#oh my god its been exploded for like 6 months. WAILS
blazeball · 10 months
ouhhhhhh blaseball. oh no [remembers
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your-rose-highness · 4 years
Tell Me What Is Love (Ch-6)
note- Feat. JB (Jaebeom) of GOT7.
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It was the middle of May when the songs of spring were heard the loudest. Hye hee walked along the Han river, the world seemed a blur in front of her eyes. The crowd seemed to buzz with ecstasy, a sight of the most beautiful sunset lay ahead of them. The golden yellow soft waves of the river mimicked the sun’s dramatic mood, as though pretending to be the same.
I’m a part of you, it seemed to whisper.
Hye hee’s feet stopped suddenly, lifting her head to watch the world gleam. After all these years, Baekhyun was still the sun she glittered for. Something drew them together. Or, she was imagining it all. What did she have? She was left with nothing. At the end of the day, she would have to go back to her empty and dingy apartment, meeting ghosts of her past. Where would she run to getaway? No matter where she went, her heart yearned for something unattainable. It had to be stopped. Like a stern mother who would discipline her beloved child, for the future unforeseen. The laughter around her rang in her ears, as though hurting her physically.
She walked slowly to her neighborhood, walking the familiar path home. The streets were awfully dark she noticed, at this early hour too. It was hardly 7 pm. Picking up the pace, Hye Hee took longer strides to get to her apartment which was just around the corner. An odd feeling of someone behind her made her quickly look over her shoulder. 
Was she being followed?
She had lived in this neighborhood for years now and never had she felt a chill rise in her spine as she continued to walk faster.
She left a sigh of relief when she sighted her apartment.
 Hold on, why was there such a huge crowd in the front? Running to the crowd, she found people swarming around a woman on the stairs, who seemed to have fainted.
“Oh my!”, hye hee exclaimed, her bag dropping to the floor.
“Here she is!! Ms. Song! A person just drove by throwing stones at this lady as she waited and rang your door!! I saw it with my own eyes!”, exploded the young girl who lived upstairs of her apartment.
“Did you see who it was?”, panted hye hee, hurriedly trying to pick up Jane’s head in her lap.
The right side of her temple dribbled with blood, and jane seemed semi-unconscious, trying to mouth words.
“No! I couldn't! They drove by so quickly! I tried to chase and note down the car number but failed. I couldn't contact your phone and I couldn't carry her inside. I’m so sorry.”, she whimpered.
“No its okay, thank you for being here.”, hye hee said as she tried to call the hospital.
“This is the first time something like this happened in the neighborhood. I thought this was safe! But look! We find stones being hurled!”, complained someone.
“Miss, you better inform the police. This incident cannot be dealt with lightly.”, advised her landlord.
The ambulance arrived soon, and hye hee found herself crying bitterly by her friend’s side. 
What if this was because of that tweet? Had the fans found out? It can't be a coincidence that her friend was attacked on the same day that she went to the agency for her interview.
“Will she be fine? She won't die, right?” wailed hye hee, looking at the paramedic.
The paramedic had a faint smile on his lips, which she missed, as she cried on the side.
“She will be fine, ma’am. It’s just a mild concussion.”
“There’s so much blood! How can this be mild?”
“Oh! Believe you me, this is mild. I’ve seen skulls being broken apart in my career, you can't imagine…”, he trailed off after he looked at hye hee whose face was scrunched in horror, “but you don't need to know that. All I am saying is that your friend will be fine, ma’am. 
They reached the hospital soon, dragging away jane on the stretcher. While she waited in the corridor full of white coats, jane was called into the doctor’s cabin.
“Oh, guardian of Lee Jae In?”, he asked, looking up from Jane’s patient form.
“Umm… yes.”
“Are you her family?”
“No. I mean, she’s my best friend.”, hesitated Hye Hee.
“Right! But the official documents can be signed only by the patient’s family members.”, he said, while typing furiously on his computer, “sorry, hospital protocols.”, he continued, nodding at her.
“I see. Is she awake?”
“Not completely. But she will be in an hour. Don't worry, she’s fine, the scans came out clean. It could be worse though. May I ask what happened?”
Should she tell him? What if this converts into something much more complicated? 
“She fell down the stairs. There was a lot of water on the floor.”, she finally framed.
The doctor seemed to look at her with suspicion but didn't say anything.
“Alright. Please contact her family. We will observe her vitals for a day and then she is free to go.”, he sighed as he handed her the forms.
Hye hee entered jane’s room after she opened her eyes. Her usually strong and fierce friend seemed so weak, it broke her heart. A smile played on jane’s lips as she spotted her friend in the room full of fear. She extended her hand towards hye hee, as she quickly grabbed it. 
“I’m so sorry jane. I’m so sorry. It’s all my fault. I thought I was going to lose you.”, cried out hye hee.
“Not that easy, love. Why are you apologizing for this? God knows why they threw stones at me… I haven’t written a scandalized piece in months…”
Jane wiped her tears away and pinched her hand to lighten the mood.
“I need to call someone to sign your papers. Anyone in town?”
“My brother is here. Mum and dad are in Jeju visiting family. Where’s my phone? Ah, here it is. Call him. I’m going to rest my eyes for a bit. I feel really tired.”, jane yawned.
“Yes, you rest up. I’ll call him. Oh, password?”, hye hee asked.
“00000”, jane mumbled.
“Who puts 5 zeros as their password in this age?”
“Aish. don't come at me now, I’m hurt. You're lucky I remembered. What if I had lost my memory? You could guess it and call my brother. I am now a soothsayer…” she mumbled as she closed her eyes.
Hye hee sat beside her to call Jaebeom. She had never met her brother in person. Occasionally having only heard jane talk to him over the phone, which usually ended with one of them yelling at the other. Classic sibling behavior.
The ring tone rang only for a few seconds before he picked up the call.
“Jae in! You have some courage to call me after two days!!....”, he laughed over the other end.
“Hello, Jaebeom? This is hye hee. Jane’s friend from the company?”
“Oh? What? Is something wrong?”, his boisterous laughter quickly turned into one dripping with fear.
“Jane met with an accident. We are at Severance Hospital…”
“What?! Is she okay? What happened!”, his worried voice boomed.
“She’s fine. Just needs to be under observation for a while.”
“I’m coming. I need 10 minutes.”, Jaebeom hung up.
Hye hee didn't have to wait very long as Jaebeom soon arrived at the hospital. 
“Hye hee?”
Hye hee snapped out of her thoughts to look up, “yes. Jaebeom-ssi?”
“Yeah. where’s Jae In?”
“In here.”, she said, guiding him into her cabin.
She stood behind him, letting him absorb the situation. No one could have ever thought that he was jane’s brother. There was no single similarity. Except probably, the fierce eyes.
He was handsome. Well, jane was quite pretty herself. Maybe they have good looking parents?
“How did this happen?”, Jaebeom suddenly turned to ask hye hee.
Before she could answer, the nurse dragged him away to the doctor’s cabin. 
What was she going to say? Surely she can't lie. Jane would tell him what really happened and then he’d want an explanation. What if the doctor told him? How was she going to explain? 
He soon got out of the doctor’s cabin, looking a little confused. He headed to jane’s bed and placed his hand on her head. Looking towards Hye Hee he whispered, ”Dr.Mark said I can take her home tomorrow morning. Thank you for coming with her. You can leave now. I’ll stay here and take care of her.”
Hye hee had just begun packing her stuff when he questioned again, “how did she end up here?”
Hye hee gulped and felt her lips go dry. Something about Jaebeom told her that she couldn't lie to him.
“She was outside my apartment when someone attacked her with stones.”, she phrased.
“Excuse me?”, he yelled.
“We don't know who it was. Or what they wanted. My neighborhood was particularly safe, I don't know why someone would do this.”
He didn't answer, but his gaze screamed at her. “I'm sorry”, continued hye hee.
Jaebeom let out a sigh before turning his back towards her. Hye hee felt a pit in her stomach, the guilt ate her insides, convinced that this was all her fault.
She slowly moved downstairs and met with a sharp cold breeze blowing at her from the outside. It was pouring rain. 
She quickly checked the time- 10 minutes to 1 am.
“Real nice. Thank you universe!” she exclaimed, digging through the bag to find her wallet. It's as if the universe had been conspiring against her today. She didn't have her wallet, nor did she have her card.
Stifling a rising scream, she decided to sit the night at the hospital, when she spotted Jaebeom, at the reception, coffee in one hand, looking at her.
He approached her swiftly wondering why she hadn't left already.
“What?”, he simply posed.
Hye hee couldn't meet his eyes, “I don't have money or an umbrella.”
“Where’s your car?”
“I… sold it.”
He shook his head and went through his pocket pulling it some money. “Here, go get yourself something hot to drink. I’ll get drop you home, wait here till I get my keys.”
“You don't have to. I’ll just stay….”
Hye hee couldn't finish her sentence as Jaebeom once again seemed to glare at her. “Okay.”
Sipping on her hot chocolate, she stood waiting for Jaebeom. The hot liquid seemed to cruise through her spreading warmth, instantly making her feel better. 
Instant hot chocolate for instant happiness. The thought made her smile.
Only Jaebeom was looking at her, deeming her crazy to have been standing near the vending machine and smiling like a fool.
The two of them walked to the entrance, ahead lay a night, pitch dark, blurred from the heavy rain. Jaebeom was kind. Pulling up his hoodie he sprinted across the parking lot to make sure hye hee didn't have to get wet. As sorry as she felt, hye hee was overwhelmed with the gesture.
The car ride was quiet except for the faint rain sounds that hit the car, as they drew out of the hospital. He asked where she lived and soon reached. Stopping near the turn, Jaebeom got out of the car grabbing the umbrella. Hye hee just felt bad that he was being this kind despite having hurt his sister. Coming around, he helped hye hee get out of the car, half drenched as he shielded her from the rain.
“You didn't have to do this. I could just run in.”
“Right. Let’s have another one hurled stones at. I thought you said this was a neighborhood. If they’re throwing stones at you guys, I won't be surprised if they’re still lurking around.” he mumbled.
Walking a few steps ahead, they saw two dark figures, pointing towards the windows, as though speculating.
“What on earth are they doing? These little…”, Jaebeom whispered, about to confront them.
“No please! Let them go away on their own, they might be dangerous.”, hye hee blurted.
“What do you mean? You're going to stay here, while these little jerks lurk around you? How is that safe?”
“Maybe I could stay at the hospital.”
“I would take you to Jae in’s apartment, but seeing this, I wonder who’s lurking outside hers.”
“That’s a great idea. I can stay over at her place!”
“But what if something happens?” he asked, very concerned.
“It’s only me they’re tracking! Her house will be fine!”
They got into the car once again, driving through the familiar route to Jane’s house.
“Care to explain?”, Jaebeom inquired.
Hye hee took a deep breath, laying down a few important parts, obviously skipping the one about being terribly in love with baekhyun.
