,” bang. You could feel your face was burning without even touching it, streams of tears flowing down. Just as you were about to give yourself another bang, the sudden honk of a car made you pause amidst your ritual. Indeed all motherfuckers love to test my patience. You decide to ignore the rider, mainly because you were also partially at fault for resting in your car in the middle of the park. You twisted the metal keys as the ignition went off, signaling your car was ready to flee. Yet again, you were distracted by soft knocks. You prayed to God to help you not lose your shit, at this point you were questioning if He ever hears your woes at all. The soft knocks stop immediately when you started to pull down the window, the person straightening only crouch again.
“Y/n?” his called out unsurely, as if he were afraid of mistaking you for someone else. You knew that voice, and that is not good news. Shit.
“Mark?” you were surprised to say the least, not expecting to run into an old friend. “Oh my god! How have you been?” You shoot out of your driver’s seat, instantly being engulfed into a bone crushing hug by the male.
“I have been good. Oh god, I can’t believe this! I can’t believe I ran into you after so long!” Mark still held you tight your embrace, the sudden reunion making him feel giddy with excitement.
“Yes indeed,” you were the first to pull out from the hug. You took a moment to study him; black mask covering half of his face as he smiled widely, eyes crinkled and the signature cheekbones still the same as they were in the past. God, it’s really been so long. “What are you up to these days?”
“Er,” Mark scratched his head as he laughed nervously, unsure if he was allowed to give you spoilers about his new album. “I have been working on my solo album actually.” 
“Are you for real?” You found yourself hugging Mark again at the joy of his successful career. “I’m so so proud of you mate!”
“Thank you, thank you,” Mark swayed you lightly, his voice muffled due to the mask he wore. Mark was the one to pull out now, still keeping your caged as he placed his hands on your shoulders. “In no way I am gonna let you leave without a trace again,” he almost groaned.
“Promise, I won’t anymore,” you signaled to the stack of files that rested on the backseat of your car. “They won’t leave me alone.”
“I’ll just ask your boss to assign you with more tasks then,” he giggled mischievously, earning a light smack from you at the mention of such an absurd idea.
“I’ll track your way to hell to kill you again if you do something like that,” you hissed at Mark, who was still giggling at your frustrated reaction. The atmosphere became quiet as Mark looked up in the vacant sky, deep in thoughts while you waited for him to continue. Your phone buzzed against your leather coat.
[From Bullhead] : Don’t think I am overlooking your mess. This is the first and final warning from me.
You shivered, half from the cold and half from the text you just received.
“26th, sharp at 8 PM, my place.” He snapped his fingers, hooting at the realization of having a free day in his busy scheduled life.
“Okay, done.” You should have refused, you thought. But for some reason, you found yourself agreeing to his offer, you felt both sad and guilty for disappearing out of your friend’s life without a trace. However, you couldn’t ignore the greedy feeling you felt, the want to see him again. “I think I should be done around...7:30? So I think I’ll be able to make it.” You unlocked and handed him your phone.
“You have to make it,” his eyes focused on the screen of your device, swiftly typing what you assumed was him number. “Just incase, text me if I happen to forget - no I know that look, Y/n, you must text if that happens..” He rolled his eyes, knowing that how much you would be overthinking about possibly tiring him because of his busy lifestyle. Mark dialed his number from your phone before handing it back to you. You visibly snickered at the name he saved his contact with : ‘My Boo MarkLee <3’ 
“Stop pretending as if you never renamed my existence as Markie Boo,” he groans, remembering how this has been his another one of the hundred pet names he had. Your conversation was cut mid way as his phone loudly vibrated in his phone, swiftly pulling it out as the guy whined in annoyance.
“Yo, I gotta go now I guess, something came up at the company.” He looked sad, pouty. “See you around, yeah?” You were pulled into another hug by the male, he surely loved to hug as usual.
“Yes, yes. Now go. Don’t be late.” You patted his back, pulling out of the hug and shooing him away towards his car.
“See ya, Mom.” He beamed as he sped off with his car. 
“Dumbass.” You muttered, softly laughing at the name he would always call you by, despite being years younger than him. You rounded around your car, getting inside. The start was bad but the end was good nonetheless. The keys of your car jiggled as you closed the door. Again, you twisted the keys, your mood slightly better than before for which you were grateful. Your car’s ignition blared, as you positioned towards the exit of the park, subtly muttering ‘long ass ride.’
