#oh my god the number of human standard denegrating buzzword alternatives
jaythelay · 3 months
Remember when a bunch of people pretended to care about suicide a while ago and pressured websites into making services that enable you to send "kys" to anybody regardless of if they're blocked or not?
Yeah they never made those systems for suicidal people and it shows on every website in some manner the callous lack of effort but pure giddiness to censor their platforms further. Because boy howdy if ya'll didn't give them the excuse to make actually every platform worse and harder to communicate real shit on.
This is why you don't virtue signal companies, they'll do the bare minimum and use it as an excuse to fuck consumers over.
Also why if you "care" about something you actually learn about it instead of following a trend you've all long since moved on from that actively caused more harm. Seriously disgusting behavior how obvious it was everyone was gonna move on. Pretty sure I called just about everything that happened aswell. Once the internet gets an idea man, they run with it until something breaks.
Ya'll didn't care, ya had a chance for extra points on your posts, now YT censors the word suicide and obscures any heavy topic discussions, thus shrinking the pool of help immensely, on top of your reddit account constantly being sent "kys" by users and our inability to discuss any topic freely on most platforms, we sure did show...someone... that we can feign interest for a month or two.
Congrats. Ya made everything worse for everyone in your attempt to come off as moral. Instead we just see yet another grifter who can't be bothered to learn, but to instead take drastic actions that make them feel cool at the expense of anyone in need.
Anyways I lose respect on a human level if I see someone unironically censor themselves. Trust me suicidal people have a dark mind and mentioning a word ain't sending anyone. We aren't infants, we just live in late stage capitalism. Fighting that would've actually helped and is reasonable.
Censoring resources and words human adult being actually use? Yeah that made it worse actually. Suicidal people ain't capable of living in a blissful ignorance like someone who's not depressed, they're very aware and seeing the last bastion of human interaction get mangled by pretend do-gooders made everything worse.
Could've...you know, sent a message to a friend or sent a gift to someone. Idunno alot of avenues to take that wasn't "Give Reddit a "KYS" email option" and then bail entirely. Goes to show, the blissfully ignorant will make the lives of the informed worse.
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