“Oh, so you're the one Jae in said knows an idol. Haha. I thought she was kidding. Glad to know she didn't make it all up.”, smiled Jaebeom.
Jaebeom was charming. Something about him put hye hee at ease, she felt safe. Quietly watching him from the corner of her eye. If he had dressed in a hurry and looked this good, one can only wonder. She quickly averted her eyes when she felt Jaebeom look in her direction. 
He left quite quickly after opening the door with his spare key. Hye hee turned on the lights of the bedroom that she had so frequently crashed in on girls’ night outs. As her head hit the pillow, she let out a huge sigh. Today was quite eventful, and a lot of emotions washed over her simultaneously. It’s not that she didn't love baekhyun, but right now, love simply wasn't enough. There was a lot involved that she couldn't avoid. Alas, if only it was her she had to deal with. Baekhyun was a challenge. From what she knew, he could burn down everything and that was terrifying. Love shouldn't have to be a sacrifice. Sleep overcame her despite her fighting it. Maybe a few hours of peace? The quiet night lulled her to sleep.
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fruitpunchninja101 · 7 years
Perks of Coincidences Characters: Hanji Zoe x Levi Genre: Humor / Romance (AU)
Disclaimer: All characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended. 
A gust of frosty air blast trough every window in the city.The night was particularly calm and serene only to be interrupted by a loud explosion which pulled Nanaba out of her dreamless sleep.Swiftly,she put on her robes and rushed towards the laboratory downstairs.Upon opening the door,she found her best friend Hange crouched on the floor rocking back and forth,hands tugging on her scalp while wailing in frustration as droplets of blood and pieces of flesh slid down her face.Apparently,the pig's heart shes been experimenting on exploded while testing its limits.She approached her friend ignoring all the bits and pieces of gore splatterd on the floor and the tiled walls.Carefully,she crouched beside the brunette and placed a firm hand on her back making gentle circles to calm her down.
"You need to take a break" she whispered softly as she observed her friends face.Prominent dark circles formed underneath her eyes and dry cracked lips only meant that shes sleep deprived and dehydrated.No wonder her experiments are failing.
As if not hearing her,Hange fished a recording device from her labcoat pocket "Experiment number 65 failed"She murmured as she pushed herself off the floor.The brunette halted when she felt a quick pull on her sleeve.
"Hange!"The blonde raised her tone to snap her friend back to reality. "Nanaba?How long have you been there?" Nanaba let out and exasperated sigh while running a hand trough her scalp"fiteen minutes"she mentioned with mild reproach as she pushed herself upright.
Its the same cycle all the time.Hange losing track of time,missing meals and then the inevitable happens...something explodes.
Its been two weeks since Nanaba got enggaged,since then shes is in a perpetual worrying limbo for her friend.Hange tends to spend most of her days cooped up on her laboratory tinkering with god knows what,laughing creepily as she writes down notes.The blonde doesnt want her friend to hole up in her laboratory for the rest of her life.Her friend needed a good distraction. A new boyfriend perhaps?She asked herself as she guided the brunette to the sink stationed at the corner of the laboratory turning on the faucet and started helping her wipe the blood off her face.
"Whats up with that look?"The brunette asked her as she cleaned off her glasses.
"I need you to bring a plus 1 on my wedding day."Nanaba mentioned as she turned off the faucet.
"Sure,Ill ask Moblit if hes free."Hange inattentively replied as she pulled out paper towels from the dispenser mounted on the wall.
"No!Not your lab assitant Hange!A real plus 1...like a boyfriend or something."
The brunette simply crossed her arms in front of her chest and gave the blonde a questioning look."What this all of a sudden?"
Nanaba looked Hange dead in the eye and held both her shoulders."Hange,you need to meet new people.Once I get married you will be left alone and I worry about you." Hange can see how anxious the blonde was and she admittedly had the right reason to be.Hange knows shes not the most responsible adult especially when it comes to taking care of herself.Who has time to worry about trivial things such as showers and food when she could be saving lives by pressing on with her researches.The brunette took a deep breath.As much as she doesnt like where this conversation is going,she decided to help ease her friends concern by considering her request.
"Okay,how am I supposed to find a plus 1?"Hange replied with a soft smile.
"Oh I have a few Ideas..."
And thus began Hange's Blind date fiasco.
Its been three months since the pigs heart disaster.During that time Hange had been through six failed blind dates.Most of the guys she met run for the hills once the brunette starts talking about the morbid parts of her research.In her defense,she was never bothered by the fact that she scares people off by the aberrant details of her work.'Whats the point of spending time with someone who doesnt understand the importance of my contribution to humanity?'she recalled her usual reponse whenever Nanaba asks her to tone down her eccentricity.Shes unapologetically herself which is both her strength and weakness.
It has been three nights since Hange slept.At this point, shes literally sitting in a pile of garbage; dicarded pages from her past researches,bottles of booze,coffee and energy drink cans were disorderly spread across her floor. Suddenly,a loud thud echoed the room when the back of the door hit the wall.
"Hange what happned to you!?"Nanaba stood by the door and gave her friend distraught look.
"Hey Nanaba!"Hange sang out as she peeled her eyes off her laptop screen and gave her bestfriend a gleaming grin reasurring her that shes fine.
"Your assistant called me he said you havent left your office for three days." she mentioned with slight anguish as she desperately tried to shuffle off the mess splayed on the floor.
"Three days already?" Her eyeglasses sat slightly askew resting at the tip of her nose.Gently,Nanaba pushed them into its right place while tsking."Seriously Hange how did you become an adult?"
"Beats me."Hange chuckled as she stood up and streched her limbs for the first time in a couple of hours.She gave a sigh of relief as she heared her joints click into place and felt blood coursing trough her limbs once again.
"I brought lunch."The blonde mentioned as she settled a paper bag on Hange's desk.
"Whats the occasion?"
"Do I need an occasion to bring lunch for my bestfriend?"Nanaba responded as she walked towards the window opening it letting the sunlight slip trough the room. Despite the unquestionable concern the blonde has for her,Hange cant shake off the doubious vibe Nanabas throwing at her.She only uses the term "bestfriend" whenever she needs something. Seeing that Hange has her all figured out, Nanaba decided drop the act."Okay! okay! you caught me.You see,I set you up with Mike's friend at work."
"Not this again"the brunette said as she face palmed herself with the thought.
"You seem really hungry.Did you skip breakfast again?You look paler than before.Seriously Hange,You need to take better care of yourself from now on.Especially now that Im not gonna be around you all the time."
"Youre starting to sound like Moblit you know."Hange gulped swallowing the last of her food "Im gonna be fine.You dont need to-"
"I know youre gonna be fine,but youre still not getting out of this date.He's gonna meet you at Sina Cafe 2pm.He says hes gonna wear a black pullover sweater."
"Thats a pretty vauge description.Can't you just show me a photo of the guy?"
"No!That will ruin the surprise!I met with him last week,Hes a real sweetheart and handsome too!You're gonna love him."
"You said the same exact thing about the 6 other guys you've set me up with.None of them worked out.''
"Give this guy a chance...I have a good feeling about him"
" Whatever you say Nanabannana."The brunette tiredly responded.She knows this one is gonna be a disaster just like the other blind dates that shes been before.But shes doing this to ease her friends anxiety so shes going to try her best not to fuck this one up."Oh and by the way,I have a presentation for my research tomorrow so I might go over a few pages while Im there.You have to warn him."Hange added as she typed away from her computer.
"Can't it wait until after your date?"
"Science never waits for anyone!Besides,I'm pretty good at multi tasking."
Nanaba released a sigh of defeat.In the end,nobody can tear Hange Zoe away from her precious work.
Its 3:00pm and Hange's late for her date.So much for not fucking it up this time she thought.Clutching her satchel bag to her chest she used her right shoulder to push the cafe door open only to end up slamming against it.It took her a few seconds to realize her mistake,the door clearly says pull.Its as if the heavens are giving her a sign not to push throughthis date.A coffee shop employee opened the door and offered his hand to help her stand up."Thank you uhmm.." she pushed her glasses back to place in order to read the metal name plate pinned on the mans chest."Eren" she continued."No problem maam!"The kid smiled as he held the door open for her.Hange gave an apologetic shy smile as she entered and took in the welcoming aroma of rich coffee the cafe provided.Her eyes roamed around the place.The walls are lined with aged brick and provided fancy leather chesterfield sofas partnered with sturdy mahogany tables.Good thing the whole place practically screamed "This place is for serious adults.No whiny brats allowed".Which meant she doesnt have to deal with too much noise while working on her paper. She scanned the place looking for a guy that matched Nanaba's description.There he is,the only guy sitting alone in the whole shop.Wearing a black pullover sweater and jeans.His legs crossed while his brows were knit together,obiviously enthralled by whatever he's reading.Hange tilted her head to the side to peek on his book."Dark tower...nice"She whispered.She took a deep breath and flashed the biggest smile she can muster as she walked towards the man.
"Dad-a-chum? Dum-a-chum? Ded-a-chek? Did-a-chick?"
The raven haired man didnt repond but instead he peeled his eyes off his book and scoweld at the woman who inturrupted him.
"Lobstosities...Dark tower?"She sang out as she pointed on his book.
"I know what lobstosities are.I'm reading the fucking book."he responded matterfactly.
"Geez!You kiss your mother with that mouth captain grumpy pants?"She teased still beaming the most charming smile.
"Didnt your mother tell you thats its rude to interrupt people minding their own business?"
"Its also rude not to ask a lady to sit down...Mind if I join you?" Nonchalantly ignoring his cold response.
"Yes."He replied in a monotonous tone.Apparently,his answer had no use.Shes already pulling up a chair from the table accross them.She dragged it out across the room earning a screeching sound that obviously garnered looks from the other tables.He opened his mouth and closed it.Its not worth it he thought as he returned his gaze on his book. Hange sat infront of of him. She placed an elbow on the table and propped her chin on her palm.She stared at him waiting for him to say something about her tardiness.
"Well?"He mentioned plainly.
"Well what?"The brunette asked.
"Don't stare four eyes.Just do whatever you need to do."
Hange felt relief.It seems Nanaba warned him about her reports.Maybe,he was also forced unto this date.Either way shes glad hes cool with it.
"I wouldnt call it staring per se.Id like to call it observing.Dont be such a grump shorty I'm just analyzing if Im sitting with a nice person."
"Shorty?"He lifted his gaze from his book and stared at her one eye twitching with irritation.
"Just an observation,Averaging your eye level and shoulder height youre probably like...what?5'3?"
The man responded with a glare.Not even his closest friends dare exploit his insecurity in his face like that.
"And a half?"Hange added gingerly.But all she got was an angry stare "I'll take that as a yes!"She gave him a triumphant smile.
The raven haired man did not respond and continued glaring at the eccentric woman as she started setting up her laptop,struggling to detangle knotted cords.How was this woman able to mess up cables like that?Her efforts to straighten them out are only making her problems worse.His hands are aching to yank the cords away from her hands and detangle it himself.'Tch..pathetic'He thought.