The digits ‘7:37’ glowed on the the small digital clock beside your desktop. You felt stiff, stretching your neck as your bones made those cracking noes. You stare at your toes, zoning out was your passion and you excelled at it. You snapped straight, letting out a deep sigh as you started to scheme the projects before you were to hand them over to your bullhead boss. Soon enough, you were done, muttering almost too loudly for everyone that you wished your boss would be napping off instead of being awake.
Good for you, your prayers were answered for the first time in a while. You quietly placed the files that contained all the details that needed to be checked again by your boss, quietly making your way out of his cabin as soon as possible. On you way, you informed his secretary you were leaving, her face wore distraught and annoyance but softens as she saw you approaching. Sometimes you felt sympathetic towards her, often asking the heavens to bless her with utmost patience and perseverance to deal with the bullhead.
The marble floor clicked with every step you took, the sounds eerily audible in the serene lobby. It was very rare for the lobby to be filled with people in evening, the employees would practically sprint off their seats as soon as the clock hits 7. You made your way out of the building, making a mental note to buy a gift for Mark on your way back to home. What would he like? Take outs? Homemade? Wine? You drove across the street before halting your car in front of the department store that was situated just a few blocks away from your office. The header of the store glowed, the alleys seemingly half-crowded with people of different occupations you assumed. You let out a hiss as you felt a chill run down your spine, it was almost the end of Autumn which meant Winter was just round the corner. You decided to rely on your instincts, deciding to gift your friend a fancy bottle of wine despite having zero knowledge about it.
You were never quite the fan of wine. According to you, the seemingly alcoholic drink was too expensive, plus the etiquettes that came along for its consumption would always just make your turn your head away every time you laid your eyes across one. You schemed through the white shelves filled with different tastes and colors of wine, each hailing from various corners of the world. “How do I even spell it?” You crouched down a bit to a bottle that had caught your attention, the exquisite name was starting to make your head hurt. It’s probably a white wine you thought, the transparent color of the liquid was what made you convince. But something rather nostalgic caught your sight, before you could even realize, you found your fingertips caressing the cold glass bottle of the red liquid that you held now.
“If were to be a drink, then what would I be?” You lazily laid sprawled across the couch in the living, while you boyfriend who sat on the marble floor across fumbles with the knotted bunch of cables. Jaehyun had his gaze focus of the wire maze in his hands, eyebrows furrowed and lips pouted in immense concentration.
“Peach milk,” he smiled, unbeknownst to you he was actually implying a double meaning for his answer.
“And why that?” You felt his choice a bit amusing, not really expecting that as an answer.
“Because I love your ass and boobs,” he winked, only to be hit by a pillow that was resting beneath your curled legs. Jaehyun felt himself giggling by your reaction, it was cute to see you being annoyed. “Babe, c’mon. I can’t lie about it.” 
“Never mind, just forget it.” You started to get a bit pissed, hurt as well because your sensitive ass thought he would probably say something sweet that would make you heart flutter. 
“Peach milk is my favorite, that’s the main reason why,” Jaehyun shifted his focus back to the cables, the last two knots were too adamant to let go of each other. You felt yourself smiling, too wide, he definitely knew you well. Cheeky bastard.
“What about me?” he asked, eyes still focused as he working on untying the last knot.
“Hmmm...” you shifted your position on the couch, now sitting up as you stared your boyfriend’s figure for a short while.
“Red wine.” sophisticated, classy, unique, warm. If you were to describe the aura around him, these would be the first choices.
However, your answer seemed to have caught Jaehyun’s attention, pausing in his tracks as he got curious as to why the specific choice. He had a huge grin on his face, he adored how you remembered the specific detail of red wine being his favourite, for he mentioned it in your first date which was 2 years back. But he knew there was more to it. He knew you too well. “But why red wine?”
You kept your gaze fixated on Jaehyun as he gets up from the ground, putting the cables in a secure manner to avoid another tie war. He hugged the pillow tight which you had previously thrown on him, before propping down beside you on the couch with a tired sigh, looking at you intently. It was as if you both were having a staring contest. So you rested your head on your right hand, both staring each other with soft smiles before you continued.
“You are much more to what everyone thinks you are,” you notice how Jaehyun cocks an eyebrow, still staring and trying to process what you just said.