"Now look whos staring"she mentioned without looking at him still trying to figure out how to solve her cord problem.He simply scoffed at her and got back to his book.When shes finally done wrestilng with the cords,the brunette bent to plug her laptop on the outlet on the floor and when she sat back up she hit her head under the table almost spilling the cup of tea sitting on top of it earning an exasperated sigh from the man infront of her.
Thank God shes done talking.Levi thought to himself.He started feeling relief when silence engulfed them for a while.He can finally get some peace and...nope.Shes done talking and moved on to murmuring accopanied by creepy laughter as she typed on her laptop.Levi rolled his eyes.He wasnt even reading at this point.Hes just staring on his book reading a sentence over and over desperately trying to block out everything shes mumbling.After a while,he gave up and shifted his attention from his book and glanced at her.
"Do you really need to mumble while doing that?"
"Doing what?" "Whatever it is that youre doing?"he said as he gestured to her laptop.
"Oh,this?Sorry!Its just I had this really interesting project.You see,Theres this animal that doesn't secrete feces and we are trying to figure out if it can help us improve bowel programs for paralized people or better yet,build better artificial organs." His head perked up a little.something about what she said piqued his interest and before he can even stop himself words came tumbling out of his mouth. "Theres an animal that doesnt shit?" He immeditely wanted to punch himself in the face when he saw her eyes lit up like christmas lights.'Goddamit Im supposed to shut her up not encourage her!'He internally berated himself. The raven haired man didnt hide his unwillingness to listen as the woman started explaining scientific things which he doesnt have any idea about.Still,he quipped and threw retorts to her statements every now and then. The brunette turned her laptop to him and showed him a photo.
"These babies are called Demodex Mites.They're microscopic animals that dont have anuses.They basically store their wastes inside their body till they die".
"Well thats a shitty way to live."He answered as he placed his hand on the rim of his cup took a sip of his tea.
"Wow,Is that a pun? I'd better write that one down. "she sarcastically replied as she beamed a smile. He ignored her and went back to reading. The brunette let out a small chuckle as she tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear dug trough her remaining paper work.
They fell in a comfortable silence after that,with occasional mumbles from Hange from time to time which at this point Levi got used to and was able to tune her out.Hange tilted her head a little to take in his facial features.Dark raven locks in a neat undercut and pale blue eyes which hid behind his dark circles.Hes definately not the sweetheart Nanaba hinted at,but his snappy comebacks and dry responses amused her.
"You are staring again."
"I just realized that never got your name.Mine's Hange...Hange Zoe." She extended her right arm.
"Levi" He mentioned plainly.Staring at her offered hand."I'm not touching that.You just said youre working with shit animals"
"Well,technically they dont deficate so..."The brunette stopped herself midsentence when Levi gave him a look which she cannot place if its confusion or annoyance.
Hange pulled her arm away chuckling."Fair enough...No last name?"
"Why do you wanna know?"
"Why nice to meet you Levi Why do you wanna know.Thats a pretty uncommon last name"
"Youre the worst."
"So I have been told...You know what,I was very skeptical walking over here a while ago since I was late and all but good thing Nanaba set this up."
"Late with what? and who's Nanaba?"Levi asked her while his eyes were still on his book.
"What do mean late with what? and how come you dont know Nanaba?"
"Four eyes,theres 7 billion people on earth.You cant expect me to know everyone of them.And I couldnt careless with whatever it is you're late for."He shifted his gaze from his book to Hange.
"What?Wait!Aren't you here for the date?"
"We're on a date?"He raised an eyebrow.
A thousand questions ran trough Hange's head. but before she can even open her mouth Levi's phone rang.He held a finger as he answered the call. "I'm on my way."Levi responded to the person on the other line.The man looked a bit disoriented as he looked at her with outmost bewilderment with what she just said. Hange heared a faint click as the call ended.
Levi took a last sip of his tea and stood up."See you around four eyes"
"Yeah,See you around shorty"Hange responded faintly almost sounding like a whisper.Watching the man fish his car keys out of his pockets and leave the cafe.
Hange was left dumbfounded as the realization dawned upon her.She sat with a random stranger on a cafe and assumed he's her date.
Hello Everyone!
This is my very first fanfic so it will be a bit rough around the edges.I'm very hesitant to post this since I'm not much for writing but I really want to practice and learn.Hey!Nothing ventured nothing gained right?I had this story idea in my brain for almost a week now and I just have to share this with my fellow LeviHan shippers out there!I wrote this on my phone so theres probably a lot of spelling errors etc.Please bear with me.Ill definitely try to transfer the rest of the chapters on a word document next time. I'll also do my best to update this every week.(I dont promise that but I'll try my best I swear.)
Contructive critisism is very much appreciated!(Please go easy on me.)Also,I'm not a native english speaker so theres that.
Check out chapter 2 on AO3 !
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lindseyluvsdrag · 7 years
Afterbirth Part 1
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Aesthetic by @xximagoddamnmermaidxx
TW: Smut
6 months old, December 24th
Susan watched with judgmental eyes as Violet carefully applied the organic diaper rash cream to Clark's inner thighs.
“I don't know why you're paying $89 for a two ounce tube of shit that probably works as well as the $3.99 jar.”
“Because,” a clearly agitated Violet emphasized, “I don't want to just put random chemicals on my baby. I use organic and natural products only.”
“Well, I used the $3.99 jar on Matty and he turned out just fine.”
Violet scoffed. “Matthew claims that he can smell colors. I don't know what fried his brain, but it won't happen to Clark.”
“Yeah, with organic diapers that probably gave her the rash in the first place.”
“All babies get diaper rash at least once,” she said in exasperation. “Anything that irritates their sensitive skin: frequent bowel movements, chafing from the friction- don't act like I'm a bad mother, Susan.”
The woman defensively raised her hands. “I didn't say that. I just think you're wasting money.”
“It's my money! If I want to ‘waste’ it on my baby, then I can!”
Fresh out of the shower and still covered in a few suds, Matt swiftly descended the stairs as he secured the towel around his waist. “What's going on?”
“Your mother is judging my parenting skills!”
“Am not! I just said that organic products are unnecessary. Matty, you turned out fine with chemicals, snack cakes and full sodium foods. You've had so much sodium in your life that you could probably crap a salt lick.”
“I don't even…want that imagery,” Matt grumbled as she shook his head. “Mom, just please let Violet do her thing.”
“So I can't have an input on my only child's child?”
“You can have opinions, but don't judge her.”
“These are my opinions!”
“But it's not constructive criticism. It just comes across as attacking,” Violet retorted.
Susan scoffed. “You're just sensitive.”
Violet exploded so the woman shouted back, effectively startling the baby who immediately began to wail.
“Look at what you did,” Violet groaned as she cradled Clark before storming up the stairs. “When you're ready to apologize, we'll be in the nursery!” She slammed the door closed behind her.
“Good job, Mom,” Matt whispered as he rushed to remove the small box from its secret hiding spot in the grits box before dropping it into the pink stocking hanging on the mantle above the fireplace embroidered 'Violet’.
“Why do you have to play on Violet's hatred for me to manipulate her? Why can't you just propose like a normal person?”
“Ssshhhh!” he desperately hushed. “I've planned this thing, step by step, for weeks. She's mad now and maybe Clark got a little scared but it'll all be worth it once she sees the ring.”
“Can I see that thing again? Are you sure she'll like it?”
Matt grabbed the box and ushered his mother behind the massive evergreen that Violet and Clark had covered in shimmery pink ornaments. He lifted the lid.
“Yeah... I don't know, Matty,” Susan said as she assessed the custom made heart ring with an 'L’ stamped into the middle of it. “It's certainly not... traditional.”
“We’re not a traditional couple so, of course not. She will have the imprint and I'll have the imprintee.”
“Have you ever seen the rings Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy on SpongeBob have? They interlock like puzzle pieces or something! My ring will have an ‘L’ and it'll match perfectly to this one so that when we fist bump, it'll be all matchy and romanticcc.”
“What's the 'L’ stand for? Lent?”
“Love, Mom! God, keep up!” Matt returned the box to Violet's stocking and gave his mother a giddy look before going stoic. “Now, to repair the 'damage’ you've done,” he joked before rushing up the stairs two steps at a time. He opened the door to the nursery but froze when he heard a sobbing Violet venting to their baby.
“God, I just feel so fucking trapped sometimes. I love you, Clark but why did Matthew have to be your father? I just can't fucking stand Susan. He doesn't even stand up to her. Like, are you even a fucking man? I don't regret you, baby, but why the fucking Lents? It's just, ugh.”
Matt pulled the door to a soft close and returned down the stairs.
“Well, that was fast,” Susan said. “Wait, what are you doing?” she asked as she watched Matt snatch the small box from Violet's stocking prior to storming into the nearest bathroom and flushing the symbol of love down the toilet. “Matty, wha-”
“The only reason I'm with that woman is for Clark's sake,” he sniveled. The declaration was made to protect his own feelings as the tears began to brew. Before they could, Matt rushed out of the back door to be with his dogs.
“Once he's with the boys, let him be,” Susan mumbled as a reminder to give the man his space. ---
“No, I don't mean that,” Violet sighed as she wiped her eyes. “I'm still shaking this postpartum shit off and I swear that I love you and your father and I wouldn't change either of you for the world. I just...ugh, I hate being so emotional, you know?”
Clark reached up and grabbed her mother's nose.
The woman smiled. “I love you too.”
Once the baby was down for her nap, Violet slowly descended the stairs into the living room.
Susan glanced at her. “I'm sorry for being such a judgemental bitch. I'll keep all future opinions to myself. If I want to raise another baby, I should have one instead of forcing my dated ideals onto you,” she robotically recited.
Violet folded her arms. “Thank you, but you have to apologize to Clark as well.”
The woman rolled her eyes. “Will do.”
“Where's Matthew?”
“Out back.”
“He's in the snow with no clothes on?!”
“The dog house.”
“Oh…” Violet knew that it was serious when the man opted to spend time in the dog mansion that he'd built for his buddies rather than attempting to sneak them into the basement while her head was turned. The woman geared herself in a coat, cap and boots before rushing out of the back door. She sloshed through the foot of fluffy snow until she reached the heated dog playhouse. “Hey,” she greeted, closing the door behind her.
“Where's Clark?” Matt asked without looking at her.
“Napping. You okay?”
“I'm fine,” the man said coldly. “Here, Loki,” he cooed as he blew kisses. “Heyyy, buddy.”
“You don't look fine,” Violet replied.
“Then break up with me,” Matt said nonchalantly.
The woman made a face. “I meant that you're in a blizzard with nothing on but a towel, not that you're not ‘fine’ as in attractive. You know that could never be the case,” she said suggestively. “You're sexy, babe.”
“Dr. Doom, be niceee.” He laughed. “Oh, you guys kill me.”
Never the one to be ignored for an animal, Violet stormed over and stood in front of her boyfriend. “What's your problem?”
“I don't have a problem.”
She pouted. “You're ignoring me.”
“Oh, boo fucking hoo. You're not the center of attention for once. Go cry about it, or better yet, dump me.”
“Matthew, I don't want to dump you! Why do you keep saying that?!”
Matt thought about Clark. “I'm sorry,” he sighed. “I'm just under a lot of stress at work.”
“Really? I thought you loved your job.”
“Of course I do. Doesn't mean that there isn't the competition of the next guy trying to come along and take your spot.”
“Oh.” She softly grazed her fingernails along his hand. “Is there anything I can do to help you relieve some stress?”
“You could leave me alone with my boys.”
“Shit, true. Doing it in front of dogs isn't cute. I'll see you inside?”
Matt nodded. “Unless I get blessed with invisibility.”
Violet laughed, stole a kiss and rushed out of the front door. Loki followed her out of the doggie entrance flap but quickly returned inside when he was reminded of the snow.
The man chuckled. “See? Don't chase women. They do nothing but lie, freeze you out and break your heart.”
With a little wine, lit candles and sexy holiday lingerie, Violet was thoroughly prepared for Matt when he finally returned inside.
“Ho, ho, ho,” she said seductively.
Matt couldn't deny that the woman looked amazing and he couldn't fight his manly urges, so when Violet beckoned him over, he complied.
“Oh my God, Matthewwww,” Violet moaned as the man aggressively slammed into her from the behind. She wasn't used to his masculine grunts or him roughly tugging on her hair, but she definitely wasn't complaining. “Fuck, babe! It's all yours!” Violet squealed as her legs began to tremble in the midst of her Earth shattering orgasm while Matt panted as she filled his condom.
After pulling out and cleaning up, Violet was used to cuddling so it took her by surprise when Matt rolled onto his side away from her and went  straight to sleep.
“I love you,” she whispered.
The man replied with a snore.
“And then he just fell asleepppp,” Violet whined into the phone.
“Maybe he was just really tired, Vi,” Naomi said in attempt to calm her friend. “Was the sex bad?”
“No! It was the best it's been since I was pregnant, maybe even better but there wasn't any intimacyyyy.”
“So would you rather have lackluster, cuddle sex or cold, amazing sex?”
Violet sniffled as scheduled thought. “Cold and amazing,” she finally rushed. “Sorry for bothering you with this nonsense.”
“It's not nonsense, we all need a push towards the obvious choice sometimes.”
On Christmas morning, everyone was up bright and early. Clark was showered in so many trinkets and toys that she didn't know what she wanted to play with first. When the six month old was occupied by the plush Superman blanket that her father had given her, it forced her parents to interact.
“She looks so happy,” Violet sighed. “That's all I ever wanted, for her to be happy.”
“Me too.”
The woman smiled at her boyfriend. “Having both her parents here makes all the difference.”
“Agreed,” Matt said as he entered the verbal agreement that made him tolerate a woman that he didn't think loved him for the sake of his child.
Violet held the fresh mistletoe over Matt's head. “Oh, wow what do we have here?”
The man chuckled. If the beautiful woman wanted to pretend to be in love with him, he didn't see a problem with going along with it. Matt wrapped his arms around Violet and pulled her into a kiss.
2 years old
“Are you ready Clark?” Violet asked as she compulsively adjusted her daughter's dress and curls. “You have to smile big when you go down the aisle. And try to throw the flowers as evenly as you can. Okay?”
“I'm going to throw them everywhere!”
“No, baby, you can'tttttt. You have to make it nice and neat for Aunt Naomi and Auntie Raven, okay?”
“But I want to go crazy!” she giggled.
“Fine,” Violet sighed. “They knew what they were getting themselves into when they asked you to be the flower girl.”
“I'm the best flower girllll.”
“Of course you are, my love,” she said as grabbed the girl's hand and led her to the room where Naomi was getting dressed.
“Hi, Aunt Naomi!” Clark greeted excitedly. “You look so prettyyyy.”
“Aww, thank you, CC! So do you!”
The toddler spun in her puffy white taffeta dress and nearly toppled over.
“Be careful, sweetheart,” Violet pleaded.
“I ammmm.”
She looked at her friend and immediately became emotional. “Naomi, you look...so amazing. I couldn't imagine a more perfect dress.”
The woman gave a slow spin in her simple, fitted boat neckline dress. The draped cowl back gave the classic look some sex appeal and it was phenomenal on her flawless, statuesque figure.
“When we were five years old, did you ever imagine this day?”
“No,” Naomi said honestly through misty eyes. “And especially not to a woman,” she laughed.
Violet chuckled. “Raven’s not just any woman. You guys have been through so much together and you deserve all the happiness in the world.”
“Awww,” Naomi said as she wrapped her arms around her best friend. “I love you.”
“I love you too. Let's go get married.”
“Me too! Me too!” Clark cheered.
Raven anxiously waited at the altar in her fashion forward ivory jumpsuit with a plunging neckline until she heard the music that queued Violet down the aisle. As both maid of honor and the best friend of several years, the woman desperately wanted her Pippa Middleton moment. She slowly slinked towards the altar in a skin tight, sheer dress that only had delicately placed beaded embroidery to cover up her naughty parts, but the dress still left nothing to the imagination.
She winked at Matt and he smiled from his seat. Next down the aisle was Clark who marched in her ballerina flats as she, to her mother's dismay, tossed her white rose petals all over the place.
“Is it pretty?!” the toddler asked.
“Awww,” people said collectively. “Yes!”
Clark beamed from ear to ear as she continued and when she passed her father, she made sure to sprinkle a generous amount of petals on him.
“Now you're pretty,” she whispered before rushing to her spot next to Violet.
“Did I do good?”
“It was so good,” her mother assured.
“Here have some.” Clark scooped out more petals and offered them to her mother.
“No, no. You keep them in your basket...niceee and neat.”
Moments later, Naomi was walked down the aisle by her father who initially didn't understand her being transgender, but now he was definitely confused by his transgender daughter marrying a woman. But the man loved her enough to bite his tongue and support whatever she decided to do, even if she wouldn't take him up on the last minute offer to skip town in his Corvette.
He gave her away and the floodgates that were opened when the couple began to recite their vows didn't leave a dry eye in the house.
After the ceremony, Violet watched her friends first dance with a melancholy heart.
“What's wrong, Mommy?” Clark asked when she approached.
“Hm?” Violet turned to look at her daughter and nearly screamed at the sight of blue frosting that covered the girl's hands and area around her mouth. The woman pulled out her wipes and  immediately went into cleaning mode.
“Are you sad, Mommy?” Clark asked again.
“No,” Violet sighed. “I'm just...do you know that you're two years old now?”
“So that means I've been with your father for nearly three years.”
“That's a lotta years!”
“I knowww and…” Violet leaned in, “we haven't even talked about marriage.”
“Marriage?!” Clark squealed in excitement. “You wanna marry Daddy?!”
“Sssshhhhhh!” she hushed as she looked around. When she saw Matt at the bar, she exhaled and turned back to Clark. “Of course I want to marry your father. I love him.”
“Well then he needs to marry you so that I can put on another pretty dress.”
Violet frowned. “All of the dresses that I buy you are pretty.”
“Yes but I never get to wear them to weddings.”
She smiled. “Touche. Hey, listen, don't tell your father about this conversation, okay? You've always been my little confidant. Hell, I've been venting to you ever since you were a baby. Let's keep it a secret.”
“I can keep a secret,” Clark assured.
Violet kissed her head and finished wiping the last bits of frosting off of her daughter. “Thank you.”
“I have to get more cupcakes nowwww.”
The woman made a face before relenting. “Take these with you.” She gave Clark the wipes and watched her as she made her way to the dessert table. Clark grabbed two cupcakes and skipped towards her father.
“Here, Daddy!”
“Oh, thank you, sweetheart!”
Matt lifted the girl and placed her on the counter. Once he accepted his cupcake, they toasted with the baked goods and took a big bite out of each them.
“Are you having fun?” he asked.
“Yes. I like weddings. That's why you and Mommy should get married.”
Matt's eyebrows shot up. “Really?”
Clark nodded.
“What if I told you that I wanted to marry your mommy a long time ago but she said no?”
The girl gasped. “No way!”
“Yes way! Well, kind of. I just heard her say some things once and,” he sighed, “I just know she doesn't want to marry me.”
Clark frowned. “But she loves you.”
Matt grabbed his daughter and began to tickle her. “You know who loves who? I love you and that's all that matters!”
The girl giggled as she squirmed. “Heyyyy, you're driving me coconuts!”
Matt cackled and gave his daughter a firm squeeze before kissing her head. “Just because your mom and I aren't married, doesn't mean that I don't love you.”
“But you guys kisssss. Doesn't that mean you love each other?”
Matt cleared his throat. “Um, yes. I do love her bu-”
“You both love each other! People who love each other get married!”
“I'll think about it, okay?”
“Alright, ladiesss,” Naomi said into the microphone. “Who's going to catch my bouquet?”
Matt watched as Violet elbowed her way to the front of the crowd.
“3...2...1!” Naomi tossed the flowers over her head and Violet practically shoved a middle aged woman to the ground in order to catch them.
“Yayyyy, Mommy!” Clark cheered.
Violet raised her arms in victory before she glanced over at her family. She gave Matt a soft smile and the man sighed as he turned his attention back to the bartender. “Can I get another shot?”
“Can I have a shot?” Clark asked as she batted her long lashes.
“Yeah, a shot of milk, little lady.”
“I'll take that.”
Matt carried his milk and cupcake wasted child into the house as Violet followed suit.
“Give her to me. I'll wash her up before you put her in bed.”
“She's already sleeping, you can bathe her in the morning.”
“Matthew, I'm not putting my child into bed sticky and dirty.”
“Violet,” he retorted with attitude, “I'm not going to let you wake her to bathe her and make her cranky just for you to get frustrated and have me come in to fix it. Going to bed a little sticky will not kill either of you.”
“No, but I'm this close to killing you,” she retorted.
Matt scoffed. “You probably would, psycho. And then clean up the crime scene like I never lived here to begin with.”
“I wish you didn't live here.” The woman didn't mean it, but her pride never failed to get in the way when the couple argued.
“Oh, tell me something I don't know. You never wanted me around and I don't even know why you bothered to fake it all these years.”
“Fake what? I've never been fake in my life!”
“Fake the obvious lie that you love me! I know that you'd rather have anyone be Clark's father but me. That shit hurts but I fucking stuck around because I don't trust you. If we broke up, you'd probably take her away from me and God only knows who you'd have around her playing 'daddy’.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?!”
Clark stirred and whimpered in her sleep.
“Just shut up,” Matt hissed before going up the stairs. He entered his daughter's room and placed her in her princess canopy bed prior to tiptoeing out. The second that he closed door, he was caught off guard by Violet's hand slapping him across the face.
“Don't you ever tell me to shut up!”
The man simply pursed his lips and descended the stairs.