“Just like wine, the more I know you, the more I know just how amazing you are. Both sweet and sour, but the balanced ratio of it is what makes you more admirable.” You admired how he was always able to balance things out, prior to what everyone believes about him, he had both good and bad sides to him. And that’s what made him more human, him acknowledging his flaws. That’s what made you fall for him.
Hearing you, Jaehyun thought he might dislocate his jaw anytime soon for smiling so hard. His heart started to do all sort of flips, ears starting to pink. It was at times like this when you don’t need words to express how you were feeling, silent but the communication was still present. Jaehyun slides his hand into yours, you glanced at both of your intertwined fingers before looking at him, his eyes full of hearts for you. You giggled, feeling shy at his intense stare but returning him the same way.
“I love you,” he whispered, his starry eyes which were only looking at you.
“Excuse me miss,” You jolt at the sudden change of voice coming from behind you. You whip around, a girl probably in her late teens stood nervously, her hands fidgets with the belts of her backpack. 
“Miss, you were kinda in the way so..” you felt flustered for absent-mindedly drifting into your dreamland while shopping for your friend, chiding yourself mentally in the process.
“Ah, I am so sorry,” you moved swiftly to the side to allow the teen some space to carry out her shopping. “Please, carry on.” You smiled softly. Though at the back of your mind you wanted to point out how she shouldn’t be consuming alcohol, but disregarded the urge nonetheless. Sometimes children should get to enjoy their minimal amount of fun in their youth too. You were still clutching the red wine bottle in your hand, eyeing it one last time before placing it back in the racks. You cleared your throat, as if to let the voices speaking inside your head know that you are not a stupid 20 year old anymore. You shake your head, glancing around to inspect if others were judging your state before proceeding to the counter for the random wine you picked which might have cost you half of your monthly salary. It’s okay to spend once in a while.
Mark was literally running around his apartment. Running. His head shot up as he remembered something. “Shit, fuck, are the bathroom lights okay?” he murmured to himself, sprinting off to the bathroom that was located in his vast living room first, followed by the ones in his bedroom and guestroom. Mark was still a newbie to the norms of living alone, him being a newborn living-alone man for sparsely 2 months. And he would barely be home due to his schedules. There were even times he would just forget his own bedroom.
“What else, what else,” he glanced over the whole area eyes drifting here and there before he realized something. Dumbass forgot to check if there were even enough food for two. Mark quickly scurried to the kitchen counter, the utensils were more than enough before checking his fridge. Beers? Check. Soju? Check. Kimchi? Check. Slices of chicken breast? Check. But the 33 year old still felt something was missing. Mark shifted his focus on the wooden shelf that was just above the kitchen sink, the transparent glass door of it making a creak sound as he opened it. For an apartment who’s owner was barely home, the shelf was definitely well packed and organized. It contained all sorts of ramen, tteokbokki and any other fast food you could name. “What else, what else, what else, what else,” he kept chanting, as if by some magic his chants of short memory would be heard and he would know what else was he missing out. He hunched over the lower shelf to inspect if all the sauces his housekeeper stores for him were present there. Absorbed in his thoughts, Mark did not notice the sudden sound of his bell going off, before the sounds just got repeated and even more louder. 
“What the fuck?” his eyebrows creased in annoyance, cussing out all the profanities he had in his vocabulary at the visitor’s insolent mannerism. Mark was beyond pissed, the person behind the other side of the door not only disrupted his memory battle but also had the audacity to ring the bell like a 3 year old in the middle of the night. Instead of just answering from the intercom, he directly opened the entrance door. “Look, it’s like 11 in the night - Hyung?” Mark halted his rant session as he realized it was Jaehyun standing in front of his house. Covered in black shirt, black mask, black pants - black everything, it would take a while for others who did not know him personally to recognize the member of the top boy group in the industry.
“Were you shitting or something,” Jaehyun smiled before casually giving his best friend a hug. Mark pulls out some of the spare slippers he had stored, while Jaehyun sits on the wooden step as he unties the knots of his black adidas. As Jaehyun get ups, he looks over to the other male standing in front of him, then down at the slippers and then again to the male.
“What?” Mark laughed, his hands shifting to the sides of his waist.
“Mark, please don’t go shopping by yourself next time,” Jaehyun silently judged Mark for offering him the fluffly colourful pink body and yellow polka dots slippers, similar to the ones he was wearing but the combination in opposite. 