Violet quickly followed him. “Matthew, I'm sorry,” she offered. “You're saying that I'm fake and that I don't love you and I don't know where that's even coming from.”
“So you hit me,” he chirped sarcastically. “
Brilliant logic.”
“I’m sorryyy,” she sniffled.
“Yeah, you are.” Matt grabbed the bourbon from the cabinet. “But not as sorry as you will be, love,” he said as he dropped the bottle and let it crash on the floor.
“What are you doing?!”
The man began to pull anything and everything he could get his hands on to the floor, making the biggest mess possible. Dishes, food and even the paintings on the wall were sent crashing to the hardwood in the man's rage fueled tantrum.
“Matthew, stop!” Violet pleaded.
Matt smashed a jar of pickles against the wall. “Oh, sorry, I didn't mean it!” the man said sarcastically. “I'll just hurt your feelings or slap you and then take it all back because I didn't mean it!” He paused to catch his breath before knocking the toaster over. “And then I'll leave you to pick up the pieces.” Matt stormed out of the room leaving Violet to sob and hyperventilate over the enormous mess.
Matt made his way up the stairs and froze when he saw Clark in the doorway of her bedroom.
“Is there a hur-a-cane?” she groggily asked as she rubbed her eyes.
“No, baby, there's not a hurricane. Go back to bed.”
“I don't wanna go back to beddd.”
“Then what do you want to do?”
“Arts and crafts, huh?”
Violet cried until she was able to compose herself enough to trek to her cleaning closet. She opened the door and frowned when she didn't see her hazmat suit. Violet heard Clark giggle.
“I like this one, Daddy!”
The woman rushed up the stairs, opened the door to her daughter's bedroom and screamed when she saw that the father/daughter duo had cut her hazmat suit to shreds so that they could use it for their artwork.
“Look, Mommy, I made you a flower,” the girl said excitedly as she rushed to hand over the bundle of glitter covered hazmat plastic.
“Thank you, sweetheart. Matthew,” Violet said through a clenched jaw. “May I speak to you outside for a second?”
“We're busy, Mommy.”
“Clark Christine Lent, was I speaking to you?”
The girl pouted. “No.”
“Precisely, therefore I didn't need your input. And look! You've got glitter and paint in your carpet! What did I tell you about using that stuff in your room?!”
“But Daddy, said it was okay,” Clark sniveled.
“It is okay,” Matt said nonchalantly as he grabbed the bottle of blue paint and squeezed a glob into the light colored carpet.
Violet swore that she heard something inside of her snap. She calmly made her way downstairs,  grabbed her phone and called her sister.
“Rose, do you think Clark can spend the night with you? I don't want her to see this.”
“See what?”
“Me killing her father.”
A few minutes later, Rose arrived and Clark was ushered towards the front door.
“Wait, you didn't ask me if it was okay if Clark could go somewhere,” Matt said.
“But I want to go, Daddyyyy,” the toddler whined.
“Fine,” he sighed. “I'll miss you.”
“I know.”
“You know?!” he asked dramatically as he pulled the giggling girl into his arms. “See you later, munchkin.”
The second that Clark rushed out of the door with Rose, Matt was ambushed by Violet jumping onto his back and wrapping her arms around his neck.
“What the-”
“Die, motherfucker!”
The man dropped to his knees and when her chokehold began to cut off his air supply, he purposefully drooled on her arm; a surefire way to get her to let go.
“Eww!” Violet squealed as she released and then shoved the man before pulling him into a headlock.
Matt grabbed the woman's thighs and pinched them as hard as he could.
“Let me go,” he wheezed.
“Not until you're dead! Now apologize for making such a huge fucking mess!”
“Kiss my ass!”
Violet tightened her grip on the man's neck while he twisted the sensitive skin on her thighs even harder. They both groaned out in pain and demanded for the other to give up when Clark burst back into the house, pausing when she saw them.
“Clark, baby,” Violet panted in a shaky voice. “What are you doing back?”
“I forgot Lex Luthor,” she said as she grabbed her teddy bear while her eyes stayed curiously fixated on her parents. “Is this what Mommy and Daddy time looks like?”
“...Yes,” her mother replied unconvincingly.
“Okay. Have fun!” she cheered before rushing back out, closing the front door behind her.
Her parents sighed in relief before their quarrel continued.
“Say uncle!” Violet shouted.
“As soon as you let me go!”
Violet swung her arm and delivered a punch to Matt's face. The man couldn't believe that she'd hit him like that. Completely annoyed, he used his arms to knock Violet on her ass and with her arms still wrapped around his neck, she took Matt with her.
The man bit into the woman's left boob and she hollered as she finally let go.
“You fucking animal!”
“You punched me!”
Violet attempted to swing again, but Matt slammed her arms against the hardwood.
“Oww,” she whined.
“Stop trying to hit me in the fucking face!”
“You're getting out of control! You and Clark drew on the walls: Fine. I let it go and we played in the water. But then you let her go to bed all sticky, look at what you did to the kitchen! And worst of all, my hazmat suit! You went too fucking far, Matthew!”
“No, going too far is having a baby by someone you don't even love!”
Violet's bottom lip began to quiver. “You don't love me?”
“You don't love me!” he shouted as he pushed away from her. “I remember it like it was yesterday! Christmas Eve, two years ago, Clark was like six months old. You were fighting with my Mom and you stormed upstairs with the baby. I go up there to see if you're okay and you said, and I'll never fucking forgot it, ‘I just feel so fucking trapped sometimes. I love you, Clark but why did Matthew have to be your father?’”
Violet didn't recall saying it, but she didn't put it past herself as something she'd say while upset.
“Who else would be her fucking father?!” he shouted as he punched the wall, effectively leaving a fist sized hole. “Without me, she wouldn't even be Clark and you wouldn't have that amazing little girl as a daughter! Bitch!” the man fumed as he released two years of pent up anger and resentment. “I've stayed this long for the baby, but fuck it. I can't live like this anymore.”
At this point, the woman was sobbing but she managed to get her words out clearly. “Matthew, this is all some big misunderstanding, okay? You have to believe that.”
Matt rolled his eyes as he made his way up the stairs and quickly Violet followed him, barely catching the door in time so that he couldn't lock her out. She watched in pain as the man began to pack.
“What are you doing?” she sniveled.
“I’m leaving.”
“Matthew, you can't do that. What about Clark?”
“I'd prefer it if my child grew up with parents who hate each other rather than no parents because one is dead and the other is in jail for their murder.”
“But we do love each other!” Violet cried. “Nobody wants to murder anybody.”
“Speak for yourself,” he grumbled as he messily tossed the rest of his things into his luggage. He locked it, snatched it up and began to make his way down stairs. “I'll be back to see Clark tomorrow.”
“But you can see her all the time if you just stayed! Matthew, I love you! What am I supposed to do without you?!”
Matt opened the front door but then paused, making Violet's teary eyes grow wide with hope.
“Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn,” he said coldly prior to continuing out of the door, leaving Violet to fall to the hardwood as her sobbing became uncontrollable then hysterical before she passed out on the foyer floor.
Violet had no idea what time it was when she crawled up the stairs, but when she found a mirror and saw the dark bags under her eyes, her matted curls, her uncountable bruises and ripped gown, the woman burst into tears all over again.
Matt strolled up to the hotel counter and the wide eyed receptionist reluctantly greeted him.
“Can I get a fucking room?” he asked.
“Umm...ye-yes. Should I call an ambulance as well?”
“Why would you call an-”
She held up her phone's reflective case and the man was finally able to see all the damage that Violet had done.
“Well damn,” he exhaled. “I didn't know that I was bleeding.” The man snatched a few Kleenex out of the box on the counter and placed them against his nose. “Bitch can't weigh more than 118 soaking wet and she manages to black my eye and put me into a fucking chokehold that almost made me black out. How was I supposed to react to that? I leave before I kill her, that's what I do,” the man angrily ranted to himself.
The receptionist slowly moved her hand to trigger the alarm, but she froze when Matt turned to look at her.
“I need a room for three nights,” he demanded.
“We’re all booked!” the woman shouted in fear before rushing out of the door behind the counter.
“She put you in a headlock?!” Shea asked over the FaceTime call before bursting into laughter.
Matt puffed out his marijuana smoke. “That's not funny!”
“It is though! I didn't think she had it in her.”
“She's a psychopath.”
“True, but you love her.”
Matt scoffed. “Fuck all the way off.”
“You do. You're just hurt over what happened and you held that in for so long that it's driving you crazy. But if you didn't love her, you wouldn't have given a fuck and you would've left a long time ago.”
“I stayed for the baby.”
“Oh, bullshit. I hate when people use their kids as an excuse to stay miserable. You stayed because you love her and you won't convince me otherwise. In fact, every time you call me, it's to talk shit and complain about her.”
The man took a puff of his blunt. “You look really pretty in that lighting.”
Shea rolled her eyes.
“Leave your boyfriend so we can get remarried.”
“You're funny.”
He chuckled as he blew out smoke. “I love you. Always have, always will.”
“Ditto, babe.”
“I'm going to try and get some sleep. I need strength in case she wants to go for a round two in the morning.”
“Take it easy on her. Wouldn't want to break your baby mama’s arm.”
Matt cackled. “Maybe I do.”
Shea simply shook her head and blew her ex-husband a kiss. “Later.”
“Please don't stain, please don't stain,” Violet whimpered as she scrubbed the tomato paste out of the hardwood. She heard the doorbell ring and reluctantly left the mess to go answer it.
“Oh my God,” Rose gasped when she saw the red spots on her sister's dress. “You really did it didn't you? That's his blood!”
“What? Oh- no!  This is tomato paste, I'm cleaning.”
“Violet, you can be honest with me. If you did do it, let's get you out of the country now.”
“Matthew is alive...but I don't know if I am,” she sniffled. “He left.”
Rose pulled her sister into an embrace. “It'll be okay.”
“Mommy, Mommy!” Clark shouted as she rushed inside, followed by Clover. “I had waffles and Clover and me made cookies! See!”
Violet quickly put on a happy expression but Clark knew better.
“That's wonderful, sweetheart. I'm sure those cookies taste amazingggg.”
“What's wrong, Mommy? What happened to your dress? You stayed in it the entire night?” she asked, knowing that it was strange for her mother to do such a thing.
“Yeah, I was really busy last night.”
“With Mommy and Daddy time?”
Rose and Clover made faces.
“We'll take Clark to get ice cream,” her aunt offered. “You want ice cream, Clark?”
“No, I want to stay with Mommy.”
Violet nodded, assuring her sister that everything would be okay.
“Do you need help with anything?”
“No, we're fine. I'll see you guys later.”
The family shared hugs and kisses before Rose and Clover exited.
“Your dress is dirty, Mommy.”
“I know, sweetheart, it's okay. I'll get another.”
“Where is Daddy?”
“He's not here right now.”
“Are you mad at him?”
“Did you talk to him about a weddinggg?” she asked, large blue eyes full of hope.
“No,” Violet said honestly.