“I got them from the BOGO offer going on in the supermarket just down the lane,” Mark wiggled his toes under the furry layer of clothing, slightly humming at the texture. “Bro this shit comfortable and cute, you can’t deny that.”
Jaehyun gives him another look, amused at how his bandmate’s old habits were still the same. “I help you out with your fashion choices next time. Don’t worry.” He patted Mark’s should, a sympathetic grin on his face as he anticipated the other male’s dramatic reaction. 
“Oh please,” Mark scoffed. “More like you need my and Johnny hyung’s assistance for your monotonous wardrobe!”
Jaehyun laughed at his friend’s rebuttal before lazily propping himself on the bean sack in the living room with a low hum. Oddly enough, Mark’s apartment felt more homely than his own apartment which was just above a few floors.
“But what brings you here?” Mark walks over to his fridge, judging by his friend’s sudden visit, he knew drinks had become a necessary part of the night. “And what about Hayoung?”
“What about her?” Jaehyun raised his eyebrow at Mark, skillfully catching the beer Mark had tossed to him after asking about Hayoung, Jaehyun’s, well complicated girl something.
“I though you guys might just....I don’t know, be official or something.” Mark stole a glance towards his friend, nervously opening his can. The momentary pin drop silence was an indicator, he indeed blurted something he should not have. The fizzy hiss of the beer can being opened barely broke the ice.
“I don’t do things like official,” Jaehyun scoffed, producing a low sigh after sipping the beer. Mark decided not to further press his friend, despite having an old unresolved grudge against Jaehyun somewhere deep within him. It had been years since all of that had happened, but he still felt hostility creep up inside every time he remembers that night, that week, that month. After all, it was you that Jaehyun had completely broken, torn and ripped apart.
Unbeknownst to the rummaging thoughts inside the mind of his bandmate, it took a while for the older to realize how oddly clean and organized the apartment looked. Jaehyun turned to Mark, eyebrows raised with mischievousness coating his words. “You having someone for the night tomorrow?”
Mark almost made a disgusted face but instead opted to scrunch. “Bro, I don’t have Tinder, neither do I wanna be a carrier of STDs.” Mark placed his empty can on the small glass table, simultaneously letting out a tired huff. Jaehyun almost took an offense to the statement, the attack was definitely but indirectly made towards him. But he decided to shrug it off, Mark was not lying after all. Jaehyun did not even know half of the girls’ names he had slept with, someday or another mixing up names which ends in him getting kicked out or being cursed out. That was what had happened that night as well. 
“Okay, I forgot. Hayoung, yes. Speak.” Jaehyun shot an incredulous look to the younger, as if he was able to read his mind or something. Mark only furrowed his eyebrows at the reaction.
“I-I....got kicked out,” Jaehyun’s voice was barely above a whisper, but the sharp eared male was able to catch his friend’s low murmur. Mark stifled his giggle, only to receive a glare from his friend. Jaehyun ran his fingers through his newly dyed lilac hair. Fucking embarrassing.
“But what made her do that?”
Jaehyun felt chills run down his spine as the scenario replayed in his head. He shivered despite the heater being on, an amused Mark glancing while chugging down the small remaining amount of beer. Mark was being a gentleman trying to conceal his laughter as Jaehyun rambled how he managed to fuck up yet another good hook-up buddy. At this point, Mark was not even surprised. Victim to his obvious facial expressions, Mark hated lying, and equally hated being lied to as well. Jaehyun side glanced his friend, a loud annoyed snort escaping from him. “Having fun, aren’t you?”
“Well, I mean it’s fun — sorry,” Mark clears his throat. He should be the type of friend who gives advices instead of laughing. Mark wiggled in his seat, distorting the empty can before having a perfect shot in the trashcan just a few feet away from him. Smooth one.
“I think I might retire, or just quit after the current contract ends,” Jaehyun felt tight, the words came out from him in a way too suffocating form. Mark visibly tenses, his laidback posture now crouching forward to his friend. Mark was too pre-occupied in his escalating solo career, the support he had been getting even before the official stage was way too much for him to fathom, but he was grateful for it nonetheless. A stinging guilt crept up inside him, chiding himself of being such an inconsiderate friend. “It’s high-time I start to live on my own accord.”