Clark frowned. “Grownups are so slow.”
Her mother laughed. “True. Let's go get cleaned up.”
“Can I pick you something to wear?”
“Of course, darling. And then we'll play the clean up game, okay?”
“Okay!” she chirped as she skipped along.
Matt took a deep breath as he made his way up the cobblestone path to the front door. With donuts in hand, he reluctantly entered his home and wasn't surprised by the floral scented cleaners that wafted through the air.
“Clark?” he called.
The toddler came sprinting out of the living room and into her father's arms.
“Heyyy, princess!”
Clark gasped when she saw Matt's cuts and bruises. She placed both of her hands on her father's cheeks. “What happened to youuu?”
“I got into a fight.”
“With who?”
“Umm...Harley Quinn.”
Clark scowled. “I'll kick Harley Quinn's ass.”
Matt couldn't help but cackle. “Baby, don't say ass.”
“Well, if she kicked your ass, I'm gonna have to kick her ass.”
The man snorted. “Thank you, Clark. But say kick her butt because ass is a bad word.”
“Ohh...well, Mommy and I will both kick her butt! Mommy!”
“No, why are you calling her?” Matt rushed in a whisper.
“She has to see this and access this situation.”
“Access?” he chuckled at her misuse of the word.
“Yes! Mommyyyyyyy!”
“Hey, hey, hey,” Matt intervened. “I brought you donuts.”
She paused. “Jelly ones?”
He scoffed dramatically. “Of course jelly ones.”
Matt sighed in relief over the girl's short attention span as he placed her to the floor and handed her the box.
Clark swiftly accepted the gift and ran to find her mother. “Mommyyyy, Daddy brought donuts!”
Matt groaned.
When her daughter rushed back into the living room, Violet closed her book. “What happened, sweetie?”
“Daddy brought donuts because Harley Quinn kicked his ass.”
“Clark Christine,” her mother chastised.
“I mean, kicked his butt. Look at his face, Mommy! You have to make his boo-boos better!” Clark waited for her father to round the corner, but when he didn't, she placed the donuts in Violet's hands and rushed around the corner. Matt was nowhere to be found. “Daddyyyy!” she shouted up the stairs. The man didn't respond, leaving the toddler with no choice but to cry as she rushed back to her mother.
Violet placed the donuts to the side. “What's wrong, Clark?”
“Daddy is gone! He's hurt and he's gone!” she sobbed.
The woman sighed. “Do you want me to call him?”
Violet pulled out her cell phone and called the man who took at least six rings to answer.
She quickly handed the phone to her daughter. “Hello? Daddy?” Clark sniveled.
There was nothing worse in this world to the man than hearing his daughter cry. It made him feel ten times as worse as Violet's tears used to, and it was truly his kryptonite.
“Baby, why are you crying?” he asked weakly.
“You left me!”
“No, I didn't, Clark. I'm in the driveway and I'm coming back into the house now.”
The girl dropped the phone and sprinted towards the front door, making perfect timing to jump into her father's arms. When she continued to sob, Matt squeezed her even tighter.
“Baby, I'd never, ever, ever, ever, leave you without saying goodbye. Do you know that?”
“Yes,” she sniffled. “But you upset meeee.”
The words felt like a dagger to Matt's heart. “How did I upset you?”
“You have to let Mommy and me fix your boo-boos before they get injected!”
“Okay, sweetheart,” Matt sighed as he kissed her head. “I'm so sorry for upsetting you. It won't happen again.”
Clark wiped her eyes. “Okay.” She shimmied out of her father's arms and pulled him along until they reached the living room. “See, Mommy! Look at what Harley Quinn did!” the girl fumed as she folded her arms.
“Oh nooo,”  Violet said, barely convincing the child.
“Well?! Go get your first-aids kit!”
“But he's not bleeding.”
“But he is hurt!” Clark shrieked, quickly growing exhausted by her parents lack of understanding for the severity of the situation. “You love him so fix it!”
“You're right, Clark. I do love him...so I'll do my best to fix it.”
Matt understood the underhanded nature of the comment and rolled his eyes.
“Sit down, Daddy,” Clark ordered. “Mommy, we need that first-aids kit, now!”
“Is this the emergency room?” Matt asked.
The toddler nodded.
“Are you a nurse or a doctor?”
“May I please have some water then?”
“Coming up!”
While Clark rushed into the kitchen, Violet returned to the living room. Matt refused to even look up at her.
“Listen, um,” the woman began, “I want to be in this uncomfortable situation just as much as you do. All I can say is that I'm sorry, but I don't know what else I'm supposed to do to fix this.”
“Hmmm, have you tried eating a pound of garlic?”
“But I'm allergic to...oh.”
“Here's your water, Daddy,” Clark chirped as she rushed around the corner with a bottle.
“Thank you, Nurse.”
“You're welcome. Now, be a good patient and let Mommy doctor fix you. Don't be a crybaby.”
Matt laughed. “I'm never a crybaby.”
“You are sometimesss.”
“What?! When?”
“When Mommy plucks your eyebrows.”
“Hey, hey, that was once and only because I lost a bet.”
Clark giggled.
“Why you laughin’ at yo Daddy's pain, girl?”
“Cause it's funny sometimes.”
“Fair enough.”
Clark climbed onto the couch and stood next to her seated father while Violet retrieved her first-aid kit. She grabbed the Neosporin and gently began to dab it along his black eye and cut nose bridge. Matt winced.
“Sorry,” Violet said softly.
“It’s okay,” Clark assured.
Matt fought the urge to smile.
“Is that better, Daddy? Is Mommy a good doctor?”
“Yes, what?”
Matt sighed. “Yes, Mommy is a good doctor.”
“She takes care of both of us.”
“Mm hmm. She surely does,” he said dryly.
“This is why we need to do a wedding!” Clark squealed.
“What wedding?” her parents asked collectively.
The toddler threw her arms in the air out of sheer frustration. “Your wedding!”
“Clark,” Matt exhaled. “There won't be a wedding.” He cleared his throat. “Um, Mommy and I are breaking up.”
Clark frowned. “What does that mean?”
“We... I-I won't be Mommy's boyfriend anymore.”
The girl gasped. “Why not?!” She aggressively grabbed Matt's cheeks. “Mommy is the most beautiful woman in the world!”
“I know she is.”
“No you don't if you don't want to be her boyfriend!”
“It's not that I don't want to be her boyfriend, I just...hey, do I really have to explain my relationship problems to you?”
She squeezed her father's cheeks even harder. “Yes!”
“You want me to be to honest?”
“I don't think your Mom loves me as much as I love her.”
“No,” Clark protested. “She loves you and thinks you're more handsome than Thor.”
Matt laughed.
“She does! Don't you, Mommy?”
Violet bashfully tucked some of her hair behind her ear. “I do.”
“See, Daddy? She thinks you're hot stuff.”
Both her parents laughed.
“Seeeeee, you guys love each other.”
“Of course I love your Mom, but I can't be with her.”
Clark dramatically fell back onto the couch. “That doesn't make senseeee!”
“It doesn't have to make sense to you, little lady. All you need to know is that we love you and that you'll always be taken care of.”
“But I'm not happyyyy,” she groaned.
“Why not, Clark Lent?” Matt asked as he placed his hand underneath his chin.
“Because I'm only happy when Mommy is happy and now she's not happy! She wants to marry you but you don't even want to be her boyfriend! You're driving me coconuts!”
Violet pursed her lips in embarrassment over the girl's revealing rant. “Um, I have to go to the bathroom.”
When Violet left the room, Matt turned to Clark. “Mommy wants to marry me?”
“Yes! She told me.”
“Wow…” Matt exhaled.
“She loves you and you're being so self-righteous.”
“Self-righteous? Where are you getting all of these big words?”
Clark folded her arms.
“Are you ignoring me?”
“Hmph!” the girl huffed as she turned away from the man.
“Oh noooo, not Grumpy Clark. What can I do to fix it?”
She continued to ignore him.
“So, when did Mommy tell you that she wanted to be married to me?”
“Yesterday,” the toddler grumbled.
“Oh…” So did her opinion on me change over the years or is she just saying that to tell Clark what she wants to hear? the man asked himself. “I'll go with the ladder.”
“Nothing, sweetheart. Want to go to the zoo?”
Clark jumped up. “Yes!”
“Go get dressed.”
“Okay.” The toddler raced out of the room and up the stairs.
When Violet finally exited the bathroom, it was obvious to Matt that she'd been crying.
“Hi,” she said quietly.
“I'm going to take Clark to the zoo.”
“Daddy, can I wear my cape?!” Clark shouted down the stairs.
“Of course, sweetheart!” Matt pushed himself off the couch. “Do you need anything while we're out?”
Violet shook her head just as Clark skipped down the stairs. “I’m ready!”
“Are you coming, Mommy?”
“No, I'm a little tired, baby. You'll have fun with Daddy.”
Clark frowned. “But the go-ril-lasssss, Mom!”
“They'll be there when I go next time.”
“Fine,” she sighed. “Let's go, Daddy!”
“I'm coming. I'll start the car, you say bye to Mommy.”
Clark rushed towards her mother and Violet groaned as she picked her up. “You're getting so big, my love.”
“I'm growing up,” she chirped before cupping her hands around her mother's ear so that she could whisper. “Don’t worry about this, Mommy. Daddy will marry you because I have a plan.”
Violet sighed. “Okay, sweetheart. Have fun at the zoo. I love you.”
“Love you too.”
She kissed her daughter's cheek before returning her to the floor. The woman watched as Clark's cape floated through the air while she rushed out of the door. Violet was close behind to make sure that the girl made it out safety. After she was buckled into her carseat, Clark waved goodbye to her mother as the car sped away.
“Fuck, she's getting so big.” Feeling nostalgic, Violet made her way to the living room and dug out all of the old home videos. She popped in the first DVD and tears were brought to her eyes nearly instantly.
“Oh my Goddddd. I was so fatttt.”
Push, Violet, push! Matt encouraged on the video.  
“I need a glass of wine for this.”
After settling onto the couch with her Merlot, Violet laughed at Matt's Spider-Man costume.
“Crazy man.”
Say Mama. Sayyyyy Mama! Violet prompted.
Her first word will be Dada, Matt intervened. Mark my wordsss.
The woman laughed. “I can't believe he was right,” she said as she took another sip of wine. “But of course. Dada has simpler syllables than Mama.” Violet popped in the next video.
Oh, fuck, Matthewwww, the woman moaned as Matt sucked on her clit.
“Shit, shit, shit,” Violet panicked as she rushed to eject the sex tape. “Why is that with Clark's baby videos?” The woman marked the DVD with a big red X before moving on to the next.  “I'll watch that later.”
Matt held onto the chubby 10 month old’s hands, but once she steadied herself he let go.
Come to Mama. Comeee to Mama, Violet urged from across the room as she crouched on the living room floor. Come on, baby.
The toddler took one cautious step, then another before she lost her balance and plopped to her butt.