Mark decided to rather not pressurize the half-drunk dude with his numerous questions as to why or what has made him to take such a step. Jaehyun struggled to keep his eyes open, exhaustion was taking over his body ever faster now that he had booze in his system. Jaehyun would have rather opted to just spend the night on the couch (he preferred Mark’s limited edition long L shaped sofa over any king sized bed) but the guy decided to not get welcomed by his mate as ‘good morning.’ Mark put a hand on Jaehyun’s knee, an attempt to stop the non-stop stomping which was a very well-known drunk habit of him. Piling the blankets he just brought, the younger warned again, eyes like red lazer lights before trudging towards his bedroom. 
Feet wobbly, Jaehyun struggles to drag his build to switch off the remaining lights in the living room, glancing throughout the long empty space. He gulped down harshly, the familiar empty feeling creeping back to him which he had been avoiding for so long — for years. Jaehyun took a deep sigh, the heavy feeling feeling weighing down his chest as he took light steps towards the big glass window which granted him the view of the whole city. His eyes flickered at the luminous sight. He felt big but small, full, content but numb and empty. 
“Hyung, you’re still awake?” a sleepy voice spoke from behind, breaking out Jaehyun from his trance. 
“Huh?” It took a moment for him to process an answer. “Uh yeah. just like that. You go sleep.”
Mark shrugged, walking towards his bed as Jaehyun plopped down harshly on the duvet, wincing slightly as he felt a sprain in his lower back. With the alcohol slowly losing its effect on him with each passing second, Jaehyun started to feel more sober, more drawn back into the reality. He hated it. This feeling he was feeling.
Mark was having a rather difficult time to fall asleep. He even put on a random sleeping eye mask he uses for travelling, but alas that did not help either. He was too giddy, too excited for tomorrow. Pulling up the blankets over his head, Mark was assured he was safe from everyone, even maybe from God as a huge grin breaks out on his face. As much as he hates to admit it, Mark loved how things turned out to be the way they were.
“Oh god, this is so awkward. Oh god can I please please just die already?” Mark halted on his steps at the voice, glistening in sweats after the recent stage. He thought it would be an adventure to opt for the public washroom in disguise since the green rooms’ ones were all occupied by the rest of the members; and boy, Mark was really giving his all hold his pee.  
“OH GOD!” the sudden yelp caused the male to shriek quietly, muttering an inaudile ‘jesus’. Despite the odds, Mark decided not to test his luck, holding in the bubbling feeling just before explosion as much as he could. Muttering quiet curses, the male struggled to hold his posture as he stealthily tried to get to the other side of the stairs. Too busy in his on the way to urination voyage, Mark realized it was too late, he bumped. Bumped into someone. A girl. Hell yeah fucked. Panic crept at the back of his throat as he anticipated what was coming forth. Him being surrounded by numerous fan as he desperately tries to hold his pee. What a fucking sight.
“Look, I know you might be a staff or something,” Mark whipped his head at your voice. “But please just oh god,” you rambled, leaving the man standing with his legs crossed tightly in utter confusion. “I had no idea — Mark Lee?”
The colors from his faced drained, Mark turned casper for a split second. 
“PLEASE!” he was quick to react, half-whispering as he desperately caught your hands. “Please don’t just, uh.., shout or something.”
You immediately raised your hands in defense. “I uh have no reason to do so?” You stated, observing how he was literally squirming, it did not take you long to understand that the canadian needed to go the washroom as soon as possible. ”Oh!” You quickly moved. “Sorry for blocking your way!” Before he could even say thank you, you disappeared without any trace. Mark made a quick mental note to thank you, well that only if he ever happens to cross paths with you again. And deep down, he wised he would. On the other hand, you let out another distressed growl, promising to all of the heavens that never will you be ever accompanying your cousin sister, or let alone come to any concerts from now on. The stunt your drunken cousin had pulled just a while ago was humiliating enough, but of course, she had to spice it up by vomiting on the hallways just in front of the green room. You silently prayed and hope with all your might that maybe they will be generous enough not to sue you or ask for compensation for the mess, looking around cautiously for any employees before you sprinted off for the exit door, and yes, dragging the passed out stunt lady.
Mark felt as if he had a halo above his head, the water balloon inside him finally set free. But he had to race when he saw his phone buzzing with notifications, all of them belonging to his manager or the group chat of the members chanting same syllables ‘Where are you’ ‘show starts in 2′ ‘get yo ass here’. It did not take the rapper too while before he reached the green room, the makeup artists and stylists immediately wrapping themselves around him with brushes and hair sprays. He was smiling, genuinely smiling as he replayed the encounter he just had. Johnny raised an eyebrow with an amused grin on his face. 