Awe, it's okay, Matt assured as he grabbed her hands to help her up. You can try again.
Clark babbled and took one bold step towards Violet before tumbling.
Babe, she needs the cape.
Matthew, that cape looks ridiculous.
Noooo, I swear she took more steps last time with the cape on.
Violet huffed. I guess it won't hurt.
Yes! Don't worry, Clark, help is on the way! Matt said as he bolted up the stairs while Violet turned towards the camera as Susan continued to film.
So ridiculous, she mouthed to the lens.
Moments later, Matt rushed back down the stairs with the bright red toddler sized cape in had. He secured the velcro loosely around his baby's neck.
Be careful, Violet ordered. Her top is Burberry.
Matt smoothed the baby's cape and clothes prior to helping her to her feet again.
Come on, Super Clark, he encouraged. You can do it.
Dada, she cooed as she reached for him.
Within a second, Clark was in Matt's arms. He kissed her cheek and blew air bubbles against it causing the baby to laugh.
Don't spoil her, Matthew. I can barely get her to try walking as is.
The man sighed and returned his daughter to the floor. He held onto her tiny fists until she could find her center of gravity prior to letting go.
Come on, Clark. Come to Mommy.
Matt blew a gust of air underneath the baby's cape to make to flow. Super Clarkkk.
Clark giggled.
Matthew, stop distracting her.
It wasn't me. Her powers are activating.
Violet groaned in exasperation and it made her baby frown.
Mamaaa, she whined as she took a step towards her. Always in tune with her mother's emotions, Clark used the woman's frustrated expression as motivation to get to her.
The woman extended her arms. Yes, baby! Come to Mama.
The toddler began to wobble, but she refused to give up as she took one unsteady step after another.
Mom, is the camera still on? Matt practically squealed.
Yes, Susan excitedly replied. She's doing so good.
With one last shaky step, Clark fell forward into her mother's arms.
Yayyy, everyone cheered in unison while Clark laughed and clapped for herself.
It was totally the cape, Matt assured.
The next video started with the camera facing Violet as she walked. Do you want to know what happens when you leave your baby daddy alone with the baby? she asked as she entered Clark's nursery and turned the camera to Matt.
Babe, babe, look, Matt barely got out through his laughter. He'd placed the six week old baby in the front pocket of his apron. She's like a kangaroo.
Violet cackled. “I can't believe she was tiny enough to fit in thereeee. Well, hell I remember her fitting in one hand as a newborn.”
Clark's first Christmas was printed across the screen before it faded into Violet holding the chubby baby as they hung ornaments.
It looks good, ladiesss, Matt complemented, circling them as he filmed.
Dada, Dada, Clark babbled as she bounced on Violet's hip.
Hi, babyyy. I love you.
Clark flashed a toothless grin. Matt reached for her but she turned away.
How rude, he gasped.
Say go away, Daddy. We're decorating.
Clark spewed out an unintelligible rant that made her parents laugh.
Violet watched the endless footage of Christmas Eve and then their party on Christmas day as her sister filmed.
What are you expecting to get today? Rose asked.
Violet scoffed. I'm not expecting anything. She looked around and laughed. Wait, where's Matt?
In the snow with Clark.
Oh, okay so get this. He asked me for my ring size a few weeks ago, she squealed.
Oooo, you know what that means.
I need ten carats, henny.
The sisters laughed.
I have to practice my surprise faces for when he proposes.
Violet paused the video and took a large gulp of her wine. “I never got to use those fucking faces.”
Every time that Clark would bring up Violet, Matt would distract his daughter with toys or treats. The father/daughter duo made their way around the zoo twice and when the toddler passed out from sheer exhaustion, Matt loaded her into the car and took her home.
“We're backkk,” the man announced as he entered. He didn't hear a response but he made his way to Clark's bedroom and tucked her in anyway. “Violet?” he called when he returned to the main floor. The man entered the living room and found the woman passed out on the couch with a bottle of wine next to her. “Drinking alone is never a good lookkk,” he whispered.
Matt turned to leave, but stopped out of curiosity when he and saw the paused shot from a video that he'd never seen before on the television. He pulled the remote control from Violet's hand and pressed play.
Show me the face you'd make if he proposes, Rose continued.
Violet placed her hands on her cheeks and gasped dramatically. Matthewwww, it's so beautifullll! Yes! Yes, of course I'll marry you!
Rose giggled. Perfect! And I better be your maid of honor, bitch.
Wait, what's this about maid of honor?! Naomi shouted from across the room.
Nothinggg, Violet assured. At least not until we open presents, the woman said hopefully. Keep the camera rolling.
“Damn,” Matt exhaled. “Wait, this is...after I overheard her, so-”
What'd you get, Vi? Rose asked as she continued to film everyone open their gifts.
I don't know yetttt, Violet said excitedly as she pried into the small box. And it doesn't say who it's frommm. The woman beamed from ear to ear only to have her face fall when she finally got the box open and saw the watch.
Do you love it, sweetheart? her father asked.
Oh, this is from you, Dad? Yeah, it's beautiful.
As Matt continued to watch the video, he noticed how Violet became more and more anxious after each gift. At the time, what he thought was bitterness and resentment, was actually disappoint that he hadn't gone through with his proposal.
Are there anymore gifts for Violet?! the woman shouted.
Once you have a baby, all your gifts become gifts for them, Rose informed.
Yeah but... nevermind. The camera caught Violet pushing herself off of the couch and making her way towards Matt.
“God, I look miserable,” the man groaned when he saw himself on the screen.
Violet's words couldn't be made out, but Matt did his best to read her lips.
Are you okay?
I was, he replied as he downed another glass of eggnog.
Oh...well, I hope you're having a good time. Clark is really enjoying her first Christmas.
I'm only here for her, Matt slurred before the camera panned the room.
“Damn it,” the man hissed as he paused the video. “So much fucking time wasted…for nothing.” Matt reached out to stroke the woman's hair but then stopped. “All those times I was mean or when I knew she wanted affection-”
“Hmm?” Violet groaned as she stirred in her sleep.
“Baby,” Matt cooed, sliding onto the couch beside her. He kissed her neck then her jaw.
“Matthewww,” she slurred. “It's too hotttt.” When Violet attempted to push him away, she ended up rolling herself off of the couch, hitting the hardwood in a muffled thump. “Ow.”
The man suppressed his laugh until he saw the woman's expression. “You look like Grumpy Clark.”
Violet snorted. “Help me up?”
Matt leaned over to assist the woman, but she pulled him onto the floor next to her. The man didn't seem to mind as he walked his fingers along her collarbone.
“You know I love you, right?”
“I don't know. You want me to eat garlic and break up and-”
“No, no, no, I didn't mean it. I mean, I did at the time, but I was mistaken.”
“But when I say I don't mean something, you get all mad,” she hiccuped. “I hate your double standards and I hate youuu.”
“You don't hate me,” he said as he rolled on top of the woman.
“Oh my God, you're fattt. You're going to make me puke.”
“Puke on me if you have to, I deserve it.”
“Nooo, Matthew,” the tipsy women groaned. “You're beautiful and you deserve the world.”
“Awe...you really feel that way or are you just drunk?”
Matt laughed and kissed her. “I'm sorry for being such an asshole to you all these years.”
“It's okay, Matthew. Just get off of me.”
The man stole another kiss before finally giving Violet some breathing room. “You won't believe what I found earlier,” she slurred as she struggled to get to her feet. When she did, she popped in the DVD marked with the bright red X.
Oh, fuck, Matthewww, Violet moaned on the screen.
“Whoa!” Matt exclaimed. “When did we make this?”
“I don't know...back when you still cared about me. Back when we made love and not that rough, cold stuff that makes you just roll over and go to sleep when you're finished without kissing me goodnight.”
The man knew that he was guilty of making the woman feel that way and he wanted it to end. Matt pushed himself off of the couch and approached Violet from behind. As he wrapped his arms around her waist his lips found her neck.
“Mmm,” she exhaled.
Matt eased the straps of the woman's nightgown off of her shoulders causing the silk negligee to fall to the floor, leaving Violet in nothing but her favorite pink thong. The man smiled as he slowly ran his hands along her arms and then her breasts. Violet turned around and their lips met in a tender kiss. Matt gently glided his hands along her curves, stopping at her ass which he cupped to lift the woman. She wrapped her legs around his waist, making it even easier for the man to walk backwards until they flopped onto the couch.
They laughed and continued to kiss while Violet's hands fumbled with Matt's belt but he stopped her.
“I wanna take care of you tonight. I have two years to make up for.”
The man eased the woman onto the cushions but she wouldn't release her legs.
“Not on the couch,” she whispered.
Matt smirked and kissed her. “Come on, big baby.”
He lifted her off of the couch and bolted towards the stairs.
“Waittttt, don't forget my nightgown.”
“You don't need that,” he assured.
“Yeah, but neither does the floorrrr. If you don't get it now, it's all I'll be able to think about."
Matt groaned and retaliated against the woman's difficultness with a firm bite on her neck before doubling back and picking up the negligee then rushing up the steps. Instead of tossing her onto the bed,  Matt gently eased his lover onto the mattress and took his time to practically worship every inch of her body with tender kisses.
“Nooo, Matthewwww,” Violet squealed. “Not my feetttt.”
The man laughed and tussled with the woman until he was able to kiss the top of her foot.
“I'm never kissing you again.”
He laughed. “You kiss me after I go down on you.”
“Yeah, but my cooch is pristine.”
“And your feet aren't?”
“I guess you have a point.”
Matt kissed the woman's freshly pedicured big toe. “I have no problem appreciating every part of your body, whether you think it's gross or not.”
Violet smirked while she rolled her eyes. Those same tawny brown eyes rolled into the back of her head when Matt kissed her thong. The thin cotton was the only thing that separated her throbbing clit from the man's eager mouth.
The woman gently gnawed on her bottom lip as Matt's nibbling and warm air from his exhales gave her new and exotic sensations that quickly began to drive her crazy.
When Matt could feel how wet the woman was through the thong, he knew that he'd teased her enough. He pinched the thin pink straps that clung to her hips and slowly slid them down.
“I hate youuu,” Violet playfully grumbled.
He frowned. “Why?”
“Stop teasing me.”
The man grinned and tossed the woman's panties over his shoulder.
“Nooo, Matthew, you have to put them in the hamper.”
“Can't it wait? I-” Matt relented when she gave him the look. He retrieved the thong and sniffed it as he made his way to the bathroom.
“You're so grossss,” Violet said as she bashfully covered her face.
“If loving everything about you, inside and out, is gross, then I don't wanna be... whatever the opposite of gross is.”
The woman laughed but didn't remove her hands from her face as Matt positioned himself between her legs. He returned to giving the woman soft kisses along her inner thighs and vaginal lips, but he didn't want to torture her completely so he took her clit into his mouth sooner rather than later.
The man started with gentle sucking with the occasional firm lick thrown in.
Violet finally removed her hands from her face. One found its way to the sheets while the other found Matt's hair as she gripped it. “That feels so good.”