“What’s with the smile, bro?” Johnny pulls up some random exercises to relieve the tension in his muscles.
Instead of dodging his question, Mark replied, still smiling, but wider. “The pee voyage was a nice one.”
Johnny judged the younger for a second before chuckling and heading towards the stage. The loud noises from the fans echoed throughout the whole arena, full of green lightsticks gleeming like blossoming spring garden. No wonder I called them grass, Mark thought. But today, he was looking for a rather specific individual, his eye scanning almost all the faces in the crowd. He hoped to see you again, smiling gleefully as he performed, but thought that it was too greedy of him to want this much in a span of a day. And so he performed, for the first time without any pressure of doing good, enjoying every moment of the stage he was on and yet again, wished that maybe, maybe your paths will collide with his again.
part 2
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mbti-sorted · 9 months
I can't figure out which etp (wow, that just auto-corrected to emperor) I am, any tips?
Ignoring the specific guesses about this persons type, you can try out the typing suggestions from this post.
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mbti-sorted · 9 months
Hi, I took a mbti test and got infp, I went back and changed the one answer I was 50/50 on and my results were entj? I've taken a few more since then, including one you recommended, my results are wildy different every time. Where do I even start to figure out my type?
My gut reaction to hearing your wildly vacillating results is that you are probably a shadow-functioning S type with Fi and Te. (STJ or SFP) I also suspect that you are an E. Could be off, though! It's hard to predict how the tests will skew your results.
I suggest:
Watch videos of people from different type tags. See where they are similar and different, and where you might fit in. You can try taking video of yourself to compare (use the GetSorted challenge questions if you need something to talk about); it's useful to be able to treat yourself like you're another person who you can watch from the outside. If you can, ask for a second opinion from someone who knows you (for the same reason).
Slightly less effort: take a photo of yourself and compare to others in the type tags. It's not precise, but sometimes you get an idea of when a face fits and when it doesn't, particularly by matching expressions and sometimes style.
Try cross referencing your mbti test with a functions test (and let me know how it goes, because I'm curious if this works!!
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mbti-sorted · 4 years
Cross-referencing mbti test with a functions test.
So I talked about this before, but it might help to have some visuals.
I took an mbti test over at humanmetrics: (the graph is made in paint, I’m sure you can tell from the high quality...)
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and a functions test at idrlabs: 
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I would take the biggest difference in results first and go in descending order.  Try to use results that are 10% different or more.
There’s a 66% difference on I/E- I wouldn’t take the I/E result as fact unless it’s maybe... 30% apart or higher?  Ixxx
There’s a 19% difference on P/J.  So now I have IxxP
There’s a 18% difference on Si/Se.  That’s IxxP with Si, so INxP.
There’s a 16% difference on Te/Ti.  That’s INxP with Te, so INFP.
Which is backed up by 12% on F/T and the 4% difference on Fi.
Disregard the N/S and the Ne/Ni results since they are too close.
Anyway, hope this works better as a way to figure out what type you are from tests! 
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mbti-sorted · 3 years
To be honest, I have a hard time taking the test seriously. They’ve never once typed me as a sensor, even though it’s my dominant function.
I’m... not surprised?  It does a thing where say if you’re an ESFP but lean heavily into your 3rd and/or 4th functions (or at least, your actions/choices/current lifestyle suggests that you do), you sort of seem like an INTJ instead. Which would be the right functions at least.
BUT... it can also tell that you’re clearly a P type, and an F type so it’s going to give you INFP.
...Which is clearly wrong, but it’s trying!
Anyway, try cross referencing your mbti test with a functions test, and see if it works.
(And then let me know either way, because it seems like it should, but I haven’t actually tested it on anyone but me...)
ETA: Also, I would not trust any results telling you you’re an introvert right now.  Maybe try this again after covid.
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mbti-sorted · 5 years
Halp, I'm having an identity crisis....!! What am I if I always get INFP on MBTI tests, but have the body language and speech pace of ISFPs?
I am pro body language etc., over testing.  If you recognize yourself in a bunch of ISFPs (and if other people can, too), I`d say you`re more likely to be an ISFP.
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mbti-sorted · 3 years
I like the keys 2 cognition test myself.
Of course. You can always try it with a different test.
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mbti-sorted · 4 years
What do you think they should change on the official MBTI test in order it to be more accurate?
Well, you could keep trying to refine the questions so that they are being interpreted less ambiguously by the test-taker, but I feel like a lot of work has been put into that already so...
You could also cross reference letter dichotomies against function dichotomies to give yourself the most likely types and then decide yourself, from there.
In my case I scored approx. 90% I, 54% N, 51% F and 80% P.  So I am most likely an IxxP.
And then I would be given percentages by function dichotomy.  I might score 80% Si to 20% Se (or would it be 80% Si to 20% Ni?), and so you would be able to say that I probably have Si/Ne, which would make me an IxNP.
Because my F/T percentage is ambiguous (and lets say the functions were ambiguous too - 53% Fi, 47% Ti), you could leave it there and provide a list of the most likely types:
And then I might be given a tie-breaker question (or be directed to a more functions specific test).  I would be directed to the profiles for each type, and it would be suggested that I could come back and take the test at another time when my living/working/mental health situation had changed. 
Anyway, you would start scoring the type by whatever hit the 90th percentile (letter dichotomy or function), then 80th and 70th.  Make anything in the 50s and 60s ambiguous.  The I/E dichotomy should also be ambiguous in the 70s because it is harder to judge on paper.  And if someone’s type is ambiguous (ie. you can’t narrow it down to 4 types or fewer or the functions don’t match up with the letter dichotomies) then just say so and encourage them to come back later, or direct them to a real life mbti person so they can see who is breaking their test and why.
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mbti-sorted · 7 years
What advice would you give to somebody who is having trouble typing themselves?
1. Wait
If you are not the primary decision maker in your life (eg, you live at home, or are still in school), your actions may not be the best reflection of your type.  As you take charge of more of your decisions, you may find yourself acting in a more type-typical way.  If you keep testing as types with the same functions, I’d keep a note of that - it may be a way to narrow down your selection.  If you go back and forth between two types with similar letters, you may be one of those types or you may be shadow functioning.
2. Get healthy
For example, if you are depressed, you are more likely to test as an I (no energy for socializing) and a P (no energy for organization or planning).  Depression might also affect your S/N result (negative over-analyzing) and your T/F (depending on if you feel sad all the time, or nothing at all it could go either way).  If you are physically unwell, it might keep you from an active lifestyle and you might be more likely to test as an N.  Having to plan ahead to compensate for illness or injury might make you test as a J.  Take note of how many test questions ask you about your [affected] actions so you understand how your results are possibly being skewed.
3. Read theory
Can’t hurt!  Try and achieve a balance between open minded and drinking the koolaid.  Absorb whatever you can, but recognize that you are probably not going to be good at contextualizing any of it into reality - you are highly unlikely to know people from all sixteen types well enough to pick out how their brains work from the outside, particularly since half of those people are introverts and hiding.  (If you are an introvert and also hiding, you’ve compounded the problem.)  Most of them won’t understand how their own brains work in an mbti context anyways, and won’t necessarily be a great help.  (If you are unable to type yourself - or have mistyped - this is also you.)
4. Watch videos
The more you watch, the more likely you’ll be to draw your own conclusions about who’s in which type, and I encourage you to do so and challenge me when you think I’m wrong (because I am!  Often!).  Try mimicking facial expressions and body language - do their movements sit easily on your own face/body?  Do they speak at the same volume/have the same rhythmic patter as you?  Try seeing how they act in one-on-one vs. group interviews or in front of audiences.  Take note of their interactions with people of other types - who’s in control?  Is there any awkwardness?  Over what?  Hopefully you will find someone who reminds you of you.
5. Enlist help
Outside opinions are invaluable.  Your self perception is different from others’ perceptions of you.  Other people also know a different set of people from you and experience them differently - lining up your impressions is often very revealing.  Ask for opinions on your type if you like, but more importantly ask for adjectives describing you.  If you are watching videos, you’ll find that in the comments sections, people tend to make the same comments about people of the same type over and over again.  
6. Type others
Particularly the groups around you.  I’ve yet to find immediate families (can’t guarantee anything with step-families and adoption, sorry) with any two members sharing the same type.  You might also try a circle of friends - you are not very likely to share the same type, either - or a sports team or your fellow employees (more likely to have overlap).  What role do you play in these groups and why?  (Your enlisted help might be useful here again, too.)