“I'm just getting started,” Matt assured as he added the swirling of his tongue to the mix. The man traced rhythmic patterns along Violet's entrance and love button, listening as the woman's breathing became more labored.
“Matthew, you never do thissss,” Violet panted. “It's usually so r-ushed!” she squealed when the man began to shake his head from side to side with her clit still nestled between his smooth lips.
It only took a few more minutes of this before she began to tingle all over.
“Oh my Godddd. I'm cominggg.”
Matt didn't even need the heads up as the sweet and tangy taste of the woman flooded his mouth. He didn't waste a single bit of it and even used it to lube up his fingers before slowly sliding them into the woman. In addition to his gentle sucking,  Matt knew exactly what angle to thrust his fingers in order to find her G-spot. He always knew that he'd found the tender bundle of nerves when Violet arched her back.
“Fuckkk,” Violet moaned as she arched her back.
The man curled his fingers upward and firmly massaged the sensitive spot.
“Ahh,” she groaned in pleasure as she tightened her grip on the sheets and Matt's hair. “You're so good, baby, oh my Godddd.”
It wasn't long before the woman was climaxing again and Matt enjoyed every second of her sugar walls contracting around his fingers. He took advantage of the human slip-n-slide as he began to vigorously work his hand up and down.
Violet tried to pull away but Matt held her in place and continued until she begged him to stop.
“Fuck,” she whimpered weakly.
Matt kissed the woman all over her trembling body as he undid his belt. After dropping his trousers, he distracted Violet by taking her lips so that she wouldn't notice him toss his clothes to the floor. The woman heard the soft thump, but she was too far gone to care.
Matt fished a condom out of the nightstand and ripped it open prior to sliding the rubber onto his rock hard dick.
“Are you okay?”
Violet nodded.
“Are you ready for this?”
“I don't know, but I'm willing to try. I mean, I feel so amazing already.”
“Welp, I told you I'm just getting started.”
Matt grabbed the woman's thighs and slowly pulled her towards him prior to rubbing his cock against her clit.
After making sure that the woman’s engines were still warm, Matt aligned his dick with Violet's entrance and slowly slid into her. They both sighed in pleasure as they adjusted to being so intimately connected.
“That never gets old,” Matt exhaled.
“What never gets old?”
“Your face when I put it in.”
Violet blushed. “It feels good.”
The man smiled and kissed the woman as he pulled out and then slowly pushed back in. He made sure that Violet could feel every inch of him as he kept his strokes steady and deep, causing her to pant with each movement.
Matt took advantage of the missionary position and stared into the woman's tawny brown eyes. The couple hadn't been this intimate during sex in nearly two years and the man nearly forgot how perfect the woman's expressions were.
“Fuck, you're so beautiful,” he exhaled.
Violet buried her face into the crook of Matt's neck as she secured her arms and legs around his body while the man continued to thrust into her.
“I'm gonna come.”
Matt was surprised. “Already?”
“Yes,” she whimpered before digging her nails into his back.
“That's not an orgasm,” Matt scoffed as he sat up, pulled the woman's legs over his shoulders and began to roughly pound into her.
“Oh my God!” Violet moaned out as her toes curled and her fists twisted in the sheets. “Shittttt!”
“Now that's an orgasm,” the man proudly panted.
The woman continued to moan, groan and convulse.
Matt kissed her foot. “You okay?”
“Yes,” she managed to get out.
“You had enough?”
Violet shook her head. “It feels too good.”
Matt grinned and repositioned them so that Violet was on top.
“Shit,” the woman moaned as she adjusted to Matt being so deep inside of her. She closed her eyes and slowly began to ride the man while Matt caressed her breasts.
He loved seeing how Violet's hair fell to the sides of her face and how she exhaled through parted lips, letting out the occasional 'Fuck’ whenever the stroke was just right.
Matt caressed the woman's body all over but when he reached her hips, she stopped him.
“Nothing,” she panted as she returned his hands to her boobs.
He made a face. “What's up?”
Violet sighed. “I don't want you to feel my ripples.”
“My stretch marks!”
Matt attempted to look but Violet palmed his face. “Stopppp.”
“Babe, you don't even have stretch marks.”
“Yes, I do,” she sniveled. “You just haven't noticed because you're used to a quick fuck from behind.”
“Not even,” Matt retorted. “I like when you're on top too,” he joked. It earned him a playful pop on the chest. “In all seriousness, I've never seen a stretch mark on you and if there is, there's nothing wrong with that.”
Violet frowned and guided the man's hand to her hips so that he could feel the scars. “I noticed it a while after Clark was born. My body went through the craziest fluctuations.”
When Matt saw that the woman was visibly upset over the change in her body, he grabbed her hand and interlocked their fingers.
“Can I look at it?”
Violet paused before she reluctantly nodded and dismounted when Matt eased her off of his lap. The woman laid on her stomach and buried her face into the pillow while the man examined the two pale scars on her hip.
“Babe, these are badass.”
“Really?” she replied, voice muffled by the pillow.
“Well, for one, they're barely noticeable. But babe, guess what? You carried a life. Without you, Clark wouldn't be here and I'm so grateful for that. You should be proud of these tiger stripes. I know I am.”
Violet peeked up at him. “Are you sure?”
“Yes, woman! Do you need proof? Like-” He licked her hip where the stretch marks were.
“Ewww!” Violet squealed.
“I told you that you look amazing. You're perfect, you're beautiful, you look better than Linda Evangelista, okay? You're a model. No part of your body grosses me out. You could sneeze on me and I'd probably thank you.”
The woman laughed before Matt met her lips and stole a kiss.
“You ready for more?”
“Mm hmm.”
Matt climbed off of the mattress and when Violet  followed suit, they smooched before he gently bent her over the bed. The man showered the woman's shoulders, back and ass with more kisses before he slid his cock into her entrance. He started off with slow and steady strokes prior to adding deep, forceful thrusts that made the woman moan his name every time he tapped her G-spot.
“You feel so good, baby,” he panted.
“So do yo- fuckkk,” Violet groaned as her legs began to shake. “I'm coming,” she squealed.
“How many orgasms is that?” Matt smugly asked.
“I don't knowww,” the trembling woman groaned into her pillow.
Matt pulled out, lifted Violet back onto the bed and positioned his head between her legs before wrapping his mouth around her clit.
The woman's back involuntarily arched. Her body was near the brink, but she didn't want the pleasure to stop. In addition to licking and working his tongue, Matt added his fingers to the mix. Once they found Violet's G-spot the woman began to tremble even harder.
“Fuck! Shittt! Matthewwww, okay, okayy! Stop!” she pleaded as she squirmed.
After pulling away, Matt sat up and slid his cock into Violet's sensitive entrance. The woman winced, but she didn't tell him to stop as he began to pound into her.
Matt enjoyed every moment of Violet's animalistic moaning and as his own toes began to curl, he buried his face into the crook of her neck.
“I'm coming,” he whispered against her goosebump covered skin. “Fuck.” As Matt moaned and filled the condom, Violet convulsed and whimpered when the man pulled out.
“I love you,” Matt exhaled, kissing her face, neck and collarbone while he waited for her pleasure induced convulsions to stop. “Did you get enough?” he teasingly asked as he gently touched her clit.
Violet flinched at the contact. “Don't,” she whimpered. “God, it's so sensitive.”
“I hope this makes up for the past two years.”
“It m-m-makes up for the last five years, plus a t-ten year cr-credit,” she managed to get out while she steadily trembled. “God, Matthew!”
“It was amazing. I literally can't stop shaking.”
“Did I rupture a nerve or something?”
“I don't knowww.”
“Well, you're still beautiful. Even if you are all twitchy.”
Violet laughed and pulled the man into a kiss. The couple's lips remained connected until Violet's body finally managed to calm down. Matt pulled her into a cuddle and when the duo was practically asleep, Violet grumbled.
“Put your clothes in the hamper.”
“Good morninggggggg!” Clark shouted into the  walkie talkie her parents had gifted her to prevent awkward moments such as walking into their bedroom to see her father's naked butt in the air.
Matt groaned as he blindly reached for the device.
“Are you guys awakeeeee?”
When he found the walkie talkie, Matt pushed the button and spoke into the microphone. “Good morning, Supergirl. How did you sleep?”
“Good,” she chirped. “What about you?”
“I'm still tired,” he grumbled.
“Well, I would let you go back to sleep, but I'm hungry. Can I have pancakes?”
“You certainly can have pancakes. Start brushing your teeth and washing your face. I'll be right out.”
“Thanks, boss man,” she said with a giggle before hanging up.
Matt turned to Violet who was flat on her back and snoring. He knew that the toxic combination of alcohol and great sex would have the woman out for awhile. The man smirked as he kissed her cheek prior to pushing himself off of the bed. After he brushed his teeth and splashed water on his face, Matt made his way to Clark's bathroom. He peeked around the corner and found the toddler brushing her dark curls.
“12...84...26...19...41,” she said as she counted the brush strokes.
“Good morning, sweetheart,” Matt greeted.
“Hi, Daddy!” Clark squealed, dropping her brush prior to jumping into his arms.
“Gonna help me cook?”
“Mm hmm.”
Matt carried the girl down the stairs then into the kitchen.
“Okay, chef Clark, get your Batgirl apron on and we'll get started.”
After he grabbed a medium sized bowl, Matt let the toddler dump in the the pancake mix and pour in the water before he stirred. When the ingredients were lump free, he dolloped some of the mix onto her nose.
“Heyyy!” In retaliation, the toddler stuck her finger in the batter and smeared it on her father's cheek.
“Ahhh, you got me!”
Clark laughed as her dad guided her to the barstool, far away before he proceeded to pour the mix onto the hot griddle, making the mini pancakes just the way that Clark liked them.
When he was finished, he presented the toddler with a plateful of tiny pancakes and a generous helping of syrup while he settled next to her with his BLT.
“Yummy, yummy,” she said, kicking her legs while she ate.
“Yes, Daddy?”
“I need your help with something.”
“You need my help with what?”
“I want to marry Mommy, so I need your help figuring out how to propose to her.”
Clark slammed both of her sticky hands onto the table. “Now you want my help?! I told you that Mommy loved you a long time ago and you did not want to be her boyfriend but nowwww,” she said as she rolled her eyes, “you want to marry her?!”
“Sssshhhhh! She'll hear you. And yes, little lady. I want to marry her.”
The toddler groaned and stuffed another mini pancake into her mouth.
“Are you Grumpy Clark right now?”
The frown on her face didn't budge as she continued to eat her pancakes.
“Come on, boo, don't be like that. Don't you want to help Daddy?”
Clark rolled her eyes.
“Heyyy, if we have a big wedding, you can eat all the cupcakes you want.”
She paused. “Cupcakes?”
“Yeah, cupcakes. And you get to wear a pretty dress. Maybe even with a cape.”
Her eyes grew wide in excitement. “Okay, I'll help you!”
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