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mbti-sorted · 8 years
How do I know if I'm an intp or infp?
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Well, you’ve already used your 50:50, so I guess you’re down to Phone a Friend or Poll the Audience.
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mbti-sorted · 8 years
why do so many mistakenly type as an infj? one of the rarest types? lol i dont get it.
Typing by test:
People with strong shadow functions or with activities that are atypical of their profile probably don’t test very well, and are probably also less likely to see themselves reflected in their correct profile.  (STPs with strong Fe/Ni, SFPs with strong Ni, SFJs with strong Ne, NTJs with strong Fi, NTPs with strong Fe.  Bookish Ss, quiet Es, organized Ps, empathetic Ts.)
Typing by profile:
The stereotypical INFJ profile has some nice attributes that a lot of people value or strive for: empathetic, analytical and prescient.  It also claims that they’re rare and special and misunderstood.  The misunderstood bit is like one of those logic problems where almost every INFJ feels misunderstood, but most people who feel misunderstood are not INFJs.
Typing by functions:
Contextualizing theory is hard!  Even if you correctly identify your functions, you still have to correctly order them - and what if you’re shadow-functioning?
Typing by example:
So many wrong examples floating around :(
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mbti-sorted · 8 years
when i took the test it said i was an infj but i identify much more with an enfp??
If you’re testing for introversion, you’re probably going to ask questions about how much and how often you get out and see people.  If you do not see a lot of people, whether you’re an introvert or not, you will test as more introverted.
I think probably if you’re an ENFP testing as more of an J than a P, probably you have pretty decent Te, and are excellent at keeping yourself organized and focused.  P types like structure too!
MBTI tests ask you about what you are doing, so if you are in a situation where you are not doing the most typical things for your type (and you also keep answering that you prefer doing things in this way because it’s working well for you right now), you are less likely to test as that type.
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mbti-sorted · 8 years
Just thought I'd share this since I've noticed so many IN types have a hard time pinning down their type. I just found out I'm an INTJ, not an INFP. If you're thinking 'How is it even possible to confuse the two?'; it's because I was convinced I used Ne. Having read more into, I realize it was actually the INTJ ability to objectively weigh seemingly contradictory ideas (I'm not sure which function, in which position that is). Honestly half the battle is trying to put the functions into context.
Sure yes, taking the test requires that you be honest, self-aware, and enjoying a lifestyle that fits more or less comfortably within the bounds of the type that you haven’t yet discovered.
Typing yourself from theory requires that you be honest, self-aware, and good at contextualizing theory.
Either way it’s a tall order.
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mbti-sorted · 9 years
Could an EXXX be mistyped as an IXXX if they have severe social anxiety disorder?
I was thinking about how tests differentiate E and I, and I seem to recall questions about how often you spend time with friends vs alone and if you like to lead (maybe some about risk?)… in which case anyone who’s not leading the typical E or I lifestyle probably gets mistyped, whether they have anxiety or not.
I know this is what happened with the INTJ sister who tested as ENTJ for a while she was living away with friends, and enfjpuppettheatre, who tested as an INTJ during high-school.
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mbti-sorted · 9 years
Anonymous said to mbti-sorted: I am at a loss with testing. I can not for the life of me figure out my true type. Do you feel there is  a definitive test out there for type or is it something that has to be done by listening and observing? Or have you been asked this a zillion times....
Anonymous said to mbti-sorted: Where can i figure out my personality type most accurately? i get infj but i took one today and got enfj but I'm not an extrovert tbh
Anonymous said to mbti-sorted: Im questioning my type ahm i did the test and all and i got infj-t and what it said on the site was pretty accurate but the real life people i see that are infj arent really like me, so it might be because of the variant but idk... the thing about the test is that i dont communicatee with people offline as much as i do online.... i like talking to people online but hate talking to people offline
There is no definitive test that generates perfect results all the time (sorry).
I’ve replied to a bunch of similar asks on the “not a typing post” tag, if you’re interested in things I’ve had to say.
All in all, though, I cannot see or hear you, so I’m not going to be much help in typing you.  I can kind of get a sense of you through writing, sometimes, but like 90%+ of the authors I’ve tried to type from their writing, I’ve been way off about when I’ve gone to watch video later.  You’re much better off taking the time watching video of people I’ve typed and trying to figure out where you might fit in.  Watch critically; I’m not always right!  And good luck.
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